Design of Efficient Millimeter Wave Planar Antennas …I Design of Efficient Millimeter Wave Planar...

I Design of Efficient Millimeter Wave Planar Antennas for 5G Communication Systems نظمة مليمترت ال كفاءة على تردد موجات ذاتئيايم هوا تصمتتصا الخامسجيل ا الMohammed H. Abu Saada Supervised by Dr. Talal F. Skaik Assistant prof. of Electrical Engineering Dr. Ramadan A. Alhalabi Assistant prof. of Electrical Engineering A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Electrical Engineering Communication Systems Engineering April/2017 The Islamic UniversityGaza Research and Postgraduate Affairs Faculty of Engineering Master of Electrical Engineering Communication Systems الج ـ امع ـــــــــس ـة ا ـــــمي ــ ة- غزةعليات السامي والدراعل شئون البحث ال ك ـ لي ـــــــــــــــ ـــــ ة الهـنـــــــــــــــــــــدسة ماجستي ـــــــ رلكهربائية الهنـــــدسة اتتصـــــا أنظمـــــــــــة ا

Transcript of Design of Efficient Millimeter Wave Planar Antennas …I Design of Efficient Millimeter Wave Planar...

Page 1: Design of Efficient Millimeter Wave Planar Antennas …I Design of Efficient Millimeter Wave Planar Antennas for 5G Communication Systems ةمظنلأ رتميلملا تاجوم ددرت


Design of Efficient Millimeter Wave Planar

Antennas for 5G Communication Systems

تصميم هوائيات ذات كفاءة على تردد موجات المليمتر ألنظمة الجيل الخامساتصاالت

Mohammed H. Abu Saada

Supervised by

Dr. Talal F. Skaik

Assistant prof. of Electrical Engineering

Dr. Ramadan A. Alhalabi

Assistant prof. of Electrical Engineering

A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment

of the requirements for the degree of

Master of Electrical Engineering – Communication Systems Engineering


The Islamic University–Gaza

Research and Postgraduate Affairs

Faculty of Engineering

Master of Electrical Engineering

Communication Systems

غزة - ةــالميــــــة اإلســـــــــامعـالج

شئون البحث العلمي والدراسات العليا

الهـنـــــــــــــــــــــدسةة ــــــــــــــــــــليـك

الهنـــــدسة الكهربائيةر ـــــــماجستي

أنظمـــــــــــة اتصـــــاالت

Page 2: Design of Efficient Millimeter Wave Planar Antennas …I Design of Efficient Millimeter Wave Planar Antennas for 5G Communication Systems ةمظنلأ رتميلملا تاجوم ددرت


أنا الموقع أدناه مقدم الرسالة التي تحمل العنوان:

Design of Efficient Millimeter Wave Planar Antennas

for 5G Communication Systems

تصميم هوائيات ذات كفاءة على تردد موجات المليمتر ألنظمة اتصاالت الجيل الخامس

أقر بأن ما اشتملت عليه هذه الرسالة إنما هو نتاج جهدي الخاص، باستثناء ما تمت اإلشارة أن هذه الرسالة ككل أو أي جزء منها لم يقدم من قبل اآلخرين لنيل درجة أو إليه حيثما ورد، و

لقب علمي أو بحثي لدى أي مؤسسة تعليمية أو بحثية أخرى. وأن حقوق النشر محفوظة فلسطين- لجامعة اإلسالمية غزةل


I hereby certify that this submission is the result of my own work, except

where otherwise acknowledged, and that this thesis (or any part of it)

has not been submitted for a higher degree or quantification to any other

university or institution. All copyrights are reserves toIslamic University

– Gaza strip paiestine

:Student's name د حسن أبو سعدةمحم م الطالب:اس

:Signature محمد أبو سعدة التوقيع:

:Date 12/5/1122 التاريخ:

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Page 4: Design of Efficient Millimeter Wave Planar Antennas …I Design of Efficient Millimeter Wave Planar Antennas for 5G Communication Systems ةمظنلأ رتميلملا تاجوم ددرت



Fifth generation (5G) is the next major phase of mobile telecommunications standards beyond the

current 4G, which will operate at millimeter-wave frequency band. In any wireless device, the

performance of radio communications depends on the design of an efficient antenna. This thesis

presents designs for microstrip antennas (single element and arrays at 28 GHz), where 28GHz is

one of the standard frequencies of the 5G communications.

A parametric study to select the best single element design to use it in the array has been performed.

The study included investigation on the impact of feeding technique, substrate dielectric constant,

substrate thickness and substrate loss tangent on the antenna parameters. Different feeding

techniques are studied, and gap-coupled feeder has been found the best in terms of bandwidth that

is greater than 1 GHz.

Based on the best optimized single element patch, several microstrip antenna array designs at 28

GHz are proposed with number of elements up to 16 and those designs meet the requirements of

5G antennas. Commercial simulation software (CST) and (ADS) were utilized to design single

element, linear and planar arrays.

Furthermore, dual polarized Linear and planar arrays were designed for handset mobiles and base

stations respectively, with good isolation between vertical and horizontal ports (better than 20 dB).

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ملخص البحث

الجيل الخامس من االتصاالت هو الجيل الذي يلي الجيل الرابع الحالي والمتوقع أن يبدأ العمل به في عام 30هي ترددات موجات المليمتر والتي تبدأ من م. الترددات التي سيتم استخدامها في الجيل الخامس 2020

جيجا هيرتز فما فوق، حيث أن هذا البحث يقدم تصاميم لهوائيات بعنصر واحد ومصفوفات تعمل عند تردد .جيجا هيرتز 28

الكهربية للمادة السماحية)تم عمل دراسة كاملة على المتغيرات المتعلقة بالمادة المصنوع منها الهوائي مثل الهوائي مثل أداءالعازلة، سمك المادة العازلة، وكذلك طرق تغذية هوائي الشرائح الدقيقة، ودراسة تأثيرها على

.ت..(ة الهوائي، نطاق الترددا)كفاء

جيجا هيرتز، وهذا تم 1وفق مواصفات هوائيات الجيل الخامس فإن النطاق الترددي يجب أن يكون أكبر من نما بوجود فجوة صغيرة بينهماتحقيقه .باستخدام مغذي لهوائي الشرائح الدقيقة ال يالمسه مباشرة وا

كانت خالصة هذه الدراسة اختيار أفضل تصميم وبناء مصفوفة الهوائيات الخطية واللوحية منه، حيث وصل م ديسي بل، وتصمي 17عنصر ليعطي كسب الى الهوائي يصل الى 16عدد عناصر المصفوفة إلى

.مصفوفة هوائيات ثنائية القطبية تعمل للهاتف المحمول ولمحطة االرسال كل على حدة

(ADS).، (CST)تم استخدام برامج التصميم الخاصة بالهوائيات مثل

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My Parents Hassan & Enayat

My Wife Islam

My children

Enayat, Anas, Tala, Leen


My Family

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First and the foremost, I would like to thank Almighty Allah for bestowing His blessings upon me

and giving me the strength to carry out and complete this work.

I am extremely grateful to my supervisors Dr. Ramadan Alhalabi and Dr. Talal Skaik for their

valuable advice, guidance, beneficial discussions and encouragement throughout my research.

Apart from their valuable academic advice and guidelines, they have been extremely kind,

friendly, and helpful. I am also very grateful to my thesis committee members, Dr. Tamer Abu

Foul and Dr. Fady El-Nahal for their care, cooperation and constructive advices.

Special thanks to my colleagues and friends especially Eng. Belal A. Alsaati, Eng. Mohammed A.

Matar, Eng. Mohammed A. Tubail, and Eng. Mohammed J. Hannona for their encouragements

and various help that they provided throughout my graduate studies.

Special thanks to my friends Ahmed R. Qarrot, Abdallah H. Abu Saada, Zakaria A. Alshaghnouby,

,Mohammed Kh. Abu Salem, Mohammed Z. Aldahshan, Mohammed F. Kullab and Khalil


Also, I want to thank my Indian friend Sudipta Maity for his valuable advice and guidance.

I would like to give my special thanks to my parents, brothers, sister and my wife for their support,

patience and love. Without their encouragement, motivation and understanding, it would have been

impossible for me to complete this work. Finally, my sincere thanks are due to all people who

supported me to complete this work.

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Contents Abstract …………………………………………………………………………………… II

Abstract in Arabic ……………………………………………………………………… III

Declaration………………………………………………………………………………… IV

Acknowledgment ………………………………………………………………………… V

Table of Contents ……………………………………………………………………… VI

List of Tables ……………………………………………………………………………. VIII

List of Figures ………………………………………………………………………………IX

1 Chapter 1 : Introduction .......................................................................................................... 1

1. 1 5G Communications ......................................................................................................... 1

1. 2 Background ...................................................................................................................... 2

1. 3 planar Antennas at mm-Wave Frequencies ...................................................................... 2

1. 4 Why at 28 GHz? ............................................................................................................... 3

1. 5 Literature review .............................................................................................................. 4

1. 6 Thesis motivation ............................................................................................................. 6

1. 7 Thesis overview................................................................................................................ 6

2 Chapter 2: Antenna Theory ..................................................................................................... 8

2.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 8

2.2 Maxwell’s equations ........................................................................................................ 9

2.3 Antenna Parameters........................................................................................................ 10

2.3. 1 Radiation Pattern ..................................................................................................... 10

2.3. 2 Directivity ............................................................................................................... 11

2.3. 3 Antenna Efficiency ................................................................................................. 12

2.3. 4 Antenna radiation efficiency ................................................................................... 13

2.3. 5 Antenna Gain .......................................................................................................... 14

2.3. 6 Bandwidth ............................................................................................................... 14

2.3. 7 Input Impedance...................................................................................................... 15

2.3. 8 Polarization ............................................................................................................. 16

2.4 Microstrip Antennas ....................................................................................................... 16

2.4.1 Basic Characteristics ............................................................................................... 17

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2.4.2 Feeding techniques: ................................................................................................ 18

2.4.3 Designing Rectangular Microstrip Antenna ........................................................... 24

3 Chapter 3: Single Element Design ........................................................................................ 27

3.1 Antenna Substrate: ......................................................................................................... 27

3.1.1 Substrate Thickness: ............................................................................................... 28

3.1.2 Dielectric Constant (r ):......................................................................................... 32

3.1.3 Substrate Loss Tangent: .......................................................................................... 33

3.1.4 Copper cladding depth selection: ............................................................................ 35

3.2 Feeding techniques: ........................................................................................................ 36

3.3 single element patch antenna design .............................................................................. 40

4 Chapter 4 : Antenna Array: .................................................................................................... 44

4. 1 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 45

4. 2 The Array Factor for Linear Arrays ............................................................................... 45

4. 3 Antenna Array feeding Configuration............................................................................ 48

4.3.1 Parallel Feed............................................................................................................ 48

4.3.2 Series Feed .............................................................................................................. 49

4.3.3 Capacitively coupled fingers................................................................................... 50

4. 4 Mutual coupling ............................................................................................................. 50

4. 5 Design and results .......................................................................................................... 53

5 Chapter 5: Conclusion and Future Work .............................................................................. 76

6 References ............................................................................................................................. 79

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List of Tables

Table ) 1.1): summary of mobile communications generations (Hartley, 2017) (Uncategorized |

mansipruthi, 2017) (Sahoo, Hota, & Barik, 2017) .......................................................................... 2

Table (2.1): Generalized Forms of Maxwell's Equations (Sadiku, 2007) ...................................... 9

Table (3.1): Simulated antenna parameters at different substrate thicknesses ............................ 31

Table )3.2): Simulated antenna parameters at two different Dielectric Constant ( r ) values,

substrate thickness = 0.381 mm, tan = 0 ................................................................................... 33

Table (3.3): parametric study for gap width and inset length on antenna parameters ................. 37

Table (3.4): Simulated antenna parameters at different feeding techniques ............................... 40

Table (3.5): Simulated antenna parameters for gap-coupled feeding technique .......................... 41

Table (4.1): inter-element space impact on mutual coupling........................................ 53

Table (4.2): comparison between simulated results with and without DGS ................................ 54

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List of Figures

Figure (1.1): Air attenuation at different frequency bands (Jr., Junhong Zhang, & Rappaport,

2013) ............................................................................................................................................... 4

Figure (2.1): The antenna as a transition structure, for a transmitting antenna and for a receiving

(Kraus & Marhefka, Antennas for all Applications, 2002) ............................................................ 8

Figure (2.2): Transmission-line Thevenin equivalent of antenna in transmitting mode

(Balanis C. , 2005) .......................................................................................................................... 9

Figure (2.3): Radiation lobes and beamwidths of an antenna pattern [1] .................................... 10

Figure (2.4): antenna losses (Reflection, conduction and dielectric) .......................................... 12

Figure (2.5): Antenna reference terminals (Balanis C. , 2005).................................................... 13

Figure (2.6): Equivalent model for a transmitting antenna (Stutzman & Thiele, 2013). ............. 15

Figure (2.7): The spatial behavior of the electric (solid) and magnetic (dashed) fields of a

linearly (vertical) polarized wave for a fixed instant of time (Stutzman & Thiele, 2013) ........... 16

Figure (2.8): Microstrip antenna and coordinate system. ............................................................ 18

Figure (2.9): unmatched microstrip antenna (Bevelacqua,, 2017) ............ 20

Figure (2.10): Patch Antenna with an Inset Feed. (Bevelacqua,, 2017) ... 20

Figure (2.11): Patch antenna with a quarter-wavelength matching section (Bevelacqua, Antenna-, 2017) . ...................................................................................................................... 21

Figure (2.12): Coupled (indirect) inset feed. .............................................................................. 22

Figure (2.13): Equivalent circuit of a rectangular patch fed by a single gap (Ononchimeg,

Bang, & Ahn, 2010) . .................................................................................................................... 22

Figure (2.14): Aperture coupled feed (Bevelacqua,, 2017) ...................... 23

Figure (2.15): Patch antenna fed by proximity coupling (Grilo & Correra, 2015) . ................... 24

Figure (3.1): edge-fed microstrip patch antenna (top view). ....................................................... 27

Figure (3.2): 3D geometry for edge-fed microstrip patch antenna .............................................. 28

Figure (3.3): simulated (a) real and (b) imaginary parts of the antenna input impedance for five

different substrate thicknesses ...................................................................................................... 29

Figure (3.4): Simulated radiated efficiency vs. frequency at different substrate thickness. . Error!

