Detour Tokyo



Detour is a Moleskine project dedicated to culture and creativity worldwide that features internationally recognized artists, architects, film directors, graphic designers, illustrators, and writers. After stops in London, New York, Paris, Berlin and Istanbul, Detour is now approaching the MoMA Design Store of Omotesando, Tokyo. Fifty notebooks will be displayed in a special intimately illuminated tunnel, 23 of them by Japanese authors like Toyo Ito, architect; Mamoru Oshii, manga cartoon artist and film director; Kazuyo Sejima and Ryue NIshizawa, architects of studio Sanaa, who designed the New Museum in NY.Kenya Hara, creative director of Muji; Naoto Fukasawa, international star of industrial design; Takashi Homma, photographer, with a special taste for suburban life; Erina Matsui, illustrator, painter.