Chapter Three Services after · Web...

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Chapter Three Services after Exhibition

Part One English Tour Guide

Chapter One Meet the Tour Group

Unit 1 Contacting the Guests 联系客人

Desired Outcome

Upon completion of this unit, you should be able to:

· Comprehend the significance of contacting the guests before a tour.

· Know the different ways of contacting the guests.

· Grasp some technique in how to make preparation for a new tour group.

· Learn to how to communicate well with the tourists before a tour.

· Write an English tour guide memo.

· Remember useful professional words and expressions and key sentences of contacting the guests before a tour.

· Upgrade the listening and speaking skill in contacting the guests before a tour.

Task 1 Vocabulary

special offer

n (financial proposal) 出价;报价;开价

The offer of five thousand pounds for the car was rejected by the vendor.



vt (plan)安排;筹备

We are arranging a company barbecue for the springtime.


airline ticket

n (for plane travel)飞机票

Almost all airline tickets are electronic nowadays.


tour group

n (travel: organized) (有组织的旅行) 游览;游历;旅行;观光

The two-week tour had a guide and a bus.


n (travel: unorganized) (没有组织的旅行) 游览;游历;旅行;观光

We went on a tour of Europe last summer.



vt (go on: vacation) 度(假)

We took a holiday in Argentina last year.



vi (plane, train: leave) (飞机、火车等) 出发,起飞,离站

This train always departs on time.



vt (cause to go) 送出;发出;发送

He sent the message to his friend.



n (luxury chauffeured car)豪华轿车;高级轿车

The CEO only travels by limousine.



n (help, assistance) 服务;帮助

The service at the store is excellent. They really know what they are doing.



adj (free) 免费的

The gym provides complimentary energy bars and sports drinks.


Task 2 Brainstorming

This part is to let students know what they should do for contacting the guests based on Task 1.

Task 3 Discovery

Try to use the resources to find what is the appropriate way to contact the guests. What does an English tour guide do before meeting the guests? What is the most crucial thing that the English tour guide should do when contacting the guests? And what else would you like to know from this unit?

Basic Skill

Useful Words

pick sb. up


check in


check out


family suite


breakfast voucher


morning call service


cold spell


breathable ski suit


Double Cooked Pork Slices


Fried Potato, Green Pepper and Eggplant地三鲜

Braised Pork with Vermicelli


Stewed chicken with mushroom




Good to Know

itinerary form 行程单

inclusive/package tour 包价旅游

ecotourism 生态旅游

self-driving tour 自驾游

conducted tour 有导游陪同的旅游

culture-oriented travel 文化旅游

escorted tour 全程陪同旅游

leisure travel 休闲旅游

special interest tour 专门兴趣旅游

agricultural tour 农业观光旅游

sports tourism 体育旅游

tour guide 导游

tour leader/tour escort 领队

national guide 全陪导游

local guide 地陪导游

Valuable Sentences

1. What kind of room would you like? How many rooms do you need?


2. May I know your arrival time and departure time at the hotel, please?


3. Your reservation of the flight is made for Friday morning at 9:05, how will it be?


4. If you change your mind, please notify us as soon as you can.


5. Shall we have a discussion on the itinerary?


6. Let me say a few words about our itinerary.


7. May I give a brief introduction to the activities for the coming few days?


8. I’d like to take a couple of minutes to familiarize you with the details of our journey.


9. It’s just a matter of the schedule, if it is convenient for you right now.


10. It might be a good idea to visit cultural park.


11. We have a number of places that are worth visiting.


12. Why not visit a few more places of interest before lunch and find a fast-food restaurant?


Skill Improvement

Tour Guide

1. An English tour guide is responsible for his/her guests while he/she is in China. You must learn many skills in order to do your job well.

2. As a guide, you should be a historian first. You must know a great deal about local and national history as well as the culture and traditions of your country. You should be able to present to your tourists a complete picture of China both yesterday and today. History is important. However, the tourists today are more and more interested in modern China and the everyday life of the modern Chinese people.

3. You should think of your second job as a teacher. You are a teacher who helps foreign tourists learn and understand the history, culture, traditions and important ideas of China.

4. You should also think of yourself as an entertainer. You should try to make your presentations interesting and lively so that tourists will be attentive to what you are saying. Use stories, folk tales, idioms, and even explanations of Chinese names to make your presentations much more interesting! Have jokes with them, ask them questions and get them involved in what you are doing.

5. Finally, you should always think of yourself as a host. This is probably your most important job as a guide. If you do your job well as a host, your problem and tourists’ complaints will be minimal. A good rule to follow is, always treat your guests like what you want to be treated. In this way, you will never go wrong.

6. Your appearance is the first thing people will notice and judge when they meet you.

7. Your manners, which means how polite and respectful you are to other people, will communicate a lot about you to others.

8. Your attitude is a very important factor in any job where you work with other people.

This part is to give students some opportunities to train reading, listening, speaking and translating skills.

This part is to help teachers know how much student understand and apply their knowledge in the future professional context. After each section, it is strongly advisable that students should do self-reflection.

Unit 2 Receiving the Guests 迎接客人

Desired Outcomes

Upon completion of this unit, you should be able to:

· Comprehend the role of receiving the guests.

· Know the steps in receiving the guests in the tour.

· Grasp some technique in how to leave a good first impression on the guests.

· Deliver a welcome speech to the guests.

· Write a welcome board.

· Remember useful professional words and expressions and key sentences of receiving the guests in a tour.

· Upgrade the listening and speaking skill in receiving the guests in a tour.

Task 1 Vocabulary


n (amusement) 娱乐;消遣

He plays video games for entertainment.



n (warm welcome) 友好款待;好客

People from this country are well known for their hospitality.



n uncountable (luggage) 行李

Airlines have recently implemented strict restrictions on baggage.



n (tour bus)长途汽车;长途客车;长途客车

The tour group travelled in a coach.



n(temporary residence)短暂停留;小住;居停

I loved my nine-month stay in Paris.



n (lodging) 住所;住处

What kind of accommodation is available in the mountains?



n (journey) 旅行

My secretary booked the hotels for my upcoming business trip.



n (plane trip) 航班;空中旅行

The flight to Madrid lasts seven hours.



n UK (for moving luggage) 行李推车

The family used a trolley to take their luggage from the taxi to the airport check-in desk.


parking lot

car lot, lot (US), car park (UK) n (vehicle parking area) 停车场

Those high-school kids like to hang out in the parking lot and drink beer.


Task 2 Brainstorming

This part is to let students know what they should do for receiving the guests based on Task 1.

Task 3 Discovery

Try to use the resources to find the differences among picking up the guests from different places. What does an English tour guide pay attention to when receiving the guests? If you did not receive the guests, what should you do firstly? And what else would you like to know from this unit?

Basic Skill

Useful Words







registration form


land scape


parking lot


Good to Know

itinerary planning


bear the expense


superb service


regarding tourists as supreme


sightseeing trip


scenic spot


sightseeing guide book


domestic/international flight


terminal building


regular flight


delayed flight


checked baggage/luggage


Chinese Kung Fu 中国功夫

Chinese kung fu is a large system of theory and practice. It combines techniques of self-defense and health-keeping. In sports like track and field, ball sports, weightlifting, and boxing, an athlete typically has to retire from full participation in his 30s. Injuries sustained during years of active sport participation at a young age can affect our ability to continue exercising in later life.

