Cuemix Magazine Eng 25

8/6/2019 Cuemix Magazine Eng 25 1/32 CUEMIX MAGAZINE DEAD OR ALIVE “DEAD OR ALIVE“ yOu kNOw thIs pAthEtIc sAyING ROM thE GLORy DAys whEN MEN wERE wEARING cOwbOy bOOts AND shINy GuNs. NOwADAys sOME bLINDED pREsIDENts whO thOuGht thAt A pOLItIc cRIsIs cOuLD bE sOLVED LIkE MEN DID It IN thE wILD  wEst AND usED thIs phRAsE As A sLOGAN OR thEIR GORy GOALs. but thERE ARE ALsO pEOpLE ON th  wORLD whO usE “DEAD OR ALIVE” tO DEscRIbE thE  wILLINGNEss tO spREAD jOy AMONGst pEOpLE. pEO LE whO LIVE thEIR MusIc wIth EAch pORE AND bRE thE thEy tAkE. thEsE spEcIAL pERsONs ARE thE ON thAt wE chAsED thIs tIME tO GEt thEIR stORIEs.  wINtER 2008

Transcript of Cuemix Magazine Eng 25

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cOwbOy bOOts AND shINy GuNs. NOwADAys sOME

bLINDED pREsIDENts whO thOuGht thAt A pOLItIc


 wEst AND usED thIs phRAsE As A sLOGAN OR thEIR




LE whO LIVE thEIR MusIc wIth EAch pORE AND bRE

thE thEy tAkE. thEsE spEcIAL pERsONs ARE thE ON

thAt wE chAsED thIs tIME tO GEt thEIR stORIEs.

 wINtER 2008

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Mi Deiner rage a D die Anor eileie on voregge-nommen. Diee Doeldeigei i eaiig nd der tiel

oll ner anderem diee eiden Aee einalen. Da i a-

ßerdem agägli al ool al Dj ie a al prodzen „M-

i verinde“ and irgendann e, da der tiel eina o ein


Für die el Titel des Albums hast du zehn verschiedenen Gäste ein-

 geladen, so dass jedes Stück durch Vocals bzw. das Flötenspiel von

Oliver eine ganz eigene Note bekommen hat. Man hat den Eindruck 

dass hier ein großes Fest mit vielen Freunden augenommen wurde,

ist dies auch ein Teil deines Konzepts hinter “Uniting Music“ gewe-

sen, möglichst viele Musiker mit den Tracks zu verbinden? 

E ging mir ni darm mi „mögli vielen“ z eeindren,

aer i ee dara enn ein Ga-künler den plaa eine

eigene ärng verlei. Naürli äe i da Alm a mi

einem/einer sänger(in) rodzieren önnen, dann äre e aer

öareinli ni o aeenrei georden.

Trotz des Facettenreichtums des Albums der sich aus der Art der 

Tracks sowie den vielen Gästen ergibt erkennt man unverwechsel-

bar deine Handschrit, sehr deepe Housemusik mit viel Seele. Ich

habe mich bei diesem unglaublich abwechslungsreichen Album

ernsthat geragt wie lange du an den Tracks gearbeitet hast bzw.

Sie erst einmal geschrieben hast? Ich meine es mu ss doch unheim-

lich schwer sein nach dem ma n zum Beispiel „Warrior“ geschriebenhat ein Stück wie „I No Harm“ zu schreiben, ohne dass man in das 

Schema des ersten Tracks zurückällt...

I ae üer 2 jare an dem Alm geareie nd immer ieder

srren nd bea veränder i alle o ön ineinanderge-

grien a. Allerding ae i ziendr a andere pro-

dionen oder Remixe gema, alo ni drgeend nr am

 Alm geeen. Ziendr lmmeren die tra dann

a mal länger a der elae vor i in, da i . o-

 ieo a die Voal-Aname aren me. so a ieder den nöigen Aand z den song eomm

mi „rien Oren“ an inen eier z rodziere

liee i aer die Aelng nd omi nde i

allz er an zei neriedlien süen

ander z areien. Man i a a ni eden tag

simmng nd omi önnen an zei aeinander

gen a zei v öllig neriedlie song ene

Woher kennst du all diese wunderbaren Sänger und

au deinem Album mitgearbeitet haben. Sind das al

die von deiner Arbeit als DJ und Produzent kennst u

das Album gebucht hast oder sind auch Freunde dar

den, die du schon ewig al s Musiker kennst? 

teileie ind die sänger nd Mier wnandi

nen i on länger zammenareien olle n

nd egen dem Alm angerag ae. Zm Glü

re nell von den plaa üerzeg nd a

da proe. Mi anderen ie . Inaa Da are

länger nd n verinde inzien eine rend

Hast du alle Lyrics geschrieben oder haben die Sänge

texe gerieen, nadem d Inen die Mi vor

Die texe ae i omle den sängern üerlaen

e, da eder eine simmng nd Geüle mi eig

am een adrüen ann. teileie a crip, miplaa gerieen ae, oder i die Geangm

geen. O ae i aer a diee den sängern ü

Melodie, tex nd praierng a hand in hand ge

Und die Bläsersektion ist auch echt, keine Samples? 

I ee ni a samle. Naürli ann man a

reaiv areien, aer mi ör daei immer der G

 eder andere da gleie samle enzen ann







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lie Ergeni erzielen önne. Deal enze i a

ne bea- oder perion-Loo. Aßerdem i ierig oder

mögli aende samle ür ein sü z nden, da an-

en armoni on e.

r das ür dich eine besondere Herausorderung mit einer echten

sssektion im Studio zu arbeiten? 

ar ni da ere Mal, da i bläer agenommen ae,

r dan pil kllmann von Ra Arii sol ae i die Mög-

ei mi den Miern aznemen, die a on a eine

dionen ür GOGO Mi geiel aen nd die ol z

een bläern in Deland gezäl erden önnen. E i

rieiger saß mi olen talenen z areien.

Tracks von “Uniting Music” sind in einen Mix zusammen ge-

t, konntest du als DJ einach nicht anders oder ist auch dass 

er dem Konzept t von “Uniting Music“ zu verstehen, sprich auch

r die Musik zu verbinden? 

ae die tra ni narägli zammengemi,

dern von Anang an aen crip nd i eine drgängige

moiion erell. Viele der armonien srren ind

i z einem cli enanden nd er narägli ae

veriedene bea z den einzelnen süen rogrammier

r geiel. Diee greien allerding a immer irgendie in-

ander nd e gi Elemene die i a mal dr 3 tra


Artwork von “Uniting Music” lässt mit seinen milden Farben

on au die warme Atmosphäre des Albums schließen und lädt ein,

Album direkt anzuhören. Wer hatte die Idee zu diesem Artwork? 

Almdeign a die ervorragende Graerin Annia kal-

aler ( erell, die a on

mein Laellogo enoren a. I ae Ir die Idee zm Alm

erlär nd Ir die Mi gegeen. Dann eam i von ir eini-

ge Enüre. Grndlegend ar da ezige cover ei Iren eren

 Vorlägen on daei nd me nr no ein ien a-

geeil erden.

Wenn ich das richtig interpretiere könnte der Baum über dem Was-

ser auch als Symbol zu verstanden werden: „Brücken bauen“ oder 

spinne ich mir da gerade etwas zusammen? 

Nein, nein. E oll alle einen sinn ergeen, aer een a rei-

ram ür Inerreaion ieen.

Du bist schon seit 1990 als DJ aktiv. Was kam bei dir zu erst der DJ 

Ral Gum oder der Musiker? Oder lie beides Hand in Hand? Hast 

du schon als Kind Musik gemacht? 

 Al kind ae i mi am näer mi Mi eäig. Al j-

gendlier ae i egonnen mi mer nd mer daür z in-

ereieren nd angeangen, plaen z ammeln. snell a i

daei erarialliier, da mir viele a dem Mainream-

poerei z fa i nd alle a sol, jazz nd n a mein

Ding i. sließli am da Afegen daz nd re nell da-

na a da prodzieren.

”All This Love For You” der letzte Track au dem Album ist eine 

wunderbare Liebeserklärung an die Housemuisk. Für dich ein be-

sonderes Anliegen deine Liebe zu dieser Musik in einem Track zu


 A ier am der tex ni von mir. Diamond a mir den Vorlag 

räenier nd i ar naürli glüli dami, da i in meinem

Leen on da meie m „hoe“ dre. somi ar e der eree

 Al ür da Alm, a enn e eer „20 ear anniverar“

eißen müe, enn e im tex m mi geen würde…(lacht)

 wEG – LEt GO




 wINtER 2008


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poo corig Eolex‘ eie

Inervie Miael Mü 

 All rig reerved cemix-Magazine

rom oland i love.




 wINtER 2008


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Peter the rst thing I remarked when I read your biography was that 

the rst vinyl record you owned was “Switched On Bach” and lms 

like “”2001 A Space Odyssey” infuenced you in your childhood. So

as a child o which career have dreamed o as a musician or as a


 A i o o oever eoming a miian a more reaale

o I rned m o o a. A a ild, I loved ae lm lie

kri’ 2001, tron, 2010 e ear e mae ona, Deinaion

Moon, te La sarger, V-e minierie, hiier gide o

e galax, te a rom oer ae, Airlane II e eqel, te

Marian ronile, sarman, silen Rnning, sar war, bararel-

la - e qeen o e galax, ble plane, sar tre, (eeiall e

direor 1979) no onl rom e oin o vie o a grea mo-

ion ire alo mi and ond ee. I ared o read a

ao e mi a a reaed or lm and I ave ond

a oe eird noie I a earing ame rom a ing alled

neizer. Generall eaing, I eel rong reemlane en

omaring aeman o miian ere are o no eno o-

i and ome rom a dieren lane.

