C#语言的编程习惯 - Baiduimages.china-pub.com/ebook8000001-8005000/8004498/ch01.pdf ·...

Chapter 1 1 C# 语言的编程习惯 能用的东西为什么要改?因为改了之后效果更好。开发者换用其他工具或语言来编 程也是这个道理,因为换了之后工作效率更高。如果不肯改变现有的习惯,那么就体会 不到新技术的好处,但如果这种新的技术与你熟悉的技术看上去很像,那么改起来就特 别困难。例如 C# 语言就与 C++ Java 语言相似,由于它们都用一对花括号来表示代码 块,因此,开发者即便切换到了 C# 语言,也总是会把使用那两门语言时所养成的习惯直 接带过来,这样做其实并不能发挥出 C# 的优势。这门语言的首个商用版本发布于 2001 年,经过这些年的演变,当前这一版 C# 语言与 C++ Java 之间的差别已经远远大于那 个年代。如果你是从其他语言转入 C# 的,那么需要学习 C# 语言自己的编程习惯,使得 这门语言能够促进你的工作,而不是阻碍你的工作。本章会提醒大家把那些与 C# 编程风 格不符的做法改掉,并培养正确的编程习惯。 1 条:优先使用隐式类型的局部变量 隐式类型的局部变量是为了支持匿名类型机制而加入 C# 语言的。之所以要添加这 种机制,还有一个原因在于:某些查询操作所获得的结果是 IQueryable<T>,而其 他一些则返回 IEnumerable<T>。如果硬要把前者当成后者来对待,那就无法使用由 IQueryProvider 所提供的很多增强功能了(参见第 42 条)。用 var 来声明变量而不

Transcript of C#语言的编程习惯 - Baiduimages.china-pub.com/ebook8000001-8005000/8004498/ch01.pdf ·...

Page 1: C#语言的编程习惯 - Baiduimages.china-pub.com/ebook8000001-8005000/8004498/ch01.pdf · var的意义在于,你不用把变量的类型 告诉编译器,编译器会替你判断。

Chapter 1第 1 章

C# 语言的编程习惯




别困难。例如 C# 语言就与 C++ 或 Java 语言相似,由于它们都用一对花括号来表示代码

块,因此,开发者即便切换到了 C# 语言,也总是会把使用那两门语言时所养成的习惯直

接带过来,这样做其实并不能发挥出 C# 的优势。这门语言的首个商用版本发布于 2001

年,经过这些年的演变,当前这一版 C# 语言与 C++ 或 Java 之间的差别已经远远大于那

个年代。如果你是从其他语言转入 C# 的,那么需要学习 C# 语言自己的编程习惯,使得

这门语言能够促进你的工作,而不是阻碍你的工作。本章会提醒大家把那些与 C# 编程风


第 1 条:优先使用隐式类型的局部变量

隐式类型的局部变量是为了支持匿名类型机制而加入 C# 语言的。之所以要添加这

种机制,还有一个原因在于:某些查询操作所获得的结果是 IQueryable<T>,而其

他一些则返回 IEnumerable<T>。如果硬要把前者当成后者来对待,那就无法使用由

IQueryProvider 所提供的很多增强功能了(参见第 42 条)。用 var 来声明变量而不

Page 2: C#语言的编程习惯 - Baiduimages.china-pub.com/ebook8000001-8005000/8004498/ch01.pdf · var的意义在于,你不用把变量的类型 告诉编译器,编译器会替你判断。

2   Effective C#:改善 C# 代码的 50 个有效方法


例如,jobsQueuedByRegion 这个变量名本身就已经把该变量的用途说清楚了,即

便将它的类型 Dictionary<int, Queue<string>> 写出来,也不会给人提供多少


对于很多局部变量,笔者都喜欢用 var 来声明,因为这可以令人把注意力放在最为



有把变量的类型写出来并不是同一回事。在很多场合,即便你费心去区分 IQueryable

与 IEnumerable 之间的差别,开发者也无法由此获得有用的信息。如果你非要把类型

明确地告诉编译器,那么有时可能会改变代码的执行方式(参见第 42 条)。在很多情况

下,完全可以使用 var 来声明隐式类型的局部变量,因为编译器会自动选择合适的类


换 bug。

局部变量的类型推断机制并不影响 C# 的静态类型检查。这是为什么呢?首先必须了

解局部变量的类型推断不等于动态类型检查。用 var 来声明的变量不是动态变量,它的

类型会根据赋值符号右侧那个值的类型来确定。var 的意义在于,你不用把变量的类型




2 ❘ Chapter 1 C # Language Idioms

to tell the compiler which type it is, you’ll find that you can change the behavior by getting it wrong (see Item 42). There are times when it’s better to use implicitly typed variables, because the compiler will pick a better type than you will. At other times, however, overusing var only decreases the readability of your code. Even worse, using implicitly typed variables can lead to subtle conversion bugs.

Local type inference doesn’t have any real effect on the static typing used in C#. Why is that? First, you need to understand that local type inference is not the same thing as dynamic typing. Variables declared with var are not dynamic but instead are implicitly declared with the type of the right side of the assignment. With var, you are not telling the compiler which type you’re creating; the compiler declares the type for you.

Let’s begin with the problem of readability. Many times, the type of a local variable is clear from its initialization statement:

var foo = new MyType();

Any competent developer can tell the type of foo from the declaration. Similarly, most factory methods are clear:

var thing = AccountFactory.CreateSavingsAccount();

However, in some cases, the return type might not always be clear from the method name:

var result = someObject.DoSomeWork(anotherParameter);

Of course, that’s a contrived example, and I hope that most of the meth-ods in your codebase have names that give a better indication of what’s returned. Even in this contrived example, a better variable name would give most developers a better indication of the meaning:

var HighestSellingProduct = someObject


Even without any type information, most developers would correctly assume the type of Product.

Depending on the actual signature of DoSomeWork, of course, HighestSellingProduct might not actually be a Product. It might be any class derived from Product or even any interface implemented by Product. The compiler believes that HighestSellingProduct is whatever type it has been told by the method signature for DoSomeWork.

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懂 C# 的开发者只要看到这条语句,立刻就能明白 foo 变量是什么类型。此外,如


2 ❘ Chapter 1 C # Language Idioms

to tell the compiler which type it is, you’ll find that you can change the behavior by getting it wrong (see Item 42). There are times when it’s better to use implicitly typed variables, because the compiler will pick a better type than you will. At other times, however, overusing var only decreases the readability of your code. Even worse, using implicitly typed variables can lead to subtle conversion bugs.

Local type inference doesn’t have any real effect on the static typing used in C#. Why is that? First, you need to understand that local type inference is not the same thing as dynamic typing. Variables declared with var are not dynamic but instead are implicitly declared with the type of the right side of the assignment. With var, you are not telling the compiler which type you’re creating; the compiler declares the type for you.

Let’s begin with the problem of readability. Many times, the type of a local variable is clear from its initialization statement:

var foo = new MyType();

Any competent developer can tell the type of foo from the declaration. Similarly, most factory methods are clear:

var thing = AccountFactory.CreateSavingsAccount();

However, in some cases, the return type might not always be clear from the method name:

var result = someObject.DoSomeWork(anotherParameter);

Of course, that’s a contrived example, and I hope that most of the meth-ods in your codebase have names that give a better indication of what’s returned. Even in this contrived example, a better variable name would give most developers a better indication of the meaning:

var HighestSellingProduct = someObject


Even without any type information, most developers would correctly assume the type of Product.

Depending on the actual signature of DoSomeWork, of course, HighestSellingProduct might not actually be a Product. It might be any class derived from Product or even any interface implemented by Product. The compiler believes that HighestSellingProduct is whatever type it has been told by the method signature for DoSomeWork.

Wagner_Book-Print.indb 2 11/8/16 11:22 AM


2 ❘ Chapter 1 C # Language Idioms

to tell the compiler which type it is, you’ll find that you can change the behavior by getting it wrong (see Item 42). There are times when it’s better to use implicitly typed variables, because the compiler will pick a better type than you will. At other times, however, overusing var only decreases the readability of your code. Even worse, using implicitly typed variables can lead to subtle conversion bugs.

Local type inference doesn’t have any real effect on the static typing used in C#. Why is that? First, you need to understand that local type inference is not the same thing as dynamic typing. Variables declared with var are not dynamic but instead are implicitly declared with the type of the right side of the assignment. With var, you are not telling the compiler which type you’re creating; the compiler declares the type for you.

Let’s begin with the problem of readability. Many times, the type of a local variable is clear from its initialization statement:

var foo = new MyType();

Any competent developer can tell the type of foo from the declaration. Similarly, most factory methods are clear:

var thing = AccountFactory.CreateSavingsAccount();

However, in some cases, the return type might not always be clear from the method name:

var result = someObject.DoSomeWork(anotherParameter);

Of course, that’s a contrived example, and I hope that most of the meth-ods in your codebase have names that give a better indication of what’s returned. Even in this contrived example, a better variable name would give most developers a better indication of the meaning:

var HighestSellingProduct = someObject


Even without any type information, most developers would correctly assume the type of Product.

Depending on the actual signature of DoSomeWork, of course, HighestSellingProduct might not actually be a Product. It might be any class derived from Product or even any interface implemented by Product. The compiler believes that HighestSellingProduct is whatever type it has been told by the method signature for DoSomeWork.

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Page 3: C#语言的编程习惯 - Baiduimages.china-pub.com/ebook8000001-8005000/8004498/ch01.pdf · var的意义在于,你不用把变量的类型 告诉编译器,编译器会替你判断。

第 1 章 C# 语言的编程习惯   3


2 ❘ Chapter 1 C # Language Idioms

to tell the compiler which type it is, you’ll find that you can change the behavior by getting it wrong (see Item 42). There are times when it’s better to use implicitly typed variables, because the compiler will pick a better type than you will. At other times, however, overusing var only decreases the readability of your code. Even worse, using implicitly typed variables can lead to subtle conversion bugs.

Local type inference doesn’t have any real effect on the static typing used in C#. Why is that? First, you need to understand that local type inference is not the same thing as dynamic typing. Variables declared with var are not dynamic but instead are implicitly declared with the type of the right side of the assignment. With var, you are not telling the compiler which type you’re creating; the compiler declares the type for you.

Let’s begin with the problem of readability. Many times, the type of a local variable is clear from its initialization statement:

var foo = new MyType();

Any competent developer can tell the type of foo from the declaration. Similarly, most factory methods are clear:

var thing = AccountFactory.CreateSavingsAccount();

However, in some cases, the return type might not always be clear from the method name:

var result = someObject.DoSomeWork(anotherParameter);

Of course, that’s a contrived example, and I hope that most of the meth-ods in your codebase have names that give a better indication of what’s returned. Even in this contrived example, a better variable name would give most developers a better indication of the meaning:

var HighestSellingProduct = someObject


Even without any type information, most developers would correctly assume the type of Product.

Depending on the actual signature of DoSomeWork, of course, HighestSellingProduct might not actually be a Product. It might be any class derived from Product or even any interface implemented by Product. The compiler believes that HighestSellingProduct is whatever type it has been told by the method signature for DoSomeWork.

Wagner_Book-Print.indb 2 11/8/16 11:22 AM


通过变量的名称推断出该变量的类型应该是 Product。

HighestSellingProduct变量的真实类型当然要由 DoSomeWork方法的签名

来决定,因此,它的类型可能并不是 Product 本身,而是继承自 Product 的类,或

是 Product 所实现的接口。总之,编译器会根据 DoSomeWork 方法的签名来认定

HighestSellingProduct 变量的类型。无论它在运行期的实际类型是不是 Product,


用 var 来声明变量可能会令阅读代码的人感到困惑。比方说,如果像刚才那样用方





者就都会看到这个类型,并且会以该类型为准,反之,若用 var 来声明,则编译器会自



本来可以避免的 bug。

如果隐式类型的局部变量的类型是 C# 内置的数值类型,那么还会产生另外一些


(widening conversion),这种转换肯定是安全的,例如从 float 到 double 就是如此,但

还有一些转换是窄化转换(narrowing conversion),这种转换会令精确度下降,例如从

long 到 int 的转换就会产生这个问题。如果明确地写出数值变量所应具备的类型,那




Page 4: C#语言的编程习惯 - Baiduimages.china-pub.com/ebook8000001-8005000/8004498/ch01.pdf · var的意义在于,你不用把变量的类型 告诉编译器,编译器会替你判断。

4   Effective C#:改善 C# 代码的 50 个有效方法

Item 1: Prefer Implicitly Typed Local Variables ❘ 3

It doesn’t matter that the runtime type is actually Product. When the compile-time type is different from the runtime type, the compiler always wins. You don’t get a say unless you use some kind of cast.

We’ve started to enter the realm where var introduces questions of read-ability. Introducing var as the variable type storing the returned value from a method is one of the ways that the use of var can confuse develop-ers reading your code. A human reading the code will assume one type. At runtime, the human may be correct. But the compiler does not have the luxury of examining the runtime type of the object. The compiler exam-ines the compile-time type and infers the type of the local variable based on those declarations. What’s changed is that now the compiler determines the declared type of the variable. When you declare the type yourself, other developers can see the declared type. In contrast, when you use var, the compiler determines the type, but developers may not see the type written. Because of the way you’ve written your code, the human reader and the compiler come to different conclusions about the types involved. That will lead to maintenance errors and avoidable bugs.

Let’s continue looking at problems caused by implicitly typed locals when you declare variables of built-in numeric types. There are numerous conversions between the built-in numeric types. Widening conversions, such as from float to double, are always safe. There are also narrowing conversions, such as from long to int, that involve a loss of precision. By explicitly declaring the types of all numeric variables, you retain some control over the types used, and you help the compiler warn you about possible dangerous conversions.

Examine this small bit of code:

var f = GetMagicNumber();

var total = 100 * f / 6;


$"Declared Type: {total.GetType().Name}, Value: {total}");

What is total? It depends on the type returned from GetMagicNumber. Here are five outputs, all from different declarations of GetMagicNumber:

Declared Type: Double, Value: 166.666666666667

Declared Type: Single, Value: 166.6667

Declared Type: Decimal, Value: 166.66666666666666666666666667

Declared Type: Int32, Value: 166

Declared Type: Int64, Value: 166

Wagner_Book-Print.indb 3 11/8/16 11:22 AM

请问 total 的值是多少?这个问题取决于 GetMagicNumber 方法的返回值是什么

类型。下面这 5 种输出结果分别对应 5 个 GetMagicNumber 版本,每个版本的返回值


Item 1: Prefer Implicitly Typed Local Variables ❘ 3

It doesn’t matter that the runtime type is actually Product. When the compile-time type is different from the runtime type, the compiler always wins. You don’t get a say unless you use some kind of cast.

We’ve started to enter the realm where var introduces questions of read-ability. Introducing var as the variable type storing the returned value from a method is one of the ways that the use of var can confuse develop-ers reading your code. A human reading the code will assume one type. At runtime, the human may be correct. But the compiler does not have the luxury of examining the runtime type of the object. The compiler exam-ines the compile-time type and infers the type of the local variable based on those declarations. What’s changed is that now the compiler determines the declared type of the variable. When you declare the type yourself, other developers can see the declared type. In contrast, when you use var, the compiler determines the type, but developers may not see the type written. Because of the way you’ve written your code, the human reader and the compiler come to different conclusions about the types involved. That will lead to maintenance errors and avoidable bugs.

Let’s continue looking at problems caused by implicitly typed locals when you declare variables of built-in numeric types. There are numerous conversions between the built-in numeric types. Widening conversions, such as from float to double, are always safe. There are also narrowing conversions, such as from long to int, that involve a loss of precision. By explicitly declaring the types of all numeric variables, you retain some control over the types used, and you help the compiler warn you about possible dangerous conversions.

Examine this small bit of code:

var f = GetMagicNumber();

var total = 100 * f / 6;


$"Declared Type: {total.GetType().Name}, Value: {total}");

What is total? It depends on the type returned from GetMagicNumber. Here are five outputs, all from different declarations of GetMagicNumber:

Declared Type: Double, Value: 166.666666666667

Declared Type: Single, Value: 166.6667

Declared Type: Decimal, Value: 166.66666666666666666666666667

Declared Type: Int32, Value: 166

Declared Type: Int64, Value: 166

Wagner_Book-Print.indb 3 11/8/16 11:22 AM

total 变量在这 5 种情况下会表现出 5 种不同的类型,这是因为该变量的类型由变

量 f 来确定,而变量 f 的类型又是编译器根据 GetMagicNumber() 的返回值类型推断

出来的。计算 total 值的时候,会用到一些常数,由于这些常数是以字面量的形式写出

的,因此,编译器会将其转换成和 f 一致的类型,并按照那种类型的规则加以计算。于


这并不是 C# 编译器的缺陷,因为它只是按照代码的含义照常完成了任务而已。由于





这个问题当然也不是由 var 所引发的,而是因为阅读代码的人不清楚 GetMagic-

Number() 的返回值究竟是什么类型,也不知道运行过程中会发生哪些默认的数值转换。

把变量 f 的声明语句拿掉之后,问题依然存在:

4 ❘ Chapter 1 C # Language Idioms

The differences in the type are caused by the way the compiler infers the type of f, which modifies the inferred type of total. The compiler gives f the same type that it gives the declared return type of GetMagicNumber(). Because the constants used in the calculation of total are literals, the com-piler converts those literals to the type of f, and the calculation is done using the rules appropriate for that type. The different rules of the different types create the different answers.

This isn’t a problem with the language. The C# compiler is doing exactly what you requested. By using local type inference, you told the compiler that it knew more about your types than you did. It made the best decision it could based on the right side of the assignment. When you work with built-in numeric types, you need to be very careful. That’s because many implicit conversions are available on numeric types. Furthermore, because the various numeric types have different degrees of precision, it’s not only readability that suffers but also accuracy.

Of course, it’s not the use of var that causes the problem. The cause is that it’s not clear from reading the code which type is returned by GetMagicNumber() and which built-in conversions may be in play. The same problems occur when the variable declaration f is removed from the method:

var total = 100 * f / 6;


$"Declared Type: {total.GetType().Name}, Value: {total}");

And it doesn’t matter if you explicitly declare the type for total:

double total = 100 * GetMagicNumber() / 6;


$"Declared Type: {total.GetType().Name}, Value: {total}");

The type for total is double, but the result may still be rounded if GetMagicNumber() returns an integer value.

The problem is that developers can’t see the actual type of the return value from GetMagicNumber() and can’t easily determine which numeric con-versions have been performed.

Contrast that with the results of the same routine if you explicitly declare the expected return type of GetMagicNumber(). Now the compiler tells you whether your assumptions are wrong. If there is an implicit conver-sion from the return type of GetMagicNumber() to the declared type of f, it just works. That would be the case if f were declared as a decimal

Wagner_Book-Print.indb 4 11/8/16 11:22 AM

就算明确指出 total 变量的类型,也无法消除疑惑:

4 ❘ Chapter 1 C # Language Idioms

The differences in the type are caused by the way the compiler infers the type of f, which modifies the inferred type of total. The compiler gives f the same type that it gives the declared return type of GetMagicNumber(). Because the constants used in the calculation of total are literals, the com-piler converts those literals to the type of f, and the calculation is done using the rules appropriate for that type. The different rules of the different types create the different answers.

