Central record (Lancaster, Ky.). (Lancaster, Ky.) 1902-11 ...

fie r l f = ff > 0 r tJJ ff ZNlfRliliF fj0rj0JlfJJJ B r r t CONTEST STUDEBAKER 3 WILL BE GIVENI on Xmas day to the most Garrard County at K F POSTLES Hardwire store gives one a vote Get your friends to help you or help some ° friend 0 p LIST OF LEADING VOTES rCArnold 332 W B Denny 142 0 Frank Pierce 109 Wm ROyston 88 J B Ruble 72 W R Cook 2- B Ell Walker G2 J A Sanders 54 JF White 47 J B Wooer 31 J1 Sag 2J- tG J II Dunn 22 J C Fox 2 1- Jas II Dunn l l J S Robinson 1 S Counting Comtee Kinnard J nfmnm t1l1fflfM Iffimm IImm frifm 1m iT tl ftrmn1 mmItfij fflfflI n I I I are the line of Fall and ever t I in Call and I i t mg gw wmIDD I A Brief Mention the Comings and I Goings by Those We Are Interested In John Hays was in Danville Mon ¬ day Master Homer flays has been quite Lizzie Tatum is able to be out J Williams family were at Point Leavell Sunday Miss Daisy Collier Danville has been visiting Miss Ann Hill Mr and MrsW K SlniRars visited relatives in McKinney Sunday Mrs Headley of Richmond visit- ing her brother W II Wherritt Mrs Hayes of county is visiting her son Dr Sandlin Mrs John Young of Lexington visiting Mrs Victor Lear near town Mrs Scott of Nicholasville is visit- ing ¬ her sister Mrs Elizabeth Mason Mr Tom Hays of Missouri is visit- ing his brother J Hays at Hiatts ville Mrs Margaret Folger of Nicholas ville is visiting her brother W Merritt children and Miss Mattie were visitors in Stan ¬ ford Sunday Mrs W Carson and children of Stanford have been visiting Mrs Le ander Davidson Mrs Ellen Owsley has returned from an extended visit to Commodore Grainger of Mexico Mrs Gastineau and Miss Margaret Hurt of Hiattsville were shopping in Lancaster Saturday Miss Jennie Williams was the guest t ARE FOUND Ladies are Come get first choice They will sell No trouble to show l goods i- i H 0John T B Robinson 17 0 WA Robt Burton H C Andrew Thompson 12 Ike Arnold2 0Frank LF WarnerO reiValter A R Denny IRobt 0 tffiimMffnmm IlI HANDSOME MILLINERY IWe showing handsomest Winter Millinery shown Lancaster inspect Imoney Sisters limiuuyiM Gossip People AboutI of T sickMiss againMr T or is Jackson HG is T A ArnoldMrs Sacray A Mr i ±j41 FINE- QUEENSV del- ighted 4and = 1I fl je 1 T Gulley3 J Noel Ballou of Misses Maggie and Kittle Hurt Saturday and Sunday Mrs R A Burnside has returned from a visit to her daughter Mrs Wm Lackey of McCreary Mr Bennett Farris and Miss Ebo netta Farris of Silver Creek visited Miss Louise Farris Sunday Misses Annie Bronaugh and Bertie James of Crab Orchard have been visiting Miss Annie Austin Mr Sam Duncan has returned from a six weeks stay in Atlanta lie is greatly unproved in health Mr Frank Robinson and Miss Al lene Hudson of Danville were guests of Miss Lizzie Hudson Sunday Miss Emily Chenault who has been Miss Christine Bradlevs guest has returned to her home in Richmond Misses Lula McClure of Crab Orch ¬ ard and Annie Cochranot Paint Lick were guests of Mrs A II Bastin the past week Mrs J M Higginbotham and John Anderson are visiting the latters brother Will Anderson of Binning ham Alabama Miss Martha IIume and Dick Ken nedy of Lexington are expected this week to visit Mr and Mrs Banks Hud son Danville avenue Mrs II C Payne who has been spend ing several months with her sister Miss Jane Hopper left yesterday for her home near Lexington Mrs Maggie Stephens and family have vacated the Thompson property on water street and will in a short time move to Morris Mo Mrs Henry Hurt and daughter Isa belleof Hiattsvilleare expected home Sunday from a visit to Indiana to Mrs Hurts sick daughter Mr and Mrs J B Kemper left Mon day for New Orleans to spend theI winter with her mother Mrs Pierce and from there to visit her daughter Mrs Octavia Anderson in Oklahoma Mr Joel Hays formerly of Hiatts ville but now of Missouri died at his sons lIon J Smith Hays atWinches ter last Thursday night and was in terred in the Cemetery at that place 1 SaturdayHalloween was celebrated with a delightful dance at the Mason hotel Music was furnished by Clay Greens orchestra The visiting young ladies were Misses Bronaugh and James of Crab Orchard Chenaultof Richmond Sandifer of Danville and Ross of CincinnatiDanville Advocate Mr RL Jen- nings ¬ and wife a leading merchant at Paint Lick Samuel Haselden and wife of Bryantsville were pleasantly en ¬ tertained by their father mother and brother C M Jennings on Sunday last at their home No 250 North First street Danville Mrs Dolph Rice left Saturday for a visit to relatives in Chicago The following invitations have been received by friends here Mr and Mrs George Robertson Engle man invite you to be present at the daughterAnne to Mr Henry Rowan Saufley on Wednesday evening Nov twelfth nineteen hundred and two at eight oclock Methodist Church Stanford Ky Mr Saufley Is the popular son o I Judge Saufley of Stanford He is in I the Interior Journal office and quite a t cityI I r 1 r Mrs J J3 Stormes is visiting relatives in Richmond Mr Roscoe Miller of Louisville is visiting friends here Mr B W Gaines is quite ill and threatened with pneumonio 5Mrs JI Hamilton has returned from andQ Day before Thanksgiving the ladies of the Baptist Aid Society will have 1an exchange attendingS Central University spent Sunday with his mother Mr and Mrs John Williams of Stan ¬ ford spent last Tuesday with Mr and Mrs N Miller Miss Bessie and Jessie Gulley of Me Creary have been visiting Miss Nell and Ernest Bourne of Bourne Mrs E J Mock of Lexington wasI the guest of her daughter Mrs J W Soper last week Lexington avenue Miss Mary Lewis Grimes a stylish brunett of Lancaster was in Danville Tuesday shopping Danville Acl yocateDr Gli Hays of North Carolina and his mother and sister of Missouri are expected to visit J T Hays this weekMisses Altie and Bessie Marksbury leave next week to spend a month with their sister Mrs A II Rice int Nashville I1lrs Dr Amon and Miss Bessie Mae spent Saturday and Sunday with Misses Lena Palmer and Lee Prewitt of Kirksville Wednesdays Advocate lion John j W Yerkes will return to Washington I City tomorrow Miss Julia May Gaines is reported quite ill to day Miss Julia Reid returned to Louis ¬ ville Monday to be under the care of a specialist Her many friends trust for a complete restoration to good health Mr and Mrs Robert T Embry