Chapter 05 프로시저

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발표일 : 2013 년 5 월 5 일. Chapter 05 프로시저. 팀장 : 박태영 / 팀원 : 조정민 , 이지영 , 이지훈 , 이숭운 , 권승현. 박태영. 팀원 구성현황. 조정민. 5.1 간단한 소개. 이 장은 입출력 과 문자열 처리와 관련된 일을 간단하게 사용할 수 있는 편리한 라이브러리를 소개하는 장이다 . 이 장은 서브루틴을 호출하여 프로그램을 어떻게 처리하기 쉬운 단위로 나누는가와 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Chapter 05 프로시저

Chapter 05 : / : , , , , : 2013 5 5 [email protected] [email protected]@naver.com5.3010-8831-7520dltnddns@[email protected] 5.1 .


5.3 Irvine32.lib Irvine16.lib . , , ? .


Irvine32.lib Irvine16.lib Irvine32.lib MS-Windows API .(32 ) Irvine16.lib MS-DOS .(16 ) (link library) () . , . . WriteString . WriteString PROTO .

6WrtieString PROTO CALL WriteString .call WriteString CALL , . WtringString . .

ClossFile = (Irvine32) EAX 32 .

Clrscr = . .* WaitMsg .

CreateOutputFile = (Irvine32) . EAX (32) .

Crlf = . ASCII 0Dh 0Ah .

Delay = msec . Delay EAX .

DumpMem = 16 . -ESI,-EBX,-ECX .


EIP DumpRegs . DumpRegs CPU .

GetCommandTail = . 1, 0 .

Encrypt = GetCommandTail . EDX 129 .

GetMaxXY = (Irvine32) . .

GetMseconds = EAX msec .

GetTextColor = . X : 0~79, Y : 0~24

Gotoxy = . X 0 79 , Y 0 24. Gotoxy DH Y() DL X() . IsDigit = AL 10 . AL ASCII . AL 10 Zero 1 . Zero 0 .MsgBox = (Irvine32) . EDX . EBX . EBX 0 .

MsgBoxAsk = (Irvine32 ) Yes No . EDX EBX . EBX 0 . MsgBoxAsk EAX IDYES(6) IDNO(7 ) .

OpenInputFile = (Irvine32 ) . EDX . EAX , EAX INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE( ) .ParseDecimal32 = 10 32 . . . EDX, ECX . EAX .

ParseInteger32 = 10 32 . . . EDX, ECX . EAX .

Random32 = 32 EAX . , (pseudorandom integer) . (seed) . . . .

Randomize = Random32 RandomRange . 100 1 . (Randomize) Random32 RandomRange , . Randomize .

RandomRange = 0 n-1 . n EAX . EAX . 0 4999 EAX .

ReadChar , AL . .

ReadDec = 32 10 EAX . . . 123ABC EAX 123 .

ReadFromFile = (Invine32 ) . EAX, EDX, ECX . CF = 0 EAX , CF = 1 EAX .

ReadHex = 32 16 EAX . . A F . 8 . ( .) .ReadInt = 32 EAX . + - . ReadInt Overflow 1 32 . . +123ABC +123 .

ReadKey = . Zero 1 . Zero 0 AL 0 ASCII .AL 0 (, ) . AH , DX , EBX . EAX EDX . 11 ReadKey .

ReadString = Enter . EDX ECX ( ) 1 . EAX .

SetTextColor = (Irvine32 ) .SetTextColor AX . . include . 16 .

StrLength = . ECX . EAX .

WaitMsg = "Press any key to continue..." . . .

WriteBin = ASCII . EAX . 4 .

WriteBinB = 32 ASCII . EAX EBX (1,2,3) . 4 .

WriteChar = . ( ASCII) AL .WriteDec 32 0 10 EAX WriteHex 32 8 16 0 . EAX .

WriteHexB 32 16 . 0 . EAX EBX (1,2,4) .

