CV ﻪﻣوزر هاﻮﺧداد ﺮﻐﺻا ﺮﺘﮐد created with pdfFactory Pro trial version ....

١ ﺗﻌﺎﻟﯽ ﺑﺴﻤﻪ رزوﻣﻪ) CV ( دادﺧﻮاه اﺻﻐﺮ دﮐﺘﺮ داﻧﺸﮕﺎه اﺳﺘﺎد ﺑﺎﻟﯿﻨﯽ رواﻧﺸﻨﺎﺳﯽ ﮔﺮوه ﺗﻮاﻧﺒﺨﺸﯽ و ﺑﻬﺰﯾﺴﺘﯽ ﻋﻠﻮم داﻧﺸﮕﺎه ﭘﺮﺳﻨﻠﯽ ﻣﺸﺨﺼﺎت ﺳﻮاﺑﻖ ﺗﺤﺼﯿﻠﯽ داﻧﺸﮕﺎﻫ: ﺗﺎرﯾﺦ درﺟﻪ داﻧﺸﮕﺎه ﻧﺎم/ ﻣﻮﺳﺴﻪ ﻣﮑﺎن ﺗﺤﺼﯿﻠﯽ رﺷﺘﻪ1356 ُ S.C.E. ﺗﻠﻔﻮرد ﮐﺎﻟﺞ اﻧﮕﻠﺴﺘﺎن/ ادﯾﻤﺒﻮرگA- Level 1369 ﻟﯿﺴﺎﻧﺲ داﻧﺸﮕ ﻃﺒﺎﻃﺒﺎﯾﯽ ﻋﻼﻣﻪ ﺎه ﺗﻬﺮان اﻧﮕﻠﯿﺴﯽ زﺑﺎن ﻣﺘﺮﺟﻤﯽ1369 ﺟﺎﯾﮑﺎي ژاﭘﻦ ژاﭘﻦ اﻟﻤﻠﻠﯽ ﺑﯿﻦ ﻫﻤﮑﺎري آژاﻧﺲ ژاﭘﻦ/ ﺗﻮﮐﯿﻮ ﻣﻌﻠﻮﻟﯿﻦ ورزش ﻣﺪﯾﺮﯾﺖ1371 ﻟﯿﺴﺎﻧﺲ ﻓﻮق ﺗﻬﺮان داﻧﺸﮕﺎه ﺗﻬﺮان رﺳﺎﻧﯽ اﻃﻼع و ﮐﺘﺎﺑﺪاري ﻋﻠﻮم1372 ﻣﺤﻘﻖ ﮐﯿﻮﺷﻮ داﻧﺸﮕﺎه ژاﭘﻦ/ ﻓﻮﮐﻮﺋﻮﮐﺎ ﻣﻌﻠﻮﻟﯿﺖ رواﻧﺸﻨﺎﺳﯽ1372 دﯾﭙ ﻠﻢ ﺗﺨﺼﺼﯽ ﮐﯿﻮﺷﻮ داﻧﺸﮕﺎه ژاﭘﻦ/ ﻓﻮﮐﻮﺋﻮﮐﺎ ژاﭘﻨﯽ زﺑﺎن1374 ﻟﯿﺴﺎﻧﺲ ﻓﻮق ﮐﯿﻮﺷﻮ داﻧﺸﮕﺎه ژاﭘﻦ/ ﻓﻮﮐﻮﺋﻮﮐﺎ ﺗﺮﺑﯿﺘﯽ رواﻧﺸﻨﺎﺳﯽ1375 ﺳﻮﭘﺮواﯾﺰري ﺗﻮاﻧﺒﺨﺸﯽ رواﻧﺸﻨﺎﺳﯽ اﻧﺠﻤﻦ ژاﭘﻦ رواﻧﯽ ﺗﻮاﻧﺒﺨﺸﯽ1377 ﺗﺨﺼﺼﯽ دﮐﺘﺮي) PhD ( ﮐﯿﻮﺷﻮ داﻧﺸﮕﺎه ژاﭘﻦ/ ﻓﻮﮐﻮﺋﻮﮐﺎ ﺑﺎﻟﯿﻨﯽ رواﻧﺸﻨﺎﺳﯽ روا ﺗﻮاﻧﺒﺨﺸﯽ، ﻧﯽ1379 ISSBD رﻓﺘﺎري ﺗﻮﺳﻌﻪ ااﻣﻠﻠﯽ ﺑﯿﻦ اﻧﺠﻤﻦ ﭼﯿﻦ/ ﭘﮑﻦ رﻓﺘﺎري ﺗﻮﺳﻌﻪ1380 ﺗﻮ ا ﺟﺎﻣﻌﻪ ﺑﺮ ﻣﺒﺘﻨﯽ ﻧﺒﺨﺸﯽ ﺗﻮاﻧﺒﺨﺸﯽ ﻣﺪﯾﺮﯾﺖ اﻟﻤﻠﻠﯽ ﺑﯿﻦ اﻧﺠﻦ ﭘﺮﺗﻘﺎل/ ﻟﯿﺰﺑﻦ ﺟﺎﻣﻌﻪ ﺑﺮ ﻣﺒﺘﻨﯽ ﺗﻮاﻧﺒﺨﺸﯽ1382 ﺗﺨﺼﺼﯽ ﻓﻠﻮﺷﯿﭗ ﮐﯿﻮﺷﻮ داﻧﺸﮕﺎه ژاﭘﻦ/ ﻓﻮﮐﻮﺋﻮﮐﺎ اﺳﺘﺮسﯾﺮﯾﺖ ﻣﺪ رواﻧﺪرﻣﺎﻧﯿﻮ1384 دﮐﺘﺮاي ﻓﻮق ﺗﺨﺼﺼﯽ ﮐﯿﻮﺷﻮ داﻧﺸﮕﺎه ژاﭘﻦ/ ﻓﻮﮐﻮﺋﻮﮐﺎ اﺳﺘﺮس ﻣﺪﯾﺮﯾﺖ رواﻧﯽ، ﺗﻮاﻧﺒﺨﺸﯽ ﺗﺨﺼﺼﯽ ﻫﺎي زﻣﯿﻨﻪ: ﺑﺎﻟﯿﻨﯽ رواﻧﺸﻨﺎﺳﯽ ؛ ﺣﺮﮐﺘﯽ رﺷﺪ ؛ اﺳﺘﺮس ﻣﺪﯾﺮﯾﺖ ﻣﻌﻠﻮﻟﯿﺖ رواﻧﺸﻨﺎﺳﯽ ؛ رواﻧﺸﻨﺎﺧﺘﯽ ﺗﻮاﻧﺒﺨﺸﯽ ؛ ﺧﺎﻧﻮاده ﺑﺮ ﻣﺒﺘﻨﯽ ﺗﻮاﻧﺒﺨﺸﯽ زﺑﺎن ﺗﻮاﻧﺎﺋﯽ: ﻓﺎرﺳﯽ؛ اﻧﮕﻠﯿﺴﯽ ؛ ژاﭘﻨﯽ ﺧﺎﻧﻮادﮔﯽ ﻧﺎم و ﻧﺎم: دادﺧﻮاه اﺻﻐﺮ ﺷﻐﻞ: ﮐﺎر ﻣﺤﻞ آدرس رواﻧﺸﻨﺎﺳﯽ ﮔﺮوه ﺗﻮاﻧﺒﺨﺸﯽ و ﺑﻬﺰﯾﺴﺘﯽ ﻋﻠﻮم داﻧﺸﮕﺎه ﺑﻠﻮ اوﯾﻦ،، ﺑﺎﻟﯿﻨﯽ، داﻧﺸﺠﻮ ار ﮐﻮدﮐﯿﺎر، ﺧﯿﺎﺑﺎن ﭘﺴﺘﯽ ﮐﺪ ﺗﻬﺮان1985713834 ﺗﻠﻔﻦ/ ﻓﺎﮐﺲ: 22180045 اﻟﮑﺘﺮوﻧﯿﮑﯽ ﭘﺴﺖ: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] ﺳﺎﯾﺖ: PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version

Transcript of CV ﻪﻣوزر هاﻮﺧداد ﺮﻐﺻا ﺮﺘﮐد created with pdfFactory Pro trial version ....


بسمه تعالی

)CV(رزومه دکتر اصغر دادخواه

استاد دانشگاه

گروه روانشناسی بالینی دانشگاه علوم بهزیستی و توانبخشی

مشخصات پرسنلی

:یدانشگاه تحصیلی سوابق رشته تحصیلی مکان موسسه/نام دانشگاه درجه تاریخ1356 ُS.C.E. ادیمبورگ/ انگلستان کالج تلفورد A- Level

مترجمی زبان انگلیسی تهران اه عالمه طباطباییدانشگ لیسانس 1369 مدیریت ورزش معلولین توکیو/ ژاپن آژانس همکاري بین المللی ژاپن ژاپن جایکاي 1369 علوم کتابداري و اطالع رسانی تهران دانشگاه تهران فوق لیسانس 1371 روانشناسی معلولیت فوکوئوکا/ ژاپن دانشگاه کیوشو محقق 1372 زبان ژاپنی فوکوئوکا/ ژاپن دانشگاه کیوشو تخصصی لمدیپ 1372 روانشناسی تربیتی فوکوئوکا/ ژاپن دانشگاه کیوشو فوق لیسانس 1374 توانبخشی روانی ژاپن انجمن روانشناسی توانبخشی سوپروایزري 1375 نی، توانبخشی رواروانشناسی بالینی فوکوئوکا/ ژاپن دانشگاه کیوشو )PhD(دکتري تخصصی 13771379 ISSBD توسعه رفتاري پکن/چین انجمن بین اامللی توسعه رفتاري توانبخشی مبتنی بر جامعه لیزبن/پرتقال انجن بین المللی مدیریت توانبخشی نبخشی مبتنی بر جامعهاتو 1380 رواندرمانیو مدیریت استرس فوکوئوکا/ ژاپن دانشگاه کیوشو فلوشیپ تخصصی 1382 توانبخشی روانی، مدیریت استرس فوکوئوکا/ ژاپن دانشگاه کیوشو تخصصیفوق دکتراي 1384

:زمینه هاي تخصصی

مدیریت استرس ؛ رشد حرکتی ؛ روانشناسی بالینی توانبخشی مبتنی بر خانواده ؛ توانبخشی روانشناختی ؛ روانشناسی معلولیت

:توانائی زبان

ژاپنی ؛انگلیسی فارسی؛

: شغل اصغر دادخواه : نام و نام خانوادگی

آدرس محل کاردانشگاه علوم بهزیستی و توانبخشی گروه روانشناسی خیابان کودکیار، ‚ار دانشجوبالینی، ، اوین، بلو 1985713834تهران کد پستی 22180045: فاکس/تلفن

