Clase de Blocante de Canale de Calciu

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  • 8/19/2019 Clase de Blocante de Canale de Calciu



    Blocantele canalelor de Calciu=grup heterogen de compusi clasifcati dupastructura chimica in

    !"dialchilamine #$erapamil%

    &"'en(otia(epine #diltia(em%

    )"dihidropiridine# ni*edipina + amlodipina + *elodipina + nimodipina%

    ,"di*enilpipera(ine #-unari(ina%

    !"Dialchilamine# $erapamil%

    Dialchilaminele=grup de compusi chimici organici+ deri$ati din amoniac#N.)% +

    prin inlocuirea a & din cei ) atomi de .idrogen cu radicali alchil #/% 0#=amine

    secundare ali*atice%


    1ormula generala



    Sinonime #Denumire moleculara %


    1ormula moleculara C&5.)6N&O,

    Denumire IU2AC  2-(3,4-dimethoxyphenyl)-5-[2-(3,4-dimethoxyphenyl)ethyl-methylamino]-2-propan-2-



    !& g?mol

    2roprietati e8perimentale

    7punct de fer'ere &,)7&, o C la !">> E7>& mm .g

  • 8/19/2019 Clase de Blocante de Canale de Calciu


    7punct de topire @&9oC

    7solu'ilitate in apa ,",5 mg?l

    7pa 6"&


    7 4erapamil='locant de canale de calciu + de tip L + ce are si e*ect

    antiaritmic"Stereoi(omerul de8trogir este mai efcient in reducerea tensiunii

    arteriale comparati$ cu cel le$ogir"Cu toate acestea + stereoi(omerul le$ogir a

    do$edit o potenta de &> de ori mai mare decat a celui de8trogir pentru

    prelungirea inter$alului 2/ in tratamentul artimiilor"

    7$erapamilul inhi'a in-u8ul transmem'ranar al ionilor de Ca e8tracelular in celule

    miocardice si musculare netede $asculare + determinand dilatarea principalelor

    artere coronare si sistemici + precum si scaderea contractilitatii miocardului

    7inhi'a pompa 27glicoproteinei+ care este suprasolicitata in ca(ul unor tumori

    re(istente la tratament + crescand ast*el efcacitatea agentilor antineopla(ici"

    7a'sor'tie >

    7eliminare 75> su' *orma de meta'oliti in urina ! ?mai mult su' *orma de

    meta'oliti in *ecale #in 9 (ile %

      7)7, nemeta'oli(at + in urina

    7timp de inumatatire &"675", ore

    7mecanism de actiune 7inhi'a canalele $olta dependente de Calciu

      7e*ectul pe canalele de Calciu de tip L din inima

    scaderea inotropiei si cronotropiei cardiace =Fscad *rec$enta cardiaca si

    tensiunea arteriala

    7to8icitate LD9>=6 mg? Gg #i"$" Hsoareci%

    7legare de proteine >

    7utili(at su' *orma de CLO/.ID/AT DE 4E/A2A3IL

    Clorhidrat de 4erapamil

    7*ormula moleculara C&5.)ClN&O,

    7greutate moleculara ,!">&9 g?mol

    7su'stanta cristalina

  • 8/19/2019 Clase de Blocante de Canale de Calciu


    7punct de topire !)!7!))o C

    7solu'ilitate in apa 6) mg?ml


    7Ben(otia(epine=clasa de su'stante heterociclite deri$ata din tia(epine+ cecontine un inel 'en(enic"

    7Tia(epine=compusi o'tinuti prin su'stitutia unui car'on din tiepina cu un atom

    de N0 in *unctie de locatia N+ se pot o'tine !+) Htia(epina sau !+,7tia(epina "

    7Tiepina=compus heterociclic nesaturat + cu atomi de C si un atom de S





  • 8/19/2019 Clase de Blocante de Canale de Calciu


    Diltia(em=compus 'en(otia(epinic cu rol de 'locant de canale de Ca

    1ormula moleculara C&&.&N&O,S

    Denumire IU2AC :#&S+)S%797:&7#dimethJlamino%ethJl;7&7#,7metho8JphenJl%7,7o8o7

    &+)7dihJdro7!+97'en(othia(epin7)7Jl; acetate

  • 8/19/2019 Clase de Blocante de Canale de Calciu


    7meta'oli(are intensa la primul pasa hepatic +prin de(acetilare

    7timp de inumatatire )75 ore

    7elimimare 9 prin 'ila )9 prin urina #@9 se elimina prin urina +

    nemeta'oli(at %

    7mecanism de actiune inter*erK cu in-u8ul intracelular lent #depolari(area% de

    la ni$elul esuturilor e8cita'ile+ Mmpiedicand reali(area legKturii dintre e8citaie i

    contracie Mn di*erite esuturi miocardice+ *KrK a modifca potenialul de

    aciune=Frela8area musculaturii netede coronariene i dilatarea arterelor

    coronare mici i mari la concentraii ale medicamentului cu e*ect inotrop negati$

    mic sau a'sent+ ceea ce duce la creterea -u8ului coronarian+ cu scKderea in

    *unctie de do(K a tensiunii arteriale sistemice i a re(istenei $asculare



    DI.ID/O2I/IDINA# !+, Hdihidropiridina%= compus chimic *ormat din dintr7un ciclu

    nesaturat ce contine 9 atomi de C si un atom de N"

    3ecanism de actiune

     7dihidropiridinele acionea(K Mn cadrul mecanismului de contracie muscularK

    dupK ce su'stanta este acti$ata de un potenial de aciune+ $a su*eri o

    schim'are con*ormationala+producandu7se *enomenul de cuplare

    mecanicK"Acesta $a pro$oca o schim'are con*ormationala intr7un alt tip de

    canale din grosimea mem'ranei reticulului sarcoplasmic #canale rJanodine%+ care

    produc de iePirea calciului din reticulul sarcoplasmic al f'rei musuclare +

    re(ultand Mn cele din urmK contractia musculara"

    7actiune in principal la ni$el $ascular


    7*ormula moleculara C!5.!6N&O

    7greutate moleculara ),")),& g?mol

    7mecanism de actiune =mec de la 4erapamil

    7denumire IU2AC dimethJl &+7dimethJl7,7#&7nitrophenJl%7!+,7dihJdropJridine7


    2roprietati e8perimentale

    7descriere f(ica pudra ?structura cristalina de culoare gal'ena + inodora

  • 8/19/2019 Clase de Blocante de Canale de Calciu


    7punct de topire !5&7!5, o C

    7solu'ilitate # la &> o C %

      7in acetona &9> g?l

      7in clorura de metilen !> g?l

      7in cloro*orm !,> g?l

      7in acetat de etil 9> g?l

      7in metanol & g?l

      7in etanol !5 g?l

    7insolu'ila in apa

    7descompunere prin incal(ire pana la descompunere + emite $apori to8ici deo8i(i de N


    7mecanism de actiune Ni*edipina se leaga de canale de Ca inacti$e +

    sta'ili(andu7le con*ormatia "Dat find ca depolari(area durea(a mai mult in

    celulele musculare netede ale arteriolelor + comparati$ cu cea din celulele

    miocardine + pre(enta canalelor inacti$e este mai *rec$enta in celulele musculare

    netede"2re*erinta ni*edipinei pentru su'unitatie de tip alpha7! a canalelor +ii o*era

    selecti$itate arteriala suplimentara "La concentratii terapeutice + poate a$ea un

    e*ect relati$ sca(ut asupra celulelor miocardice si asupra celor conducatoare "2rin

    'locarea canalelor de Calciu + Ni*edipina inhi'a spasmul arterelor coronare si

    dilatea(a arterele sistemice + re(ultand cresterea aportului de o8igen la ni$elul

    miocardului + concomitent cu scaderea tensiunii arteriale "

    Ni*edipina este un $asodilatator arterial peri*eric ce actionea(a in mod direct pe

    musculatura neteda $asculara "2rin legarea ni*edipinei de canalele $olta7

    dependente + posi'il controlate de receptori +e8istente in musculatura neteda

    $aculara duce la o scadere a in-u8ului de Ca in aceste canale"Depo(itele de Ca

    intracelular in celulele musculare $asculare sunt limitate + depin(and ast*el de

    in-u8ul de Ca e8tracelular pentru a se putea reali(a contractia "/educereain-u8ului de Ca datorita Ni*edipinei duce la $asodilatatie arteriala si scade

    re(istenta peri*erica $asculare + ducand la reducerea tensiunii arteriale"

