Content Writing Tips from Oscar Wilde


Transcript of Content Writing Tips from Oscar Wilde

Ever read The Importance of Being Earnest? (We guarantee it’s better than TBS reruns.)

Let’s  spend  some  ,me  with  the  literary  greats  of  the  world  in  order  to  improve  our  content  marke,ng  and  business  blogging.  Don’t  believe  that  the  old  wri,ng  masters  have  anything  to  say  about  modern  content?  

You’re wrong. And we’ll let Oscar himself tell you why.

By all accounts, Oscar Wilde was, well, wild.

Think  an  old-­‐,mey  Andy  Warhol.  His  dress  was  flamboyant,  and  his  wri,ng  groundbreaking  in  terms  of  subject  maFer  and  style.  He  was  always  new  and  innova,ve.  

For Wilde, the worst thing that could happen was consistency.

For  content  writers?  Well,  there  is  a  degree  of  consistency  involved;  you  need  to  constantly  produce  a  good  product.  But  Wilde  was  consistent  in  that  way,  as  well.  What  makes  good  wri,ng  great  is  imagina,on.    

Keep your writing fresh and imaginative. If you’re in a rut, consider writing from a different angle.

Admit it: we’ve all been there before.

You  write  a  brilliant  piece  of  content.  It’s  so  good  it  could  get  published  on  the  back  page  of  the  New  Yorker.  Then…  rejec,on.  


Par,cularly  when  dealing  with  new  clients,  there’s  oOen  a  bit  of  give  and  take  while  you  learn  what  the  client  wants  in  terms  of  tone  and  style.  There’s  more  to  content  wri,ng  than  just  keywords  and  gePng  your  subject  maFer  right  –  you  have  to  learn  what  the  audience  really  wants.  Give  it  another  shot.  You’ll  get  on  the  back  of  the  New  Yorker  one  day.  

Admit it: we’ve all been there before.

You  write  a  brilliant  piece  of  content.  It’s  so  good  it  could  get  published  on  the  back  page  of  the  New  Yorker.  Then…  rejec,on.  


Par,cularly  when  dealing  with  new  clients,  there’s  oOen  a  bit  of  give  and  take  while  you  learn  what  the  client  wants  in  terms  of  tone  and  style.  There’s  more  to  content  wri,ng  than  just  keywords  and  gePng  your  subject  maFer  right  –  you  have  to  learn  what  the  audience  really  wants.  Give  it  another  shot.  You’ll  get  on  the  back  of  the  New  Yorker  one  day.  

Sometimes, as a writer, you’ll be asked to write things that… may not be entirely true.

Call  it  a  liFle  white  lie,  if  you  will.  In  these  instances,  you  won’t  get  any  accusa,ons  of  immorality  from  the  client  –  but  you’ll  definitely  hear  from  them  if  the  quality  is  low!  

Remember that when you’re writing for the client, you’re writing for the client. Your main job is to make sure that content is well-written.

While content writing is definitely learned, it takes a lot of experience to get it right.

Content  writers  are  more  important  now  than  ever  before.  However,  if  you’re  looking  to  be  the  cream  that  rises  to  the  top,  you  need  to  learn  by  doing.  Take  on  all  the  clients  you  can,  pitch  constantly,  push  yourself  to  the  limit  with  word  count,  crea,vity,  and  drive.  

You can’t learn these things from a book or a blog post. Get out there and do it.

Oh, and one more thing…

Clearly, Oscar wants you to Tweet this Slideshare.

But maybe that’s just our interpretation.

Content Equals Money is a content writing service that serves a wide variety of clients with top-shelf, sharable content. Our goal is to work with small companies in order to help them reap the same results from content marketing as the Fortune 500 companies. Content marketing is truly scalable and can work for all businesses and business sizes!