Chiba 1 2 hachimangu 3 AREA T AREA Japan’s new …Kamakura Park Hotel Standing on Kamakura’s sea...

MAP SHOPS & FREE Tour Guide O SHIETE K AMAKURA VOL.24 英語版 Genjiyama is a relatively low mountain with a height of only 93 meters, but, as its name suggests, it has a mysterious link to the historical family name “Genji.” The mountain is ablaze in reds and yellows in late November, producing spectacular scenery. To get a real feel for the area, emerge from the west exit of Kamakura Station and walk along the narrow road with stops at several temples—Jufukuji, Eishoji, Jokomyoji, and Kaizoji. Then climb up the Kewaizaka Pass to the top of Genjiyama. If time permits, extend your hike to the Hase area and visit the Great Buddha. Surround yourself in lovely autumn foliage while visiting peaceful Kamakura temples. Genjiyama is a relatively low mountain with a height of only 93 meters, but, as its name suggests, it has a mysterious link to the historical family name “Genji.” The mountain is ablaze in reds and yellows in late November, producing spectacular scenery. To get a real feel for the area, emerge from the west exit of Kamakura Station and walk along the narrow road with stops at several temples—Jufukuji, Eishoji, Jokomyoji, and Kaizoji. Then climb up the Kewaizaka Pass to the top of Genjiyama. If time permits, extend your hike to the Hase area and visit the Great Buddha. Surround yourself in lovely autumn foliage while visiting peaceful Kamakura temples. Autumn colors in Genjiyama Park Autumn colors in Genjiyama Park Nice to meet you! My name’s OSHIKAMA-kun. Festivals & Events 2019 JUL DEC During the season of the autumn foliage, Kamakura’s trees come ablaze with vivid reds and yellows. In Kitaka- makura , visit Engakuji Temple or Meigetsuin Temple; on the Kanazawa Kaido , visit Kamakuragu shrine and Zuisenji Temple and hike up to the Shishimai area. And, be amazed by the foliage illumination at Hasedera Temple’s fall night-viewing event. A solemn yet majestic procession led by priests of Tsuru gaoka Hachimangu Shrine for hundreds of meters along Wakamiya Boulevard, featuring small sacred floats, ban ners, horses, paper lanterns, drums, shields, and bows and arrows. A festival that imbues the seasonal charms of the Kamakura summer; paper lanterns featuring calligraphy and paintings by local cultural and celebrity figures line the grounds of Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine .As the sun goes down and the candle light from the lanterns begins to softly glow, the shrine precinct takes on a truly mystical and magical ambiance. The festival expresses gratitude for a safe and enjoyable summer while celebrating the approaching autumn and the wonderful harvest it promises. Chirping crickets raised in the shrine precinct are offered at the holy altar. 18th Sep Mask Procession 14th-16th Sep Reitai Festival 12th-15th Oct The Ten Nights (Ojuya) Komyoji Temple November to early December Autumn Leaves - - 14th Sep : Hamaori Ceremony 15th Sep : Reitai Festival 16th Sep : Yabusame Religious Service This event calendar is current as of July 1, 2019 and is subject to change. P map A map O map 2019 JUL DEC Festivals & Events 10th Jul Fireworks 6th-9th Aug Bonbori Festival I map A festival held at Goryo Jinja shrine to commemorate the death of the shrine deity’s, Gongoro Kagemasa. Ten people wearing masks walk slowly and silently in front of a hand-carried shrine, forming a curious procession. Only men take up the position of mask-wearing. “The Ten Nights” is a magnificent event dictated by Buddhist doctrine, where the participants chant invocations for 10 days and 10 nights, an act more meritorious than a thousand years of ascetic training in paradise. Merchants selling potted plants line the main avenue, trinket and food stalls dot the temple grounds, and the feeling of merriment is everywhere. 令和元年 REIWA Japan’s new era name Added to the radiant fireworks bursting high in the night sky, the Kamakura ‘mid-ocean fireworks’ seem to rise from the ocean to spread out like a folding fan – a spectacular highlight of the evening. The force of the sound manifests a rumbling of the earth, intensifying this breathtaking event. The Reitai Festival boasts 800 or more years of history and tradition. Spanning over a period of three days (Sept. 14th to 16th), this is certainly the most important of all events and ceremonies held by Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine . A rather serious event in which the Shinto priests purify themselves by bathing in the ocean waters at Yuigahama. A Shinto ritual in which archers, dressed in the traditional huntinggarb the ancient samurai, draw their bows on targets from horseback, reminding us of the heroism of the age of Minamoto no Yoritomo. M map J map AREA YZ I map AREA HS AREA KT AREA EK A Engakuji Temple Engakuji Temple was founded in the 5th year of the Koan Era (1282). Its patron was Hōjō Tokimune of the Kamakura Shogunate, who played an important role in the battles against Mongolia. The founder of the temple was the high-ranking priest, Mugaku Sogen (Bukko Kokushi), who arrived in Japan from China. Engakuji was built mainly to honor the war-dead from both sides of the conflict. 1-min. walk from Kitakamakura station. 0467-22-0478 8am-4:30pm (Dec thru Feb 8am-4pm) 300 How to get there Zuisenji Temple This temple, also known as ‘the flower temple’ , was founded in 1327 by Muso Soseki, under the sponsorship of Nikaido Doun. Because Ashikaga Motouji, the first chief officer of Kamakura Gosho, was buried here, this temple received continual governmental support, which made it one of the ten most powerful temples in the Kanto region. Take a bus bound for Daitonomiya( 大塔宮) at #4 bus stop. And get off at the last bus stop called Kamakura-gu( 鎌倉宮). It is about a 15-min. walk from there. 0467-22-1191 9am-4:30pm 200 J How to get there Kotokuin Temple(Great Buddha) Kotokuin temple, better known as Kamakura Daibutsu, belongs to the Jodo Buddhist sect. Construction of Daibutsu, a 11.31-meter-tall gilt bronze seated statue, was commenced in 1252. It was originally covered with gold leaf. The statue sat indoors, but repeated disasters destroyed the building that housed it, resulting in the open-air statue seen today. The Daibutsu statue is Kamakura's only national treasure. Transfer to Enoden at JR Kamakura station, then get off at Hase station. It’s a 10-min. walk from there. N How to get there 0467-22-0703 8am-5:30pm (Oct thru Mar 8am-5pm) 200 Hasedera Temple Hasedera temple is most famous for its statue of Kannon, the goddess of mercy. The statue, called Hase Kanon, shows Kanon with eleven heads, each representing a characteristic of the goddess. Visitors to Hasedera temple can enjoy a great view of the coastal city of Kamakura from the temple grounds. Also, sculptures of Benten and other minor gods can be found in a small cave (Bentenkustu), adding a bit of mystery to the temple atmosphere. Transfer to Enoden at JR Kamakura station. Get off at Hase station. It’s a 5-min. walk from there. O How to get there 0467-22-6300 8am-5pm (Oct thru Feb 8am-4:30pm) 400 Jomyoji Temple Ranked fifth among the Five Great Zen-Temples in Kamakura, it was founded in 1188 by Taiko Gyoyu under the sponsorship of Ashikaga Yoshikane. The massive roof over its main sanctuary creates a dignified atmosphere. The temple serves matcha (Japanese green powdered tea) in the beautiful garden. From #5 bus stop at Kamakura station east exit, take either Kamakura 23 ( 23) or Kamakura 24 ( 24) or Kamakura 36 ( 36) bus, then get off at Jomyoji bus stop. Jomyoji is about a 1-min. walk from there. 0467-22-2818 9am-4:30pm 100(Sweets and matcha tea : ¥600K How to get there Jufukuji Temple 寿寿This temple was constructed at the site where the residence of Minamoto no Yoritomo's father once stood in 1200 a.d. It was built under the order of Hojo Masako, who invited the high-ranking priest Myoan Eisai to be the founder. Ranked third among the Five Great Zen-Temples in Kamakura, it belongs to the Kenchoji faction of the Rinzai Buddhist sect. Jochiji Temple was founded by Hojo Munemasa's wife and son, Morotoki, around 1281. Kanro, one of the ten celebrated wells of Kamakura, is located just in front of the temple entrance. Beautiful moss-covered stone steps lead to the Chinese belfry gate, and beyond that, the Buddhist sanctum in the main hall, or dongeden. Hotei, one of the Seven Deities of Good Fortune (the big-bellied god of happiness) is enshrined in a cave further back in the temple grounds. 10-min. walk from Kamakura station west exit. H How to get there 0467-22-6607 Anytime Free(Sanmon Gate is always closed. Free entrance to the cemetery.) Ennoji Temple Known as the "Enma temple." Enma (the Chinese pronunciation of "Yama" from Indian mythology), was a fearful god believed to drop dead souls into hell, yet showed mercy to the innocent and repentant, allowing those good souls to rest in the "Paradise of Enma." The enma of Ennoji is known as the "Laughing Enma." Ennoji Temple is located in front of Kenchoji temple which is a 20 to 25-min. walk from Kitakamakura station. The station is one stop before Kamakura station when coming from Tokyo. F How to get there 0467-25-1095 9am-4pm(Dec thru Feb 9am-3pm) 200 G How to get there 0467-25-1081 8am-4:30pm Free Zeniarai Benzaiten Shrine Legend has it that this shrine was constructed by Minamoto Yoritomo after he received a divine message in his dreams, saying "use the water here to offer prayers to god, and all the world will be at peace." Later Hojo Tokiyori washed money with this water praying for the prosperity of his family. Since then the water has become famous as water for washing money and getting financial success. The water, called Zeniarai-mizu (money-washing water), is one of Kamakura's five famous waters. 25-min. from the Kamakura station west exit by walking. M How to get there Kamakuragu Shrine This shrine was established in 1869 by Emperor Meiji, after the Meiji Restoration. He built it to preserve Otoh-no-Miya's (Prince Morinaga who lived in 14th century) memory for ever. Prince Morinaga had fought for our peace. He succeeded in the war against the 'Bushi' (Samurai) of the Kamakura Government. Prince Morinaga was known as a symbol of bravery. Take Kamakura 20 ( 20) bus at Kamakura station east exit. Then get off at the last bus stop called Kamakuragu ( 鎌倉宮) bus stop. 0467-22-0318 9am-4:30pm (Dec thru Jan 9am-4pm) 300 (Adults,12 and over) ¥150 (children) Tokeiji-Temple Home to the Engakuji temple faction of the Rinzai Buddhist sect. The temple was founded by the wife of Hojo Tokimune, the priestess Kakuzan, and administered by his son Hojo Sadatoki in 1285, the 8th year of the age of Kouan. By virtue of the temple's laws regarding dissolutions of relationships, many women were saved and this temple came to be known as 'The Rushing in Temple' and the 'Divorce Temple'. 4-min. walk from Kitakamakura station. 