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Page 1: :c..i~.l ~;~T nioclibrary@nioclibrary.nioc.ir/taze-ha/500/newtitles.pdf · اﺪﺧ مﺎﻧ ﻪﺑ ناﺮﻳا ﺖﻔﻧ ﻲﻠﻣ ﺖآﺮﺷ ﻲﻧﺎﺳر عﻼﻃا ﺰآﺮﻣ

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Page 2: :c..i~.l ~;~T nioclibrary@nioclibrary.nioc.ir/taze-ha/500/newtitles.pdf · اﺪﺧ مﺎﻧ ﻪﺑ ناﺮﻳا ﺖﻔﻧ ﻲﻠﻣ ﺖآﺮﺷ ﻲﻧﺎﺳر عﻼﻃا ﺰآﺮﻣ

به نام خدا

مرآز اطالع رساني شرآت ملي نفت ايران عالوه بر امكان استفاده از مراجع، آتب و نشريات، تسهيالت زير را در اختيار محققين،

:قرار مي دهد يپژوهشگران و آليه آارآنان صنايع نفت، گاز و پتروشيم

تخصصي /آرشيو ميكروفيلم نشريات فني

جستجو در پايگاه هاي اطالعاتي مرآز اطالع رساني در سايت نفت

اينترنت(جستجو در شبكه هاي اطالعاتي جهاني(

مجموع قوانين و مقررات آشور

دسترسي به متن آامل استانداردهاي بين المللي نظير(AGA, API, API MPMS, ASTM, BSI, DIN, ISO)

سترسي به بانك اطالعات استانداردهاي صنعت نفت ايران د(IPS)

فيلم هاي متنوع آموزشي(VCD)

نمايه(پايگاه اطالعاتي تمام متن مقاالت فارسي بر روي شبكه(

دسترسي به بانك مقاالت آتابخانه ملي بريتانيا

دسترسي به بانك اطالعاتي آتابخانه شرآت نفت خزر

طالع رساني به شبكه علمي آشور اتصال مرآز ا(http://portal.iranscience.net)

به بعد در پايگاه مقاالت التين ٢٠٠٢و مديريتي سال تخصصي –دسترسي به متن آامل مقاالت منتخب فني

موجود در وب سايت مرآز... دسترسي به منابع الكترونيك با ذخيره اي از منابع تكنولوژيك، مديريتي، انرژي و

تخصصي در پايگاه مقاالت فارسي/ دسترسي به متن آامل مقاالت منتخب علمي

تخصصي در پايگاه گزارشات فارسي و التين/ لمي عدسترسي به متن آامل گزارشات

Page 3: :c..i~.l ~;~T nioclibrary@nioclibrary.nioc.ir/taze-ha/500/newtitles.pdf · اﺪﺧ مﺎﻧ ﻪﺑ ناﺮﻳا ﺖﻔﻧ ﻲﻠﻣ ﺖآﺮﺷ ﻲﻧﺎﺳر عﻼﻃا ﺰآﺮﻣ


هىل دسترس ع و تسهي ران به منظور تسري نفت اي ى شرآت مل ى و آتابخانه مرآز ىمرآز اطالع رسان ب

تن از مستقي ىر دسترس نظي ى، امكانات از صنعت نفت مورد ني ى و فن ىاطالعات علم ام م االت تم ه مق م ب

يق جستجو در پايطري االت الت اه مق ابع الكترونيگ ايىكن و جستجو در من ود در وب س ز موج ت مرآ

اي بر اي . ن فراهم نموده است متخصصي ى را برا ىاطالع رسان اربران عضو وب س ت مرآزن اساس آ

ابع موجود نترنت از مجموعهق اتصال به شبكه اي طري ازى و مكانىت زمانبدون محدودي توانند ىم من

االت فن در زمي شري ىنه مق ا ىك ات الكتروني ، آتب و ن ن آور ى در حوزه ه ي ى ف از، پتروش ت، گ ، ىم نف

ال ري، مدي ىانرژ صاد و م ردار ىت، اقت ره ب د نمايى به د از طري ىد م جدي ان متقاضي . ن دي توانن ت ريق م

.ند فوق استفاده نمايىگاه ها و رمز عبور جهت استفاده از پايىافت نام آاربرربط، نسبت به دريذي

وان استفاده از پايى راهنماىكخه الكترونينس به ذآر استالزم ا، تحت عن اه ه تفاده"گ دستورالعمل اس

عه سياز ط الترح توس ديىستم م يا در پاي م االت الت اه مق شارات"در بخش " نگ اي"انت ز وب س ت مرآ

: باشدى مىر قابل دسترس زيى به نشانىاطالع رسان


ت مرآز اطالع رساني اعضاء وب سايپراآندگي






ستاد وزارت نفت شركت ملي صنايع پتروشيمي شركت ملي پااليش و پخش فرآورده هاي نفتي شركت ملي گاز شركت ملي نفت

Page 4: :c..i~.l ~;~T nioclibrary@nioclibrary.nioc.ir/taze-ha/500/newtitles.pdf · اﺪﺧ مﺎﻧ ﻪﺑ ناﺮﻳا ﺖﻔﻧ ﻲﻠﻣ ﺖآﺮﺷ ﻲﻧﺎﺳر عﻼﻃا ﺰآﺮﻣ

فھرست مندرجات

صفحه عنوان

١ كتابھا



Page 5: :c..i~.l ~;~T nioclibrary@nioclibrary.nioc.ir/taze-ha/500/newtitles.pdf · اﺪﺧ مﺎﻧ ﻪﺑ ناﺮﻳا ﺖﻔﻧ ﻲﻠﻣ ﺖآﺮﺷ ﻲﻧﺎﺳر عﻼﻃا ﺰآﺮﻣ

کتابا تاز ای هرکس اطالع رضای غرکت هلی فت ايراى

-/ هلف رضا بذرياى.هذيريت رابردي پژص فاري ۱

.‎۱۳۳۱تراى: غوذ تذبير،

۰۰۱/۲۲ ‎ ى ب

‎۱۳۱۱۵-۱۳۱۱۵غوار ثبت:

اي آهاري در علم رفتاري )آهار تصيفي آهار رش ۲

-زاد، هحوذتمي هذاح. / تاليف رهضاى حطياستباطي(

.‎۱۳۳۳راى: يرايع، ت -يرايع دم.

۳۰۰/۷۲۷ ‎ ش ح

‎۱۳۳۵۱غوار ثبت:

/ ]جيص هرفت[ ؛ ريسي فضايي عولکرد هثر در براه ۳

هترجواى هضي پرهضي، ايذ فالحياى؛ ]براي[

-دبيرخا غراي ػالي ظارت بر تضؼ غري تراى.

يسي ر تراى: غرداري تراى، هرکس هطالؼات براه

.‎۱۳۳۱غر تراى، هؼات ػلن فاري،

۳۰۷/۱۲۱۵ ‎۰۳۲۲ م

‎۱۳۱۲۲غوار ثبت:

/ يطذ اي عوهي: اصل ابسارا طراحي سياست ۲

هايکل لت؛ هترجن هضي پرهضي، ايذ فالحياى؛

تراى: غرداري تراى، -يراضتار ػاطف غوذي.

ريسي غر تراى، هؼات ػلن هرکس هطالؼات براه

.‎۱۳۳۱ فاري،

۳۲۰/۵ ‎ ا

‎۱۳۱۰۵غوار ثبت:

/ ا تا اقتصادا يابذ؟ تکاهل ظن، از اتن چرا اطالعات رضذ هي ۱

-تاليف ضسار يذالگ؛ برگرداى برز غاورادي.

.‎۱۳۳۱تراى: : هرکس تحميمات ضياضت ػلوي کػر،

۳۳۰/۰۱۱۱۲ ‎ ي

‎۱۳۱۱۲ ثبت: غوار

/ تاليف گر ري کتاب قذ: گاي ب فرگ کار بر ۵

تراى: داػگا ػالي -رابردي. -اي التصادي بررضي

.‎۱۳۳۰دفاع هلي )داػا(،

۳۳۱/۱۱۵ ‎ ت ک

‎۱۳۱۱۳غوار ثبت:


Page 6: :c..i~.l ~;~T nioclibrary@nioclibrary.nioc.ir/taze-ha/500/newtitles.pdf · اﺪﺧ مﺎﻧ ﻪﺑ ناﺮﻳا ﺖﻔﻧ ﻲﻠﻣ ﺖآﺮﺷ ﻲﻧﺎﺳر عﻼﻃا ﺰآﺮﻣ

کتابا تاز ای هرکس اطالع رضای غرکت هلی فت ايراى

-/ گردآري ترجو هرين پاغگ.کتاب جاهع اهيت ارژي ۷

.‎۱۳۳۱گاغت يي، ى: رترا

۳۳۳/۷۳ ‎ ا پ

‎۱۳۱۲۱ - ۱۳۱۱۳غوار ثبت:

اي: )با ريکرد تسع راواي رابرد تجاري هطق ۵

-/ تاليف يحيي آل اضحاق.اهيت جوري اسالهي ايراى(

تراى: داػگا ػالي دفاع هلي، اتػارات )داػا(،


۳۳۷/۱۱۰۷۳۱ ‎آل

‎۱۳۱۱۲ت: غوار ثب

ذس فت در هاطق فتخيس جب: گاي تاريخي، ۳

-.تحليلي ب بسرگتريي هجوع تليذي فت کطر

ااز: غرکت هلي هاطك فتخيس جب، رابظ


۳۳۵/۲۷۲۵۲ ‎۰۳۱۱ ى

‎۱۳۲۱۲غوار ثبت:

/ تي کذ دفتر يفهقررات هلي ساختواى: هبحث ال تعار ۱۰

همررات هلي ضاختواى؛ ]براي[ هؼات هطکي

تراى: ػر تضؼ -ضاختواى زارت را غرضازي.


۳۲۳/۱۱ ‎اي

‎۱۳۳۱۱غوار ثبت:

هقررات هلي ساختواى: هبحث جذن عايق بذي تظين ۱۱

]براي[ / تي کذ دفتر همررات هلي ضاختواى؛صذا

هؼات اهر هطکي ضاختواى زارت را

.‎۱۳۳۲تراى: ػر تضؼ ايراى، -غرضازي.

۳۲۳/۱۱ ‎اي

‎۱۳۳۲۲غوار ثبت:

ارزيابي تحالت دستارداي سازهاى ثبت اساد ۱۲

اهالک کطر= ...

ضرپرضت گر تذيي گردآري

‎۱۳۳۱تراى: کلک باراى، -اغن کارگر.

۳۲۵/۱۱۰ ‎۲۳۵ ا ش

‎۱۳۱۱۱غوار ثبت:


Page 7: :c..i~.l ~;~T nioclibrary@nioclibrary.nioc.ir/taze-ha/500/newtitles.pdf · اﺪﺧ مﺎﻧ ﻪﺑ ناﺮﻳا ﺖﻔﻧ ﻲﻠﻣ ﺖآﺮﺷ ﻲﻧﺎﺳر عﻼﻃا ﺰآﺮﻣ

کتابا تاز ای هرکس اطالع رضای غرکت هلی فت ايراى

0202هذيريت پسواذ در ضراي جاى= ۱۳

هتحذ، براه اضکاى بػر[؛ هترجويي ضازهاى هلل [

تراى: غرداري -هحوذػلي ػبذلي، حاهذ حطياى.

ريسي غر تراى، تراى ، هرکس هطالؼات براه

‎۱۳۳۱هؼات ػلن فاري،

۳۵۳/۷۲۵۱۰ ‎۳۱۷۳۲ د م

‎۱۳۱۱۰غوار ثبت:

/ فراهرز رفيغ پر؛ پژػي با سرطاى اجتواعي فساد ۱۲

تراى: غرکت ضاهي -يت فرگطتاى ػلم ايراى.حوا


۳۵۲/۱۳۲۳ ‎۰۳۱۱ رف

‎۱۳۱۰۳غوار ثبت:

اي اي تاسيسات ساز راواي ارزيابي بسازي لرز ۱۱

/ تي کذ هؼات هذضي، پژع صعت فت

تراى: کير، -.‎۲يرايع -فاري زارت فت.


۵۲۱/۵۵۷۲ ‎را

‎۱۳۱۰۷غوار ثبت:

افسار هرجع آهزش تصيري رم ۱۵

هلفاى ػباش خاکطارهػاد، هيالد ابرايوي /

‎۱۳۳۱تراى: ضتايع، -دضتگردي.

۵۲۲/۲۲ ‎ ا خ

۱۳۲۵۷‎۱۳۲۵۳غوار ثبت:

ى کلکار، / ]هازهيي آهار کاربردي در تصيف هخازى ۱۷

گدفرد پرز، ايل کي چپرا[؛ هترجواى لاضن

.‎۱۳۳۱تراى: ضتايع، -زرگر...] ديگراى[.

۵۲۲/۳۳۵۰۱ ‎۱۱۱۵ ل ک

‎۱۳۲۵۵ - ۱۳۲۵۲غوار ثبت:

: هذل سازي جرياى هرجع آهزش رم افسار ۱۵

چي، هحوذرضا / هلفاى احطاى خاهدرى چا

.‎۱۳۳۱ضتايع، تراى: -هذياي.

۵۲۲/۳۳۵۲ ‎ ا خ

‎۱۳۲۵۳ - ۱۳۲۵۱غوار ثبت:


Page 8: :c..i~.l ~;~T nioclibrary@nioclibrary.nioc.ir/taze-ha/500/newtitles.pdf · اﺪﺧ مﺎﻧ ﻪﺑ ناﺮﻳا ﺖﻔﻧ ﻲﻠﻣ ﺖآﺮﺷ ﻲﻧﺎﺳر عﻼﻃا ﺰآﺮﻣ

کتابا تاز ای هرکس اطالع رضای غرکت هلی فت ايراى

-هلف پيواى رجبر. /چگ بذى پارتي رئيس ضين؟ ۱۳

.‎۱۳۳۲تراى: داير داع،

۵۱۰/۱ ‎رى

‎۱۳۱۱۱غوار ثبت:

ظام حققي قرارداداي هطارکت )جيت چر(: در ۲۰

هلفيي رضا /الولل بيي عرص صعت تجارت داخلي

کيا، احطاى هؼذليت؛ ]ب ضفارظ بياد حملي آرياى

.‎۱۳۳۲تراى: هيساى، -هيساى[.

۵۱۵/۰۲۲ ‎آر

‎۱۳۱۰۵غوار ثبت:

اه خذهات علوي فرگي هرحم استاد زذگي ۲۱

تراى: اجوي -/ يراضتار اهيذ لبري.صذرالذيي عيي

.‎۱۳۳۱ر فرگي، آثار هفاخ

۵‎تج‎ ۱/۵۲۰۳ ‎ ي ع

‎۱۳۱۰۱غوار ثبت:


Page 9: :c..i~.l ~;~T nioclibrary@nioclibrary.nioc.ir/taze-ha/500/newtitles.pdf · اﺪﺧ مﺎﻧ ﻪﺑ ناﺮﻳا ﺖﻔﻧ ﻲﻠﻣ ﺖآﺮﺷ ﻲﻧﺎﺳر عﻼﻃا ﺰآﺮﻣ

نشريات لی نفت ايران تازه ھای مرکز اطالع رسانی شرکت م

اکتشاف وتوليد ١

١٣٩ ، دي؛ شماره ١٣٩۵ ١١١٠٠١٣٩ شماره ثبت:

ايران و انگليس ٢

۵٨ ، شماره ١٧ ، تابستان و پاييز؛ جلد ١٣٩۵ ۵١٠١٧٠۵٨ شماره ثبت:

بزرگراه رايانه ٣

٢٠٣ ، شماره ١٩ ، دي؛ جلد ١٣٩۵ ٣١۴٠٠٢٠٣ شماره ثبت:

بسپار ۴

١٧٢ ، شماره ١٨ ، دي؛ جلد ١٣٩۵ ٣۴۵٠٠١٧٢ شماره ثبت:

پژوھشھاي اقتصادي دانشگاه تربيت مدرس ۵

٠۴ ، شماره ١۶ ، زمستان؛ جلد ١٣٩۵ ۵٠٠٠١۶٠۴ شماره ثبت:

پمپ ۶

۵٠ ، شماره ٣٢ ، بھار و تابستان؛ جلد ١٣٩۵ ١۴٢٠٠٠۵٠ شماره ثبت:


Page 10: :c..i~.l ~;~T nioclibrary@nioclibrary.nioc.ir/taze-ha/500/newtitles.pdf · اﺪﺧ مﺎﻧ ﻪﺑ ناﺮﻳا ﺖﻔﻧ ﻲﻠﻣ ﺖآﺮﺷ ﻲﻧﺎﺳر عﻼﻃا ﺰآﺮﻣ

نشريات لی نفت ايران تازه ھای مرکز اطالع رسانی شرکت م

پيام ايمني ٧

۵٩ ، شماره ١۴ ، بھمن؛ جلد ١٣٩۵ ١٢۶٠٠٠۵٩ شماره ثبت:

پيک شورا ٨

٣٣٢ ، شماره ٣١ ، آذر؛ جلد ١٣٩۵ ١۵١٠٠٣٣٢ شماره ثبت:

تجارت الکترونيک و رايانه ٩

٨٧ ، شماره ١٣ ؛ جلد ١٣٩۵ ٢٠٩٠٠٠٨٧ شماره ثبت:

تحليل ھفتگي تحوالت نفت و گاز ١٠

٢٣ ، بھمن؛ شماره ١٣٩۵

۶٠٣٠٩۵٠٢٣ شماره ثبت:

تحوالت بازارھاي نفت و گاز ١١

١١٢ ، شماره ١١ ، آذر؛ جلد ١٣٩۵ ٢٨٩٠٠١١٢ شماره ثبت:

تدبير ١٢

١۶٣٠٠٠٢٨۶ شماره ثبت: ٢٨٧ ، شماره٢٧ ، مھر؛ جلد ١٣٩۵

١۶٣٠٠٠٢٨٧ شماره ثبت: ٢٨٨ ، شماره ٢٧ ، آبان؛ جلد ١٣٩۵

١۶٣٠٠٠٢٨٨ شماره ثبت:


Page 11: :c..i~.l ~;~T nioclibrary@nioclibrary.nioc.ir/taze-ha/500/newtitles.pdf · اﺪﺧ مﺎﻧ ﻪﺑ ناﺮﻳا ﺖﻔﻧ ﻲﻠﻣ ﺖآﺮﺷ ﻲﻧﺎﺳر عﻼﻃا ﺰآﺮﻣ

نشريات لی نفت ايران تازه ھای مرکز اطالع رسانی شرکت م

حسابدار ١٣

٢٩٧ ، دي؛ شماره ١٣٩۵

١۶٨٠٠٢٩٧ شماره ثبت:

دانش نفت ١۴

۵۶١ ، شماره ١٢ ، بھمن؛ جلد ١٣٩۵ ٢٠٧٠٠۵۶١ شماره ثبت:

دنياي تغذيه ١۵

١٧٣ ، شماره ١٣ ، بھمن؛ جلد ١٣٩۵

٢٨٨٠٠١٧٣ شماره ثبت:

دنياي سالمت ١۶

١٣٣ ، شماره ١٢ ، بھمن؛ جلد ١٣٩۵ ٣٠۴٠٠١٣٣ شماره ثبت:

زندگي نو ١٧ ٢۴۵ ، شماره ١٠ ، آبان؛ جلد ١٣٩۵

٢٨۶٠٠٢۴۵ شماره ثبت: ٢۴٨ ، شماره ١٠٠ ، دي؛ جلد ١٣٩۵

٢٨۶٠٠٢۴٨ ره ثبت: شما ٢۴٩ ، شماره ١٠ ، دي؛ جلد ١٣٩۵

٢٨۶٠٠٢۴٩ شماره ثبت:

ساناز و سانيا ١٨

١٠۵ ، دي؛ شماره ١٣٩۵ ۵٧٠٠٠١٠۵ شماره ثبت:

١٠۶ ، بھمن؛ شماره ١٣٩۵ ۵٧٠٠٠١٠۶ شماره ثبت:


Page 12: :c..i~.l ~;~T nioclibrary@nioclibrary.nioc.ir/taze-ha/500/newtitles.pdf · اﺪﺧ مﺎﻧ ﻪﺑ ناﺮﻳا ﺖﻔﻧ ﻲﻠﻣ ﺖآﺮﺷ ﻲﻧﺎﺳر عﻼﻃا ﺰآﺮﻣ

نشريات لی نفت ايران تازه ھای مرکز اطالع رسانی شرکت م

سالمت ١٩

۶٠٨ ، بھمن؛ شماره ١٣٩۵ ٢٨٧٠٠۶٠٨ شماره ثبت:

