Channel Config

ﺩﻭﻡ ﻓﺼﻞ ﻫﺎ ﻛﺎﻧﺎﻝ ﭘﻴﻜﺮﺑﻨﺪﻱ2 CHAPTER CHANNELS CONFIGURATION Page 1 of 1


Channel Config

Transcript of Channel Config




    Page 1 of 1

  • :

    . HCP , HCCDS :nnahC `` tpesnoC le

    ( ) AMDT MSG LD LU MU ).ftnI riA (

    . .

    : STB SM


    : ecafretnI riA LD LU

    STB-SM LU knilpU )dnab yramirp( 009MSG-P zHM 519 - 098 )dnab dednetxe( 009MSG-E zHM 519 - 088 0081SCD zHM 5871 - 0171 )6.3 RB=> ( R-MSG zHM 088 - 678 )6.3 RB=> ( 0091SCP zHM 0191 - 0581 SM-STB LD knilnwoD )dnab yramirp( 009MSG-P zHM 069 - 539 )dnab dednetxe( 009MSG-E zHM 069 - 529 0081SCD zHM 0881 - 5081 )6.3 RB ( R-MSG zHM 529 - 129 )6.3 RB ( 0091SCP zHM 0991 - 0391

    2 fo 2 egaP

  • : TDMA .

    : BTS MS

    . `Burst`:

    )TS ( TDMA .

    Note: the duration of a time slot is 577 _s according to the definition. These 577 _s are not given in descriptions of the transmit power of a burst and often irritate readers of literature on GSM. The time domain of 542.8 _s shown in fig. 8 and 9 (corresponding with 147 bit, also known as useful part) is the range where transmit power is required at a constant power level almost as a information transmission platform. Together with the time ranges from the flanks (increase/decrease of power) of a maximum of 28 _s each this gives 598.8 _s and is thus slightly longer than the duration of the accompanying time slot. The two 28 _s are however only time maximum limits for the flanks and interference from burst of successive time slots. They are reliable when the power is appropriately low so the duration of the technically realized burst coincides with the defined duration of a time slot in the 1st approach.

    Page 3 of 3

  • With base stations the dynamic range is 70 dB, with low power (mobile phone: 2.5 W) 36 dB. The set tolerance masks for transmitting a burst from a BTSE are shown in the following diagram.

    Tolerance masks of the TDMA burst

    : .

    ` ` Normal Burst: .

    Page 4 of 4

  • The normal burst contains : _ 2 x 3 bits as tail bits (TB); _ 2 x 57 encrypted data bits which carry the actual information _ 2 x 1 bit as a "stealing flag" which tell the receiver that data transmission is being interrupted briefly and signaling data is being transmitted instead of useful data (or vice versa). _ 26 bits for synchronizing and problem detection (training sequence) which allow both the BS and the MS to synchronize themselves to a burst and allocate the data bits exactly. Distorted or incomplete received signals can thus be reconstructed.

    `Frequency Correction Burst` :

    . ) . (

    st ` ynchronization Bur ` S :

    (Long Training sequence) TDMA (Frame Number) BTS

    (BSIC) .

    Page 5 of 5

  • :` `tsruB sseccA doirePdrauG . revodnaH

    . (decnavdA gnimiT)

    :` tsruB ymmuD `


    : emarF AMDT

    . 516.4 sm AMDT AMDT

    emarf itluM emarf AMDT 62 . HCT , HCCAS , HCCAF


    emarf itluM emarf AMDT 15 . HCCB , HCCC, HCCDS

    ( ) .

    : emarF repuS ( emarfitluM HCCB 62 )

    . / . ( emarfitluM HCT 15 )

    6 fo 6 egaP

  • : emarF repyH . MSG

    AMDT . . cesm067-ces35-nim82-h3

    7 fo 7 egaP

  • Physical channels / traffic and control channel multiframe

    Page 8 of 8

  • Logical Channels, Downlink

    Page 9 of 9

  • knilpU ,slennahC lacigoL

    : :

    : etarlluF

    . etarflaH :

    SM SM .

    : :` HCCB ` HCCF , HCS , HCCB (eldI )


    01 fo 01 egaP

  • :` HCCC ` . HCP HCAR , HCGA

    : : HCCF . SM ( ) HCCF SM


    AMDT . CCB + CCN + CISB .

    :HCCF : )noitamrofnI metsyS(

    ycneuqerf tsacdaorBseicneuqerf llec , noitarugifnoc lennahc , retemarap llec , reifitnedI lleC sllec robhgien fo

    :HCBC .

    . .... SM )txet( HCBC MSG :

    . . .