In Chinese kung fu however, a distinction is made between “external” and “internal” kung fu. It is said that “In external kung fu, you exercise your tendons, bones, and skin; in internal kung fu, you train your spirit, your qi, and your mind.” And so internal kung fu can continue later in life, when the external body weakens.

Taijiquan (/tie-jee-chwen/), i.e. tai chi, is a Taoist internal martial art. One account of the history of taijiquan credits its development to the Taoist immortal Chang San-feng, who is said to have drawn the inspiration for the art by watching a fight between a snake and an aggressive eagle.

“Qi gong” (literally ‘breath exercise’) is an invaluable component of traditional Chinese medicine that has its origin in ancient times. Its primary stimulus was the search for longevity, with the ultimate aim of immortality, which has so enchanted the Chinese mind for centuries. 

Taoism 道教

Taoism (also called Daoism) is a spiritual, philosophical and religious tradition of Chinese origin that emphasizes living in harmony with the Tao (also romanized as Dao). The term Tao means “way”, “path”, or “principle”, and can also be found in Chinese philosophies and religions other than Taoism. In Taoism, however, Tao denotes something that is both the source of, and the force behind, everything that exists.

Taoism drew its cosmological notions from the tenets of the School of Yin Yang, and is heavily influenced and informed by the acknowledged oldest text of ancient Chinese classics, the I Ching, which prescribes a system of philosophical thought on the ethics of human behaviors based on articulating cycles of change in the natural and social worlds by means of hexagrams, and includes instructions for divination practice still adhered to by modern-day religious Taoists. Daoism, as Taoism is sometimes referred, diverged sharply from Confucian thoughts by scorning rigid rituals and social classes. The Tao Te Ching, a compact and ambiguous book containing teachings attributed to Laozi, is widely considered the keystone work of this philosophy. Together with the writings of Zhuangzi, which interprets and adds to the teaching of Laozi, these classic texts provide the philosophical foundation of Taoism deriving from the 8 trigrams (bagua) of Fu Xi in the 2700s BC in China, the various combinations of which creates the 64 hexagrams as documented in the I Ching.

Taoist propriety and ethics may vary depending on the particular school, but in general they tend to emphasize wu-wei (action through non-action), “naturalness”, simplicity, spontaneity, and the Three Treasures: jing (sperm/ovary energy, or the essence of the physical body), qi (energy, including the thoughts and emotions), and shen (spirit or spiritual power).

Taoism has had a profound influence on Chinese culture in the course of the centuries, and clerics of institutionalized Taoism usually take care to note distinction between their ritual tradition and the customs and practices found in Chinese folk religion as these distinctions sometimes appear blurred. Chinese alchemy (especially neidan), Chinese astrology, Chan (Zen) Buddhism, several martial arts, traditional Chinese medicine, feng shui, and many styles of qigong have been intertwined with Taoism throughout history. Beyond China, Taoism also had influence on surrounding societies in Asia.

After Laozi and Zhuangzi, the literature of Taoism grew steadily and was compiled in form of a canon---the Daozang---which was published at the behest of the emperor. Throughout Chinese history, Taoism was several times nominated as a state religion. After the 17th century, however, it fell from favor.

Today, Taoism is one of five religions officially recognized in China, and although it does not travel readily from its Asian roots, claims adherents in a number of societies. Taoism also has sizable communities in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan and in Southeast Asia.

Valuable Sentences

1. Excuse me, I’m looking for a tour group from Cuba. The tour leader’s name is Derek Pitt.


2. Hello, Mr. Albert. You are just the person I was after/ I was looking for.


3. I’m very glad to have this opportunity to meet you.


4. I’m very pleased to make your acquaintance.


5. It’s a privilege to meet you, Mr. Stuart.


6. I’m an English tour guide from China Youth Travel Service, my name is Sun Hui.


7. Could you tell me if all the guests are here, Mr. Wesley?


8. Is everybody here, Mr. Davis?


9. Mr. Hugo, do we have all our guests here?


10. How many pieces of luggage do the guests have?


11. Does everyone have his or her luggage?


12. Shall we move to the coach now?


13. This is Mr. Chen, the coach driver for this trip.


Skill Improvement

A Full Preparation for Meeting Tourists

1. Name of the travel agency that organizes the group, name of the liaison in charge of the group with telephone number, the group code, name of the tour leader and national guide, number of tourists, names of all tour members, nationalities, gender, occupations, ages, religions, and special requests and so on.

2. Second, the guide must study the itinerary carefully.

3. Third, you should bring all the necessary items, including documentation such as your tour guide certificate, professional badge, and the itinerary of the group/local travel schedule. Don’t forget to bring a tour guide banner or an identifying cardboard sign.

4. Upon the arrival of the tourists, you should check the nationality, the group code, the number of tourists, and the name of the tour leader/national guide. Check that the entire luggage has been claimed and collected by the porter for transfer to the coach.

5. Keep company with your tourists as closely as possible when you move out to the parking lot.

6. Some special requests from the guests should be dealt with before you meet them.

7. You should prepare a welcome speech before you meet your guests.

8. Apart from what’s mentioned above, you should remember to dress properly and neatly, since your appearance is as important as your kind and polite attitude.

This part is to give students some opportunities to train reading, listening, speaking and translating skills.

This part is to help teachers know how much student understand and apply their knowledge in the future professional context. After each section, it is strongly advisable that students should do self-reflection.

Unit 3 Discussing the Itinerary 商讨行程

Desired Outcomes

Upon completion of this unit, you should be able to:

· Comprehend the significance of discussing the itinerary with the tourists.

· Know the steps in discussing the itinerary.

· Grasp some technique in how to change the itinerary on the tourist’s requests.

· Learn to how to solve the problems during discussing the itinerary.

· Write a travel itinerary according to the tourists’ needs.

· Remember useful professional words and expressions and key sentences of discussing the itinerary in a tour.

· Upgrade the listening and speaking skill in discussing the itinerary in a tour.

Task 1 Vocabulary


vt (turn [sth] into a business) UK: commercialise [sth] 使商业化;使商品化


n (remains of life form) 化石

You can sometimes find fossils of plants in those rocks.



vt (modify) 改变;改动

The bride would like to alter the seating arrangements.



adj (uneven number: 3, 5, 9, etc.) 奇数的;单数的

5181 is an odd number.



n slang, figurative (photographer) (俚语,比喻) 爱好摄影的人


adj (not extreme) 适度的,不过分的;(一般)中等的,普通的,一般的;适中的

The winters in the area are moderate.



vt (set a timetable) 把…列入时间表;计划

The director scheduled the events throughout the day.



vt (fill: suitcase, bag) 装(箱);打(包)

Have you packed your bags yet?



ricksha n (Asian cart) 黄包车;人力车

Instead of riding a motorbike, we hired a rickshaw to take us to the night market.



n figurative (large throng, crowd) (比喻) 拥挤的人群

There was a crush of students at the bookstore on the first day of classes.


Task 2 Brainstorming

This part is to let students know what they should do for discussing the itinerary based on Task 1.

Task 3 Discovery

Try to use the resources to find what kind of problems the guests will have when discussing the itinerary. What is the suitable way to solve these problems? Facing the picky tourists, how can the English guide do to make them happy? And what else would you like to know from this unit?