شبکه ٢٠

١٨٨ ، شماره ١٩ ، دي؛ جلد ١٣٩۵ ٣١٩٠٠١٨٨ شماره ثبت:

صنعت تاسيسات ٢١

٢٠۵ ، شماره ١٧ ، بھمن؛ جلد ١٣٩۵ ١١۴٠٠٢٠۵ شماره ثبت:

عصر فن آوري اطالعات ٢٢

١٢٢ ، شماره ١٢ ، دي؛ جلد ١٣٩۵ ٢٩٨٠٠١٢٢ شماره ثبت:

علوم و تکنولوژي پليمر ٢٣

٠۴ ، شماره ٢٩ ، مھر و آبان؛ جلد ١٣٩۵ ١٩۵٠٠٢٩۴ شماره ثبت:

اي علوم و فنون ھسته ٢۴ ٧٧ ؛ شماره ١٣٩۵

٢٨۵٠٠٠٧٧ شماره ثبت:


Page 13: :c..i~.l ~;~T nioclibrary@nioclibrary.nioc.ir/taze-ha/500/newtitles.pdf · اﺪﺧ مﺎﻧ ﻪﺑ ناﺮﻳا ﺖﻔﻧ ﻲﻠﻣ ﺖآﺮﺷ ﻲﻧﺎﺳر عﻼﻃا ﺰآﺮﻣ

نشريات لی نفت ايران تازه ھای مرکز اطالع رسانی شرکت م

گزيده مديريت ٢۵

١٨۵ ، شماره ١٧ ، دي؛ جلد ١٣٩۵

٣٢۶٠٠١٨۵ شماره ثبت:

ماشين ٢۶

۴٠٨؛ شماره ٣٨ ، دي؛ جلد ١٣٩۵ ٢١٣٠٠۴٠٨ : شماره ثبت

۴٠٩، بھمن؛ ؛ شماره ١٣٩۵ ٢١٣٠٠۴٠٩ : شماره ثبت

ماھنامه فناوري نانو ٢٧

٢٣١ ، شماره ١۵ ، دي؛ جلد ١٣٩۵

١۴٩٠٠٢٣١ شماره ثبت:

مشعل ٢٨

٨١٩ - ٨١٨، بھمن؛ شماره ١٣٩۵ ٢٢٧٠٠٨١٩ شماره ثبت:

موفقيت ٢٩

٣۴٣ ، شماره ١٩ ، بھمن؛ جلد ١٣٩۵ ٢٩٧٠٠٠٣۴٣ شماره ثبت:

٣۴۴ ، شماره ١٩ ، بھمن؛ جلد ١٣٩۵ ٢٩٧٠٠٠٣۴۴ شماره ثبت:

ھنر آشپزي ٣٠

١۴٨ ، شماره ١٣ ، بھمن؛ جلد ١٣٩۵ ٣٧٨٠٠١۴٨ شماره ثبت:


Page 14: :c..i~.l ~;~T nioclibrary@nioclibrary.nioc.ir/taze-ha/500/newtitles.pdf · اﺪﺧ مﺎﻧ ﻪﺑ ناﺮﻳا ﺖﻔﻧ ﻲﻠﻣ ﺖآﺮﺷ ﻲﻧﺎﺳر عﻼﻃا ﺰآﺮﻣ

مقاله ھاي فارسي تازه ھای مرکز اطالع رسانی شرکت ملی نفت ايران

/ محمد اثر افت فشار بر سايش در زانوھاي ايستگاه تقليل فشار ١ ، دي؛ ١٣٩۵ اکتشاف و توليد. -قريشي، حسين مظاھري، علي حسني.

. ٨٧ -٩۴: ١٣٩شماره

-جريان گاز . ۴ جريان دوفازي. . ٣ سايش. . ٢ افت فشار. . ١ جامد.

٩۵٠٠۴۵٨ شماره مقاله: يم و تنگستن بر روي فعاليت اثر اکسيدھاي مخلوط زيرکون ٢

/ در واکنش ريفرمينگ کاتاليزوري نرمال ھپتان Pt-HMSکاتاليزور پژوھش نفت. -نسترن پارسافرد، محمدحسن پيروي، سپيده صفري.

. ۴ -١۴: ٨۶، شماره ٢٨ ، بھار؛ جلد ١٣٩۵ جذب. . ۴ پذيري. گزينش. ٣ تبديل کاتاليستي. . ٢ کاتاليزگر. . ١ دما.. ۶ زيرکونيم.. ۵

٩۵٠٠۴٢٧ شماره مقاله: بيني ضريب بازيافت از مخازن گازي ارزيابي عدم قطعيت در پيش ٣

پژوھش -/ ميثم نادري، بھزاد رستمي، مريم خسروي.تحت رانش آب . ٣٧ -۵١: ٨٧، شماره ٢٨ ، تابستان؛ جلد ١٣٩۵ نفت.

عدم . ۴ ارزيابي. . ٣ مخازن گاز. . ٢ ضريب بازيافت. . ١ بازيافت گاز.. ۵ طعيت. ق

٩۵٠٠۴۴١ شماره مقاله: /اقتصاد دانش بنيان چگونه اقتصاد مقاومتي را محقق مي کند؟ ۴

-۴۵: ٢٨٨، شماره ٢٧ ، آبان؛ جلد ١٣٩۵ تدبير. -فاطمه رضازاده. ۴٢ .

مديريت.. ٣ اقتصاد دانش محور. . ٢ اقتصاد مقاومتي. . ١ ٩۵٠٠۴٢٢ شماره مقاله:

/ مارک کرامر، مارک فيتزر؛ ترجمه سيستم ارزش مشترکاکو ۵

: ١٨۵، شماره ١٧ ، دي؛ جلد ١٣٩۵ گزيده مديريت. -ھومن صفاريان.۶٩- ۵٩ .

. ۴ اثرات اجتماعي. . ٣ کسب و کار. . ٢ شرکتھا. . ١ مديريت.. ۶ پيشرفت. . ۵ ھمکاري.

٩۵٠٠۴٠٧ شماره مقاله: لي، آنا تاويس؛ ترجمه شھال / يتر کاپانقالب مديريت عملکرد ۶

-۴۶: ١٨۵، شماره ١٧ ، دي؛ جلد ١٣٩۵ گزيده مديريت. -لو. برجعلي ٣۵ .

. ۴ يادگيري. . ٣ پاسخگويي. . ٢ مديريت عملکرد. . ١ عملکرد.. ۶ ارزشيابي کارکنان. . ۵ کارکنان.

٩۵٠٠۴٠۴ شماره مقاله:

يع باالدستي اھميت توليد داخلي مواد شيميايي پرمصرف در صنا ٧/ امير ھاي شيميايي مرتبط بندي توسعه فناوري نفت و اولويت

، دي؛ شماره ١٣٩۵ اکتشاف و توليد. -ناصراحمدي، رضا بندريان.٨: ١٣٩۶- ٧٩ .

فناوري. . ۴ مواد شيميايي. . ٣ نفت. . ٢ صنايع باالدستي. . ١ توليد.. ۵

٩۵٠٠۴۵٧ شماره مقاله: داناوان، کتي بنکو؛ ترجمه محمدحسين / جانبازسازي نخبگان ٨

-۵٢: ١٨۵، شماره ١٧ ، دي؛ جلد ١٣٩۵ گزيده مديريت. -دھنوي. ۴٧ .

. ۵ آموزش کارکنان. . ۴ کار. . ٣ کارمند. . ٢ نخبگان. . ١ مديريت.. ۶ شرکتھا.

٩۵٠٠۴٠۵ شماره مقاله: / يبايدھا و نبايدھاي برقراري اولين ارتباط حرفه اي با مشتر ٩

-۶٣: ٢٨٨، شماره ٢٧ ، آبان؛ جلد ١٣٩۵ تدبير. -شھاب. علي نعمتي ۶٢ .

مديريت. . ۴ مھارت ھا. . ٣ شغل. . ٢ ارتباط با مشتري. . ١ استراتژي.. ۵

٩۵٠٠۴٢۶ شماره مقاله:

بررسي تاثير فرآيندھاي دياژنزي بر کيفيت مخزني سازند ١٠يال شمالي ميدان نفتي آسماري (با تاکيد بر بخش ماسه سنگي) در

، ١٣٩۵ پژوھش نفت. -/ فاطمه دبيري...[و ديگران].آغاجاري . ٧٩ -٩٣: ٨۶، شماره ٢٨ بھار؛ جلد

. ۵ مخزن. . ۴ کيفيت. . ٣ سازند آسماري. . ٢ دياژنز. . ١ ميدان نفتي آغاجاري.. ۶ سنگ. ماسه

٩۵٠٠۴٣٣ شماره مقاله:

سترسيال با مقايسه جاذب بررسي تغييرات ھيدروديناميک ب ١١/ فاطمه ھاي ارتعاشي بستر به روش آماري ديکس سيگنال

، ٢٨ ، تابستان؛ جلد ١٣٩۵ پژوھش نفت. -محمدي...[و ديگران]. . ۴ -١٣: ٨٧شماره

جاذب . ٣ سيگنال. . ٢ ھيدروديناميک بستر سيال. . ١ روش آماري.. ۴ سطحي.

٩۵٠٠۴٣٩ شماره مقاله:

/ فرھاد فرجي، ات تعمير تاج چاه فرونشستهبررسي عملي ١٢: ١٣٩، دي؛ شماره ١٣٩۵ اکتشاف و توليد. -لرکي. يونس عباسي

١١- ۶ . ھا. ھزينه. ۵ حفاري. . ۴ تعميرات. . ٣ عمليات. . ٢ چاه. . ١ مخزن آسماري.. ۶

٩۵٠٠۴۵٠ شماره مقاله:


Page 15: :c..i~.l ~;~T nioclibrary@nioclibrary.nioc.ir/taze-ha/500/newtitles.pdf · اﺪﺧ مﺎﻧ ﻪﺑ ناﺮﻳا ﺖﻔﻧ ﻲﻠﻣ ﺖآﺮﺷ ﻲﻧﺎﺳر عﻼﻃا ﺰآﺮﻣ

مقاله ھاي فارسي تازه ھای مرکز اطالع رسانی شرکت ملی نفت ايران

شانگر اي پس از برانبارش مبتني بر ن سازي لرزه بھبود وارون ١٣AVO اکتشاف و توليد. -/ عفت بھبودي...[و ديگران].عرض از مبدا

. ٧۴ -٧٨: ١٣٩، دي؛ شماره ١٣٩۵ . ۴ اي. نشانگر لرزه. ٣ ھيدرات گازي. . ٢ وارون سازي. . ١

اي. ھاي لرزه داده ٩۵٠٠۴۵۶ شماره مقاله:

سازي مخزن بر پايه خطوط جريان به به کارگيري اطالعات مدل ١۴/ غالمرضا خادمي، پاکنوش ھاي نفت يابي بھينه چاه نظور مکانم

-۵٨: ٨۶، شماره ٢٨ ، بھار؛ جلد ١٣٩۵ پژوھش نفت. -آقايي. کريم ۴۵ .

. ۴ شبيه سازي. . ٣ مدل سازي مخزن. . ٢ يابي چاه. مکان. ١ . ٨ توليد. . ٧ چاه. . ۶ الگوريتم ژنتيک. . ۵ خطوط جريان.

تزريق. ٩۵٠٠۴٣١ شماره مقاله:

سازي عمليات شستشوي معکوس فيلترھاي شني به بھينه ١۵/ محمدمھدي شادمان، ھاي غلظت در طي زمان شستشو وسيله پروفايل: ٨٧، شماره ٢٨ ، تابستان؛ جلد ١٣٩۵ پژوھش نفت. -صائب احمدي.

١٧۶- ١۶٧ . آب.. ٣ سازي. بھينه. ٢ کدورت. . ١

٩۵٠٠۴۴۶ شماره مقاله:

سازي پنجره ايمن وزن گل حفاري بر اساس بيني و مدل پيش ١۶/ مرتضي اطالعات چاه پيمايي در يکي از ميادين گازي جنوب ايران

، ٢٨ ، تابستان؛ جلد ١٣٩۵ پژوھش نفت. -آزادپور، نويد شادمنامن. . ١۵٧ -١۶۶: ٨٧شماره

. ۵ فشار. . ۴ آمار. زمين. ٣ مدل سازي. . ٢ گل حفاري. . ١ ميدان گاز ايران.. ۶ يي. چاه پيما

٩۵٠٠۴۴۵ شماره مقاله:

ھاي ژئوشيميايي از نگارھاي چاه پيمايي و گويي داده پيش ١٧سازي کلني مورچگان اي با استفاده از روش بھينه گرھاي لرزه نشان

پژوھش -زاده...[و ديگران]. / ھدي عبديدر ميدان نفتي منصوري . ١۵۵ -١۶٨: ٨۶ ، شماره٢٨ ، بھار؛ جلد ١٣٩۵ نفت.

. ۴ اي. نشانگر لرزه. ٣ نگار چاه. . ٢ چاه پيمايي. . ١ . ٧ وارون سازي. . ۶ ميدان نفتي منصوري. . ۵ سازي. بھينه

کربن.. ٨ شبکه عصبي. ٩۵٠٠۴٣٧ شماره مقاله:

تاثير انگيختگي عاطفي بر نگرش مشتريان به وب سايت ١٨، ٢٧ ، آبان؛ جلد ١٣٩۵ بير. تد - / سميه دويستي.فروش اينترنتي

. ٣٨ -۴١: ٢٨٨شماره . ۵ اينترنت. . ۴ مشتري. . ٣ وب سايت. . ٢ فروش. . ١

نگرش.. ۶ تجارت الکترونيک. ٩۵٠٠۴٢١ شماره مقاله:

ھاي کشسان در ناحيه مخزني ميدان تاثير تخلخل بر مدول ١٩/ حميد نجارزاده، مليحه کاظمي، محمدکمال پارس جنوبي

: ٨۶، شماره ٢٨ ، بھار؛ جلد ١٣٩۵ پژوھش نفت. -العسکري. سمقا٧٨- ۶٧ .

ميدان . ۴ سازند داالن. . ٣ سازند کنگان. . ٢ تخلخل. . ١ گازي پارس جنوبي.

٩۵٠٠۴٣٢ شماره مقاله:

/ اعظم تاثير توسعه فناوري شکست ھيدروليکي بر منابع آب ٢٠، دي؛ شماره ١٣٩۵ ليد. اکتشاف و تو -محمدباقري، احمد فرمھيني.

١٣٩ :۴٧- ۴٣ . . ۶ نفت. . ۵ توليد. . ۴ آب. . ٣ آلودگي آب. . ٢ فناوري. . ١

گاز. ٩۵٠٠۴۵٣ شماره مقاله:

نگاري سکانسي بر کيفيت مخزني رسوبات تاثير دوگانه چينه ٢١ کربناته، مثالي از سازندھاي کنگان و داالن در ميدان گازي پارس

، ٢٨ ، تابستان؛ جلد ١٣٩۵ پژوھش نفت. -کلي./ وحيد توجنوبي . ٣٧ -۵١: ٨٧شماره

سازند . ۴ مخزن. . ٣ کيفيت. . ٢ چينه نگاري سکانسي. . ١ ميدان گازي پارس جنوبي.. ۶ سازند داالن. . ۵ کنگان.

٩۵٠٠۴۴٠ شماره مقاله:

مصاحبه با /تبديل خودرو به محل کار متحرک و متصل ٢٢احبه گر آدي ايگناتسيوس؛ ترجمه مريم کارلوس گون؛ مص

: ١٨۵، شماره ١٧ ، دي؛ جلد ١٣٩۵ گزيده مديريت. -پور. بيدمشگي٨٢ -٨٩ .

. ۵ مديريت. . ۴ شرکتھا. . ٣ صنعت خودرو. . ٢ خودرو. . ١ مصاحبه.

٩۵٠٠۴٠٩ شماره مقاله:


Page 16: :c..i~.l ~;~T nioclibrary@nioclibrary.nioc.ir/taze-ha/500/newtitles.pdf · اﺪﺧ مﺎﻧ ﻪﺑ ناﺮﻳا ﺖﻔﻧ ﻲﻠﻣ ﺖآﺮﺷ ﻲﻧﺎﺳر عﻼﻃا ﺰآﺮﻣ

مقاله ھاي فارسي تازه ھای مرکز اطالع رسانی شرکت ملی نفت ايران

/ تحقق اقتصاد مقاومتي با رويکرد توسعه پايدار و اقتصاد سبز ٢٣ . ٢۶ -٣١: ٢٨٨، شماره ٢٧ ، آبان؛ جلد ١٣٩۵ تدبير. -نيا. لھام سراييا. ۴ محيط زيست. . ٣ توسعه پايدار. . ٢ اقتصاد مقاومتي. . ١

راھبرد.. ۵ جامعه. ٩۵٠٠۴١٩ شماره مقاله:

وگو با / گفتھا زدگي تحقق اقتصاد مقاومتي نيازمند توقف سياست ٢۴: ٢٨٨، شماره ٢٧ ، آبان؛ جلد ١٣٩۵ تدبير. -فرشاد مومني.

۶- ٣ . مديريت.. ٣ علم اقتصاد. . ٢ اقتصاد مقاومتي. . ١

٩۵٠٠۴١٣ شماره مقاله:

نگاري سکانسي سازند ھا، محيط رسوبي و چينه تحليل رخساره ٢۵/ راضيه تاربور(ماستريشتين) در يکي از ميادين نفتي در دشت آبادان

، دي؛ ١٣٩۵ اکتشاف و توليد. -اعتي.فکور، محمدحسين آدابي، فريد ط . ۵٩ -۶٧: ١٣٩شماره

. ۴ چينه نگاري سکانسي. . ٣ ميدان نفتي. . ٢ رخساره. . ١ محيط رسوبي. ٩۵٠٠۴۵۵ شماره مقاله:

/ علي اي از کارافتادگي تجھيزات در صنعت نفت تحليل علل ريشه ٢۶، ١٣٩۵ ليد. اکتشاف و تو -زاده، مليحه کرمي. زاده، خليل عرب عرب

. ٢٢ -٢۶: ١٣٩دي؛ شماره عملکرد.. ٣ تجھيزات. . ٢ صنعت نفت. . ١

٩۵٠٠۴۵١ شماره مقاله:

/ اي از کارافتادگي تجھيزات در صنعت نفت تحليل علل ريشه ٢٧، دي؛ ١٣٩۵ اکتشاف و توليد. -زاده، رويا طالبي. محمدرضا عادل

. ٩۵ -١٠٢: ١٣٩شماره پسماند. . ۴ محيط زيست. . ٣ تجھيزات. . ٢ صنعت نفت. . ١ حفاري.. ۵

٩۵٠٠۴۵٩ شماره مقاله:

ھاي ژئوشيميايي و پتروفيزيکي با استفاده از تطابق بين داده ٢٨/ اي در ميدان نفتي آزادگان شبکه عصبي مصنوعي و آناليز خوشه

، ٢٨ ، بھار؛ جلد ١٣٩۵ پژوھش نفت. -پور...[و ديگران]. سيروس قلي . ٢٢ -٣٢: ٨۶ شماره

. ٣ ميدان نفتي آزادگان. . ٢ ھاي عصبي مصنوعي. شبکه. ١ تجزيه و تحليل . ۶ فيزيک سنگ. . ۵ ھا. داده. ۴ رخساره.

نگار چاه.. ٨ سنگ منشا. . ٧ اي. خوشه ٩۵٠٠۴٢٩ شماره مقاله:

ھاي الکتريکي مخزني با استفاده از روش ھاي تعيين رخساره ٢٩) در DYNCLUSTو SOM ،AHC ،MRGCسازي ( خوشه

سپار، علي / امين رهميدان نفتي سلمان ٢S -٠٥بخش عرب در چاه ، تابستان؛ جلد ١٣٩۵ پژوھش نفت. -بيدھندي. کدخدائي، مجيد نبي

. ١٠٧ -١١٧: ٨٧، شماره ٢٨ . ۵ نمودار. . ۴ پتروفيزيک. . ٣ ھا. خوشه. ٢ رخساره. . ١

ميدان سلمان. ٩۵٠٠۴۴۴ شماره مقاله:

تعيين روشي نوين براي شناسايي زون ھاي شکسته بر روي ٣٠/ قاسم تصويرگر نمودارھاي پتروفيزيکي و تطابق آن با نمودارھاي

، شماره ٢٨ ، بھار؛ جلد ١٣٩۵ پژوھش نفت. -عقلي...[و ديگران].٨۶ :١٣۴- ١٢٠ .

