Civilization of smaller states

CIVILIZATION OF SMALLER STATES Small independent states were also making lasting contributions.

Transcript of Civilization of smaller states

  • 1.CIVILIZATION OF SMALLER STATES Small independent states were also making lasting contributions.

2. Phoenicians: Traders of Antiquity Eastern Mediterranean coasts, in present-day Lebanon Lived by means of trading From cities of Tyre and Sidon, Phoenicians crossed Mediterranean founded colonies from Cyprus to Gibraltar. 3. About 814 BCE, they settled in Carthage in North Africa. Shipbuilders and seafarers. First people to venture beyond the Strait of Gibraltar. Excellent craftsmen who worked with wood, metal, glass, and ivory. 4. "Carriers of civilization" for their role in spreading the culture of the ancient world. Through trade and colonization, they introduced the achievements of Mesopotamia. 5. The Hebrews Migrated into the valley of Jordan River. Judaism one of the world's major religions as well as its influence on two later religions, christianity and Islam. Both faiths were Monotheistic. Jews, Christians, and Muslims honor Abraham, Moses, and 6. Early History Believed that God was moving force behind everthing that happened to them. Sacred text called Tanakh or the Old Testament. Based on the Old testament, God gave Canaan or Palestine to the Hebrews. 7. 1800 BCE, drought and famine forced them to migrate to Egypt, they were enslaved by the pharaoh. Exodus, Moses forced the pharaoh to free the Hebrews. Hebrews considered Moses as one of their most important leaders. Moses gave Ten Commandments. A set of religious and moral laws. 8. They believed God revealed the laws to Moses and thereby made a covenant with them. According to the covenant, God would protect the Hebrews as the "chosen people" if they obey the commandments. Hebrews bounded together as they wandered from Egypt, across Sinai, into Palestine by their obedience to God's laws. 9. 1025 BCE, Hebrews organized the kingdom of Israel in Palestine. Israel flourished during the reign of David and Solomon from 1000 to 930 BCE. David was skillful diplomat and decisively defeated the Philistine. His son Solomon transformed the city of Jerusalem into a magnificent capital 10. King David 11. Solomon 12. Map of Israel 13. Hebrews gave birth to the ideals of two other religions: Christianity and Islam. 14. Ancient Egypt Geographic Stting The Nile River Longest river in the world. Flows from its highlands of central Africa to the Mediterranean Sea 4, 160 miles. Source of life in Egypt. 15. Nile has helped to unite villages along its banks. Served as a major highway, connecting the Upper Egypt in the south to Lower Egypt in the north. Trade along the river is active. 16. Natural Barrier Libyan and Nubian Deserts, the Mediterranean Sea, and the Red Sea formed as natural barriers of Egypt. Egyptians were not completely protected by natura barriers. Over the centuries, Egyptian rulers faced many invaders. 17. Libyan Desert 18. Nubian Desert 19. Religion Believed that different gods controlled the forces of nature, giving good harvests or causing crops to die. Practiced polytheism, belief in many gods. Most important Egyptian god was the sun god, Amon-Re. 20. Amon-Re 21. To the Egyptians, the east, where the sun rose, symbolized birth, while the west, where the sun sets, represented death. Thus, they always built tombs and funeral temples on the west bank of the Nile. 22. Hieroglyphics Egyptians priests developed a system of writing. They first wrote by carving hieroglyphics on stone or wood. Later they flattened papyrus reeds into strips and wrote on the strips with brushes and ink. The English word "paper" comes from the word papyrus. 23. Goverment of Ancient Egypt First there were many independent villages known as nomes ruled by local monarch. In time, some villages united until two kingdoms were formed along the Nile valley. 24. 1.Upper Egypt in the south between Memphis 2.Lower Egypt in the north, which consisted of the Delta. Bitter war between two kingdoms was brought to an end when Menes, king of Upper Egypt, invaded and conquered Lower Egypt. 3100 BCE, Menes became the first pharaoh and founder of the first dynasties. 25. King Menes 26. In a dynasty, the right to rule passed from the ruler to one of his children. History has it that there were at least 30 dynasties in Egypt between 2700 BCE and 1090 BCE. 27. Ancient Egyptian history 3 major periods 1. Old Kingdom or Age of Pyramids (2700-2200 BCE) 2. Middle Kingdo or Age of Nobles (2050-1800 BCE) 3. New Kingdom or the Egyptian Empire (1570-1090 BCE) 28. The Old Kingdom Egyptian rulers, they were called pharaohs, means "great house" They believed the pharaoh was a god, the son of sun god, Amon- Re Absolute power He was the source of law He owned all land, quarries, 29. Pharaohs could organized a strong centralized government Kingdom divide into provinces and officials were appointed to supervise tax collection and building projects and irrigation systems Significant achievements were made during the old kingdom. 