This isn’t a problem with the language. The C# compiler is doing exactly what you requested. By using local type inference, you told the compiler that it knew more about your types than you did. It made the best decision it could based on the right side of the assignment. When you work with built-in numeric types, you need to be very careful. That’s because many implicit conversions are available on numeric types. Furthermore, because the various numeric types have different degrees of precision, it’s not only readability that suffers but also accuracy.

Of course, it’s not the use of var that causes the problem. The cause is that it’s not clear from reading the code which type is returned by GetMagicNumber() and which built-in conversions may be in play. The same problems occur when the variable declaration f is removed from the method:

var total = 100 * f / 6;


$"Declared Type: {total.GetType().Name}, Value: {total}");

And it doesn’t matter if you explicitly declare the type for total:

double total = 100 * GetMagicNumber() / 6;


$"Declared Type: {total.GetType().Name}, Value: {total}");

The type for total is double, but the result may still be rounded if GetMagicNumber() returns an integer value.

The problem is that developers can’t see the actual type of the return value from GetMagicNumber() and can’t easily determine which numeric con-versions have been performed.

Contrast that with the results of the same routine if you explicitly declare the expected return type of GetMagicNumber(). Now the compiler tells you whether your assumptions are wrong. If there is an implicit conver-sion from the return type of GetMagicNumber() to the declared type of f, it just works. That would be the case if f were declared as a decimal

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Page 5: C#语言的编程习惯 - Baiduimages.china-pub.com/ebook8000001-8005000/8004498/ch01.pdf · var的意义在于,你不用把变量的类型 告诉编译器,编译器会替你判断。

第 1 章 C# 语言的编程习惯   5

total 的类型虽然是 double,但如果 GetMagicNumber() 返回的是整数值,那

么程序就会按照整数运算的规则来计算 100*GetMagicNumber()/6 的值,而无法把

小数部分也保存到 total 中。

代码之所以令人误解,是因为开发者看不到 GetMagicNumber() 的实际返回类


如果把 GetMagicNumber() 的返回值保存在类型明确的变量中,那么这段代码就

会好读一点,因为编译器会把开发者所犯的错误指出来。当 GetMagicNumber() 的返

回值类型可以隐式地转换为变量 f 所具备的类型时,编译器不会报错。例如当方法返回

的是 int 且变量 f 的类型是 decimal 时,就会发生这样的转换。反之,若不能执行隐










start 开头的那些名字,并把查询结果保存到变量 q2 中:

Item 1: Prefer Implicitly Typed Local Variables ❘ 5

and GetMagicNumber() returned an int. However, if there is not an implicit conversion, you’ll receive a compiler error. You must change your assumptions. That will give you the chance to look at the code and understand the conversions that should be in place.

That one example shows the scenarios when local variable type infer-ence can make it harder for developers who are maintaining code. The compiler works in the same way, and it is the tool that performs the type checking. However, developers can’t easily see which rules and conver-sions apply. In these situations, local type inference can hamper the view of the types involved.

Sometimes, though, the compiler may be smarter than you are in terms of picking the best type for a variable. Examine this simple routine, which retrieves customer names starting with some string from a database:

public IEnumerable<string> FindCustomersStartingWith1(

string start)


IEnumerable<string> q =

from c in db.Customers

select c.ContactName;

var q2 = q.Where(s => s.StartsWith(start));

return q2;


This code has a serious performance problem. The original query, which defines the entire list of customer contact names, has been declared by the developer as IEnumerable<string>. Because the query is running against a database, it’s actually in IQueryable<string>. However, by strongly declaring the return value, you’ve lost that information. IQueryable<T> derives from IEnumerable<T>, so the compiler does not even warn you about this assignment. Yet when the second portion of the query is compiled, Enumerable.Where will be used, rather than Queryable.Where. In this case, the compiler would have correctly deter-mined a better type (IQueryable<string>) than the one you forced on it (IEnumerable<string>). If you were wrong in such a way that there was no implicit conversion from IQueryable<string>, then the com-piler would give you an error. However, because IQueryable<T> derives from IEnumerable<T>, the compiler allows the conversion, letting you hurt yourself.

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出来,由于它要查询数据库,因此,其返回值实际上是 IQueryable<string>类型,

Page 6: C#语言的编程习惯 - Baiduimages.china-pub.com/ebook8000001-8005000/8004498/ch01.pdf · var的意义在于,你不用把变量的类型 告诉编译器,编译器会替你判断。

6   Effective C#:改善 C# 代码的 50 个有效方法

但是开发者却把保存该返回值的变量 q声明成了 IEnumerable<string>类型。由于

IQueryable<T>继承自 IEnumerable<T>,因此编译器并不会报错,但是这样做将导致

后续的代码无法使用由 IQueryable所提供的某些特性。接下来的那行查询语句,就受到

了这样的影响,它本来可以使用 Queryable.Where去查询,但是却用了 Enumerable.

Where。如果开发者不把变量 q的类型明确指定为 IEnumerable<string>,那么编

译器就可以将其设为更加合适的 IQueryable<string>类型了。假如 IQueryable

<string>不能隐式地转换成 IEnumerable<string>,那么刚才那种写法会令编译器



第二条查询语句调用的并不是 Queryable.Where,而是 Enumerable.Where,

这对程序性能有很大影响。第 42 条会讲到,IQueryable 能够把与数据查询有关的多


上面执行的。刚才那段代码的第二条查询语句相当于 SQL 查询中的 where 子句,由于

执行这部分查询时所针对的数据源是 IEnumerable<string> 类型,因此,程序只会


据库中获取到的客户姓名全都拿到本地,然后才能执行第二条查询语句(相当于 SQL 查

询中的 where 子句),以便从中搜索指定的字符串,并返回与之相符的结果。


6 ❘ Chapter 1 C # Language Idioms

The second query does not call Queryable.Where; instead, it calls Enumerable.Where. That has a large negative implication for perfor-mance. In Item 42, you will learn that IQueryable composes multiple query expression trees into a single operation that can be executed at once, often at the remote server where the data is located. In this instance, the second portion of the query (the where clause) sees the source as an IEnumerable<string>. That change is significant, because only the first part of the query is built on the remote machine. The entire list of customer names will be returned from the source. The second statement (the where clause) locally examines the entire list of customer contact names and returns only those matching the search string.

Contrast that with this version:

public IEnumerable<string> FindCustomersStartingWith

(string start)


var q =

from c in db.Customers

select c.ContactName;

var q2 = q.Where(s => s.StartsWith(start));

return q2;


Now q is an IQueryable<string>. The compiler infers the return type because of the source of the query. The second statement composes the query, adding the Where clause to the query, and holds a new, more com-plete expression tree. The actual data is retrieved only when the caller executes the query by enumerating the results. The expression to filter the query gets passed to the data source, and the result sequence contains only those contact names that match the filter. Any network traffic is reduced, and the query is more efficient. This is a contrived example and you would likely create a single query, but real-life queries may be com-posed of multiple methods.

This miraculous change is that q is now declared (by the compiler) as IQueryable<string> instead of IEnumerable<string>. Extension methods cannot be virtual, and the dispatch does not depend on the runtime type of the object. Instead, extension methods are static methods, and the compiler decides which method is the best match based on the compile-time type and not the runtime type. There’s no late binding

Wagner_Book-Print.indb 6 11/8/16 11:22 AM

这次的变量 q 是 IQueryable<string> 类型,该类型是编译器根据第一条查询语

句的返回类型推断出来的。C# 系统会把接下来那条用于表示 Where 子句的查询语句与


Page 7: C#语言的编程习惯 - Baiduimages.china-pub.com/ebook8000001-8005000/8004498/ch01.pdf · var的意义在于,你不用把变量的类型 告诉编译器,编译器会替你判断。

第 1 章 C# 语言的编程习惯   7






这段代码与刚才那段代码相比,最大的区别就在于变量 q 的类型不再由开发者明确

指定,而是改由编译器来推断,这使得其类型从原来的 IEnumerable<string> 变成

了现在的 IQueryable<string>。由于扩展方法是静态方法而不是虚方法,因此,编





型创建另一套实现方式。比方说,Enumerable.Reverse() 方法如果发现它的参数实

现了 IList<T> 或 ICollection<T> 接口,那就会改用另一种方式执行,以求提升效

率(关于这一点,请参见本章稍后的第 3 条)。



var 来声明。反之,如果读代码的人根据代码本身的语义所推测出的类型与编译器自动

选择的类型相符,那就可以用 var 来声明。比方说,在刚才那个例子里面,变量 q 用来

表示一系列联系人的姓名,看到这条初始化语句的人肯定会把 q 的类型理解成字符串,


其类型通常是较为明确的,因此,不妨用 var 来声明。反之,若是初始化变量所用的那


不应该用 var 来声明该变量了,而是应该明确指出其类型。


就可以考虑用 var 来声明局部变量(此处所说的开发者也包括你自己在内,因为你将来


意味着不能盲目地使用 var来声明一切局部变量,例如对 int、float、double等数值

Page 8: C#语言的编程习惯 - Baiduimages.china-pub.com/ebook8000001-8005000/8004498/ch01.pdf · var的意义在于,你不用把变量的类型 告诉编译器,编译器会替你判断。

8   Effective C#:改善 C# 代码的 50 个有效方法

型的变量,就应该明确指出其类型,而对其他变量则不妨使用 var 来声明。有的时候,




第 2 条:考虑用 readonly 代替 const

C# 有两种常量,一种是编译期(compile-time)的常量,另一种是运行期(runtime)




运行期的常量用 readonly 关键字来声明,编译期的常量用 const 关键字来声明:

8 ❘ Chapter 1 C # Language Idioms

far less flexible, than runtime constants. Reserve the compile-time con-stants for when performance is critical and the value of the constant will never change between releases.

You declare runtime constants with the readonly keyword. Compile-time constants are declared with the const keyword:

// Compile-time constant:

public const int Millennium = 2000;

// Runtime constant:

public static readonly int ThisYear = 2004;

The code above shows both kinds of constants at the class or struct scope. Compile-time constants can also be declared inside methods. Read-only constants cannot be declared with method scope.

The differences in the behavior of compile-time and runtime constants follow from how they are accessed. A compile-time constant is replaced with the value of that constant in your object code. This construct:

if (myDateTime.Year == Millennium)

compiles to the same Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL, or IL) as if you had written this:

if (myDateTime.Year == 2000)

Runtime constants are evaluated at runtime. The IL generated when you reference a read-only constant references the readonly variable, not the value.

This distinction places several restrictions on when you are allowed to use either type of constant. Compile-time constants can be used only for the built-in integral and floating-point types, enums, or strings. These are the only types that enable you to assign meaningful constant values in initializers. These primitive types are the only ones that can be replaced with literal values in the compiler-generated IL. The following construct does not compile. You cannot initialize a compile-time con-stant using the new operator, even when the type being initialized is a value type:

// Does not compile, use readonly instead:

private const DateTime classCreation = new

DateTime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0);

Wagner_Book-Print.indb 8 11/8/16 11:22 AM

上面这段代码演示了怎样在 class(类)或 struct(结构体)的范围之内声明这两

种常量。此外,编译期的常量还可以在方法里面声明,而 readonly 常量则不行。



8 ❘ Chapter 1 C # Language Idioms

far less flexible, than runtime constants. Reserve the compile-time con-stants for when performance is critical and the value of the constant will never change between releases.

You declare runtime constants with the readonly keyword. Compile-time constants are declared with the const keyword:

// Compile-time constant:

public const int Millennium = 2000;

// Runtime constant:

public static readonly int ThisYear = 2004;

The code above shows both kinds of constants at the class or struct scope. Compile-time constants can also be declared inside methods. Read-only constants cannot be declared with method scope.

The differences in the behavior of compile-time and runtime constants follow from how they are accessed. A compile-time constant is replaced with the value of that constant in your object code. This construct:

if (myDateTime.Year == Millennium)

compiles to the same Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL, or IL) as if you had written this:

if (myDateTime.Year == 2000)

Runtime constants are evaluated at runtime. The IL generated when you reference a read-only constant references the readonly variable, not the value.

This distinction places several restrictions on when you are allowed to use either type of constant. Compile-time constants can be used only for the built-in integral and floating-point types, enums, or strings. These are the only types that enable you to assign meaningful constant values in initializers. These primitive types are the only ones that can be replaced with literal values in the compiler-generated IL. The following construct does not compile. You cannot initialize a compile-time con-stant using the new operator, even when the type being initialized is a value type:

// Does not compile, use readonly instead:

private const DateTime classCreation = new

DateTime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0);

Wagner_Book-Print.indb 8 11/8/16 11:22 AM

编译成 Microsoft Intermediate Language(微软中间语言,简称 MSIL 或 IL)之后,

就与直接使用字面量 2000 的写法是一样的:

8 ❘ Chapter 1 C # Language Idioms

far less flexible, than runtime constants. Reserve the compile-time con-stants for when performance is critical and the value of the constant will never change between releases.

You declare runtime constants with the readonly keyword. Compile-time constants are declared with the const keyword:

// Compile-time constant:

public const int Millennium = 2000;

// Runtime constant:

public static readonly int ThisYear = 2004;

The code above shows both kinds of constants at the class or struct scope. Compile-time constants can also be declared inside methods. Read-only constants cannot be declared with method scope.

The differences in the behavior of compile-time and runtime constants follow from how they are accessed. A compile-time constant is replaced with the value of that constant in your object code. This construct:

if (myDateTime.Year == Millennium)

compiles to the same Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL, or IL) as if you had written this:

if (myDateTime.Year == 2000)

Runtime constants are evaluated at runtime. The IL generated when you reference a read-only constant references the readonly variable, not the value.

This distinction places several restrictions on when you are allowed to use either type of constant. Compile-time constants can be used only for the built-in integral and floating-point types, enums, or strings. These are the only types that enable you to assign meaningful constant values in initializers. These primitive types are the only ones that can be replaced with literal values in the compiler-generated IL. The following construct does not compile. You cannot initialize a compile-time con-stant using the new operator, even when the type being initialized is a value type:

// Does not compile, use readonly instead:

private const DateTime classCreation = new

DateTime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0);

Wagner_Book-Print.indb 8 11/8/16 11:22 AM

运行期常量与之不同,如果代码里面用到了这种常量,那么由该代码所生成的 IL

也同样会通过引用的方式来使用这个 readonly 常量,而不会像刚才那样直接使用

字面量 2000。

Page 9: C#语言的编程习惯 - Baiduimages.china-pub.com/ebook8000001-8005000/8004498/ch01.pdf · var的意义在于,你不用把变量的类型 告诉编译器,编译器会替你判断。

第 1 章 C# 语言的编程习惯   9



为其赋值,而且在生成 IL 的过程中,也只有用来表示这些原始类型的编译期常量才会替

换成字面量。因此,下面这条语句是无法编译的,因为它试图用 new 操作符来给编译期


8 ❘ Chapter 1 C # Language Idioms

far less flexible, than runtime constants. Reserve the compile-time con-stants for when performance is critical and the value of the constant will never change between releases.

You declare runtime constants with the readonly keyword. Compile-time constants are declared with the const keyword:

// Compile-time constant:

public const int Millennium = 2000;

// Runtime constant:

public static readonly int ThisYear = 2004;

The code above shows both kinds of constants at the class or struct scope. Compile-time constants can also be declared inside methods. Read-only constants cannot be declared with method scope.

The differences in the behavior of compile-time and runtime constants follow from how they are accessed. A compile-time constant is replaced with the value of that constant in your object code. This construct:

if (myDateTime.Year == Millennium)

compiles to the same Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL, or IL) as if you had written this:

if (myDateTime.Year == 2000)

Runtime constants are evaluated at runtime. The IL generated when you reference a read-only constant references the readonly variable, not the value.

This distinction places several restrictions on when you are allowed to use either type of constant. Compile-time constants can be used only for the built-in integral and floating-point types, enums, or strings. These are the only types that enable you to assign meaningful constant values in initializers. These primitive types are the only ones that can be replaced with literal values in the compiler-generated IL. The following construct does not compile. You cannot initialize a compile-time con-stant using the new operator, even when the type being initialized is a value type:

// Does not compile, use readonly instead:

private const DateTime classCreation = new

DateTime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0);

Wagner_Book-Print.indb 8 11/8/16 11:22 AM

编译期常量只能用数字、字符串或 null 来初始化。readonly 常量在执行完构造



不受限制,例如刚才的 DataTime 型常量,虽然不能用 const 来声明,但却可以改用

readonly 来声明。这种常量可以在构造器里初始化,也可以在声明的时候直接初始化。

两者的另一个区别在于:readonly 可以用来声明实例级别的常量,以便给同一个


与刚才提到的两项区别相比,它们之间最为重要的区别还在于:readonly 常量是


这段代码所生成的 IL 码会通过引用的方式来使用这个 readonly 量,而不会直接使用

常量值本身。这对代码的维护工作有很大影响,因为在生成 IL 的时候,代码中的编译期




候出现不兼容的问题。比方说,在名为 Infrastructure 的程序集中,同时出现了用 const

和 readonly 来定义的两个字段:

Item 2: Prefer readonly to const ❘ 9

Compile-time constants are limited to numbers, strings, and null. Read-only values are also constants in that they cannot be modified after the constructor has executed. But read-only values are different in that they are assigned at runtime. You have much more flexibility when working with runtime constants. For one thing, runtime constants can be any type. You must initialize them in a constructor, or you can use an initializer. You can make readonly values of the DateTime structures; you cannot create DateTime values with const.

You can use readonly values for instance constants, storing different values for each instance of a class type. Compile-time constants are, by definition, static constants.

The most important distinction is that readonly values are resolved at runtime. The IL generated when you reference a readonly constant references the readonly variable, not the value. This difference has far-reaching implications for maintenance over time. Compile-time con-stants generate the same IL as though you used the numeric constants in your code, even across assemblies: A constant in one assembly is still replaced with the value when used in another assembly.

The way in which compile-time and runtime constants are evaluated affects runtime compatibility. Suppose you have defined both const and readonly fields in an assembly named Infrastructure:

public class UsefulValues


public static readonly int StartValue = 5;

public const int EndValue = 10;


In another assembly, you reference these values:

for (int i = UsefulValues.StartValue;

i < UsefulValues.EndValue; i++)

Console.WriteLine("value is {0}", i);

If you run your little test, you see the following obvious output:

Value is 5

Value is 6


Value is 9

Wagner_Book-Print.indb 9 11/8/16 11:22 AM

Page 10: C#语言的编程习惯 - Baiduimages.china-pub.com/ebook8000001-8005000/8004498/ch01.pdf · var的意义在于,你不用把变量的类型 告诉编译器,编译器会替你判断。

10   Effective C#:改善 C# 代码的 50 个有效方法

而另外一个名为 Application 的程序集引用了这两个字段:

Item 2: Prefer readonly to const ❘ 9

Compile-time constants are limited to numbers, strings, and null. Read-only values are also constants in that they cannot be modified after the constructor has executed. But read-only values are different in that they are assigned at runtime. You have much more flexibility when working with runtime constants. For one thing, runtime constants can be any type. You must initialize them in a constructor, or you can use an initializer. You can make readonly values of the DateTime structures; you cannot create DateTime values with const.