سرعت. . ۴ زون گسسته. . ٣ نمودار. . ٢ پتروفيزيک. . ١ آناليز.. ۵

٩۵٠٠۴٣۵ شماره مقاله:

توسعه صنعت نفت و گاز شيل آمريکا و پيامدھاي اقتصادي و ٣١/ محمد صيادي، يونس سياسي آن بر بازار جھاني انرژي

. ۴٨ -۵٨: ١٣٩، دي؛ شماره ١٣٩۵ اکتشاف و توليد. -خداپرست.صنعت . ۴ صنعت نفت. . ٣ انرژي. . ٢ بازار جھاني. . ١

اياالت متحده آمريکا. . ٨ پيامد. . ٧ توسعه. . ۶ يل. ش. ۵ گاز. استقالل.. ١٠ سياست. . ٩

٩۵٠٠۴۵۴ شماره مقاله:

/ مصاحبه با جفري خوئرز؛ ھا و آينده کار جھاني شدن، روبات ٣٢گزيده مديريت. -مي برنستاين؛ ترجمه مينا ھامون. گر اي مصاحبه

.۵٣ -۵٨: ١٨۵، شماره ١٧ ، دي؛ جلد ١٣٩۵ انداز چشم. ۴ کار. . ٣ جھاني شدن. . ٢ آدم واره ھا. . ١

شغل.. ٨ نيروي کار. . ٧ رھبري. . ۶ مديريت. . ۵ آينده. ٩۵٠٠۴٠۶ شماره مقاله:

چرا آموزش رھبري به شکست مي انجامد و براي حل آن چه ٣٣/ مايکل بير، ماگنوس فينستروم، درک شريدر؛ ترجمه ؟بايد کرد

: ١٨۵، شماره ١٧ ، دي؛ جلد ١٣٩۵ گزيده مديريت. - ي.يحيي يحياي٣۴- ٢۶ .

. ۴ شکست (جامعه شناسي). . ٣ آموزش. . ٢ رھبري. . ١ تغييرات درون سازماني.. ۵ مديريت.

٩۵٠٠۴٠٣ شماره مقاله:


Page 17: :c..i~.l ~;~T nioclibrary@nioclibrary.nioc.ir/taze-ha/500/newtitles.pdf · اﺪﺧ مﺎﻧ ﻪﺑ ناﺮﻳا ﺖﻔﻧ ﻲﻠﻣ ﺖآﺮﺷ ﻲﻧﺎﺳر عﻼﻃا ﺰآﺮﻣ

مقاله ھاي فارسي تازه ھای مرکز اطالع رسانی شرکت ملی نفت ايران

در دوازدھمين کنفرانس توسعه منابع انساني بررسي شد: آينده ٣۴، شماره ٢٧ ، آبان؛ جلد ١٣٩۵ تدبير. - .مديريت منابع انساني در ايران

١: ٢٨٨۶- ١١ . . ۴ امنيت. . ٣ انداز آينده. چشم. ٢ مديريت منابع انساني. . ١

مديران. ٩۵٠٠۴١۵ شماره مقاله:

/ ترجمه مرضيه ھاي تشويقي درازمدت در نکوھش طرح ٣۵ . ٧ -٩: ١٨۵، شماره ١٧ ، دي؛ جلد ١٣٩۵ گزيده مديريت. -متوليان.

ھا. طرح. ۵ مديريت. . ۴ پرداخت. . ٣ مديران. . ٢ ريسک. . ١ ٩۵٠٠۴٠٠ شماره مقاله:

نامه ھمکاري با روسيه و مالزي امضا شد/ مطالعه دو تفاھم ٣۶/ رضا براي توسعه آزادگان جنوبي، چنگوله و چشمه خوش

. ۴ -۵: ١٣٩، دي؛ شماره ١٣٩۵ اکتشاف و توليد. -ميرمحرابي.. ۵ ايران. . ۴ مالزي. . ٣ روسيه. . ٢ ري بين المللي. ھمکا. ١

ضريب بازيافت.. ٧ ميدان نفتي آزادگان. . ۶ پتروناس. ٩۵٠٠۴۴٩ شماره مقاله:

/ غالمعلي طبرسا، محمد رابطه تعھد سازماني و تسھيم دانش ٣٧ . ۴۶ -۵٠: ٢٨٨، شماره ٢٧ ، آبان؛ جلد ١٣٩۵ تدبير. -الفت.

مديريت.. ٣ تسھيم دانش. . ٢ ي. تعھد سازمان. ١ ٩۵٠٠۴٢٣ شماره مقاله:

تدبير. -/ مھديه خسروي.رضايت شغلي رضايت از زندگي ٣٨ . ۵١ -۵۵: ٢٨٨، شماره ٢٧ ، آبان؛ جلد ١٣٩۵

شغل.. ٣ مديريت. . ٢ رضايت شغلي. . ١ ٩۵٠٠۴٢۴ شماره مقاله:

/ شريل رين مشتريانت ھاي مجاز به عنوان مھم رفتار با نمايندگي ٣٩، دي؛ جلد ١٣٩۵ گزيده مديريت. -ھرندي. بچلدر؛ ترجمه سعيده رجائي

. ١۵ -١٨: ١٨۵، شماره ١٧ . ۵ نظارت. . ۴ مديريت. . ٣ نمايندگي. . ٢ مشتري. . ١

آمار.. ۶ رھبري. ٩۵٠٠۴٠٢ شماره مقاله:

ه گزيد -/ جيل آوري؛ ترجمه نازنين وارسته.رقابت با يک غول ۴٠ . ٩۵ -١٠١: ١٨۵، شماره ١٧ ، دي؛ جلد ١٣٩۵ مديريت.

مصرف . ۵ قيمت ھا. . ۴ شرکتھا. . ٣ مديريت. . ٢ رقابت. . ١ کنندگان.

٩۵٠٠۴١١ شماره مقاله:

/ رضا سکوت سازماني پيامد تضعيف اجتماعي در سازمان ۴١تدبير. -اورنجي. سپھوند، محمودرضا اسماعيلي، سميه قرباني

. ۵۶ -۶٠: ٢٨٨، شماره ٢٧ آبان؛ جلد ، ١٣٩۵ رابطه.. ۴ رفتار سازماني. . ٣ سازماندھي. . ٢ تضعيف. . ١

٩۵٠٠۴٢۵ شماره مقاله:

) و Value Creation Indexآفريني ( شاخص ارزش ۴٢اکتشاف و توليد. -/ بيژن مستقل.)NOCھاي نفت ملي( شرکت

. ٢ -٣: ١٣٩، دي؛ شماره ١٣٩۵ . ٣ المللي نفتي. ھاي بين شرکت. ٢ يني. ارزش آفر. ١

شاخص ھا. ٩۵٠٠۴۴٨ شماره مقاله:

سالگي بازنشسته ٦٥ تر عمر کنيد، اگر بعد از شايد بيش ۴٣، دي؛ جلد ١٣٩۵ گزيده مديريت. -خاني. / ترجمه احمد عيسيشويد

. ١٣ -١۴: ١٨۵، شماره ١٧ روي کار.ني. ۴ پژوھش. . ٣ مديريت. . ٢ بازنشستگي. . ١

٩۵٠٠۴٠١ شماره مقاله:

سازي جريان سيال اطراف پيگ متحرک در لوله با شبيه ۴۴/ رضا کاوه، محمدرضا استفاده از ديناميک سياالت محاسباتي

، شماره ٢٨ ، بھار؛ جلد ١٣٩۵ پژوھش نفت. -نظري، محمد سفيد.٨۶ :۴۴- ٣٣ .

ت ديناميک سياال. ٣ جريان سيال. . ٢ خط لوله. . ١ مدل سازي.. ۵ شبيه سازي. . ۴ اي. محاسبه

٩۵٠٠۴٣٠ شماره مقاله:

عضو ھيئت علمي سازمان مديريت صنعتي توصيه کرد: ۴۵وگو با مرتضي گفت/ انگاري اقتصاد مقاومتي پرھيز از ساده

. ٧ -١٠: ٢٨٨، شماره ٢٧ ، آبان؛ جلد ١٣٩۵ تدبير. -عمادزاده. دولت.. ٣ ريت. مدي. ٢ اقتصاد مقاومتي. . ١

٩۵٠٠۴١۴ شماره مقاله:

پروپيلن بر شيارشدگي و حساسيت رطوبتي عملکرد الياف پلي ۴۶/ رامين بيات، اليه بيندر روسازي آسفالتي بر پايه فرآيند مختلط

، شماره ٢٨ ، بھار؛ جلد ١٣٩۵ پژوھش نفت. -حسن طاھرخاني.٨۶ :١۵۴- ١۴٣ .

عملکرد.. ۴ آسفالت. . ٣ پروپيلن. پلي. ٢ الياف. . ١ ٩۵٠٠۴٣۶ شماره مقاله:


Page 18: :c..i~.l ~;~T nioclibrary@nioclibrary.nioc.ir/taze-ha/500/newtitles.pdf · اﺪﺧ مﺎﻧ ﻪﺑ ناﺮﻳا ﺖﻔﻧ ﻲﻠﻣ ﺖآﺮﺷ ﻲﻧﺎﺳر عﻼﻃا ﺰآﺮﻣ

مقاله ھاي فارسي تازه ھای مرکز اطالع رسانی شرکت ملی نفت ايران

عوامل موثر بر انتخاب ھمکار در زنجيره تامين چابک در ۴٧) ISMتفسيري( -سازي ساختاري صنعت نفت و گاز با رويکرد مدل

(موردمطالعه: شرکت مھندسي وساخت تاسيسات دريايي -مي.اله تواليي، سجاد شکوھيار، مريم کري / روح)IOECايران(

. ٢٧ -۴٢: ١٣٩، دي؛ شماره ١٣٩۵ اکتشاف و توليد. چابک . ۴ مدل سازي. . ٣ صنعت گاز. . ٢ صنعت نفت. . ١

معيار.. ٧ ھمکاري. . ۶ مديريت زنجيره تامين. . ۵ سازي. ٩۵٠٠۴۵٢ شماره مقاله:

ھاي معدني در فرآيند سازي ترموديناميکي تشکيل رسوب مدل ۴٨/ عليرضا پورپروانه، نفتي سيري و نصرت تزريق آب به مخازن

، بھار؛ ١٣٩۵ پژوھش نفت. -آبادي، امين شجاع يامي. علي حسن زارع . ١۵ -٢١: ٨۶، شماره ٢٨ جلد

. ۴ مخازن نفت. . ٣ تزريق آب. . ٢ ازدياد برداشت نفت. . ١ ميدان نفتي . ٨ فشار. . ٧ دما. . ۶ رسوب. . ۵ مدل سازي.

ي نصرت.ميدان نفت. ٩ سيري. ٩۵٠٠۴٢٨ شماره مقاله:

ھاي پليمريزاسيون سازي توزيع اندازه ذرات در سيستم مدل ۴٩اله / فرنوشان امولسيوني بوتيل آکريالت و بوتادي

، بھار؛ جلد ١٣٩۵ پژوھش نفت. -حصاروييه...[و ديگران]. دينيان . ١۶٠ -١٨١: ٨۶، شماره ٢٨

جمعيت.. ۴ ازنه. مو. ٣ مدل سازي. . ٢ امولسيون. . ١ ٩۵٠٠۴٣٨ شماره مقاله:

سازي مدلسازي سه بعدي تخلخل با استفاده از روش شبيه ۵٠/ محمدرضا گوسي متوالي در يکي از ميادين نفتي خليج فارس

، شماره ٢٨ ، تابستان؛ جلد ١٣٩۵ پژوھش نفت. -کمالي...[و ديگران].٩: ٨٧۵- ٨٨ .

آمار. زمين. ۴ تخلخل. . ٣ ر). پارامتر (آما. ٢ پتروفيزيک. . ١ شبيه سازي.. ۵

٩۵٠٠۴۴٢ شماره مقاله:

مدل سازي فيزيکي و عددي تاثير اندازه گراول پک بر توليد ۵١رضا /ماسه در چاه ھاي نفت با طراحي و ساخت دستگاه

، ٢٨ ، تابستان؛ جلد ١٣٩۵ پژوھش نفت. -آبادي...[و ديگران]. شيرين .٩۶ -١٠۶: ٨٧شماره

. ۴ دستگاه حفاري چاه نفت. . ٣ مدل سازي. . ٢ چاه نفت. . ١ طراحي.. ۵ ماسه.

٩۵٠٠۴۴٣ شماره مقاله:

سازي کاھش تراوايي سازند در اثر رسوب آسفالتين با مدل ۵٢/ آرش رباني، محمدحسين ھاي فيلتراسيون رويکردي بر نظريه

: ٨۶اره ، شم٢٨ ، بھار؛ جلد ١٣٩۵ پژوھش نفت. -غضنفري.٩ -١٠٧۴ .

. ۵ رسوب. . ۴ مدل سازي. . ٣ آسفالتين. . ٢ تراوايي. . ١ آسيب سازند.. ۶ ھيدروليک.

٩۵٠٠۴٣۴ شماره مقاله:

/ استوليس کاوادياس، کوتاس مدل کسب و کاري تحول آفرين ۵٣گزيده مديريت. -الداس، کريستوف الخ؛ ترجمه کميل رودي.

. ٧٢ -٨١: ١٨۵ ، شماره١٧ ، دي؛ جلد ١٣٩۵ مديريت.. ۴ مدل ھا. . ٣ آفريني. تحول. ٢ کسب و کار. . ١

٩۵٠٠۴٠٨ شماره مقاله:

/ مديران منابع انساني توانمندساز در اقتصاد مقاومتي ۵۴ . ٢۵ : ٢٨٨، شماره ٢٧ ، آبان؛ جلد ١٣٩۵ تدبير. -عليرضا شجاعي.

. ۴ مديران. . ٣ اقتصاد مقاومتي. . ٢ منابع انساني. . ١ مديريت.

٩۵٠٠۴١٨ شماره مقاله:

ماده فعال سطحي بر عملکرد گل -مطالعه اثر مخلوط بيوپليمر ۵۵پژوھش -/ محمدحسن وکيلي، سعيد زراسوندنيا.حفاري پايه آبي

. ١٧٧ -١٨۶: ٨٧، شماره ٢٨ ، تابستان؛ جلد ١٣٩۵ نفت. .زانتان. ٣ ماده فعال سطحي. . ٢ گل حفاري. . ١

٩۵٠٠۴۴٧ شماره مقاله:

-/ کوين اورس؛ ترجمه آيسان خليلو.مقاومت در برابر فريب ۵۶ . ١٠٢ -١٠٣: ١٨۵، شماره ١٧ ، دي؛ جلد ١٣٩۵ گزيده مديريت.

نقد.. ۴ مديريت. . ٣ فريبکاري. . ٢ مقاومت. . ١ ٩۵٠٠۴١٢ شماره مقاله:


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مقاله ھاي فارسي تازه ھای مرکز اطالع رسانی شرکت ملی نفت ايران

/ مجيد صاد مقاومتيمنابع انساني، پيشبرنده استراتژي اقت ۵٧ . ٣٢ -٣٧: ٢٨٨، شماره ٢٧ ، آبان؛ جلد ١٣٩۵ تدبير. -خليلي. عموزاده

. ۴ استراتژي. . ٣ منابع انساني. . ٢ اقتصاد مقاومتي. . ١ سرمايه.. ۶ سرمايه اجتماعي. . ۵ سرمايه انساني.

٩۵٠٠۴٢٠ شماره مقاله:

ي اقتصاد وکار در پيشبرد راھبردھا ھاي کسب نقش بنگاه ۵٨: ٢٨٨، شماره ٢٧ ، آبان؛ جلد ١٣٩۵ تدبير. -/ احمد بذلي.مقاومتي

٢۴- ٢٠ . . ۴ راھبرد. . ٣ کسب و کار. . ٢ اقتصاد مقاومتي. . ١

مديريت.. ۶ نيروي انساني. . ۵ وري. بھره ٩۵٠٠۴١٧ شماره مقاله:

/ھاي کلي اقتصاد مقاومتي نقش منابع انساني در تحقق سياست ۵٩: ٢٨٨، شماره ٢٧ ، آبان؛ جلد ١٣٩۵ تدبير. -بختياري. بوالفضل کيانيا

١٧ -١٩ . . ۴ منابع انساني. . ٣ سياست. . ٢ اقتصاد مقاومتي. . ١

مديريت. ٩۵٠٠۴١۶ شماره مقاله:

/ داچر کلتنر؛ ترجمه غزاله نگذاريد قدرت فاسدتان کند ۶٠-٩۴: ١٨۵، شماره ١٧ ، دي؛ جلد ١٣٩۵ گزيده مديريت. -احمدزاده.

٩٠ . مديريت.. ٣ محيط کار. . ٢ قدرت. . ١

٩۵٠٠۴١٠ شماره مقاله:


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Title Page Books 1

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NIOC Information Center New Acquisitions Books

1 International energy markets: understanding

pricing, policies, and profits/ Carol A. Dahl.- 2nd edition.- Tulsa, Ok.: PennWell, 2015. 333.79 Da Acc. No: 59524

2 Global political economy/ edited by John

Ravenhill.- 4th ed.- Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014. 337 Gl Acc. No: 59528

3 Nonlinear dynamics of financial crises: how to

predict discontinuous decisions/ Ionut Purica.- Boston: Elsevier, 2015. 338.542 Pu Acc. No: 59527

4 Handbook of offshore helicopter transport

safety: essentials of underwater egress and survival/ edited by Michael J. Taber.- Oxford: Woodhead Publishing: Elsevier, 2016. 363.1246 Ha Acc. No: 59525

5 Chemical fundamentals of geology and

environmental geoscience/ Robin Gill.- Third edition.- Chichester: Wiley Blackwell, 2015. 540.24553 Gi Acc. No: 59532

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edited by Xinliang Feng.- Weinheim: Wiley-VCH, 2015. 621.3124 Na Acc. No: 59523


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NIOC Information Center New Acquisitions Books

7 Oil and gas pipelines and piping systems:

design, construction, management, and inspection/ Alireza Bahadori.- 1st edition.- ambridge, MA: Gulf Professional Publisher, 2017. 621.8672 Ba Acc. No: 59529

8 Human relations in organizations:

applications and skill building/ Robert N. Lussier.- 8th ed.- New Delhi: McGraw-Hill, 2010. 658.3 Lu Acc. No: 59531

9 Applied psychology for project managers: a

practitioner's guide to successful project management/ Monika Wastian... [et al.].- Cham: Springer, 2015. 658.404 Ap Acc. No: 59530

10 Petrochemical catalyst materials, processes,

and emerging technologies/ Hamid Al-Megren, Tiancun Xiao.- Hershey PA: Engineering Science Reference, 2016. 660.2995 Pe Acc. No: 59533

11 Biotechnology for biofuel production and

optimization/ edited by Carrie Eckert, Cong Trinh.- Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2016. 662.88 Bi Acc. No: 59526

12 2016 ASHRAE handbook: heating,

ventilating, and air-conditioning applications: systems and equipment/ American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers.- Atlanta, Ga.: ASHRAE, 2016. 697 Tw Acc. No: 59534


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1 Argus LNG Daily

2017, Jan. No.16-18 Acc. No.690017180 2017, Feb. Vol.17, No.20-23 Acc. No.690017230

2 Economist

2017, Jan. No.9022 Acc. No.487090220 2017, Jan. No.9023 Acc. No.487090230

3 Energy Compass

2017, Feb. Vol.28, No.05 Acc. No: 159028050

4 Financial Times

2017, Jan. No.39371-39375 Acc. No.145393750 2017, Jan. No.39377-39383 Acc. No.145393830

5 Fortune

2017, Jan. Vol.176, No.01 Acc. No.190176010

6 The Guardian Weekly

2017, Jan. Vol.196, No.01,04,06,07 Acc. No.199196070


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NIOC Information Center New Acquisitions Periodicals

7 I E A Oil Market Report

2016,Dec. No.12 Acc. No.314016120

8 Ideal home

2017, Feb. Vol.193, No.02 Acc. No.206193002

9 International New York Times

2017, Jan. No.41629-41636 Acc. No.224416360 2017, Jan. No.41637-41642 Acc. No.224416420

10 Iran Petroleum

2017, Jan. No.55 Acc. No.602000550

11 Middle East Economic Survey


2017, Feb. Vol.60, No.05 Acc. No.28506005

12 Newsweek

2017, Jan. Vol.167, No.25-26 Acc. No.300167260


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13 Oil & Gas Financial Journal

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14 Oil & Gas Journal

2016, Jul-Dec.(Digital)

15 Oil & Gas Science and


2016, Jan.-Aug.(Digital); Vol.71, No.(1-4)

16 Oil and Energy Trends

2016, Jan.-May.(Digital); Vol.41, No.01-05

17 Oil and Gas Facilities

2016, Jan.-Dec.(Digital); Vol.05, No.01-05

19 OPEC Bulletin

2016, Jan.-Dec.(Digital); No.1-12


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20 OPEC Energy Review 2016, Mar. Vol.40, No.01 Acc. No.318040010

21 OPEC Monthly Oil Market Report

2016, Jan.-Nov.(Digital)

22 Personnel Psychology

2016, Spring-Fall(Digital); Vol.69, No.01-03

23 Petroleum Review

2016, Aug.-Nov.(Digital)

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2016, Jan-Nov.(Digital); Vol.61, No.01

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26 S P E Drilling & Completion

2016, Jan.-Mar.(Digital); Vol.31, No.01-03

27 S P E Journal

2016, Jan.-Mar.(Digital); Vol.31, No.1-3

28 S P E Production & Operations

2016, Jan.-Mar.(Digital); Vol.31, No.1-4

29 S P E Reservoir Engineering

2016, Jan.-Mar.(Digital); Vol.31, No.1-4

30 S P E Reservoir Evaluation and


2016, Jan.-Mar.(Digital); Vol.31, No.19

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2017, Jan. No.02 Acc. No.395017020


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32 Supervision

2016, Jan.-Dec(Digital); Vol.77, No.01-12

33 Time

2017, Jan. Vol.189, No.03-04 Acc. No.406189040

34 Upstream

2017, Jan. Vol.22, No.03 Acc. No.436022030

35 Weekly Petroleum Argus

2017, Jan. Vol.47, No.01 Acc. No.: 138047010 2017, Jan. Vol.47, No.03 Acc. No.: 138047030

36 World Economic Outlook

2016, Jan.-Oct.(Digital); No.01-04

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2017, Feb. Vol.28, No.05 Acc. No.420028050


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38 World Oil

2016, Jan.-Oct.(Digital); Vol.237, No.01-08 2016, outlook; Vol.237, Acc. No.423237121


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NIOC Information Center New Acquisitions Technical Article


1 $13b Investment in Iran refining industry/ Abbas Kazemi.- Iran Petroleum. 2016, February, p.20-25.