30. Hieroglyphics were improved by the Egyptians Developed engineering knowledge, which was necessary in building tombs for the pharaohs Imhotep, chief minister of Pharaoh Zoser, designed the Step Pyramid at Sakkara for the pharaoh. This pyramid constructed about 2650 BCE. one of world's oldest structural stone 31. Old Kingdom was sometimes called the Pyramid Age because Zoser's successors, as well as rich nobles, constructed pyramid tombs. Today, three pyramids still stand at Giza 32. There came about the peasant revolts and civil wars that disrupted trade and farming. There came about a period of disorder, which lasted up to 150 years, marking the end of the Old Kingdom 33. The Middle Kingdom New dynasty from south restored order in Egypt during 2050 BCE Prince from Thebes, Ahmose I, became the new pharaoh Art and literature were encouraged Started new irrigation project that incresed rop production 34. During Middle Kingdom that egypt expanded its borders and had greater contacts with other civilizations A long civil war again destroy Egypt Egypt conquered by nomadic invaders from western Asia known as the Hyksos during 1750 BCE Hyksos ruled Egypt for 200 years 35. The New Kingdom The Hyksos were driven out of Egypt by the leaders of Thebes Who restored Egyptian rule to Egypt Marked the beginning of the New Kingdom or Empire which lasted from 1600 to 1100 BCE An empire is a government that rules over a group of contries 36. Between 1490 and 1469 BCE, Egypt was ruled by the only female pharaoh, Queen Hatshepsut, who gained the throne in a coup. Her term was arked by building programs and the expansion of trade to present-day somalia Hatshepsut was succeeded by her stepson, Thutmose III. A brilliant military leader 37. He expanded the Egyptian Empire to its greatest size He conquered Palestine and Syria One controversial pharaoh of the New Kingdom was Amenhotep IV He was not interested in foreign conquest than in changing some traditional religious practices 38. Amenhotep IV 39. He wanted the Egyptians to worship the god Aton He also changed his name from Amenhotep to Akhenaton, which means, "pleasing to Aton" When Akhenaton failed to defend the empire because of his worship to Aton, he lost the support of the military 40. His son-in-law inherited the throne when he was eight years old The young pharaoh soon changed his name from Tutankhaton to Tutankhamun His dropping of Aton to Amon signifiess the return to traditional religious practices 41. Tutankhaton to Tutankhamun 42. Decline of Egyptian Power Last ruler of the New Kingdom was Ramses II His 67-year reign was spent in reviving the empire Egyptian empire steadily declined following the reign of Ramses II By 1090 BCE, civil wars had left Egypt too weak to defeat a stream of invaders 43. Ramses II 44. First came the raiders known as the Sea Peoples Assyrians and Persians also conquered Egypt 331 BCE, Greeks led by Alexander the Great occupied the lands in the Nile valley Queen Cleopatra, descendant of one of Alexander's generals, tried to restore Egyptian greatness She is the last pharaoh 45. Queen Cleopatra 46. 31 BCE Roman fleet defeated Egyptian naval forces and in the following year, Egypt became a province of the Roman Empire Egyptian history the pharaoh's had absolute power Starting from the Old Kingdom, Egyptians created a complex but efficient government that supported the absolute power of the pharaoh 47. Social Classes Egyptian society divided into three (3) classes 1. Upper class a. Priests b. Court nobility c. Landed nobility 48. A. Priests Conducted daily sacrifices to the gods Cast spells to make the land fertile Recited prayers to help souls of the dead reach the afterlife Priests enjoyed great power and prestige 49. B. Court nobles Advised the pharaoh and carried out his orders Held positions as governors, court officials, or tax collectors 50. C. Landed nobility Chief minister who administered the business of the country Many these nobles owned large estates Managed their great estates 51. Egyptian Social Classes 52. Middle Class a. Men and Women who became rich through trade b. Skilled artisans who made furniture and jewelry and worked with leathers and clothes c. Professionals such as teachers, artists, doctors, and 53. Lower Class Lower class made up of two (2) groups: 1. Peasants Worked in farms, irrigation systems, roads, and in building projects Few political rights Lived poorly in small mud 54. 2. Slaves Prisoners of war Like the peasants they worked on temples and irrigation projects Most slaves were descendant of people brought back to Egypt as prisoners of war Loyal and able slaves sometimes were given freedom 55. Status of Women Women enjoyed a high status Had the right to buy and sell property and to testify in court Had the right to seek divorce Property was inherite in the female family line in the Egyptian society Women gained more status when they bear child 56. Women in Ancient Egypt 57. In royal family, queen occupied a privileged position as a wife of a god Pharaoh have more than one wife, his first wife was tha most important because her son would become the next pharaoh 58. Education Schools provided a more general education Reading, writing, arithmetic, and also religious ceremonies and rituals were offered Sons of wealthy class attended temple schools Their daughters learned the skills they need at home 59. Priests took charge of the elementary education of the children at schools attached to the temples After elementary boys were sent to higher school or learned trade from his parents Girls received little or no schooling at all 60. Primary aim of education was to produce scribes As scribes they were expected to have through knowledge of the language, literature, and history of their country They should good in mathematics, bookkeeping, law management, know mechanics, surveying, and architectural design 61. Religion Egyptians beleived in afterlife and that the soul could not enter into the future life without the body This belief in the afterlife led the Egyptians to build large tombs called pyramids, where they keep the mummified bodies of their dead rulers 62. Egyptians worshipped many godss and goddesses They practice called polytheism