Cyfnod Dewi Sant - Sant Cyfnod Sylfaen...

Beth ydych chiʼn gallu ei weld ar y clawr? What can you see on the cover? Pwy ydy awduron y llyfr? Who are the authors of this book? Pwy sy wedi gwneud y lluniau? Who is the illustrator? Pwy sy wedi cyhoeddiʼr llyfr? Who has published the book? Ble cafodd y llyfr hwn ei gyhoeddi? Where was this book published? 1 Dewi Sant Cyfnod Sylfaen Foundation Phase Gomer Ca r ys R ich a rds Nan na R yde r a Brett Bre c k on Llunia u g a n

Transcript of Cyfnod Dewi Sant - Sant Cyfnod Sylfaen...

Page 1: Cyfnod Dewi Sant - Sant Cyfnod Sylfaen Foundation Phase Gomer C a r y s R i c h a rds N a n a R y d e r a Brett Brec k o n Ll u

Beth ydych chiʼn gallu ei weld ar y clawr?What can you see on the cover?

Pwy ydy awduron y llyfr?Who are the authors of this book?

Pwy sy wedi gwneud y lluniau?Who is the illustrator?

Pwy sy wedi cyhoeddiʼr llyfr?Who has published the book?

Ble cafodd y llyfr hwn ei gyhoeddi?Where was this book published?


Dewi SantCyfnodSylfaen



Carys RichardsNanna Ryder a

Brett Breckon

Lluniau gan

Page 2: Cyfnod Dewi Sant - Sant Cyfnod Sylfaen Foundation Phase Gomer C a r y s R i c h a rds N a n a R y d e r a Brett Brec k o n Ll u

Faint ydy oed Dewi?How old is Dewi?

Beth mae Dewiʼn gwisgo?What is Dewi wearing?

Beth sydd ar y garreg?What is on the stone?

Pam mae Dewiʼn hapus?Why is Dewi happy?

Dewi ydw i.I am Dewi.

Dewi ydw i.



Page 3: Cyfnod Dewi Sant - Sant Cyfnod Sylfaen Foundation Phase Gomer C a r y s R i c h a rds N a n a R y d e r a Brett Brec k o n Ll u

Ble mae Mam?Where is Mum?

Beth mae Mam yn ei wneud?What is Mum doing?

Pwy sy gyda Mam?Who is with Mum?

Beth syʼn tyfu ar y goeden?What is growing on the tree?

Pa lysiau sy yn y fasged?What vegetables are in the basket?

Dyma Mam.This is Mum.

Geirfa / Vocabularyb = benywaidd (feminine) g = gwrywaidd (masculine)dyma – this is mam (b) – mum


Dyma Mam.


Page 4: Cyfnod Dewi Sant - Sant Cyfnod Sylfaen Foundation Phase Gomer C a r y s R i c h a rds N a n a R y d e r a Brett Brec k o n Ll u

Beth mae Dad yn ei wisgo?What is Dad wearing?

Ydy Dad yn bwysig? (Sut rydych yn gwybod?)Is Dad important? (How do you know?)

Ble mae eʼn mynd?Where is he going?

Sut mae Dad yn teithio?How is Dad travelling?

Dyma Dad.This is Dad.

Geirfa / Vocabularyb = benywaidd (feminine) g = gwrywaidd (masculine)dad (g) – dad

Dyma Dad.



Page 5: Cyfnod Dewi Sant - Sant Cyfnod Sylfaen Foundation Phase Gomer C a r y s R i c h a rds N a n a R y d e r a Brett Brec k o n Ll u

Ble mae Dewi a Mam a Dad nawr?Where is Dewi and his mother and father now?

Ydych chiʼn byw ar bwys y môr?Do you live near the sea?

Beth ydych chiʼn gallu gweld yn y dŵr?What can you see in the water?

Ydych chi wedi bod mewn cwch/llong?Have you been in a boat or ship?

Dw i’n byw gyda Mam a Dad.I live with Mum and Dad.

Geirfa / Vocabularybyw – live


Dw i’n byw gyda Mam a Dad.


Page 6: Cyfnod Dewi Sant - Sant Cyfnod Sylfaen Foundation Phase Gomer C a r y s R i c h a rds N a n a R y d e r a Brett Brec k o n Ll u

Beth sy ar y creigiau?Whatʼs on the rocks?

Sawl gafr sy yn y llun?How many goats are in the picture?