[email protected] :پست الکترونیکی[email protected]

[email protected] : سایت

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):ادمیک؛ سمپوزیم، کارگاهآک(آموزشی /کاري سوابق مکان مسئولیت تا از

دبیرستان، دبیر، مدیر دبستان شاهدامور تربیتی، :آموزش و پرورش 1371 1360 تهران دارالفنونتربیت معلم مدرس مرکز


تهران نایب رئیس فدراسیون جانبازان و معلولین 1370 1364 تهران کشور انبازانمدیر آموزش بنیاد مستضعفان و ج 1368 1367 تهران مدیر بخش خارجی نمایشگاه بین المللی کتاب تهران، وزارت ارشاد 1370 1367 تهران مدیرکل اطالع رسانی مرکز تحقیقات استراتژیک کشور 1371 1368 تهران )عج( معاون پژوهشی؛ بنیاد توانبخشی ولیعصر 1380 1377 تهران بهزیستی کشور مدیرکل امور بین الملل سازمان 1381 1377 استان کشور 22 کارگاه سه روزه توانبخشی دوسا 22برگزاري مسئول 1383 1378 و بندر انزلی تنکابن آموزشی یک هفته اي بین المللی دوسا در ایران دوره دوبرگزاري مسئول 1380 1379 پرتقال؛ رومانیچین؛ ؛ لبنان؛ مالزي روزه توانبخشی دوسا در خارج کشور 5دوره هشت برگزاريمسئول 1381 1380 تهران مشاور سازمان دانش آموزي وزارت آموزش و پرورش 1383 1380 آمریکا شرکت در مجمع عمومی و سرپرست دانش آموزان اعزامی به سازمان ملل 1381 1381 تهران دانشگاه علوم بهزیستی و توانبخشی ؛یاراستاد 1382 1377 تهران شگاه علوم بهزیستی و توانبخشیدان ؛دانشیار 1387 1382 تهران دانشگاه علوم بهزیستی و توانبخشی استادتمام؛ تا کنون 1387 تهران )ذهنی افراد با اختالالتویژه (رئیس المپیک ویژه ایران تا کنون 1379

دانشگاهی و علمی هاي مسئولیت

مسئولیت تا از عضو هیئت رئیسه دانشگاه 1381 1377 Who, UNICEF, UNDP, UNDCP نماینده دانشگاه در جلسات سازمان بهداشت جهانی 1381 1377 مشاور بین الملل معاونت پژوهش 1383 1377 دانشگاه ITمشاور 1383 1379 عضو مرکز تحقیقات علوم رفتاري دانشگاه 1384 1379 ضایعات ستون فقرات دانشگاهعضو مرکز تحقیقات 1385 1380 بیر دومین کنگره روانشناسی بالینید 1381 1381 Iranian Rehabilitation Journalژورنال انگلیسی عضو هیئت تحریریه تا کنون 1381 Saudi Journal of Disability and Rehabilitation special issue on Iranدبیر مهمان ژورنال 1382 1382 رواندرمانیدومین کنگره آسیایی قائم مقام و دبیر 1382 1382 عضو اجرائی مرکز تحقیقات سالمندي ایران تا کنون 1383 نماینده دانشگاه در کمیته برقراري رابطه بین دانشگاهی با دانشگاه کیوشو ژاپن 1386 1384 Saudi Journal of Disability and Rehabilitation special issue on Psychorehabilitدبیر ژورنال 1384 1384 ژورنال سالمندعضو هیئت تحریریه تا کنون 1385 عضو شوراي پژوهشی دانشگاه 1388 1386 Iranian Rehabilitation Journalسردبیر ژورنال انگلیسی تا کنون 1387 عضو کیته جذب هیئت علمی دانشگاه تا کنون 1388 عضو هیئت ممیزه دانشگاه تا کنون 1388

عضویت در مجامع علمی

ع علمیمجم تا از ژاپن، فوکوئوکا انجمن علمی توانبخشی روانشناختی ژاپن تا کنون 1372 ژاپن؛ توکیو انجمن روانشناسی ژاپن تا کنون 1373

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آمریکا؛ نیویورك )IR(توانبخشی بین المللی تا کنون 1374 آمریکا؛ نیووت )APA(انجمن روانشناسی آمریکا تا کنون 1377 تهران نشناسی ایرانانجمن روا تا کنون 1377 تهران نوتیزم ایرانهیپانجمن 1380 1377 اطریش؛ وین شوراي جهانی رواندرمانی تا کنون 1378 تهران انجمن رواندرمانی ایران تا کنون 1383 ژاپن، فوکوئوکا انجمن سایکودراماي غرب ژاپن تا کنون 1383 آمریکا، واشنگتن اسی بالینیجامعه روانشن –انجمن روانشناسی آمریکا تا کنون 1383

1 Asghar Dadkhah, Susumu Harizuka, Ph.D. 2 Fariba Malekshahi, Asghar Dadkhah, Ph.D., Susumu Harizuka, Ph.D. 3Asghar Dadkhah, Ph.D., Susumu Harizuka, Ph.D.

انتشارات ژورنال ها-1

Year Journal name Article title Vol. & Page

1 1994 The Journal of Rehabilitation Psychology, Japan1

The application of Dohsa-hou to Disabled Sportsmen 22, 43-49

2 1997 Education Line, Leeds, UK Dohsa-hou, A Japanese Psycho-rehabilitative program for individuals with motor disorders and other disabilities

No. 356

3 1998 Japanese Psychological Research, Japan

The effect of Dohsa-hou in body-consciousness of disabled sportsmen

40, 134-143

4 1998 Perceptual and Motor Skills, USA

Use of Dohsa-hou, a Psychorehabilitative Program, to guide Motor Activity of young adults with Cerebral Palsy

86, 243-249

5 1998 Perceptual and Motor Skills, USA

Body consciousness in Dohsa-hou, A Japanese Psychorehabilitative program

86, 411-417

6 1998 The Journal of Social Psychology, Washington

Pattern of social interaction in societies of the Asia-Pacific region

139, 6, 730-735

7 1999 Psychotherapy. Novelties, Iran

From Hypnosis to Dohsa method (Farsi) 11, 42-51

8 1999 Saudi Journal Disability and Rehabilitation

A Japanese Psychorehabilitative Program, to guide Motor Activity of children with disability

5, 218-220

9 2000 Journal of medical rehabilitation, Prague

New method of Psychotherapy and sportsmen ISPRM


2000 Oct

Self concept theory, research and practice

Locus of control and self esteem in running girls (Self-concept enhancement and learning facilitation (SELF)


11 2001 Educational Psychology Journal, Japan

Relation between Motor Activity and Body Consciousness in Children.

3, 12-18


2001 ASRAR- Sabzwar medical university Journal

1380/2/8مجله علوم پزشکی سبزوار –اسرار

The effect of Japanese psycho-rehab (Dohsa) on aged people depression.

بر میزان افسردگی سالمندان) دوسا(توانبخشی روانر ژاپنی بررسی تاثیر روش

8, 2, 4-11

13 2002 The Journal of Clinical Psychology & Human Development, Fukuoka2

The effect of Dohsa-Hou, A Japanese Psycho-rehabilitative program on Aged depression Patients

7, 65-69

14 2002 The Journal of Rehabilitation Psychology, Japan3

The application of a Japanese Psychological Rehabilitation method in Iran

30, 9-13

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15 2003 Saudi Journal Disability and Rehabilitation-special issue on Iran

Pattern of rehabilitation and home health care in elders with rheumatoid arthritis

Special issue 2003

16 2004 Social Welfare Quarterly (Farsi) 3/12فصلنامه رفاه اجتماعی

Study of Frequency of personality Disorders in Women prison اختالل شخصیت در زنان زندانی

3, 301-307

17 2004 July

Middle east Journal of Family Medicine

The Impact of Educational Play on Fine Motor Skills of 4-6 Year olds

Vol. 2, Issue 4

18 2004 Sep

Iranian Rehabilitation Journal (IRJ)

Stress Management and Health promotion Vol. 2, No. 2

19 2004 Nov

The Journal of Rehabilitation Psychology, Japan

Self Active Relaxation Therapy (SART) in Dohsa-Hou Vol. 32(1)

20 2005 Nov

Iranian Rehabilitation Journal (IRJ)

Psychological Rehabilitation Techniques and sport Injury Returning to normal daily Function

Vol. 3, No. 3

21 2005 Summer

Journal of Rehabilitation- Iran 84/2/6-توانبخشی

Comparing pre-writing skills in children having attention deficit and hyperactivity

ل نقص توجه همراه با بیش فعالی و کودکان مقایسه مهارتهاي پیش نوشتاري کودکان دچار اختال 1372ساله شهر ارك سال 6- 4عادي پسر

Vol. 6, No. 2-21

22 2005 March

The Journal of Clinical Psychology & Human Development, Fukuoka

Factor Analysis of Social Interaction Questionnaire for the Trainers and Mothers of children with disabilities participating in Psycho Rehabilitation camps

Vol. 11, 1-10

23 2005 Saudi Journal Disability and Rehabilitation - special issue psychological rehabilitation in Asia and Islamic World

Development of Japanese rehabilitation psychology (Dohsa-Hou) in Iran

Vol. 11, 1&2, 111-116

24 2005 Saudi Journal Disability and Rehabilitation - special issue psychological rehabilitation in Asia and Islamic World

The application of Dohsa-Hou to children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Vol. 11, 1&2, 18-24

25 2005 Saudi Journal Disability and Rehabilitation - special issue psychological rehabilitation in Asia and Islamic World

Dohsa-Hou and aged people: Decreasing depression level

and increasing life skill

Vol. 11, 1&2, 25-29

26 2006 Aug

Bulletin of international cultural research Institute, Chikushi Jogakuen University

Family-centered habilitation: transferring ideas into practice No 17, 227-236

27 2006 May

Middle East Journal of Family Medicine

The pattern of Interpersonal Relationship for University

students in Persian culture

Vol. 4, No. 3

28 2006 May

Middle East Journal of Age and Aging

Social welfare and health (Mental, Social, Physical) status of aged people in Iran

Vol. 3, No. 1

29 2006 Middle East Journal of Age and Aging



Vol. 3, No 3, pp 16-19

30 2007 Feb

The Middle East Journal of Nursing

The effect of Discharge Planning on Physical Status of Iranian Mothers in postpartum period

Vol 1 Issue 1

31 2007 May

Child: Care, Health & Development

Validity and Reliability of Neurological International Battery (INFANIB) for detection of gross-motor developmental delay in Iran

Vol. 33, issue 3, 262-

32 2007 May

Middle East Journal of Family Medicine

Effect of social and family factors on committing suicide among university students in Iran