Basic Skill

Useful Words







Good to Know

The Chinese Zodiac 中国生肖

The Chinese zodiac is the classification scheme that assigns an animal to each year in a repeating twelve-year cycle. The 12-year cycle of Chinese zodiac is an approximation to the 11.86-year cycle of Jupiter, the largest planet of the solar system. There is a similar concept in western astrology and means “circle of animals”. It is a scheme and systematic plan of future action that relates each year to an animal and its reputed attributes according to a 12-year cycle. It remains popular in several East Asian countries including China, Vietnam, Korea, Japan, Philippines, Thailand, Taiwan and Mongolia. In order, the 12 animals are: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig.

Identifying this scheme using the term “zodiac” reflects several similarities to the Western zodiac: both have time cycles divided into 12 parts, each labels at least the majority of those parts with names of animals, and each is widely associated with a culture of ascribing a person’s personality or events in his or her life to the supposed influence of the person’s particular relationship to the cycle. Nevertheless, there are major differences: the Chinese 12-part cycle corresponds to years, rather than months. The Chinese zodiac is represented by 12 animals, whereas some of the signs in the Western zodiac are not animals, despite the implication of the Greek etymology of “zodiac”. The animals of the Chinese zodiac are not associated with constellations spanned by the ecliptic plane.

Tea Horse Road 茶马古道

The Tea Horse Road or chamadao, now generally referred to as the Ancient Tea Horse Road or chama gudao was a network of caravan paths winding through the mountains of Sichuan, Yunnan and Guizhou in Southwest China. It is also sometimes referred to as the Southern Silk Road. The route extended to Bengal in South Asia.

From around a thousand years ago, the Ancient Tea Route was a trade link from Yunnan, one of the first tea-producing regions: to Bengal via Burma; to Tibet; and to central China via Sichuan Province. In addition to tea, the mule caravans carried salt. Both people and horses carried heavy loads, the tea porters sometimes carrying over 60-90 kg, which was often more than their own body weight in tea.

It is believed that it was through this trading network that tea (typically tea bricks) first spread across China and Asia from its origins in Pu’er county, near Simao Prefecture in Yunnan. The route earned the name Tea-Horse Road because of the common trade of Tibetan ponies for Chinese tea, a practice dating back at least to the Song dynasty, when the sturdy horses were important for China to fight warring nomads in the north.

In the 21st century, the legacy of the Tea-Horse Road has been used to promote a railway that will connect Chengdu to Lhasa. This planned railroad, part of the PRC’s 13th 5-Year Plan, is called the 川藏铁路; it will connect cities across the route including Kangding. Authorities claim it will bring great benefit to the people’s welfare.

Chinese Buddhism 中国佛教

Chinese Buddhism (Han Chinese Buddhism) has played an extremely prominent and dynamic role in Buddhist history, particularly in East Asia. Over the course of approximately two thousand years, Buddhist ideas and practices have shaped Chinese culture in a wide variety of areas, including art, politics, literature, philosophy, medicine, and material culture.

The translation of a large body of Indian Buddhist scriptures into Chinese and the inclusion of these translations together with works composed in China into a printed canon had far-reaching implications for the dissemination of Buddhism throughout the Chinese cultural sphere, including Korea, Japan, Ryukyu Islands and Vietnam. Chinese Buddhism is also marked by the interaction between Indian and Chinese religion which includes Taoism.

Valuable Sentences

1. Whenever your international flight lands in Beijing, your tour guide will be ready to welcome you at the arrival hall, to transfer you to your hotel with a private car and driver.


2. This is the temporary plan I’ve worked out. Please go over it.


3. What would you expect to see most?


4. It might be a good idea to arrange a three-day itinerary.


5. I think we’d better make it at 10:30.


6. Wouldn’t it be better to reduce the shopping time to just one hour?


7. It could be the best way to go suburb.


8. This place attracts millions of travelers each year to admire its surreal natural beauty and old religious culture.


9. Nearly all tourists entering Tibet experience highland altitude sickness. For some the effect is strong, but for most it is just an inconvenience.


10. Designed for a family with teenagers and young kids, this 11-day tour includes the most classic destinations and unique family-friendly activities in each city.


11. Breakfast at hotel and then head for airport or train station to get to your next destination.


12. Your first morning in Beijing will start with the Forbidden City, aka Royal Palace Museum, the largest and best preserved ancient imperial architectural complex in the world. 


13. Considering the different needs of parents and children, the tour balances the interests of two generations in an everyday itinerary. This is done by arranging both historical sights and fun activities, combining relaxation with new experiences, and filling every day with variety, so there’s something for everyone.


14. During the festival, tourists can enjoy the beautiful snow scenery and sculptures, and participate in all sorts of ice activities. Performance of winter swimming at Songhua River draws much attention.


15. The highlights of a visit to this city include Central Street, the old Russian and foreign buildings, especially Saint Sophia Cathedral, the Harbin Ice Festival in which huge ice sculptures and ice buildings are put on display, Sun Island Park, the Siberian Tiger Park, and the Chinese-Russian market; and a nearby highlight is the Yabuli Ski Resort that is about 3 hours by train to the southeast.


Skill Improvement

How to Create the Perfect Itinerary

Be Realistic

1. Research events happening in your destination while you’ll be there (tourist board websites are good for this---they usually have events calendars), and plan accordingly.

2. Also note local holidays coinciding with your trip, which can affect transportation schedules, business opening hours, etc.

3. There’s more to consider than just time and location.

Get It Right, from Door to Door

1. The same thing goes for your arrival. Although travelers may sometimes save by booking flights to smaller, more out-of-the-way airports, it’s important to weigh thrift against travel time

Connections Are Key

1. Add a connection to your itinerary, and plenty could go wrong that wouldn’t have happened had you booked a nonstop flight

2. If you simply can’t avoid a connection, make sure not to cut it too close.

Useful Websites and Apps

1. allows users to create complex online itineraries and email them to themselves or to friends and family.

2. is a similar service to help you organize your trip. Forward your air, car, hotel and other confirmations, and the site will arrange them in an orderly timeline.

3. is less about organizing your itinerary and more about helping you populate it. Put in your starting point, your desired destination(s) and ending point, and the site will offer recommendations for how to get between places and which activities you may want to do in each city on your list.

4. The Itinerary app for iPhone helps you organize your trip by plotting each day’s stops on a map and letting you add notes.

The Best Laid Plans...

1. Consider scheduling a free day into your itinerary.

2. All in all, the most flexible itinerary is often the best. Our final advice? Expect the unexpected, and leave plenty of room for upsets.

This part is to give students some opportunities to train reading, listening, speaking and translating skills.

This part is to help teachers know how much student understand and apply their knowledge in the future professional context. After each section, it is strongly advisable that students should do self-reflection.

Chapter Two Manage the Tour Group

Unit 4 Sightseeing 游览景点

Desired Outcomes

Upon completion of this unit, you should be able to:

· Comprehend the importance of sightseeing in a tour.

· Know the different kinds of the scenic spots and their features.

· Grasp some technique in introducing the scenic spots in a tour.

· Learn to how to communicate with the tourists well during sightseeing.

· Write a tour commentary on scenic spots.

· Remember useful professional words and expressions and key sentences of sightseeing in a tour.