Your parents are not musicians but you were constantly surround-

ed by music. Is it right to state that your parents were music lovers 

and collectors? 

  ye, eeiall m aer o rog me r eleroni and

eleri alm rom oide o poland. hi love or mi a

ranmied o me and lie a vir o ome ind I go ooed

on i. I a reall nie o ee emoion o m aer en liening 

o mi. I a a denie ore o m iniraion.

Wasn’t it dicult or your parents to get records rom the outside o 


I a dil o ge a aor, vii onrie oide

mni lo or ring in good ene i a ard o

ino poland. M aer ile on ine ri ro

mol rom e ormer ygolavia, tre, Greee, I

man. he mggled reord in a e om didn

imored good o e rog over. I ill lien o

and la em o on erain oaion. te ring m

no erve a a ore o iniraion o m on id.

Later on you visited the“ Chopin School” in Warsaw to

drums and singing in choir. Was it your desire to visit t

did your parents “orced” you to visit this school? 

I enrolled in lae o Drm, piano,Voal and laer

o o 2000 id naionide o oin Gregorian cr

ren ave oerved an areiaion and love or m

ing in me o e ave direed me o e magi o

te oed me e one or a and I ollo

reon a rom a momen on e ave ind o lo


Was this beore you received your rst vinyl record? 

I reeived m r vinl reord i eized mi

ed on ba a ile eore a.

 Am I allowed to ask you which reasons your parents ha

Canada in 1989? 

 we ave moved o Ial eore and and ended i

e lae 80’. Reaon eing qie ovio or a ami

onr onrolled e regime - In ear o „e

 a a ommni ime in poland. Reriion, la

and ear. ti a deniel no a lae or reaivi



sIttING up IN thE ROOM READING bOOks wIth My OwN kIDs OR

RODucING My sONs tO A MusIc wORLD.

rom oland i love.



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omine o orld. tere i no reerene reall I iml add

a mixre o ome lai ond ino a ra 24 digial ond. I lie

o manilae and ae ond, rn pro tool raig r a proOne monooni n or amle a re aoi ring raig

ino an 8 i Emlaor or sp 1200. I lie o e e Aleon Live 7

eqener in e arrange indo i Alei MMt8 or korg sQ

10 eqener rnning on o. wen omoing I lie o ave n

 i e maine.

 As a creative person – what do you need or inspiring yoursel? 

Lie iel, ravel, laing o, meeing eole, liening o mi

rom all over e orld, exanging og and idea, iing

in e room reading oo i m on id or inroding m 

on o a mi orld.

When did you start to get interested in dance music and Djing? And 

when have you started to DJ? 

I ad develoed an inere or dane mi in e lae 80’ i-

le living in Ial and eing exoed o o alled Dane mi. I

 a earl ialo oe, i oe, ciago and laer r eno

 ave. I a ornae enog o e ar o e rave movemen,

exeriened eno a i e ime. A e age o 14, ile going 

one nig o m avorie eno ang o l, I noied a e

reglar d didn’ o . I rooed o e oner o mix ome

ra o a aee c60 ae a I ave reorded ome reall re

ne rom Radio uno laing all e Deroi ne - Larin, see-

d j, e, uR a ell a e ra o e earl n and eleroni

e. Aer giving o m r ever non oial li erormane, i I ge a alrig ine aerard e oner rooed

me o eome eir reiden and rovided me i ome dge

o rae vinl’ o more a dane genre.

Do you think that your musical education as a drummer helped 

 you to become a DJ? 

I m a a all e ae o m mi edaion a ell a

revio exeriene i ond ave eled me o eome a Dj.

I mean no drm alo erorming i e oir, laing 

e iano or omoing m on iee. I eel a noledge o 

melod, armon and rm enale me o ae Ding ino ano-

er level. I in e rodion roe reall inire me o Dj i a dieren aide. wen I Dj, I inda remix ea reord Live

and r o reinven e omoiion en go a o dio aer-

 ard and r o re are a eeling or energ roing i

a ino m on mi. coneqenl, en e ne i omo-

ed en I la i o and are i on e danefoor. I all eel lie

onan exange and movemen o energ.

Your newest release is the second issue o the Serato Scratch Live se-

ries called “For The Next Generation?” Have you chosen the title or 

this massive mix? And is there a double meaning behind it? I mean

keeping in mind the uturistic music and the Dj technique using 

Serato Scratch Live? 

I ave oen i name mel. ti i m r ever D mix omi-

laion. M idea a o reae a mix or e ne generaion e ee-

ing in mind m loe roo. Going a o all o m exeriene

 i mi. Aling vario aroae o mixing eniqe a

 ell a mixing elemen o large erm o deired genre.

hene, eide oer ari o an ear ome amien or o 

mine on ere a Le Are cirie, ome raig and deeer

Eolex o , lile i o e sneave ond inlding 

Nieor, more mial iee i m le voali bsj and

ond reened ile erorming a Vs proe.

I don’t know i I am allowed to ask you, but what are the “cons” and 

“pros“ about using this technique in your opinion? 

 A ar a I ee i ere are no on. wi man ro in mind I an

m i ind o eniqe e e idea - reedom, Exre-

ion, creaivi, Reorelne, On Deniion o a mix, por-

aili (gloal village). I old alo qoe omeone aing me a

ome gig “wo mae, o ome ome o oe reord o laed

onded o a? I go e ame reord and e ond re fa…

I relied, “j ro don ome x on i, oo i on e maxi-

hA and man more. te iming a ere. beginning o e 90’

 a an ideal ime o n don rare neizer. sorl aer e

ne romani area, analoge neizer ere no aionale

an more. tere a no deire o on a Roland tb303 ba Line orRoland sh 101. te ere onidered a ore a giar imi-

aor, i ere o or gra a mo o e giar o.

How huge is your collection now? And what about your opinion

using Plug Ins- do you use them or do you preer hardware? 

sine I ravel qie a i, m olleion o n ad narro don

o ao 20 exlding ome ra mon, x and ea oxe. I e

e rare one a ell a oe, i I onider el lie e Ro-

land amil - tR erie, tb, sh, jp, jX, Mks e. Don’ ge me rong 

I lie e plg in and oare and e em q ie a i e I don’

eel i onneion i older, le and moe. I reer a more

inimae and rivae ona i e eoard, no, lider,

ie. te mell, loo and riine o e maine’ mae

em ver araive and nrediale.

te analoge n aving eir on ol and araer an

mae a m deeer relaion. A or plg in, I ed em mol 

or ig end rodion, deign and maering ool. M avori-

e are wave. Lael I ad een reall geing ino rogram lie

pro tool, Aleon and Reaor eeiall en erorming Live. I

in e idea o ilding or on oxe and deigning or on

eqimen i ver eming. I eel lie drilling ole and al-

ing modiaion o a ooden oxe. I am no araid o all mel 

a dinoar I lie e old aion omoing, e i inororai-

on o ne and exiing i I eel lie going a ino e re.

I’ve heard that you use new technologies a lot, but you also record 

everything with a tape machine? Is this a rumour? Can you tell me 

a little bit more about your way o producing music? Do you like to

mix technologies - old and new? 

I lie e arm o analoge ae. I love real o real reorder and

mlira reording ile ing o e ae manall. I lie o

For me it wasnever just about thelabel or place buT the

people I would bedealing with.

rviving e em, living da da and eeing or

ni aer all. Ar, mi and enerainmen ere again oe

o e em ereore e ere oridden.

w did you eel when you had to leave Poland and all your riends 

ind you? Did already music help you to eel a little bit better? 

o, I mean I a ong o I ge i a eaier o leave i all

ind. Mi did mae me eel eer indeed i ind o aved me

mero ime.

en have you started to buy synthesizers? 

en aending igool in windor canada. I ared o ravel

o e us and canada.

at was the rst model you’ve bought? 

g e ing a one, e m r ever oned n a a

g Modlar ps 3100 i a a gi rom m mi eaer

le aending o Eleroni Mi comoiion a por Mood 

anada. One da ile iing in a laroom I noied a ig 

den ox on e all in ron me i a korg ign on i. I aed

eaer “wa i a?” e old me a i ome old and roen

dlar n made korg eleroni. I aed i I old i.

er relied “No”, I ill give i o o a long a o an i i

i aernoon a i ae ar oo m laroom ae. e 

r laer, I rog i ome and oered i . tere a no

nd oming rom i. I laed, iddle e no, dereaed e

, inreaed dea and ain and i maine ad reon-

i arm and ea. sine en i ill i in m dio.

started to collect rare synthesizers later o n? What is the reason

ollect them, was it the search or the so und or also the ascinati-

o “hunt” rare models? 

nel. te korg gave me ome ind o ai idea o o n

made. I ared o ear oer rand o nd thE sOuND a

a looing or. I a earing or ome original ond and

ame ainaed n made ARp, MOOG, scI, yAMA-

mizer, mae add Maxx ba en rn i and voila.”

”For The Next Generation” represents 83 tracks on on

think that representing this massive number o trackusing Serato or would you say that you were able to

with vinyl? 

I oldn’ ever do i i de and vinl onl. I

sra Live em imlaneol o ge more an

on all e ingle elemen o ea ra. I en a i o

i added a i e favor o serao em. ti mix

a oiili o mae a mix, i deniel and o

o e mixe o ere.

I stated in my review about this album that you use t

using instruments and not just like sequencing tracks

pletely wrong with this statement? 

 Aolel rig. ti a m main inenion. I an

ve mel omleel in i mix and omoe a mix

mi ile onding a viral orera o ond

o mae a orne rogo ond and ae. Lie

- o go ere no man a gone eore.

It seems to me that Serato leaves the artist plenty o

the set list represent a lot o your tracks and tracks o yo

also tracks rom riends. Were there any regimentatio

… maybe it should t on one CD? 