Iran/ Refining/ Projects/ Financing/ Foreign investment/ N.I.O.R.D.C./ L.P.G./ Privatisation/ Fuels/ Interviews

Doc. No: 162183

2 $200b needed in Iran oil sector.- Iran Petroleum. 2016, February, p.28-33.

Iran/ Petroleum industry/ Zanganeh, Bijan/ Conferences/ Iran Petroleum Contract (IPC)/ Upstream operations/ Downstream operations/ Investments/ Refining/ Banking business/ Insurance/ Swaps

Doc. No: 162184

3 2015 Global league tables.- IJ Global. 2016, January/February; No.359, p.22-23.

World/ Project financing/ Investments/ Market/ Securities/ Funding/ Renewable energy/ Infrastructure/ Data analysis/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 161203

4 Adaptive PIV algorithm based on seeding density and velocity information/ Kaikai Yu, Jinglei Xu.- Flow Measurement and Instrumentation. 2016, October; Vol.51, p.9 p.

Particle Image Velocimetry (P.I.V.)/ Sampling/ seed/ Density/ Velocity/ Information/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163527

5 An adaptiveTikhonov regularization parameter choice method for electrical resistance tomography/ Yanbin Xu, Yang Pei, Feng Dong.- Flow Measurement and Instrumentation. 2016, August; Vol.50, No.08, p.12 p.

Resistance/ Tomography/ Images/ Reconstruction/ Inverse/ Problems/ Methods/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163497

6 Advanced modeling of interwell-fracturing interference: An Eagle Ford shale-oil study/ Matteo Marongiu-Porcu,...[et al].- SPE Journal. 2016, October; Vol.21, No.05, p.16 p.

Eagle Ford formation/ Wells/ Interference/ Modelling/ Seismic data/ Hydraulic fracturing/ Pressure/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163477


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NIOC Information Center New Acquisitions Technical Article


7 Anadarko continues streak of successful spar projects with Heidelberg/ Sarah Parker Musarra.- Offshore. 2016, December; Vol.76, No.12, p.22,23.

Anadarko/ Gulf of Mexico/ Projects/ Production

Doc. No: 163431

8 Analysis of crude palm oil composition in a chemical process conveyor using Electrical CapacitanceTomography/ E.J. Mohamad,...[et al].- Flow Measurement and Instrumentation. 2016, August; Vol.50, No.08, p.8 p.

Tomography/ Capacitance/ Multiphase flow/ Crude oil/ Chemical/ Process/ Compositions/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163506

9 Analytical treatment of pressure-transient solutions for gas wells with wellbore storage and skin effects by the Green s Functions Method/ Emilio P. S. Sousa, Abelardo B. Barreto, Alvaro M. M. Peres.- SPE Journal. 2016, October; Vol.21, No.05, p.12 p.

Gas wells/ Borehole/ Storage/ Pressure/ Transient/ Solution/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163473

10 Annular flow in rod-bundle: Effect of spacer on disturbance waves/ Son H. Pham, Tomoaki Kunugi.- Flow Measurement and Instrumentation. 2016, August; Vol.50, No.08, p.9 p.

Two phase flow/ Waves/ Geometry/ Images/ Droplet/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163515

11 Application of magnetic nanoparticles mixed with propping agents in enhancing near-wellbore fracture detection/ Aderonke Aderibigbe,...[et al].- Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering. 2016, May; Vol.141, No.05, p.11 p.

Fracture/ Detection/ Nanoparticles/ Propping material/ Magnetic susceptibility/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163400

12 Application of nodal pressure measurements in leak detection/ Hamid Reza Asgari, Mahmoud F. Maghrebi.- Flow Measurement and Instrumentation. 2016, August; Vol.50, No.08, p.7 p.

Leak detection/ Pressure/ Water/ Distribution systems/ Measurement/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163505


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NIOC Information Center New Acquisitions Technical Article


13 Application of shallow-water acoustic tomography to measure flow direction and river discharge/ Masoud Bahreinimotlagh,...[et al].- Flow Measurement and Instrumentation. 2016, October; Vol.51, p.10 p.

Flow/ Direction/ Rivers/ Discharge/ Acoustics/ Tomography/ Measurement/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163530

14 Application of video imagery techniques for low cost measurement of water surface velocity in open channels/ Siamak Gharahjeh, Ismail Aydin.- Flow Measurement and Instrumentation. 2016, October; Vol.51, p.16 p.

Open channel flow/ Velocity/ Surfaces/ Particles/ Tracking/ Velocimeter/ Discharge/ Measurement/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163533

15 Asia-Pacific in 2015/ Thomas Blott.- IJ Global. 2016, January/February; No.359, p.42.

Asia-Pacific/ Infrastructure/ Data analysis/ Investments/ Project financing/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 161204

16 An assay method to determine mineral scale inhibitor efficiency in produced water/ Ya Liu,...[et al].- Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering. 2016, July; Vol.143, No.07, p.10 p.

Scale inhibitors (S.Is)/ Produced water/ Oil fields/ Assay/ Concentration/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163424

17 Assisted history matching of channelized models by use of pluri-principal-component analysis/ Chaohui Chen,...[et al].- SPE Journal. 2016, October; Vol.21, No.05, p.20 p.

History matching/ Reservoirs/ Channel/ Component/ Analysis/ Simulation/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163468

18 Augmented lagrangian method for maximizing expectation and minimizing risk for optimal well-control problems with nonlinear constraints/ Xin Liu, Albert C. Reynolds.- SPE Journal. 2016, October; Vol.21, No.05, p.13 p.

Optimization/ Waterflooding/ Wells/ Control/ Net Present Value (N.P.V.)/ Constraints/ Risk/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163470


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NIOC Information Center New Acquisitions Technical Article


19 The Big pipeline buildout/ Brian Eckhouse.- IJ Global. 2015, July/August; No.356, p.13-16.

Natural gas/ Supply and Demand/ U.S.A./ Shales/ Pipelines/ Investments/ Market/ Project financing/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 153697

20 Bipolar corona assisted jet flow for fluidic application/ Van Thanh Dau,...[et al].- Flow Measurement and Instrumentation. 2016, August; Vol.50, No.08, p.9 p.

Jet (Engineering)/ Flow/ Ion/ Wind energy/ Blower/ Discharge/ Electrode/ Simulation/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163518

21 Black-oil minimal fluid state parametrization for constrained reservoir control optimization/ Andres Codas,...[et al].- Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering. 2016, July; Vol.143, No.07, p.9 p.

Production/ Optimization/ Displacement/ Miscibility/ Black- oil model/ Simulation/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163406

22 The brittleness indices used in rock mechanics and their application in shale hydraulic fracturing: A review/ Decheng Zhang, P.G. Ranjith, M.S.A. Perera.- Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering. 2016, July; Vol.143, No.07, p.13 p.

Shale gas/ Recovery/ Hydraulic fracturing/ Brittleness/ Fields/ Application/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163411

23 Build a diesel fuel performance additive, the right way Part 1/ G. G. Pipenger.- Hydrocarbon Processing. 2016, October; Vol.95, No.10, p.9 p.

Diesel fuels/ Additives/ North America/ Production/ Cost/ Stability/ Corrosion inhibitors/ Tables (data)

Doc. No: 163356

24 Business Trends: Global refining overview Part 2/ L. Nichols.- Hydrocarbon Processing. 2016, October; Vol.95, No.10, p.6 p.

Refining/ Construction/ Capacity/ Asia-Pacific/ Investments/ Projects/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163357


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NIOC Information Center New Acquisitions Technical Article


25 Calculation method for conjugate depths in quadratic parabolic channels/ Yanfeng Zhao, Jiliang Liu, Zhengzhong Wang.- Flow Measurement and Instrumentation. 2016, August; Vol.50, No.08, p.4 p.

Parabolic channels/ Depth/ Equation/ Error analysis/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163504

26 Calculation of rock compressibility by using the characteristics of downstream pressure change in permeability experiment/ Jun He,...[et al].- Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering. 2016, July; Vol.143, No.07, p.7 p.

Rocks/ Compressibility/ Calculations/ Reservoirs/ Permeability/ Pressure/ Change/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163427

27 Calculation of temperature in fracture for carbon dioxide fracturing/ Zhiyuan Wang, Baojiang Sun, Xiaohui Sun.- SPE Journal. 2016, October; Vol.21, No.05, p.10 p.

Carbon dioxide (Co2)/ Fracturing/ Temperature/ Calculations/ Models/ Wells/ Borehole/ Fracture/ Fluids/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163492

28 Capacitive measuring system for two-phase flow monitoring. Part2: Simulation-based calibration/ Nikolas Libert, Rigoberto E.M. Morales, Marco Jose da Silva.- Flow Measurement and Instrumentation. 2016, August; Vol.50, No.08, p.10 p.

Two phase flow/ Void/ Fraction/ Simulation/ Capacitive sensor/ Capacitance/ Measurement/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163498

29 Characterization of flow homogeneity downstream of a slotted orifice plate in a two-phase flow using electrical resistance tomography/ Gautham Annamalai,...[et al].- Flow Measurement and Instrumentation. 2016, August; Vol.50, No.08, p.7 p.

Electrical resistivity/ Tomography/ Slotting/ Orifices/ Flow/ Homogeneity/ Two phase flow/ Measurement/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163517

30 Characterizing pore fabric in sandstones with magnetic anisotropy methods: Initial results/ Josep M. Pares, Leticia Miguens, Carlos Saiz.- Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering. 2016, July; Vol.143, No.07, p.8 p.

Porosity/ Fabric/ Rocks/ Magnetic properties/ Anisotropy/ Permeability/ Sandstones/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163426


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31 Charge coupled device based on optical tomography system in detecting air bubbles in crystal clear water/ Juliza Jamaludin,...[et al].- Flow Measurement and Instrumentation. 2016, August; Vol.50, No.08, p.13 p.

Tomography/ Air/ Bubble/ Images/ Reconstruction/ Diameter/ Velocity/ Detectors/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163499

32 The charge for funding/ Christine Chiu.- Petroleum Economist. 2016-2017, December-January; Vol.83, No.10, p.14-22.

Projects/ Funding/ Companies/ Banks/ Upstream operations/ Downstream operations/ L.N.G./ Petrochemicals/ Renewable energy/ Power/ Tables (data)

Doc. No: 170001

33 The chemicals industry in South Africa/ Thokozani Majozi and Patrick Veldhuizen.- Chemical Engineering Progress. 2015, July, p.46-51.

South Africa/ Chemical industry/ Mining/ Coal/ Petrochemicals/ Governments/ World markets/ Graphs (charts)/ Tables (data)

Doc. No: 153710

34 Codes and Standards: Overcome technical difficulties in field pumps ordered to API 610/ISO 13709/ D. G. Murti.- Hydrocarbon Processing. 2016, October; Vol.95, No.10, p.5 p.

Pumps/ Code (standard)/ ISO/ Tables (data)

Doc. No: 163358

35 Comparison of consecutive and alternate hydraulic fracturing in horizontal wells using XFEM-based cohesive zone method/ XiaoLong Wang,...[et al].- Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering. 2016, July; Vol.143, No.07, p.12 p.

Hydraulic fracturing/ Horizontal well/ Pore pressure/ Models/ Production/ Unconventional resources/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163414

36 Completion capabilities expanded by ballactivated technology in Argentina/ Federico A. Silva, Emiliano Lopez.- World Oil. 2016, November; Vol.237, No.11, p.2 p.

Well completion/ Argentina/ Companies/ Operation/ Production/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163447


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37 A comprehensive simulation model of Kerogen pyrolysis for the in-situ upgrading of oil shales/ Kyung Jae Lee, George J. Moridis, Christine A. Ehlig-Economides.- SPE Journal. 2016, October; Vol.21, No.05, p.19 p.

Oil shale/ Kerogen/ Pyrolysis/ Simulator/ Production/ Porosity/ Permeability/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163471

38 Copper industry in world & in Iran/ Ali Bakhtiari Ghale.- Iran International. 2015, June, p.26-31.

Copper/ Industries/ Iran/ Production/ Pricing/ Market/ Investments

Doc. No: 153675

39 Deepwater TEN project delivers first oil on time, within budget/ Jeremy Beckman.- Offshore. 2016, December; Vol.76, No.12, p.26,27.

Deep water/ Projects/ Ghana/ F.P.S.O/ Budget

Doc. No: 163433

40 Delivering well integrity through secure connections/ Britani Gallagher, Scott Sivewright, Keith Won.- World Oil. 2016, November; Vol.237, No.11, p.4 p.

Wells/ Integrity/ Connectivity/ Failure/ Casing (well)/ Production/ Cost/ Case studies/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163448

41 Determination of discharge capacity of rectangular side weirs using Schmidt approach/ M. Emin Emiroglu, Erdinc Ikinciogullari.- Flow Measurement and Instrumentation. 2016, August; Vol.50, No.08, p.11 p.

Weirs/ Discharge/ Capacity/ Coefficients/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163513

42 Determination of the most significant variables affecting the steady state pressure drop in selected foam flow experiments/ Rahul Thorat, Hans Bruining.- Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering. 2016, May; Vol.141, No.05, p.13 p.

Variables/ Foam/ Experiments/ Pressure/ Regression/ Bootstrap method/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163392


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43 A different perspective on the Forchheimer and Ergun equations/ Deming Mao,...[et al].- SPE Journal. 2016, October; Vol.21, No.05, p.7 p.

Hydraulic fracturing/ Shale gas/ Equation/ Performance/ Estimating/ Fluids/ Velocity/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163488

44 Dimensionality-dependent foam rheological properties: How to go from linear to radial geometry for foam modeling and simulation/ Woochan Lee,...[et al].- SPE Journal. 2016, October; Vol.21, No.05, p.19 p.

Foam/ Propagation/ Modelling/ Geometry/ Recovery/ Distance study/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163478

45 Diminishing glut.- Petroleum Economist. 2016-2017, December-January; Vol.83, No.10, p.57.

Gas/ U.S.A./ Production/ Demand (economics)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 170012

46 Direct measurement of bottom shear stress under high-velocity flow conditions/ Jae Hyeon Park,...[et al].- Flow Measurement and Instrumentation. 2016, August; Vol.50, No.08, p.7 p.

Flow/ Velocity/ Shear/ Measurement/ Resistance/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163496

47 A direct method for property estimation from analysis of infinite acting production in shale/tight gas reservoirs/ M. Heidari Sureshjani,...[et al].- Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering. 2016, July; Vol.143, No.07, p.9 p.

Shale gas/ Flow/ Production/ Data/ Hydraulic fracturing/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163404

48 Do we really need big power plants any more?/ Thibault Laconde.- Petroleum Economist. 2016-2017, December-January; Vol.83, No.10, p.32,33.

Energy/ Power plant/ Europe/ Demand (economics)/ Production/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 170004


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49 Drained/undrained-zones boundary in steam-assisted-gravity-drainage process/ Mazda Irani, Ian Gates.- SPE Journal. 2016, October; Vol.21, No.05, p.22 p.

S.A.G.D./ Zoning/ Pore pressure/ Temperature/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163475

50 Dual-permeability microstratigraphy in the Barnett Shale/ Michael B. Cronin, Peter B. Flemings , Athma R. Bhandari.- Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering. 2016, June; Vol.142, No.06, p.10 p.

Mud/ Rocks/ Heterogeneity/ Core analysis/ Permeability/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163388

51 Dynamic interfacial tensions of alkyl alcohol polyoxypropylene oxyehtylene ether sulfonate solutions/ Long Guo,...[et al].- Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering. 2016, May; Vol.141, No.05, p.7 p.

Surfactants/ Interfacial tension (I.F.T.)/ Alcohols/ Sulfonates/ Solution/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163403

52 Editorial Comment: The 2016 Top Project award nominees are out!/ L. Nichols.- Hydrocarbon Processing. 2016, October; Vol.95, No.10, p.2 p.

Projects/ Awards/ Capital expenditure/ Refining/ Petrochemicals/ Tables (data)

Doc. No: 163359

53 Effect of gravity on spontaneous imbibition from cores with two ends open in the frontal flow period/ Qingbang Meng,...[et al].- Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering. 2016, May; Vol.141, No.05, p.8 p.

Imbibition/ Gravity/ Mathematical models/ Petroleum/ Recovery/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163402

54 Effect of pressure on the isoconversional in situ combustion kinetic analysis of Bati Raman crude oil/ Evans Anto-Darkwah, Murat Cinar.- Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering. 2016, July; Vol.143, No.07, p.10 p.

In- Situ Combustion (I.S.C.)/ E.O.R./ Temperature/ Oxidation/ Crude oil/ Kinetics/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163413


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55 The effect of various parameters on tray point efficiency/ N. Kasiri, P. Jouybanpour, M. Reza Ehsani.- Hydrocarbon Processing. 2016, October; Vol.95, No.10, p.7 p.

Distillation/ Tray/ Efficiency/ Liquid/ Column/ Parameters (Statistics)/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163370

56 Effective removal of asphaltene deposition in metal-capillary tubes/ Sara M. Hashmi, Abbas Firoozabadi.- SPE Journal. 2016, October; Vol.21, No.05, p.8 p.

Asphaltene/ Deposition/ Metals/ Capillary tubes/ Removal/ Injection/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163464

57 Emulsion flooding for enhanced oil recovery: Filtration model and numerical simulation/ Iryna I. Demikhova,...[et al].- Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering. 2016, July; Vol.143, No.07, p.10 p.

Emulsions/ Flooding/ Enhanced oil recovery/ Filtration/ Wettability/ Change/ Numerical simulation/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163419

58 ENR: The top 500.- ENR. 2015, June 29, p.1-57.

Companies/ Design/ Consolidation/ Market/ Revenue/ Mergers/ Acquisitions/ Ranking/ Lists

Doc. No: 153708

59 Experimental investigation of effect of temperature and pressure on contact angle of four Iranian carbonate oil reservoirs/ Adel Najafi-Marghmaleki,...[et al].- Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering. 2016, June; Vol.142, No.06, p.8 p.

Wettability/ Contact angle/ Measurement/ Carbonates/ Reservoirs/ Temperature/ Pressure/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163376

60 Experimental investigation of oil water partial separation using a controlled tee junction/ Wael H. Ahmed, Hassan M. Badr, Abdelsalam Al-Sarkhi.- Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering. 2016, July; Vol.143, No.07, p.12 p.

Flow/ Separation/ Water/ Petroleum/ Separators/ Performance/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163415


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61 Experimental study of discharge coefficient for trapezoidal piano key weirs/ A. Mehboudi, J. Attari, S.A. Hosseini.- Flow Measurement and Instrumentation. 2016, August; Vol.50, No.08, p.8 p.