are being congratulated upon the arrival of a tine baby boy at their house The little fellow put in his appearance Monday Mr and Mrs r E Stormes enter- tained Mr and Mrs T B Long and Mr and Mrs Louis Landaam at din- ner Wednesday evening in their usual hospitable and elegant manner Brodhead cor Stanford Journal Miss Ella Dunn who has been on a two weeks visit to relatives and friends in Garrard returned home Tuesday last Mrs Tom Adams of Bryantsville is visiting Mr Joshua Dunns family this week Danville NewsGen D L Collier of Lancaster was in this city Wednes ¬ dayJudge R A Burnside of Gar ¬ rard county was here Wednesday Mr Steven Walker of Paint Lick Garrard county was in Danville this morningDanville News Uncle Ben Rob ¬ inson one of the trueblues of Gar ¬ rard county was here yesterday Mr William Denny of Lancaster was in Danville Saturday to witness the game of foot ball Mr John Duncan of Lancaster was here yesterday Mr and Mrs Joe Waters of Stan- ford were in town a few hours Tues ¬ day and Joe brought his pretty twin daughters up to see TUE RECORD force As Capt White had gone home Joe drove all the way out to his house to let the veteran compositor see the pretty babies He tells us he will re- sume ¬ publication of the Lincoln Dem ¬ ocrat in about ten days Mr Saml E Carey and daughter of Keokuk Ia are visiting the family of Squire W H Kinnaird Mr Carey re ¬ sided in Lancaster many years ago and at one time with Gen W J Landram published the Garrard Banner lIe is an excellent christan gentleman ofI that oldtime type who are growing scare these latter days Many friends of former days gladly welcome him and are delighted to know that he enjoys good health Lexington Leader Mrs Harry Mc Carty ef Nicholasville wife of the ed itor of the Jessamine Journal former ¬ ly Miss Alleene Young of Lexington has on exhibition in the window of the Transylvania Printing Company a lovely piece of art a plaque which shows her skill in four artsburn wood oil painting water colors and wood carving Mrs McCarty is a very clever andsuccessful artist and teach- er ¬ and now has a class in Lexington Mr William H Wherritt celebra ted his seventyseventh birthday Sat ¬ urday evening by entertaining a few relatives at a sumptuous dinner The meal was prepared in that elegant manner in which only Mrs Wherritt can get them up and every delicacy of the season together with good old fashioned substantials was served THE RECORD joins their legion of friends in wishing this happy chris tian couple many more years of good health You Can Sell Quail A great many people have a mistak en idea to the effect that the legisla ture passed a bill forbidding the sale of quail killed in this State betwoen the open dates for quail shooting No ¬ vember 15 to January 1 The bill failed to pass the Senate thus there is nothing to forbid the marketing of quail in this and other cities of the State This will be very agreeable reapf of quail they shoot Personal respon sibility cannot be discharged by proxy I Sermon seed will sprout quicker if soaked in prayer 1 c Good KoiulM Convention Clubithrough has sent out letters to the Mayors c- all f towns and cities in the State and to all county judges setting forth the importance of having good RoadConvention a on the 18th and 19th oC November The Mayors of cities of the fourth class shall appoint fifteen delegates t and the county judge of each county shall appoint five delegates and one editor from each paper in the State i earnestlyrequested to attend says the Commercial Club and also that No question is of more vital import ¬ ance than this great movement the 20th century It is urged upo these ojiicers to make the appoin ment at once and to send the name- of the delegates to the Secretary who will then send otlicial invitations t- each delegate so appointed and names will be published in the Louis- ville and Lexington papers An Editors Appeal Bring us taters sweet or Irish bring us chickens young or old bring- us eggs or pork or sorghum bring us silver or bring us gold bring us cop per bring us greenbacks bring us fodder corn or hay bring us fruit of all descriptions bring us corn meal any day Bring us beans or oats or pumkins bring us butter lard or flour or anything thats good to stay our hunger een an hour For the larders getting empty and the cash is running low and our paper bills must soon be met for the papers got to- go Our store bills must be settled and the kids must go to school and our trousers seem more threadbare as the weather gins to cool So bring us anything you have to eat or trade or help to put us square We need your kind assistance to help to pull us tnrough until the railroad gins to build for till then we feel quite blue The times are dull and we are short and need a little raise so come to our assistance and youll receive the praise So pay for advertising subscriptions- and the like and keep the enterprise from want and going on a strike Well raise our voice and howl for you and sing your praises long if youll only rustle in the grub and bring it good and strongDodd City Ark Appeal a TIle Lust Fly or Summer Tis the last lly of summer Left buzzing alone All its ravenous companions Have fattened and llown Each one o fits species Un mourned and forgot Has flitted away to Some pestilent spot Through summers glad sunshine Twas with us for aye It has swum in the cream jug And sampled the pie tIt With fiendish delight on Some bald shiny pate In palace or hovel Twas never at rest At banquet and picnic An unwelcome guest How gleeful its buzzling How joyous it rang When bearing disease on Its germladen fang Ill not leave thee thou last one To winters chill gloom As thy comrades have vanished Go thou to thy doom No mercy Ill show thee To me tis but fun To end thy existenceI Sobang But its gone New York Sun Colored Teachers Allocation The program for the Colored Teach- ers ¬ Association of Garrard county which will be held here next Saturday The previous meetings have been very successful We think this is a matter that should be encouraged InvocationRev J W Caldwell Song by Association and choirs o the churches OrationMiss Sallie B Kincead AddressMeans of securing the at- tendance of every teacher in the coun ¬ ty to the Teachers Association Miss Mary Richie Musical SelectionMilton Sneed Essay Perspective