COMANN NAM PÀRANT (NÀISEANTA) · 2017-02-20 · nity to visit the school before the summer break....

COMANN NAM PÀRANT (NÀISEANTA) Aithisg Bhliadhnail Annual Report 2012/13

Transcript of COMANN NAM PÀRANT (NÀISEANTA) · 2017-02-20 · nity to visit the school before the summer break....

Page 1: COMANN NAM PÀRANT (NÀISEANTA) · 2017-02-20 · nity to visit the school before the summer break. The school, which has fourteen classrooms, is on the edge of Pilrig Park and close


Aithisg BhliadhnailAnnual Report


Page 2: COMANN NAM PÀRANT (NÀISEANTA) · 2017-02-20 · nity to visit the school before the summer break. The school, which has fourteen classrooms, is on the edge of Pilrig Park and close


Page 3: COMANN NAM PÀRANT (NÀISEANTA) · 2017-02-20 · nity to visit the school before the summer break. The school, which has fourteen classrooms, is on the edge of Pilrig Park and close


Ro-ràdh a’ ChathraicheTha mi toilichte Aithisg Bhliadhnail Chomann nam Pàrant (Nàiseanta) 2012/13 a thoirt thugaibh.

Am bliadhna, tha sinn air cumail a’ dol leis an leudachadh den ‘Sgeama Comhairleachaidh Phàrant’ agus tha pàrantan air a bhith an sàs ann an iomadach tachartas foillseachaidh, cho math ri stàileachan aig ionadan bhùitean, mar eisimpleir, far a bheil pàrantan le clann òga dualtach a bhith. Tha sinn air a bhith ag obair le sgioba nam Bliadhnachan Tràtha aig Bòrd na Gàidhlig airson an roinn 0-3 a neartachadh, roinn a dh’fheumas a bhith na phrìomhachas ma tha sinn gu bhith a’ tàladh phàrantan ùra a dh’ionnsaigh foghlam meadhan Gàidhlig.

Chaidh an àireamh chloinne aig ìre na bun-sgoile am meud gu ìre bheag bho 2418 an-uiridh gu 2500 am-bliadhna ann an 60 sgoil air feadh Alba. Tha an àireamh a’ thòisich ann am c1 am bliadhna air a dhol suas bho 406 gu 428, tha sinn an dùil gun cùm na h-àireamhan sin a’ dol an àird air sgàth oidhir-pean na Sgeama Comhairleachaidh Phàrantan agus piseach a’ tighinn air solar ro-sgoile. Tha 35 àrd-sgoiltean air feadh Alba a’ tabhann Gàidhlig mar chuspair agus a-mach às na 35 sgoiltean sin, tha 14 a’ teagasg cuspairean a bharrachd tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig. Tha na h-àireamhan seo, a th’ air an cruinneachadh gach bliadhna le Bòrd na Gàidhlig, a’ seall-tainn gu bheil na prìomh chothroman fàis a thaobh foghlam meadhan Gàidhlig rim faighinn ann an sgìrean bailteil. Ged a dh’fhaodas an àireamh sgoileir a bhith nas lugha ann an sgìrean dùthchail, ann am mòran de na sgoiltean far a bheil solar meadhan Gàidhlig tha an co-roinn a tha a’ gabhail brath air foghlam meadhan Gàidhlig nas motha. Feumaidh am plana airson fàs leantainneach slighe fhosgailte a thabhann airson foghlam meadhan Gàidhlig bho 0-18. Feumaidh sinn dèanamh cinnteach gu bheil cothrom aig sgoilearan a dhol a sàs ann an solar Gàidhlig aon uair ’s gun gluais iad dhan àrd-sgoil, le cuspairean a bharrachd rim faighinn tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig far an gabh sin dèanamh, cho math ri cothro-man air gnìomhan taobh a-muigh na sgoile ann an Gàidhlig. Feumaidh pàrantan agus daoine òga a bhith nas fiosraichte a thaobh cho cudromach sa tha e gum bidh Gàidhlig ri cluinn-tinn rè na h-àrd-sgoile agus bu toil le Comann nam Pàrant barrachd a dhèanamh am bliadhna a thaobh an eadar-ghlua-said bho bhun-sgoil gu àrd-sgoil.

