Det Blå Danmarks konkurrencemæssige udfordringer og … · 2017. 7. 18. ·...

Det Blå Danmarks konkurrencemæssige udfordringer og strategiske udviklingsmuligheder” Projekt reference: 2013-075 CBS, CBS Maritime Status Rapport 15 Periode: primo april 2017 til ultimo juni 2017

Transcript of Det Blå Danmarks konkurrencemæssige udfordringer og … · 2017. 7. 18. ·...

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Det Blå Danmarks konkurrencemæssige udfordringer og strategiske udviklingsmuligheder”

Projekt reference: 2013-075 CBS, CBS Maritime

Status Rapport 15

Periode: primo april 2017 til ultimo juni 2017

Page 2: Det Blå Danmarks konkurrencemæssige udfordringer og … · 2017. 7. 18. · Statusrapport)15,)reference:)2013,075CBS,)CBS)Maritime)! 8" PhD-courses and other courses completed –

Statusrapport  15  -­‐  reference:  2013-­‐075  CBS,  CBS  Maritime  



Indholdsfortegnelse STATUS  FOR  PERIODEN  PRIMO  APRIL  2017  TIL  ULTIMO  JUNI  2017  .................................................................  2  

SAMMENFATTENDE  FOR  PERIODEN  .............................................................................................................  2  

1.  THE  PSYCHOLOGICAL  FOUNDATIONS  OF  BEHAVIORAL  STRATEGY  ...............................................................  4  

STATUS  FOR  THE  PERIOD  PRIMO  APRIL  UNTIL  ULTIMO  JUNE  .......................................................................  4  

ACCUMULATED  OUTPUT  TO  DATE  REGARDING  THE  PHD  PROJECT  .............................................................  5  

2.  THE  CONTRACTS  FOR  CARRIAGE  OF  GOODS  BY  SEA  .....................................................................................  9  

STATUS  FOR  THE  PERIOD  PRIMO  APRIL  UNTIL  ULTIMO  JUNE  .......................................................................  9  

ACCUMULATED  OUTPUT  TO  DATE  REGARDING  THE  PHD  PROJECT  ...........................................................  11  

3.  FINANCIAL  RISK  MANAGEMENT  IN  SHIPPING  .............................................................................................  17  

STATUS  FOR  THE  PERIOD  PRIMO  APRIL  UNTIL  ULTIMO  JUNE  .....................................................................  17  

ACCUMULATED  OUTPUT  TO  DATE  REGARDING  THE  PHD  PROJECT  ...........................................................  18  

4.  SHIPS  AND  RELATION-­‐SHIPS  ........................................................................................................................  20  

STATUS  FOR  THE  PERIOD  PRIMO  APRIL  UNTIL  ULTIMO  JUNE  .....................................................................  20  

ACCUMULATED  OUTPUT  TO  DATE  REGARDING  THE  PHD  PROJECT  ...........................................................  21  

5.  SALES  AS  COMMERCIAL  CAPABILITIES  IN  THE  MARITIME  OFFSHORE  SECTOR  ...........................................  26  

STATUS  FOR  THE  PERIOD  PRIMO  APRIL  UNTIL  ULTIMO  JUNE  .....................................................................  26  

ACCUMULATED  OUTPUT  TO  DATE  REGARDING  THE  PHD  PROJECT  ...........................................................  27  

6.  PORTS  BUSINESS  DEVELOPMENT  ................................................................................................................  32  

STATUS  FOR  THE  PERIOD  PRIMO  APRIL  UNTIL  ULTIMO  JUNE  .....................................................................  32  

ACCUMULATED  OUTPUT  TO  DATE  REGARDING  THE  PHD  PROJECT  ...........................................................  33  


STATUS  FOR  THE  PERIOD  PRIMO  APRIL  UNTIL  ULTIMO  JUNE  .....................................................................  36  

ACCUMULATED  OUTPUT  TO  DATE  REGARDING  THE  PHD  PROJECT  ...........................................................  39  

8.  FIRMS’  INFLUENCE  ON  INTERNATIONAL  MARITIME  INSTITUTIONS  ...........................................................  43  

STATUS  FOR  THE  PERIOD  PRIMO  APRIL  UNTIL  ULTIMO  JUNE  .....................................................................  43  

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Ph.d.-projekterne forløber overordnet set planmæssigt. Dog har Jonatan Echebarria Fernandez’ afsluttende interne projektseminarer (pre-defence) vist, at en forlængelse er nødvendig for på tilfredsstillende vis at færdiggøre hans projekt om ”Limits on party autonomy in relation to cargo claims and the arrest of ships”. Hans projektperioden forlænges med 6 måneder med det formål at tilpasse forskningsspørgsmål og gennemgående redigere tekst samt videreudvikle artiklerne til publicering i relevante internationale videnskabelige tidsskrifter.

Maitane Elorriaga Rubio og Viktor Avlonitis har også afholdt deres afsluttende projektseminar og er nu i gang med at slutredigere deres afhandlinger. Maitane forventes at indlevere sin afhandling med udgangen af august måned til endelig bedømmelse. Viktor forventes ligeledes at have et udkast til sin afhandling klar ultimo august. Viktor har imidlertid fået anerkendelse for, at hans artikler har særligt potentiale til at blive publiceret i velestimerede internationale tidsskrifter og profilere ham internationalt. CBS’ forskningsdekan har derfor tilkendt ham en pris, som består af 12 måneders forlængelse af hans ansættelse som ph.d.-studerende således, at han med afsæt i ph.d.-udkastet kan udfolde sine muligheder yderligere. De øvrige ph.d.-studerende er ligeledes på det planlagte spor, som anført i den sidste afrapportering til fonden.

Konferencedeltagelse med fremlæggelse af forskningsresultater er en særdeles vigtig del af den enkelte ph.d.-studerendes forløb. I perioden siden sidste afrapportering har flere af de ph.d.-studerende fremlagt deres forskning ved internationale konferencer og her fået vigtig feedback fra kolleger i de internationale forskningsmiljøer. Stefan Kirkegaard Sløk-Madsen og Frederik Regli præsenterede hver en artikel på ”International Association of Maritime Economists” (IAME) årlige konference, som blev afholdt i Kyoto, Japan, den 27.-30. juni, og Maitane Elorriaga Rubio præsenterede på ”Danish Research Unit for Industrial Dynamics” (DRUID) årlige konference, som blev afholdt i New York den 12.-14. juni. Stefan præsenterede også på ”Institutional and Organizational Economics Academy” (IOEA) årlige konference, som blev afholdt på Korsika den 22.-26. maj samt på Prague Behavioral Science Conference i Prag den 1. april. Efterfølgende har både Stefan og Maitane indarbejdet relevant feedback, og Stefan har netop indsendt sin artikel til det førende maritimøkonomiske tidsskrift ”Maritime Policy & Management”.

Dialog med erhvervslivet er et væsentligt succeskriterium for ph.d.-forskermiljøet i CBS Maritime, og det skal fremhæves at hovedparten af de ph.d.-studerende har haft en god dialog med maritime virksomheder og organisationer i Danmark – både løbende individuel kontakt møntet på dataadgang og feedback og mere overordnet dialog via workshops, seminarer og konferencer. For perioden siden sidste afrapportering skal særligt fremhæves Christian Hendriksens deltagelse i den danske delegation på IMO’s MEPC 71-møde i London den 3.-7. juli.

CBS Maritime har indgået et samarbejde med de øvrige danske universiteter (DTU, AAU og SDU) om afholdelse af en større maritim konference på CBS den 7.-8. december i år. Konferencen med arbejdstitlen ”The Maritime Sector in 2030” har til formål at bringe maritime forskere i Danmark, på tværs af forskningsdiscipliner, sammen med praktikere fra Det Blå Danmark med henblik på at identificere sektorens store udfordringer frem mod 2030 og initiere samarbejder om tværgående forskningsprojekter. Som led i

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konferencen planlægges en koordineret formidling i form af posters for hver af de igangværende maritime ph.d.-projekter i regi af CBS Maritime samt for udvalgte ph.d.-studerende ved de tre andre universiteter.

