植物遺伝資源探索導入調査報告書...独立行政法人 農 業 生 物 資 源 研 究...

独立行政法人 農 業 生 物 資 源 研 究 所 編 ISSN 0915-602X 植物遺伝資源探索導入調査報告書 通 巻 第 25 巻 平成20(2008)年度 平成21年11月

Transcript of 植物遺伝資源探索導入調査報告書...独立行政法人 農 業 生 物 資 源 研 究...

Page 1: 植物遺伝資源探索導入調査報告書...独立行政法人 農 業 生 物 資 源 研 究 所 編 ISSN 0915-602X 植物遺伝資源探索導入調査報告書 通 巻 第

独立行政法人 農 業 生 物 資 源 研 究 所 編

ISSN 0915-602X


通 巻 第 25 巻



Page 2: 植物遺伝資源探索導入調査報告書...独立行政法人 農 業 生 物 資 源 研 究 所 編 ISSN 0915-602X 植物遺伝資源探索導入調査報告書 通 巻 第

編集  ジーンバンク   ダンカン・ヴォーン   友岡 憲彦 奥泉 久人   西川 智太郎 福井 邦明   小川 裕子(編集事務) 

Edited by   Duncan A. VAUGHAN,  Norihiko TOMOOKA,  Hisato OKUIZUMI, Tomotaro NISHIKAWA, Kuniaki FUKUI and   Yuko OGAWA(assistant editor) Genebank, NIAS

Page 3: 植物遺伝資源探索導入調査報告書...独立行政法人 農 業 生 物 資 源 研 究 所 編 ISSN 0915-602X 植物遺伝資源探索導入調査報告書 通 巻 第









 遺伝資源は,平成 5年の「生物多様性に関する条約」発効によって原産国の主権的権

利が認められるようになりました.また FAO では,平成 16 年に発効した「食料農業植





 本報告書には,平成 20年度ジーンバンク事業の植物遺伝資源部門における探索・収集

及びその関連研究として,国内を 10件,海外を 2件収載しました.本報告書はジーンバ







                               平成 21年 7月



                               河瀨 眞琴

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植物遺伝資源探索導入調査報告書(平成 20年度)目次

まえがき                                  河瀨 眞琴Ⅰ.国内探索収集調査報告 1. 北海道におけるマメ科植物遺伝資源の探索・収集,2008年 ・・・・・・・・・   1 友岡 憲彦・Muthaiyan Pandiyan・田口 哲彦・根本 英男・加賀 秋人・ 伊勢村 武久・ Duncan A. Vaughan

 2. 愛媛県における野生大豆(ツルマメ)の探索・収集 ・ ・・・・・・・・ 13                         猿田 正恭・高田 吉丈・岡部 昭典 3. 高知県東部地域におけるサトウキビ野生種の探索    ・・・・・・・・・・・・ 21                              松岡 誠・杉松 力

4. 東北地域におけるクサヨシ遺伝資源の探索・収集         ・・・・・・・・ 25                              上山 泰史 ・ 久保田 明人

5. 福岡県,佐賀県および熊本県におけるキシュウスズメノヒエ自生株の探索と収集                               ・・・・・・・・・・・・・  29    山下 浩・住吉 正・加藤 直樹・我有 満・桂 真昭・高井 智之

  6. 熊本県および鹿児島県におけるイタリアンライグラス自生株の探索と収集 ・・・・ 37   山下 浩・我有 満・桂 真昭・高井 智之

  7. 北海道根室市におけるブルーベリー近縁種ヒメツルコケモモの探索・収集・・・・・ 45                  伊藤 祐司・菅原 保英

  8. 小笠原諸島父島におけるブルーベリー近縁種ムニンシャシャンボの探索・収集 ・・・ 53                      伊藤 祐司・菅原 保英

  9.Exploration and Collection of Malus and Pyrus Genetics Resources in Tochigi Prefecture ・・・・・・ 61                        Hiroyuki IKETANI and Nobuko MASE

10. 長崎県島嶼地域における在来カンキツ遺伝資源の調査 ・・・・・・・・ 71   喜多 正幸・根角 博久・谷本 恵美子・野中 圭介

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Ⅱ.海外探索収集及び共同調査報告 1. インド・タミルナドゥ州におけるマメ科植物遺伝資源多様性の保全2009年 ・・・・  83      友岡 憲彦・Muthaiyan Pandiyan ・Natesan Senthil ・Nanappan Ramamoorthi・         加賀 秋人・Duncan A. Vaughan   2. ラオスにおける野菜遺伝資源の共同探索 , 2008 年        ・・・・・ 111                   斎藤 新 ・田中 克典 ・Chanthanom DEUANHAKSA

  Ⅲ.海外植物遺伝資源探索収集及び共同調査チームの派遣実績   ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 149Ⅳ.国内植物遺伝資源探索収集チームの派遣実績                       ・ ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 161

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Annual Report on Exploration and Introduction of Plant Genetic Resources in FY2008                   ContentsPreface Makoto Kawase

I. Exploration and Field Research in Japan 1. Collection and Conservation of Wild Leguminous Crop Relatives in Hokkaido, Japan, 2008      ・・・・・・・・・  1  Norihiko TOMOOKA・Muthaiyan PANDIYAN・Tetsuhiko TAGUCHI・Hideo NEMOTO・   Akito KAGA・Takehisa ISEMURA, Duncan A. VAUGHAN

 2.Exploration and Collection of Wild Soybean(Glycine soja) in Ehime Prefecture・・・ 13       Masayasu SARUTA, Yoshitake TAKADA and Akinori OKABE

 3.Exploration of Sugarcane Wild Species (Saccharum spontaneum) in Eastern Kochi      Prefecture     ・・・・・・・・・・ 21                Makoto MATSUOKA and Chikara SUGIMATSU

 4.Exploration and Collection of Kusayoshi(Phalaris arundinacea L.) in Tohoku Region .                                ・ ・・・・・  25    Yasufumi UEYAMA and Akito KUBOTA

 5.Exploration and Collection of sea-shore paspalum (Paspalum distichum L.) in Fukuoka,     Saga and Kumamoto prefectures, Japan             ・・・・・・ 29         Hiroshi YAMASHITA, Tadashi SUMIYOSHI, Naoki KATO, Mitsuru GAU,             Masaaki KATSURA and Tomoyuki TAKAI

 6.Exploration and Collection of Italian Rye-grass in Kumamoto and Kagoshima prefectures,     Japan                         ・・・・・・・・・ 37 Hiroshi YAMASHITA, Mitsuru Gau, Masaaki KATSURA and Tomoyuki TAKAI

 7.Exploration and Collection of Himetsurukokemomo(Vaccinium microcarpum (Turcz.)    Schmalh.)in Nemuro City in Hokkaido         ・・・・・・・・・・・ 45                         Yuji ITO and Yasuhide SUGAWARA

 8.Exploration and Collection of Muninsyasyanbo(Vaccinium boninense Nakai)in Chichijima   Island, Ogasawara Islands in Tokyo Metropolitan Prefecture ・・・・・・・・・・ 53                        Yuji ITO and Yasuhide SUGAWARA 9.Exploration and Collection of Malus and Pyrus Genetics Resources in Tochigi Prefecture                             ・・・・・・・・・・・ 61                         Hiroyuki IKETANI and Nobuko MASE

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10. Exploration of Citrus Genetic Resources in Tsushima and Goto islands in Nagasaki       Prefecture                             ・・・・  71      Masayuki KITA, Hirohisa NESUMI, Emiko TANIMOTO, Keisuke NONAKA

II. Exploration and Field Research in Foreign Countries 1.Collection and Conservation of Leguminous Crops and Their Wild Relatives in Tamil Nadu, India, 2009                        ・・・ ・ 83       Norihiko TOMOOKA・MUTHAIYAN PANDIYAN ・Natesan SENTHIL ・           Nanappan RAMAMOORTHI ・ Akito KAGA・Duncan A. VAUGHAN

 2.Collaborative Exploration of Vegetable Genetic Resources in Laos, 2008                          ・・・・・・・・・・・・   111      Atsushi SAITO , Katsunori TANAKA and Chanthanom DEUANHAKSA

III. PGR missions dispatched abroad by the Genebank Project since 1975  ・・・・・・・・・・・ 149 IV. Explorations organized in Japan by the Genebank Project since 1986    ・・・・・・・・・・・ 161

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Ⅰ.国内探索収集調査報告 Exploration and Field Research in Japan

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〔植探報 Vol. 25 : 1 ~ 11,2009〕


友岡 憲彦 1)・Muthaiyan Pandiyan 2) ・田口 哲彦1)・根本 英男1)・加賀 秋人 1)・伊勢村 武久 1)・Duncan A. Vaughan1)

1) 農業生物資源研究所

2) インド・タミルナドゥ農業大学

Collection and Conservation of Wild Leguminous Crop Relatives in Hokkaido, Japan, 2008

Norihiko TOMOOKA1)・Muthaiyan PANDIYAN2)・Tetsuhiko TAGUCHI1)・Hideo NEMOTO1)・Akito KAGA1)・Takehisa ISEMURA1),

Duncan A. VAUGHAN1)

1) National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences, Kannondai 2-1-2, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-

8602, Japan

2) Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Tamil Nadu, India


Based on the Memorandum of Understanding between the National Institute of

Agrobiological Sciences, Japan and the Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, India, a field

survey was conducted in southwestern part of Hokkaido island, Japan from 29th September

to 3rd October, 2008. As a result, 31 accessions of leguminous plants consist of the genus

Amphicarpaea, Glycine and Lotus were recorded and seed samples were collected. All the seed

materials collected were deposited at NIAS genebank, Japan.


In order to facilitate the collaborative research activities on plant genetic resources, the

National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences, Japan and the Tamil Nadu Agricultural University,

India agreed to establish the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on Joint Research of

Genetic Resources in April, 2007. This is a report of the collaborative field survey on leguminous

plants in Hokkaido, Japan under this MOU. The main target taxa in this trip is Glycine soja (wild


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Day Date Itinerary Activities Stay

1 2008.9.29 Mon Tsukuba -- Haneda (Tokyo) 11:00 -- (ANA 061) -- 12:35 Chitose (Hokkaido) -- car -- Hidaka town

Transportation and Exploration Hidaka town

2 2008.9.30 Tue Hidaka - - Mukawa -- Niikappu -- Shizunai - - Noboribetsu -- Toyako Exploration Toyako town

3 2008.10.1 Wed Toyako -- Date -- Yakumo -- Otobe -- Assabu -- Esashi Exploration Esashi town

4 2008.10.2 Thu Esashi -- Kaminokuchi -- Matsumae -- Kikonai -- Hakodate Exploration Hakodate

5 2008.10.3 Fri Hakodate -- Hokuto -- Hakodate 15:25 -- (JAL1168) -- 16:50 Haneda (Tokyo) -- Tsukuba

Exploration and Transportation

Table 1. Itinerary 日程表 (北海道)

Fig.1. Collection sites of Amphicarpaea bracteata( ● ), Grycine soja( △ ) and

Lotus sp.( □ ). Collection No. is indicated for each site.

1234 7 8,9











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We surveyed southwestern part of Hokkaido island by car from 29th September to 3rd

October, 2008 (Table 1, Fig. 1). Seeds, herbarium specimens and root nodules (if available) were

collected (Photos1-4, Table 2). Information on collection sites including village name, altitude,

latitude, longitude, habitat and other ecological data were recorded as passport data (Table 3).

Results and Discussion

A total of 31 wild legume accessions consist of 15 accessions of Amphicarpaea bracteata,

12 of Glycine soja and 4 of Lotus sp. was recorded and collected (Table 2 & 3). Collected seed

samples are conserved at NIAS genebank, Tsukuba, Japan.

 Amphicarpaea bracteata (Hog peanut, Yabu-mame: Japanese, Aha: Ainu)

 This plant was commonly found growing in the surveyed area of Hokkaido (Fig.1).

Amphicarpaea plants were sometimes sympatric with Glycine soja (wild soybean) plants.

Variation in seed size was observed among populations (Photo 5 and 6).

 As is indicated by its genus name, Amphicarpaea bracteata has two types of pods. Flowers

near the soil surface produced under-ground pods like groundnut. The under-ground pod

contains a single seed with larger size compared with that produced in above-ground pods.

Seeds in under-ground pods are edible in raw or cooked. The native tribe “Ainu” in Hokkaido

collected and ate underground seeds.


 It is called “Aha” in the Ainu language. They usually collected under-ground pods in spring

after snow disappeared from the ground surface. Seeds were peeled and kept in a room

temperature after sun-dried. They were boiled sometimes together with seeds of Trapa japonica

(called “Pekampe”) and/or dried fruits of Phellodendron amurense (“Shikelepe”) and eaten.

 The North American natives also ate under-ground seeds as raw or cooked.


 According to this “Plants For A Future Database,” they are sweet and delicious raw with a

taste more like shelled garden beans than peanuts. North American natives also used above-

ground seeds after cooked. Above-ground pod contains 4 to 5 seeds with smaller size and lentil

like morphology (Photos 5 and 6). They also ate roots after peeling and boiled although roots

are small and stringy.


Species No.

Amphicarpaea bracteata 15

Glycine soja 12

Lotus sp. 4

Total 31

Table2. A summary of collected materials


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- 4 -

 Glycine soja (Wild soybean, Tsuru-mame: Japanese)

 Southwestern part of Hokkaido is the northern limit of Glycine soja distribution in Japan.

The NIAS genebank has been conducting comprehensive collecting survey of wild soybean

throughout Japan except Hokkaido, and genetic structure of wild soybean has been clarified

(Kuroda et al, 2006 and 2008). This is the first survey by NIAS genebank for collecting wild

soybean in this region. The former exploration reports are available from the NIAS genebank

web page. Most of the reports were written in Japanese with English summary.

 http://www.gene.affrc.go.jp/publications.php?section=plant. (e.g. Tomooka et al., 2008)

 Compared with Amphicarpaea bracteata, G. soja was less common. Habitat of G. soja seems

to be limited to more open, more disturbed and drier sites compared to Amphicarpaea. All

the populations were found on the river bank with sandy soil not far from the sea. Seed size

variation was observed in 2008Hok25 population (Photo 7 and Photo 8). Seeds of 2008Hok25B

population were much smaller than those of 2008Hok25A population and other G. soja

populations. Populations 2008Hok25A and 25B were growing in the same site, Tokirichi river

side, and were located only ca. 20 m distance.


Lotus sp.

 In Japan, Lotus corniculatus var. japonicus (=Lotus japonicus) and L. australis are distributed.

In addition, L. corniculatus var. corniculatus, L. tenuis and L. ulgiginosus were introduced and

became native relatively recently in Japan. In the present survey, we have collected 4 accessions

of Lotus sp. All the accessions were found in southwestern part of Oshima peninsula.



Kuroda, Y., A. Kaga, N. Tomooka & D.A. Vaughan. 2006. Population genetic structure of    

  Japanese wild soybean (Glycine soja) based on microsatellite variation. Molecular Ecology .

  15: 959-974.

Kuroda Y, Kaga A, Tomooka N and Vaughan D.A. 2008. Gene Flow and Genetic Structure of Wild

  Soybean (Glycine soja) in Japan. Crop Science 48: 1071-1079.

Tomooka N, Kaga A, Isemura T, Kuroda Y, Tamang A, Matsushima K, Nemoto K and Vaughan  

  D.A. 2008. Collection and conservation of leguminous crops and their wild relatives in Japan,

  2007. Annual Report on Exploration and Introduction of Plant Genetic Resources (NIAS,

  Tsukuba, Japan) Vol. 24: 9-19.



の間で 2007 年 4 月に締結した協同研究協定(MOU)に基づいて招聘した M. Pandiyan 博士を


2008 年 9 月 29 日~ 10 月 3 日にかけて行った.調査の結果, 野生ダイズであるツルマメ(Glycine

soja)12 点, かつてアイヌ民族による利用がみられたヤブマメ(Amphicarpaea bracteata)15 点,

ミヤコグサ属植物 4 点,合計 31 点の遺伝資源を収集保存した.これらの遺伝資源は,2009 年



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Coll. Date Coll. No. JP No. Species name Status Collection Site Vill., City, Pref. Latitude Longitude

29-Sep-08 2008Hok 1 235044 Glycine soja wild

北海道 沙流郡 日高町富川東 2, 沙流川

Sarugawa (river name), Tomikawa higashi 2, Hidakacho, Saru-gun, Hokkaido N42-30-56.5 E142-02-14.5

30-Sep-08 2008Hok 2 235045 Glycine soja wild

北海道 沙流郡 日高町 清畠 慶能舞川

Kenomaigawa (river name), Kiyohata, Hidakacho, Saru-gun, Hokkaido N42-28-10.0 E142-10-39.6

30-Sep-08 2008Hok 3 235046 Glycine soja wild

北海道 沙流郡 日高町 厚賀町 加張川

Gabarigawa (river name), Atsugacho, Hidakacho, Saru-gun, Hokkaido N42-26-59.1 E142-11-46.4

30-Sep-08 2008Hok 4 235047 Glycine soja wild

北海道 沙流郡 日高町 厚賀町 厚別川

Atsubetsugawa (river name), Atsugacho, Hidakacho, Saru-gun, Hokkaido N42-25-34.3 E142-13-58.0

30-Sep-08 2008Hok 5 235048 Glycine soja wild

北海道 新冠郡 新冠町 新冠川

Niikappugawa (river name), Niikappu-cho, Niikappu-gun, Hokkaido N42-22-14.2 E142-18-37.3

30-Sep-08 2008Hok 6 235049

Amphicarpaea bracteata wild

北海道 新冠郡 新冠町 新冠川

Niikappugawa (river name), Niikappu-cho, Niikappu-gun, Hokkaido N42-22-14.2 E142-18-37.3

30-Sep-08 2008Hok 7 235050 Glycine soja wild

北海道 日高郡 新ひだか町 静内 うぐいすの森公園 

beside Shizunaigawa (river name) in Uguisunomori Park, Shizunai, Shin-hidakacho, Hidaka-gun, Hokkaido N42-20-07.0 E142-22-42.2

30-Sep-08 2008Hok 8 235051 Glycine soja wild

北海道 新冠郡 新冠町 明和

Meiwa, Niikappu-cho, Niikappu-gun, Hokkaido N42-26-01.1 E142-24-22.9

30-Sep-08 2008Hok 9 235052

Amphicarpaea bracteata wild

北海道 新冠郡 新冠町 明和

Meiwa, Niikappu-cho, Niikappu-gun, Hokkaido N42-26-01.1 E142-24-22.9

1-Oct-082008Hok 10 235053

Amphicarpaea bracteata wild

北海道 伊達市 館山下町 長流川

Osarugawa (river name), Tateyamashitacho, Date-shi, Hokkaido N42-29-21.5 E140-50-49.7

1-Oct-082008Hok 11 235054

Amphicarpaea bracteata wild

北海道 虻田郡 豊浦町 インディアン水車公園 , 貫気別川水辺

Indian Water Mill Park, Toyoura-cho, Abuta-gun, Hokkaido N42-35-59.2 E140-42-05.5

1-Oct-082008Hok 12 235055

Amphicarpaea bracteata wild

北海道 二海郡 八雲町 熊石折戸町 相沼内川河原 

Ainumanaigawa (river name), Kumaishi-Orito-cho, Yakumocho, Futami-gun, Hokkaido N42-04-16.7 E140-04-12.9

1-Oct-082008Hok 13 235056

Amphicarpaea bracteata wild

北海道 爾志郡 乙部町 姫川 河原 堤防

Himegawa (river name), Otobe-cho, Nishi-gun, Hokkaido N41-58-22.4 E140-08-26.7

1-Oct-082008Hok 14 235057

Amphicarpaea bracteata wild

北海道 檜山郡 江差町 厚沢部川

Assabugawa (river name), Esashi-cho, Hiyama-gun, Hokkaido N41-55-36.4 E140-09-37.8

1-Oct-082008Hok 14B 235058

Amphicarpaea bracteata wild

北海道 檜山郡 江差町 厚沢部川

Assabugawa (river name), Esashi-cho, Hiyama-gun, Hokkaido N41-55-36.4 E140-09-37.8

1-Oct-082008Hok 15 235059 Lotus sp. wild

北海道 檜山郡 江差町 厚沢部川

Assabugawa (river name), Esashi-cho, Hiyama-gun, Hokkaido N41-55-30.4 E140-08-46.8

2-Oct-082008Hok 16 235060

Amphicarpaea bracteata wild

北海道 檜山郡 江差町 尾山町 田沢川

Tazawagawa (river name), Oyama-cho, Esashi-cho, Hiyama-gun, Hokkaido N41-53-52.3 E140-08-27.5

2-Oct-082008Hok 17 235061 Lotus sp. wild

北海道 檜山郡 江差町 椴川町 椴川横

beside Todogawa (river name), Todogawa-cho, Esashi-cho, Hiyama-gun, Hokkaido N41-49-35.8 E140-07-32.6

2-Oct-082008Hok 18 235062

Amphicarpaea bracteata wild

北海道 檜山郡 上ノ国町 新村 天の川橋上流 300m

300 m from Amanogawa-bridge, Shinmura, Kaminokuni-cho, Hiyama-gun, Hokkaido N41-47-55.0 E140-07-08.6

2-Oct-082008Hok 19 235063 Lotus sp. wild

北海道 檜山郡 上ノ国町 小森大橋

Komori-bridge, Kaminokuni-cho, Hiyama-gun, Hokkaido N41-46-32.3 E140-08-49.8

Table 3. A passport data of collected materials 収集品のパスポートデータ

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Altitude Habitat ShadingDisturb-

ancePopulation size

Growth stage

Soil SeedHerba-rium

Nodule Re:

4m grassland open med sporadically mature sand yes yes no in grassland beside Sarugawa (river name). past maturity. no flower seen. narrow leaf, long pod.

15m grassland open med many plants past maturity sand yes yes no Kenomaigawa (river name) river bank beside Tsukimi bridge. narrow leaf, long pod.

1m grassland light med several plants mature sand yes yes yes Gabarigawa (river name) river bank. fine black sand. late maturity compared with Col. No.2.

1m grassland open high many plants mature sand yes yes yes Atsubetsugawa (river name) river bank near Atsubetsu bridge. fine sand. late maturity compared with Col. No.2

1m grassland open med several plants mature sand yes yes no Niikappugawa (river name) river side. fine sand. narrow leaf.

1m grassland open med several plants mature sand yes yes no Niikappugawa (river name) river side. fine sand.

1m grassland open med a few plants pre-mature sand yes no no beside Shizunaigawa (river name) in Uguisunomori Park. single plant matured.

30m grassland light med several plants past maturity muddy yes yes no near the river. Muddy soil. late maturity

30m grassland light med plenty pre-mature muddy yes no no Amphicarpaea grow more than Glycine.

10m grassland light med several plants mature sand yes yes no Osarugawa (river name) river side

26m grassland open high several plants pre-mature sand yes yes no beside Nukibetsugawa (river name). A little too early to collect mature pods.

1m grassland light med several plants pre-mature sand yes no no Ainumanaigawa (river name) river side. most plants immature

5m grassland light high several plants pre-mature sand yes no no Himekawagawa (river name) river bank

5m grassland light med several plants mature sand yes no no Assabugawa (river name) bank

5m grassland light med several plants mature sand yes no no Assabugawa (river name) bank

5m grassland light med several plants mature muddy yes no no beside athletic park near Assabugawa (river name)

5m grassland open med several plants pre-mature sand yes no no beside Tazawagawa (river name)

3m grassland open high several plants mature sand yes yes no beside Todogawa (river name) near the sea

3m grassland light med several plants pre-mature sand yes yes no Amanogawa (river name) river bank

3m grassland light med several plants pre-mature sand yes yes no Amanogawa (river name) river bank near Komori Ohashi

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Coll. Date Coll. No. JP No. Species name Collection Site Vill., City, Pref. Latitude Longitude

2-Oct-082008Hok 20 235064

Amphicarpaea bracteata wild

北海道 檜山郡 上ノ国町 小森大橋

Komori-bridge, Kaminokuni-cho, Hiyama-gun, Hokkaido N41-46-32.3 E140-08-49.8

2-Oct-082008Hok 21 235065 Glycine soja wild

北海道 檜山郡 上ノ国町 宮越 天の川


near Miyakoshi-station, Amanoawagawa (river name), Miyakoshi, Kaminokuni-cho, Hiyama-gun, Hokkaido N41-45-41.4 E140-10-59.0

2-Oct-082008Hok 22 235066

Amphicarpaea bracteata wild

北海道 檜山郡 上ノ国町 宮越 天の川


near Miyakoshi-station, Amanoawagawa (river name), Miyakoshi, Kaminokuni-cho, Hiyama-gun, Hokkaido N41-45-41.4 E140-10-59.0

2-Oct-082008Hok 23 235067 Lotus sp. wild

北海道 檜山郡 上ノ国町 早川 石崎川 採石場

Gravel digging place beside Ishizakigawa (river name), Hayakawa, Kaminokuni-cho, Hiyama-gun, Hokkaido N41-41-30.8 E140-02-37.7

2-Oct-082008Hok 24 235068

Amphicarpaea bracteata wild

北海道 上磯郡 木古内町 吉堀 木古内川

Kikonaigawa (river name), Yoshibori, Kikonai-cho, Kamiiso-gun, Hokkaido N41-41-10.3 E140-22-50.2

3-Oct-082008Hok 25A 235069 Glycine soja wild

北海道 北斗市 大工川 戸切地川 大工川橋横

beside Daikugawa-bridge, Hekirichigawa (river name), Daikugawa, Hokuto-shi, Hokkaido N41-49-58.1 E140-38-37.5

3-Oct-082008Hok 25B 235070 Glycine soja wild

北海道 北斗市 大工川 戸切地川 大工川橋横

beside Daikugawa-bridge, Hekirichigawa (river name), Daikugawa, Hokuto-shi, Hokkaido N41-49-58.1 E140-38-37.5

3-Oct-082008Hok 26 235071

Amphicarpaea bracteata wild

北海道 北斗市 大工川 戸切地川 大工川橋横

beside Daikugawa-bridge, Hekirichigawa (river name), Daikugawa, Hokuto-shi, Hokkaido N41-49-58.1 E140-38-37.5

3-Oct-082008Hok 27 235072

Amphicarpaea bracteata wild

北海道 北斗市 大野川上流 護岸横の草むら

Ohnogawa (river name), Hokuto-shi, Hokkaido N41-52-12.8 E140-38-21.5

3-Oct-082008Hok 28 235073 Glycine soja wild

北海道 北斗市 千代田 大野川 千代田橋横

beside Chiyoda-bridge, Ohnogawa (river name), Chiyoda, Hokuto-shi, Hokkaido N41-51-05.8 E140-39-10.0

3-Oct-082008Hok 29 235074 Lotus sp. wild

北海道 函館市 汐泊川 豊倉橋横

beside Toyokura-bridge, Shiodomarigawa (river name), Hakodate-shi, Hokkaido N41-46-07.0 E140-51-31.6

3-Oct-082008Hok 30 235075 Glycine soja wild

北海道 函館市 汐泊川 豊倉橋横

beside Toyokura-bridge, Shiodomarigawa (river name), Hakodate-shi, Hokkaido N41-46-07.0 E140-51-31.6

Table 3(continued).

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- 9 -

Altitude Habitat ShadingDisturb-

ancePopulation size Growth stage Soil Seed


Nodule Re:

3m grassland light med several plants pre-mature sand yes yes no Amanogawa (river name) river bank near Komori Ohashi

23m grassland open high a few plants mature sand yes yes no Amanogawa (river name) river side near Miyakoshi Station. a few plants.

23m grassland open high plenty mature sand yes yes no river side. plenty

29m grassland open high a few plants mature gravel yes no no Gravel quarry beside Ishizakigawa (river name).

27m grassland light med plenty mature sand yes no no Kikonaigawa (river name) river bank near Yoshihori bridge

14m grassland open med several plants mature mad yes yes no Hekirichigawa (river name) river side near Daikugawa bridge

14m grassland open med several plants mature mad yes yes no Hekirichigawa (river name) river side near Daikugawa bridge

14m grassland open med several plants mature mad yes yes no Hekirichigawa (river name) river side near Daikugawa bridge

? grassland light med several plants mature sand yes no no grassland beside Ohnogawa (river name)

8m grassland light med several plants mature sand yes yes no Ohnogawa (river name) river bank near Chiyoda bridge

2m grassland light high several plants mature sand yes yes no Shiodomarigawa (river name) river bank near Toyokura bridge. fine sand. large pod & leaf size.

2m grassland light high several plants mature sand yes yes no Shiodomarigawa (river name) river bank near Toyokura bridge. fine sand. large pod & leaf size.

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Photo 1.Glycine soja (2008Hok2) population

growing on the Kenomai river bank, Hidaka

town. They have narrow leaflets and long pods.

Photo 2. Glycine soja (2008Hok3) population growing on the Gabari river side, Hidaka town. Soil type is fine black sand. They showed later maturity compared with Hok2 population.

Photo 3. Lotus sp. (2008Hok15) population growing near Assabu river, Esashi town.

Photo 4. Glycine soja (2008Hok30) population growing on the Shiodomari river bank, Hakodate city. Soil type is fine sand.

Photo 5. Seeds of Amphicarpaea bracteata (2008Hok9) population growing sympatric with G. soja, Niikappu town.

Photo 6. Smaller seeds of Amphicarpaea bracteata (2008Hok13) population growing on the Hime river bank, Otobe town. .

Photo 7. Seeds of Glycine soja (2008Hok25A) population growing on the Hekirichi river side bush, Hokuto city.

Photo 8. Smaller seeds of Glycine soja (2008Hok25B) population growing only 10 m apart from 2008HokA site, Hokuto city.

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〔植探報 Vol. 25 : 13 ~ 19,2009〕


猿田 正恭・高田 吉丈・岡部 昭典


Exploration and Collection of Wild Soybean(Glycine soja) in Ehime Prefecture

Masayasu SARUTA, Yoshitake TAKADA and Akinori OKABE

Soybean Breeding Research Subteam for Western Region,

National Agricultural Research Center for Western Region.

1-3-1 Senyu, Zentsuji, Kagawa 765-8508, Japan


Exploration for collecting wild soybean (Glycine soja) in Ehime Prefecture was conducted

on October 8, October 21-22, October 28, November 18, 2008 (Table 1 and Fig.1). During this

exploration, we visited 101 sites and collected 28 wild soybean seed samples from 25 sites and

15 wild azuki bean (Vigna angularis var. nipponensis) seed samples from 15 sites and 1 soybean

(Glycine max)(Table 1).

1. 目的

 ツルマメ (Glycine soja) は,ダイズ (Glycine max) の祖先種と考えられ,ダイズにはない子実


とから,ダイズの品種改良にとって貴重な遺伝資源である 1),2),3).ツルマメは北海道から九州ま


た 4),5),6),7),8),9),10),11),12).四国においては,2004 年に高知県から徳島県にまたがる吉野川流域及び

2006 年に四万十川流域の探索・収集が行われた 13),14).今回は四国西部の主に愛媛県における



2. 調査方法

 2008 年 10 月 8 日,10 月 21-22 日,10 月 28 日,11 月 18 日に愛媛県を中心に 101 地点

について探索した.地点の緯度,経度は eTrex Vista HCx(GARMIN 社 ) で測定した.移動は自動




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- 14 -





 10 月 8 日は,肱川上流域の宇和川及び岩瀬川沿いの 9 地点を探索し,ツルマメを 3 地点から

4 点,ヤブツルアズキを 1 地点から1点収集した.10 月 21 日から 22 日の 2 日間は,南予地方








は25地点から28点,ヤブツルアズキは15地点から15点,ダイズは1点を収集した (Table

1, Fig. 1).













 今回は,10 月 8 日の収集時点ではやや時期が早く未成熟の莢も見受けられたが,収集は可能

であった.10 月 21-22 日の収穫時点ではツルマメの葉も残っている状態で,かつ莢も充実して








1) 羽鹿牧太・異議田和典・高橋将一・酒井真次 (1995) ツルマメから得られた 7S 蛋白質サブユニッ

 トの変異体.育雑 45( 別 2):243.

2) 菊池彰夫・田淵公清・足立大山 (1996) 雄物川流域河川で収集したツルマメの蛋白質サブユニッ

 トの変異.日作東北支部報 39:95 ~ 96.

3) 藤田佳克・鈴木穂積 (1986) ダイズ紫斑病に対する野生ダイズ(ツルマメ)系統の抵抗性.北

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- 15 -




















Fig. 1 The collecting sites of wild soybean, wild azuki bean and soybean


 日本病虫研報 37:56 ~ 59.

4) 喜多村啓介・石本政男 (1989) 中部地域の野生ダイズ(ツルマメ)の収集.植探報 5:81 ~


5) 中村茂樹・菊池彰夫・高橋浩司 (1994) 東北地域の野生大豆(ツルマメ)の収集 1) 秋田県内

 雄物川流域河川の収集.植探報 10:53 ~ 58.

6) 矢ヶ崎和弘・喜多村啓介・山田直弘 (1996) 京都府および兵庫県における野生大豆(ツルマメ)

 の収集.植探報 12:27 ~ 31.

7) 高橋将一・羽鹿牧太 (1997) 南西諸島における豆類の探索収集.植探報 13:35 ~ 39.

8) 友岡憲彦 (1997) 茨城・福島・新潟・栃木・熊本・福岡・佐賀県におけるダイズ近縁野生種ツ

 ルマメおよびアズキ近縁野生種ヤブツルアズキの収集と調査.植探報 13:41 ~ 57

9) 菊池彰夫・足立大山・島田尚典・高田吉丈 (1998) 東北地域における野生大豆(ツルマメ)の

 収集-山形県内最上川流域-.植探報 14:25 ~ 31.

10) 羽鹿牧太・高橋浩司・平賀勧 (2003) 房総半島におけるツルマメの探索・収集.植探報 19:

 7 ~ 15.

11) 河野雄飛・高田吉丈・湯本節三 (2004) 東北地域における野生大豆(ツルマメ)の収集-岩

 手県内北上川および北部河川流域-.植探報 20:11 ~ 17.

12) 山田哲也・羽鹿牧太・松永亮一・高橋浩二 (2008) 静岡県伊豆半島におけるツルマメの探索・

 収集 . 植探報 24:1 ~ 7.

13) 菊池彰夫・猿田正恭・岡部昭典 (2005) 吉野川流域における野生大豆(ツルマメ)の収集.

 植探報 21:1 ~ 7.

14) 猿田正恭・菊池彰夫・岡部昭典 (2007) 四万十川流域における野生大豆(ツルマメ)の収集 .

 植探報 23:1 ~ 7.

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Table 1. Itinerary of the exploration in Ehime Prefecture



収集番号地点 番号 市町村名 地名等 河川名 北緯 東経

10/8 香川県善通寺市 四国研究センター 34.232 133.775 10/8 1 愛媛県西予市宇和町 宇和川 33.359 132.519 10/8 2 愛媛県西予市宇和町 下瀬橋付近 宇和川 33.360 132.514 10/8 3 愛媛県西予市宇和町 新開橋付近 岩瀬川 33.367 132.526 10/8 4 愛媛県西予市宇和町 岩瀬川 33.369 132.525 001 ツルマメ,002 ツルマメ10/8 5 愛媛県西予市宇和町 岩瀬川 33.390 132.531 10/8 6 愛媛県西予市宇和町 丸田橋付近 宇和川 33.369 132.504 10/8 7 愛媛県西予市宇和町 新田橋付近 宇和川 33.372 132.503 003 ツルマメ10/8 8 愛媛県西予市宇和町 戸之下橋付近 宇和川 33.409 132.510 004 ツルマメ10/8 9 愛媛県西予市宇和町 宇和川 33.436 132.517 005 ヤブツルアズキ

10/21 香川県善通寺市 四国研究センター 34.230 133.777 10/21 10 愛媛県宇和島市 茂の森 高串川 33.249 132.569 10/21 11 愛媛県宇和島市 須賀川 33.235 132.571 10/21 12 愛媛県宇和島市 須賀川ダム下 須賀川 33.241 132.589 10/21 13 愛媛県広見町 牛野川 33.240 132.619 10/21 14 愛媛県宇和島市中沢町 三島神社付近 来村川 33.208 132.551 10/21 15 愛媛県宇和島市 国道 56 号陸橋下 来村川 33.202 132.546 006 ツルマメ10/21 16 愛媛県宇和島市阿瀬部 阿瀬部川 33.174 132.557 10/21 17 愛媛県津島町 遠近川 33.144 132.523 007 ツルマメ,008 ヤブツルアズキ10/21 18 愛媛県津島町 芳原川 33.110 132.514 10/21 19 愛媛県津島町 鴨田橋付近 芳原川 33.096 132.516 009 ツルマメ,010 ヤブツルアズキ10/21 20 愛媛県津島町 芳原川付近 芳原川 33.085 132.504 10/21 21 愛媛県御荘町 僧都川 32.961 132.568 10/21 22 愛媛県城辺町 僧都川 32.965 132.586 10/21 23 愛媛県城辺町 僧都川 32.971 132.596 10/21 24 愛媛県一本松町 増田川 32.969 132.656 011 ツルマメ10/21 25 愛媛県一本松町 増田川 32.982 132.658 012 ツルマメ10/21 26 高知県宿毛市 篠川 32.966 132.697 013 ツルマメ10/21 27 高知県宿毛市 白星神社前 篠川 32.960 132.726 014 ツルマメ,015 ヤブツルアズキ10/21 28 高知県宿毛市 篠川 32.952 132.732 016 ツルマメ,017 ヤブツルアズキ

10/22 29 高知県宿毛市 松田川橋付近 松田川 32.929 132.717 018 ツルマメ,019 ツルマメ10/22 30 高知県宿毛市 くろしお鉄道鉄橋下 松田川 32.934 132.731 020 ツルマメ,021 ツルマメ10/22 31 高知県宿毛市 文殊橋付近 松田川 32.952 132.738 022 ツルマメ,023 ヤブツルアズキ10/22 32 高知県宿毛市 和田橋付近 松田川 32.961 132.749 024 ツルマメ,025 ヤブツルアズキ10/22 33 高知県宿毛市 八ヶ合橋付近 松田川 32.975 132.768 026 ツルマメ10/22 34 高知県宿毛市 奥奈路橋付近 松田川 32.988 132.764 027 ツルマメ,028 ヤブツルアズキ10/22 35 高知県宿毛市 小浜橋付近 松田川 33.004 132.760 10/22 36 高知県宿毛市 下坂本橋付近 松田川 33.011 132.750 10/22 37 高知県宿毛市 坂本橋付近 松田川 33.023 132.734 10/22 38 愛媛県津島町 又治郎橋付近 33.111 132.570 10/22 39 愛媛県津島町 颪部橋付近 岩松川 33.124 132.564 029 ヤブツルアズキ10/22 40 愛媛県津島町 岩松川合流付近 野井川 33.126 132.557 030 ツルマメ,031 ヤブツルアズキ10/22 41 愛媛県津島町 増穂川合流付近 岩松川 33.126 132.538 032 ツルマメ,033 ヤブツルアズキ10/22 42 愛媛県津島町 岩松橋付近 岩松川 33.126 132.522 034 ヤブツルアズキ10/22 43 愛媛県宇和町 岩瀬川合流付近 肱川 33.356 132.527 035 ツルマメ10/22 44 愛媛県宇和町 下川橋付近 肱川 33.342 132.551 036 ツルマメ, 

037 ヤブツルアズキ?(直立)10/22 45 愛媛県野村町 陰の地 稲生川 33.386 132.601 10/22 46 愛媛県野村町 稲生川 33.404 132.588 10/22 47 愛媛県野村町 旭 稲生川 33.394 132.589 038 ヤブツルアズキ10/22 48 愛媛県野村町 肱川 33.368 132.640 10/22 49 愛媛県肱川町 清流の里ひじかわ付近 肱川 33.461 132.677 10/22 50 愛媛県大洲市 下川本橋付近 肱川 33.483 132.651 10/22 51 愛媛県大洲市 大成橋付近 肱川 33.484 132.639 10/22 52 愛媛県大洲市 日枝神社付近 肱川 33.504 132.621 10/22 53 愛媛県大洲市 肱川 33.506 132.593 10/22 54 愛媛県大洲市 新富士橋付近 肱川 33.504 132.552 10/22 55 愛媛県大洲市 五郎大橋付近 肱川 33.524 132.549 10/22 56 愛媛県大洲市 肱川 33.547 132.564

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Table 1(continued).