Idea o aving a mix or “ommerial” e and i o

cD a indeed onl regimenaion rom serao and

ave oen 1000 ra and en orlied o ao

te mix oni o over 80 ra e e aal nm

on ere i 250. In order o rali e mix mee

men o a andard Dj mix, I ad o limi a nm

Have you recorded “For The Next Generation” in a kind

ous session or have you selected a kind o track list in

beore? … and when you nished the recording have



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ae o m Dj or alo eae o no eeling aaed o

an arilar lae. ti i mol eae o e a a e

oiili o moving rog lae ild a riele exeri-

ene, onanl edae me and mae me more aare o e

 orld a I live in. coneqenl I don’ ee mel eing grond-

ed in canada le alone an oer onr on or lane.

 At the beginning o this interview I asked you about your rst ex-

periences in music and the rst impressions you had by listening 

to this classic electronic album and seeing this cult movies. Do you

sometimes wish to get back this “childish view” on things. I mean

when you start to write a new track or compositions, to orget every-

thing you know and learned and do it in the way you probably may 

do it as a child? Or are you able to leave all this experiences behind 

 you when you start to create something new? 

I do in ao a qie a i. wa i I old go a in ime o

m ildood e ae all oe exeriene, noledge and ool

along. hoever, I m a a m lie a reall rned arond

and no I oldn’ ange i or aning ele. tere ome a mo-men en one realize a’ imoran in or live. I’ a ar o 

groing , ar o man develomen.

I rea mi roeionall e i i ind o ildi aroa

ala and diane lie r laing noe on e neizer.

I deniel ee me aning o mae mi aer more en a

deade. te goal a I ave e or mel or ear o ome are

qie imilar o oe en eing a id and ooling arond in a

dio. I don’ leave exeriene eind, I ild ne exerien-

e on e eir ndamenal.

We talked a lot about the old and the new technologies, what do you

preer more when you get interested in a new artist vinyl or digital 


I deend a mi are e aling ao. I i i an alm o 

one o m avorie and I ill deniel e original cD or

 Vinl. In e ae o ne dane ra roal m3 old e -

ien. wen i ome o ne ari on m lael en ine I move

arond e lane, I reer o reeive e mi in a digial orma.

 wen onidering e mi or a releae, e reer o lien o e

demo in e dio. I don’ eronall lie olien o omeone’

mi rom a lin on eir eage. ti orm o reenaion i

qie direel. I no a e live in a a aed orld and I

r o ollo i elieve me e i omeone ae ime o reare e

demo old alo onider aing ome ime o reen eir or 

in a more rereenaive maer.

What plans and projects do you have next or 2008? 

I am aing ome ime o rom e gig in order o ni an Lp

o m and thE sOuNDLItE. I’ a and roe involving vari-

o miian - Voali, azz iano laer, aoi and eleri

drm laer, romone and rme laer a violini, rna-

leli and o on. A ar a more l maerial, I ave

a ne releae or sneave reord nder m ne m

rolex. tere e oer ing in or mol Ep’

lael sondlie. I’m deniel ending ome ime

 i m good riend crioer Anonio aa Galax6

 Vs proe. In e all I’m going a on age i o

and iee inlding lae RANE mixer mixing

image and vie vera.

What do you need or a perect day in your lie? 

sar i a nie ra. I go radio in ever room o

 ie i oeed aving mi everere. so, o

la Emiliana torrini, ile e oer la Rooo

I an ear sinara and m id an e aing video

e gang. M onge o an gra e oo o i

ear cELEbRAtE yOuR LIE cOME ON - we are

ed mi. I in a eronall e 3rd ra r

Mode’ ulra galore cD ill do e ri or me. see

enoing e mi a m a I do an ar e o da i I ear LO remix o DM o ea a one

go air and rn e eqimen on. ten lie a

e a in e...I ame o e age in lie a m

re m everda.


poo corig peer Eolex MyspAcE e

Inervie Miael Mü 

  All rig reerved cemix-Magazine

er, mae add Maxx ba en rn i and voila.”

r The Next Generation” represents 83 tracks on one CD, do you

nk that representing this massive number o tracks is a result o 

ng Serato or would you say that you were able to do this also

h vinyl? 

ldn’ ever do i i de and vinl onl. I ed 2 serao

a Live em imlaneol o ge more and on onrol

all e ingle elemen o ea ra. I en a i oldool i

dded a i e favor o serao em. ti mixre gave me

iili o mae a mix, i deniel and o rom mo

e mixe o ere.

ated in my review about this album that you use the tracks like 

ng instruments and not just like sequencing tracks … am I com-

ely wrong with this statement? 

olel rig. ti a m main inenion. I aned o invol-

mel omleel in i mix and omoe a mix o eleroni

i ile onding a viral orera o ond. M aim amae a orne rogo ond and ae. Lie caain kir 

go ere no man a gone eore.

ems to me that Serato leaves the artist plenty o rope, because 

set list represent a lot o your tracks and tracks o your labels and 

tracks rom riends. Were there any regimentation rom Serato

maybe it should t on one CD? 

a o aving a mix or “ommerial” e and i on one ingle

a indeed onl regimenaion rom serao and EpM online. I

e oen 1000 ra and en orlied o ao 250 ra.

mix oni o over 80 ra e e aal nmer o ra

ere i 250. In order o rali e mix mee e reqire-

n o a andard Dj mix, I ad o limi a nmer o ra.

ve you recorded “For The Next Generation” in a kind o spontane-

session or have you selected a kind o track list in a ”rehearsal” 

ore? … and when you nished the recording have you played it 

riends or partners to get a eedback or the mix? 

r maing a nal eleion o 250 ra, I remixed all o em o

more o m on o and ond o i. ti a alo m main

ri, o mae evering lend ideall. ti ae oo ao

on. Aerard, i a all ao iing and reearing all e

e a ar o e omilaion. I roe don all e elemen

aer lie riing o a noaion o a omoiion. I i a

ilar a o riing o rae rnaleli, i give ll

rol o ea mine o e mix. Moreover i enale o role-

i greaer ara and eien. Aer a ingle reording 

e ole mix raig o DAt I ave loaded e mix o erver

end i o e riend e a a ime mix a gone alread 


run several labels and work as a musician, Dj, producer and 

 you also do lm score music. I would like to know what makes you

most happy about creating music. Is it the eedback o the audience 

or the press, or is it the moment o creating music? I mean the mo-

ment nding a new sound a new mix … I mean this moment o 

birthing a sound.

I’ roal a ominaion o man ing a mae me mo

a ao reaing mi. Generall eaing i i e oi-

ili o reaing an original ond. wen I r laed e n-

eizer e exiemen o nding an ond a enormo. j

rning maine on made me ver a. trogo e ear

o oring i ond a a ond deigner and roder e a-

eie or ond ad enlarged. No I end lo o ime on nding 

e deired ond r mean o ond ee and ooard gear.

ti i a ine o ome ind a e leare in reaing a mi

a rned o ino madne ao learl dened ae o an

elemen i mae or a ond. I an give a m learer

examle era. I I lien o omeone’ mi no I go mad and

lien o ea o e elemen lie i laer – i ver ard o iml 

lien and eno. Ever mine o i i evalaion o e ond.

I am really curious what’ behind the project “Jazz In Progress”? Is 

this handmade music? 

I’ one o m Live roe. jazz am on age. unrediale ge

ogeer o e miian in ron o an adiene.

You also run three dierent record labels - Soleil, Soundlite and 

Dea Records. What was the reason to run three separate labels? 

Good qeion. I deided a soleil and sondlie ill e m main

laorm rom no on. soleil ill o on e minimal, deroi,

elero ind and sondlie ill go ino m more ome ond,

illed, exerimenal and amoeri direion.

What about the “Niteworks“ project you are running together with

Damon Wild … any new plans? 

sine or la live erormane e ave gaered ome nie ma-

erial and ave e ing and oming on sneave Digial.

some o e or ave een eared on bea por on e

lae sneave amler.

I’ve read that you had a residency in a club in Poland and also

played several gigs there, could you imagine to move back to Poland 

one day, or do you see yoursel more grounded in Canada, or do you

see yoursel as a cosmopolitan as a result o your DJ work? 

poland, a an inereing exeriene a ala. I ave ooera-

ed on e roe ere, lie Deor or or e Nex Generaion

or. Made ome oro or e ne generaion and eared

or examle dole orld amion in raing Dj Erom. to-

geer i Aleon Live e ave reaed a erie o odoor er-

ormane in e wara Mero saion.

 A ar a eing a omoolian, I eel lie one indeed no onl e-




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title o your new album on Inné is “Not For Piano”? What’s 

ind the title, I mean the complete album is played by a piano.

ole alm i indeed laed a iani (no a iano). te

qeion eind e ile i: i e mi onained in e al-

m oneived or iano in e r lae?

right that the goal behind the album “Not For Piano” was n-

g an artistically ree space or you? A kind o musical playground 


or piano” i e amlaion o a lo o ing, and alo

eginning o man ing e o ome. Miall eaing, I

’ in o old give i a name, or a genre. I’ a oal rid!

ore an alm or oner rogram old e exerimenal,

i oile, ne.

it isn’t the rst time that you play an d interpret Jazz and elect-

ic music, I‘ve heard that you play “Strings O Lie” at the end o 

h concert since 2005? Do you remember your eelings when you

that or the rst time? 

n’ la “sring O Lie” a e end o ea oner, I did

i man ime indeed. I ad een liening o Deroi teno

nel or man ear, and a ome oin I ared laing e

e a e iano. I ond e armonie o “sring O Lie” ver 

iring, o I og I old do omeing i em a e i-

. soon I realied a liening o a lo o eleroni mi alo

ed m a o omoing and imroviing.

n picture mysel that your audience wasn’t so amiliar to this 

d o music. Did you ever receive a negative reaction when you

yed that track? 