Venlig hilsen,

CBS Maritime

Director Henrik Sornn-Friese og Head of Department of Operations Management Carsten Ørts Hansen

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Statusrapport  15  -­‐  reference:  2013-­‐075  CBS,  CBS  Maritime  





Status on: Ph.D. Project Number 1

Project Title: A contextual perspective on the psychological foundations of strategic decision-making

Ph.D. Fellow: Maitane Elorriaga Rubio

Supervisors: Main supervisor: Marie Louise Mors Secondary: Jacob Lyngsie, Laurel Austin, Henrik Sorn-Friese, Grace Sheila Walsh

Reporting Period: Primo April until ultimo June

Submission of bi-annual PhD. Report to the PhD. School within the reporting period? Yes/No (If no, the answers to the two following fields will be left out in this report)


A. Short description of the projects present status:

The three papers that were mentioned in the last report, have improved substantially based on the

feedback from the closing seminar.

B. Activities within the reporting period: (if relevant, include supporting activities such as

coursework, teaching, conferences, published articles etc.)

Closing seminar successfully completed.

C. Changes in the project plan and implications for the project (if any)

None to mention

D. Up-coming activities and expected output in the coming months:

Writing of the PhD and further improvement of the three papers.

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Summary of the PhD-project:

Current business environments are increasingly uncertain, ambiguous and subject to constant change. Under

these challenging conditions, a relevant question to be answered is the following:

How do managers and key decision-makers psychologically adapt their strategic decision-making under

highly uncertain circumstances?

The dissertation identifies information-related contextual factors that help to explain the effect of various

psychological aspects that influence decision-making when facing high uncertainty. I focus on strategic

settings as they entail particularly high uncertainty.

The aim of the dissertation is to develop theory regarding context-specific variables that may help

organizations and managerial decision-making practices to direct individuals´ behavior in organizations

towards adaptation and favorable behavior. Overall, my work helps to predict and ultimately increase our

understanding of decision-making behavior in organizations.

The main methodology is experimental, in order to achieve a more rigorous study of both the changeable

psychological and contextual factors when strategic decision-making unfolds. Both lab-based experiments

and simulation-based experiments are employed to gain further understanding on decision-making under

high uncertainty.

One of the studies lays on the context of strategic decision-making in teams and explains the relationship

between collective efficacy perceptions (i.e. the belief that our team has the ability to achieve the desired

performance aspirations) and risk-taking. In the other studies, I study in the lab the effects of moods and

informational aspects on behavioral consequences, such as collaboration and performance.


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Key Deliverables to Date:

Publications - published articles

as well as articles in progress

listed by year (including full title

and all authors):

Title: (working): Collective efficacy and risk-taking in the context

of team competition

Co-Author: Marie Louise Mors, CBS

Year: 2015

Title: (working): In the mood to collaborate: An experimental study

on the effects of mood on collaboration in complex problem-solving

Co-Author: Marion Poetz and Mirjam Van Praag, CBS

Year: 2016

Title: (working): When benefiting from hubris depends on your

mood: A study of performance in strategic decision-making

Single Authored.

Year: 2017

Teaching – listed by course titles

and teaching period (lectures,

supervision, other) :

• I acted as bachelor course coordinator, examiner and

lecturer at CBS for the course “Decision-making and risk

management”. More information regarding the course:


• MSc course in Neuroscience, Management and Leadership

2015 at CBS (the course was focused on recent findings in

neuroscience, decision-making and leadership in

organizations, with a special emphasis on the

psychological perspective of individuals in organizations;

studying in depth cognitive and emotional mechanisms). I

was involved in 80% of the teaching activities. More

information regarding the course:


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• I have also participated as a lecturer ad hoc classes in other

bachelor courses, such as Managerial Economics

(2014/2015) and Neuromarketing (2015/2016).

Dissemination of your research

eg. newspaper articles, social

media, media appearance etc –

listed by title and media/platform:

Poster session in the strategy summit event organized by SMG for

managers from the industry.

Outreach eg. workshops and

conferences – listed by title, type

of activity, stakeholders and


• DRUID conference (NY Stern) 2017. Paper presentation

“In the mood to collaborate: An experimental study on the

effects of mood on collaboration in complex problem-

solving” (with Marion Poetz and Mirjam Van Praag).

• Frontiers in managerial cognition conference 2015 (in

collaboration with the managerial organizational cognition

division of the Academy of Management). (Roskilde,

Denmark). Common ground session. “Fostering

entrepreneurial orientation in global and dynamic business

environments: An emotional perspective on the study of

strategic decision making.”

• Strategic Management Society (SMS), Special Conference

2017 (Milan). Participation in the doctoral workshop as

well as paper presentation. “The illusory control of risk

taking: The effect of team competition in an

entrepreneurial environment” (with Marie Louise Mors).

• CBS Maritime one week study trip to the Kühne Logistics

University (KLU), Hapag Lloyd/Hamburg Süd, and the

Port of Hamburg (Germany);

• CBS maritime research-day at the Hotel Kong Arthur,

Copenhagen (Denmark).

• Ph.D. seminar with Professor Pierre Cariou, Professor in

Shipping and Port Economics at the KEDGE Business

School in Marseille, France, with the title: "Strategic

Alliances in Liner Shipping"

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PhD-courses and other courses

completed – listed by title,

approved ECTS and host


• Specialization seminar on Innovation, Growth and

Competitiveness (Deusto Business School). 3 ECTS

• Methodology for Scientific research (Deusto Business

School) 5 ECTS

• Introduction to quantitative research methodology

(Methods 3). Aarhus University.4 ECTS

• Qualitative Course for quantitative researchers. CBS. 4


• Applied quantitative methods for non-quantitative doctoral

researchers. CBS. 3,5 ECTS

• Applied quantitative methods for non-quantitative doctoral

researchers (advanced). CBS. 2,5 ECTS

• Entrepreneurship studies and the humanities. CBS. 5 ECTS

• The use of concepts. CBS. 5 ECTS

Research stay: Deusto Business School

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Status on: Ph.D. Project Number 2

Project Title: Limits on party autonomy in relation to cargo claims and the arrest

of ships

Ph.D. Fellow: Jonatan Echebarria Fernández

Supervisors: Patrik Lindskoug (Copenhagen Business School)

George Theocharidis (World Maritime University)

Reporting Period: Primo April until ultimo June 2017

Submission of bi-annual PhD.

Report to the PhD. School within

the reporting period? Yes/No

(If no, the answers to the two

following fields will be left out in

this report)


Date of submission and approval

of bi-annual Ph.D. report to CBS´

Ph.D. school

Submitted: 01/05/2017

Approved: 16/06/2017

Date and approval by

Main Supervisor:

Date: 16/06/2017

Name: Patrik Lindskoug

A. Short description of the projects present status:

The contractual relationship enacted between the shipowner and the charterer under a chartering contract

(voyaye charter, trip time charter, time charter, or bareboat charter) faces the lack of national procedural

harmonisation constraining the original charterparties from solving their contractual and extra-

contractual (in tort or in bailment) cargo claim disputes under the selected fora leads to different

questions whether the court of the country where the claim for cargo loss or damages is filed has ratified

or not any of the Arrest Conventions, or it is a European Union (EU) Member State or not. The thesis

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demonstrates from the original charterparties´ perspective the determent from enforcing such dispute

resolution clauses contained in the charterparty and/or purported into the Bill of Lading (B/L) due to

loss, damage or delay of the cargo, even if they might be entitled to limitation and defences arising out

of the applicable legislation, especially in the event of arrest of ships.

B. Activities within the reporting period: (if relevant, include supporting activities such as

coursework, teaching, conferences, published articles etc.)

