dcboh paper

Zika Virus Zika Virus and Dekalb County Board of Health Heather Young Kennesaw State University 1

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Zika Virus

Zika Virus and Dekalb County Board of Health

Heather Young

Kennesaw State University


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Zika Virus

Zika Virus and Dekalb County Board of Health

A) In an attempt to further research and fully understand the Zika Virus, I contacted

numerous agencies with hopes of meeting with a specialist. The organization I had the

opportunity to meet with was the Dekalb County Board of Health. Within this board of health

there are multiple divisions. Specifically, I visited with the Division of Environmental Health as

they were the most related to my topic at hand. They are located at 445 Winn Way, Decatur, GA

30030 and their website is http://www.dekalbhealth.net.

B) The mission of Dekalb County Board of Health is “to protect, promote, and improve

the health of those who work, live, and play in DeKalb County.” They plan to do this by

informing the public about public health issues, interacting with the community through

partnerships, developing plans, and connecting residents with public health services. Formed in

1924, they lead with a handful of core values including teamwork, data-based decisions, and

community engagement.

C) The Dekalb County Board of Health has five divisions. The Division of Marketing

and Business Development focuses on their social media presence. Services like restaurant

inspections, mosquito/rodent control, body crafting permits, and occupational health all fall

under duties of the Division of Environmental Health. The Division of Community Health and

Prevention Services is their largest section which deals with family planning, immunizations,

tuberculosis testing, infectious disease control, and other health services. The Division of

Administration focuses on finances and human resources. And lastly, the Office of Emergency

Preparedness protects the public in times of natural and intentional disasters as the case with

terrorist attacks.


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D) The Dekalb County Board of Health specifically serves the residents of Dekalb

County. Services are tailored to fit the needs of their audience. In the case of the Division of

Environmental Health, there is a larger focus on the West Nile Virus than the Zika Virus due to

the fact that there is a greater risk of West Nile Virus carrying mosquitos in the area. Although

services are aimed towards Dekalb County residents, they do keep up with current events in all

areas of Georgia. By tracking other surrounding areas, they are able to better predict and prepare

for health related outbreaks within Dekalb.

E) As mentioned, there is a stronger focus on the West Nile Virus than Zika. This is

because there have been no reported cases of the Zika Virus in Dekalb where as West Nile Virus

outbreaks pop up occasionally. Although West Nile Virus is the primary focus, by preforming

these services, all mosquito-spread viruses are consequently kept in check. When the office of

the Division of Environmental Health receives a call complaining of mosquitos in their area, they

go out to investigate. Traps are set, knowledge is transferred, and occasionally insecticides are

sprayed. They inform the public on how not to attract mosquitos to their property by avoiding

common mosquito breeding grounds. Often, pamphlets are also left on resident’s doors

educating them on the West Nile Virus and what preventative measures they can do to help. Any

traps set are later collected the next day for analysis. If any possible disease carrier is found, a

more intensive sweep of the collection site will be made. Larvicides are spread in areas with a

greater risk of West Nile Virus carrying mosquitos. These insecticides do not kill the mosquitos

but rather release a hormone that prevents larvae from properly maturing. Only fully matured

mosquitos have the capability to transfer viruses so by keeping mosquitos in their pubescent

stage, they live their full lives without being able to carry harmful diseases.


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F) The Dekalb County Board of Health has many divisions with numerous employees.

The overall CEO of the organization is Sandra Ford. She serves as the District Health Director.

The Board Chair is Jeff Radar and he heads the bi-monthly board meetings. The lady who I had

the opportunity to meet with was Juentte Willis. She is the Abrovirus Coordinator under the

Division of Environmental Health. This was the first time I had heard and learned about what a

Abrovirus Coordinator does. Abrovirus pertains to viruses contracted through mosquitos or

other insects. Because my topic was the Zika Virus, she was the exact right person to meet with

and was highly knowledgeable on the subject area.

G) This was my first experience in the field and I believe I learned a tremendous amount

from it. I was able to see a side of public health I was unaware of and never thought about.

When first becoming interested in public health I always assumed I would work in a hospital and

did not put much thought into other career opportunities within the field. What I found

interesting was how specific this job was. I could tell Juanette had a clear passion about

mosquitos and the diseases they spread. This was also the first I had heard of the term abrovirus

so I am eager to say I now know what that means. I believe I learned more from this field

experience than I did from simply researching.

I made strong connections through this experience that could lead towards an internship

in the future. Not only did I have the opportunity to talk with Juanette Willis, but I also spoke

with a few interns of hers. They all boost of how much they enjoyed their job and how they

would highly recommend seeking the same opportunity. Not only did they gain a vast

knowledge about bug-spread diseases, but they also gained experience in various different

subject-matters within public health. Some of their experiences include inspecting restaurants,


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inspecting pools, and even shadowing during autopsies. It is for this reason I believe this could

be a great beginning opportunity for me as well.


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Frequently Asked Questions for Patients. (2016). Retrieved September 15, 2016, from


(n.d.). Retrieved September 15, 2016, from http://studenthealth.kennesawstateauxiliary.com/

Sagon, C. (2016, February 12). What Is the Zika Virus Risk for Older Adults? Retrieved

September 15, 2016, from http://blog.aarp.org/2016/02/12/what-is-the-zika-virus-risk-for-older-


Zika Virus. (2016, September 12). Retrieved September 14, 2016, from


Zika Virus - FAQ. (2016). Retrieved September 16, 2016, from https://dph.georgia.gov/zika-