Chair’s IntroductionI am pleased to present you with Comann nam Pàrant (Nàiseanta)’s Annual Report for 2012/13.

This year, we have continued the expansion of the ‘Parental Advisory Scheme’ and parents have been involved in many promotional events, as well as stalls at locations such as shop-ping centres where there are likely to be parents with young children. We have been working with the Early Years team at Bòrd na Gàidhlig in order to strengthen the 0-3 sector which has to be a priority if we are to attract new parents to Gaelic medium education.

The number of pupils at primary level shows a small increase from last year’s figure of 2418 with a total of 2500 pupils in 60 schools throughout Scotland. The number of entrants at P1 this year has increased from 406 to 428 and we hope that through the efforts of the Parental Advisory Scheme and improved pre-school provision this trend will continue. There are 35 secondary schools across Scotland offering Gaelic as a subject and out of these 35 schools, 14 teach additional sub-jects through the medium of Gaelic. These statistics collected annually by Bòrd na Gàidhlig indicate that the main opportu-nity for growth in Gaelic-medium education is in urban areas. Although in rural areas where the school roll may be smaller many of the schools with Gaelic-medium provision have a high proportion of children accessing Gaelic-medium educa-tion. The plan for continued growth needs to provide a clear pathway through Gaelic-medium education from 0-18. We need to ensure that children have access to Gaelic provision once they transfer into secondary school with additional sub-jects through the medium of Gaelic made available when pos-sible as well as access to extra-curricular activities in Gaelic. Parents and young people need to be better informed on the importance of exposure to Gaelic throughout secondary edu-cation and Comann nam Pàrant would like to do more in the primary / secondary transition phase in the coming year.

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Tha sgoil Ghàidhlig Dhùn Èideann, air seann làrach Bhun-sgoil Bonnington, air targaid airson fosgladh air 14 Lùnastal 2013. Tha am prògram ùrachaidh, a thòisidh san t-Sultain an-uiridh, an ìre mhath deiseil agus thathar an dòchas gum faigh pàrantan, sgoilearan agus luchd-obrach cothrom tadhal air an sgoil mus tòisich saor-làithean an t-samhraidh. Tha an sgoil, anns a bheil 14 seòmar-teagaisg, air oir Pàirc Pilrig agus faisg air Uisgeachan Lìte. Nì 21 neach-obrach agus ceud gu leth sgoilear bun-sgoile an gluasad bho Bhun-sgoil Chrois na Cìse gu Sgoil Taobh na Pàirce. Bidh sgoil-àraich 40/40 air an làra-ich agus thèid fàilte a chur air timcheall air 50 sgoilear gu c1. Tha na planaichean airson sgoiltean Gàidhlig sa Ghearasdan agus am Port Rìgh fhathast a’ gluasad air adhart ach tha an t-astar aig a bheil iad a’ gluasad, gu h-àraid ann am Port Rìgh, gu math tàmailteach. Tha planaichean cuideachd a’ gluasad air adhart airson dàrna bun-sgoil Ghàidhlig ann an Glaschu cho math ri còmhraidhean mu leudachadh air an sgoil ann an Inbhir Nis. Tha an dà sgìre sin a’ faicinn meudachadh mòr anns an àireamh de sgoilearan.

Tha fastadh luchd-teagaisg fhathast na dhuilgheadas agus tha an cuspair air a bhith fo aire a’ mhòr-shluaigh gu sònraichte am bliadhna leis cho duilich sa tha e air a bhith neach-labhairt Gàidhlig fhaighinn mar cheannard air Bun-sgoil Ghàidhlig Inbhir Nis.

Tha Comann nam Pàrant fada an comain Bhòrd na Gàidhlig airson cumail a’ dol le bhith a’ maoineachadh obair na buidh-ne agus an comain Chomunn na Gàidhlig airson leantainn le taic rianachd.

