Cooperative learning




Transcript of Cooperative learning

Page 1: Cooperative learning

Cooperative Learning



Page 2: Cooperative learning

There is no doubt that the strategy of collaborative learning proved realism and effectiveness in all matters relating to learning and education it has been and remains a matter of broad public debate between educators, especially here in the Arab world which is dominated by the old traditional system.

To keep up with the most important production development and technical assistance it is necessary to think clearly about the change for better systems in learning and teaching us, also existence of good signs by the officials and people in charge of Education had clear contributions for this the importance of giving the learning process right, and their normal among the states of development and prosperity, Because all things are encouraging and providing, it remains to be hard workers ready to use those techniques with optimal and efficient manner.

# Test method of collaborative work together :

I thought hard to apply some cooperative methods of teaching on a group of students whom I teach ((primary / second / fifth grade). They were 20 students, and discovered the extent of the change caused to the process of learning in this class, and the cooperation of students and their interaction with me, and the atmosphere that this way has created.

I had a number of impressions. Most of them are no more than observations and ranked correctly if there had been some supplies and things that were not present.

# Work Method of the collaborative groups:

I was Keen to be realistic in presenting the new method, and stay away far from giving orders and direction and criticism, and I followed the style of the observation system.

I organized the class in four working groups, and give them papers on an enrichment activity of grammatical rules, and asked each group to share with each other, and then come to the board to answer the questions to be solved.

Notes & collaborative work of collective positive:

Activity and vitality in collaborative work group. Large number of initiative to get out to the board & answer the exercises. Happiness and a sense of fun for the work groups. Active participation of the group. A quick feedback by work groups. The desire to get the job done efficiently and at high speed. The interaction of all members of the groups with vitality. Erosion of individual differences and the emergence of collective action. The absence of domination and monopoly of views to answer guest ions. The desire to continue in a way that collective action and group work. Time finishes quickly and feeling that time goes quickly in this work. A teacher is not a hub, but as an organizer and observer only.

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Notes of collaborative work negative effects:

1. Collaborative work is a recent experience, particularly among elementary school students (the second) it takes time, knowledge and application of a sufficient length of time to adapt and get used to it.

2. The short duration of the classroom period, and reducing it in a few days is a major obstacle for collaborative learning.

3. Not all teachers want to teamwork, so rearranging the rows from time to time makes students feel bored in addition, the process of ordering causes noise.

4. Collective cooperative action might alienate individual competition, and cancels the order of positions of the first and second and third in the class.

5. Some members may object and refuse to work if not placed in the group they want, and have a secondary role, not a major.

6. One of the biggest difficulties facing the cooperative work of collective issue of control and the discipline, it is very difficult to have a discipline and control in groups of cooperative work, add to that the teacher loses his voice and many of his best result his effort in order achieve this discipline and order, which gave the impression not and tired to use this system again.


Cooperative education experience is worthy of respect and application, because it has proved even with our narrow application, the seriousness and relevance, but it seems that the classroom environment and the educational system currently in use that prevented this method from taking its rightful place.

I Encourage collaborative work, and call for teachers and work hand in hand to develop these strategies so as to harmonize and fits seminars in which they operate, and avoid common errors that were prevalent in the general traditional work-General which was very popular and still.

The teacher has the power to decide the central matters and to renew whenever he wants, and change whenever he wants, and to use the method and tools available in exemplary way to help the next generation of youth.

Allah bless you and lead your path and bless fruitful efforts.