収集番号地点番号 市町村名 地名等 河川名 北緯 東経

10/22 57 愛媛県大洲市 祇園大橋付近 肱川 33.562 132.535 039 ヤブツルアズキ10/22 58 愛媛県長浜町 白滝大橋付近 肱川 33.578 132.524 040 ツルマメ

10/28 香川県善通寺市 四国研究センター 34.230 133.776 10/28 59 愛媛県今治市 宮ヶ崎橋付近 頓田川 34.011 133.012 10/28 60 愛媛県今治市 千歳橋付近 頓田川 34.002 133.019 10/28 61 愛媛県今治市 頓田橋付近 頓田川 34.037 133.028 10/28 62 愛媛県今治市 蒼社橋付近 蒼社川 34.056 133.007 041 ツルマメ10/28 63 愛媛県今治市 郷橋付近 蒼社川 34.051 132.993 042 ツルマメ10/28 64 愛媛県今治市 山手橋付近 蒼社川 34.037 132.975 10/28 65 愛媛県今治市玉川町 新永代橋付近 蒼社川 34.027 132.959 10/28 66 愛媛県松山市 神途橋付近 立岩川 33.977 132.833 10/28 67 愛媛県松山市 井口橋 立岩川 33.972 132.808 10/28 68 愛媛県松山市 難波橋付近 立岩川 33.977 132.788 043 ツルマメ10/28 69 愛媛県松山市 立岩橋付近 立岩川 33.981 132.776 10/28 70 愛媛県松山市 出合橋付近 重信川 33.807 132.725 10/28 71 愛媛県松山市 川口大橋 重信川 33.807 132.701 10/28 72 愛媛県松山市 市坪橋付近 石手川 33.815 132.751 10/28 73 愛媛県松山市 天山橋付近 小野川 33.818 132.777 10/28 74 愛媛県松山市 泉永寺橋付近 石手川 33.817 132.756 10/28 75 愛媛県松山市 高速高架した 重信川 33.791 132.776 10/28 76 愛媛県松山市 重信橋付近 重信川 33.788 132.790 10/28 77 愛媛県松山市 重信川 33.787 132.809 10/28 78 愛媛県東温市 拝志大橋付近 重信川 33.784 132.867 10/28 79 愛媛県東温市 重信川 33.798 132.885 10/28 80 愛媛県東温市 重信川 33.815 132.899 10/28 81 愛媛県東温市 重信川 33.795 132.913

11/18 香川県善通寺市 四国研究センター 34.232 133.775 11/18 82 愛媛県西条市 石鎚橋付近の農道端 中山川 33.886 133.070 044 ダイズ11/18 83 愛媛県西条市 中山川 33.875 133.056 11/18 84 愛媛県西条市 石経橋付近 関屋川 33.869 133.038 11/18 85 愛媛県西条市 きとら橋付近 中山川 33.860 133.025 11/18 86 愛媛県西条市 吉田橋付近 中山川 33.906 133.092 11/18 87 愛媛県西条市 新中山川大橋 中山川 33.905 133.112 11/18 88 愛媛県西条市 中山川橋付近 中山川 33.904 133.118 11/18 89 愛媛県西条市 加茂川橋付近 加茂川 33.903 133.182 11/18 90 愛媛県西条市 古川橋付近 加茂川 33.913 133.164 11/18 91 愛媛県西条市 水都橋付近 加茂川 33.911 133.172 11/18 92 愛媛県西条市 船形橋付近 加茂川 33.888 133.187 11/18 93 愛媛県新居浜市 種子川橋付近 種子川 33.928 133.319 11/18 94 愛媛県新居浜市 新田東橋付近 国領川 33.930 133.314 11/18 95 愛媛県新居浜市 新地橋付近 国領川 33.925 133.309 11/18 96 愛媛県新居浜市 国領大橋 国領川 33.939 133.316 11/18 97 愛媛県四国中央市 城下橋付近 国領川 33.958 133.301 11/18 98 愛媛県四国中央市 半田橋付近 金生川 33.992 133.605 11/18 99 愛媛県四国中央市 かわらだ橋付近 金生川 33.997 133.586 11/18 100 愛媛県四国中央市 山田井橋付近 金生川 34.007 133.582 11/18 101 愛媛県四国中央市 新橋付近 金生川 34.007 133.569

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Photo. 1 Wild soybean population twined around a Canada goldenrod. セイタカアワダチソウに巻き付いたツルマメの群落(収集地点:44,肱川下川橋付近)

Photo. 2 Wild azuki bean (erected type) beside Shimokawa-bashi. 下川橋付近の直立型のヤブツルアズキ(収集地点:44, 肱川下川橋付近)

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松岡 誠・杉松 力

九州沖縄農業研究センター 種子島試験地

Exploration of Sugarcane Wild Species (Saccharum spontaneum) in Eastern Kochi Prefecture


National Agricultural Research Center for Kyushu Okinawa Region, 1742-1 Annou, Nishinoomote, Kagoshima 891-3102, Japan


Exploration for collecting sugarcane wild species, Saccharum spontaneum in Eastern part

of Kochi Prefecture was carried out on September 10 to 12 in 2008. During this exploration, we

did not observe any plant community of sugarcane wild species in the coastline from Suzaki City

to Cape Muroto.

KEYWORDS : Kochi, sugarcane, wild species, Saccharum spontaneum


 サトウキビ野生種 (Saccharum spontaneum, 和名;ワセオバナ ) は,南アジア,東南アジアを


野生種分布の北限域に位置し,これまでに 600 系統を越える日本産サトウキビ野生種がジーン




れ収集が進められてきた 1,2,3).今回は,前年度に野生種を発見・収集した高知県西部の土佐清水

市 4) から東の地域,須崎市から室戸市にかけての太平洋沿岸地域において探索・収集を実施した.



 探索は,出穂の状況が確認しやすく,比較的野生種が発見しやすいと思われる 9 月中旬(2007

年 9 月 10 ~ 12 日)に実施した.探索の経路は以下の通りである (Fig.1).




〔植探報 Vol. 25 : 21 ~ 23,2009〕

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- 22 -

9 月 11,12 日の両日,須崎市から室戸岬にかけての土佐湾に面した沿岸部を調査した.日本の


集されており,前年 2007 年の探索において土佐清水市で発見した群落も河口に自生していたこ



から上流約 1 km までは徒歩による調査を実施した.








はサトウキビ野生種は自生していない可能性が高い. 一方で同地域にはサトウキビを庭先など




Fig. 1. Exploration route in Eastern Kochi prefecture.


: Exploration route探索経路








Kochi prefecture

Susaki city

Cape MurotoTosa Bay


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- 23 -



 報 20:39-43.


 ウキビ野生種の探索収集.植探報 21:23-29.

3) 境垣内岳雄・福原誠司・久保光正・松岡誠・伊禮信・寺島義文.2007.愛知県渥美半島お

 よび三重県伊勢志摩地域におけるサトウキビ野生種の探索収集.植探報 23:37-43.

4) 松岡誠・境垣内岳雄・平原徳明.2008.四国西部地域におけるサトウキビ野生種の探索収集.

 植探報 24:41-45.

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〔植探報 Vol. 25 : 25 ~ 28,2009〕


 上山 泰史・ 久保田 明人

 農業・食品産業技術総合研究機構 東北農業研究センター 飼料作物育種研究東北サブ


Exploration and Collection of Kusayoshi(Phalaris arundinacea L.) in Tohoku Region

Yasufumi UEYAMA and Akito KUBOTA

Forage Crop Breeding Research Subteam (Tohoku Region), National Agricultural

Research Center for Tohoku Region, National Agriculture and Food Research

Organization, Shimo-Kuriyagawa, Morioka, Iwate 020-0198, Japan


Exploration and collection of Kusayoshi were conducted four times in Tohoku region. The

plant is a hygrophyte and distributed indigenously at swamps in all over Japan. On the other

hand, Reed canarygrass is a same species as Kusayoshi and has been introduced into Japan as

a forage crop from North American or European countries. We explored the area a part from

a flourishing zone of animal industries and tried to collect Japanese native Kusayoshi plants. A

total of 15 populations were collected.


 クサヨシ(Phalaris arundinacea L.)は,イネ科クサヨシ属植物の中で我が国唯一の在来種で



リーグラスである.クサヨシ属植物には Phalaris poisoning と呼ばれる家畜に有毒なアルカロイ



 米国ではリードカナリーグラスは,19 世紀中頃に欧州から導入されて急速に広がり,侵略的

草種(invasive grass) として問題視されている4).我が国でも越冬・越夏性に加え耐湿性にも優

れるリードカナリーグラスが,転作田や湿害の出やすい草地で栽培できる牧草として,1965 年

以降盛んに全国に導入されている.また,欧米ではバイオマス植物としての評価も高く 5),今後



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- 26 -

導入された品種がその生育範囲を拡大させていると考えられ, 在来クサヨシの自生地に侵入して





 平成 20 年 7 月 30 日~ 8 月 1 日に山形県庄内地方及び新潟県下越地方(第1回)で,9 月 4

~ 5 日に青森県津軽地方(第2回)で探索収集を行った.これらの地域では畜産が盛んでなく,





岩手県(8 月 22 日)と福島県(9 月 11 日)でも収集した.


 7 月 30 日に山形県畜産試験場及び庄内総合支庁産業経済部農業技術普及課から,クサヨシが

鶴岡市を流れる赤川河川敷などに生育しているとの情報を得た.翌 31 日朝から鶴岡市内を赤川






地帯であることから,遠距離からの花粉飛散に期待し,穂を採取した.JR 羽越本線を跨ぐと平


ける山塊で,国道 7 号線開設以前の「羽州浜街道」が波打際に沿っていたとみられる.三瀬川,





県に入った.国道7号線が勝木川に沿って海岸から内陸部に至る付近で,川の周辺を数百 m 以













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 翌 8 月 1 日は,福島潟周辺,信濃川を臼井橋まで遡り,さらに国道 460 号線から新津市,五


広範囲に探索した結果,クサヨシ群落を発見し,採種した.第1回の探索では 3 日間で 7 点収


第 2 回の探索は,9 月 4 ~ 5 日に青森県津軽地域で行った.探索を始める前に青森県畜産試


かったため,第1回と同様に河川や湖沼を探索することにした.まず,国道 4 号線を野辺地方







れたところであった.次に,弘前市に向かい,岩木川及びその支流の河原で収集した.第 2 回

の探索では,2 日間で計 4 点収集した.

 以上の 2 回の探索とは別に岩手県内陸部で 2 点,福島県浜通りで 2 点を収集した.今回収集

した地点の中では,岩手県内陸部の 2 カ所が牧草を導入した草地が分布する唯一の地域であり,





 次年度以降, 増殖の上, 特性調査を行う.収集したサンプルは,播種・育苗中で,3 月 23 日

現在で,収集番号 8 について 1 個体,その他のサンプルについては 4 ~ 30 個体の苗を得ている.


 クサヨシは小型のヨシ ( 葦 ) という意味で,我が国在来の水生植物に区分される場合も多いが,



北海道などで雑草化の問題となっているリードカナリーグラス 6) に比べ侵略性が低いように思




1)Cheeke, P.R.(1995) Endogenous toxins and mycotoxins in forage grasses and their effects

 on livestock. J. Anim. Sci. 73:909-918

2)北村四郎・村田源・小山鐵夫 (1964) 原色日本植物図鑑 . 草本編Ⅲ . 保育社

3)環境省 (2004) 我が国に定着している外来生物(植物)のリスト(暫定版).特定外来生物


 intro/4document/sentei/plant01/index.html [2009 年 3 月 26 日参照]

4) Lavergne, S. and J. Molofsky (2007) Increased genetic variation and evolutionary     

 potential drive the success of an invasive grass. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.104:3883-3888

Page 30: 植物遺伝資源探索導入調査報告書...独立行政法人 農 業 生 物 資 源 研 究 所 編 ISSN 0915-602X 植物遺伝資源探索導入調査報告書 通 巻 第

- 28 -

Table 1. A list of Kusayoshi(Phalaris arundinacea L.) populations collected in Tohoku Region


番号 収集日 収集地  備 考

1 7/31 山形県鶴岡市櫛引町 赤川河川敷内

2 7/31 山形県鶴岡市水沢 大山川堤 1 個体のみ

3 7/31 山形県温海町 温海川近くの土手

4 7/31 新潟県村上市中津原 勝木川沿いの耕作放棄地

5 7/31 新潟県村上市宮ノ下 三面川水明橋下の河川敷

6 7/31 新潟県胎内市羽黒 用水路中

7 8/1 新潟県五泉市馬下 阿賀野川河川敷

8 9/4 青森県青森市八幡林 野内川の堤 1 個体のみ

9 9/5 青森県つがる市富萢町 山田川横の整備された水路堤防

10 9/5 青森県弘前市大字独狐 後長根川河川敷

11 9/5 青森県弘前市大字藤代 岩木川藤木橋南側河川敷

12 8/22 岩手県盛岡市玉山区藪川逆川 国道 455 号線 荒地

13 8/22 岩手県盛岡市玉山区薮川 大石川近くの草地の端

14 9/11 福島県浪江町大字高瀬 高瀬川橋下の河川敷

15 9/11 福島県浪江町大字高瀬 国道 6 号の路端

5)Lewandowski, I., J. O.Schurlock, E. Lindvall and M.Chistou(2003) The development    

 and current atatus of perennial rhizomatous grasses as energy crop in the US and Europe.  

 Biomass, and Bioenergy 25:335-361.

6)高山光男 (2003) 北海道における草地更新の必要性と留意点.牧草と園芸 51(6): 5-8

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- 29 -

〔植探報 Vol. 25 : 29 ~ 35,2009〕


山下 浩・住吉 正・加藤 直樹・我有 満・桂 真昭・高井 智之


Exploration and Collection of sea-shore paspalum (Paspalum distichum L.) in Fukuoka, Saga and Kumamoto

prefectures, Japan.

Hiroshi YAMASHITA, Tadashi SUMIYOSHI, Naoki KATO, Mitsuru GAU, Masaaki KATSURA and Tomoyuki TAKAI

National Agricultural Research Center for Kyushu Okinawa Region, National Agriculture

and Food Research Organization, 2421 Suya, Koshi, Kumamoto, 861-1192 Japan


An exploration for collecting naturalized individuals of sea-shore paspalum (Paspalum

distichum L.) was undertaken in Fukuoka, Saga and Kumamoto prefectures, in southwestern

part of Japan. A total of 49 samples were collected.

KEY WORDS: sea-shore paspalum, Paspalum distichum, Fukuoka, Saga, Kumamoto

1. 背景と目的

キシュウスズメノヒエ(Paspalum distichum L.)は,アメリカの熱帯地域に由来する,イネ科

の多年草である.日本では 1924 年 7 月に和歌山県旧海草郡野崎村で自生が確認され 1),戦後,




体系も見込まれている 2).しかし,キシュウスズメノヒエの栄養価も他の暖地型牧草と同様にあ





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- 30 -

2. 調査収集方法


想定し,福岡県(Fig. 1),佐賀県(Fig. 2)および熊本県(Fig. 3)の水田,用水路ならびに池を


3. 調査収集結果

収集結果を Table 1 に示した.自生株 49 点を収集したが,収集地点の標高は,約 480 m にあ

る熊本県阿蘇市小里のふれあい水辺公園内池 ( 収集番号 27 および 48) を除き,全て 250 m 以下

であった.なお,筑後市4カ所で採集した,キシュウスズメノヒエの亜種とされる 4 倍体 (2n=40)

のチクゴスズメノヒエ ( 収集番号 1,Photo 1 右 ) を除き,その他は全て 6 倍体 (2n=60) と推測


4. 所感




矢部地域,福岡県の星野地域といった,標高 300 m 以上の水田についても調査を行ったが,阿

蘇市小里以外に自生株は発見できなかった.日本における分布も関東南部以西とされる 3) こと



には耐冷性を付与することが重要と考えられるため,分布北限地域や 200 m 以上の高標高地帯


キシュウスズメノヒエは,200 m 以下の低標高地域でも,管理の行き届いた水田では発見が



どの水田雑草が多発している水田,耕作放棄田,用水路 (Photo 2) や池 (Photo 4) であった.こ


いは水田面と接する土壌面から水面や水田面に伸展していく特性 (Photo 2) のため,畦畔や用水





キシュウスズメノヒエは稔実率が数%と低い 2) ため,通常は種子による増殖が困難である.し

かし,収集番号 26 および 37 で認められたように,稀に一つの穂で 10~ 数 10 %の稔性が認め


5. 謝辞

牧草として使用されている材料の提供を頂きました熊本県氷川町鹿島の中根氏夫妻 ( 収集番号

28: 竜北グラス ),ならびに,キシュウスズメノヒエの日本での発見の経緯に関する情報提供を


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- 31 -

6. 引用文献

1)久内清孝 1950. 帰化植物 :67. 科学図書出版社 .

2)池田一 1989. キシュウスズメノヒエ (Paspalum distichum L.) の特性と利用について . 日草誌


3)長田武正 2002. キシュウスズメノヒエ . 増補日本イネ科植物図譜 :582-583. 平凡社 .

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Fig 1. Exploration sites in Fukuoka Prefecture

●:collection sites and collection number



Fig 2. Exploration sites in Saga Prefecture

●:collection sites and collection number











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- 33 -

Fig 3. Exploration sites in Kumamoto Prefecture

●:collection sites and collection number





� 38,39


� 4-6,40-42



�34 �33

�12 � 3



� 49


� 31,32


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- 34 -

採集番号 試験系統名 県 郡・市 町・字 採集日 標高

(m) 備考

1 四ケ所 福岡県 筑後市 四ケ所 2008.7.16 5 用水路 ( チクゴスズメノヒエ )・住吉正氏採集2 富久 福岡県 筑後市 富久上富久 2008.7.16 5 水田・住吉正氏採集3 栄 熊本県 合志市 栄 2008.8.29 50 塩浸川北耕作放棄田4 豊水 熊本県 菊池市 泗水町豊水久米二区 2008.8.29 50 耕作放棄田5 住吉 熊本県 菊池市 泗水町住吉南住吉 2008.8.30 65 水田6 村吉 熊本県 菊池市 泗水町吉富村吉 2008.8.30 55 耕作放棄田

7 須屋北 熊本県 合志市 須屋 2008.9.1 75 九沖農研南8 須屋南 熊本県 合志市 須屋 2008.9.1 35 新須屋駅東北水田横道端9 大鳥居 熊本県 熊本市 大鳥居 2008.9.1 80 水田10 楠野 熊本県 熊本市 楠野 2008.9.1 40 水田11 石渕 熊本県 山鹿市 鹿本町石渕 2008.9.6 40 鹿本水辺プラザ東水路12 小野 熊本県 鹿本郡 植木町小野 2008.9.9 70 小野泉水公園13 五町田甲 佐賀県 嬉野市 五町田甲 2008.9.9 10 和泉式部公園北用水路14 浜干拓 佐賀県 鹿島市 浜町 2008.9.9 2 干拓地調整池15 織島北 佐賀県 小城市 三日月町織島岡本 2008.9.9 20 岡本薬師堂南・水田16 織島南 佐賀県 小城市 三日月町織島 2008.9.9 20 水田17 岡本 1A 福岡県 春日市 岡本1丁目 2008.9.14 15 岡本保育所南・水田18 岡本 1 B 福岡県 春日市 岡本1丁目 2008.9.14 15 岡本保育所南・水田19 岡本1C 福岡県 春日市 岡本1丁目 2008.9.14 15 岡本保育所南・水田20 岡本 1 D 福岡県 春日市 岡本1丁目 2008.9.14 15 岡本保育所南・水田21 岡本 1 E 福岡県 春日市 岡本1丁目 2008.9.14 15 岡本保育所南・水田22 岡本6A 福岡県 春日市 岡本6丁目 2008.9.14 20 岡本神社水田23 岡本6B 福岡県 春日市 岡本6丁目 2008.9.14 20 岡本神社水田24 岡本6C 福岡県 春日市 岡本6丁目 2008.9.14 20 岡本神社水田25 山下 熊本県 玉名市 岱明町山下 2008.9.14 5 水田26 瀬田 熊本県 菊池郡 大津町瀬田 2008.9.16 130 水田・稔性 14 % (1 穂のみ )27 小里 熊本県 阿蘇市 小里 2008.9.16 480 ふれあい水辺公園北池北28 竜北グラス 熊本県 八代郡 氷川町鹿島 2008.9.17 2 中根さんより分譲29 若洲 熊本県 八代郡 氷川町若洲 2008.9.17 1 干拓地調整池30 海路口 熊本県 熊本市 海路口 2008.9.17 2 耕作放棄田31 中原 熊本県 熊本市 中原 2008.9.17 6 白川河口堤防南水たまり32 小島 熊本県 熊本市 小島7丁目 2008.9.17 3 JA 南舗道33 小天 熊本県 玉名市 天水町小天 2008.9.17 1 唐人川樋門西水路34 共栄 熊本県 玉名市 横島町共栄 2008.9.17 3 熊本牧場東・水田35 木上北 熊本県 球磨郡 錦町木上北山下 2008.9.19 120 水田36 一武 熊本県 球磨郡 錦町一武平岩 2008.9.19 120 水田37 岩野 熊本県 山鹿市 鹿北町岩野 2008.9.21 70 水田・稔性 33 % (1 穂のみ )38 芋生 熊本県 山鹿市 鹿北町芋生川原谷 2008.9.21 55 JA 集荷所南東・水田39 四丁 熊本県 山鹿市 鹿北町四丁山下 2008.9.21 50 水田40 菊農A 熊本県 菊池市 出田 2008.9.22 87 菊池農業高校実習田・多発41 菊農B 熊本県 菊池市 出田 2008.9.27 87 菊池農業高校実習田・多発42 富 熊本県 菊池市 吉富富 2008.10.4 52 古賀内科南合鴨田43 奴国の丘 福岡県 春日市 岡本5丁目 2008.10.12 25 奴国の丘公園南池44 九大農場 福岡県 糟屋郡 粕屋町原町 2008.10.12 20 九大附属農場水田・多発45 上小野 福岡県 八女郡 星野村上小野 2008.10.12 179 小野小学校西・水田46 月足 福岡県 八女郡 黒木町大淵月足 2008.10.12 230 下月足バス停東国道 442 路側47 白石 佐賀県 杵島郡 白石町東郷 2008.10.14 3 杵島農改センター南水田・加藤直樹氏採集

48 小里南 熊本県 阿蘇市 小里 2008.10.16 480 ふれあい水辺公園北池南49 御船 熊本県 上益城郡 御船町高木・木倉 2008.10.19 10 飼料稲水田・加藤直樹氏採集

Table 1. List of sea-shore paspalum collected in Fukuoka, Saga and Kumamoto Prefecture.



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- 35 -

Photo 1. Individuals collected in Chikugo (Right: Col. No.1, Left: Col. No.2) 筑後市で収集された自生株(右:収集番号 1,チクゴスズメノヒエ 左:収集番号 2, キシュウスズメノヒエ)

Photo 2. Individual collected in Ureshino (Col. No.13) 嬉野市で収集された自生株(収集番号 13)

Photo 3. Field of sea-shore paspalum as forage crop in Hikawa (Col. No.28) 牧草として栽培している中根氏圃場(収集番号 28:竜北グラス)

Photo 4. Individual collected in Nakokunooka Park (Col. No.43) 奴国の丘公園で収集された自生株(収集番号43)

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- 37 -

〔植探報 Vol. 25 : 37 ~ 43,2009〕


山下 浩・我有 満・桂 真昭・高井 智之


Exploration and Collection of Italian Rye-grass in Kumamoto and Kagoshima prefectures, Japan.

Hiroshi YAMASHITA, Mitsuru GAU, Masaaki KATSURA and Tomoyuki TAKAI

National Agricultural Research Center for Kyushu Okinawa Region, National Agriculture

and Food Research Organization, 2421 Suya, Koshi, Kumamoto, 861-1192 Japan


An exploration for collecting naturalized individuals of italian rye-grass (Lolium

multiflorium Lam.) was undertaken in southwestern part of Kumamoto prefecture and

southwestern part of Kagoshima, in southwestern part of Japan. A total of 12 samples were


KEY WORDS: italian rye-grass, Lolium multiflorium, Kumamoto, Kagoshima

1. 背景と目的

イタリアンライグラス(Lolium multiflorium Lam.)は湿潤な日本の気候に適し栄養価に優れ


これまでイタリアンライグラス育種を担当する場所がなかったが,2007 年度から九州沖縄農業





2. 調査収集方法

冬期の短日条件でも伸長する特性を有する遺伝資源の自生地として想定される,1 月の平均気

温が 6℃以上である地域を中心に,2008 年 6 月 12 日から 13 日にかけて,遺伝資源の探索と


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- 38 -

ら薩摩半島西側を北上し,出水郡長島町から天草下島を経て上島までを調査した(Fig. 1 および

Fig. 2).なお,農家等のイタリアンライグラス栽培圃場から逸出して年数があまり経過していな


地点からは,50~100 個体より採種した.

3. 調査収集結果

収集結果を Table 1 に示した.収集が行うことができた地点は,南九州市頴娃町御領の馬渡川

河口 ( 収集番号 1),枕崎市中州川中流域の桜山本町から妙見町にかけての土手 ( 収集番号 2),中

州川との合流点より北にある桜山町の花渡川河原 ( 収集番号 3),南さつま市大浦町大浦川河口

( 収集番号 4),加世田小湊漁港 ( 収集番号 5),金峰町宮崎の万之瀬川河口 ( 収集番号 6),薩摩川

内市宮里町清水の土手 ( 収集番号 7),高江町倉浦の川内川河口 ( 収集番号 8,Photo 1),阿久根

市折口岩舟神社下の折口川河口 ( 収集番号 9,Photo 2),出水郡長島町蔵之元のフェリー乗り場

周辺 ( 収集番号 10,Photo 3),天草市牛深港の空き地 ( 収集番号 11),有明町小島子桑崎の国道

324 号線横の防波堤上 ( 収集番号 12,Photo 4) であった.南九州市頴娃町から枕崎市中州川の



4. 所感



集した系統の中には,河口の汽水域からほとんどハマスゲが生えるような砂浜に近い場所 ( 収集

番号 9,Photo 1),あるいは港 ( 収集番号 5,10 および 11,Photo 2 および Photo 3) でも採種

できたことから,これらの耐塩性はかなり高いことが推測された.さらに,天草市牛深 ( 収集番

号 11) および有明町小島子 ( 収集番号 12,Photo 4) における自生株は,種子が稔ったばかりの

個体の下に枯死して時間が経過した個体が認められ,秋から春にかけて 2 世代以上進んでいる







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収集番号 収集日 場所 備考

1 2008.6.12 鹿児島県南九州市頴娃町御領,馬渡川河口 自生株少

2 鹿児島県枕崎市妙見町 中州川土手 自生株少

3 鹿児島県枕崎市桜山町 花渡川河原 自生株多

4 鹿児島県南さつま市大浦町 大浦川河口 自生株多

5 鹿児島県南さつま市加世田小湊 漁港 自生株多

6 2008.6.13 鹿児島県南さつま市金峰町宮崎 万之瀬川河口 自生株多

7 鹿児島県薩摩川内市宮里町清水 川内川土手 自生株多

8 鹿児島県薩摩川内市高江町倉浦 川内川河口 自生株多

9 鹿児島県阿久根市折口岩舟神社下 自生株やや多

10 鹿児島県出水郡長島町蔵之元 フェリー乗り場 自生株多

11 熊本県天草市牛深町 空き地 自生株少,複数回発芽か?

12 熊本県天草市有明町小島子桑崎 防波堤 自生株多,複数回発芽か?

Table 1.List of Italian rye-grass collected in southern part of Kyushu, Japan


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Fig. 1. Exploration sites in Kagoshima Prefecture

●:collection sites and collection number








64 5

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Fig. 2. Exploration sites in Kumamoto Prefecture

●:collection sites and collection number





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Photo 1. Individuals collected in Satsumasendai

(Col. No.8)

薩摩川内市で収集された自生株(収集番号 8)

Photo 2. Individuals collected in Akune (Col.


阿久根市で収集された自生株(収集番号 9)

Photo 3. Individuals collected in Nagashima

(Col. No.10)

長島町で収集された自生株(収集番号 10)

Photo 4. Individuals collected in Ariake (Col.


有明町で収集された自生株(収集番号 12)

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〔植探報 Vol. 25 : 45 ~ 51,2009〕


伊藤 祐司・菅原 保英



Exploration and Collection of Himetsurukokemomo(Vaccinium microcarpum (Turcz.)Schmalh.)

in Nemuro City in Hokkaido

Yuji ITO and Yasuhide SUGAWARA

Fruit breeding group, Local Crop Breeding Research Team (Hokkaido Region),National

Agricultural Research Center for Hokkaido Region, National Agriculture and Food Research

Organization . 1 Hitsujigaoka, Sapporo 062-8555, Japan


An Exploration for collecting Himetsurukokemomo(Vaccinium microcarpum(Turcz.)

Schmalh.), a Japanese wild relative species of blueberries, was conducted from October 6th to

8th, 2008. A total of 13 scions of Himetsurukokemomo were collected.


 日本にはブルーベリーの近縁種であるスノキ (Vaccinium) 属植物が19種分布する 1).北海道



を行っている.今回はスノキ属のうち,ツルコケモモ類(スノキ属ツルコケモモ (Oxycoccus) 節)


クランベリー (V. macrocarpon Ait.)が栽培されており,高い健康機能性が注目されている.ヒ

メツルコケモモ (V. microcarpum(Turcz.)Schmalh.) は日本では北海道東部を中心に限定分布する




図鑑 1) 等によると,ツルコケモモは北海道から本州の湿原に分布し,北半球の北部にも広く

自生する.ほふく性の常緑小低木で,葉身が長さ 5 ~ 15mm の卵状長楕円形,果実は球形で径

約 10 mm,赤色に熟す.ヒメツルコケモモはツルコケモモによく似ていて生育場所もほぼ同じ

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であるが,分布数が少ない.植物体はツルコケモモより全体的に小さいことが多く,葉は長さ 2

~ 5 mm で果実は径 6 ~ 7 mm,大きな区別点は花柄に毛がないことであるとされている.








(20 根東管第 315 号)を受けた.具体的には,国有林保安林内の高山植物であるため,根を除

く 30 cm 以下の植物体(地上部の枝)を10個体から1本ずつ採取することが許可された.ツ







 私有地の湿原は,昨年の調査地域から約1 km 離れており,それとは道路で分離された湿原で







国有地の湿原は上記私有地の湿原から南西へ約 30 km 離れた国有林内の湿原であった.周囲




メツルコケモモとツルコケモモの根を除く 30 cm 以下の植物体(枝)を 10 個体から1本ずつ









管理署から採取許可を受けた.許可申請に当たって北海道森林管理局の河合氏 根釧東部森林管


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1)スノキ属 日本の野生植物 Ⅲ草本 p13-14. 平凡社

植物名 Japanese name    学名 Scientific name個体数

a total number of collections

収集地 Collection site

ヒメツルコケモモ Himetsurukokemomo Vaccinium microcarpum 13 根室市 Nemuro City

ツルコケモモ Tsurukokemomo Vaccinium oxycoccus 17 根室市 Nemuro City

Table1. Collection list of Nemuro City


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Photo 1. Photo 2.

Photo 3. ヒメツルコケモモの自生状況A habitat of Himetsurukokemomo

Photo 1 ~ 2. 調査した湿原付近の状況

A view of marshes explored

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Photo 5. ヒメツルコケモモとツルコケモモの枝葉及び果実(上(小葉,小さい2果実)はヒメツルコケモモ,下(大葉,大きい2果実)はツルコケモモ)Compar ison of twigs , l eaves and f ru i ts between Himetsurukokemomo(upper:small leaves and fruits) and Tsurukokemomo (lower:large leaves and fruits)

Photo 4. ヒメツルコケモモの枝葉及び果実Twigs, leaves and fruits of a Himetsurukokemomo plant

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- 53 -

〔植探報 Vol. 25 : 53 ~ 59,2009〕


伊藤 祐司・菅原 保英



Exploration and Collection of Muninshashanbo(Vaccinium boninense Nakai)in Chichijima Island, the Ogasawara

Islands in Tokyo Metropolitan Prefecture

Yuji ITO and Yasuhide SUGAWARA

Fruit breeding group, Local Crop Breeding Research Team (Hokkaido Region),National

Agricultural Research Center for Hokkaido Region, National Agriculture and Food

Research Organization . 1 Hitsujigaoka, Sapporo 062-8555, Japan


An Exploration for collecting Muninshashanbo(Vaccinium boninense Nakai), a Japanese

wild relative species of blueberries was conducted from November 28th to December 4th, 2008.

Three scions each of a total of 14 Muninshashanbo plants was collected in Chichijima Island,

the Ogasawara Islands in Tokyo Metoropolitan Prefecture.


 日本にはブルーベリーの近縁種であるスノキ (Vaccinium) 属植物が19種分布する 1).北海道




ンボ (Bracteata) 節)に着目した.ムニンシャシャンボは大陸と陸続きになったことのない海洋


大きく異なる形態を示すことが記載 1) されており,ムニンシャシャンボの利用可能性や日本自



 図鑑 1) 等によると,ムニンシャシャンボは小笠原諸島の固有植物で乾性低木林に自生する.



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- 54 -












12月1日付け20小笠原林第 139-69 号)を得るとともに小笠原諸島森林生態系保護地域の利



月16日付け環関地国許第 081016005 号),具体的には,特別保護地区及び特別地域となって



























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1)スノキ属 日本の野生植物 木本Ⅱ p150-156.平凡社

植物名 Japanese name    学名 Scientific name 個体数 a total number

of collections 収集地 Collection site


MuninshashanboVaccinium boninense 9 旭山 Asahiyama


MuninshashanboVaccinium boninense 1


Hatsuneura walking road 


MuninshashanboVaccinium boninense 1 中央山 Chuozan


MuninshashanboVaccinium boninens 3 宮之浜 Miyanohama

Table 1. 収集リスト Collection list of Chichijima Island

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Photo 1. 父島の乾性低木林  A view of subtropical dry scrub of Chichijima Island

Photo 2. ムニンシャシャンボの状況(旭山)

A habitat of Muninshashanbo(Asahiyama)

Photo 3. ムニンシャシャンボの自生状況


A habitat of Muninshashanbo(Hatsuneura)

Photo 5. ムニンシャシャンボの自生状況


A habitat of Muninshashanbo (Miyanohama)

Photo 4. ムニンシャシャンボの自生状況


A habitat of Muninshashanbo(Chuozan)

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Photo 9. ムニンシャシャンボの花 Flowers of a Muninshashanbo plant 

Photo 6. ムニンシャシャンボの果実(旭山)

Fruits of a Muninshashanbo(Asahiyama) Photo 7. ムニンシャシャンボの


Ftuits of a Muninshashanbo


Photo 8. ムニンシャシャンボの果実

Fruits of Muninshashanbo (Miyanohama)

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〔植探報 Vol. 25 : 61 ~ 69,2009〕

Exploration and Collection of Malus and Pyrus Genetics Resources in Tochigi Prefecture

Hiroyuki IKETANI and Nobuko MASE

Genetic Resources Laboratory, Research Support Center, National Institute of Fruit Tree

Science, National Agriculture and Food Research Organization

2-1 Fujimoto, Tsukuba, 305-8615, Japan


Wild genetic resources from indigenous populations of Malus baccata var. mandshurica

and M. toringo in Tochigi Prefecture were examined and collected. A total of 8 accessions of

genetics resources including 4 from M. baccata var. mandshurica and 4 from M. toringo were

collected. Materials for population analysis were also collected from two localities. In addition, a

local old tree of Pyrus pyriofolia was collected.

KEY WORDS: genetic resources, apple, pear, Malus, Pyrus, Nikkō, Tochigi.


  We have been seeking and collecting wild and escaped Japanese rosaceous fruit trees,

especially maloid species (apples, pears, etc.) in various regions of Japan for the purpose of

evaluating and exploiting them1), 2), 3), 4). This year (2008) we have been searching for such trees

in Tochigi Prefecture of the Kanto region. We mainly intended to explore Malus and Pyrus for

the following reasons;

Malus: A small natural populations of Malus baccata var. mandshurica was rediscovered from

Okunikkō area of this prefecture5). The origin and relationship of this population are questioned

and further investigations are desired.

Pyrus: The true natural populations of Pyrus ussuriensis var. ussuriensis in Japan are only

distributed the Kitakami Mountains of Iwate Prefecture6). However this plant is said to be

distributed in some other regions in local floristic studies, especially in Northeast Japan.

Trees morphologically identified as this species in the latter areas are perhaps P. ussuriensis

originated from either Japanese natural populations or Chinese cultivated plants, or hybrids

between this species and P. pyrifolia. In either case, the origin and the nature of these trees

should be investigated.


  To begin with, we examined plant specimens in the herbarium of the Tochigi Prefectural

Museum (TOCH) for examining the distribution in the prefecture. Data already collected in the

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- 62 -

principal herbaria in Japan were also referenced.

  The first and second field surveys were conducted in April and June of 2008, respectively,

to discover trees and to collect flower and fresh leaf samples for morphological and molecular

studies. The third and fourth field surveys were performed in October and November of 2008,

respectively, to acquire scions for genetic resource collections as well as to collect mature fruit

and seed samples. Voucher herbarium specimens were also collected.