Bu mhath leam taing a thoirt do gach pàrant anns na buidh-nean ionadail de Chomann nam Pàrant a tha air a bhith ag iomairt agus a’ toirt taic do dh’fhoghlam meadhan Gàidhlig thairis air a’ bhliadhna. Tha sinn mothachail gu bheil mòran dhleastanasan air pàrantan agus tha sinn a’ cur luach air an ùine a tha iad a’ toirt do dh’obair CnP aig ìre ionadail agus nàiseanta.

Sa bhliadhna tha romhainn, tha Comann nam Pàrant (Nàise-anta) a’ coimhead air adhart ri obrachadh còmhla ri Bòrd na Gàidhlig ann an bhith a’ cur a’ Phlana Nàiseanta Cànain an gnìomh. Bidh na h-aon phrìomhachasan aig Comann nam Pàrant am bliadhna sa bh’ aca sna bliadhnachan a chaidh seachad; àrdaich mothachadh, agus an àireamh a’ gabhail brath, air foghlam tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig, anns a’ mhòr-chuid tro lìonradh de luchd-comhairleachaidh phàrantan, brosnaich agus bheir taic do phàrantan gus barrachd Gàidhlig a chleachdadh san dachaigh, bheir taic dhan iarrtas airson sgoiltean sònraichte Gàidhlig agus cum a’ dol le bhith a’ sireadh adhartas ann an solar sna h-àrd-sgoiltean, a’ ghabhail a-steach an t-eadar-ghluasad bho bhun-sgoil gu àrd-sgoil.

Dawn Morgan,

Cathraiche Chomann nam Pàrant (Nàiseanta)

Cèitean 2013

Edinburgh’s dedicated Gaelic primary school, situated in the former Bonnington Primary School building, is on target to open its doors on 14 August 2013. The refurbishment pro-gramme, which began last September, is almost complete and it is hoped that parents, pupils and staff will have an opportu-nity to visit the school before the summer break. The school, which has fourteen classrooms, is on the edge of Pilrig Park and close to the Water of Leith. Twenty-one staff and over one-hundred and fifty primary pupils will make the move from Tollcross Primary to Sgoil Taobh na Pàirce. There will be a 40/40 nursery on site and around fifty new pupils will be welcomed into c.1. Plans for Gaelic schools in Fort William and Portree are ongoing but the rate of progress has been disappointing particularly in Portree. Plans are also ongoing for a second primary school in Glasgow and possible expan-sion in Inverness with both areas experiencing rapid growth in numbers of pupils.

Teacher recruitment continues to be problematic and has been very much to the fore this year with the specific diffi-culty in the recruitment of a Gaelic speaking Head teacher for the Gaelic school in Inverness.

Comann nam Pàrant are grateful to Bòrd na Gàidhlig for their financial support and to Comunn na Gàidhlig for continuing administrative support.

I would also like to thank all the parents in the local Comann nam Pàrant groups that have campaigned for and supported Gaelic medium education this year. We realise that parents have many commitments and appreciate the time they give to CnP at both local and national level.

In this coming year Comann nam Pàrant (Nàiseanta) look forward to working with Bòrd na Gàidhlig on implementing the National Gaelic Language Plan. Priorities in the coming year for Comann nam Pàrant are similar to those in previ-ous years; increase awareness of, and number of entrants to, Gaelic medium education mainly through a network of pa-rental advocates, encourage and support parents to use more Gaelic in the home, support the demand for dedicated Gaelic schools and continue to seek improvements in provision in secondary schools, including the important primary / second-ary transition phase.

Dawn Morgan,

Comann nam Pàrant (Nàiseanta) Chairperson

May 2013

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Gnìomhan Tha Comann nam Pàrant (Nàiseanta) fo chùmhnant bhli-adhnail le Bòrd na Gàidhlig airson àireamh de phròiseactan a thoirt gu buil.