Discharge/ Coefficients/ Flow/ Structure/ Experimental study/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163493

62 Experimental study of drag coefficient of multistrand wires using single normal hot-wire anemometer probe/ M.A. Ardekani, F. Farhani, A. Nourmohammadi.- Flow Measurement and Instrumentation. 2016, August; Vol.50, No.08, p.8 p.

Drag/ Coefficients/ Hot wire anemometry/ Turbulence/ Intensity/ Surveys/ Methods/ Measurement/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163521

63 Experimental study on the confined flow over a circular cylinder with a splitter plate/ Kai Liu, Jianqiang Deng, Mei Mei.- Flow Measurement and Instrumentation. 2016, October; Vol.51, p.10 p.

Flow control/ Instability/ Experimental study/ Cylinder/ Particle Image Velocimetry (P.I.V.)/ Measurement/ Channel/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163525

64 ExxonMobil advances deepwater frontier with Julia/ Bruce Beaubouef.- Offshore. 2016, December; Vol.76, No.12, p.20,21.

ExxonMobil/ Gulf of Mexico/ Projects/ Wells/ Contaminants/ Production

Doc. No: 163430

65 Facies characteristics and reservoir properties of the Paleocene carbonates (Caldag Formation) in theTuz Golu Basin, Central Anatolia, Turkey/ Turhan Ayyildiz, Sefik Onur Ergene.- Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering. 2016, June; Vol.142, No.06, p.13 p.

Reservoir rock/ Turkey/ Carbonates/ Diagenesis/ Process/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163375

66 Field exercises test Arctic survival readiness/ Katie Aylward.- World Oil. 2016, December; Vol.237, No.12, p.7 p.

Arctic Ocean/ Safety/ Equipment/ Research/ Rescue mission/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163456


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67 A flowing material balance equation for two-phase flowback analysis/ Yanmin Xu, Oluwatobi Adefidipe, Hassan Dehghanpour.- Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering. 2016, June; Vol.142, No.06, p.16 p.

Hydraulic fracturing/ Characterization/ Fluid flow/ Material balance/ Analysis/ Multiphase flow/ Fracture/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163377

68 Fracture-matrix interactions during immiscible three-phase flow/ Mohamed Ahmed Elfeel,...[et al].- Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering. 2016, July; Vol.143, No.07, p.16 p.

Fracture/ Matrix/ Transfer function/ Water alternating gas (W.A.G.)/ Injection/ Porosity/ Flow/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163412

69 Fractured zones detection using conventional petrophysical logs by differentiation method and its correlation with image logs/ Ghasem Aghli,...[et al].- Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering. 2016, June; Vol.142, No.06, p.11 p.

Fracture/ Detection/ Methods/ Images/ Logging/ Velocity/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163387

70 Free over-fall in exponential channel cross-sections based on free vortex theory in supercritical flow regimes/ Ehsan Abrari, Mustafa Ergil, Mohammad Karim Beirami.- Flow Measurement and Instrumentation. 2016, August; Vol.50, No.08, p.11 p.

Flow measurement/ Channel/ Vortex flow/ Depth/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163522

71 From streamlines to fast marching: Rapid simulation and performance assessment of shale-gas reservoirs by use of diffusive time of flight as a spatial coordinate/ Yanbin Zhang,...[et al].- SPE Journal. 2016, October; Vol.21, No.05, p.16 p.

Shale gas/ Unconventional resources/ Simulation/ Performance/ Evaluation/ History matching/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163465

72 Global Data/ Ben Wilby, Oddmund Fore.- Offshore. 2016, December; Vol.76, No.12, p.8.

Development/ Cost/ Projects/ Prices/ Upstream operations/ Downstream operations/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163429


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73 Global Project Data/ L. Nichols.- Hydrocarbon Processing. 2016, October; Vol.95, No.10, p.2 p.

Projects/ Global/ Investments/ Market/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163360

74 Global rig utilization at record low levels, U.S. land activity will rebound in 2017/ Carlos Huerta.- World Oil. 2016, November; Vol.237, No.11, p.14 p.

Drilling rig/ Utilization/ U.S.A./ Market/ Canada/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163449

75 Goliat pushing boundaries of Arctic offshore production/ Jeremy Beckman.- Offshore. 2016, December; Vol.76, No.12, p.28,29.

Norway/ F.P.S.O/ Companies/ Pressure

Doc. No: 163434

76 Gradient-based multiobjective optimization for maximizing expectation and minimizing uncertainty or risk with application to optimal well-control problem with only bound constraints/ Xin Liu, Albert C. Reynolds.- SPE Journal. 2016, October; Vol.21, No.05, p.17 p.

Optimization/ Methods/ Wells/ Control/ Risk/ Constraints/ Reduction/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163469

77 H1 2015 global league tables.- IJ Global. 2015, July/August; No.356, p.17-19.

Project financing/ Investments/ North America/ Asia-Pacific/ Debts/ Financial Institutions/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 153696

78 Heavy oil polymer flooding from laboratory core floods to pilot tests and field applications: Half-century studies/ Hadi Saboorian-Jooybari, Morteza Dejam, Zhangxin Chen.- Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering. 2016, June; Vol.142, No.06, p.16 p.

Heavy oils/ Polymers/ Flooding/ Application/ Screening/ Waterflooding/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163378


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79 A highly effective corrosion inhibitor by use of gemini imidazoline/ Jiang Yang,...[et al].- SPE Journal. 2016, October; Vol.21, No.05, p.4 p.

Corrosion inhibitors/ Hydrocarbons/ Testing/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163474

80 The history, and possible future, of model-less multivariable control/ A. Kern.- Hydrocarbon Processing. 2016, October; Vol.95, No.10, p.6 p.

Models/ Multivariable control system/ Matrix/ Design/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163371

81 Horn of Africa pipelines garner foreign attention/ Nicholas Newman.- Pipeline & Gas Journal. 2016, November; Vol.243, No.11, p.66.

Africa/ Pipelines/ Gas/ Imports/ Exports/ Foreign investment

Doc. No: 163536

82 A hybrid differential evolution algorithm approach towards assisted history matching and uncertainty quantification for reservoir models/ Emil C. Santhosh, Jitendra S. Sangwai.- Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering. 2016, June; Vol.142, No.06, p.15 p.

Control/ Parameters (Statistics)/ History matching/ Hybrids/ Reservoirs/ Simulation/ Uncertainty quantification/ Algorithm/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163382

83 Hydraulic fracture propagation direction during volume fracturing in unconventional reservoirs/ Desheng Zhou,...[et al].- Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering. 2016, May; Vol.141, No.05, p.8 p.

Hydraulic fracturing/ Propagation/ Direction/ Boundary element method/ Unconventional resources/ Models/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163399


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84 An improved TSVD-based Levenberg Marquardt algorithm for history matching and comparison with Gauss Newton/ Mehrdad G. Shirangi, Alexandre A. Emerick.- Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering. 2016, July; Vol.143, No.07, p.14 p.

Reservoirs/ Simulation/ Inverse/ Problems/ History matching/ Value/ Decomposition/ Uncertainty quantification/ Data/ Assimilation/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163422

85 Improved volume-of-fluid (VOF) model for predictions of velocity fields and droplet lengths in microchannels/ Gim Yau Soh, Guan Heng Yeoh, Victoria Timchenko.- Flow Measurement and Instrumentation. 2016, October; Vol.51, p.11 p.

Droplet/ Measurement/ Flow/ Fields/ Distribution/ Channel/ Models/ Multiphase flow/ Numerical simulation/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163534

86 Improvement of ensemble smoother with SVD-assisted sampling scheme/ Byeongcheol Kang, Kyungbook Lee, Jonggeun Choe.- Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering. 2016, May; Vol.141, No.05, p.11 p.

Reservoirs/ Characterization/ Value/ Decomposition/ Principal Components Analysis (P.C.A.)/ Sampling/ Ensemble Kalman filters (EnKFs)/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163396

87 In-situ visualization of multidimensional imbibition in dual-porosity carbonates/ Amar J. Alshehri, Anthony R. Kovscek.- SPE Journal. 2016, October; Vol.21, No.05, p.12 p.

Carbonates/ Recovery/ Imbibition/ Porosity/ In situ/ Visualization/ Tomography/ Gravity/ Effects/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163466


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88 Industry Metrics/ Michael Rhodes.- Hydrocarbon Processing. 2016, October; Vol.95, No.10, p.6 p.

U.S.A./ Gasoline/ Demand (economics)/ World/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163361

89 Industry Perspectives: What is the future of the downstream HPI?.- Hydrocarbon Processing. 2016, October; Vol.95, No.10, p.2 p.

Downstream operations/ Processing/ Capacity/ Construction/ Demand (economics)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163362

90 Industry responds to final well control rule/ Christopher Scheefer.- Offshore. 2016, December; Vol.76, No.12, p.30-32.

Drilling/ Safety/ Regulations/ Blowout preventers (B.O.P)/ Offshore/ Equipment/ Failure/ Real time/ Monitoring

Doc. No: 163435

91 Influence of electrolytes on the performance of a graft copolymer used as fluid loss additive in oil well cement/ Oyewole Taye Salami, Johann Plank.- Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering. 2016, July; Vol.143, No.07, p.9 p.

Oil well cementing/ Electrolyte/ Sea water/ Copolymerization/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163420

92 Information management system assists V.Filanovsky construction process/ Jeremy Beckman.- Offshore. 2016, December; Vol.76, No.12, p.53,54.

Caspian sea/ Russia/ Software system/ Construction/ Equipment/ Data

Doc. No: 163444

93 Innovations/ Bob Andrew.- Hydrocarbon Processing. 2016, October; Vol.95, No.10, p.7 p.

Tools/ Reliability/ Testing/ Maintenance/ Cost

Doc. No: 163363


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94 Integrated high-pull wireline conveyance systems accelerate access to well profiles/ Serko Sarian, Chris Babin.- World Oil. 2016, December; Vol.237, No.12, p.6 p.

Wells/ Logging/ Depth/ Deep water/ Case studies/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163457

95 Intelligent completions boost production from Caspian Sea/ Mikhail Golenkin, Igor Bulygin, Artur Latypov.- Offshore. 2016, December; Vol.76, No.12, p.41-43.

Well completion/ Caspian sea/ Production/ Petroleum/ Technology/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163439

96 An investigation into the occurrence of hydrate-bearing sediments offshore the East Coast of Trinidad and Tobago/ Maxian B. Seales,...[et al].- SPE Journal. 2016, October; Vol.21, No.05, p.11 p.

Trinidad and Tobago/ Natural gas/ Hydrate/ Formation/ Offshore/ Temperature/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163490

97 Investigation of biodiesel-based drilling fluid, part 1: Biodiesel evaluation, invert-emulsion properties, and development of a novel emulsifier package/ Wai Li,...[et al].- SPE Journal. 2016, October; Vol.21, No.05, p.12 p.

Biodiesel/ Drilling fluids/ Emulsions/ Stability/ Viscosity/ Cooking oils/ Economic analysis/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163486

98 Investigation of biodiesel-based drilling fluid, part 2: Formulation design, rheological study, and laboratory evaluation/ Wai Li,...[et al].- SPE Journal. 2016, October; Vol.21, No.05, p.15 p.

Biodiesel/ Drilling fluids/ Emulsions/ Design/ Evaluation/ Lubricity/ Contamination/ Testing/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163491

99 Investigation of eccentricity effects and depth of investigation of azimuthal resistivity LWD tools using 3D finite difference method/ Hu Li, Hua Wang.- Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering. 2016, July; Vol.143, No.07, p.15 p.

Logging while drilling (L.W.D.)/ Tools/ Azimuth/ Resistivity/ Finite difference method/ Eccentricity/ Effects/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163428


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100 Investigation of localized displacement phenomenon for Low-Tension-Gas (LTG) injection in tight formations/ Stefan M. Szlendak, Nhut M. Nguyen, Quoc P. Nguyen.- Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering. 2016, June; Vol.142, No.06, p.10 p.

Surfactants/ Gas/ Permeability/ Tight oil/ Formation (geology)/ Low interfacial tension (I.F.T.)/ Enhanced oil recovery/ Foam/ Mobility/ Control/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163385

101 Investigation of using 60 Co source and one detector for determining the flow regime and void fraction in gas liquid two-phase flows/ G.H. Roshani, E. Nazemi, S.A.H. Feghhi.- Flow Measurement and Instrumentation. 2016, August; Vol.50, No.08, p.7 p.

Void/ Fraction/ Identification/ Two phase flow/ Artificial neural network/ Gas- Liquid/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163508

102 Iran's mining sector statistics/ Mohammad Ali Farzin.- Iran International. 2015, June, p.26-31.

Iran/ Mining/ Reserves/ Statistics (data)/ Underground storage/ Foreign investment/ Financing/ Tables (data)

Doc. No: 153674

103 Is that interference? A work flow for identifying and analyzing communication through hydraulic fractures in a multiwell pad/ Ali Awada,...[et al].- SPE Journal. 2016, October; Vol.21, No.05, p.13 p.

Interference/ Wells/ Communication/ Production/ Simulation/ Data/ Reliability/ History matching/ Pressure/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163480

104 Is the era of cheap natural gas over?/ Nick Cunningham.- Pipeline & Gas Journal. 2016, November; Vol.243, No.11, p.50,52.

Natural gas/ Prices/ Market/ Production/ Demand (economics)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163539

105 Joint industry project seeks to advance subsea decommissioning/ Keith Caulfield.- Offshore. 2016, December; Vol.76, No.12, p.50-52.

Decommissioning/ Underwater/ Tools/ Joint project/ Models/ Resins (natural)/ Cements

Doc. No: 163443


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106 Kazakhstan's credibility (almost) restored/ Jason Corcoran.- Petroleum Economist. 2016-2017, December-January; Vol.83, No.10, p.34,35.

Kazakhestan/ Energy/ Credibility/ Production/ Pipelines

Doc. No: 170005

107 Laboratory evaluation of dripper performance/ C. Bodole, R. Koech, D. Pezzaniti.- Flow Measurement and Instrumentation. 2016, August; Vol.50, No.08, p.8 p.

Methods/ Performance/ Evaluation/ Uniformity/ Uncertainty/ Tools/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163523

108 Lessons learned in commercial scale-up of new chemical processes/ B. Jazayeri.- Hydrocarbon Processing. 2016, October; Vol.95, No.10, p.6 p.

Chemical/ Process/ Reaction chemistry/ Catalysts/ Cost/ Technology/ Design/ Tables (data)

Doc. No: 163364

109 Liquid low-flow calibration rig using syringe pump and weighing tank system/ Ryouji Doihara,...[et al].- Flow Measurement and Instrumentation. 2016, August; Vol.50, No.08, p.12 p.

Calibration/ Flow/ Metering/ Flow rate/ Uncertainty/ Pumps/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163509

110 Lithology identification using kernel Fisher discriminant analysis with well logs/ Shaoqun Dong, Zhizhang Wang, Lianbo Zeng.- Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering. 2016, July; Vol.143, No.07, p.8 p.

Lithology/ Identification/ Methods/ Reservoirs/ Data/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163416

111 Low cost natural polysaccharide and vinyl monomer based IPN for the removal of crude oil from water/ Vaneet Kumar,...[et al].- Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering. 2016, May; Vol.141, No.05, p.8 p.

Crude oil/ Adsorption/ Polymers/ Temperature/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163394


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112 Low-salinity water-alternating -CO2 EOR/ Tadesse Weldu Teklu,...[et al].- Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering. 2016, June; Vol.142, No.06, p.18 p.

Water/ Flooding/ Carbon dioxide (Co2)/ E.O.R./ Water alternating gas (W.A.G.)/ Wettability/ Alteration/ Interfacial tension (I.F.T.)/ Measurement/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163379

113 Management of the wind speed data using adaptive neuro-fuzzy methodology/ Srdjan Jovic, Obrad Anicic, Branko Pejovic.- Flow Measurement and Instrumentation. 2016, August; Vol.50, No.08, p.8 p.

Wind energy/ Data management/ Models/ Accuracy/ Probability/ Density/ Distribution/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163516

114 Margin call.- Petroleum Economist. 2016-2017, December-January; Vol.83, No.10, p.57.

Refining/ World/ O.E.C.D./ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 170011

115 Measure naturally occurring radioactive material in polypropylene plants/ D. Williams.- Hydrocarbon Processing. 2016, October; Vol.95, No.10, p.6 p.

Petrochemical industry/ Detectors/ Radiation/ Polypropylene/ Plants/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163365

116 Measurement and evaluation of bitumen/toluene-mixture properties at temperatures up to 190 C and pressures up to 10 MPa/ Hossein Nourozieh, Mohammad Kariznovi, Jalal Abedi.- SPE Journal. 2016, October; Vol.21, No.05, p.16 p.

Bitumens/ Viscosity/ Temperature/ Pressure/ Measurement/ Experimental study/ Data/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163489

117 Measurement of the deposition of fine sediments in a channel bed/ Sabine Chamoun,...[et al].- Flow Measurement and Instrumentation. 2016, August; Vol.50, No.08, p.8 p.

Deposition/ Measurement/ Lasers/ Electrical resistivity/ Fines/ Sediments/ Calibration/ Techniques/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163502


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118 Measurements of translational slug velocity and slug length using an image processing technique/ Abdalellah O. Mohmmed,...[et al].- Flow Measurement and Instrumentation. 2016, August; Vol.50, No.08, p.9 p.

Flow/ Visualization/ Images/ Analysis/ Slug/ Flow/ Parameters (Statistics)/ Two phase flow/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163494

119 Mechanical Earth Modeling for a vertical well drilled in a naturally fractured tight carbonate gas reservoir in the Persian Gulf/ Tapan Kidambi, G. Suresh Kumar.- Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering. 2016, May; Vol.141, No.05, p.14 p.

Earth/ Modelling/ Persian Gulf/ Wells/ Borehole/ Stability/ Rocks/ Strength/ Parameters (Statistics)/ Stratigraphy/ Mud/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163393

120 Mechanisms of imbibition during hydraulic fracturing in shale formations/ Z. Zhou,...[et al].- Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering. 2016, May; Vol.141, No.05, p.8 p.

Hydraulic fracturing/ Shales/ Matrix/ Imbibition/ Capillarity/ Osmosis (Geoscience)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163398

121 Method proves itself for field monitoring of asphaltene treatment programs/ David Jennings, Kung-Po Chao.- World Oil. 2016, November; Vol.237, No.11, p.9 p.

North America/ Asphaltene/ Treatment/ Programs/ Cost/ Management/ Fields/ Monitoring/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163450

122 A model for multiphase, multicomponent, and thermal flow in neutrally wetting porous media, built on the diffuse-interface assumption/ Paul Papatzacos.- Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering. 2016, July; Vol.143, No.07, p.17 p.

Flow/ Porosity/ Models/ Multiphase flow/ Temperature/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163423

123 Modeling and simulation of paraffin solubility in circular pipes in laminar regime flow/ Erika C. L. Oliveira, Eduardo L. B. Neto, Camila G. Pereira.- Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering. 2016, May; Vol.141, No.05, p.12 p.

Pipes (tubes)/ Equilibrium/ Solubility/ Paraffins/ Wax/ Simulation/ Finite difference method/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163401


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NIOC Information Center New Acquisitions Technical Article


124 Monitor medium-voltage switchgear in refineries/ J. Murray.- Hydrocarbon Processing. 2016, October; Vol.95, No.10, p.9 p.

Refineries/ Tools/ Power/ Production/ Temperature/ Monitoring/ Failure/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163366

125 Monitoring mineral slurry flow using pulse-echo ultrasound/ Jan F. Stener,...[et al].- Flow Measurement and Instrumentation. 2016, August; Vol.50, No.08, p.12 p.

Flow/ Monitoring/ Minerals/ Slurry/ Particles/ Velocity/ Ultrasonics/ Measurement/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163495

126 Multi-client acquisition surveys offer opportunities, challenges/ Craig Hunter.- Offshore. 2016, December; Vol.76, No.12, p.40.

Companies/ Collaboration/ Projects/ Seismic data/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163438

127 Natural gas compositions variation effect on capillary tube thermal mass flow meter performance/ S. Parvizi, A. Arabkoohsar, M. Farzaneh-Gord.- Flow Measurement and Instrumentation. 2016, August; Vol.50, No.08, p.8 p.

Capillary tubes/ Mass flow/ Metering/ Natural gas/ Compositions/ Variation/ Error analysis/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163520

128 A new algorithm for multiphase-fluid characterization for solvent injection/ Ashutosh Kumar, Ryosuke Okuno.- SPE Journal. 2016, October; Vol.21, No.05, p.17 p.

Solvents/ Injection/ Multiphase flow/ Algorithm/ Characterization/ Simulation/ Case studies/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163479

129 A new experimental methodology to investigate formation damage in clay-bearing reservoirs/ Wenchao Fang,...[et al].- Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering. 2016, July; Vol.143, No.07, p.9 p.