Results and Discussion

  A total of 9 accessions of genetics resources as scions were collected (Table 1). In addition

seed samples were also collected from these trees. We also collected fresh leaf samples from

several tens of individuals in Senjugahara (Malus baccata and M. toringo) and SenjŌgahara (M.

toringo) for population genetic analysis.

The following are brief descriptions of the collection sites (Fig. 1).

1) Senjugahara in Nikkō -shi -  It is a small plain situated at the west bank of Chūzenji-ko Lake. Both Malus toringo and M.

baccata var. mandshurica grew here, but the distribution range of the latter species was very


2) Senjōgahara in Nikkō - shi

  Only Malus toringo grew here. Both red and yellow type were found whereas only red type

was found in Senjugahara, The yellow type was relatively rare (about 10 % or less). We also

observed the yellow type only in Nagano Prefecture among our previous exploitations2), 3), 4). We

presumed the geographical variation of the ratio of two types.

3) Furunagi

  This site is situated at the east bank of Chūzenji-ko Lake. It is the type locality of Malus

baccata var. nikkoensis Asami7), which is now merged into var. mandshurica5). We found a tree

from here and it was a rediscovery after the eighty years of the first report of this taxon from

this site.

4) Kobyaku Elementary School

  An old tree of pear grew in the schoolyard. As to tradition, it had planted before the

foundation of the school in 1873. If this was true, the age of the tree is more than 130 years.

The diameter at breast height was about 70 cm, but the trunk had a large sinus about 30 cm in

diameter. The fruit was about 6 cm in diameter and without calyx-lobes. So, it is morphologically

identified as Pyrus pyrifolia, not P. ussuriensis.


  We would like to thank Ms. H. Nemoto, director of Kobyaku Elementary School, for

permitting us investigation and collection. We are grateful to the curators of the herbaria

for assisting us with our investigation of plant specimens. We also thank the Nikkō District

Forest Office of the Kanto Regional Forest Office, Forestry Agency, MAFF, for the permission to

investigate and collect plant materials.






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- 63 -







1) Iketani H., M. Mase and Y. Sato (2005) Exploration and collection of Pyrus ussuriensis var.  

 hondoensis in Yamanashi and Nagano Prefectures. Annual Report on Exploration and    

 Introduction of Plant Genetic Resources 21: 37-43. (in Japanese)

2) Iketani H., M. Mase and Y. Sato (2006) Exploration and collection of Pyrus and Malus    

 genetics resources in Northern Tohoku region. Annual Report on Exploration and Introduction

 of Plant Genetic Resources 22: 13-21. (in Japanese)

3) Iketani H., M. Mase and Y. Sato (2007) Exploration and collection of Malus genetic resources

 in Nagano and Yamanashi Prefectures. Annual Report on Exploration and Introduction of   

 Plant Genetic Resources 23: 55-61.

4) Iketani H., M. Mase and Y. Sato (2008) Exploration and collection of rosaceous fruit tree   

 genetic resources in Toyama and Ishikawa Prefectures. Annual Report on Exploration and  

 Introduction of Plant Genetic Resources 24: 55-61.

5) Iketani H. (2004) Rediscovery of Malus baccata var. mandshurica at Nikko and the     

 reexamination of its taxonomy. Bunrui 4: 125-136. (in Japanese)

6) Iketani H. and H. Ohashi (2003) Taxonomy and distribution of Japanese populations of Pyrus

 ussuriensis Maxim. (Rosaceae). Journal of Japanese Botany 78: 119-134.

7) Asami,Y. (1927) The crab-apples and nectarines of Japan, pp. 1-89 with 50 figures and 50  

 plates. Marquis Nabeshima, Tokyo.

8) Kamada, T. (2009) KenMap ver. 8.32. http://www5b.biglobe.ne.jp/~t-kamada/ CBuilder/  


Fig. 1. Collection sites of genetic resources in Tochigi Prefecture. Maps were made with


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- 64 -



の千手ヶ浜,古薙及び戦場ヶ原においてエゾノコリンゴ 4 点とズミ4点を採集した.また日光



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- 65 -

Collection Name Species Date Place MunicipalityLocality

No. (Fig.1)

Longitute (E)


Latitute (N)


Alt. (m) Field No.

TOCHIGI MALUS COL.NO.2008-1 Malus toringo 2008/10/5 Senjōgahara Nikkō-shi 1 139'26 36'47 1400 NkSj-t2TOCHIGI MALUS COL.NO.2008-2 Malus toringo 2008/10/5 Senjōgahara Nikkō-shi 1 139'26 36'47 1400 NkSj-t7TOCHIGI MALUS COL.NO.2008-3 Malus toringo 2008/10/6 Senjōgahara Nikkō-shi 1 139'27 36'46 1400 NkSj-t15TOCHIGI MALUS COL.NO.2008-4 Malus toringo 2008/10/6 Senjōgahara Nikkō-shi 1 139'27 36'46 1390 NkSj-t24TOCHIGI MALUS COL.NO.2008-5 Malus baccata 2008/10/6 Senjugahara Nikkō-shi 2 139'25 36'45 1280 Nk-b5TOCHIGI MALUS COL.NO.2008-6 Malus baccata 2008/10/6 Senjugahara Nikkō-shi 2 139'25 36'45 1280 Nk-b7TOCHIGI MALUS COL.NO.2008-7 Malus baccata 2008/10/6 Senjugahara Nikkō-shi 2 139'25 36'45 1280 Nk-b33TOCHIGI MALUS COL.NO.2008-8 Malus baccata 2008/10/6 Furunagi Nikkō-shi 3 139'27 36'45 1280 NkCh-b1

TOCHIGI PYRUS COL.NO.2008-1 Pyrus pyrifolia 2008/11/20 Kobyaku Elementary School

Nikkō-shi 4 139'40 36'45 375 -1)

1) without field number

Table 1. List of Malus and Pyrus genetic resources collected in Tochigi Prefecture

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Photo 1. A tree of Malus baccata var. mandshurica, from which epitype specimens were collected5). Senjugahara, Nikkō-shi, Tochigi Pref.

Photo 2. Infructescences of Malus baccata var. mandshurica. Senjugahara, Nikkō-shi, Tochigi Pref.

Photo 3. Infructescences of Malus toringo (yellow type). Senjōgahara, Nikkō-shi, Tochigi Pref.

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Photo 4. Infructescences of Malus toringo (red type). Senjōgahara, Nikkō-shi, Tochigi Pref.

Photo 6. A tree of Pyrus pyrifol ia . Cult ivated in the schoolyard of the Kobyaku Elementary School, Nikkō-shi, Tochigi Pref.

Photo 5. Fruits of Pyrus pyrifolia collected from the tree of the Kobyaku Elementary School.

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〔植探報 Vol. 25 : 71 ~ 81,2009〕


喜多 正幸1)・根角 博久1)*・谷本 恵美子2)**・野中 圭介3)

1)独立行政法人 農業・食品産業技術総合研究機構 果樹研究所 研究支援センター


2)長崎県果樹試験場 育種科

3)独立行政法人 農業・食品産業技術総合研究機構 果樹研究所 カンキツ研究チー


* 現所属:独立行政法人 農業・食品産業技術総合研究機構 近畿中国四国農業研究セ

     ンター 次世代カンキツ生産技術研究チーム

    ** 現所属:長崎県農林技術開発センター 研究企画部門研究企画室

Exploration of Citrus Genetic Resources in Tsushima and Goto islands in Nagasaki Prefecture

Masayuki KITA1), Hirohisa NESUMI1)*, Emiko TANIMOTO2)**, Keisuke NONAKA3)

1) Laboratory of Genetic Resources, Research Support Center, National Institute of Fruit

Tree Science, 485-6 Okitsu-naka, Shimizu, Shizuoka, 424-0292 Japan

2) Breeding Department, Nagasaki Fruit Tree Experimental Station, 1370 Omura,

Nagasaki, 856-0021 Japan

3) Citrus Breeding and Physiology Research Team, National Institute of Fruit Tree

Science, Minamishimabara, Nagasaki, 859-2501 Japan

    * Present affiliation : Research Team for innovative Technology of Citrus Production,  

    National Agricultural Research Center for Western Region, Zentsuji, Kagawa, 765-8508


   **Present affiliation : Research Planning Division, Agriculture and Forestry Technical  

    Development Center, Nagasaki Prefectural Government, Isahaya, Nagasaki, 854-0063



Exploration for local cultivars and genetic resources of citrus was undertaken in

Tsushima and Goto islands. We performed exploration in Tsushima Islands from October

20 to 21, 2008 and in Goto Islands from March 9 to 10, 2009. A total of 17 samples were

investigated. Through these explorations, 10 samples were collected as scions for preservation.

Page 62: 植物遺伝資源探索導入調査報告書...独立行政法人 農 業 生 物 資 源 研 究 所 編 ISSN 0915-602X 植物遺伝資源探索導入調査報告書 通 巻 第

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To make clear transmission of citrus and origin of local cultivars more precisely, we are

planning molecular analyses such as SSR markers and SNPs.

KEY WORDS : citrus, genetic resources, Nagasaki Prefecture, collection


 長崎県は日本国内で最西端に位置し,島数は約 600 を数え,現在,有人島は約 55 島と数え



九州本土より 132 km,韓国本土からは 50 km ほどの地理的条件にあり,また五島列島は韓国




 根角らは 2005 年より長崎県果樹試験場と共同で,長崎県対馬島に分布する来歴不明のカンキ


らに 2007 年には対馬市の厳原町豆酘地区および上県町佐護湊地区において,在来カンキツの調

査を行い,特性調査を行うと同時に,導入保存を行った(根角ら 2008).これらが日韓の交流








えられるが,来歴はいまだに不詳とされている(根角ら 2004).そのような状況下,五島列島に「ゆ









 今年度の長崎県島嶼地域における調査は長崎県果樹試験場の事前調査を元に,Table 1 に示す

ように,10 月下旬(10 月 20 日~ 21 日)に対馬島(対馬市厳原町久根田舎地区および安神地区),

3 月上旬(3 月 9 日~ 10 日)に五島列島(五島市嵯峨島先原,五島市三井楽町濱ノ畔,五島市

堤町雨通宿および新上五島町奈良尾郷)の 2 回に分けて行った.今回の調査では事前調査にて




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五島 長崎久根田舎


対馬拡大図 五島拡大図





Fig. 1. 長崎県対馬島および五島列島におけるカンキツ遺伝資源調査地

Table 1. 長崎県対馬島および五島列島におけるカンキツ遺伝資源調査経過

日付 調査地域:活動 調査担当者 調査個体番号2008/10/20 対馬市役所:昨年度報告

津島市厳原町:調査収集喜多・根角・谷本・野中喜多・根角・谷本・野中 T-101

2008/10/21 津島市厳原町久根田舎:調査収集津島市厳原町安神:調査収集


T-102 ~ 105T-106 ~ 108

2009/3/9 五島市嵯峨島:調査収集五島市三井楽町濱ノ畔:調査収集五島市堤町雨通宿:調査収集


G-101 ~ 102G-103 ~ 104G-105

2009/3/10 新上五島町奈良尾郷:調査収集 喜多・根角・谷本 G-106 ~ 109


体の大きさについては,主幹部の幹周を実測するとともに,樹幅は互いに直交する 2 方向を測










 平成 20 年 10 月 20 日,対馬市役所にて,根角,谷本らにより昨年度に実施した対馬市厳原

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 調査報告会議の終了後から10 月 22 日にかけ,島内久根田舎地区,安神地区の計 4 ヶ所を訪れ,

8 点の在来カンキツを調査した.調査樹の概要を Table 2 として示し,収集したカンキツ樹体そ

れぞれの特性を以下に述べる.さらに,採取した果実の特性を Table 3 として示す.なお,昨年

度の調査収集個体との混同を避けるため,調査樹には個体番号として T-101 ~ T-108 の番号を


 ① T-101:対馬市厳原町の万松院の境内内に生えており,ミカン区に分類されると考えられる.

放任栽培であるが,病虫害の被害は認められなかった.幹周は 38.6 cm で目測による樹高は 4.6


1 月に食しても酸味が強いとのことであった.

 ② T-102,T-103:対馬市厳原町久根田舎地区の民家庭地に生えている.T-102 は「キンコウ」

と呼ばれている.同じ庭地内に生育する T-103 は T-102 と数メートルしか離れていないが,呼

称は特にないとのことであった.しかし,外観や特性調査などからはこれらの 2 樹に大きな相

違はなく,T-102 と同じ品種であると考えられた.T-102,T-103 ともに聞き取りによる樹齢は

70 ~ 80 年であり,T-102 は幹周 76.2 cm,目測による樹高は 4.3 m,T-103 は幹周 90.1 cm,

目測による樹高は 4.2 m ほどであった.所有者の言によると,これらはいずれも実生由来である.


の病虫害被害が確認された.T-102 については樹勢も弱く,これらの樹の維持のためには,継続


 ③ T-104:対馬市厳原町久根田舎地区の民家庭地に生えている.「ブシ」と呼ばれ,ダイダイ


考えられた.聞き取りによる樹齢は 60 ~ 70 年程度であり,幹周は 69 cm,樹高は目測で 4 m



 ④ T-105: 対馬市厳原町久根田舎地区の山林の急傾斜地に生えている.推定樹齢は 50 ~ 60 年

程度であり,幹周は 49 cm,目測による樹高は 3 m 程度であった.この樹も「キンコウ」と呼

ばれるが,T-102,T-103 に比較して,果実がやや丸みを帯びていた.放任栽培であるが,病虫


 ⑤ T-106,T-107,T-108: これらはいずれも対馬市厳原町安神地区の民家裏の山林に生育してい

る.T-106 は「クネンボ」と呼ばれる樹である.推定分類はダイダイ区に属すると考えられた.

聞き取りによる樹齢が 100 年以上の古木であり,所有者の曾祖父はよく接ぎ木をしてカンキツ



香りは良く,果皮は硬い.幹周は 43 cm,目測による樹高は 3.7 m である.T-107 は「コミカン」

と呼ばれ,聞き取りによる樹齢は 100 年以上である.T-106 と同様に接ぎ木跡は確認出来なかっ

たが,カラタチを台木として接ぎ木をしていたとのことであった.T-108 は戦後植栽され,樹齢

は 60 ~ 70 年程度と推定される,T-107 と同様に,接ぎ木跡は確認出来なかったが,カラタチ

を台木とした可能性がある.T-107,T-108 それぞれ,幹周は 52.8 cm と 95 cm,目測による樹

高は 5.5 m と 4.5 m であった.これらはいずれも着果量は少なかった.


 平成 21 年 3 月 9 日,貝津港より船により嵯峨島に渡り,先原地区の在来カンキツを調査した.

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在来カンキツ 2 点を調査後,再び船にて福江島に戻り,五島市三井楽町濱ノ畔地区および五島

市堤町雨通宿地区において計 3 点の調査を行った.また 3 月 10 日は船にて中通島に移動し,新

上五島町奈良尾郷高井旅地区および新上五島町奈良尾郷福見地区においてそれぞれ 2 点ずつ計 4

点の調査を行った.今回の五島列島における調査は合計 9 点となる.調査樹の概要を表 4 とし

て示す.またそれぞれの樹の特性を以下に述べる.なお,五島地区における調査樹には G-101

~ G-109 の番号を付して整理した.

 ① G-101,G-102:これらは五島市嵯峨島先原地区にて調査した.G-101 は現地では「コウブ


40 ~ 50 年程度であった.幹周は 39 cm,目測による樹高は 4 m であった.本年の着果は認め

られなかったが,毎年 10 ~ 20 個程度,結実するとのことである.未結実の理由については隔


早晩枯死してしまう可能性が考えられる.G-102 は現地では「ジョウカン」と呼ばれる樹であ



より詳細な調査を行うことは出来なかった.幹周は 40.1 cm,樹高は 3.4 m 程度である.放任栽

培であり,若干の食害が認められた.G-101 および G-102 の生育地点は山林の中の平坦な地点で,



 ② G-103,G-104:G-103 は五島市三井楽町濱ノ畔地区に生えている「カラタチ」である.聞

き取りによる推定樹齢は 50 年程度,幹周は 50.2 cm,樹高は 3.6 m 程度であった.G-104 は同

じく五島市三井楽町濱ノ畔地区に生育している「ダイダイ」と呼ばれる果実である.幹周は 86

cm,目測による樹高は 7 m の大木である.聞き取り調査でも樹齢は不明であったが,30 年前




 ③ G-105:五島市堤町雨通宿地区に生育する「タチバナ」である.幹周は 105 cm,目測に

よる樹高は 6.5 m の大木である.民家の庭地と果樹園の中間(畑の脇)に生育しており,時折,

剪定を行うなどの手入れがなされており,管理が行き届いていた(Photo 1).今年度はカメムシ


るとのことである.聞き取りによる推定樹齢は 100 年以上であるが,手入れが行き届いている


 ④ G-106:新上五島町奈良尾郷高井旅地区に生育する「ゆうこう」と呼ばれる樹である.民家

の裏庭に生育しているが,放任栽培であった.推定樹齢は不明であるが,幹周は 61 cm,樹高は 3.2



 ⑤ G-107:新上五島町奈良尾郷高井旅地区に生育する「ゆうこう」と呼ばれる樹である.福

見地区に生育する G-108 の複製樹であり,接ぎ木跡も確認することが出来た.接いでから 7 ~

8 年が経過しており,樹勢は強く生育も良好である.幹周は 48 cm,樹高は 2.5 m に達していた.

年に 1 回程度ではあるが,マシン油を散布し,防除しているとのことであった.

 ⑥ G-108:新上五島町福見地区に生育する「ゆうこう」と呼ばれる樹である.推定樹齢は不明



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れた可能性がある.段々畑の跡地である家の裏庭に位置し,幹周は 80 cm,目測による樹高も 9.0

m と大木であり,数十年~ 100 年程度の樹齢と考えられる(Photo 2).

 ⑦ G-109:新上五島市奈良尾町福見地区の山林中に生育する「ゆうこう」と呼ばれる樹である.

急傾斜地に生育しており,幹周は 70 cm であったが,樹高などの目測は不可能であった.






がやや異なるなどの相違点も見られ,今後,採取してきた個体からの DNA 抽出を行い SSR マー






されてきており(根角 2004),また根角ら (2008) の報告によれば,「ゆうこう」は外海町から








始め,ご多忙な中,現地案内の労をとって頂いた.ヤマネコを守る会の山村辰美氏,ONP 代表










1)根角博久・谷本美恵子・今井篤・太田智 (2008) 長崎県対馬地域および長崎市周辺地域

 におけるカンキツ遺伝資源の調査 植物遺伝資源探索導入調査報告書 第 24 巻 p63-71

2)根角博久・川上正徳・高見寿隆 (2004) 長崎市周辺の特定地域に分布する香酸カンキツ ‘ ゆ

 うこう ’ 園芸学会雑誌 第 73 巻 別冊 2 号 p293

3)農林水産省農業生物資源研究所 (1992) 植物遺伝資源特性調査マニュアル第 3 分冊果樹

 類 p349-355

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Table 2. 長崎県対馬島における調査樹の概要

調査整理番号 品種名(呼称) 推定分類 調査地 緯度 経度 栽培状況場所 地形

T-101 ミカン ミカン区 津島市厳原町 34°12'14.67915N" 129°17'03.56355E" 庭(寺院境内内) 緩い傾斜T-102 キンコウ ダイダイ区 津島市厳原町久根田舎 34°10'29.19085N" 129°11'33.42814E" 庭 平地T-103 不明(キンコウ) ダイダイ区 津島市厳原町久根田舎 34°10'29.33276N" 129°11'33.51870E" 庭 平地T-104 ブシ ダイダイ区 津島市厳原町久根田舎 34°10'27.36998N" 129°11'24.59454E" 庭 緩い傾斜T-105 キンコウ ダイダイ区 津島市厳原町久根田舎 34°10'31.94391N" 129°11'29.90131E" 山林 急傾斜T-106 クネンボ ダイダイ区 津島市厳原町安神 34°08'47.97369N" 129°16'18.42293E" 山林 急傾斜T-107 コミカン ミカン区 津島市厳原町安神 34°08'47.77441N" 129°16'18.52308E" 山林 急傾斜T-108 コミカン ミカン区 津島市厳原町安神 34°08'47.84674N" 129°16'18.17989E" 山林 緩い傾斜

調査整理番号 接ぎ木の有無樹の大きさ

樹姿 推定樹齢 樹勢 栽培方法 トゲの発生幹周 (cm) 樹高 (m) 樹幅 1(m) 樹幅 2(m)T-101 無 38.6 4.6 2.5 2.5 直立 10 ~ 15 年 (?) 中 放任 有T-102 無 76.2 4.3 5.1 4.4 直立 70 ~ 80 年 弱 放任 有T-103 無 90.1 4.2 4.0 4.2 直立 70 ~ 80 年 弱 放任 有(大)T-104 無 69.0 4.0 5.5 5.5 直立 60 ~ 70 年 中 放任 無T-105 無 49.0 3.0 3.1 3.7 直立 50 ~ 60 年 中 放任 有(中)T-106 無 43.0 3.7 3.8 4.8 直立 100 年以上 中 放任 無T-107 不明 52.8 5.5 4.3 4.0 直立 100 年以上 中 放任 有(小)T-108 不明 95.0 4.5 4.5 5.5 開帳 60 ~ 70 年 中 放任 無

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Table 3 長崎県対馬島における調査樹の果実特性

調査整理番号 品種名(呼称) 果樹の熟期 果形 果面の粗滑 果梗部の形状 果頂部の形状 果梗の大きさ 果皮色 凹環の形成 へその有無 剥皮性

T-101 ミカン 早 扁球形 滑 切平面 切平面 細 黄 無 無 易T-102 キンコウ 早 倒卵形 中 切平面 切平面 中 緑 無 無 やや難T-103 不明(キンコウ) 早 倒卵形 中 切平面 切平面 中 緑 無 無 やや難T-104 ブシ 中 不整形 粗 短いネック 切平面 中 緑 無 無 やや易T-105 キンコウ 倒卵形 中 短いネック 切平面 中 緑 無 無T-106 クネンボ 早 扁球形 中 切平面 切平面 中 緑 無 無 やや難T-107 コミカン 早 扁球形 中 切平面 凸 中 緑 無 無 易T-108 コミカン 早 扁球形 粗 切平面 凸 中 緑 無 無 易

調査整理番号 油胞の大きさ 油胞の密度 浮皮の発生 アルベドの色 す上がり 果心の充実度 種皮表面のしわ 胚色

T-101 小 中 無 白 無 充実 平滑 緑T-102 中 中 無 黄白 無 中 平滑 淡緑T-103 中 中 無 黄白 無 中 平滑 淡緑T-104 中 中 無 白 無 充実 平滑 クリームT-105 中 中T-106 中 中 無 黄白 無 充実 平滑 淡緑T-107 小 密 無 黄白 無 充実 平滑 淡緑T-108 小 密 無 黄白 無 充実 平滑 淡緑

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調査整理番号 品種名(呼称) 推定分類 調査地栽培状況 接ぎ木の



場所 地形 幹周 (cm) 樹高 (m) 樹幅 1(m) 樹幅 2(m)

G-101 コウブツ ダイダイ区 五島市嵯峨島先原 山林(民家跡地) 平地 無 39.0 4.0 3.0 2.5G-102 ジョウカン ダイダイ区 五島市嵯峨島先原 山林(民家跡地) 平地 無 40.1 3.4 3.0 2.0G-103 カラタチ 五島市三井楽町濱ノ畔 平地 無 50.2 3.6 1.9 2.7G-104 ダイダイ ダイダイ区 五島市三井楽町濱ノ畔 庭・畑の脇 平地 不明 86.0 7.0 1.8 2.0G-105 タチバナ ミカン区 五島市堤町雨通宿 庭・畑の脇 緩い傾斜 無 105.0 6.5 6.6 6.8G-106 ゆうこう 新上五島町奈良尾郷高井旅 庭 平地 無 61.0 3.2 2.9 3.1G-107 ゆうこう 新上五島町奈良尾郷高井旅 畑の脇 緩い傾斜 有 48.0 2.5 2.0 2.5G-108 ゆうこう 新上五島町奈良尾郷福見 家の裏庭・段々畑の跡地 急傾斜 不明 80.0 9.0 6.4 6.0G-109 ゆうこう・ゆず 新上五島町奈良尾郷福見 山林 急傾斜 無 70.0

Table 4. 長崎県五島列島における調査樹の概要

調査整理番号 樹姿 推定樹齢 樹勢 栽培方法 病虫害被害 トゲの発生

G-101 やや開帳~直立 40 ~ 50 年 弱 放任 無 小G-102 やや開帳 30 年程度 弱 放任 若干の食害 小G-103 やや開帳~直立 40 ~ 45 年 中 放任 無 大G-104 直立 不明 中 放任 ミカンハモグリ 中G-105 直立 100 年以上 強(良好) 管理あり・時折剪定 カメムシ 無G-106 直立 不明 強(良好) 放任 無 小G-107 直立 不明 強(良好) 放任(年に 1 回マシン油) 無 小G-108 直立 数十年以上 強 不明 小G-109 直立 不明 中 放任

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Photo 2. 新上五島町のゆうこう(似)の古木


Photo 1. 新上五島町のタチバナの古木(G-105)

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Ⅱ.海外探索収集及び共同調査報告 Exploration and Field Research in Foreign Countries

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〔植探報 Vol. 25 : 83 ~ 109,2009〕


友岡 憲彦 1)・Muthaiyan Pandiyan 2) ・Natesan Senthil 2)・Nanappan Ramamoorthi 2)・加賀 秋人 1)・Duncan A. Vaughan1)

1) 農業生物資源研究所・ジーンバンク

2) インド・タミルナドゥ農業大学

Collection and Conservation of Leguminous Crops and Their Wild Relatives in Tamil Nadu, India, 2009

Norihiko TOMOOKA1)・Muthaiyan PANDIYAN2)・Natesan SENTHIL2)   ・Nanappan RAMAMOORTHI 2)・ Akito KAGA1)・Duncan A. VAUGHAN1)

1) National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences, Kannondai 2-1-2, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-

8602 Japan

2) Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India


Based on the Memorandum of Understanding between the National Institute of

Agrobiological Sciences, Japan and Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, India, a field survey

was conducted in Tamil Nadu State, India from 29th January 10th February, 2009. As a result,

134 accessions of leguminous plants consist of the genus Cajanus, Lablab, Macrotyloma and

Vigna, were recorded and seed samples consisting of 99 cultivated and 35 wild accessions were

collected. All the seed materials collected were deposited at Tamil Nadu Agricultural University,

India. Genetic erosion of traditional pulse landraces is rapidly proceeding in Tamil Nadu mainly

due to an increase in the area of cash crops.


 In order to facilitate the collaborative research activities on plant genetic resources, the

National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences, Japan and the Tamil Nadu Agricultural University,

India agreed to establish the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on Joint Research of

Genetic Resources in April, 2007. This is a report of the second collaborative field survey on

leguminous plants in Tamil Nadu, India under this MOU. A report of the first trip was published

and available from NIAS genebank web site (Tomooka et al., 2008; http://www.gene.affrc.go.jp/

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pdf/report/plant-H19.pdf ; you can download a Tamil Nadu trip report by clicking the title in

the content listed on page 7 of the PDF book).


We surveyed mainly in the central and northern part of Tamil Nadu State by car from 29th

January to 10th February, 2009 as shown in Table 1 and Fig. 1. Seeds, herbarium specimens and

root nodules (if available) were collected. Information on collection sites including village name,

altitude, latitude, longitude, habitat, cultural practices and other ecological data of the collection

sites were recorded as passport data (Table 3). Identification of wild Vigna plants was done

based on a key characteristics prepared by Tomooka et al. (2002, p.26-28).

Results and Discussion

A total of 134 legume accessions including the genus Cajanus, Lablab, Macrotyloma and

Vigna consist of 9 species were recorded and seed samples were collected (Table 2 & 3).

Collected seed samples are conserved at Tamil Nadu Agricultural University. They consist of 99













































Fig. 1. Exploration route (—), collection sites ( ● ), collection numbers (Figures) and major towns ( □ )

in Tamil Nadu, India.

Town name abbreviations:

  Che (Chennai), Chi (Chinna Salem), Coi (Coimbatore), Din (Dindigul), Nam (Namakkal),      

  Pud (Pudukkottai), Ras (Rasipuram), Sal (Salem), Tin (Tindivanam), Tir (Tiruchirappalli),     

  Vam (Vamban), Vel (Vellore)

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Day Date Itinerary Activities Stay

1 2009/1/27 Tue Narita 10:45 -- (TG 641) -- 15:45 BKK Transportation Bangkok

2 2009/1/28 Wed BKK 10:50 -- (TG 521) -- 12:45 Chennai 19:25 -- 9W3533 -- 20:35 Coimbatore Transportation Coimbatore

3 2009/1/29 Thu West of Coimbatore Exploration Coimbatore

4 2009/1/30 Fri Seminar & Discussion at Tamil Nadu Agricultural University Discussion Coimbatore

5 2009/1/31 Sat Coimbatore -- Sathyamagalan -- Kalkadambur (Hill top) -- Bhavani -- Rasipuram Exploration Rasipuram

6 2009/2/1 Sun East of Rasipuram Exploration Rasipuram

7 2009/2/2 Mon Rasipuram -- Salem -- Harur -- Attur -- Chinna Salem Exploration Chinna Salem

8 2009/2/3 Tue Around Chinna Salem Exploration Chinna Salem

9 2009/2/4 Wed Around Chinna Salem -- Rasipuram Exploration Rasipuram

10 2009/2/5 Thu Rasipuram -- Kolli Hills -- Namakkal -- Tiruchirappalli Exploration Tiruchirappalli

11 2009/2/6 Fri Tiruchirappalli -- Manachanallur -- Tiruchirappalli -- Pudukkottai -- Vamban Pulses Research Centre Exploration Vamban

12 2009/2/7 Sat Vamban -- Pudukkottai -- Manapparai -- Dindigul -- Sirumalai -- Dindigul Exploration Dindigul

13 2009/2/8 Sun Dindigul -- Nattam -- Kottampatti -- Tiruchirappalli -- Tindivanam Exploration Tindivanam

14 2009/2/9 Mon Tindivanam -- Gingee -- Arani -- Vellore Exploration Vellore

15 2009/2/10 Tue Vellore -- Pallikonda -- Gudiyatham -- Chennai 00:15 -- (TG 338) --

Exploration/Transportation On flight

16 2009/2/11 Wed -- 05:10 Bangkok -- Kampaeng Saen (Kasetsart University) Discussion Kampaeng


17 2009/2/12 Thu Kampaeng Saen (Kasetsart University) -- Bangkok Discussion Bangkok

18 2009/2/13 Fri Bangkok 08:20 -- (TG 676) -- Narita 16:00 Transportation Narita

Table 1. Itinerary 日程表 (インド・タミルナドゥ)

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cultivated and 35 wild accessions.

Collected cultivated and wild legumes

Seven cultivated legume species were collected (Table 2). They are Cajanus cajan (pigeon pea,

4 accessions), Lablab purpureus (hyacinth bean, 23 accessions), Macrotyloma uniflorum (horse

gram, 4 accessions), Vigna aconitifolia (moth bean, 22 accessions), Vigna mungo (black gram,

7 accessions), Vigna radiata (mungbean, 18 accessions) and Vigna unguiculata (21 accessions;

consist of 4 yard long bean accessions and 17 cowpea accessions).

For wild legumes, Vigna aconitifolia (3 accessions), V. radiata (4 accessions), V. stipulacea (9

accessions) and V. trilobata (19 accessions) were collected.

 Cajanus cajan (Pigeon pea)

Pigeon pea is common in Tamil Nadu and widely cultivated. Major local name is “Thuvarai”.

Three accessions (TN7, TN8 and TN25) were collected at dry lowland upland field located

west of Coimbatore. A farmer (Mr. Aruchamy) said TN7 (whitish seed color) is cultivated for

vegetable and TN8 (reddish seed color) is cultivated for dry seed. Pigeon pea was cultivated in

rows and several other leguminous crops (Lablab purpureus, Vigna mungo, Vigna radiata and

Vigna unguiculata) were mixed planted between rows at this site. This type of mixed cropping

seems to be common at rainfed upland field in Tamil Nadu.

 Lablab purpureus (Hyacinth bean)

  Hyacinth bean is common in Tamil Nadu. There are two types, “Avarai” and “Mochai”.

“Avarai” is cultivated mainly for young pods as vegetables. “Avarai” is usually cultivated in

kitchen gardens. Young pods and immature seeds are processed into “Sambal” (rice soup) and

“Poriyal” or “Kootu” (vegetable curry). The other type “Mochai” is cultivated for immature seeds

and dry seeds. Farmer usually grow “Mochai” as a field bean and a large number of plants are

Species Cultivated Wild

Cajanus cajan 4

Lablab purpureus 23

Macrotyloma uniflorum 4

Vigna aconitifolia 22 3

Vigna mungo 7

Vigna radiata 18 4

Vigna stipulacea 9

Vigna trilobata 19

Vigna unguiculata 21

Total 99 35

Table 2. A summary of collected materials


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raised for commercial purposes. Immature seeds are used for vegetable purposes like “Avarai”.

Dry seeds are used to make various kinds of dishes. However, local names “Avarai” and “Mochai”

are sometimes used just for Lablab beans. There are wide variations in seed colors and plant


  A farmer (Mrs. Mariyammal, Dharmapuri Province) told that her local variety (TN53) is

suitable for preparing “Sambal” (bean soup) which is usually prepared from pigeon pea, and she

sells TN53 at a price of 80 Rp/kg this year (very high price). She grows another variety (TN54)

of Lablab bean which is obtained from her relatives place.

  Another farmer (Mr. Muthaih, Dindigul Province) told his special tasty Lablab variety

(TN107) called “Bore (tasty) Mochai” gave a price of 80 Rp/kg. He grows another Lablab variety

(TN108) which is more drought tolerant and gives higher seed yield but lower market price.

 Macrotyloma uniflorum (Horse gram)

  Based on the field observations, horse gram is generally grown as a mono crop. A major

local name is “Kollu Payaru”.

  At a collection site located about 1 km S of Namakkal town, mungbean (TN73), moth bean

(TN74, TN75), cowpea (TN77) and horse gram (TN78) were cultivated. Mungbean, moth bean

and cowpea were mixed cropped, while horse gram was mono cropped in a part of the same

upland field. At this site, Vigna trilobata plants (TN76) which had bigger pods like domesticated

plants were also collected.

 Vigna aconitifolia (Moth bean)

  Major local name of moth bean is “Nari Payaru” (fox bean) or “Pani Payaru” (dew bean). As

was noted in the previous year’s report (Tomooka et al., 2008), farmers recognized two types of

moth bean cultivar called “Wild Type” and “Cultivated Type”.

  However, both are apparently domesticated plants. “Wild Type” is characterized by deeply

lobed leaflets and by prostrating long crawling stems. On the other hand, “Cultivated Type” is

characterized by shallowly lobed leaflets and by nearly-erect short main stems. While “Wild

Type” is generally cultivated under a mixed cropping system with sorghum, “Cultivated Type” is

cultivated as a mono crop.

  Near Tindivanam town located in the northeastern part of Tamil Nadu Province, “Cultivated

Type” of moth bean is widely grown (Photo 1). In a farmer’s field at Iraiyanur village located

ca. 4km SE of Tindivanam, we have recognized morphological variation among “Cultivated

Type”. TN119 had an erect stem with broad shallowly lobed leaflet. TN120 had an erect

stem with deeply lobed leaflet. TN122 had an erect stem with slightly longer prostrate lateral

branches. TN122.5 had an erect stem and characterized by the pod formation at lower basal

parts. According to a farmer (Mrs. Santhanam), she brought “Cultivated Type” of moth bean

to Iraiyanur village from Mailam village about 3 years ago. In Mailam village, she knew this

“Cultivated Type” about 15 years ago. She prefers “Cultivated Type” because it is easy to pick

pods and is slightly earlier in its maturity. She said she did not apply any chemicals but there

was no insect and disease problem with this crop. The market price of moth bean seeds (40 Rp/

kg) is better than that of black gram (30 Rp/kg), because moth bean seeds are preferred by the

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confectionary factory near Chennai town.

  A farmer (Mr. Appugounder) in Rajapalayam village, Namakkal Province, told that when

soaked moth bean seeds were given to cattle, milk yield became higher (TN47). This seems to

be a common understanding among farmers in Tamil Nadu.

 Wild form of Vigna aconitifolia

  During the survey, we have found a “likely to be true wild” (not domesticated) form of moth

bean. Three accessions (TN61, TN66, TN67) were collected in sandy soil sorghum fields near

Chinna Salem, Viluppuram Province. Two accessions (TN61, TN67: Photo 2) have deeply lobed

leaflet, while TN66 has shallowly lobed leaflet and slightly pigmented in purple color (Photo 3).

  According to Baudoin and Maréchal (1988), wild form of V. aconitifolia has not been

denominated by any taxonomist (Taxonomic distinction by variety level has been proposed for

other Asian Vigna cultigens and wild forms; mungbean, black gram, azuki bean and rice bean).

Smartt (1985) reported that although V. aconitifolia has responded to selection for larger seed

size, it has retained a wild-type vegetative morphology with no apparent increase in growth

vigor or leaf area. However, these three wild accessions (TN61, TN66, TN67) have extremely

slender stem and much smaller leaves compared with cultigens (with both “Cultivated Type”

and “Wild Type” of cultivars). Considering the development of erect stem cultivars (“Cultivated

Type”) of moth bean as mentioned above and the existence of a slender wild form, domestication

of V. aconitifolia proceeded more than previously recognized.

  Wild form of V. aconitifolia was reported in the northern or north-western plains and in

the Deccan plateau (Arora and Nayar, 1984) or dry regions of Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh

(Bisht et al., 2005). Therefore, it seems to be the first report of wild form of V. aconitifolia from

south India (Tamil Nadu). However, it should be noted that as Smartt (1985) pointed out V.

aconitifolia and V. trilobata had often been confused. In addition, V. stipulacea (not separately

treated but included in V. trilobata in India) and V. aridicola (at present reported only from Sri

Lanka but possibly distributed in India) can also be confused because they have very similar

vegetative morphology (Tomooka et al., 2006). Taxonomic treatment of the wild V. aconitifolia

like accessions collected in this trip needs to be examined further.

 Vigna mungo (Black gram)

  Black gram is especially important in Tamil Nadu State and is cooked into various dishes.

A local black gram cultivar (TN109) collected in Tiruchirappalli Province showed good

performance with plenty of flowers. It was cultivated around the rectangle shaped groundnut

field. Beside this field, the same farmer was just sowing black gram seeds near the transplanted

tomato seedlings. The land was irrigated. We have frequently observed a cultivation of black gram

on the bunds or beside paddy rice fields (Photo 4), while closely related mungbean cultivation

can not be seen in this situation.