Bookmark not defined.

Figure (3.5): Simulated antenna S11 vs. frequency at different substrate thickness .................... 30

Figure (3.6): simulated S11 for two different substrate dielectric constants. Substrate thickness =

0.381 mm. ..................................................................................................................................... 32

Figure (3.7): simulated radiation efficiency vs. frequency. (substrate thickness =0.381mm) ..... 33

Figure (3.8): simulated antenna S11 vs. freq for different substrate loss tangent. h = 0.381mm, r

= 2.2 .............................................................................................................................................. 34

Figure (3.9): simulated radiation efficiency vs. frequency for different substrate loss tangent. . 34

Figure (3.10): single element geometry with gap coupled feeding ............................................. 37

Figure (3.11): feed substrate and slot dimensions (Civerolo, 2010) ............................................ 38

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Figure (3.12): simulated antenna S11 vs. freq for different feeding techniques tangent. h =

0.381mm, r = 2.2 ....................................................................................................................... 39

Figure (3.13): simulated radiation efficiency freq for different feeding techniques tangent. h =

0.381mm, ...................................................................................................................................... 39

Figure (3.14): simulated input impedance at ref. plane 1 ............................................................ 41

Figure (3.15): Simulated antenna S11 vs. frequency for single elements ..................................... 41

Figure (3.16): Simulated radiation efficiency vs. frequency for single elements ........................ 42

Figure (3.17): Simulated radiation pattern at 28 GHz, E-plane ................................................... 42

Figure (3.18): Simulated radiation pattern at 28 GHz, H-plane ................................................. 43

Figure (3.19): 3D radiation pattern .............................................................................................. 43

Figure (4.1): A typical linear array (Stutzman & Thiele, 2013). ................................................. 46

Figure (4.2): Equivalent configuration of the array in Figure 1.1 for determining the array factor

(Stutzman & Thiele, 2013). .......................................................................................................... 47

Figure (4.3): Equally spaced linear array of isotropic point sources (Stutzman & Thiele,

2013). ........................................................................................................................................... 47

Figure (4.4): Array radiation pattern (Huang & Boyle, Antennas from Theory to Practice, 2008)

....................................................................................................................................................... 48

Figure (4.5): Configurations of parallel feed microstrip array (Balanis C. A., 2008). ................ 49

Figure (4.6): Configurations of series feed microstrip array ....................................................... 49

Figure (4.7): Configuration of microstrip Lozenge array ............................................................ 50

Figure (4.8): Synchronously tuned coupled resonator circuit with electric coupling. (Pozar D.

M., Microwave Engineering, 2012). ............................................................................................. 51

Figure (4.9): (a) two adjacent antennas with DGS between them (b) L-C equivalent of DGS ... 53

Figure (4.10): two adjacent antennas for mutual coupling study .......................................... 53

Figure (4.11): Simulated antenna S11 vs. frequency between two adjacent elements with and

without DGS, slot dimensions of (8.3*0.8) mm2 .......................................................................... 54

Figure (4.12): Simulated antenna S21 vs. frequency between two adjacent elements with and

without DGS, slot dimensions of (8.3*0.8) mm2 .......................................................................... 55

Figure (4.13): simulated radiation efficiency for two adjacent elements with and without DGS,

slot dimensions of (8.3*0.8) mm2 ................................................................................................. 55

Figure (4.14): 2x1 linear antenna array ..................................................................................... 56

Figure (4.15): Simulated antenna S11 vs. frequency for 2x1 linear antenna array ....................... 56

Figure (4.16): Simulated gain vs. frequency for 2x1 linear antenna array .................................. 57

Figure (4.17): 3D radiation pattern for 2x1 linear antenna array ................................................. 57

Figure (4.18): 4x1 linear antenna array ....................................................................................... 58

Figure (4.19): Simulated antenna S11 vs. frequency for 4x1 linear antenna array ....................... 58

Figure (4.20):Simulated gain vs. frequency for 4x1 linear antenna array ................................... 59

Figure (4.21): 3D radiation pattern for 4x1 linear antenna array ................................................. 59

Figure (4.23): Simulated antenna S11 vs. frequency for 8x1 linear antenna array ....................... 60

Figure (4.22): 8x1 linear antenna array ...................................................................................... 60

Figure (4.24): Simulated gain vs. frequency for 8x1 linear antenna array .................................. 61

Figure (4.25): 3D radiation pattern for 8x1 linear antenna array ................................................. 61

Figure (4.26): 16x1 linear antenna array ..................................................................................... 62

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Figure (4.27): Simulated antenna S11 vs. frequency for 16x1 linear antenna array ..................... 62

Figure (4.28): Simulated gain vs. frequency for 16x1 linear antenna array ................................ 63

Figure (4.29): 3D radiation pattern for 16x1 linear antenna array ............................................... 63

Figure (4.30): simulated gain vs. frequency of the 2, 4, 8 and 16 element linear arrays ............. 64

Figure (4.31): Corner-fed patch antenna geometry ..................................................................... 64

Figure (4.32): Simulated antenna S11 vs. frequency for single element corner fed antenna ....... 65

Figure (4.33): 3D radiation pattern for corner fed antenna ......................................................... 65

Figure (4.34): four-element corner fed linear array ..................................................................... 66

Figure (4.35): Simulated antenna S11 vs. frequency for corner fed four element linear array

antenna .......................................................................................................................................... 66

Figure (4.36): Simulated gain vs. frequency for corner fed four element linear array antenna .. 67

Figure (4.37): 3D radiation pattern for corner fed four element linear array antenna ................. 67

Figure (4.38): dual-polarized gap-coupled fed patch antenna ..................................................... 68

Figure (4.39):Simulated S21 between two feeders vs. frequency ................................................. 68

Figure (4.40): dual-polarized edge fed patch antenna ................................................................. 69

Figure (4.41): Simulated S21 between two feeders vs. frequency ................................................ 69

Figure (4.42): dual polarized corner fed single element (Zhong, Yang, & Cui, Corner-Fed

Microstrip Antenna Element and Arrays for Dual-Polarization Operation, 2002) ....................... 70

Figure (4.43):Simulated S21 between two feeders vs. frequency ............................................... 70

Figure (4.44): dual polarized corner fed 2by2 antenna array ...................................................... 71

Figure (4.45):Simulated antenna S11 vs. frequency for corner fed 2by2 antenna array .............. 71

Figure (4.46): Simulated S21 between two feeders vs. frequency ................................................ 72

Figure (4.47): Simulated gain vs. frequency for corner fed 2by2 antenna array ........................ 72

Figure (4.48): 3D radiation pattern .............................................................................................. 73

Figure (4.49): dual polarized corner fed 4by4 antenna array ...................................................... 73

Figure (4.50): Simulated antenna S11 vs. frequency for corner fed 4by4 antenna array ............. 74

Figure (4.51): Simulated S21 between two feeders vs. frequency ................................................ 74

Figure (4.52): Simulated gain vs. frequency for corner fed 4by4 antenna array ........................ 75

Figure (4.53): 3D radiation pattern .............................................................................................. 75

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Chapter 1


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Chapter 1


1. 1 5G Communications

5G (5th generation mobile networks or 5th generation wireless systems) is a term used in some

research papers and projects to denote the next major phase of mobile telecommunications

standards beyond the current 4G. 5G is considered as beyond 2020 mobile communications

technologies (Agarwal, 2017).

A new standard generation comes along every 10 years or so, since the first generation of mobile

network standards appeared in 1982. These standards are developed to serve the current and future

demands of the mobile users. But, the mobile traffic worldwide is increasing exponentially each

year and the trend will likely continue for the expected future (Gampala &Reddy, 2016).

Worldwide mobile data traffic will most certainly continue to grow quickly in the next decade.

Naturally there are growing concerns that the current 4G cellular network capacity will be

unsustainable in the long term. In recent years, numerous research foundations and industry

partners have been researching the concept of a 5th generation (5G) mobile network improvements

in capacity, latency, and mobility (Hong W. , Ko, Lee, & Baek, 2015) . Due to spectrum shortage

in the conventional microwave bands, millimeter wave (mm-Wave) bands have been attracting

great attention as an additional spectrum band for 5G cellular networks (Kim, Bang, & Sung,


The main objectives of 5G will be targeted towards improving the capacity of the networks with

better coverage at a lower cost. The most important and highly critical objective of all is the

“capacity” as it directly relates to the growing user demand for faster and higher data rates. The

general agreement among different research groups working on the futuristic 5G technologies is a

peak data rate of 10 Gb/s for static users, 1 Gb/s for mobility users and no less than 100 Mb/s in

urban areas. The technology being investigated to meet these high data rate targets is the massive

MIMO (Gampala &Reddy, 2016). Massive MIMO: Extension of multi-user MIMO concept to

hundreds of antennas at the base station is a promising solution to significantly increase user

throughput and network capacity by allowing beamformed data transmission and interference

management. The significantly increased path loss in very high-frequencies has to be compensated

by higher antenna gains, which is made possible by increasing number of antennas at the base

station (Ahmadi, 2016) . 5G research and development also aims at lower latency than 4G

equipment to be sub-1ms and lower battery consumption (Revolvy, 2017).

Moving to the mm-Wave frequencies for 5G mobile stations, requires new techniques in the design

of antennas for mobile-station (MS) and base-station (BS) systems. In order to achieve an efficient

beam-steerable phased array antenna, which is one of the most important parts for 5G cellular

systems, the smaller antennas arranged as an array can be employed (Ojaroudiparchin, Shen, &

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Frolund, 2015). The number of devices could reach the tens or even hundreds of billions by the

time 5G comes to fruition, due to many new applications beyond personal communications

(Andrews, et al., 2014)

1. 2 Background

The generations of mobile communication systems are presented in Table (1.1). Mobile phone

network has been historically divided into four generations, each generation has specific

characteristics that distinguish it from other, each generation is different from the other in terms of

frequency, data rate, maximum number of users and the geographical area covered by the network.

Table (1.1): summary of mobile communications generations (Hartley, 2017) (Uncategorized |

mansipruthi, 2017) (Sahoo, Hota, & Barik, 2017)









2020 2010 2001 1992 1981 1st year


10 Gbps

100 Mbps

2 Mbps

64 Kbps

2 Kbps Peak


Data rate

28 GHz

37 GHz

39 GHz

64 – 71 GHz






800/900 MHz

1.7 to 1.9 GHz

2100 MHz

900MHz and


900 MHz



internet –




ons network

The mobile


on a unified



First mobile


utilizing IP




Digital cellular









1. 3 planar Antennas at mm-Wave Frequencies

In recent years, the demand for high speed cellular data and the need for more spectrum have

motivated the use of millimeter wave (mm-wave) carrier frequencies for future cellular networks,

where high gain adaptive antennas (Zhao, et al., 2013). The mm-Wave band has been attracting

great attention, since an enormous amount of bandwidth is available (Kim, Bang, & Sung, 2014).