    . :HCCDS

    ) SMS putes llaC , etadpu noitacoL . (

    :HCCAS ( HCCAS ) sm 084

    . LU LD :LD )AT( )CP( )ofnI metsyS( :LU


    11 fo 11 egaP

  • . :HCCAF . gnilaetS ( )

    . . revodnaH

    SM . HCCAF

    gnigaP HCCAF MSG : .


    . hcateD/ hcattA ISMI CTM HCAR HCCB HCAR

    ) . (


    . HCCDS :HCP )SMS(

    STB RLV / CSM . ISMT / ISMI . aera noitacoL gnigaP RLV :

    . ( ) gnigaP gnigaP : . HCGA fo .oN gnigap neewteb emarfitlum fo .oN ) aera noitacoL gnigaP :

    . AL STB SM . (

    21 fo 21 egaP

  • : `` serutcurtS lennahC . ( )

    :erutcurtS lennahC dneibmoC ` ` : . XRT

    lleC / XRT 2 4 / HCCDS + 3/ HCCC + HCCB : 0ST : knilnwoD 4 / HCCDS + HCAR rof stolS 72 : 0ST : knilPU

    rebircsbuS 1 fo egasseM tseuqeR lennahC 1 : stols HCAR 1

    rebircsbuS 4~1 rof egasseM gnigaP 1 : )stols 4( kcolb HCCC 1 rebircsbuS 2~1 rof )HCGA( lennahC tnarG sseccA 1 RO

    : ( ++ )

    . HCCDS )sm 532(

    HCCAS )sm 074( . LD , LU :


    31 fo 31 egaP

  • .

    :erutcurtS lennahC detarapeS ` ` : . XRT

    lleC / XRT 4~3 9/ HCCC + HCCB : 0ST : knilnwoD 8 / HCCDS : 1ST HCAR rof stolS 15 : 0ST : knilPU 8 / HCCDS : 1ST

    : ( ++ ) . HCCDS )sm 532(

    HCCAS )sm 074( . LD , LU

    HCCC ST . HCAR egaP

    41 fo 41 egaP

  • .

    51 fo 51 egaP

  • :erutcurtS lennahC dirbyH ` `: . XRT

    lleC / XRT 4~3 4 / HCCDS + 3/ HCCC + HCCB : 0ST : knilnwoD 8 / HCCDS : 1ST 4 / HCCDS + HCAR rof stolS 72 : 0ST : knilPU 8 / HCCDS : 1ST

    :. HCCDS

    . HCGA HCP :

    . HCCDS, HCP ,HCGA ( ecruoseR) :

    . AMDT


    emarfitluM )HCT( lennahC ciffarT etaR lluF .1 : etar lluF

    61 fo 61 egaP

  • emarfitluM )HCT( lennahC ciffarT etaR flaH .2 : etar flaH


    gnilaetS . .

    : HCAR ) HCAR SM . HCCDS (

    . HCAR

    71 fo 71 egaP

  • : (


    ( ( ( (


    HCCDS . .


    : gnikcolB


    HCCDS HCT . ( ) HCT )tnemhsilbatse llaC(


    HCCDS .


    . HCCDS daol :

    ruoh rep rebircsbus rof stmetta llaC.1 gnillangis putes CTM/COM rof emiT.2 etadpu noitacoL rof emiT.3 ruoh rep rebircsbus rep etadpu noitacoL.4

    81 fo 81 egaP

  • HCCDS : .

    llec / XRT 2 noitarugifnoc dneibmoC % 2 = gnikcolB ruoh / llac / nim 5.1 = ruoh rep rebircsbus rof stmetta llaC ces 7 = gnillangis putes llac rof emiT ces 7 = gnillangis etadpu noitacol rof emiT ruoh 1 = etadpu noitacol cidurep rof emiT llec / lrE 10.9 B 51 = HCT fo .oN rebircsus / lrEm 52 = nim 06/ llac / 5.1

    : HCCDS : :putes llaC ( daol : etadpu noitacoL (

    . HCCDS :putes llaC HCCDS (a

    )CTM / COM( .

    llac / lrem 49.1 = s 0063 / s 7 llec / lrE 996.0 = llac / lrem 49.1 llec / llac 063

    . llec / lrE 996.0 putes llaC daol : :etadpu noitacoL HCCDS (b etadpu noitacoL

    . llac / lrem 49.1 = s 0063 / s 7 llec / lrE 996.0 = llac / lrem 49.1 llec / llac 063

    lrE 893.1 etadpu noitacoL putes llaC daol : HCCDS gnalrE llec /

    . noitsegnoc llec / lrE 618.0 HCCDS

    . HCCDS gnalrE

    91 fo 91 egaP

  • . XRT2 : 9 9 9 9

    9 9

    (a (b (c (d (e

    ruoh rep rebircsbus rep stpmetta llac ces 3 gnilangis putes CTM/COM rof emit ces 5 etadpU noitacoL rof emit 2.2 ruoh rep rebircsbus rep setadpU noitacoL