You can use readonly values for instance constants, storing different values for each instance of a class type. Compile-time constants are, by definition, static constants.

The most important distinction is that readonly values are resolved at runtime. The IL generated when you reference a readonly constant references the readonly variable, not the value. This difference has far-reaching implications for maintenance over time. Compile-time con-stants generate the same IL as though you used the numeric constants in your code, even across assemblies: A constant in one assembly is still replaced with the value when used in another assembly.

The way in which compile-time and runtime constants are evaluated affects runtime compatibility. Suppose you have defined both const and readonly fields in an assembly named Infrastructure:

public class UsefulValues


public static readonly int StartValue = 5;

public const int EndValue = 10;


In another assembly, you reference these values:

for (int i = UsefulValues.StartValue;

i < UsefulValues.EndValue; i++)

Console.WriteLine("value is {0}", i);

If you run your little test, you see the following obvious output:

Value is 5

Value is 6


Value is 9

Wagner_Book-Print.indb 9 11/8/16 11:22 AM


Item 2: Prefer readonly to const ❘ 9

Compile-time constants are limited to numbers, strings, and null. Read-only values are also constants in that they cannot be modified after the constructor has executed. But read-only values are different in that they are assigned at runtime. You have much more flexibility when working with runtime constants. For one thing, runtime constants can be any type. You must initialize them in a constructor, or you can use an initializer. You can make readonly values of the DateTime structures; you cannot create DateTime values with const.

You can use readonly values for instance constants, storing different values for each instance of a class type. Compile-time constants are, by definition, static constants.

The most important distinction is that readonly values are resolved at runtime. The IL generated when you reference a readonly constant references the readonly variable, not the value. This difference has far-reaching implications for maintenance over time. Compile-time con-stants generate the same IL as though you used the numeric constants in your code, even across assemblies: A constant in one assembly is still replaced with the value when used in another assembly.

The way in which compile-time and runtime constants are evaluated affects runtime compatibility. Suppose you have defined both const and readonly fields in an assembly named Infrastructure:

public class UsefulValues


public static readonly int StartValue = 5;

public const int EndValue = 10;


In another assembly, you reference these values:

for (int i = UsefulValues.StartValue;

i < UsefulValues.EndValue; i++)

Console.WriteLine("value is {0}", i);

If you run your little test, you see the following obvious output:

Value is 5

Value is 6


Value is 9

Wagner_Book-Print.indb 9 11/8/16 11:22 AM


10 ❘ Chapter 1 C # Language Idioms

Time passes, and you release a new version of the Infrastructure assembly with the following changes:

public class UsefulValues


public static readonly int StartValue = 105;

public const int EndValue = 120;


You distribute the Infrastructure assembly without rebuilding your Application assembly. You expect to get this:

Value is 105

Value is 106


Value is 119

In fact, you get no output at all. The loop now uses the value 105 for its start and 10 for its end condition. The C# compiler placed the const value of 10 into the Application assembly instead of a reference to the storage used by EndValue. Contrast that with the StartValue value. It was declared as readonly; it gets resolved at runtime. Therefore, the Application assembly makes use of the new value without even recom-piling the Application assembly; simply installing an updated version of the Infrastructure assembly is enough to change the behavior of all clients using that value. Updating the value of a public constant should be viewed as an interface change. You must recompile all code that references that constant. Updating the value of a read-only constant is an implementation change; it is binary compatible with existing client code.

On the other hand, sometimes you really mean for a value to be fixed at compile time. For example, consider a program that performs tax cal-culations. Multiple assemblies may be involved in tax calculations, and the regulations that govern those calculations may change at any time. This leads to a situation where different assemblies have been updated in different cycles because regulations may have affected only some algo-rithms. You want each class to report on which regulation date it was last updated. By using a compile-time constant to track the appropriate reg-ulation revision, you can make sure that each algorithm correctly reports when it was last updated.

One class would hold the master revisions:

Wagner_Book-Print.indb 10 11/8/16 11:22 AM

此时,如果你只发布新版的 Infrastructure 程序集,但不去重新构建 Application 程序


10 ❘ Chapter 1 C # Language Idioms

Time passes, and you release a new version of the Infrastructure assembly with the following changes:

public class UsefulValues


public static readonly int StartValue = 105;

public const int EndValue = 120;


You distribute the Infrastructure assembly without rebuilding your Application assembly. You expect to get this:

Value is 105

Value is 106


Value is 119

In fact, you get no output at all. The loop now uses the value 105 for its start and 10 for its end condition. The C# compiler placed the const value of 10 into the Application assembly instead of a reference to the storage used by EndValue. Contrast that with the StartValue value. It was declared as readonly; it gets resolved at runtime. Therefore, the Application assembly makes use of the new value without even recom-piling the Application assembly; simply installing an updated version of the Infrastructure assembly is enough to change the behavior of all clients using that value. Updating the value of a public constant should be viewed as an interface change. You must recompile all code that references that constant. Updating the value of a read-only constant is an implementation change; it is binary compatible with existing client code.

On the other hand, sometimes you really mean for a value to be fixed at compile time. For example, consider a program that performs tax cal-culations. Multiple assemblies may be involved in tax calculations, and the regulations that govern those calculations may change at any time. This leads to a situation where different assemblies have been updated in different cycles because regulations may have affected only some algo-rithms. You want each class to report on which regulation date it was last updated. By using a compile-time constant to track the appropriate reg-ulation revision, you can make sure that each algorithm correctly reports when it was last updated.

One class would hold the master revisions:

Wagner_Book-Print.indb 10 11/8/16 11:22 AM

然而运行之后却发现它并没有输出任何内容。for 循环的起始值(StartValue)是

105,这没有错,但是终止值(EndValue)却不是 120,而是旧版源代码中的那个

10,这是因为早前制作 Application 程序集时,C# 编译器直接写入了 10 这个字面量,

而没有去引用存放 EndValue 的那块空间。StartValue 常量就不同了,由于它是

用 readonly 声明的,因此要到运行的时候才加以解析,这使得 Application 程序集

无须重新编译,即可看到新版的 Infrastructure 给该常量所设定的值。只需把新版的

Infrastructure 程序集安装好,就可以令所有使用 StartValue 常量的程序都体现出这一

变化。修改访问级别为 public 的 const 常量相当于修改接口,因此,凡是使用该常量

的代码都必须重新编译,而修改访问级别为 public 的 readonly 常量则相当于修改实


Page 11: C#语言的编程习惯 - Baiduimages.china-pub.com/ebook8000001-8005000/8004498/ch01.pdf · var的意义在于,你不用把变量的类型 告诉编译器,编译器会替你判断。

第 1 章 C# 语言的编程习惯   11







把税务规则的修订信息放到下面这样的类里面: Item 2: Prefer readonly to const ❘ 11

public class RevisionInfo


public const string RevisionString = "1.1.R9";

public const string RevisionMessage = "Updated Fall 2015";


And any class that performs different calculations can report from this master revision information:

public class ComputationEngine


public string Revision = RevisionInfo.RevisionString;

public string RevisionMessage = RevisionInfo.


// Other APIs elided


Any rebuild will update the revision numbers to the latest version. How-ever, if individual assemblies are delivered as patches, the new patches would have new revisions, but any assembly that has not been updated would not be affected.

The final advantage of using const instead of readonly is performance: Known constant values can generate slightly more efficient code than the variable accesses necessary for readonly values. However, any gains are slight and should be weighed against the decreased flexibility. Be sure to profile performance differences before giving up the flexibility. (Try BenchmarkDotNet, available at https://github.com/PerfDotNet/BenchmarkDotNet, if you don’t already have a favorite tool.)

You’ll encounter similar tradeoffs between runtime and compile-time pro-cessing of constant values when you use named and optional parameters. The default values for optional parameters are placed in the call site just like the default values for compile-time constants (those declared with const). Like working with readonly and const values, you’ll want to be careful with changes to the values of optional parameters (see Item 10 later in this chapter).

const must be used when the value must be available at compile time: attribute parameters, switch case labels, and enum definitions, and those rare times when you mean to define a value that does not change from release to release. For everything else, prefer the increased flexibility of readonly constants.

Wagner_Book-Print.indb 11 11/8/16 11:22 AM


Item 2: Prefer readonly to const ❘ 11

public class RevisionInfo


public const string RevisionString = "1.1.R9";

public const string RevisionMessage = "Updated Fall 2015";


And any class that performs different calculations can report from this master revision information:

public class ComputationEngine


public string Revision = RevisionInfo.RevisionString;

public string RevisionMessage = RevisionInfo.


// Other APIs elided


Any rebuild will update the revision numbers to the latest version. How-ever, if individual assemblies are delivered as patches, the new patches would have new revisions, but any assembly that has not been updated would not be affected.

The final advantage of using const instead of readonly is performance: Known constant values can generate slightly more efficient code than the variable accesses necessary for readonly values. However, any gains are slight and should be weighed against the decreased flexibility. Be sure to profile performance differences before giving up the flexibility. (Try BenchmarkDotNet, available at https://github.com/PerfDotNet/BenchmarkDotNet, if you don’t already have a favorite tool.)

You’ll encounter similar tradeoffs between runtime and compile-time pro-cessing of constant values when you use named and optional parameters. The default values for optional parameters are placed in the call site just like the default values for compile-time constants (those declared with const). Like working with readonly and const values, you’ll want to be careful with changes to the values of optional parameters (see Item 10 later in this chapter).

const must be used when the value must be available at compile time: attribute parameters, switch case labels, and enum definitions, and those rare times when you mean to define a value that does not change from release to release. For everything else, prefer the increased flexibility of readonly constants.

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const 常量还有一个地方要比 readonly 常量好,那就是性能。由于程序可以直



过 profile 工具做性能测试(如果你还没有找到自己喜欢的 profile 工具,那么可以试试

BenchmarkDotNet,该工具的网址是 https://github.com/dotnet/BenchmarkDotNet)。


做出类似的权衡。可选参数的默认值是放在调用点(call site)的,这与用 const 所声明


Page 12: C#语言的编程习惯 - Baiduimages.china-pub.com/ebook8000001-8005000/8004498/ch01.pdf · var的意义在于,你不用把变量的类型 告诉编译器,编译器会替你判断。

12   Effective C#:改善 C# 代码的 50 个有效方法

的问题,即修改后的效果能否正确地反映在程序中(参见本章第 10 条)。

const 关键字用来声明那些必须在编译期得以确定的值,例如 attribute 的参数、

switch case 语句的标签、enum 的定义等,偶尔还用来声明那些不会随着版本而变化

的值。除此之外的值则应该考虑声明成更加灵活的 readonly 常量。

第 3 条:优先考虑 is或 as运算符,尽量少用强制类型转换

既然选择了 C#,那么就必须适应静态类型检查机制,该机制在很多情况下都会起到



方说,如果你所使用的框架已经在方法签名里面把参数类型写成了 object,那么可能


办法能够实现转换,一是使用 as 运算符,二是通过强制类型转换(cast)来绕过编译器

的类型检查。在这之前,可以先通过 is 判断该操作是否合理,然后再使用 as 运算符或


在这两种办法中,应该优先考虑第一种办法,也就是采用 as 运算符来实现类型转


及 is 运算符不会考虑由用户所定义的转换,只有当运行期的类型与要转换到的类型相


(但若用 as 运算符把装箱的值类型转换成未装箱且可以为 null 的值类型,则会创建新的


下面来看一个例子。如果需要把 object 对象转换为 MyType 实例,那么可以这


12 ❘ Chapter 1 C # Language Idioms

Item 3: Prefer the is or as Operators to Casts

By embracing C#, you’ve embraced static typing. That is almost always a good thing. Strong typing means you expect the compiler to find type mismatches in your code. That also means your applications do not need to perform as much type checking at runtime. But sometimes runtime type checking is unavoidable. There will be times in C# when you write functions that take object parameters because the framework defines the method signature for you. You likely need to attempt to cast those objects to other types, either classes or interfaces. You have two choices: Use the as operator, or force the compiler to bend to your will using a cast. You also have a defensive variant: You can test a conversion with is and then use as or casts to convert it.

The correct choice is to use the as operator whenever you can because it is safer than blindly casting and is more efficient at runtime. The as and is operators do not perform any user-defined conversions. They succeed only if the runtime type matches the sought type; they rarely construct a new object to satisfy a request. (The as operator will create a new type when converting a boxed value type to an unboxed nullable value type.)

Take a look at an example. You write a piece of code that needs to con-vert an arbitrary object into an instance of MyType. You could write it this way:

object o = Factory.GetObject();

// Version one:

MyType t = o as MyType;

if (t != null)


// work with t, it's a MyType.




// report the failure.


Or you could write this:

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Page 13: C#语言的编程习惯 - Baiduimages.china-pub.com/ebook8000001-8005000/8004498/ch01.pdf · var的意义在于,你不用把变量的类型 告诉编译器,编译器会替你判断。

第 1 章 C# 语言的编程习惯   13

12 ❘ Chapter 1 C # Language Idioms

Item 3: Prefer the is or as Operators to Casts

By embracing C#, you’ve embraced static typing. That is almost always a good thing. Strong typing means you expect the compiler to find type mismatches in your code. That also means your applications do not need to perform as much type checking at runtime. But sometimes runtime type checking is unavoidable. There will be times in C# when you write functions that take object parameters because the framework defines the method signature for you. You likely need to attempt to cast those objects to other types, either classes or interfaces. You have two choices: Use the as operator, or force the compiler to bend to your will using a cast. You also have a defensive variant: You can test a conversion with is and then use as or casts to convert it.

The correct choice is to use the as operator whenever you can because it is safer than blindly casting and is more efficient at runtime. The as and is operators do not perform any user-defined conversions. They succeed only if the runtime type matches the sought type; they rarely construct a new object to satisfy a request. (The as operator will create a new type when converting a boxed value type to an unboxed nullable value type.)

Take a look at an example. You write a piece of code that needs to con-vert an arbitrary object into an instance of MyType. You could write it this way:

object o = Factory.GetObject();

// Version one:

MyType t = o as MyType;

if (t != null)


// work with t, it's a MyType.




// report the failure.


Or you could write this:

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此外,也可以这样来写: Item 3: Prefer the is or as Operators to Casts ❘ 13

object o = Factory.GetObject();

// Version two:



MyType t;

t = (MyType)o;

// work with T, it's a MyType.


catch (InvalidCastException)


// report the conversion failure.


You’ll agree that the first version is simpler and easier to read. It does not have the try/catch clause, so you avoid both the overhead and the code. Notice that the cast version must check null in addition to catching exceptions. null can be converted to any reference type using a cast, but the as operator returns null when used on a null reference. So, with casts, you need to check null and catch exceptions. Using as, you simply check the returned reference against null.

The biggest difference between the as operator and the cast operator is how user-defined conversions are treated. The as and is operators examine the runtime type of the object being converted; they do not perform any other operations, except boxing when necessary. If a par-ticular object is not the requested type or is derived from the requested type, they fail. Casts, on the other hand, can use conversion operators to convert an object to the requested type. This includes any built-in numeric conversions. Casting a long to a short can lose information.

The same problems are lurking when you cast user-defined types. Con-sider this type:

public class SecondType


private MyType _value;

// other details elided

// Conversion operator.

// This converts a SecondType to

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Item 3: Prefer the is or as Operators to Casts ❘ 13

object o = Factory.GetObject();

// Version two:



MyType t;

t = (MyType)o;

// work with T, it's a MyType.


catch (InvalidCastException)


// report the conversion failure.


You’ll agree that the first version is simpler and easier to read. It does not have the try/catch clause, so you avoid both the overhead and the code. Notice that the cast version must check null in addition to catching exceptions. null can be converted to any reference type using a cast, but the as operator returns null when used on a null reference. So, with casts, you need to check null and catch exceptions. Using as, you simply check the returned reference against null.

The biggest difference between the as operator and the cast operator is how user-defined conversions are treated. The as and is operators examine the runtime type of the object being converted; they do not perform any other operations, except boxing when necessary. If a par-ticular object is not the requested type or is derived from the requested type, they fail. Casts, on the other hand, can use conversion operators to convert an object to the requested type. This includes any built-in numeric conversions. Casting a long to a short can lose information.

The same problems are lurking when you cast user-defined types. Con-sider this type:

public class SecondType


private MyType _value;

// other details elided

// Conversion operator.

// This converts a SecondType to

Wagner_Book-Print.indb 13 11/8/16 11:22 AM

Item 3: Prefer the is or as Operators to Casts ❘ 13

object o = Factory.GetObject();

// Version two:



MyType t;

t = (MyType)o;

// work with T, it's a MyType.


catch (InvalidCastException)


// report the conversion failure.


You’ll agree that the first version is simpler and easier to read. It does not have the try/catch clause, so you avoid both the overhead and the code. Notice that the cast version must check null in addition to catching exceptions. null can be converted to any reference type using a cast, but the as operator returns null when used on a null reference. So, with casts, you need to check null and catch exceptions. Using as, you simply check the returned reference against null.

The biggest difference between the as operator and the cast operator is how user-defined conversions are treated. The as and is operators examine the runtime type of the object being converted; they do not perform any other operations, except boxing when necessary. If a par-ticular object is not the requested type or is derived from the requested type, they fail. Casts, on the other hand, can use conversion operators to convert an object to the requested type. This includes any built-in numeric conversions. Casting a long to a short can lose information.

The same problems are lurking when you cast user-defined types. Con-sider this type:

public class SecondType


private MyType _value;

// other details elided

// Conversion operator.

// This converts a SecondType to

Wagner_Book-Print.indb 13 11/8/16 11:22 AM

if (t != null)


  // work with T, it's a MyType.



try/catch 结构,因此程序的开销与代码量都比较低。如果采用第二种写法,那么不仅

要捕获异常,而且还得判断 t 是不是 null。强制类型转换在遇到 null 的时候并不抛出

异常,这导致开发者必须处理两种特殊情况:一种是 o 本来就为 null,因此强制转换后

所得的 t 也是 null ;另一种是程序因 o 无法类型转换为 MyType 而抛出异常。如果采

用第一种写法,那么由于 as 操作在这两种特殊情况下的结果都是 null,因此,只需要

用 if(t!=null) 语句来概括地处理就可以了。

as 运算符与强制类型转换之间的最大区别在于如何对待由用户所定义的转换逻辑。

as 与 is 运算符只会判断待转换的那个对象在运行期是何种类型,并据此做出相应的处


属于目标类型,也不属于由目标类型所派生出来的类型,那么 as 操作就会失败。反之,


Page 14: C#语言的编程习惯 - Baiduimages.china-pub.com/ebook8000001-8005000/8004498/ch01.pdf · var的意义在于,你不用把变量的类型 告诉编译器,编译器会替你判断。

14   Effective C#:改善 C# 代码的 50 个有效方法

所定义的类型转换逻辑,而且还包括内置的数值类型之间的转换。例如可能发生从 long

至 short 的转换,这种转换可能导致信息丢失。



Item 3: Prefer the is or as Operators to Casts ❘ 13

object o = Factory.GetObject();

// Version two:



MyType t;

t = (MyType)o;

// work with T, it's a MyType.


catch (InvalidCastException)


// report the conversion failure.