Vol. 5, issue3,

33 2007 June


Vol. 1, Issue 3 3-5

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4 Morteza Noorikhajavi, MD; Susan Afghan, MD; Asghar Dadkhah PhD.; Kourosh Holakoyie MD; Seyyed Hadi Motamedi MD

34 2007 International Journal of Social welfare

Physical, social, and psychological Considerations of children affected by the incarceration of mother in Iran

No 16, 278–280

35 2007 Aug

Perceptual and Motor skills

Japanese psychotherapy and treatment of Major depression disorder (MDD) in adolescence

Vol. 105, 531-538


2007 Oct

Middle East Journal of Nursing social and family factors on committing suicide among university students

Vol 1, Issue 5

37 2007 Spring

Salmand Journal 3-2-86سالمند

60+ in Iran: A need for comprehensive strategic plan سیستم خدمات ویژه سالمندي در کشورهاي آمریکا و ژاپن و ارائه شاخص هایی جهت تدوین برنامه

راهبردي خدمات سالمندي در ایران

Vol. 3, 166-175

38 2007 June

The International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine (IJPM) Medical University of south Carolina


Vol. 37, Issue 3, 345-355


2007 Summer

Journal of Rehabilitation فصلنامه توانبخشی

The effect of applying progressive muscle relaxation on activities of daily living in multiple sclerosis patients

سنجش میزان اثر بخشی روش توانبخشی روانشناختی بر کودکان داراي معلولیت جسمی و ذهنی

Vol. 8, 2, 57-62

40 2007 DEC

Middle East Journal of Family Medicine

The Effects of Instruction and Audiovisual Techniques on Behavioral Changes of Children with Down Syndrome

Vol.5, Issue 8, 16-17


2007 Nov

Manzel 1386منزل مهر Home Psychology روانشناسی منزل Vol. 1, 28-31

42 2007 Iranian Rehabilitation Journal The effect of adding homeopathic treatment to rehabilitation on abnormal reflexes of children with spastic cerebral palsy Sajedi Firoozeh, MD.; Alizad Vida; Asghar Dadkhah, Ph.D.1, Mohammad R. Hadian Jazy, MD.

Vol. 5, No. 5 & 6

43 2007 Iranian Rehabilitation Journal Dohsa treatment to improve balance in elderly people: an evaluation of an home-based exercise programme Asghar Dadkhah, PhD.1; Susumu Harizuka, PhD.; Farin Soleimani, MD.; Sahel Hemmati, MD.

Vol. 5, No. 5 & 6


2008 Feb

Middle East Journal of Nursing Down syndrome parents' worries about their children in Iran Vol. 2, Issue 1 26-29


2008 April

Logopedics Phoniatrics Vocology (Official journal of the British Voice Association)

Motor control of speaking rate and oral diadochokinesis in hearing-impaired Farsi speakers SADEGH SEIFPANAHI, ASGHAR DADKHAH, ALI DEHQAN1, MEHDI BAKHTIAR1 & TAHMINEH SALMALIAN

Vol. 33, Issue 3, , 153 – 159

46 2008 April

Middle East Journal of Family Medicine

Emotional Intelligence (EI) and Psycho-pathology in Iranian University Students Mostafa. Zarean1, Amin. Asadollahpour2, Zahra Bahadori3, Fatemeh Aayatmehr3, Abbas Bakhshipour PhD3, Asghar, Dadkhah, PhD1

Vol. 6, Issue 3

47 2008 April

Iranian Rehabilitation Journal Comparison of motor skills in Children with developmental coordination disorder and normal peers Sahel Hemmati, MD.; Nasrin Amiri, MD.; Farin Soleimani,MD. ; Asghar Dadkhah, PhD.

Vol. 6, No. 7 & 8


2008 April

Iranian Rehabilitation Journal Measurement of frequency of signs and symptoms in 120 cases with cord injury in Iran Mojtaba Azimian, MD.; Asghar Dadkhah, PhD.

Vol. 6, No. 7 & 8

49 2008 Sep

Middle East Journal of Family Medicine

Cerebral Palsy in Iranian Children: Etiology, types and associated disorders

Farin Soleimani, Sahel Hemmati, Nasrin Amiri, Asghar Dadkhah, PhD

Vol. 6, Issue 7

50 2008 Aug

Middle East Journal of Age and Aging

Naming Performance in Farsi-Speaking Aged People

Fariba Yadegari, Mahshid Foroughan, Azar Mehri; Peymaneh

Shirinbayan, Asghar Dadkhah

Vol. 5, Issue 4

51 2008 Dec

Middle East Journal of Family Medicine

Supporting Services and Quality of Life in People with Multiple Sclerosis Mojtaba Azimian, MD ; Mostafa Eghlima, PhD; Ghoncheh Raheb PhD; Mitra Zohmand, MSc.; Asghar Dadkhah, PhD. (corresponding)

Vol.6, Issue 10

52 2009 April

Iranian Rehabilitation Journal The comparison of marital satisfaction between fertile and infertile women Seyed Abdolmajid Bahrainian, PhD.; Fatemeh Nazemi; Asghar Dadkhah, PhD.

Vol. 7, No. 9

53 2009 April

Iranian Rehabilitation Journal Review of Abuse and Violence against Women and Children in Psycho-social rehabilitation centres Seyyed Hadi Motamedi, MD; Asghar Dadkhah, PhD.; Mohammad

Vol. 7, No. 9

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کتاب- 2

Year Book title Publisher Location

2000 The Memory Jogger (Translated to Farsi)5 University of Welfare and Rehabilitation


2001 Total quality Management (Translated to Farsi6) University of Welfare and Rehabilitation, Tehran


2002 Team Work Skills (Translated to Farsi)7 Maryam Publication


2003 Healing the Body, Healing the Pain(Translated to Farsi) University of Welfare and Rehabilitation, Tehran


2003 UK youth policy Iran student Organization


2004 Introduction to Dohsa-hou, The power of hand (Farsi) Under publication

2004 Democracy starts with children

Iran student organization Tehran

ارائه مقاالت علمی در کنفرانس هاي داخلی و بین المللی

Year Conference/Seminar Paper title Location

1 1987 / 08

International Stoke Mandeville Games Federation seminar (ISMGF)

The situation of Spinal cord injury in Iran Stoke Mandeville, UK

2 1989 2nd Paralympics Congress Sports therapy for the people with disability Ottawa, Canada

5 Dr. Hossein Kakooei, Dr. Asghar Dadkhah, Dr. Kurosh Halakuei 6 Dr. Gholamreza Ansari, Dr. Hossein Kakooei, Dr. Asghar Dadkhah 7 Dr. Hossein Kakooei, Dr. Kurosh Halakuei, Dr. Asghar Dadkhah

Reza Khodaee Ardakani, MD. 54 2009

May Social Developmental Self-reported use of emotional display rules in the

Netherlands and Iran: Evidence for socio-cultural influence (Novin, S., Rieffe, C., Dadkhah, A., &. Banerjee, R.).

Vol. 18, Issue 2

55 2009 May

Middle East Journal of Age and Aging

Service Framework for Older People in Japan: A Guideline for Asian Countries

Vol. 6, Issue 3

56 2009 July

Middle East Journal of Nursing Returning Runaway Girls to Rehabilitation Centers: Factors Related to Social Problems Mostafa Eghlima, Asghar Dadkhah

Vol.3, Issue 4

57 2009 July

Middle East Journal of Nursing The Application of Recreational and Leisure Activities on Schizophrenic Patients’ Self Care Masoud Fallahi, Asghar Dadkhah

Vol.3, Issue 4

58 2009 Aug

Middle East Journal of Age and Aging

The Application of Romberg Exercise on Falling State of Elderly Persons in Nursing Homes Ahmadali Akbari Kamrani, Farhad Azadi, Pourandokht Pejmanfard, Saeed Siadat, Marjan Akbari Kamrani, Asghar Dadkhah (corresponding

Vol.6, Issue 4

59 2009 Aug

Middle East Journal of Age and Aging

Nutrition Educational Program and Health Promotion in Aged People in Iran Sima. Ghasemi; Farshad. Sharifi, Shahrbano Maghsoodnia, Fariba Teimoori,Asghar Dadkhah (corresponding)

Vol.6, Issue 4

60 2009- تابستان

Hakim, Medical Journal فصلنامه حکیم

ی شمال و شرق تهران و عوامل مؤثر درمان - بهداشتی شیرخواران پرخطر مراجعه کننده به مراکز آنان بر تأخیر تکامل حرکتی

، دکتر روشنک وامقی، دکتر اصغر دادخواه* دکتر فرین سلیمانی

Vol. 12 Issue 2

61 2009 Oct

Iranian Rehabilitation Journal The Effectiveness of Group Coping Skills training on reducing stress of mothers with disabled children Shirin Valizadeh, Rahman Berdi Ozouni Davaji, Asghar Dadkhah,PhD

Vol. 7, No. 10

62 2009 Oct

Iranian Rehabilitation Journal Quality of life of disabled children's mother: a comparative study Asghar Dadkhah, PhD., Robabeh Ghaffar Tabrizi, PhD., Sahel Hemmati, MD.

Vol. 7, No. 10

63 2009 Dec

World Family Medicine Journal

Coping and Severity of Behavioral Problems Seyyed Davood Mohammadi, Asghar Dadkhah

Vol. 7 Issue 10

64 2009 Research Journal of Biological Sciences

Fatigue Severity Scale: The Psychometric Properties of the Persian-Version in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis Mojtaba Azimian, A. Shahvarughi Farahani, Asghar Dadkhah, M. Fallahpour and M. Karimlu

Vol. 4 Issue 9

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/ 07 3 1996

/ 09 18th World Congress of Rehabilitation International

The effect of Dohsa-hou on body consciousness New Zealand Auckland

4 1997 / 09

BERA-British Educational Research Association annual conference 11-14 Sep.

Change of body - consciousness: through a psycho- rehabilitation training

York, U.K.

5 1998 / 08

24th International Congress of Applied Psychology. 9-14 August

Body consciousness in Dohsa-hou San Francisco, U.S.A

6 1998 / 05

Pediatrics and Rehabilitation annual congress

Use of Psycho-rehabilitative Program Tehran, Iran

7 1998 / 12

6th Iranian Occupational Therapy Association annual congress

The use of Psycho-rehabilitation in Occupational therapy

Tehran, Iran

8 1999 / 05

International congress on Children with Intellectual Disability.