One, a lad ame o me and aed me i e omoer a

re o me laing e inide o e iano lie a erion inr-

n. I aid: „te omoer i aall a Dj and I don’ even in e

I’m laing i mi.“ ti a eore e recording.

Your musical career could be compared to a “Wunderkind”, you did 

 your rst concerts at the age o thirteen, you did your rst composi-tions with teen… who is or better say was the driving orce behind 

 your musical career and education? Is your amily a musician’s a-


I aall ared laing e iano, omoing, and imroviing 

all a one …

I a ao 5 ear old. M Ialian grand-aer, umero canovi,

 a a aordeon and andoneon laer. so i ere i an mial

gene, e’re rom im! And o ore, m moer i a real mi-

addi: I an’ rememer one da ere e ereo an’ laing 

a ll volme a ome…

Be honest. When you started to play an instrument, wasn’t there any 

moment when you dreamed o playing ootball with your riends 

than exercise the scale? 

I did la all! And alo man oer ing lie aining, e and

ening. b o no, I enoed ending ime a e inrmen,

and la.

When did you get the rst time in contact with electronic music? 

 And can you recognize the artist or the track? 

jean-Miel jarre’ Oxgene, en I a a ill ver lile.

Do you ever went to a club to dance to electronic music? Or isn’t that 

 your cup o tea? 

‘be orel’ a Vinl, i Dj Dann tenaglia - oe ere raz 

arie in Nyc a in 2000.

What was the reason to move to Barcelona? 

tere ere man reaon … Aer aving en 5 ear in Nyc, I

el lie rerning o good old Eroe. barelona eemed lie e

ere oie: dnami i, nie eole, arm limae, and a lo

o room or exerimenal mi!

So with adding „Strings O Lie“ at each concert‘s end, the idea or 

”Not For Piano“ was born? 

I a onl e eond ime en I erormed „sring o lie“

 en one o e roder o Inné ame o me and aid: „we

ave o reord i...“ Le an a mon laer e ere in e -

dio. te r verion aeared on Agoria’ ce&cl seion. I

reorded e ole alm ao 6 mon aer a.

The album owns reinterpretations o electronic music rom Derrick 

 May, Auterche and Je Mills, but you als o created own pieces with a

mixture o Jazz and classical music. But I can’t help mysel but the 

whole album, and this is my personal eeling rom the rst second 

I heard it, disperses a kind o “Techno” or let’s say Electronic Music 

energy without any electronic instrument. Am I completely wrong 

or can you help to eel out this eect on the listener? 

Have you recorded this album in a special mood or was it your goal 

to pair this energy with this classical instrument? 

 well, lie I aid, I in i’ re dil o r o give e alm

a genre. wa doe jazz mean? Eleroni Mi a e main in-

iraion or e alm, en again: o do o la eleroni

mi on e iano? yo an’ la eleroni mi on an aoi

inrmen. so I made m aroximaion o i. t en I invied Rami

kalié and Raimndo penaore o eare on ome ra, en

 e aed Mro o do e o-rodion and maering: No

or piano a orn…

How long have you worked on this a lbum? Have you recorded it in

a kind o session, or did you record the album in many takes? 

te reording iel didn’ ae o long: 2 ole da in a dio.

Ea ra a reorded dierenl. some needed man ae,

oer ere reorded in ole ae.

 Ater the recording, did there any editing or mastering took pl ace? 

 we en ao a ear on e ediing and o-rodion.

You wrote a track “Barcelona Trist” that can be hear

Piano”. Can you tell me a little bit more about it? Inhas you wrote it? 

I a aling arond e paeig Mariim, along e

gre, and old. ten, I iled a melod…

Do you miss sometimes your homeland Luxembourg?

other towns besides Barcelona you could gure you


I’ ala nie o rern o Lxemorg, or a e d

ie ere I’d lie o live? Nyc & Oaa.

I thought about the ollowing theory: With the relea

Piano” you turned rom a classical pianist into a ki

mental musician. This gives you the chance to work

music more detached and more “naïve”, a kind o turn

o time a little bit back. Am I completely wrong? 

I in I a alread exerimening arond i e

eroire eore I made No or piano. I ala ad

or e marginal, e eird, e o. In laial m

o eier ver old mi (16 enr) or, onem

i. ta’ ere No or piano ome in, and ae


Your whole lie is centred with music, what other in

have? Or isn’t there any time or other things.

Ialian iine, ereo, reading a neaer on

toma bernard oo, jaqe Rivee lm, aro

lionar iolog… someime I i I ad more im


Carl Craig did a remix or you that could be ound al

double album called “Sesssions”. How did you get i







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e carl in barelona, rog a ommon riend, o alo

en o e e inné lael manager. we ng o, aled, di-

ed ome idea ao mi. ten, la ear, e inv ied me o

a o in Graz. we en ome ime ogeer in Deroi.

des the Remix rom C² and Balil you also did a remix version

The Melody”. What kind o tools have you used? Was it your rst 

e that you worked as a remixer. what I hardly could b elieve? 

a loved o la neizer. I og o em a an exen-

n o e iano. I a oring i everal maine and am-

- nil I go m lao 2 ear ago. or e Melod-RMX, I ed

lg-in and analog n.

en you work with a computer to create music, what do perso-

y nd more comortable compared playing a classical instru-

nt, and what do you nd absolute disgusting? 

e iano and e lao are inrmen - e general idea i

e em a good a o an.

already worked with together doing a show and you will do

ther one in May. Keeping in mind that you earned so many pri-

and positive eedback with your “classical” work as a pianist,

ch signicance owns the collaboration with Carl Craig and not 

orget the a positive eedback rom people like Mad Mike, Derrick 


dierent to the acceptance and eedback beore “Not For Pia-

? Or are these a dierent pair o shoes? 

ad ala een e roder or me. I regard i Landri-

g a one o e eminal alm o all ime. so o ore olla-

aing i im i ver eial. I don’ mae an dierene e-

n E- & u-Mi. Le e r ii do a, i e ini!

at other kind o collaborations do you dream o? 

Man. wiever ollaoraion ill ome along. b I am er-

ainl looing orard o do more i e Deroi rod (carl

caig, kelvin solar…)

What else will happen in 2008? 

 we are releaing po Ar, a iano de alm i Rami kalié,

 o alo aear on No or piano. I am develoing m iano-

lao e in live o.

What do you need or a perect day in your lie? 

Enog lee, aaa ie and ereo in e morning!


poo corig raneo slime & everal Mae ie

Inervie Miael Mü 

 All rig reerved cemix-Magazine






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ust admit… and regret that I didn’t knew too much about “The 

le” until I listened to your album “As High As The Sky” in my ds. So the next big misunderstanding was the act that I thought 

rst that “The Mole” sounds like a projects or band name until I 

nd out that this name is an artist’s name. Can you tell me some-

ng about the meaning and the history o your artist’s name? 

orr i i a qeion I’ve een avoiding … (lag)

ater I ound out that I made a mistake when I adopted that 

e Mole” isn’t a band or project I got curious and saw that you did 

uge number o releases in the last years but “As High A s The Sky” 

our debut album. Why did it take you so long to release a com-

e album ater releasing so much material? Have you been un-

e about the way the album should sound? Or were the releases 

ore the album a kind o test to nd a direction or the album? 

een avoiding alm or ome ime. Among oer ing

el oo immare o do one. I nd i o e a lo o a o eole

i o mediore alm o ere i didn‘ an o add

e ile. pl I’m m more amiliar i vinl, d are raer

n o me ill, o maing reord made ene. In a e

a i old omlee i alm a o in o e vinl’

and en ada i o e d orma

stly beore I listen to a new album I spend a lot o time with

ching the artwork and reading.... or better say kind o analy-

g the titles and tracks name beore I listen to the music. Maybe 

istake... I really asked mysel who painted the artwork or your 

um? And what’s the meaning behind the painting? 

n did e aining. se’ done all m agon reair over and

all love er or and onider mel l o all er a riend.

or e meaning eind i o old ave o a er.

d what’s behind the name o the album? 

all ao aral ravelling. And love.

How did you get in touch with e lectronic music? And when have 

 you started to produce own musi c? ir ime I eard dane or rave mi a in ig ool. A brii  

exange den rog a ole o mix ae i er. wen I

r eard i I aed i. I a ino jimi hendrix and Led Zelin o

ee... and I og i a ome re i .. I a eing 

orn o ore....and dil. b one I oened I ell or

i. I ared o rode en a riend oined o a ea 900 a

a an o alled e aain. te aain ed o do lae nig 

tV ommerial o imel riding arond in i ar oing o

g an. he a a ig a m an i a aain‘ a and e all ne  

and love im a e aain. Don’ no i i ore i ill oen

I go a good deal on a 900...ill ave i in a. Grea amler!

So you’ve been raised in a amily with a lot o music and art around  


Noe. Almo none. M mom did give me ome beale ae

one mmer... and a riend g ave me a oolegged Leonard coen

ae... oerie I liened o lai ro on e radio.

You are an origin o the West Coast rom Canada, but you moved to

 Montreal later on. What was the r eason to move? Artistic or perso-

nal reasons? 

bo. M amil i rom ere and I  a orn in Monreal. I aned 

o re o miall oo and I an‘ going o move o torono.

Monreal a e naral oie. And  a a good move i a.

Love a i o m. Exe e ine r are a i on e long 


Uhh, sorry or the topic jumping. Let’s come bac k to your album.

I’ve already asked you that you’ve been producing a lot o tracks and 

EP’s beore you released your album. I asked mysel i y ou started 

“As High As The Sky” as a new project or have you used ideas, track 

 ragments etc. you’ve developed years beore? 