You’ll agree that the first version is simpler and easier to read. It does not have the try/catch clause, so you avoid both the overhead and the code. Notice that the cast version must check null in addition to catching exceptions. null can be converted to any reference type using a cast, but the as operator returns null when used on a null reference. So, with casts, you need to check null and catch exceptions. Using as, you simply check the returned reference against null.

The biggest difference between the as operator and the cast operator is how user-defined conversions are treated. The as and is operators examine the runtime type of the object being converted; they do not perform any other operations, except boxing when necessary. If a par-ticular object is not the requested type or is derived from the requested type, they fail. Casts, on the other hand, can use conversion operators to convert an object to the requested type. This includes any built-in numeric conversions. Casting a long to a short can lose information.

The same problems are lurking when you cast user-defined types. Con-sider this type:

public class SecondType


private MyType _value;

// other details elided

// Conversion operator.

// This converts a SecondType to

Wagner_Book-Print.indb 13 11/8/16 11:22 AM

14 ❘ Chapter 1 C # Language Idioms

// a MyType, see item 29.

public static implicit operator

MyType(SecondType t)


return t._value;



Suppose an object of SecondType is returned by the Factory.GetObject() function in the first code snippet:

object o = Factory.GetObject();

// o is a SecondType:

MyType t = o as MyType; // Fails. o is not MyType

if (t != null)


// work with t, it's a MyType.




// report the failure.


// Version two:



MyType t1;

t1 = (MyType)o; // Fails. o is not MyType

// work with t1, it's a MyType.


catch (InvalidCastException)


// report the conversion failure.


Both versions fail. But I told you that casts will perform user-defined conversions. You’d think the cast would succeed. You’re right—it should succeed if you think that way. But it fails because your compiler is gener-ating code based on the compile-time type of the object, o. The compiler knows nothing about the runtime type of o; it views o as an instance of

Wagner_Book-Print.indb 14 11/8/16 11:22 AM

假设在早前那段代码里面由 Factory.GetObject() 函数所返回的对象 o 实际上

是个 SecondType 类型的对象。现在来看下面这两种写法:

14 ❘ Chapter 1 C # Language Idioms

// a MyType, see item 29.

public static implicit operator

MyType(SecondType t)


return t._value;



Suppose an object of SecondType is returned by the Factory.GetObject() function in the first code snippet:

object o = Factory.GetObject();

// o is a SecondType:

MyType t = o as MyType; // Fails. o is not MyType

if (t != null)


// work with t, it's a MyType.




// report the failure.


// Version two:



MyType t1;

t1 = (MyType)o; // Fails. o is not MyType

// work with t1, it's a MyType.


catch (InvalidCastException)


// report the conversion failure.


Both versions fail. But I told you that casts will perform user-defined conversions. You’d think the cast would succeed. You’re right—it should succeed if you think that way. But it fails because your compiler is gener-ating code based on the compile-time type of the object, o. The compiler knows nothing about the runtime type of o; it views o as an instance of

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Page 15: C#语言的编程习惯 - Baiduimages.china-pub.com/ebook8000001-8005000/8004498/ch01.pdf · var的意义在于,你不用把变量的类型 告诉编译器,编译器会替你判断。

第 1 章 C# 语言的编程习惯   15

14 ❘ Chapter 1 C # Language Idioms

// a MyType, see item 29.

public static implicit operator

MyType(SecondType t)


return t._value;



Suppose an object of SecondType is returned by the Factory.GetObject() function in the first code snippet:

object o = Factory.GetObject();

// o is a SecondType:

MyType t = o as MyType; // Fails. o is not MyType

if (t != null)


// work with t, it's a MyType.




// report the failure.


// Version two:



MyType t1;

t1 = (MyType)o; // Fails. o is not MyType

// work with t1, it's a MyType.


catch (InvalidCastException)


// report the conversion failure.


Both versions fail. But I told you that casts will perform user-defined conversions. You’d think the cast would succeed. You’re right—it should succeed if you think that way. But it fails because your compiler is gener-ating code based on the compile-time type of the object, o. The compiler knows nothing about the runtime type of o; it views o as an instance of

Wagner_Book-Print.indb 14 11/8/16 11:22 AM




换的对象其编译期的类型是 object,因此,编译器会把它当成 object 看待,而不考

虑其在运行期的类型。查看了 object 与 MyType 类的定义之后,编译器发现用户并没


SecondType 类里面定义的那段逻辑)。编译好的程序在运行期要判断对象 o 的运行期

类型与 MyType 是否相符,由于 o 的运行期类型是 SecondType,与 MyType 不相符,

因此,强制类型转换操作会失败。编译器所考虑的是对象 o 的编译期类型与目标类型

MyType 之间有没有转换逻辑,而不是该对象的运行期类型与 MyType 之间的关系。

要想把对象 o 从 SecondType 强制类型转换为 MyType,可以将代码改成下面这个


Item 3: Prefer the is or as Operators to Casts ❘ 15

object. The compiler sees that there is no user-defined conversion from object to MyType. It checks the definitions of object and MyType. Lacking any user-defined conversion, the compiler generates the code to examine the runtime type of o and checks whether that type is a MyType. Because o is a SecondType object, that fails. The compiler does not check to see whether the actual runtime type of o can be converted to a MyType object.

You could make the conversion from SecondType to MyType succeed if you wrote the code snippet like this:

object o = Factory.GetObject();

// Version three:

SecondType st = o as SecondType;



MyType t;

t = (MyType)st;

// work with T, it's a MyType.


catch (InvalidCastException)


// report the failure.


You should never write this ugly code. It is a better programming prac-tice to avoid catching exceptions that could be avoided by appropriate checks beforehand. It does illustrate a common problem. Although you would never write this, you can use an object parameter to a function that expects the proper conversions:

object o = Factory.GetObject();


private static void DoStuffWithObject(object o)




MyType t;

t = (MyType)o; // Fails. o is not MyType

// work with T, it's a MyType.


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Page 16: C#语言的编程习惯 - Baiduimages.china-pub.com/ebook8000001-8005000/8004498/ch01.pdf · var的意义在于,你不用把变量的类型 告诉编译器,编译器会替你判断。

16   Effective C#:改善 C# 代码的 50 个有效方法



Item 3: Prefer the is or as Operators to Casts ❘ 15

object. The compiler sees that there is no user-defined conversion from object to MyType. It checks the definitions of object and MyType. Lacking any user-defined conversion, the compiler generates the code to examine the runtime type of o and checks whether that type is a MyType. Because o is a SecondType object, that fails. The compiler does not check to see whether the actual runtime type of o can be converted to a MyType object.

You could make the conversion from SecondType to MyType succeed if you wrote the code snippet like this:

object o = Factory.GetObject();

// Version three:

SecondType st = o as SecondType;



MyType t;

t = (MyType)st;

// work with T, it's a MyType.


catch (InvalidCastException)


// report the failure.


You should never write this ugly code. It is a better programming prac-tice to avoid catching exceptions that could be avoided by appropriate checks beforehand. It does illustrate a common problem. Although you would never write this, you can use an object parameter to a function that expects the proper conversions:

object o = Factory.GetObject();


private static void DoStuffWithObject(object o)




MyType t;

t = (MyType)o; // Fails. o is not MyType

// work with T, it's a MyType.


Wagner_Book-Print.indb 15 11/8/16 11:22 AM

16 ❘ Chapter 1 C # Language Idioms

catch (InvalidCastException)


// report the conversion failure.



Remember that user-defined conversion operators operate only on the compile-time type of an object, not on the runtime type. It does not matter that a conversion between the runtime type of o and MyType exists. The compiler just doesn’t know or care. This statement has different behavior, depending on the declared type of st:

t = (MyType)st;

The next statement returns the same result, no matter what the declared type of st is. So, you should prefer as to casts—it’s more consistent. In fact, if the types are not related by inheritance, but a user-defined conver-sion operator exists, the following statement will generate a compiler error:

t = st as MyType;

Now that you know to use as when possible, let’s discuss when you can’t use it. The following program fragment won’t compile:

object o = Factory.GetValue();

int i = o as int; // Does not compile.

That’s because ints are value types and can never be null. What value of int should be stored in i if o is not an integer? Any value you pick might also be a valid integer. Therefore, as can’t be used. You might think you’re stuck using exception-throwing cast operations. Instead, use the as operator to convert to a nullable type, and then check that nullable type against null:

object o = Factory.GetValue();

var i = o as int?;

if (i != null)


This technique works whenever the left operand of the as operator is a value type, or any nullable value type.

Now that you know the differences among is, as, and casts, which operator do you suppose the foreach loop uses? foreach loops can oper-ate on nongeneric IEnumerable sequences and have the type coercion

Wagner_Book-Print.indb 16 11/8/16 11:22 AM


便 o 的运行期类型与 MyType 之间确实有转换关系,编译器也是不知道的(或者

说,编译器也是不会顾及的)。下面这种写法其效果要根据 st 的声明类型来定。(在

SecondType 类里面不包含用户自定义转换逻辑的前提下,如果把 st 声明成 object,

那么可以编译,但是运行的时候会抛出异常,反之,若声明成 SecondType,则无法


16 ❘ Chapter 1 C # Language Idioms

catch (InvalidCastException)


// report the conversion failure.



Remember that user-defined conversion operators operate only on the compile-time type of an object, not on the runtime type. It does not matter that a conversion between the runtime type of o and MyType exists. The compiler just doesn’t know or care. This statement has different behavior, depending on the declared type of st:

t = (MyType)st;

The next statement returns the same result, no matter what the declared type of st is. So, you should prefer as to casts—it’s more consistent. In fact, if the types are not related by inheritance, but a user-defined conver-sion operator exists, the following statement will generate a compiler error:

t = st as MyType;

Now that you know to use as when possible, let’s discuss when you can’t use it. The following program fragment won’t compile:

object o = Factory.GetValue();

int i = o as int; // Does not compile.

That’s because ints are value types and can never be null. What value of int should be stored in i if o is not an integer? Any value you pick might also be a valid integer. Therefore, as can’t be used. You might think you’re stuck using exception-throwing cast operations. Instead, use the as operator to convert to a nullable type, and then check that nullable type against null:

object o = Factory.GetValue();

var i = o as int?;

if (i != null)


This technique works whenever the left operand of the as operator is a value type, or any nullable value type.

Now that you know the differences among is, as, and casts, which operator do you suppose the foreach loop uses? foreach loops can oper-ate on nongeneric IEnumerable sequences and have the type coercion

Wagner_Book-Print.indb 16 11/8/16 11:22 AM

假如换用下面这种写法,那么当 st 声明成 object 时可以编译,但是运行的时

候, t 的结果是 null。反之,若声明成 SecondType,则无法编译。由此可见,应该

尽量采用 as 来进行类型转换,因为这么做不需要编写额外的 try/catch 结构来处理

异常。对于 SecondType 与 MyType 这样两个在继承体系中没有上下级关系的类来

说,即便 SecondType 类确实含有由用户所定义的转换逻辑,但只要把 st 声明成了

SecondType 类型,as 语句就依然会产生编译错误。

16 ❘ Chapter 1 C # Language Idioms

catch (InvalidCastException)


// report the conversion failure.



Remember that user-defined conversion operators operate only on the compile-time type of an object, not on the runtime type. It does not matter that a conversion between the runtime type of o and MyType exists. The compiler just doesn’t know or care. This statement has different behavior, depending on the declared type of st:

t = (MyType)st;

The next statement returns the same result, no matter what the declared type of st is. So, you should prefer as to casts—it’s more consistent. In fact, if the types are not related by inheritance, but a user-defined conver-sion operator exists, the following statement will generate a compiler error:

t = st as MyType;

Now that you know to use as when possible, let’s discuss when you can’t use it. The following program fragment won’t compile:

object o = Factory.GetValue();

int i = o as int; // Does not compile.

That’s because ints are value types and can never be null. What value of int should be stored in i if o is not an integer? Any value you pick might also be a valid integer. Therefore, as can’t be used. You might think you’re stuck using exception-throwing cast operations. Instead, use the as operator to convert to a nullable type, and then check that nullable type against null:

object o = Factory.GetValue();

var i = o as int?;

if (i != null)


This technique works whenever the left operand of the as operator is a value type, or any nullable value type.

Now that you know the differences among is, as, and casts, which operator do you suppose the foreach loop uses? foreach loops can oper-ate on nongeneric IEnumerable sequences and have the type coercion

Wagner_Book-Print.indb 16 11/8/16 11:22 AM

Page 17: C#语言的编程习惯 - Baiduimages.china-pub.com/ebook8000001-8005000/8004498/ch01.pdf · var的意义在于,你不用把变量的类型 告诉编译器,编译器会替你判断。

第 1 章 C# 语言的编程习惯   17

讲述了应该优先考虑 as 的原因之后,接下来看看在什么样的情况下不能使用 as。


16 ❘ Chapter 1 C # Language Idioms

catch (InvalidCastException)


// report the conversion failure.



Remember that user-defined conversion operators operate only on the compile-time type of an object, not on the runtime type. It does not matter that a conversion between the runtime type of o and MyType exists. The compiler just doesn’t know or care. This statement has different behavior, depending on the declared type of st:

t = (MyType)st;

The next statement returns the same result, no matter what the declared type of st is. So, you should prefer as to casts—it’s more consistent. In fact, if the types are not related by inheritance, but a user-defined conver-sion operator exists, the following statement will generate a compiler error:

t = st as MyType;

Now that you know to use as when possible, let’s discuss when you can’t use it. The following program fragment won’t compile:

object o = Factory.GetValue();

int i = o as int; // Does not compile.

That’s because ints are value types and can never be null. What value of int should be stored in i if o is not an integer? Any value you pick might also be a valid integer. Therefore, as can’t be used. You might think you’re stuck using exception-throwing cast operations. Instead, use the as operator to convert to a nullable type, and then check that nullable type against null:

object o = Factory.GetValue();

var i = o as int?;

if (i != null)


This technique works whenever the left operand of the as operator is a value type, or any nullable value type.

Now that you know the differences among is, as, and casts, which operator do you suppose the foreach loop uses? foreach loops can oper-ate on nongeneric IEnumerable sequences and have the type coercion

Wagner_Book-Print.indb 16 11/8/16 11:22 AM

这是因为 int 是值类型,无法保存 null。当 o 不是 int 的时候,as 语句的执行

结果应该是 null,但由于 i 是 int,因此,无论选择什么样的整数,都无法表示这个

null,因为它的每一种取值都是有效的整数,无法理解成 null 这个特殊的值。有些人


构。其实不用那样做,只需用 as 运算符把 o 转换成一种值可以为 null 的类型就可以了

(具体到本例,就是 int? 类型),然后判断变量 i 是不是 null:

16 ❘ Chapter 1 C # Language Idioms

catch (InvalidCastException)


// report the conversion failure.



Remember that user-defined conversion operators operate only on the compile-time type of an object, not on the runtime type. It does not matter that a conversion between the runtime type of o and MyType exists. The compiler just doesn’t know or care. This statement has different behavior, depending on the declared type of st:

t = (MyType)st;

The next statement returns the same result, no matter what the declared type of st is. So, you should prefer as to casts—it’s more consistent. In fact, if the types are not related by inheritance, but a user-defined conver-sion operator exists, the following statement will generate a compiler error:

t = st as MyType;

Now that you know to use as when possible, let’s discuss when you can’t use it. The following program fragment won’t compile:

object o = Factory.GetValue();

int i = o as int; // Does not compile.

That’s because ints are value types and can never be null. What value of int should be stored in i if o is not an integer? Any value you pick might also be a valid integer. Therefore, as can’t be used. You might think you’re stuck using exception-throwing cast operations. Instead, use the as operator to convert to a nullable type, and then check that nullable type against null:

object o = Factory.GetValue();

var i = o as int?;

if (i != null)


This technique works whenever the left operand of the as operator is a value type, or any nullable value type.

Now that you know the differences among is, as, and casts, which operator do you suppose the foreach loop uses? foreach loops can oper-ate on nongeneric IEnumerable sequences and have the type coercion

Wagner_Book-Print.indb 16 11/8/16 11:22 AM

如果 as 运算符所在的赋值语句的赋值符号左侧的变量是值类型或可以为 null 的值


明白了 is、as 与 cast(强制类型转换)之间的区别之后,现在考虑一个问题:

foreach 循环在转换类型的时候用的是 as 还是 cast ?这种循环所针对的是非泛型的

IEnumerable 序列,它会在迭代过程中自动转换类型。(其实在可以选择的情况下,还



18 ❘ Chapter 1 C # Language Idioms

if fido is a Dog (which derives from Animal). The GetType() method gets the runtime type of an object. It is a stricter test than the is or as statement provides. GetType() returns the type of the object and can be compared to a specific type.

Consider this function again:

public void UseCollectionV3(IEnumerable theCollection)


foreach (MyType t in theCollection)



If you made a NewType class derived from MyType, a collection of NewType objects would work just fine in the UseCollection function:

public class NewType : MyType


// contents elided.


If you mean to write a function that works with all objects that are instances of MyType, that’s fine. If you mean to write a function that works only with MyType objects exactly, you should use the exact type for comparison. Here, you would do that inside the foreach loop. The most common time when the exact runtime type is important is when doing equality tests. In most other comparisons, the .isinst compari-sons provided by as and is are semantically correct.

The .NET Base Class Library (BCL) contains a method for converting elements in a sequence using the same type of operations: Enumerable.Cast<T>() converts each element in a sequence that supports the classic IEnumerable interface:

IEnumerable collection = new List<int>()

{ 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10};

var small = from int item in collection

where item < 5

select item;

var small2 = collection.Cast<int>().Where(item => item < 5).

Select(n => n);

Wagner_Book-Print.indb 18 11/8/16 11:22 AM

foreach语句是用 cast 实现类型转换的,它会把对象从 object类型转换成循环体

所需要的类型。下面这段手工编写的代码可以用来模拟 foreach 语句所执行的类型转换


Item 3: Prefer the is or as Operators to Casts ❘ 17

built into the iteration. (You should prefer the type-safe generic versions whenever possible. The nongeneric version exists for historical purposes, and to support some late binding scenarios.)

public void UseCollection(IEnumerable theCollection)


foreach (MyType t in theCollection)



The foreach statement uses a cast operation to perform conversions from an object to the type used in the loop. The code generated by the foreach statement roughly equates to this hand-coded version:

public void UseCollectionV2(IEnumerable theCollection)


IEnumerator it = theCollection.GetEnumerator();

while (it.MoveNext())


MyType t = (MyType)it.Current;




The foreach statement needs to use casts to support both value types and reference types. By choosing the cast operator, the foreach state-ment exhibits the same behavior, no matter what the destination type is. However, because a cast is used, foreach loops can cause an InvalidCastException to be thrown.