Motor development and children with Mental Retardation

Tehran, Iran

9 1999 / 06

Joint Attention, Philosophy and psychology Conference 11-13 June

Body consciousness, public and private aspect

Warwick Russia

10 1999 / 07

2nd World Congress for Psychotherapy, 3-8 July

Introduction to Japanese Psychotherapy Vienna, Austria

11 1999 / 07

Cultural Diversity Conference, 10-13 July

Individualism and collectivism and cultures Vienna, Austria

12 1999 / 08

International Seminar on Researches in School Effectiveness at primary Stage, 13-17 July

Psycho-rehabilitation effectiveness at primary Stage

New Delhi, India

13 1999 / 11

25th National Congress of Psychological Rehabilitation

Psycho-rehabilitation activities report in Iran Fukuoka, Japan

14 1999 / 12

ESCAP seminar on Aged as consumers, 9-14 December

The situation of aged persons in Iran Shanghai, China

15 1999 / 12

7th Iranian Occupational Therapy Association annual congress

Use of Japanese Psycho-rehabilitative Program to guide Motor Activity of children with Cerebral Palsy

Tehran, Iran

16 2000 / 01

Nursing rehabilitation congress

The effect of Dohsa-hou on the level of stress in aged people

Tehran, Iran

17 2000 / 02

International congress of aged

Psycho-rehabilitation and stress in aged people

Tehran, Iran

18 2000 / 07

XVIth Biennial Meetings of ISSBD.. 5-12 July

Change of Body-consciousness in people with cerebral palsy

Beijing, China

19 2000 / 07

XXII International Congress of Psychology 23-23 July

The pattern of Body consciousness in University Student

Stockholm, Sweden

20 2000 / 07

XXII International Congress of Psychology 23-28 July

Social interaction pattern Stockholm, Sweden

21 2000 / 10

Nursing updates in prevent ional psychic disturbances

The effect of Dohsa-hou on the depression Tabriz, Iran

22 2000 / 12

Campaign 2000 for Asian and Pacific Decade of Disabled, 11-15 Decembe

How to increase social Interaction in People with Cerebral Palsy

Bangkok, Thailand

23 2001 / 02

Fourth International Conference of Islamic World Council on Disability and Rehabilitation10-15 Febuary

Dohsa-Hou, - a Japanese psychological rehabilitation method Theory and Practice

Khartoum, Sudan

24 2001 Special Olympics Middle East Iran Program development for Special Olympics Manama, Bahrain

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/ 04 & North Africa meeting, 11-15 April,

and Mental retardation

25 2000 / 07

3rd International Conference on Social Work in Health and Mental Health 1-5 July

Health and psychological rehabilitation Tampere, Finland

26 2001 / 07

World Congress of Sport Psychology, 12-17 July

Psycho-rehabilitation and Range of motion in Sport London, UK

27 2001 / 08

Conference of Conductive Education, 1-6 July

Psycho-therapy and effective Education Kiev, USSR

28 2001 / 08

2nd conference of Occupational Safety and health, 20-26 August

Stress Management and Productivity Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur

29 2001 / 09

RI Arab Regional Conference on Disability, Rehabilitation & Inclusion, 19-21 September

Stress Management and Relaxation Beirut, Lebanon

30 2001 / 10

International Workshop of CBR Association 9-26 October

Community Based Rehabilitation in Iran Lisbon, Portugal

31 2002 / 03

Special Olympics National Directors seminar, 18-22 March

Management in exceptional children amusement therapy

Beirut, Lebanon

32 2002 / 05

UN Special session on Children Rights

Children rights and United Nation New York, USA

33 2002 / 07

XXV International Congress of Applied Psychology 7-12 July

Social interaction in Cerebral Palsy People Singapore

34 2003 / 04

3rd. World Congress of the ISPRM International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, April 10-14,


35 2003 / 05

British Council Connect youth 1-5 May

A review of United Kingdom Youth Policy London, UK

36 2003 / 05

Children and Residential Care, 12-15 MAy

Psycho rehabilitation and residential care centers dismantling

Stockholm, Sweden

37 2003 / 05

2nd Iranian Clinical Psychology conference,24-26 May

The effect of Psycho rehabilitation methods on Aged depression

Tehran, Iran

38 2003 /06

Special Olympics Symposium, “Supporting Families”, 19-20 June

Mental retarded people and Special Olympics Belfast, Ireland

39 2003 / 09

Linking Globally : Acting Locally Conference 23-27 Sep

Efficacy and Cost-effectiveness of Psycho-rehabilitation methods for the people with disability

Cluj, Romania

40 2003 / 10

2nd International Conference of ELO Social, 9-17 Oct

Psycho-rehabilitation and Family Based Rehabilitation.

Lisbon, Portugal

41 2004 / 01

Risk, decision and human error conference, 15-17 January

The effect of pursuing useless information on decision making across cultures8

Italy, Trento

42 2004 /06

Rehabilitation International World Congress 2004, 20-27

1- Access to psychological Rehab—parallel session

Oslo, Norway

8 Abdolhossein Abdollahi, Asghar Dadkhah

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2- The effect of Japanese Psycho-rehabilitation program (Dohsa-Hou) on neck, back and hip of people with Cerebral Palsy – poster

3- Japanese Psycho-rehabilitation method (Dohsa-hou) , and Self Active Relaxation therapy (SART)--workshop

43 2004 / 08

XVII International Congress , International Association for Cress-Cultural Psychology, 2-6 August

Body Consciousness: Cross-Cultural Evidence from Iran and Japan

Xian, China

44 2004 / 08

XXVIII International Congress of Psychology, 8-13 August

1- Development of sense of Self BY APPLYING PSYCHO-REHABILITATION PROGRAM –parallel session

2- Cross cultural study in consciousness – parallel session

Beijing, China

45 2004 / 09

2nd Asian Psychotherapy Conference, 29Sep-2Oct

Stress management and Psychotherapy Tehran, Iran

46 2005 / 04

3rd World congress of the International society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine – ISPRM, 10-15 April

Family Based Rehabilitation in Iran Sao Paulo, Brazil

47 2005 / 07

9th European congress of psychology, 3-8 July

1- Psychological treatment and health promotion -- Symposium

2- Psycho-rehabilitation intervention for work related stress – Parallel session

Granada, Spain

48 2005 / 11

Rehabilitation International Arab Conference, 14-16 Nov. 2005, Manama, Bahrain

New Method and aspect of Rehabilitation Manama, Bahrain

49 2005 / 11

31st Japanese Psychological rehabilitation Association annual conference, Okinawa, Japan, 25-27 Nov, 2005.

The development of Family based rehabilitation and Psychological rehabilitation in Iran

Okinawa, Japan

50 2005/ 5

2nd Iran psychological association conference, Tehran, 9-11 May

Family stress management Tehran, Iran

51 2006 17th international conference on drug-related harm, 30 April-4 May

Psycho-rehabilitation intervention in harm reduction process for increasing self esteem

Vancouver, Canada

52 2006 International Interdisciplinary Conference on Children's Rights, 18-19 May

Children’s right to life, and well-being: A Survey of Child and Adolescent Well-Being in Child Welfare centers in Iran

Ghent, Belgium

53 2006 Istanbul, 6-8 July independent living and Japanese Psychotherapy Program

Istanbul, Turkey

54 2006 26th International Congress of Applied Psychology, 16-21 July Athens - Greece

Change of behavior in Overactive children by applying a psycho-rehabilitation program

Athens - Greece

55 2006 26th International Congress of Applied Psychology, 16-21 July

Japanese Psychotherapy and body-mind functioning Symposium

Athens - Greece

56 2006 International Council for Education of People with Visual Impairment (ICEVI) 12th world conference, 16-21 July

Japanese Psychotherapy for the Management of Anxiety in People with Visual Impairment

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

57 2006 International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual Disabilities (IASSID) Europe. 2-5 August.

Empowerment of People with an intellectual disability Through Japanese Psychological program

Maastricht, Netherlands

58 2007 1st International Islamic World Science & sport

Psycho rehabilitation and sport Tehran, Iran

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conference, 30 April-1 May 59 2007 910th European

Congress of Psychology, 3-6 July

The application of Psycho-rehabilitation program on children with disability

Prague CZ

60 2007 10th European Congress of Psychology, 3-6 July

The role of facial expressions in emotion display in Iranian Children

Prague CZ

61 2008 Feb

First congress on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, 17 Feb.

Psychological resiliency after accident in Haraz road.

Tehran, Iran

62 2008 Feb

First congress on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, 17 Feb.

Stress pathology after accident in children after a flood.

Tehran, Iran

63 2008 Feb

3rd Congress of Aging issues in Iran and other countries, 25-27 Feb.

The Relationship between Social Contacts and Loneliness among Aged People: A Population-Based Study

Tehran, Iran

64 2008 Feb

3rd Congress of Aging issues in Iran and other countries, 25-27 Feb.

Phenomology of human suffering, Conceptualizations of dying in a single case study

Tehran, Iran

65 2008 7-9 May

The 2nd International Congress of Psychosomatic Medicine

The effect of psycho-rehabilitation on body - consciousness in sportsmen

Isfahan, Iran

66 2008 7-9 May

The 2nd International Congress of Psychosomatic Medicine

,Isfahan بررسی تاثیر برنامه توانبخشی روانی بر اصالح وضعیت جسمانی وحرکتیIran

67 2008 13-14 May

ششمین همایش سراسري کودکان داراي )P.D.D(مشکالت ذهنی و ارتباطی

و ارتقاء مهارتهاي ارتباطی ک ویژه کودکان کم توان ذهنیالمپی

Tehran Iran

68 2008 7-11 July

9th International Conference on Low Vision

A factor analytic study of the acceptance of relaxation by low vision high school students through Dohsa training (Poster)

Montréal, Canada

69 2008 20-25 July

XXIX International Congress of Psychology

Introduction to Japanese psychological rehabilitation therapy and its application on aged people (chairperson of Symposium)

Berlin, Germany

70 2008 20-25 July

XXIX International Congress of Psychology

Dohsa-hou and empowerment (oral presentation in Symposium)

Berlin, Germany

71 2008 20-25 July

XXIX International Congress of Psychology

The relationship between attitude toward premarital sex and marital satisfaction among married females and males in Tehran (Poster)

Berlin, Germany

72 2008 20-25 July

XXIX International Congress of Psychology

Effect of social and family factors on committing suicide among university students in Iran (poster)

Berlin, Germany

73 2008 20-25 July

XXIX International Congress of Psychology

Down syndrome parents worries about their children: Iranian family pattern (poster)

Berlin, Germany

74 2008 20-25 July

XXIX International Congress of Psychology

Introduction to Japanese Psychological Rehabilitation Therapy and its application on aged people

Berlin, Germany

75 2008 27-31 July

19th International Congress of International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology (IACCP 2008)

Body consciousness and social norms Bremen- Germany

76 2008 26-29 Aug

Measuring Behavior 2008 The pattern of Facial Expression among Iranian Children (Oral)

Maastricht Netherlands


2008 8-13 sep

17th Annual Meeting of ESMAC

Use of Dohsa-hou, a Psychorehabilitative Program, to guide Motor Activity of young adults with Cerebral Palsy