  Wild black gram (V. mungo var. silvestris) is reported to be distributed in Tamil Nadu, but

we could not find natural population of this species.

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 Mungbean (V. radiata) and wild mungbean

  The center of mungbean genepool diversity is considered to be in India (Sangiri et al .,

2007). However, the number of available accessions for wild mungbean germplasm from India

is still limited. Mungbean is often cultivated on a dry field together with some other pulse crops

such as pigeon pea, hyacinth bean, moth bean and cowpea. Local mungbean cultivated under

dry condition has very thick main stem with long trailing lateral branches.

  Four accessions of wild mungbean (V. radiata var. sublobata) were collected (TN60, TN68,

TN116, TN131). Three of them were growing in sorghum fields. They seem well adapted to

dry sandy soil condition. TN116 has thick stem, large leaves and pods, and is considered as an

intermediate “Weedy” type. A population of wild mungbean (TN68) was found in a fallow field.

A farmer in this area told that local name of these plants was “Karum Payaru (black bean)”.

She said this bean had been cultivated and harvested for human consumption after boiled.

Sometimes it was cooked with sugar to make sweets. She said it was tolerant to drought and

insect pests and seeds were sold at local shops up to several years ago.

 Vigna stipulacea (semi-domesticated form and wild form)

  The name V. stipulacea has not been used in the Indian literatures and this species seems to

have been included in the description of V. trilobata (Tomooka et al., 2006). As was mentioned

in the previous survey (Tomooka et al., 2008), V. stipulacea is a semi-domesticated species

in Tamil Nadu. The semi-domesticated form has pods with lower shattering and has slightly

larger seeds compared with wild form of V. stipulacea. Because of the low pod shattering habit,

farmers can harvest them by cutting the stem. Farmers grow this crop for grain production for

human, as green manure or as fodder production.

  Nine accessions of wild form were collected this year (TN35: Photo 5, TN56, TN71, TN72,

TN95, TN98, TN114, TN129, TN134). Most of them were found growing in a wet clay soil

habitat such as in and around paddy field. In a site near Pudukkottai, a large wild population of V.

stipulacea (TN95) was found on a fallow paddy field. A farmer (Mrs. Solaiammal, Photo 6) said

this plant is used as leafy vegetable, green manure and fodder for cattle (milk yield increase).

She also told that immature seeds can be eaten raw. Mature seeds are fried and eaten, and are

used to prepare curry.

  It should be noted that confused species, V. trilobata, grows in a contrasting habitat, i.e.,

dry sandy soil environment and usually not sympatric with V. stipulacea. In one place, however,

V. stipulacea and V. trilobata were found growing nearby site (TN97 & TN98). At this site,

V. trilobata was growing in a road side dry habitat, while V. stipulacea was growing in a wet

environment beside paddy and wet fallow land.

  In the most cases, V. stipulacea formed plenty of nodules on its fibrous roots. In contrast, V.

trilobata has a long main tap root and nodules are seldom found (Photo 7).

 Vigna trilobata

  Tomooka et al. (2006) suggested “Agricultural Population” and “Wild Forms” of V. trilobata

described in the literature of Babu et al. (1985) corresponded well to V. stipulacea and V.

trilobata, respectively. However in the present survey, it was confirmed that V. trilobata had also

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been cultivated and eaten by human and also used as a fodder in Tamil Nadu.

  At the mixed cropping field of several pulse crops in Pasur village, we found a population

of V. trilobata (TN32). A farmer (Mrs. Subramanian) growing pulses told us that they used to

cultivate V. trilobata and it is naturally growing now. In Mel Nariyappanur village, Viruppuram

Province, plenty of V. trilobata plants (TN69) were growing on a harvested sorghum field. A

farmer of this field said they did not eat this bean but used it for feeding animals. She also said

that she knew people use V. trilobata seeds for making “Dosai” (a fermented pancake usually

prepared using black gram seed powder in other places). Another farmer growing several pulse

crops near her house in Tiruchirappalli Province told us that she was eating V. trilobata (TN90)

and the local name was “Nari Payaru (fox bean)”.

  Usually “Nari Payaru” is used for V. aconitifolia but she use “Kumma Payaru” for V.

aconitifolia. In a Konakkampattu village at Viluppuram Province, several woman farmers were

weeding in a groundnut field. One lady (Mrs. Sadaiyan) said they eat young pods of V. trilobata


  There are several populations suggesting that V. trilobata is semi-domesticated in Tamil

Nadu. Plants in a population (TN76) have big pods like a cultivar (Photo 8). Some plants in a

population (TN81) have large leaflets like those of mungbean. Generally, seed size of Tamil

Nadu populations of V. trilobata are larger than that of Sri Lankan populations.

 Vigna unguiculata (cowpea and yard long bean)

 Cultivation of cowpea is very common in dry upland fields. Cowpea landraces seems to be

highly tolerant to drought. Seventeen accessions were collected. Yard long bean cultivar group

seems less common and four accessions were collected.

Genetic erosion

 There is rapid genetic erosion of the traditional pulses in Tamil Nadu. This is mainly because

of the facilitation of irrigation and the market economy systems. Most of the traditional pulses

had been cultivated under rainfed dry farmland where the main cereal crop was sorghum.

When irrigation water becomes available (by Governmental assistance policy), farmers tend to

change their cultivation from subsistence crops to cash crops. Former sorghum dominated area

such as Namakkal, Salem, Dharmapuri, Krishnagiri and Vellore provinces changed to cash crops

such as maize and cassava. The demand for maize is high from the poultry industry for feeding

chickens. Chicken meats are exported mainly to the Gulf countries. The demand for cassava is

also high from the cassava starch pellets industries. The products are mainly exported to the

Gulf countries.

  In the rural areas of Tamil Nadu, the labor shortage is becoming a major problem for

agriculture because people tend to go to the industrial sectors for earning cash. However, in the

case of maize and cassava production, labor shortage is not a problem. The most laborious work

in cultivating maize and cassava is the harvesting process. For these industrial crops, however,

farmers usually grow these crops on a contract basis with the industrial sector. Harvesting

process is fully mechanized and industrial sectors come to farmers land and harvest the

products by their machines.

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- 91 -


Arora R.K. and Nayar E.R. 1984. Wild relatives of crop plants in India.

Baudoin J.P. and Maréchal R. 1989. Taxonomy and evolution of the genus Vigna. In “Mungbean”

  Proceedings of the Second International Symposium. AVRDC, Shanhua, Tainan. pp.2 -12.

Bisht I.S., Bhat K.V., Lakhanpaul S., Latha M., Jayan P.K., Biswas B.K. and Singh A.K. 2005.    

  Diversity and genetic resources of wild Vigna species in India. Genetic Resources and   

  Crop Evolution. 52: 53-68.

Sangiri C., Kaga A., Tomoka N., Vaughan D.A. and Srinives P. 2007. Genetic diversity of the   

  mungbean (Vigna radiata, Leguminosae) genepool on the bases of microsatellite analysis.  

  Australian Journal of Botany 55: 827-847.

Smartt J. 1985. Evolution of grain legumes. III. Pulses in the genus Vigna. Exp. Agric. 21: 87- 


Tomooka N., Vaughan D.A., Maxted N. and Moss H. 2002. The Asian Vigna. Genus Vigna    

  subgenus Ceratotropis genetic resources. 270 pages. Kluwer Academic Press.

Tomooka, N., Kaga, A., and Vaughan D.A. 2006. The Asian Vigna (Vigna subgenus Cetatotropis)

  biodiversity and evolution. In Plant Genome - Biodiversity and Evolution. Edited by Sharma

  A.K. and Sharma A. Science Publishers. Enfield (NH). pp. 87-126.

Tomooka, N., Senthil N., Pandiyan M., Ramamoorthi N., Kaga A. and Vaughan D.A. 2008.    

  Collection and conservation of leguminous crops and their wild relatives in Tamil Nadu,  

  India, 2008. Annual Report on Exploration and Introduction of Plant Genetic Resources  

  (NIAS, Tsukuba, Japan) 24: 113-125.


本報告は , 独立行政法人農業生物資源研究所ジーンバンクとインド・タミルナドゥ農業大学の

間で 2007 年 4 月に締結した協同研究協定(MOU)に基づいて行われたインド・タミルナドゥ

州における二回目のマメ科植物遺伝資源の調査報告である.調査は,2009 年 1 月 29 日~ 2 月

10 日にかけて行った.調査の結果,灌漑水が利用可能になった地域において在来作物の栽培は

著しく減少していることが明らかになった.タミルナドゥ州では , 政府の援助により,井戸によ


広がってきていることから , 在来作物の消失が懸念される.



作されている例が多かった.このような環境においては,耐乾性に優れた野生種 V. trilobata と V.

radiata var. sublobata の自生も見られた.V. trilobata に関しては,今回の調査で,その栽培と


集された.また,これまでその存在が不明であったモスビーン(V. aconitifolia)の野生種と思

われる 3 系統も,同様の乾燥環境下で発見された.これら 3 系統の分類学的取り扱いについては,


  こ れ ら 乾 燥 地 の マ メ 科 植 物 と は 対 照 的 に, こ れ ま で V. trilobata と 混 同 さ れ て き た V.

stipulacea は,水田等の湿った粘土質土壌の生息地で生育していた.作物の中では,ケツルアズ

キ(V. mungo)が水田の畦で栽培される例が多かったことから,加湿な環境に適応している栽


Page 81: 植物遺伝資源探索導入調査報告書...独立行政法人 農 業 生 物 資 源 研 究 所 編 ISSN 0915-602X 植物遺伝資源探索導入調査報告書 通 巻 第

- 92 -


おり,なかでも Vigna 属作物(ケツルアズキとリョクトウ)の安定的な生産と品種改良等によ




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- 94 -

Coll. No. Coll. Date Species name Status Local Name Collection Site Province Latitude

2009TN1 29-Jan-09Vigna radiata(L.) Wilczek cultivated Natta Pacha Payaru

Molapalayam village, ca. 15km W of Coimbatore Coimbatore N10-56-32.9

2009TN2 29-Jan-09

Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walpers cv-gr. Unguiculata E. Westphal cultivated Thatta Payaru

Molapalayam village, ca. 15km W of Coimbatore Coimbatore N10-56-32.9

2009TN3-1 29-Jan-09

Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walpers cv-gr. Sesquipedalis E. Westphal cultivated

Thatta Payaru curry type

Molapalayam village, ca. 15km W of Coimbatore Coimbatore N10-56-32.9

2009TN3-2 29-Jan-09

Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walpers cv-gr. Sesquipedalis E. Westphal cultivated

Thatta Payaru curry type

Molapalayam village, ca. 15km W of Coimbatore Coimbatore N10-56-32.9

2009TN4 29-Jan-09Lablab purpureus (L.) Sweet cultivated Karupu Avarai

Molapalayam village, ca. 15km W of Coimbatore Coimbatore N10-56-32.9

2009TN5 29-Jan-09Lablab purpureus (L.) Sweet cultivated Oruru Avarai

Molapalayam village, ca. 15km W of Coimbatore Coimbatore N10-56-32.9

2009TN6 29-Jan-09Lablab purpureus (L.) Sweet cultivated Karupu Avarai

Molapalayam village, ca. 15km W of Coimbatore Coimbatore N10-56-32.9

2009TN7 29-Jan-09 Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp. cultivated Malan ThuvaraiMolapalayam village, ca. 15km W of Coimbatore Coimbatore N10-56-32.9

2009TN8 29-Jan-09 Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp. cultivated Malan ThuvaraiMolapalayam village, ca. 15km W of Coimbatore Coimbatore N10-56-32.9

2009TN9 29-Jan-09 Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper cultivated UlanthuMolapalayam village, ca. 15km W of Coimbatore Coimbatore N10-56-32.9

2009TN10 29-Jan-09Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench ssp. bicolor cultivated Manja Cholam

Molapalayam village, ca. 15km W of Coimbatore Coimbatore N10-56-32.9

2009TN11 29-Jan-09 Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek cultivated Pacha Payaru

Nathegoun der Pudur village, ca. 20km W of Coimbatore Coimbatore N10-56-57.5

2009TN12 29-Jan-09 Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper cultivated Ulanthu

Nathegoun der Pudur village, ca. 20km W of Coimbatore Coimbatore N10-56-57.5

2009TN13 29-Jan-09Macrotyloma uniflorum (Lam.) Verdc. cultivated Kollu Payaru

Nathegoun der Pudur village, ca. 20km W of Coimbatore Coimbatore N10-56-57.5

2009TN14 29-Jan-09Lablab purpureus (L.) Sweet cultivated Avarai

Nathegoun der Pudur village, ca. 20km W of Coimbatore Coimbatore N10-56-57.5

2009TN15 29-Jan-09Lablab purpureus (L.) Sweet cultivated Avarai

Nathegoun der Pudur village, ca. 20km W of Coimbatore Coimbatore N10-56-57.5

2009TN16 29-Jan-09Lablab purpureus (L.) Sweet cultivated Avarai

Nathegoun der Pudur village, ca. 20km W of Coimbatore Coimbatore N10-56-57.5

2009TN17 29-Jan-09Lablab purpureus (L.) Sweet cultivated Avarai

Nathegoun der Pudur village, ca. 20km W of Coimbatore Coimbatore N10-56-57.5

2009TN18 29-Jan-09

Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walpers cv-gr. Sesquipedalis E. Westphal cultivated Thatta Payaru

Nathegoun der Pudur village, ca. 20km W of Coimbatore Coimbatore N10-56-57.5

2009TN19 29-Jan-09Lablab purpureus (L.) Sweet cultivated Avarai

Nathegoun der Pudur village, ca. 20km W of Coimbatore Coimbatore N10-56-57.5

2009TN20 29-Jan-09

Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walpers cv-gr. Unguiculata E. Westphal cultivated

Mondan Thatta Payaru

Nathegoun der Pudur village, ca. 20km W of Coimbatore Coimbatore N10-56-57.5

Table 3. A passport data of collected materials 


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(m) Soil Seed Herbarium Nodule Remarks

E076-49-08.5 478m gravel bulk no noSeeds from Mr. Aruchamy (a farmer of Molapalayam village). Brown pod. Drought tolerance. Low shattering.

E076-49-08.5 478m gravel bulk no noSeeds from Mr. Aruchamy (a farmer of Molapalayam village). Grain type.

E076-49-08.5 478m gravel bulk no noSeeds from Mr. Aruchamy (a farmer of Molapalayam village). Vegetable type. Mottled seeds.

E076-49-08.5 478m gravel bulk no noSeeds from Mr. Aruchamy (a farmer of Molapalayam village). Vegetable type. Brown seeds.

E076-49-08.5 478m gravel bulk no noSeeds from Mr. Aruchamy (a farmer of Molapalayam village). Black seeds. Only dry seeds are used.

E076-49-08.5 478m gravel bulk no noSeeds from Mr. Aruchamy (a farmer of Molapalayam village).Brown seeds. Vegetable pod.

E076-49-08.5 478m gravel bulk no noSeeds from Mr. Aruchamy (a farmer of Molapalayam village). Mottled seeds.

E076-49-08.5 478m gravel bulk no noSeeds from Mr. Aruchamy (a farmer of Molapalayam village). White seeds for vegetable.

E076-49-08.5 478m gravel bulk no noSeeds from Mr. Aruchamy (a farmer of Molapalayam village). Red seeds.

E076-49-08.5 478m gravel bulk no noSeeds from Mr. Aruchamy (a farmer of Molapalayam village). Small seeds good for powder.

E076-49-08.5 478m gravel bulk no noSeeds from Mr. Aruchamy (a farmer of Molapalayam village). Yellow Sorghum. Manja (=yellow)

E76-47-43.3 480m gravel bulk no noSeeds from Mr. Anganagounder (a farmer of Nathegoun der Pudur village). June - 3 months

E76-47-43.3 480m gravel bulk no noSeeds from Mr. Anganagounder (a farmer of Nathegoun der Pudur village).

E76-47-43.3 480m gravel bulk no noSeeds from Mr. Anganagounder (a farmer of Nathegoun der Pudur village).

E76-47-43.3 480m gravel bulk no noSeeds from Mr. Anganagounder (a farmer of Nathegoun der Pudur village). Black seeds.

E76-47-43.3 480m gravel bulk no noSeeds from Mr. Anganagounder (a farmer of Nathegoun der Pudur village). Black seeds. Creeper type.

E76-47-43.3 480m gravel bulk no noSeeds from Mr. Anganagounder (a farmer of Nathegoun der Pudur village). Mottled seeds.

E76-47-43.3 480m gravel bulk no noSeeds from Mr. Anganagounder (a farmer of Nathegoun der Pudur village). White flower. Reddish brown seeds.

E76-47-43.3 480m gravel bulk no noSeeds from Mr. Anganagounder (a farmer of Nathegoun der Pudur village). Vegetable type.

E76-47-43.3 480m gravel bulk no noSeeds from Mr. Anganagounder (a farmer of Nathegoun der Pudur village). Field bean. Mature seeds used by boiling.

E76-47-43.3 480m gravel bulk no noSeeds from Mr. Anganagounder (a farmer of Nathegoun der Pudur village). Big pod.

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Coll. No. Coll. Date Species name Status Local Name Collection Site Province Latitude

2009TN21 29-Jan-09

Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walpers cv-gr. Unguiculata E. Westphal cultivated Thatta Payaru

Nathegoun der Pudur village, ca. 20 km W of Coimbatore Coimbatore N10-56-57.5

2009TN22 29-Jan-09

Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walpers cv-gr. Unguiculata E. Westphal cultivated Thatta Payaru

Nathegoun der Psudur village, ca. 20 km W of Coimbatore Coimbatore N10-56-57.5

2009TN23 29-Jan-09

Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walpers cv-gr. Sesquipedalis E. Westphal cultivated Thatta Payaru

Nathegoun der Pudur village, ca. 20 km W of Coimbatore Coimbatore N10-56-57.5

2009TN24 29-Jan-09

Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walpers cv-gr. Unguiculata E. Westphal cultivated Thatta Payaru

Nathegoun der Pudur village, ca. 20 km W of Coimbatore Coimbatore N10-56-57.5

2009TN25 29-Jan-09 Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp. cultivated Malai Thuvarai

Nathegoun der Pudur village, ca. 20 km W of Coimbatore Coimbatore N10-56-57.5

2009TN26 29-Jan-09 Sesamum indicum L. cultivated Ellu

Nathegoun der Pudur village, ca. 20 km W of Coimbatore Coimbatore N10-56-57.5

2009TN27 31-Jan-09Macrotyloma uniflorum (Lam.) Verdc. cultivated Kollu Payaru

ca. 30 km NE of Coimbatore, along R209, near Annur Coimbatore N11-11-12.8

2009TN28 31-Jan-09 Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek cultivated Pacha PayaruPasur village, ca. 38 km NE of Coimbatore, along R209 Coimbatore N11-16-47.3

2009TN29 31-Jan-09 Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek cultivated Pacha PayaruPasur village, ca. 38 km NE of Coimbatore, along R209 Coimbatore N11-16-47.3

2009TN30 31-Jan-09 Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper cultivated UluduPasur village, ca. 38 km NE of Coimbatore, along R209 Coimbatore N11-16-47.3

2009TN31 31-Jan-09

Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walpers cv-gr. Unguiculata E. Westphal cultivated Thatta Payaru

Pasur village, ca. 38 km NE of Coimbatore, along R209 Coimbatore N11-16-47.3

2009TN32 31-Jan-09Vigna trilobata (L.) Verdc. wild Nari Payaru

Pasur village, ca. 38 km NE of Coimbatore, along R209 Coimbatore N11-16-47.3

2009TN33 31-Jan-09 Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek cultivated Pacha PayaruPasur village, ca. 38 km NE of Coimbatore, along R209 Coimbatore N11-16-47.3

2009TN34 31-Jan-09 Vigna trilobata (L.) Verdc. wildca. 43 km NE of Coimbatore, along R209 Coimbatore N11-18-47.5

2009TN35 31-Jan-09Vigna stipulacea (Lamarck) Tateishi wild Nari Payaru

ca. 50 km W of Erode, 5 km W of Gopichettipalayam Erode N11-28-00.7

2009TN36 31-Jan-09

Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walpers cv-gr. Unguiculata E. Westphal cultivated Thatta Payaru

Kalkadambur village, ca. 70 km NW of Erode Erode N11-37-27.5

2009TN37 31-Jan-09

Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walpers cv-gr. Unguiculata E. Westphal cultivated Thatta Payaru

Kalkadambur village, ca. 70 km NW of Erode Erode N11-37-27.5

2009TN38 31-Jan-09

Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walpers cv-gr. Unguiculata E. Westphal cultivated Thatta Payaru

Kalkadambur village, ca. 70 km NW of Erode Erode N11-37-27.5

2009TN39 31-Jan-09

Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walpers cv-gr. Unguiculata E. Westphal cultivated Thatta Payaru

Kalkadambur village, ca. 70 km NW of Erode Erode N11-37-27.5

2009TN40 31-Jan-09

Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walpers cv-gr. Unguiculata E. Westphal cultivated Thatta Payaru

Kalkadambur village, ca. 70 km NW of Erode Erode N11-37-27.5

2009TN41 31-Jan-09Lablab purpureus (L.) Sweet cultivated Avarai

Kalkadambur village, ca. 70 km NW of Erode Erode N11-37-27.5

2009TN42 31-Jan-09Lablab purpureus (L.) Sweet cultivated Avarai

Kalkadambur village, ca. 70 km NW of Erode Erode N11-37-27.5

2009TN43 31-Jan-09Macrotyloma uniflorum (Lam.) Verdc. cultivated Kollu Payaru

Kalkadambur village, ca. 70 km NW of Erode Erode N11-37-27.5

Table 3(Continued).

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(m) Soil Seed Herbarium Nodule Remarks

E76-47-43.3 480m gravel bulk no noSeeds from Mr. Anganagounder (a farmer of Nathegoun der Pudur village). Larger seeds.

E76-47-43.3 480m gravel bulk no noSeeds from Mr. Anganagounder (a farmer of Nathegoun der Pudur village).

E76-47-43.3 480m gravel bulk no noSeeds from Mr. Anganagounder (a farmer of Nathegoun der Pudur village). Vegetable type.

E76-47-43.3 480m gravel bulk no noSeeds from Mr. Anganagounder (a farmer of Nathegoun der Pudur village).

E76-47-43.3 480m gravel bulk no noSeeds from Mr. Anganagounder (a farmer of Nathegoun der Pudur village).

E76-47-43.3 480m gravel bulk no noSeeds from Mr. Anganagounder (a farmer of Nathegoun der Pudur village).

E77-03-44.6 390m gravel bulk no no Mono cropping

E77-07-13.9 372m gravel bulk no no

Collected in a field of Mr. Subramanian. Taste different. Side dish. Good for making Wada (fermented bean doughnut). Very thick stem. Sometimes twining. Drought tolerant.

E77-07-13.9 372m gravel bulk no no Collected in a field of Mr. Subramanian. Small dark green seeds.

E77-07-13.9 372m gravel bulk no no Collected in a field of Mr. Subramanian.

E77-07-13.9 372m gravel bulk no no Collected in a field of Mr. Subramanian.

E77-07-13.9 372m gravel bulk yes noCollected in a field of Mr. Subramanian. Cultivated up to 4 years ago.

E77-07-13.9 372m gravel bulk no no Collected in a field of Mr. Subramanian. Brown seeds

E77-08-38.1 326m gravel individual no noGrowing in a farmer's field. Only one pod collected. Seems to be resistant to virus.

E77-24-38.1 216m clay individual yes yesBeside paddy field. Only 2 pods collected. Others eaten by baffalo. No disease seen.

E77-19-52.4 832m gravel bulk no no

Mixed cowpea seeds supplied from a farmer's storage (Mr. Subramanian). Disease and insect resistance. Tasty. Young pods also eaten as vegetables. Mottled black small seeds separated.

E77-19-52.4 832m gravel bulk no no

Mixed cowpea seeds supplied from a farmer's storage (Mr. Subramanian). Disease and insect resistance. Tasty. Young pods also eaten as vegetables. Mottled black big seeds separated.

E77-19-52.4 832m gravel bulk no no

Mixed cowpea seeds supplied from a farmer's storage (Mr. Subramanian). Disease and insect resistance. Tasty. Young pods also eaten as vegetables. Flat pale brown seeds separated.

E77-19-52.4 832m gravel bulk no no

Mixed cowpea seeds supplied from a farmer's storage (Mr. Subramanian). Disease and insect resistance. Tasty. Young pods also eaten as vegetables. Light brown seeds separated.

E77-19-52.4 832m gravel bulk no no

Mixed cowpea seeds supplied from a farmer's storage (Mr. Subramanian). Disease and insect resistance. Tasty. Young pods also eaten as vegetables. Flat small pale brown seeds separated.

E77-19-52.4 832m gravel bulk no noSeeds supplied from a farmer's storage (Mr. Subramanian). White seeds.

E77-19-52.4 832m gravel bulk no noSeeds supplied from a farmer's storage (Mr. Subramanian). Black seeds.

E77-19-52.4 832m gravel bulk no no Seeds supplied from a farmer's storage (Mr. Subramanian).

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Coll.No. Coll. Date Species name Status Local Name Collection Site Province Latitude

2009TN44 31-Jan-09 Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp. cultivated ThuravaiKalkadambur village, ca. 70 km NW of Erode Erode N11-37-27.5

2009TN45 1-Feb-09Vigna trilobata (L.) Verdcourt wild

ca. 10 km NW of Rasipuram Namakkal N11-27-51.7

2009TN46 1-Feb-09Vigna aconitifolia (Jacq.) Maréchal cultivated

ca. 13 km NW of Rasipuram Namakkal M11-28-34.6

2009TN47 1-Feb-09Vigna aconitifolia (Jacq.) Maréchal cultivated Nari Payaru

Rajapalayam village, ca. 15 km NW of Rasipuram Namakkal N11-29-17.0

2009TN48 1-Feb-09 Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper cultivated UluduRajapalayam village, ca. 15 km NW of Rasipuram Namakkal N11-29-17.0

2009TN49 1-Feb-09 Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek cultivatedRajapalayam village, ca. 15 km NW of Rasipuram Namakkal N11-29-17.0

2009TN50 1-Feb-09 Vigna trilobata (L.) Verdc. wildKattu (=wild) Nari Payaru

Thalakarai Kollaram village, ca. 10 km SE of Tiruchengodu Namakkal N11-17-22.2

2009TN51 1-Feb-09Vigna aconitifolia (Jacq.) Maréchal cultivated Nari Payaru

Thalakarai Kollaram village, ca. 10 km SE of Tiruchengodu Namakkal N11-17-22.2

2009TN52 2-Feb-09Lablab purpureus (L.) Sweet cultivated Mochai

Adimalaipudar village, ca. 20 km NE of Salem Salem N11-46-06.8

2009TN53 2-Feb-09Lablab purpureus (L.) Sweet cultivated Mochai

Kalipettai village, ca. 30 km NE of Salem toward Harur Dharmapuri N11-50-45.4

2009TN54 2-Feb-09Lablab purpureus (L.) Sweet cultivated Mochai

Kalipettai village, ca. 30 km NE of Salem toward Harur Dharmapuri N11-50-45.4

2009TN55 2-Feb-09Lablab purpureus (L.) Sweet cultivated Avarai ca. 5 km W of Harur Dharmapuri N12-01-12.5

2009TN56 2-Feb-09Vigna stipulacea (Lamarck) Tateishi wild ca. 5 km W of Harur Dharmapuri N12-01-01.2

2009TN57 2-Feb-09 Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek cultivated Pacha Payaru ca. 5 km W of Harur Dharmapuri N12-01-13.3

2009TN58 3-Feb-09Vigna aconitifolia (Jacq.) Maréchal cultivated Nari Payaru

Elavadi village, ca. 20 km NE of Attur Viluppuram N11-39-04.5

2009TN59 3-Feb-09 Vigna trilobata (L.) Verdc. wildKalanatam village, ca. 32 km NE of Attur Viluppuram N11-40-0.0

2009TN60 3-Feb-09

Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek var. sublobata (Roxb.) Verdc. wild

Chinna Salem village, ca. 30 km E of Attur Viluppuram N11-37-24.2

2009TN61 3-Feb-09Vigna sp. (Vigna aconitifolia?) wild

Chinna Salem village, ca. 30 km E of Attur Viluppuram N11-37-24.2

2009TN62 3-Feb-09 Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek cultivatedChinna Salem village, ca. 30 km E of Attur Viluppuram N11-37-24.2

2009TN63 3-Feb-09 Vigna trilobata (L.) Verdc. wildChinna Salem village, ca. 30 km E of Attur Viluppuram N11-37-24.2

2009TN64 3-Feb-09Vigna aconitifolia (Jacq.) Maréchal cultivated Nari Payaru

market at Nainartalayam shop, in Chinna Salem village, ca. 30km E of Attur Viluppuram N11-34-39.0

2009TN65 3-Feb-09 Vigna trilobata (L.) Verdc. wild ca. 30 km E of Attur Viluppuram N11-33-13.6

2009TN66 3-Feb-09Vigna sp. (Vigna aconitifolia?) wild ca. 30 km E of Attur Viluppuram N11-33-13.6

2009TN67 3-Feb-09Vigna sp. (Vigna aconitifolia?) wild ca. 30 km E of Attur Viluppuram N11-33-13.6

Table 3(Continued).

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LongitudeAltitude(m) Soil Seed Herbarium Nodule Remarks

E77-19-52.4 832m gravel bulk no no Seeds supplied from a farmer's storage (Mr. Subramanian).

E78-06-19.0 238m gravel bulk yes noPeduncle about 50cm and big leaf. Very good growth in a hole of coconut seedling.

E78-05-25.2 219m gravel bulk no no In a sorghum field.

E78-04-35.5 230m gravel bulk no no

Seeds from Mr. Appugounder (a farmer of Rajapalayam village). For food purpose: Oct. sowing - Dec. harvest. For fodder purpose: Jun./Jul. sowing (not heavy rain). Fodder yield is more in this season. Stem become very long. Vigna aconitifolia seeds also given to cattle, then milk yield is more from cattle. Soaked in water then crushed and given to cattle.

E78-04-35.5 230m gravel bulk no noSeeds from Mr. Appugounder (a farmer of Rajapalayam village). Maybe Vamban 3 (a released variety).

E78-04-35.5 230m gravel bulk no noSeeds from Mr. Appugounder (a farmer of Rajapalayam village). Maybe improved variety.

E77-58-57.9 176m gravel bulk no no

Mr. T. R. Shingaram. Many V. trilobata plants grow in a rainfed sorghum field. They are harvested together with sorghum stalks as a fodder.

E77-58-57.9 176m gravel bulk no no Mr. T. R. Shingaram.

E78-18-16.8 425m gravel bulk no no Field bean.

E78-21-31.0 473m gravel bulk no no

Seeds from Mrs. Mariyammal. Brown seeds. Prepare "Sambar" (bean soup which is usually prepared from pigeon pea). Dry seeds sold at 80 Rp/kg to the market (very high price).

E78-21-31.0 473m gravel bulk no noMrs. Mariyammal. Pale brown seeds variety obtained from her relative at Mechri village.

E78-24-49.9 385m gravel bulk no no

Seeds used for "Sambar" (bean soup which is usually prepared from pigeon pea). Young pods for vegetable. White flower. 9 month old. Jun./Jul. planted.

E78-24-58.8 375m clay bulk yes yesMany V. stipulacea plants growing in and around harvested paddy fields.

E78-24-04.2 392m gravel individual no noOne twining mungbean plant growing among black gram field under coconut trees.

E78-49-00.7 166m gravel bulk no noSeeds from Mr. Ramasamy. Sickle harvest, dry, hit and collect seeds.

E78-49-03.8 160m red sandy bulk yes no Beside paddy nursery.

E78-52-52.1 132m sand bulk yes no Growing in a sorghum field.

E78-52-52.1 132m gravel bulk yes noGrowing in a sorghum field. Seems to be a wild form of V. aconitifolia. Deeply lobed leaflet type.

E78-52-52.1 132m gravel bulk no no Landrace. Growing mixed with sorghum.

E78-52-52.1 132m gravel bulk yes no Growing in a sorghum field.

E78-54-57.5 109m gravel bulk no no Seeds from market at Nainartalayam shop.

E78-54-44.2 120mwhite sandy soil bulk no no Growing in a sorghum field.

E78-54-44.2 120m sand bulk yes noGrowing in a sorghum field. Seems to be a wild form of V. aconitifolia. Broad leaflet type. Upper leaf surface light purple.

E78-54-44.2 120m sand individual yes noGrowing in a sorghum field. Seems to be a wild form of V. aconitifolia. Deeply lobed leaflet type.

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Table 3(Continued).

Coll. No. Coll. Date Species name Status Local Name Collection Site Province Latitude

2009TN68 4-Feb-09

Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek var. sublobata (Roxb.) Verdc. wild

Karum (=black) Payaru

Mel Nariyappanur, ca. 30 km NE of Attur Viluppuram N11-37-15.5

2009TN69 4-Feb-09 Vigna trilobata (L.) Verdc. wild Nari PayaruMel Nariyappanur, ca. 30 km NE of Attur Viluppuram N11-37-15.5

2009TN70 5-Feb-09Vigna aconitifolia (Jacq.) Maréchal cultivated Nari Payaru

Ottamedu Singalanthapuram village, ca. 5 km SE of Rasipuram Namakkal N11-25-24.7

2009TN71 5-Feb-09Vigna stipulacea (Lamarck) Tateishi wild ca. 25 km NE of Namakkal Namakkal N11-19-54.9

2009TN72 5-Feb-09Vigna stipulacea (Lamarck) Tateishi wild ca. 10 km NE of Namakkal Namakkal N11-16-08.1

2009TN73 5-Feb-09 Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek cultivated 1 km south of Namakal Namakkal N11-11-47.1

2009TN74 5-Feb-09Vigna aconitifolia (Jacq.) Maréchal cultivated 1km south of Namakal Namakkal N11-11-47.1

2009TN75 5-Feb-09Vigna aconitifolia (Jacq.) Maréchal cultivated 1km south of Namakal Namakkal N11-11-47.1

2009TN76 5-Feb-09 Vigna trilobata (L.) Verdc. wild 1km south of Namakal Namakkal N11-11-47.1

2009TN77 5-Feb-09Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp. cultivated 1km south of Namakal Namakkal N11-11-47.1

2009TN78 5-Feb-09Macrotyloma uniflorum (Lam.) Verdc. cultivated 1km south of Namakal Namakkal N11-11-47.1

2009TN79 5-Feb-09Lablab purpureus (L.) Sweet cultivated Mochai 1km south of Namakal Namakkal N11-11-47.1

2009TN80 5-Feb-09 Vigna trilobata (L.) Verdc. wildParamati, ca. 30 km SW of Namakkal Namakkal N11-09-37.5

2009TN81 5-Feb-09 Vigna trilobata (L.) Verdc. wildMauraddipatti village, 3 km NW of Paramati Namakkal N11-10-36.1

2009TN82 5-Feb-09Vigna aconitifolia (Jacq.) Maréchal cultivated 5 km NW of Paramati Namakkal N11-11-03.5

2009TN83 6-Feb-09 Vigna trilobata (L.) Verdc. wild Nari Payaru

Poonampalayam village, 2.5 km N of Mannach-chanellu, ca. 15 km N of Tiruchirappalli

Tiruchirap-palli N10-55-42.2

2009TN84 6-Feb-09Vigna aconitifolia (Jacq.) Maréchal cultivated Nari Payaru

Poonampalayam village, 2.5 km N of Mannach-chanellu, ca. 15 km N of Tiruchirappalli

Tiruchirap-palli N10-55-42.2

2009TN85 6-Feb-09

Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walpers cv-gr. Unguicu-lata E. Westphal cultivated

Poonampalayam village, 2.5 km N of Mannach-chanellu, ca. 15 km N of Tiruchirappalli

Tiruchirap-palli N10-55-42.2

2009TN86 6-Feb-09 Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek cultivated

Poonampalayam village, 2.5 km N of Mannach-chanellu, ca. 15 km N of Tiruchirappalli

Tiruchirap-palli N10-55-42.2

2009TN87 6-Feb-09Vigna aconitifolia (Jacq.) Maréchal cultivated Kumma Payaru

3.5 km N of Mannach-chanellu, ca. 16 km N of Tiruchirappalli

Tiruchirap-palli N10-55-58.4

2009TN88 6-Feb-09

Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walpers cv-gr. Unguicu-lata E. Westphal cultivated Thatta Payaru

3.5 km N of Mannach-chanellu, ca. 16 km N of Tiruchirappalli

Tiruchirap-palli N10-55-58.4

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(m)Soil Seed Herbarium Nodule Remarks

E78-48-28.8 156m sand bulk yes no

Growing in an abandoned field. The seeds were sold in a shop formerly. Mainly used as a green manure before rice. Seeds eaten after boiled with sugar. Drought and insect tolerant. Decreased after mungbean cultivars came. They cultivate and harvest this plant formerly.

E78-48-28.8 156m sand bulk yes no

Plenty of V. trilobata growing on harvested sorghum fields. Here threy do not eat V. trilobata but used for feeding animals. She told in other place people eat this beans as "Dosai", because she heard this from people came from other area with V. trilobata seeds.

E78-12-55.5 221m clay soil bulk no no

Growing in a sorghum field. Used only as fodder for cattle. Seeds not sown but naturally appeared. Never seen wild form of V. aconitifolia.

E78-16-56.7 213mgray clay soil bulk yes no In a harvested sorghum field.

E78-14-09.5 180m gray clay bulk yes yes Paddy edge. Already mostly grazed. Salt affected gray clay paddy.

E78-10-06.1 180m sand bulk no no In a mixed pulses field. Long thick stem. No virus. Long branches.

E78-10-06.1 180m sand bulk no no Cultivated semi-erect type.

E78-10-06.1 180m sand bulk yes no Cultivated prostrate type.

E78-10-06.1 180m sand bulk yes no Big pod, like a cultivar.

E78-10-06.1 180m sand bulk no no Small seed. Long stem. Drought tolerant.

E78-10-06.1 180m sand bulk no no Big pod. Only this crop grown as a mono-culture in this field.

E78-10-06.1 180m sand bulk no no Mottled seeds.

E78-01-30.7 130m sand bulk no no

Growing in a harvested sorghum field. When Pandiyan visited this place on January 12th this year, many plants of V. trilobata were there. Now, farmer harvested sorghum and goat grazed almost all of V. trilobata.

E78-0-34.9 154mreddishsand bulk yes no

Growing in a harvested sorghum field. Full of V. trilobata plants around the area. Some are infested by yellow mosaic virus. Leaflet sometimes large like mungbean.

E78-00-13.4 155m sand bulk no no Yellow mottled virus affected.

E78-41-42.2 86m sand bulk no no Growing in a sorghum field. Used for cattle feeding.

