DCHRS Newsletter 10:18:2013 النشرة الإلكترونية لمركز دمشق لدراسات...

10/21/13 9:03 AM DCHRS Newsletter 10/18/2013 !"#$%&  '()* +",&-./ 0123  45 67 89$:6;</%& =61>/& Page 1 of 4 http://us7.campaign-archive2.com/?u=f3206a7c28b7ddd8daee84da9&id=a6a967f299&e=56abdb891c Damascus Center for Human Rights Studies Newsletter !"#$%& '()* +"#&,-. '/0- 12,0. 34$(,52.%& 6,/$.& War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity The Daily Reality of Life for Syrians  Casualty Report for September 2013 Damascus Center for Human Rights Studies  As the war endures, violence and systematic human righ ts abuses continue to be common tactics used  by the Syrian government regime's forces. DCHRS documented in the month of September 2013 a total of 2369 victims who were killed by regime forces and their loyal militias. 60% of those killed were civilians, totaling 1375 victims; the 994 remaining victims, which makes up approximately 40% of those killed, were armed opposition forces. DCHRS documented a total of 209 children victims, representing 9% of the total number of victims. In addition the number of documented women killed was 232, representing 10% of the total number of victims. DCHRS concluded that the main cause of death for 901 of these victims was indiscriminate shelling and airstrikes targeting the residential areas. Furthermore, the cases of extrajudicial killings and field executions that were perpetrated by regime’s forces resulted in the death of 140 victims. In addition the total number of victims who were tortured to death in the prisons and detentions centers of the Syrian security authorities totaled 144 victims. The province of Damascus and its suburbs, which witnessed the most violent battles, recorded the highest number of casualties Like on Facebook Follow on Twitter Forward to a Friend LATEST NEWS LATEST NEWS STATEMENTS STATEMENTS DAILY REPORTS DAILY REPORTS REPORTS REPORTS ARTICLES - STUDIES ARTICLES - STUDIES !"#$%& '$( !"#$%& '$( )"*"+, )"*"+, -./+0& 1&2340& '5'67 -./+0& 1&2340& '5'67

Transcript of DCHRS Newsletter 10:18:2013 النشرة الإلكترونية لمركز دمشق لدراسات...

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Damascus Center for Human Rights Studies Newsletter 

 &لنش,& 6إللكت,)ن 4ة لم,ك- 1مش' ل-,&سا+ حق)' &إلنسا!

War Crimes and Crimes Against HumanityThe Daily Reality of Life for Syrians


Casualty Report for September 2013Damascus Center for Human Rights Studies

 As the war endures, violence and systematic human rightsabuses continue to be common tactics used  by the Syriangovernment regime's forces. DCHRS documented in the monthof September 2013 a total of 2369 victims who were killed byregime forces and their loyal militias. 60% of those killed werecivilians, totaling 1375 victims; the 994 remaining victims,which makes up approximately 40% of those killed, werearmed opposition forces. DCHRS documented a total of 209children victims, representing 9% of the total number of victims. In addition the number of documented women killedwas 232, representing 10% of the total number of victims.

DCHRS concluded that the main cause of death for 901 of thesevictims was indiscriminate shelling and airstrikes targeting theresidential areas. Furthermore, the cases of extrajudicial killingsand field executions that were perpetrated by regime’s forcesresulted in the death of 140 victims. In addition the totalnumber of victims who were tortured to death in the prisons anddetentions centers of the Syrian security authorities totaled 144victims.

The province of Damascus and its suburbs, which witnessed themost violent battles, recorded the highest number of casualties

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totaling 709 victims, out of which 411 were civilians. Finally,the Center documented a total of 8 non-Syrian citizens fromother nationalities who were fighting with Syrian Armedopposition forces.

DCHRS learned that the Syrian regime forces continue to targetcivilians and purposefully use direct brutal violence againstthem. As a result the number of civilians killed reached 6 0% of the total number of victims. It was also concluded that 60 % of 

these deaths were caused by shelling, missiles, and airstrikes.DCHRS indicates and stresses that such high numbers of casualties in correlation to these cruel causes of death provideevidence that the Syrian regime forces are intentionallytargeting civilians, ruthlessly punishing them, and recklesslyignoring any basic right of their existence. Furthermore, theresults stated that violations of international human rights lawsand humanitarian laws occurred, including torture, extrajudicialkillings, and other forms of violations that are categorizedunder war crimes and crimes against humanity.

DCHRS demands that civilians be protected according to thelaws approved by the U.N in 2005. Since DCHRS is a member of the International Coalition for the Responsibility to Protect

(ICRtoP), DCHRS appeals to the international community toenforce the “Responsibility to Protect”. Furthermore, DCHRScalls on all the international medical and humanitarianorganizations to provide support, medical assistance, and relief to ease the suffering of the Syrian people both inside Syria andabroad. Finally, DCHRS demands the prosecution of the

 perpetrators of war crimes and crimes against humanity and to bring them to justice........Details


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Syria in the U.NSyria in the U.N

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Stories of Syrian VictimsStories of Syrian Victims

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