    Ni*edipine is a peripheral arterial $asodilator Qhich acts directlJ on $ascular

    smooth muscle" The 'inding o* ni*edipine to $oltage7dependent and possi'lJ

    receptor7operated channels in $ascular smooth muscle results in an inhi'ition o*

    calcium in-u8 through these channels" Stores o* intracellular calcium in $ascular

    smooth muscle are limited and thus dependent upon the in-u8 o* e8tracellular

    calcium *or contraction to occur" The reduction in calcium in-u8 'J ni*edipine

    causes arterial $asodilation and decreased peripheral $ascular resistance Qhichresults in reduced arterial 'lood pressure"

  • 8/19/2019 Clase de Blocante de Canale de Calciu


    US Natl Inst .ealth0 DailJ3ed" Current 3edication In*ormation *or ADALAT CC

    #ni*edipine% ta'let+ flm coated #Rune &>>%" A$aila'le *rom+ as o* Octo'er !9+

    &>> http??dailJmed"nlm"nih"go$?dailJmed?drugIn*o"c*mid=!>>6

    Ni*edipina scade contractilitate musculaturii netede arteriale si in consecinta

    $asoconstrictia prin inhi'area in-u8ului de ioni de Ca prin canalele de Ca de tip L"Ionii de Ca care intra in celula prin aceste canale se leaga de calmodulina

    "Comple8ul Ca7calmodulina acti$ea(a lantul *oto7mio(in7Gina(ei #3LC%"3LC

    acti$ata catali(ea(a *os*orilarea mio(inei + punct cheie in contractia musculara"

    Amplifcarea semnalului este o'tinuta prin eli'erarea de Ca din reticulul

    sarcoplasmic cu autorul receptorilor rJanodini"Inhi'area -u8ului initial de Ca

    inhi'a procesele contractile ale celulelor musculare netede+ cau(and dilatarea

    arterelor coronare si sistemice+ cresterea aportului de o8igen la tesutul

    miocardic + scaderea re(istentei totale peri*erice +scaderea tensiunii arteriale

    sistemice "

    Ni*edipine decreases arterial smooth muscle contractilitJ and su'seuent

    $asoconstriction 'J inhi'iting the in-u8 o* calcium ions through L7tJpe calcium

    channels" Calcium ions entering the cell through these channels 'ind to

    calmodulin" Calcium7'ound calmodulin then 'inds to and acti$ates mJosin light

    chain Ginase #3LC%" Acti$ated 3LC catalJ(es the phosphorJlation o* the

    regulatorJ light chain su'unit o* mJosin+ a GeJ step in muscle contraction" Signal

    amplifcation is achie$ed 'J calcium7induced calcium release *rom the

    sarcoplasmic reticulum through rJanodine receptors" Inhi'ition o* the initial in-u8o* calcium inhi'its the contractile processes o* smooth muscle cells+ causing

    dilation o* the coronarJ and sJstemic arteries+ increased o8Jgen deli$erJ to the

    mJocardial tissue+ decreased total peripheral resistance+ decreased sJstemic

    'lood pressure"

    A'sor'tie +Distri'utie si E8cretie

    Apro8imati$ > din do(a administrata oral prin capsule con$entionale este rapid

    a'sor'ita din tractul gastro7intestinal"Doar ,9759 din do(a administrata oral

    aunge in circulatia sistemica nemeta'oli(ata + intrucat Ni*edipina este

    meta'oli(ata la primul pasa prin fcat"4ar*ul concentratiei serice este de o'iceiatins la >"97& ore dupa administrarea orala "

    A'sorption+ Distri'ution and E8cretion

    Appro8imatelJ > o* an oral dose o* ni*edipine is rapidlJ a'sor'ed *rom the "97&

    hours a*ter oral administration as con$entional capsules" 1ood appears to

    decrease the rate 'ut not the e8tent o* a'sorption o* ni*edipine as con$entionalcapsules"

  • 8/19/2019 Clase de Blocante de Canale de Calciu


    American SocietJ o* .ealth SJstem 2harmacists0 A.1S Drug In*ormation &>>"

    Bethesda+ 3D" #&>>%

    *rom .SDB

    Concentratia plasmatica a ni*edipinei creste gradulat + cu o rata controlata + dupa

    adminsitrarea de ta'lete cu e*ect retard si atinge platoul la apro8imati$ ore

    dupa prima do(a"2entru do(ele urmatoare +concentratiile plasmatice se mentin la

    acest platou + cu minime $ariatii pentru inter$alul de do(are de &, de ore "S7a

    o'ser$at un indice de -uctuatie #raport $ar*?concentratie plasmatica % de , ori

    mai mare la capsula de ni*edipina cu eli'erare imediata cu administrare de ) ori

    pe (i comparati$ cu administrarea ni*edipinei cu eli'erare prelungita o data pe (i"

    2lasma drug concentrations rise at a gradual+ controlled rate a*ter a ni*edipine

    e8tended7release ta'let dose and reach a plateau at appro8imatelJ si8 hours

    a*ter the frst dose" 1or su'seuent doses+ relati$elJ constant plasma

    concentrations at this plateau are maintained Qith minimal -uctuations o$er the&,7hour dosing inter$al" A'out a *our7*old higher -uctuation inde8 #ratio o* peaG

    to trough plasma concentration% Qas o'ser$ed Qith the con$entional immediate7

    release ni*edipine capsule at t"i"d" dosing than Qith once dailJ ni*edipine

    e8tended7release ta'let"

    US Natl Inst .ealth0 DailJ3ed" Current 3edication In*ormation *or Ni*edipine

    #ni*edipine% ta'let+ flm coated+ e8tended release #3aJ &>>%" A$aila'le *rom+ as

    o* Octo'er !9+ &>> http??dailJmed"nlm"nih"go$?dailJmed?drugIn*o"c*mid=!!96

    *rom .SDB

    At steadJ7state the 'ioa$aila'ilitJ o* thed decreased a*terload" The $asodilatorJ

    eects o* ni*edipine result in an o$erall decrease in 'lood pressure" At steadJ7

    state the 'ioa$aila'ilitJ o* the ni*edipine e8tended7release ta'let is 6 relati$e

    to immediate7release ni*edipine capsules" Administration o* the ni*edipine

    e8tended7release ta'let in the presence o* *ood slightlJ alters the earlJ rate o*

    drug a'sorption+ 'ut does not in-uence the e8tent o* drug 'ioa$aila'ilitJ"

    3arGedlJ reduced >%" A$aila'le *rom+ as

    o* Octo'er !9+ &>> http??dailJmed"nlm"nih"go$?dailJmed?drugIn*o"c*mid=!!96

    *rom .SDB

     The manu*acturer states that relati$e oral 'ioa$aila'ilitJ diers little i*

    con$entional ni*edipine capsules are sQalloQed intact+ 'itten and sQalloQed+ or

    'itten and held su'linguallJ" .oQe$er+ some data indicate that the rate and

    e8tent o* a'sorption o* ni*edipine *olloQing su'lingual administration maJ 'e

    decreased su'stantiallJ" Oral 'ioa$aila'ilitJ o* ni*edipine maJ 'e increased up totQo*old in patients Qith li$er cirrhosis"

  • 8/19/2019 Clase de Blocante de Canale de Calciu


    American SocietJ o* .ealth SJstem 2harmacists0 A.1S Drug In*ormation &>>"

    Bethesda+ 3D" #&>>%

    *rom .SDB

    Binding o* ni*edipine to plasma proteins is concentration dependent and ranges

    *rom &76" 2rotein 'inding maJ 'e reduced in patients Qith renal or hepatic

    #eg+ li$er cirrhosis% impairment"

    American SocietJ o* .ealth SJstem 2harmacists0 A.1S Drug In*ormation &>>"

    Bethesda+ 3D" #&>>%

    *rom .SDB

    Ni*edipine is distri'uted into milG"

    American SocietJ o* .ealth SJstem 2harmacists0 A.1S Drug In*ormation &>>"

    Bethesda+ 3D" #&>>%

    *rom .SDB

    Appro8imatelJ >76> o* an oral dose o* ni*edipine is e8creted as meta'olites in

    the urine+ Qith onlJ traces #less than >"!% o* an oral dose 'eing e8creted in

    urine as unchanged drug" The remainder o* a dose is e8creted in the *eces as

    meta'olites+ possi'lJ $ia 'iliarJ elimination" Ni*edipine appears to 'e negligi'lJ

    remo$ed 'J hemodialJsis or hemoper*usion"

    American SocietJ o* .ealth SJstem 2harmacists0 A.1S Drug In*ormation &>>"

    Bethesda+ 3D" #&>>%

    *rom .SDB

    1olloQing I4 administration o* ni*edipine+ 'odJ clearance o* the drug is 9! and

    ),6 mL?minute in Joung adults and geriatric indi$iduals+ respecti$elJ"

    American SocietJ o* .ealth SJstem 2harmacists0 A.1S Drug In*ormation &>>"