 Are the tracks connected … I mean with the titles name? 

  ye aolel.

The sounds you used are very varied rom futes to steel drums – 

 rom classic synths to kind o submarine minimal synths. But the 

complete album owns a very specic kind o patina – don’t get me 

wrong I mean a kind o organic LoFi sound. Have you manipulated 

the sounds during the recording or the mastering that they sound 

in this special way? 

te reording roe give i e ond. I end o in i i lo 

i eem I lie lo.

 Are you ascinated by using LoFi or better say dirty sounds? And 

 rom where comes this ascination? 

I’m no re I’m ainaed lo og I do lie ome eado.

I am ainaed reord and o e age. te ond o ding 

vinl i re niqe and ever one i dieren....eaial. some-

ime I reord e noie rom e reord. te ae eeen

e ong. Or e i. Or e room one o e reording i i i

ill ere.... ee all la a ig role in a dirine in m mi.

Laer and laer or dir maing ome ind o moving m

Do you also try to reproduce this special sound when you Dj or re-

present your tracks live? 

Ding ala ond dieren or me... and live ell...I an‘ el

ond a lo live a I do on reord. Aall en I la 

live I amle reord real ime i ome giar edal o I an

rerode oe diering noie... mae i eel more lie a d e.

 Mainly I would say that your tracks are deeply grounded in House 

music. A very own and ascinating style o House, that deeply tou-

ched me. Are you an admirer o House music? 

Love i. some o m e nig daning ave een oe all e a.

b I’m an admirer o mi in general. I love ome onr oo.

te alm i a groing o lo o ra rom di

some ne - ome old. some rom e val aing o ge o and ome neie a I made

e alm. Nie a e all ogeer in e end

I’ve already asked you about the titles name and the

hind it… I am really amazed about the context betw

and the music, besides that the tracks a re wonderul

Is there a connection between the music and the titles

i I take “Alice, you need him” I think that someone tr

lise Alice that she should go back to the one he let go

repeats its melodies like a discussion that’s hard! Or “

 good you deserve it” the title sounds delicious as its m

Or let me ask in another way do you paint music? 

ti i o e liener o deide. u o o o nd

aning in a I’ve oered. I’ve all e iee og

 A or aining mi... I’m no re...I’ve never ain

ailed ar in ig ool o I i e ien

Ok let’s get technical can you tell me something abo

ments you’ve used or this album? Have you used har

 you worked with sotware? I ask because o this special

o tracks.

I e a mix o o ard and oare. Lo o drm m

n. And I e a lo o amle a ell o I ge a lo

rom a. And I ad a grea old mixer, i i rea

gle o i all

What about your eelings shortly beore the release o

have you elt a kind o strain or excitement? Or have y

excited during the working and mastering process? 

been more oned an aning. I mean riing

or me o a‘ no re.. doing all e i a o

alm lie inervie and ire..a ar





As. LOVE thAt cIty sO Much. EXcEpt thE wINtERs ARE A bIt ON thE


The Mole



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oerie i a all een a range ri i o ore e gold o 

eing ale o old e nied rod in m and. sill eel ali-

en en I old i no, o i re i nie.

I got really curious when I heard about your project using ve turn-

tables live … Can you tell me something about it? Do you work back 

to back with another Dj or do you handle these ve turntables by 


I do i mel. te reord I e are all loed groove or i-ing reord o ea maing in‘ an ie. beae i i an im-

roviaion ing I do ave a m and ll i e mixing and

ee. Eeiall ine ever ar i onl one ar long ... i an e

qil oring i I don‘ le arond and ee i moving.

So you work with loop records or do you use “normal” records? 

I mae ange o a lo o reord or i. uing ier and ra-

zor lade o mae loo. M o o rle rain ill i on

e la ord o e ile ong. I alo made a loo reord a e 

 ear ago or i ver ing. Go a ole n o er alened

eole involved in e roe. te nie ing ao e iing 

reord i i a lile eq or all oe i rn ino drm... e

a a ome o a ier en e needle o o i i grea or

i drm ... i‘ no 808 mind o i or re good or i

roe ... and i i re exerimenal ana. Exerimenal and


 Another topic that I ound really amazing is the act that you are 

planning to start a 7” label o Disco Edits. Have you started this pro-

 ject already? 

 A oring o e in no. Alread ave grea mi rom

koo and Eddie c.

Will you run this label by yoursel or is this label a p roject you’ll run

with other music lovers? 

Me and koo are doing i ogeer. One oo in berlin one in ooe.

So Disco Edits are the roots o House music? 

 ye and no… (mile)

You have also collaborated with Paddy rom wonderul Cobblesto-

ne Jazz. From where do you know each other? 

 we‘ve een riend or more an 15 ear no. I ed

in ig ool and a lae drining ea ee

im d a e loal l. he’ a grea d a g.

How will you represent your album – with a kind o D

like in a kind o “live situation” with a laptop? 

I’m oring a a d and live rig no. b m live

lao ... I never old ge ino e lao ing

or me. too or o an aenion an I oe.

By stopping by at your MySpace prole I read that you

Do you also have kids or is this not your cup o tea? 

I’m no aall married ... a‘ a oe..(lag)

a i no o.

What do you need or a perect day in your lie? 




poo corig soia Drevenam

Inervie Miael Mü 

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poo corig soia Drevenam

Inervie Miael Mü 

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o e ara on. No  ar i delared.




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ert, your new album is called “Night – Time Stories”. What’s be-

d that titles name, telling s tories or the night-time? Or are these 

ies about the night-time? 

idea ome rom en I a or o a ild and or aren

o ed ime orie o el o lee, m orie are ao

ing eole a elieve in me, a ever e are going rog

e e an nd omor in m exeriene, good or ad.

ght – Time Stories” is your rst artist album ater ten years? What 

the reason or that long break releasing a complete album? 

en in lie i‘ ao iming, i a een e rig ime eae

e rig eole oming ino m lie, even og or e a

ear I a ill ing ingle o, no an ari alm, I

ded e rig manager and lael.

album is released on the G erman label Compost Records. How 

it come to that? 

why have you choose this label. I mean, don’t get me wrong but 

pected your record would be released on an English or American

rd label.

me i a never ao e lael or lae e eole

old e dealing i, aer a e meeing I ond omo o

a amil a I oned o e a ar o, and I’m ver a i

r one ere!

During the intro o “Night – Time Stories” the listener can hear so-

mething like“Robert Owens , Robert Owens … who is he never he-

ard o him”. What’s the story behind that intro? Does it really hap-

pen that people know the great tracks they hear but didn’t know the 

singers name or is the intro more meant as a wit? 

someime I ave ond a eole ave no name o ae, or

e ma ave orgo, I am an ari rom e 80‘, i‘ a old

ne generaion eole eing o e oe vie, all in all i a

  a n lig eared idea.

The album is separated in three chapters I guess; the tracks ater 

the intro, then the tracks ater the interlude called “Survive” and 

“Happiness”. Am I completely wrong? And can you tell me some-

thing about these interludes and the concept behind the sequencing 

o the tracks? 

M inenion a o ae e liener on a mial orne o ell

 o lie orie or rvival, a i o ere reading rom a oo,

eeling a o or me mig e dealing i.

How long have you worked on the album? And wasn’t it big eort to

work with ten dierent producers? 

I‘m airl a en i ome o oring on an alm, aer ing 

ogeer a li o eole I oned o or i, i ell in lae, I

e voal ogeer in a e or en en ea roder e

ar, o I ad o ai or em o do a nal mix, all o em

eem o e ea going don o ear o eole.

Have you written all the music by yoursel? And what inspired you

 or the lyrics and the tracks, I know it so unds like a typical journa-

lists question, but I was really impressed by the beauty o the lyrics.

I roe one ong, mi and lri, on all oer ra e oer

roder roe e mi and I roe e lri, lie inire m 

eeling en I rie, ing I ee everda and eole I mee all

el me reae idea.

You decided to work with such great producers like Jimpster, Ian

Pooley, Charles Webster.. just to name a ew, have you also thought 

about producing the complete album by yoursel when you deve-

loped the idea or “Night-time stories”? Or was it clear rom the be-

 ginning that you wanted to have a lot o people onboard or the 


 yo no, i a e idea rom e ar o ave dieren rod-


Have you invited all these producers to work with you in your own

studio, or have you sent ideas and tracks and around and each

worked in his own studio? 

I en em e voal ar.

Would you describe yoursel as someone who needs a lot o people 

around you, I mean during a working process? 

No e maller e amon o eole e eer, en I rie, I’m

mel mo o e ime.

Let’s do a little trip in your past. You stopped your musical career in

the beginning o the Nineties to run a Christian bookstore. I asked 

mysel i you started the bookstore because you were kind o rus-

trated rom the music business and the musical scene or was this 

bookstore an aair o the heart? 

O, I ave never oed, omeone made a

e inerne, I love a I do and old never o, ar.

Is it right to call you a aithul christian? 

No, a’ no orre, a eliever in love, and ev

all in lae i a.

Do you think that 2001 changed the way people live

their religion? I mean in a negative or also in a positi

I in no in i reen ime eole ave a leare

and evering ome don o o reaing eole

lie o on em o rea o, i or a i o

e or onl onern.

Can you remember how does you experienced the 11

 2001? What have you elt and done a t that day? I I a

med you already lived in Londo n and beore that time

a citizen o New York.

I eed i riend o mae re e ere alrig

or all e oer eole, i a a ver ad da, I remem

e ne over and over going rom aion o aio



I was totally astounded when I read that you rst wo

and then you started to sing as a “House” vocalist. La

vited you to sing or him did you know him beore? An

 you met rst? 