View of the Common School system of Kentucky in 1910Miss Marie Yantis AddressEducation as an Invest ¬ ment Miss Amanda Walker Recitation Miss Roxy Faulkner Recitation Maggie Cunningham The Burial of Mose- sInstrumental Solo Miss Souanna Leavell AddressPrimary Instruction Miss Isabel Qverstreet AddressLate provision of Legisla- ture entitled County Taxation to extend School term Prof George GainesPoemWhos To Blame by Au- thor Milton Sneed AddressMIs Susie Mitchell EssayMiss Olivia Hudson Vocal Solo Miss Carrie Ritchie AddressThe Imminent needs of strict and stringent compulsory ed cational lawProf Mannix Address MJS E L Walker Super- intendent Song by Association Benediction by Rev J S Miller The music ceases when the instru- ment ¬ listens to itself shmesbrlghterthan The criticism of the sermon often uproots the seeds L k i Dr Hobson the dentist of thIt the 10th one day only- e Pie Social- s The Christian Endeavors will give a Pie Social at the Odd Fellows Hall Friday evening beginning at 7 oclock The public are cordially invited to attend Admission 15 cents There is on my farm a stray steer- s Owner can have same by proving property and paying charges B F Hudson It Standard Play theChrisn a more ¬ thats our Monday night Nov 17 Mr Edwin L thee plays David Copperfield Peaceful Val ley An American Citizen and A Poor Relation These charmingsto- ries are told and acted in a realistic manner eliciting applause from every- one The public should attendthere- by helping the church and getting the value of thoir money at the same time The ladies will also introduce several new featuresamong them vocal and instrumental music solos and quartettes by local talent Eve- ry ¬ ticket will be so printed as to ena- ble the holder to vote for the most popular Dry Goods merchant the best lawyer and the best doctor The tickets will be counted by a commit- tee and the result announced from the stage Reserved seats at McRob erts at 50 cents general admission 35 cents children 15 cents The house will be well heated Final Notice All town taxes not paid by Novem- ber 15th will be advertised in the CENTRAL RECORD and the property sold As this will add the cost and penalty you will do well to call at the Circuit Clerks office and settle before that time Dont say you havent been given fair warning nov62t S D Rothwell We have some beautiful cloaks and if you have not made your fall pur- chase see us J Joseph Nothwithstanding the fact that we have had a tremendous sale of fall and winter goods we are still stocked up to date with anything in this line you may need See us before making vour purchases we save you money and you can rely absolutely on getting the best values for your money at our store J Joseph We have no fake sales to draw cus- tomers ¬ We give good values you get your moneys worth consequently trade with us again J Joseph Come see the handsome line of win en hosiery and shoes at J Josephs A LoW Rates West Beginning Nov 1st 1902 and con- tinuing to April 1903 the Frisco Sys- tem will sell homeseekers tickets from St Louis to points in Missouri Ar kansas Indian Territory Oklahoma Texas Kansas Colorado and New Mexico at a rate of one firstclass fare plus two dollars for the round trip Date of sale first and third Tuesdays of each month On same date one way colonist tickets will be sold to same points at a rate of onehalf stan dard fare plus two dollars For lit- erature rates or other information write H I McGuire T P A 407 Walnut St Cincinnati or T Stuart Taylor T I A 124 Main st Evans- ville Ind tf I have employed Charley Owens an old experienced butcher to run the Slaughter pens back of my stable Let me kill your hogs and have it done nicely Charges only 50c per head de livered at your home W H Ward nov63t Opportunities and Business Chances Never were greater or more attrac- t tive than now in the Great Southwest Missouri Kansas Indian Territory Oklahoma and Texas If youre interested write for par ¬ ticulars JAMES BARKER GenIPass Tkt Agt MKTRy 520 Wainwright Bldg St Louis Dr Hobson the Dentistof Richmond will be at the Mason Hotel 2nd Monday 10th one day only Remarks Anent Dignity What is dignity Some people call it conservatism some people call it dry rot some people call it person ality and the only people that ever worry about it are the fellows who have to carry aload of it around with them We never have heard of a man yet who said he would not trade with a firm because it was not dignified but we have heard lots of people say they liked to trade with a firm be- cause it got up and hustled When your dignity comes to hurt you when it commences to hold you back when it commences to lose you business when you commence to turn down orders or refuse to take advant- age of uptodate methods because foru you and dignity to separate or to a new kind of dignity Dignity is a relative term and most of the people who talk about it cannot define itbut rest assured of one thing when your dignity sacrifices force cut out the dignity Progressive Canada Well being Is the only true wealth The new man will have new man- ners ¬ Many negatives of vice do not make positive virtue + + + tH H tt t + Ft ++ + F Ii Business and Bargains For SaleNew cotton sacks for clo- ver seed H A B Marksbury Son Save labor and expense by buying a Deering Corn Harvester from Gaines Bros s18tf Buy Blankes celebrated coffees Sold by Currey Davidson Blue grass seed for sale H A B Marksbury Son You must come in and pay your ac ¬ count I need the money and must have it R A Stone I have for sale some nice baled Mil- let ¬ from pure Southern German seed 925tf J F Robinson Land for Sale Fiftyfive acres of good land at Marksbury Ky E Harlan s25tf Wanted Clover timothy Ger- man Millet and hemp seed for which we will pay the highest market price HA B Marksbury Son Buy International Poultry Food the greatest egg producer known SoldI only by Currey Davidson For Rent A five room cottage on Lexington street Apply to J F Robinson- at National Bank A fresh line of Griffin Skelley Co evaporated fruit best on the market at Currey Davidson New Hu Line Rice Benge formerly of Lancaster but who is now in the livery business at Danvilly has with Chas Coulter depotin friends for a share of patronage B Farrisis in charge and prompt and polite service is insnred 2t We will exchange coal for good corn