    Bethesda+ 3D" #&>>%

    *rom .SDB

    1olloQing oral administration o* Adalat CC e8tended7release ni*edipine ta'lets in

    healthJ geriatric indi$iduals #older than > Jears o* age%+ the mean peaG plasma

    concentrations and a$erage plasma concentrations o* ni*edipine increased 'J )

    and 5>+ respecti$elJ+ compared Qith those o'ser$ed in Jounger adults"

    American SocietJ o* .ealth SJstem 2harmacists0 A.1S Drug In*ormation &>>"

    Bethesda+ 3D" #&>>%

    *rom .SDB

    In one lactating Qoman Qho recei$ed !>+ &>+ and )> mg o* the drug e$erJ 6

    hours as con$entional capsules+ peaG milG concentrations o* ni*edipine occurred

  • 8/19/2019 Clase de Blocante de Canale de Calciu


    Qithin ! hour a*ter a dose and ranged *rom a'out !)79) ng?mL0 the drug

    generallJ Qas not detecta'le during the hour prior to a dose"

    American SocietJ o* .ealth SJstem 2harmacists0 A.1S Drug In*ormation &>>"

    Bethesda+ 3D" #&>>%

    *rom .SDB

    /apidlJ and *ullJ a'sor'ed *olloQing oral administration"

    *rom DrugBanG

    /oute o* Elimination

    Ni*edipine is e8tensi$elJ meta'oli(ed to highlJ Qater7solu'le+ inacti$e

    meta'olites accounting *or > to 6> o* the dose e8creted in the urine" Theremainder is e8creted in the *eces in meta'oli(ed *orm+ most liGelJ as a result o*

    'iliarJ e8cretion"

    *rom DrugBanG


     The drug is e8tensi$elJ meta'oli(ed in the li$er #to highlJ Qater7solu'le+ inacti$e

    meta'olites% 'J the cJtochrome 27,9> microsomal en(Jme sJstem+ including


    American SocietJ o* .ealth SJstem 2harmacists0 A.1S Drug In*ormation &>>"

    Bethesda+ 3D" #&>>%

    *rom .SDB

    .epatic meta'olism $ia cJtochrome 2,9> sJstem" 2redominantlJ meta'oli(ed 'J

    CV2)A,+ 'ut also 'J CV2!A& and CV2&A iso(Jmes"

    *rom DrugBanG

    Biological .al*7Li*e

    In patients Qith normal renal and hepatic *unction+ the plasma hal*7li*e o*

    ni*edipine is a'out & hours Qhen administered as con$entional capsules+ and

    a'out 5 hours Qhen administered as e8tended7release ta'lets #Adalat CC%"

    American SocietJ o* .ealth SJstem 2harmacists0 A.1S Drug In*ormation &>>"

    Bethesda+ 3D" #&>>%

    *rom .SDB

    & hours

  • 8/19/2019 Clase de Blocante de Canale de Calciu



    2u'Chem CID &!&

    Chemical Names Amlodipine0 66!9>7,&70 Amlocard0 Amlodis0 Coro$al0Nor$asc0 3ore"""

    3olecular 1ormulaC&>.&9ClN&O9

    3olecular Weight ,>6"659 g?mol


    Sa*etJ SummarJ La'oratorJ Chemical Sa*etJ SummarJ #LCSS%

    3odi*J Date&>!97!>7>)

    Create Date&>>97>)7&9

    Amlodipine is a long7acting dihJdropJridine calcium channel 'locGer" It is eecti$e

    in the treatment o* AN6"659 g?mol

    3olecular 1ormula C&>.&9ClN&O9E8perimental 2roperties

    3elting 2oint

    !567!5 [C

    *rom DrugBanG


  • 8/19/2019 Clase de Blocante de Canale de Calciu


    In Qater+ 59") mg?L at &9 deg C #est%

    US E2A0 Estimation 2rogram Inter*ace #E2I% Suite" 4er" ,"!" Ran+ &>!!" A$aila'le

    *rom+ as o* No$ )+ &>!! http??QQQ"epa"go$?oppt?e8posure?pu's?episuitedl"htm

    *rom .SDB

    Water Solu'ilitJ

    59") mg?L

    *rom DrugBanG

    4apor 2ressure

    !"!Y!>7 mm .g at &9 deg C #est%

    US E2A0 E

    Dissociation Constants

    pa = 6"5 #amine% #est%

    S2A/C0 pa?propertJ ser$er" 4er ,"9"+ Sept+ &>>" A$aila'le *rom+ as o* No$ )+

    &>!! http??archemcalc"com?sparc?


    Amlodipine 'elongs to the dihJdropJridine #D.2% class o* calcium channel

    'locGers #CCBs%+ the most QidelJ used class o* CCBs" There are at least f$e

    dierent tJpes o* calcium channels in .omo sapiens L7+ N7+ 2?X7+ /7 and T7tJpe" It

    Qas QidelJ accepted that D.2 CCBs target L7tJpe calcium channels+ the maor

    channel in muscle cells that mediate contraction0 hoQe$er+ some studies ha$e

    indicated that amlodipine also 'inds to and inhi'its N7tJpe calcium channels #see

    re*erences in Targets section%" Similar to other D.2 CCBs+ amlodipine 'inds

    directlJ to inacti$e L7tJpe calcium channels sta'ili(ing their inacti$e

    con*ormation" Since arterial smooth muscle depolari(ations are longer in durationthan cardiac muscle depolari(ations+ inacti$e channels are more pre$alent in

    smooth muscle cells" Alternati$e splicing o* the alpha7! su'unit o* the channel

    gi$es amlodipine additional arterial selecti$itJ" At therapeutic su'7to8ic

    concentrations+ amlodipine has little eect on cardiac mJocJtes and conduction


    *rom DrugBanG

    Amlodipine is a sJnthetic dihJdropJridine and a calcium channel 'locGer Qith

    antihJpertensi$e and antianginal properties" Amlodipine inhi'its the in-u8 o*

    e8tracellular calcium ions into mJocardial and peripheral $ascular smooth musclecells+ there'J pre$enting $ascular and mJocardial contraction" This results in a

  • 8/19/2019 Clase de Blocante de Canale de Calciu


    dilatation o* the main coronarJ and sJstemic arteries+ decreased mJocardial

    contractilitJ+ increased 'lood -oQ and o8Jgen deli$erJ to the mJocardial tissue+

    and decreased total peripheral resistance" This agent maJ also modulate multi7

    drug response #3D/% acti$itJ through inhi'ition o* the p7glJcoprotein eZu8


    *rom NCIt

    Amlodipine 3aleate is the maleate salt o* amlodipine+ a sJnthetic phenJlpJridine

    $asodilator Qith antihJpertensi$e and antianginal eects" Amlodipine inhi'its the

    in-u8 o* e8tracellular calcium ions into mJocardial and peripheral $ascular

    smooth muscle cells+ there'J pre$enting $ascular and mJocardial contraction"

    1urthermore+ decreased mJocardial contractilitJ and dilation o* the main coronarJ

    and sJstemic arteries lead to increased 'lood -oQ and o8Jgen deli$erJ to the

    mJocardial tissue and decreases total peripheral resistance" This agent maJ also

    modulate multi7drug response acti$itJ through inhi'ition o* the p7glJcoprotein

    eZu8 pump"

    *rom NCIt

    3eS. 2harmacolo3eS. 2harmacological Classifcation

    Calcium Channel BlocGers

    A class o* drugs that act 'J selecti$e inhi'ition o* calcium in-u8 through cellular

    mem'ranes" See a list o* 2u'Chem compounds matching this categorJ"

    *rom 3eS.

    AntihJpertensi$e Agents

    Drugs used in the treatment o* acute or chronic $ascular .V2E/TENSION

    regardless o* pharmacological mechanism" Among the antihJpertensi$e agents

    are DIU/ETICS0 #especiallJ DIU/ETICS+ T.IAIDE%0 AD/ENE/

  • 8/19/2019 Clase de Blocante de Canale de Calciu


    *rom 3eS.

    ATC Code

    C>6CA>! 7 Amlodipine @ C>6CA 7 DihJdropJridine deri$ati$es @ C>6C 7 Selecti$e

    calcium channel 'locGers Qith mainlJ $ascular eects @ C>6 7 Calcium channel

    'locGers @ C 7 Cardio$ascular sJstem 3ore in*ormation"""

    *rom W.OCC

    A'sorption+ Distri'ution and E8cretion

    Amlodipine is a dihJdropJridine that has sloQ a'sorption and a prolonged

    eect" ?Salt not specifed?