0467-22-1663 8:30am-4:30pm(Oct thru Mar 8:30am-4pm) 200 B How to get there Kenchoji Temple Headquarters of the Kenchoji school, Rinzai sect, and the highest ranking among Kamakura's Five Great Zen Temples (the Kamakura Gozan). The oldest Zen training monastery in Japan, Kenchoji was completed in 1253 by Hōjō Tokiyori, the fifth the Kamakura Shogunate (1227-63) upon the imperial orders of Emperor Gofukakusa. The temple's founder, Rankei Doryū, was a Chinese Zen master who moved to Japan to introduce the purest style of Zen. Under his severe and exclusive Zen guidance, the temple gathered more than a thousand trainees at a time, and over the years held great influence over the religious history of Japan. C 20-25min. walk from Kitakamakura station. There is also a bus from Kamakura station East exit #2 bus stop. Take a bus bound for Ofuna station, Hongodai station, or Kamiooka Station, then get off at Kenchoji bus stop. How to get there 0467-22-0981 8:30am-4:30pm 500 Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine This shrine was founded in 1063 by Minamoto no Yoriyoshi as a branch of Iwashimizu Hachimangu shrine in Kyoto. It was originally located in Tsurugaoka near the Yuigahama coast, but was moved to the present location in 1180 by Minamoto no Yoritomo to make it the core of the planned city of Kamakura. The view of Kamakura city along the Wakamiya Boulevard, from the Hongu, or Main Shrine, is magnificent. Tsurugaoka Hachimangu shrine is a 10-min. walk from Kamakura station east exit. 0467-22-0315 6am-8:30pm Free I How to get there Chojuji Temple 寿寿Of the Rinzai buddhist sect, was established by the first leader of the Kamakura Shogunate, Ashikaga Motouji, for the enlightenment of his father, Ashikaga Takauji. The Pagoda of Treasures located in the historical Ninnikusen Enjoji Temple in Nara prefecture, was dismantled and reconstructed here as the Hall of Kannon. Chojuji Temple is located in front of Kenchoji temple which is a 15-17min. walk from Kitakamakura station. 0467-22-2147 Apr, May, Jun, Oct, Nov Fri-Sun and national holidays 10am - 3pm only when weather permits300 E How to get there Komyoji Temple In 1240, at the advent of the age of Ninji, Hojo Tsunetoki commissioned the monk Ryouchu to found Komyoji as the head temple of the Kanto region Jodo Buddhist sect. On either side of the main temple, there is a lotus pond, called Kishuteien, reputedly made by the artisan Kobori Enshu, as well as a more recently created rock garden named Raigo in honor of Amida Nyorai. This temple is also well known for its cherry trees in the spring time. From #7 bus stop at Kamakura station east exit, take either Kamakur 40( 40 or Kamakura 41( 41) bus, then get off at Komyoji bus stop. Komyoji is about a 1-min. walk from there. 0467-22-0603 7:30am-4pm (Summer period 6am-5pm) P How to get there Free D Jochiji Temple 6-min. walk from Kitakamakura station. There is also a bus from Kamakura station East exit #2 bus stop. Take a bus bound for Ofuna station, Hongodai station, or Kamiooka Station, then get off at Meigetsuin bus stop. 0467-22-3943 9am-4:30pm How to get there 200 Hokokuji Temple This temple is famous for a beautiful bamboo garden that is laid out behind its main sanctuary. It belongs to the Kenchoji faction of the Rinzai Buddhist sect. From #5 bus stop at Kamakura station east exit, take either Kamakura 23 ( 23) or Kamakura 24 ( 24) or Kamakura 36 ( 36) bus. Get off at Jomyoji bus stop. Hokokuji is about a 2-min. walk from there. 0467-22-0762 9am-4pm L How to get there Temple grounds are free admission. Bamboo Garden is ¥300 / Matcha (Japanese powdered green tea) is ¥500 AREA KT AREA KT AREA KT AREA KT AREA KT AREA KT AREA WS AREA WS AREA CK AREA EK AREA EK AREA EK AREA EK AREA HS AREA HS AREA YZ 1 2 3 4 5 Tips for Touring Kamakura Excellent luck Good luck Fair luck A little luck Half luck Uncertain luck Bad luck (misfortune) Daikichi Kichi Chukichi Shokichi Hankichi Suekichi Kyo 大吉 中吉 小吉 半吉 末吉 Omikuji Omikuji is a written fortune about one’ s future for the coming year. Omikuji offer general advice such as what direction your life should go in, as well as specific areas such as travel, business and health. If your fortune is good, take the omikuji home as a lucky charm. If the omikuji forebodes misfortune, tie it to a tree branch in the temple or shrine grounds for extra blessings from the gods. Zen Meditation About Zen Meditation is a fundamental Zen discipline that is performed seated on the temple floor with good posture and intense concentration to achieve spiritual unity. You can experience Zen meditation at the following locations: C Kenchoji Temple Zen Meditation Group Every Fri. & Sat. 5pm - 6pm Reservations not required Take a seat 15 minutes prior to start. L Hokokuji Temple Sunday Zen Meditation Group Every Sunday from 7:30am to 10:30am Open to all (gathering on time in front of the main hall) A Engakuji Temple Sunday Sermon (at Hojo) 2nd and 4th Sunday of every month at 9am: Zen meditation follows until 11am. Early Morning Zen Meditation (at Butsuden) Every morning (Closed New Year’s and Early October) Nov-Mar 6am - 7am, Apr-Oct 5:30am - 6:30am Saturday Zazen Meditation (at Kojirin) Every Saturday (closed August) First-time participants 1:20pm - 2:20pm General participants 2:40pm - 3:40pm Recommended Kamakura Souvenirs We hope you enjoy eating, viewing and buying locally made Kamakura delicacies and crafts. Many of the items have a long, rich tradition and would make an ideal gift for family and friends back home. Treasure Coin A charm in the shape of an ancient Japanese gold coin, believed to help the owner increase their fortune. Available at Zeni Arai Benzaiten Shrine Hato sablé Kamakura’ s famous shortbread is called “Hato Sablé,” a buttery, pigeon-shaped cookie sold in TOSHIMAYA( 豊島屋) shops near Kitakamakura station, Kamakura station, Wakamiya-oji and the Great Buddha. What is Omikuji ? ? Ema ( 絵馬) is a small wooden plate with pictures of animals or other god imagery. Visitors write their prayers or wishes on it. The Ema are then left hanging up at the shrine, where the Kami (spirits or gods) can read them. What is Ema ? ? Goshuin ( 御朱印) are temple and shrine stamps collected in a small book (goshuin-cho). The elaborate stamps and calligraphy serve as a record of your temple visit. Goshuin ? Bow once before entering the main gate. Bow once, pray. Step outside the gate, turn and bow toward the alter, then leave. How to pray at a Temple ? Shrines can be easily identified by their “torii,” a large yet simple gate usually made of stone or vermilion-painted wood, indicating the entrance to the sacred grounds. Temples, on the other hand, have a more decorative, roofed gate, often protected by frightening monsters on either side, protecting the temple precincts. How to distinguish Shrines and Temples ? Ema Torii 1 2 3 First of all, bow before you enter the shrine gate. After stepping into the path called Sando, you should walk on the side of the path. Because it is believed that deity walks in the middle of the path. Wash your mouth and hands to purify before approaching the shrine. How to pray at Shrine ? Take a ladle with your right hand and scoop water, then pour it over your left hand. Switch the ladle to your left hand and wash your right hand. Switch the ladle to your right hand again and pour water into your left palm. Wash your mouth with the water. Wash your left hand with the remaining water. Hold the ladle vertically to wash it and put it back. 1 2 3 4 5 6 How to purify your hands and mouth Put some coin into the offering box (Saisen box) at the main shrine building. Ring the bell. Bow twice deeply. Clap your hands twice. Bow once more deeply. 1 2 3 4 5 Praying etiquette to Kami Chozu( 手水) 15 AREA CK Washi Washi is delicate Japanese paper made by hand in a meticulous traditional manner. Colorful and wonderfully textured washi letter sets make excellent and affordable gifts. Available at Shatoh ( 社頭) on Komachi-dori 47 AREA CK Lion Head (Shishigashira) A special charm to bring happiness it’ s mouth to hear it calling for your happiness! Available at Kamakuragu Shrine AREA EK AREA WS Kamakura bori Kamakura bori is the delicate craft of exquisite woodcarvings and lacquer-ware unique to Kamakura. You can find many stores near Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine with wonderful Kamakura bori displays AREA CK 7 Available at Hakkodo ( 博古堂) on Wakamiya-oji. Goshuin Goshuin-cho 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 編集・制作(有)鎌倉トゥデイ 鎌倉市由比ガ浜2-3-7-301 Tel 0467-23-7750 Fax 0467-40-3030 Produced and Edited by Kamakura Today Inc. Narita Express Yokosuka Line(Sobu-Rapid Line) KitaKamakura Kamakura Yokohama Shinagawa Fujisawa Shinjuku Shibuya Ikebukuro Akihabara Narita Airport Chiba Odakyu Line Enoshima-Dentetsu Line Yamanote Line Ueno-Tokyo Line Zushi Tokyo Ofuna #301, 3-7, Yuigahama 2-chome, Kamakura, Japan Using buses in Japan can be confusing to many foreign tourists, because there are almost no English displays and announcements. Below is a description of the most common system. 5 4 to Jomyoji, Hokokuji, Kamakuragu, Egara Tenjin Shrine, Zuisenji... 7 to Komyoji, Kuhonji... 6 1 to Great Buddha, Hasedera... 3 to Myohoji, Choshoji, Ankokuronji... 2 to Kenchoji, Ennoji... Kamakura Rental Bicycle -Take a rental bicycle on a stroll around Kamakura- Fee – from 800 yen. Kamakura Station Store Hase Store 0467-24-2319 0467-24-3944 Free Paper “Oshiete Kamakura” vol.24, published on July 1, 2019 The information on “Oshiete Kamakura” is valid until end of December 2019. JR Kamakura Station Access to KAMAKURA BUS STOP INFORMATION Kamakura station How to use a BUS / Translation & editing by Marian Kinoshita, Tel 0466-21-7176 Shonan-Shinjuku Line Zushi JR Kamakura East Gate JR Kamakura West Gate Enoshima Dentetsu Line Kamakura Gate Enoshima Dentetsu Line Kamakura platform JR Kamakura platform Bus Terminal Taxi Taxi Tokyo Yokohama Narita Great Buddha Tsurugaoka hachimangu Shrine Get on the bus through the back door (or front door if there is only one). 1 When getting on, pick up a ticket from a small machine. A number is printed on the ticket, which you will later use to determine your fare. 2 When your stop is approaching, press one of the buttons (which lights up in pink when you push them) on the wall to signal the driver that you wish to get off at the next stop. 4 A display above (a black board with orange letters) the driver shows the next stop and the fares for that stop in Yen. To determine your fare, match the number on your ticket with the number and fare on the display. 3 When getting off, put your ticket and the exact fare into the box next to the driver. If you do not have the exact fare, use the changing machine next to the driver. 5 BK 3 6 4 5 7 1 2 BK Komachi-dori Kamakura Sta. East Exit East Exit Keikyu Bus (京浜急行バス) Enoden Bus (江ノ電バス) 鎌倉ビール醸造株式会社 KAMAKURA BEER DISTILLERY Japanese-style painting◆Open 10:00-17:00 (last entrance at 16:30) ◆Entrance fee: Adults 500 yen, children & groups 300 yen per person ◆3-5-13 Hasedera (7-minute walk from Hasedera Stn., Enoden Line) Tel & FAX: 0467-22-5557 Nohgaku Museum (Kamakura Noh Butai Foundation) 財団法人鎌倉能舞台 能楽博物館 AREA HS The WASHI quality paper shop 0467-22-2601 10:30m - 6pm Closed Mon. (Jul. through Aug. closed irregularly) 2-7-26, Komachi Kamakura 248-0006 AREA CK 47 Follow Me On Instagram! @kamakuratoday