at 175 per bbl Williams Coal Yard Dr Hobson Dentist of Richmond will be at the Mondaythe God will trust his glory to the yes ¬ sel he has tried with griefc Worm T ryed onlykiUs and slime in which they build their nests it brings and quickly a healthy condition of the body where worms cannot exist 25c at R E McRoberts drugs store im Many a mans practice puts an ex ¬ tinguisher on his profession Earthi Tex writes Nov 2d 1900 I had rheuma- tism ¬ last winter was down in bed six v jief bottle of Ballards Snow Liniment I used it and got two more bottles It cured me and I havent felt any rheu- matism ¬ since I can recommend Snow Liniment to be the best liniment on earth for rheumatism For rheuma- tic sciatic or neuralgic pains rub in Ballards Snow Liniment you will not suffer long but will be gratified with a speedy and effective cure 25c 50c and 100 at R E McRoberts drug store ini We need to do Gods work more than he needs us to do It Beautiful Clear Skies Herbine exerts a direct influence on the bowels liver and kidneys purify ¬ ing and strengthening these organs and maintaining them in a normal con ¬ dition of health thus removing a com ¬ mon cause of yellow mothy greasy skin and more or less of pimples blotches and blackheads 50c at R E McRoberts druggist 1m It is better to be true to the false A Dangerous Month This is the month of coughs colds and acute catarrh Do you catch cold i easily Find yourself hoarse with a tickling in your throat and an annoy- ing ¬ cough at night Then you should have handy a bottle of Ballards Hore hound Syrup J A Anderson 351 West 6th St Sale Lake City writes eWe use Ballards Horehound Syrup for coughs and colds It gives im ¬ mediate relief We know its the best remedy for these troubles I write this to induce other people to try this plearant and efficient remedy 25c 50c and 100 at R E McRoberts drug- gist ¬ 1m Honor is one of those things that he that seeks it shall not find it Foleys Honey and Tar always stops the cough and heals the lungs Re- fuse substitutes C C J E Stormes 1m The power of the pulpit is greatbut that of the parson is greater Foleys Honey and Tar for coughs and colds reliable tried and tested safe and sure CC J E Stormes 1m No man is truly refined until he has passed through Gods fires A Startling Srpe Very few could believe in looking at A T Hoadley a healthy robust black ¬ smith of Tilden Ind that for ten years he suffered such tortures from Rheumatism as few could endure and live But a wonderful change follow- ed ¬ his taking Electric Bitters Two bottles wholly cured me he writer and I have not felt a twinge in over a year They regalate the Kidneys purify the blood and cure Rheuma ¬ tism Neuralgia Nervousness improve digestion and give perfect health Try them Only SOc at R E McRoberts Lancaster and Fish Cos druggist Paint Lick 1m If you have not paid your taxes you will find Sanders and Ward in E W Harris store preparing to advertise your stuff Do not say you had no warning you can save cost by paying before we reach your name Sanders Ward ADVERTISED LETTERS Letters remaining in Lancaster Post office unclaimed weekending Oct 23d 1902 Mary Burnside James Cook S R Cot ten E M Durming Hilratic Leather Co Miss Gurgie McTerning Ethel Meadows Miss Stella McClery Ben WilmotIf for say advertised Wm West P Mf For Sale Fancy bred Belgian Hares Lord Britain Fashoda and other strains Joseph H Dunn Bryantsville Ky oc 243t Taken Up as Estray Bay horse three white feet about 14 hands high Came to my hous October 20 Owner can get same by paying charges Willis Roach Lan- caster ¬ It for Sale or Reat gooddwelling ty to sell goods Also my stock of goods is for sale C S Sanders oct302t Stone Ky Notice We will run our grist mill on Tues- days of each week so if you want the old process meal bring in your corn on that day Please dont forget the day ST Leavel Co 16tf I have some old accounts if not paid soon I will list them and sell them So youhad 928tf September22nd face weight about 200 IDS Informa ¬ tion leading to his whereabouts will be liberally rewarded R A Stone o2tf The new Rail Road and Electric Road is soon to be builtBut while this is coming on come to the Buffalo Roller Mills at Paint Lick Ky with your wheat and corn and get the best flour your ever ate Especial atten ¬ given to both custom and mer ¬ work Burnam Rucker oc16tf Old papers for sale tf Lenny Miller RECORD office Josephs cloak and fur opening Oct 11th Mount Mellick Embroidery I am now prepared to give lessons In Mount Mellick Embroidery Price very reasonable Miss Emma Hood tt Danville avenues To TaxPayers The tax books are now ready and can find me at my office ready to taxes This is a matter that must be attended to so why put it off Respectfully 814tf WL Lawson Sheriff For Sale or Rent My new residence on Lexington street Possession given at once Dr J M Acton 94tf Notice This If you owe me you must call at the old stand and settle your account In order to save cost it must be done at once Theo Currey 928tf Garaard Hotel Notice All those indebted to the Garrard Hotel for meals and etc please call at the National Bank of Lancaster and settle their accounts with Mr S C Denny who will receipt for same tf Respt T B Long Farm for Sale Good land well improved Address me at Marksbury Ky H D Ald ridge 928tf Full line of LIppencott Cree Cos pure Preserves Come in and taste our samples and give us your order Currey Davidson Dont think because I only owe him 2 or 875 that he can make out with out that small amount remember 200 or 300 such accounts amount to quite a little sum So come in and settle at once R A Stone PUBLIC SALE Of a Good Business Stand Oil Tkirsday Boy 13tk 1902 f at 2 oclock p m we will offer at public sale in the town of Bryants ville Ky property as follows Stock of General Merchandise consisting of about 4000 worth of good clan goods store house and lot of one acre of land store ceilingwith stable good cistern and other build ¬ ings on lot This is the best equippedstore room in central Kentucky and as good a country stand as there is im the State Amount of business done annually 20000 One dwelling in good repair six rooms on half acre lot stable on lot One dwelling of 9 rooms new very convenient one acre lot good outbuildingsTerms sale Write for full particulars J X DUNN CO Bryantsville Garrard county Ky r