Besides preparing and settling my 2nd WIP seminar, within the last period I´ve been attending the

following three conferences/seminars: “Relational contracts in servitization contracts. Cost and risks”

(CBS Maritime); “Digitization and Automation in the Maritime Supply Chain” (CBS Maritime);

“Pricing of marine products and services in the modular age seminar” (CBS Maritime).

C. Changes in the project plan and implications for the project (if any)

“The contracts for the carriage of goods by sea” thesis title was modified into “Limits on party

autonomy in relation to cargo claims and the arrest of ships.” The thesis title will be probably changed

once the thesis is deposited.

The 2nd Work-In-Progress (WIP) seminar was held on 26 June 2017. The seminar gave constructive and

detailed input. The comments related to among others:

a) Reshape the research questions

b) Modify and delete unnecessary descriptive aspects

c) Elaborate on the coherence of the three research questions together during the analysis.

d) Introduce more new content according to the research questions.

e) Elaborate a shorter introductory chapter stating why is important.

f) Introduce first the research questions and only later the maritime setting.

g) Keep always the red thread from the questions to the answers within a question-analyse-

answer scheme, not answering directly. Explain how I get closer to the ultimate goal in order to provide

the conclusions of the research questions.

h) Change the structure and writing style.

D. Up-coming activities and expected output in the coming months:

In order to make the necessary changes after the 2nd WIP seminar for the thesis deposit, I agreed the

following with Peter Arnt Nielsen, Head of the Law Department for the period between 1 September

2017 and 28 February 2018:

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• An extension of my enrolment period at the Doctoral School of Business and Management (BM)

and starting a part-time Research Assistant contract during such period.

• Increasing the involvement of George Theocharidis, my external secondary supervisor if

possible, by upgrading the current agreement in place with the World Maritime University. I

have the current support of my main supervisor, Patrik Lindskoug.

• Working in Spain and meeting the supervisors periodically.


Summary of the Phd-project:

The contractual relationship enacted between the ship-owner and the charterer under a chartering contract

(voyaye charter, trip time charter, time charter, or bareboat charter) faces the lack of national procedural

harmonization constraining the original charter parties from solving their contractual and extra-contractual

(in tort or in bailment) cargo claim disputes under the selected fora leads to different questions whether the

court of the country where the claim for cargo loss or damages is filed has ratified or not any of the Arrest

Conventions, or it is a European Union (EU) Member State or not. The thesis demonstrates from the original

charter parties´ perspective the determent from enforcing such dispute resolution clauses contained in the

charter party and/or purported into the Bill of Lading (B/L) due to loss, damage or delay of the cargo, even if

they might be entitled to limitation and defenses arising out of the applicable legislation, especially in the

event of arrest of ships. When the forum arresti contained in art. 7 of the Arrest of Ships Conventions and

the national procedural rules deprive the charterer and the ship-owner from invoking such clauses? When a

court orders the arrest of the vessel, can the ship-owner or the charterer rely on the selected fora if sued in

tort, in negligence or in bailment by a third party B/L holder (cargo interest)?

Key Deliverables to Date:

Publications - published articles

as well as articles in progress

listed by year (including full title

and all authors):

Title: "Action Research and Efficient Maritime Transport

Contract Negotiation." published in Erhversretlige emner:

Juridisk Institut CBS. ed. / Peter Arnt Nielsen; Peter Koerver

Schmidt; Katja Dyppel Weber. København: Djøf / Jurist- og

Økonomforbundet, 2015. p. 49-63.

Author: Jonatan Echebarria Fernández

Year: 2015

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Title: "Party autonomy and the arrest of ships from a

comparative perspective" to be published in The IX European

Colloquia on Maritime Law Research book (still unknown

publishing house).

Co-Authors: various authors

Year: 2017

Teaching – listed by course titles

and teaching period (lectures,

supervision, other) :

• Maritime Law, BA Shipping Trade and Business;

• International Business Law, BSc in International Business;

• European Union Law from a Business perspective, BSc in

Economics and Business Administration;

• evaluation of written (International Business Law written

exam, EU law from a business perspective, and

International Commercial Law) and oral (internal second

examiner at the oral re-exam in EU law from a business

perspective) exams at CBS (642 h.).

• I solved students´ Q&A (at class, by email or at the office).

Dissemination of your research

eg. newspaper articles, social

media, media appearance etc –

listed by title and media/platform:

• Presentation of an abstract at the Maritime Piracy

conference at the University of Southern Denmark (2014

• Conference participation: Presentation of the "Party

autonomy and the arrest of ships from a comparative

perspective" paper at The IX European Colloquium on

Maritime Law Research ("Maritime liens, mortgages and

forced sale"), organized by the University of the Basque

Country, the Institute of Maritime Law (University of

Southampton), and the Scandinavian Institute of Maritime

Law (University of Oslo) hold in Bilbao city (2016);

• Presentation of the Law Department´s Anthology article as

a contribution to IAME 2016 Hamburg, entitled "Action

Research and Efficient Maritime Transport Contract

Negotiation" (2016);

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Outreach eg. workshops and

conferences – listed by title, type

of activity, stakeholders and



• "London - a safe haven for resolving disputes?", at Reed

Smith LLP, organised by the Institute of Maritime Law,

University of Southampton.

• “Relational contracts in servitization contracts. Cost and

risks” (CBS Maritime);

• “Digitization and Automation in the Maritime Supply

Chain” (CBS Maritime);

• “Pricing of marine products and services in the modular

age seminar” (CBS Maritime).


• "Recent Developments in Bills of Lading" conference at

the University College of London (United Kingdom);

• "34th Donald O'May Lecture," at The Law Society,

London, organised by the Institute of Maritime Law,

University of Southampton;

• "Commercial Maritime Law" conference at the University

College of London, Faculty of Laws;

• "At the Cutting Edge of Commercial Law - The Latest

Developments" conference at Norton Rose Fulbright,

organised by the Institute of Maritime Law, University of



• XXI Annual EMLO Conference at the headquarters of

Maersk Line, Copenhagen (Denmark);

• "Rethinking commercial law" conference, the Institute of

Maritime Law, University of Southampton. London

(United Kingdom);

• CBS Maritime one-week study trip to the Kühne Logistics

University (KLU), Hapag Lloyd/Hamburg Süd, and the

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Port of Hamburg (Germany);

• CBS maritime day at the Hotel Kong Arthur, Copenhagen


• 2014: "The Limits of Commercial Speech in the United

States conference by Constance Bagley, Professor in the

practice of Law and Management at the Yale School of


• Ph.D. seminar: "Introduction to Basic Maritime

Economics" with Stig Tenold, Professor of Economic

History at the Norwegian School of Economics;

• Ph.D. seminar with Professor Pierre Cariou, Professor in

Shipping and Port Economics at the KEDGE Business

School in Marseille, France, with the title: "Strategic

Alliances in Liner Shipping";

• Contracting workshop at the University of Deusto.

• Outreach in regards with collaboration with maritime


World Maritime University

Gard AS


PhD-courses and other courses

completed – listed by title,

approved ECTS and host


• Executive and professional courses: 18/10/2016 -

20/01/2017 - Certificate in Maritime Disputes and

Arbitration. Lloyd´s Maritime Academy. London (United

Kingdom). Accredited with 16 CPD Hours by the

Solicitors Regulation Authority of England;

• 13/11/2016 - 15/11/2016 - Leading & Managing Legal

Teams. University of Cambridge, Judge Business School.

Cambridge (United Kingdom);

• 17/10/2016 -21/10/2016 - Mediating Disputes course at the

Harvard Negotiation Institute, Harvard Law School.

Cambridge (Massachusetts, USA);

• 06/06/2016 - 10/06/2016 - University of Columbia Law

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School – Chartered Institute of Arbitrators Course on

International Arbitration. New York (USA);

• 26/10/2015 - 28/10/2015 - Trade Policy - Understanding

the essentials of EU Trade Law and WTO professional

training course. Postgraduate Institute of European Studies.

