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  • 8/20/2019 ch 1 . 4450


     McGraw-Hill/Irwin Copyright © 2013 by The McGraw-Hill Companies Inc! "ll rights reser#e$ .

    Chapter One

    An Overview of the Changing

    Financial-Services Sector

  • 8/20/2019 ch 1 . 4450



    Bank Management and Financial © 2008 !e McGraw-Hill "#m$anies, Inc%, &ll 'ig!ts'eserved%   1-2

    Key Topics

    • Powerful Forces Reshaping the Inustry

    • !hat Is a "an#$

    The Financial Syste% an Co%peting Financial-Service Institutions

    • Ol an &ew Services Offere to the Pu'lic

    • Key Trens Affecting All Financial-Service Fir%s

    • Appeni() Career Opportunities in "an#ing an

    Financial Services

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    McGraw-Hill/IrwinBank Management and Financial © 2008 !e McGraw-Hill "#m$anies, Inc%, &ll 'ig!ts

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    • "an#s are the principal source of creit *loana'le funs+for %illions of iniviuals an fa%ilies an for %anyunits of govern%ent

    • !orlwie 'an#s grant %ore install%ent loans toconsu%ers *iniviuals an fa%ilies+ than any otherfinancial-service provier

    • The assets hel 'y ,.S. 'an#s represent a'out one-fifthof the total assets▫ In other nations 'an#s hol half or %ore of all assets in the

    financial syste%

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    !hat Is a "an#$

    • A 'an# can 'e efine in ter%s of). The econo%ic functions it perfor%s

    . The services it offers its custo%ers

    /. The legal 'asis for its e(istence

    • 0istorically1 'an#s have 'een recogni2e for the greatrange of financial services they offer

    ▫ "an# service %enus are e(paning rapily toay to inclue

    invest%ent 'an#ing1 insurance protection1 financialplanning1 avice for %erging co%panies1 the sale of ris#-

    %anage%ent services to 'usinesses an consu%ers1 an

    nu%erous other innovative financial proucts

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    340I"IT - The 5any 6ifferent Kins of Financial-Service

    Fir%s Calling The%selves "an#s

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    !hat Is a "an#$ *continue+

    • 5oney-Centere "an#s vs. Co%%unity "an#s

    ▫ 5oney-center 'an#s

    ▫ Inustry leaers

    Cover whole regions1 nations1 an continents▫ Offer the wiest possi'le %enu of financial services

    ▫ Ac7uire s%aller 'usinesses

    ▫ Face tough glo'al co%petition

    Co%%unity 'an#s▫ 5uch s%aller

    ▫ Service local co%%unities an towns

    ▫ Offer a narrower1 'ut often %ore personali2e1 %enu of

    financial services

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    !hat Is a "an#$ *continue+

    • The 8egal "asis for "an#ing

    ▫ A 'an# is any 'usiness offering eposits su'9ect to

    withrawal on e%an an %a#ing loans of a co%%ercial or

    'usiness nature

    ▫ Congress then efine a 'an# as any institution that coul

    7ualify for eposit insurance a%inistere 'y the Feeral

    6eposit Insurance Corporation *F6IC+

    ▫ ,ner feeral law in the ,.S.1 a 'an# ha co%e to 'e efine1not so %uch 'y its array of service offerings1 'ut 'y the

    govern%ent agency insuring its eposits

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    The Financial Syste% an Co%peting

    Financial-Service Institutions• Roles of the Financial Syste%

    ▫ The pri%ary purpose of the financial syste% is to encouragesaving an to transfer those savings to iniviuals aninstitutions planning to invest an neeing creit to o so

    ▫ This process of encouraging savings an transfor%ing savingsinto invest%ent spening causes the econo%y to grow1 new

     9o's to 'e create1 an living stanars to rise

    ▫ The financial syste% also provies a variety of supportingservices)

    ▫ Pay%ent services

    ▫ Ris# protection services

    ▫ 8i7uiity services

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    The Financial Syste% an Co%peting

    Financial-Service Institutions *continue+• The Co%petitive Challenge for "an#s

    ▫ 8ately1 the financial %ar#et share that 'an#ing co%prise hasfallen

    ▫ So%e authorities in the financial-services fiel fear that thisapparent erosion of %ar#et share %ay i%ply that traitional'an#ing is ying

    ▫ Other e(perts counter that 'an#ing is not ying 'ut changing 'yoffering new services an changing its for%

    ▫ The 'an#ing inustry:s largest custo%ers have foun waysaroun 'an#s to o'tain the funs that they nee▫ "orrowing in the open %ar#et

    Perhaps 'an#ing is 'eing ;regulate to eath<

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    McGraw-Hill/IrwinBank Management and Financial © 2008 !e McGraw-Hill "#m$anies, Inc%, &ll 'ig!ts

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    The Financial Syste% an Co%peting