E78-41-42.2 86m sand bulk no no

Sown together with sorghum for human food. Virus severe. Few rain this year, so few V. aconitifolia population establised. July sowing. Cowpea and mungbean also sown but not established.

E78-41-42.2 86m sand bulk no noSown together with sorghum. Few plants established because of few rain this year.

E78-41-42.2 86m sand bulk no noSown together with sorghum. Few plants established because of few rain this year.

E78-41-30.7 85m sand bulk no no Grown in a sorghum field.

E78-41-30.7 85m sand bulk no no Grown in a sorghum field.

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Coll. No. Coll. Date Species name Status Local Name Collection Site Province Latitude

2009TN89 6-Feb-09 Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek cultivated

3.5 km N of Mannach-chanellu, ca. 16 km N of Tiruchirappalli

Tiruchirap-palli N10-55-58.4

2009TN90 6-Feb-09 Vigna trilobata (L.) Verdc. wild Nari Payaru

3.5km N of Mannach-chanellu, ca. 16 km N of Tiruchirappalli

Tiruchirap-palli N10-55-58.4

2009TN91 6-Feb-09 Vigna trilobata (L.) Verdc. wildca. 25 km N of Pudukkot-tai, along R210 Pudukkottai N10-32-13.6

2009TN92 6-Feb-09Lablab purpureus (L.) Sweet cultivated

ca. 25 km N of Pudukkot-tai, along R210 Pudukkottai N10-32-13.6

2009TN93 6-Feb-09Lablab purpureus (L.) Sweet cultivated

ca. 25 km N of Pudukkot-tai, along R210 Pudukkottai N10-32-13.6

2009TN94 6-Feb-09 Vigna trilobata (L.) Verdc. wild

in front of seed multipli-cation center, Annapanai village, ca. 16 km W of Pudukkottai Pudukkottai N10-23-51.0

2009TN95 6-Feb-09Vigna stipulacea (Lamarck) Tateishi wild Nari Payaru

Rangeyam village, ca. 25 km SW of Pudukkottai Pudukkottai N10-14-21.9

2009TN96 7-Feb-09

Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walpers cv-gr. Unguicu-lata E. Westphal cultivated

45 km NE of Dindigul, 10 km SW of Manapparai, along R45

Tiruchirap-palli N10-33-59.3

2009TN97 7-Feb-09 Vigna trilobata (L.) Verdc. wildVelvarkottai village, 11 km NE of Dindigul, along R45 Dindigul N10-25-14.6

2009TN98 7-Feb-09Vigna stipulacea (Lamarck) Tateishi wild Minnikolai

Velvarkottai village, 11 km NE of Dindigul, along R45 Dindigul N10-25-14.6

2009TN99 7-Feb-09Vigna aconitifolia (Jacq.) Maréchal cultivated

6 km SE of Dindigul, foot hill of Sirumalai Dindigul N10-18-37.9

2009TN100 7-Feb-09

Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walpers cv-gr. Unguicu-lata E. Westphal cultivated

6 km SE of Dindigul, foot hill of Sirumalai Dindigul N10-18-37.9

2009TN101 8-Feb-09 Vigna trilobata (L.) Verdc. wild Ramar Kodi ca. 5.5 km SE of Dindigul Dindigul N10-19-16.8

2009TN102 8-Feb-09Vigna aconitifolia (Jacq.) Maréchal cultivated Kallu Payaru ca. 5.5 km SE of Dindigul Dindigul N10-19-16.8

2009TN103 8-Feb-09Vigna aconitifolia (Jacq.) Maréchal cultivated ca. 5.5 km SE of Dindigul Dindigul N10-19-16.8

2009TN104 8-Feb-09Lablab purpureus (L.) Sweet cultivated Mochai ca. 5.5 km SE of Dindigul Dindigul N10-19-16.8

2009TN105 8-Feb-09 Vigna trilobata (L.) Verdc. wild Nari Payaru

Kuttur village, ca. 30 km SE of Dindigul, ca. 4 km W of Nattam Dindigul N10-14-18.9

2009TN106 8-Feb-09Lablab purpureus (L.) Sweet cultivated Mochai

Kuttur village, ca. 30 km SE of Dindigul, ca. 4 km W of Nattam Dindigul N10-14-18.9

2009TN107 8-Feb-09Lablab purpureus (L.) Sweet cultivated

Bore(=tasty) Mo-chai

Kuttur village, ca. 30 km SE of Dindigul, ca. 4 km W of Nattam Dindigul N10-14-18.9

2009TN108 8-Feb-09Lablab purpureus (L.) Sweet cultivated

Mochai (Manthi Kan(=eye))

Kuttur village, ca. 3 0 km SE of Dindigul, ca. 4 km W of Nattam Dindigul N10-14-18.9

2009TN109 8-Feb-09 Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper cultivated

Valayapatti village, ca. 65 km SW of Tiruchirappalli, 2~ 3 km S of Thuvaranku-richchi, along R458

Tiruchirap-palli N10-21-14.0

2009TN110 8-Feb-09 Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek cultivated Kolli hills Namakkal

Table 3(Continued).

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(m)Soil Seed Herbarium Nodule Remarks

E78-41-30.7 85 m sand bulk no no Grown in a sorghum field.

E78-41-30.7 85 m sand bulk no no Grown in a sorghum field. A farmer said she eats this legume.

E78-46-39.7 118 mwhite sandy bulk yes no Growing in a harvested groundnut field.

E78-46-39.7 118 mwhite sandy bulk no no Lablab plants grown near the tree in a field. White seeds.

E78-46-39.7 118 mwhite sandy bulk no no Lablab plants grown near the tree in a field. Pale brown seeds.

E78-41-01.9 123 mreddish sand bulk no no Growing in a garden in front of seed multiplication building.

E78-39-53.6 114 m heavy clay bulk yes yes

A large population of Vigna stipulacea growing in a fallow lowland paddy. A farmer (Mrs. Salaiammal) said this plant is used as leaf vegetables, green manure and fodder for cattle (milk yield increase). Young immature seeds eaten raw by human. Mature seeds are fried, eaten and also made into curry.

E78-20-07.0 210 m gravel bulk no no Road side dry place. Gravel soil.

E78-03-37.2 268 mreddish sandy bulk no no Growing dry road side.

E78-03-37.2 268 mreddish sandy bulk yes yes

Young pod eaten. Whole plant fed to cattle. Naturally growing around paddy. Mr. Duraisamy's land.

E78-00-08.8 338 m gravel individual no no Growing mixed with sorghum.

E78-00-08.8 338 m gravel bulk no no Growing mixed with sorghum. Landrace.

E78-00-42.0 325 mred sandy clay bulk no no

E78-00-42.0 325 mred sandy clay bulk no no Prostrate. Seeds from shop 20Rp/kg.

E78-00-42.0 325 mred sandy clay bulk yes no

Strange Vigna aconitifolia plant. No name. Naturally appeared. Seems more resistance to disease but some symptom of YMV.

E78-00-42.0 325 mred sandy clay bulk no no Mottled seeds.

E78-12-33.7 283 m sandy clay bulk no no Not eaten by human, only for cattle.

E78-12-33.7 283 m sandy clay bulk no no Seeds from Mr. Muthaih. Deep mottled seeds.

E78-12-33.7 283 m sandy clay bulk no no Seeds from Mr. Muthaih. Mottled seeds. Higher price.

E78-12-33.7 283 m sandy clay bulk no no Seeds from Mr. Muthaih. Higher yield, more drought resistance.

E78-23-06.6 237 mred sandy clay bulk no no

Seeds from Mr. V. Alagasan. Local blackgram. Many flowers. Good taste for "idli" and "dosai" (local food made by black gram).

sand bulk no no

A farmer last year met has brought seeds to the restaurant at Tiruchirappalli. Land race. 5 feet. Small seeds. Kolli Hills. Climbing to sorghum.

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Coll. No. Coll. Date Species name Status Local Name Collection Site Province Latitude

2009TN111 8-Feb-09Vigna aconitifolia (Jacq.) Maréchal cultivated Karur

2009TN112 8-Feb-09Vigna aconitifolia (Jacq.) Maréchal cultivated Marapparai


2009TN113 8-Feb-09Vigna aconitifolia (Jacq.) Maréchal cultivated Kulittalai Karur

2009TN114 8-Feb-09Vigna stipulacea (Lamarck) Tateishi wild

ca. 30 km NE of Tiruchi-rappalli, along R45

Tiruchirap-palli N11-01-16.9

2009TN115 8-Feb-09 Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper cultivated

Pasar village, ca. 100 km NE of Tiruchirappalli, ca. 5 km SW of Veppur, along R45 Cuddalore N11-29-28.4

2009TN116 8-Feb-09

Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek var. sublobata (Roxb.) Verdc. wild

Pasar village, ca. 100km NE of Tiruchirappalli, ca. 5 km SW of Veppur, along R45 Cuddalore N11-29-28.4

2009TN117 8-Feb-09

Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walpers cv-gr. Unguicu-lata E. Westphal cultivated

Pasar village, ca. 100km NE of Tiruchirappalli, ca. 5 km SW of Veppur, along R45 Cuddalore N11-29-28.4

2009TN118 8-Feb-09Lablab purpureus (L.) Sweet cultivated Mochai

Pasar village, ca. 100 km NE of Tiruchirappalli, ca. 5 km SW of Veppur, along R45 Cuddalore N11-29-28.4

2009TN119 9-Feb-09Vigna aconitifolia (Jacq.) Maréchal cultivated Pani Payaru

Iraiyanur village, ca. 4 km SE of Tindivanam Viluppuram N12-12-30.1

2009TN120 9-Feb-09Vigna aconitifolia (Jacq.) Maréchal cultivated Pani Payaru

Iraiyanur village, ca. 4 km SE of Tindivanam Viluppuram N12-12-30.1

2009TN121 9-Feb-09 Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper cultivatedIraiyanur village, ca. 4 km SE of Tindivanam Viluppuram N12-12-30.1

2009TN122 9-Feb-09Vigna aconitifolia (Jacq.) Maréchal cultivated

Iraiyanur village, ca. 4 km SE of Tindivanam Viluppuram N12-12-30.1

2009TN122.5 9-Feb-09Vigna aconitifolia (Jacq.) Maréchal cultivated

Iraiyanur village, ca. 4 km SE of Tindivanam Viluppuram N12-12-30.1

2009TN123 9-Feb-09 Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek cultivatedIraiyanur village, ca. 4 km SE of Tindivanam Viluppuram N12-12-30.1

2009TN124 9-Feb-09 Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek cultivatedIraiyanur village, ca. 4 km SE of Tindivanam Viluppuram N12-12-30.1

2009TN125 9-Feb-09 Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek cultivatedIraiyanur village, ca. 4 km SE of Tindivanam Viluppuram N12-12-30.1

2009TN126 9-Feb-09 Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek cultivated

Konakkampattu village, between Gingee and Tindi-vanam, along R66 Viluppuram N12-15-10.2

2009TN127 9-Feb-09 Vigna trilobata (L.) Verdc. wild

Konakkampattu village, between Gingee and Tindi-vanam, along R66 Viluppuram N12-15-10.2

2009TN128 9-Feb-09Vigna aconitifolia (Jacq.) Maréchal cultivated

Konakkampattu village, between Gingee and Tindi-vanam, along R66 Viluppuram N12-15-10.2

2009TN129 9-Feb-09Vigna stipulacea (Lamarck) Tateishi wild

Sellapratti village, ca. 30 km NW of Tindivanam, Viluppuram N12-17-25.5

2009TN130 9-Feb-09Lablab purpureus (L.) Sweet cultivated Mochai

Aripadi village. 8.7 km NW of Arani

Tiruvannam-alai N12-42-33.9

2009TN131 10-Feb-09

Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek var. sublobata (Roxb.) Verdc. wild

Mahedevamalai village, ca. 30 km W of Vellore Vellore N12-57-50.1

Table 3(Continued).

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(m)Soil Seed Herbarium Nodule Remarks

sand bulk no noA farmer last year met has brought seeds to the restaurant at Tiruchirappalli. Seeds from his relatives' place.

sand bulk no noA farmer last year met has brought seeds to the restaurant at Tiruchirappalli. Seeds from Manapparai.

sand bulk no noA farmer last year met has brought seeds to the restaurant at Tiruchirappalli. Seeds from Kulithalai.

E78-48-00.9 108m heavy clay soil bulk yes no Sorghum field edge. Only young seedlings found.

E79-04-08.2 79mheavy clay soil bulk no no Easy shattering. Maturity stage.

E79-04-08.2 79mheavy clay soil bulk yes no

Large leaf. Thick stem & pod. Like weedy. V. radiata var. sublobata can also grow on heavy clay.

E79-04-08.2 79mheavy clay soil bulk no no Local variety.

E79-04-08.2 79mheavy clay soil bulk no no Lablab white seeds.

E79-39-50.7 42mgray loamy clay bulk yes no

Seeds from Mr. Santhnam. Erect type of V. aconitifolia with broad leaflet.

E79-39-50.7 42mgray loamy clay bulk yes no

Seeds from Mr. Santhnam.Erect type of V. aconitifolia with deeply lobed leaflet. Easy harvest and earlier compared with crawling type. 3 years ago she brought erect type. High yield. Fry with salt and eat - very hard. Boil and eat. From Mailam village she brought. No spray but no insect and disease. No YMV compared with black gram. V. aconitifolia 40Rp/kg (because of confectionary use). Black gram 30Rp/kg .

E79-39-50.7 42mgray loamy clay bulk no no Seeds from Mr. Santhnam. Black gram runner type.

E79-39-50.7 42mgray loamy clay bulk yes no

Seeds from Mr. Devarajan. A little prostrate V. aconitifolia. Oct. end sowing.

E79-39-50.7 42mgray loamy clay bulk no no V. aconitifolia basal podding type.

E79-39-50.7 42mgray loamy clay bulk yes no Brown seeds.

E79-39-50.7 42mgray loamy clay bulk no no Green seeds. Landrace

E79-39-50.7 42mgray loamy clay bulk no no Shiny bold seeds.

E79-32-02.9 64m sandy soil bulk no noSeeds from Mr. G. Sadaiyan. Groundnut field mixed with V. mungo & V. radiata & V. unguiculata for additional income.

E79-32-02.9 64m sandy soil bulk no no Growing on the edge of field. Young pods eaten by human.

E79-32-02.9 64m sandy soil bulk no noWide leaflet. From dried field. Wide leaflet type came recently (2 years ago). Easy to harvest. Higher yield.

E79-25-00.0 84m heavy clay bulk yes noGrowing on the ridge of paddy field. Rice transplanting is on going. Mr. Thandararayan.

E79-13-03.3 172m sand bulk no no Very dry sandy area. Seeds from Mr. Govindasamy.

E78-58-02.5 263m sand bulk no no Growing in a sorghum field.

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Coll. No. Coll. Date Species name Status Local Name Collection Site Province Latitude

2009TN132 10-Feb-09 Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek cultivatedMahedevamalai village, ca. 30 km W of Vellore Vellore N12-57-50.1

2009TN133 10-Feb-09 Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek cultivatedMahedevamalai village, ca. 30 km W of Vellore Vellore N12-57-50.1

2009TN134 10-Feb-09Vigna stipulacea (Lamarck) Tateishi wild

Mahedevamalai village, ca. 30 km W of Vellore Vellore N12-57-50.1

2009TN135 10-Feb-09 Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek cultivatedMahedevamalai village, ca. 30 km W of Vellore Vellore N12-57-50.1

Table 3(Continued).

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(m)Soil Seed Herbarium Nodule Remarks

E78-58-02.5 263m sand bulk no no Green seeds.

E78-58-02.5 263m sand bulk no no Brown seeds.

E78-58-02.5 263m sand bulk no no Growing in a sorghum field.

E78-58-02.5 263m sand bulk no no Green seeds and brown seeds mixed.

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Photo 7. A long tap root of Vigna trilobata (TN69) growing on sandy soil beside farmers house suggesting high drought tolerance. However, no nodules are found.

Photo 8. Big cultivar-like pods of V. trilobata suggest ing some extent of domest icat ion. Cultivation and human consumption of V. trilobata are confirmed in Tamil Nadu.

Photo 6. A farmer eating immature seeds of V. stipulacea (TN95). It is used as leafy vegetable, green manure and fodder for cattle. Mature seeds are eaten fried and also made into curry soup.

Photo 5. Pods of Vigna stipulacea (TN35). This species prefers wet habitats and is frequently found in and around heavy clay paddy fields.

Photo 4. Unlike mungbean which is usually grown on dry land, black gram is frequently cultivated on the ridge or near the paddy field.

Photo 2. A wild form of moth bean like plant (TN67) found in Viluppuram Province. It grows in a sandy sorghum field with V. trilobata (TN65).

Photo 3. Another wild form of moth bean like plant (TN66) which has broad purplish leaflet growing sympatric with TN67 (see Photo 2).

Photo 1. A “Cultivated Type” of moth bean (TN119) shows erect short main stem. Farmers prefer this type because of easy harvesting.

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〔植探報 Vol. 25 : 111 ~ 145,2009〕

ラオスにおける野菜遺伝資源の共同探索 , 2008 年

斎藤 新 1)・田中 克典 2)・Chanthanom DEUANHAKSA 3)

1) 農業・食品産業技術総合研究機構・野菜茶業研究所

2) 人間文化研究機構・総合地球環境学研究所

3) ラオス農業森林省・稲・商品作物研究センター

Collaborative Exploration of Vegetable Genetic Resources in Laos, 2008

Atsushi SAITO 1), Katsunori TANAKA 2) and Chanthanom DEUANHAKSA 3)

1) National Agriculture and Food Research Organization, National Institute of Vegetable and Tea Science, Kusawa 360, Ano, Tsu, Mie 514-2392, Japan

2) National Institutes for the Humanities, Research Institute for Humanity and Nature, Motoyama 457-7, Kamigamo, Kita-ku, Kyoto 603-8047, Japan

3) Rice and Cash Crop Research Center, National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, P.O. Box 811, Vientiane, Lao PDR


The National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences, Japan, and the Rice and Cash Crop

Research Center, National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute, Lao PDR, have

collaborated since 2006 on a survey of plant genetic resources in Laos. A collaborative mission

to explore and collect vegetable genetic resources in Laos was conducted from 6 August to

1 September 2008. During this mission, Vientiane, Luang Prabang, Udomxai, Luang Namtha,

Muang Sing, Muang Khua, Phonsavan, Sam Nuea, and Muang Khoun were surveyed. A total of

218 seed samples of vegetables and other plants were collected: 108 seed samples of Cucumis

melo, two of Cucumis sativus, 44 of Solanum melongena, seven of Solanum lycopersicum

(Lycopersicon esculentum), 15 of Solanum spp., 41 of Capsicum annuum, and one of Nicotiana



The National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences, Japan, and the Rice and Cash

Crop Research Center, National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute, Lao PDR, have

collaborated since 2006 on a survey of plant genetic resources in Laos. This report describes the

second survey trip to collect vegetables. The trip report for the 2007 survey has been published

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previously1). The collection and preservation of traditional vegetable cultivars (landraces) and

wild relatives, mainly of Solanaceae and Cucurbitaceae, were chief objectives of the survey. In

the 2008 field study, we collected fruits of Cucurbitaceae and Solanaceae in northern Laos.

Exploration Methods

We surveyed northern Laos in the areas of Vientiane, Luang Prabang, Udomxai, Luang

Namtha, Muang Sing, Muang Khua, Phonsavan, Sam Nuea and Muang Khoun from 6 August to

1 September 2008 (Table 1, Fig. 1). We used rented cars to travel between study areas. At any

places where landraces were sold and wild relatives grew, we stopped and surveyed the area.

We collected vegetables and information on the collection sites, including the village name,

altitude, latitude, longitude and habitat (Table 2).

On 8 August, we visited the Horticulture Research Center (HRC) at Haddokkeo village

and received information on their vegetable genetic resources. Next, we visited the Rice and

Cash Crop Research Center (RCCRC) and met RCCRC staff members. On 30 August, we revisited

the RCCRC and reported the results of our exploration trip to RCCRC members.

Fig. 1. Main cities and villages visited during the survey in Laos, 2008

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Table 1. Itinerary of the field survey in Laos, 2008

Date Day Itinerary Stay

6-Aug WedChubu 10:35 (TG645) -- 14:35 Bangkok 20:00 (TG692) -- 21:10 Vientiane Kanku 11:45 (TG623) -- 15:35 Bangkok


7-Aug Thu Vientiane Vientiane

8-Aug FriVientiane, visit Horticulture Research Center (HRC) and Rice and Cash Crop Research Center (RCCRC), discuss exploration trip


9-Aug Sat Vientiane 11:20 (QV101) -- 12:10 Luang Prabang Luang Prabang

10-Aug Sun Luang Prabang -- B. Kiukacham -- Luang Prabang Luang Prabang

11-Aug Mon Luang Prabang -- Udomxai Udomxai

12-Aug Tue Udomxai -- B. Vangua -- Udomxai Udomxai

13-Aug Wed Udomxai -- Luang Namtha Luang Namtha

14-Aug Thu Luang Namtha -- B. Boten -- Luang Namtha Luang Namtha

15-Aug Fri Luang Namtha -- Muang Sing Muang Sing

16-Aug Sat Muang Sing -- Luang Namtha Luang Namtha

17-Aug Sun Luang Namtha -- Udomxai Udomxai

18-Aug Mon Udomxai -- Muang Khua -- Udomxai Udomxai

19-Aug Tue Udomxai -- Luang Prabang Luang Prabang

20-Aug Wed Luang Prabang Luang Prabang

21-Aug Thu Luang Prabang -- Phonsavan Phonsavan

22-Aug Fri Phonsavan Phonsavan

23-Aug Sat Phonsavan -- Sam Nuea Sam Nuea

24-Aug Sun Sam Nuea -- Namsoi Border --Sam Nuea Sam Nuea

25-Aug Mon Sam Nuea Sam Nuea

26-Aug Tue Sam Nuea -- Phonsavan Phonsavan

27-Aug Wed Phonsavan -- Muang Khoun -- Phonsavan Phonsavan

28-Aug Thu Phonsavan Phonsavan

29-Aug Fri Phonsavan 14:40 (QV402) -- 15:10 Vientiane Vientiane

30-Aug Sat Vientiane, visit RCCRC, report the result of exploration trip Vientiane

31-Aug Sun Vientiane Vientiane

1-Sep MonVientiane 13:50 (TG691) -- 14:55 Bangkok 22:10( TG640) -- Bangkok 22:40( TG622) --

on flight

2-Sep Tue--6:20 Narita --6:10 Kanku

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Summary of collected accessions

A total of 218 accessions of seeds representing six species, as well as seeds from other

species, were collected. Detailed information on each accession is listed in the passport data

table (Table 2). We collected 108 seed samples of Cucumis melo, two of Cucumis sativus, 44

of Solanum melongena, seven of Solanum lycopersicum (Lycopersicon esculentum), 15 of

Solanum spp., 41 of Capsicum annuum, and one of Nicotiana tabacum at 69 investigation sites

in northern Laos. We split the seed collection equally with the RCCRC (Table 2). Thirty melon

fruits (Phonsavan: 15, Sam Neua: 15) were also collected to analyze the fruit characteristics and

seed size. In total, 138 Cucumis melo were sampled (Table 3).

Area information

1. Vientiane and surrounding area (7–8 August 2008)

In Vientiane (elevation: 168–197 m), we surveyed four commercial markets (Kowrdin,

That Luang, Dongmaikhai, Phonsavang), which we had previously surveyed in 20071).

Commercial markets in Vientiane have an abundance of various vegetables (Photo 1 and 2).

In these markets several types of Cucurbitaceae crops are sold, 17 melon samples (Photo 3;

Table 2, No. 1–5, 7–15, 17–19) were collected. Of these, 14 had been cultivated in Salavan

Province and three in Luang Prabang Province and subsequently transported at least 100 km.

These melons weighed between 1.3 and 4.3 kg, and most had orange-colored skin (Tables 2, 3).

However, some melons had a white (No. 4, 11, 19) or green (No. 5, 12, 18) skin. When we asked

the traders (Lao tribe) about the name of these melons, they called them “makteng lai,” which

means “zebra melon” (makteng: cucumber or melon, lai: zebra). Melons are eaten as immature

fruits, and fragrant types are preferred (No. 1–4, 7–9) because they are sweeter. However, in 12

of the 17 melons, the Brix values of the fresh juice were less than 6.0% (average: 5.8% ) and thus

not sweet at all (Table 3). We saw many uniform tomatoes at commercial markets, but they had

been imported from Thailand. We also collected an eggplant (No. 16) and a dry chili pepper (No.

6) at a commercial market, but the chili pepper had been imported from Thailand.

2. Luang Prabang and surrounding area (9–11, 19–21 August 2008)

On 9 August, we moved to Luang Prabang by airplane. Luang Prabang (elevation: 293–

310 m) has four commercial markets (Phosy, Mittaphab, Muong Nga, Tha heua), which we had

surveyed in 20071). On 10 August, we surveyed the area of Ban Kiukacham to the southeast of

Luang Prabang. Upland rice and soybean are mainly cultivated on slash-and-burn fields (Photo

4). The crops are rotated every year, and after 6 years, banana (Photo 5), pineapple, or rubber

trees are planted in the fields, or the fields are abandoned.

Since August is the harvest season, many melons were being sold in these markets.

Moreover, there are two villages near the city that specialize in melon production: Ban Hatsoua

(859 m, Photo 6) and Kiewtaloune (309–799 m). Many people visit these villages to buy melon

juice for themselves or melon products to resell in other cities. In Kiewtaloune, melons were

being sold at farm stands near the slash-and-burn fields, so we were able to see how they were

cultivated together with corn (Photo 7). We collected 27 melon samples in Luang Prabang


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Province (No. 20–21, 23–29, 31–33, 36–46, 48–51). The melons were relatively round, with

shape indices (fruit height/fruit diameter) ranging from 0.7 to 2.0 (average: 1.1), as shown in

Table 3. The melons differed in appearance, with various skin colors of orange, white (No. 43,

48), yellow (No. 23, 41), and green (No. 26, 39, 42), with or without stripes or ribs (No. 24, 49)

on the epicarp (Table 2). Brix values for the fresh juice were rather low, ranging between 3.0 to

8.0% (average: 5.9% ). However, three melons (No. 21, 32, 33) had Brix of 8.0% and were sweet

and fragrant. The farmers (Lao and Kham tribes) call these melons “makteng lai” and eat the

raw fruits. Melon is cultivated in slash-and-burn fields together with upland rice and cucumber,

as well as corn, some tuber crops, bean, chili pepper, and eggplant. Melon seeds are sown

with upland rice and cucumber seeds after the start of the rainy season. Melons are harvested

in August and September. Farmers collect melon seeds from five to six fruits every year and

keep them together. They call Cucumis hystrix “makteng nou,” meaning “mouse cucumber”

(nou: mouse). Cucumis hystrix grows naturally in forests and has an appealing, sour-sweet

taste. Flowers are yellow, and fruits mature around October. Five small, round, or compressed

eggplant fruits (No. 22, 23, 30, 35, 36) were collected at commercial markets. Almost all the

eggplants were landraces, but No. 35 was an improved cultivar and No. 36 was a wild variety.

Two chili peppers, with long (No. 31) and short (No. 160) fruits were collected at a commercial

market and a farm stand.

3. Udomxai and surrounding area (11–13, 17–19 August 2008)

On 11 August, we moved to Udomxai from Luang Prabang by car. We visited Udomxai

twice (11 and 17 August) during this exploration. In Udomxai (elevation: around 640 m), there

are two markets, a morning market (Nong mengde) and a night market (Vang hai). On 12

August, we surveyed the area around Ban Vangua to the southwest of Udomxai, along the Nam

Beng River. Paddy rice and corn are mainly cultivated in this area. On 17 August, we moved to

Udomxai by car. On 18 August, we surveyed the area around Muang Khua to the northeast of

Udomxai, along the Nam Phak River. Paddy rice and corn are mainly cultivated in this area.

We collected 16 melons (No. 63–64, 126–129, 132, 134–136, 143–144, 147–148,

151–152). Fourteen were collected during our second visit on 17 August since it was still too

early for melon harvesting during our first visit. These melons had various skin colors of orange,

white, yellow and green, and 14 (87.5% ) had stripes on the epicarp (Table 2). Only one melon

(No. 63) was fragrant, much lower than the number of fragrant melons in Vientiane and Luang

Prabang. The fruit size of Udomxai melons ranged from 10.0 to 20.0 cm (average: 16.4 cm),

which is smaller than the melons of Saravan (Table 3). We interviewed farmers (Lao, Kham,

Hmong and Phounoi tribes) and learned that melon seeds are sown in June and harvested

around September, which means that the cultivation period begins 1 month later than in Luang

Prabang Province. The use, place of cultivation, and method of melon seed production are

the same as in Luang Prabang Province. A Kham tribe farmer called the white-skinned melon

“makteng kao,” meaning “rice melon” (kao: rice). Other types are called “makteng lai” (Photo 8).

The local name, habitat, taste, flower color, and harvesting period of C. hystrix are the same as in

Luang Prabang Province. Eleven round or depressed eggplant fruits (No. 57, 59, 60, 135, 136,

138, 142, 146–148) were collected, mainly from backyards. Three (No. 58, 147, 148) were wild

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varieties, which were collected along the roadside. Three Solanum relatives, S. quitoense (No.

58, 61) and Solanum sp. (No. 53), were collected mainly along the roadside. Seven long or short

chili pepper fruits (No. 54–56, 143–145, 151) were collected at commercial markets and farm

stands. Two tomatoes (No. 152, 153) were collected at a commercial market, but were probably

imported from China. We collected seeds of a tobacco plant (No. 156) in a backyard.

4. Luang Namtha and surrounding area (13–17 August 2008)

On 13 August, we moved to Luang Namtha from Udomxai by car. This area was not

explored in 2007. While in Luang Namtha (elevation: 540 m), we surveyed three village markets

(Provincal, Nateuy, Tongchai). On 14 August, we surveyed the area around Ban Boten, on the

border with China, to the northeast of Luang Namtha. The next day, on 15 August, we traveled

from Luang Namtha to Muang Sing by car. In Muang Sing (elevation: 640 m), we visited a village

market (Muang Sing). Paddy rice is mainly cultivated in this area.

We collected 22 melon samples from Luang Namtha Province, 19 from Luang Namtha

(No. 65–68, 70–72, 81, 89–91, 113–115, 121–125), and three from Muang Sing (No. 94–96)

(Table 2). Among these samples, 19 had stripes on the epicarp (86.4 % ), more than found in

Luang Prabang (Table 4). These melons were similar in fruit size to those in Udomxai Province,

with a fruit height of 9.0 to 23.5 cm (average: 14.5 cm) and fruit width of 8.0 to 14.5 cm

(average: 11.1 cm) (Table 3). A Lao farmer called these melons “makteng lai,” and their place

of cultivation, date of sowing, and harvesting time are the same as in Udomxai Province.

Cucumbers were either oval with green skin or round with white skin (Photo 9, No. 80). Seeds

could not be collected from these cucumbers, but the farmers said that in October it would

be possible to buy cucumber fruits with germinable seeds. We collected many Solanaceae

vegetables. Sixteen eggplant fruits (No. 75, 76, 83–85, 92, 102, 104, 105, 112, 116, 120, 121,

123–125) were collected from backyards, village markets, and the roadside. The eggplants

were small round (Photo 10; No. 76) or depressed (Photo 11; No. 75). Nine Solanum relatives

were collected along the roadside and in village markets: S. integrifolium (No. 77; Photo 12),

S. quitoense (No. 68, 78, Photo 13; 101, 103, 122), and Solanum spp. (No. 80, 81, 93). Sixteen

chili pepper fruits (No. 72–74, 82, 86–88, 97–100, 106, 107, 113–115) were collected in

village markets and backyards. A dry chili fruit (No. 99) came from Phong Saly, which was not

surveyed during the 2008 field survey. There were chili pepper plants with mature fruits at Ban

Pathong. The shape of the peppers was the same as in Udomxai. For tomatoes, we collected pink

cherry tomatoes (No. 108–111) that a farmer said was a landrace.

5. Phonsavan and surrounding area (21–23, 26–28 August 2008)

On 21 August, we moved to Phonsavan from Luang Prabang by car. In Phonsavan

(elevation: around 1100 m), we surveyed two commercial markets (Kasikam, Nam Neum). Rice

and corn are the main crops in this area. On 26 August, we moved to Phonsavan from Sam

Neua by car, and on 27 August, we surveyed the area around Muang Khoun to the southeast of

Phonsavan. Paddy rice is the main crop in this area.

We visited Phonsavan twice (21 and 26 August), but there were fewer melons in the

market than in the other areas visited. According to a Lao or Hmong farmer who sold landrace

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melon, melon seeds are sown in June, and fruits are harvested in mid-September; thus it was still

too early to collect melons during our visit. The use, place of cultivation, and seed production

method for melons are the same as in Luang Prabang Province. A Kham trader who came by car

from Kiewtalone in Luang Prabang Province called the orange, white, and green skinned melons

“makteng lai,” “makteng kao,” and “makteng meúay” (meúay: mountain), respectively (Photo

8). We collected 22 melon samples (Table 3) and seeds from eight of these (No. 155–156,

161–166). Cucumbers were oval with either green or white skin. Since most cucumbers were

immature, we could only collect seeds from one sample (No. 204), but we were told that if we

visited in mid-October, we could obtain cucumbers with germinable seeds. Three eggplant fruits

(No. 177–179) were collected at commercial markets. Three Solanum relatives, S. intergrifolium

(No. 217) and Solanum spp. (No. 168, 180), were collected at commercial markets and

roadsides. Seven chili pepper fruits were collected mainly from commercial markets (No. 161,

164–167, 175, 176). There were three types of chili pepper, small (Photo 14 left), long (Photo

14 right), and medium-sized (Photo 14 center) types. The shapes of eggplant and chili pepper

were the same as in Udomxai and Luang Namtha.

6. Sam Neua and surrounding area (23–25 August 2008)

On 23 August, we moved to Sam Neua from Phonsavan by car. In Sam Neua (elevation:

950–1339 m), we surveyed two commercial markets (Provincial, Sam Neua). On 24 August, we

surveyed the area around Namsoi, on the border with Vietnam, to the east of Sam Neua.

We collected 33 melon samples in Houa Phan Province and 18 seed samples from them

(No. 172–175, 177–180, 187–189, 191–197). All melon fruits (No. 191–197) collected in Ban

Pounsang (elevation: 562 m) during our trip to the border with Vietnam had different fruit

characteristics and morphology. By interviewing Lao, Kham, and Hmong farmers, we learned

that the local name, use, place of cultivation, date of sowing, harvesting, and seed production

methods are the same as in Udomxai Province. In addition, the local name, habitat, taste, flower

color, and date of harvesting of C. hystrix are the same as in Luang Prabang Province. A farmer

(Kham tribe) living in Ban Phèng Khong (elevation: 657 m) near the border with Xieng Khouang

Province reported that C. hystrix was currently blooming and that fruits would ripen around

October. From our field research in southern Yunnan Province in China, we knew that it can

be difficult to collect C. hystrix fruits in a short time, since they grow in forests in mountainous

areas. We therefore asked the farmer to collect samples of C. hystrix for us before our return

to her village. This method of collection was suggested by Prof. Kato (Okayama University,

Japan). On our way back, she showed us the C. hystrix, which could be recognized by the shape

of female flowers (Photo 15). We thus confirmed the distribution of C. hystrix in Laos. In Ban

Phèng Khong, we collected one eggplant (No. 216) and two chili pepper fruits (No. 181, 182),

which farmers had cultivated. The cucumbers were oval with green or white skin and had

various fruit characteristics. From one white-skinned cucumber (No. 190), we collected seeds

that might germinate. One tomato fruit (No. 198) collected at a commercial market was thought

to be a landrace. Seven eggplant fruits (No. 187, 194–196, 212, 213, 215) were collected,

mainly from commercial markets. Most eggplants were small, round, or depressed, but we also

collected a large fruit (Photo 16; No. 196) and a red, egg-shaped fruit (Photo 17; No. 215). Six

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chili pepper fruits (No. 192, 193, 197, 199, 200, 214) were collected at commercial markets

and farm stands.


Although we found a few mature fruits during the early period of this exploration, we

saw most mature vegetables after the middle period of our survey. For example, we visited

Udomxai markets twice during this field survey and found differences in the products between

the two visits.

A characteristic of cultivation in northern Laos is that cash crops, such as rice, wheat,

soybean, and corn are mainly cultivated. Vegetables are cultivated only in backyards and around

cash crop cultivation areas. Some farmers cultivate vegetables of different sizes and shapes

using the same cultivars, so the concept of a cultivar may be different from that in Japan. In this

case, we divided and classified cultivars by size and shape, and collected the seeds separately.

We will observe and evaluate these seeds carefully.

In Laos, the import of vegetables is prohibited2), but tomatoes sold at commercial

markets had been imported from Thailand and China. Imported commercial vegetable seed

from China and Thailand was sold at commercial markets (Photo 18). Because the road network

has been developed extensively throughout the area, with the support of Asian nations3), the

cultivation of landraces in Laos may rapidly decrease.

To collect fruits of Cucurbitaceae during this exploration, we surveyed areas in the rainy

season. However, heavy rains had occurred, and many roads were impassable during our survey

because of landslides (Photo 19), inundation (photo 20), and mud (Photo 21). Hence, we had to

change our plans; we could not survey Phongsaly and instead surveyed the route from Udomxai

to Sam Neua. On August 12, the Mekong River overflowed, and Vientiane and Luang Prabang

were flooded; despite this difficulty, it was necessary to conduct our research in the rainy season

to obtain Cucurbitaceae fruits.


We gained two impressions from our survey of Cucurbitaceae crops in seven provinces

of Laos. First, we noted the diversity of Cucurbitaceae crops in Laos and the many landraces

sold in markets and farm stands. Landrace melons of Laos have diverse fruit characteristics,

such as fruit length (Table 3, 9.0 to 27.0 cm), skin color (orange, white, yellow, and green),

and fruit weight (0.6 to 4.3 kg in 138 samples). Average fruit weight of our samples was 2.1

kg (1.3 to 4.3 kg) in Salavan Province, 1.9 kg (0.8 to 3.9 kg) in Luang Prabang Province, 1.4

kg (0.6 to 2.4 kg) in Udomxai Province, and 1.2 kg (0.6 to 2.1 kg) in Luang Namtha Province,

indicating that fruit weight decreases towards the north (Table 3). The percentage of fragrant

melons decreased from Salavan to Udomxai provinces. The average shape index also differed

among areas, ranging from 1.32 to 1.43 for oval fruits in Salavan, Udomxai, and Luang Namtha

provinces; round fruits with an index value of 1.08 were found in Luang Prabang. Therefore,

landrace melons in Laos are diverse and have different fruit characteristics in different areas.