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The millimeter-wave band is defined as the portion of the electromagnetic spectrum extending

from 30 - 300 GHz with corresponding wavelengths range of 10 - 1 mm. Historically, mm-wave

frequencies were used mostly for defense and radio astronomy applications mainly because of the

high cost and limited availability of electronic devices at these frequencies. The recent

advancement of silicon technology and the rapidly growing mm-wave applications markets (such

as automotive radars, high-resolution imaging and high-definition video transfer requirements)

necessitate the development of broadband, highly integrated, low power and low cost wireless

systems including high-efficiency planar antennas (Alhalabi, 2010).

Integrated planar antennas have gained a lot of interest in the past years for mm-wave applications

due to their low cost, ease of fabrication and potential for high efficiency operation. The small

wavelength at mm-wave frequencies is an advantage for the design of small and efficient antennas.

The size of the antenna is determined by the laws of physics; and for efficient radiation, the antenna

size should be of the order of half wavelength or larger. Therefore, for f = 30 - 300 GHz (λ = 10 -

1 mm), it is feasible to build antennas that are physically small and at the same time electrically

large enough to radiate efficiently. However, at mm-wave frequencies the losses are generally

higher than at lower frequencies; and the antenna designer needs to carefully design the antenna

and choose the appropriate substrate to minimize losses and achieve high radiation efficiency

(Alhalabi, 2010).

Due to its small wave length, mm-wave antenna size can be made smaller than conventional

cellular frequency wave. The small antenna size enables sharp beamforming or massive MIMO

technology (Lee, Song, Choi, & Park, 2015).

In 5G requirements, the antenna should at least have a gain of 12 dB and bandwidth more than

1 GHz (Jamaluddin, Kamarudin, & Khalily, 2016).

1. 4 Why at 28 GHz?

Unused or underutilized Local Multipoint Distribution Service (LMDS) broadband spectrum

exists at 28 GHz, and given the low atmospheric absorption, the spectrum at 28 GHz has very

comparable free space path loss as today’s 1-2 GHz cellular bands. In addition, but the rain

attenuation and oxygen loss does not significantly increase at 28 GHz, and, in fact, may offer better

propagation conditions as compared to today’s cellular networks when one considers the

availability of high gain adaptive antennas and cell sizes on the order of 200 meters (Zhao, et al.,

2013). As shown in Figure (1.1) atmospheric absorption at 28 GHz is the negligible (0.06 dB/km)

(Jr., Junhong Zhang, & Rappaport, 2013).

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1. 5 Literature review

Several mm-wave planar antenna configurations have been studied and designed for 5G

communication systems:

In (Senic, zivkovic, simic, & Sarolic, 2014) a good parametric study on the loss tangent influence

on antenna parameters. A similar parametric study is made in the thesis but using all substrate

parameters (loss tangent tan , dielectric constant r ,and substrate thickness.

A microstrip grid array antenna on an FR4 substrate in a standard PCB technology was presented

in (Chen & Zhang, 2013). It shows a -10 dB S11 bandwidth of 7.16 GHz from 23.86 to 31.02 GHz

and with a gain of 12.66 dB at 29.2 GHz. But using lossy material as FR4 leads to low radiation

efficiency, as will be shown later in this study. A 28 GHz mesh-grid antenna array is presented in (Hong, KwanghunBaek, Lee, & Kim, 2014) .

The array offers a fan-beam like radiation pattern with the main radiating structure composed of

an array of vias within a 10 layer FR4 PCB. The proposed array offers a -10 dB S11 bandwidth of

> 3 GHz with 3.5 dB single element simulated gain with > 10.9 dB gain of a 16-element array.

However, using multilayer technology in mobile antenna design leads in complexity in design and

fabrication and this results to expensive device. Here in this thesis we propose antenna with single

layer which is easy in fabrication and economic.

A 28 GHz wide scanning angle phased array with multi-polarization capabilities has been

presented in (Hong W. , Ko, Lee, & Baek, 2015) The phased array uses a printed Yagi-Uda antenna

fabricated on a 10-layer FR4 substrate with total thickness of 0.8 mm.

Figure (1.1): Air attenuation at different frequency bands (Jr., Junhong Zhang,

& Rappaport, 2013)

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A 28 GHz slot antenna array with ~5% bandwidth with gain equal to 13dB was presented in

(Alreshaid A. , Hammi, Sharawi, & Sarabandi, 2015). The occupied size of the presented 8 element

array was only 29.9×28.7×0.13 mm3. A good bandwidth in this paper, but large size relatively,

this study achieved 12.2dB gain in smaller size.

A switched beam planar array with center frequency at 28.5 GHz and with 1 GHz bandwidth was

presented in (Alreshaid, Hammi, & Sharawi, 2015) and showed a gain of 8 – 12 dB. The beams

radiated from the antenna array were steered to four different locations; ±20˚ and ± 45˚, the

scanning angle must be larger than 45˚ in order mobile antenna work well.

Conformal tapered slot antenna array was presented in (Ashraf, Haraz, & Alshebeili, 2015) with a

-10 dB S11 bandwidth of 14.8 GHz. Dielectric lenses were used to enhance the antenna gain to

more than 20 dB over a wide frequency range (24 – 40 GHz). The system presents four orthogonal

independent beams switched at the angle of ±14 degree along the co-ordinate axis. It is very short

scanning angle.

Millimeter Wave Antenna Arrays for 5G Cellular Applications was designed in (Gampala

&Reddy, 2016) to highlight the concept of massive MIMO that employs antenna arrays and

beamforming techniques to address the high data rate demands. The antenna is designed at 28


A new dense dielectric (DD) patch array antenna prototype operating at 28 GHz for future fifth

generation (5G) is presented in (HARAZ, ELBOUSHI, ALSHEBEILI, & SEBAK, 2014). The

proposed structure employs four circular-shaped DD patch radiator antenna elements fed by a 1-

to-4Wilkinson power divider. The measured impedance bandwidth of the proposed array antenna

ranges from 27 to beyond 32 GHz for a reflection coefficient (S11) of less than 10 dB with a total

realized gain more than 16 dB.The design based on multilayer technology which causes difficult

fabrication and high cost.

A mm-Wave microstrip antenna array is designed in (Hu, Yu, Hsaio, & Lin, 2015) at 38 GHz by

using a 64-element micorstrip patch antenna array with gain approximately equal 6.5 dB and

bandwidth approximately equal 2 GHz. However, the gain is low (6.5dB) with respect to elements

number which equals 64-elements.

A small beamforming antenna for the handset phone was designed in (Jang, Khattak, Jeon, Kim,

& Kahng, 2015) with a feed network adapted to the optimized feeding scheme. It is revealed that

the proposed four element 24-GHz resonance array antenna fits the placement in the top side of a

handset phone. The antenna efficiency is over 70 % and the peak-gain is greater than 8 dB up to

10.5 dB at the aforementioned target millimeter-wave frequency.

However, the radiation efficiency is low (70%) and the feeding technique is inset-feed which has

low bandwidth.

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1. 6 Thesis motivation

In this research, a comprehensive study of different parameters that affect antenna

performance, (such as antenna type, feeding technique, substrate dielectric constant, substrate

thickness, substrate loss tangent, etc.…), was carried out. The outcome of this study serves as a

design guide and is very useful for 5G mm-wave antenna designers. The usefulness of the study

is illustrated through the design of a planar antenna optimized for 5G communication systems. The

proposed antenna is designed in the 28 GHz range and has the following design characteristics:

The proposed antenna has a wide bandwidth of > 1 GHz over which the antenna has a good 50 Ω

impedance matching with S11 < -10 dB with stable radiation patterns able to support the expected

high data rates of the future 5G networks.

The proposed antenna has a high radiation efficiency to compensate for the extra path loss at mm-

wave frequencies. The higher antenna efficiency will also relief the power amplifier requirements

and will enhance the cell phone battery life.

It has a multi-polarization capability to reduce the polarization mismatch losses since the mobile

phone orientation does not remain fixed during normal use.

The proposed antenna design was optimized in a multi element array configuration to achieve

higher gain for better signal to noise ratio (SNR).

1. 7 Thesis overview

The thesis consists of five chapters:

Chapter one is an introduction about 5G communications, and its frequency band. Several antennas

designs for 5G antenna are introduced in the literature review.

Chapter two provides an overview of the theory of Antenna. The work in chapter 2 presents the

antenna parameters which describe the behavior of antenna, later in the same chapter, Microstrip

patch antenna and its design procedures are presented.

In chapter 3, a parametric study is performed to choose the best design for 28GHz antenna. The

parametric study contains the microstrip antenna parameters such as (feeding technique, substrate

dielectric constant, substrate thickness, substrate loss tangent).

In chapter four antenna array designs are presented, the array is constructed from the best design

in chapter 3. Single and dual polarized antenna array are also presented to satisfy 5G

communication requirements.

The last chapter presents the conclusions drawn from the current work and also future work.

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Chapter 2

Antenna Theory

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Chapter 2

Antenna Theory


Antenna can be defined as " the transition between a guided EM wave and a free-space EM wave

and vice-versa (Kraus, Antennas, 1988) as we can see in Figure (2.1):

Antenna can be made as a transmitter or as a receiver, it is reciprocal device, as shown in Figure

(2.1) an antenna represents the area of transition between free-space wave and guided wave.

Thus, an antenna is a transducer or transition device, between a guided wave and free-space

wave, or vice versa (Kraus & Marhefka, 2002). The guiding device or transmission line can be

either a coaxial line or a hollow pipe (waveguide) (Balanis C. , 2005).

The antenna system can be modeled as an electrical circuit, as in Figure (2.2) we can see A

transmission-line Thevenin equivalent of the antenna system in the transmitting mode, where the

source is represented by an ideal generator, the transmission line is represented by a line with

characteristic impedance Zc, and the antenna is represented by a load ZA [ZA = (RL + Rr) + jXA]

connected to the transmission line. RL is referred to the conduction and dielectric losses associated

with the antenna structure so L c dR R R while rR , is used to represent the radiation resistance,

which represents radiation by the antenna. The reactance XA is used to represent the imaginary

part of the impedance associated with radiation by the antenna. The aim here is to transform all

the energy from the generator to the to the radiation resistance Rr, but this is ideal case (Balanis

C. , 2005).

Figure (2.1): The antenna as a transition structure, for a transmitting antenna and for a receiving

(Kraus & Marhefka, 2002).

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Maxwell’s equations

Electromagnetic theory is fundamental to understanding of microwave antennas, (SILVER, 1949)

and its present form was founded by James Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879), whose efforts led to the

discovery of electromagnetic waves , The laws of electromagnetism that Maxwell put together in

the form of four equations are presented in Table (2.1): (Sadiku, 2007)

Table (2.1): Generalized Forms of Maxwell's Equations (Sadiku, 2007)

Differential Form Integral Form Remarks

v D . v

s v

d dv D S

Gauss's law

0 B . 0s

d B S

Nonexistence of isolated

magnetic charge


ΒE . .


dI dt


Faraday’s law


DH J . .

L s

dI dSt


Ampere’s circuit law

The first and the second are Gauss’ laws for the electric and magnetic fields, the third is Faraday’s

law of induction, the forth is Ampere’s law as amended by Maxwell to include the displacement

current ∂ D /∂t.

∂ D /∂t in Ampere’s law is displacement current term which is essential in predicting the

existence of propagating electromagnetic waves. The quantities E and H represent the electric

and magnetic field intensities and are measured in units of [volt/m] and [ampere/m], respectively.

Figure (2.2): Transmission-line Thevenin equivalent of antenna in

transmitting mode (Balanis C. , 2005)

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The quantities D and Β are the electric and magnetic flux densities and are in units of

[coulomb/m2] and [weber/m2], or [Tesla].

The quantities ρ and J are the volume charge density and electric current density

(charge flux) of any external charges (that is, not including any induced polarization

charges and currents.) They are measured in units of [coulomb/m3] and [ampere/m2].

The right-hand side of the second equation is zero because there are no magnetic monopole charges

(Orfanidis, 2004).

Antenna Parameters

In order to understand the performance of an antenna, definitions of various parameters are

necessary (Balanis C. , 2005), that are used to characterize the performance of an antenna when

designing and measuring antennas. We can classify antenna parameters in to two kinds, first

antenna parameters from the field point of view which include the radiation pattern, beamwidth,

directivity, gain, polarization and the bandwidth, and the second antenna parameters from the

circuit point of view which include input impedance, radiation resistance, reflection coefficient,

return loss, VSWR and bandwidth (Huang & Boyle, Antennas from Theory to Practice, 2008).

2.3. 1 Radiation Pattern

The radiation pattern of an antenna is a plot of the radiated field/power as a function of the angle

at a fixed distance, which should be large enough to be considered far field (Huang & Boyle,

Antennas from Theory to Practice, 2008).