    .ardman+ R">!+ p" )5,

    *rom .SDB

    /enal e8cretion accounts *or > Qith a'out 9 amlodipine unchanged and &>

    to &9 is e8creted in 'ile and *eces" ?Amlodipine? is not remo$ed *rom the 'odJ

    'J hemodialJsis"

    1ord 3D+ DelaneJ A+ Ling LR+ EricGson T0 Clinical To8icologJ" W"B" Saunders

    CompanJ"+ 2hiladelphia+ 2A" &>>!+ 1olloQing oral administration the 'ioa$aila'ilitJ

    is a'out 9> to 66" 1ood has no eect on to8icoGinetic parameters" 2eaG plasma

    concentrations o* to 5 ng?ml occur in to 5 hours" Amlodipine is 5 to

    protein 'ound" It is su'ected to e8tensi$e hepatic meta'olism"

    Ellenhorn+ 3"R"+ S" SchonQald+

  • 8/19/2019 Clase de Blocante de Canale de Calciu


    Less than 9 o* an oral dose is e8creted unchanged in the urine" The remainder

    is meta'oli(ed to a num'er o* inacti$e meta'olites e8creted in the urine and


    Ellenhorn+ 3"R"+ S" SchonQald+ 76'5>7da&6)ded&

    *rom .SDB

    SteadJ7state plasma le$els o* amlodipine are reached a*ter 5 to 6 daJs o*

    consecuti$e dailJ dosing" """ E8 $i$o studies ha$e shoQn that appro8imatelJ )

    o* the circulating drug is 'ound to plasma proteins in hJpertensi$e patients"

    US Natl Inst .ealth0 DailJ3ed" Current 3edication In*ormation *or A3LODI2INE

    BESVLATE #amlodipine 'esJlate% ta'let #No$em'er &>!>%" A$aila'le *rom+ as o*Septem'er &+ &>!! http??dailJmed"nlm"nih"go$?dailJmed?looGup"c*m


    *rom .SDB

    Amlodipine is a dihJdropJridine calcium antagonist drug Qith distincti$e

    pharmacoGinetic characteristics Qhich appear to 'e attri'uta'le to a high degree

    o* ioni(ation" 1olloQing oral administration+ 'ioa$aila'ilitJ is > to 9 and

    plasma concentrations rise graduallJ to peaG to 6 hr a*ter administration"

    Amlodipine is e8tensi$elJ meta'olised in the li$er #'ut there is no signifcant

    presJstemic or frst7pass meta'olism% and is sloQlJ cleared Qith a terminalelimination hal*7li*e o* ,> to 9> hr" 4olume o* distri'ution is large #&! L?Gg% and

    there is a high degree o* protein 'inding #6%" There is some e$idence that age+

    se$ere hepatic impairment and se$ere renal impairment in-uence the

    pharmacoGinetic profle leading to higher plasma concentrations and longer hal*7

    li$es" There is no e$idence o* pharmacoGinetic drug interactions" Amlodipine

    shoQs linear dose7related pharmacoGinetic characteristics and+ at steadJ7state+

    there are relati$elJ small -uctuations in plasma concentrations across a dosage

    inter$al" Thus+ although structurallJ related to other dihJdropJridine deri$ati$es+

    amlodipine displaJs signifcantlJ dierent pharmacoGinetic characteristics and is

    suita'le *or administration in a single dailJ dose"

  • 8/19/2019 Clase de Blocante de Canale de Calciu


    3eredith 2A et al0 Clin 2harmacoGinet &!% p"&&7)! #!&%

    *rom .SDB

    Amlodipine+ a dihJdropJridine calcium antagonist+ Qas sJnthesi(ed in an attempt

    to de$elop a compound Qith a pharmacoGinetic profle characteristic o* this class+

    Qhich Qould also ha$e an increased oral 'ioa$aila'ilitJ and e8tended clearance

    time" A single intra$enous dose o* !> mg resulted in an a'solute 'ioa$aila'ilitJ o* 

    , and a calculated elimination hal*7li*e o* ), hours" The pharmacoGinetic

    profle o* oral doses shoQed similar changes" These results Qere signifcantlJ

    dierent *rom those seen Qith most other dihJdropJridines #elimination hal*7li*e o* 

    ) to !> hours and a'solute 'ioa$aila'ilitJ o* !> to )>% and nondihJdropJridine

    calcium antagonists #elimination hal*7li*e ) to hours and loQ a'solute

    'ioa$aila'ilitJ%" With chronic oral dosing o* amlodipine once dailJ *or !, daJs+

    support Qas pro$ided *or the linearitJ o* amlodipine\s pharmacoGinetics and

    a'sence o* such Qith chronic oral dosing Qith $erapamil+ diltia(em+ and

    ni*edipine" In the elderlJ population+ elimination hal*7li*e o* 9 mg oral doses is

    signifcantlJ prolonged #,6 $s )9 hours0 p less than >">&9% suggesting decreased

    oral clearance or increased 'ioa$aila'ilitJ" Comparison o* the pharmacoGinetics o* 

    amlodipine in patients Qith chronic sta'le angina pectoris Qith the profle in

    healthJ $olunteers suggested that clearance is not altered in patients Qith

    chronic sta'le angina+ steadJ state 'eing reached to !& hours a*ter

    administration o* the drug" In patients Qith cirrhosis+ elimination hal*7li*e is

    signifcantlJ prolonged #> $s ), hours0 p less than >">!% suggesting that there is

    a greater accumulation o* amlodipine in patients Qith se$ere li$er disease than in

    indi$iduals Qith normal hepatic *unction"

    A'ernaethJ D/0 Am .eart R !!6#9% p"!!>>7!!>) #!6%

    *rom .SDB

    """ A randomi(ed+ &7QaJ crosso$er studJ Qas conducted in !6 healthJ male

    $olunteers to compare the pharmacoGinetics and pharmacodJnamics o* these

    tQo *orms+ i"e" amlodipine nicotinate #test% and amlodipine 'esJlate #re*erence%+

    a*ter administration o* a single dose o* 9 mg o* each drug and a Qashout period

    'etQeen doses o* , QeeGs" Blood samples *or the pharmacoGinetic analJsis o*

    amlodipine Qere o'tained o$er the !,,7hour period a*ter administration" SJstolic

    and diastolic 'lood pressures and pulse rates Qere recorded immediatelJ prior toeach 'lood sampling" All participants completed 'oth treatment periods+ and no

    serious ad$erse e$ents occurred during the studJ period" A*ter administering a

    single dose o* each *ormulation+ mean AUC>7infnitJ and Cma8 $alues Qere

    !>"!?7>", ng 8 hr?mL and )"65?7!">, ng?mL *or the test *ormulation and

    &>)"!9?79&">9 ng 8 hr?mL and ,">!?7>"> ng?mL *or the re*erence *ormulation+

    respecti$elJ" The > confdence inter$als o* test?re*erence mean ratios *or

    AUC>7 infnitJ and Cma8 *ell Qithin the predetermined eui$alence range o* 6> 7

    !&9" 2harmacodJnamic profles including sJstolic and diastolic 'lood pressures

    and pulse rates e8hi'ited no signifcant dierences 'etQeen the tQo

    *ormulations" The tQo amlodipine *ormulations shoQed similar pharmacoGineticand pharmacodJnamic characteristics and the neQ amlodipine *ormulation+

  • 8/19/2019 Clase de Blocante de Canale de Calciu


    amlodipine nicotinate+ Qas *ound to 'e eui$alent *or pharmacoGinetics to the

    currentlJ a$aila'le amlodipine 'esJlate Qith respect to the rate and e8tent o*

    amlodipine a'sorption" A'stract 2u'3ed

    2arG RV et al0 Int R Clin 2harmacol Ther ,, #!&% ,!75 #&>>%

    *rom .SDB

    Amlodipine is sloQlJ and almost completelJ a'sor'ed *rom the gastrointestinal

    tract" 2eaG plasma concentrations are reached 7!& hour *olloQing oral

    administration" Its estimated 'ioa$aila'ilitJ is ,7>" A'sorption is not aected

    'J *ood"

    *rom DrugBanG

    /oute o* Elimination

    Amlodipine is e8tensi$elJ #a'out >% con$erted to inacti$e meta'olites $ia

    hepatic meta'olism Qith !> o* the parent compound and > o* the

    meta'olites e8creted in the urine"

    *rom DrugBanG


    Amlodipine is e8tensi$elJ #a'out >% con$erted to inacti$e meta'olites $ia

    hepatic meta'olism Qith !> o* the parent compound and > o* themeta'olites e8creted in the urine"