College of Europe. Bruges (Belgium);

• 07/05/2015 - 08/05/2015 – Voyage charters - Law and

practice. CBS Executive. Frederiksberg (Denmark).

• Ph.D. courses: 11/07/2016 - 15/07/2016 - International

relations and international law course of Vitoria-Gasteiz,

University of the Basque Country (Spain);

• 14/07/2016 - 15/07/2016 – The company as a way of social

innovation: promoting Human Rights in international trade

course. University of the Basque Country (Spain);

• 02/09/2015 - 03/09/2015 - Learning to teach course. CBS,

14 h.;

• 27/07/2015 - 14/08/2015 - Private International Law

course. The Hague Academy of International Law (The

Netherlands), 12 ECTS;

• 13/07/2015 - 17/07/2015 - International relations and

International Law course. University of the Basque

Country (Spain), 40 h.;

• 08/06/2015 - 11/06/2015 - Basic course in legal scientific

methods and interpretation. Aarhus University, 5 ECTS;

• 17/12/2014 - 18/12/2014 - Basic Ph.D. course in Law.

Method and interpretation, Aarhus University, 2 ECTS

• 12/11/2014 - 27/11/2014 - Action research course, Lund

University, 7.5 ECTS;

• 23/10/2014 - 24/10/2014 - The craft of scholarly writing,

CBS, 12 h.; 26/09/2014: Orientation course for new PhD

students at CBS, 4 h.;

• 15/07/2014 - 18/07/2014 - International Law &

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International Relations courses in Vitoria - Gasteiz.

University of the Basque Country. 40 h.

Research stay: 05/09/2016 – 05/01/2017 - Max Planck Institute Luxembourg for

International, European and Regulatory Procedural Law


01/01/2016 - 26/02/2016 and 15/04/2016 - 04/09/2016 -

Department of Business Law of the Faculty of Law, University of

the Basque Country, San Sebastian (Spain);

15/04/2016 – 29/04/2016 - Research stay at the Scandinavian

Institute of Maritime Law, (Oslo, Norway);

1-04-2016 - 14-04-2016: International Maritime Organization

(IMO), London (United Kingdom);

27/02/2016 - 24/03/2016 - Institute of Maritime Law, University of

Southampton, Southampton (United Kingdom);

01/06/2015 – 01/12/2015 - Part-time research stay at the World

Maritime University (WMU), Malmö (Sweden);

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Status on: Ph.D. Project Number 3

Project Title: The Eye in the Sky – Freight Rate Effects of short-term Supply

Ph.D. Fellow: Frederik Regli

Supervisors: Kristian Miltersen og Roar Adland

Reporting Period: Primo April until ultimo June

Submission of bi-annual PhD.

Report to the PhD. School within

the reporting period? Yes/No

(If no, the answers to the two

following fields will be left out in

this report)


Date of submission and approval

of bi-annual Ph.D. report to CBS´

Ph.D. school


Date and approval by

Main Supervisor:


A. Short description of the projects present status:

Currently status shows a main focus on the first of three articles. The article is entitled “An AIS based

Model of Short-Term VLCC Freight Rates” and has been accepted at the IAME (International

Association of Maritime Economists) conference to be held in Kyoto, Japan from June 27-30, 2017.

Then the next step is to revise the paper and then send it to a journal whilst focusing on article two and


B. Activities within the reporting period: (if relevant, include supporting activities such as

coursework, teaching, conferences, published articles, etc.)

Completed the course “Spatial Econometric Analysis and Spatial Data Management”.

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C. Changes in the project plan and implications for the project (if any)

I am currently revising the project-plan. How the plan is to be revised is partly dependent on identifying

new relevant research questions and partly on the availability of relevant data sources.

W. Edwards Deming: “In God we trust; all others bring data.”

Roar Adland, Shipping Chair Professor at Norwegian School of Economics, has been assigned to the

project as secondary supervisor.

D. Up-coming activities and expected output in the coming months:

1.Paper presentation at the IAME conference in June

2.Revision of the project plan

3.Revision of article “An AIS based Model of Short-Term VLCC Freight Rates” and journal application


Summary of the Phd-project:

This project models freight rates using vessels’ Automatic Identification System (AIS) information. The project shows how a combination of AIS and fixture information can be used to forecast the spot freight rate in the market for Very Large Crude Carriers (VLCC). The idea should be relevant for other bulk segments.

Key Deliverables to Date:

Publications - published articles

as well as articles in progress

listed by year (including full title

and all authors):

Title(working): An AIS based Model of Short-Term VLCC Freight


Co-authors: Nikos Nomiks, Cass Business School, City University

of London

Year: 2017

Accepted for the IAME 2017 Conference

Publication: Submission planned within 2017.

Targeted journals: Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and

Transportation Review, Maritime Economics & Logistics

Teaching – listed by course titles

and teaching period (lectures,

supervision, other) :

• Risk Management, Fall 2015, Instructor, Undergraduate in

International Shipping and Trade

• Data Analysis II, Fall 2015, Lecturer, HD2

• Derivatives and Fixed Income, Spring 2016, Instructor,

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Graduate in Finance and Investment

Dissemination of your research

eg. newspaper articles, social

media, media appearance etc –

listed by title and media/platform:

None to date

Outreach eg. workshops and

conferences – listed by title, type

of activity, stakeholders and


• IAME 2016 participation

• IAME 2017 Presentation (Planned)

• Outreach in regards with collaboration with maritime

companies/organizations: Marine Traffic

PhD-courses and other courses

completed – listed by title,

approved ECTS and host


• Advanced Freight Rate Modelling, 0 ETCS, Baltic


• Corporate Finance, 7.5 ETCS, CBS

• Asset Pricing, 7.5 ETCS, CBS

• Empirical Asset Pricing, 4 ETCS, NHH

• Advanced Econometrics, 7 ETCS, CBS

• Outstanding 4 ETCS, Planned 5 Bayesian Data Analysis

Research stay: Cass Business School, City University of London Fall 2016

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Ph.D. Project Number : PhD. Project number 4

Project Title: Ships and relation-ships. Tie formation in the sector of service

intermediaries Ph.D. Fellow: Agnieszka Nowinska

Supervisors: Henrik Sornn-Friese and Mark Lorenzen

Reporting Period: Primo April until ultimo June

Submission of bi-annual PhD.

Report to the PhD. School within

the reporting period? Yes/No

(If no, the answers to the two

following fields will be left out in

this report)

Maternity Leave

Date of submission and approval

of bi-annual Ph.D. report to CBS´

Ph.D. school


Date and approval by

Main Supervisor:


A. Short description of the projects present status:

Status report 15 regarding the Phd-project Ships and relation-ships. Tie formation in the sector of

service intermediaries, will mainly reflect the accumulated output to date (see below) due to

Agnieszka Nowinska being on maternity leave. The input regarding the projects accumulated is as

stated in the previous report.

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Summary of the Phd-project:

The focus of the project is on the antecedents and outcomes of tie formation in the sector of maritime

intermediaries analyzed empirically in various ways: 1) longitudinal transnational data from a brokerage

company and proximities-based framework (merging relational perspective with economic geography) of the

antecedents of relational assets 2) +3) quasi-experiment of organizational failure (OW Bunker) in the bunker

logistics industry - status loss of employees of the bankrupt company (quantitative analysis supplemented

with qualitative interviews) - employee’s co-mobility in the quasi (experiment set up).