Transcript of Chiba 1 2 hachimangu 3 AREA T AREA Japan’s new …Kamakura Park Hotel Standing on Kamakura’s sea...

Page 1: Chiba 1 2 hachimangu 3 AREA T AREA Japan’s new …Kamakura Park Hotel Standing on Kamakura’s sea front, European resort style Kamakura Park Hotel provides wonderful relaxation.







Genjiyama is a relatively low mountain with a height of only 93 meters, but, as its name suggests, it has a mysterious link to the historical family name “Genji.” The mountain is ablaze in reds and yellows in late November, producing spectacular scenery. To get a real feel for the area, emerge from the west exit of Kamakura Station and walk along the narrow road with stops at several temples—Jufukuji, Eishoji, Jokomyoji, and Kaizoji. Then climb up the Kewaizaka Pass to the top of Genjiyama. If time permits, extend your hike to the Hase area and visit the Great Buddha. Surround yourself in lovely autumn foliage while visiting peaceful Kamakura temples.

Genjiyama is a relatively low mountain with a height of only 93 meters, but, as its name suggests, it has a mysterious link to the historical family name “Genji.” The mountain is ablaze in reds and yellows in late November, producing spectacular scenery. To get a real feel for the area, emerge from the west exit of Kamakura Station and walk along the narrow road with stops at several temples—Jufukuji, Eishoji, Jokomyoji, and Kaizoji. Then climb up the Kewaizaka Pass to the top of Genjiyama. If time permits, extend your hike to the Hase area and visit the Great Buddha. Surround yourself in lovely autumn foliage while visiting peaceful Kamakura temples.

Autumn colors in Genjiyama ParkAutumn colors in Genjiyama Park

Nice to meet you!My name’sOSHIKAMA-kun.

Festivals & Events

2019 JUL DEC

Dur ing the season of the autumn foliage, Kamakura’s trees come ablaze with vivid reds and yellows. In Kitaka-makura , visit Engakuji Temple

or Meigetsuin Temple; on the Kanazawa Kaido , visit Kamakuragu shrine and Zuisenji Temple and hike up to the Shishimai area. And, be amazed by the foliage illumination at Hasedera Temple’sfall night-viewing event.

A solemn yet majestic procession led by priests of Tsuru gaoka Hachimangu Shrine for hundreds of meters along Wakamiya

Boulevard, featuring small sacred floats, ban ners, horses, paper lanterns, drums, shields, and bows and arrows.

A fest ival that imbues the seasonal charms of the Kamakura summer; paper lanterns featuring calligraphy and paintings by local cultural and celebrity figures line the grounds of Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine . As the sun goes down and the candle light from the lanterns begins to softly glow, the shrine precinct takes on a truly mystical and magical ambiance. The festival expresses gratitude for a safe and enjoyable summer while celebrating the approaching autumn and the wonderful harvest it promises. Chirping crickets raised in the shrine precinct are offered at the holy altar.

18th Sep Mask Procession

14th-16th Sep Reitai Festival

12th-15th OctThe Ten Nights (Ojuya)

Komyoji Temple

November to early DecemberAutumn Leaves



14th Sep : Hamaori Ceremony

15th Sep : Reitai Festival

16th Sep : Yabusame Religious Service

This event calendar is current as of July 1, 2019and is subject to change.




2019JUL DECFestivals & Events


10th Jul Fireworks

6th-9th Aug Bonbori Festival


A festival held at Goryo Jinja shrine to commemorate the death of the shrine deity’s, Gongoro Kagemasa. Ten people wearing masks walk slowly and silently in front of a hand-carried shrine, forming a curious procession. Only men take up the position of mask-wearing.

“The Ten Nights” is a magnificent event dictated by Buddhist doctrine, where the participants chant invocations for 10 days and 10 nights, an act more meritorious than a thousand years of ascetic training in paradise. Merchants selling potted plants line the main avenue, trinket and food stalls dot the temple grounds, and the feeling of merriment is everywhere.

令和元年REIWAJapan’s new era nameAdded to the radiant fireworks bursting high in the night sky, the Kamakura ‘mid-ocean fireworks’ seem to rise from the ocean to spread out like a folding fan – a spectacular highlight of the evening. The force of the sound manifests a rumbling of the earth, intensifying this breathtaking event.

The Reitai Festival boasts 800 or more years of history and tradition. Spanning over a period of three days (Sept. 14th to 16th), this is certainly the most important of all events and ceremonies held by Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine .

A rather serious event in which the Shinto priests purify themselves by bathing in the ocean waters at Yuigahama.

A Shinto r i tual in which archers, dressed in the traditional huntinggarb the ancient samurai, draw their bows on targets from horseback, reminding us of the heroism of the age of Minamoto no Yoritomo.