· Upgrade the listening and speaking skill in introducing the scenic spots in a tour.

Task 1 Vocabulary

get away

vi (go on holiday) 外出度假;休假

I have been working late all week and need to get away this weekend.



vi (right or left) 转弯;转向

At the end of the block, turn left.


keep in touch with

informal (stay in contact with [sb]) 与…保持联系

Promise you’ll keep in touch with us while you’re away.



vi (function: as) 当作;作为

The office also serves as a guest bedroom.



n (way to a place) 路径;道路

The horse knew the route home perfectly.



adj (filled with light) 明亮的;充满阳光的

This room is very bright in the morning.



vt (prohibit) 禁止;不准

In 1920, the US passed a law to forbid the production and consumption of alcohol.



vt (commemorate sth) 庆祝;为…庆祝

We celebrated winning the World Cup.



adj (well known)著名的;有名的;出名的

I never wanted to be famous.



n (journey by car) 驾驶;驾车

The drive was really tiring.


Task 2 Brainstorming

This part is to let students know what they should do for sightseeing based on Task 1.

Task 3 Discovery

Try to use the resources to find the procedures of the sightseeing. In the process of conducting the sightseeing, what should an English tour guide do to avoid the dull introduction? What can you do to make the tourists better understand the Chinese culture? And what else would you like to know from this unit?

Basic Skill

Useful Words



Eastern Orthodox




Good to Know

The Five Great Mountains 五岳

The Five Great Mountains or Wu Yue are arranged according to the five cardinal directions of Chinese geomancy, which includes the center as a direction. The grouping of the five mountains appeared during the Warring States period (475 BC - 221 BC), and the term of Wu Yue (Five Summit) was made famous during the reign of Emperor Wudi of the Western Han Dynasty 140-87 BC. Together, the Five Great Mountains represent the territory of the Chinese empire and are a symbol of national unity. The five mountains are among the best-known natural landmarks in Chinese history, and since the early periods in Chinese history, they have been the ritual sites of imperial worship and sacrifice by various emperors. They are East Great Mountain (Taishan) in Shandong Province, West Great Mountain (Huashan) in Shaanxi Province, South Great Mountain (Hengshan) in Hunan Province, North Great Mountain (Hengshan) in Shanxi Province, Center Great Mountain (Songshan) in Henan Province.

The Four Sacred Mountains of Buddhism 四大佛教名山

They are Wutaishan or “Five-Platform Mountain” in Shanxi Province, where is the home of the bodhisattva of wisdom, Manjusri or Wenshu. Emeishan or “High and Lofty Mountain” in Sichuan Province, where the patron bodhisattva is Samantabhadra, known in Chinese as Puxian. Jiuhuashan or “Nine Glories Mountain” in Anhui Province, where many of the mountain’s shrines and temples are dedicated to Ksitigarbha, known in Chinese as Dizang, who is a bodhisattva and protector of beings in hell realms. Putuoshan or “Mount Potalaka” in Zhejiang Province, where is considered the bodhimanda of Avalokitesvara (Guan Yin), bodhisattva of compassion.

Temple of Confucius 孔庙

A Temple of Confucius or Confucian temple is a temple devoted to the memory of Confucius and the sages and philosophers of Confucianism. The largest and oldest Temple of Confucius is found in Confucius’ hometown, present-day Qufu in Shandong Province. It was established in 479 BC, one year after Confucius’s death, at the order of the Duke Ai of the State of Lu, who commanded that the Confucian residence should be used to worship and offer sacrifice to Confucius. The temple was expanded repeatedly over a period of more than 2,000 years until it became the huge complex currently standing.

The Structure of Temple of Confucius 孔庙的结构

Beginning in the Tang dynasty (618–907), Confucian temples were built in prefectural and county schools throughout the empire, either to the front of or on one side of the school. The front gate of the temple is called the Lingxing Gate. Inside there are normally three courtyards, although sometimes there are only two. However, the complex in Qufu has nine courtyards containing scores of steles commemorating visits by an emperor or imperial grants of noble titles upon descendants of Confucius. The main building, situated in the inner courtyard with entry via the Dachengmen, is called the Dachengdian, variously translated as “Hall of Great Achievement”, “Hall of Great Completion”, or “Hall of Great Perfection”. In imperial China, this hall housed the Spirit Tablets (神位) of Confucius and those of other important sages (圣) and worthies (贤). In front of the Dachengdian in Qufu is the Apricot Pavilion or Xingtan (杏坛). Another important building behind the main building is the Shrine of Adoring the Sage (崇圣祠), which honored the ancestors of Confucius and the fathers of the Four Correlates and Twelve Philosophers.

Unlike Daoist or Buddhist temples, Confucian temples do not normally have images. In the early years of the temple in Qufu, it appears that the spirits of Confucius and his disciples were represented with wall paintings and clay or wooden statues. Official temples also contained images of Confucius himself. However, there was opposition to this practice, which was seen as imitative of Buddhist temples. It was also argued that the point of the imperial temples was to honor Confucius's teachings, not the man himself.

The lack of unity in likenesses in statues of Confucius first led Emperor Taizu of the Ming dynasty to decree that all new Confucian temples should contain only spirit tablets and no images. In 1530, it was decided that all existing images of Confucius should be replaced with spirit tablets in imperial temples in the capital and other bureaucratic locations; nevertheless many modern Confucian temples do feature statues. Statues also remained in temples operated by Confucius's family descendants, such as that in Qufu.

The Screen Wall 影壁墙

The Screen Wall usually located in the opposite of the mansion gate which serves as a division of the inner court and the outside and meanwhile, it makes people feel wide and clean when stepping outside. It was called Yingbi (影壁) in the civilian or royal buildings, and Wanrengongqiang (万仞宫墙,10000 meters high Royal wall) in Confucius temples. Most of the screen walls are shaped like the Chinese character “一”, thus called Yizi Screen walls (一字影壁). The upper part of them is covered with semi-circle tiles, built as brick eaves. The middle part is built with bricks and the lower part is the base. Meticulously constructed with finely-joined polished bricks, some of the large-sized screen walls are covered with floral patterns and matched with a base built of bluestone, looking impressive and tasteful.

celsius temperature


fahrenheit temperature


count nose


plate number


Valuable Sentences

1. What makes the Longmen Grottoes special is that it houses the biggest number of Buddha statues in China.


2. Travel blogs and resources like the Lonely Planet often advise to focus on one region, or if this is your second trip focus on a couple of provinces.

旅游博客和像孤独星球这样的资源经常专注于一个地方,如果您是第二次来中 国旅行,我们会侧重几个省份。

3. If you like photography, China is heaven. 如果您喜欢摄影,中国是摄影天堂。

4. We specialize in providing customized travel, not off the shelf packages.


5. Harbin is deemed “the Oriental Moscow” and is a wonderful blend of North China culture and European flavor.


6. We know that families want to have fun not just follow a flag.


7. All included package tour to Yabuli Club Med, we will take care of the transfer between the Harbin Taiping International Airport and Yabuli Club Med, and you just need relax and enjoy the winter holiday with families.


8. We will do everything possible to make your visit a pleasant experience.


9. The written history of China can be said to date back to the Shang Dynasty (1600–1046 BC), over 3,000 years ago. The first dynasty was founded in the 21st century B.C., and China was first unified in 221 B.C.