    US Natl Inst .ealth0 DailJ3ed" Current 3edication In*ormation *or A3LODI2INE

    BESVLATE #amlodipine 'esJlate% ta'let #No$em'er &>!>%" A$aila'le *rom+ as o*

    Septem'er &+ &>!! http??dailJmed"nlm"nih"go$?dailJmed?looGup"c*m


    *rom .SDB

    ?Amlodipine undergoes? minimal presJstemic meta'olism" SloQ 'ut e8tensi$e

    hepatic meta'olism0 meta'olites lacG signifcant acti$itJ"

    1ord 3D+ DelaneJ A+ Ling LR+ EricGson T0 Clinical To8icologJ" W"B" Saunders

    CompanJ"+ 2hiladelphia+ 2A" &>>!+ p" )5,

    *rom .SDB

     There are no acti$e meta'olites" The rate o* o8idati$e meta'olism is relati$elJ

    sloQ and so amlodipine dose not e8hi'it e8tensi$e frst7pass or presJstemic

    meta'olism a*ter oral administration"

    Ellenhorn+ 3"R"+ S" SchonQald+

  • 8/19/2019 Clase de Blocante de Canale de Calciu


    *rom .SDB

    In the present studJ+ the meta'olic profle o* amlodipine+ a Qell7GnoQn calcium

    channel 'locGer+ Qas in$estigated emploJing liuid chromatographJ7mass

    spectrometric #LC?3S% techniues" TQo dierent tJpes o* mass spectrometers 7 a

    triple7uadrupole #XX% and a uadrupole time7o*7-ight #X7TO1% massspectrometer 7 Qere utili(ed to acuire structural in*ormation on amlodipine

    meta'olites" The meta'olites Qere produced 'J incu'ation o* amlodipine Qith

    primarJ cultures o* rat hepatocJtes" Incu'ations *rom rat hepatocJtes Qere

    analJ(ed Qith LC73S?3S+ and &! phase I and phase II meta'olites Qere detected"

     Their product ion spectra Qere acuired and interpreted+ and structures Qere

    proposed" Accurate mass measurement using LC7X7TO1 Qas used to determine

    the elemental composition o* meta'olites and thus to confrm the proposed

    structures o* these p" meta'olites" 3ainlJ phase I meta'olic changes Qere

    o'ser$ed including dehJdrogenation o* the dihJdropJridine core+ as Qell as

    reactions o* side chains+ such as hJdrolJsis o* ester 'onds+ hJdro8Jlation+ N7acetJlation+ o8idati$e deamination+ and their com'inations" The onlJ phase II

    meta'olite detected Qas the glucuronide o* a dehJdrogenated+ deaminated

    meta'olite o* amlodipine" ?In$estigators? propose se$eral in $itro meta'olic

    pathQaJs o* amlodipine in rat+ 'ased on our analJsis o* th )5,

    1. Hepatic. Metabolized extensively (90%) to inactive metabolites via the cytochrome P450 3A4 isozyme.

    from DrugBank

    2. Biological Half-Life

    Elimination from the plasma is biphasic with a terminal elimination half-life of about 30 to 50 hours.

    US Natl Inst Health; DailyMed. Current Medication Information for AMLODIPINE BESYLATE (amlodipine besylate) tablet

    (November 2010). Available from, as of September 26, 2011:


    from HSDB

    The total body clearance is 7 mL/min/kg.

    Ellenhorn, M.J., S. Schonwald, G. Ordog, J. Wasserberger. Ellenhorn's Medical Toxicology: Diagnosis and Treatment of Human

    Poisoning. 2nd ed. Baltimore, MD: Williams and Wilkins, 1997., p. 564

    from HSDB

     /Amlodipine/ elimination takes 35 hours in healthy volunteers; may be prolonged to 65 hours in elderly, 60 hours in

    hepatic function impairment; not affected by renal function impairment.

    Ford MD, Delaney KA, Ling LJ, Erickson T; Clinical Toxicology. W.B. Saunders Company., Philadelphia, PA. 2001, p. 374

    from HSDB

    30-50 hours

    from DrugBank

  • 8/19/2019 Clase de Blocante de Canale de Calciu


    3. Mechanism of Action

    Amlodipine is a dihydropyridine calcium antagonist (calcium ion antagonist or slow-channel blocker) that

    inhibits the transmembrane influx ofcMechanism of Action

    Amlodipine is a dihydropyridine calcium antagonist(calcium ion antagonist or slow-channel blocker) that inhibits

    the transmembrane influx ofcalcium ions into vascular smooth muscle and cardiac muscle. Experimental data

    suggest thatamlodipine binds to both dihydropyridine and nondihydropyridine binding sites. The contractile

    processes of cardiac muscle and vascular smooth muscle are dependent upon the movement of

    extracellular calcium ions into these cells through specific ion channels. Amlodipine inhibitscalcium ion influx

    across cell membranes selectively, with a greater effect on vascular smooth muscle cells than on cardiac muscle

    cells. Negative inotropic effects can be detected in vitro but such effects have not been seen in intact animals at

    therapeutic doses. Serumcalcium concentration is not affected by amlodipine. Within the physiologic pH

    range, amlodipine is an ionized compound (pKa=8.6), and its kinetic interaction with thecalcium channel receptor

    is characterized by a gradual rate of association and dissociation with the receptor binding site, resulting in a

    gradual onset of effect.

    US Natl Inst Health; DailyMed. Current Medication Information for AMLODIPINE BESYLATE (amlodipine besylate) tablet

    (November 2010). Available from, as of September 26, 2011:


    from HSDB

    Exertional Angina: In patients with exertional angina, amlodipine reduces the total peripheral resistance (afterload)

    against which the heart works and reduces the rate pressure product, and thus myocardial oxygen demand, at any

    given level of exercise.

    US Natl Inst Health; DailyMed. Current Medication Information for AMLODIPINE BESYLATE (amlodipine besylate) tablet

    (November 2010). Available from, as of September 26, 2011:


    from HSDB

    Vasospastic Angina: Amlodipine has been demonstrated to block constriction and restore blood flow in coronary

    arteries and arterioles in response to calcium,potassium epinephrine, serotonin, and thromboxane A2 analog in

    experimental animal models and in human coronary vessels in vitro. This inhibition of coronary spasm is

    responsible for the effectiveness ofamlodipine in vasospastic (Prinzmetal's or variant) angina.

    US Natl Inst Health; DailyMed. Current Medication Information for AMLODIPINE BESYLATE (amlodipine besylate) tablet

    (November 2010). Available from, as of September 26, 2011: 

    from HSDB

    Recent studies have suggested that cytokines are capable of modifying cardiovascular function and that drugs

    used in the treatment of heart failure have various modulating properties on the production of cytokines. More

    recently, we have found that ouabain induces the production of cytokines. This study was performed to examine

    the effects of calcium channel blockers on the production of cytokines induced by a cardiac glycoside. Human

    peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) were obtained from healthy volunteers. PBMC were cultured in 0.1, 1,

    10, and 30 micromol/l amlodipine,diltiazem, andnifedipine in presence of 1 micromol/louabain. After 24 h of

    incubation, IL-1alpha, IL-1beta, IL-6, and TNF-alpha were measured in the culture supernatants by enzyme-linked

    immunosorbent assay.Ouabain induced the production of IL-1alpha, IL-1beta and IL-6, but not of TNF-alpha.

  • 8/19/2019 Clase de Blocante de Canale de Calciu


    Induction of IL-1beta was most prominent. The production of IL-1alpha, and IL-6 was inhibited by amlodipine in a

    concentration-dependent manner and was significantly decreased at a concentration of 10 micromol/l. IL-1beta

    production was also inhibited by 30 micromol/l amlodipine. In contrast, neitherdiltiazem nor nifedipineinhibited the

    production of these cytokines. The unique property of amlodipine to inhibit the production of IL-1alpha, IL-1beta

    and IL-6 may contribute to its beneficial effects in heart failure patients.

    Matsumori A et al; Cytokine 12(3): p.294-297 (2000)

    from HSDB

    Proliferation of vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC) contributes to the progression of atherosclerotic

    plaques. Calciumchannel blockers have been shown to reduce VSMC proliferation, but the underlying molecular

    mechanism remains unclear. p21(Waf1/Cip1) is a potent inhibitor of cell cycle progression. Here, /investigators/

    demonstrate that amlodipine (10(-6) to 10(-8) M) activates de novo synthesis of p21(Waf1/Cip1) in vitro.