Disgrifiwch y llun.Describe the picture.

Dw i’n hoffi byw yma.I like living here.

Geirfa / Vocabularyhoffi – like


Dw i’n hoffi byw yma.


Page 7: Cyfnod Dewi Sant - Sant Cyfnod Sylfaen Foundation Phase Gomer C a r y s R i c h a rds N a n a R y d e r a Brett Brec k o n Ll u

Ydyʼr ysgol fel ein hysgol ni?Is the school like our school?

Sawl gŵydd ydych chiʼn gallu gweld?How many geese can you see?

Pwy ywʼr plant eraill sy yn y llun?Who are the other children in the picture?

Sut maen nhwʼn mynd iʼr ysgol?How do they travel to school?

Dw i’n mynd i’r ysgol bob dydd.I go to school every day.

Geirfa / Vocabularyb = benywaidd (feminine) g = gwrywaidd (masculine)mynd – to go ysgol (b) – school bob – every dydd (g) – day


Dw i’n mynd i’r ysgol bob dydd.


Page 8: Cyfnod Dewi Sant - Sant Cyfnod Sylfaen Foundation Phase Gomer C a r y s R i c h a rds N a n a R y d e r a Brett Brec k o n Ll u

Ydych chiʼn hoffi darllen?Do you enjoy reading?

Beth ydych chiʼn hoffi darllen?What do you like reading?

Sawl llyfr sy yn y cwpwrdd?How many books are there in the cupboard?

Ydyʼr llyfrauʼn edrych yn ddiddorol?Do the books look interesting?

Ble maeʼr golomen wen?Where is the white dove?

Dw i’n hoffi darllen.I like reading.

Geirfa / Vocabularydarllen – to read


Dw i’n hoffi darllen.


Page 9: Cyfnod Dewi Sant - Sant Cyfnod Sylfaen Foundation Phase Gomer C a r y s R i c h a rds N a n a R y d e r a Brett Brec k o n Ll u

Gyda beth mae Dewiʼn ysgrifennu?What does Dewi use as a pen?

Beth ydyʼr llyfr mawr ar y bwrdd?What is the big book on the table?

Beth mae Dewiʼn ysgrifennu? (rhestr)What is Dewi writing? (a list)

Am beth fyddwch chiʼn hoffi ysgrifennu?What do you like writing about?

Dw i’n hoffi ysgrifennu.I like writing.

Geirfa / Vocabularyysgrifennu – to write


Dw i’n hoffi ysgrifennu.


Page 10: Cyfnod Dewi Sant - Sant Cyfnod Sylfaen Foundation Phase Gomer C a r y s R i c h a rds N a n a R y d e r a Brett Brec k o n Ll u

Beth mae Dewiʼn hoffi ei wneud?What does Dewi like doing?

Ble mae Dewiʼn canu?Where is Dewi singing?

Ydych chiʼn canu a gweddïo yn yr ysgol?Do you sing and pray in school?

Ydych chiʼn cofio beth rydych chi yn ei ddweud?Do you remember what you say?

Ydych chiʼn mwynhau canu?Do you like singing?

Dw i’n hoffi canu a gweddïo.I like singing and praying.


Dw i’n hoffi canu a gweddïo.


Geirfa / Vocabularycanu – to sing gweddïo – to pray

Page 11: Cyfnod Dewi Sant - Sant Cyfnod Sylfaen Foundation Phase Gomer C a r y s R i c h a rds N a n a R y d e r a Brett Brec k o n Ll u

Sut berson ydy Peulin?What kind of person is Peulin?

Beth sy ar y bwrdd?What is on the table?

Mae Peulin yn gwisgo dillad mynach.Ydy Syr/Miss yn gwisgo fel hyn?Peulin is dressed like a monk.Does Sir/Miss dress like this?

Dyma fy athro, Peulin.This is my teacher, Peulin.

Geirfa / Vocabularyb = benywaidd (feminine) g = gwrywaidd (masculine)athro (g) – teacher


Dyma fy athro, Peulin.


Page 12: Cyfnod Dewi Sant - Sant Cyfnod Sylfaen Foundation Phase Gomer C a r y s R i c h a rds N a n a R y d e r a Brett Brec k o n Ll u

Sut mae Peulin yn cerdded yn ddiogel?How does Peulin walk safely?