Since the radiation pattern is the variation of the radiated electric field over a sphere centered on

the antenna, r is constant and we have only θ and φ variations of the field. We can normalize the

Figure (2.3): Radiation lobes and beamwidths of an antenna pattern [1]

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field expression such that its maximum value is unity (Stutzman & Thiele, 2013):

( , )(max)




where ( , )f is the normalized field pattern and E (max) is the maximum value of the

magnitude of E over a sphere of radius r.

Radiation Pattern Lobes can be classified into major or main, minor, side, and back lobes as

shown in Figure (2.3), A major lobe (also called main beam) is defined as “the radiation lobe

containing the direction of maximum radiation.” A minor lobe is any lobe except a major lobe.

There are three common radiation patterns that are used to describe an antenna's radiation


Isotropic- An ideal lossless antenna having equal radiation in all directions, Directional- An

antenna having the property of radiating or receiving electromagnetic waves more effectively in

some directions than in others and Omnidirectional- An antenna having an essentially non-

directional pattern in a given plane and a directional pattern in any orthogonal plane. Directional

or omnidirectional radiation properties are needed depending on the practical application.

Omnidirectional patterns are normally desirable in mobile and hand-held systems.

2.3. 2 Beamwidth

The definition of beamwidth of an antenna pattern is the angular separation between two identical

points on opposite side of the pattern maximum. There are a number of beamwidths in an antenna

pattern. The Half-Power Beamwidth (HPBW) is the most important one, which is defined by IEEE

as (Balanis C. , 2005) : “In a plane containing the direction of the maximum of a beam, the angle

between the two directions in which the radiation intensity is one-half value of the beam”, the First

Null Beamwidth (FNBW) is defined as the angular separation between the first nulls of the pattern.

Both the HPBW and FNBW are shown in Figure(2.3).

2.3. 3 Directivity

Directivity is very important antenna parameter which defined as the ratio of the radiation intensity

in a given direction from the antenna to the radiation intensity averaged over all directions. The

average radiation intensity is equal to the total power radiated by the antenna divided by 4π.

Simply, the directivity of a nonisotropic source is equal to the ratio of its radiation intensity in a

given direction over that of an isotropic source. In mathematical form, it can be written as

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If the direction is not specified, it implies the direction of maximum radiation intensity

(maximum directivity) expressed as (Balanis C. , 2005)


D = directivity (dimensionless)

0D = maximum directivity (dimensionless)

U = radiation intensity (W/unit solid angle)

maxU = maximum radiation intensity (W/unit solid angle)

0U = radiation intensity of isotropic source (W/unit solid angle)

radP = total radiated power (W)

2.3. 4 Antenna Efficiency

There are a number of antenna efficiencies, the total antenna efficiency e0 is used to take into

account losses at the input terminals and within the structure of the antenna (Balanis C. , 2005),

such losses may be due, referring to Figure (2.4), to

1. reflections because of the mismatch between the transmission line and the antenna

2. I 2R losses (conduction and dielectric)

In general, the overall efficiency can be written as (Balanis C. , 2005) :

0 r c de e e e (2.4)


( , ) 4 ( , )( , )





max max

max 0







Figure (2.4): antenna losses (Reflection, conduction and dielectric)

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0e = total efficiency (dimensionless)

re = reflection(mismatch) efficiency = ( 21 ) (dimensionless)

ce = conduction efficiency (dimensionless)

de = dielectric efficiency (dimensionless)

= voltage reflection coefficient at the input terminals of the antenna

0 0( ) / ( )in inZ Z Z Z where inZ = antenna input impedance,

0Z = characteristic impedance of the transmission line]

2.3. 5 Antenna radiation efficiency

In general, an efficiency factor is the ratio of wanted power to total power supplied (Stutzman &

Thiele, 2013), so antenna efficiency can be defined as the ratio between the radiated power ( rP )

to the input power ( inP ) (Volakis, 2007), Figure (2.5) shows the reference points for input and

output power.

cd c de e e = antenna radiation efficiency (2.5)

Total Antenna efficiency = (radiation efficiency) x (mismatch loss) (Bevelacqua, Antenna-, n.d.)


r r

in r

P Pe



Figure (2.5): Antenna reference terminals (Balanis C. , 2005)

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rP = power radiated

0P = power dissipated in ohmic losses on the antenna

inP = 0rP P = input power = power accepted by the antenna

2.3. 6 Antenna Gain

Gain is a useful measure that describe the antenna performance, the gain of the antenna is closely

related to the directivity, it is a measure that takes into account the efficiency of the antenna as

well as its directional capabilities (Balanis C. , 2005). The only difference between gain and

directivity is the value of the power used. Directivity can be viewed as the gain of an antenna

would have if all input power appeared as radiated power, that is, inP = rP . Gain includes the fact

that real antennas do not behave in this fashion and some of the input power is lost on the antenna

as (Stutzman & Thiele, 2013) :


2.3. 7 Bandwidth

The bandwidth can be considered to be the range of frequencies, where on each side of a center

frequency the antenna characteristics (such as input impedance, pattern, beamwidth, polarization,

side lobe level, gain, beam direction, radiation efficiency) are within an acceptable value of those

at the center frequency (at -10 dB) (Balanis C. , 2005). For narrowband antennas, the bandwidth

is expressed as a percentage of the frequency difference (upper minus lower) over the center

frequency of the bandwidth this called as fractional bandwidth of the antenna (FBW) (Balanis C.

, 2005).

For example, a 5% bandwidth for 28 GHz antenna means that the bandwidth of our antenna is

28 GHz *0.05 = 1.4 GHz,

The fractional bandwidth FBW is given by ( - Fractional Bandwidth, 2017):



f fFBW




FBW – Fractional bandwidth

Hf – Upper frequency in Hz

rG e D

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Lf – Lower frequency in Hz

cf – Centre frequency in Hz

2.3. 8 Input Impedance

Input impedance is defined as “the impedance presented by an antenna at its terminals or the ratio

of the voltage to current at a pair of terminals or the ratio of the appropriate components of the

electric to magnetic fields at a point.” (Balanis C. , 2005) The input impedance of an antenna

(antenna impedance) will be influenced by other antennas or objects that are nearby, antenna

impedance is composed of real and imaginary parts as (Stutzman & Thiele, 2013) :

Antenna can be modeled as shown in Figure (2.6):

The input resistance, AR , represents dissipation which occurs in two ways. Power that leaves the

antenna and never returns (i.e., radiation) is one part of the dissipation. There are also ohmic losses

just as in a lumped resistor. Electrically small antennas can have significant ohmic losses but other

antennas usually have ohmic losses that are small compared to their radiation dissipation. The

input reactance, AX , represents power stored in the near fields of the antenna. The input resistance

can be written as (Stutzman & Thiele, 2013)


rR : radiation resistance

A A AZ R jX (2.9)

0A rR R R (2.10)

Figure (2.6): Equivalent model for a transmitting antenna

(Stutzman & Thiele, 2013).

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0R : is the resistance associated with ohmic losses

2.3. 9 Polarization

Polarization of an antenna is the polarization of the wave transmitted from antenna which can be

defined as " that property of an electromagnetic wave describing the time-varying direction and

relative magnitude of the electric-field vector (Balanis C. , 2005). The polarization of a plane wave

is the figure of the instantaneous electric field traces out with time at a fixed observation point as

shown in Figure (2.7) (Stutzman & Thiele, 2013). In the far field at any point of an antenna the

radiated wave can be represented by a plane wave whose electric-field strength is the same as that

of the wave and whose direction of propagation is in the radial direction from the antenna (Balanis

C. , 2005).

There are three types of antenna polarization as linear, circular, and elliptical:

linearly polarized: if the vector that describes the electric field at a point in space as a function

of time is always directed along a line.

Elliptically polarized: if the electric field traces is an ellipse.

circularly polarized: if the electric field vector remains constant in length but rotates around

in a circular path (Stutzman & Thiele, 2013).

Linear and circular polarizations are special cases of elliptical, and they can be obtained

when the ellipse becomes a straight line or a circle, respectively.

Microstrip Antennas

In recent years Microstrip antennas have been one of the most important topics in antenna theory

and design, and are increasingly used in a wide range of modern microwave systems (Pozar D. M.,

1992) . Microstrip "patch" antenna can be defined as that antenna which made from patches of

conducting material on a dielectric substrate above a ground plane (Balanis C. , 2005). microstrip

antennas are used because of their low cost, Low weight, low size, With simple feed (Nair, Bharati

A., & S.S., 2015).

Figure (2.7): The spatial behavior of the electric (solid) and magnetic

(dashed) fields of a linearly (vertical) polarized wave for a fixed instant of

time (Stutzman & Thiele, 2013)

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• Microstrip Antenna Advantages and limitations:

Microstrip antenna has many benefits when comparing with other microwave antennas types.

These advantages are (Gang, Bhartia, Bahl, & Ittipiboon, 2001) (Bancroft, 2009)[13]

Low weight, low size, and thin profile configuration.

Ease to design and fabricate.

Low fabrication cost.

Many designs readily produce linear or circular polarization Dual frequency and

dual polarization can be achieved easily.

Can easily conform to a curved surface of a vehicle or product.

It is easy to be integrated with microwave integrated circuits.

Feed lines and matching networks can be fabricated simultaneously with antenna


An array of microstrip antennas can be used to form a pattern that is difficult to

synthesize using a single element.

Smart antennas can be designed when microstrip antennas are combined with

phase shifters or PIN-diode switches.

• and the disadvantages are (Gang, Bhartia, Bahl, & Ittipiboon, 2001) (Bancroft, 2009) (, n.d.) :

Narrow bandwidth (1%), while mobiles need (8%).

Lower gain (~6 dB)

Poor antenna efficiency.

Sensitivity to environmental factors such as temperature and humidity.

An array suffers presence of feed network decreasing efficiency.

2.4.1 Basic Characteristics

The idea of the microstrip antenna dates back to the 1950’s (Pozar D. , 1992). The antenna

structure is shown in Figure (2.8) (a)Microstrip antenna consist of a very thin ( 0t , where 0

is the free-space wavelength) metallic strip (patch) placed a small fraction of a wavelength (

0h , usually 0 00.003 0.05h ) above a ground plane. (Balanis C. , 2005).

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The maximum pattern of the patch is normal to the patch (broadside radiator). For a rectangular

patch, (L) represents the length of the patch which usually 0 0/ 3 / 2L , which controls the

antenna frequency and (W) represents the patch width which is smaller than λ0 but it can not be

too small otherwise the antenna becomes a microstrip line but not a radiator (Huang & Boyle,

Antennas from Theory to Practice, 2008). The width controls the input resistance of the patch

antenna .The ground plane is separated by a dielectric sheet (the substrate), as shown in Figure

(2.8) (b) (Balanis C. , 2005). A patch antenna has again between 5-6 dB and exhibits 3dB

beamwidth between 70o and 90o (Gang, Bhartia, Bahl, & Ittipiboon, 2001). The patch is fed by a

microstrip line which structure is similar to microstrip antenna. The radiation from microstrip line

is sometimes undesired. The microstrip line radiation can be reduced if thin substrate is used with

higher relative dielectric constant. On the other hand, thick substrates with low permittivity are

used for microstrip antennas because the radiation is the target of the antenna (Gang, Bhartia, Bahl,

& Ittipiboon, 2001).

2.4.2 Feeding techniques:

Microstrip patch antennas have radiating elements on the upper side of its dielectric substrate,

feeding of this patch is by a microstrip line or a coaxial probe through the ground plane which was

used early (Gang, Bhartia, Bahl, & Ittipiboon, 2001). Both the microstrip feed line and the probe

possess inherent asymmetries which generate higher order modes which produce cross-polarized

radiation (Balanis C. , 2005). After that a number of new feeding configurations have been

improved, such as proximity-coupled microstrip feed and aperture coupled microstrip feed (Gang,

Bhartia, Bahl, & Ittipiboon, 2001), the antenna feeding techniques are as follow:

(a)Microstrip antenna (Balanis C. , 2005) (b)Side view (Balanis C. , 2005)

Figure (2.8): Microstrip antenna and coordinate system.

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1- Coaxial-line feeds: where the inner conductor of the coax is attached to the radiation patch

while the outer conductor is connected to the ground plane (Balanis C. , 2005). But in this study

coaxial probe feeder is excluded because coaxial connectors cannot be used to feed printed

antennas as their operation is limited to frequencies below 26.5 GHz (Ayoub & Christodoulou,

2014),This technique gives good results up to 20 GHz, but not for mm-Waves. (Liu, Gaucher,

Pfeiffer, & Grzyb, 2009).