     /Investigators/ show that amlodipine-dependent activation of p21(Waf1/Cip1) involves the action of the

    glucocorticoid receptor (GR) and C/EBP-alpha. The underlying pathway apparently involves the action of mitogen-

    activated protein kinase or protein kinase C, but not of extracellular signal-related kinase or changes of

    intracellular calcium. Amlodipine-induced p21(Waf1/Cip1) promoter activity and expression were abrogated by

    C/EBP-alpha antisense oligonucleotide or by the GR antagonistRU486. Amlodipine-dependent inhibition of cell

    proliferation was partially reversed by RU486 at 10(-8) M (58%+/-29%), antisense oligonucleotides targeting

    C/EBP-alpha (91%+/-26%), or antisense mRNAs targeting p21(Waf1/Cip1) (96%+/-32%, n=6); scrambled

    antisense oligonucleotides or those directed against C/EBP-beta were ineffective. The data suggest that the anti-

    proliferative action of amlodipine is achieved by induction of the p21 (Waf1/Cip1) gene, which may explain

    beneficial covert effects of this widely used cardiovascular therapeutic drug beyond a more limited role as a

    vascular relaxant. Abstract:PubMed

     Ziesche R et al; FASEB J 18 (13): 1516-23 (2004)

    from HSDB

    The effects of long-acting calcium channel blockers on pressure overload-induced cardiac hypertrophy have been

    little studied in experimental animals and the underlying mechanisms are not fully understood. /Investigators/

    previously reported that cardiomyocyte hypertrophy could be induced via phosphorylation of the epidermal growth

    factor receptor (EGFR). In this study, /the authors/ investigated whether amlodipine attenuates cardiac

    hypertrophy by inhibiting EGFR phosphorylation. /Investigators/ found that amlodipine dose-dependently

    inhibitedepinephrine-induced protein synthesis and EGFR phosphorylation in cultured neonatal rat

    cardiomyocytes. /This/ in vivo study revealed that amlodipine could ameliorate myocardial hypertrophy induced by

    transverse aortic constriction (TAC) in C57/B6 mice. One week after TAC, amlodipinetreatment (3 mg/kg/day)significantly reduced the heart-to-body weight ratio (6.04 +/- 0.16 mg/g vs. 6.90 +/- 0.45 mg/g in untreated TAC

    mice, P < 0.01). These results indicate that amlodipine ameliorates cardiomyocyte hypertrophy via inhibition of

    EGFR phosphorylation. Abstract:PubMed

    Liao Y et al; Biochem Biophys Res Commun 327 (4): 1083-7 (2005)

    from HSDB

     /Investigators/ examined whether amlodipine, an L-typecalcium channel blocker (CCB), has an inhibitory effect on

    oxidative stress and inflammatory response, and thereby atherosclerosis, in apolipoprotein E-deficient (ApoEKO)

    mice. Adult male ApoEKO mice (6 weeks of age) were fed a high-cholesterol diet (HCD) for 8 or 10 weeks with orwithout oral administration ofamlodipine (3 mg/kg/day) for 10 weeks or for only the last 2 weeks of the HCD. After

  • 8/19/2019 Clase de Blocante de Canale de Calciu


    HCD feeding, atherosclerotic lesion formation, in situ superoxide production and nicotinamide-adenine

    dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) oxidase activity were evaluated in the proximal aorta. The expressions

    ofNADPH oxidase subunits (p47(phox) and rac-1), monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1), intercellular

    adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1), and vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1) were determined with

    immunohistochemistry and quantitative real-time reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction. After 8 to 10

    weeks of HCD administration to ApoEKO mice, marked atherosclerotic lesion formation was observed in the

    proximal aorta. In the atherosclerotic lesion,superoxide production, the expression ofNADPH oxidase subunits,

    andNADPH oxidase activity were enhanced, and the expressions of MCP-1, ICAM-1, and VCAM-1 were

    increased. These changes were suppressed in mice that were treated with amlodipine for 10 weeks concomitant

    with HCD administration, with no significant change in blood pressure and plasmacholesterol level. /Investigators/

    also observed that treatment withamlodipine for only the last 2 weeks regressed the atherosclerotic lesions with a

    decrease in oxidative stress and vascular inflammation. Inhibition of the atherosclerotic lesion area and lipid area

    in the proximal aorta by amlodipine was correlated with its inhibitory actions on oxidative stress, inflammation and

    the production of adhesive molecules. These results suggest that amlodipine not only inhibits atherosclerotic

    lesion formation, but also regresses atherosclerosis, and that these effects are at least partly due to inhibition of

    oxidative stress and inflammatory response. Abstract:PubMed

    Yoshii T et al; Hypertens Res 29 (6): 457-66 (2006)

    from HSDB

    Calcium channel blockers (CCBs) are widely used in the therapy of cardiovascular diseases. Recent studies have

    shown that several CCBs exerted distinct anti-inflammatory effect in myocardial dysfunction models. The purpose

    of the present study was to evaluate therapeutic effect and possible mechanism of action of amlodipine, one of the

    widely used CCBs, on rat cardiac dysfunction during sepsis induced bylipopolysaccharide (LPS). Pretreatment of

    the rats with amlodipine (10 or 30 mg/kg, i.v.) delayed the fall of mean arterial blood pressure caused by

    LPS. Amlodipine also significantly inhibited the elevation of plasma tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) and

    decreased levels of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) in response to LPS challenge. To investigate the

    mechanism of the action of amlodipine, neonatal rat cardiomyocytes were used as a

    model. Amlodipine concentration-dependently decreased the release of TNF-alpha and iNOS protein expression,

    and suppressed the degradation and phosphorylation of inhibitor of kappaB-alpha (IkappaB-alpha) in LPS-

    activated neonatal rat cardiomyocytes. Further studies revealed that amlodipine markedly activated

    phosphatidylinositiol 3-kinase (PI3K) and Akt, downstream of the PI3K signal cascade. Application of PI3K

    inhibitors,wortmannin and LY294002 attenuated the depression of TNF-alpha and iNOS expression

    by amlodipine in LPS-induced cardiomyocytes. These findings may explain some cardioprotective effects

    of amlodipine in LPS-mediated sepsis and suggest that the inhibition of TNF-alpha and iNOS expression

    by amlodipine is, at least in part, dependent on PI3K/Akt signaling pathway. Abstract:PubMed

    Li XQ et al; Int Immunopharmacol 9 (9): 1032-41 (2009)

    from HSDB

    Amlodipine decreases arterial smooth muscle contractility and subsequent vasoconstriction by inhibiting the influx

    ofcalciumions through L-typecalcium channels.Calcium ions entering the cell through these channels bind to

    calmodulin.Calcium-bound calmodulin then binds to and activates myosin light chain kinase (MLCK). Activated

    MLCK catalyzes the phosphorylation of the regulatory light chain subunit of myosin, a key step in muscle

    contraction. Signal amplification is achieved bycalcium-induced calcium release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum

    throughryanodine receptors. Inhibition of the initial influx ofcalcium decreases the contractile activity of arterialsmooth muscle cells and results in vasodilation. The vasodilatory effects of amlodipine result in an overall

  • 8/19/2019 Clase de Blocante de Canale de Calciu


    decrease in blood pressure. Amlodipine is a long-acting CCB that may be used to treat mild to moderate essential

    hypertension and exertion-related angina (chronic stable angina). Another possible mechanism is

    that amlodipine inhibits vascular smooth muscle carbonic anhydrase I activity causing cellular pH increases which

    may be involved inregulating intracelluarcalcium influx through calcium channels.

    Voltage-sensitive calcium channels (VSCC) mediate the entry of calcium ions into excitable cells and are alsoinvolved in a variety of calcium-dependent processes, including muscle contraction, hormone or neurotransmitter

    release, gene expression, cell motility, cell division and cell death. The isoform alpha-1C gives rise to L-type

    calcium currents. Long-lasting (L-type) calcium channels belong to the "high-voltage activated" (HVA) group. They

    are blocked by dihydropyridines (DHP), phenylalkylamines, benzothiazepines, and by omega-agatoxin-IIIA

    (omega-Aga-IIIA). They are however insensitive to omega-conotoxin- GVIA (omega-CTx-GVIA) and omega-

    agatoxin-IVA (omega-Aga-IVA). Calcium channels containing the alpha-1C subunit play an important role in

    excitation-contraction coupling in the heart. The various isoforms display marked differences in the sensitivity to

    DHP compounds

    Gene Name CACNA1C


    Chemical Names 1elodipine0 2lendil0 5&9>757)0 /enedil0 Splendil0 1elodaJ0


    3olecular 1ormulaC!6.!Cl&NO,

    3olecular Weight )6,"&9)5 g?mol

    1elodipine is a dihJdropJridine calcium antagonist Qith positi$e inotropic eects"

    It loQers 'lood pressure 'J reducing peripheral $ascular resistance through a

    highlJ selecti$e action on smooth muscle in arteriolar resistance $essels"

    *rom 3eS.