10. Chinese kung fu, also known as wushu or Chinese martial arts, is one of the most well-known examples of traditional Chinese culture. It is probably one of the earliest and longest lasting sports which utilize both brawn and brain.


11. Everything is a balance of yin and yang. Yin 阴 is female, dark and formless. Yang 阳 is male, light, and form. Females have more yin qi, and males have more yang qi, and as people age, they lose qi.


12. Whatever private or small group tours, you will feel like walking through China’s past to its present when taking this classical route.


13. Taiyuan benefits from convenient public transport systems as the city is the provincial transportation hub.


14. The red roofs, green trees, blue sea, and azure sky form a bright and colorful picture here. The city is sometimes known as the Switzerland of the Orient.


15. Yangshuo lies to the southeast of Guilin and in the northeast of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. Since being introduced by ‘Lonely Planet’ in 1980, it greets an increasing number of visitors annually.

阳朔位于桂林的西南,广西壮族自治区的西北。在1980 年由于孤独星球的介绍,这里迎接的游客每年都在增加。

16. You don’t need to see any more mountains after seeing the Five Mountains, and you don’t need to see the Five Mountains after seeing Huangshan.

Trips to China’s five great mountains render trips to other mountains unnecessary, and a trip to Huangshan renders trips to the five great mountains unnecessary.


17. Generally there is a screen wall inside the gate so that the courtyard cannot be seen directly from the outside. It is also believed that the screen wall may protect the house from evil spirits.


Skill Improvement

How to Plan a First Trip to China

Take It Easy

Over-extending yourself will detract from your visit, so our recommendation is to explore only the absolute best of easily-accessible China first time, and spend the rest of your trip relaxing and taking in the ambience.

Where to Go

Beijing, Shanghai, Xi’an---the Choice of Most First Timers.

Other Famous Cities.

1. Hong Kong: Hong Kong airport also provides a great gateway to China, and Hong Kong should at least be counted equal to Shanghai among China’s top tourist cities

2. Guilin has some of China’s most famous scenery: karst peaks combined with the Li River.

3. Chengdu’s pandas are perhaps the icing on the cake on the China must-do list.

4. The Yellow Mountains (Huangshan) are the epitome of Chinese mountain artwork.

Stay at Least 8 Days

Non-Recommended Areas

1. The Muslim northwest and Inner Mongolia are not recommended for a first visit, as they are not representative of China, and travel, climatic, and other conditions are harsher than places recommended above.

2. We recommend saving the discovery of the less-accessible things you are interested in for another trip.

When to Travel

Avoid China’s major holidays 


Winter low season

How to Travel: Alone, As a Group, or Private Tour?

Traveling alone is for the adventurous with plenty of time to plan and arrange their trip or to adjust if things don’t work out.

Group package tours offer the easiest and cheapest way to see China’s major sights.

Private tours are the high-value option for customers who want to get more out of their China tour.

Private transport and guides with good English offer comfort, flexibility, hassle elimination, and insights that you don’t get alone or in a group.

How to Pay in China

Use a credit/debit card

Carry Chinese cash

Obtain Chinese currency by withdrawing directly from an ATM using a major card brand, or exchanging major foreign currency (USD, EUR, GBP…) in large denominations at the airport, branches of the Bank of China, and large hotels in China. (Traveler’s checks are seldom used now).

Chinese Yuan Denominations:

What to Get Ready

Get your travel documents ready well in advance, before you book flights or accommodation.

Pay special attention to any medicines you might need, and money.

Taking Children?

If planning to take your children, don’t overpack, as you can get many things in China. Include some fun activities, so they won’t be bored.

Prepare Your Mind for China

10 Books to Read before Going to China

10 Movies to Watch before Going to China

10 Essential Chinese Phrases for Tourists

Top China Travel Documentaries

This part is to give students some opportunities to train reading, listening, speaking and translating skills.

This part is to help teachers know how much student understand and apply their knowledge in the future professional context. After each section, it is strongly advisable that students should do self-reflection.

Unit 5 Shopping 旅游购物

Desired Outcomes

Upon completion of this unit, you should be able to:

· Comprehend the function of shopping in a tour.

· Know the different types and the characteristics of shopping.

· Grasp some technique in how to introduce and promote the specialty in a tour.

· Learn to how to settle the complaints about shopping.

· Write a shopping guide for the tourists.

· Remember useful professional words and expressions and key sentences of doing shopping in a tour.

· Upgrade the listening and speaking skill in doing shopping in a tour.

Task 1 Vocabulary


n (kind, form) 种类

That’s my favorite variety of pasta.



n (division of organization) 部;部门

He works in the accounting department.



vt (find important) 重视;珍视


n uncountable (help) 协助;援助

Lucy finished building the gazebo with the assistance of Dexter and his friends.



adj (representative) 典型的

This is a typical day in the life of our village.



adj (especially fine) (口语) 极好的

Well done. You did a magnificent job.



adj (strange, unusual) 奇特的;奇异的;少见的

His fantasy novel is packed with exotic descriptions of characters and locations.



n ([sb] keen on [sth], hobbyist) 爱好者

He is a vintage camera enthusiast.



n (medicinal plant) (药) 药草

My mom prefers to use medicinal herbs instead of pharmaceutical drugs.



n (memento: from vacation) 纪念品,纪念物;(香港,台湾)手信;(台湾)伴手礼;(新加坡) 土产

The shops along the waterfront all sell souvenirs.


Task 2 Brainstorming

This part is to let students know what they should do for shopping based on Task 1.

Task 3 Discovery

Try to use the resources to find what favorite things the foreign tourists would like to buy and what is the specialty of different provinces in China. As an English tour guide, how do you do to make the guests satisfied with shopping? And what else would you like to know from this unit?

Basic Skill

Useful Words

arts and crafts shop


jade ware




ink sticks

ink slab






Chinese jade




Good to Know

the Four Treasure of Study 文房四宝

The best writing materials are said to be Xuan paper and Hui ink stick from Anhui, Duan ink slab from Guangdong and Hu writing brush from Zhejiang.

Northeast Sambo 东北三宝

The three treasures of the Northeast are ginseng(人参), mink(貂皮), ula grass (乌拉草)or antler (鹿茸).

Types of store 商店的种类

department store


shopping mall




DFO (direct factory outlets)


dime store


grocery store


discount store


Mode of payment付款方式





credit card


direct deduct from bank account


money order


Pu’er Tea


jade articles


China Southern Sea pearls


replicas of the Terracotta soldiers


Tangsancai (Tang Dynasty hand painted china)


Thang-ka (tanka)


cordyceps sinensis (winter worm summer grass)


bronze craft


charcoal carving


Chinese painting


Valuable Sentences

1. There are many Chinese specialties here.


2. Are you interested in Chinese abacus?


3. Won't you take some souvenirs to your friends?


4. In fact there are so many people who could manage to stay in China and not be tempted to do any shopping.


5. It would be a pity to leave Suzhou without buying the wedding dress.


6. They’ve got lots of brands there, and you will surely find the one that fits you.


7. Pink is quite in fashion this year.


8. I would suggest you buy paper cuts, embroidery and batik. They are easy to carry.


9. Longjing Tea from the West Lake in Hangzhou is well-known both at home and abroad.


10. I suggest you take two silk fans for your friends so that they can enjoy the vivid miniature of Huangshan’s magnificence.