Formation (geology)/ Damage/ Nuclear magnetic resonance (N.M.R.)/ Scanning electron microscopy (S.E.M.)/ Water/ Blocking/ Clays/ Dispersions(chemical)/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163405


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NIOC Information Center New Acquisitions Technical Article


130 New insight on carbonate-heavy-oil recovery: Pore-scale mechanisms of post-solvent carbon dioxide foam/polymer-enhanced-foam flooding/ Ali Telmadarreie, Japan J. Trivedi.- SPE Journal. 2016, October; Vol.21, No.05, p.14 p.

Heavy crude oil/ Reservoirs/ Recovery/ Carbon dioxide (Co2)/ Foam/ Flooding/ Solvents/ Injection/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163476

131 A new interpolation scheme for detiding vessel-mounted ADCP data in tidal reach of Yangtze Estuary/ Zhigao Chen, Shengping Wang, Zhenxiang Wang.- Flow Measurement and Instrumentation. 2016, August; Vol.50, No.08, p.12 p.

Flow/ China/ Gradient/ Algorithm/ Data/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163511

132 New propped-fracture-conductivity models for tight gas sands/ Obadare O. Awoleke, Ding Zhu, A. D. Hill.- SPE Journal. 2016, October; Vol.21, No.05, p.10 p.

Fracture/ Conductivity/ Models/ Design/ Tight gas/ Sands/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163481

133 A new visual tracking method for the analysis and characterization of jet flow/ Gokhan Alcan,...[et al].- Flow Measurement and Instrumentation. 2016, October; Vol.51, p.13 p.

Jet flow/ Droplet/ Bubble/ Segmentation/ Tracking/ Analysis/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163528

134 Novel apparatus to measure the low-permeability and porosity in tight gas reservoir/ Hochang Jang,...[et al].- Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering. 2016, June; Vol.142, No.06, p.12 p.

Tight gas/ Permeability/ Porosity/ Pulse/ Measurement/ X ray/ Scanning/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163381

135 Novel application of gas chromatography in measurement of gas flow rate/ Mingshuai Sun,...[et al].- Flow Measurement and Instrumentation. 2016, August; Vol.50, No.08, p.7 p.

Gas/ Chromatography/ Flow/ Metering/ Flow rate/ Methane/ Acetylene/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163519


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136 A novel multi-hybrid model for estimating optimal viscosity correlations of Iranian crude oil/ Bahram Ghorbani,...[et al].- Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering. 2016, June; Vol.142, No.06, p.9 p.

Crude oil/ Viscosity/ Iran/ Correlations/ Coefficients/ Models/ Genetic algorithm/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163384

137 A novel uniform-flux solution based on the Green s Function Method for modeling the pressure-transient behavior of a restricted-entry well in anisotropic gas reservoirs/ Fabricio A. Miranda, Abelardo B. Barreto, Alvaro M. M. Peres.- SPE Journal. 2016, October; Vol.21, No.05, p.13 p.

Gas/ Reservoirs/ Pressure/ Transient/ Modelling/ Solution/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163487

138 Numerical analysis of the source of excessive Na+ and Cl species in flowback water from hydraulically fractured shale formations/ Maxian B. Seales,...[et al].- SPE Journal. 2016, October; Vol.21, No.05, p.14 p.

Hydraulic fracturing/ Treatment/ Fluids/ Numerical models/ Capillary pressure/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163484

139 Numerical and ANFIS modeling of the effect of fracture parameters on the performance of VAPEX process/ Heydar Pendar,...[et al].- Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering. 2016, July; Vol.143, No.07, p.13 p.

Vapor extraction (VAPEX)/ Process/ Fracture/ Reservoirs/ Parameters (Statistics)/ Recovery/ Modelling/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163425

140 Oil filling history of the Mesozoic oil reservoir in the Tabei Up lift of Tarim Basin, NW China/ Fulin Yang, Tieguan Wang, Meijun Li.- Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering. 2016, June; Vol.142, No.06, p.12 p.

China/ Petroleum/ Reservoirs/ Correlations/ Fluids/ Inclusion/ Mesozoic/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163389

141 Oil production freeze; from idea to action/ Shuaib Bahman.- Iran Petroleum. 2016, February, p.36-39.

Crude oil/ Production/ Prices/ Supply and Demand/ Producers/ Market/ Stability/ OPEC

Doc. No: 162185


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142 Oil production, natural gas price upticks expected for 2017/ Rita Tubb, Michael Reed.- Pipeline & Gas Journal. 2016, November; Vol.243, No.11, p.16-30.

Pipelines/ U.S.A./ Gas/ Companies/ Production/ Transmission/ Distribution/ Trends/ Projects/ Tables (data)

Doc. No: 163541

143 On local velocity measurement in gravity-driven flows with intense bedload of coarse lightweight particles/ Vojtech Bares,...[et al].- Flow Measurement and Instrumentation. 2016, October; Vol.51, p.11 p.

Velocity/ Distribution/ Doppler effect/ Shear stress/ Fluid flow/ Measurement/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163526

144 Only the brave/ Chris Stephen.- Petroleum Economist. 2016-2017, December-January; Vol.83, No.10, p.42,43.

Libya/ Petroleum/ Production/ Investments/ Security

Doc. No: 170006

145 Opening up Trinidad's oil sands/ Herbert Sukhu.- Petroleum Economist. 2016-2017, December-January; Vol.83, No.10, p.48,49.

Trinidad and Tobago/ Oil sand/ Bitumens/ Development

Doc. No: 170007

146 Optimization of casing string placement in the presence of geological uncertainty in oil wells: Offshore oilfield case studies/ Rassoul Khosravanian, Bernt S. Aadnoy.- Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering. 2016, June; Vol.142, No.06, p.11 p.

Casing (well)/ Well placement/ Uncertainty/ Optimization/ Utility program/ Case studies/ Cost/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163380

147 Optimize a CDU using process simulation and statistical modeling methods/ J. Bird, D. Seillier, E. Piazza.- Hydrocarbon Processing. 2016, October; Vol.95, No.10, p.13 p.

Crude oil/ Distillation/ Optimization/ Process/ Simulation/ Modelling/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163367


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148 Organizational change can be achieved through HSE leadership/ Jack Hinton.- World Oil. 2016, December; Vol.237, No.12, p.5 p.

H.S.E./ Performance/ Culture/ Modelling/ Training/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163458

149 The origin and evolution of thermogenic gases inorganic-rich marine shales/ Yongqiang Xiong,...[et al].- Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering. 2016, July; Vol.143, No.07, p.6 p.

Shale gas/ Marine environment/ Kerogen/ Bitumens/ Simulation/ Experiments/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163408

150 Performance comparison of transversely and longitudinally fractured horizontal wells over varied reservoir permeability/ Fen Yang, Larry K. Britt, Shari Dunn-Norman.- SPE Journal. 2016, October; Vol.21, No.05, p.17 p.

Performance/ Horizontal well/ Hydraulic fracturing/ Reservoirs/ Permeability/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163472

151 Pipeline leak detection expected to see muted growth through 2020.- Pipeline & Gas Journal. 2016, November; Vol.243, No.11, p.68-70.

Pipelines/ Leak detection/ Market/ World/ Demand (economics)/ Infrastructure/ Investments/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163535

152 Placing a price on carbon : A great theory, but a terrible idea/ David Blackmon.- World Oil. 2016, November; Vol.237, No.11, p.4 p.

Carbon/ Taxes/ Cost/ Market

Doc. No: 163451

153 Porosity model and its application in tight gas sandstone reservoir in the southern part of West Depression, Liaohe Basin, China/ Wei Wei,...[et al].- Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering. 2016, May; Vol.141, No.05, p.14 p.

Porosity/ Models/ Reservoirs/ China/ Diagenesis/ Prediction/ Evolution/ Tight gas/ Sandstones/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163395


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NIOC Information Center New Acquisitions Technical Article


154 Position and posture determination of a large dense object in a fluidized bed/ Rongrong Cai, Jinlan Qiu.- Flow Measurement and Instrumentation. 2016, October; Vol.51, p.9 p.

Particles/ Sensors/ Acceleration/ Fluidized bed processing/ Velocity/ Measurement/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163531

155 Potential of low-salinity waterflood to improve oil recovery in carbonates: Demonstrating the effect by qualitative coreflood/ Ramez A. Nasralla,...[et al].- SPE Journal. 2016, October; Vol.21, No.05, p.12 p.

Carbonates/ Reservoirs/ Improved Oil Recovery (I.O.R.)/ Salinity/ Waterflooding/ Coreflooding/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163467

156 Prediction of contraction scour using ANN and GA/ Rajkumar V. Raikar,...[et al].- Flow Measurement and Instrumentation. 2016, August; Vol.50, No.08, p.9 p.

Artificial neural network/ Scour/ Genetic algorithm/ Principal Components Analysis (P.C.A.)/ Contraction/ Open channel flow/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163501

157 Prediction of depth averaged velocity and boundary shear distribution of a compound channel based on the mixing layer theory/ K. Devi, K.K. Khatua.- Flow Measurement and Instrumentation. 2016, August; Vol.50, No.08, p.11 p.

Depth/ Velocity/ Shear stress/ Coefficients/ Calibrating/ Mixing/ Layered/ Channel flow/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163514

158 Proactive valve, actuator programs for new EPA compliance/ David Leese.- Pipeline & Gas Journal. 2016, November; Vol.243, No.11, p.44,46.

Valves/ Actuator/ Environmental Protection Agency/ Compliance/ Detection/ Pipelines

Doc. No: 163540

159 Probing diagnostic fracture injection tests in unconventional reservoirs/ J. Wallace, C.S. Kabir, C. Cipolla.- Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering. 2016, July; Vol.143, No.07, p.13 p.

Fracture/ Injection/ Testing/ Unconventional resources/ Pressure/ Leak- off testing (L.O.T)/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163407


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160 A production data analysis model for gas/condensate reservoirs/ Mohammad Taghizadeh Sarvestani, Fariborz Rashidi, Seyed Ali Mousavi Dehghani.- Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering. 2016, May; Vol.141, No.05, p.18 p.

Gas condensate/ Reservoirs/ Production/ Data analysis/ Models/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163391

161 Project Management: Global trends in energy savings: Are emerging technologies the solution?/ D. Hutton, J. Gomez-Prado.- Hydrocarbon Processing. 2016, October; Vol.95, No.10, p.5 p.

Energy/ Project management/ Investments/ Performance/ Improvement/ Technology/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163355

162 Proven technology advances floating wind energy production/ Lars Samuelsson, Dominique Roddier.- Offshore. 2016, December; Vol.76, No.12, p.48,49.

Wind energy/ Production/ Europe/ Installation/ Innovations/ Future

Doc. No: 163442

163 Qualitative and quantitative acoustic mapping of bedform dynamics/ Dongsu Kim,...[et al].- Flow Measurement and Instrumentation. 2016, August; Vol.50, No.08, p.10 p.

Images/ Velocimeter/ Acoustics/ Mapping/ Dynamics/ Rivers/ Migration/ Measurement/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163503

164 R&D role in Iran's petroleum industry/ Mohammad Ali Emadi.- Iran Petroleum. 2015, January, p.54-55.

Iran/ Petroleum industry/ Research and Development/ New Technology/ Iran Petroleum Contract (IPC)/ Investments/ Interviews

Doc. No: 153676

165 Rate-dependent polymer adsorption in porous media/ P.E.G. Idahosa,...[et al].- Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering. 2016, July; Vol.143, No.07, p.7 p.

Polymers/ Adsorption/ Coreflooding/ Enhanced oil recovery/ Porous materials/ Flow rate/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163418


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NIOC Information Center New Acquisitions Technical Article


166 Rate forecasting during boundary-dominated multiphase flow: The rescaled exponential model/ Miao Zhang, Madhu Singh, Luis F. Ayala.- Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering. 2016, July; Vol.143, No.07, p.12 p.

Wells/ Performance/ Boundary dominated flow/ Multiphase flow/ Forecasts/ Models/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163410

167 Record-length expandable liner enables gas lift completion, improves production/ Joe Becnel,...[et al].- World Oil. 2016, December; Vol.237, No.12, p.6 p.

Gas lift operations/ Completion/ Borehole/ Production/ Qualifications/ Protocol

Doc. No: 163459

168 Regional Report: Permian Basin/ Mike Slaton.- World Oil. 2016, November; Vol.237, No.11, p.8 p.

Permian Basin/ Production/ Petroleum/ Market/ Cost/ Drilling/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163452

169 A relative permeability rock-typing methodology with a clustering method combined with a heuristic optimization procedure/ Andre L. M. Compan, Gustavo C. R. Bodstein, Paulo Couto.- SPE Journal. 2016, October; Vol.21, No.05, p.17 p.

Rocks/ Cluster analysis/ Permeability/ Curve/ Optimization/ Techniques/ Dispersions(chemical)/ Evaluation/ Models/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163485

170 Reliability: Reassess and redirect your approach to a long-term career/ H. P. Bloch.- Hydrocarbon Processing. 2016, October; Vol.95, No.10, p.2 p.

Employment/ Industries/ Reliability

Doc. No: 163368

171 Remove sulfur and nitrogen from liquid hydrocarbons with absorption process/ K. Litz, K. Edison, J. Rankin.- Hydrocarbon Processing. 2016, October; Vol.95, No.10, p.5 p.

Adsorption/ Separation/ Liquid/ Hydrocarbons/ Sulfur/ Cost/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163369


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NIOC Information Center New Acquisitions Technical Article


172 Renewables in Brazil/ Rosie Fitzmaurice.- IJ Global. 2015, November/December; No.358, p.28.

Latin America/ Brazil/ Renewable energy/ Power generation/ Wind energy/ Solar energy/ Projects/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 153709

173 Report: Electric vehicles: Known unknown threat/ Lan Lewis.- Petroleum Economist. 2016-2017, December-January; Vol.83, No.10, p.10-13.

Electric vehicle/ Petroleum industry/ Demand (economics)/ Investments/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 170000

174 Research initiative targets worker safety/ Kevin McSweeney.- World Oil. 2016, December; Vol.237, No.12, p.2 p.

Safety/ Offshore/ Data

Doc. No: 163460

175 Rig retrofit opens up new markets/ Bruce Beaubouef.- Offshore. 2016, December; Vol.76, No.12, p.46,47.

Mooring/ Gulf of Mexico/ Drilling/ Market/ Improvement/ Intervention/ Wells

Doc. No: 163441

176 Rigorous and explicit determination of reserves and hyperbolic exponents in gas-well decline analysis/ Thomas N. Stumpf, Luis F. Ayala.- SPE Journal. 2016, October; Vol.21, No.05, p.15 p.

Gas wells/ Decline curve/ Analysis/ Production/ Estimating/ Models/ Pressure/ Case studies/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163482

177 Robustness of three-phase equilibrium calculations/ S.E. Gorucu, R.T. Johns.- Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering. 2016, July; Vol.143, No.07, p.14 p.

Phase/ Equilibrium/ Calculations/ Stability/ Methods/ Simulation/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163421


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NIOC Information Center New Acquisitions Technical Article


178 RPSEA reflects on its Ultra-Deepwater Program accomplishments/ Roy Long, James Pappas.- Offshore. 2016, December; Vol.76, No.12, p.34-36.

U.S.A./ Deep water/ Projects/ Equipment/ Drilling/ Technology

Doc. No: 163436

179 Sedimentological and diagenetic controls on reservoir properties in the Permian Triassic successions of Western Persian Gulf, Southern Iran/ Javad Abdolmaleki, Vahid Tavakoli, Ashkan Asadi-Eskandar.- Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering. 2016, May; Vol.141, No.05, p.24 p.

Reservoirs/ Characterization/ Permian/ Triassic/ Persian Gulf/ South Pars gas field/ Stratigraphy/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163397

180 Seismic imaging by 3D partial CDS method in complex media/ M. Soleimani.- Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering. 2016, July; Vol.143, No.07, p.11 p.

Seismic data/ Images/ Diffraction/ Surfaces/ Methods/ Velocity/ Heterogeneity/ Formation (geology)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163417

181 ShaleTech: Argentina/Mexico shales/ Jim Redden.- World Oil. 2016, November; Vol.237, No.11, p.5 p.

Shales/ Argentina/ Mexico/ Production/ Market/ Drilling/ Cost/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163453

182 ShaleTech: Haynesville-Bossier shale/ Jim Redden.- World Oil. 2016, December; Vol.237, No.12, p.5 p.

L.N.G./ Exports/ U.S.A./ Production/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163461

183 Shell takes ultra-deepwater to record depths with Stones/ Jessica Tippee.- Offshore. 2016, December; Vol.76, No.12, p.24,25.

F.P.S.O/ Projects/ Deep water/ Production/ Companies

Doc. No: 163432


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NIOC Information Center New Acquisitions Technical Article


184 Shifting the bulge.- Petroleum Economist. 2016-2017, December-January; Vol.83, No.10, p.56.

L.N.G./ Prices/ Supply and Demand/ World/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 170010

185 Sliding oil price impact on Europe/ Shuaib Bahman.- Iran Petroleum. 2015, February, p.36-39.

Crude oil/ Prices/ Europe/ Economic growth/ Energy/ Policy/ Fuels/ Russia/ Natural gas/ Exports

Doc. No: 153677

186 Slipping schedules/ Sally Bogle.- Petroleum Economist. 2016-2017, December-January; Vol.83, No.10, p.28,29.

Australia/ L.N.G./ Prices/ Projects/ Exports/ Tables (data)

Doc. No: 170002

187 Somalia awakens as East Africa s oil province/ Neil Hodgson.- Offshore. 2016, December; Vol.76, No.12, p.38,39.

Somalia/ Offshore/ Exploration/ East Africa/ Seismic data

Doc. No: 163437

188 Source control operation effectively contains blowout/ Douglas Derr, Carl J. Cramm, John B. Garner.- Offshore. 2016, December; Vol.76, No.12, p.44,45.

Caspian sea/ Platforms/ Safety/ Control/ Damage

Doc. No: 163440

189 The stability of inclined and fractured wellbores/ Amin Mehrabian.- SPE Journal. 2016, October; Vol.21, No.05, p.19 p.

Wells/ Borehole/ Stability/ Analysis/ Fracture/ Solution/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163483


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NIOC Information Center New Acquisitions Technical Article


190 Steps for Iran petroleum industry development/ Mansour Moazzami.- Iran Petroleum. 2015, March, p.24-29.

Iran/ Petroleum industry/ Development projects/ Production/ Sanction/ Crude oil/ Natural gas/ Fuel oil/ South Pars gas field/ Foreign investment

Doc. No: 153678

191 Study of the effect of temperature and gas condensate addition on the viscosity of heavy oils/ Joao Felipe P. Bassane,...[et al].- Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering. 2016, June; Vol.142, No.06, p.7 p.

Heavy oils/ Gas condensate/ Viscosity/ Density/ Rheology/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163390

192 Study shows safety improvements of liquids pipeline companies/ Rita Tubb.- Pipeline & Gas Journal. 2016, November; Vol.243, No.11, p.64,65.

Pipelines/ Liquids/ U.S.A./ Safety/ Improvement/ Operators/ Incident/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163537

193 Subsea efficiency in harsh environments/ Vibesh Ravindran.- World Oil. 2016, November; Vol.237, No.11, p.9 p.

Underwater/ Safety/ Efficiency/ Drilling/ Operation/ Case studies/ Testing

Doc. No: 163454

194 Subsea supply chain faces tough revival/ Jessica Cohen.- Offshore. 2016, December; Vol.76, No.12, p.55,56.

Offshore/ Supply chain/ Market/ Equipment

Doc. No: 163445

195 Superior cubic channel section and analytical solution of best hydraulic properties/ Yan-Cheng Han, Said M. Easa.- Flow Measurement and Instrumentation. 2016, August; Vol.50, No.08, p.9 p.

Channel/ Cross section/ Water/ Management/ Construction/ Discharge/ Hydraulics/ Optimization/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163512


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NIOC Information Center New Acquisitions Technical Article


196 Support vector regression for modified oblique side weirs discharge coefficient prediction/ Amir Hossein Zaji, Hossein Bonakdari, Shahaboddin Shamshirband.- Flow Measurement and Instrumentation. 2016, October; Vol.51, p.7 p.

Discharge/ Coefficients/ Weirs/ Flow control/ Prediction/ Support Vector Regression (S.V.R.)/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163524

197 A systems approach to coring improves operations/ Alan Norrie, Claire Kennedy.- World Oil. 2016, November; Vol.237, No.11, p.6 p.