2- Microstrip (coplanar) feeds

It is a natural choice to excite the microstrip antenna by a microstrip line because the patch can be

considered an extension of the microstrip line, and both easily can be fabricated on the same plane

simultaneously (Gang, Bhartia, Bahl, & Ittipiboon, 2001). The microstrip feed line width is usually

much smaller compared to the patch. The microstrip-line feed is simple to match by controlling

the inset position and rather simple to model. However, as the substrate thickness increases, surface

waves and spurious feed radiation increase, which for practical designs limit the bandwidth

(typically 2–5%) (Balanis C. , 2005). Microstrip (coplanar) feeds include more than one

configuration such as Inset Feed, Quarter-Wavelength Transmission Line and Coupled (Indirect)


A) Inset Feed:

The input impedance of the patch at the edge is high 150–300 ohms (Balanis C. , 2005). If the

feeder is connected at the antenna edge as shown in Figure (2.9) impedance mismatch will occur,

so the feeder must be modified. Since the current is low at the ends of a half-wave patch and

increases in magnitude toward the center the input impedance (Z=V/I) could be reduced if the

patch was fed closer to the center. (Bevelacqua,, 2017)

One method of doing this is by using an inset feed (a distance R from the end) as shown in

Figure (2.10). The inset length can be calculated from (Huang & Boyle, Antennas from Theory

to Practice, 2008)


0 0( ) ( 0)cosin inR x x R x xL



0x : inset length

( 0)inR x : the antenna resistance at the edge in ohm

L: the length of the Microstrip antenna

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Figure (2.10): Patch Antenna with an Inset Feed.

(Bevelacqua,, 2017)

Figure (2.9): unmatched microstrip antenna

(Bevelacqua,, 2017)

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B) Fed with a Quarter-Wavelength Transmission Line:

A quarter-wavelength transmission line with characteristic impedance Z1 can be used to match

microstrip antenna to a transmission line of characteristic impedance Z0 (Bevelacqua, Antenna-, 2017) as shown in Figure (2.11):

The target is to match antenna input impedance (ZA) to the transmission line (Z0), after

transformation the impedance seen from the beginning of the quarter-wavelength line becomes by

(Pozar D. M., Microwave Engineering, 2012) :

1 0( * )AZ Z Z


C) Gap Coupled Feeds:

Sometimes microstrip antenna are not directly fed at its edge. Alternatively, gap coupled fed can

be used where etched gap separates the microstrip feeder from the microstrip antenna as shown in

Figure (2.12), so power moves from feeder to antenna indirectly by coupling (Bevelacqua,, 2017).







Figure (2.11): Patch antenna with a quarter-wavelength matching section

(Bevelacqua,, 2017) .

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Gap coupled feed strip is good choice as the patch can be considered as an extension of the feed

strip, and both can be fabricated together on one plane, without much wastage of the substrate

material. The gap-coupled capacitive feed strip requires a narrow gap width for efficient coupling

of power (S.Sarkar, 2013).

The advantage of the gap coupled feed is that it provides good impedance bandwidth (S.Sarkar,

2013). Figure (2.13) shows the equivalent circuit of electromagnetically gap- coupled capacitive

feed strip.

3) Aperture-coupling feeds

Non-contacting feeds have been developed for microstrip antennas in recent years. The aperture

coupling feeder is one of the non-contacting feeds, its structure as shown in Figure (2.14) consists

of two substrates separated by a ground plane. The microstrip feed line lies on the bottom side of

Figure (2.12): Gap Coupled (indirect) inset feed.

Figure (2.13): Equivalent circuit of a rectangular patch fed by a single gap

(Ononchimeg, Bang, & Ahn, 2010) .

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the lower substrate, slotted ground plane is between the two substrates, the energy from the feed

line is coupled to the patch through that slot (Balanis C. , 2005) (Pozar D. , 1992). The upper

substrate can be made with a lower permittivity to produce broadly wide fringing fields, yielding

better radiation. The lower substrate is made with a high value of permittivity for tightly coupled

fields that do not produce spurious radiation (Bevelacqua,, 2017). The

disadvantage of this method is increased difficulty in fabrication. The patch is shielded from the

feeder radiation by the ground plane and minimizes interference of spurious radiation for pattern

formation and polarization purity.

4) Proximity coupling feed:

A structure of this antenna is shown in Figure (2.15). It has two substrate layers with an open end

microstrip line between the two substrates (the top of the lower substrate) and the patch on the top

layer, the two layers can be selected to reduce spurious radiation from the open end of the

microstrip and to increase the bandwidth. This type of feeding has the largest bandwidth ~13%,

and the improvement of the bandwidth value can be controlled by changing the open stub

parameters (Garg, Microstrip antenna design handbook, 2001). The fabrication of a Proximity feed

is somewhat more difficult (Balanis C. , 2005).

Figure (2.14): Aperture coupled feed (Bevelacqua,,


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2.4.3 Designing Rectangular Microstrip Antenna

Designing a rectangular microstrip antenna, needs to choose the substrate material with

thickness h, dielectric permittivity "constant" εr and the target center "resonant" frequency fr in

Hz, then determine the antenna dimensions: antenna width W and length L.

This can be calculated by the following steps (Huang & Boyle, Antennas from Theory to

Practice, 2008):

Step 1: For efficient radiator, calculate the width W from the equation (2.14)

where c is the free space light velocity

step 2: Determine the effective dielectric constant eff from equation (2.15) :

1 1

22 1 12

r reff





2 1r r




Figure (2.15): Patch antenna fed by proximity coupling (Grilo &

Correra, 2015) .

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step 3: Determine the incremental length L generated by the fringing fields from

equation (2.16):

( 0.3)( 0.264)


( 0.258)( 0.8)




hL hW



step 4: Determine the effective length effL of the patch by equation (2.17) then determine the

actual length L of the patch by equation (2.18):


r eff




2effL L L


After that the antenna can be simulated using any simulation tool such as ADS Agilent or CST,

and its parameters can be optimized to obtain optimum characteristics.

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Chapter 3

Single element design

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Chapter 3

Single Element Design

The design of an efficient printed antenna requires a good understanding of how different design

parameters affect the antenna performance. These parameters, for printed antennas, include the

selection of substrate with appropriate dielectric constant (r ), dielectric loss tangent ( tan ),

substrate thickness (h), antenna shape and feeding technique. This chapter presents the simulation

results of a parametric study of these parameters at mm-Wave frequencies (27 - 29 GHz). This

study can serve as a design guide for researchers and antenna designers who are willing to design

efficient mm-Wave microstrip patch antennas for 5G communications.

3.1 Antenna Substrate:

The antenna substrate has a direct impact on the antenna size and performance. The main substrate

parameters that need to be considered when designing planar antennas are:

- Substrate thickness (h).

- Dielectric constant (휀𝑟).

- Substrate Loss Tangent (tan 𝛿).

- Copper cladding thickness (t).

Figure (3.1): edge-fed microstrip patch antenna (top view).

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3.1.1 Substrate Thickness:

A low loss Teflon-based RT/duroid 5880 substrate (RT/duroid® 5880 Laminates, 2017) was

chosen to perform the study of the substrate thickness impact on antenna performance. This

substrate has a dielectric constant r = 2.2 and loss tangent tan = 0.0009. An edge-fed microstrip

patch antenna was used in the study as shown in Figure (3.1) and Figure (3.2). Figure (3.3) presents

the simulated real and imaginary parts of the antenna input impedance for five different substrate

thicknesses. The simulated input impedance is referenced at ref. plane 1 (see Figure (3.1). The

antenna dimensions were slightly adjusted for each substrate thickness so that the antenna

resonates at ~28 GHz. It can be seen from Figure (3.3) (a) that as the substrate thickness increases

from 0.127 mm to 0.787 mm, the real part of the input impedance increases from ~ 207 Ω to ~ 322

Ω at 28 GHz. This increase in the real part of the antenna impedance can be attributed to an increase

in the antenna radiation efficiency or an increase in the antenna losses. The real part of the antenna

input impedance can be written as (Stutzman & Thiele, 2013) :

A r lossR R R


Where AR is the total real part of the antenna input impedance, lossR is the part of the antenna

input resistance that accounts for different loss mechanisms in the antenna (conductor losses,

dielectric losses, surface waves, etc…) while rR is the radiation resistance which represents the

part of the input power to the antenna that is transferred into radiated electromagnetic waves.

Figure (3.2): 3D geometry for edge-fed microstrip patch


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Figure (3.3): simulated (a) real and (b) imaginary parts of the antenna input impedance for five different

substrate thicknesses

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The simulated radiation efficiency is presented in Figure (3.4). It can be seen from the figure that

the radiation efficiency increases from 81.1% for substrate thickness of 0.127 mm to 92.8% for

substrate thickness of 0.381 mm. This increase in radiation efficiency explains the increase in

antenna resistance from 207 at 0.127mm substrate thickness to 241 at 0.381mm substrate

thickness. The efficiency then starts to decrease again and reaches an efficiency of 88.2% at

substrate thickness of 0.787 mm. The low efficiency at 0.127 mm substrate thickness can be

explained by the fact that at such a low thickness, the microstrip patch is very close to the ground

plane. The electric field lines are therefore strongly attached to the ground plane.

Figure (3.4): Simulated radiation efficiency vs. frequency at different substrate thickness.

Figure (3.5): Simulated antenna S11 vs. frequency at different substrate thickness

(at ref. plane 2).

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This means more energy is being stored, and less power is being radiated. As the thickness

increases, the capacitance to ground is reduced and more power is being radiated which results in

an improved efficiency. As the thickness increases further, more power is coupled to substrate

modes and the efficiency decreases again. The coupling to unwanted substrate modes means higher

losses and increased value of lossR . This explains the reason behind the continuous increase in the

antenna resistance beyond 0.381 mm substrate thickness.

The simulated S11 (referenced at ref. plane2) is presented in Figure (3.5). It is clear from the

figure that the antenna bandwidth increases as the substrate thickness increases. The bandwidth

increase is due to the reduction in the antenna Quality factor (Q) either due to the increased

radiation resistance or increased losses in the antenna.

In summary, the antenna substrate thickness is limited on the lower and upper boundaries by

different mechanisms. On the lower end, the substrate thickness is limited by the fact that smaller

substrate thickness means higher capacitance to ground. This results in reduced fringing fields and

lower radiation. It also results in higher Quality factor (Q) and reduced bandwidth. On the upper

end, the substrate thickness is limited by two mechanisms. The first one is the excitation of

unwanted substrate modes. The higher the antenna substrate thickness, the more power is lost and

coupled to the substrate modes which in turn lowers the antenna radiation efficiency. The second

mechanism that limits the maximum allowable substrate thickness for microstrip line-fed antennas

is the fact that the width of a 50 Ω microstrip line increases as the substrate thickness increases

and it can be wider than the width of the microstrip antenna itself.

The simulation results suggest a suitable substrate thickness of ~ 0.381mm (0.036λ0 at 28 GHz)

for optimum antenna performance which falls within the substrate thicknesses recommended in

page 812 in (Balanis C. , 2005) and presented here:

0 00.003 0.05h (3.2)

The simulated antenna impedance matching bandwidth (S11 < -10 dB) and radiation efficiency at

28 GHz vs. substrate thickness are summarized below in Table (3.1):

Table (3.1): Simulated antenna parameters at different substrate thicknesses



Efficiency (%)

@ 28 GHz


bandwidth (%)

Impedance matching

absolute bandwidth


Substrate thickness


81.05 1.51 423 0.127

92.68 2.7 745 0.254

92.83 2.4 961 0.381

91.21 4.2 1170 0.508

88.22 6.8 1893 0.787

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3.1.2 Dielectric Constant ( r ):

The Substrate dielectric constant (r ) affects the antenna performance in a similar way to the

substrate thickness. A lower value of ( r ) for the antenna substrate means lower capacitance to

ground. This will increase the fringing field at the patch periphery, and thus the radiated power

(Garg, Microstrip antenna design handbook, 2001). On the other side, a higher value of ( r ) results

in higher capacitance from the patch antenna to the ground plane and therefore more energy storage

and less power radiation. There are numerous substrates that can be used for the design of

microstrip antennas, and their dielectric constants are usually in the range of 2.2 ≤ r ≤ 12. The

ones that are most desirable for good antenna performance are thick substrates whose dielectric

constant is in the lower end of the range because they provide better efficiency, larger bandwidth,

loosely bound fields for radiation into space, but at the expense of larger element size (Pozar D. ,


Figure (3.6) presents the simulated S11 of an edge-fed microstrip patch antenna on two different

substrates with two different dielectric constants ( r = 2.2 and 4.4). The dielectric losses in the

substrates were assumed to be negligible and the loss tangents of the two substrates were assumed

to be 0. A slight improvement in the antenna S11 bandwidth can be seen in the r = 2.2 when

compared to the r = 4.4 case. This bandwidth improvement is clearly due to the improved antenna

radiation (lowered Q). Figure (3.7) presents the simulated radiation efficiency vs. frequency at two

different substrate dielectric constants. As expected, the radiation efficiency for the r = 2.2 case

is higher than the r = 4.4 case since the fields are less tight to the ground plane in the r = 2.2

Figure (3.6): simulated S11 for two different substrate dielectric constants. Substrate

thickness = 0.381 mm.