Key Deliverables to Date:

Publications - published articles

as well as articles in progress

listed by year (including full title

and all authors):

Title (working): Ships and relationships- proximities and relations

in shipping

Co-authors: none

Currently under Revision for Industry& Innovation

Presented at:

1) Druid Academy January 2016, Bordeaux, France

2) PDW in SKEMA Business School, June 2016, Nice, France

3) IAME conference, August 2016, Hamburg, Germany

Title (working): “Going down with the ship? Organizational

Failure, Intra- professional Status Change and Stigma by


Co-authors: Kristina Vaarst Andersen, Mark Lorenzen, CBS

Currently in preparation for submission to Organization Science

Presented at: I-Begin conference, Fox School of Business, October

2016, Philadelphia, USA and Strategic Management Society (SMS)

conference, Bocconi University, March 2017, Milano, Italy

Accepted at:1) Academy of Management (AoM) conference,

August 2017, Atlanta, USA

2) SMS conference, October 2017, Houston, USA

3) Druid conference, June 2017, NYC, USA

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Title (working): “Bad girls go everywhere, but not together:

gender homophily and co-mobility after organizational failure”

Co-authors: Ram Mudambi, Fox School of Business, Temple

University, Philadelphia, USA.

Accepted at: Druid conference, June 2017, NYC, USA

Title (working): “Homophily and organizational structure-

antecedents of employees co-mobility in a natural experiment”

Co-authors: none

Presented at: Druid Academy January 2017, Odense, Denmark

Accepted at: Druid conference, June 2017, NYC, USA

Teaching – listed by course titles

and teaching period (lectures,

supervision, other):

• External censor+ examinator for Cand. Merc course in

Global Transportation and Maritime Logistics 28/01/2015

28/04/2015 Completed

• Teaching Methods II? (statistics) 31/01/2015 30/04/2016


• Correction K&I exams 01/02/2015 17/04/2015 Completed

• Teaching Assistant: Methods II for Service Managements

(plus correcting exams) 01/02/2015 01/04/2015 Completed

• Case based teaching 01/04/2015 22/11/2015 Completed

• Examinator for GTML (complaint) 14/04/2015 14/04/2015


• Suprvision hours for MIB integrated project, exam plus

retake 28/04/2015 01/06/2015

• Censoring Creative industries, Innovation, Strategy exam

01/12/2015 04/12/2015 Completed

• GMTL censoring. 03/02/2016 04/02/2016 Completed

• Suprvision of a Master student 01/08/2016 17/10/2016

• Planned 3-4 lectures and 2 study trips in Logistics Cluster

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course organized by the OM - Assisting with coordination

and course design.

Dissemination of your research

eg. newspaper articles, social

media, media appearance etc –

listed by title and media/platform:

• World Forum of Freight Forwarders (CLECAT) CLECAT

Association of Freight Forwarders 06/11/2014

• NOWINSKA, Agnieszka (2014). Alle ombord: Relationer

i shipping. Feature article, ShippingWatch, December 1.

• NOWINSKA, Agnieszka: "Netværk mellem speditører og

mæglere skal kortlægges", ShippingWatch, December 1,


• Presentation of the first project to the industry

representatives: 1) Dan Bunkering CEO Henrik Zederkof

2) Bunker Holding CEO Keld Demant with participation of

the primary supervisor 27/10/2015

• “Proximities and Collaborations in Shipbroking”- Seminar

open to industry representatives- presentation of the first

article. 22/09/2016

• I-Begin conference, Temple/Fox Business School


• Annual conference of the International Association of

Maritime Economists (IAME), Kuhne University


Outreach eg. workshops and

conferences – listed by title, type

of activity, stakeholders and


• DRUID Academy CBS/Aalborg University 21/01/2015

• DRUID Academy Conference 2016 for doctoral students in

Economics and Management Technology and

Organizations, CBS, Aalborg University 13/01/2016

• Participation in SKEMA paper development workshop in

France 13-15 June (senior discussant G.Ahuja and

J.Valentini).SKEMA 13/06/2016

• CBS maritime research-day at the Hotel Kong Arthur,

Copenhagen (Denmark).

• Ph.D. seminar with Professor Pierre Cariou, Professor in

Shipping and Port Economics at the KEDGE Business

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School in Marseille, France, with the title: "Strategic

Alliances in Liner Shipping"

• Outreach in regards with collaboration with maritime


- Dan-Bunkering

- Danish Ship-Brokers Association

- Danova

- Maersk Brokers

- Man Diesel & Turbo

- Bluewater Shipping

- Holger Kristianssen´s Eftf.

- Chr. Jensen

- World Forum of Freight Forwarder´s


• Druid Academy 2017

University of Southern Denmark 18/01/2017

• SMS conference Milan

University of Bocconi 29/03/2017

PhD-courses and other courses

completed – listed by title,

approved ECTS and host


• Management and Economics of Innovation CBS

03/10/2014 Approved 5,0

• Research Foundation om the Economics of

Entrepreneurship CBS 06/10/2014 Approved 5,0

• Applied econometrics for researchers Copenhagen

Business School 21/10/2014 Approved 7,5

• Getting my research into journals CBS 02/03/2015

Approved 1,5

• Qualitative research methods CBS 02/03/2015 Approved


• Knowledge, networks, innovation in today's economy

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University of Oslo 27/07/2015 Approved 10,0

• PhD course in Economic Geography Utrecht University

11/09/2016 In progress 7,5

• Participation in AoM doctoral consortium in Organization

and Management Theory Academy of Management

04/08/2016 Completed 1,0

Research stay: Temple University, Management Department

/Fox Business School US United States of America 27/10/2014 -


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Status on: Ph.D. Project Number 5

Project Title: Sales as Commercial Capabilities in the Maritime Offshore Sector

Ph.D. Fellow: Stefan Kirkegaard Sløk-Madsen

Supervisors: Henrik Sornn-Friese and Thomas Ritter

Reporting Period: Primo April until ultimo June

Submission of bi-annual PhD.

Report to the PhD. School within

the reporting period? Yes/No

(If no, the answers to the two

following fields will be left out in

this report)


Date of submission and approval

of bi-annual Ph.D. report to CBS´

Ph.D. school

Submitted: 5 April

Approved: TBA

Date and approval by

Main Supervisor:

Date: As above

Name: As above

A. Short description of the projects present status:

The project is well under way. All course requirements have now been completed.

In relation to articles, my submission of the article “Commercialization in Offshore SME’s” to a special

issue of Small Enterprise Research was rejected. However, the journal’s executive editor has

encouraged me to resubmit the article in revised form for publication in a later (non-special) issue.

We had a very interesting visit, with kind support from Den Maritime Fond, of Walter Block to talk on

Water Capitalism. The issue of ocean governance is very interesting to investigate further and in more

applied terms. I have submitted a draft of a research article in this tradition to Dr. Block for a co-

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authoring possibility. Also I went on live national radio to talk about ocean privatization.

Currently I am writing up my other articles.

Future job talks are progressing, including initial interest (without my application) from international

universities, like Duke, and industry offers. I hope to have concrete offers to consider in the fall.

B. Activities within the reporting period: (if relevant, include supporting activities such as

coursework, teaching, conferences, published articles etc.) As for the last quarter, the period has been marked with a lot of travelling in relation with the PhD-

project. Thus I have participated in and contributed to the following activities:

• Prague Behavioral Science conference with a presentation of Mærsk paper. Paper praised in

keynote by Prof Bart Wilson.

• Completed IOEA (Institutional and Organizational Economics Academy) 2017. Received good

response on presented research. Also an invitation to coauthor with David Skarbek of Brown


• Completed Duke Hope Summer Institute. Job talks initiated.

• Attended IAME (International Association of Maritime Economists) 2017 in Kyoto with good

feedback on paper presentation.

• Completed CBS PhD Marketing course.

• Mærsk project presented at VL (Virksomheds Ledere) Døgn to big applaus. Currently in talks

with Mærsk about extending the research.

• Examinations of various student thesis and projects.