Mmap Jmap






A Engakuji Temple



Engakuji Temple was founded in the 5th year of the Koan Era (1282). I ts patron was Hōjō Tokimune of the Kamakura Shogunate, who played an important role in the battles against Mongolia. The founder of the temple was the high-ranking priest, Mugaku Sogen (Bukko Kokushi), who arrived in Japan from China. Engakuji was built mainly to honor the war-dead from both sides of the conflict.

1-min. walk from Kitakamakura station.

0467-22-04788am-4:30pm (Dec thru Feb 8am-4pm)


How to get there

Zuisenji Temple



This temple, also known as ‘the flower temple’ , was founded in 1327 by Muso Soseki, under the sponsorship of Nikaido Doun. Because Ashikaga Motouji, the first chief officer of Kamakura Gosho, was buried here, this temple received continual governmental support, which made it one of the ten most powerful temples in the Kanto region.

Take a bus bound for Daitonomiya(大塔宮 ) at #4 bus stop. And get off at the last bus stop called Kamakura-gu(鎌倉宮 ). It is about a 15-min. walk from there.

0467-22-1191 9am-4:30pm 200


How to get there

Kotokuin Temple(Great Buddha)





Kotokuin temple, better known as Kamakura Daibutsu, belongs to the Jodo Buddhist sect. Construction of Daibutsu, a 11.31-meter-tall gilt bronze seated statue, was commenced in 1252. It was originally covered with gold leaf. The statue sat indoors, but repeated disasters destroyed the building that housed it, resulting in the open-air statue seen today. The Daibutsu statue is Kamakura's only national treasure.

Transfer to Enoden at JR Kamakura station, then get off at Hase station. It’s a 10-min. walk from there.


How to get there

0467-22-07038am-5:30pm (Oct thru Mar 8am-5pm)


Hasedera Temple



Hasedera temple is most famous for its statue of Kannon, the goddess of mercy. The statue, called Hase Kanon, shows Kanon with eleven heads, each representing a characteristic of the goddess. Visitors to Hasedera temple can enjoy a great view of the coastal city of Kamakura from the temple grounds. Also, sculptures of Benten and other minor gods can be found in a small cave (Bentenkustu), adding a bit of mystery to the temple atmosphere.

Transfer to Enoden at JR Kamakura station. Get off at Hase station. It’s a 5-min. walk from there.


How to get there

0467-22-63008am-5pm (Oct thru Feb 8am-4:30pm)


Jomyoji Temple



Ranked fifth among the Five Great Zen-Temples in Kamakura, it was founded in 1188 by Taiko Gyoyu under the sponsorship of Ashikaga Yoshikane. The massive roof over its main sanctuary creates a dignified atmosphere. The temple serves matcha (Japanese green powdered tea) in the beautiful garden.

From #5 bus stop at Kamakura station east exit, take either Kamakura 23 (鎌23) or Kamakura 24 (鎌24) or Kamakura 36 (鎌36) bus, then get off at Jomyoji bus stop. Jomyoji is about a 1-min. walk from there.

0467-22-2818 9am-4:30pm100(Sweets and matcha tea : ¥600)


How to get there

Jufukuji Temple



This temple was constructed at the site where the residence of Minamoto no Yoritomo's father once stood in 1200 a.d. It was built under the order of Hojo Masako, who invited the high-ranking priest Myoan Eisai to be the founde r . Ranked t h i rd among t he F i ve Grea t Zen-Temples in Kamakura, it belongs to the Kenchoji faction of the Rinzai Buddhist sect.

Jochiji Temple was founded by Hojo Munemasa's wife and son, Morotoki, around 1281. Kanro, one of the ten celebrated wells of Kamakura, is located just in front of the temple entrance. Beautiful moss-covered stone steps lead to the Chinese belfry gate, and beyond that, the Buddhist sanctum in the main hall, or dongeden. Hotei, one of the Seven Deities of Good Fortune (the big-bellied god of happiness) is enshrined in a cave further back in the temple grounds.

10-min. walk from Kamakura station west exit.


How to get there

0467-22-6607 Anytime Free(Sanmon Gate is always closed. Free entrance to the cemetery.)

Ennoji Temple



Known as the "Enma temple." Enma (the Chinese pronunciation of "Yama" from Indian mythology), was a fearful god believed to drop dead souls into hell, yet showed mercy to the innocent and repentant, allowing those good souls to rest in the "Paradise of Enma." The enma of Ennoji is known as the "Laughing Enma."

Ennoji Temple is located in front of Kenchoji temple which is a 20 to 25-min. walk from Kitakamakura station. The station is one stop before Kamakura station when coming from Tokyo.


How to get there

0467-25-10959am-4pm(Dec thru Feb 9am-3pm)



How to get there0467-25-1081 8am-4:30pm Free

Zeniarai Benzaiten Shrine



Legend has i t that this shrine was constructed by Minamoto Yoritomo after he received a divine message in his dreams, saying "use the water here to offer prayers to god, and all the world will be at peace." Later Hojo Tokiyori washed money with this water praying for the prosperity of his family. Since then the water has become famous as water for washing money and getting financial success. The water, called Zeniarai-mizu (money-washing water), is one of Kamakura's five famous waters.

25-min. from the Kamakura station west exit by walking.


How to get there

Kamakuragu Shrine





This shrine was established in 1869 by Emperor Meiji, after the Meiji Restoration. He built it to preserve Otoh-no-Miya's (Prince Morinaga who lived in 14th century) memory for ever. Prince Morinaga had fought for our peace. He succeeded in the war against the 'Bushi' (Samurai) of the Kamakura Government. Prince Morinaga was known as a symbol of bravery.

Take Kamakura 20 (鎌20) bus at Kamakura station east exit. Then get off at the last bus stop called Kamakuragu (鎌倉宮 ) bus stop.

0467-22-03189am-4:30pm (Dec thru Jan 9am-4pm)

300 (Adults,12 and over) ¥150 (children)




Home to the Engakuji temple faction of the Rinzai Buddhist sect. The temple was founded by the wife of Hojo Tokimune, the priestess Kakuzan, and administered by his son Hojo Sadatoki in 1285, the 8th year of the age of Kouan. By virtue of the temple's laws regarding dissolutions of relationships, many women were saved and this temple came to be known as 'The Rushing in Temple' and the 'Divorce Temple'.

4-min. walk from Kitakamakura station.

0467-22-16638:30am-4:30pm(Oct thru Mar 8:30am-4pm)



How to get there

Kenchoji Temple



Headquarters of the Kenchoji school, Rinzai sect, and the highest ranking among Kamakura's Five Great Zen Temples (the Kamakura Gozan). The oldest Zen training monastery in Japan, Kenchoji was completed in 1253 by Hōjō Tokiyori, the fifth the Kamakura Shogunate (1227-63) upon the imperial orders of Emperor Gofukakusa. The temple's founder, Rankei Doryū, was a Chinese Zen master who moved to Japan to introduce the purest style of Zen. Under his severe and exclusive Zen guidance, the temple gathered more than a thousand trainees at a time, and over the years held great influence over the religious history of Japan.


20-25min. walk from Kitakamakura station. There is also a bus from Kamakura station East exit #2 bus stop. Take a bus bound for Ofuna station, Hongodai station, or Kamiooka Station, then get off at Kenchoji bus stop.

How to get there0467-22-0981 8:30am-4:30pm 500

Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine



This shrine was founded in 1063 by Minamoto no Yoriyoshi as a branch of Iwashimizu Hachimangu shrine in Kyoto. It was originally located in Tsurugaoka near the Yuigahama coast, but was moved to the present location in 1180 by Minamoto no Yoritomo to make it the core of the planned city of Kamakura. The view of Kamakura city along the Wakamiya Boulevard, from the Hongu, or Main Shrine, is magnificent.

Tsurugaoka Hachimangu shrine is a 10-min. walk from Kamakura station east exit.

0467-22-0315 6am-8:30pm Free


How to get there

Chojuji Temple



Of the Rinzai buddhist sect, was established by the first leader of the Kamakura Shogunate, Ashikaga Motouji, for the enlightenment of his father, Ashikaga Takauji. The Pagoda of Treasures located in the historical Ninnikusen Enjoji Temple in Nara prefecture, was dismantled and reconstructed here as the Hall of Kannon.

Chojuji Temple is located in front of Kenchoji temple which is a 15-17min. walk from Kitakamakura station.

0467-22-2147Apr, May, Jun, Oct, Nov Fri-Sun and national holidays10am - 3pm(only when weather permits)



How to get there

Komyoji Temple



In 1240, at the advent of the age of Ninji, Hojo Tsunetoki commissioned the monk Ryouchu to found Komyoji as the head temple of the Kanto region Jodo Buddhist sect. On either side of the main temple, there is a lotus pond, called Kishuteien, reputedly made by the artisan Kobori Enshu, as well as a more recently created rock garden named Raigo in honor of Amida Nyorai. This temple is also well known for its cherry trees in the spring time.

From #7 bus stop at Kamakura station east exit, take either Kamakur 40(鎌40 or Kamakura 41(鎌41) bus, then get off at Komyoji bus stop. Komyoji is about a 1-min. walk from there.