Second, the cultivation of melon and cucumber is common, although fruit characteristics

differ among areas. Eight tribes (Lao, Lue, Thai Deng, Lao Houay, Khum, Hmong, Lán tǽn,

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- 119 -

Phounoi) cultivate these crops with upland rice and harvest their own seeds. Melon and

cucumber seeds are sown with upland rice after the start of the rainy season. Lao farmers

adopt the same cultivation methods as observed in field research in eastern India (Mizoram,

Meghalaya, Assam State) and southern Yunnan, China, in which Cucurbitaceae are cultivated

with upland rice in slash-and-burn fields4). According to Chanthanom, a co-author of this

report, Muang Sing and southern Yunnan were originally part of the same kingdom. Melon

characteristics in southern Yunnan are similar to those in Luang Namtha in terms of having

stripes on the epicarp, a fruit length of approximately 24.0 cm, and a Brix value for fresh

juice of 6.0% (Table 1, 2, Photo 22a, b) 4). The cultivation methods and fruit characteristics of

Cucurbitaceae crops in South and Southeast Asia provide important information for classifying

Cucurbitaceae landraces. Continued exploration of plant genetic resources is necessary to

collect seeds and information on cultivation methods and fruit characteristics from local people.


Most tomatoes found for sale in commercial markets had been imported from Thailand

and China. Cherry tomatoes (No. 108–111) collected at Muang Sing and a tomato (No. 198)

collected at Sam Neua were thought to be landraces. Eggplant fruits were collected mainly

from backyards because they were sold as immature fruits in markets. We collected landraces,

improved cultivars, and wild varieties of eggplant during this survey. The eggplants had two

fruit shapes: small, round shape (Photo 10) and compressed shape (Photo 11). Solanum relatives

were S. intergrifolium (Photo 12), S. quitoense (Photo 13), and Solanum spp. Chili pepper

fruits were collected mainly from markets and backyards, and only landraces were collected.

The samples had three fruit shapes: small (Photo 14 left), long (Photo 14 right), and medium-

sized (Photo 14 center). For Capsicum, we identified species only by their fruits, and further

evaluation will be required. Eggplants, Solanum relatives, and chili peppers sold at markets were

cultivated near the market, but dry chili peppers were transported from other areas, possibly

other districts and countries.


We thank Dr. Y. Sakata and Dr. T. Saito, NIVTS, Japan; Dr. Kato, Okayama University

Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Japan; and Mr. P. Inthapanya and Ms. K.

Kanyavong, RCCRC, Laos, for their kind advice on the field research. This research is supported

by the “Genebank Project: 2008” research project of the National Institute of Agrobiological



1) Sakata, Y., K. Kato, T. Saito, K. Tanaka and C. Deuanhaksa (2008) Collaborative Exploration

 of Vegetables Genetic Resources in Laos, 2007. Annual Report on Exploration and      

 Introduction of Plant Genetic Resources. Vol. 24: 161-183. NIAS. (in Japanese with English  

 summary; PDF available from http://www.gene.affrc.go.jp/pdf/report/parts/2007_2-6.pdf)

2) Kato, N. and T. Tabuchi (2005) ラオスおよびタイにおける野菜の生産、加工および流通の実

 態(その1 ラオス) Vegetable Information ( 野菜情報 ) Vol. 21: 26-44. (in Japanese)

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- 120 -

3) Kato, N. and T. Tabuchi (2006) ラオスにおける野菜の生産・加工および投資の現状と課題  

 Vegetable Information ( 野菜情報 ) Vol. 28: 31-51. (In Japanese)

4) Kato, K., H. Yoshino, S. Matsuura, Y. Akashi, and K. Tanaka (2006) Cucurbitaceae crops. In  

 “Genetic assay and study of crop germplasm in and around China (3rd).” K. Takeda (ed.), pp.




物研究センターの間で 2006 年に締結した協同研究協定(MOU)に基づいて行われたラオス国

における野菜遺伝資源の調査報告である.調査は,2008 年 8 月 6 日~ 9 月 1 日にかけて行っ


タ,ムアンシン,ムアンクア,ポンサワン,サムヌアおよびムアンカムを調査した.218 点の

野菜ほかの種子,すなわち,メロンを 108 点,キュウリを 2 点,ナスを 44 点,トマトを 7 点,

ナス近縁種を 15 点,トウガラシを 41 点 およびタバコを 1 点収集した.

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- 122 -

Table 2. List of collected vegetable material in Laos, 2008

No. Collection No.

Passport No. JP No. Lab ID Date Genus & Species Province/State District

1 1 30034723 233769 LCJ 2008066 8/7 Cucumis melo Vientiane Captail

2 2 30034724 233770 LCJ 2008067 8/7 Cucumis melo Vientiane Captail

3 3 30034725 233771 LCJ 2008068 8/7 Cucumis melo Vientiane Captail

4 4 30034726 233772 LCJ 2008069 8/7 Cucumis melo Vientiane Captail

5 5 30034727 233773 LCJ 2008070 8/7 Cucumis melo Vientiane Captail

6 6 30035555 234041 CS361 8/7 Capsicum annuum Vientiane Captail

7 7 30034728 233774 LCJ 2008071 8/7 Cucumis melo Vientiane Captail

8 8 30034729 233775 LCJ 2008072 8/7 Cucumis melo Vientiane Captail

9 9 30034730 233776 LCJ 2008073 8/7 Cucumis melo Vientiane Captail

10 10 30034731 233777 LCJ 2008074 8/8 Cucumis melo Vientiane Captail

11 11 30034732 233778 LCJ 2008075 8/8 Cucumis melo Vientiane Captail

12 12 30034733 233779 LCJ 2008076 8/8 Cucumis melo Vientiane Captail

13 13 30034734 233780 LCJ 2008077 8/8 Cucumis melo Vientiane Captail

14 14 30034735 233781 LCJ 2008078 8/8 Cucumis melo Vientiane Captail

15 15 30034736 233782 LCJ 2008079 8/8 Cucumis melo Vientiane Captail

16 16 30035508 233994 ES431 8/8 Solanummelongena

Vientiane Captail

17 17 30034737 233783 LCJ 2008080 8/8 Cucumis melo Vientiane Captail

18 18 30034738 233784 LCJ 2008081 8/8 Cucumis melo Vientiane Captail

19 19 30034739 233785 LCJ 2008082 8/8 Cucumis melo Vientiane Captail

20 20 30034740 233786 LCJ 2008083 8/9 Cucumis melo Luang Phabang

21 21 30034741 233787 LCJ 2008084 8/9 Cucumis melo Luang Phabang

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Village North latitude/ East longitude


Source (Market name) Status Local name Fruit characters,


17-57-46.9/ 102-37-46.9

168 commercial market (Kowrdin)

landrace Markteng lai Orange skin color, aroma

17-57-46.9/ 102-37-46.9

168 commercial market (Kowrdin)

landrace Markteng lai Round type, orange skin color with stripe, aroma

17-57-46.9/ 102-37-46.9

168 commercial market (Kowrdin)

landrace Markteng lai Round type, orange skin color with stripe, aroma

17-57-46.9/ 102-37-46.9

168 commercial market (Kowrdin)

landrace Markteng lai White skin color, aroma

17-57-46.9/ 102-37-46.9

168 commercial market (Kowrdin)

landrace Markteng lai Green skin color with stripe

17-57-46.9/ 102-37-46.9

168 commercial market (Kowrdin)

landrace Market yai (Prikheng Thai lang)

13-15cm(long), 3cm(wide). From Thailand.

17-58-28.5/ 102-38-23.5

189 commercial market (That Luang)

landrace Taeng lai/ Taeng souk

Orange skin color, aroma

17-58-28.5/ 102-38-23.5

189 commercial market (That Luang)

landrace Taeng lai/ Taeng souk

Round type, orange skin color with stripe, aroma

17-58-28.5/ 102-38-23.5

189 commercial market (That Luang)

landrace Taeng lai/ Taeng souk

Round type, orange skin color with stripe, aroma

Salavanh 18-04-54.7/ 102-46-15.2

175 commercial market (Dong markhai)

landrace Taeng lai/ Taeng jing

Orange skin color with stripe

Salavanh 18-04-54.7/ 102-46-15.2

175 commercial market (Dong markhai)

landrace Taeng lai/ Taeng jing

White skin color

Salavanh 18-04-54.7/ 102-46-15.2

175 commercial market (Dong markhai)

landrace Taeng lai/ Taeng jing

Green skin color with stripe

Salavanh 18-04-54.7/ 102-46-15.2

175 commercial market (Dong markhai)

landrace Taeng lai/ Taeng jing

Orange skin color

Pakse, Salavanh 18-00-00.0/ 102-37-36.4

197 commercial market (Ponsavang)

landrace Taeng lai Orange skin color with stripe

Pakse, Salavanh 18-00-00.0/ 102-37-36.4

197 commercial market (Ponsavang)

landrace Taeng lai Orange skin color with stripe

18-00-00.0/ 102-37-36.4

197 commercial market (Ponsavang)

landrace Mark erk (Mark keurkhai)

round, 2.5cm(long), 2.5cm(wide).

from Luang Prabang 18-00-00.0/ 102-37-36.4

197 commercial market (Ponsavang)

landrace Taeng lai/ Taeng souk

Round type, orange skin color with stripe

from Luang Prabang 18-00-00.0/ 102-37-36.4

197 commercial market (Ponsavang)

landrace Taeng lai/ Taeng souk

Green skin color

from Luang Prabang 18-00-00.0/ 102-37-36.4

197 commercial market (Ponsavang)

landrace Taeng lai/ Taeng souk

White skin color

Bom fing 19-52-41.2/ 102-07-24.8

293 commercial market (Phosy)

landrace Teng lay/ Teng souk

Round type, orange skin color, aroma

Bom fing 19-52-41.2/ 102-07-24.8

293 commercial market (Phosy)

landrace Teng lay/ Teng souk

Round type, orange skin color, aroma

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Table 2 ( Continued).

No. Collection No.

Passport No. JP No. Lab ID Date Genus & Species Province/State District

22 22-1 30035509 233995 ES432 8/9 Solanummelongena

Luang Phabang

23 22-2 30035510 233996 ES433 8/9 Solanum melongena

Luang Phabang

24 23 30034742 233788 LCJ 2008085 8/9 Cucumis melo Luang Phabang

25 24 30034743 233789 LCJ 2008086 8/9 Cucumis melo Luang Phabang

26 25 30034744 233790 LCJ 2008087 8/9 Cucumis melo Luang Phabang

27 26 30034745 233791 LCJ 2008088 8/9 Cucumis melo Luang Phabang

28 27 30034746 233792 LCJ 2008089 8/9 Cucumis melo Luang Phabang

29 28 30034747 233793 LCJ 2008090 8/9 Cucumis melo Luang Phabang

30 29 30034748 233794 LCJ 2008091 8/9 Cucumis melo Luang Phabang

31 30 30035556 234042 CS362 8/9 Capsicum annuum Luang Phabang

32 31 30034749 233795 LCJ 2008092 8/9 Cucumis melo Luang Phabang

33 32 30034750 233796 LCJ 2008093 8/9 Cucumis melo Luang Phabang

34 33 30034751 233797 LCJ 2008094 8/9 Cucumis melo Luang Phabang

35 34 30035511 233997 ES434 8/9 Solanum melongena

Luang Phabang

36 35 30035512 233998 ES435 8/9 Solanum melongena

Luang Phabang

37 36 30034752 233798 LCJ 2008095 8/10 Cucumis melo Luang Phabang

38 37 30034753 233799 LCJ 2008096 8/10 Cucumis melo Luang Phabang

39 38 30034754 233800 LCJ 2008097 8/10 Cucumis melo Luang Phabang Xieng Ngeune

40 39 30034755 233801 LCJ 2008098 8/10 Cucumis melo Luang Phabang Xieng Ngeune

41 40 30034756 233802 LCJ 2008099 8/10 Cucumis melo Luang Phabang Xieng Ngeune

42 41 30034757 233803 LCJ 2008100 8/10 Cucumis melo Luang Phabang Xieng Ngeune

43 42 30034758 233804 LCJ 2008101 8/10 Cucumis melo Luang Phabang Xieng Ngeune

44 43 30034759 233805 LCJ 2008102 8/10 Cucumis melo Luang Phabang Xieng Ngeune

45 44 30034760 233806 LCJ 2008103 8/10 Cucumis melo Luang Phabang Xieng Ngeune

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Village North latitude/ East longitude


Source (Market name) Status Local name Fruit characters,


B. Long or 19-52-41.2/ 102-07-24.8

293 commercial market (Phosy)

landrace Kheua pho round, 2.5cm(long), 2.5cm(wide).

B. Long or 19-52-41.2/ 102-07-24.8

293 commercial market (Phosy)

landrace Kheua pho round, 4cm(long), 4cm(wide).

B. Napho 19-52-41.2/ 102-07-24.8

293 commercial market (Phosy)

landrace Teng lai/ Tengsouk

Round type, yellow skin color, aroma

B. Napho 19-52-41.2/ 102-07-24.8

293 commercial market (Phosy)

landrace Teng lai/ Tengsouk

Round type, orange skin color

B. Napho 19-52-41.2/ 102-07-24.8

293 commercial market (Phosy)

landrace Teng lai/ Tengsouk

Round type, orange skin color, aroma

B. Napho 19-52-41.2/ 102-07-24.8

293 commercial market (Phosy)

landrace Teng lai/ Tengsouk

Round type, green skin color, aroma

B. Napho 19-52-47.2/ 102-08-32.2

285 commercial market(Mittaphab)

landrace Teng lai/ Tengsouk

Orange skin color

B. Napho 19-52-47.2/ 102-08-32.2

285 commercial market (Mittaphab)

landrace Teng lai/ Tengsouk

Round type, orange skin color

B. Napho 19-52-47.2/ 102-08-32.2

285 commercial market (Mittaphab)

landrace Teng lai/ Tengsouk

Round type, orange skin color

19-52-47.2/ 102-08-32.2

285 commercial market (Mittaphab)

landrace Marphet 10-12cm(long), 1.5-2cm(wide).

B. Muong Nga 19-52-47.2/ 102-08-32.2

285 commercial market (Mittaphab)

landrace Teng lai/ Tengsouk

Orange skin color

B. Muong Nga 19-53-16.5/ 102-08-39.9

292 commercial market (Muong Nga)

landrace Teng lai/ Tengsouk

Orange skin color with stripe, aroma

B. Muong Nga 19-53-16.5/ 102-08-39.9

292 commercial market (Muong Nga)

landrace Tenglai/ Tengsouk

Orange skin color, aroma

B. Nam Xeuang 19-53-16.5/ 102-08-39.9

292 commercial market (Muong Nga)

cultivar Makkheao(big) depressed, 6cm(long), 9cm(wide).

B. Nam Xeuang 19-53-16.5/ 102-08-39.9

292 commercial market (Muong Nga)

wild Makkheao(kheun) a little depressed, 3cm(long), 3.5cm(wide).

Ban Hatteu 19-53-28.0/ 102-07-19.4

310 commercial market (Tha heua)

landrace Tengsouk Round type, orange skin color with stripe

Ban Hatteu 19-53-28.0/ 102-07-19.4

310 commercial market (Tha heua)

landrace Tengsouk Orange skin color

Kiew taloune 19-53-28.1/ 102-07-59.2

309 farm stand landrace Tenglai Orange skin color

Kiew taloune 19-53-28.1/ 102-07-59.2

309 farm stand landrace Tenglai Green skin color with stripe

Kiew taloune 19-53-28.1/ 102-07-59.2

309 farm stand landrace Tenglai Round type, orange skin color

Kiew taloune 19-37-14.3/ 102-12-06.9

799 farm stand landrace Tenglai Yellow skin color

Kiew taloune 19-37-14.3/ 102-12-06.9

799 farm stand landrace Tenglai Green skin color

Kiew taloune 19-37-14.3/ 102-12-06.9

799 farm stand landrace Tenglai White skin color

Kiew taloune 19-37-14.3/ 102-12-06.9

799 farm stand landrace Tenglai Orange skin color

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- 126 -

Table 2 ( Continued).

No. Collection No.

Passport No. JP No. Lab ID Date Genus & Species Province/State District

46 45 30034761 233807 LCJ 2008104 8/11 Cucumis melo Luang Phabang Pak-ou

47 46 30034762 233808 LCJ 2008105 8/11 Cucumis melo Luang Phabang Pak-ou

48 47 30035513 233999 ES436 8/11 Solanum melongena

Luang Phabang

49 48 30034763 233809 LCJ 2008106 8/11 Cucumis melo Luang Phabang

50 49 30034764 233810 LCJ 2008107 8/11 Cucumis melo Luang Phabang

51 50 30034765 233811 LCJ 2008108 8/11 Cucumis melo Luang Phabang

52 51 30034766 233812 LCJ 2008109 8/11 Cucumis melo Luang Phabang

53 53 30035495 233981 ES418 8/11 Solanum sp. Udomxai

54 54 30035557 234043 CS363 8/11 Capsicum annuum Udomxai

55 56 30035558 234044 CS364 8/11 Capsicum annuum Udomxai

56 57 30035559 234045 CS365 8/12 Capsicum annuum Udomxai

57 58 30035514 234000 ES437 8/12 Solanum melongena

Udomxai M. Beng

58 59 30035501 233987 ES424 8/12 Solanum quitoense


59 60 30035515 234001 ES438 8/13 Solanum melongena

Udomxai Namo

60 61 30035516 234002 ES439 8/13 Solanum melongena

Udomxai Namo

61 62 30035507 233993 ES430 8/13 Solanum quitoense

Udomxai Namo

62 63 30034767 233813 LCJ 2008110 8/13 Cucumis melo Udomxai Namo

63 64 30034768 233814 LCJ 2008111 8/13 Cucumis melo Udomxai Namo

64 65 30034769 233815 LCJ 2008112 8/13 Cucumis melo Luang Namtha Namtha

65 66 30034770 233816 LCJ 2008113 8/13 Cucumis melo Luang Namtha Namtha

66 67 30034771 233817 LCJ 2008114 8/13 Cucumis melo Luang Namtha Namtha

67 68 30034772 233818 LCJ 2008115 8/13 Cucumis melo Luang Namtha Namtha

68 69 30035502 233988 ES425 8/13 Solanum quitoense

Luang Namtha Namtha

69 70 30034773 233819 LCJ 2008116 8/13 Cucumis melo Luang Namtha Namtha

70 71 30034774 233820 LCJ 2008117 8/13 Cucumis melo Luang Namtha Namtha

71 72 30034775 233821 LCJ 2008118 8/13 Cucumis melo Luang Namtha Namtha

72 73 30035560 234046 CS366 8/13 Capsicum annuum Luang Namtha Namtha

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- 127 -

Village North latitude/ East longitude


Source (Market name) Status Local name Fruit characters,


B. Hatsoua 20-12-32.3/ 102-19-48.5

859 farm stand landrace Tenglai Round type, orange skin color

B. Hatsoua 20-12-32.3/ 102-19-48.5

859 farm stand landrace Tenglai Round type, orange skin color

B. Hatsoua 20-12-32.3/ 102-19-48.5

859 backyard landrace Kheua kheune a little depressed, 4cm(long), 4.5cm(wide).

B. Hatsoua 20-12-32.3/ 102-19-48.5

859 farm stand landrace Tenglai Round type, white skin color

B. Hatsoua 20-12-32.3/ 102-19-48.5

859 farm stand landrace Tenglai Round type, orange skin color

B. Hatsoua 20-12-32.3/ 102-19-48.5

859 farm stand landrace Tenglai Orange skin color

B. Hatsoua 20-12-32.3/ 102-19-48.5

859 farm stand landrace Teng mi (green) Round type, orange skin color

B. Kiao hia 20-35-43.7/ 102-04-11.0

1131 wild wild Kheu ba round, 3cm(long), 3cm(wide).

B. Vang hai 20-41-14.6/ 101-58-44.5

646 commercial market (Vang hai)

landrace Makphet noi 3cm(long), 1cm(wide).

B. Vang hai 20-41-14.6/ 101-58-44.5

646 commercial market (Vang hai)

landrace Makphet noi 5-6.5cm(long), 1cm(wide).

B. Nong mengde 20-41-16.4/ 101-59-37.1

632 village market (Nong mengde)

landrace Makphet 6cm(long), 1cm(wide).

B. Houny la 20-17-28.4/ 101-37-38.3

515 wild wild Kheua kheune round, 3cm(long), 4cm(wide).

B. Phiahouanam 20-29-30.9/ 101-51-36.8

612 wild wild Makkheng round, 1cm(long), 1cm(wide).

B. Namxae 20-59-33.7/ 101-45-43.6

614 backyard landrace Kheua kheune round, 3.5cm(long), 3.5cm(wide).

B. Namxae 20-59-33.7/ 101-45-43.6

614 backyard landrace Kheua kheune a little depressed, 3.5cm(long), 4cm(wide).

B. Namxae 20-59-33.7/ 101-45-43.6

614 backyard landrace Kheua kheune round, 1cm(long), 1cm(wide).

B. Pathong 20-58-09.3/ 101-40-51.7

708 farm stand landrace Teng lai Orange skin color with stripe, aroma

B. Pathong 20-58-09.3/ 101-40-51.7

708 farm stand landrace Teng lai Orange skin color with stripe

B. Namdeng Neua 21-02-06.4/ 101-38-51.7

663 farm stand landrace Teng lai Yellow skin color with stripe

B. Namdeng Neua 21-02-06.4/ 101-38-51.7

663 farm stand landrace Teng lai (uehite) White skin color

B. Namdeng Neua 21-02-06.4/ 101-38-51.7

663 farm stand landrace Teng lai (Round) Round type, green skin color with stripe

B. Namdeng Neua 21-02-06.4/ 101-38-51.7

663 farm stand landrace Teng lai (Aromand) Orange skin color with stripe, aroma

B. Namdeng Neua 21-02-06.4/ 101-38-51.7

663 backyard landrace Keng Khom round, 1cm(long), 1cm(wide).

B. Namdeny 20-59-52.2/ 101-24-19.2

540 village market (Provncial)

landrace Teng lai (green) Round type, green skin color with stripe, aroma

B. Namdeny 20-59-52.2/ 101-24-19.2

540 village market (Provncial)

landrace Teng lai (yellow) Orange skin color with stripe

B. Namdeny 20-59-52.2/ 101-24-19.2

540 village market (Provncial)

landrace Teng lai Round type, green skin color with stripe

B. thongdi 20-59-52.2/ 101-24-19.2

540 village market (Provncial)

landrace Makphet 7cm(long), 1cm(wide).

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Table 2 ( Continued).

No. Collection No.

Passport No. JP No. Lab ID Date Genus & Species Province/State District

73 74 30035561 234047 CS367 8/13 Capsicum annuum Luang Namtha Namtha

74 75 30035562 234048 CS368 8/13 Capsicum annuum Luang Namtha Namtha

75 76 30035517 234003 ES440 8/13 Solanum melongena

Luang Namtha Namtha

76 77 30035518 234004 ES441 8/13 Solanum melongena

Luang Namtha Namtha

77 78 30035519 234005 ES442 8/13 Solanum intergrifolium

Luang Namtha Namtha

78 79 30035503 233989 ES426 8/13 Solanum quitoense

Luang Namtha Namtha

79 81 30034776 233822 LCJ 2008119 8/13 Cucumis melo Luang Namtha Namtha

80 82 30035496 233982 ES419 8/14 Solanum sp. Luang Namtha Namtha

81 83 30035497 233983 ES420 8/14 Solanum sp. Luang Namtha Namtha

82 84 30035563 234049 CS369 8/14 Capsicum annuum Luang Namtha Namtha

83 85 30035520 234006 ES443 8/14 Solanum melongena

Luang Namtha Namtha

84 86 30035521 234007 ES444 8/14 Solanum melongena

Luang Namtha Namtha

85 87 30035522 234008 ES445 8/14 Solanum melongena

Luang Namtha Namtha

86 88-1 30035564 234050 CS370 8/14 Capsicum annuum Luang Namtha Namtha

87 88-2 30035565 234051 CS371 8/14 Capsicum annuum Luang Namtha Namtha

88 88-3 30035566 234052 CS372 8/14 Capsicum annuum Luang Namtha Namtha

89 89 30034777 233823 LCJ 2008120 8/14 Cucumis melo Luang Namtha Namtha

90 90 30034778 233824 LCJ 2008121 8/14 Cucumis melo Luang Namtha Namtha

91 91 30034779 233825 LCJ 2008122 8/15 Cucumis melo Luang Namtha

92 92 30035523 234009 ES446 8/15 Solanum melongena

Luang Namtha

93 93 30035498 233984 ES421 8/15 Solanum sp. Luang Namtha Muang Sing

94 94 30034780 233826 LCJ 2008123 8/15 Cucumis melo Luang Namtha Muang Sing

95 95 30034781 233827 LCJ 2008124 8/15 Cucumis melo Luang Namtha Muang Sing

96 96 30034782 233828 LCJ 2008125 8/15 Cucumis melo Luang Namtha Muang Sing

97 98-1 30035568 234054 CS374 8/15 Capsicum annuum Luang Namtha Muang Sing

98 98-2 30035569 234055 CS375 8/15 Capsicum annuum Luang Namtha Muang Sing

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Village North latitude/ East longitude


Source (Market name) Status Local name Fruit characters,


B. Namdeny 20-59-52.2/ 101-24-19.2

540 village market (Provncial)

landrace Makphet 4cm(long), 0.5cm(wide).

B. Namdeny 20-59-52.2/ 101-24-19.2

540 village market (Provncial)

landrace Phet noi 4cm(long), 1.5cm(wide).

B. Namdeny 20-59-52.2/ 101-24-19.2

540 village market (Provncial)

landrace Kheua vane depressed, 3.5cm(long), 6cm(wide).

B. Namdeny 20-59-52.2/ 101-24-19.2

540 village market (Provncial)

landrace Kheua kheune round, 3.5cm(long), 3.5cm(wide).

B. Namdeny 20-59-52.2/ 101-24-19.2

540 village market (Provncial)

landrace Khoua khom depressed, 2cm(long), 4cm(wide).

B. Namdeny 20-59-52.2/ 101-24-19.2

540 village market (Provncial)

landrace Khoua khom round, 0.8cm(long), 0.8cm(wide).

B. Namdeny 20-59-52.2/ 101-24-19.2

540 village market (Provncial)

landrace Teng lai Round type, orange skin color

B. Boten 21-09-05.5/ 101-40-24.0

805 wild wild Kheua ba round, 2.5cm(long), 2.5cm(wide).

B. Boten 21-09-05.5/ 101-40-24.0

805 wild wild Kheng pa round, 1.5cm(long), 1.5cm(wide).

B. Boten 21-11-01.2/ 101-40-23.1

849 commercial market (Boten Market)

landrace Makphet 4cm(long), 1.5cm(wide).

B. Tintok 21-04-14.3/ 101-30-38.2

832 backyard landrace Makkheua a little depressed, 3.5cm(long), 4.5cm(wide).

B. Nateuy 21-03-36.6/ 101-38-40.3

702 village market (Nateuy)

landrace Kheua Gneu a little depressed, 4cm(long), 6cm(wide).

B. Nateuy 21-03-36.6/ 101-38-40.3

702 village market (Nateuy)

landrace Kheua kheune round, 4cm(long), 4cm(wide).

B. Nateuy 21-03-36.6/ 101-38-40.3

702 village market (Nateuy)

landrace Makphet 5-6cm(long), 0.8cm(wide).

B. Nateuy 21-03-36.6/ 101-38-40.3

702 village market (Nateuy)

landrace Makphet 4.5cm(long), 0.5cm(wide).

B. Nateuy 21-03-36.6/ 101-38-40.3

702 village market (Nateuy)

landrace Makphet 3.5cm(long), 0.8cm(wide).

B. Namdeny 20-59-52.2/ 101-24-19.2

540 village market (Provncial)

landrace Makteng Lai Orange skin color with stripe

B. Namdeny 20-59-52.2/ 101-24-19.2

540 village market (Provncial)

landrace Makteng Lai Orange skin color with stripe

B. Phin ho 21-04-50.6/ 101-24-16.7

729 farm stand landrace Makteng Lai Round type, orange skin color with stripe

B. Phin ho 21-04-50.6/ 101-24-16.7

729 backyard landrace Kheua kheune a little depressed, 2.5cm(long), 3cm(wide).

B. Nong boua 21-09-56.1/ 101-09-38.2

759 wild wild Kheua ba round, 2cm(long), 2cm(wide).

from Udomxai 21-11-43.4/ 101-08-54.9

621 village market (Muang Sing)

landrace Teng Lai Oragne skin color with stripe

from Udomxai 21-11-43.4/ 101-08-54.9

621 village market (Muang Sing)

landrace Teng Lai Oragne skin color with stripe

from Udomxai 21-11-43.4/ 101-08-54.9

621 village market (Muang Sing)

landrace Teng Lai Yellow skin color with stripe

21-11-43.4/ 101-08-54.9

621 village market (Muang Sing)

landrace Makphet 6cm(long), 1.2cm(wide).

21-11-43.4/ 101-08-54.9

621 village market (Muang Sing)

landrace Makphet 4.5cm(long), 1cm(wide).

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Table 2 ( Continued).

No. Collection No.

Passport No. JP No. Lab ID Date Genus & Species Province/State District

99 98-3 30035570 234056 CS376 8/15 Capsicum annuum Luang Namtha Muang Sing

100 99 30035567 234053 CS373 8/15 Capsicum annuum Luang Namtha Muang Sing

101 100 30035504 233990 ES427 8/15 Solanum quitoense

Luang Namtha Muang Sing

102 101 30035524 234010 ES447 8/15 Solanum melongena

Luang Namtha Muang Sing

103 102 30035505 233991 ES428 8/15 Solanum quitoense

Luang Namtha Muang Sing

104 103 30035525 234011 ES448 8/15 Solanum melongena

Luang Namtha Muang Sing

105 104 30035526 234012 ES449 8/15 Solanummelongena

Luang Namtha Muang Sing

106 105 30035571 234057 CS377 8/16 Capsicum annuum Luang Namtha Muang Sing

107 106 30035572 234058 CS378 8/16 Capsicum annuum Luang Namtha Muang Sing

108 107-1 30035488 233974 TS401 8/16 Solanum lycopersicum

Luang Namtha Muang Sing

109 107-2 30035489 233975 TS402 8/16 Solanum lycopersicum

Luang Namtha Muang Sing

110 107-3 30035490 233976 TS403 8/16 Solanum lycopersicum

Luang Namtha Muang Sing

111 108 30035491 233977 TS404 8/16 Solanum lycopersicum

Luang Namtha Muang Sing

112 109 30035527 234013 ES450 8/16 Solanum melongena

Luang Namtha Muang Sing

113 110-1 30035573 234059 CS379 8/16 Capsicum annuum Luang Namtha Muang Sing

114 110-2 30035574 234060 CS380 8/16 Capsicum annuum Luang Namtha Muang Sing

115 111 30035575 234061 CS381 8/16 Capsicum annuum Luang Namtha Muang Sing

116 112 30035528 234014 ES451 8/16 Solanum melongena

Luang Namtha Muang Sing

117 113 30034783 233829 LCJ 2008126 8/16 Cucumis melo Luang Namtha

118 114 30034784 233830 LCJ 2008127 8/16 Cucumis melo Luang Namtha

119 115 30034785 233831 LCJ 2008128 8/16 Cucumis melo Luang Namtha

120 116 30035529 234015 ES452 8/16 Solanum melongena

Luang Namtha Namtha

121 117 30035530 234016 ES453 8/16 Solanum melongena

Luang Namtha Namtha

122 118 30035506 233992 ES429 8/16 Solanum quitoense

Luang Namtha Namtha

123 119 30035531 234017 ES454 8/16 Solanum melongena

Luang Namtha Namtha

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Village North latitude/ East longitude


Source (Market name) Status Local name Fruit characters,

etc. 21-11-43.4/ 101-08-54.9

621 village market (Muang Sing)

landrace Makphet 5cm(long), 0.8cm(wide).

from Phongsaly 21-11-43.4/ 101-08-54.9

621 village market (Muang Sing)

landrace Makphet (Dried) 4cm(long), 1.5cm(wide).

B. Pang hai 21-11-47.7/ 101-14-20.6

783 wild wild Kheng khom round, 1cm(long), 1cm(wide).

B. Na kham 21-10-51.0/ 101-11-05.6

657 wild wild Kheua kheyne round, 3cm(long), 3cm(wide).

B. Na kham 21-10-51.0/ 101-11-05.6

657 wild wild Kheng khom round, 1cm(long), 1cm(wide).

B. Na kham 21-10-51.0/ 101-11-05.6

657 wild wild Kheua kheyne round, 3.5cm(long), 3.5cm(wide).

B. Na kham 21-10-51.0/ 101-11-05.6

657 backyard landrace Mak kheua depressed, 2cm(long), 4cm(wide).

21-11-43.4/ 101-08-54.9

621 village market (Muang Sing)

landrace Makphet 8-10cm(long), 1.5-2cm(wide).

21-11-43.4/ 101-08-54.9

621 village market (Muang Sing)

landrace Makphet 4.5cm(long), 1cm(wide).

21-11-43.4/ 101-08-54.9

621 village market (Muang Sing)

landrace Kheua kheua a little depressed, 2.5cm(long), 3.5cm(wide).

21-11-43.4/ 101-08-54.9

621 village market (Muang Sing)

landrace Kheua kheua plam shape, 3.5cm(long), 3cm(wide).

21-11-43.4/ 101-08-54.9

621 village market (Muang Sing)

landrace Kheua kheua round, 3cm(long), 3cm(wide).

21-11-43.4/ 101-08-54.9

621 village market (Muang Sing)

landrace Kheua kheua round, 1.5cm(long), 1.5cm(wide).

21-11-43.4/ 101-08-54.9

621 village market (Muang Sing)

landrace Mak kheua depressed, 3.5cm(long), 6cm(wide).

B. Pathong 21-05-07.6/ 101-04-06.2

674 backyard landrace Makphet 7-8cm(long), 0.5cm(wide).

B. Pathong 21-05-07.6/ 101-04-06.2

674 backyard landrace Makphet 6-7cm(long), 0.8cm(wide).

B. Pathong 21-05-07.6/ 101-04-06.2

674 backyard landrace Makphet 3.5cm(long), 1.5cm(wide).

B. Pathong 21-05-07.6/ 101-04-06.2

674 backyard landrace Mak kheua a little depressed, 5cm(long), 4cm(wide).

B. Phin ho 21-04-50.6/ 101-24-16.7

729 farm stand landrace Makteng Lai Yellow skin color with stripe

B. Phin ho 21-04-50.6/ 101-24-16.7

729 farm stand landrace Makteng Lai Orange skin color with stripe

B. Phin ho 21-04-50.6/ 101-24-16.7

729 farm stand landrace Makteng Lai Orange skin color with stripe

B. Pasak 20-56-53.1/ 101-24-30.1

545 wild landrace Mak kheua egg shape, 5.5cm(long), 4.5cm(wide).

B. Pasak 20-56-53.1/ 101-24-30.1

545 wild landrace Mak kheua a little depressed, 2.5cm(long), 3cm(wide).

B. Houay Hok 20-56-34.4/ 101-26-41.7

589 wild wild Mak Kheng round, 1cm(long), 1cm(wide).

B. Houay Hok 20-56-34.4/ 101-26-41.7

589 backyard landrace Mak kheua a little depressed, 2.5cm(long), 3.5cm(wide).

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No. Collection No.

Passport No. JP No. Lab ID Date Genus & Species Province/State District

124 120-1 30035532 234018 ES455 8/16 Solanum melongena

Luang Namtha

125 120-2 30035533 234019 ES456 8/16 Solanum melongena

Luang Namtha

126 121 30034786 233832 LCJ 2008129 8/17 Cucumis melo Luang Namtha Namtha

127 122 30034787 233833 LCJ 2008130 8/17 Cucumis melo Luang Namtha Namtha

128 123 30034788 233834 LCJ 2008131 8/17 Cucumis melo Luang Namtha Namtha

129 124 30034789 233835 LCJ 2008132 8/17 Cucumis melo Luang Namtha Namtha

130 125 30034790 233836 LCJ 2008133 8/17 Cucumis melo Luang Namtha Namtha

131 126 30034791 233837 LCJ 2008134 8/17 Cucumis melo Udomxai Namo

132 127 30034792 233838 LCJ 2008135 8/17 Cucumis melo Udomxai Namo

133 128 30034793 233839 LCJ 2008136 8/17 Cucumis melo Udomxai M. Xai

134 129 30034794 233840 LCJ 2008137 8/17 Cucumis melo Udomxai Xai

135 130 30035534 234020 ES457 8/17 Solanum melongena

Udomxai M. Xay

136 131 30035535 234021 ES458 8/17 Solanum melongena

Udomxai M. Xay

137 132 30034795 233841 LCJ 2008138 8/17 Cucumis melo Udomxai Xai

138 133 30035536 234022 ES459 8/17 Solanum melongena

Udomxai Xai

139 134 30034796 233842 LCJ 2008139 8/18 Cucumis melo Udomxai Xai

140 135 30034797 233843 LCJ 2008140 8/18 Cucumis melo Udomxai Route to LPB

141 136 30034798 233844 LCJ 2008141 8/18 Cucumis melo Udomxai Route to LPB

142 137 30035537 234023 ES460 8/18 Solanum melongena

Udomxai Muang La

143 138-1 30035576 234062 CS382 8/18 Capsicum annuum Phongsaly Khone

144 138-2 30035577 234063 CS383 8/18 Capsicum annuum Phongsaly Khone

145 139 30035578 234064 CS384 8/18 Capsicum annuum Phongsaly Khone

146 140 30035538 234024 ES461 8/18 Solanum melongena

Phongsaly Khone

147 141 30035539 234025 ES462 8/18 Solanum melongena

Phongsaly Khone

148 142 30035540 234026 ES463 8/18 Solanum melongena

Phongsaly Khone

Table 2 ( Continued).

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Village North latitude/ East longitude


Source (Market name) Status Local name Fruit characters,


B. Tongchai Neua 21-00-45.3/ 101-24-50.3

564 village market (Tongchai)

landrace Mak kheua a little depressed, 4.5cm(long), 5.5cm(wide).