11. Could I have a taste of the Beijing preserved fruit?


12. Can you recommend something for my daughter?


13. I want to buy some chocolates. Can you give me some suggestions?


14. I decide to buy the blue suit. How much discount will you offer?


15. What are their trading hours?


Skill Improvement

Tourist Commodities

1. Tourist commodities consist largely of various art and handicraft articles, cultural relics and their imitations, native products, tourist souvenirs, tourists’ daily use goods as well as other miscellaneous items of everyday life.

2. Tourists usually lay emphasis on the commemorative nature, artistic quality and practical applicability of tourist. It can exhibit the distinguishing features of a tourism destination, the time when a tourist visits, and serve as evidence that a tourist has participated in certain activities so that the commodities may bring back good memories of the visit in the future.

3. Furthermore, the sale of tourist commodities has its own characteristics in display or the layout of stalls

4. Lastly, tourist commodities differ from general merchandise in the fluctuating nature of their production and operation. The number of tourists has a direct impact on the production and sales of tourist commodities.

This part is to give students some opportunities to train reading, listening, speaking and translating skills.

This part is to help teachers know how much student understand and apply their knowledge in the future professional context. After each section, it is strongly advisable that students should do self-reflection.

Unit 6 Leisure and Recreation 旅游娱乐

Desired Outcomes

Upon completion of this unit, you should be able to:

· Comprehend the role of leisure and recreation in a tour.

· Know the types and the characteristics of different leisure and recreation activities.

· Grasp some technique in how to introduce and organize leisure and recreation activities in a tour.

· Learn to choose the suitable leisure or recreation activities according to the distinctive situation and make the tourists enjoyable.

· Write a tour introduction to one kind of leisure or recreation activities.

· Remember useful professional words and expressions and key sentences of organizing the leisure and recreation activities in a tour.

· Upgrade the listening and speaking skill in planning leisure and recreation activities in a tour.

Task 1 Vocabulary


adj (characteristic of a group) 民族的;种族的;种族的


n often plural (source of wealth) (国家) 资源,自然资源

This country’s resources include oil and mineral deposits.



n (drive) 动力;干劲

I’m lacking inspiration today.



n (building, unit)设施;场所

A new facility for mental health patients is being built on the edge of town.



adj (culture: developed) 开化的;文明的 also UK: civilized

There is evidence of civilized cultures in Europe dating back thousands of years.



vt (represent) 象征,标志着;用象征性的事物表示 also UK: symbolise [sth]

These protests symbolize the people’s discontent.



n (refined quality) 质量上等;精美;精致

There is an elegance of expression in everything she writes.



n (place made for) 目的地;终点

The train’s destination was London.



n (class, type) 类别,分类;类型

What category of books do you like to read?



vi (be critical, express unhappiness) 抱怨;发牢骚

All Marty ever does is complain.


Task 2 Brainstorming

This part is to let students know what they should do for leisure and recreation based on Task 1.

Task 3 Discovery

Try to use the resources to find how to design and plan the leisure and recreation activities to add the amusement to the travel. If the English tour guide notices that the guests feel dull when doing the leisure and recreation activities, what will you do? And what else would you like to know from this unit?

Basic Skill

Useful Words


n. 戏服

Buddhist scripture



n. 情节


n. 段落,诗文

You’re kidding


“You are kidding.” is the slang of American English and it means that “you are joking.”


n. 矛,枪


v. 增强

Siberian Tiger Zoo


the Songhua River








Outlaws of the Marsh




children’s song


children’s rhyme


Lantern Festival


folk custom



n. 烟花

lantern riddles


Chinese character riddles


the year of monkey


Good to Know

1. Singing, dialogue, acting and acrobatic combat

Singing (唱), dialogue (念),acting (做) and acrobatic combat (打) are four skills in Beijing opera. The different understandings of these four skills lead to the birth of different schools of performance.

2. The four types of characters of Beijing opera

The male lead (生), the female lead (旦), the painted face (净) and the clown (丑) are the four types of characters of Beijing opera.

3. The singing play and the military play

The singing play (文戏) and the military play (武戏) are two categories of Beijing opera.

The plays that emphasize the music for voice are called the singing plays in which the accompaniment instruments are mainly the orchestral instruments. In contrast, the plays with the attention to combat are called the military plays in which the percussion instruments are the major instruments.

4. Interrogating Hong Niang

Interrogating Hong Niang (《拷红》) was a Beijing opera episode adapted from tale of the West Chamber (《西厢记》)written by Wang Shifu(王实甫)who was a famous dramatist of Yuan Dynasty.

5. Havoc in heaven

Havoc in heaven (闹天宫) is a traditional military play of Beijing.

6. A pilgrimage to the West

A pilgrimage to the West (西游记) was a novel written by Wu Cheng’en(吴承恩) who was a novelist of Ming Dynasty. This novel is regarded as one of the ancient classical novels in the history of Chinese literature.

7. The part of Hong Niang was played by an actor, not an actress.

In Beijing Opera, some actors play the roles of the female lead. That’s because originally women were not allowed to perform in it in feudal society. Right now, things have changed and there are many excellent actresses in this field. Among the male actors who play the roles of the female lead, Mei Lanfang, Cheng Yanqiu, Shang Xiaoyun and Xun Huisheng are the most famous.

8. Drums, gongs, and cymbals

Drums, gongs, and cymbals are the instruments which are often used in Beijing Opera performance, especially for the military play. Besides of them, there are other kinds of instruments involved. For singing play, orchestral instruments are often used, such as erhu and yu-kin.

9. Some of the common words and expressions concerning Beijing Opera are listed as follows.

Technique of expressions 表现手法

Technique and method 技巧和手法

Act one 第一幕

Prologue 序幕

Epilogue 尾声

Theme 主题

Background setting 背景

Climax 高潮

Positive/negative character 正/反面人物

Vestibule 门厅

Cloakroom/check room 衣帽间

Lobby/foyer 休息室

Stalls 正厅前座

Pit 正厅后座

Box 包厢

Dress circle 二楼前座

Upper circle 二楼后座

Cast 演员表

Program 节目单

Rhyme scheme of Beijing opera 京剧唱腔

Main arias 主要唱段

Natural voice 真嗓子

Falsetto 假嗓子

Stage walk 台步

Theatrical mask/ make-up 脸谱

Stylized combat 武打

Turn a somersault 翻筋斗

Valuable Sentences

1. There is a special exhibition of Russian art on now. 现在是俄罗斯艺术特展。

2. The art gallery is open around the clock for tourists. 画廊对游客全天开放。

3. The metropolitan is one of the most famous museums in the world. You really should take a good look at it instead of just having a quick glance. 大都会艺术博物馆是世界上最著名的博物馆之一。你真应该好好看看而不只是走马观花。

4. This is one of the best theatres in the city. The performance is so popular that the tickets were sold out in three days.


5. Those tourists who have interests in this roller coaster may have a try to seek a breathtaking and stimulating feeling.