Transcript of Central record (Lancaster, Ky.). (Lancaster, Ky.) 1902-11 ...

fie r

l f=ff > 0 r tJJ ff ZNlfRliliF fj0rj0JlfJJJ B



3 WILL BE GIVENIon Xmas day to the mostGarrard Countyat K F POSTLES Hardwire store gives one avote Get your friends to help you or help some



rCArnold 332W B Denny 142

0 Frank Pierce 109Wm ROyston 88J B Ruble 72W R Cook 2-

B Ell Walker G2

J A Sanders 54

JF White 47J B Wooer 31

J1 Sag 2J-

tG J II Dunn 22

J C Fox 2 1-

Jas II Dunn ll J S Robinson 1

S Counting ComteeKinnard J

nfmnm t1l1fflfM Iffimm IImm frifm 1m iTtlftrmn1 mmItfij fflfflI n

I IIare the

line of Fall and evert I in Call and I



mg gw wmIDD


A Brief Mention the Comings and I

Goings by Those We Are Interested In

John Hays was in Danville Mon ¬


Master Homer flays has been quite

Lizzie Tatum is able to be out

J Williams family were atPoint Leavell Sunday

Miss Daisy Collier Danville hasbeen visiting Miss Ann Hill

Mr and MrsW K SlniRars visitedrelatives in McKinney Sunday

Mrs Headley of Richmond visit-ing her brother W II Wherritt

Mrs Hayes of county isvisiting her son Dr Sandlin

Mrs John Young of Lexingtonvisiting Mrs Victor Lear near town

Mrs Scott of Nicholasville is visit-ing


her sister Mrs Elizabeth Mason

Mr Tom Hays of Missouri is visit-ing his brother J Hays at Hiattsville

Mrs Margaret Folger of Nicholasville is visiting her brother W

Merritt children and MissMattie were visitors in Stan ¬

ford Sunday

Mrs W Carson and children ofStanford have been visiting Mrs Leander Davidson

Mrs Ellen Owsley has returned froman extended visit to CommodoreGrainger of Mexico

Mrs Gastineau and Miss MargaretHurt of Hiattsville were shopping inLancaster Saturday

Miss Jennie Williams was the guest



Ladies are


get first

choice They

will sell No

trouble to show

l goods



0JohnT B Robinson 17 0WARobt Burton HC

Andrew Thompson 12Ike Arnold20FrankL F WarnerOreiValter

A R Denny

IRobt 0

tffiimMffnmm IlI

HANDSOME MILLINERYIWe showing handsomest

Winter Millineryshown Lancaster inspectImoney


GossipPeople AboutI








JacksonH G








i ±j41FINE-





= 1Ifl je 1

T Gulley3J



of Misses Maggie and Kittle HurtSaturday and Sunday

Mrs R A Burnside has returnedfrom a visit to her daughter Mrs WmLackey of McCreary

Mr Bennett Farris and Miss Ebonetta Farris of Silver Creek visitedMiss Louise Farris Sunday

Misses Annie Bronaugh and BertieJames of Crab Orchard have beenvisiting Miss Annie Austin

Mr Sam Duncan has returned froma six weeks stay in Atlanta lie isgreatly unproved in health

Mr Frank Robinson and Miss Allene Hudson of Danville were guestsof Miss Lizzie Hudson Sunday

Miss Emily Chenault who has beenMiss Christine Bradlevs guest hasreturned to her home in Richmond

Misses Lula McClure of Crab Orch ¬

ard and Annie Cochranot Paint Lickwere guests of Mrs A II Bastin thepast week

Mrs J M Higginbotham and JohnAnderson are visiting the lattersbrother Will Anderson of Binningham Alabama

Miss Martha IIume and Dick Kennedy of Lexington are expected thisweek to visit Mr and Mrs Banks Hudson Danville avenue

Mrs II C Payne who has been spending several months with her sisterMiss Jane Hopper left yesterday forher home near Lexington

Mrs Maggie Stephens and familyhave vacated the Thompson propertyon water street and will in a shorttime move to Morris Mo

Mrs Henry Hurt and daughter Isabelleof Hiattsvilleare expected homeSunday from a visit to Indiana toMrs Hurts sick daughter

Mr and Mrs J B Kemper left Monday for New Orleans to spend theIwinter with her mother Mrs Pierceand from there to visit her daughterMrs Octavia Anderson in Oklahoma

Mr Joel Hays formerly of Hiattsville but now of Missouri died at hissons lIon J Smith Hays atWinchester last Thursday night and was interred in the Cemetery at that place 1

SaturdayHalloweenwas celebrated with a

delightful dance at the Mason hotelMusic was furnished by Clay Greensorchestra The visiting young ladieswere Misses Bronaugh and James ofCrab Orchard Chenaultof RichmondSandifer of Danville and Ross of


Advocate Mr RL Jen-nings


and wife a leading merchant atPaint Lick Samuel Haselden and wifeof Bryantsville were pleasantly en ¬

tertained by their father mother andbrother C M Jennings on Sunday lastat their home No 250 North Firststreet Danville Mrs Dolph Riceleft Saturday for a visit to relativesin Chicago

The following invitations have beenreceived by friends hereMr and Mrs George Robertson Engle

man invite you to be presentat the daughterAnne

toMr Henry Rowan Saufley

on Wednesday evening Nov twelfthnineteen hundred and two

at eight oclockMethodist Church

Stanford KyMr Saufley Is the popular son o

I Judge Saufley of Stanford He is inI the Interior Journal office and quite a

tcityI I



r Mrs J J3 Stormes is visiting relativesin Richmond

Mr Roscoe Miller of Louisville is

visiting friends here

Mr B W Gaines is quite ill andthreatened with pneumonio

5Mrs J I Hamilton has returned fromandQDay before Thanksgiving the ladiesof the Baptist Aid Society will have

1an exchangeattendingSCentral University spent Sunday withhis mother

Mr and Mrs John Williams of Stan ¬

ford spent last Tuesday with Mr andMrs N Miller

Miss Bessie and Jessie Gulley of MeCreary have been visiting Miss Nelland Ernest Bourne of Bourne

Mrs E J Mock of Lexington wasIthe guest of her daughter Mrs J WSoper last week Lexington avenue

Miss Mary Lewis Grimes a stylishbrunett of Lancaster was in DanvilleTuesday shopping Danville Acl