C. Changes in the project plan and implications for the project (if any)

None to mention

D. Up-coming activities and expected output in the coming months:

Focus on writing up the dissertation (papers)


Summary of the Phd-project:

This project explores commercialization, such as sales and value capture, and commercial capabilities in

suppliers to maritime offshore installations and operations, mainly wind and oil related, but findings could be

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valuable for wave and sea-steading too. The project attempts to answer, from an organizational perspective,

what enables organizations to perform superior and repeated commercialization. The project is founded in

dynamic market processes and entrepreneurship-based capability theory. While not directly an innovation

project, the contribution of the project is often viewed via innovation, as the empirical background are highly

(incrementally and radically) innovative firms. The subject matter is mainly analyzed in a context of derived

demand and consumer sovereignty.

Key Deliverables to Date:

Publications - published articles

as well as articles in progress

listed by year (including full title

and all authors):

Title (working): Commercialization – the Forgotten Construct

Co-authors: Henrik Sornn-Friese, Thomas Ritter.

Year: 2015

R&R in Journal of Product Innovation Management (Rejected 2nd

round). Rewriting for Research Policy.

Presentation: Druid Academy 2015, Academy of Management


Title (working): Commercial Capabilities and Entrepreneurial

Value Capturing in Dynamic Maritime Markets: The Case of North

Sea Oil Service Companies

Co-authors: none

Year: 2016

Will submit to Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal or Maritime

Policy and Management after International Association of

Maritime Economists.

Presentation: Southern Economic Association (DC), 2016. Sauder

Research seminar (BC), 2016. Annual Association of Maritime

Economists (JP), 2017.

Title (working): Commercialization in Offshore SMEs.

Main author: Stefan K. Sløk-Madsen

Co-authors: Henrik Sornn-Friese, (Thomas Ritter).

Year: 2017.

Type: Explorative case study.

Main theme: How is the commercialization process in SMEs.

Status: Rewriting for general submission in Small Enterprise

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Research or an energy journal.

Title (working): Corporate Strategy in Institutionally Contingent

Derived Demand Markets

Co-authors: none

Year: 2017

Submit to Private Enterprise around summer.

Presentation: Association of Private Enterprise Education (NV),


Teaching – listed by course titles

and teaching period (lectures,

supervision, other):

• Course Title: Contemporary Issues in Applied Sales &

Pricing. Undergrad (HA. Almen). Spring 2016. Spring

2017.Course coordinator, teacher, examination. Among the

highest evaluated courses in undergrad

• Course Title: Masterlevel behavioral economics. Master

(CM. psyk.) Fall 2015 and Fall 2016. Teacher, developer

and censor. Among the highest evaluated courses in

masterlevel (kombi).

• Lectures: Various guest lectures in applied pricing.

• Supervision: Various master and undergrad supervision.

Very sought after supervisor.

Dissemination of your research

eg. newspaper articles, social

media, media appearance etc –

listed by title and media/platform:

• RITTER, Thomas, Henrik SORNN-FRIESE and Stefan

KIRKEGAARD SLØK-MADSEN (2014). Kundekortet -

Et godt kort at komme i land med. Søfartens Ledere, No. 5,

2014: 44-45.

• Interview: On the state of sales teaching at,

summer 2016.

• Interview: Har den gamle købmandsnation glemt, hvordan

man sælger? 01/07/2016 // Jyllands-Posten // Julie Hornbek


• Mini-series on Economic Theory on Radio 24-syv, summer


28/08/2016: Hvad er et marked?

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23/08/2016: Hvordan kan præcis den samme dåsesodavand

være billigere at købe i Kenya end i Danmark?

22/08/2016 Hvorfor findes der virksomheder?

20/07/2016: Er vi mennesker virkelige så rationelle som

økonomer påstår i økonomisk modeller?

18/07/2016: Hvordan kan det lade sig gøre, at noget så

ubrugeligt som diamanter er så meget dyrere end for

eksempel vand, der er essentielt for at overleve?

11/07/2016: Hvorfor stiger priserne på en roskildebillet, is

og busbilletter hvert år?

07/07/2016: Hvorfor trykker man ikke bare nogle flere

pengeseddeler, hvis man mangler penge?

04/07/2016: Hvorfor koster ting, det de koster?

• 30/05/2017: Interview on Water Capitalism on live

morning radio at Radio 24-syv

Outreach eg. workshops and

conferences – listed by title, type

of activity, stakeholders and


• Speaker at Forskningens Døgn

• Outreach in regards with collaboration with maritime


• Ocean Team Group

• World Marine Offshore

• Mærsk


PhD-courses and other courses

completed – listed by title,

approved ECTS and host


The following have been completed:

• Applied Econometrics for researchers, 7.5 ECTS, CBS.

• Research Foundations in the Economics of

Entrepreneurship, 5 ECTS, CBS.

• Management and Economics of Innovation, 5 ECTS, CBS.

• Qualitative Theory and methods, 4 ECTS, CBS.

• CBS Library Maritime course, 0 ECTS, CBS

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• Introduction to teaching at CBS for Ph.D. students, 0


• Teaching at CBS for PhD students, 0 ECTS, CBS

• The Craft of Scholarly Writing, 0 ECTS, CBS

• Stig Tenold - "Introduction to Basic Maritime Economics",


• Maritime Seminar with professor Pierre Cariou, 0 ECTS,


• Marketing, 5 ECTS, CBS

• Institutional and Organizational Economics Academy

( Very prestigious and hard to get into week long

workshop with teachers from places like Harvard,

Columbia, 3 ECTS Stanford

• Duke History of Political Economy Summer Institute. Two

week course on topics in the history of economic theory at

Duke University (North Carolina). 3 ECTS

Research stay: Sauder School of Business, Centre for Transportation Studies,

UBC, Vancouver, Canada. July 2016 – Jan 2017

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Status on: Ph.D. Project Number 6

Project Title: Ports Business Development

Ph.D. Fellow: Cheryl Basil Sequeira

Supervisors: Günter Prockl and Carsten Ørts Hansen

Reporting Period: Primo April 2017 until ultimo June 2017

Submission of bi-annual PhD.

Report to the PhD. School within

the reporting period? Yes/No

(If no, the answers to the two

following fields will be left out in

this report)


Date of submission and approval

of bi-annual Ph.D. report to CBS´

Ph.D. school

Submitted: 03/05/2017

Approved: YES

Date and approval by

Main Supervisor:



A. Short description of the projects present status:

This project studies the current reforming port authorities and aims to contribute to the question about

Value in different facts of port business development research. The project has developed to the last

stage of the research at the Micro level where value capture will be studied through the lens of terminals

and the third stage of the research will focus on the value configuration where stakeholders will be

studied as a context. The first paper presented to a conference.

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B. Activities within the reporting period: (if relevant, include supporting activities such as

coursework, teaching, conferences, published articles etc.)

Focus on writing and finishing two articles aimed to be send to special issue call of papers in August and

September 2017.

C. Changes in the project plan and implications for the project (if any)

Changes worth mentioning are including a stakeholder perspective along with port interviews.

D. Up-coming activities and expected output in the coming months:

Submission on the two articles in August and September.


Summary of the Phd-project:

Many scholars in recent years have stated the need to consider entrepreneurial existence in Port specific

research. However not much dialogue is contributed by synthesising the the Port related literature with the

field of entrepreneurship, valuation and hybrid models. This projects aims to start a dialogue with ‘business

like’ ports authorities and studies their outcome to contribute value sought and value capture.