    Financial-Service Institutions *continue+• 8eaing Co%petitors with "an#s

    ▫ Savings Associations

    ▫ Creit ,nions

    Fringe "an#s▫ 5oney 5ar#et Funs

    ▫ 5utual Funs *Invest%ent Co%panies+

    ▫ 0ege Funs

    ▫ Security "ro#ers an 6ealers

    ▫ Invest%ent "an#s

    ▫ Finance Co%panies

    ▫ Financial 0oling Co%panies

    ▫ 8ife an Property=Casualty Insurance Co%panies

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    McGraw-Hill/IrwinBank Management and Financial © 2008 !e McGraw-Hill "#m$anies, Inc%, &ll 'ig!ts

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    The Financial Syste% an Co%peting

    Financial-Service Institutions *continue+• 8eaing Co%petitors with "an#s

    ▫ Financial-service proviers are converging in ter%s of

    the services they offer

    ▫The ,.S. Financial Services 5oerni2ation *>ra%%-8each-"liley+ Act of ??? has allowe %any ifferent

    types of financial fir%s to offer the pu'lic one-stop

    shopping for financial services

    The challenge of ifferentiating 'an#s fro% otherfinancial-service proviers is ifficult toay

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    340I"IT @ Co%parative Si2e 'y Inustry of Co%%ercial

    "an#s an Their Principal Financial-Service Co%petitors

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    Services "an#s an 5any of Their Closest

    Co%petitors Offer the Pu'lic•  Services "an#s 0ave Offere for Centuries

    ▫ Carrying Out Currency 3(change

    ▫ 6iscounting Co%%ercial &otes an 5a#ing "usiness

    8oans▫ Offering Savings 6eposits

    ▫ Safe#eeping of alua'les an Certification of alue

    ▫ Supporting >overn%ent Activities with Creit

    ▫ Offering Chec#ing Accounts *6e%an 6eposits+▫ Offering Trust Services

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    Services "an#s an 5any of Their Closest

    Co%petitors Offer the Pu'lic *continue+• Services "an#s an 5any of Their Financial-Service Co%petitors

    "egan Offering in the Past Century

    ▫ >ranting Consu%er 8oans

    ▫ Financial Avising

    ▫ 5anaging Cash▫ Offering 37uip%ent 8easing

    ▫ 5a#ing enture Capital 8oans

    ▫ Selling Insurance Policies

    ▫ Selling an 5anaging Retire%ent Plans

    ▫6ealing in Securities) Offering Security "ro#erage an Invest%ent"an#ing Services

    ▫ Offering 5utual Funs1 Annuities1 an Other Invest%ent Proucts

    ▫ Offering 5erchant "an#ing Service

    ▫ Offering Ris# 5anage%ent an 0eging Services

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    McGraw-Hill/IrwinBank Management and Financial © 2008 !e McGraw-Hill "#m$anies, Inc%, &ll 'ig!ts

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    TA"83 @ The 5any 6ifferent Roles "an#s an Their

    Closest Co%petitors Play in Toay:s 3cono%y

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    TA"83 @ So%e of the 8eaing Financial-Service Fir%s

    aroun the >lo'e

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    McGraw-Hill/IrwinBank Management and Financial © 2008 !e McGraw-Hill "#m$anies, Inc%, &ll 'ig!ts

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    Key Trens Affecting All Financial-Service

    Fir%s @ Crisis1 Refor%1 an Change• Service Proliferation

    • Rising Co%petition

    • >overn%ent 6eregulation an then Reregulation

    • Crisis1 Refor%1 an Change in "an#ing an FinancialServices

    • An Increasingly Interest-Sensitive 5i( of Funs

    • Technological Change an Auto%ation

    • Consoliation an >eographic 3(pansion

    • Convergence

    • >lo'ali2ation

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    Buic# Bui2• !hat is a 'an#$ 0ow oes a 'an# iffer fro% %ost other financial-

    service proviers$

    • !hy are so%e 'an#s reaching out to 'eco%e one-stop financial-

    service conglo%erates$ Is this a goo iea$

    !hich 'usinesses are 'an#ing:s closest an toughest co%petitors$!hat services o they offer that co%pete irectly with 'an#s:


    • !hat is happening to 'an#ing:s share of the financial %ar#etplace

    an why$

    • 0ow have 'an#ing an the financial-services %ar#et change in

    recent years$ !hat powerful forces are shaping financial %ar#ets an

    institutions toay$

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    Appeni() Career Opportunities in "an#ing

    an Financial Services• !hat ifferent #ins of professionals wor# insie

    financial fir%s$

    ▫ 8oan Officers

    ▫ Creit Analysts

    ▫ 5anagers of Operations

    ▫ "ranch 5anagers

    ▫ Syste%s Analyst

    ▫ Auiting an Control Personnel

    ▫ Trust 6epart%ent Specialist

    ▫ Tellers

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    McGraw-Hill/IrwinBank Management and Financial © 2008 !e McGraw-Hill "#m$anies, Inc%, &ll 'ig!ts

    Appeni() Career Opportunities in "an#ing

    an Financial Services *continue+• !hat ifferent #ins of professionals wor# insie

    financial fir%s$

    ▫ Security Analysts an Traers

    ▫ 5ar#eting Personnel

    ▫ 0u%an Resources 5anagers

    ▫ Invest%ent "an#ing Specialists

    ▫ "an# 3(a%iners an Regulators

    ▫ Regulatory Co%pliance Officers

    ▫ Ris# 5anage%ent Specialists