    :swollof sa detaluclac si rebircsbus rep daol HCCDS ehT lrEm 4 = lrE 400.0 = ces 0063 / )ces 5 * 2.2 + ces 3 * 1.1(

    rebircsbus rep daoL HCT lrEm 52 HCCC no melborp daol on

    daol HCCDS SMS : . lrEm 21~8

    :HCP egaP

    : ) noitarugifnoC dneibmoc nU / dneibmoC ( HCCC ) kcolB HCGA fo oN ( HCGA

    ) gnigap neewteb emarfitluM fo oN( .( CSM )

    ( ) ISMT/ ISMI / ISMT & ISMI ` epyt egassem gnigaP `

    . ISMI /ISMT : (ISMT ISMI . ) :

    02 fo 02 egaP

  • . ISMT : : gnigaP

    532.0 / YX = yticapaC gnigaP





    (1 4) HCP :X .

    :Y ) noitarugifnoC dneibmoc nU / dneibmoC (

    . HCGA . : 532.0

    : :

    4 / HCCDS + 3 / HCCC + HCCB : 0ST HCP rof desu kcolb 2 & HCGA rof desu HCCC kcolb 1

    12 fo 12 egaP

  • : . AL

    SM : : .

    )stpmetta gnigap neewteb emiT( lanretnI_gnigapeR stpmettA_gnigapeR_fo_rebmuN

    gnigaP . CSM gnigapeR aera noitacoL . CSM

    . lanretnI . kcolb gnigap

    CSB HCCDS : . eldI (noitacidnI tiaW) SM

    . gnigaP SM .

    . CSB (tiaW noitacidnI) CSM gnigaP

    . :( HCP , HCGA , HCAR ) : HCP , HCGA , HCAR

    :(0 ~ 7) oN .colB HCGA fok HCCC


    . gnigaP

    ytiroirp evah dluow segassem HCGA neht 0= tnarG sseccA rof skcolB fo rebmun fI .segassem HCP revo

    ytiroirp evah dluow segassem HCP neht 0 >< tnarG sseccA rof skcolB fo rebmun fI . segassem HCGA revo

    AL :

    HCGA HCP egaP .

    22 fo 22 egaP

  • : (2 ~ 9 ) oN.igap neewteb emarfitlum fogn SM

    . puorg gnigaP SM SM (. XRD noitpeceR suounitnocsiD ,) )9 ~ 2( .

    . gnigaP .

    *) tnarG sseccA rof skcolB fo rebmun skcolb HCCC fo #( = spuorg gnigap fo # gnigaP neewteB semarfitluM fo.oN s 511.2 ... 74.0 = sm 532 * 9 ... 2 yreve puorg / egaP >===== gnigaP fo rebmuN eht no dna ISMI no desab puorG gnigaP sti setaluclac noitatS eliboM .spuorG


    : :(7,4,2,1) oN xaM .noissimsnarteR fo

    SM HCAR . 7,4,2,1

    . 0213T : (0 ~ 51 ) oN .noissimsnarT daerps ot stolS fo

    . HCAR )rt( modnaR ( ))dt( citsinimreteD HCAR

    . ( ) ) 05 , 23 , 52 , 02 , 61 , 41 , 21 ~ 3 ( = TS TOLS N / ) 51 ~ 0 ( = TS TOLS N

    . )dt(

    32 fo 32 egaP

  • . 80.40 MSG

    erudecorP tnemngissA etaidemmI

    42 fo 42 egaP

  • )HCP , HCGA , HCAR( HCCC daoL :

    aera noitacoL


    hcated/hcatta ISMI

    SMS .

    : daoL HCCC

    52 fo 52 egaP

  • CCCH Load Example :

    Page 26 of 26

  • :

    Parameters for Control Channel Configuration

    Page 27 of 27

    : ` Channel Consept `:Uplink UL MS-BTSDownlink DL BTS-MS : : `Burst`:Tolerance masks of the TDMA burst

    : ` ` Normal Burst : `Frequency Correction B ynchronization Burst ` : ` Access Burst` `:` Dummy Burst ` :

    : TDMA Frame: Super Frame: Hyper Frame : : : ` BCCH ` : ` DCCH ` : ` CCCH ` :

    : FCCH : SCH :Broadcast frequency of neighbor cells


    ` Channel Structures ` :

    : `1 CCCH block (4 slots) : 1 Paging Message for 1~4 Subscriber

    : ` : ` ` Hybrid Channel Structure :


    SDCCH PCH :SDCCH : PCH : ` Paging mes

    \(R No. of AGCH Block \(0 ~ 7\) : \( 2 ~ 9 \) No.of multiframe bet RACH : Max No. of Retransmission \(1,2,4, \( 0 ~ 15 \) No. of Slots to spr