Sgeama Comhairleachaidh PhàrantTha Comann nam Pàrant air leantainn le bhith a’ leudachadh an iomairt foillseachaidh nàiseanta foghlam meadhan Gàid-hlig (FMG), a tha ag amas air lionradh de luchd-comhairlea-chaidh phàrant a stèidheachadh air feadh Alba a thogas moth-achadh air cothroman FMG air feadh na dùthcha agus, aig a’ cheann thall, a bheir piseach air an àireamh de sgoilearan a’ dol gu FMG. Tha sinn a’ faireachdainn gu bheil a’ chomhairle as fheàrr do phàrantan a tha a’ beachdachadh air FMG a’ tighinn bhon fheadhainn a bh’ ann sa chunnaic mar phàran-tan no luchd-cùraim chloinne a tha no a bha an sàs ann am FMG. Tha uallach air an sgeama cuideachd gus dèanamh cinnteach gu bheil tuigse cheart aig pàrantan air FMG, agus na tha air iarraidh orra a thaobh taic an cuid chloinne aon uair ’s gu bheil iad air FMG a thaghadh dhaibh. Cho math ri bhith a’ bruidhinn air buannachdan dà-chànanas, tha pàrantan a’ faighinn fiosrachadh mu Ghàidhlig agus carson a tha a’ chlann ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig. Tha pàrantan feumach air mìneachadh soilleir a thaobh modhan-obrach foghlam bogadh cànain, agus tuigse air an dealas a tha dhìth agus an taic as urrainn dhaibh fhaighinn, m.e. clasaichean do phàran-tan, buidhnean pàrant is pàiste, madainnean cofaidh agus gnìomhan taobh a-muigh na sgoile

Chaidh 7 seiseanan trèanaidh a chumail airson na sgeama tron bhliadhna, le 22 neach gan frithealadh. Aig na seise-anan seo, chaidh fiosrachadh a thoirt do phàrantan a thaobh cleachdaidhean ann an FMG, an taic a gheibhear taobh a-muigh na sgoile do sgoilearan is do phàrantan, ceistean cumanta a bhios aig pàrantan agus na buannachdan a thig an lùib dà-chànanas, an rud a tha a’ tàladh a’ mhòr-chuid de phàrantan a dh’ionnsaigh FMG. Chaidh seiseanan fiosra-chaidh a chumail do luchd-comhairleachaidh a tha an-dràsta an sàs san sgeama a bha a’ togail air an trèanadh a fhuair iad sa chiad àite, a’ gabhail a-steach fios às ùr air Plàna Nàiseamta na Gàidhlig, fastadh luchd-teagaisg agus solar tràth bhliadh-nachan cho math ri deasbadan air taic phàrantan agus feu-malachdan taic a bharrachd. Chaidh coinneamhan cuideachd an cumail aig ìre sgìreil airson gnìomhan a phlanadh agus tha iad seo a’ faighinn taic bho Oifigearan Leasachaidh Tionns-gnadh Gàidhlig anns na sgìrean seo a tha mar phàirt de ‘Iomairtean Gàidhlig’ air a stiùireadh le Comunn na Gàidhlig.

Tha an Sgeama Comhairleachaidh Phàrant ga lìbhrigeadh ann an compàirteachas le Bòrd na Gàidhlig, le obair ga dhèanamh gu dlùth leis an sgioba Tràth Bhliadhnachan gu h-àraid. Aig deireadh na bliadhna, chomharraich Bòrd na Gàidhlig 4 sgìrean far an robh cothroman fàis taobh a-staigh an sòn-rachadh luchd-obrach a th’ ann an-dràsta agus fhritheal mi fhèin coinneamhan a chaidh a chumail anns na sgìrean sin le diofar luchd-ùidh. B’ iad na sgìrean Obar Dheathain, Dùn Bhreatainn an Ear, an t-Òban agus an Gearasdan.

Activities Comann nam Pàrant (Nàiseanta) are contracted annually by Bòrd na Gàidhlig to deliver a number of projects.