Key Deliverables to Date:

Publications - published articles

as well as articles in progress

listed by year (including full title

and all authors):

Title (working): Port Authority Strategies: Entrepreneurial

Opportunity Identification Approach

Author: Cheryl Basil Sequeira

Co-Authors: none

Year: 2016

Paper presented at IAME Conference 2016,

Title (working): Port performance output of value creation and

value capture: Road access indicators

Co-authors: none

Year: 2017

Working Paper at NOFOMA, 2017

Title (working): Resource sharing in collaborative ports

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Author Cheryl Basil Sequeira

Co-author: Günter Prockl


Teaching – listed by course titles

and teaching period (lectures,

supervision, other) :

• Lecture for Logistics and Operations

• Global supply chain management

• Censoring for Management control

• Operation and logistics Management -3 Lectures

• Management of Maritime Operations within the Supply


Dissemination of your research

eg. newspaper articles, social

media, media appearance etc –

listed by title and media/platform:

None  to  date  

Outreach eg. workshops and

conferences – listed by title, type

of activity, stakeholders and


• CEMS  research  seminar  on  Supply  Chain  

Management  and  logistics  CBS  Maritime  one-­‐week  

study  trip  to  the  Kühne  Logistics  University  (KLU),  

Hapag  Lloyd/Hamburg  Süd,  and  the  Port  of  Hamburg  


• CBS  maritime  research-­‐day  at  the  Hotel  Kong  Arthur,  

Copenhagen  (Denmark).  

• Ph.D.  seminar  with  Professor  Pierre  Cariou,  Professor  

in  Shipping  and  Port  Economics  at  the  KEDGE  

Business  School  in  Marseille,  France,  with  the  title:  

"Strategic  Alliances  in  Liner  Shipping"  

• Outreach in regards with collaboration with maritime


• Danske  Havne  

• Esbjerg  Port  

• ADP  Port  

• Aalborg  Port  

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PhD-courses and other courses

completed – listed by title,

approved ECTS and host


• Social  Science  Statistics,  University  of  Glasgow  

Approved  10,0  

• EDEN  Doctoral  Seminar  Approved  6,0  

• Practice  Theory  –A  new  Research  Agenda  and  its  

implications  (Part  1)  Approved  5,0  

• Planning  and  Decision  Tools  in  Shipping,  

Transportation  and  Ports,  University  of  Aegean,  

Approved  3,0  

• Technologies  of  Managing  Copenhagen  Business  

School,  Approved  7,0    

• From  Values  to  Valuation:  Coming  to  Terms  with  an  

Emerging  Field  of  Research,  OMS  Department,  CBS,  

Completed  4,0  

Research stay: Jacobs  University,  Bremen  (1  week)  

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Status on: Ph.D. Project Number 7

Project Title: Servitization, modularity, and digital platforms: an ecosystems approach

Ph.D. Fellow: Viktor Avlonitis

Supervisors: Juliana Hsuan and Carsten Ørts Hansen

Reporting Period: Primo April 2017 until Ultimo June 2017

Submission of bi-annual PhD.

Report to the PhD. School within

the reporting period? Yes/No

(If no, the answers to the two

following fields will be left out in

this report)


Date of submission and approval

of bi-annual Ph.D. report to CBS´

Ph.D. school

Submission date May 2 Approval June 6

Date and approval by

Main Supervisor:

June 6th by main supervisor, Juliana Hsuan

A. Short description of the projects present status:

The project has had quite a progress during Q2 2017. The WIP 2 seminar was successfully completed

where valuable feedback covering the project to its entirety was given by two dedicated discussants and

other participating academics. In addition, the final course work of 10 ECTS was completed. Moreover,

a new version of paper 2 was submitted to one of the most prominent conferences in the field of systems

sciences (HICSS 51). Recently, recognizing the high quality of this project among many other PhD

projects at CBS, I have been awarded a prize by the Dean of Research to further fund my project for a

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fourth year with the purpose of enhancing the final dissertation results and my career prospects at an

international level (see also C below).

B. Activities within the reporting period: (if relevant, include supporting activities such as

coursework, teaching, conferences, published articles etc.)

- Completed the course “Advances in IT Management” (CBS, 2 ECTS)

- A complete new version of paper 2 was drafted and submitted to HICSS 51

- A new draft proposal for paper 3 was submitted in the context of the PhD course in Brussels (a

newer revised proposal is scheduled for July-August in the context of the course)

- Completion of the PhD course “Conceptual Paper Development and Theory Building in

Management and Organization Studies”, EIASM Brussels, Belgium (4 ECTS)

- Completion of the PhD course “Qualitative Research and Data Analysis” at the University of St.

Gallen, Switzerland (4 ECTS)

- Completed the supervision of two master thesis (cost control at ABB Taiwan and IT Strategic

alignment at NNE)

C. Changes in the project plan and implications for the project (if any)

Given that a new version of paper 2 has been completed and that there is a new draft for paper 3 coupled

with the input from the WIP 2 seminar, the project has a new working title that better reflects the

content. The project is currently at the final stages and as planned, a final draft of the project will be

ready by the end August 2017.

However, CBS has recently recognized the prospects that my PhD dissertation can have to society, the

academic community, and the world of practice by awarding a prize that allows for the research to be

extended for one more year. This prize reflects a recognition that the project holds great potential to

make an impact and provides with the resources to make an extra contribution possible. Based on the

final draft of the dissertation the additional year will mainly focus on enhancing the final dissertation

results and the career prospects of the candidate at an international level.

The digitalization of maritime industries, has taking some time to come about, but the process has finally

started. Taking a multi-stakeholder perspective has made data collection challenging and time

consuming, thus currently the paper is resorting to the use of secondary data and exemplary cases.

However, one extra year, would allow for interviews with key informants and insights from upcoming

projects (e.g. new maritime cloud based networks, blockchain initiatives etc.) to provide with data that

can explain the application of the theories already developed in the context of the project. In turn, this

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would greatly increase the chances of getting out more publications in highly ranked journals and by

extension increase the visibility of CBS at an international level while providing with more concrete

insights to practitioners. In addition, a good set of data can be instrumental for future publications and

increase the employability of the candidate later on.

Overall, this award recognizes the good performance of the PhD candidate, the quality of the results

until now, the contribution those results have made to CBS, while aiming to increase the marketability of

the candidate at an international level where PhD graduates from top universities receive four, five or

even six years training. Please note that the award will be formally announced from the Dean of

Research, potentially at a public event during the next months, and thus, remains confidential until

further notice.

D. Up-coming activities and expected output in the coming months:

- Completion of MSc thesis supervision (The influence of customer inputs to service operations

through time and space)

- Completion of the supervision for the project “Determining the Best Course of Action in the

Asia-Pacific Region” (MSc International Business)

- Completion of a new draft for paper 3 based on the timeline set for reviews from the EIASM

course in Brussels (July 25, August 15, August 25)

- Work on completing the deliverables for the course on qualitative methods (July 10)

- Writing the cape of the thesis, which will be focused on the meta-theoretical underpinnings

instigated by the movement of Service Dominant Logic

- Prepare a draft of the dissertation for assessment by supervisors (July 18)

- Compile a draft of the dissertation (August 30)

- Planning of the fourth year (some activities currently under consideration)

o Submission of paper 3 to the special issue of Strategic Management Journal on

“Platform Ecosystems” (February 2018)

o Participation to the Academy of Management Specialized Conference on Big Data and

Managing in a Digital Economy (April 2018, University of Surrey)

o Work on turning the cape of the thesis into a 4th publication

Addressing the lack of primary data from the Danish maritime industry

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Summary of the Phd-project:

The project advances the theory of modularity in services (paper 1). Following, the application of modularity

in digital services, which has largely remained unexplored, is conceptually addressed (paper 2). Finally, in

the third and last paper, the project aspires to provide with an organizational perspective for the creation of

ecosystems (networks of interdependent actors with common goals) that surround a digital platform (a

modular technological infrastructure). The overall aim of the ecosystems studied here is to provide services

for a collection of capital assets but also public goods. Various cases explored throughout papers 2 and 3

include: Predix (GE) and Mindsphere (Siemens), Eniram and Wärtsilä, Maersk, and the MRV regulations of


Key Deliverables to Date:

Publications - published articles as well as articles in progress listed by year (including full title and all authors):