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case, which means the capacitance to ground is lower. Table (3.2) summarizes the simulation


Table (3.2): Simulated antenna parameters at two different Dielectric Constant (r ) values,

substrate thickness = 0.381 mm, tan = 0



Efficiency (%)

@ 28 GHz


bandwidth (%)

Impedance matching

absolute bandwidth


Dielectric constant

(εr) 94.1 3.8 1061 2.2

89.6 3.3 933 4.4

3.1.3 Substrate Loss Tangent:

Different loss mechanisms affect the antenna performance in different ways. These losses

include: conductor losses, dielectric losses and surface wave losses. The dielectric loss tangent

represents the losses associated with substrate dielectric material. The loss tangent ( tan ) of the

,where dQ is the quality factor antenna substrate can be expressed by

associated with dielectric losses (losses in the antenna substrate dielectric material) which is

defined as the ratio of stored energy to the power lost in the antenna substrate dielectric constant

as shown in equation (3.3) in (Garg, Microstrip antenna design handbook, 2001) pg. 281.

tan 1/ dQ

Figure (3.7): simulated radiation efficiency vs. frequency. (substrate thickness


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Figure (3.8): simulated antenna S11 vs. freq for different substrate loss tangent. h =

0.381mm, = 2.2

Figure (3.9): simulated radiation efficiency vs. frequency for different substrate loss


h = 0.381mm, = 2.2

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r T






dP : represents the power dissipated in the antenna substrate dielectric material.

r : is the resonant frequency

TW : is the total energy stored per cycle at the resonant frequency

It can be seen in Figure (3.8) and Figure (3.9) as the antenna loss tangent increases, the antenna

quality factor is reduced which results in lower radiation efficiency but it also results in improved

antenna matched S11 bandwidth.

3.1.4 Copper cladding depth selection:

metallic loss (in neper per meter) increases with frequency. Metallic loss of one microstrip line

can be calculated using the equation (3.4) (Advanced millimeter-Wave Technologies, 2009) :



c s





c (dB/unit length): conductor loss in the strip conductor

f : operated frequency

W : the line width

𝛿𝑠 ∶ the skin depth

where s is the skin depth, 0Z is the characteristic impedance and W the line width.

from this equation we can notice that metallic losses increases by increasing s , so if we want

to select one of the standard s values ( 8µm , 17 µm , 35 µm ,70 µm ) from RT/duroid 5880

datasheet , we can choose the lowest value ( 8µm ) in order to achieve lowest ohmic losses .

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3.2 Feeding techniques:

In this study, we aim to investigate different feeding techniques specification mentioned in chapter

2 in order to obtain the best one, where the feeding technique selection depends on the application

of the antenna. The best technique here is according to antenna efficiency, broad bandwidth, easy

to use in antenna array and easy fabrication.

Substrate thickness and loss tangent values for all designs are 0.381mm and 0.0009 respectively.

The input impedance of the antenna should match with the source impedance which for all RF

sources and microwave sources is 50 Ω (Chakravarthy, 2016)

A) Inset Feed:

When the patch is fed by a source, the edge nearer to the source has infinite impedance because of

zero current at the open circuit edge and at the middle of the patch, the impedance is zero because

of maximum current at the patch center. Hence, a 50 Ω input impedance feed point is selected by

moving closer to the patch center by length equal to R as presented in Figure (2.10).

According to equation (2.11), ( 0)inR x at ref. plane 1 =241 Ω, 0( )inR x x = 50 Ω, after

calculating this equation 0x is founded to equal 0.1 mm, hence the antenna is matched with 50 Ω

feeding line.

B) Fed with a Quarter-Wavelength Transmission Line:

The structure of this feeding technique is presented in Figure (2.11) and the formula for

matching the antenna with 50 Ω in equation (2.13), so we can calculate the impedance

easily using this formula

1 241*50 110Z Ω

Using lineCalc tool in ADS agilent 2014, the transformer width can be calculated to be 0.27 mm,

with length equal to 2 mm, hence the antenna is matched with 50 Ω feeding line.

C) Gap Coupled Feeds:

This feeding technique is similar to inset feed technique, but the feeder does not touch the antenna,

the feeding here is indirect by a very small gap, the equivalent circuit for this type is illustrated in

Figure (2.13), as a capacitive load in order to increase the antenna bandwidth to be larger than 1

GHz. There is no formula to calculate the gap width around the 50Ω feeder line as shown in Figure

(3.10). A parametric study was made to obtain the best results as in Table (3.1).

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Table (3.3): parametric study for gap width and inset length on antenna parameters

gap = 0.1 mm

Impedance matching

absolute bandwidth


Fractional bandwidth


Antenna radiation

Efficiency (%) @ 28


d =0.9 1040 3.7 90

d =1.0 1110 3.96 91

d =1.2 1234 4.4 91.8

d =1.35 1245 4.44 91.8

d =1.45 1226 4.38 91.9

d =1.5 1216 4.34 91.8

After that another value of gap = 0.03 was selected with changing the value of d, the

results was as follow :

gap = 0.03 mm Impedance matching

absolute bandwidth


Fractional bandwidth


Antenna radiation

Efficiency (%) @ 28


d=0 (flat patch ) 1285 4.58 91.3

d =0.07 1376 4.91 91.8

d =0.08 1396 4.98 91.8

d =0.09 1410 5.03 91.7

d =0.1 1416 5.06 91.6

d =0.2 1471 5.25 91.2

d =0.3 1485 5.3 90.1

d =0.4 1427 5.1 89.3

Figure (3.10): single element geometry with gap coupled feeding

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Here the d value is fixed at 1.13 mm and different values of gap were used

d=1.13mm Impedance matching

absolute bandwidth


Fractional bandwidth


Antenna radiation

Efficiency (%) @ 28


gap = 0.05 1267 4.5 88.8

gap = 0.09 1274 4.55 91.9

gap = 0.1 1215 4.34 91.6

gap = 0.12 1089 3.89 90.6

gap = 0.14 860 3.07 88.3

gap = 0.19 440 1.57 83

From the previous results, one design is selected to be the optimum design according to

bandwidth and radiation efficiency value with constrain of gap value to be equal or greater

than 0.1 mm in order to be easy for fabrication. It can be observed that at gap=0.1 mm and

d=1.35mm the bandwidth is equal to 1245 and the radiation efficiency is equal to 91.8 %

which the optimum values in this design.

D) Aperture-coupling feeds

It is Non-contacting feeder, an electromagnetic coupling between feeder and microstrip

patch occurs cross the ground aperture as shown in the antenna structure in Figure (2.14).

The dimensions in Figure (3.11) were useful in selecting the optimum values of width and

length of the slot in the ground and the thickness of the lower substrate.

The upper substrate thickness is 0.381 mm with dielectric constant r =2.2, where the lower

substrate has the same thickness and r =4.5 with a high value of permittivity for tightly coupled

fields that do not produce spurious radiation, the slot dimensions were 2*0.4 mm2.

Figure (3.11): feed substrate and slot dimensions (Civerolo, 2010)

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E) Proximity coupling feed:

This type of feeding is also Non-contacting feeder, the feeder is between two substrates as

shown in Figure (2.15), with the same layers used in the previous design, the open stub

parameters controls the impedance matching to be 50Ω.

The results of simulation for different feeding techniques illustrated in Figure (3.12) and

Figure (3.13).

Figure (3.13): simulated radiation efficiency freq for different feeding techniques tangent. h = 0.381mm,

= 2.2

Figure (3.12): simulated antenna S11 vs. freq for different feeding techniques tangent. h = 0.381mm, = 2.2

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And the results can be summarized in Table (3.4):

Table (3.4): Simulated antenna parameters at different feeding techniques

Feeding technique

Impedance matching

absolute bandwidth


Fractional bandwidth


Antenna radiation

Efficiency (%) @ 28


Edge feed 1061 3.79 93

Inset feed 816 2.91 91.6

Gap coupled feed 1225 4.38 91.8



1385 4.95 91.7

Proximity coupling


3474 12.4 83.5

From the previous results, the selected design is a gap coupled feed, it has wide band width=1.225

GHz, high efficiency =91.8%, easy to fabricate and easy to use in antenna arrays.

3.3 Single element patch antenna design

Based on the simulations results of the above parametric study, a 0.381 mm thickness low loss

Teflon based RT/duroid 5880 (RT/duroid® 5880 Laminates, 2017) substrate was chosen for the

antenna design. The initial antenna width was obtained from equation (2.14), the width value was

equal to 4.232 mm.

The effective dielectric constant of the microstrip antenna was then calculated from equation

(2.15). The extension of the length L was calculated using equation (2.16)Error! Reference

source not found. The actual length of the patch is determined by solving equation (2.18) for L to

be equal to 3.375 mm.

A full electromagnetic simulation of the antenna was then performed using computer simulation

technology (CST) 3D simulator.

The antenna input impedance is simulated at ref. plane 1 and is shown in Figure (3.14). The antenna

dimensions were slightly modified to get a resonance at 28 GHz. The simulated input impedance

= ~ 241 at 28 GHz. A quarter wave 111 Ω microstrip line was used to match the antenna

impedance to 50 ohms. The simulated S11 of the antenna at ref plane 2 is presented in Figure (3.15).

A good simulated radiation efficiency as illustrated in Figure (3.16). 2D and 3D radiation patterns

are presented in Figure (3.17), Figure (3.18) and Figure (3.19). This was the initial design, after

the feeding technique was modified to be gap-coupled feeder, as mentioned previously. The

simulation results are also summarized in Table (3.5):

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Table (3.5): Simulated antenna parameters for gap-coupled feeding technique



Efficiency (%)

@ 28 GHz


bandwidth (%)

Impedance matching

10 dB) -< 11(Sbandwidth


Substrate thickness


91.8 4.38 1225 0.381

Figure (3.14): simulated input impedance at ref. plane 1

Figure (3.15): Simulated antenna S11 vs. frequency for single elements at ref. plane 2

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Figure (3.16): Simulated radiation efficiency vs. frequency for single elements

Figure (3.17): Simulated radiation pattern at 28 GHz, E-plane

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The tilt in the radiation pattern in figure (3.19)may be because the asymmetry in antenna feeding.

Figure (3.18): Simulated radiation pattern at 28 GHz, H-plane

Figure (3.19): 3D radiation pattern (realized


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Chapter 4

Antenna Array Design

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Chapter 4

Antenna Array Design

4. 1 Introduction

For 5G applications, the antenna needs to have high gain of > 12 dB and directive beam that can

be steered in a certain direction (Jamaluddin, Kamarudin, & Khalily, Rectangular Dielectric

Resonator Antenna Array for 28 GHz Applications, 2016). It might be hard to achieve such high

gain using single small antenna. However, several small antennas can be grouped together in an

antenna array to achieve such high gain directive pattern that can be electronically scanned in a

certain direction. Shaping the array radiation pattern can be achieved by appropriate element to

element spacing and appropriate excitation adjustment of the magnitude and phase of the currents

feeding individual elements of the array. The array elements can be spatially distributed to form a

linear, planar or volume array. Linear arrays have narrow radiation beam in the plane containing

the array axis while have a wide beam in the orthogonal plane. This characteristic of linear array

pattern is useful in the case of 5G handset applications as it only requires 1-D scanning to cover

large area.

This chapter starts with a brief analysis of antenna array factor. A study of mutual coupling

between adjacent elements and feeding techniques are then presented. Finally, the simulation

results of several linear and planar antenna arrays are presented.

The main parameters that affect the overall performance of an antenna array are (Balanis C. A.,

2008) :

1. Distance between adjacent elements.

2. Geometry (e.g., linear, circular, or planar arrangement of the radiating elements).

3. Amplitude current excitation of each individual element.

4. Phase excitation of each individual element.

5. Radiation pattern of each individual element.

4. 2 The Array Factor for Linear Arrays

The basic configuration for elements in an array is the linear array which is illustrated in Figure

4.1) ): , where the variable resistance symbol indicates attenuators and the other symbol indicates

phase shifters. The pattern characteristics of an array can be explained for operation as a transmitter

or receiver, since antennas usually satisfy the conditions of reciprocity. The output of each element

can be adjusted in amplitude and phase by the attenuators and phase shifters. Amplitude and phase

control provide custom shaping of the radiation pattern and for scanning of the pattern in space.