Because IEnumerator.Current returns a System.Object, which has no conversion operators, none is eligible for this test. A collection of SecondType objects cannot be used in the previous UseCollection() function because the conversion fails, as you already saw. The foreach statement (which uses a cast) does not examine the casts that are avail-able in the runtime type of the objects in the collection. It examines only the conversions available in the System.Object class (the type returned by IEnumerator.Current) and the declared type of the loop variable (in this case, MyType).

Finally, sometimes you want to know the exact type of an object, not just whether the current type can be converted to a target type. The is oper-ator follows the rules of polymorphism: fido is Animal returns true

Wagner_Book-Print.indb 17 11/8/16 11:22 AM

Page 18: C#语言的编程习惯 - Baiduimages.china-pub.com/ebook8000001-8005000/8004498/ch01.pdf · var的意义在于,你不用把变量的类型 告诉编译器,编译器会替你判断。

18   Effective C#:改善 C# 代码的 50 个有效方法

Item 3: Prefer the is or as Operators to Casts ❘ 17

built into the iteration. (You should prefer the type-safe generic versions whenever possible. The nongeneric version exists for historical purposes, and to support some late binding scenarios.)

public void UseCollection(IEnumerable theCollection)


foreach (MyType t in theCollection)



The foreach statement uses a cast operation to perform conversions from an object to the type used in the loop. The code generated by the foreach statement roughly equates to this hand-coded version:

public void UseCollectionV2(IEnumerable theCollection)


IEnumerator it = theCollection.GetEnumerator();

while (it.MoveNext())


MyType t = (MyType)it.Current;




The foreach statement needs to use casts to support both value types and reference types. By choosing the cast operator, the foreach state-ment exhibits the same behavior, no matter what the destination type is. However, because a cast is used, foreach loops can cause an InvalidCastException to be thrown.

Because IEnumerator.Current returns a System.Object, which has no conversion operators, none is eligible for this test. A collection of SecondType objects cannot be used in the previous UseCollection() function because the conversion fails, as you already saw. The foreach statement (which uses a cast) does not examine the casts that are avail-able in the runtime type of the objects in the collection. It examines only the conversions available in the System.Object class (the type returned by IEnumerator.Current) and the declared type of the loop variable (in this case, MyType).

Finally, sometimes you want to know the exact type of an object, not just whether the current type can be converted to a target type. The is oper-ator follows the rules of polymorphism: fido is Animal returns true

Wagner_Book-Print.indb 17 11/8/16 11:22 AM

foreach 语句需要同时应对值类型与引用类型,而这种采用 cast 的类型转换方式使

得它在处理这两种类型时,可以展示出相同的行为。但是要注意,由于是通过 cast 方式

来转换类型的,因此可能抛出 InvalidCastException 异常。

IEnumerator.Current 返回的是 System.Object 型的对象,该类型并没有定

义类型转换操作符,因此,如果以一系列 SecondType 对象为参数来执行刚才那段代

码,那么其中的 cast 就会失败,这是因为 cast 并不考虑 it.Current 的运行期类型,



定义在 SecondType 类里面的那一段类型转换代码,这导致程序在运行期会试着直接把

SecondType 对象转换为 MyType 对象,从而抛出异常。)


转换成目标类型,那么可以使用 is 运算符。该运算符遵循多态规则,也就是说,如果

变量 fido 所属的类型 Dog 继承自 Animal,那么 fido is Animal 的值就是 true。

此外,GetType() 方法可以查出对象的运行期类型,从而令开发者写出比 is 或 as 更



18 ❘ Chapter 1 C # Language Idioms

if fido is a Dog (which derives from Animal). The GetType() method gets the runtime type of an object. It is a stricter test than the is or as statement provides. GetType() returns the type of the object and can be compared to a specific type.

Consider this function again:

public void UseCollectionV3(IEnumerable theCollection)


foreach (MyType t in theCollection)



If you made a NewType class derived from MyType, a collection of NewType objects would work just fine in the UseCollection function:

public class NewType : MyType


// contents elided.


If you mean to write a function that works with all objects that are instances of MyType, that’s fine. If you mean to write a function that works only with MyType objects exactly, you should use the exact type for comparison. Here, you would do that inside the foreach loop. The most common time when the exact runtime type is important is when doing equality tests. In most other comparisons, the .isinst compari-sons provided by as and is are semantically correct.

The .NET Base Class Library (BCL) contains a method for converting elements in a sequence using the same type of operations: Enumerable.Cast<T>() converts each element in a sequence that supports the classic IEnumerable interface:

IEnumerable collection = new List<int>()

{ 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10};

var small = from int item in collection

where item < 5

select item;

var small2 = collection.Cast<int>().Where(item => item < 5).

Select(n => n);

Wagner_Book-Print.indb 18 11/8/16 11:22 AM

假设 MyType 类有个名为 NewType 的子类,那么用一系列 NewType 对象来当参数

是可以正常调用 UseCollection 函数的:

18 ❘ Chapter 1 C # Language Idioms

if fido is a Dog (which derives from Animal). The GetType() method gets the runtime type of an object. It is a stricter test than the is or as statement provides. GetType() returns the type of the object and can be compared to a specific type.

Consider this function again:

public void UseCollectionV3(IEnumerable theCollection)


foreach (MyType t in theCollection)



If you made a NewType class derived from MyType, a collection of NewType objects would work just fine in the UseCollection function:

public class NewType : MyType


// contents elided.


If you mean to write a function that works with all objects that are instances of MyType, that’s fine. If you mean to write a function that works only with MyType objects exactly, you should use the exact type for comparison. Here, you would do that inside the foreach loop. The most common time when the exact runtime type is important is when doing equality tests. In most other comparisons, the .isinst compari-sons provided by as and is are semantically correct.

The .NET Base Class Library (BCL) contains a method for converting elements in a sequence using the same type of operations: Enumerable.Cast<T>() converts each element in a sequence that supports the classic IEnumerable interface:

IEnumerable collection = new List<int>()

{ 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10};

var small = from int item in collection

where item < 5

select item;

var small2 = collection.Cast<int>().Where(item => item < 5).

Select(n => n);

Wagner_Book-Print.indb 18 11/8/16 11:22 AM

Page 19: C#语言的编程习惯 - Baiduimages.china-pub.com/ebook8000001-8005000/8004498/ch01.pdf · var的意义在于,你不用把变量的类型 告诉编译器,编译器会替你判断。

第 1 章 C# 语言的编程习惯   19

18 ❘ Chapter 1 C # Language Idioms

if fido is a Dog (which derives from Animal). The GetType() method gets the runtime type of an object. It is a stricter test than the is or as statement provides. GetType() returns the type of the object and can be compared to a specific type.

Consider this function again:

public void UseCollectionV3(IEnumerable theCollection)


foreach (MyType t in theCollection)



If you made a NewType class derived from MyType, a collection of NewType objects would work just fine in the UseCollection function:

public class NewType : MyType


// contents elided.


If you mean to write a function that works with all objects that are instances of MyType, that’s fine. If you mean to write a function that works only with MyType objects exactly, you should use the exact type for comparison. Here, you would do that inside the foreach loop. The most common time when the exact runtime type is important is when doing equality tests. In most other comparisons, the .isinst compari-sons provided by as and is are semantically correct.

The .NET Base Class Library (BCL) contains a method for converting elements in a sequence using the same type of operations: Enumerable.Cast<T>() converts each element in a sequence that supports the classic IEnumerable interface:

IEnumerable collection = new List<int>()

{ 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10};

var small = from int item in collection

where item < 5

select item;

var small2 = collection.Cast<int>().Where(item => item < 5).

Select(n => n);

Wagner_Book-Print.indb 18 11/8/16 11:22 AM

如果该函数是面向 MyType 及它的各种子类而编写的,那么这样做的效果自然没有

问题。但有的时候,开发者编写这样的函数仅仅是为了处理类型恰好为 MyType 的那些

对象,而不想把 MyType 的子类对象也一并加以处理。针对这种需求,可以在 foreach

循环中以 GetType() 来判断循环变量的准确类型。这样的需求最常出现在那些需要执

行相等测试的场合。除此之外的其他场合则可以考虑使用 as 与 is,因为它们在那些场


.NET Base Class Library(BCL,基类库)里面有个方法能够把序列中的各元素

分别转换成同一种类型,这个方法就是 Enumerable.Cast<T>(),它必须在支持

IEnumerable 接口的序列上面调用:

18 ❘ Chapter 1 C # Language Idioms

if fido is a Dog (which derives from Animal). The GetType() method gets the runtime type of an object. It is a stricter test than the is or as statement provides. GetType() returns the type of the object and can be compared to a specific type.

Consider this function again:

public void UseCollectionV3(IEnumerable theCollection)


foreach (MyType t in theCollection)



If you made a NewType class derived from MyType, a collection of NewType objects would work just fine in the UseCollection function:

public class NewType : MyType


// contents elided.


If you mean to write a function that works with all objects that are instances of MyType, that’s fine. If you mean to write a function that works only with MyType objects exactly, you should use the exact type for comparison. Here, you would do that inside the foreach loop. The most common time when the exact runtime type is important is when doing equality tests. In most other comparisons, the .isinst compari-sons provided by as and is are semantically correct.

The .NET Base Class Library (BCL) contains a method for converting elements in a sequence using the same type of operations: Enumerable.Cast<T>() converts each element in a sequence that supports the classic IEnumerable interface:

IEnumerable collection = new List<int>()

{ 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10};

var small = from int item in collection

where item < 5

select item;

var small2 = collection.Cast<int>().Where(item => item < 5).

Select(n => n);

Wagner_Book-Print.indb 18 11/8/16 11:22 AM


直接调用 Cast<T> 方法的语句实际上是同一个意思,它们都会利用该方法把序列中的

对象转换成目标类型 T。与 as 运算符不同,该方法是采用旧式的 cast 方式来完成转换

的,这意味着 Cast<T> 不考虑类型参数所应受到的约束。使用 as 运算符会受到一定的

制约,而针对不同的类型来实现不同的 Cast<T> 方法又显得比较麻烦,因此, BCL 团队

决定把所有的类型转换操作都用这样一个旧式的 cast 运算符来完成。你在编写自己的代


指定的,那么就要考虑:是给泛型参数施加类型约束(class constraint),还是采用 cast 运


此外还要注意,涉及泛型的 cast 操作是不会使用转换运算符的。因此,在由整数所

构成的序列上面无法执行 Cast<double>()。在 4.0 及后续版本的 C# 语言里面,开发

Page 20: C#语言的编程习惯 - Baiduimages.china-pub.com/ebook8000001-8005000/8004498/ch01.pdf · var的意义在于,你不用把变量的类型 告诉编译器,编译器会替你判断。

20   Effective C#:改善 C# 代码的 50 个有效方法

者可以通过动态类型检查及运行期类型检查进一步绕过 C# 类型系统,如果要分别处理不





是必须转换类型的。此时应该采用 C# 语言的 as 及 is 运算符来更为清晰地表达代码的

意图。至于那些自动执行的类型转换(coercing type)操作,则各有其不同的规则,但一

般来说,采用 is 及 as 运算符几乎总是可以写出含义正确的代码,这两种运算符只会在

受测对象确实可以进行类型转换时才给出肯定的答案,而 cast 则与之相反,这种运算符


第 4 条:用内插字符串取代 string.Format()


类阅读的格式。C# 语言中的相关 API 可以追溯到几十年前所诞生的 C 语言,但是这些老

的习惯现在应该改变,因为 C# 6.0 提供了内插字符串(Interpolated String)这项新的功能






String.Format() 函数虽然可以运作,但是会导致一些问题,开发者必须对生成




还有一个更为隐晦的问题:格式字符串中的序号与 params 数组中的位置相对应,



Page 21: C#语言的编程习惯 - Baiduimages.china-pub.com/ebook8000001-8005000/8004498/ch01.pdf · var的意义在于,你不用把变量的类型 告诉编译器,编译器会替你判断。

第 1 章 C# 语言的编程习惯   21

这些困难当然都是可以克服的,但会花费较多的时间,因此,不妨改用 C# 语言所提


内插字符串以 $ 开头,它不像传统的格式字符串那样把序号放在一对花括号里面,

并用其指代 params 数组中的对应元素,而是可以直接在花括号里面编写 C# 表达式。






这样的语法糖(syntactic sugar)是很好的。将这种新特性融入日常的编程工作之后,



之所以把花括号里的代码叫作表达式而不泛称为语句,是因为不能使用 if/else 或

while 等控制流语句来做替换。如果需要根据控制流做替换,那么必须把这些逻辑写成


字符串内插机制是通过库代码来完成的,那些代码与当前的 string.Format() 类

似(至于如何实现国际化,请参见本章第 5 条)。内插字符串会在必要的时候把变量从其

他类型转为 string 类型。比方说,下面这个内插字符串就是如此:

Item 4: Replace string.Format() with Interpolated Strings ❘ 21

necessity of converting a variable to a string when needed. For example, consider this interpolated string:

Console.WriteLine($"The value of pi is {Math.PI}");

The code generated by the string interpolation will call a formatting method whose argument is a params array of objects. The Math.PI property is a double, which is a value type. In order to coerce that double to be an Object, it will be boxed. In code that runs often, or in tight loops, that can have a significant impact on performance (see Item 9 later in this chapter). You should use your expressions to convert these argu-ments to strings. That avoids the necessity to box any value types that are used in the expressions:


$"The value of pi is {Math.PI.ToString()}");

The text that is returned by ToString() may not suit your needs, so you may want to do more work with your expression to create the exact text you want. That’s easy: Just modify the expression to produce the exact text you want:


$"The value of pi is {Math.PI.ToString("F2")}");

Part of producing the exact string you want might include other string processing, or formatting the object returned by your expression. Let’s start simply by applying standard format strings. That’s a matter of using the built-in formatting strings to create the output you want. Inside the {} characters, place a “:” and then the format string.

Console.WriteLine($"The value of pi is {Math.PI:F2}");

Astute readers will notice that the “:” may be part of a conditional expression. That does cause a bit of a conflict: C# will find the “:” and assume it is the beginning of a format string. The following does not compile:


$"The value of pi is {round ? Math.PI.ToString() :


The answer to getting this to compile is easy. You just have to force the compiler to believe that you want a conditional expression, not the

Wagner_Book-Print.indb 21 11/8/16 11:22 AM

由字符串内插操作所生成的代码会调用一个参数为 params 对象数组的格式化方法。

Math.PI 是 double 类型,而 double 是值类型,因此,必须将其自动转为 Object


小的循环中反复执行,那么就会严重影响性能(关于这个问题,请参见本章第 9 条)。这


Item 4: Replace string.Format() with Interpolated Strings ❘ 21

necessity of converting a variable to a string when needed. For example, consider this interpolated string:

Console.WriteLine($"The value of pi is {Math.PI}");

The code generated by the string interpolation will call a formatting method whose argument is a params array of objects. The Math.PI property is a double, which is a value type. In order to coerce that double to be an Object, it will be boxed. In code that runs often, or in tight loops, that can have a significant impact on performance (see Item 9 later in this chapter). You should use your expressions to convert these argu-ments to strings. That avoids the necessity to box any value types that are used in the expressions:


$"The value of pi is {Math.PI.ToString()}");

The text that is returned by ToString() may not suit your needs, so you may want to do more work with your expression to create the exact text you want. That’s easy: Just modify the expression to produce the exact text you want:


$"The value of pi is {Math.PI.ToString("F2")}");

Part of producing the exact string you want might include other string processing, or formatting the object returned by your expression. Let’s start simply by applying standard format strings. That’s a matter of using the built-in formatting strings to create the output you want. Inside the {} characters, place a “:” and then the format string.

Console.WriteLine($"The value of pi is {Math.PI:F2}");

Astute readers will notice that the “:” may be part of a conditional expression. That does cause a bit of a conflict: C# will find the “:” and assume it is the beginning of a format string. The following does not compile:


$"The value of pi is {round ? Math.PI.ToString() :


The answer to getting this to compile is easy. You just have to force the compiler to believe that you want a conditional expression, not the

Wagner_Book-Print.indb 21 11/8/16 11:22 AM

如果 ToString() 直接返回的文本不符合你的要求,那么可以修改其参数,以创建


Page 22: C#语言的编程习惯 - Baiduimages.china-pub.com/ebook8000001-8005000/8004498/ch01.pdf · var的意义在于,你不用把变量的类型 告诉编译器,编译器会替你判断。

22   Effective C#:改善 C# 代码的 50 个有效方法

Item 4: Replace string.Format() with Interpolated Strings ❘ 21

necessity of converting a variable to a string when needed. For example, consider this interpolated string:

Console.WriteLine($"The value of pi is {Math.PI}");

The code generated by the string interpolation will call a formatting method whose argument is a params array of objects. The Math.PI property is a double, which is a value type. In order to coerce that double to be an Object, it will be boxed. In code that runs often, or in tight loops, that can have a significant impact on performance (see Item 9 later in this chapter). You should use your expressions to convert these argu-ments to strings. That avoids the necessity to box any value types that are used in the expressions:


$"The value of pi is {Math.PI.ToString()}");

The text that is returned by ToString() may not suit your needs, so you may want to do more work with your expression to create the exact text you want. That’s easy: Just modify the expression to produce the exact text you want:


$"The value of pi is {Math.PI.ToString("F2")}");

Part of producing the exact string you want might include other string processing, or formatting the object returned by your expression. Let’s start simply by applying standard format strings. That’s a matter of using the built-in formatting strings to create the output you want. Inside the {} characters, place a “:” and then the format string.

Console.WriteLine($"The value of pi is {Math.PI:F2}");

Astute readers will notice that the “:” may be part of a conditional expression. That does cause a bit of a conflict: C# will find the “:” and assume it is the beginning of a format string. The following does not compile:


$"The value of pi is {round ? Math.PI.ToString() :


The answer to getting this to compile is easy. You just have to force the compiler to believe that you want a conditional expression, not the

Wagner_Book-Print.indb 21 11/8/16 11:22 AM


象加以格式化。下面来看看怎样在内插字符串里面使用标准的格式说明符(也就是 C# 语



Item 4: Replace string.Format() with Interpolated Strings ❘ 21

necessity of converting a variable to a string when needed. For example, consider this interpolated string:

Console.WriteLine($"The value of pi is {Math.PI}");

The code generated by the string interpolation will call a formatting method whose argument is a params array of objects. The Math.PI property is a double, which is a value type. In order to coerce that double to be an Object, it will be boxed. In code that runs often, or in tight loops, that can have a significant impact on performance (see Item 9 later in this chapter). You should use your expressions to convert these argu-ments to strings. That avoids the necessity to box any value types that are used in the expressions:


$"The value of pi is {Math.PI.ToString()}");

The text that is returned by ToString() may not suit your needs, so you may want to do more work with your expression to create the exact text you want. That’s easy: Just modify the expression to produce the exact text you want:


$"The value of pi is {Math.PI.ToString("F2")}");

Part of producing the exact string you want might include other string processing, or formatting the object returned by your expression. Let’s start simply by applying standard format strings. That’s a matter of using the built-in formatting strings to create the output you want. Inside the {} characters, place a “:” and then the format string.