Parental Advisory SchemeComann nam Pàrant has continued to expand this national Gaelic Medium Education (GME) promotion initiative which involves establishing a network of parental advisors who will raise awareness of GME opportunities across Scotland and ultimately increase the number of pupils accessing GME. The aim of the parental advisory scheme is to increase the number of children accessing Gaelic-medium education. The most effective means of communicating information on Gaelic me-dium education to parents has proven to be ‘word of mouth’, personal communication. The scheme also has a role to play in ensuring parents have a firm understanding of GME, and the expectations on them to support their child once they have committed to this route of learning for their child. In addition to promoting the benefits of bilingualism parents are informed about Gaelic and why their children are learning Gaelic. Parents need a clear explanation of the methodology of language immersion education, and an understanding of the commitment they should make and what support could be available to them e.g. classes for parents, parent and tod-dler groups, coffee mornings, out of school extra-curricular activities.

There were 7 training sessions held throughout this year for the scheme attended by a total of 22 people. At these sessions parents are given information on GME in practice, support available outwith school for children and parents, common questions that prospective parents have and the advantages of bilingualism which is what attracts the majority of parents to GME. Additional information sessions were held for held for advisors currently working on the scheme which built on their initial training which included updates on the National Plan for Gaelic, teacher recruitment and early years provi-sion as well as discussion on parental support and additional support needs. Meetings have also been held at an area level to plan activities and these are supported by the Gaelic Initia-tive Development Officers in those areas that are part of the ‘Iomairtean Gàidhlig’ managed by Comunn na Gàidhlig.

The Parental Advisory Scheme is delivered in collaboration with Bòrd na Gàidhlig working particularly closely with the Early Years team. At the end of the year Bòrd na Gàidhlig identified 4 areas where there is potential for growth within the existing staffing allocation and I attended meetings that were held in these areas with a number of stakeholders. The areas were Aberdeen, East Dunbartonshire, Oban and Fort William.

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Tha grunn ghoireasan sgrìobhte rim faotainn do phàrantan airson an cleachadh aig tachartasan agus làithean fosgailte. ’S e leabhran “Fios is Freagairt”, mu FMG agus Gàidhlig san dachaigh, an goireas as trice a thathar a’ cleachadh. Am bliadhna, dh’ath-dhealbhaich sinn na leabhrain seo còmhla ri Bòrd na Gàidhlig agus tha an dà leabhran air an toirt còmhla ann an aon leabhar agus bidh seo ri fhaotainn a dh’aithghearr. Tha an DVD de ‘Fios is Freagairt’ fhathast ri fhaighinn airson a dhol an lùib an leabhair cho math ri DVD ùr air na buan-nachdan a thig an lùib dà-chànanas. Bidh na stuthan seo uile rim faighinn air-loidhne.

Seachdain Gàidhlig do sgoiltean ann an Dùn Èideann Tha sinn a’ cumail suas ar taic do dh’fhoghlam Gàidhlig le bhith a’ cur air dòigh gnìomhan do chloinn taobh a-muigh na sgoile gu h-ionadail agus gu nàiseanta agus am bliadhna chùm sinn an naoidheamh Seachdain Gàidhlig sa Ghiblean (2012) do sgoilearan FMG. Thàinig timcheall air 270 sgoilear bho 9 sgoiltean a Dhùn Èideann far an do ghabh iad pàirt ann an gnìomhan meadhan Gàidhlig aig na Gailearaidhean Nàiseanta, ‘Our Dynamic Earth’, Lios Luibheach Rìoghail agus Caisteal Dhùn Èideann. Tha na clasaichean uile air an cur air dòigh còmhla ri na h-Oifigearan Foghlaim aig gach làrach agus tha iad a’ lìbhrigeadh an aon stuth sa tha sgoilearan a faighinn tro mheadhan na Beurla.

Leabhraichean-latha Sgoile Chaidh againn a-rithist air leabhraichean-latha a cheannach do sgoilearan FMG sa bhun-sgoil agus thug sinn taic ion-mhais do dh’àrd-sgoiltean a tha airson leabhar-latha dà-chà-nanach fhaighinn.