Coring/ Operation/ Data/ Software system/ Technology/ Cost/ Case studies/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163446

198 A tale of two forecasts.- Petroleum Economist. 2016-2017, December-January; Vol.83, No.10, p.56.

Petroleum/ Demand (economics)/ I.E.A./ OPEC/ Forecasts/ World/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 170009

199 Tapping out/ Justin Jacobs.- Petroleum Economist. 2016-2017, December-January; Vol.83, No.10, p.52.

North America/ Pipelines/ Prices/ Petroleum/ Production/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 170008

200 Technology helps provide answers for market woes/ Mike Slaton.- World Oil. 2016, December; Vol.237, No.12, p.8 p.

Technology/ Drilling rig/ Market/ Jack-up rig

Doc. No: 163462

201 Testing method and controlling factors of specific surface area of shales/ Hong-ming Tang,...[et al].- Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering. 2016, July; Vol.143, No.07, p.7 p.

Shales/ Surfaces/ / Temperature/ Control/ Minerals/ Compositions/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163409


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NIOC Information Center New Acquisitions Technical Article


202 Theory and structure of a modified optical fiber turbine flowmeter/ Ya-fei Gu,...[et al].- Flow Measurement and Instrumentation. 2016, August; Vol.50, No.08, p.7 p.

Turbines/ Flow rate/ Metering/ Fibres/ Technology/ Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)/ Simulation/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163507

203 Three dimensional visualization of solvent chamber growth during the VAPEX processes: An experimental approach using laser/ Fang Fang, Tayfun Babadagli.- Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering. 2016, June; Vol.142, No.06, p.22 p.

Visualization/ Solvents/ Diffusion/ Lasers/ Heterogeneity/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163386

204 Thriving in a major U.S. shale play: The Bakken unpacked/ Richard Nemec.- Pipeline & Gas Journal. 2016, November; Vol.243, No.11, p.56,58,60.

Bakken Formation/ Production/ Natural gas/ Petroleum/ Prices

Doc. No: 163538

205 Total pressure fluctuations and two-phase flow turbulence in self-aerated stepped chute flows/ Gangfu Zhang, Hubert Chanson, Hang Wang.- Flow Measurement and Instrumentation. 2016, October; Vol.51, p.13 p.

Pressure/ Fluctuation/ Two phase flow/ Turbulence/ Aeration/ Velocity/ Measurement/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163529

206 Two phase flow regime identification using infrared sensor and volume of fluids method/ S. Arunkumar,...[et al].- Flow Measurement and Instrumentation. 2016, October; Vol.51, p.6 p.

Two phase flow/ Sensors/ Identification/ Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)/ Analysis/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163532

207 A unified model for gas transfer in nanopores of shale-gas reservoirs: Coupling pore diffusion and surface diffusion/ Keliu Wu,...[et al].- SPE Journal. 2016, October; Vol.21, No.05, p.29.

Gas/ Mass transfer/ Shale gas/ Reservoirs/ Models/ Surfaces/ Diffusion/ Numerical simulation/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163463


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NIOC Information Center New Acquisitions Technical Article


208 Use dynamic simulation to maximize plant operating performance/ M. A. Alos.- Hydrocarbon Processing. 2016, October; Vol.95, No.10, p.4 p.

Operation/ Plants/ Simulation/ Improvement

Doc. No: 163372

209 Use of sonic anemometry for the study of confined swirling flows in large industrial units/ Victor Francia,...[et al].- Flow Measurement and Instrumentation. 2016, August; Vol.50, No.08, p.13 p.

Measurement/ Vortex flow/ Swirling flow/ Spray drying/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163510

210 Use process knowledge management systems to accelerate innovation/ S. Hall, P. Mahoney.- Hydrocarbon Processing. 2016, October; Vol.95, No.10, p.8 p.

Knowledge management/ Innovations/ Process engineering/ Data/ Industries

Doc. No: 163373

211 Validating dilute settling suspensions numerical data through MRI, UVP and EIT measurements/ R. Silva,...[et al].- Flow Measurement and Instrumentation. 2016, August; Vol.50, No.08, p.14 p.

Measurement/ Models/ Magnetic Resonance Imaging (M.R.I.)/ Impedance/ Tomography/ Ultrasonics/ Velocity/ Suspension/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163500

212 Viewpoint: New challenges demand innovative solutions/ R. Liebert.- Hydrocarbon Processing. 2016, October; Vol.95, No.10, p.3 p.

Industries/ Demand (economics)/ Production/ Technology

Doc. No: 163374

213 Water adsorption on kaolinite and illite after polyamine adsorption/ Shifeng Zhang, James J. Sheng, Zhengsong Qiu.- Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering. 2016, June; Vol.142, No.06, p.8 p.

Kaolinite/ Hydration/ Surface tension/ Analysis/ Water/ Absorption/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 163383


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NIOC Information Center New Acquisitions Technical Article


214 Well integrity in production operations: Five trends shaping the future/ Don Dressler, Brian O'Sullivan.- World Oil. 2016, November; Vol.237, No.11, p.8 p.

Wells/ Integrity/ Production/ Operation/ Trends/ Software system/ Data management/ Future

Doc. No: 163455

215 Will US LNG lure Gazprom into a price war in Europe?/ James Henderson.- Petroleum Economist. 2016-2017, December-January; Vol.83, No.10, p.30,31.

L.N.G./ Gazprom/ Cost/ Exports/ Market/ U.S.A./ Russia/ Europe/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 170003



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NIOC Information Center New Acquisitions Management Articles

1 The academic triathlon - bridging the agora and academia/ Santiago Iniguez De Onzono, Salvador Carmona.- Journal of Management Development. 2016; Vol.35, No.7, p.854-865.

Business/ Schools/ Research/ Management development/ Incentives Doc. No: 163877

2 Academics' e-learning adoption in higher education institutions: a matter of trust/ Jorge Tiago Martins, Miguel Baptista Nunes.- The Learning Organization. 2016; Vol.23, No.5, p.299-331.

E-learning/ Higher Education/ Trust/ Information systems Doc. No: 163879

3 Antecedents of work engagement among high potential employees/ Violetta Khoreva, Maarten van Zalk.- Career Development International. 2016; Vol.21, No.5, p.459-476.

Engagement/ Human resource management/ Human resource development/ Leadership/ Psychological contracts/ Tables (data) Doc. No: 163929

4 Are business school deans doomed? The global financial crisis, Brexit and all that/ Julie Davies.- Journal of Management Development. 2016; Vol.35, No.7, p.901-915.

Business/ Schools/ Financial crisis/ U.K./ E.U./ Leadership/ Middle management/ Roles Doc. No: 164100

5 Bouncing back from psychological contract breach: how commitment recovers over time/ Omar N. Solinger,...[et al].- Journal of Organizational Behavior. 2016, May; Vol.37, No.4, p.494-514.

Commitment/ Psychological contracts/ Emotions/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts) Doc. No: 163885

6 Calling in sick, feeling just fine/ by Jon Wolper.- Talent Development. 2017, February; Vol.71, No.2, p.14.

Leave of absence/ Health/ Well being/ Surveys Doc. No: 170128

7 Can self-sacrificial leadership promote subordinate taking charge? the mediating role of organizational identification and the moderating role of risk aversion/ Rui Li, Zi-Yuan Zhang, and Xiao-Ming Tian.- Journal of Organizational Behavior. 2016, July; Vol.37, No.5, p.758-781.

Leadership/ Responsibility/ Behaviour/ Identification/ Risk/ Employees/ Tables Doc. No: 163897

8 Career profiles in the "new career": evidence of their prevalence and correlates/ Lisa K.J. Kuron,...[et al].- Career Development International. 2016; Vol.21, No.4, p.355-377.

Career development/ Commitment/ Self efficacy/ Control/ Attitudes/ Job satisfaction/ Tables (data) Doc. No: 163924


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NIOC Information Center New Acquisitions Management Articles

9 Characteristics of effective leadership networks/ Kenneth Leithwood, Vera Ndifor Azah.- Journal of Educational Administration. 2016; Vol.54, No.4, p.409-433.

Leadership/ Networking/ Effectiveness/ Management development/ Schools/ Tables (data) Doc. No: 163907

10 Cindy McCauley: Senior Fellow, Center for Creative Leadership. Greensboro, North Carolina.- Talent Development. 2017, February; Vol.71, No.2, p.62,63.

Human resource development/ Assignments/ Leadership/ Management/ Interviews Doc. No: 170143

11 Compliance training doesn't have to be boring/ by Steve Rients.- Talent Development. 2017, February; Vol.71, No.2, p.34-38.

Compliance/ Training/ Learning/ Engagement/ Emotions/ Empowerment Doc. No: 170135

12 Contextualizing employability: do boundaries of self-directedness vary in different labor market groups?/ Maxim Kovalenko, Dimitri Mortelmans.- Career Development International. 2016; Vol.21, No.5, p.498-517.

Labour Market/ Employment/ Career development/ Tables (data) Doc. No: 163931

13 Controlling the boundaries: how to minimize the negative impact of working outside regular hours/ Graham Cole.- Human resource Management International Digest. 2016; Vol.24, No.6, p.15-17.

Working time arrangement/ Flexibility/ Work-life balance/ Psychology Doc. No: 163860

14 Creating a school context of success: The role of enabling school structure & academic optimism in an urban elementary & middle school setting/ Roxanne M. Mitchell,...[et al].- Journal of Educational Administration. 2016; Vol.54, No.6, p.626-646.

Schools/ Management/ Leadership/ Education/ Public Administration/ Organizational structure/ Surveys/ Tables (data) Doc. No: 163916

15 Crisis management as a critical perspective/ Denis Fischbacher-Smith, Moira Fischbacher-Smith.- Journal of Management Development. 2016; Vol.35, No.7, p.930-940.

Crisis management/ Master of business administration (MBA)/ Education/ U.K./ E.U./ U.S.A. Doc. No: 164102

16 Determinants of individuals' entrepreneurial intentions: a gender-comparative study/ Muhammad Arshad,...[et al].- Career Development International. 2016; Vol.21, No.4, p.318-339.

Entrepreneurship/ Gender/ Attitudes/ Self efficacy/ Developing countries/ Comparative Analysis Doc. No: 163922


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NIOC Information Center New Acquisitions Management Articles

17 Developing a talent pipeline in a high attrition field/ by Kathy Bernhardt.- Talent Development. 2017, February; Vol.71, No.2, p.22-25.

Disabled workers/ Training/ Human resource development/ Talent management/ Interorganizational relations/ Partnership/ Case studies Doc. No: 170132

18 Driving change: the role of "emotional connectedness" - a case study/ Sylvie M. Lacoste, Janet Dekker.- The Learning Organization. 2016; Vol.23, No.5, p.357-369.

Change management/ Emotions/ Customer relations/ Case studies Doc. No: 163882

19 The effect of corporate social responsibility on organizational commitment of employees of rural and community banks in Ghana/ Henry Kofi Mensah, Ahmed Agyapong, Dorcas Nuertey.- Cogent Business and Management. 2017; No.4, p.1-19.

Organizational commitment/ Social responsibility/ Corporations/ Strategic management/ Ethics/ Banks/ Ghana Doc. No: 163890

20 An empirical examination of personal learning within the context of teams/ Yuan Jiang, Susan E. Jackson, and Saba Colakoglu.- Journal of Organizational Behavior. 2016, July; Vol.37, No.5, p.654-672.

Learning/ Team working/ Skills development/ Leadership Doc. No: 163892

21 An experimental study of the interaction effects of incentive compensation, career ambition, and task attention on Chinese managers' strategic risk behaviors/ Daniel Han Ming Chng, and Joyce Cong Ying Wang.- Journal of Organizational Behavior. 2016, July; Vol.37, No.5, p.719-737.

Managers/ China/ Behaviour/ Risk/ Compensation/ Incentives/ Career development/ Strategic management/ Performance/ Tables (data)/ Graphs Doc. No: 163895

22 Exploring the experiences of administrative interns: implications for university preparation programs/ Kimberly Jamison, Jennifer Clayton.- Journal of Educational Administration. 2016; Vol.54, No.5, p.514-536.

University and college/ Preparation/ Students/ Schools/ Public Administration/ Tables (data) Doc. No: 163911

23 Extending the careers of older workers: the role of individual working agreements/ Graham Cole.- Human resource Management International Digest. 2016; Vol.24, No.6, p.24-26.

Older workers/ Career development/ Individuals/ Agreements/ Flexibility Doc. No: 163863

24 Factors fostering students' spin-off firm formation: an empirical comparative study of universities from North and South Europe/ Leire Markuerkiaga,...[et al].- Journal of Management Development. 2016; Vol.35, No.6, p.814-846.

Universities/ Entrepreneurship/ Europe/ Comparative Analysis/ Tables (data) Doc. No: 163876


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NIOC Information Center New Acquisitions Management Articles

25 Fast-tracking high potentials to leading roles.- Talent Development. 2017, February; Vol.71, No.2, p.72.

Leadership/ Management development/ Roles/ Skills development/ Training/ Case studies Doc. No: 170142

26 Feedback fears for the "Me, Me, Me" generation: how to tread carefully in dishing out criticism/ Brian Beal.- Human resource Management International Digest. 2016; Vol.24, No.6, p.27-29.

Generations/ Feedback/ Performance appraisal/ Assertiveness/ Sensitivity/ Communication Doc. No: 163864

27 Finding the extraordinary and creating the unexpected: gnome and genius combined in an exceptional ethical heuristic/ Massimiliano Matteo Pellegrini,...[et al].- Journal of Management Development. 2016; Vol.35, No.6, p.789-801.

Ethics/ Decision making/ Uncertainty/ Entrepreneurship/ Heuristics/ Genius Doc. No: 163874

28 The formula for achieving innovation/ by Steve Gladis.- Talent Development. 2017, February; Vol.71, No.2, p.58-61.

Innovations/ Organizational culture/ Talent management/ Environmental impact/ Process/ Motivation Doc. No: 170139

29 Functional heterogeneity and senior management team effectiveness: the mediating role of school leadership/ Pascale Benoliel, Anit Somech.- Journal of Educational Administration. 2016; Vol.54, No.4, p.492-512.

Team working/ Effectiveness/ Top management/ Heterogeneity/ Schools/ Leadership Doc. No: 163910

30 GBSN’s perspective on business education and globalization/ Guy Pfeffermann.- Journal of Management Development. 2016; Vol.35, No.7, p.866-877.

Business/ Schools/ Education/ Management development/ Globalization/ Welfare/ Countries/ Emerging markets/ Tables/ Graphs Doc. No: 164097

31 Get to the root of the problem/ by Judy Murray.- Talent Development. 2017, February; Vol.71, No.2, p.26-29.

Training/ Business/ Problem solving/ Management Doc. No: 170133

32 Good relationships at work: the effects of Leader Member Exchange and Team Member Exchange on psychological empowerment, emotional exhaustion, and depression/ Carsten C. Schermuly, and Bertolt Meyer.- Journal of Organizational Behavior. 2016, July; Vol.37, No.5, p.673-691.

Labour Relations/ Superior subordinate relationship/ Empowerment/ Psychology/ Burnout syndrome Doc. No: 163893


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NIOC Information Center New Acquisitions Management Articles

33 Got milk? Workplace factors related to breastfeeding among working mothers/ Christiane Spitzmueller,...[et al].- Journal of Organizational Behavior. 2016, July; Vol.37, No.5, p.692-718.

Work-life balance/ Women/ Maternity leave/ Women/ Family Policy/ Organizational support/ Health/ Behaviour Doc. No: 163894

34 Harnessing the power of the job description/ Samuel Leon Rohr.- Human resource Management International Digest. 2016; Vol.24, No.6, p.8-11.

Job description/ Competitive Advantage/ Succession planning/ Management Doc. No: 163858

35 Helping managers to more effectively delegate authority/ Paul R. Lyons.- Human resource Management International Digest. 2016; Vol.24, No.6, p.1-3.

Delegation/ Employee Empowerment/ Management development Doc. No: 163856

36 How affective commitment to the organization changes over time: a longitudinal analysis of the reciprocal relationships between affective organizational commitment and income/ Xiaohan Gao-Urhahn, Torsten Biemann, and Stephen J. Jaros.- Journal of Organizational Behavior. 2016, May; Vol.37, No.4, p.515-536.

Organizational commitment/ Change/ Income/ Tables (data) Doc. No: 163886

37 The importance of fostering alignment to ensure sustainable nation building: the role of HRD in large Palestinian organizations/ Grace C. Khoury, Beverley McNally.- Journal of Management Development. 2016; Vol.35, No.6, p.718-734.

Human resource development/ Organization/ Alignment/ Palestine Doc. No: 163869

38 Improving teaching capacity to increase student achievement: the key role of data interpretation by school leaders/ David Lynch,...[et al].- Journal of Educational Administration. 2016; Vol.54, No.5, p.575-592.

Teaching/ Capacity/ Improvement/ Students/ Achievement/ Schools/ Leadership/ Data/ Interpretation/ Case studies Doc. No: 163914

39 The influence of typologies of school leaders on teacher retention: A multilevel latent class analysis/ Angela Urick.- Journal of Educational Administration. 2016; Vol.54, No.4, p.434-468.

Schools/ Leadership/ Types/ Teachers/ Retention/ Management styles/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts) Doc. No: 163908

40 Infograph: not the right fit.- Talent Development. 2017, February; Vol.71, No.2, p.16.

Recruitment/ Skills/ Performance/ Personality/ Organizational culture/ Surveys Doc. No: 170129


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NIOC Information Center New Acquisitions Management Articles

41 It is also in our nature: genetic influences on work characteristics and in explaining their relationships with well-being/ Wen-Dong Li,...[et al].- Journal of Organizational Behavior. 2016, August; Vol.37, No.6, p.868-888.

Genetics/ Job characteristics/ Well being/ Work environment/ Work design Doc. No: 163902

42 Job crafting and motivation to continue

working beyond retirement age/ Philipp Wolfgang Lichtenthaler, Andrea Fischbach.- Career Development International. 2016; Vol.21, No.5, p.477-497.

Retirement/ Aging/ Burnout syndrome/ Motivation/ Older workers Doc. No: 163930

43 A job demands-resources approach to

presenteeism/ Alisha McGregor,...[et al].- Career Development International. 2016; Vol.21, No.4, p.402-418.

Engagement/ Burnout syndrome/ Resources/ Leadership/ Social support/ Time/ Work-life balance/ Bullying/ Surveys/ Tables (data) Doc. No: 163926

44 Job engagement, perceived

organizational support, high-performance human resource practices, and cultural value orientations / Lifeng Zhong, Sandy J. Wayne, and Robert C. Liden.- Journal of Organizational Behavior. 2016, August; Vol.37, No.6, p.823-844.

Engagement/ Organizational support/ Human resources/ Performance/ Culture/ Collectivism/ Tables (data) Doc. No: 163900

45 Jordanian perspectives on the disabled at work: nation's public sector offers some positive insights/ John Wheatcrof.- Human resource Management International Digest. 2016; Vol.24, No.6, p.40-42.

Disabled workers/ Public sector/ Jordan Doc. No: 163868

46 Justice and job engagement: The role of

senior management trust/ Kevin W. Mossholder, and Stanley G. Harris.- Journal of Organizational Behavior. 2016, August; Vol.37, No.6, p.889-910.

Justice/ Engagement/ Top management/ Trust/ Performance/ Tables (data) Doc. No: 163903

47 Leadership and organizational

ambidexterity/ Sasa Baskarada, Jamie Watson, Jason Cromarty.- Journal of Management Development. 2016; Vol.35, No.6, p.778-788.

Leadership/ Management styles/ Innovations/ Behaviour Doc. No: 163873

48 Learning-centered leadership and

teacher learning in China: does trust matter?/ Shengnan Liu, Philip Hallinger, Daming Feng.- Journal of Educational Administration. 2016; Vol.54, No.6, p.661-682.

Teachers/ Learning/ Leadership/ Trust/ China/ Tables (data) Doc. No: 163918


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NIOC Information Center New Acquisitions Management Articles

49 LIFE: an integrated view of meta organizational process for vitality/ Sumant Kumar Bishwas, Sushil.- Journal of Management Development. 2016; Vol.35, No.6, p.747-764.

Entrepreneurship/ Change/ Flexibility/ Growth/ Innovations/ Learning/ Health/ Tables (data) Doc. No: 163871

50 Love is all around us in the workplace: but how does it affect the romantically involved?/ John Wheatcrof.- Human resource Management International Digest. 2016; Vol.24, No.6, p.21-23.

Work place/ Relationship/ Family Doc. No: 163862

51 Mapping a journey to inform the future/ by Mj Hall.- Talent Development. 2017, February; Vol.71, No.2, p.46-51.

Experience/ Human resource development/ Talent management/ Interaction/ Information/ Documentation/ Future/ Case studies Doc. No: 170137

52 Measurement invariance of second-order factor model of the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ) across K-12 principal gender/ Lihua Xu, Zane Wubbena, Trae Stewart.- Journal of Educational Administration. 2016; Vol.54, No.6, p.727-748.