WriteInt 32 0 10 . EAX .

WriteString . EDX .

WriteToFile = (Irvine 32) . EAX , EDX, ECX . EAX .

WriteWindowsMsg = (Irvine32 ) . . , WriteWindowsMsg .

5.4 10


, , 10 (stack) .

LIFO(Last-In First-Out) .

10987651423TOPbottom ESP ESP

ESP 32




CPU ALU CPU ESP = 00001000h00000006Offset00000FF400000FF000000FF800000FFC000001000 32 32 16 SP 16 Push 32 push 4


push 00000006BEFORE00000FF400000FF000000FF800000FFC000001000AFTER00000006000000A500000100000000FFC00000FFC00000FF400000FF0ESPESP0000000200000001000000A500000006Offset00000100000000FFC00000FF800000FF400000FF0ESP00000001 00000002 push Pop 00000006000000A50000000100000002BEFORE00000FF400000FF000000FF800000FFC000001000AFTER00000006000000A50000000100000100000000FFC00000FFC00000FF400000FF0ESPESP Pop ( ) ESP (logically empty)

. .


(argument) .



PUSH ESP .16 ESP 2 32 ESP 4 PUSH reg/mem16PUSH reg/mem32PUSH imm32


PUSH ESP .16 ESP 2 32 ESP 4 PUSH reg/mem16PUSH reg/mem32PUSH imm32


ESP .16 ESP 2 32 ESP 4 pushdfpopfd

16 16 FLAGS PUSHF FLAGS POPF .ESP .16 ESP 2 32 ESP 4 Pushfd ; save the flags;; any sequence of statements here;Popfd ; restore the flags push pop POPFD PUSHAD, PUSHA, POPAD, POPA PUSHAD 32 EAX, ECX, EDX, EBX,ESP (PUSHAD ), EBP,ESI,EDI




POPA PUSH reg/mem16PUSH reg/mem32PUSH imm32

: TITLE Reversing a String (RevStr.asm)

INCLUDE Size = ($ - aName) =1

.codeMain PROC; Push the name on the stack. mov exc,nameSize mov esi,0

L1: movzx eax, aName[esi] ; get characterPush eax ; push on stackInc esiLoop L1

; Pop the name from the stack, in reverse,; and store in the aName array. mov ecx,nameSize mov esi,0

L2: pop eax ; get characterMov aName[esi],a1 ; push on stackInc esiLoop L2

; Display the name.Mov edx, OFFSET aNameCALL WriteStringCall crlf ExitMain ENDP END main

1. () ?2. ?3. LITE ?4.32 ESP ?5.(/) Irvine32 32 6. .7.(/) Irvine16 16 8. .9.(/)PUSH (immediate) .10. 32 EFLAGS ?11. EFLAGS ?12.: (NASM) PUSH . MASM PUSHAD ? NASM .PUSH EAX EBX ECX13. : PUSH . PUSH EAX .

5.5 .


. 5.5.1 PROC , return .

PROC ENDP . ( ) . main . main PROC..main ENDP RET . RET CPU .

(main) exit . INCLUDE , exit ExitProcess .sample PROC . .retsample ENDPINVOKE ExitProcess, 0INCLUDE exit .EXIT . .

mov ah, 4C0 0h ; call MS - DOS function 4ch int 21h ; terminate program . . Destination JMP .

(::) . jmp DestinationDestination :: .


: 32 Sumof . EAX, EBX, ECX . EAX .

SumOf PROC add eax, ebx add eax, ecx retSumOf ENDP . . Receives . . Returns . (precondition) . Requires . Receives, Returns, Requires ; . SumOf ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SumOf PROC;; Calculates and returns the sum of three 32-bit integers.; Receives : EAX, EBX, ECX, the three integers. May be; signed or unsigned.; Returns : EAX = sum;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- add eax, ebx add eax, ecx retSumOf ENDP

C C++ 8 AL, 16 AX, 32 EAX . 5.5.2 CALL RET CALL .