Antalya Turkey

9 The First European Congress was held in Amsterdam in 1989, the Second in Budapest in 1991, the Third in Tampere in 1993, the Fourth in Athens in 1995, the Fifth in Dublin in 1997, the Sixth in Rome in 1999, the Seventh in London 2001, the Eighth in Vienna in 2003, the Ninth in Granada in 2005,

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78 2009 18-22 Aug

14th European Conference on Developmental Psychology

Emotion expression in children Vilnius Lithuania

79 2009 30/Oct- 1/Nov


Stress management and Psycho-rehabilitation (workshop)

Sofia Bulgaria

80 2010 Feb

توانبخشی و خانواده Family and Rehabilitation

با نیازهاي ویژهکودکان براي "المپیک ویژه"توانبخشی از طریق Rehabilitation through Special Olympics programs

for special needs children

تهران دانشگاه بهزیستیTehran

81 2010 Feb

آشنایی با سندروم داونDown Syndrome

توانبخشی اجتماعی کودکان سندرم داون از طریق مشارکت و رقابت ورزشیSocial rehabilitation of Down syndrome by sport


تهران دانشگاه بهزیستیTehran

82 2010 15-17 March

Dubai International Rehabilitation Forum- REHAB Dubai 2010

Family Based Rehabilitation (FBR): importance in Treatment Process

Dubai UAE

83 2010 11–16 July

27th International Congress of Applied Psychology (ICAP 2010),

Supporting Services and Quality of Life in People with Multiple Sclerosis

Melbourne, Australia

84 2010 11–16 July

27th International Congress of Applied Psychology (ICAP 2010),

Self-reported use of emotional display rules Melbourne, Australia

85 2010 11–16 July

27th International Congress of Applied Psychology (ICAP 2010),


Melbourne, Australia

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Asghar Dadkhah, PhD. Professor

Department of Clinical Psychology University of Welfare and



Birthday: 22/12/1957 Nationality: Iranian Office address:

Home address:

Department of Clinical Psychology, University of welfare & Rehabilitation, Evin, Kudakyar Ave, Tehran 19834, Iran

Tel: (21) 2403054/5 Fax: (21) 2403034 E-mail: [email protected] [email protected]

#10 south Ekhtiyarie, Pasdaran Ave., Tehran, 1947863351, Iran Tel/Fax (21) 2255-2930 E-mail: [email protected] [email protected]


Date Degree Duration Institution Country/city Major 1980 S.C.E. 2 Years Telford College U.K./Edinburgh A-Level Board Exam

1990 Bachelor

B.A. 4 years Allame Tabatabaei University Iran/Tehran English Translation

1990 JICA 3 months Japan International Agency Japan/Tokyo Disabled Sport Management

1992 Master

M.Sc. 2 years Tehran University Iran/Tehran Information and Library Science

1993 Scholar One year Kyushu University Japan/Fukuoka General/Clinical Psychology

1993 Diploma 6 months Kyushu University, Japanese

Education Japan, Fukuoka Intensive Japanese Education

1995 Master

M.A. 2 years Kyushu University Japan/Fukuoka Educational Psychology

1996 S.V. 4 years Psycho Rehabilitation Association Japan Psycho-rehabilitation (Dohsa)

1998 Ph.D. 3 years Kyushu University Japan/Fukuoka Clinical Psychology

2000 SOI 45 days Special Olympics International USA/Washington SOI management development

2000 ISSBD 5 days International Society for the Study of

Behavioral Development China/Beijing Behavior Developmental

2001 C.B.R. 20 days UNDP and Community Rehabilitation

Management association Portugal/Lisbon Rehabilitation Management

2004 Fellow

ship -FLSP

6 months Kyushu University, Center for clinical psychology and human development

Japan/Fukuoka Psychotherapy

2004 ARTS 5 days IAAP/IUPsyS/IACCP China/Beijing Development and evaluation of psychological interventions

2005 Post-Doc Two years Kyushu University, Faculty of Human Environment Studies

Japan/Fukuoka Psychological Rehabilitation


Clinical Psychology Issues Motor development Stress Management Disability Psychology Psychological Rehabilitation

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Family Based Rehabilitation Inclusive education\Tele education LANGUAGE ABILITY English – Japanese – Persian TEACHING EXPERIENCE SYMPOSIA/PROGRAMS/WORKSHOPS ORGANIZED. Year Position Durati

on Institution/Course Location

1981-1986 Teacher 6 Years High School / Secondary School Iran/Tehran/Noor

1987-1991 Instructor 5 Years Dar-Alfonoon Teacher Training Institute Iran/Tehran

1998-2003 Assistant Professor 5 Years University of Welfare and Rehabilitation Iran/Tehran

1998-2000 Research Deputy 3 Years Vali-Asr Rehabilitation Foundation Iran/Tehran

1998-2003 Instructor/Director 5Years 22 Course of Psycho-rehabilitation(3days) Iran/22 provinces

2000 / 09 Instructor/Director 8 days 1st one week Dohsa Intensive Training course Iran/Tonekabon

2001 / 06 Instructor 4 days Therapy Association / Psycho-rehabilitation10 Lebanon/Beirut

2001 / 08 Instructor 3 days PETRONAS/Stress Management & Productivity11 Malaysia/Kuala

2001 / 09 Instructor/Director 8 days 2nd one week Dohsa Intensive Training course Iran/Bandar Anzali

2001 / 12 Instructor 5 days PETRONAS/Stress management for specialists Malaysia/Kuala

2002 / 02 Instructor 3 days NIOSH/ Stress Management Malaysia/Kuala

2002 / 07 Instructor 2 days Bonyad Janbazan / TQM for Managers Iran/Tehran

2002 / 07 Instructor 4 days PETRONAS/Stress Management Malaysia/Kuala

2002 / 08 Instructor/Director 4 days FBR12/ 4days Dohsa Intensive Training course Iran/Waramin

2002 / 10 Instructor 2 days Special Education Org. /Dohsa-Hou for PTs Iran/Tehran

2002 / 11 Instructor 2 days Welfare Organization /Psycho-rehabilitation Iran/Karaj

2003-2008 Associate Professor 5 Years University of Welfare and Rehabilitation Iran/Tehran

2003 / 01 Instructor 2 days Special Education Org. /Dohsa-Hou for OTs Iran/Tehran

2003 / 08 Instructor/Manager 10 days Star of Hope / Family Based Rehabilitation13 Romania/Iasi

2003 / 10 Instructor/Manager 10 days ELO Social Institute/ Dohsa therapy & FBR


2004 / 09 Instructor 2 days Special Education Org./ counselors and mal-behavior therapy


2004 / 12 Instructor 3 days Rehabilitation specialists/ Saba Rehab center/ Psycho-rehabilitation techniques


2005 / 01 Instructor One day Behavior therapy and special education/Special Education Mazandran


2005 / 01 Instructor 4 days Behavior adjustment and psycho rehabilitation Iran/Arak

2005 / 02 Instructor 2 days Psycho rehabilitation and aged people/ Rofeydeh Hospital


2005 / 04 Instructor 6 days Family Based Rehabilitation and Psycho rehabilitation/China Charity Federation CCF


2005 -2006 Visiting Professor 1 Year Kyushu University, Center for Human development and Clinical Psychology


2005 / 09 Super visor 8 days 4th Korean intensive Psychological Rehabilitation training Camp

Kongjoo / Korea

10 4 days course for OT, PT and Psychologists 11 6 days course for directors and managers 12 Family Based Rehabilitation 13 6 day course for specialists and families

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2006 / 4 Instructor 1 day Tehran special Education organization/ behavior therapy for exceptional children

Tehran/ Iran

2008 -- Full Professor till now University of Welfare and Rehabilitation Iran/Tehran

2007/1 Instructor

3 days Basic knowledge on aging

Tehran - Iran

2007/4 Instructor 2 days Psychorehabilitation and sport, Azad University sport conference

Tehran - Iran

2007/4 Instructor 2 days Psychodrama and sport, Azad University sport conference

Tehran - Iran

2007/12 Instructor 3 days

Saba Rehab center/ Holistic rehabilitation method

Tehran – Iran

RESEARCH EXPERIENCE Year Position Institution/Title Location

1991 Project leader National strategy for Information and Libraries Iran/Tehran

1992-1993 Researcher Kyushu University / Psychological Rehabilitation Japan/Fukuoka

2001 Project chief Student Organization / Children rights in United Nation Iran/Tehran

2001 Project Advisor USWR/ Iran Rehabilitation Data Bank Iran/Tehran

2002 Project chief Student Organization / UK Youth Policy Iran/Tehran

2003 Co-Researcher

(National project) USWR / Assessment of 10 year CBR program in Iran Iran/Tehran

2004 Project chief USWR / Facial expression of Iranian students Iran/USWR

2004 Project chief Pre writing skills in children with attention deficit Iran/USWR

2005 Project chief

(National project) Emotional expression model in Iranian students Proceeding

2005 Project chief

(National project) USWR / Family Based Rehabilitation in Iran – Part (1) Iran/USWR

2005 Project chief

(National project) Psychological risk indicators for developmental delays infancy Proceeding

2005 Project coordinator Kyushu University / Psychological rehabilitation Dictionary Japan/Fukuoka

2006 Project chief

USWR / Family Based Rehabilitation in Iran – Part (2) Proceeding


Project chief

USWR / The situation of Aging in Japan Proceeding

ADMINISTRATIVE RESPONSIBILITIES Year Position Institution/Event Location

1980 Director Culture House / Ministry of Education Iran/Noor

1986-1387 Principal Primary Secondary School Iran/Tehran

1988 Iran Team Manager Seoul Paralympics games Seoul/ Korea

1988 Manager 4th Tehran International Book fair/Foreign Books Iran/Tehran

1980-1989 Vice President Iran Disabled Sports Federation Iran/Tehran

1991-1992 General Director Information processing Sec./Strategic Research Center Iran/Tehran

1998-2002 General Director International Affairs/Iran Welfare Organization Iran

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1999 Iran chaperon North Carolina Special Olympics North Carolina/USA

1999--- National Director Special Olympics Iran Iran

2001--- Consultant Iran Student Organization/Education Ministry Iran

2003 Iran Chaperon Dublin World Special Olympics 2003 Dublin/Ireland

2004 Head Of Delegation 4th MENA(Middle east and North Africa) Special Olympics


2005-2006 Visiting Professor Kyushu University, Faculty of Human Environment Studies Fukuoka/Japan

2007 Head Of Delegation Shanghai World Special Olympics games 2007 Shanghai, China


1998-2002 Member of University Executive Board

1998-2002 University representative for WHO, UNICEF, UNDP, and UNDCP meetings

1998--2004 International affairs Advisor

2000--2004 University IT system consultant

2000--2005 Member of Human Behavior Science Research Center

2001--2006 Member of Spinal injury Research Center

2002--2002 General Secretary of 2nd Iran clinical Psychology Congress

2002--now Editorial Board, Iranian Journal of rehabilitation

2003--2003 Guest editor, Saudi Journal Disability and Rehabilitation-special issue on Iran