B. Tongchai Neua 21-00-45.3/ 101-24-50.3

564 village market (Tongchai)

landrace Mak kheua round, 4.5cm(long), 4.5cm(wide).

from D. Namdy 21-00-52.9/ 101-24-32.6

596 farm stand landrace Teng Lai Orange skin color with stripe

from D. Namdy 21-00-52.9/ 101-24-32.6

596 farm stand landrace Teng Lai Round type, orange skin color with stripe

from D. Namdy 21-00-52.9/ 101-24-32.6

596 farm stand landrace Teng Lai Green skin color

from D. Namdy 21-00-52.9/ 101-24-32.6

596 farm stand landrace Teng Lai Orange skin color with stripe

from D. Namdy 21-00-52.9/ 101-24-32.6

596 farm stand landrace Teng Lai Green skin color with stripe

B. Nam Xae 20-54-43.6/ 101-45-37.2

616 village market landrace Teng Lai Orange skin color with stripe

B. Nam Xae 20-54-43.6/ 101-45-37.2

616 village market landrace Teng Lai Green skin color with stripe

B. Kmee 20-47-42.5/ 101-52-47.4

910 farm stand landrace Teng Lai Yellow skin color with stripe

B. Houay ta farm stand landrace Teng Lai Green skin color with stripe

B. Homxay 20-43-49.4/ 101-57-05.1

650 backyard landrace Mak kheua depressed, 3.5cm(long), 5cm(wide).

B. Homxay 20-43-49.4/ 101-57-05.1

650 backyard wild Mak kheua round, 4cm(long), 4cm(wide).

B. KM22 20-41-32.9/ 101-58-52.8

703 farm stand landrace Teng Lai Yellow skin color

B. Naxam 20-41-26.5/ 101-59-02.7

640 commercial market

landrace Mak kheua round, 3.5cm(long), 3.5cm(wide).

km 9 to south 20-41-23.3/ 101-58-45.0

626 commercial market

landrace Teng Lai Green skin color with stripe

B. KM32 20-41-32.9/ 101-58-52.8

703 farm stand landrace Teng Lai Yellow skin color with stripe

B. KM32 20-41-32.9/ 101-58-52.8

703 farm stand landrace Teng Lai Round type, orange skin color with stripe

B. Done Sa-at 20-05-47.8/ 102-06-57.4

468 backyard wild Mak kheua a little depressed, 3.5cm(long), 4.5cm(wide).

from B. Salengdai 21-04-54.6/ 102-30-19.6

404 farm stand landrace Phet nxai 6-8cm(long), 1-1.5cm(wide).

from B. Salengdai 21-04-54.6/ 102-30-19.6

404 farm stand landrace Phet nxai 4cm(long), 1.5cm(wide).

from B. Salengdai 21-04-54.6/ 102-30-19.6

404 farm stand landrace Phet noi 3cm(long), 0.5cm(wide).

from B. Salengdai 21-04-54.6/ 102-30-19.6

404 farm stand landrace Mak kheua a little depressed, 3.5cm(long), 4.5cm(wide).

B. salongxai 21-04-46.9/ 102-30-03.1

371 wild wild Mak kheua round, 4cm(long), 4cm(wide).

B. salongxai 21-04-46.9/ 102-30-03.1

371 wild wild Mak kheua a little depressed, 3.5cm(long), 4.5cm(wide).

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No. Collection No.

Passport No. JP No. Lab ID Date Genus & Species Province/State District

149 143 30034799 233845 LCJ 2008142 8/19 Cucumis melo Udomxai Xai

150 144 30034800 233846 LCJ 2008143 8/19 Cucumis melo Udomxai Xai

151 145 30035579 234065 CS385 8/19 Capsicum annuum Udomxai Xai

152 146-1 30035492 233978 TS405 8/19 Solanum lycopersicum

Udomxai Xai

153 146-2 30035493 233979 TS406 8/19 Solanum lycopersicum

Udomxai Xai

154 147 30034801 233847 LCJ 2008144 8/19 Cucumis melo Udomxai Xai

155 148 30034802 233848 LCJ 2008145 8/19 Cucumis melo Udomxai Xai

156 149 30035554 234040 OS108 8/19 Solanum tabacum Udomxai Xai

157 150 30035541 234027 ES464 8/19 Solanum melongena

Udomxai Xai

158 151 30034803 233849 LCJ 2008146 8/19 Cucumis melo Udomxai Xai

159 152 30034804 233850 LCJ 2008147 8/19 Cucumis melo Udomxai Xai

160 153 30035580 234066 CS386 8/21 Capsicum annuum Luang Phabang Phoukhone

161 154 30035581 234067 CS387 8/21 Capsicum annuum Xieng Khouang Paek

162 155 30034805 233851 LCJ 2008148 8/21 Cucumis melo Xieng Khouang Paek

163 156 30034806 233852 LCJ 2008149 8/21 Cucumis melo Xieng Khouang Paek

164 157-1 30035582 234068 CS388 8/21 Capsicum annuum Xieng Khouang Paek

165 157-2 30035583 234069 CS389 8/21 Capsicum annuum Xieng Khouang Paek

166 158 30035584 234070 CS390 8/21 Capsicum annuum Xieng Khouang Paek

167 159 30035585 234071 CS391 8/21 Capsicum annuum Xieng Khouang Paek

168 160 30035499 233985 ES422 8/21 Solanum sp. Xieng Khouang Paek

169 161 30034807 233853 LCJ 2008150 8/22 Cucumis melo Xieng Khouang Paek

170 162 30034808 233854 LCJ 2008151 8/22 Cucumis melo Xieng Khouang Paek

171 163 30034809 233855 LCJ 2008152 8/22 Cucumis melo Xieng Khouang Paek

172 164 30034810 233856 LCJ 2008153 8/23 Cucumis melo Xieng Khouang Kham

Table 2 ( Continued).

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Village North latitude/ East longitude


Source (Market name) Status Local name Fruit characters,


from KM32 20-41-32.9/ 101-58-52.8

703 farm stand landrace Teng Lai White skin color

from KM35 20-41-32.9/ 101-58-52.8

703 farm stand landrace Teng Lai Yellow skin color with stripe

from KM15 20-41-23.3/ 101-58-45.0

626 village market landrace Makphet 1.5cm(long), 0.5cm(wide).

from B. Pasak 20-41-23.3/ 101-58-45.0

626 village market Kheua kheua a little depressed, 4.5cm(long), 5.5cm(wide).

from B. Pasak 20-41-23.3/ 101-58-45.0

626 village market Kheua kheua plam shape, 6cm(long), 4.5cm(wide).

KM 32 20-34-36.4/ 102-07-29.3

878 village market landrace Teng Lai Orange skin color with stripe

KM 32 20-34-36.4/ 102-07-29.3

878 village market landrace Teng Lai Green skin color with stripe

KM 32 20-34-36.4/ 102-07-29.3

878 wild wild Yasonb

KM 35 20-34-15.3/ 102-08-21.6

892 wild wild Kheua kheune round, 2cm(long), 2cm(wide).

KM 44 20-34-33.1/ 102-11-30.7

820 farm stand landrace Teng Lai Yellow skin color with stripe

KM 44 20-34-33.1/ 102-11-30.7

820 farm stand landrace Teng Lai Green skin color with stripe

B. Phoukhoune 19-26-17.5/ 102-25-34.3

1143 farm stand landrace Makphet 2-3cm(long), 0.5cm(wide).

B. Souy 19-31-58.3/ 102-52-31.8

1159 farm stand landrace Makphet 12-14cm(long), 2-3cm(wide).

B. Saya 19-31-58.3/ 102-52-31.8

1159 farm stand landrace Teng Lai Orange skin color, aroma

B. Saya 19-31-58.3/ 102-52-31.8

1159 farm stand landrace Teng Lai Yellow skin color with stripe

19-26-59.5/ 103-12-50.5

1105 commercialmarket (Kasikam)

landrace Makphet 5cm(long), 1.5cm(wide).

19-26-59.5/ 103-12-50.5

1105 commercialmarket (Kasikam)

landrace Makphet 3.5cm(long), 1cm(wide).

19-26-59.5/ 103-12-50.5

1105 commercialmarket (Kasikam)

landrace Phet noi 2cm(long), 0.5cm(wide).

19-26-59.5/ 103-12-50.5

1105 commercialmarket (Kasikam)

landrace Makphet 7-8cm(long), 1cm(wide).

19-26-59.5/ 103-12-50.5

1105 commercialmarket (Kasikam)

landrace Kheng khom round, 1cm(long), 1cm(wide).

B. Nong het 19-26-59.5/ 103-12-50.5

1105 commercialmarket (Kasikam)

landrace Teng Lai Orange skin color with stripe

B. Nong het 19-26-59.5/ 103-12-50.5

1105 commercialmarket (Kasikam)

landrace Teng Lai Orange skin color with stripe

B. Nong het 19-26-59.5/ 103-12-50.5

1105 commercialmarket (Kasikam)

landrace Teng Lai Green skin color

B. Chomthong 19-37-58.2/ 103-33-28.5

599 commercial market

landrace Teng Lai Orange skin color with stripe

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No. Collection No.

Passport No. JP No. Lab ID Date Genus & Species Province/State District

173 165 30034811 233857 LCJ 2008154 8/23 Cucumis melo Xieng Khouang Kham

174 166 30034812 233858 LCJ 2008155 8/23 Cucumis melo Xieng Khouang Kham

175 167-1 30035586 234072 CS392 8/23 Capsicum annuum Xieng Khouang Kham

176 167-2 30035587 234073 CS393 8/23 Capsicum annuum Xieng Khouang Kham

177 168-1 30035542 234028 ES465 8/23 Solanum melongena

Xieng Khouang Kham

178 168-2 30035543 234029 ES466 8/23 Solanum melongena

Xieng Khouang Kham

179 168-3 30035544 234030 ES467 8/23 Solanum melongena

Xieng Khouang Kham

180 169 30035500 233986 ES423 8/23 Solanum sp. Xieng Khouang Kham

181 170 30035588 234074 CS394 8/23 Capsicum annuum Xieng Khouang Kham

182 171 30035589 234075 CS395 8/23 Capsicum annuum Xieng Khouang Kham

183 172 30034813 233859 LCJ 2008156 8/23 Cucumis melo Houa phanh Houa Meuand

184 173 30034814 233860 LCJ 2008157 8/23 Cucumis melo Houa phanh Houa Meuand

185 174 30034815 233861 LCJ 2008158 8/23 Cucumis melo Houa phanh Houa Meuand

186 175 30034816 233862 LCJ 2008159 8/23 Cucumis melo Houa phanh Sam Neua

187 176 30035545 234031 ES468 8/23 Solanum melongena

Houa phanh Sam Neua

188 177 30034817 233863 LCJ 2008160 8/23 Cucumis melo Houa phanh Sam Neua

189 178 30034818 233864 LCJ 2008161 8/23 Cucumis melo Houa phanh Sam Neua

190 179 30034819 233865 LCJ 2008162 8/23 Cucumis melo Houa phanh Sam Neua

191 180 30034820 233866 LCJ 2008163 8/23 Cucumis melo Houa phanh Sam Neua

192 181-1 30035590 234076 CS396 8/23 Capsicum annuum Houa phanh Sam Neua

193 181-2 30035591 234077 CS397 8/23 Capsicum annuum Houa phanh Sam Neua

194 182-1 30035546 234032 ES469 8/24 Solanum melongena

Houa phanh Sam Neua

195 182-2 30035547 234033 ES470 8/24 Solanum melongena

Houa phanh Sam Neua

196 183 30035548 234034 ES471 8/24 Solanum melongena

Houa phanh Sam Neua

Table 2 ( Continued).

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Village North latitude/ East longitude


Source (Market name) Status Local name Fruit characters,


B. Chomthong 19-37-58.2/ 103-33-28.5

599 commercial market

landrace Teng Lai Round type, orange skin color with stripe

B. Chomthong 19-37-58.2/ 103-33-28.5

599 commercial market

landrace Teng Lai White skin color, aroma

B. Chomthong 19-37-58.2/ 103-33-28.5

599 commercial market

landrace Makphet 4cm(long), 1.2cm(wide).

B. Chomthong 19-37-58.2/ 103-33-28.5

599 commercial market

landrace Makphet 6-8cm(long), 0.8-1cm(wide).

B. Chomthong 19-37-58.2/ 103-33-28.5

599 commercial market

landrace Kheua kheune a little depressed, 3cm(long), 4cm(wide).

B. Chomthong 19-37-58.2/ 103-33-28.5

599 commercial market

landrace Kheua kheune round, 3cm(long), 3cm(wide).

B. Chomthong 19-37-58.2/ 103-33-28.5

599 commercial market

landrace Kheua kheune a little depressed, 3cm(long), 4cm(wide).

19-52-01.1/ 103-42-17.0

1495 wild wild Kheua ba round, 3cm(long), 3cm(wide).

B. Phieng khong 19-59-43.8/ 103-42-05.8

657 farmland landrace Phetpo 4cm(long), 1cm(wide).

B. Phieng khong 19-59-43.8/ 103-42-05.8

657 farmland landrace Phetpo 5cm(long), 1cm(wide).

B. Nam Neune 2 20-01-53.7/ 103-42-59.8

515 commercial market (Sob Lao)

landrace Teng Lai Orange skin color with stripe, aroma

B. Nam Neune 2 20-01-53.7/ 103-42-59.8

515 commercial market (Sob Lao)

landrace Teng Lai White skin color

B. Nam Neune 2 20-01-53.7/ 103-42-59.8

515 commercial market (Sob Lao)

landrace Teng Lai Orange skin color with stripe

B. Saleuy 20-13-31.2/ 103-59-14.2

1339 farmland landrace Teng Lai Green skin color with stripe

B. Saleuy 20-13-31.2/ 103-59-14.2

1339 backyard wild Kheua kheune round, 3cm(long), 3cm(wide).

B. KM12 20-21-15.9/ 104-00-12.7

1279 farm stand landrace Teng Lai Orange skin color with stripe

B. KM12 20-21-15.9/ 104-00-12.7

1279 farm stand landrace Teng Lai Orange skin color with stripe

B. KM12 20-21-15.9/ 104-00-12.7

1279 farm stand landrace Teng Lai Orange skin color with stripe

B. KM12 20-21-15.9/ 104-00-12.7

1279 farm stand landrace Teng Lai Green skin color with stripe

B. KM12 20-21-15.9/ 104-00-12.7

1279 farm stand landrace Phet noi 8-10cm(long), 1cm(wide).

B. KM12 20-21-15.9/ 104-00-12.7

1279 farm stand landrace Phet noi 8-10cm(long), 2cm(wide).

20-25-01.9/ 104-03-00.2

956 commercial market (Provncial)

landrace Kheua kheune pear shape, 6cm(long), 6.5cm(wide).

20-25-01.9/ 104-03-00.2

956 commercial market (Provncial)

landrace Kheua kheune round, 4cm(long), 4cm(wide).

20-25-01.9/ 104-03-00.2

956 commercial market (Provncial)

landrace Mak kheune a little depressed, 6cm(long), 10cm(wide).

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No. Collection No.

Passport No. JP No. Lab ID Date Genus & Species Province/State District

197 184 30035592 234078 CS398 8/24 Capsicum annuum Houa phanh Sam Neua

198 185 30035494 233980 TS407 8/24 Solanum lycopersicum

Houa phanh Sam Neua

199 186-1 30035593 234079 CS399 8/24 Capsicum annuum Houa phanh Sam Neua

200 186-2 30035594 234080 CS400 8/24 Capsicum annuum Houa phanh Sam Neua

201 187 30034821 233867 LCJ 2008164 8/24 Cucumis melo Houa phanh Sam Neua

202 188 30034822 233868 LCJ 2008165 8/24 Cucumis melo Houa phanh Sam Neua

203 189 30034823 233869 LCJ 2008166 8/24 Cucumis melo Houa phanh Sam Neua

204 190 30034831 233877 LCJ 2008174 8/24 Cucumis sativus Houa phanh Sam Neua

205 191 30034824 233870 LCJ 2008167 8/24 Cucumis melo Houa phanh Vieng Xai

206 192 30034825 233871 LCJ 2008168 8/24 Cucumis melo Houa phanh Vieng Xai

207 193 30034826 233872 LCJ 2008169 8/24 Cucumis melo Houa phanh Vieng Xai

208 194 30034827 233873 LCJ 2008170 8/24 Cucumis melo Houa phanh Vieng Xai

209 195 30034828 233874 LCJ 2008171 8/24 Cucumis melo Houa phanh Vieng Xai

210 196 30034829 233875 LCJ 2008172 8/24 Cucumis melo Houa phanh Vieng Xai

211 197 30034830 233876 LCJ 2008173 8/24 Cucumis melo Houa phanh Vieng Xai

212 198 30035549 234035 ES472 8/24 Solanum melongena

Houa phanh Vieng Xai

213 199 30035550 234036 ES473 8/24 Solanum melongena

Houa phanh Vieng Xai

214 200 30035595 234081 CS401 8/24 Capsicum annuum Houa phanh Vieng Xai

215 201 30035551 234037 ES474 8/25 Solanum melongena

Houa phanh Sam Neua

216 202 30035552 234038 ES475 8/26 Solanum melongena

Xieng Khouang Kham

217 203 30035553 234039 ES476 8/26 Solanum intergrifolium

Xieng Khouang Kham

218 204 30034832 233878 LCJ 2008175 8/27 Cucumis sativus Xieng Khouang Muang Khone

Table 2 ( Continued).

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Village North latitude/ East longitude


Source (Market name) Status Local name Fruit characters,


20-25-01.9/ 104-03-00.2

956 commercial market (Provncial)

landrace Makphet 5cm(long), 1.2cm(wide).

20-25-01.9/ 104-03-00.2

956 commercial market (Provncial)

landrace Len Noi round, 2.5cm(long), 2.5cm(wide).

Meuang Xang 20-25-22.2/ 104-02-31.4

977 commercial market (Sam Neua)

landrace Makphet 10-13cm(long), 1.5cm(wide).

Meuang Xang 20-25-22.2/ 104-02-31.4

977 commercial market (Sam Neua)

landrace Makphet 8-10cm(long), 2cm(wide).

B.Houa khang 20-26-33.3/ 104-04-56.4

1008 farm stand landrace Teng Lai Orange skin color with stripe

B.Houa khang 20-26-33.3/ 104-04-56.4

1008 farm stand landrace Teng Lai Orange skin color with stripe

B.Houa khang 20-26-33.3/ 104-04-56.4

1008 farm stand landrace Teng Lai White skin color

B.Houa khang 20-26-33.3/ 104-04-56.4

1008 farm stand landrace Teng Kin White skin color

B.Poun sang 20-19-02.2/ 104-28-05.0

562 farm stand landrace Teng Lai Orange skin color with stripe, aroma

B.Poun sang 20-19-02.2/ 104-28-05.0

562 farm stand landrace Teng Lai Orange skin color with stripe

B.Poun sang 20-19-02.2/ 104-28-05.0

562 farm stand landrace Teng Lai Orange skin color

B.Poun sang 20-19-02.2/ 104-28-05.0

562 farm stand landrace Teng Lai Yellow skin color

B.Poun sang 20-19-02.2/ 104-28-05.0

562 farm stand landrace Teng Lai Round type, orange skin color, aroma

B.Poun sang 20-19-02.2/ 104-28-05.0

562 farm stand landrace Teng Lai Round type, white skin color, aroma

B.Poun sang 20-19-02.2/ 104-28-05.0

562 farm stand landrace Teng Lai Green skin color with stripe, aroma

B.Poun sang 20-19-02.2/ 104-28-05.0

562 farm stand landrace Kheua kheune a little depressed, 4cm(long), 4.5cm(wide).

B.Poun sang 20-19-02.2/ 104-28-05.0

562 farm stand landrace Kheua kheune round, 3.5cm(long), 3.5cm(wide).

B.Poun sang 20-19-02.2/ 104-28-05.0

562 farm stand landrace Makphet 8-10cm(long), 2.5cm(wide).

20-25-01.9/ 104-03-00.2

956 commercial market (Provncial)

landrace pear shape, 5.5cm(long), 4.5cm(wide).

B. Phieng khong 19-59-43.8/ 103-42-05.8

657 farmland landrace Makkheua round, 4cm(long), 5cm(wide).

B. Chomthong 19-37-58.2/ 103-33-28.5

599 commercial market

landrace Kheng Khom Gnai depressed, 3cm(long), 5cm(wide).

B. Sakkhin 19-20-00.0/ 103-21-57.8

1068 commercial market (Muang Khone)

landrace Teng ching Yello skin color

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Province No. ofSample

No.of Site

Fruit weight (kg)1) Fruit height (cm)1) Fruit diameter (cm)1) Shape index1), 2)

Min Max Avg Var Min Max Avg Var Min Max Avg Var Min Max Avg VarSalavan 17 4 1.3 4.3 2.1 0.77 11.5 26.5 18.6 22.20 11.0 16.0 13.4 1.86 0.9 1.7 1.4 0.09Luang Phabang 28 8 0.8 3.9 1.9 0.53 9.0 27.0 14.9 18.68 11.0 16.5 13.8 2.06 0.7 2.0 1.1 0.10Udomxai 16 9 0.6 2.4 1.4 0.23 10.0 20.0 16.4 7.88 9.0 14.5 11.5 1.93 0.9 1.7 1.4 0.04Luang Namtha 22 7 0.6 2.1 1.2 0.24 9.0 23.5 14.5 11.68 8.0 14.5 11.1 3.24 0.9 1.8 1.3 0.09Xieng Khouang 22 7 0.8 2.3 1.5 0.19 11.0 20.5 15.5 7.24 10.5 16.5 12.8 2.11 0.8 1.7 1.2 0.07Houa phanh 33 7 0.7 3.0 1.4 0.24 11.0 21.0 15.3 13.74 10.0 18.0 12.6 2.61 0.8 1.6 1.3 0.03

Total 138 42 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

1)Min: minimum value, max: maximum value, avg: average value, var: variance

2)Shape index = fruit height/fruit diameter

Table 3. Fruit characteristics of melon collected in six provinces of Laos in 2008

Province No. ofSample

No. of Site

Brix ( % )1) Fragrance2) Skin stripe3)

Min Max Avg Var + - % + - %Salavan 17 4 4.0 8.0 5.7 1.37 7 10 41.2 10 7 58.8 Luang Phabang 28 8 3.0 8.0 5.9 1.43 7 21 25.0 4 24 14.3 Udomxai 16 9 3.0 7.0 4.2 1.37 1 15 6.3 14 2 87.5 Luang Namtha 22 7 3.0 6.0 4.7 0.59 2 20 9.1 19 3 86.4 Xieng Khouang 22 7 3.0 8.0 5.1 1.63 6 16 27.3 15 7 68.2 Houa phanh 33 7 3.0 9.0 5.1 1.66 7 26 21.2 22 11 66.7

Total 138 42 - - - - - - - - - -

1)Min: minimum value, max: maximum value, avg: average value, var: variance2)“+”, “-”; No. of presence and absence of fragrance in mature fruit. “% ” is indicated percentage of “+”.3)“+”, “-”; No. of presence and absence of stripe. “% ” is indicated percentage of “+”.

Table 4. Sugar content, fragrance, and skin characteristics of melons collected in six provinces of Laos in 2008

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Photo 1. Various vegetables found at Kowrdin market.

Photo 2. Various vegetables found at That Luang market.

Photo 3. Melon market in Vientiane district. These melons were produced in Salavan Province.

Photo 4. Slash-and-burn field, Luang Prabang Province.

Photo 5. Cultivation of bananas on a slash-and-burn field, Luang Prabang Province.

Photo 6. Farm stand with melon and cucumber in Ban Hatsoua, Luang Prabang Province. Some people traveled to the market by car to buy melons.

Photo 7. Melons cultivated with corn in slash-and-burn fields, Luang Prabang Province. Soybean and papaya were also cultivated in the same fields.

Photo 8. Melon collected around Ponsavan. A: Makteng meúay, B: Makuten kao, other melon: Makteng lai

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Photo 9. Cucumbers sold at market in Luang Namtha. Upper: round type with white skin (No. 80). Lower: oval type with green skin.

Photo 10. Typical eggplant (small round shape, No. 76) at Luang Namtha.

Photo 11. Typical eggplant (depressed shape, No. 75) at Luang Namtha.

P h o t o 1 2 . F r u i t s o f S o l a n u m intergrifolium (No.77) at Luang Namtha.

Photo 13. Fruits of Solanum quitoense (No. 78) at Luang Namtha.

Photo 14. Fruits of Capsicum (left: No. 166, center: No.165, right: No.167) at Phonsavan.

Photo 15. Cucumis hystrix collected in Ban Phèng Khong, Houa Phan Province. Note the yellow female flower in the middle of the picture.

Photo 16. A large eggplant fruit (No. 196) at Sam Neua.

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Photo 17. A red eggplant fruit (No. 215) at Sam Neua.

P h o t o 1 8 . I m p o r t e d c o m m e r c i a l vegetable seeds f rom China and Thailand for sale at Muang Sing market.

Photo 19. A road from Luang Prabang to Udomxai interrupted by a landslide.

Photo 20. A submerged road from Udomxai to Ban Vangua.

Photo 21. A mud-covered road from Udomxai to Luang Prabang.

Photo 22. Melon collected in Luang Namtha, Laos (left: No. 68), and in southern Yunnan, China (right).

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Ⅲ.海外植物遺伝資源探索収集及び共同調査チームの派遣実績   PGR Missions dispatched abroad by the Genebank Project since 1975

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年度 調 査 課 題 対 象 作 物 担 当 者(所属機関) 派 遣 先 ・ 期 間

50 1)中晩生カンキツ有用遺伝子の探索導入 スイートオレンジ , サワーオレンジ ,レモン , みかん , ぶんたん , からたち

秋浜 友也 ( 果樹試 ) 七条 寅之助 ( 〃 )

インド50. 11. 2 - 11. 17

51 1)ばれいしょ有用遺伝子の探索導入 ばれいしょ 坂口 進 ( 農技研 ) ペルー52. 1. 23 - 2. 5

2)トウモロコシの有用遺伝子の探索導 入 トウモロコシ在来種および一代雑種 山田 実 ( 農技研 ) メキシコ52. 1. 23 - 2. 5

52 1)稲の有用遺伝子の探索導入 水稲耐冷性または短期時なし出穂性品種

渡辺 進二 ( 東北農試 ) イタリア,ハンガリー52. 8. 23 - 9. 2

2)ウリ科野菜の有用遺伝子の探索導入 メロン・トマト , きゅうり , すいか , かぼちゃ , なす

川出 武夫 ( 野菜試 ) スペイン,イタリア52. 8. 18 - 8. 28

53 1)マメ類の有用遺伝子の探索導入 大豆 , 落花生 , いんげんまめ , ふじまめ , ささげ , きまめ , ヒヨコマメ , だいこん , えんどう , たけあずき

渡辺 巌 ( 東北農試 ) ネパール,インド53. 10. 5 - 11. 2

2)葉根菜類の有用遺伝子の探索導入   かぶ , にんじん , たまねぎ , はなやさい , キャベツ , クラス , からしな類 , ほうれんそう , パラーク

神山 利一 ( 野菜試 ) ネパール,インド53. 10. 5 - 11. 2

54 1)暖地型牧草 , かんしょ , キノアの探索導   入

暖地型牧草 , かんしょ , キノア 佐藤 博保 ( 九農試 ) 小林 仁 ( 〃 )

アメリカ,コロンビア,ベネズエラ54. 11. 19 - 12. 5

55 1)ばれいしょ , てんさいの有用遺伝子探索  導入

ばれいしょ , てんさい 西部 幸男 ( 北農試 ) 八戸三千男 ( 〃 )

オランダ,ポーランド55. 11. 26 - 12. 8

56 1) オリザグラベリマ , グレインソルガム ,  ハトムギの探索導入 

グラベリマ稲 , グレインソルガム ,ハトムギ

小野 信一 ( 中国農試 ) 象牙海岸,ナイジェリア,インド56. 10. 24 - 11. 12

57 1)イタリアン・ライグラス等牧草類の探  索導入

イタリアン・ライグラス 鈴木 信治 ( 草地試 ) フランス,イタリア 57.8.29-9.19

58 1)インドネシアにおける大豆有用遺伝子  の探索導入

大豆 番場 宏治 ( 北海道中央農試 )  高橋 信夫 ( 長野県中信農試 )

インドネシア 58.11.13-12.2

2)こんにゃくの探索導入 こんにゃく 三輪 計一 ( 群馬県総農試 ) 清家 泰昭 ( 〃 )

タイ , フィリピン 59. 1. 15 - 2. 12

3)小麦のトルコ , エジプトにおける探索導  入

小麦 , 大麦等 天野 洋一 ( 北海道北見農試 ) トルコ , エジプト 58. 7.25 - 8.31

4)野性稲等の探索導入           - バングラデシュ -

在来種 , 野生稲等 水野 進 ( 福井県農試 ) 奥津 喜章 ( 茨城県農試 )

バングラデシュ58. 11. 10 - 12. 1

5)中南米におけるトマト , トウガラシ , カ  ボチャの探索導入

トマト , ピーマン , カボチャ 小餅 昭二 ( 野菜試 ) 小林 忠和 ( 長野県中信農試 )

メキシコ , コスタリカ , ペルー ,ボリビア 58. 11. 10 - 12. 5

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年度 調 査 課 題 対 象 作 物 担 当 者(所属機関) 派 遣 先 ・ 期 間

59 1)インド,インドネシア,タイ国におけ  る茶樹の調査・探索と収集

茶 鳥屋尾 忠之(茶試)岡部 信雄(埼玉県茶試)

インド,タイ,インドネシア59. 11. 21 - 12. 16

2)北米大陸におけるブドウの収集 ブドウ 雨宮 毅(山梨県果樹試)角 利和(福岡県農総試)

北米 59. 11. 4 - 12. 3

3)豆類遺伝資源の海外調査(韓国) あずき,さいとう 原 正紀(北海道十勝農試)村田 吉平(   〃   )

韓国 59. 10. 9 - 10. 31

4)いぐさ,牧草の探索収集調査 いぐさ,牧草 定平 正吉(広島県農試)赤木 豊樹(  〃  )

ニュージーランド60. 1. 21 - 2. 20

60 1)亜熱帯産仁果・核果類遺伝資源の探索 ウメ,クルミ,ナシ,モモ,カキ等 土屋 七郎(果樹試)

金戸 橘夫(園芸農協連)

中国,台湾省60. 11. 26 - 12. 15 中国,台湾省 61. 3. 10 - 3. 20

2)麦類遺伝資源の収集と導入 小麦,大麦,関連野生種 瀬古 秀文(栃木県農試) イタリア,ハンガリー,ユーゴスラビア 60. 8. 1 - 9. 4

3)パプアニューギニアにおける地下作物  等の探索収集

カンショ,サトウキビ等 久木村 久(九農試)杉本 明(沖縄県農試)

パプアニューギニア 61. 1. 20 - 2. 16

4)豆類およびトウモロコシの遺伝資源   調査

ラッカセイ,トウモロコシ等 中西 健夫(千葉県農試)鈴木 茂(  〃  )向井 康(宮崎県総農試)

アルゼンチン 61. 2. 25 - 3. 31

5)大豆遺伝資源の探索導入 ダイズ 佐々木 紘一(北海道十勝農試)重盛 勲(長野県中信農試)

タイ 61. 3. 12 - 3. 31

61 1)牧草・飼料作物遺伝資源の探索導入 えん麦,オーチャードグラス,フェスク類,ライグラス,アルファルァ,クローバー類等

佐藤 信之助(九農試)鶴見 義朗(鹿児島県農試)

モロッコ,ポルトガル,スペイン 61. 6. 28 - 7. 15

2)稲遺伝資源探索導入 タイ東北部および  北部 

稲 浜村 邦夫(北農試)佐々木 武彦(宮城県古川農試)

タイ 61. 10. 26 - 11. 26

3)タイにおける野菜遺伝資源 ナス科,ウリ科等 芦澤 正和(全農試) タイ 61. 10. 26 - 11. 26

4)根系有用遺伝資源に関する海外調査 ソラナム属,イポメア属近緑野生種 奥山 善直(北海道根釧農試)田淵 尚一(長崎県総農試)梅村 芳樹(九農試)

ペルー,エクアドル61. 10. 28 - 11. 26

5)雑穀類遺伝資源の収集と導入 ミレット類,ゴマ,ソルガム属等 広瀬 昌平(日大農獣医学部)松浦 正宏(広島県農試)

タンザニア 62. 2. 28 - 3. 22

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年度 調 査 課 題 対 象 作 物 担 当 者(所属機関) 派遣先・期 間

62 1)ナイジェリア国における野菜類遺伝資  源の調査


由比 進(野菜茶試)芦沢 正和(全農連)

ナイジェリア 62. 11. 10 - 12. 7

2)豆類遺伝資源の探索 アズキ,ツルアズキ,ヶツルアズキ 宮崎 尚時(長野県中信農試)足立 大山(北海道中央農試)

ネパール 62. 11. 17 - 12. 15

3)麦類遺伝資源の海外探索導入調査 麦類 桑原 達雄(長野県農事試)古庄 雅彦(福岡県農総試)宮川 三郎(農研センター)

モロッコ王国,シリア・アラブ共和国 62. 6. 10 - 7. 3

4)地中海地域におけるカンキツ,ビワ遺  伝資源調査

カンキツ,ビワ 吉田 俊雄(長崎県果樹試)佐々木 文義(愛媛県青農連)

イタリア,ギリシャ,イスラエル 62. 11. 9 - 11. 27

63 1)ネパールにおけるRhododendron 属お  よびLilium 属遺伝資源の収集

ツツジ属,ユリ属 山口 聰(野菜・茶試久留米支場)小林 正芳(鹿児島県農試)

ネパール 63. 10. 22 - 11. 20

2)インドにおける特用・栄養系作物の   フィールド調査

さとうきび,茶,桑 上野 貞一(宮崎県総農試)橋本 昌男(千葉県蚕業センター)大城 良計(沖縄県農試)

インド 63. 11. 17 - 12. 14

3)アルゼンチンにおけるMedicago 属遺  伝資源の探索・収集

アルファルファ 稲波 進(愛知県農総試)福岡 寿夫(九州東海大学)

アルゼンチン 1.1. 14 - 2. 19

4)インドネシア・スマトラ島における稲  遺伝資源の収集調査  

稲類 岡 三徳(生物研)赤間 芳洋(愛知県農総試)菊池 治己(北海道上川農試)

インドネシア 1. 2. 14 - 3. 20

元 1)麦類遺伝資源の探索,アルジェリア 小麦,大麦等 宮川 三郎(農研センター)吉田 久(栃木県農試)前野 真司(北海道北見農試)

アルジェリア 1. 5. 30 - 6. 27

2)マレイシア国およびタイ国に分布する  甘しょ等いも類の調査

甘しょ 樽本 勲(農研センター)坂口 進(農林水産技術情報協会)

マレイシア,タイ 2. 2. 23 - 3. 16

3)地中海地域におけるヨーロッパブドウ  の遺伝資源調査

ブドウ 平林 利郎(山梨県農試)平川 信之(福岡県農総試)

フランス,イタリア 1. 10. 6 - 10. 22

4)ギリシャにおけるチューリップ属およ  びアリウム属遺伝資源の共同探索・収  集

チューリップ,アリウム属野生種 平田 良樹(野菜・茶試)浦島 修(富山県野菜花き試)宮浦 邦晃(北海道北見農試)名畑 清信(富山県農業水産部)

ギリシャ 1. 3. 7 - 3. 25

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年度 調 査 課 題 対 象 作 物 担 当 者(所属機関) 派遣先・期 間

2 1)モロッコ,スペインにおけるBeta 属野  生種の探索

Beta 属野生種 増谷 哲雄(北海道農試)吉沢 晃(北海道北見農試)

モロッコ,スペイン2. 6. 25 - 7. 15

2)フィンランド,スウェーデンのアカク  ローバ探索

Trifolium 属,チモシー他 澤井 晃(北海道農試)竹田 芳彦(北海道根釧農試)

フィンランド,スウェーデン 2. 8. 25 - 9. 16

3)タイにおける稲遺伝資源の共同探索導  入


森谷 国男(鹿児島県農試)日高 秀光(宮崎県総農試)

タイ 2. 10. 29 - 11. 30

4)マレイシアにおける豆類遺伝資源の探  索

ダイズ,リョクトウ,シカクマメ他 土屋 武彦(北海道中央農試)矢ヶ崎 和弘(長野県中信農試)

マレイシア 3. 1. 30 - 3. 1

3 1)ソ連国における寒地型牧草遺伝資源の  探索収集

寒地型牧草 大同 久明(北海道農試)下小路 英男(北海道北見農試)

ソ連(サハリン)3. 9. 2 - 9. 24

2)ポーランドにおける野菜類遺伝資源の  探索・収集    


吉川 宏昭(野菜茶試)塚田 元尚(長野県野菜花き試)

ポーランド 3. 9. 10 - 10. 7

3)スリランカ及びタイにおける雑穀類遺  伝資源の探索

雑穀類 西牧 清(長野県中信農試)及川 一也(岩手県農試)

スリランカ,タイ 4. 1. 7 - 2. 5

4)ウルグアイおよびチリにおけるいも遺  伝資源の探索収集

カンショ,バレイショ 村上 紀夫(北海道根訓農試)小村 国則(長崎県総農試愛野馬鈴薯支場)

ウルグアイ,チリ 4. 3. 2 - 3. 30

4 1)インド国におけるゴマ遺伝資源の探索  収集

ゴマ 古明池 通孝(農研センター)河瀬 眞琴(生物研)

インド 4. 9. 23 - 10. 18

2)マダガスカルにおける稲遺伝資源の探  索収集

稲 堀内 久満(福井県農試)上原 泰樹(青森県農試)

マダガスカル 5. 2. 24 - 3. 28

3)メキシコにおける桑遺伝資源の調査 桑 片桐 幸逸(蚕昆研)國友 義博(山梨県蚕試)

メキシコ 4. 11. 19 - 12. 9

4)ブラジルにおけるパインアップル遺伝  資源の調査と収集

パインアップル 池宮 秀和(沖縄県農試)時任 俊広(鹿児島県農試)

ブラジル 4. 11. 4 - 11. 25

5 1)ガーナ国における野菜およびマメ類遺  伝資源の調査と収集

ナス,マメ類 門馬 信二(野菜茶試)伊藤 喜三男(長野県中信農試)

ガーナ 5. 10. 19 - 11. 18

2)ベトナムにおける稲遺伝資源の探索収  集

稲 國廣 泰史(生物研)井上 正勝(愛知県農総試)

ベトナム 6. 2. 24 - 3. 25

3)ベトナムにおける豆類遺伝資源の探索  収集


小林 勉(長野県中信農試)島田 尚典(北海道立十勝農試)

ベトナム 6. 2. 24 - 3. 23

4)エクアドルおよびボリビア国における  根茎作物遺伝資源の調査

オカ,ウルコ,マシュア他 中野 尚夫(岡山県農試)白井 和栄(北海道立植物遺伝資源センター)

エクアドル, ボリビア 6. 2. 28 - 3. 21

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年度 調 査 課 題 対 象 作 物 担 当 者(所属機関) 派遣先・期 間

6 1)パキスタン国における麦類遺伝資源の  探索収集

麦類 田谷 省三(中国農試)石川 直幸(栃木県農試)