(Stutzman & Thiele, 2013)

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By replacing each element by an isotropic radiator, the array factor corresponding to the linear

array of Figure 4.1 ) ) can be found, while maintaining the element locations and excitations, the

array is receiving a plane wave arriving at an angle θ from the line of the elements as shown in

Figure )4.2), and all the planes with equal phase. Each element is excited with phase n , due to the

spatial phase delay effect of the incoming plane wave. The amplitudes of excitation are constant,

taken to be unity, because a plane wave has uniform amplitude, as shown in Figure 4.2) ). The

resulting excitations of 01j

e , 11


for each element, then The array factor for this receiving array

as in Figure )4.2), is then the sum of the isotropic radiator receiving antenna responses 01j

e , 11


, … weighted by the amplitude and phase shift appeared by complex currents 0I , 1I , …

introduced in the transmission path connected to each element. The array factor of the array is thus

(Stutzman & Thiele, 2013) :

0 1 2

0 1 2 .....j j j

AF I e I e I e


where 0 , 1 , … are the phases of an incoming plane wave at the element locations.

The formula (4.1) is general for any geometry. Now we consider linear arrays with elements

equally spaced along the z-axis as illustrated in Figure (4.3). The phase of the arriving plane wave

is set to zero at the origin for suitability, thus 0 = 0. The received waves arriving at Element 1 lag

the received waves arriving at the origin by a distance of dcosθ. The corresponding phase of waves

at Element 1 relative to the origin is 1 cosd , the spatial phase delay. Using this result in

equation (4.1) gives (Stutzman & Thiele, 2013)

2 coscoscos

0 1 2 ... nj dj dj d

nAF I I e I e I e (4.2)

Figure 4.1) ): A typical linear array (Stutzman & Thiele,


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Now the array considered to be transmitting. If the current has a linear phase headway

(i.e., relative phase between adjacent elements is the same), the phase can be separated

explicitly as


n nI A e (4.3)

Figure 4.2) ): Equivalent configuration of the array in Figure 4.1) ) for

determining the array factor (Stutzman & Thiele, 2013).

Figure (4.3): Equally spaced linear array of

isotropic point sources (Stutzman & Thiele, 2013).

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where the 1n th element leads the nth element in phase by . Then (4.3) become (Stutzman

& Thiele, 2013)

1( cos )


Njn d



AF A e



cosd (4.5)







AF A e


Generally, the far-field pattern of an array is given by the multiplication pattern of the single

element and the array factor, as in Figure (4.4) (Balanis C. A., 2008) :

Total Pattern Element Factor Array Factor (4.7)

4. 3 Antenna Array feeding Configuration

The proper configuration selection depends on many factors, such as bandwidth, the

required antenna gain, insertion loss, beam angle, grating/sidelobe level, power-handling

capability, and polarization.

4.3.1 Parallel Feed

The essential configuration of a one-dimensional parallel feed consists of a branching network

of two-way power dividers as shown in Figure (4.5). A corporate feed is the most widely used

parallel feed configuration, the major advantages of parallel feed are, the power is equally split at

each junction, the beam position is independent of the frequency provided that the distances from

the input port to each radiating element are identical, finally the feed is broadband (Garg, Bhartia,

Bahl, & Ittipiboon, Microstrip antenna design handbook, 2001), so the bandwidth of a parallel-fed

microstrip array is limited by two factors: the bandwidth of the patch element and the impedance

Figure (4.4): Array radiation pattern (Huang &

Boyle, Antennas from Theory to Practice, 2008)

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matching circuit of the power dividing transmission lines, such as the quarter-wave transformer.

A series-fed array can achieve a bandwidth on the order of 1% or less, while a parallel-fed array

can achieve a bandwidth of 15% or more, depending on the design (Balanis C. A., 2008) . the

beam direction can be controlled by incorporating suitable phasors or line extensions. The

disadvantages of parallel feed is that it requires long transmission lines between the input port and

radiating elements, this causes large value of insertion loss, thereby reducing the overall efficiency

of the array (Garg, Bhartia, Bahl, & Ittipiboon, Microstrip antenna design handbook, 2001).

In the design, all the radiating elements are usually identically matched to the feed lines by suitable

method such as quarter-wave transformer. In order to obtain a symmetrical corporate feed network,

the number of the radiating elements is 2n where n is an integer (Garg, Bhartia, Bahl, & Ittipiboon,

Microstrip antenna design handbook, 2001).

The parallel-fed array is the relative ease with which both amplitude and phase for each element

can be designed independently, while in a series-fed array one element’s change will generally

impact all other elements (Balanis C. A., 2008).

4.3.2 Series Feed

Multiple elements are arranged linearly and fed serially by a single transmission line consisting a

series feed configuration as shown in Figure (4.6), series feed has the lowest insertion loss but

generally has the least polarization control and the narrowest bandwidth. It has the narrowest

bandwidth because the line goes through the patches, and thus the phase between adjacent elements

is not only a function of line length but also of the patches’ input impedances.

Since the patches are amplitude weighted with different input impedances, the phases will be

different for different elements and will change more drastically as frequency changes due to the

narrowband characteristic of the patches (Balanis C. A., 2008)

Figure (4.5): Configurations of parallel feed microstrip array (Balanis C. A., 2008).

Figure (4.6): Configurations of series feed microstrip array

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4.3.3 Capacitively coupled fingers

There is another shape of linear array, patches are fed by means of capacitive coupling along the

resonant edges as illustrated in Figure (4.7). The gap between each element and the main

transmission line is adjusted to give good coupling. The main disadvantage of this feed type is

narrow bandwidth and potential of grating lobes problem due to g element spacing (Huang &

Boyle, Antennas from Theory to Practice, 2008) .

4. 4 Mutual coupling

4.4.1 introduction

When designing linear antenna array for 5G we aim to have the largest scanning angle without

having grating lobes. This can be achieved by keeping inter-element spacing less than half-

wavelength according to (4.8) (Stutzman & Thiele, 2013).

01 cosd



: wavelength in free space

d: inter-element space, from center to center

0 : is the main beam pointing angle with respect to the line of the array corresponding to the

largest scan angle off broadside.

The goal here is to obtain 180o scanning angle, this can be achieved when 0 =0, and cos0 1

which results in 0.5d . This small distance between adjacent elements can cause an increase

in the undesired mutual coupling. This affects the current distribution and hence the input

impedance as well as the radiation pattern of individual elements. The most significant effects are

on the antenna input impedance, which is a very important parameter for a single antenna as well

as for an antenna array (Huang & Boyle, Antennas from Theory to Practice, 2008). A smaller

spacing is more desirable for a compact array because it helps to suppress the grating lobes when

scanning. On the other hand, a smaller spacing result in higher coupling (Tang, et al., 2016).

Figure (4.7): Configuration of microstrip Lozenge array

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4.4.2 Mutual coupling concept

Mutual coupling inside antenna array is usually caused by two reasons: the first is signal leakage

via conducting currents on the metallic background or surface wave along substrates; the 2nd is

radio leakage received from space between antenna elements (Pan, Tang, & Qi, 2017). Two

patches are coupled through all present media, i.e., substrate and air, when they are placed close

to each other. The coupling through substrate layer happens through surface waves, and the

coupling through the air medium is the direct patch-to-patch near field coupling (Ghosh1, Ghosal,

Mitra, & Chaudhuri, 2016). To explain the effect of mutual coupling on array performance, an

equivalent lumped-element circuit model for electrically coupled RF/microwave resonators is

given (HONG & LANCASTER, 2001) in Figure (4.8), where L and C are the self-inductance

and self-capacitance, so that (LC)–1/2 equals the angular resonant frequency of uncoupled

resonators, and Cm represents the mutual capacitance. Now, if we look into reference planes T1–

T1' and T2–T2', we can see a two-port network that may be described by the following set of

equations (HONG & LANCASTER, 2001):

1 1 2mI j CV j C V (4.9)

2 2 1mI j CV j C V (4.10)

The conclusion from equations (4.9) and (4.10), if the mutual coupling occurred between two

adjacent elements, then each element represents a current source for the other one, this will affect

the antenna array mainly in the following ways (Hui) :

1. change the array radiation pattern

2. change the matching characteristic of the antenna elements (change the input impedances)

Figure (4.8): Synchronously tuned coupled resonator circuit with electric coupling. (Pozar D.

M., Microwave Engineering, 2012).

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4.4.3 Reduction of Mutual Coupling

Owing to the recent move toward millimeter wave bands and the massive improvement in

manufacturing technologies, the demand of size reduction in modern communication industry has

become a hot topic. However, the undesirable mutual coupling (MC) effects arise. It is detrimental

to antenna operations through changing the array radiation pattern, and the matching impedance

of the radiating elements. Moreover, in phased antenna arrays, strong electromagnetic (EM)

interactions between radiating elements yields scan blindness and efficiency degradation (Al-

Hasan, Denidni, & Sebak, 2014).

Different methods have been used to enhance the isolation between antenna array elements,

electromagnetic band gap (EBG) in the substrate as in (Yu & Zhang, 2003) , using waveguide

metamaterials as in (Yang, Liu, Zhu, & Cui, 2012) and resonators, such I-shaped resonator as in

(K. & Parui, 2013).

In this study, the effect of defected ground structure (DGS) in reducing the mutual coupling

between adjacent elements is investigated. A modified ground plane structure that can enhance the

performance of the closely packed radiating elements is proposed and studied. DGS can be defined

as an etched lattice shape in the ground plane of planar circuits such as microstrip lines or

microstrip antennas as shown in Figure (4.9) (a). It has been used mostly for size reduction of

microwave amplifiers, suppression of the higher order harmonics in antennas, cross polarization

reduction in microstrip antennas and mutual coupling reduction in antenna arrays (Arya, Patnaik,

& Kartikeyan, 2011).

DGS is able to provide a wide band-stop characteristic in some frequency bands with only one or

small number of unit cells. Due to their excellent pass and rejection frequency band characteristics

and easy to design and fabricate, DGS circuits are widely used in various active and passive

microwave and millimeter-wave devices such as filters, dividers, couplers, amplifiers, resonators

and antennas. This defect disturbs the shield current distribution in the ground plane and changes

characteristics of a transmission line such as line capacitance and inductance (Salehi,

Motevasselian, Tavakoli, & Heidari, 2006).

The DGS is considered as an equivalent circuit consisting of capacitance and inductance as given

in Figure (4.9) (b). The equivalent inductive part increases due to the defect and produces

equivalently the high effective dielectric constant, that is, slow wave property, the slotted gap plays

a very important role to find the resonance behavior of the DGS by varying in the inductance (L)

and capacitance(C). (Arya, Patnaik, & Kartikeyan, 2011).

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4. 5 Design and results

The space influence between two adjacent elements was studied firstly without using any mutual

reduction method. Different values of inter-element space from center to center were used, where

the antenna length equal 3.19 mm and its width equal 4.232 mm, the gap around the feeder equal

0.1 mm and the width of the feeder is 1.187 mm (50Ω transmission line width at 28 GHz).

Table (4.1): inter-element space impact on

mutual coupling


spacing (d)

in (mm)

Space between




4.819 0.45λ -9.5

5.355 0.5λ -12.5

6.42 0.6λ -17

7.497 0.7λ -21

8.032 0.75λ -23

5.568 0.8λ -24.7

9.639 0.9λ -28.3

10.71 λ -31.2 Figure (4.10): two adjacent antennas for

mutual coupling study

(a) (b)

Figure (4.9): (a) two adjacent antennas with DGS between them (b) L-C equivalent of DGS

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It can be noted from Table (4.1) that as space increases the mutual coupling decreases, and it is

acceptable at values lower than -20 dB, this value satisfies when space equal 0.7 λ, but this space

doesn't satisfy the condition in equation (4.8) to obtain the largest scanning angle without

appearance of grating lobes, which requires a space ≤ 0.5 λ. As mentioned in section 4.4.3, using

Defected Ground Structure is a good choice to reduce mutual coupling between adjacent elements.

In Figure (4.10) the mutual coupling between two antennas separated 5.355 mm (0.5λ) from each

other and with rectangular slot in the ground between them was simulated. The dimensions of this

rectangular slot were optimized in order to obtain the best isolation value. The simulation results

show that a mutual coupling (S21) of less than -20 dB along the -10 dB S11 matching bandwidth of

the antenna was achieved for a slot dimensions of (8.3*0.8) mm2, where the slot dimensions are

obtained after optimized a parametric study. The simulation results before and after placing DGS

are shown in Figure (4.11), Figure (4.12), Figure (4.13) and can be summarized in Table (4.2):

Table (4.2): comparison between simulated results with and without DGS

Performance Parameter Without DGS With DGS

S21 at 28GHz -12.12 -24.5

Bandwidth (MHz) 1285 1426

Radiation efficiency (%) 88 91.1

Figure (4.11): Simulated antenna S11 vs. frequency between two adjacent elements with and

without DGS, slot dimensions of (8.3*0.8) mm2

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Figure (4.13): simulated radiation efficiency for two adjacent elements with and without DGS,

slot dimensions of (8.3*0.8) mm2

Figure (4.12): Simulated antenna S21 vs. frequency between two adjacent elements with and

without DGS, slot dimensions of (8.3*0.8) mm2

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4.5.1 Two Elements Linear Antenna Array:

In this section, 2x1 linear antenna array is presented, after studying how to treat the mutual

coupling between array elements using DGS, the array configuration is presented in Figure (4.14).