6. It is very difficult to see Chinese acrobatics overseas, and now you have the chance. 在国外很难看到中国杂技表演,现在正是机会。

7. According to our arrangement, there is a skiing course since we are in a snowy world. 既然来到了冰雪的世界,根据安排我们会有滑雪项目。

8. Besides the indoor swimming pool, there is also a recreation enter with modern facilities. 除室内游泳池,还有一个拥有现代化设施的康乐中心。

9. That’s a scenic spot worth visiting, and you can take some pictures there.


10. There are different kinds of restaurants and architecture on both sides of the old street. 这条古老的街道两边,有各种餐厅和各式建筑。

11. There are some souvenir shops where you can buy some local specialties for your family and friends.


12. This is a valuable chance to do as Romans do.


13. Shadow shows were once a popular form of entertainment, and they were also used for religious and instructional purposes.


14. Performers can produce images that are controlled by computers, and these can be used for animation and entertainment effects in shows.


15. Among the many traditional musical instruments of China, the most popular nowadays include the stringed instruments called the erhu, pipa, and guzheng, and the dizi flutes.


Skill Improvement

Recreation and Entertainment for Travelers

1. Beijing Opera is regarded as the supreme representative of Chinese art.

2. A popular art form in China today is dance, including classical ballet. Never traditionally a part of Chinese dance, European ballet has been slowly integrated into the performing arts.

3. Whether the music is Chinese or foreign in origin or not, an evening at Beijing-based China Central Philharmonic or at any other large city’s symphony hall is usually a memorable experience.

4. In China, there are four biggest traditional festivals. The Spring Festival, the Chinese New Year according to the lunar calendar, is similar to Christmas in the West. The Lantern Show Festival follows soon after the Spring Festival, when people eat sweet dumpling and enjoy a great variety of colorful lanterns. The Dragon-Boat Festival is the festival originally in memory of Quyuan, a great patriotic poet in ancient China. At the festival, people like to eat glutinous rice dumpling and hold a boat-race. Of the four festivals, only the Mid-Autumn Festival is observed in the second half of the year, when people tend to eat moon cakes while enjoying the bright full moon

5. Other entertainments including puppet shows, acrobatic acts, theatrical and social dances also provide a diverting way to spend an evening

6. For those staying in the hotels, there are many channels of TV programs, radio programs, newspapers, indoor sports and games (billiards, Chinese chess, go, playing cards, mah-jong, etc.) to choose form.

This part is to give students some opportunities to train reading, listening, speaking and translating skills.

This part is to help teachers know how much student understand and apply their knowledge in the future professional context. After each section, it is strongly advisable that students should do self-reflection.

Unit 7 Free Activities 自由活动

Desired Outcomes

Upon completion of this unit, you should be able to:

· Comprehend the important role of free activities in a tour.

· Know the different types of free activities.

· Grasp some technique in how to organize various kinds of free activities in a tour.

· Try to introduce Chinese culture and offer help during free activities.

· Write the Tips and Instructions for tourists.

· Remember useful professional words and expressions and key sentences of free activities in a tour.

· Upgrade the listening and speaking skill in organizing free activities in a tour.


Task 1 Vocabulary


vt (permit)(认为有效、合法而)允许;接受

The judge admitted the evidence.



n (desire to know) 好奇心;求知欲

Your curiosity will get you into trouble one of these days.



n (freedom from risk) 安全;平安

This rope will give you the security to climb without fear.



n informal (maximum permitted) 最大限额;上限

Twenty pounds is the limit for carry-on bags on that airline. The bartender refused to serve me because I'd reached the limit.



vt (outlaw, make illegal)明文禁止;规定不许

“smoking prohibited”



vt (to permit) 允许;准许

Smoking is allowed, but only on the balcony.



n (swimming attendant) 救生员

They closed the pool because no lifeguard was available.



adj (different) 有区别的;不同的;不同种类的

Jeremy heard the blackbird’s distinct call.



vt (attract [sb]) 吸引;引起…的兴趣

That house really appeals to me.



vt (furnish, supply) 供给;提供;供应

I’ll provide the tent if you provide the food.


Task 2 Brainstorming

This part is to let students know what they should do for tourists’ free activities based on Task 1.

Task 3 Discovery

Try to use the resources to find what favorite activities the tourists want to do in their tour and how to recommend the free activities to guests to satisfy their different needs. As an English tour guide, how do you promote Chinese culture during the free activities? And what else would you like to know from this unit?

Basic Skill

Useful Words

ice lantern


Ice and Snow World



n. 特点


adj. 建筑的

the Central Street


pedestrian street



adj. 大量的,多种多样的


n. 包含,介入


v. 陪伴


n. 佳肴


n. 肉汤


adj. 臭的


v. 撒


adj. 滑的

Good to Know

natural splendor/attraction


summer resort


places of historic interests


ancient architectural complex


unearthed cultural relics


natural reserve


national park


water park


folk custom


man-made wonders


the land of rice and fish


International Acrobatic Festival


skating rink


race court


shadow show














culinary arts


overseas gourmets


cutting technique


Valuable Sentences

1. Don’t dine out at unlicensed snack bar or roadside stand, otherwise you will have the unclean food or improperly prepared food.


2. Food is the first necessity of people. 民以食为天。

3. Chinese cuisine virtually promotes cultural exchange as an envoy of friendship between China and foreign countries.


4. Chinese cuisine flies its own colors in the world in virtue of the employment of nearly endless variety of natural ingredients and gastronomy. 中餐中使用的难以计数的各种天然原料和烹饪方法使中餐在世界上独树一帜。

5. It is not only the taste of Chinese cuisine that makes you amazed but also its artistic value. 品尝中餐不但会令你着迷,它的艺术价值更会令你感觉神奇。

6. Before you go, please take care of your personal belongings. 在你们出发之前,请保管好你们的私人物品。

7. The weather there is a little hot, so you can just take some T-shirts and pants. Besides, you’d better take the sun protection cream/sun lotion, or your skin will turn suntanned/ brown.


8.We will have one hour for free activities,andyou can go anywhere to have some photographs as memory. One hour later, we will assemble in the exit.


9. There are some sightseeing shuttles available here and there.


10. If you want to go shopping, it’s better to pay by credit card instead of paying in cash, because using credit card will help you save a lot of money. 


11. There are two interesting places that you cannot miss, the Disneyland and the Ocean Park. I guarantee that they will bring you endless happiness.两处景点您不能错过,迪士尼乐园和海洋公园。相信它们会给您带来无尽的欢乐。

12. Maybe you will find something amazing. 也许你能发现一些很不错的东西。

13.It offers a large variety of antiques including: coins, pottery and traditional Chinese paintings.  里面有各种古董包括钱币,瓷器及传统中国画。

14. The basic principles of an ancient marriage mainly involved the matched social status, the dictates of the parents and the advice of the matchmaker, the ban of the marriage for a couple with the same surname and the tolerance toward polygamy.


15. Free love was absolutely banned in ancient China and was widely condemned as an offence to public decency according to the traditional Confucian ethic codes, so it was the task of parents to arrange marriage for their children in order to maintain order of the traditional patriarchal society.


Skill Improvement

Free Activities

Sampling Local Food

China is a country proud of its culinary heritage, and of its wide sampling of local cuisine. It is apparent how China earned its reputation as the Land of Gourmet. Savoring prestigious Chinese food is one of the not-to-miss activities for tourists visiting China who would like to gain locals’ experience.