パキスタン 6. 6. 1 - 6. 21

2)フィリピンにおけるサツマイモ遺伝資  源の探索収集

カンショ 軽部 稔(鹿児島県農試)泉澤 直(茨城県農総センター)

フィリピン 6. 8. 9 - 9. 9

3)ベトナム国におけるサトイモ遺伝資源  の共同探索

サトイモ 森下 正博(大阪府農技センター)ベトナム 6. 11. 29 - 12. 28

4)カザフスタン,ウズベキスタン国にお  ける花き類遺伝資源の探索収集

チューリップ,ユリ 篠田 浩一(北海道農試)浦島 修(富山県農技センター)

カザフスタンウズベキスタン 6. 6. 6 - 7. 17

7 1)ブルガリアおよびギリシャにおける牧  草遺伝資源の共同探索

エンバク,Medicago 属等 我有 満(長野県畜試)神戸 三智雄(愛知県総合農試)

ブルガリアギリシャ 7. 7. 1 - 7. 31

2)ケニアにおける野菜類遺伝資源の探索  収集


石内 傳治(野菜茶試)松本 満夫(高知県農技センター)

ケニア 7. 9. 5 - 10. 7

3)スリランカにおける茶遺伝資源の探索 茶 武田 善行(野菜茶試)吉留 浩(宮崎県総合農試)

スリランカ 7. 11. 9 - 12. 7

4)パラグアイ,ボリビアにおける豆類(落  花生,インゲンマメ等)の遺伝資源の  調査収集

落花生,インゲンマメ,ササゲ等 木佐貫 守(宮崎県総合農試)佐藤 仁(北海道十勝農試)

パラグアイボリビア 8. 2. 28 - 3. 28

8 1)パキスタン国における麦類遺伝資源の  野外調査


古庄 雅彦(福岡県農総試)谷藤 健(北海道北見農試)

パキスタン 8. 6. 28 - 7. 28

2)東欧地域における牧草遺伝資源の探索  収集


山田 敏彦(山梨県酪試)鳥越 昌隆(北海道北見農試)

ポーランドチェコ,スロバキア 8. 7. 27 - 8. 26

3)ベトナム国北部におけるイネ遺伝資源  の共同調査と収集

イネ在来品種 江花 薫子(生物研)岡本 和之(茨城県生工研)

ベトナム 8. 11. 5 - 12. 4

4)東アフリカにおけるソルガム遺伝資源  の探索収集

ソルガム属 鶴見 義朗(草地試)春日 重光(長野県畜試)

ケニア 8. 11. 2 - 12. 1

9 1)カザフスタンにおけるネギ属遺伝資源  の共同探索

ネギ属 小島 昭夫(野菜茶試) カザフスタン 9. 8. 12 - 9. 6

2)ベトナム中部における稲遺伝資源の探  索収集

イネ栽培種 矢頭 治(北陸農試)福島 清美(鹿児島県農試)

ベトナム 9. 11. 7 - 12. 6

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年度 調 査 課 題 対 象 作 物 担 当 者(所属機関) 派遣先・期 間

 9 3)ベトナム北部における果樹遺伝資源の  共同探索収集

カンキツ・ビワ 根角 博久(果樹試)佐藤 義彦(長崎県果樹試)

ベトナム 9. 11. 7 - 12. 6

4)タイにおける熱帯果樹遺伝資源の調査  と収集

熱帯果樹 小森 貞男(国際農研)小川 一紀(果樹試)

タイ 10. 2. 25 - 3. 25

10 1)ギリシャにおける麦類遺伝資源の探索 ムギ類 土井 芳憲(四国農試)牛山 智彦(長野農試)

ギリシャ 10. 6. 12 - 7. 12

2)アルメニアおよびグルジアにおける果  樹遺伝資源の探索収集

落葉果樹 西村 幸一(山形園試)阿部 和幸(果樹試)

アルメニア,グルジア 10. 7. 11 - 8. 17

3)ベトナム国南部における稲遺伝資源の  探索収集

イネ 勝田(石)真澄(生物研)山口 誠之(東北農試)

ベトナム 10. 11. 17 - 12. 16

4)ベトナム中北部におけるカンキツ遺伝  資源の共同探索収集

カンキツ 根角 博久(果樹試)国賀 武(果樹試)

ベトナム 10. 11. 17 - 12. 16

11 1)ギリシャ国におけるアブラナ科野生種  と在来野菜品種の共同探索・収集 ,1999

アブラナ科野生種等 飛騨 健一(野茶試)塚埼 光(野茶試)

ギリシャ11. 6. 29 - 7. 30

2)タイにおけるサトウキビ近縁遺伝資源  の調査収集

サトウキビ野生種 伊禮 信(沖縄県農試)杉本 明(九州農試)

タイ 11. 11. 16 - 12. 15

3)ミヤンマー連邦における稲遺伝資源の  探索収集

イネ 三浦 清之(生物研)坂井 真(農研センター)

ミヤンマー 11. 11. 16 - 12. 15

4)スペインにおけるカンキツ類遺伝資源  の調査と収集

カンキツ 根角 博久(果樹試)三谷 宣仁(果樹試)

スペイン 12. 2. 22 - 3. 11

5)ミヤンマー国における雑穀および特用  作物遺伝資源の探索収集のための現地  事前調査

ソバ,ハトムギ,コンニャク等 石田 正彦(東北農試)手塚 隆久(九州農試)

ミヤンマー 12. 3. 28 - 4. 10

12 1)ミャンマー連邦シャン州北部およびカ  チン州における稲遺伝資源の探索収集

イネ 滝田 正(東北農試)田村 泰章(北陸農試)

ミヤンマー 12. 11. 16 - 12. 15

2)ベトナム国における豆類遺伝資源の共  同調査収集

豆類 島田 尚典(東北農試)笠原 賢明(北海道農試)

ベトナム 12. 10. 23 - 11. 21

3)ミャンマー連邦北シャン州における雑  穀・コンニャク遺伝資源の探索収集

ソバ,ハトムギ,コンニャク 手塚 隆久(九州農試)内田 秀司(群馬農試)

ミヤンマー 12. 12. 1 - 12. 31

4)イタリア・フランス・スペインにおけ  るフェスク類,ロリウム類遺伝資源の  探索収集

フェスク類 ロリウム類

桂 真昭(九州農試)上山 泰史(茨城畜試)

イタリア,フランス,スペイン 12. 6. 13 - 7. 22

5)ブータン国における植物遺伝資源の探  索収集事前調査

作物共通 長峰 司(生物研)白田 和人( 〃 )

ブータン 13. 1. 27-13. 2. 4

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年度 調 査 課 題 対 象 作 物 担 当 者(所属機関) 派遣先・期 間

13 1)豪州における植物遺伝資源の探索収集  事前調査

野生稲等 岩本 政雄(生物研)平林 秀介(作物研)

オーストラリア 14. 1. 28 - 2. 2

2)ミャンマー国におけるマメ類遺伝資源  の共同調査収集

ダイズ等マメ類 高橋 浩司(作物研)石井 卓朗(生物研)

ミャンマー 14. 2. 23 - 3. 16

3)ミャンマー連邦カチン州,サガイン管区,  マグウェー管区及びマンダレー管区に  おけるソルガム等の牧草遺伝資源の共  同調査収集

ソルガム等牧草類 中川 仁(畜草研)眞田 康治(北海道農研)

ミャンマー 14. 3. 1 - 3. 30

4)台湾における熱帯野菜・果樹遺伝資源  の探索収集事前調査

熱帯野菜 熱帯亜熱帯果樹類

江川 宜伸(国際農研)小川 一紀(国際農研)

台湾 14. 3. 11 - 3. 23

14 1)豪州における野生稲の探索収集 野生稲 平林 秀介(作物研)岩本 政雄(生物研)

オーストラリア 14. 4.23 - 5. 9

2)ミャンマーにおけるマメ類遺伝資源の  調査と収集

栽培および野生豆類 友岡 憲彦(生物研) ミャンマー 14.10.15 - 11.15

3)トルコにおける果樹遺伝資源の探索収  集事前調査

果樹 薬師寺 博(果樹研)長峰 司(生物研)

トルコ 14. 5. 5 - 5.11

4)ベトナム北部におけるチャ遺伝子資源  の共同探索収集

チャ 根角 厚司(野菜茶業研)大前 英(野菜茶業研)

ベトナム 14.11.25 - 12.17

15 1)ロシアおよびアゼルバイジャンにおけ  るテンサイ遺伝資源の共同調査収集 

テンサイ 田口 和憲(北海道農研)久保 友彦(北海道大学)

ロシア・アゼルバイジャン 15.8.2 ~ 8.19

2)トルコ共和国における核果類およびリ  ンゴ遺伝資源の共同調査収集

核果類 薬師寺 博(果樹研)石黒 亮(山形県立園芸試験場)

トルコ共和国 15. 6.29 ~ 7.18

3)大韓民国におけるカキ遺伝資源の探索・  調査

カキ 山田 昌彦(果樹研究所)板村 裕之(島根大学)平 智(山形大学)

大韓民国 15.10.11 ~ 10.25

4)ベトナム北部山岳地域におけるチャ遺  伝資源の共同探索収集

チャ 根角 厚司(野菜茶業研究所)吉田 克志(野菜茶業研究所)

ベトナム 15.11.23 ~ 12.15

5)パキスタン国におけるクワ遺伝資源の  共同調査収集

クワ 小山 朗夫(生物研) パキスタン 15. 6.10 ~ 6.20,15.12. 1 ~ 12.10

6)ロシアにおける植物資源の探索収集の  事前調査

作物共通 長峰 司(生物研)久田 方彦(生物研)

ロシア 15. 7. 6 ~ 7.13

7)中国新彊ウイグル自治区における植物  資源の探索収集事前調査

作物共通 長峰 司(生物研) 中国 15. 9. 9 ~ 9. 16

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年度 調 査 課 題 対 象 作 物 担 当 者(所属機関) 派遣先・期 間

16 1)ミャンマーにおける野生イネの探索収  集

野生稲等 河瀬 眞琴(生物研)宇賀 優作(生物研)

ミャンマー 16.11.10 ~ 12.9

17 1)パプアニューギニアにおけるイネ科・  マメ科野生種等の共同探索収集

イネ科・マメ科野生種等 Duncan A.VAUGHAN(生物研)加賀 秋人(生物研)    友岡 憲彦(生物研)

パプアニューギニア 17.6.12 ~ 6.28

2)ミャンマー北西部および南東部地域に  おける野生イネの探索収集

野生イネ 宇賀 優作(生物研)    河瀨 眞琴(生物研)

ミャンマー 17.10.13 ~ 11.12

3)ベトナムにおけるヤマノイモ遺伝資源  共同探索調査

ヤマノイモ類 田縁 勝洋(北海道立十勝農試)米村 善栄(鳥取県園試)

ベトナム 17.10.31 ~ 11.30

4)ロシア・サハリンにおけるダッタンソ  バ等資源作物遺伝資源の共同調査収集

ダッタンソバ等 本田 裕(北海道農研)    鈴木 達郎(北海道農研)

ロシア・サハリン 17.8.31 ~ 9.14

5)中国新彊ウイグル自治区における果樹  遺伝資源の共同調査プロジェクト

果樹 佐藤 義彦(果樹研)     山口 正己(果樹研)     上田 恵理子(果樹研)山本 俊哉(果樹研)

中国新彊ウイグル 17.10.11 ~ 20

6)ミャンマー連邦における野菜遺伝資源  の共同探索調査

野菜 齊藤 猛雄(野茶研)     松本 満夫(高知県農業技術センター)

ミャンマー 17.10.13 ~ 11.12

18 1)西アフリカ地域セネガルおよびギニア  におけるアフリカイネの共同探索調査

アフリカイネ 坂上潤一(国際農研) セネガル・ギニア18.10.24 ~ 10.3118.11.19 ~ 11.24

2)ブルガリア山岳地帯におけるマメ科飼  料作物の共同探索収集

マメ科飼料作物 奥村健治(北海道農研)林拓(北海道立根釧農試)

ブルガリア18.7.21 ~ 8.2

3)パプアニューギニアウェスタン州及び  ガルフ州における共同探索収集

イネ科・マメ科野生種等 Duncan A. VAUGHAN(生物研) パプアニューギニア18.7.3 ~ 7.21

4)中国新彊ウイグル自治区における果樹  遺伝資源の共同調査プロジェクト

果樹 佐藤 義彦(果樹研)山口 正己(果樹研)

中国新彊ウイグル18.8.29 ~ 9.13

5) ブータン王国における植物遺伝資源の   事前調査 (2006)

作物共通 河瀨眞琴(生物研)奥泉久人(生物研)

ミャンマー・ブータン18.9.5 ~ 9.15

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年度 調 査 課 題 対 象 作 物 担 当 者(所属機関) 派遣先・期 間

19 1)大韓民国におけるカンキツ類遺伝資源  の共同調査

カンキツ類 根角 博久(果樹研) 今井 篤(果樹研) 谷本 恵美子(長崎県)

韓国:済州島 19.11.21 ~ 11.28

2)中国新彊ウイグル自治区における果樹  遺伝資源の共同調査プロジェクト

ナシ・核果類 佐藤 義彦(果樹研) 山口 正己(果樹研)

中国・新疆ウイグル自治区 19.8.26 ~ 19.9.7

3)ラオスにおける野菜遺伝資源の共同探  索

ウリ科野菜・ナス科野菜 坂田 好輝(野茶研) 齊藤 猛雄(野茶研) 加藤 鎌司(岡山大) 田中 克典(地球研)

ラオス 19.10.17 ~ 11.2

4)ブータン王国におけるマメ類および雑  穀類の植物遺伝資源多様性の保全

豆類,雑穀 友岡 憲彦(生物研) 奥泉 久人(生物研)

ブータン 19.9.25 ~ 10.18

5)インド・タミルナドゥ州におけるマメ  科植物遺伝資源多様性の保全

豆類 友岡 憲彦(生物研)         

インド・タミルナドゥ 20.3.1 ~ 3.16

6)インド,タミル・ナドゥ州における雑  穀類と豆類探索収集の事前調査

豆類,雑穀 河瀨 眞琴(生物研) 福井 邦明(生物研)  

インド・タミルナドゥ 19.10.16 ~ 11.2

20 1)インド・タミルナドゥ州におけるマメ  科植物遺伝資源多様性の保全

豆類 友岡 憲彦(生物研)加賀 秋人(生物研)

インド21.1.27 ~ 2.13

2)ラオスにおける野菜遺伝資源の共同探  索

ウリ科野菜・ナス科野菜 斎藤 新(野茶研)田中 克典(地球研)

ラオス20.8.6 ~ 9.2

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Ⅳ.国内植物遺伝資源探索収集チームの派遣実績 Exploration organized in Japan by the Genebank Project since 1986

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年度 調 査 課 題 収 集 地 域 担 当 機 関

61 1)茨城県北部および福島県南部における豆類   および雑穀類の収集

茨城県,福島県 生物研・遺伝資源第一部・植物探索研

2)タチバナ及びヤマモモの遺伝資源収集 高知県,愛媛県,宮崎県 果樹試・興津支場・育種2研

3)チモシ一等寒地型イネ科牧草の遺伝資源の  収集

長野県,群馬県,山梨県 草地試・育種部・育種1研

4)ヒエ類の生態型の収集 熊本県,宮崎県 九州農試・草地部・牧草1研

5)南西諸島の在来野菜の収集-ウリ科ほか- 沖縄県(石垣島・波照間島・与那国島) 野菜茶試・野菜育種部・育種2研

6)近畿地方の在来野菜の収集   -アブラナ科ほか-

滋賀県,京都府 野菜茶試・野菜育種部・育種2研

7)寒地そば遺伝資源の収集 北海道 北農試・作物二部・特用作物研

8)暖地そば遺伝資源の収集 宮崎県,鹿児島県 九州農試・作物二部・作物4研

62 1)群馬県南西部新潟中越地方および福島県南  会津地方における豆類雑穀類の収集,生物   研,1987 年

群馬県,新潟県,福島県 生物研・遺伝資源第一部・植物探索研

2)中国,四国地方のキク野生種等収集,野菜  茶試,1987 年

広島県,高知県,徳島県 野菜茶試・花き部・切り花花き1研

3)茶宇治在来の収集,野菜茶試,1987 年 京都府 野菜茶試・茶栽培部・育種法研

4)本州におけるペレニアルライグラスの収集,  草地試,1987 年



5)オガサワラグワの収集,蚕試,1987 年 東京都(父島,母島) 蚕試・栽培部・桑育種1研

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年度 調 査 課 題 収 集 地 域 担 当 機 関

63 1)埼玉県・長野県における雑豆および雑穀類  在来種の探索収集,生物研,1988 年

埼玉県,長野県 生物研・遺伝資源第一部・植物探索研

2)新潟県南部・長野県北部地方における豆類  および雑穀の収集,生物研,1988 年

新潟県,長野県 生物研・遺伝資源第一部・植物探索研

3)福島県南会津地方における植物遺伝資源探  索,生物研,1988 年

福島県 生物研・遺伝資源第一部・植物探索研

4)関東,東海地域のゴマ,エゴマの在来種収集,  農研センター,1988 年

長野県,埼玉県 農研センター・作物第一部・資源作物研

5)沖縄県離島の在来甘しょの収集,農研セン  ター,1988 年



6)中部地域の野生ダイズ(ツルマメ)の収集,  農研センター,1988 年

静岡県,山梨県,神奈川県 農研センター・作物第一部・豆育研

7)国内の在来カキ樹の収集,果樹試安芸津支場,  1988 年

岐阜県,奈良県,熊本県 果樹試・安芸津支場・育種研

8)東海近畿地方のナス在来種の収集,野菜茶試,  1988 年

奈良県,滋賀県,京都府,岐阜県,愛知県, 三重県


元 1)長野県下伊那郡における雑穀類と豆類の探  索収集

長野県 生物研・遺伝資源第一部・植物探索研

2) 沖縄県西表島におけるアズキ近縁野生種   Vigna riukiuensis, V. reflexo-pilosa の探索   収集

沖縄県(西表島) 生物研・遺伝資源第一部・植物探索研

3)沖縄離島の在来甘しょ収集,農研センター,  1988 - 90 年



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年度 調 査 課 題 収 集 地 域 担 当 機 関

元 4)レンゲの収集(全国),1989 年 秋田県,山形県,栃木県,長野県,茨城県, 千葉県,山梨県,埼玉県,群馬県,愛知県,岐阜県,山口県,高知県,愛媛県,徳島県,長崎県,佐賀県,福岡県,鹿児島県,熊本県


5)東北北部野性リンゴ属植物の収集,果樹試  盛岡支場,1989 年

岩手県,秋田県,青森県 果樹試・盛岡支場・育種研

6)西南暖地におけるダイアンサス属野生種の  探索収集,野菜・茶試,1989 年

宮崎県,長野県,鹿児島県,広島県 野菜茶試・花き部・切り花花き2研

7) 熊本県および宮崎県山間部におけるヤマチ  ャの収集,野菜・茶試,1989 年

熊本県,宮崎県 野菜茶試・久留米支場・茶樹育研

8)奄美群島における甘しょ在来種の収集 (鹿児島県,徳之島,沖永良部島) 九州農試・畑地利用部・甘しょ育研

2 1)長野県,下伊那地方に栽培されている在来  豆類・雑穀類の現地調査と収集

長野県 生物研・遺伝資源第一部・植物探索研

2)沖縄県与那国島におけるアズキ近縁野生種,  Vigna riukiuenses,V. reflexo-pilosa の探索  収集

沖縄県(与那国島) 生物研・遺伝資源第一部・植物探索研

3)岩手・山形県における作物在来種の探索・  収集

岩手県,山形県 生物研・遺伝資源第一部・植物探索研

4)東北地方のえごま・ごまの在来種収集 岩手県,青森県,山形県 東北農試・作物開発部・資源作物育研

5)東北地方における自生ハマナスの収集 宮城県,岩手県,青森県,秋田県,新潟県 (佐渡島),鳥取県,茨城県,千葉県


6)宮古・八重山諸島の亜熱帯地域植物遺伝資  源の収集



7)本邦在来イチゴ近縁種の収集 岐阜県,栃木県,北海道 野菜茶試・久留米支場・育種2研

8)九州地域の大豆在来種の収集 福岡県,大分県 九州農試・作物開発部・大豆育研

Page 143: 植物遺伝資源探索導入調査報告書...独立行政法人 農 業 生 物 資 源 研 究 所 編 ISSN 0915-602X 植物遺伝資源探索導入調査報告書 通 巻 第

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年度 調 査 課 題 収 集 地 域 担 当 機 関

3 1)沖縄県における雑豆および雑穀類在来品種  の探索収集



2)秋田県南部,山形県北部における豆類遺伝  資源の収集

秋田県,山形県 生物研・遺伝資源第一部・植物探索研

3)シバ属自生植物の収集(全国),1991-1992   年



4)北海道に自生するヤマグワ系野生桑の収集 北海道 蚕昆研・松本支所・高冷地栽・桑技術研

5)北陸・東北地方のチャ在来種の収集 新潟県,秋田県,岩手県 野菜茶試・茶栽培部・育種研

6)西日本地域における野生クリの収集 高知県,熊本県,宮崎県,静岡県 果樹試・育種部・育種2研

7)四国・九州地域における野生ラン(セッコク)  の収集



4 1)徳島・高知県における雑穀類・豆類の探索  収集

徳島県,高知県 生物研・遺伝資源第一部・植物探索研

2)沖縄本島,久米島および奄美大島における  在来作物の収集と調査



3)中国地域におけるいぐさ在来種の探索収集 広島県,島根県 農研センター・作物開発部・資源作物育研

4)東北・関東・東海地域におけるメロン遺伝  資源の収集



5) 中国地域におけるElymus の国内遺伝資源の  探索

鳥取県,島根県 九州農試・水田利用部・耐性育種研

6)宮古・八重山諸島における亜熱帯植物遺伝  資源の第二次収集

沖縄県(宮古島,八重山諸島) 熱研センター・沖縄支所・作物育種研

Page 144: 植物遺伝資源探索導入調査報告書...独立行政法人 農 業 生 物 資 源 研 究 所 編 ISSN 0915-602X 植物遺伝資源探索導入調査報告書 通 巻 第

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年度 調 査 課 題 収 集 地 域 担 当 機 関

5 1)高知県物部村および檮原町における作物在  来種の調査と収集

高知県 生物研・遺伝資源第一部・植物探索研

2)種子島・屋久島における在来作物の探索収  集

種子島・屋久島 生物研・遺伝資源第一部・植物探索研

3)四国の山間・島嶼の在来甘しょの収集 高知県,愛媛県 農研センター・作物開発部・甘しょ育研

4)九州,中・四国,北陸地方におけるペレニ  アルライグラスの収集

大分県,島根県,広島県,岡山県,愛媛県, 高知県,徳島県,福井県,石川県,新潟県


5)岡山県におけるモモ野生種の探索収集 岡山県 果樹試・育種部・育種3研

6)南西諸島地域における芳香性野生ツバキ属  の収集

沖縄県(石垣島) 野菜茶試・花き部・育種法研

7)東北地域の野生ダイズ(ツルマメ)の収集 秋田県 東北農試・作物開発部・大豆育研

8)北陸地域におけるLeymus 及び Elymus 属  の国内遺伝資源の探索

新潟県,富山県,石川県,福井県 九州農試・水田利用部・耐性育法研, 大麦育研

6 1)青森県津軽地方および南部地方における豆  類・雑穀類在来品種の探索収集

青森県,岩手県 生物研・遺伝資源第一部・植物探索研

2)長崎県対馬における作物在来種の調査と収  集

長崎県対馬 生物研・遺伝資源第一部・植物探索研

3)五島列島における作物在来種の調査と収集 長崎県五島列島 生物研・遺伝資源第一部・植物探索研

4)鹿児島県奄美諸島におけるイネ近縁属の探  索・収集

鹿児島県奄美諸島 農研センター・作物開発部・稲育法研

5)沖縄におけるウリ科在来種の遺伝資源探索  と収集

沖縄県 野菜茶試・久留米支場・育種1研

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年度 調 査 課 題 収 集 地 域 担 当 機 関

6 6)北陸東山地方のソバ在来の収集 新潟県,長野県 北陸農試・作物開発部・畑作物育種研

7)奄美大島および甑島に自生するシマグワ系  野生桑の収集

鹿児島県(奄美諸島,甑島) 九州農試・作物開発部・桑育種・養蚕研

8)香川県,徳島県,高知県におけるさとうき  び遺伝資源の収集

香川県,徳島県,高知県 九州農試・作物開発部・さとうきび育種研

7 1)岩手県北部および三陸地方における作物在  来品種の調査と収集

岩手県 生物研・遺伝資源第一部・植物探索研

2)鹿児島県における在来作物の収集と調査 鹿児島県 生物研・遺伝資源第一部・植物探索研

3)隠岐諸島における作物在来種の調査と収集 島根県(隠岐諸島) 生物研・遺伝資源第一部・植物探索研

4)京都府および兵庫県における野生ダイズ(ツ  ルマメ)の収集

京都府,兵庫県 農研センター・作物開発部・豆育研

5)ウマゴヤシ類(Medicago spp. )国内遺伝   資源の探索収集

愛知県,岐阜県,静岡県,長野県,広島県, 岡山県,鳥取県,島根県


6)南九州地域におけるカンキツ類遺伝資源の  収集

鹿児島県,熊本県 果樹試・興津支場・育種1研

7)高知県および徳島県における自生チャの収  集

高知県,徳島県 野菜茶試・久留米支場・茶樹育研

8 1)島根県および広島県における在来作物の調  査と収集

島根県,広島県 生物研・遺伝資源第一部・植物探索研

2)伊豆諸島三宅島における在来甘しょの収集 三宅島 農研センター・作物開発部・甘しょ育種研

3)北海道および青森県におけるヤマツツジの  収集

北海道,青森県 野菜茶試・久留米支場・花き研

Page 146: 植物遺伝資源探索導入調査報告書...独立行政法人 農 業 生 物 資 源 研 究 所 編 ISSN 0915-602X 植物遺伝資源探索導入調査報告書 通 巻 第

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年度 調 査 課 題 収 集 地 域 担 当 機 関

8 4)青森県及び山形県におけるきくいもの収集 青森県,山形県 北農試・畑作セ・遺伝資源研

5) 北海道地域におけるElymus 及びLeymus 属  の国内遺伝資源の探索

北海道 九州農試・水田利用部・麦育種研

6)九州地域における雑穀類遺伝資源の探索収  集

大分県,熊本県,宮崎県 九州農試・作物開発部・資源作物研

7)南西諸島における豆類の探索収集 沖縄県(沖縄本島,伊江島) 九州農試・作物開発部・大豆育種研

9 1)三重県および奈良県における豆類・雑穀類  在来品種の探索収集

三重県,奈良県 生物研・遺伝資源第一部・植物探索研

2)東北及び中部山岳地帯におけるアカクロー  バおよび北海道のシャジクソウの収集

長野県美ヶ原高原 北農試・草地部・マメ科牧育研

3)国内の在来マタタビ属の収集 北海道,山形県,新潟県,富山県,岐阜県 果樹試・カキブドウ支場・育種部

4)島根県および鳥取県におけるゴマ等伝統的  作物の収集

島根県,鳥取県 四国農試・作物開発部・上席研究官

5)東北地域における野生大豆(ツルマメ)の  収集-山形県最上川流域-

山形県 東北農試・作物開発部・大豆育種研

6)沖縄県本島における熱帯・亜熱帯果樹類の  調査

沖縄県 国際農研・沖縄・熱帯果樹研

Page 147: 植物遺伝資源探索導入調査報告書...独立行政法人 農 業 生 物 資 源 研 究 所 編 ISSN 0915-602X 植物遺伝資源探索導入調査報告書 通 巻 第

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年度 調 査 課 題 収 集 地 域 担 当 機 関

10 1)和歌山県,奈良県および三重県における作物  在来種の調査と収集

和歌山県,奈良県,三重県 生物研・遺伝資源第一部・植物探索研

2)茨城県北部における作物在来品種の残存調査 茨城県 生物研・遺伝資源第一部・植物探索研

3)群馬県および山形県におけるアケビ属の探索   収集

群馬県,山形県 果樹試・育種部・遺伝資源研

4)北海道におけるコハマギク,イワギクの収集 北海道 野菜茶試・花き部・育種研

5)岡山県におおけるチャ遺伝資源の収集 岡山県 野菜茶試・茶栽培部・暖地茶樹育種研

6)東北地方におけるアブラナ科在来種の調査・  収集



11 1)関東・東山地域におけるソバ在来品種の分布  調査と収集

栃木県,静岡県,愛知県 九州農試・作物開発部・資源作物研

2)北陸地域における雑穀類遺伝資源の探索収集 新潟県,富山県,石川県,福井県 東北農試・作物開発部・資源作物育種研

3)鹿児島県奄美諸島におけるさとうきび遺伝資  源の収集

鹿児島県 九州農試・作物開発部・さとうきび育種研

4)長野県および京都府におけるユスラウメ系統  の収集

長野県,京都府 果樹試・育種部・核果類育種研

5)南西諸島におけるアズキ近縁野生種の分布調  査と収集

沖縄県 生物研・遺伝資源第二部・集団動態研

6)大分県,熊本県北部および宮崎県北部におけ  る作物在来品種の探索収集

大分県,熊本県,宮崎県 生物研・遺伝資源第一部・植物探索研

Page 148: 植物遺伝資源探索導入調査報告書...独立行政法人 農 業 生 物 資 源 研 究 所 編 ISSN 0915-602X 植物遺伝資源探索導入調査報告書 通 巻 第

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年度 調 査 課 題 収 集 地 域 担 当 機 関

12 1)福島県における作物在来品種の残存調査 福島県 生物研・遺伝資源第一部・植物探索研

2)鳥取県,岡山県,茨城県,栃木県におけるア  ズキ (Vigna angularis) 野生 - 栽培 - 雑草種集  団のモニタリング,2000 年



3)高知県におけるナシ遺伝資源の収集 高知県 果樹試・育種部・ナシ・クリ育種研

4)南西諸島におけるカンキツ類遺伝資源の探索  収集

鹿児島県,沖縄県 果樹試・カンキツ部・遺伝資源研

5) 三重県および北海道におけるカワラナデシ   コ,エゾカワラナデシコの探索収集

三重県,北海道 野茶試・花き部・育種研

6)長崎県対馬地方におけるチャの調査と収集 長崎県 野茶試・茶栽培部・育種研他

13 1)新潟県佐渡島における作物在来種の調査と収  集  

新潟県 生物研・ジーンバンク・植物資源研

2)新潟県下越地域および山形県中部地域におけ  る作物在来品種の探索収集

新潟県,山形県 生物研・ジーンバンク・植物資源研

3)長野県におけるVigna, Vicia, Glycine 属野生  種の調査と収集   2002 年 10 月 9~ 12日

長野県 生物研・遺伝資源・集団動態研

4)長野県および愛知県北部におけるゴマ  (Sesamum indicum) およびエゴマ (Perilla    frutescens) 在来種の探索収集

長野県,愛知県 作物研・畑作部・資源作物育種研

5)九州地方南部及び長崎県北部におけるエン   バク在来種の調査収集

宮崎県,鹿児島県,長崎県 九州沖縄農研・畜産飼料作・牧草育種研

6)小笠原諸島におけるカンキツ遺伝資源の調査 東京都 果樹研・カンキツ・素材開発研その他

7)長崎県五島列島におけるチャの調査と収集 長崎県 野茶研・茶業研究部・育種研その他

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年度 調 査 課 題 収 集 地 域 担 当 機 関

14 1)愛知県北部における作物在来品種の調査と収  集

愛知県北部 生物研・ジーンバンク・植物資源研

2)房総半島におけるツルマメの探索・収集 千葉県(房総半島) 作物研・畑作研究部・豆類育種研

3)奄美大島におけるかんしょ在来種の収集 鹿児島県奄美大島 九州沖縄農研・畑作研究部・サツマイモ育種研

4)鹿児島県におけるフダンソウ在来種の調査と  収集

鹿児島県 北農研・畑作研究部・てん菜育種研

5)沖縄におけるイチジク属遺伝資源の探索収集 沖縄県 果樹研・遺伝育種部・遺伝資源研

6)沖縄県の台湾導入実生茶樹群の収集 沖縄県 野茶研・茶業研究部・育種素材開発チーム 

15 1)能登半島における作物在来種の調査と収集 石川県・富山県 生物研・ジーンバンク・植物資源研

2)岐阜県および愛知県北部におけるエゴ     マ (Perilla frutescens) およびゴマ (Sesamum   indicum) 在来種の探索収集

愛知県・岐阜県 作物研・畑作部・資源作物育種研

3)東北地域における野生大豆(ツルマメ)の収  集

岩手県 東北農研・水田利用部・大豆育種研

4)青森県・沖縄県におけるモモ在来品種の探索 青森県・沖縄県 果樹研・遺伝育種部・核果類育種研

5)北海道奥尻島におけるクワの探索収集 北海道 生物研・昆虫生産工学研究 G・増殖システム研

16 1)九州南西部におけるサトウキビ野生種の収集 九州南西部 国際農研・沖縄・育種素材開発研

2)長野県におけるクリ遺伝資源の収集 長野県 果樹研・遺伝育種部・ナシクリ育種研

3)山梨県・長野県における果樹近縁種の収集 山梨県・長野県 果樹研・遺伝育種部・遺伝資源研

4)三重県におけるチャの収集 三重県 野茶研・茶業研究部・育種研

Page 150: 植物遺伝資源探索導入調査報告書...独立行政法人 農 業 生 物 資 源 研 究 所 編 ISSN 0915-602X 植物遺伝資源探索導入調査報告書 通 巻 第

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年度 調 査 課 題 収 集 地 域 担 当 機 関

16 5)徳島県におけるツルマメの収集 徳島県・高知県 近中四農研・作物開発部・大豆育種研

6)四国山地におけるエゴマの収集 徳島県・高知県 生物研・ジーンバンク・上席

7)北海道におけるヤマグワ野生種の収集 北海道 生物研・昆虫生産工学研究 G・増殖システム研

17 1)北東北地方におけるナシ属・リンゴ属の探索・  収集

岩手県・青森県・秋田県 果樹研・遺伝育種部・遺伝資源研

2)山形県におけるアカスモモ及び在来ナシの探  索・収集

山形県 果樹研・遺伝育種部・遺伝資源研

3)屋久島におけるブルーベリー近縁種アクシバ  モドキの探索・収集

屋久島 北海道農研・作物開発部・果樹育種研

4)南九州におけるアブラナ科野菜在来種の調査   と収集 

鹿児島県・宮崎県 野茶研・葉根菜研究部・アブラナ科育種研

18 1)四万十川流域における野生大豆(ツルマメ)   の収集

高知県 近中四農研・大豆育種研究近中四サブチーム

2)愛知県渥美半島および三重県伊勢志摩地域に  おけるサトウキビ野生種の探索・収集

愛知県・三重県 九沖農研・バイオマス・資源作物開発T

3)関東以南におけるダンチクの収集 鹿児島県・千葉県・静岡県・宮崎県・長崎県・沖縄県


4)種子島におけるエンバク在来種の探索・収集 種子島 九沖農研・牧草・飼料作物育種U

5)石川県および富山県におけるアブラナ科野菜  在来種の調査と収集

石川県・富山県 野茶研・野菜育種研究T

6)島根県の寒冷地の在来茶樹の収集 島根県 野茶研・金谷茶業研究拠点・枕崎茶業研究拠点

Page 151: 植物遺伝資源探索導入調査報告書...独立行政法人 農 業 生 物 資 源 研 究 所 編 ISSN 0915-602X 植物遺伝資源探索導入調査報告書 通 巻 第

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年度 調 査 課 題 収 集 地 域 担 当 機 関

18 7)長野県・山梨県におけるリンゴ属の探索・収   集

長野県・山梨県 果樹研・研究支援センター・遺伝資源室

8)愛知県及び広島県におけるブルーベリー近縁   種ナツハゼ類2種の探索・収集   

愛知県・広島県 北農研・寒地地域特産研究T・果樹育種G

19 1)四国西部地域におけるサトウキビ野生種の探   索収集

高知県・愛媛県 九沖農研バイオマス.資源作物開発

2)滋賀県における雑穀・マメ類の探索収集 滋賀県 生物研・ジーンバンク

3)山形,鳥取,兵庫,京都,佐賀,福岡,大分,  長野県におけるマメ科植物遺伝資源の多様性   保全



4)静岡県伊豆半島におけるツルマメの探索・収   集

静岡県 作物研・豆類

5)富山県・石川県におけるバラ科果樹遺伝資源   の探索・収集

富山県・石川県 果樹研・遺伝資源室

6)長崎県対馬地域および長崎市周辺地域におけ   るカンキツ遺伝資源の調査

長崎県(対馬地域・長崎市周辺) 果樹研・カンキツ・興津,カンキツ口之津

7)富山県立山におけるブルーベリー近縁種マル   バウスゴの探索・収集 

富山県 北海道農研・寒地地域特産・果樹

20 1)北海道におけるマメ科植物遺伝資源の探索収集 北海道 生物研・ジーンバンク

2)愛媛県における野生大豆(ツルマメ)の探索・  収集

愛媛 近中四農研・大豆育種研究近中四サブチーム

3)高知県東部地域におけるサトウキビ野生種の   探索 

高知県 九沖農研・バイオマス・資源作物開発

Page 152: 植物遺伝資源探索導入調査報告書...独立行政法人 農 業 生 物 資 源 研 究 所 編 ISSN 0915-602X 植物遺伝資源探索導入調査報告書 通 巻 第

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20 4)東北地域におけるクサヨシ遺伝資源の収集 青森県・岩手県・山形県・福島県・新潟県


5)北海道根室市におけるブルーベリー近縁種ヒ   メツルコケモモの探索・収集

北海道 北海道農研・寒地地域特産・果樹

6)栃木県におけるリンゴ属及びナシ属野生遺伝   資源の探索収集 

栃木県 果樹研・遺伝資源室

7)長崎県島嶼地域における在来カンキツ遺伝資   源の調査

長崎県(対馬・五島) 果樹研・遺伝資源室(興津),カンキツ研究T(口之津)

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通巻第 25号

   刊行 独立行政法人 農業生物資源研究所    〒 305-8602 茨城県つくば市観音台 2-1-2        電話 029-838-7458

  Published by the National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences        Kannondai 2-1-2, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8602        Japan

            平成 21年 11月印刷  Printed in Nov., 2009

  印刷 佐藤印刷株式会社 つくば営業所      〒 305-0051 つくば市二の宮4-4-21

Page 154: 植物遺伝資源探索導入調査報告書...独立行政法人 農 業 生 物 資 源 研 究 所 編 ISSN 0915-602X 植物遺伝資源探索導入調査報告書 通 巻 第

National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences

November 2009

Vol. 25

Annual Report on Exploration and Introduction ofPlant Genetic Resources