ch14(1) [Autosaved]

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  • 8/18/2019 ch14(1) [Autosaved]


    Chapter 14: System


  • 8/18/2019 ch14(1) [Autosaved]


    Chapter 14: SystemProtection Goals of Protection

    Principles of Protection

    Domain of Protection

    Access Matrix

    Implementation of Access Matrix

    Access Control

    Revocation of Access Rights

    Capaility!"ase# Systems

    $ang%age!"ase# Protection

  • 8/18/2019 ch14(1) [Autosaved]


    &'ectives Disc%ss the goals an# principles of protection in a mo#ern

    comp%ter system

    (xplain ho) protection #omains comine# )ith an accessmatrix are %se# to specify the reso%rces a process may access

    (xamine capaility an# lang%age!ase# protection systems

  • 8/18/2019 ch14(1) [Autosaved]



    *or the year 1+,4- one so%rce has i#enti.e# //+ casesof comp%ter!relate# crime0 lf he average loss in the//+ inci#ents )as 2344-0 his average is not#istorte# y a fe) exceptional cases!!the me#ian loss)as very close to the average0 Most of the inci#entsinvolve# simple fra%#0 y an employee )ho ha# access

    to comp%teri5e# .nancial recor#s0 In 637 of the cases-management #i# not report the inci#ent to the police!often eca%se p%licity ao%t it )o%l# have eenemarrassing0

  • 8/18/2019 ch14(1) [Autosaved]


    Goals of Protection In one protection mo#el- comp%ter consists of a collection of

    o'ects- har#)are or soft)are

    (ach o'ect has a %ni8%e name an# can e accesse# thro%gh a)ell! set of operations

    Protection prolem ! ens%re that each o'ect is accesse#correctly an# only y those processes that are allo)e# to #o so

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  • 8/18/2019 ch14(1) [Autosaved]


  • 8/18/2019 ch14(1) [Autosaved]


    Principles of Protection

    G%i#ing principle 9 principle of least privilege

    Programs- %sers an# systems sho%l# e given '%st eno%gh privileges to perform their tass

    $imits #amage if entity has a %g- gets a%se#

    Can e static ;#%ring life of system- #%ring life of

    process<&r #ynamic ;change# y process as nee#e#< 9

    domain switching-=>ee# to no)? a similarconcept regar#ing access to #ata

  • 8/18/2019 ch14(1) [Autosaved]


    Domain Str%ct%re Access!right @ object-name- rights-set B

    )here rights-set  is a s%set of all vali# operationsthat can e performe# on the o'ect

    Domain @ set of access!rights

  • 8/18/2019 ch14(1) [Autosaved]


    Access Matrix

    ie) protection as a matrix ;access matrix <

    Ro)s represent #omains

    Col%mns represent o'ects

     Access(i, j) is the set of operations that aprocess exec%ting in Domaini can invoe on

    &'ect '

  • 8/18/2019 ch14(1) [Autosaved]


    Access Matrix

  • 8/18/2019 ch14(1) [Autosaved]


    se of Access Matrix

    Can e expan#e# to #ynamic protection &perations to a##- #elete access rights

    Special access rights:

    owner of Oi

    copy op from Oi to O j (denoted by “*”)

    control !i can modify ! j access rights

    transfer switch from domain ! i to ! j

    "opy an# Owner applicale to an o'ect

    "ontrol applicale to #omain o'ect

  • 8/18/2019 ch14(1) [Autosaved]


    Access Matrix Eith Owner  Rights

  • 8/18/2019 ch14(1) [Autosaved]


    Access Matrix )ith "opy  Rights

    A M t i f *i A

  • 8/18/2019 ch14(1) [Autosaved]


    Access Matrix of *ig%re A)ith Domains as &'ects

  • 8/18/2019 ch14(1) [Autosaved]


    Mo#i.e# Access Matrix of *ig%re"

  • 8/18/2019 ch14(1) [Autosaved]


    Implementation of AccessMatrix Generally- a sparse matrix &ption 1 9 Gloal tale

    Store or#ere# triples domain, object, rights-set  B in tale

    A re8%este# operation M on o'ect & ' )ithin #omain Di !B search talefor Di- & '- R B

    )ith M F R

    "%t tale co%l# e large !B )ont .t in main memory

    DiHc%lt to gro%p o'ects ;consi#er an o'ect that all #omains can rea#<

    &ption 9 Access lists for o'ects

    (ach col%mn implemente# as an access list for one o'ect

    Res%lting per!o'ect list consists of or#ere# pairs domain, rights-set B#e.ning all #omains )ith non!empty set of access rights for the o'ect

    (asily exten#e# to contain #efa%lt set !B If M F #efa%lt set- also allo)access

  • 8/18/2019 ch14(1) [Autosaved]


    &ption / 9 Capaility list for #omains

    Capaility list for #omains

    ?A capaility is a toen- ticet- or ey thatgives the possessor permission to accessan entity or o'ect in a comp%ter system?0

     Intuitive examples – A movie ticet is a capaility to )atch a

    movie0 – A ey is a capaility to enter a ho%se0

  • 8/18/2019 ch14(1) [Autosaved]


    Implementation of AccessMatrix ;Cont0<

    &ption 4 9 $oc!eyCompromise et)een access lists an#

    capaility lists

    (ach o'ect has list of %ni8%e itpatterns- calle# locks(ach #omain as list of %ni8%e it

    patterns calle# keysProcess in a #omain can only access

    o'ect if #omain has ey that matchesone of the locs

  • 8/18/2019 ch14(1) [Autosaved]


    Comparison ofImplementations

    Many tra#e!oJs to consi#er

    Gloal tale is simple- %t can e large

    Access lists correspon# to nee#s of %sers

    (very access to an o'ect m%st e chece#Many o'ects an# access rights !B slo)

    Capaility lists %sef%l for locali5ing information fora given process

    "%t revocation capailities can e ineHcient

    $oc!ey eJective an# Kexile- eys can e passe#freely from #omain to #omain- easy revocation

  • 8/18/2019 ch14(1) [Autosaved]


    $ang%age!"ase# Protection Speci.cation of protection in a programming lang%age allo)s the

    high!level #escription of policies for the allocation an# %se of


    $ang%age implementation can provi#e soft)are for protectionenforcement )hen a%tomatic har#)are!s%pporte# checing is%navailale

    Interpret protection speci.cations to generate calls on )hateverprotection system is provi#e# y the har#)are an# the operatingsystem

    In a compiler!ase# approach to protection enforcement-programmers #irectly specify the protection nee#e# for #iJerent

    reso%rces at the time the reso%rces are #eclare#