China is a very good religious holiday destination which features countless Buddhist temples, shrines, a great number of mosques, churches, etc. These pilgrim centers particularly constitute a very important element of travel and tourism

Local Events and Performances

The variety of culture and religions is a direct reflection of the diversity of ethnic minorities living in China. With festivals taking place throughout the year, experiencing local events is becoming many tourists’ choice. They hope to be provided more opportunities to take part in cultural activities as long as time permits.

On the other hand, recommend theaters which give outstanding performances.


Nightspots are great pastime for a holiday maker. As we all know, it is a perfect way to refresh and reenergize body and mind.


Chinese dazzling handicrafts enjoy a great popularity among the people with a great variety. Thus purchasing local products is indispensable section in the whole tour.

Firstly, avoid exchange money on the street, as it may well be counterfeit. Advise guests to exchange their cash at a bank or at the hotel, though the rates are not so preferable. Take special care to their wallets when they pay. Furthermore, tell tourists where credit cards are accepted and where prices are negotiable.

Secondly, check the refund and return policy and review warranties. Ask the store to issue the guest a receipt, by which the store will offer a refund if the goods has any flaw.

Thirdly, advice on security and ways of communication should also be provided if guests prefer an unescorted free shopping experience.

Fourthly, recommend locations with high reputation to ensure comfortable buying experience.

This part is to give students some opportunities to train reading, listening, speaking and translating skills.

This part is to help teachers know how much student understand and apply their knowledge in the future professional context. After each section, it is strongly advisable that students should do self-reflection.

Unit 8 Dealing with Problems and Emergencies 处理突发事件

Desired Outcomes

· Comprehend the importance of dealing with problems and emergencies in a tour.

· Know the types and the characteristics of different emergencies and incidents.

· Grasp some technique in how to deal with problems and emergencies in a tour.

· Accumulate the awareness, foresight and experience of various problems and accidents.

· Write an Accident Report.

· Remember useful professional words and expressions and key sentences of dealing with problems and emergencies in a tour.

· Upgrade the listening and speaking skill in dealing with problems and emergencies in a tour.


Task 1 Vocabulary


n (incident of bad luck) 不幸的事;倒霉的事

They had the misfortune to be next to him when he took ill.



n (effect) 影响;作用

The influence of the immigrants can be seen in the culture.



n (travel plan) 行程表;旅行路线

Garrett wrote an itinerary to help him manage his trip.



n often plural (action taken) 措施;对策

This measure is necessary to ensure the safety of all employees.



vi (overcome difficulties) (对困难) 应付;处理

You are going through a difficult emotional time, but you will cope.



adj (person: managing alone)独立于...的;不依赖...的

I’m looking forward to getting a place of my own so I can be independent of my parents.



n (promise) 保证;担保;承诺

I hope Max is sure about his guarantee that the package will arrive by Saturday.



adj (liable or prone to) 容易…的;有可能…的

This schedule is subject to last minute changes.



vt (improve)提高,改善,改进;加强,增强

He enhanced his prospects of finding a job by getting a college degree.



n (regular itinerary) 安排的旅行路线

Task 2 Brainstorming

This part is to let students know what they should do for dealing with problems and emergencies based on Task 1.

Task 3 Discovery

Try to use the resources to find what kind of the characteristics are essential for a tour guide to deal with the problems or emergencies successfully. Facing the complaints or incidents, what should the tour guide do firstly? And what else would you like to know from this unit?

Basic Skill

Useful Words

pillow 枕头

room attendant 客房服务员

testimonial form 证明书


adj. 咸的


adj. 油腻的

fish bone



adj. 头晕眼花的

120 Emergency Center 120急救中心

ambulance 救护车

symptom 症状

sore throat 喉咙痛

stomach upset 拉肚子


v. 恶心


v. 呕吐

now and again


aching type pain


colicky pain 绞痛



clear up


prescription n. 药方,处方


n. 药店

Good to Know

Passport 护照

Passport is an official government document that certifies one’s identify and citizenship and permits a citizen to travel abroad. Generally there are three kinds of passports: diplomatic passport, business passport and common passport. Some countries like England only issue one kind of passport. A few countries like India and Pakistan issue two kinds of passports. Also there are some countries which issue four or five kinds of passports like the USA and France.

The period of validity of passports varies from country to country. In China, the periods of validity of passports are either two years, five years or ten years.

Consulate 领事馆

The Public Security Bureau 公安局

Exit and Entry Administration Ministry of Public Security 出入境管理局

police station 派出所

emergency medical centre 急救中心

fire brigade 消防大队

fire extinguisher 灭火器

quarantine station 卫生检疫所

traffic police station 交通警察大队

faint 昏厥

heat stroke 中暑

poisoning 中毒

snake bite 蛇咬

appendicitis 阑尾炎

robbery 抢劫

Valuable Sentences

1. I can certainly understand that you’re upset at losing them and I’ll do my best to help you. 我非常理解您不安的心情, 我将尽力帮助您。

2. It was my negligence and fault. Please accept my sincere apologies for the inconvenience. 这都是我的疏忽。请接受我诚挚的歉意。

3. Let us assure you this will never happen again.


4. Please drive to the nearest hospital immediately.


5. Please unbutton his shirt collar and make him comfortable.


6. Everybody, I’m sorry to tell you there’s been an emergency. Mr. Jones has fainted. 各位,很遗憾地告诉你们这里出了一些紧急情况, 琼斯先生昏倒了。

7. I’ve phoned my travel agency supervisor just now. He promised to send Mr. Wu, who is experienced in handling emergencies, directly to the hospital to help Mr. Jones. 我刚才已经打电话给我们旅行社的负责人。他承诺马上派吴先生直接去医院帮助琼斯先生。吴先生在处理紧急情况方面经验丰富。

8. We’d better take some medicine under the doctor’s suggestion.


9. I’ll tell the driver to take you and the rest of group to the airport directly if I can’t find Mrs. Tayler in 10 minutes. 我会告诉司机,如果我10分钟后找不到特纳女士,让他直接送您和其他客人去机场。

10. It’s my duty to protect your property and life.


11. Could I use your luggage claim checks? 我能用一下您的行李提取单吗?

12. I’ll contact the airport about your luggage and send for it immediately.


13. I have told them to make a change for you. 我已经叫他们给您换一份了。

14. Calm down! Let’s call the First Aid Center now!


15. I sure hope I can answer them for you. 我真的希望我能回答您的问题。

16. Let me do some research on this and get back with you tomorrow.


17. Sorry, sir. I advise you not to do so. It’s against our regulations.


Skill Improvement

Emergencies and Troubles

How to deal with a traffic accident during the tour

*Immediately rescue the injured, especially those seriously wounded; call for an ambulance or ask someone else to do it; ask the tour leader or the guests’ family members or friends to accompany the injured to the nearest hospital.

*Keep the site of the accident intact before the police arrive; call for the traffic police and the public security department.

*Report the accident to the travel agency promptly and ask for help; transportation of another coach should be dispatched to take the rest of the tourists back to the hotel or continue their sightseeing.

*The tour guide should try to keep the tourists calm and take the unharmed tourists to continue their sightseeing if possible. And try to reduce the adverse effect of the accident to the minimum.

*The tour guide ought to help the wounded get the “certificate of medical treatment” and the “certificate of traffic accident” signed by the public security bureau so that they can register a claim for compensation from the insurance company.