Buidhnean Ionadail Chomann nam Pàrant Tha buidhnean Chomann nam Pàrant a’ leantainn leis an obair chudromach a tha iad a’ dèanamh aig ìre ionadail; a’ cur taic ri obair a’ chlasruim, cur-seachadan taobh a-muigh na sgoile agus ag iomairt air gnothaichean a tha cudromach a thaobh solar foghlam tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig. Tha buidheann ùr ann an Obar Pheallaidh air tighinn a-steach còmhla rinn am bliadhna agus chaidh ath-nuadhachadh a dhèanamh air a’ bhuidheann ann an Lannraig a Tuath agus tha e na adhbhar misneachd a bhith a’ faicinn cho dealasach sa tha pàrantan anns an dà sgìre seo le bhith a’ toirt taic do dh’fhoghlam meadhan Gàidhlig.

Magaidh Wentworth,

Oifigear Phàrant

There are a number of written resources available for our par-ents to use when participating in events and open days. The main source of information continues to be the “Fios is Frea-gairt” booklet on GME and also on Gaelic in the home. This year we have redesigned these booklets with Bòrd na Gàidhlig and the two booklets have been incorporated into one which will soon be available. The DVD of ‘Fios is Freagairt’ is still available to accompany the booklet as well as a new DVD on the advantages of bilingualism. All these materials will be available online.

Gaelic week for schools in EdinburghWe continue to support Gaelic education by organising Gaelic medium activities in support of the curriculum for children and this year we held the ninth Gaelic week in April (2012) for Gaelic medium pupils. Around 270 pupils from 9 schools came to Edinburgh where they took part in Gaelic medium activities at the National Galleries, Our Dynamic Earth, Royal Botanic Gardens and Edinburgh Castle. All these classes are planned with the Education Officers in each venue and are the equivalent of what is delivered to English medium pupils.

School DiariesWe were again able to purchase diaries for primary pupils in Gaelic medium education and gave financial assistance to secondary schools that wish to have a bilingual school diary.

Local Comann nam Pàrant GroupsComann nam Pàrant groups continue to do important work at local level; supporting the work of the classroom, activities out with school and campaigning on issues that are impor-tant to Gaelic medium provision. We had a new group in Aberfeldy join us this year as well as the revival of the group in North Lanark and it is encouraging to see how enthusias-tic parents are in both these areas in their support of Gaelic medium education.

Magaidh Wentworth,

Parental Officer

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Tha Comann nam Pàrant (Nàiseanta), a’ bhuidheann stiùiridh airson nam buidhnean ionadail, na charthannas clàraichte an Alba le prìomh amas “a bhith a’ cur air adhart agus a’ toirt taice do stèidheachadh is cu-mail suas Foghlam tro Mheadhan na Gàidhlig”. Tha comas aig a h-uile sgìre far am bheil buidheann CnP ionadail a bhith air an riochdachadh air a’ chomataidh nàiseanta, a’ ciallachadh gun cluinnear guth gach pàrant aig ìre nàiseanta.

Comann nam Pàrant (Nàiseanta) Committee 2012 / 2013Dawn Morgan Inverness, Nairn, Badenoch & Strathspey

Fiona Byrne Wester Ross, Skye and Lochaber

Kerry Butler Central Scotland

Bob McGowan East of Scotland

Margaret Ford Wester Ross, Skye and Lochaber

Donna Young Argyll & Bute

Gill Steele Aberfeldy

Kay Crawford Kilmarnock

David Sutherland Glasgow

Iona MacTaggart Co-opted (Western Isles)

Marsaili Dow Co-opted (Treasurer)

Comann nam Pàrant (Nàiseanta), the umbrella body for Comann nam Pàrant groups, is a registered charity in Scotland whose main aim is “to promote and support the establishment and maintenance of education through the medium of Gaelic”. All areas with local CnP groups are able to be represented on the national committee, thus ensuring that all parents can have a voice at national level. Caolshràid Mhìcheil | Inbhir Nis | IV2 3HQ | Fòn: 01463 234138 | Facs: 01463 237470 | Fòn-làimhe: 077718344815 Mitchell Lane | Inverness | IV2 3HQ | Tel: 01463 234138 | Fax: 01463 237470 | Mobile: 07771834481

Comann nam Pàrant


Aithisg BhliadhnailAnnual Report