RET(return from procedure) .


32 CPU EIP(instruction) . 16 IP .

main CALL 00000020 . 5 . ( MOV) 00000025 . main PROC00000020 call MySub00000025 mov eax, ebx MySub 00000040 . MySub PROC00000040 mov eax, edx . . ret MySub ENDP CALL ( 5-8) call (00000025) MySub EIP . MySub RET . RET ESP EIP . ( 5-9 1) 2 ESP .( 2) ????00000025ESP00000040EIP 5-8 CALL ????0000002500000025ESPEIPstep 1:step 2:????ESP 5-9 RET (nested procedure call) . (ret to main)(ret to Sub1)(ret to Sub2)ESPmain Sub1exitmain ENDPSub1 Sub2retSub ENDPSub2 Sub3retSub2 ENDPSub3 PROC..retSub3 ENDP 5-10 62 ESP . Sub2 RET .(ret to main)(ret to Sub1)ESP Sub1 [ESP] main .(ret to main)ESP , , . . . .

. (argument) (input parameter) .


64 EAX, EBX, ECX SumOf . main SumOf EAX, EBX, ECX ..datatheSum DWORD ?.codemain PROC mov eax, 10000h ; argument mov ebx, 20000h ; argument mov ecx, 30000h ; argument call Sumof ; EAX = (EAX + EBX + ECX) mov theSum, eax ; save the sumCALL EAX . 5.5.3 : C++ Java .

. . 32 ArraySum . EAX .;---------------------------------------------------------------------ArraySum PROC;; Calculates the sum of an array of 32-bit integers.; Receives : ESI = the array offset; ECX = number of elements in the array; Returns : EAX = sum of the array elements;--------------------------------------------------------------------- push esi ; save ESI, ECX push ecx mov eax, 0 ; set the sum to zeroL1: add eax, [esi] ; add each integer to sum add esi, TYPE DWORD ; point to next integerloop L1 ; repeat for array size pop ecx ; restore ECX, ESI pop esi ArraySum ENDP . 32 .ArraySum array ESI, ECX ArraySum . EAX ..dataarray DWORD 100000h, 200000h, 300000h, 400000h, 500000h,theSum DWORD ?.codemain PROC mov esi, OFFSET array ; ESI point to array mov ecx, LENGTHOF array ; ECX = array count call ArraySum ; calculate the sum mov theSum ; returned in EAX 5.5.4 .

. yes no (decision) (process) . . ex) CX 1 . begin/endProcess (task)Procedure calldecisionyesnocx = cx + 1add cx, 1 ArraySum LOOP (CX ) LOOP . beginpush esi, ecxeax = 0add eax.[esi]add esi, 4ecx = ecx 1pop ecx, esiecx > 0?endyespush esipush ecxmov eax, 0

AS1:add eax, [esi]add esi, 4loop AS1

pop ecxpop esi 5.5.5 ArraySum ECX ESI .

, .


USES PROC ( ) .5.5.3 ArraySum ESI ECX PUSH POP ArraySum PROC USES esi ecx mov eax, 0 ; set the sum to zeroL1 : add eax, [esi] ; add each integer to sum add esi , TYPE DWORD ; point to next integer

ret ; sum is in EAXArraaySum ENDP USES .ArraySum PROC push esi push esi mov eax, 0 ; set the sum to zeroL1 : add eax, [esi] ; add each integer to sum add esi , TYPE DWORD ; point to next integer loop L1 ; repeat for array size

pop ecx pop esi ret ArraaySum ENDP

( Visual Studio) , MASA . View Debug windows . Disassembly . .[] ( EAX) . . SumOf EAX SumOf PROC ; sum of three integers push eax ; save EAX add eax, ebx ; calculate the sum add eax, ecx ; of EAX, EBX, ECX pop eax ; lost the sum !SumOf ENDP