No. I didn‘ ne im, a riend o mine inroded

ogeer and ried ome idea, I laed em on om

nig, eole eemed o lie e vie and i gre

You work as a producer, as a singer, songwriter and D




As. LOVE thAt cIty sO Much. EXcEpt thE wINtERs ARE A bIt ON thE




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ight to state that you need music like the air to breath. But rom

ere comes this big love or music? Were your parents or some o r relatives musicians? 

i all ome rom e ear and a love or lie and eole, I ave

n aid eole are m lieline.

how did you get interested in working as a DJ? 

ve ala loved mi everone arond me ne a o ri-

and amil old ala a me o la e mi a arie

e ogeer.

uld you say I love singing more than producing or djing? Or do

see the whole thing as a whole? 

ring i niqe in i‘ on rig!

ple call you the voice o House music. Is this an honour to you or 

sometimes a kind o bane to you that people always implicate 

just with House music and orget about all your other projects 


m no re i‘ nie eole eel a a ao me. (mile)

are in music business or more than twenty years now, but 

at were your eelings a ew days beore the release o “Night-Time 


a on e road ding and ing, maing mel and eole eel

and I’m doing e ame ing no.

mpost Records is based in Munich. So I guess that you had to

el to Munich beore the release o the album or doing some 

etings or whatever. How do you like Munich? I mean a lo t o Ger-

ns preer more Berlin because Munich is so typical German with

er” and “Leather trousers…“ So I am really interested in your 

nion about this town.

ime I ome ere ill ave o ge o o o me arond

and give me a lile ior on Mni, en I’m ere i‘ or

meeing and laing o I aven‘ een m.

In April you did a tour with Theo Parrish and Omar S. in Germany.

In which way have you perormed as a singer or as a Dj? 

I did o, i a onderl, I erormed a e d oo.

Do you represent your new songs to the audience or will do another 

tour later on? Will there be any gigs with your live band? 

 ye. A lo more dae, me mel and ome i a real and.

What else can we expect by Robert Owens in 2008? 

More mi!

What do you need or a perect day in your lie? 

…re, tV and ood.

 A last question. Could you promise to me that we have not wait ten

 years or the next album? 

 we need o ge e lael o romie a, I’m ala read, i i a

o onl me I old ave anoer alm o rig no!


poo corig Roer Oen Msae eie

Inervie Miael Mü 

  All rig reerved cemix-Magazine

For me it wasnever just about thlabel or place buT t

people I would bedealing with.






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poo corig ari London

Inervie Miael Mü  All rig reerved cemix-Magazine

a man on a mion. a man

i a ea.






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w ater our years since the release o your last album “Boob

p” you released your new album ca lled “Growl”. When have you

ted to work on this album? 

e la 5 ear ave een ggling doing to Lone sordmen

, live and alo ding, o i oo a ile o ge ome o-

er a I a a i.

ou’ve been working on the tracks or “Growl” besides all your 

er projects and jobs. Do you preer working piece by piece on a

ect, stop it or a while and work later on or do you sometimes 

unhappy that you could work on your own material? 

omeime i good o leave ra and ome a o em

re ear, I lie o or a. I lie i en ra rie

melve! j doen‘ aen all e ime.

uld picture mysel that i someone’s working or our years on an

um that the biggest problem could be the number o possibili-

infuences etc. grows with each year … You know what I mean,

“I could change the track I’ve done three years ago because I 

e a new plug in”? 

e, I’ve ala een izoreni miall ana o I nol i no ene. een?

en is a track “nished” or you? 

en I ge o ied o i liening o i! Na – I ge o

. Don’ lie ing e ien in in ing.

ally would like to nd out what’s behind the album’s title 

owl”? Is it connected to the sound o the album or is it a story 

behind the album? 

tile are ard o ele on. I aned o ee i imle, lie one

 ord, and i ind o . I in i i e mi oo.

 And who made this wonderul artwork? And can you tell me some-

thing about its meaning? 

 well i’ done a good riend o mine, o goe e name o 

sa Lng. he’ een involved in tLs aror and alo m la

alm. he’ alo done video and general deign or load o eo-

le. I lie i raz aroa and general illine. someime ele-

roni aror i o i ... aned i o e olorl and lal.

The tracks o are really complex ull o hidden treasure you won’t 

hear with the rst listen through, a real home listening album. On

the other side the tracks are also dance tracks. Maybe this question

sounds a little bit stupid. But how have you managed this high-wire 

act? Have you thought about it when you started to work on the 

album, I mean that you like to combine these elements or would 

 you say that this is more an eect that comes out o your musical 

socialisation and out o your skills? Like I just can make music in

this way…

I ge I’ve ala aen e rre aroa o m mi. I lie

ing o ange and aen. Daning mi doen‘ ave o e

ol-le or noi or minimal. po eniiliie are o in m oo.

The other that really ascinates me about “Growl” is this “dirty” 

sound. Yeah I mean sometimes one sound really sounds very basic 

or better say LoFi, but I don’t mean it in a negative way: I mean

like playing a synthesizer and a drum machine without eects and 




At cOMbINING thE twO. I DON‘t thINk I’M ONE O thOsE pEOpLE sO

I’LL kEEp It sIMpLE.


I like things tochange and happen

Dancing music doeshave to be soul-lesor noisy or minima

Pop sensibilities arok in my book.




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shing it with plug ins. But together these sounds build up very 

mplex soundscapes. An amazing eect … Am I completely wrong 

en I say that you used basic sounds without using too much e-

I order not to wash out the sounds? 

or rig – I in I en qie a o ai i i alm.

n omeime ere’ a omeiion going on o ee o an

e e mo enologial reord, and ere’ a lo o n and

i groove miing. b ome eole are ver good a omi-

g e o. I don‘ in I’m one o oe eole o I’ll ee i

le, alo I don‘ lie fiing rog a million lg-in en

old e oring on e nex ond or ri.

have you used more Hardware synths and Drum machines or 

e you used plug ins and programmed them that the received 

dirty sound? 

a mixre o e analoge and digial orld ... aning a

e a good ond i ne i me. I end o e e ame ma-

ne or e a i I love- i a dio eleroni Atc 1 one


m not sure i an artist likes to answer that kind o questions, but 

try .You produce and remix music or such a long time. But 

en you compare your rst and second album to the new one,

uld you say that you learned something new, that you changed r sound and get more “practice” doing your own music..? Hope 

understand what I want to express with this question ...

all. I in eome more a eae i orel and el-on-

ne. b mae I go laz oo? yo need o ee e re r-


at do you like more working in a project with others or by your-

in a studio? 

bo – I love oring i oer eole, oning idea e. b

i’ alo nie o ge el-indlgen oo!

From where do you know the wonderul Dot Alliso n who’s doing the 

vocals on “Nothing At All”? 

Do a een involved and arond or dio or man ear. Mr

 weaerall ored i er and ONE DOVE eore I me er, o I

ge i rog Andre a e all eame riend.

Have you written the vocals? 

No oe are do lri ... I never a oo m a ordmi.

 Andrew also appears on the track Double Dealing’s, have you ever 

thought about that people ... no blockheads might say ... “Ah you see 

it’s just a side project o the Two Lone Swordsmen”? 

No aall a ra a going o go on or lae alm

never made i. I didn‘ an o ae i - ere are qie a e de-

en ra a i on a da omeere or in e ard drive,

orgoen.. Andre a ala een an iniraion and mae a

ome rog on e mi..

The album is released on your own label “Control Tower”, I think 

this bears the advantage that you have more control, on the other 

hand isn’t it much more work or you as label chie and artist in one person? Or do you like to have control over things ... hmm ... ma ybe 

that’s the reason or the labels n ame? 

  well i on m lael ari ave een involved in geing 

ing ored or me or i alm. beore i’ a lael a releae

12“ reord, i a a lo eaier o manage. I‘m no ver good a

managing e admin ide! Leave me in e dio i a ig ag o 

a and I’ll a in m le!

 As I said your music sounds very organic and dierent to productions 

o other electronic artists. So I asked mysel which instrument 

 you learned rst? 

I learned o la e le on e giar en I a o 13 ...

sill love e le! crrenl loving irialized‘, ong in A 

and E‘ alm.

 And when and at which age have you explored electronic music? 

I a 11 or 12 en e ole elero ing aened o i a

ard no o e aeed i ne enomena! brea daning,

grai and dreing lie a b-bo!

 Are there are any special events you are really looking orward to,

 or example Ten Days O or the Sonar? Or do you preer more the 

small ones? 

sonar a amazing; I in i a e igge rod I laed o.

 wa a zz! And e 10 da o ill e ied oo; e belgim

re are roer mi loving ar ead! b I in I do reer

e maller gig, m more ona i e rod e.

How will you represent the album on tour with a Live-setup or do

 you represent it in a Dj set? 

bo. Mol live e i m ramale e-!

Besides touring and representing your album, what else can we 

expect rom you in 2008? 

I‘ve een oring on a d alm or lie ear – o I’m oing 

a ill ome o i ear oo. No ming on e de

ing o I’ve ad a love o d and reggae or man ear ...

 And have you started to work on new tracks or the next album? 

Or do you think the next tracks or a new album will be done in

a row? 

Go a e ing done, no re i a i‘ll go,

ave reall. j love maing ing a mae me a

a oer eole ill e ino i oo.