Gli Hays of North Carolinaand his mother and sister of Missouriare expected to visit J T Hays this

weekMissesAltie and Bessie Marksbury

leave next week to spend a monthwith their sister Mrs A II Rice intNashville

I1lrs Dr Amon and Miss Bessie Maespent Saturday and Sunday with

Misses Lena Palmer and Lee Prewittof Kirksville

Wednesdays Advocate lion Johnj W Yerkes will return to WashingtonI City tomorrow Miss Julia MayGaines is reported quite ill to day

Miss Julia Reid returned to Louis ¬

ville Monday to be under the care ofa specialist Her many friends trustfor a complete restoration to goodhealth

Mr and Mrs Robert T Embry arebeing congratulated upon the arrivalof a tine baby boy at their house Thelittle fellow put in his appearanceMonday

Mr and Mrs r E Stormes enter-tained Mr and Mrs T B Long andMr and Mrs Louis Landaam at din-

ner Wednesday evening in their usualhospitable and elegant manner

Brodhead cor Stanford JournalMiss Ella Dunn who has been on atwo weeks visit to relatives andfriends in Garrard returned homeTuesday last Mrs Tom Adams ofBryantsville is visiting Mr JoshuaDunns family this week

Danville NewsGen D L Collierof Lancaster was in this city Wednes¬

dayJudge R A Burnside of Gar¬

rard county was here WednesdayMr Steven Walker of Paint LickGarrard county was in Danville this


News Uncle Ben Rob ¬

inson one of the trueblues of Gar¬

rard county was here yesterday MrWilliam Denny of Lancaster was inDanville Saturday to witness the gameof foot ball Mr John Duncan ofLancaster was here yesterday

Mr and Mrs Joe Waters of Stan-ford were in town a few hours Tues ¬

day and Joe brought his pretty twindaughters up to see TUE RECORD

force As Capt White had gone homeJoe drove all the way out to his houseto let the veteran compositor see thepretty babies He tells us he will re-


publication of the Lincoln Dem ¬

ocrat in about ten days

Mr Saml E Carey and daughter ofKeokuk Ia are visiting the family ofSquire W H Kinnaird Mr Carey re¬

sided in Lancaster many years ago andat one time with Gen W J Landrampublished the Garrard Banner lIe isan excellent christan gentleman ofIthat oldtime type who are growingscare these latter days Many friendsof former days gladly welcome himand are delighted to know that heenjoys good health

Lexington Leader Mrs Harry McCarty ef Nicholasville wife of the editor of the Jessamine Journal former ¬

ly Miss Alleene Young of Lexingtonhas on exhibition in the window of theTransylvania Printing Company alovely piece of art a plaque whichshows her skill in four artsburnwood oil painting water colors andwood carving Mrs McCarty is a veryclever andsuccessful artist and teach-er


and now has a class in Lexington

Mr William H Wherritt celebrated his seventyseventh birthday Sat ¬

urday evening by entertaining a fewrelatives at a sumptuous dinner Themeal was prepared in that elegantmanner in which only Mrs Wherrittcan get them up and every delicacyof the season together with good oldfashioned substantials was servedTHE RECORD joins their legion offriends in wishing this happy christian couple many more years of goodhealth

You Can Sell QuailA great many people have a mistak

en idea to the effect that the legislature passed a bill forbidding the saleof quail killed in this State betwoenthe open dates for quail shooting No ¬

vember 15 to January 1 The billfailed to pass the Senate thus thereis nothing to forbid the marketing ofquail in this and other cities of theState This will be very agreeablereapfof quail they shoot

Personal respon sibility cannot bedischarged by proxy I

Sermon seed will sprout quicker ifsoaked in prayer



Good KoiulM Convention

Clubithroughhas sent out letters to the Mayors c-


towns and cities in the State andto all county judges setting forth theimportance of having good

RoadConvention a

on the 18th and 19th oC NovemberThe Mayors of cities of the fourth

class shall appoint fifteen delegates t

and the county judge of each countyshall appoint five delegates and oneeditor from each paper in the State i

earnestlyrequested to attend saysthe Commercial Club and also that

No question is of more vital import ¬

ance than this great movementthe 20th century It is urged upothese ojiicers to make the appoinment at once and to send the name-of the delegates to the Secretary whowill then send otlicial invitations t-

each delegate so appointed andnames will be published in the Louis-ville and Lexington papers

An Editors AppealBring us taters sweet or Irish

bring us chickens young or old bring-us eggs or pork or sorghum bring ussilver or bring us gold bring us copper bring us greenbacks bring usfodder corn or hay bring us fruit ofall descriptions bring us corn mealany day Bring us beans or oats orpumkins bring us butter lard orflour or anything thats good to stayour hunger een an hour For thelarders getting empty and the cash isrunning low and our paper bills mustsoon be met for the papers got to-

go Our store bills must be settledand the kids must go to school andour trousers seem more threadbare asthe weather gins to cool So bringus anything you have to eat or tradeor help to put us square We needyour kind assistance to help to pullus tnrough until the railroad gins tobuild for till then we feel quite blueThe times are dull and we are shortand need a little raise so come to ourassistance and youll receive the praiseSo pay for advertising subscriptions-and the like and keep the enterprisefrom want and going on a strikeWell raise our voice and howl for youand sing your praises long if youllonly rustle in the grub and bring itgood and strongDodd City ArkAppeal


TIle Lust Fly or SummerTis the last lly of summerLeft buzzing alone

All its ravenous companionsHave fattened and llown

Each one o fits speciesUn mourned and forgot

Has flitted away toSome pestilent spot

Through summers glad sunshineTwas with us for aye

It has swum in the cream jugAnd sampled the pietItWith fiendish delight onSome bald shiny pate

In palace or hovelTwas never at rest

At banquet and picnicAn unwelcome guest

How gleeful its buzzlingHow joyous it rang

When bearing disease onIts germladen fang

Ill not leave thee thou last oneTo winters chill gloom

As thy comrades have vanishedGo thou to thy doom

No mercy Ill show theeTo me tis but fun

To end thy existenceISobang But its goneNew York Sun

Colored Teachers AllocationThe program for the Colored Teach-


Association of Garrard countywhich will be held here next SaturdayThe previous meetings have been verysuccessful We think this is a matterthat should be encouraged