Education/ Measurement/ Statistics (data)/ Schools/ Leadership/ Gender Doc. No: 163921

53 The mediating role of organizational identification in the relationship between qualitative job insecurity, OCB and job performance/ Antonino Callea, Flavio Urbini, Antonio Chirumbolo.- Journal of Management Development. 2016; Vol.35, No.6, p.735-746.

Job security/ Organizational behaviour/ Organizational citizenship/ Performance/ Identification/ Italy Doc. No: 163870

54 Mediating role of organizational learning on the relationship between market orientation and innovativeness/ Rahul Raj, Kailash B.L. Srivastava.- The Learning Organization. 2016; Vol.23, No.5, p.370-384.

Organizational learning/ Market/ Orientation/ Innovations/ India/ Tables Doc. No: 163883

55 Mentoring the morally courageous: a relational cultural perspective/ Sheldene Simola.- Career Development International. 2016; Vol.21, No.4, p.340-354.

Culture/ Ethics/ Mentoring/ Resilience/ Authenticity Doc. No: 163923

56 The microfoundations of human resources management in US public schools/ Ben Pogodzinski.- Journal of Educational Administration. 2016; Vol.54, No.5, p.537-557.

Public Administration/ Schools/ Human resource management/ U.S.A. Doc. No: 163912


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NIOC Information Center New Acquisitions Management Articles

57 Mind games that create a well-focussed worker: how mindfulness can aid well-being and make for more accomplished employees/ John Wheatcrof.- Human resource Management International Digest. 2016; Vol.24, No.6, p.12-14.

Attention/ Mind/ Attitudes/ Well being/ Work place Doc. No: 163859

58 Motivation and the academic - where the drivers sit/ Alan Johnston.- Journal of Management Development. 2016; Vol.35, No.6, p.765-777.

Motivation/ Ethics/ Universities/ Higher Education/ U.K./ Tables (data) Doc. No: 163872

59 Neglected on the front line: tensions and challenges for the first-line manager-academic role in UK business schools/ Ceridwyn Bessant, Sharon Mavin.- Journal of Management Development. 2016; Vol.35, No.7, p.916-929.

Business/ Schools/ Universities/ Management/ Roles/ U.K./ Graphs (charts) Doc. No: 164101

60 A new look at the psychological contract during organizational socialization: The role of newcomers' obligations at entry/ Nathalie Delobbe, Helena D. Cooper-Thomas, and Roxane De Hoe.- Journal of Organizational Behavior. 2016, August; Vol.37, No.6, p.845-867.

Psychological contracts/ Socialization/ Organization/ Training/ Interaction Doc. No: 163901

61 New principals, accountability, and commitment in low-performing schools/ Matthew Shirrell.- Journal of Educational Administration. 2016; Vol.54, No.5, p.558-574.

Schools/ Performance/ Accountability/ Commitment/ Teachers/ Leadership/ Public Administration Doc. No: 163913

62 Organizational learning in shop floor level/ Che Keung Cheung,...[et al].- The Learning Organization. 2016; Vol.23, No.5, p.274-298.

Organizational learning/ Projects/ Manufacturing/ Pilot plants/ Implementation/ Performance/ Measurement/ Job satisfaction/ China Doc. No: 163878

63 Organizational learning? Look again/ Stuart Belle.- The Learning Organization. 2016; Vol.23, No.5, p.332-341.

Organizational learning/ Governance/ Participation/ Performance/ Improvement/ Management Doc. No: 163880

64 Organizational teaching and learning - a (re)view from educational science/ Leif Christian Lahn.- The Learning Organization. 2016; Vol.23, No.5, p.342-356.

Organizational learning/ Teaching/ Education/ Knowledge/ Tables (data) Doc. No: 163881


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NIOC Information Center New Acquisitions Management Articles

65 Pedagogical advances in business models at business schools - in the age of networks/ Peter Lorange, Howard Thomas.- Journal of Management Development. 2016; Vol.35, No.7, p.889-900.

Business/ Models/ Schools/ Networking/ Management development/ Information technology/ Learning/ Innovations Doc. No: 164099

66 Perceived organizational support and affective organizational commitment: moderating influence of perceived organizational competence/ Kyoung Yong Kim, Robert Eisenberger, and Kibok Baik.- Journal of Organizational Behavior. 2016, May; Vol.37, No.4, p.558-583.

Organizational support/ Organizational commitment/ Competence/ Perception/ Leadership/ Management/ Behaviour/ Tables (data) Doc. No: 163888

67 Perceived social impact, social worth, and job performance: mediation by motivation/ Filipa Castanheira.- Journal of Organizational Behavior. 2016, August; Vol.37, No.6, p.789-803.

Performance/ Employees/ Perception/ Engagement/ Customer services/ Commitment Doc. No: 163898

68 A person-centered approach to commitment research: theory, research, and methodology/ John P. Meyer, and Alexandre J.S. Morin.- Journal of Organizational Behavior. 2016, May; Vol.37, No.4, p.584 612.

Commitment/ Research/ Theory/ Methodology/ Graphs (charts) Doc. No: 163889

69 The place and role of (moral) anger in organizational behavior studies/ Dirk Lindebaum, and Deanna Geddes.- Journal of Organizational Behavior. 2016, July; Vol.37, No.5, p.738-757.

Organizational behaviour/ Anger/ Emotions/ Justice/ Ethics Doc. No: 163896

70 Polishing your gems/ by Irene Stern Frielich.- Talent Development. 2017, February; Vol.71, No.2, p.40-44.

Human resource development/ Training/ Learning/ Evaluation/ Performance/ Ergonomics/ Management Doc. No: 170136


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NIOC Information Center New Acquisitions Management Articles

71 Political skill reduces the negative impact of distrust/ Vickie Coleman Gallagher,...[et al].- Career Development International. 2016; Vol.21, No.5, p.442-458.

Interpersonal skill/ Trust/ Commitment/ Job satisfaction/ Labour Mobility/ Uncertainty/ Management/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts) Doc. No: 163928

72 Principal's perceptions of effective professional development in schools/ Crystal Brown, Matthew Militello.- Journal of Educational Administration. 2016; Vol.54, No.6, p.703-726.

Career development/ Effectiveness/ Schools/ Leadership/ Perception Doc. No: 163920

73 Proactive personality and citizenship performance: the mediating role of career satisfaction and the moderating role of political skill/ I.M. Jawahar, Yongmei Liu.- Career Development International. 2016; Vol.21, No.4, p.378-401.

Performance/ Personality/ Citizenship/ Job satisfaction/ Interpersonal skill/ Tables (data) Doc. No: 163925

74 Purpose, passion and play: exploring the construct of flourishing from the perspective of school principals/ Sabre Cherkowski, Keith Walker.- Journal of Educational Administration. 2016; Vol.54, No.4, p.378-392.

Schools/ Public sector/ Leadership/ Learning/ Well being/ Psychology/ Management Doc. No: 163905

75 A rigorous test of a model of employees' resource recovery mechanisms during a weekend/ Jennifer M. Ragsdale, and Terry A. Beehr.- Journal of Organizational Behavior. 2016, August; Vol.37, No.6, p.911-932.

Resources/ Recovery/ Models/ Employees/ Engagement/ Burnout syndrome/ Tables (data) Doc. No: 163904

76 School leaders and transformational leadership theory: time to part ways?/ Izhak Berkovich.- Journal of Educational Administration. 2016; Vol.54, No.5, p.609-622.

Schools/ Leadership/ Transformation/ Theory/ Graphs (charts) Doc. No: 163915

77 Shut the door on lost knowledge/ by Patty Gaul.- Talent Development. 2017, February; Vol.71, No.2, p.20.

Knowledge sharing/ Information transfer/ Work place/ Surveys Doc. No: 170131

78 Societal culture and the changing role of school principals in the post-Soviet era: the case of Kazakhstan/ Natallia Yakavets.- Journal of Educational Administration. 2016; Vol.54, No.6, p.683-702.

Schools/ Leadership/ Society/ Culture/ Change/ Reform/ Kazakhestan/ Case studies Doc. No: 163919


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NIOC Information Center New Acquisitions Management Articles

79 State policy directives and middle-tier translation in a Swedish example/ Daniel Nordholm.- Journal of Educational Administration. 2016; Vol.54, No.4, p.393-408.

Curriculum/ Education/ Governance/ Middle management/ Sweden Doc. No: 163906

80 Stress of underworked and overpaid: rooting out the causes of damaging absenteeism/ Brian Beal.- Human resource Management International Digest. 2016; Vol.24, No.6, p.18-20.

Absenteeism/ Mental stress/ Payment Systems Doc. No: 163861

81 Stressing the importance of stress/ Simon Linacre.- Human resource Management International Digest. 2016; Vol.24, No.6, p.37-39.

Mental stress/ Burnout syndrome/ Well being/ Aviation Doc. No: 163867

82 Stretching out/ by Alex Moore.- Talent Development. 2017, February; Vol.71, No.2, p.12.

Assignments/ Experiential learning/ Management development Doc. No: 170127

83 Take a me-first approach to compliance training/ by Ruth M. Allender.- Talent Development. 2017, February; Vol.71, No.2, p.68,69.

Training/ Learning/ Courses/ Effectiveness/ Compliance Doc. No: 170141

84 Talent development for top leaders: three HR initiatives for competitive advantage/ Milton Mayfield, Jacqueline Mayfield, Cassandra Wheeler.- Human resource Management International Digest. 2016; Vol.24, No.6, p.4-7.

Talent management/ Human resource development/ Leadership/ Competitive Advantage/ Strategy Doc. No: 163857

85 Tapping into the power of your introverts/ Eileen F. Schiffer.- Supervision. 2017, February; Vol.78, No.2, p.23-26.

Personality/ Work place/ Socialization/ Performance/ Management Doc. No: 163884

86 A toolkit for women: the mis(sed) management of gender in resource industries/ Dean Laplonge.- Journal of Management Development. 2016; Vol.35, No.6, p.802-813.

Gender/ Women/ Work place/ Management/ Resources/ Industries/ Mining Doc. No: 163875

87 The translation of leadership standards into leadership practices: a qualitative analysis of the adoption of the Ontario Leadership Framework in urban schools/ Augusto Riveros, Carolyne Verret, Wei Wei.- Journal of Educational Administration. 2016; Vol.54, No.5, p.593-608.

Leadership/ Standards/ Schools/ Education/ Public Administration Doc. No: 163917


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NIOC Information Center New Acquisitions Management Articles

88 Un-rational behaviour? What causes discrepancies between teachers' attitudes towards evidence use and actual instances of evidence use in schools?/ Chris Brown, Dell Zhang.- Journal of Educational Administration. 2016; Vol.54, No.4, p.469-491.

Teachers/ Behaviour/ Attitudes/ Schools/ Surveys/ Tables (data) Doc. No: 163909

89 Use deliberate rest to promote creative thinking/ by Alex Soojung-Kim Pang.- Talent Development. 2017, February; Vol.71, No.2, p.64,65.

Fatigue/ Creativity/ Thinking/ Career development Doc. No: 170140

90 A view from the top/ by Tony Bingham, Pat Galagan.- Talent Development. 2017, February; Vol.71, No.2, p.30-33.

Human resource development/ Investments/ Talent management/ Women/ Leadership/ Management attitudes/ CEO/ Interviews Doc. No: 170134

91 What about time? Examining chronological and subjective age and their relation to work motivation/ Jos Akkermans,...[et al].- Career Development International. 2016; Vol.21, No.4, p.419-439.

Time/ Aging/ Work place/ Motivation/ Labour Market/ Tables (data) Doc. No: 163927

92 What happens if a business school disappears? The intellectual foundations of BSIS/ Michel Kalika, Gordon Shenton, Pierre-Louis Dubois.- Journal of Management Development. 2016; Vol.35, No.7, p.878-888.

Business/ Schools/ Social responsibility/ Communication/ Intellectual development Doc. No: 164098

93 What is the power of versatility in global interactions?/ by Michael Leimbach.- Talent Development. 2017, February; Vol.71, No.2, p.52-57.

Relationship/ Cross cultural analysis/ Interaction/ Skills/ Globalization/ Socialization/ Styles Doc. No: 170138

94 What's in store this year for talent development?/ by Vanessa St. Gerard.- Talent Development. 2017, February; Vol.71, No.2, p.10.

Human resource development/ Talent management/ Training Doc. No: 170126

95 When are overqualified employees creative? it depends on contextual factors/ Aleksandra Luksyte, and Christiane Spitzmueller.- Journal of Organizational Behavior. 2016, July; Vol.37, No.5, p.635-653.

Overqualification/ Creativity/ Performance/ Organizational support/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts) Doc. No: 163891


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NIOC Information Center New Acquisitions Management Articles

96 When "It depends" amounts to more than simple contingent relationships: three canonical forms of inversions/ Fabrice L. Cavarretta,...[et al].- Journal of Organizational Behavior. 2016, August; Vol.37, No.6, p.933-945.

Inversion/ Relationship/ Interaction/ Organizational behaviour Doc. No: 163899

97 Which factors make the difference for explaining growth in newcomer organizational commitment? a latent growth modeling approach/ Leticia Gomes Maia, Antonio Virgilio Bittencourt Bastos, and Omar Nathanael Solinger.- Journal of Organizational Behavior. 2016, May; Vol.37, No.4, p.537-557.

Organizational commitment/ Growth/ Modelling/ Performance/ Tables (data) Doc. No: 163887

98 Why are the fat cats still purring?: difficulty in curbing excessive directors' pay/ Brian Beal.- Human resource Management International Digest. 2016; Vol.24, No.6, p.30-32.

Payment Systems/ Remuneration/ Directors of Corporations/ CEO/ Performance Doc. No: 163865

99 Why firms should develop women professionals: organizational support, growth and retention/ Graham Cole.- Human resource Management International Digest. 2016; Vol.24, No.6, p.33-36.

Women/ Professional Workers/ Human resource development/ Organizational support/ Growth/ Retention/ Equality/ Career development Doc. No: 163866

100 Working for good relationships/ by Caroline Coppel.- Talent Development. 2017, February; Vol.71, No.2, p.18.

Superior subordinate relationship/ Communication/ Recognition (achievement)/ Career development/ Work-life balance Doc. No: 170130


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News NIOC Information Center New Acquisitions

1 Baghdad-Erbil refining deal signals pragmatism winning out.- MEES. 2017, February 24; Vol.60, No.08, p.14-15. Baghdad/ Kurdistan/ Iraq/ Refining/ Agreements/ Refineries/ M.O.U/ Iran/ Investments/ Graphs (charts) Doc. No: 170046

2 BP bets on low-cost oil growth.- Weekly Petroleum Argus. 2017, January 27; Vol.47, No.4, p.7. Crude oil/ Production/ Supply and Demand/ Producers/ Market intelligence/ Transportation/ B.P. Doc. No: 170037

3 China enters Abu Dhabi upstream.- Weekly Petroleum Argus. 2017, February 24; Vol.47, No.08, p.3. U.A.E./ Shareholders/ C.N.P.C./ Investments/ China/ Crude oil/ Imports/ Downstream operations/ ExxonMobil Doc. No: 170049

4 China gas targets too ambitious, CNPC says/ Dawn Lee.- World Gas Intelligence. 2017, January 18; Vol.28, No.3, p.3. China/ Natural gas/ C.N.P.C./ Supply and Demand/ Domestic consumption/ Imports/ Prices Doc. No: 170039

5 CNOOC predicts a 5% dip in oil and gas production/ Xu Yihe.- Upstream. 2017, January; Vol.22, No.4, p.24. China/ C.N.O.O.C./ Crude oil/ Natural gas/ Production/ Investors Doc. No: 170044

6 Croatian LNG terminal delayed to 2019.- Argus LNG Daily. 2017, January 26; No.17-017, p.11. Croatia/ L.N.G./ Terminal facilities/ Delay/ Investments Doc. No: 170031

7 EIA predicts US can be a net exporter by 2026/ Caroline Evans Houston.- Upstream. 2017, January 13; Vol.22, No.02, p.27. E.I.A./ Forecasts/ U.S.A./ Crude oil/ Prices/ Energy/ Production Doc. No: 170029

8 Europe to absorb more LNG in 2018.- Argus LNG Daily. 2017, January 25; No.17-016, p.11-12. Europe/ L.N.G./ Gazprom/ U.S.A./ Prices/ World/ Liquefactions/ Prices/ Market Doc. No: 170030

9 Exxon Mobil renews Shale bet with Permian deal.- Weekly Petroleum Argus. 2017, January 20; Vol.47, No.03, p.6. ExxonMobil/ Agreements/ Acquisitions/ Assets/ Investors/ Shale oil Doc. No: 170036

10 Iran posts $9bn budget deficit for first 9 months of 2016-17.- MEES. 2017, February 24; Vol.60, No.08, p.18. Iran/ Budget/ Deficit/ Sanction/ Crude oil/ Exports/ Revenue Doc. No: 170047


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News NIOC Information Center New Acquisitions

11 Iranian gas shortage shuts Zagros Methanol units.- Argus LNG Daily. 2017, Friday 06; No.17-024, p.9. Iran/ Natural gas/ Shortages/ Methanol/ Plants/ Supply and Demand Doc. No: 170032

12 Japan expands role in Abu Dhabi upstream.- MEES. 2017, January 20; Vol.60, No.03, p.2. Japan/ Crude oil/ Imports/ Abu Dhabi/ Upstream operations/ Inpex/ Offshore oil field Doc. No: 170033

13 Jordan slashes planned deficit by

25% for 2017.- MEES. 2017, January 27; Vol.60, No.4, p.18. Jordan/ Budget/ Deficit/ Revenue/ Energy/ Imports/ Cost/ Capital expenditure/ Debts Doc. No: 170035

14 LNG: Growing Mideast demand key to absorbing rising global supply.- MEES. 2017, February 24; Vol.60, No.08, p.6-7. L.N.G./ MENA/ Supply and Demand/ L.N.G./ Imports/ Prices/ Floating/ Storage/ Regasification/ Facilities/ Graphs (charts) Doc. No: 170045

15 LNG to lead charge as gas demand expands/ Alexandra Chapman, Jay Eden and Jane Collin.- World Gas Intelligence. 2017, February 08; Vol.28, No.06, p.5-6. Natural gas/ Supply and Demand/ Consumption/ L.N.G./ Futures market/ Exports/ B.P./ Graphs (charts) Doc. No: 170043

16 New LNG projects face bigger hurdles than price/ Clara Tan.- World Gas Intelligence. 2017, January 18; Vol.28, No.3, p.7-8. Natural gas/ Prices/ Upstream operations/ Investments/ Decision making/ Liquefactions/ L.N.G./ Market, Doc. No: 170040

17 Online auctions: The future of LNG trading?/ Edwin Loh.- World Gas Intelligence. 2017, February 5; Vol.28, No.5, p.4-5. L.N.G./ Trade/ Market/ Liquefactions/ Imports/ Tenders and bids, Doc. No: 170042

18 OPEC rivals sye closer co-

operation.- Weekly Petroleum Argus. 2017, February 24; Vol.47, No.08, p.2. Iran/ Iraq/ Agreements/ Upstream operations/ Downstream operations/ Crude oil/ Pipelines/ OPEC Doc. No: 170048

19 OTI, Rosneft and Engine sign Egypt LNG deal.- Argus Global LNG. 2017, February; Vol.13, No.02, p.1. Oman/ Rosneft/ France/ Companies/ Agreements/ L.N.G./ Supply (economics)/ Egypt/ Imports/ Prices Doc. No: 170028

20 Output at key Kurdistan Oil Field

could fall 60% in 2017.- MEES. 2017, January 27; Vol.60, No.4, p.2-3. Kurdistan/ Oil fields/ Production/ Crude oil/ Prices/ Exports/ Revenue/ Gas fields/ Graphs (charts)/ Tables (data) Doc. No: 170034


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News NIOC Information Center New Acquisitions

21 Rosneft boosts upstream investment.- Weekly Petroleum Argus. 2017, January 27; Vol.47, No.4, p.9. Rosneft/ Upstream operations/ Investments/ Siberia/ Crude oil/ Exports/ China/ Downstream operations/ Development Doc. No: 170038

22 South Asian stars align for LNG/ Rakesh Sharma.- World Gas Intelligence. 2017, February 5; Vol.28, No.5, p.2-3. South Asia/ L.N.G./ Supply and Demand/ Gas fired/ Prices/ Natural gas/ Surpluses/ Market/ Imports Doc. No: 170041