2003--2003 Scientific committee member, 2nd Asian Psychotherapy conference, Tehran

2004--2004 Vice president, 2nd Asian Psychotherapy congress


Executive member, Iranian research center on Aging

2005--2007 University representative for Sister relationship for Kyushu University and USWR, Iran

2005--2005 Guest editor, Saudi Journal Disability and Rehabilitation-special issue on psycho-rehabilitation in Asia and Islamic World

2006--now Member, Iranian research center on Aging, main member

2006--2006 Editorial Board, Iranian Clinical Psychology Journal

2007-2008 Research counseling member; University Research Institute عضو شوراي پژوھش دانشگاه

2007 --now Chief-in- Editor. Iranian Rehabilitation Journal

2009-now عضو كمیتھ جذب دانشگاه

SCIENTIFIC MEMBERSHIP Year Association, Society Location

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1993 Japanese Psychological Rehabilitation Association Japan, Fukuoka

1994 -- Japanese Psychological Association Japan, Tokyo

1995 –

Rehabilitation International (RI) USA, New York

1998 -- American Psychological Association(APA), Society of Clinical Psychology USA, Niwot

1998 -- Iranian Psychological Association Iran, Tehran

1998 -- Iranian Hypnosis Association Iran, Tehran

1999 -- World Council for Psychotherapy Austria, Vienna

2004 -- Association of Iranian Psychotherapy Iran, Tehran

2004 -- West Japan Psychodrama Association Japan; Fukuoka

2007 -- Rehabilitation and Welfare University, Research Institute Iran, Tehran


Year Journal name Article title Vol. & Page

1 1994 The Journal of Rehabilitation Psychology, Japan14

The application of Dohsa-hou to Disabled Sportsmen 22, 43-49

2 1997 Education Line, Leeds, UK Dohsa-hou, A Japanese Psycho-rehabilitative program for individuals with motor disorders and other disabilities

No. 356

3 1998 Japanese Psychological Research, Japan

The effect of Dohsa-hou in body-consciousness of disabled sportsmen

40, 134-143

4 1998 Perceptual and Motor Skills, USA

Use of Dohsa-hou, a Psychorehabilitative Program, to guide Motor Activity of young adults with Cerebral Palsy

86, 243-249

5 1998 Perceptual and Motor Skills, USA

Body consciousness in Dohsa-hou, A Japanese Psychorehabilitative program

86, 411-417

6 1998 The Journal of Social Psychology, Washington

Pattern of social interaction in societies of the Asia-Pacific region

139, 6, 730-735

7 1999 Psychotherapy. Novelties, Iran

From Hypnosis to Dohsa method (Farsi) 11, 42-51

8 1999 Saudi Journal Disability and Rehabilitation

A Japanese Psychorehabilitative Program, to guide Motor Activity of children with disability

5, 218-220

9 2000 Journal of medical rehabilitation, Prague

New method of Psychotherapy and sportsmen ISPRM


2000 Oct

Self concept theory, research and practice

Locus of control and self esteem in running girls (Self-concept enhancement and learning facilitation (SELF)


11 2001 Educational Psychology Journal, Japan

Relation between Motor Activity and Body Consciousness in Children.

3, 12-18


2001 ASRAR- Sabzwar medical university Journal

له علوم پزشكي جم –اسرار ١٣٨٠/٢/٨سبزوار

The effect of Japanese psycho-rehab (Dohsa) on aged people depression.

بر میزان ) دوسا(بررسي تاثري روش توانبخشي روانر ژاپين افسردگي ساملندان

8, 2, 4-11

14 Asghar Dadkhah, Susumu Harizuka, Ph.D.

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13 2002 The Journal of Clinical Psychology & Human Development, Fukuoka15

The effect of Dohsa-Hou, A Japanese Psycho-rehabilitative program on Aged depression Patients

7, 65-69

14 2002 The Journal of Rehabilitation Psychology, Japan16

The application of a Japanese Psychological Rehabilitation method in Iran

30, 9-13

15 2003 Saudi Journal Disability and Rehabilitation-special issue on Iran

Pattern of rehabilitation and home health care in elders with rheumatoid arthritis

Special issue 2003

16 2004 Social Welfare Quarterly (Farsi) فصلنامه رفاه


Study of Frequency of personality Disorders in Women prison اختالل شخصیت در زنان زنداني

3, 301-307

17 2004 July

Middle east Journal of Family Medicine

The Impact of Educational Play on Fine Motor Skills of 4-6 Year olds

Vol. 2, Issue 4

18 2004 Sep

Iranian Rehabilitation Journal (IRJ)

Stress Management and Health promotion Vol. 2, No. 2

19 2004 Nov

The Journal of Rehabilitation Psychology, Japan

Self Active Relaxation Therapy (SART) in Dohsa-Hou Vol. 32(1)

20 2005 Nov

Iranian Rehabilitation Journal (IRJ)

Psychological Rehabilitation Techniques and sport Injury Returning to normal daily Function

Vol. 3, No. 3

21 2005 Summer

Journal of Rehabilitation- Iran ٨۴/٢/۶-توانبخشي

Comparing pre-writing skills in children having attention deficit and hyperactivity

اي پیش نوشتاري كودكان دچار اختالل نقص مقایسه مهارهتساله ۶-۴توجه مهراه با بیش فعايل و كودكان عادي پسر

١٣٧٢شهر ارك سال

Vol. 6, No. 2-21

22 2005 March

The Journal of Clinical Psychology & Human Development, Fukuoka

Factor Analysis of Social Interaction Questionnaire for the Trainers and Mothers of children with disabilities participating in Psycho Rehabilitation camps

Vol. 11, 1-10

23 2005 Saudi Journal Disability and Rehabilitation - special issue psychological rehabilitation in Asia and Islamic World

Development of Japanese rehabilitation psychology (Dohsa-Hou) in Iran

Vol. 11, 1&2, 111-116

24 2005 Saudi Journal Disability and Rehabilitation - special issue psychological rehabilitation in Asia and Islamic World

The application of Dohsa-Hou to children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Vol. 11, 1&2, 18-24

25 2005 Saudi Journal Disability and Rehabilitation - special issue psychological rehabilitation in Asia and Islamic World

Dohsa-Hou and aged people: Decreasing depression level

and increasing life skill

Vol. 11, 1&2, 25-29

26 2006 Aug

Bulletin of international cultural research Institute, Chikushi Jogakuen University

Family-centered habilitation: transferring ideas into practice No 17, 227-236

27 2006 May

Middle East Journal of Family Medicine

The pattern of Interpersonal Relationship for University

students in Persian culture

Vol. 4, No. 3

28 2006 May

Middle East Journal of Age and Aging

Social welfare and health (Mental, Social, Physical) status of aged people in Iran

Vol. 3, No. 1

29 2006 Middle East Journal of Age and Aging



Vol. 3, No 3, pp 16-19

30 2007 Feb

The Middle East Journal of Nursing

The effect of Discharge Planning on Physical Status of Iranian Mothers in postpartum period

Vol 1 Issue 1

15 Fariba Malekshahi, Asghar Dadkhah, Ph.D., Susumu Harizuka, Ph.D. 16Asghar Dadkhah, Ph.D., Susumu Harizuka, Ph.D.

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31 2007 May

Child: Care, Health & Development

Validity and Reliability of Neurological International Battery (INFANIB) for detection of gross-motor developmental delay in Iran

Vol. 33, issue 3, 262-

32 2007 May

Middle East Journal of Family Medicine

Effect of social and family factors on committing suicide among university students in Iran

Vol. 5, issue3,

33 2007 June


Vol. 1, Issue 3 3-5

34 2007 International Journal of Social welfare

Physical, social, and psychological Considerations of children affected by the incarceration of mother in Iran

No 16, 278–280

35 2007 Aug

Perceptual and Motor skills

Japanese psychotherapy and treatment of Major depression disorder (MDD) in adolescence

Vol. 105, 531-538


2007 Oct

Middle East Journal of Nursing social and family factors on committing suicide among university students

Vol 1, Issue 5

37 2007 Spring

Salmand Journal ٣-٢-٨۶ساملند

60+ in Iran: A need for comprehensive strategic plan سیستم خدمات ویژه ساملندي در كشورهاي آمریكا و ژاپن و

ارائه شاخص هایي جهت تدوین برنامه راهربدي خدمات ساملندي در ایران

Vol. 3, 166-175

38 2007 June

The International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine (IJPM) Medical University of south Carolina


Vol. 37, Issue 3, 345-355


2007 Summer

Journal of Rehabilitation فصلنامه توانبخشي

The effect of applying progressive muscle relaxation on activities of daily living in multiple sclerosis patients

سنجش میزان اثر خبشی روش توانبخشی روانشناخيت بر کودکان داراي معلولیت جسمی و ذهنی

Vol. 8, 2, 57-62

40 2007 DEC

Middle East Journal of Family Medicine

The Effects of Instruction and Audiovisual Techniques on Behavioral Changes of Children with Down Syndrome

Vol.5, Issue 8, 16-17


2007 Nov

Manzel Home Psychology روانشناسي منزل Vol. 1, 28-31

42 2007 Iranian Rehabilitation Journal The effect of adding homeopathic treatment to rehabilitation on abnormal reflexes of children with spastic cerebral palsy Sajedi Firoozeh, MD.; Alizad Vida; Asghar Dadkhah, Ph.D.1, Mohammad R. Hadian Jazy, MD.

Vol. 5, No. 5 & 6

43 2007 Iranian Rehabilitation Journal Dohsa treatment to improve balance in elderly people: an evaluation of an home-based exercise programme Asghar Dadkhah, PhD.1; Susumu Harizuka, PhD.; Farin Soleimani, MD.; Sahel Hemmati, MD.

Vol. 5, No. 5 & 6


2008 Feb

Middle East Journal of Nursing Down syndrome parents' worries about their children in Iran Vol. 2, Issue 1 26-29


2008 April

Logopedics Phoniatrics Vocology (Official journal of the British Voice Association)

Motor control of speaking rate and oral diadochokinesis in hearing-impaired Farsi speakers SADEGH SEIFPANAHI, ASGHAR DADKHAH, ALI DEHQAN1, MEHDI BAKHTIAR1 & TAHMINEH SALMALIAN

Vol. 33, Issue 3, , 153 – 159

46 2008 April

Middle East Journal of Family Medicine

Emotional Intelligence (EI) and Psycho-pathology in Iranian University Students Mostafa. Zarean1, Amin. Asadollahpour2, Zahra Bahadori3, Fatemeh Aayatmehr3, Abbas Bakhshipour PhD3, Asghar, Dadkhah, PhD1

Vol. 6, Issue 3

47 2008 April

Iranian Rehabilitation Journal Comparison of motor skills in Children with developmental coordination disorder and normal peers Sahel Hemmati, MD.; Nasrin Amiri, MD.; Farin Soleimani,MD. ; Asghar Dadkhah, PhD.