InvocationRev J W CaldwellSong by Association and choirs o

the churchesOrationMiss Sallie B KinceadAddressMeans of securing the at-

tendance of every teacher in the coun¬

ty to the Teachers Association MissMary Richie

Musical SelectionMilton SneedEssay Perspective View of the

Common School system of Kentuckyin 1910Miss Marie Yantis

AddressEducation as an Invest ¬

ment Miss Amanda WalkerRecitation Miss Roxy FaulknerRecitation Maggie Cunningham

The Burial of Mose-

sInstrumental Solo Miss SouannaLeavellAddressPrimary Instruction Miss

Isabel Qverstreet

AddressLate provision of Legisla-ture entitled County Taxation toextend School term Prof George

GainesPoemWhosTo Blame by Au-

thor Milton SneedAddressMIs Susie MitchellEssayMiss Olivia HudsonVocal Solo Miss Carrie RitchieAddressThe Imminent needs of

strict and stringent compulsory edcational lawProf Mannix

Address MJS E L Walker Super-intendent

Song by AssociationBenediction by Rev J S Miller

The music ceases when the instru-ment


listens to itself

shmesbrlghterthanThe criticism of the sermon often

uproots the seeds L



Dr Hobson the dentist ofthItthe 10th one day only-

e Pie Social-s The Christian Endeavors will give

a Pie Social at the Odd Fellows HallFriday evening beginning at 7 oclockThe public are cordially invited toattend Admission 15 cents

There is on my farm a stray steer-s Owner can have same by proving

property and paying charges B FHudson It

Standard Play

theChrisna more ¬thatsourMonday night Nov 17 Mr Edwin LtheeplaysDavid Copperfield Peaceful Val

ley An American Citizen and APoor Relation These charmingsto-ries are told and acted in a realisticmanner eliciting applause from every-one The public should attendthere-by helping the church and getting thevalue of thoir money at the sametime The ladies will also introduceseveral new featuresamong themvocal and instrumental music solosand quartettes by local talent Eve-ry


ticket will be so printed as to ena-ble the holder to vote for the mostpopular Dry Goods merchant the bestlawyer and the best doctor Thetickets will be counted by a commit-tee and the result announced fromthe stage Reserved seats at McRoberts at 50 cents general admission 35cents children 15 cents The housewill be well heated

Final NoticeAll town taxes not paid by Novem-

ber 15th will be advertised in theCENTRAL RECORD and the propertysold As this will add the cost andpenalty you will do well to call at theCircuit Clerks office and settle beforethat time Dont say you haventbeen given fair warning

nov62t S D Rothwell

We have some beautiful cloaks andif you have not made your fall pur-chase see us J Joseph

Nothwithstanding the fact that wehave had a tremendous sale of fall andwinter goods we are still stocked upto date with anything in this line youmay need See us before making vourpurchases we save you money andyou can rely absolutely on gettingthe best values for your money at ourstore J Joseph

We have no fake sales to draw cus-


We give good values youget your moneys worth consequentlytrade with us again J Joseph

Come see the handsome line of winen hosiery and shoes at J Josephs

ALoW Rates West

Beginning Nov 1st 1902 and con-tinuing to April 1903 the Frisco Sys-

tem will sell homeseekers tickets fromSt Louis to points in Missouri Arkansas Indian Territory OklahomaTexas Kansas Colorado and NewMexico at a rate of one firstclass fareplus two dollars for the round tripDate of sale first and third Tuesdaysof each month On same date oneway colonist tickets will be sold tosame points at a rate of onehalf standard fare plus two dollars For lit-erature rates or other informationwrite H I McGuire T P A 407

Walnut St Cincinnati or T StuartTaylor T I A 124 Main st Evans-ville Ind tf

I have employed Charley Owens anold experienced butcher to run theSlaughter pens back of my stable Letme kill your hogs and have it donenicely Charges only 50c per head delivered at your home W H Ward

nov63tOpportunities and Business Chances

Never were greater or more attrac-t tive than now in the Great Southwest

Missouri Kansas Indian TerritoryOklahoma and Texas

If youre interested write for par¬


GenIPass Tkt Agt MKTRy520 Wainwright Bldg St Louis

Dr Hobson the DentistofRichmond will be at theMason Hotel 2nd Monday10th one day only

Remarks Anent DignityWhat is dignity Some people call

it conservatism some people call itdry rot some people call it person

ality and the only people that everworry about it are the fellows whohave to carry aload of it around withthem We never have heard of a manyet who said he would not trade witha firm because it was not dignifiedbut we have heard lots of people saythey liked to trade with a firm be-cause it got up and hustled

When your dignity comes to hurtyou when it commences to hold youback when it commences to lose youbusiness when you commence to turndown orders or refuse to take advant-age of uptodate methods becauseforuyou and dignity to separate or toa new kind of dignity Dignity is arelative term and most of the peoplewho talk about it cannot define itbutrest assured of one thing when yourdignity sacrifices force cut out thedignity Progressive Canada

Well being Is the only true wealthThe new man will have new man-


Many negatives of vice do not makepositive virtue

+ + + tH H tt t +Ft+++F

Ii Business and Bargains

For SaleNew cotton sacks for clo-ver seed H A B Marksbury Son

Save labor and expense by buying aDeering Corn Harvester from GainesBros s18tf

Buy Blankes celebrated coffees Soldby Currey Davidson

Blue grass seed for saleH A B Marksbury Son

You must come in and pay your ac ¬

count I need the money and musthave it R A Stone

I have for sale some nice baled Mil-let


from pure Southern German seed925tf J F Robinson

Land for SaleFiftyfive acres of good land at

Marksbury Ky E Harlan s25tfWanted Clover timothy Ger-

man Millet and hemp seed for whichwe will pay the highest market price

H A B Marksbury Son

Buy International Poultry Foodthe greatest egg producer known SoldIonly by Currey Davidson

For RentA five room cottage on Lexington

street Apply to J F Robinson-at National Bank

A fresh line of Griffin SkelleyCo evaporated fruit best on themarket at Currey Davidson

New Hu LineRice Benge formerly of Lancaster

but who is now in the livery businessat Danvilly has with Chas Coulterdepotinfriends for a share of patronage BFarrisis in charge and prompt andpolite service is insnred 2t