    1elodipine is a dihJdropJridine calcium channel 'locGing agent" 1elodipine inhi'its

    the in-u8 o* e8tracellular calcium ions into mJocardial and $ascular smooth

    muscle cells+ causing dilatation o* the main coronarJ and sJstemic arteries and

    decreasing mJocardial contractilitJ" This agent also inhi'its the drug eZu8 pump

    27glJcoprotein Qhich is o$ere8pressed in some multi7drug resistant tumors andmaJ impro$e the e]cacJ o* some antineoplastic agents" #NCI>,%

    IUPAC Name

    5-O-ethyl 3-O-methyl 4-(2,3-dichlorophenyl)-2,6-dimethyl-1,4-dihydropyridine-3,5-dicarboxylate

    3olecular Weight )6,"&9)5 g?mol

    3olecular 1ormula

    E8perimental 2roperties

    3elting 2oint

  • 8/19/2019 Clase de Blocante de Canale de Calciu


    !,9 [C

    *rom DrugBanG


    Water Solu'ilitJ

    !"5 mg?L


    1elodipine 'elongs to the dihJdropJridine #D.2% class o* calcium channel 'locGers

    #CCBs%+ the most QidelJ used class o* CCBs" There are at least f$e dierent tJpes

    o* calcium channels in .omo sapiens L7+ N7+ 2?X7+ /7 and T7tJpe" It Qas QidelJ

    accepted that CCBs target L7tJpe calcium channels+ the maor channel in musclecells that mediates contraction0 hoQe$er+ some studies ha$e shoQn that

    *elodipine also 'inds to and inhi'its T7tJpe calcium channels" T7tJpe calcium

    channels are most commonlJ *ound on neurons+ cells Qith pacemaGer acti$itJ

    and on osteocJtes" The pharmacologic signifcance o* T7tJpe calcium channel

    'locGade is unGnoQn" 1elodipine also 'inds to calmodulin and inhi'its calmodulin7

    dependent calcium release *rom the sarcoplasmic reticulum" The eect o* this

    interaction appears to 'e minor" Another studJ demonstrated that *elodipine

    attenuates the acti$itJ o* calmodulin7dependent cJclic nucleotide

    phosphodiesterase #Ca32DE% 'J 'inding to the 2DE7!B! and 2DE7!A& en(Jme

    su'units" Ca32DE is one o* the GeJ en(Jmes in$ol$ed in cJclic nucleotides andcalcium second messenger sJstems" 1elodipine also acts as an antagonist to the

    mineralcorticoid receptor 'J competing Qith aldosterone *or 'inding and 'locGing

    aldosterone7induced coacti$ator recruitment o* the mineralcorticoid receptor"

    1elodipine is a'le to 'ind to sGeletal and cardiac muscle iso*orms o* troponin C+

    one o* the GeJ regulatorJ proteins in muscle contraction" Though *elodipine

    e8hi'its 'inding to manJ endogenous molecules+ its $asodilatorJ eects are still

    thought to 'e 'rought a'out primarilJ through inhi'ition o* $oltage7gated L7tJpe

    calcium channels" Similar to other D.2 CCBs+ *elodipine 'inds directlJ to inacti$e

    calcium channels sta'ili(ing their inacti$e con*ormation" Since arterial smooth

    muscle depolari(ations are longer in duration than cardiac muscledepolari(ations+ inacti$e channels are more pre$alent in smooth muscle cells"

    Alternati$e splicing o* the alpha7! su'unit o* the channel gi$es *elodipine

    additional arterial selecti$itJ" At therapeutic su'7to8ic concentrations+ *elodipine

    has little eect on cardiac mJocJtes and conduction cells"

    *rom DrugBanG

    1elodipine is a dihJdropJridine calcium channel 'locGing agent" 1elodipine inhi'its

    the in-u8 o* e8tracellular calcium ions into mJocardial and $ascular smooth

    muscle cells+ causing dilatation o* the main coronarJ and sJstemic arteries and

    decreasing mJocardial contractilitJ" This agent also inhi'its the drug eZu8 pump

  • 8/19/2019 Clase de Blocante de Canale de Calciu


    27glJcoprotein Qhich is o$ere8pressed in some multi7drug resistant tumors and

    maJ impro$e the e]cacJ o* some antineoplastic agents" #NCI>,%

    A'sorption+ Distri'ution and E8cretion

    Is completelJ a'sor'ed *rom the gastrointestinal tract0 hoQe$er+ e8tensi$e frst7

    pass meta'olism through the portal circulation results in a loQ sJstemic

    a$aila'ilitJ o* !9" Bioa$aila'ilitJ is unaected 'J *ood"

    *rom DrugBanG

    /oute o* Elimination

    Although higher concentrations o* the meta'olites are present in the plasma due

    to decreased urinarJ e8cretion+ these are inacti$e" Animal studies ha$e

    demonstrated that *elodipine crosses the 'lood7'rain 'arrier and the placenta"

    *rom DrugBanG

    4olume o* Distri'ution

    !> L?Gg

    *rom DrugBanG


    >"6 L?min :Voung healthJ su'ects;

    *rom DrugBanG


    .epatic meta'olism primarilJ $ia cJtochrome 2,9> )A," Si8 meta'olites Qith no

    apprecia'le $asodilatorJ eects ha$e 'een identifed"

    *rom DrugBanG

  • 8/19/2019 Clase de Blocante de Canale de Calciu


    1. Biological .al*7

  • 8/19/2019 Clase de Blocante de Canale de Calciu



  • 8/19/2019 Clase de Blocante de Canale de Calciu


    17.5-31.5 hours in hypertensive

    patients; 19.1-35.9 hours in elderly

    hypertensive patients; 8.5-19.7 in

    healthy volunteers.

  • 8/19/2019 Clase de Blocante de Canale de Calciu


    from DrugBank

  • 8/19/2019 Clase de Blocante de Canale de Calciu


    2.Mechanism of Action

  • 8/19/2019 Clase de Blocante de Canale de Calciu


    Felodipine decreases arterial smooth

    muscle contractility and subsequent

    vasoconstriction by inhibiting the influx

    ofcalciumions through voltage-gated

    L-type calcium channels. It reversibly

    competes against nitrendipine and

    other DHP CCBs for DHP binding

    sites in vascular smooth muscle and

    cultured rabbit atrial

    cells.Calcium ions entering the cell

    through these channels bind to


    calmodulin then binds to and activates

    myosin light chain kinase (MLCK).

    Activated MLCK catalyzes the

    phosphorylation of the regulatory light

    chain subunit of myosin, a key step in

    muscle contraction. Signal

    amplification is achieved by calcium-

    inducedcalcium release from the

    sarcoplasmic reticulum

    throughryanodine receptors. Inhibition

    of the initial influx

    ofcalcium decreases the contractile

    activity of arterial smooth muscle cells

    and results in vasodilation. The

    vasodilatory effects of felodipine result

    in an overall decrease in blood

    pressure. Felodipine may be used to

    treat mild to moderate essential


  • 8/19/2019 Clase de Blocante de Canale de Calciu


    from DrugBank

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  • 8/19/2019 Clase de Blocante de Canale de Calciu


    1.Toxicological Information

  • 8/19/2019 Clase de Blocante de Canale de Calciu


    1.Toxicity Summary

  • 8/19/2019 Clase de Blocante de Canale de Calciu


    Symptoms of overdose include

    excessive peripheral vasodilation with

    marked hypotension and possibly

    bradycardia. Oral rat LD50 is 1050


  • 8/19/2019 Clase de Blocante de Canale de Calciu


    from DrugBank

  • 8/19/2019 Clase de Blocante de Canale de Calciu


    2.Protein Binding

    + primarilJ to the al'umin *raction"


    Chemical Names Nimodipine0 2eriplum0 Nimotop0 >69797,0 Admon0

    Nimodipino0 3ore"""

    3olecular 1ormulaC&!.&N&O5

    3olecular Weight ,!6",,>), g?mol

    InChI eJ Nimodipine is a calcium channel 'locGader Qith pre*erential

    cere'ro$ascular acti$itJ" It has marGed cere'ro$ascular dilating eects andloQers 'lood pressure"

    *rom 3eS.