Console.WriteLine($"The value of pi is {Math.PI:F2}");

Astute readers will notice that the “:” may be part of a conditional expression. That does cause a bit of a conflict: C# will find the “:” and assume it is the beginning of a format string. The following does not compile:


$"The value of pi is {round ? Math.PI.ToString() :


The answer to getting this to compile is easy. You just have to force the compiler to believe that you want a conditional expression, not the

Wagner_Book-Print.indb 21 11/8/16 11:22 AM


面用冒号,那么 C# 可能会把它理解成格式说明符的前导字符,而不将其视为条件表达式


Item 4: Replace string.Format() with Interpolated Strings ❘ 21

necessity of converting a variable to a string when needed. For example, consider this interpolated string:

Console.WriteLine($"The value of pi is {Math.PI}");

The code generated by the string interpolation will call a formatting method whose argument is a params array of objects. The Math.PI property is a double, which is a value type. In order to coerce that double to be an Object, it will be boxed. In code that runs often, or in tight loops, that can have a significant impact on performance (see Item 9 later in this chapter). You should use your expressions to convert these argu-ments to strings. That avoids the necessity to box any value types that are used in the expressions:


$"The value of pi is {Math.PI.ToString()}");

The text that is returned by ToString() may not suit your needs, so you may want to do more work with your expression to create the exact text you want. That’s easy: Just modify the expression to produce the exact text you want:


$"The value of pi is {Math.PI.ToString("F2")}");

Part of producing the exact string you want might include other string processing, or formatting the object returned by your expression. Let’s start simply by applying standard format strings. That’s a matter of using the built-in formatting strings to create the output you want. Inside the {} characters, place a “:” and then the format string.

Console.WriteLine($"The value of pi is {Math.PI:F2}");

Astute readers will notice that the “:” may be part of a conditional expression. That does cause a bit of a conflict: C# will find the “:” and assume it is the beginning of a format string. The following does not compile:


$"The value of pi is {round ? Math.PI.ToString() :


The answer to getting this to compile is easy. You just have to force the compiler to believe that you want a conditional expression, not the

Wagner_Book-Print.indb 21 11/8/16 11:22 AM



22 ❘ Chapter 1 C # Language Idioms

beginning of a format string. Simply put the entire conditional expres-sion inside parentheses, and you’ll get the behavior you want:

Console.WriteLine($@"The value of pi is {(round ?

Math.PI.ToString() : Math.PI.ToString("F2"))}");

Having string interpolation embedded into the language provides lots of power. The expression used in your string interpolation can be any valid C# expression. You’ve already seen variables and conditional expres-sions. But that’s just the beginning. You can use the null coalescing or the null propagation operator to handle missing values clearly:


$"The customer's name is {c?.Name ?? "Name is missing"}");

Yes, string nesting inside the interpolation expression is supported. Any construct you please between the “{” and the “}” characters will be treated as C# and parsed as part of the expression (with the one excep-tion of the “:” character that would introduce a format string).

All this is good, and when you look at it in depth, it can become a trip down a rabbit hole. The expressions that form the arguments for an interpolated string can themselves contain interpolated strings. In limited form, this is very useful. Consider this example of how you might format a string to display information about a record, or the index for a missing record:

string result = default(string);

Console.WriteLine($@"Record is {(records.TryGetValue(index,out

result) ? result :

$"No record found at index {index}")}");

In the cases when a record is missing, the false clause of the conditional uses another interpolated string to return a message indicating what index was sought.

You can also use LINQ queries (see Chapter 4, “Working with LINQ”) to create the values that are used in an interpolated string. Those queries may themselves use interpolated strings to format their output:

var output = $@"The First five items are: {src.Take(5).Select(

n => $@"Item: {n.ToString()}").Aggregate(

(c, a) => $@"{c}{Environment.NewLine}{a}")})";

That last example may be a bit beyond what you’d like to see in pro-duction code. However, it does illustrate how well integrated into the

Wagner_Book-Print.indb 22 11/8/16 11:22 AM

字符串内插机制为 C# 语言带来了很多强大的功能。只要是有效的 C# 表达式,就


这只是其中的一小部分功能,除此之外,还可以通过 null 合并运算符(null-coalescing

operator)与 null 条件运算符(null-conditional operator,也称为 null propagation operator

(null 传播运算符))来更为清晰地处理那些可能缺失的值:

22 ❘ Chapter 1 C # Language Idioms

beginning of a format string. Simply put the entire conditional expres-sion inside parentheses, and you’ll get the behavior you want:

Console.WriteLine($@"The value of pi is {(round ?

Math.PI.ToString() : Math.PI.ToString("F2"))}");

Having string interpolation embedded into the language provides lots of power. The expression used in your string interpolation can be any valid C# expression. You’ve already seen variables and conditional expres-sions. But that’s just the beginning. You can use the null coalescing or the null propagation operator to handle missing values clearly:


$"The customer's name is {c?.Name ?? "Name is missing"}");

Yes, string nesting inside the interpolation expression is supported. Any construct you please between the “{” and the “}” characters will be treated as C# and parsed as part of the expression (with the one excep-tion of the “:” character that would introduce a format string).

All this is good, and when you look at it in depth, it can become a trip down a rabbit hole. The expressions that form the arguments for an interpolated string can themselves contain interpolated strings. In limited form, this is very useful. Consider this example of how you might format a string to display information about a record, or the index for a missing record:

string result = default(string);

Console.WriteLine($@"Record is {(records.TryGetValue(index,out

result) ? result :

$"No record found at index {index}")}");

In the cases when a record is missing, the false clause of the conditional uses another interpolated string to return a message indicating what index was sought.

You can also use LINQ queries (see Chapter 4, “Working with LINQ”) to create the values that are used in an interpolated string. Those queries may themselves use interpolated strings to format their output:

var output = $@"The First five items are: {src.Take(5).Select(

n => $@"Item: {n.ToString()}").Aggregate(

(c, a) => $@"{c}{Environment.NewLine}{a}")})";

That last example may be a bit beyond what you’d like to see in pro-duction code. However, it does illustrate how well integrated into the

Wagner_Book-Print.indb 22 11/8/16 11:22 AM

通过这个例子可以看到,花括号里面还可以嵌入字符串,凡是位于 { 和 } 之间的字

符,就都会被当成这条表达式中的 C# 代码加以解析。(冒号例外,它用来表示其右侧的



Page 23: C#语言的编程习惯 - Baiduimages.china-pub.com/ebook8000001-8005000/8004498/ch01.pdf · var的意义在于,你不用把变量的类型 告诉编译器,编译器会替你判断。

第 1 章 C# 语言的编程习惯   23




22 ❘ Chapter 1 C # Language Idioms

beginning of a format string. Simply put the entire conditional expres-sion inside parentheses, and you’ll get the behavior you want:

Console.WriteLine($@"The value of pi is {(round ?

Math.PI.ToString() : Math.PI.ToString("F2"))}");

Having string interpolation embedded into the language provides lots of power. The expression used in your string interpolation can be any valid C# expression. You’ve already seen variables and conditional expres-sions. But that’s just the beginning. You can use the null coalescing or the null propagation operator to handle missing values clearly:


$"The customer's name is {c?.Name ?? "Name is missing"}");

Yes, string nesting inside the interpolation expression is supported. Any construct you please between the “{” and the “}” characters will be treated as C# and parsed as part of the expression (with the one excep-tion of the “:” character that would introduce a format string).

All this is good, and when you look at it in depth, it can become a trip down a rabbit hole. The expressions that form the arguments for an interpolated string can themselves contain interpolated strings. In limited form, this is very useful. Consider this example of how you might format a string to display information about a record, or the index for a missing record:

string result = default(string);

Console.WriteLine($@"Record is {(records.TryGetValue(index,out

result) ? result :

$"No record found at index {index}")}");

In the cases when a record is missing, the false clause of the conditional uses another interpolated string to return a message indicating what index was sought.

You can also use LINQ queries (see Chapter 4, “Working with LINQ”) to create the values that are used in an interpolated string. Those queries may themselves use interpolated strings to format their output:

var output = $@"The First five items are: {src.Take(5).Select(

n => $@"Item: {n.ToString()}").Aggregate(

(c, a) => $@"{c}{Environment.NewLine}{a}")})";

That last example may be a bit beyond what you’d like to see in pro-duction code. However, it does illustrate how well integrated into the

Wagner_Book-Print.indb 22 11/8/16 11:22 AM

如果要找的这条记录不存在,那么就会执行条件表达式的 false 部分,从而令那个



在内插字符串里面,还可以使用 LINQ 查询操作来创建内容,而且这种查询操作本


22 ❘ Chapter 1 C # Language Idioms

beginning of a format string. Simply put the entire conditional expres-sion inside parentheses, and you’ll get the behavior you want:

Console.WriteLine($@"The value of pi is {(round ?

Math.PI.ToString() : Math.PI.ToString("F2"))}");

Having string interpolation embedded into the language provides lots of power. The expression used in your string interpolation can be any valid C# expression. You’ve already seen variables and conditional expres-sions. But that’s just the beginning. You can use the null coalescing or the null propagation operator to handle missing values clearly:


$"The customer's name is {c?.Name ?? "Name is missing"}");

Yes, string nesting inside the interpolation expression is supported. Any construct you please between the “{” and the “}” characters will be treated as C# and parsed as part of the expression (with the one excep-tion of the “:” character that would introduce a format string).

All this is good, and when you look at it in depth, it can become a trip down a rabbit hole. The expressions that form the arguments for an interpolated string can themselves contain interpolated strings. In limited form, this is very useful. Consider this example of how you might format a string to display information about a record, or the index for a missing record:

string result = default(string);

Console.WriteLine($@"Record is {(records.TryGetValue(index,out

result) ? result :

$"No record found at index {index}")}");

In the cases when a record is missing, the false clause of the conditional uses another interpolated string to return a message indicating what index was sought.

You can also use LINQ queries (see Chapter 4, “Working with LINQ”) to create the values that are used in an interpolated string. Those queries may themselves use interpolated strings to format their output:

var output = $@"The First five items are: {src.Take(5).Select(

n => $@"Item: {n.ToString()}").Aggregate(

(c, a) => $@"{c}{Environment.NewLine}{a}")})";

That last example may be a bit beyond what you’d like to see in pro-duction code. However, it does illustrate how well integrated into the

Wagner_Book-Print.indb 22 11/8/16 11:22 AM


与 C# 语言之间结合得相当密切。ASP.NET MVC 框架中的 Razor View 引擎也支持内插

字符串,这使得开发者在编写 Web 应用程序时能够更便捷地以 HTML 的形式来输出信

息。默认的 MVC 应用程序本身就演示了怎样在 Razor View 中使用内插字符串。下面这

个例子节选自 controller 部分,它可以显示当前登入的用户名:

Item 5: Prefer FormattableString for Culture-Specific Strings ❘ 23

language interpolated strings are. This feature is even being incorporated into the Razor View engine for ASP.NET MVC. This can make it much easier to generate HTML output in a Web application. The default MVC applications now demonstrate how string interpolation works in Razor Views. Here’s one example from the control that displays information about the currently logged-in user:

<a asp-controller="Manage" asp-action="Index"

title="Manage">[email protected]()!</a>

You can follow the same technique when building any of the HTML pages that make up your application. It’s a more concise way to express the output that you want.

These examples show how powerful the string interpolation feature is. It is much more convenient than using the classic string formatting options. However, remember that the result of string interpolation is a string. All the values have been substituted, and you are left with a single string. That’s most important if you are creating a string for a SQL command. String interpolation does not create a parameterized SQL query. Rather, it creates a single string object in which all the parameter values have already been included. Using string interpolation to create a SQL command is very dangerous. In fact, anytime you are using string interpolation to create a string that represents data in a way that will be interpreted by a machine, you must be very careful about the risks.

Converting the internal representation that computers use to store infor-mation as text for humans to view has been part of the programming landscape for a long time. The previous methods that we’ve used, even in many modern languages, can be traced directly to methods that were introduced with the C language decades ago. Using these methods can cause many potential errors. The new string interpolation feature is easier to use correctly. It’s more powerful, and it easily enables techniques that are more common in modern development.

Item 5: Prefer FormattableString for Culture-Specific Strings

In Item 4, you learned how the new string interpolation feature in C# provides a much easier way to build textual information that combines the value of variables with some formatting information. You’ll need to dive a little deeper into how this feature works in order to get the same benefits when your tasks require more explicit control when program-ming for different cultures and languages.

Wagner_Book-Print.indb 23 11/10/16 12:07 PM

构建应用程序中的其他 HTML 页面时,也可以采用这个技巧来更为精确地表达你想





符串没有区别了。如果某个字符串是用来创建 SQL 命令的,那么尤其要注意这一点,因

为内插字符串并不会创建出参数化的 SQL 查询(parameterized SQL query),而只会形成

Page 24: C#语言的编程习惯 - Baiduimages.china-pub.com/ebook8000001-8005000/8004498/ch01.pdf · var的意义在于,你不用把变量的类型 告诉编译器,编译器会替你判断。

24   Effective C#:改善 C# 代码的 50 个有效方法

一个普通的 string 对象,那些参数值全都已经写入该 string 中了。由此可见,用内

插字符串创建 SQL 命令是极其危险的。其实不只是 SQL 命令,凡是需要留到运行的时



程序开发中的常见任务了,而当前的许多编程语言里面依然留有 C 语言诞生时所引入的



第 5 条:用 FormattableString取代专门为特定区域而写的字符串

上一条讲解了 C# 语言中的一项新特性,也就是内插字符串,开发者可以通过这种字








开发者使用内插字符串的时候,其实只是想用以 $ 开头的字符串来生成另一个字符

串,C# 的字符串机制也正是这样运作的。它会把内插字符串的解读结果隐式地转换成

string 或 FormattableString。

比方说,如果采用下面这种最为简单的写法,那么内插字符串就会解读为 string:

24 ❘ Chapter 1 C # Language Idioms

The language design team gave this issue quite a bit of thought. The goal was to create a system that supports generating text for any culture, while making it easy to write code that always generates results for a single cul-ture. Balancing those two goals means that diving into culture and how it works with string interpolation introduces new complexities.

All the work you’ve done with string interpolation would lead you to assume that using the “$” syntax to create a string results in a string being produced. In most cases, that simplification works. Actually, an interpolated string literal may be implicitly converted to either a string or a formattable string.

For example, this line of code uses string interpolation to construct a string:

string first =

$"It's the {DateTime.Now.Day} of the {DateTime.Now.Month} month";

This line of code uses string interpolation to construct an object of a type derived from FormattableString:

FormattableString second =

$"It's the {DateTime.Now.Day} of the {DateTime.Now.Month} month";

This line of code, using an implicitly typed local variable, assumes that third should be a string and generates code to create a string:

var third =

$"It’s the {DateTime.Now.Day} of the {DateTime.Now.Month} month";

The compiler generates different code depending on the compile-time type of the output being requested. The code that generates a string will format that string based on the current culture on the machine where the code is executed. If you run the code in the United States, the deci-mal separator for a double value will be “.”; if you ran the same code in most European countries, the decimal separator would be “,”.

You can use the compiler’s ability to generate either a string or a Formattable-String to use string interpolation to format strings for any culture. Consider these two methods that convert a FormattableString to a string, using a particular language and culture:

public static string ToGerman(FormattableString src)


return string.Format(null,



Wagner_Book-Print.indb 24 11/8/16 11:22 AM

接下来的这行代码会令 C# 系统根据内插字符串的解读结果来创建一个对象,该对象

所属的类型继承自 FormattableString:

24 ❘ Chapter 1 C # Language Idioms

The language design team gave this issue quite a bit of thought. The goal was to create a system that supports generating text for any culture, while making it easy to write code that always generates results for a single cul-ture. Balancing those two goals means that diving into culture and how it works with string interpolation introduces new complexities.

All the work you’ve done with string interpolation would lead you to assume that using the “$” syntax to create a string results in a string being produced. In most cases, that simplification works. Actually, an interpolated string literal may be implicitly converted to either a string or a formattable string.

For example, this line of code uses string interpolation to construct a string:

string first =

$"It's the {DateTime.Now.Day} of the {DateTime.Now.Month} month";

This line of code uses string interpolation to construct an object of a type derived from FormattableString:

FormattableString second =

$"It's the {DateTime.Now.Day} of the {DateTime.Now.Month} month";

This line of code, using an implicitly typed local variable, assumes that third should be a string and generates code to create a string:

var third =

$"It’s the {DateTime.Now.Day} of the {DateTime.Now.Month} month";

The compiler generates different code depending on the compile-time type of the output being requested. The code that generates a string will format that string based on the current culture on the machine where the code is executed. If you run the code in the United States, the deci-mal separator for a double value will be “.”; if you ran the same code in most European countries, the decimal separator would be “,”.

You can use the compiler’s ability to generate either a string or a Formattable-String to use string interpolation to format strings for any culture. Consider these two methods that convert a FormattableString to a string, using a particular language and culture:

public static string ToGerman(FormattableString src)


return string.Format(null,



Wagner_Book-Print.indb 24 11/8/16 11:22 AM

Page 25: C#语言的编程习惯 - Baiduimages.china-pub.com/ebook8000001-8005000/8004498/ch01.pdf · var的意义在于,你不用把变量的类型 告诉编译器,编译器会替你判断。

第 1 章 C# 语言的编程习惯   25

最后这行代码声明了隐式类型的局部变量,该变量的类型应该是 string。编译好

的程序码会生成相应的 string 对象,并将其赋给该变量:

24 ❘ Chapter 1 C # Language Idioms

The language design team gave this issue quite a bit of thought. The goal was to create a system that supports generating text for any culture, while making it easy to write code that always generates results for a single cul-ture. Balancing those two goals means that diving into culture and how it works with string interpolation introduces new complexities.

All the work you’ve done with string interpolation would lead you to assume that using the “$” syntax to create a string results in a string being produced. In most cases, that simplification works. Actually, an interpolated string literal may be implicitly converted to either a string or a formattable string.

For example, this line of code uses string interpolation to construct a string:

string first =

$"It's the {DateTime.Now.Day} of the {DateTime.Now.Month} month";

This line of code uses string interpolation to construct an object of a type derived from FormattableString:

FormattableString second =

$"It's the {DateTime.Now.Day} of the {DateTime.Now.Month} month";

This line of code, using an implicitly typed local variable, assumes that third should be a string and generates code to create a string:

var third =

$"It’s the {DateTime.Now.Day} of the {DateTime.Now.Month} month";

The compiler generates different code depending on the compile-time type of the output being requested. The code that generates a string will format that string based on the current culture on the machine where the code is executed. If you run the code in the United States, the deci-mal separator for a double value will be “.”; if you ran the same code in most European countries, the decimal separator would be “,”.