Ydyʼr llwybr yn ddiogel iddo? Pam?Is the path safe for him? Why?

Ble mae Peulin a Dewi yn mynd?Where are Peulin and Dewi going?

Pam mae Peulin eisiau help wrth fynd am dro?Why does Peulin need help to go for a walk?

Mae Peulin yn ddall.Peulin is blind.

Geirfa / Vocabularydall – blind


Mae Peulin yn ddall.


Page 13: Cyfnod Dewi Sant - Sant Cyfnod Sylfaen Foundation Phase Gomer C a r y s R i c h a rds N a n a R y d e r a Brett Brec k o n Ll u

Beth mae Dewiʼn ei wneud nawr?What is Dewi doing now?

Tybed beth fydd yn digwydd?I wonder what will happen?

Ble maeʼr golomen wen?Where is the white dove?

Dw i’n helpu Peulin.I help Peulin.

Geirfa / Vocabularyhelpu – to help


Dw i’n helpu Peulin.


Page 14: Cyfnod Dewi Sant - Sant Cyfnod Sylfaen Foundation Phase Gomer C a r y s R i c h a rds N a n a R y d e r a Brett Brec k o n Ll u

Pam mae Peulin yn edrych yn hapus?Why does Peulin look happy?

Beth sy wedi digwydd?What has happened?

Oes gwyrth wedi digwydd?Has a miracle happened?

Beth ydy lliw y pili-pala?What colour is the butterfly?

Mae Peulin yn gallu gweld nawr.Peulin can see now.

Geirfa / Vocabularygallu – to be able gweld – to see nawr – now


Mae Peulin yn gallu gweld nawr.


Page 15: Cyfnod Dewi Sant - Sant Cyfnod Sylfaen Foundation Phase Gomer C a r y s R i c h a rds N a n a R y d e r a Brett Brec k o n Ll u

Pwy sy yn y llun?Who is in the picture?

Pwy sy mwyaf byr/mwyaf tal?Who is the shortest/tallest?

Sut ydyn niʼn gwybod bod pawb yn hapus?How do we know that everyone is happy?

Pam mae pawb yn hapus?Why is everyone happy?

Mae pawb yn hapus nawr.Everyone is happy now.

Geirfa / Vocabularyhapus – happy


Mae pawb yn hapus nawr.


Page 16: Cyfnod Dewi Sant - Sant Cyfnod Sylfaen Foundation Phase Gomer C a r y s R i c h a rds N a n a R y d e r a Brett Brec k o n Ll u

• Creu byrddau stori – cefndiroedd gwahanol iʼr cymeriadau e.e. gartref / ar y traeth /yn yr ysgol / yn yr ardd.Create story boards – various scenes for the characters e.g. at home / on the beach /at school / in the garden.

• Casglu basged o ddefnyddiau ac offer i gymeriadu / ail-greuʼr stori (darpariaeth barhaus).Collect a basket of materials & items to recreate the story (continuous provision).

• Casgliadau o hen lyfrau gan gynnwys Beiblau (darpariaeth barhaus / ardal ddarllen).Collections of old books including Bibles (continuous provision/ reading area).

• Offer/cyfryngau amrywiol i wneud marciau ar bapur (plastig / plu / pensiliau / brwsys).Various mediums to mark make (plastics / feathers / pencils / brushes etc).

• Plannu a thyfu rhai oʼr llysiau yn y stori (ardal barhaus yr ardd).Plant and grow some of the vegetables in the story (continuous provision-garden).

• Creu cawl syml o lysiau.Make a broth/cawl from vegetables.

• Defnyddio betys i liwio defnydd / gwlân / printio.Use beetroot to colour material / wool / print.

• Adeiladu llong iʼr ardal allanol – blociau mawr neu focsys.Build a ship for the outdoor area – large blocks or boxes.

• Beth oedd enw mam a dad Dewi / Beth am enwau rhieniʼr plant?What were the names of Dewiʼs parents? / Names of childrenʼs parents?

• Creu siart darluniadol oʼr stori (arddangosfa) Pobl / geifr / pili-palaod / adar.Create a pictorial chart of the story (display) People / goats / butterflies / birds.

• Dysgu pader/ pennill o emyn syml.Learn a prayer or verse from a simple hymn.

• Plant i greu llyfryn personol yn dilyn yr un drefn âʼr storiChildren to create their personal book following the story layout.


Gweithgareddau /Activities