    Nimodipine is a dihJdropJridine deri$ati$e and an analogue o* the calcium

    channel 'locGer ni*edipine+ Qith antihJpertensi$e acti$itJ" Nimodipine inhi'its the

    transmem'rane in-u8 o* calcium ions in response to depolari(ation in smooth

    muscle cells+ there'J inhi'iting $ascular smooth muscle contraction and inducing

    $asodilatation" Nimodipine has a greater eect on cere'ral arteries than on

    peripheral smooth muscle cells and mJocardial cells+ pro'a'lJ 'ecause this agent

    can cross the 'lood 'rain 'arrier due to its lipophilic nature" 1urthermore+ thisagent also inhi'its the drug eZu8 pump 27glJcoprotein+ Qhich is o$ere8pressed in

    some multi7drug resistant tumors+ and maJ impro$e the e]cacJ o* some

    antineoplastic agents"

    IU2AC Name

    )7O7#&7metho8JethJl% 97O7propan7&7Jl &+7dimethJl7,7#)7nitrophenJl%7!+,7

    dihJdropJridine7)+97dicar'o8JlateE8perimental 2roperties

    3elting 2oint

    !&9 [C


    Nimodipine 'elongs to the class o* pharmacological agents GnoQn as calcium

    channel 'locGers" Nimodipine is indicated *or the impro$ement o* neurological

    outcome 'J reducing the incidence and se$eritJ o* ischemic defcits in patients

    Qith su'arachnoid hemorrhage *rom ruptured congenital aneurJsms Qho are in

    good neurological condition post7ictus #e"g"+ .unt and .ess

  • 8/19/2019 Clase de Blocante de Canale de Calciu


    inhi'its contractions o* $ascular smooth muscle" In animal e8periments+

    nimodipine had a greater eect on cere'ral arteries than on arteries elseQhere in

    the 'odJ perhaps 'ecause it is highlJ lipophilic+ alloQing it to cross the 'lood

    'rain 'arrier"

    *rom DrugBanG

    Nimodipine is a dihJdropJridine deri$ati$e and an analogue o* the calcium

    channel 'locGer ni*edipine+ Qith antihJpertensi$e acti$itJ" Nimodipine inhi'its the

    transmem'rane in-u8 o* calcium ions in response to depolari(ation in smooth

    muscle cells+ there'J inhi'iting $ascular smooth muscle contraction and inducing

    $asodilatation" Nimodipine has a greater eect on cere'ral arteries than on

    peripheral smooth muscle cells and mJocardial cells+ pro'a'lJ 'ecause this agent

    can cross the 'lood 'rain 'arrier due to its lipophilic nature" 1urthermore+ this

    agent also inhi'its the drug eZu8 pump 27glJcoprotein+ Qhich is o$ere8pressed in

    some multi7drug resistant tumors+ and maJ impro$e the e]cacJ o* some

    antineoplastic agents"

    A'sorption+ Distri'ution and E8cretion

    In humans+ nimodipine is rapidlJ a'sor'ed a*ter oral administration+ and peaG

    concentrations are generallJ attained Qithin one hour" Bioa$aila'ilitJ is !>>

    *olloQing intra$enous administration and )7)> *olloQing oral administration due

    to e8tensi$e frst7pass meta'olism"

    *rom DrugBanG

    /oute o* Elimination

    Nimodipine is eliminated almost e8clusi$elJ in the *orm o* meta'olites and less

    than ! is reco$ered in the urine as unchanged drug" Numerous meta'olites+ all

    o* Qhich are either inacti$e or considera'lJ less acti$e than the parent

    compound+ ha$e 'een identifed"

    *rom DrugBanG


    .epatic meta'olism $ia CV2 )A,"

    *rom DrugBanG

    Biological .al*7Li*e

    !"57 hours

    3echanism o* Action

  • 8/19/2019 Clase de Blocante de Canale de Calciu


    Although the precise mechanism o* action is not GnoQn+ nimodipine 'locGs

    intracellular in-u8 o* calcium through $oltage7dependent and receptor7operated

    sloQ calcium channels across the mem'ranes o* mJocardial+ $ascular smooth

    muscle+ and neuronal cells" Nimodipine 'inds specifcallJ to L7tJpe $oltage7gated

    calcium channels" The inhi'ition o* calcium ion trans*er results in the inhi'ition o*

    $ascular smooth muscle contraction" E$idence suggests that the dilation o* smallcere'ral resistance $essels+ Qith a resultant increase in collateral circulation+

    and?or a direct eect in$ol$ing the pre$ention o* calcium o$erload in neurons

    maJ 'e responsi'le *or nimodipine\s clinical eect in patients Qith su'arachnoid


    *rom DrugBanG


     To8icological In*ormation

     To8icitJ SummarJ

    SJmptoms o* o$erdosage Qould 'e e8pected to 'e related to cardio$ascular

    eects such as e8cessi$e peripheral $asodilation Qith marGed sJstemic


    *rom DrugBanG

    2rotein Binding

    9 'ound to plasma protein




    olecular 1ormula C&.&1&N&

    3olecular Weight ,>,",,6, g?mol

    1lunari(ine is a selecti$e calcium entrJ 'locGer Qith calmodulin 'inding properties

    and histamine .! 'locGing acti$itJ" 1lunari(ine is eecti$e in the prophJla8is o*

  • 8/19/2019 Clase de Blocante de Canale de Calciu


    migraine+ occlusi$e peripheral $ascular disease+ $ertigo o* central and peripheral

    origin+ and as an adu$ant in the therapJ o* epilepsJ"

    *rom 3eS.

    1lunari(ine is a selecti$e calcium entrJ 'locGer Qith calmodulin 'inding properties

    and histamine .! 'locGing acti$itJ" It is eecti$e in the prophJla8is o* migraine+

    occlusi$e peripheral $ascular disease+ $ertiIU2AC Name

    !7:'is#,7-uorophenJl%methJl;7,7:#E%7)7phenJlprop7&7enJl;pipera(inego o* central

    and peripheral origin+ and as an adu$ant in the therapJ o* epilepsJ"

    E8perimental 2roperties

    3elting 2oint2harmacologJ

    1lunari(ine is a selecti$e calcium entrJ 'locGer Qith calmodulin 'inding properties

    and histamine .! 'locGing acti$itJ"

    *rom DrugBanG

    3eS. 2harmacological Classifcation

    Calcium Channel BlocGers

    A class o* drugs that act 'J selecti$e inhi'ition o* calcium in-u8 through cellularmem'ranes" See a list o* 2u'Chem compounds matching this categorJ"

    *rom 3eS.

    4asodilator Agents

    Drugs used to cause dilation o* the 'lood $essels" See a list o* 2u'Chem

    compounds matching this categorJ"

    *rom 3eS.

    .istamine .! Antagonists

    Drugs that selecti$elJ 'ind to 'ut do not acti$ate histamine .! receptors+ there'J

    'locGing the actions o* endogenous histamine" Included here are the classical

    antihistaminics that antagoni(e or pre$ent the action o* histamine mainlJ in

    immediate hJpersensiti$itJ" TheJ act in the 'ronchi+ capillaries+ and some other

    smooth muscles+ and are used to pre$ent or allaJ motion sicGness+ seasonal

    rhinitis+ and allergic dermatitis and to induce somnolence" The eects o* 'locGing

  • 8/19/2019 Clase de Blocante de Canale de Calciu


    central ner$ous sJstem .! receptors are not as Qell understood" See a list o*

    2u'Chem compounds matching this categorJ"

    *rom 3eS.


    Drugs used to pre$ent SEIU/ES or reduce their se$eritJ" See a list o* 2u'Chem

    compounds matching this categorJ" A'sorption+ Distri'ution and E8cretion

    69 *olloQing oral administration"

    *rom DrugBanG


    .epatic+ to tQo meta'olites $ia N7dealJlation and hJdro8Jlation"

    *rom DrugBanG

    Biological .al*7Li*e

    !6 daJs

    *rom DrugBanG

    3echanism o* Action

    1lunari(ine inhi'its the in-u8 o* e8tracellular calcium through mJocardial and

    $ascular mem'rane pores 'J phJsicallJ plugging the channel" The decrease in

    intracellular calcium inhi'its the contractile processes o* smooth muscle cells+

    causing dilation o* the coronarJ and sJstemic arteries+ increased o8Jgen deli$erJ

    to the mJocardial tissue+ decreased total peripheral resistance+ decreased

    sJstemic 'lood pressure+ and decTo8icitJ

     To8icological In*ormation

     To8icitJ SummarJ

    71lunari(ine should 'e used Qith care in patients Qith depression or those 'eing

    prescri'ed other agents+ such as phenothia(ines+ concurrentlJ+ Qhich maJ cause

    e8trapJramidal side7eects" 7Acute o$erdosage has 'een reported and the

    o'ser$ed sJmptoms Qere sedation+ agitation and tachJcardia" 7Treatment o*

    acute o$erdosage consists o* charcoal administration+ induction o* emesis or

    gastric la$age+ and supporti$e measures" No specifc antidote is GnoQn"

    *rom DrugBanG

    2rotein Binding

    'ound to plasma proteinsreased a*terload"

  • 8/19/2019 Clase de Blocante de Canale de Calciu



     Ranssen+ 2"A"R"0 U"S" 2atent )+55)+)0 No$em'er &>+ !5)0 assigned to Ranssen2harmaceutica N"4"