Figure (4.15) presents the simulated S11. The array has an S11 <-10 dB bandwidth greater than

2GHz. The simulated gain of the array is presented in Figure (4.16). The 2-element array has a

max gain of 9.01 dB at 28 GHz. Figure (4.17) presents 3D radiation patterns of the array. The array

has a half power beamwidth (HPBW) of 45.2 degree and 96.4 degree in the E and H planes


Figure (4.14): 2x1 linear antenna


Figure (4.15): Simulated antenna S11 vs. frequency for 2x1 linear antenna array

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The power is equally split at each junction, so the impedance matching for this array is by using

a junction power divider, each antenna feeder has 50Ω, at point (a) the total impedance is 25Ω, it

needed to match with 50Ω as at point (b) using quarter wave transformer.

4.5.2 Four Element Linear Antenna Array:

Based on the results of the previous 2x1 array, a new design for 4x1 linear array is presented in

Figure (4.18). The simulated S11 of the array is presented in Figure (4.19). The array has an S11 <-

10 dB bandwidth of 1.38 GHz. Figure (4.20) presents the simulated gain of the array. The 4-

Figure (4.16): Simulated gain vs. frequency for 2x1 linear antenna array

Figure (4.17): 3D radiation pattern for 2x1

linear antenna array pattern (realized gain)

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element array has a max gain of 12.02 dB at 28.5 GHz. Figure (4.21) presents the radiation patterns

of the array. The array has a half power beamwidth (HPBW) of 23.8 degree and 44.7 degree in the

E and H planes respectively. The impedance matching was made by quarter-wavelength

transformer, where line a is 50Ω, line b is 70.71Ω and line c is 100 Ω and the feeder line is 50Ω.

Figure (4.18): 4x1 linear antenna array

Figure (4.19): Simulated antenna S11 vs. frequency for 4x1 linear antenna array

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Figure (4.20): Simulated gain vs. frequency for 4x1 linear antenna array

Figure (4.21): 3D radiation pattern for 4x1 linear antenna

array pattern (realized gain)

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4.5.3 Eight Elements Linear Antenna Array:

A 8x1 linear array is presented in Figure (4.22). The simulated S11 of the array is presented in

Figure (4.23). The array has an S11 <-10 dB bandwidth more than 2 GHz. Figure (4.24) presents

the simulated gain of the array. The 8-element array has a max gain of 14.6 dB at 28.4 GHz. Figure

(4.25) presents the radiation patterns of the array. The array has a half power beamwidth (HPBW)

of 13.1 degree and 35.4 degree in the E and H planes respectively.

Figure (4.22): 8x1 linear antenna array

Figure (4.23): Simulated antenna S11 vs. frequency for 8x1 linear antenna array

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Figure (4.24): Simulated gain vs. frequency for 8x1 linear antenna array

Figure (4.25): 3D radiation pattern for 8x1 linear

pattern (realized gain)

antenna array

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4.5.4 Sixteen Element Linear Antenna Array:

A 16x1 linear array is presented in Figure (4.26). The simulated S11 of the array is presented in

Figure (4.27) . The array has an S11 <-10 dB bandwidth greater than 2 GHZ. Figure (4.28) presents

the simulated gain of the array. The 16-element array has a max gain of 17.3 dB at 28.4 GHz.

Figure (4.29) presents 3D radiation patterns of the array. The array has a half power beamwidth

(HPBW) of 6.4 degree and 26.9 degree in the E and H planes respectively. The simulated gain vs.

frequency of the 2, 4, 8 and 16 element linear arrays are compared in Figure (4.30).

Figure (4.26): 16x1 linear antenna array

Figure (4.27): Simulated antenna S11 vs. frequency for 16x1 linear antenna array

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Figure (4.29): 3D radiation pattern for 16x1 linear

antenna array pattern (realized gain)

Figure (4.28): Simulated gain vs. frequency for 16x1 linear antenna array

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4.5.5 Corner-fed single element antenna

Dual polarized antennas can be very efficient in a dense multipath environment since it is usually

difficult for the received signal to have a pure linear polarization a corner-fed antenna is very useful

method in dual-polarized antenna because it provides good isolation between two edge connected

ports (Zhong, Yang, & Cui, Corner-Fed Microstrip Antenna Element and Arrays for Dual-

Polarization Operation, 2002). A corner-fed patch antenna geometry is presented in Figure (4.31).

The antenna impedance at the corner is higher than edge center impedance. The simulated corner

impedance is equal ~441Ω. A 148.5 Ohm quarter-wavelength transformer transmission line is used

Figure (4.30): simulated gain vs. frequency of the 2, 4, 8 and 16 element linear arrays

Figure (4.31): Corner-fed patch antenna geometry

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to match the antenna with 50Ω. The simulated S11 is presented in Figure (4.32) and 3D radiation

pattern is shown in Figure (4.33).

The antenna has a matched S11 <-10dB bandwidth of 909 MHz. The antenna has a simlated gain

of peak value of 6.87 dB at 28 GHz.

Figure (4.33): 3D radiation pattern for corner fed antenna pattern

(realized gain)

Figure (4.32): Simulated antenna S11 vs. frequency for single element corner fed antenna

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4.5.6 4x1 Linear array of corner fed microstrip patch antenna:

A four-element linear array is presented in Figure (4.34). The simulated S11 of the array is

presented in Figure (4.35). The array has an S11 <-10 dB bandwidth of 1290 MHz. Figure (4.36)

presents the simulated gain of the array. The 4-element array has a max gain of 12.1 dB at 28.2

GHz. Figure (4.37) presents the radiation patterns of the array. The array has a half power

beamwidth (HPBW) of 23.9 degree and 44.9 degree in the E and H planes respectively.

Figure (4.34): four-element corner fed linear array

Figure (4.35): Simulated antenna S11 vs. frequency for corner fed four element linear array antenna

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4.5.7 Dual-Polarized antenna array

In the microstrip antenna field, there has been increasing interest in the dual-polarization

operation, which provides more information for aperture radars, doubles the capacity of

communication systems, fights against the multipath fading in land mobile communications by

means of the polarization-diversity, and increases the transmit–receive isolation of transceivers or

Figure (4.36): Simulated gain vs. frequency for corner fed four element linear array antenna

Figure (4.37): 3D radiation pattern for corner fed four

element linear array antenna

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transponders, etc. (Zhong, Yang, & Cui, Corner-Fed Microstrip Antenna Element and Arrays for

Dual-Polarization Operation, 2002). Some of the dual-polarization designs utilize multilayered

structures, which make the configuration more complicated and increase the manufacturing cost

(Zhong, Ahmed, & Qasim, Low Cost Corner-Fed Microstrip Antenna Array With Dual

Polarization, 1999) .

The gap-coupled microstrip antenna suffers from poor isolation between ports when fed from two

edges as shown in Figure (4.38). The simulated S21 between the two ports is presented Figure

(4.39). This clearly shows that this design is not appropriate for dual polarized antennas.

Figure (4.38): dual-polarized gap-coupled fed patch


Figure (4.39): Simulated S21 between two feeders vs. frequency

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The edge fed design shown in Figure (4.40) shows better isolation between ports as presented in

Figure (4.41).

A dual polarized linear array of an edge-fed patch antenna is presented in (Hamberger, Drexler,

Trummer, Siart, & Eibert, 2016).

Figure (4.40): dual-polarized edge fed patch


Figure (4.41): Simulated S21 between two feeders vs. frequency

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4.5.8 Dual polarized single element Corner-fed antenna

A dual-corner-fed square patch is proposed to realize the dual polarization operation. A good

isolation between two ports is achieved. The antenna geometry is presented in Figure (4.42) and

the simulated S21 between the two feeders is shown in Figure (4.43).

Figure (4.42): dual polarized corner fed single element

(Zhong, Yang, & Cui, Corner-Fed Microstrip Antenna

Element and Arrays for Dual-Polarization Operation, 2002)

Figure (4.43): Simulated S21 between two feeders vs. frequency

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4.5.9 Dual polarized 2×2 planar array Corner-fed antenna

A 2x2 6 GHz planar dual polarized antenna array of corner-fed microstrip patch antenna is

presented in (Zhong, Yang, & Cui, Corner-Fed Microstrip Antenna Element and Arrays for Dual-

Polarization Operation, 2002). A 2by2 dual polarized antenna array at 28 GHz is presented as

shown in Figure (4.44). The simulated S11 of the array is presented in Figure (4.45). The array has

an S11 <-10 dB bandwidth of 780 MHz. A good isolation between array feeders as shown in Figure

(4.46) where S12 has the best value at 28GHz which equals -60dB. Figure (4.47) presents the

simulated gain of the array. fed 2by2 antenna array has a max gain of 12.51 dB at 28 GHz. Figure

(4.48) presents the radiation pattern of the array. The array has a half power beamwidth (HPBW)

of 45.6 degree and 36.7 degree in the E and H planes respectively.

Figure (4.44): dual polarized corner fed 2by2 antenna


Figure (4.45): Simulated antenna S11 vs. frequency for corner fed 2by2 antenna array

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Figure (4.47): Simulated gain vs. frequency for corner fed 2by2 antenna array

Figure (4.46): Simulated S21 between two feeders vs. frequency

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4.5.10 Dual polarized 4×4 planar array Corner-fed antenna

A 4x4 6 GHz planar dual polarized antenna array of corner-fed microstrip patch antenna is

presented in (Zhong, Yang, & Cui, Corner-Fed Microstrip Antenna Element and Arrays for Dual-

Polarization Operation, 2002). A 4by4dual polarized antenna array at 28 GHz is presented as

shown in Figure (4.49). The simulated S11 of the array is presented in Figure (4.50). The array has

an S11 <-10 dB bandwidth of 784 MHz. A good isolation between array feeders as shown in Figure

(4.51), where S12 has the best value at 28GHz which equals -39.7dB. Figure (4.52) presents the

simulated gain of the array. fed 2by2 antenna array has a max gain of 16.53 dB at 28 GHz. Figure

(4.53) presents the radiation pattern of the array.

Figure (4.48): 3D radiation pattern pattern (realized


Figure (4.49): dual polarized corner fed 4by4 antenna array

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Figure (4.50): Simulated antenna S11 vs. frequency for corner fed 4by4 antenna array

Figure (4.51): Simulated S21 between two feeders vs. frequency

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Figure (4.52): Simulated gain vs. frequency for corner fed 4by4 antenna array

Figure (4.53): 3D radiation pattern

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Chapter 5

Conclusion and Future Work

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Chapter 5

Conclusions and Future Work


In this work, an efficient antenna at 28GHz for 5G communications applications has been

successfully designed.

First of all, a parametric study of different parameters that affect antenna performance, (such as

antenna type, feeding technique, substrate dielectric constant, substrate thickness, substrate loss

tangent, etc.…) was performed using CST simulation software. According to this study, the best

substrate material in terms of efficiency and bandwidth is RT-duroid-5880 with dielectric constant

r = 2.2 and thickness (h) =0.381 mm.

Several feeding techniques have been studied, and an efficient bandwidth has been obtained with

gap-coupled fed single antenna, which has a 1226 MHz bandwidth, FBW (4.38%) and the radiation

efficiency equal to 91.8%.

Mutual coupling between two adjacent array elements was studied in order to achieve compact

design and wider scanning angle. Defected Ground Structure (DGS) technique was used to reduce

the mutual coupling with a rectangular slot in the ground. The slot was optimized to obtain the

best isolation (better than -20 dB) and its dimensions were (8.3*0.8) mm2.

This single element was used in a corporate linear array at different elements number (2×1, 4×1,

8×1 and 16×1). Increasing array elements number results in higher gain value and wider scanning

angle, so the gains of that arrays are (9.01 dB, 12.02 dB, 14.6 dB and 17.3 dB respectively).

Dual polarized antenna array is one of the 5G communications requirements, and corner fed

microstrip antenna is a good choice to achieve this goal. Corner-fed microstrip antenna element

and arrays for dual-polarization operation were designed.

Future work:

The linear and planar arrays in this thesis could be fabricated in order to compare the

Simulation results and the measurement results.

Enhance the bandwidth for the corner fed planar dual-polarized antenna array.

Design dual frequency antenna at mm-wave frequencies to support 5G communications


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