0467-22-0603 7:30am-4pm (Summer period 6am-5pm)


How to get thereFree

D Jochiji Temple



6-min. walk from Kitakamakura station. There is also a bus from Kamakura station East exit #2 bus stop. Take a bus bound for Ofuna station, Hongodai station, or Kamiooka Station, then get off at Meigetsuin bus stop.

0467-22-3943 9am-4:30pmHow to get there


Hokokuji Temple



This temple is famous for a beautiful bamboo garden that is laid out behind its main sanctuary. It belongs to the Kenchoji faction of the Rinzai Buddhist sect.

From #5 bus stop at Kamakura station east exit, take either Kamakura 23 (鎌23) or Kamakura 24 (鎌24) or Kamakura 36 (鎌36) bus. Get off at Jomyoji bus stop. Hokokuji is about a 2-min. walk from there.

0467-22-0762 9am-4pm


How to get there

Temple grounds are free admission. Bamboo Garden is ¥300 / Matcha (Japanese powdered green tea) is ¥500






1 2 3 4 5

Tips for Touring Kamakura

Excellent luckGood luckFair luckA little luckHalf luckUncertain luckBad luck (misfortune)




Omikuji is a written fortune about one’ s future for the coming year. Omikuji offer general advice such as what direction your life should go in, as well as specific areas such as travel, business and health.If your fortune is good, take the omikuji home as a lucky charm. If the omikuji forebodes misfortune, tie it to a tree branch in the temple or shrine grounds for extra blessings from the gods.

Zen MeditationAbout

Zen Meditation is a fundamental Zen discipline that is performed seated on the temple floor with good posture and intense concentration to achieve spiritual unity. You can experience Zen meditation at the following locations:

C Kenchoji Temple■Zen Meditation Group Every Fri. & Sat. 5pm - 6pm Reservations not required  Take a seat 15 minutes prior to start.

L Hokokuji Temple■Sunday Zen Meditation Group Every Sunday from 7:30am to 10:30am Open to all (gathering on time in front of the main hall)

A Engakuji Temple■Sunday Sermon (at Hojo)  2nd and 4th Sunday of every month at 9am: Zen meditation follows until 11am.■Early Morning Zen Meditation (at Butsuden)  Every morning (Closed New Year’s and Early October) Nov-Mar 6am - 7am, Apr-Oct 5:30am - 6:30am

■Saturday Zazen Meditation (at Kojirin)  Every Saturday (closed August) First-time participants 1:20pm - 2:20pm General participants 2:40pm - 3:40pm

Recommended Kamakura SouvenirsWe hope you enjoy eating, viewing and buying locally made Kamakura delicacies and crafts. Many of the items have a long, rich tradition and would make an ideal gift for family and friends back home.

Treasure CoinA charm in the shape of an ancient Japanese gold coin, believed to help the owner increase their fortune.Available at Zeni Arai Benzaiten Shrine

Hato sabléKamakura’ s famous shortbread is ca l l ed “Ha to Sab lé ,” a bu t t e r y , p i geon - s h aped cook i e s o l d i n T O S H I M A Y A (豊 島 屋 ) shops near Kitakamakura station, Kamakura station, Wakamiya-oji and the Great Buddha.

What is Omikuji ??

Ema (絵馬 ) is a small wooden plate with pictures of animals or other god imagery. Visitors write their prayers or wishes on it. The Ema are then left hanging up at the shrine, where the Kami (spirits or gods) can read them.

What is Ema ??

Goshuin (御 朱 印 ) a re t emp le and s h r i n e s t a m p s collected in a small book (goshuin-cho). T h e e l a b o r a t e s t a m p s a n d calligraphy serve as a record of your temple visit.


Bow once before entering the main gate.Bow once, pray.Step outside the gate, turn and bow toward the alter, then leave.

How to pray at a Temple?

Shrines can be easily identified by their “ tor i i ,” a large yet simple gate usually made of stone or vermilion-painted wood, indicating the entrance to the sacred grounds. Temples, on the o t h e r h a n d , h a v e a m o r e decora t ive, roofed gate, of ten protec ted by frightening monsters on either side, protecting the temple precincts.

How to distinguish Shrines and Temples?




First of all, bow before you enter the shrine gate.After stepping into the path called Sando, you should walk on the side of the path. Because it is believed that deity walks in the middle of the path.Wash your mouth and hands to purify before approaching the shrine.

How to pray at Shrine?

Take a ladle with your right hand and scoop water, then pour it over your left hand.Switch the ladle to your left hand and wash your right hand.Switch the ladle to your right hand again and pour water into your left palm.Wash your mouth with the water.Wash your left hand with the remaining water.Hold the ladle vertically to wash it and put it back.





How to purify your hands and mouth

Put some coin into the offering box (Saisen box) at the main shrine building.Ring the bell.Bow twice deeply.Clap your hands twice.Bow once more deeply.



Praying etiquette to Kami

Chozu(手水 )


WashiWashi is delicate Japanese paper made by hand in a met icu lous t radi t ional manner. Color fu l and wonderfully textured washi letter sets make excellent and affordable gifts.Available at Shatoh (社頭 ) on Komachi-dori 47AREA CK

Lion Head (Shishigashira)A special charm to bring happiness it’ s mouth to hear it calling for your happiness! Available at Kamakuragu Shrine AREA EK


Kamakura bori Kamakura bori is the delicate craft of e x q u i s i t e w o o d c a r v i n g s a n d lacquer-ware unique to Kamakura. You can find many stores near Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine with wonderful Kamakura bori displaysAREA CK 7

Available at Hakkodo (博古堂 ) on Wakamiya-oji.


1 2 3

1 2 3

4 5 6

編集・制作 : (有)鎌倉トゥデイ 鎌倉市由比ガ浜2-3-7-301 Tel 0467-23-7750 Fax 0467-40-3030Produced and Edited by Kamakura Today Inc.

Narita Express

Yokosuka Line(Sobu-Rapid Line)








Ikebukuro Akihabara

Narita Airport


Odakyu Line

Enoshima-Dentetsu Line

Yamanote Line

Ueno-Tokyo Line




#301, 3-7, Yuigahama 2-chome, Kamakura, Japan

Using buses in Japan can be confusing to many foreign tourists, because there are almost no English displays and announcements. Below is a description of the most common system.

54 to Jomyoji, Hokokuji, Kamakuragu, Egara Tenjin Shrine, Zuisenji... 7 to Komyoji, Kuhonji...61 to Great Buddha, Hasedera... 3 to Myohoji, Choshoji, Ankokuronji...2 to Kenchoji, Ennoji...

Kamakura Rental Bicycle-Take a rental bicycle on a stroll around Kamakura-

Fee – from 800 yen.Kamakura Station Store Hase Store0467-24-2319 0467-24-3944

Free Paper “Oshiete Kamakura” vol.24, published on July 1, 2019The information on “Oshiete Kamakura” is valid until end of December 2019.

JR Kamakura StationAccess to KAMAKURA

BUS STOP INFORMATIONKamakura station How to use a BUS/

Translation & editing by Marian Kinoshita, Tel 0466-21-7176

Shonan-Shinjuku Line


JR KamakuraEast Gate

JR KamakuraWest Gate

Enoshima Dentetsu LineKamakura Gate

Enoshima Dentetsu LineKamakura platform







Great Buddha


Get on the bus through the back door (or front door if there is only one).1

When getting on, pick up a ticket from a small machine. A number is printed on the ticket, which you will later use to determine your fare.


When your stop is approaching, press one of the buttons (which lights up in pink when you push them) on the wall to signal the driver that you wish to get off at the next stop.


A display above (a black board with orange letters) the driver shows the next stop and the fares for that stop in Yen. To determine your fare, match the number on your ticket with the number and fare on the display.


When getting off, put your ticket and the exact fare into the box next to the driver. If you do not have the exact fare, use the changing machine next to the driver.







12 BK











Keikyu Bus(京浜急行バス)

Enoden Bus(江ノ電バス)鎌倉ビール醸造株式会社


(Japanese-style painting)

◆Open 10:00-17:00 (last entrance at 16:30) ◆Entrance fee: Adults 500 yen, children & groups 300 yen per person◆3-5-13 Hasedera (7-minute walk from Hasedera Stn., Enoden Line) Tel & FAX: 0467-22-5557

Nohgaku Museum (Kamakura Noh Butai Foundation)財団法人鎌倉能舞台 能楽博物館


The WASHI quality paper shop0467-22-260110:30m - 6pm

Closed Mon. (Jul. through Aug. closed irregularly)

2-7-26, Komachi Kamakura 〒248-0006 AREA CK 47

Follow Me On Instagram!


Page 2: Chiba 1 2 hachimangu 3 AREA T AREA Japan’s new …Kamakura Park Hotel Standing on Kamakura’s sea front, European resort style Kamakura Park Hotel provides wonderful relaxation.

In M'sArk KAMAKURA Paid toilet




i Str





i Str





i Str


East Exit

West Exit




i Str


Enlarged mapfor Wakamiya-oji, Komachi-dori,and around Kamakura Station

大巧寺Daigyoji Temple

大巧寺Daigyoji Temple

鎌倉駅Kamakura Sta.鎌倉駅Kamakura Sta.