What do you need or a perect day in your lie? 

snine, good riend arond me, and lil m

Eno lie- i’ no a long!


poo corig Fabric London

Inervie Miael Mü 

  All rig reerved cemix-Magazine

a man on a mion. a mani a ea.




 wINtER 2008


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idea or i roe orn a e Mae l. Dir rom Ei-

Reording a liening o m deea e and omeime ever exied o no i ra I a laing rrenl,

r ime I ad o aner im: i i a re-edi ra I’ve done!

er on I exlained o im a Maro Dionigi and I ad done a

o re-edi ra or or on e. he a reall imreed and

idea or e alm a orn.

at’s the story behind the title ”Cosmic Disco? Cosmic Rock!” is 

kind o looking back to the golden area o the Cosmic Club? A

w to the music? And who made this co ol album cover? Was it your 

a to do it in this way with this two spacemen? 

done o nderand exal a i e comi sond I ave

ed in comi cl – Ial. Mae i old e neear o li-

all e 137 ae o e eriod 1979 – 1984 o nderand a

e mi le are inide e comi sond. so en e 

ed me: “ho e an all i roe? ... comi Dio? “ I aid:

a. comi Ro!“. yea and a ao e over. I in a e

igner, and Dir and me, e ere all ining a e ame ime

o omeing in e ame a and o i ame o i aror.

ould like to ask you some questions about your history and ca-

later on, but when I think about the album cover with these 

cemen I had to jump a little bit in the topics… as one o Italy’s 

t DJ’s you infuenced the sound and technique or many gene-

ons o musicians and Dj’s. I think this could only be done be a

son who thinks “uturistic”. Nowadays I sometimes get the ee-

that people act like the live in the uture and aren’t ascinated 

isions and walking n ew paths anymore. Can you agree with my 


I in o. ye!

would you describe yoursel as a person who was always ascina-

by uturistic ideas? I mean not just in music, also these ideas in

the Sixties and Seventies when people dreamed o fying to mars 

and build new cities there and things like this. I mean this liestyle infuenced art and music a lot.

or re! Mi give me a ae enaion. comi cl a or

me a real comi-sari – o no – ere I a in ll immer-

ion i e mi and ereI ad m exerimenal orne o

ever ind o mi!

You collaborated with Marco Diongi or that album. How must I 

picture mysel your collaboration, have you worked like doing a

back to back Dj set or did he made .e. the rst or the last hal o 

the mix? 

 we ee ea oer almo ever Monda. I ala ae i me a

ag o 200 iee o vinl, I ae em rom m 60.000 reord

I ave – and I m admi a I omeime even don no a

I on and e reall aed a lo o ime, da and nig, liening 

o em. And en e deide i ra e lie o re-edi (lag-

ing) and omeime a ver good ole o Valoliella i ne reall 

el !

From where do you know each other, have you worked together be-

 ore doing some sets or mixes? 

In e Nineie Maro Dionigi a ver amo in e Aler Ego

cl in Verona ( Ial ). wen e mee ea oer aall, e old

me a e i a grea an o mine. rom a ime en e ame

or e r ime in comi cl, en e a oreen ear old.

 yo no i’ nn, e no evering ao me. someime I

ave o a im ao e ile o a ong I ave laed a m on

ae (laging). uall e don’ or ogeer. someime I a

ge in i l, mae no i i reall ime o ar deeaing 


Do you like to work in collaborations or would you describe your-

sel more as a someone who works on projects on his own? 


DIscO? cOsMIc ROck!”? wAs It yOuR IDEA tO cREAtE thAt ALbuM OR




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zise. Was this club besides being a great place to party with style also

the birthplace o “Cosmic “ music? Noada I lie o all m sle “ cOsMIc sOuND “. someod 

a ad e ad idea o lagiarize m rademar a “omi m-

i“. te la a ind o mi reall ver diane rom me and

reall no m o ea!

Could you tell me more about the idea behind “COSMIC SOUND”? 

 wa I ave done in e ve ear a comi l i iml ear-

ing all e mi I lie, dieren le and ala looing or

e e a o mix em ogeer. ti a and i m goal and I

in e ear on’ end.

The cosmic club must be a kind o melting pot or new ideas, espe-

cially using up to ve turntables to create mixes.

How must I picture mysel these mixes was it a kind o jam sessio n

with two or three Dj’s mixing or have on e Dj used ve turntables? 

 ye. I alo ad i idea o la i or rnale in one e, o 

ore ogeer i anoer deea and me. A real mega mix a

done live i ao 50 ra laed in 15 mine.

Would you describe the days o the Cosmic Club as a highlight in

 your lie? What do you eel looking back at this area? 

Mae oide o Ial nood no ao i I ave never

o o la comi sond. I mean a I ill all la comi

sond ever sarda nig. And I ave alo oer nig aed on

n & dio!

Why was the club closed in 1984? 

beae o ome drg orie. A lo o eole ing drg en

o comi. Alog mo o em aed oide e l an-

ging arond i irmane reaed a lo o rolem i e

neigor o comi cl.

 As a child has you dreamed o a career as a musician

like this ? 

Dring m e I ave oen ed drm maine , e

amler eoard. so I ave ala dreamed o e

good an inrmen (laging).

So what was the reaction o your parents when you s

come a proessional Dj. Where they upset? I mean at

wasn’t a real proession.

No, I ad no rolem. I a a den and a eing a

ad enog mone o ee or mel.

You are known as a DJ who mixes dierent styles o m

in order to create something new out o this dier

think that can only be done by a person who is curiou

care about barriers and boundaries. Would you descri

a curious and “boundless” person? 

 yo ave done a ere orrai o me. tan!

Don’t get me wrong with this question but you are in

 or nearly orty years now, did you never thought abou

business and doing so mething completely dierent? O

music and records like the air that you breathe? 

I oe in e re I an or or a Radio saion.

nig long!

You developed several path breaking techniques as a D

le using Equalizers in your Dj sets.

Would you describe yoursel as a person who is alway

technique and gadgets? I mean also new telephones,

 your ascination in new techniques more ocused on


I don‘ are ao ne ar or ne one and

ala reerred o reord and more reord!

e o or in ollaoraion. wi Maro Dionigi I ave deided

do ome roe, lie in e a uNkADIbA and pedivelleord. wi anoer riend paolo brai I did ome oer ind

roe, o no e i a alened miian. M n side

m and comi sond Alm. yo an ee and lien on m 

ie (

ening to “Cosmic Disco? Cosmic Rock!” is really a antastic jour-

into music, rare tracks mixed with a uturistic sounds. Besides 

act that this album is made or dancing and having un is it 

o a kind o ... let me nd the right word, a kind o lesson or peo-

about good music and that there is more dance music than just 

hno music? 

e and areiae or deniion (mile).

heard some rumours that yo u doesn’t like all this modern Tech-

and House music? In general or more these productions o the 

years? Or is it more about the sell out o music that started with

Techno and Rave movement in the Nineties that you don’t agree 


nno a a I don’ lie hoe or teno. tere i ala o-

ing good in ever le o mi. I onl an a a I lie good

i! And good mi mean no onl “m m”. I i neear 

mi on melod and i made real miian o la 


tracklist o “Cosmic Disco? Cosmic Rock!” can be read like a

nu o a perect diner. Is there a track on this album you would 

cribe as your most avourite o ne? A track that HAVE to be in your 

ore I lie all o em, i o mae me ooe onl one.

n a kevin harrion, i o le me ooe anoer one, I

a Aliia bridge and i I an ooe e ird one ider and

e alo ... (laging)

You started Djing in 1969 in a era where people didn’t knew who to

call the DJ a Dj. Can you tell me how things started? How did you get interested in playing records? And where did you get in touch

with clubs and turntables or the rst time? 

 ye, I ared in 1969. I a e oner o tana cl a a me i 

I old lie o la reord in i l, eae e ne ao m 

ig inere ao mi.

I could imagine that it wasn’t easy to get rare records in that times 

 you started to play records. From where did you get your records and 

how have you been updated? I mean was there a kind o promotion

pool or Dj’s in the Seventies to keep Dj’s updated. I don’t think so? 

No ere an’ an or no o me! I in a lo o mi I ave

laed a no exal mi roded or e dane foor, a i

aen noada, I mean I a ing an alm o azz or o or

ion or onr or ome eleroni exerimenal or ome

exerimenal ari. I ond a lo o mi a I ave rooed

o m an.

  Ater being six yeas in business you became resident in the club

 „Baia Degli Angeli“. I just ound a ew photos o the club and were 

amazed by the atmosphere. Can you tell me something about the 

club, the people who came and your impressions? And how did you

become resident in this amous club? 

I eame reiden eae o Amerian reiden deea o e

„baia Degli Angeli“ alled bo Da and tom sion. beore e 

 en a o e ae e inroded me o e oner o e

baia cl.yo no i l a ver innovaive a a ime. And

i a oen nil ix o lo in e morning and e lae or e

deea a a gla elevaor o o old ee e danefoor o e

r and e eond foor and move e D oo, i a aina-ing!

In 1979 you ounded with others the legendary Cos mic Club in La-

For me it wasnever just about thelabel or place buT th

people I would bedealing with.



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I think a lot of mu-sic I have played was

not exactly musicproduced for the

dance floor, asit happennowadays.



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you use exclusively use vinyl when you dj or do you also use 

er medias? What’s your opinion about djing with a laptop, or 

digital DJ systems l ike Serato Scratch and Traktor? 

n‘ mind. I e vinl, cD’ and inal sra. I ala a lo

nl I alo lie o e e cD laer, I don’ are a e

er e or a! I lie o a a e onl imoran ing i e

i! Vinl, cD’, serao? i i o en o le me eel emoion!

h the new medias like the internet and digital music it became 

er to build communities and share ideas, but sometimes I have 

eeling that the spirit and the warmth o things get lost through

e masses o inormation and possibilities. Do you think that the 

es o radio promotion and “mouth to mouth” propaganda were 

er times than today? Or do you think that peopl e are still select 

h their heart and ears in the end? 

vering ere i ome ad and ome good. ye no ere i a

o oorni. b oo m! I don’ no i all e eole are

o e em and eno.

the picture on the album sleeve you can be seen with a cigarette 

er your spacemen helmet, are you a smoker? 