You can use the compiler’s ability to generate either a string or a Formattable-String to use string interpolation to format strings for any culture. Consider these two methods that convert a FormattableString to a string, using a particular language and culture:

public static string ToGerman(FormattableString src)


return string.Format(null,



Wagner_Book-Print.indb 24 11/8/16 11:22 AM



串的格式。如果在美国运行代码,那么 double 值的整数与小数之间会用句点(.)来分


开发者可以利用编译器的类型判定机制来直接生成 string 或 Formattable-


比方说下面这两个方法就可以把 FormattableString 转换成针对特定语言与特定地

区的 string。

24 ❘ Chapter 1 C # Language Idioms

The language design team gave this issue quite a bit of thought. The goal was to create a system that supports generating text for any culture, while making it easy to write code that always generates results for a single cul-ture. Balancing those two goals means that diving into culture and how it works with string interpolation introduces new complexities.

All the work you’ve done with string interpolation would lead you to assume that using the “$” syntax to create a string results in a string being produced. In most cases, that simplification works. Actually, an interpolated string literal may be implicitly converted to either a string or a formattable string.

For example, this line of code uses string interpolation to construct a string:

string first =

$"It's the {DateTime.Now.Day} of the {DateTime.Now.Month} month";

This line of code uses string interpolation to construct an object of a type derived from FormattableString:

FormattableString second =

$"It's the {DateTime.Now.Day} of the {DateTime.Now.Month} month";

This line of code, using an implicitly typed local variable, assumes that third should be a string and generates code to create a string:

var third =

$"It’s the {DateTime.Now.Day} of the {DateTime.Now.Month} month";

The compiler generates different code depending on the compile-time type of the output being requested. The code that generates a string will format that string based on the current culture on the machine where the code is executed. If you run the code in the United States, the deci-mal separator for a double value will be “.”; if you ran the same code in most European countries, the decimal separator would be “,”.

You can use the compiler’s ability to generate either a string or a Formattable-String to use string interpolation to format strings for any culture. Consider these two methods that convert a FormattableString to a string, using a particular language and culture:

public static string ToGerman(FormattableString src)


return string.Format(null,



Wagner_Book-Print.indb 24 11/8/16 11:22 AM

Item 5: Prefer FormattableString for Culture-Specific Strings ❘ 25




public static string ToFrenchCanada(FormattableString src)


return string.Format(null,






These methods accept a FormattableString as the only argument. When these methods are called using a FormattableString, they will convert that FormattableString to a string using the specific culture (the German culture and language, or the Canadian culture for the French language). You can also call either of these methods directly on the result of a string interpolation.

First, it’s important not to overload these methods with similar versions that would take a string as an argument. If overloads are available that could take both a string and a FormattableString, the compiler will generate code to create a string and then call the version with the string parameter.

You will also notice that I did not create extension methods for either of the methods above. That’s because the logic in the compiler that deter-mines whether it should create a string or a FormattableString would create a string instead of a FormattableString when the result is the left side of the “.” operator. One goal for string interpolation was to make it easy to use with the existing string class. However, even with that goal, the team still wanted to enable all possible globalization scenarios. Those scenarios do require a little extra work of you but are easily handled.

The string interpolation feature does support everything you need for internationalization and specific localizations. Best of all, it does so in a way that enables you to ignore the complexity when all your code generates text for the current culture. When you need a specific culture, you must explicitly tell the string interpolation to create a FormattableString, and then you can convert that into a string using any specific culture you want.

Wagner_Book-Print.indb 25 11/8/16 11:22 AM


这两个方法都只接受一个参数,也就是类型为 FormattableString 的 src。如

果以 FormattableString 对象为实参来调用,它们就会分别采用特定的区域及语



Page 26: C#语言的编程习惯 - Baiduimages.china-pub.com/ebook8000001-8005000/8004498/ch01.pdf · var的意义在于,你不用把变量的类型 告诉编译器,编译器会替你判断。

26   Effective C#:改善 C# 代码的 50 个有效方法

首先要注意,不要给这些方法编写以 string 为参数的重载版本,否则,编译器在

面对既可以选 string 版本又可以选 FormattableString 版本的情况下,会创建出

生成 string 的程序码,进而调用以 string 为参数的那个版本。


成 string 还是 FormattableString 的时候,会考虑生成的这个字符串是否位于点

(.)运算符的左侧。如果是这样,那么就会生成 string,而非 FormattableString。

内插字符串的一项设计目标是想令开发者能够将其与现有的 string 类顺畅地结合起来,








第 6 条:不要用表示符号名称的硬字符串来调用 API






C# 语言的设计团队意识到了这个问题,并在 6.0 版本里面添加了 nameof() 表达


接写成字面量。实现 INotifyPropertyChanged 接口时,经常要用到 nameof:

26 ❘ Chapter 1 C # Language Idioms

Item 6: Avoid String-ly Typed APIs

As we move toward more distributed programs, we must transfer more and more data between different systems. We also use many different libraries that rely on names and string identifiers to work with our data. These are very convenient methods to work with data across different platforms and different languages. However, this convenience comes with a price. Working with these APIs and libraries means losing type safety. You lose tooling support. You lose many of the benefits of a stati-cally typed language.

The C# language design team recognized this and added the nameof() expression in C# 6.0. This handy little keyword replaces a symbol with a string containing its name. The most common example of this is to implement the INotifyPropertyChanged interface:

public string Name


get { return name;}



if (value != name)


name = value;


new PropertyChangedEventArgs(nameof(Name)));




private string name;

With the nameof operator, any changes to the property name are reflected correctly in the string used in the event arguments. These are the basics of using nameof().

The nameof() operator evaluates to the name of the symbol. It works for types, variables, interfaces, and namespaces. It can be used with unquali-fied names, or with a fully qualified name. There are some limitations on generic type definitions: You need to have a closed generic type where all type parameters are specified.

The nameof operator must work with all these items but must also have consistent behavior. The string that is returned by the nameof operator

Wagner_Book-Print.indb 26 11/8/16 11:22 AM

Page 27: C#语言的编程习惯 - Baiduimages.china-pub.com/ebook8000001-8005000/8004498/ch01.pdf · var的意义在于,你不用把变量的类型 告诉编译器,编译器会替你判断。

第 1 章 C# 语言的编程习惯   27

26 ❘ Chapter 1 C # Language Idioms

Item 6: Avoid String-ly Typed APIs

As we move toward more distributed programs, we must transfer more and more data between different systems. We also use many different libraries that rely on names and string identifiers to work with our data. These are very convenient methods to work with data across different platforms and different languages. However, this convenience comes with a price. Working with these APIs and libraries means losing type safety. You lose tooling support. You lose many of the benefits of a stati-cally typed language.

The C# language design team recognized this and added the nameof() expression in C# 6.0. This handy little keyword replaces a symbol with a string containing its name. The most common example of this is to implement the INotifyPropertyChanged interface:

public string Name


get { return name;}



if (value != name)


name = value;


new PropertyChangedEventArgs(nameof(Name)));




private string name;

With the nameof operator, any changes to the property name are reflected correctly in the string used in the event arguments. These are the basics of using nameof().

The nameof() operator evaluates to the name of the symbol. It works for types, variables, interfaces, and namespaces. It can be used with unquali-fied names, or with a fully qualified name. There are some limitations on generic type definitions: You need to have a closed generic type where all type parameters are specified.

The nameof operator must work with all these items but must also have consistent behavior. The string that is returned by the nameof operator

Wagner_Book-Print.indb 26 11/8/16 11:22 AM

用 nameof 运算符来写代码的好处是,如果属性名变了,那么用来构造 Property-

ChangedEventArgs 对象的参数也会随之变化。这是 nameof() 的基本用法。

nameof() 会根据符号求出表示该符号名称的字符串,这个符号可以指类型、变量、


型类来使用 nameof 时,会受到一些限制,因为 nameof 只支持封闭的泛型类,也就是


nameof 运算符需要应对各种各样的符号,然而它在面对这些符号时也应该表现出


给 nameof 的,它也依然会返回局部名称。例如把 System.Int.MaxValue 传给它,

会得到 MaxValue。

这种基本的用法许多开发者是明白的,而且在调用那些以变量名称为参数的 API 时,

都能够正确地运用 nameof 来获取该名称。但还有一些地方也可以用 nameof 来写,只


某些异常类型的构造函数可以接受 string 参数,使得开发者能够把该异常所涉及


该把变量的名字写成硬字符串,而应该使用 nameof 来获取其名称,以便使代码在变量


Item 6: Avoid String-ly Typed APIs ❘ 27

always returns the local name. This provides consistent behavior: Even when a variable is declared using the fully qualified name (for example, System.Int.MaxValue), the name returned is the local name (MaxValue).

Many developers have seen this basic usage and do correctly use nameof in those simple cases where the name of a local variable must be used in some API. But many developers miss opportunities because they follow existing habits or don’t realize that the nameof operator can be used in different locations.

Many exception types accept the name of an argument as one of their construction parameters. Replacing the hard-coded text with nameof ensures that the names match even after any rename operation:

public static void ExceptionMessage(object thisCantBeNull)


if (thisCantBeNull == null)

throw new


"We told you this cant be null");


Static analysis tools can also ensure that the name of the argument is in the correct position in the Exception constructor. Both arguments are strings, so it is easy to get that wrong.

The nameof operator can be used to specify the string for an attribute argument (either a positional or a named argument). It can be used when defining routes for an MVC application or Web API application. This is an excellent time to consider using a namespace as the name of a route.

The payoff of using the nameof operator in all these locations is that any changes or updates in the name of the symbol will be correctly reflected in the name of the variable. Static analysis tools can also find mistakes and mismatches when the name of an argument is used in the wrong location. These tools can take many forms, from diagnostics that run in an editor or IDE, to build and Continuous Integration tools, refac-toring tools, and more. By retaining as much symbolic information as possible, you enable those automated tools to find and potentially fix as many types of mistakes as possible. That leaves fewer mistakes that can be found only by automated tests or human examination. That leaves all of us more time to focus on the harder problems.

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Page 28: C#语言的编程习惯 - Baiduimages.china-pub.com/ebook8000001-8005000/8004498/ch01.pdf · var的意义在于,你不用把变量的类型 告诉编译器,编译器会替你判断。

28   Effective C#:改善 C# 代码的 50 个有效方法

用了这种写法之后,静态分析工具就可以判断出开发者在调用 ArgumentNull-

Exception 的构造函数时有没有把相关变量的名称放在正确的位置上。由于构造函数

的两个参数都是 string,因此容易写错地方。

在指定 attribute 的参数(无论是位置参数还是命名参数)时,可能会用到字符串,这

种字符串可以通过 nameof 运算符来构造。在定义 MVC 应用程序或 Web API 应用程序

的 route 时,也可以考虑用 nameof 将某个命名空间的名称设置成 route 的名称。

使用 nameof 运算符的好处是,如果符号改名了,那么用 nameof 来获取符号名称


位置方面的错误,这些工具包括运行在编辑器或 IDE(集成开发环境)中的诊断工具、构

建与持续集成(Continuous Integration,CI)工具以及重构工具等。这种写法可以保留较




第 7 条:用委托表示回调







上面这段对话可以说明什么叫作回调。笔者给儿子 Scott 交代了一项任务,他每完成




可能会涉及多线程(multithreading),也有可能只是给同步更新提供入口。C# 语言用委托


Page 29: C#语言的编程习惯 - Baiduimages.china-pub.com/ebook8000001-8005000/8004498/ch01.pdf · var的意义在于,你不用把变量的类型 告诉编译器,编译器会替你判断。

第 1 章 C# 语言的编程习惯   29






由于经常需要使用回调与委托,因此,C# 语言提供了一种简便的写法,可以直

接用 lambda 表达式来表示委托。此外,.NET Framework 库也用 Predicate<T>、

Action<> 及 Func<> 定义了很多常见的委托形式。predicate(谓词)是用来判断某条

件是否成立的布尔(Boolean)函数,而 Func<> 则会根据一系列的参数求出某个结果。

其实 Func<T, bool> 与 Predicate<T> 是同一个意思,只不过编译器会把两者分开


照两个来算,编译器不允许在它们之间相互转换。Action<> 接受任意数量的参数,其

返回值的类型是 void。

LINQ 就是用这些机制构建起来的。List<T> 类也有很多方法用到了回调。比方说


Item 7: Express Callbacks with Delegates ❘ 29

LINQ was built using these concepts. The List<T> class also contains many methods that make use of callbacks. Examine this code snippet:

List<int> numbers = Enumerable.Range(1, 200).ToList();

var oddNumbers = numbers.Find(n => n % 2 == 1);

var test = numbers.TrueForAll(n => n < 50);

numbers.RemoveAll(n => n % 2 == 0);

numbers.ForEach(item => Console.WriteLine(item));

The Find() method takes a delegate, in the form of a Predicate<int>, to perform a test on each element in the list. It’s a simple callback. The Find() method tests each item, using the callback, and returns the ele-ments that pass the test embodied in the predicate. The compiler converts the lambda expression to a delegate and uses the delegate to express the callback.

TrueForAll() is similar in that it applies the test to each of the elements and determines if the predicate is true for all items. RemoveAll() modi-fies the list container by removing all items for which the predicate is true.

Finally, the List.ForEach() method performs the specified action on each of the elements in the list. As before, the compiler converts the lambda expression into a method and creates a delegate referring to that method.

You’ll find numerous examples of this concept in the .NET Framework. All of LINQ is built on delegates. Callbacks are used to handle cross-thread marshalling in Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) and Windows Forms. Everywhere that the .NET Framework needs a single method, it will use a delegate that callers can express in the form of a lambda expression. You should follow the same example when you need a callback idiom in any of your APIs.

For historical reasons, all delegates are multicast delegates. Multicast dele-gates wrap all the target functions that have been added to the delegate in a single call. Two caveats apply to this construct: It is not safe in the face of exceptions, and the return value will be the return value of the last target function invoked by the multicast delegate.

Inside a multicast delegate invocation, each target is called in succession. The delegate does not catch any exceptions. Therefore, any exception that the target throws ends the delegate invocation chain.

Wagner_Book-Print.indb 29 11/8/16 11:22 AM

Find() 方法定义了 Predicate<int> 形式的委托,以便检查列表中的每个元素。

这是个很简单的回调,Find() 方法用它来判断每个元素,并把能够通过测试的元素返

回给调用方。编译器会将 lambda 表达式转换成委托,并以此来表示回调。

TrueForAll() 与 Find() 类似,也要检查列表中的每个元素,只有当所有的元素

均满足谓词时,它才会返回 true。RemoveAll() 可以把符合谓词的元素全都从列表里


List.ForEach() 方法会在列表中的每个元素上面执行指定的操作。编译器会和

Page 30: C#语言的编程习惯 - Baiduimages.china-pub.com/ebook8000001-8005000/8004498/ch01.pdf · var的意义在于,你不用把变量的类型 告诉编译器,编译器会替你判断。

30   Effective C#:改善 C# 代码的 50 个有效方法

处理前几条语句时一样,把 lambda 表达式转换成方法,并创建指向该方法的委托。

.NET Framework 里面有很多地方用到了委托与回调。整个 LINQ 都构建在委托的基

础上,而回调则用于处理 Windows Presentation Foundation(WPF)及 Windows Forms 的

跨线程封送(cross-thread marshalling)。只要 .NET 框架需要调用方提供某个方法,它就

会使用委托,从而令调用方能以 lambda 表达式的形式来提供该方法。你自己在设计 API

时,也应该遵循同样的惯例,使得调用这个 API 的人能够以 lambda 表达式的形式指定


由于历史原因,所有的委托都是多播委托(multicast delegate),也就是会把添加到委

托中的所有目标函数(target function)都视为一个整体去执行。这就导致有两个问题需要





在返回值方面也有类似的问题。开发者可能会定义返回值类型不是 void 的回调函

数。比方说,可以编写这样一段代码,在回调的时候,用 CheckWithUser() 来判断用


30 ❘ Chapter 1 C # Language Idioms

A similar problem exists with return values. You can define delegates that have return types other than void. You could write a callback to check for user aborts:

public void LengthyOperation(Func<bool> pred)


foreach (ComplicatedClass cl in container)



// Check for user abort:

if (false == pred())




It works as a single delegate, but using it as a multicast is problematic:

Func<bool> cp = () => CheckWithUser();

cp += () => CheckWithSystem();


The value returned from invoking the delegate is the return value from the last function in the multicast chain. All other return values are ignored. The return from the CheckWithUser() predicate is ignored.

You address both issues by invoking each delegate target yourself. Each delegate you create contains a list of delegates. To examine the chain yourself and call each one, iterate the invocation list:

public void LengthyOperation2(Func<bool> pred)


bool bContinue = true;

foreach (ComplicatedClass cl in container)



foreach (Func<bool> pr in pred.GetInvocationList())

bContinue &= pr();

if (!bContinue)




In this case, I’ve defined the semantics so that each delegate must be true for the iteration to continue.

Wagner_Book-Print.indb 30 11/8/16 11:22 AM

如果委托只涉及 CheckWithUser() 这一项回调,那么上面这段代码是可行的,但


30 ❘ Chapter 1 C # Language Idioms

A similar problem exists with return values. You can define delegates that have return types other than void. You could write a callback to check for user aborts:

public void LengthyOperation(Func<bool> pred)


foreach (ComplicatedClass cl in container)



// Check for user abort:

if (false == pred())




It works as a single delegate, but using it as a multicast is problematic:

Func<bool> cp = () => CheckWithUser();

cp += () => CheckWithSystem();


The value returned from invoking the delegate is the return value from the last function in the multicast chain. All other return values are ignored. The return from the CheckWithUser() predicate is ignored.

You address both issues by invoking each delegate target yourself. Each delegate you create contains a list of delegates. To examine the chain yourself and call each one, iterate the invocation list:

public void LengthyOperation2(Func<bool> pred)


bool bContinue = true;

foreach (ComplicatedClass cl in container)



foreach (Func<bool> pr in pred.GetInvocationList())

bContinue &= pr();

if (!bContinue)




In this case, I’ve defined the semantics so that each delegate must be true for the iteration to continue.

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Page 31: C#语言的编程习惯 - Baiduimages.china-pub.com/ebook8000001-8005000/8004498/ch01.pdf · var的意义在于,你不用把变量的类型 告诉编译器,编译器会替你判断。

第 1 章 C# 语言的编程习惯   31

整个委托的执行结果是多播链(multicast chain)中最后那个函数的返回值,而早前

那些函数的返回值则会遭到忽略。因此,CheckWithUser() 这个谓词的返回值是不起





30 ❘ Chapter 1 C # Language Idioms

A similar problem exists with return values. You can define delegates that have return types other than void. You could write a callback to check for user aborts:

public void LengthyOperation(Func<bool> pred)


foreach (ComplicatedClass cl in container)



// Check for user abort:

if (false == pred())




It works as a single delegate, but using it as a multicast is problematic:

Func<bool> cp = () => CheckWithUser();

cp += () => CheckWithSystem();


The value returned from invoking the delegate is the return value from the last function in the multicast chain. All other return values are ignored. The return from the CheckWithUser() predicate is ignored.