Kamakura Museum of National Treasures鎌倉国宝館

Kamakura Museum of National Treasures



鎌倉文華館 鶴岡ミュージアムTsurugaoka Museum鎌倉文華館 鶴岡ミュージアムTsurugaoka Museum

300 10am-4:30pmclosed Mon



Kamakura City Kawakita Film Museum鎌倉市川喜多映画記念館

Kamakura City Kawakita Film Museum



Kaburaki KiyokataMemorial Art MuseumKamakura City鏑木清方記念美術館

Kaburaki KiyokataMemorial Art MuseumKamakura City

9am-5pm200(Special exhibition ¥300)


















I Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine 鶴岡八幡宮

R Komachi-dori Street小町通り

Q Dankazura段葛

towards Inamuragasaki,Shichirigahama

稲村ヶ崎駅Inamuragasaki Sta.


Shichirigahama Sta.

稲村ヶ崎駅Inamuragasaki Sta.


Shichirigahama Sta.

江ノ電Enoden Line



新江ノ島水族館Enoshima Aquarium


Enoshima Sea Candle(Observation lighthouse)

江の島アイランドスパEnoshima Island Spa

サムエル・コッキング苑Samuel Cocking Garden

片瀬江ノ島駅Katase Enoshima Sta.(Odakyu Line)

江ノ島駅Enoshima Sta.(Enoden Line)

湘南江の島駅Shonan Enoshima Sta.(Shonan Monorail Line)

新江ノ島水族館Enoshima Aquarium


Enoshima Sea Candle(Observation lighthouse)

江の島アイランドスパEnoshima Island Spa

サムエル・コッキング苑Samuel Cocking Garden

片瀬江ノ島駅Katase Enoshima Sta.(Odakyu Line)

江ノ島駅Enoshima Sta.(Enoden Line)

湘南江の島駅Shonan Enoshima Sta.(Shonan Monorail Line)


Enoden Line

龍口寺Ryukoji Temple龍口寺Ryukoji Temple


江の島岩屋Enoshima Iwaya


江の島岩屋Enoshima Iwaya





Paid toilet

must see!A Kamakura

A Engakuji Temple 円覚寺

B Tokeiji Temple 東慶寺

D Jochiji Temple 浄智寺 C Kenchoji Temple 建長寺

E Chojuji Temple 長寿寺

F Ennoji Temple 円応寺

G Zeniarai Benzaiten Shrine 銭洗弁財天

H Jufukuji Temple 寿福寺

I Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine 鶴岡八幡宮

J Zuisenji Temple 瑞泉寺

K Jomyoji Temple 浄妙寺

L Hokokuji Temple 報国寺

M Kamakuragu Shrine 鎌倉宮

N Kotokuin Temple (Great Buddha) 高徳院(大仏)

O Hasedera Temple 長谷寺

P Komyoji Temple 光明寺

Q Dankazura 段葛

must see!A Kamakura

明月院Meigetsuin Temple




i St.




i St.

海蔵寺Kaizoji Temple

仮粧坂切通しKewaizaka path

葛原岡神社Kuzuharaoka Shrine

源氏山公園Genjiyama Park

英勝寺Eishoji Temple


Kamakura Museumof History and Culture

六地蔵The 6 Sitting Saints

鎌倉文学館Kamakura Museum of Literature

鎌倉能舞台 能楽博物館

Nohgaku Museum(Kamakura Noh Butai)

御霊神社Goryo Jinja Shrine

成就院Jojuin Temple

極楽寺Gokurakuji Temple

由比ガ浜海岸Yuigahama Beach

材木座海岸Zaimokuza Beach

九品寺Kuhonji Temple

長勝寺Choshoji Temple

安国論寺Ankokuronji Temple

妙法寺Myohoji Temple

安養院Anyoin Temple

常栄寺Joeiji Temple

妙本寺Myohonji Temple

本覚寺Hongakuji Temple

大巧寺Daigyoji Temple

妙隆寺Myoryuji Temple

宝戒寺Hokaiji Temple


Kamakura City Kawakita Film Museum

浄光明寺Jokomyoji Temple

鎌倉国宝館Kamakura Museum of National Treasures

荏柄天神社Egaratenjinsha Shrine

来迎寺Raikoji Temple

覚園寺Kakuonji Temple


金沢街道Kanazawa Kaido

杉本寺Sugimotodera Temple

明王院Myooin Temple

永福寺跡The ruins of Yofukuji Temple

明月院Meigetsuin Temple




i St.




i St.

海蔵寺Kaizoji Temple

仮粧坂切通しKewaizaka path

葛原岡神社Kuzuharaoka Shrine

源氏山公園Genjiyama Park

英勝寺Eishoji Temple


Kamakura Museumof History and Culture

六地蔵The 6 Sitting Saints

鎌倉文学館Kamakura Museum of Literature

鎌倉能舞台 能楽博物館

Nohgaku Museum(Kamakura Noh Butai)

御霊神社Goryo Jinja Shrine

成就院Jojuin Temple

極楽寺Gokurakuji Temple

由比ガ浜海岸Yuigahama Beach

材木座海岸Zaimokuza Beach

九品寺Kuhonji Temple

長勝寺Choshoji Temple

安国論寺Ankokuronji Temple

妙法寺Myohoji Temple

安養院Anyoin Temple

常栄寺Joeiji Temple

妙本寺Myohonji Temple

本覚寺Hongakuji Temple

大巧寺Daigyoji Temple

妙隆寺Myoryuji Temple

宝戒寺Hokaiji Temple


Kamakura City Kawakita Film Museum

浄光明寺Jokomyoji Temple

鎌倉国宝館Kamakura Museum of National Treasures

鎌倉文華館 鶴岡ミュージアムTsurugaoka Museum鎌倉文華館 鶴岡ミュージアムTsurugaoka Museum

荏柄天神社Egaratenjinsha Shrine

来迎寺Raikoji Temple

覚園寺Kakuonji Temple


金沢街道Kanazawa Kaido

杉本寺Sugimotodera Temple

明王院Myooin Temple

永福寺跡The ruins of Yofukuji Temple

一条恵観山荘Ichijo Ekan Sanso一条恵観山荘Ichijo Ekan Sanso

25-min. walk to Zeniarai Benzaiten Shrine25-min. walk to Kotokuin Temple(Great Buddaha)

Get off at Hase station;

15-min. walk to Great Buddha


in. w

alk to



ka H





北鎌倉駅Kitakamakura Sta.

北鎌倉駅Kitakamakura Sta.

横浜← Yokohama


JR Yokosuka Line


Gokurakuji Sta.


Gokurakuji Sta.藤沢←Fujisawa


Hase Sta.長谷駅

Hase Sta.

江ノ電Enoden Line


Yuigahama Sta.由比ヶ


Yuigahama Sta.


Wadazuka Sta.和田塚

Wadazuka Sta.JR 横須賀線

JR Yokosuka Line

横須賀 →Yokosuka

鎌倉駅Kamakura Sta.鎌倉駅Kamakura Sta.

8am-4:30pm(Dec-Feb 8am-4pm)300

8:30am-4:30pm(Oct-Mar 8:30am-4pm)200


9am-4pm(Jun 8:30am-5pm)500


Apr, May, Jun, Oct, Nov Fri-Sun and national holidays10am - 3pm(only when weather permits)


9am-4pm(Dec-Feb 9am-3pm)200



10am-4pm(closed Sun/National Holidays/New Year's Holiday)


9am-5:30pm(Dec-Mar 8am-5pm)200

8am-5pm(Dec-Feb 8am-4:30pm)400

9am-5pm(Oct-Feb 9am-4:30pm) closed Mon




7:30am-4pm(Summer 6am-5pm)

9am-4:30pm(closed Mon)100

9:30am-4:30pm(Sat/Sun only)300



until 4:30pm(Dec & Jan until 4pm)









9am-4:30pmclosed Mon/year-end holidaysIf Monday is a holiday, the museum will open, and be closed the following day instead.

10am-4:30pmclosed Mon

Guided tours of the grounds are led by priests every hour while the main temple gate is open. *Guided tours on weekdays are led on the

hour from 10am to 3pm, except at noon. *No guided tours from Dec 20 through Jan 7.














39 40











14th-16th Sep ● Reitai Festival

6th-9th Aug ● Bonbori Festival

18th Sep ● Mask Procession18th Sep ● Mask Procession

must see!A Kamakura


Kamakura Station West ExitAREA WS

KitakamakuraAREA KT

East Kamakura / Kanazawa KaidoAREA EK

Yuigahama / Omachi / ZaimokuzaAREA YZ

Sea FrontAREA SF



Central KamakuraKomachi-dori Street


EnoshimaAREA En


Komachi-dori Street



One of the most exciting shopping streets in Kamakura, Komachi-dori featuxres scores of long-established restaurants and shops o�ering varieties of local goods such as freshly baked senbei (rice crackers ) , kamaboko (�sh patt ies ) , traditional Kamakura carvings, and other quaint gifts. The perfect place for visitors looking for the perfect souvenir!




Dankazura (段葛 ) is a part of Wakamiya oji (若宮大路 ). It is a raised straight avenue that runs straight from the entrance of Nino tori i (二ノ鳥居 ) to Tsurugaoka Hachimangu shrine. This street was built by order of Minamoto no Yoritomo (源頼朝 ) to pray that his wife Masako (政子 ) would give birth safely. I f you look carefully, you will realize that the raised path becomes narrower towards the end of Hachimangu s ide. By the law of perspective, the path looks longer than the actual length. The construction was designed for when the enemy pushed into the center of the shrine. This path becomes a beautiful avenue of cherry blossoms in the springtime.