, i i a ig miae. I don’ moe anmore. I a a

er and no I am glad a I qi moing!

you think that the non smoking laws in Europe aects also the 

culture? I mean or me it’s still strange not to smo ke when I am

club or went outside or into a “smokers tent”? 

e eginning in Ial everod a angr ao i and e

ner o e l ere araid o looe a lo o ine, no 

od i o. I i ver nie o go a ome io moe

on or dre.

What are your nexts plans this year? Will you promote the album

together with Marco playing in several clubs also outsides o Italy? 

I in and oe i ill aen oon.

What do you need or a perect day in your lie? 

LOVE AND pEAcE AND MusIc! or i i m oo normal?


poo corig Daniele‘s MySpace Website 

Inervie Miael Mü 

  All rig reerved cemix-Magazine


 A LOt O VINyL, but I ALsO LIkE tO usE thE cD pLAyER,

I DON‘t cARE whAt thE OthERs usE OR sAy!


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via, e r ing I remared a or ari name o’ve o-

tila.too. I reall old lie o nd o a’ eind i

me? I ere a eial or eind i?

ve the phonetic and the meaning o the word “twilight”. As alrea-

sed, I made some research on internet and ound the rst name 

la which is not really spread. I directly loved it and then added 

word “too” to make it a bit more personal.

or a a inger, aor and omoer. beide ao or

a a inger, ao e ill al laer more deailed, I old

o no more or or a an aor and omoer. In i

e o are involved?

currently involved in 3 bands, plus my solo-project Twila.too.

rst band is Featherweight (

rweight1), with Bob Humid, dance-foor orientated. We are at 

present time not active, as we are producing together my debut 

um, and we have unluckely not so much time beside the pro-

tion o the album. The second band is Spectar (http://www.mys-, with Wolgang Thums, deep experimen-

electronix, in current state o production. The third one is Ernest 

ke (, with DJ Phoney,tro-disco-punk, also in state o production. In each band, we 

k on the compositions o my partners, or also on my own. Then,

ast but not least, my solo album “Crossed lines”, where I compo-

most o the tracks. I hope that the production o this album will 

nished this year.

e o moved o cologne o’ve een qil involved in ro-

rom e ene in cologne. One o enral gre o ored

 i and did everal ollaoraion nil oda i bo hmid. Did

 o mee im r in cologne or did o ne ea oer eore?

I was coming quiet oten in Colo gne or personal reasons. I rst met 

him there, in the well-known Liquid Sky Bar, which is unluckily 

closed. I asked him later i he would like to help me on the pro-

duction o my album, he accepted. That was also the time where 

he was nishing his rst album, and I enjoyed so much one track 

o him that I composed vocals on it. It was the start o a precious 


I eem o me a o love o or i dieren miian and

dieren le o mi. I i a rel o or mial oialia-

ion? I mean did o ala een inereed in dieren le o 


Yes, I always loved to listen to a lot o dierent music styles, I also

started to sing 14 years ago in Indie-Rock bands. But my taste or 

electronic music and my choice to be involved in electronics came 

around 1999. I love all styles o electronics, and I love to experiment 

with my voice on dierent shades o music, as a challenge to always 

renew mysel.

 And at which age have you discovered electronic music? 

I diovered i in 1988 going o arie i e movemen o

alled “Ne bea”. b m ae or i ame laer in e nineie

 i ri-o and drm&a, and deided mel alo o rn

o i direion o mi aer diovering and lie poriead,

Maive Aa or sneaer pim.

 And o did o ge ino e orld o mi? have o ared o


 wARMth ROM thE suN AND ROM thE pEOpLE





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eron o omoe voal on i mi. I an le i go on e

mood a I an, enever I an. I i a ver oiive eeling o

e ale o do i alone.

 And on which label will the album come out? Is it based in Colog-


 we do no ave a lael e or no, i i oda ver imreie ere

i ill e releaed.

I know that you love to perorm live, do you have any plans or a

tour to represent your album? 

 ye, I lan o erorm i alm live en i ill e read. I old

lie o erorm i i bo hmid on e maine and a a

laer, and mae ome nie vial.

Topic jumping, but I am really curious about the reason that you

moved in 2001 rom Brussels to Cologne? For personal reasons, or 

to study? 

I moved or eronal reaon and alo or e mial oorni-

ie a I ave ere in cologne. tere i a lo o miian eia-

lized in e eleroni mi, and i a eaier or me o e aed

in cologne.

What do you personally like most about Cologne? 

I lie e menali o e eole a I me ere, ver relaxed and

reaivel in elliion.

Brussels not so ar rom Cologne, do you also have contact to some artists and musicians in Belgium? 

No, no o m. I in a I ad ad l in belgim, a e

neor o miian i ver mall and dil o aroa. I did

no mee o man miian ere...

Sounds like a typical journal istic phrase, but I mean it makes sense 

to ask a restless person like you: what else can we except rom  you in

the near uture? More shows, more collaborations.

I ala omoe a lo o voal and mi, and nl

m or i releaed. or e nex mon, ere ar

“li fo ra” in ollaoraion i Zigg kinder

jl) and “Amazone” i tora on i roe Lil

e releaed i mon on a longe amler on Ge

normall in seemer on i alm). or e o

 i Erne Drae ill e read ver oon and I an

orm i live oon...

What do you need or a perect day in your lie? 

  warm rom e n and rom e eole rro

good oee, good ood and, o ore, good mi!


poo corig Twila.Too MySpace Website 

Inervie Miael Mü 

  All rig reerved cemix-Magazine

g in a school choir or have you started to learn instruments? …

ave you been raised in a musician’s amily? 

ve no een reall raied in a miian amil. I ave learned

e and iano and mial eorie a a ild. b I oed

en I a a eenager. I i a i ane a I ared o ing 

r en I a 20, on e reqe o a riend o mine. I ared o

e e aing voal in i and.

ht now you are nishing your debut album called “Crossed Li-

”. Can you tell me something about the musical direction o this 


o e ra are a I old a rii dar eleronix,

a mix eeen av elemen, elaoraed ea and a lig

-o infene.

d what’s the concept or better say the story behind the albums 


ile o e alm i alo e ile o a ra o e alm. te

in i ra i ao ommniaion eeen eron i

i and nlear. Lie a ond oming rom e radio i i

iin eae o a rong reqen. I i old e o im-

o i e reqen i eole a i i or e radio, I

n a lie old e m eaier....

w many songs will appear on “Crossed Lines”? And are all tracks 

h vocals or will there also be some instrumental tracks? 

xed e amon o ra a 12. All ra are i voal, a

al are or me e enral oin in e omoiion o e m-

ve you produced the album by your own or did you had any help

ther producers and artists? 

re i 3 dieren roder involved. bo hmid a roded

o e ra nil no (5) ere i ill 3 ra i im in

araion, Nmino i dio-arner, a roded 3 ra

Lee&wilde ave roded one ra. I needed eir el,

a I’m no a ond engineer mel, and a I don’ lie o m o

 or on e mixing ide o mi. or ome ra, e roder

ave alo reerred o ange e omoiion o e mi or o

add ome inrmen; i a a ver inereing diover or me

o e ra evolved.

 And when have you started to work on “Crossed Lines”? Is it a resu-

me o your work over the last years or is it a complete new album

with new tracks you wrote in the last months? 

I roe ee ong in 2000-2001. we ared oring on i i

bo hmid in 2002, en, or dieren reaon, ver oradiall.

 we are more aive on e rodion ine Mar 2007. A e

o ave o or, e ime a i le or e rodion i ver 

in nlil.

What about your creative development, I mean you mainly work as 

a singer, so do you rst write the lyrics o a new song or do you rst 

have a new melody in your head? 

I deend on e ra, generall I r loo or an idea or

a melod, en rie e ex olloing i idea. b or “Deiring 

e orld?” or examle, I ad o melod and ex idea a e

ame ime.

So do you create new songs spontaneous or example in the car or 

train or are you more a person who needs the quietness o a studio

and a creative mood to create new music? 

I goe alo in all direion! I an ave ome idea maing 

oe oring or examle (ver iniring or me, range, in’i?) or iing don in ron o m omer.

You collaborated and released so many tracks on dierent labels 

and compilations. But does it eel dierent … or better say more 

exciting to release a complete own debut a lbum? 

 ye, o ore, i i ver exiing o or on m on idea. I dei-

ded o ar oring on m omoiion eae en, i goe on

e mood a I eel and I’m no deendan anmore on anoer

I had bad luck inBelgium, as the networof musicians is verysmall and difficult toapproach.





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ON: +49-172-2412380 www.cuEMIX-MAGAZINE.cOME

MAIL: [email protected]

herageer: Miael Mü  Veranorli, Redaion, Inervie: Miael Mü (V.i.s.d.p)

 Anzeigen nd Mareing: Gariele koLao: holger ko ür Ne

 we: sean ko ür EinGra üro

 Veranorlier gemäß § 10 Aaz 3 MDsV: Miael Mü 

hAtuNGshINwEIs roz orgäliger inallier konrolle üernemen ir eine hang ür die Inale e

ner Lin. ür den Inal der verlinen seien ind aließli deren bereier veranorli. corig

corignaei ür alle beiräge ei cemix-Magazine Medienverlag. Nadr, a azgeie,o

 Vervieläligngen eder Ar nr mi rilierGenemigng de Verlag. ür nverlange Einendngen

Geär. Namenli geennzeinee beiräge nerer Miareier ellenni neding die Meinng d

Redaion dar. cemixmagazine i eine oenoe nd aierloe Zeing. hAtuNGsAusschLuss Alle D

die zm Donload ereigeell erden ind orgälig a Viren gerü, der Verlag üernimm eine hanevenelle säden.

NR 08





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