Vol. 6, No. 7 & 8


2008 April

Iranian Rehabilitation Journal Measurement of frequency of signs and symptoms in 120 cases with cord injury in Iran Mojtaba Azimian, MD.; Asghar Dadkhah, PhD.

Vol. 6, No. 7 & 8

49 2008 Sep

Middle East Journal of Family Medicine

Cerebral Palsy in Iranian Children: Etiology, types and associated disorders

Farin Soleimani, Sahel Hemmati, Nasrin Amiri, Asghar Dadkhah, PhD

Vol. 6, Issue 7

50 2008 Middle East Journal of Age Naming Performance in Farsi-Speaking Aged People Vol. 5,

17 Morteza Noorikhajavi, MD; Susan Afghan, MD; Asghar Dadkhah PhD.; Kourosh Holakoyie MD; Seyyed Hadi Motamedi MD

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Aug and Aging Fariba Yadegari, Mahshid Foroughan, Azar Mehri; Peymaneh

Shirinbayan, Asghar Dadkhah Issue 4

51 2008 Dec

Middle East Journal of Family Medicine

Supporting Services and Quality of Life in People with Multiple Sclerosis Mojtaba Azimian, MD ; Mostafa Eghlima, PhD; Ghoncheh Raheb PhD; Mitra Zohmand, MSc.; Asghar Dadkhah, PhD. (corresponding)

Vol.6, Issue 10

52 2009 April

Iranian Rehabilitation Journal The comparison of marital satisfaction between fertile and infertile women Seyed Abdolmajid Bahrainian, PhD.; Fatemeh Nazemi; Asghar Dadkhah, PhD.

Vol. 7, No. 9

53 2009 April

Iranian Rehabilitation Journal Review of Abuse and Violence against Women and Children in Psycho-social rehabilitation centres Seyyed Hadi Motamedi, MD; Asghar Dadkhah, PhD.; Mohammad Reza Khodaee Ardakani, MD.

Vol. 7, No. 9

54 2009 May

Social Developmental Self-reported use of emotional display rules in the Netherlands and Iran: Evidence for socio-cultural influence (Novin, S., Rieffe, C., Dadkhah, A., &. Banerjee, R.).

Vol. 18, Issue 2

55 2009 May

Middle East Journal of Age and Aging

Service Framework for Older People in Japan: A Guideline for Asian Countries

Vol. 6, Issue 3

56 2009 July

Middle East Journal of Nursing Returning Runaway Girls to Rehabilitation Centers: Factors Related to Social Problems Mostafa Eghlima, Asghar Dadkhah

Vol.3, Issue 4

57 2009 July

Middle East Journal of Nursing The Application of Recreational and Leisure Activities on Schizophrenic Patients’ Self Care Masoud Fallahi, Asghar Dadkhah

Vol.3, Issue 4

58 2009 Aug

Middle East Journal of Age and Aging

The Application of Romberg Exercise on Falling State of Elderly Persons in Nursing Homes Ahmadali Akbari Kamrani, Farhad Azadi, Pourandokht Pejmanfard, Saeed Siadat, Marjan Akbari Kamrani, Asghar Dadkhah (corresponding

Vol.6, Issue 4

59 2009 Aug

Middle East Journal of Age and Aging

Nutrition Educational Program and Health Promotion in Aged People in Iran Sima. Ghasemi; Farshad. Sharifi, Shahrbano Maghsoodnia, Fariba Teimoori,Asghar Dadkhah (corresponding)

Vol.6, Issue 4

60 2009- تابستان

Hakim, Medical Journal ҳ Ǜ

ي شمال و درمان -بھداشتي شیرخواران پرخطر مراجعه كننده به مراكز آنان شرق تھران و عوامل مؤثر بر تأخیر تكامل حركتي

، دكتر روشنك وامقي، دكتر اصغر دادخواه* دكتر فرين سلیماني

Vol. 12 Issue 2

61 2009 Oct

Iranian Rehabilitation Journal The Effectiveness of Group Coping Skills training on reducing stress of mothers with disabled children Shirin Valizadeh, Rahman Berdi Ozouni Davaji, Asghar Dadkhah,PhD

Vol. 7, No. 10

62 2009 Oct

Iranian Rehabilitation Journal Quality of life of disabled children's mother: a comparative study Asghar Dadkhah, PhD., Robabeh Ghaffar Tabrizi, PhD., Sahel Hemmati, MD.

Vol. 7, No. 10

63 2009 Dec

World Family Medicine Journal

Coping and Severity of Behavioral Problems Seyyed Davood Mohammadi, Asghar Dadkhah

Vol. 7 Issue 10

64 2009 Research Journal of Biological Sciences

Fatigue Severity Scale: The Psychometric Properties of the Persian-Version in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis Mojtaba Azimian, A. Shahvarughi Farahani, Asghar Dadkhah, M. Fallahpour and M. Karimlu

Vol. 4 Issue 9

2. Books Year Book title Publisher Location

2000 The Memory Jogger (Translated to Farsi)18 University of Welfare and

Rehabilitation Tehran

2001 Total quality Management (Translated to Farsi19) University of Welfare and Rehabilitation, Tehran


2002 Team Work Skills (Translated to Farsi)20 Maryam Publication


2003 Healing the Body, Healing the Pain(Translated to Farsi) University of Welfare and Rehabilitation, Tehran


2003 UK youth policy Iran student Organization


2004 Introduction to Dohsa-hou, The power of hand (Farsi) Under publication

2004 Democracy starts with children

Iran student organization Tehran

18 Dr. Hossein Kakooei, Dr. Asghar Dadkhah, Dr. Kurosh Halakuei 19 Dr. Gholamreza Ansari, Dr. Hossein Kakooei, Dr. Asghar Dadkhah 20 Dr. Hossein Kakooei, Dr. Kurosh Halakuei, Dr. Asghar Dadkhah

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JOURNAL REVEIWS From Journal Title Location

1 1998 The Journal of Rehabilitation Psychology

Fukuoka; Japan

2 2000 Iranian Rehabilitation Journal

Tehran; Iran

3 2001 Saudi Journal of disability and rehabilitation

Riyadh; Saudi Arabia

4 2002 Middle east Journal of Family medicine

Beirut; Lebanon

5 2007 International Journal of Clinical Practice London, UK

6 2009 Psychological reports; Perceptual & Motor skills

Missoula, USA


1 1987 /

08 International Stoke Mandeville Games Federation seminar (ISMGF)

The situation of Spinal cord injury in Iran Stoke Mandeville, UK

2 1989 / 07

2nd Paralympics Congress Sports therapy for the people with disability Ottawa, Canada

3 1996 / 09

18th World Congress of Rehabilitation International

The effect of Dohsa-hou on body consciousness

New Zealand Auckland

4 1997 / 09

BERA-British Educational Research Association annual conference 11-14 Sep.

Change of body - consciousness: through a psycho- rehabilitation training

York, U.K.

5 1998 / 08

24th International Congress of Applied Psychology. 9-14 August

Body consciousness in Dohsa-hou San Francisco, U.S.A

6 1998 / 05

Pediatrics and Rehabilitation annual congress

Use of Psycho-rehabilitative Program Tehran, Iran

7 1998 / 12

6th Iranian Occupational Therapy Association annual congress

The use of Psycho-rehabilitation in Occupational therapy

Tehran, Iran

8 1999 / 05

International congress on Children with Intellectual Disability.

Motor development and children with Mental Retardation

Tehran, Iran

9 1999 / 06

Joint Attention, Philosophy and psychology Conference 11-13 June

Body consciousness, public and private aspect

Warwick Russia

10 1999 / 07

2nd World Congress for Psychotherapy, 3-8 July

Introduction to Japanese Psychotherapy Vienna, Austria

11 1999 / 07

Cultural Diversity Conference, 10-13 July

Individualism and collectivism and cultures Vienna, Austria

12 1999 / 08

International Seminar on Researches in School Effectiveness at primary Stage, 13-17 July

Psycho-rehabilitation effectiveness at primary Stage

New Delhi, India

13 1999 / 11

25th National Congress of Psychological Rehabilitation

Psycho-rehabilitation activities report in Iran Fukuoka, Japan

14 1999 / 12

ESCAP seminar on Aged as consumers, 9-14 December

The situation of aged persons in Iran Shanghai, China

PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version


15 1999 / 12

7th Iranian Occupational Therapy Association annual congress

Use of Japanese Psycho-rehabilitative Program to guide Motor Activity of children with Cerebral Palsy

Tehran, Iran

16 2000 / 01

Nursing rehabilitation congress The effect of Dohsa-hou on the level of stress in aged people

Tehran, Iran

17 2000 / 02

International congress of aged Psycho-rehabilitation and stress in aged people

Tehran, Iran

18 2000 / 07

XVIth Biennial Meetings of ISSBD.. 5-12 July

Change of Body-consciousness in people with cerebral palsy

Beijing, China

19 2000 / 07

XXII International Congress of Psychology 23-23 July

The pattern of Body consciousness in University Student

Stockholm, Sweden

20 2000 / 07

XXII International Congress of Psychology 23-28 July

Social interaction pattern Stockholm, Sweden

21 2000 / 10

Nursing updates in prevent ional psychic disturbances

The effect of Dohsa-hou on the depression Tabriz, Iran

22 2000 / 12

Campaign 2000 for Asian and Pacific Decade of Disabled, 11-15 Decembe

How to increase social Interaction in People with Cerebral Palsy

Bangkok, Thailand

23 2001 / 02

Fourth International Conference of Islamic World Council on Disability and Rehabilitation10-15 Febuary

Dohsa-Hou, - a Japanese psychological rehabilitation method Theory and Practice

Khartoum, Sudan

24 2001 / 04

Special Olympics Middle East & North Africa meeting, 11-15 April,

Iran Program development for Special Olympics and Mental retardation

Manama, Bahrain

25 2000 / 07

3rd International Conference on Social Work in Health and Mental Health 1-5 July

Health and psychological rehabilitation Tampere, Finland

26 2001 / 07

World Congress of Sport Psychology, 12-17 July

Psycho-rehabilitation and Range of motion in Sport

London, UK

27 2001 / 08

Conference of Conductive Education, 1-6 July

Psycho-therapy and effective Education Kiev, USSR

28 2001 / 08

2nd conference of Occupational Safety and health, 20-26 August

Stress Management and Productivity Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur

29 2001 / 09

RI Arab Regional Conference on Disability, Rehabilitation & Inclusion, 19-21 September

Stress Management and Relaxation Beirut, Lebanon

30 2001 / 10

International Workshop of CBR Association 9-26 October

Community Based Rehabilitation in Iran Lisbon, Portugal

31 2002 / 03

Special Olympics National Directors seminar, 18-22 March

Management in exceptional children amusement therapy

Beirut, Lebanon

32 2002 / 05

UN Special session on Children Rights

Children rights and United Nation New York, USA

33 2002 / 07

XXV International Congress of Applied Psychology 7-12 July

Social interaction in Cerebral Palsy People Singapore

34 2003 / 04

3rd. World Congress of the ISPRM International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, April 10-14,


35 2003 / 05

British Council Connect youth 1-5 May

A review of United Kingdom Youth Policy London, UK

36 2003 / 05

Children and Residential Care, 12-15 MAy

Psycho rehabilitation and residential care centers dismantling

Stockholm, Sweden

PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version


37 2003 /

05 2nd Iranian Clinical Psychology conference,24-26 May

The effect of Psycho rehabilitation methods on Aged depression

Tehran, Iran

38 2003 /06

Special Olympics Symposium, “Supporting Families”, 19-20 June

Mental retarded people and Special Olympics Belfast, Ireland

39 2003 / 09

Linking Globally : Acting Locally Conference 23-27 Sep

Efficacy and Cost-effectiveness of Psycho-rehabilitation methods for the people with disability

Cluj, Romania

40 2003 / 10

2nd International Conference of ELO Social, 9-17 Oct

Psycho-rehabilitation and Family Based Rehabilitation.

Lisbon, Portugal

41 2004 / 01

Risk, decision and human error conference, 15-17 January

The effect of pursuing useless information on decision making across cultures21

Italy, Trento

42 2004 /06

Rehabilitation International World Congress 2004, 20-27 June

4- Access to psychological Rehab—parallel session

5- The effect of Japanese Psycho-rehabilitation program (Dohsa-Hou) on neck, back and hip of people with Cerebral Palsy – poster

6- Japanese Psycho-rehabilitation method (Dohsa-hou) , and Self Active Relaxation therapy (SART)--workshop

Oslo, Norway

43 2004 / 08

XVII International Congress , International Association for Cress-Cultural Psychology, 2-6 August

Body Consciousness: Cross-Cultural Evidence from Iran and Japan

Xian, China

44 2004 / 08

XXVIII International Congress of Psychology, 8-13 August

3- Development of sense of Self BY APPLYING PSYCHO-REHABILITATION PROGRAM –parallel session

4- Cross cultural study in consciousness – parallel session

Beijing, China

45 2004 / 09

2nd Asian Psychotherapy Conference, 29Sep-2Oct

Stress management and Psychotherapy Tehran, Iran

46 2005 / 04

3rd World congress of the International society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine – ISPRM, 10-15 April

Family Based Rehabilitation in Iran Sao Paulo, Brazil

47 2005 / 07

9th European congress of psychology, 3-8 July

3- Psychological treatment and health promotion -- Symposium

4- Psycho-rehabilitation intervention for work related stress – Parallel session

Granada, Spain

48 2005 / 11

Rehabilitation International Arab Conference, 14-16 Nov. 2005, Manama, Bahrain

New Method and aspect of Rehabilitation Manama, Bahrain

49 2005 / 11

31st Japanese Psychological rehabilitation Association annual conference, Okinawa, Japan, 25-27 Nov, 2005.

The development of Family based rehabilitation and Psychological rehabilitation in Iran

Okinawa, Japan

50 2005/ 5 2nd Iran psychological association conference, Tehran, 9-11 May

Family stress management Tehran, Iran

51 2006 17th international conference on drug-related harm, 30 April-4 May

Psycho-rehabilitation intervention in harm reduction process for increasing self esteem

Vancouver, Canada

52 2006 International Interdisciplinary Conference on Children's Rights, 18-19 May

Children’s right to life, and well-being: A Survey of Child and Adolescent Well-Being in Child Welfare centers in Iran

Ghent, Belgium

53 2006 Istanbul, 6-8 July independent living and Japanese Psychotherapy Program

Istanbul, Turkey

54 2006 26th International Congress of Applied Psychology, 16-21 July Athens - Greece

Change of behavior in Overactive children by applying a psycho-rehabilitation program

Athens - Greece

21 Abdolhossein Abdollahi, Asghar Dadkhah

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55 2006 26th International Congress of Applied Psychology, 16-21 July

Japanese Psychotherapy and body-mind functioning Symposium

Athens - Greece

56 2006 International Council for Education of People with Visual Impairment (ICEVI) 12th world conference, 16-21 July

Japanese Psychotherapy for the Management of Anxiety in People with Visual Impairment

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

57 2006 International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual Disabilities (IASSID) Europe. 2-5 August.

Empowerment of People with an intellectual disability Through Japanese Psychological program

Maastricht, Netherlands

58 2007 1st International Islamic World Science & sport conference, 30 April-1 May

Psycho rehabilitation and sport Tehran, Iran

59 2007 2210th European Congress of Psychology, 3-6 July

The application of Psycho-rehabilitation program on children with disability

Prague CZ

60 2007 10th European Congress of Psychology, 3-6 July

The role of facial expressions in emotion display in Iranian Children

Prague CZ

61 2008 Feb

First congress on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, 17 Feb.

Psychological resiliency after accident in Haraz road.

Tehran, Iran

62 2008 Feb

First congress on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, 17 Feb.

Stress pathology after accident in children after a flood.

Tehran, Iran

63 2008 Feb

3rd Congress of Aging issues in Iran and other countries, 25-27 Feb.

The Relationship between Social Contacts and Loneliness among Aged People: A Population-Based Study

Tehran, Iran

64 2008 Feb

3rd Congress of Aging issues in Iran and other countries, 25-27 Feb.

Phenomology of human suffering, Conceptualizations of dying in a single case study

Tehran, Iran

65 2008 7-9 May

The 2nd International Congress of Psychosomatic Medicine

The effect of psycho-rehabilitation on body - consciousness in sportsmen

Isfahan, Iran

66 2008 7-9 May

The 2nd International Congress of Psychosomatic Medicine

,Isfahan بررسی تاثیر برنامه توانبخشی روانی بر اصالح وضعیت جسمانی وحرکتیIran

67 2008 13-14 May

ششمین ھمايش سراسري كودكان داراي )P.D.D(مشكالت ذھني و ارتباطي

و ارتقاء مهارتهاي ارتباطی المپیک ویژه کودکان کم توان ذهنی

Tehran Iran

68 2008 7-11 July

9th International Conference on Low Vision

A factor analytic study of the acceptance of relaxation by low vision high school students through Dohsa training (Poster)

Montréal, Canada

69 2008 20-25 July

XXIX International Congress of Psychology

Introduction to Japanese psychological rehabilitation therapy and its application on aged people (chairperson of Symposium)

Berlin, Germany

70 2008 20-25 July

XXIX International Congress of Psychology

Dohsa-hou and empowerment (oral presentation in Symposium)

Berlin, Germany

71 2008 20-25 July

XXIX International Congress of Psychology

The relationship between attitude toward premarital sex and marital satisfaction among married females and males in Tehran (Poster)

Berlin, Germany

72 2008 20-25 July

XXIX International Congress of Psychology

Effect of social and family factors on committing suicide among university students in Iran (poster)

Berlin, Germany

73 2008 20-25 July

XXIX International Congress of Psychology

Down syndrome parents worries about their children: Iranian family pattern (poster)

Berlin, Germany

74 2008 20-25

XXIX International Congress of Psychology

Introduction to Japanese Psychological Rehabilitation Therapy and its application on

Berlin, Germany

22 The First European Congress was held in Amsterdam in 1989, the Second in Budapest in 1991, the Third in Tampere in 1993, the Fourth in Athens in 1995, the Fifth in Dublin in 1997, the Sixth in Rome in 1999, the Seventh in London 2001, the Eighth in Vienna in 2003, the Ninth in Granada in 2005,

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July aged people 75 2008

27-31 July

19th International Congress of International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology (IACCP 2008)

Body consciousness and social norms Bremen- Germany

76 2008 26-29 Aug

Measuring Behavior 2008 The pattern of Facial Expression among Iranian Children (Oral)

Maastricht Netherlands


2008 8-13 sep

17th Annual Meeting of ESMAC

Use of Dohsa-hou, a Psychorehabilitative Program, to guide Motor Activity of young adults with Cerebral Palsy

Antalya Turkey

78 2009 18-22 Aug

14th European Conference on Developmental Psychology

Emotion expression in children Vilnius Lithuania

79 2009 30/Oct- 1/Nov


Stress management and Psycho-rehabilitation (workshop)

Sofia Bulgaria

80 2010 Feb

توانبخشي و خانواده Family and Rehabilitation

براي " املپیك ویژه"توانبخشي از طریق Rehabilitation با نیازهاي ویژهكودكان

through Special Olympics programs for special needs children

گاه بھزیستيتھران دانش Tehran

81 2010 Feb

آشنایي با سندروم داونDown Syndrome

توانبخشي اجتماعي كودكان سندرم داون Social از طریق مشاركت و رقابت ورزشي

rehabilitation of Down syndrome by sport competition

تھران دانشگاه بھزیستيTehran

82 2010 15-17 March

Dubai International Rehabilitation Forum- REHAB Dubai 2010

Family Based Rehabilitation (FBR): importance in Treatment Process

Dubai UAE

83 2010 11–16 July

27th International Congress of Applied Psychology (ICAP 2010),

Supporting Services and Quality of Life in People with Multiple Sclerosis

Melbourne, Australia

84 2010 11–16 July

27th International Congress of Applied Psychology (ICAP 2010),

Self-reported use of emotional display rules Melbourne, Australia

85 2010 11–16 July

27th International Congress of Applied Psychology (ICAP 2010),


Melbourne, Australia

Reviewer of Journals:

1- Saudi Medical Journal – Saudi Arabia 2- Saudi Journal of Disability and Rehabilitation – Saudi Arabia 3- Iranian Journal of Rehabilitation (IJR)- Iran 4- The Journal of Urumie University of Medical Sciences, Iran 5- Salmand, Iranian Journal on Aging, Iran 6- The Journal of Clinical Psychology & Human Development -

Japan 7- Middle east Journal of Family Medicine – Lebanon 8- International Journal of Clinical Practice - London


• 1. Japanese Monbosho Awards 1995 and 19998 Kyushu University, Japan

• 2. Health Ministry fellowship 2004, 6 months fellowship

to Japan. • 3. Kyushu University invited professor 2005, one year invited

professorship • 4-Year best researcher 2006, University of Welfare and


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