Available at Location of each temple, see on the map

Kamakura Thirteen Butsu Mairi:Prayer Bead Pilgrimage

Special prayer beads (nenju-dama) to be collected when visiting Kamakura's Thirteen Scared Buddhist Sites. Each temple offers a uniquely carved bead; collect all 13 as you visit each sacred site to create your own prayer bracelet, or use a single bead in a talisman, something to carry with you always as a symbol of Buddhist worship and a memento of your Kamakura pilgrimage.

Ennoji Temple, Jochiji TempleAREA KT

Jufukuji Temple, Kaizoji Temple, Jokomyoji TempleAREA WS

Myooin Temple, Jomyoji Temple, Hokokuji Temple,Raikoji Temple, Kakuonji Temple


Gokurakuji Temple, Jojuin TempleAREA HS

Hongakuji TempleAREA YZ




Enoshima, located in neighboring Fujisawa, is an island just 4km in circumference. Hop on the Enoshima Electric Railway at Kamakura Station for a 23-minute ride to Enoshima Station. Then it is a 15-minute walk along a quaint street and across a bridge to the blue-green torii gate marking the entrance to the island. Climb all the way to the summit on a path lined with shops or take the

“Enoshima Escar,” a 106-meter escalator that covers an elevation di�erence of 46 meters and takes visitors partway up the hill in just 5 minutes.Near the top of the hill lies the Samuel Cocking Garden, a botanical garden with elements of East and West in a tropical atmosphere. The garden features the Enoshima Sea Candle, a 60-meter lighthouse with a breathtaking 360-degree panoramic view embracing Mount Fuji . escending the hill on the south side of the island leads to the Chigogafuchi, jagged cli�s protruding from the sea �oor. Walking so near to the waves smashing the cli�s produces an intense feeling. A little further along are the Iwaya Caves, sea caverns carved by wave erosion. For a small fee you can explore the caves, leading your own way with a handheld candle.The entire island of Enoshima is a great sightseeing attrac t ion, o�er ing natural s ights, mom-and-pop restaurants and souvenir shops!

Enoshima Escar : ¥360 9am-7:05pmSamuel Cocking Garden : ¥200Enoshima Sea Candle : ¥300 9am-8pm (entry permitted until 7:30pm)Iwaya Caves : ¥500 Sep 9am-6pm, Oct 9am-5pm, Nov-Jan 9am-4pm, Feb-Mar 9am-5pm

Kotokuin Temple (Great Buddha)


As the original Great Buddha Hall was washed away by a tsunami in 1495, the Great Buddha now sits in open-air surroundings. The statue reaches 12.38 meters in height and weighs 120 tons. It is said to have b e e n o r i g i n a l l y g o l d - p l a t e d . Remnants of gold are still visible just beneath the right ear. The Buddha's small spiral curls of hair are known as rahotsu, and number 6 5 6 i n a l l . T a k e a l o o k a t t h e statue's interior for a fee of 20 yen. *Further details are noted on the reverse.

0 100 200 300(m)



Temple ShrineEnoden Line

LEGENDLEGENDJR Line Traffic Light Shop1 2 3 Bus route / Bus stopFestival & Event schedule

Kamakura Thirteen Butsu Mairi: Prayer Bead Pilgrimage Autumn Leaves (Nov.-Dec.)


AREA KT Kitakamakura

AREA WS Kamakura Station West Exit

M2CollectionM2 Col lect ion of fers unique Japanese items like Handmade pouches from Kimono Obi's to select interior goods. Visit us in Hase and find your one of a kind

"Collectable" from Japan.090-2733-8717 11am - 6pmClosed irregularly Card

37 M2Collection

AREA Sea FrontSF

Restaurant Wa MinamotoLocated on the first floor of the Kamakura Park Hotel, Wa Minamo-to integrates local ly -sourced i n g re d i e n t s i n t o e xq u i s i t e Japanese cuisine, varied with the changing seasons.

0467-25-5126 Open everyday11:30am-2pm / 5pm-9pm Card

41 和 みなもと

Kamakura Prince HotelSpend a relaxing evening in a western-style hotel that provides a n o c e a n v i ew f r o m e ve r y room … savor the exce l len t amenities and accommodations!

0467-32-1111 Open everydayCard

38 鎌倉プリンスホテル

Kamakura Park HotelStanding on Kamakura’s sea front, European resort style Kamakura Park Hotel provides wonderful relaxation. A restaurant and other facilities are also provided to enrich your experience.

0467-25-5121 Open everydayCard

39 鎌倉パークホテル

Restaurant PergolaLocated in Kamakura Park Hotel, Restaurant Pergola serves Europe-an cuisine using seasonal ingredi-ents found in Japan. Enjoy a French meal while basking in the natural sunlight though the lofty windows.

0467-25-5125 Open everyday11:30am - 2:30pm / 5:30pm - 9pm


40 ペルゴーラ

AREA East Kamakura / Kanazawa KaidoEK

Kamakura RinrinRinrin , an authent ic Chinese restaurant, is located in a quiet neighborhood surrounded by a rich green forest. Reservations are required for both lunch and dinner.

0467-23-8535 Closed irregularly11am-3pm/5pm-9pm (Last call 7:30pm)

42 鎌倉 凛林

Tsubame CaféThe café is situated in a traditional Japanese house with an 84-year history and offers a varied menu of both Western and Japanese foods with a vegetarian focus.

45 燕CAFÉ

0467-84-702510:30am - 5pmClosed Fridays / irregularly

Ishigama Garden Terrace Located within the grounds of Jomyoji Temple, visitors can enjoy western style cuisine at terrace tables facing a beautiful English garden.

43 石窯ガーデンテラス

(If Monday is a holiday,the restaurant will be open that day, and closed the following day.)

0467-22-885110am - 4pm(Last call)Closed Mon.

Kisen AnA teahouse located inside Jomyoji Temple. Enjoy an elegant tea ceremony while viewing a cultured garden. (Karesansui 枯山水).

44 喜泉庵

0467-22-863810am - 4:30pm(Last call at 4:20pm)(winter 10am - 4pm)

AREA Yuigahama/Omachi/ZaimokuzaYZ

Inoue Kamaboko Main StoreInoue Kamaboko offers hanpen and kamaboko, both made from processed white meat of f ish. kamaboko has a very distinct texture and flavor and is extremely healthy.

0467-22-1133 8:30am - 7pmClosed Wed. Card

27 井上蒲鉾店 本店

Kaihin Sou KamakuraA one-of-a-kind Japanese-style inn located close to the ocean and set in a tranquil area. Take pleasure in the delicate cuisine while viewing the serene garden from your room.

0467-22-0960 Open everydayCard

29 かいひん荘鎌倉

Miyokawa Main RestaurantEnjoy traditional and seasonal dishes typically served at tea ceremonies as well shabu-shabu − where you cook your own veggies and sliced beef in a delicious broth. Each meal is wonderfully fresh and beautifully arranged.


Open everyday (Except New Year's day)11am - 9pm (Last call at 8:30pm)


28 御代川 本店

Kimono Kuroudo MiyamotoThis shop established 138years ago. In this shop there are many k i nd o f k imono f o r s e l l . I n addition there are 25kimono for rental for a tourist for one day.

0467-22-0602Toll Free 0120-15060210am - 6pm Open everyday


30 きもの蔵人みやもと


Café YohiraA casual café in a tradit ional J apane se hou se, ba t hed i n sunlight seeping through paper doors. Treat yourself to sweet amazake made with sake lees and water or an elegant cup of matcha tea. For something more substan-tial, enjoy a bowl of hot glutinous wheat with delicious whitebait.

33 カフェ四葩

0467-25-6133 0pm - 5pm Closed Wed. (except during peak)

café WakanA unique café where you can enjoy the traditional sweetness of

“Anmitsu”—a colorful dessert of dark syrup, sweet beans and other delicacies.


Closed irregularly11am - 5pm

35 café和甘

Toshimaya Hase Daibutsu Store0467-23-7788 Open everyday9:30am - 5pm

34 豊島屋長谷大仏前店

HANABIServing hearty Japanese-style shoyu (soy sauce) ramen and tsukemen dipping noodles. The broth, noodles and all other taste treats are homemade from select ingredients.


0467-26-9005Lunch 11:30am-3pm (4pm weekends/holidays)Dinner 6pm-10pm (9pm Sun./holidays)

Closed Mon./Tue.

Kuzukiri MinowaLocated along the way to Zeniarai Benzaiten, Minowa is famous for the Japanese confection “Kuzukiri,” a ribbon-like gelatin enjoyed by dipping into subtle yet sweet syrup called “Kuromitsu.”


Open on Wed. and holidays10:30am - 5pm

26 くずきりみのわ

Toshimaya OkiishiCustomers can enjoy seasonal Western-style cakes as well as a variety of eclairs. The 1st floor is for takeout service with a café located on the 2nd floor.