We will exchange coal for good cornat 175 per bbl Williams Coal Yard

Dr Hobson Dentist ofRichmond will be at theMondaythe

God will trust his glory to the yes ¬

sel he has tried with griefcWorm T ryedonlykiUs

and slime in which they build theirnests it brings and quickly a healthycondition of the body where wormscannot exist 25c at R E McRobertsdrugs store im

Many a mans practice puts an ex ¬

tinguisher on his profession

Earthi Texwrites Nov 2d 1900 I had rheuma-tism


last winter was down in bed sixvjiefbottle of Ballards Snow Liniment Iused it and got two more bottles Itcured me and I havent felt any rheu-matism


since I can recommend SnowLiniment to be the best liniment onearth for rheumatism For rheuma-tic sciatic or neuralgic pains rub inBallards Snow Liniment you will notsuffer long but will be gratified witha speedy and effective cure 25c 50cand 100 at R E McRoberts drugstore ini

We need to do Gods work morethan he needs us to do It

Beautiful Clear SkiesHerbine exerts a direct influence on

the bowels liver and kidneys purify ¬

ing and strengthening these organsand maintaining them in a normal con ¬

dition of health thus removing a com ¬

mon cause of yellow mothy greasyskin and more or less of pimplesblotches and blackheads 50c at R EMcRoberts druggist 1m

It is better to be true to the falseA Dangerous Month

This is the month of coughs coldsand acute catarrh Do you catch cold i

easily Find yourself hoarse with atickling in your throat and an annoy-ing


cough at night Then you shouldhave handy a bottle of Ballards Horehound Syrup J A Anderson 351West 6th St Sale Lake City writeseWe use Ballards Horehound Syrupfor coughs and colds It gives im¬

mediate relief We know its the bestremedy for these troubles I writethis to induce other people to try thisplearant and efficient remedy 25c 50c

and 100 at R E McRoberts drug-gist



Honor is one of those things that hethat seeks it shall not find it

Foleys Honey and Tar always stopsthe cough and heals the lungs Re-fuse substitutes C C J EStormes 1m

The power of the pulpit is greatbutthat of the parson is greater

Foleys Honey and Tar for coughsand colds reliable tried and testedsafe and sure C C J E Stormes 1m

No man is truly refined until he haspassed through Gods fires

A Startling SrpeVery few could believe in looking at

A T Hoadley a healthy robust black ¬

smith of Tilden Ind that for tenyears he suffered such tortures fromRheumatism as few could endure andlive But a wonderful change follow-ed


his taking Electric Bitters Twobottles wholly cured me he writer

and I have not felt a twinge in overa year They regalate the Kidneyspurify the blood and cure Rheuma ¬

tism Neuralgia Nervousness improvedigestion and give perfect health Trythem Only SOc at R E McRobertsLancaster and Fish Cos druggistPaint Lick 1m

If you have not paid your taxes youwill find Sanders and Ward in E WHarris store preparing to advertiseyour stuff Do not say you had nowarning you can save cost by payingbefore we reach your name

Sanders Ward

ADVERTISED LETTERSLetters remaining in Lancaster Post

office unclaimed weekending Oct23d 1902

Mary Burnside James Cook S R Cotten E M Durming Hilratic LeatherCo Miss Gurgie McTerning EthelMeadows Miss Stella McClery Ben

WilmotIffor say advertised

Wm West P MfFor Sale

Fancy bred Belgian Hares LordBritain Fashoda and other strainsJoseph H Dunn Bryantsville Ky

oc 243t

Taken Up as EstrayBay horse three white feet about

14 hands high Came to my housOctober 20 Owner can get same bypaying charges Willis Roach Lan-caster


Itfor Sale or Reat

gooddwellingty to sell goods Also my stock of goodsis for sale C S Sanders

oct302t Stone KyNotice

We will run our grist mill on Tues-days of each week so if you want theold process meal bring in your cornon that day Please dont forget theday ST Leavel Co 16tf

I have some old accounts if not paidsoon I will list them and sell them Soyouhad928tf

September22ndface weight about 200 IDS Informa ¬

tion leading to his whereabouts willbe liberally rewarded R A Stone

o2tfThe new Rail Road and Electric

Road is soon to be builtBut whilethis is coming on come to the BuffaloRoller Mills at Paint Lick Ky withyour wheat and corn and get the bestflour your ever ate Especial atten ¬

given to both custom and mer¬

work Burnam Ruckeroc16tf

Old papers for saletf Lenny Miller RECORD office

Josephs cloak and fur opening Oct11th

Mount Mellick EmbroideryI am now prepared to give lessons In

Mount Mellick Embroidery Pricevery reasonable Miss Emma Hood

tt Danville avenues

To TaxPayersThe tax books are now ready and

can find me at my office ready totaxes This is a matter that

must be attended to so why put itoff Respectfully

814tf W L Lawson Sheriff

For Sale or RentMy new residence on Lexington

street Possession given at onceDr J M Acton 94tf

Notice ThisIf you owe me you must call at the

old stand and settle your account Inorder to save cost it must be done atonce Theo Currey 928tf

Garaard Hotel NoticeAll those indebted to the Garrard

Hotel for meals and etc please call atthe National Bank of Lancaster andsettle their accounts with Mr S CDenny who will receipt for same

tf Respt T B Long

Farm for SaleGood land well improved Address

me at Marksbury Ky H D Aldridge 928tf

Full line of LIppencott Cree Cospure Preserves Come in and tasteour samples and give us your order

Currey Davidson

Dont think because I only owe him2 or 875 that he can make out with

out that small amount remember 200

or 300 such accounts amount to quitea little sum So come in and settle atonce R A Stone


Of a Good Business Stand

Oil Tkirsday Boy 13tk 1902f

at 2 oclock p m we will offer atpublic sale in the town of Bryantsville Ky property as follows

Stock of General Merchandiseconsisting of about 4000 worthof good clan goods store houseand lot of one acre of land store

ceilingwithstable good cistern and other build ¬

ings on lot This is the bestequippedstore room in centralKentucky and as good a countrystand as there is im the StateAmount of business done annually

20000One dwelling in good repair six

rooms on halfacre lot stable on lotOne dwelling of 9 rooms new

very convenient one acre lot good


Write for full particularsJ X DUNN CO

Bryantsville Garrard county Kyr