Title: Exploring Modularity in Services: Cases from tourism (Paper 1) Main author: Viktor Avlonitis Co-authors: Juliana Hsuan Type: Case study Main theme: Via a comparative study of two polar cases, the article bridges service design and modularity, providing with a novel conceptualization of service architectures. Managers can use the framework to explore a variety of design options and trade-offs herein. Although developed via tourism cases, the framework is applicable in a variety of different contexts. Status: Published in Journal of Operations and Productions Management (4 star ABS) Presentation: Modularity seminar 2015, Helsinki [] Title: Exploring modularity in the context of digital platforms and servitization (under review at HICSS 51) – (Paper 2) Main author: Viktor Avlonitis Co-authors: Juliana Hsuan Type: Conceptual, theory development Main theme: Explores digital modularity and platforms – essentially the technological infrastructure required to provide data-driven services. Extends the theory of modularity to digital driven phenomena. Providers exemplary cases from GE and Wärtsilä. Status: Older version with different title published in the

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proceedings of QUIS14: Accelerate the Impact of Service Research. ed. Xiande Zhao; Jie J. Zhang; Hyun Jeong Han. Shanghai: CEIBS 2015, p. 806-815 Presentation: QUIS14, Shanghai 2015, SOM Forum, CBS, 2017 Title (working): The ecosystem as a context for strategy, innovation, and marketing: perspectives from institutional theory (Paper 3) Author: Viktor Avlonitis Type: Conceptual, theory development Main theme: explores ecosystem creation in the context of capital equipment that provides service through the lifecycle. Taking an institutional perspective, the paper will look at the different actions required to create and sustain an ecosystem (the network of interdependent actors with common goals that surround a platform). The focus is on the actions of actors to influence ecosystem structures (such as digital platforms) via both market and non-market strategies. Status: work in progress. Presentation: EIASM PhD Seminar, Brussels, June 2017

Teaching – listed by course titles and teaching period (lectures, supervision, other):

Internal censor for the following courses: • Managing people (undergrad) • Supply chain management (MSc) • Cases in strategic management of technology and

innovation (MSc) Supervision of MSc thesis and 1st year project for Cand.merc IB Completed:

• Biometric Identification Systems in Airports - A study regarding the impact of Biometric Technologies on Air Passengers satisfaction [Cand.Soc]

• Double-sided market platforms and business model innovation: the case of Lavaza group [Cand.Merc]

• Public-Private-Partnerships in Ports development: the ongoing case of the port of Piraeus [Cand.Soc]

• The value of information in the containerized cold-chain: the case of Maersk Line’s RCM [Cand.Soc]

• Sparking great ideas: the mechanisms behind team creative performance in advertising [Cand.Soc]

• Buyer-supplier relationships and relational capital: cases form the fashion industry [Cand.Merc]

• Co-creation in SaaS companies: exploring NPD and customer satisfaction [cand.Soc]

• Buyer-supplier relationships and cost control in ABB Taiwan [Cand. Merc]

• Implementation of servitization strategy in a Danish SME [Cand. Merc]

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Ongoing • The influence of customer inputs to service operations

through time and space [Cand.Soc] • Determining the Best Course of Action in the Asia-Pacific

Region [Cand Merc. IB 1st year project] Dissemination of your research eg. newspaper articles, social media, media appearance etc – listed by title and media/platform:

None to date

Outreach eg. workshops and conferences – listed by title, type of activity, stakeholders and venue:

• Sept. 2014 – Service Operation Management Forum, Tilburg (presentation of Servitization project at CBS and my project as an extension)

• Jan. 2015 - Modularity Seminar, Aalto University, Helsinki (Presentation of first paper on modularity in services)

• April 2015 - Competitive Advantage in the Digital Economy, University of Warwick in Venice (presentation of ideas on service theory in relation to digital applications)

• June 2015 - QUIS14, Shanghai, Presentation of second paper on digital platforms and modularity. In addition, chairing the session on service theory for the conference.

• December 2015 – Service Operations Management Forum, Nuremberg, presentation of an abstract about maritime technology investment in digital applications in connection with servitization

• May 2016 - Competitive Advantage in the Digital Economy, University of Warwick in Venice

• January 2017 – Modularity seminary, CBS, presentation of paper 2 on digital platforms and modularity

• January 2017 – Service Operations Management Forum, CBS, presentation of paper 2 on digital platforms and modularity

PhD-courses and other courses completed – listed by title, approved ECTS and host university:

2014 • Introduction to Basic Maritime Economics with Stig

Tenold [O ECTS, CBS] • Maritime Seminar with Pierre Cariou, [O ECTS, CBS] • Getting my research into journals [1,5 ECTS, CBS]

2015 • Seminar on contribution with Sof Thrane [0.3 ECTS, CBS] • Research Methodology in Operations Management [4

ECTS, EDEN] • Organization Design [4 ECTS, EDEN] • Internat of OM department [1 ECTS, CBS] • Shipping, Transportation and Trade: Current Advances and

Market Perspectives [3 ECTS, Aegean University] • QUIS14 Doctoral seminar, paper presentation, and chairing

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a session [1.5 ECTS] • Seminar on data analysis with Sof Thrane [0,3 ECTS,

CBS] 2017

• Advances in IT Management Seminar [2 ECTS, CBS] • Conceptual Paper Development and Theory Building in

Management and Organization Studies [4 ECTS, EIASM] • Qualitative Research and Data Analysis [4 ECTS, St.

Gallen, Switzerland] List of key collaborators representing the maritime industry:

Although no dedicated key collaborators are committed to the research, the project has been in a constant dialogue with a variety of actors representing different segments of the maritime industry. Carriers, connectivity providers, manufacturers, and industry association bodies among others. This macro-level perspective is explained by the focus on networks of interdependent actors and the concept of “ecosystem”.

Research stay: None

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Status on: Ph.D. Project Number 8

Project Title: Institutional Strategy in Maritime Business

Ph.D. Fellow: Christian Hendriksen

Supervisors: Morten Ougaard and Carsten Ørts Hansen

Reporting Period: Primo April until Ultimo June

Submission of bi-annual PhD.

Report to the PhD. School within

the reporting period? Yes/No

(If no, the answers to the two

following fields will be left out in

this report)


Date of submission and approval

of bi-annual Ph.D. report to CBS´

Ph.D. school

Submitted: 10/5 2017


Date and approval by

Main Supervisor:

Date: 10/5 2017


A. Short description of the projects present status:

Q2 has seen an emphasis on using the feedback gained in the first WIP seminar to analyze the empirical

material I have collected so far. The work conducted in Q1 helped get an overview of the analytical

framework I’m deploying, so many resources have gone into sifting through empirical material

throughout Q2. While the writing-up of the analysis still has some way to go (contingent, of course, on

empirical material input in the future), I am forming a core analysis and an explanation of firm


The project has now stabilized even further in terms of theoretical basis. The work spent in the first 8

months are now paying off, because my theoretical repertoire now allows me to more easily see links

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and explanations in the empirical material. In the first week of July, I will attend MEPC 71 in London

alongside the Danish delegation.

B. Activities within the reporting period: (if relevant, include supporting activities such as

coursework, teaching, conferences, published articles etc.)

- Participation in Danish delegation pre-meeting in advance of MEPC 71

- Participation in PhD course on semi-structured interview technique

- Refining of theoretical framework

- Empirical data analysis

- Transcription of field notes and interviews

- Analysis of empirical material

- Expansion of explanation of firm influence in IMO

- Participation in Dep. Of Business & Politics annual Convention (summer seminar)

C. Changes in the project plan and implications for the project (if any)

In agreement with my supervisor, the planned seminar with industry representatives has been scheduled

to take place later in 2018 to allow for the experiences from MEPC 71 to inform the seminar.

D. Up-coming activities and expected output in the coming months:

- Participation in MEPC 71 in London, first week of July

- Preparation for interview data collection in the fall

- Writing-up of the first part of the preliminary causal analysis

- Participation in Dep. Of Business & Politics Early Career Seminar in August/September

- Participation in Dep. Of Operations Management annual seminar