0467-22-810210:30am - 6:30pm

19 豊島屋洋菓子舗 置石

(If Wednesday is a holiday,the shop will be open that day, and closed the following day.)

Closed Wed.

Tempura HiromiSpecializing in tempura, Hiromi strives to use only the freshest seafood and local vegetables. Wel l - loved by the Kamakura culturati, Hiromi offers a chance to experience the delicacies of Kamakura’s seasons.

0467-22-2696 / Toll Free 0120-39-269611:30am - 2pm / 5pm - 7:30pm

20 天ぷら ひろみ

Closed Wed.


Toshimaya Tobira StoreToshimaya is very famous for their

“Hato Sablé” p igeon shaped cookies. Located close to Kamaku-ra station, this branch makes it easy to buy sweet souvenirs for the trip home.


21 豊島屋 扉店

Closed Wed.Card

Weekdays:7am-7pm, Weekends and holidays:9am-7pm1F(Fresh bread/Hato Sablé)Weekdays:7am-5:30pm, Weekends and holidays:9am-5:30pm2F(café)

10am - 5:30pm3F(Refreshments)

Inoue Kamaboko Station StoreLocated close to the east exit of Kamakura station, this shop offers high-qual i ty kamaboko − the healthy fish patty enjoyed over the ages throughout Japan − with its unique texture and flavor.

0467-23-3111 9am - 6pmOpen everyday Card

22 井上蒲鉾店 駅前店

Saryo InoueEnjoy typical Japanese winter dishes such as oden, set menus and desserts, while taking in the spectacular view.

0467-23-3112Weekdays : 10am - 6pmWeekends and holidays : 10am - 6:30pm(Jul thru Sep 11am - 6pm)

23 茶寮いの上

Closed Mon. (Open for holidays)


Sushi MasaTaking pride in serving only the freshest fish, Sushi Masa enables even first-time sushi eaters to dine in comfort.

0467-40-564411:30am - 2pm / 5pm - 9:30pm

24 寿司眞

Closed Tue./Wed.

UMINECO Wine&CafeA quaint gyoza cafe ser v ing Japanese-style dumplings made with a light soup stock of bonito and flying fish. Try our famous 25-gyoza Ring!

080-1109-2001 11am - 9pm

25 鎌倉餃子

Closed Mon./Tue. (or Tue./Wed. after holidays)


0467-25-2339 10am - 5pm Closed: Tuesdays and 1st & 3rd Wednesdays


Stroll around Kamakura in tradition-al Japanese attire for a heightened cul tural experience – feel the history and romance as if you were a part life in the old capital.

Kimono Rental穿着和服在很有情调的镰仓走一趟、能享受到未曾体验过的日本深层文化


KitotenkundoA t r ad i t i ona l i n cen se s hop offering various scents and gifts that express the tradit ions of Kamakura’s four seasons. Pick your favorite from among 120 different aromas.

0467-22-1081 10am - 6pmOpen everyday Card

9 鬼頭天薫堂

NakamuraanEstablished in 1964, offering hand-kneaded soba noodles − a Japanese tradit ion. Known as Japan’s macrobiotic food, enjoy your favorite soba dish for beauty, health and flavor!

0467-25-350011:15am - 5pm (Closed as soon as sold out)

10 なかむら庵

Closed irregularly

Kyorai AnSpecializing in scrumptious stews, Kyorai An is located in a tradition-al Japanese-style house built in the early Showa period. The delicately and slowly prepared demi-glace sauce makes the dishes delectable.

0467-24-9835 11am - 3pm

3 去耒庵

Closed Thu.&Fri.

Sabo YufuteiA tea house of fer ing not only matcha, cof fee, and Japanese sweets, but also kimono rental service, including a rickshaw course − tour Kamakura in a gorgeous kimono the traditional way!

0467-24-3739 10am - 6pm

16 茶房有風亭

Closed irregularly

KoinosukeLuscious Japanese cuisine to please both the eye and the palate, w i t h a s p a c i o u s m o d e r n atmosphere to please the remain-ing senses!

0467-25-374011am - 8:30pm (Last call at 8pm)

11 鯉之助

Open everyday (Except New Year's day)


KayagiyaKayagiya specializes in broiled eel cuisine, making use of domesti-cally raised eel, prepared with a sweet-and-salty secret sauce!

0467-22-146011:30am - Closed as soon as sold out

14 茅木家

Closed Fri.

Sushi-dokoro KimiSushi featuring the best ingredi-ents of each season; our chefs take pride in promptly serving you only the freshest seafood available.

0467-25-4141 11am - 9pm (Last call at 8:30pm)

12 すし処 きみ

Open everyday (Except New Year's day)


Inoue Kamaboko Komachi BranchLocated right on Komachi- dori, t h i s shop o f f e r s d i s t i nc t i ve kamaboko − the heal thy f ish patties enjoyed over the ages throughout Japan − with its unique texture and flavor.

0467-61-3103 10am - 6:30pmOpen everyday Card

13 井上蒲鉾店小町店

Toshimaya Main StoreToshimaya is very famous for their

“Hato Sablé” p igeon shaped cookies. Here, customers will find varieties of unique Japanese-style confect ions that express the beauty of each season.

0467-25-0810 9am - 7pmClosed Wed.irregularly Card

15 豊島屋 本店

Toshimaya HatokojiEnjoy “matcha” (powdered green tea) and exquisite confections in a r e l a x e d b u t t r a d i t i o n a l Japanese-style café.

0467-24-081011am - 5pm (varies seasonally)Closed Wed. (Open for Holidays)


17 豊島屋 八十小路店

Minemoto Komachi StoreA modern restaurant with a truly Japanese feel, Minemoto Komachi is located near the Kamakura station. Enjoy soba noodles, sake and a variety of appetizers in a casual atmosphere.

0467-23-6161 11am - 9:30pmOpen everyday Card

18 峰本 小町店

CKAREA Central Kamakura / Komachi-dori Street

Hachinoki Kitakamakura Taste a bit of traditional Shojin Ryouri (elaborate vegetarian cuisine) while relaxing in pure Japanese-style architec-ture. Enjoy your meal in a tatami room with a view of our beautiful garden.

0467-23-3723Closed Wednesdays (except on holidays)

2 鉢の木 北鎌倉店

Weekdays : 11:30am-2:30pm, 5pm-7pmSat, Sun & holidays : 11am-3pm, 5pm-7pm


(Reservations required one day in advance for dinner.)

Mikadukido KasenA traditional Japanese confection-ary shop creating homemade Japanese sweets in tune with Kamakura’s seasonal transitions. Step inside and enjoy the artistical-ly arranged flowers and delicate sweets of the season.

0467-22-8580 9am - 5pmClosed Mon.


4 三日月堂花仙

InoueAn eclectic collection of books and antiques fashioned by dedicat-ed craftsmen, representing the heart and mind of Japan through-out its rich history. Adorn your home or put these time-honored treasures to modern use!

0467-24-3884 10:30am - until sunsetClosed Wed.

6 いのうえ

Toshimaya Kitakamakura store0467-23-8108 Closed Wed.9am - 5pm

5 豊島屋北鎌倉駅前店Card

Kamakurabori HakkodoA well-established shop specializ-ing in Kamakura-bori (Kamakura carvings), Hakkodo crafts are made using traditional techniques. Each piece is a usable work of art − select your favorite for a long-last-ing memory of Kamakura!

0467-22-24299:30am-6pm (Nov. through Feb. Close at until 5:30pm)

Open everydayCard

7 鎌倉彫 博古堂

Minemoto Main RestaurantEstablished in 1930 and located next to Hachimangu Shrine’s main gate, Minemoto serves handmade soba noodles and tradit ional seasonal dishes in a warm, Kamak-ura-esque atmosphere.

0467-22-4431 11am - 8:30pmOpen everyday Card

8 峰本本店

Kamakura City Kawakita Film Museum

Address: 2-2-12 Yukinoshita, Kamakura, Kanagawa PrefectureTEL: 0467-23-2500FAX: 0467-23-2503 AREA Ck

Treat yourself to a bit of luxurious serenity as you soakin the culture of Kamakura and the international world of film.

KAMAKURA SHOP LIST Store Restaurant Accommodation Shops are divided into areas by color.(The color scale is the same on the other side of the map.)Credit Cards AcceptedCard

Hachinoki New WingAt Hachinoki, visitors enjoy tastes that reflect the transition of Kamak-ura's seasons.

0467-23-3723 Open everyday

1 鉢の木 新館

Weekdays : 11:30am-2:30pm, 5pm-7pmSat, Sun & holidays : 11am-3pm, 5pm-7pm


(Reservations required one day in advance for dinner.)

HoraikakuServing Kamakura for half a century, this Chinese restaurant is dedicated to using the freshest ingredients and providing dishes made from the heart. Enjoy daily lunch specials as well as homemade gyoza and steamed dumplings.

31 蓬莱閣

0467-22-314011am - 8pm

Closed Thu.

MagokoroSpecializing in organic and hemp materials, Magokoro offers low-im-pact, healthy food with a broad view of the sea for enjoyable dining. Purchase a few accessories and fancy goods made from hemp in the gift shop on your way out!


0467-38-7355 11:30am-9pm(Last call)Closed Mon. (If Monday is a holiday, the restaurant will open,and be closed the following day instead.)