You address both issues by invoking each delegate target yourself. Each delegate you create contains a list of delegates. To examine the chain yourself and call each one, iterate the invocation list:

public void LengthyOperation2(Func<bool> pred)


bool bContinue = true;

foreach (ComplicatedClass cl in container)



foreach (Func<bool> pr in pred.GetInvocationList())

bContinue &= pr();

if (!bContinue)




In this case, I’ve defined the semantics so that each delegate must be true for the iteration to continue.

Wagner_Book-Print.indb 30 11/8/16 11:22 AM

笔者所用的这种写法只要发现有一个函数返回 false,就不再执行列表中的其他函




够指定多个目标。在 .NET 程序里面,需要回调客户端的地方应该考虑用委托来做。

第 8 条:用 null 条件运算符调用事件处理程序





调用事件处理程序,而这些线程之间相互争夺,那又会出现什么情况? C# 6.0 新引入的

Page 32: C#语言的编程习惯 - Baiduimages.china-pub.com/ebook8000001-8005000/8004498/ch01.pdf · var的意义在于,你不用把变量的类型 告诉编译器,编译器会替你判断。

32   Effective C#:改善 C# 代码的 50 个有效方法

null 条件运算符可以用更加清晰的写法来解决这些问题。你应该改变原来的习惯,尽快



Item 8: Use the Null Conditional Operator for Event Invocations ❘ 31

Delegates provide the best way to use callbacks at runtime, with sim-pler requirements on client classes. You can configure delegate targets at runtime. You can support multiple client targets. Client callbacks should be implemented using delegates in .NET.

Item 8: Use the Null Conditional Operator for Event Invocations

Raising events seems like such a simple task when you first approach it. You define an event and, when necessary, simply invoke any event han-dlers that were attached to that event. The underlying multicast delegate object would manage the complexity of invoking all attached handlers in succession. In practice, there are many pitfalls around invoking events in such a naïve manner. What if there are no handlers attached to an event? There could even be race conditions involving the code that checks for an attached event handler and the code that invokes it. The new null conditional operator, introduced in C# 6.0, provides a much cleaner syn-tax for this idiom. You should change your existing habits to use the new syntax as soon as you can.

Let’s look at the older syntax and what had to be done to write safe event invocation code. The simplest example of event invocation would look like this:

public class EventSource


private EventHandler<int> Updated;

public void RaiseUpdates()



Updated(this, counter);


private int counter;


This code has an obvious issue. If this object runs when no event han-dlers have been attached to the Updated event, the code will throw a NullReferenceException. Event handlers in C# have the null value when no handlers have been added to an event.

Wagner_Book-Print.indb 31 11/8/16 11:22 AM

这种写法有个明显的问题:如果在对象上面触发 Updated 事件时并没有事件处理程

序与之相关,那么就会发生 NullReferenceException,因为 C# 会用 null 值来表


于是,在触发事件之前,必须先判断事件处理程序是不是 null:

32 ❘ Chapter 1 C # Language Idioms

Therefore, developers needed to wrap any event invocation in a check to determine if the event handler is null:

public void RaiseUpdates()



if (Updated != null)

Updated(this, counter);


This code would work in almost all instances, but there’s a possible bug lurking there. It’s possible that it will execute the first line, where it checks the event handler against null, and find that the event handler is not null. Then, between the check and the invocation of the event, it’s possible that another thread will execute and unsubscribe the single event handler. When the first thread continues execution and invokes the event handler, the handler is null. You’ll still get that NullReferenceException. How-ever, you’ll get it more rarely, and not in easy-to-reproduce scenarios.

This bug is much harder to diagnose and fix. The code looks correct. In order to see the error, you need to have threads execute code in exactly the right order. Experienced developers have learned from harsh expe-rience that this idiom is dangerous and have replaced it with this code:

public void RaiseUpdates()



var handler = Updated;

if (handler != null)

handler(this, counter);


This code has been the recommended practice for raising events in .NET and C#. It works, and it’s thread safe. But it has several issues in terms of readability. It’s not at all obvious how this change makes the previous code thread safe.

Let’s understand why this works and is thread safe.

The first line assigns the current event handler to a new local variable. That new local variable now contains a multicast delegate that refers to all the original handlers from the member variable event.

The event assignment creates a shallow copy of the right-hand side of the assignment. That shallow copy contains new copies of references to each

Wagner_Book-Print.indb 32 11/8/16 11:22 AM

这种写法基本上可以应对各种状况,但还是有个隐藏的 bug。因为当程序中的线

程执行完那行 if 语句并发现 Updated 不等于 null 之后,可能会有另一个线程打断


Updated(this,counter); 语句时,事件处理程序就变成了 null,调用这样的处

理程序会引发 NullReferenceException。当然,这种情况较为少见,而且不容易


这个 bug 很难诊断,也很难修复,因为代码看上去是没有错误的。要想重现该错误,



Page 33: C#语言的编程习惯 - Baiduimages.china-pub.com/ebook8000001-8005000/8004498/ch01.pdf · var的意义在于,你不用把变量的类型 告诉编译器,编译器会替你判断。

第 1 章 C# 语言的编程习惯   33

32 ❘ Chapter 1 C # Language Idioms

Therefore, developers needed to wrap any event invocation in a check to determine if the event handler is null:

public void RaiseUpdates()



if (Updated != null)

Updated(this, counter);


This code would work in almost all instances, but there’s a possible bug lurking there. It’s possible that it will execute the first line, where it checks the event handler against null, and find that the event handler is not null. Then, between the check and the invocation of the event, it’s possible that another thread will execute and unsubscribe the single event handler. When the first thread continues execution and invokes the event handler, the handler is null. You’ll still get that NullReferenceException. How-ever, you’ll get it more rarely, and not in easy-to-reproduce scenarios.

This bug is much harder to diagnose and fix. The code looks correct. In order to see the error, you need to have threads execute code in exactly the right order. Experienced developers have learned from harsh expe-rience that this idiom is dangerous and have replaced it with this code:

public void RaiseUpdates()



var handler = Updated;

if (handler != null)

handler(this, counter);


This code has been the recommended practice for raising events in .NET and C#. It works, and it’s thread safe. But it has several issues in terms of readability. It’s not at all obvious how this change makes the previous code thread safe.

Let’s understand why this works and is thread safe.

The first line assigns the current event handler to a new local variable. That new local variable now contains a multicast delegate that refers to all the original handlers from the member variable event.

The event assignment creates a shallow copy of the right-hand side of the assignment. That shallow copy contains new copies of references to each

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如果要在 .NET 及 C# 里面触发事件,那么很多人都会推荐你采用这种写法。这确实





handler,于是,handler 里面就包含多播委托,该委托可以引用原来那个成员变量里


这样的赋值会对赋值符号右侧的内容做浅拷贝(shallow copy),也就是创建新的引

用,并令其指向原来的事件处理程序。如果 Updated 字段里面没有事件处理程序,那

么赋值符号右侧就是 null,赋值语句会把这个 null 值保存到左侧的变量中。

当另外一条线程把事件处理程序注销掉的时候,它只会修改类实例中的 Updated

字段,而不会把该处理程序同时从局部变量 handler 里面移走,因此,handler 中还




这种写法没有错,但是 .NET 开发新手却很难看懂,而且以后凡是要触发事件的地方

就都得按这种写法重复一遍才行。当然你也可以将其放在 private(私有)方法里面,并



有了 null 条件运算符之后,可以改用更为清晰的写法来实现:

Item 8: Use the Null Conditional Operator for Event Invocations ❘ 33

attached event handler. In the case of an event field with no attached handlers, the right-hand side is null, and the null value is stored in the left side of the assignment.

If code in another thread unsubscribes from the event, the unsubscribe code modifies the event field of the class, but it does not remove the event handler from the local variable. The local variable still has all the event subscribers that were present at the time of the copy.

Therefore, when this code checks for null, it’s viewing a snapshot of the event subscribers at the time the copy was made. Then the event is condi-tionally invoked, and all event handlers that were subscribed at the time of the copy will be invoked.

It works, but it’s not easy for new .NET developers to see and understand. Also, it must be replicated everywhere the event is raised. Alternatively, you can create a private method to raise the event and wrap this idiom in a private method.

That’s a lot of code and a lot of cognitive overhead for a feature that should be very easy to use: event invocation.

The null conditional operator restores this action to a much simpler code construct:

public void RaiseUpdates()



Updated?.Invoke(this, counter);


This code uses the null conditional operator (“?.”) to safely invoke the event handlers. The “?.” operator evaluates the left-hand side of the operator. If that evaluates to a non-null value, the expression on the right-hand side of the operator is executed. If the expression is null, it short-circuits and execution continues at the next statement.

It’s semantically similar to the earlier construct using if statements. The only exception is that the left-hand side of the “?.” operator is evaluated exactly once.

You must use the Invoke method when you use the “?.” operator because the language does not allow parentheses immediately following the “?.” operator. The compiler generates a type-safe Invoke() method for every delegate or event definition. That means the Invoke() is exactly the same code as raising the event directly as shown in the earlier examples.

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Page 34: C#语言的编程习惯 - Baiduimages.china-pub.com/ebook8000001-8005000/8004498/ch01.pdf · var的意义在于,你不用把变量的类型 告诉编译器,编译器会替你判断。

34   Effective C#:改善 C# 代码的 50 个有效方法

这段代码采用 null 条件运算符(也就是 ?.)安全地调用事件处理程序。该运算符首先

判断其左侧的内容,如果发现这个值不是 null,那就执行右侧的内容。反之,若为 null,


从语义上来看,这与早前的 if 结构类似,但区别在于 ?. 运算符左侧的内容只会计


由于 C# 语言不允许 ?. 运算符右侧直接出现一对括号,因此,必须用 Invoke 方

法去触发事件。每定义一种委托或事件,编译器就会为此生成类型安全的 Invoke() 方

法,这意味着,通过调用 Invoke 方法来触发事件,其效果与早前那种写法是完全相同




旧的习惯固然很难改掉,但对于写了很多年 .NET 程序的人来说,还是应该努力培养



NullReferenceException 问题,然后上网求助,那么会搜索到很多推荐旧式写法的




第 9 条:尽量避免装箱与取消装箱这两种操作


Framework 又必须设计 System.Object 这样一种引用类型,并将其放在整个对象体

系的根部,使得所有类型都成为由 Object 所派生出的多态类型。这两项目标是有所冲

突的。为了解决该冲突,.NET Framework 引入了装箱与取消装箱的机制。装箱的过程


值类型。取消装箱则是把已经装箱的那个值拷贝一份出来。如果要在只接受 System.

Object 类型或接口类型的地方使用值类型,那就必然涉及装箱及取消装箱。但这两项

Page 35: C#语言的编程习惯 - Baiduimages.china-pub.com/ebook8000001-8005000/8004498/ch01.pdf · var的意义在于,你不用把变量的类型 告诉编译器,编译器会替你判断。

第 1 章 C# 语言的编程习惯   35


查找的 bug。因此,应该尽量避免装箱与取消装箱这两种操作。


分配在堆上面的,其中含有原值的一份拷贝。图 1.1 描述了装箱对象怎样保存原值以及





图 1.1 位于箱中的值类型。为了把值类型转换成 System.Object 引用,系统需要创



自从 .NET 2.0 引入泛型之后,有很多装箱与解除装箱操作都可以用泛型类及泛型


.NET Framework 里面依然有许多方法接受的是 System.Object 类型的参数,如果你

要以值类型为参数来使用这些 API,那么仍会涉及装箱与解除装箱。这是自动发生的,

编译器会在需要使用 System.Object 等引用类型的地方生成相关的指令,以完成装箱



Item 9: Minimize Boxing and Unboxing ❘ 35

In many ways, the addition of generics in .NET 2.0 means that you can avoid boxing and unboxing simply by using generic classes and generic methods. That is certainly the most powerful way to create code that uses value types without unnecessary boxing operations. However, there are many locations in the .NET Framework where methods have parameters typed as System.Object. Those APIs still produce boxing and unboxing operations. It happens automatically. The compiler generates the boxing and unboxing instructions whenever you use a value type where a refer-ence type, such as System.Object, is expected. In addition, the boxing and unboxing operations occur when you use a value type through an inter-face pointer. You get no warnings—boxing just happens. Even a simple statement such as this performs boxing:

Console.WriteLine($"A few numbers:{firstNumber},

{secondNumber}, {thirdNumber}");

The work done to create the interpolated string uses an array of System.Object references. Integers are value types and must be boxed so that they can be passed to the compiler-generated method that creates the string from the values. The only way to coerce the three integer argu-ments into System.Object is to box them. In addition, inside this

Reference Type Container(The Box)

Allocated on the Heap

Value TypeContained in the Box


Mirror Value Type InterfacePass Through

Figure 1.1 Value type in a box. To convert a value type into a System.Object reference, an unnamed reference type is created. The value type is stored inline inside the unnamed reference type. All methods that access the value type are passed through the box to the stored value type.

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Page 36: C#语言的编程习惯 - Baiduimages.china-pub.com/ebook8000001-8005000/8004498/ch01.pdf · var的意义在于,你不用把变量的类型 告诉编译器,编译器会替你判断。

36   Effective C#:改善 C# 代码的 50 个有效方法

为了解读内插字符串,系统需要创建由 System.Object 引用所构成的数组,以


firstNumber 等变量却是整数变量,整数属于值类型,要想把它当成 System.Object

来用,就必须装箱。此外,该方法的代码还需要调用 ToString(),而这实际上相当于


36 ❘ Chapter 1 C # Language Idioms

method, code reaches inside the box to call the ToString() method of the object in the box. In a sense, you have generated this construct:

int i = 25;

object o = i; // box


The boxing and unboxing are repeated for each object. Inside the method that creates the string from the arguments, code like the following executes:

object firstParm = 5;

object o = firstParm;

int i = (int)o; // unbox

string output = i.ToString();

You would never write this code yourself. However, by letting the com-piler automatically convert from a specific value type to System.Object, you did let it happen. The compiler was just trying to help you. It wants you to succeed. It happily generates the boxing and unboxing statements necessary to convert any value type into an instance of System.Object. To avoid this particular penalty, you should convert your types to string instances yourself before you send them to WriteLine:

Console.WriteLine($@"A few numbers:{firstNumber.ToString()},

{secondNumber.ToString()}, {thirdNumber.ToString()}");

This code uses the known type of integer, and value types (integers) are never implicitly converted to System.Object. This common example illustrates the first rule to avoid boxing: Watch for implicit conversions to System.Object. Value types should not be substituted for System.Object if you can avoid it.

Another common case when you might inadvertently substitute a value type for System.Object is when you place value types in .NET 1.x collec-tions. You should use the generic collections added in the 2.0 version of the .NET BCL over the 1.x object-based collections. However, some components in the .NET BCL still use 1.x-style collections. You should understand the issues and how to avoid them.

The first incarnation of the .NET Framework collections stored refer-ences to System.Object instances. Anytime you add a value type to a collection, it goes in a box. Anytime you remove an object from a collec-tion, it gets copied from the box. Taking an object out of the box always

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Object 数组来创建字符串的方法会用与下面这段代码相似的逻辑来处理这些 Object:

36 ❘ Chapter 1 C # Language Idioms

method, code reaches inside the box to call the ToString() method of the object in the box. In a sense, you have generated this construct:

int i = 25;

object o = i; // box


The boxing and unboxing are repeated for each object. Inside the method that creates the string from the arguments, code like the following executes:

object firstParm = 5;

object o = firstParm;

int i = (int)o; // unbox

string output = i.ToString();

You would never write this code yourself. However, by letting the com-piler automatically convert from a specific value type to System.Object, you did let it happen. The compiler was just trying to help you. It wants you to succeed. It happily generates the boxing and unboxing statements necessary to convert any value type into an instance of System.Object. To avoid this particular penalty, you should convert your types to string instances yourself before you send them to WriteLine:

Console.WriteLine($@"A few numbers:{firstNumber.ToString()},

{secondNumber.ToString()}, {thirdNumber.ToString()}");

This code uses the known type of integer, and value types (integers) are never implicitly converted to System.Object. This common example illustrates the first rule to avoid boxing: Watch for implicit conversions to System.Object. Value types should not be substituted for System.Object if you can avoid it.

Another common case when you might inadvertently substitute a value type for System.Object is when you place value types in .NET 1.x collec-tions. You should use the generic collections added in the 2.0 version of the .NET BCL over the 1.x object-based collections. However, some components in the .NET BCL still use 1.x-style collections. You should understand the issues and how to avoid them.

The first incarnation of the .NET Framework collections stored refer-ences to System.Object instances. Anytime you add a value type to a collection, it goes in a box. Anytime you remove an object from a collec-tion, it gets copied from the box. Taking an object out of the box always

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转换成 System.Object,那么编译器就要执行类似的逻辑,以便令代码能够顺利编译。

在值类型的值与 System.Object 类型的实例之间相互转换会促使编译器生成必要的程


转换成 string,然后传给 WriteLine:

36 ❘ Chapter 1 C # Language Idioms

method, code reaches inside the box to call the ToString() method of the object in the box. In a sense, you have generated this construct:

int i = 25;

object o = i; // box


The boxing and unboxing are repeated for each object. Inside the method that creates the string from the arguments, code like the following executes:

object firstParm = 5;

object o = firstParm;

int i = (int)o; // unbox

string output = i.ToString();

You would never write this code yourself. However, by letting the com-piler automatically convert from a specific value type to System.Object, you did let it happen. The compiler was just trying to help you. It wants you to succeed. It happily generates the boxing and unboxing statements necessary to convert any value type into an instance of System.Object. To avoid this particular penalty, you should convert your types to string instances yourself before you send them to WriteLine:

Console.WriteLine($@"A few numbers:{firstNumber.ToString()},

{secondNumber.ToString()}, {thirdNumber.ToString()}");

This code uses the known type of integer, and value types (integers) are never implicitly converted to System.Object. This common example illustrates the first rule to avoid boxing: Watch for implicit conversions to System.Object. Value types should not be substituted for System.Object if you can avoid it.

Another common case when you might inadvertently substitute a value type for System.Object is when you place value types in .NET 1.x collec-tions. You should use the generic collections added in the 2.0 version of the .NET BCL over the 1.x object-based collections. However, some components in the .NET BCL still use 1.x-style collections. You should understand the issues and how to avoid them.

The first incarnation of the .NET Framework collections stored refer-ences to System.Object instances. Anytime you add a value type to a collection, it goes in a box. Anytime you remove an object from a collec-tion, it gets copied from the box. Taking an object out of the box always

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换成 System.Object。该写法也揭示出了避免装箱操作的第一条原则,就是要注意那

些会隐式转换成 System.Object 的地方。尽量不要在需要使用 System.Object 的


还有一个常见的问题也容易令开发者在本来应该使用 System.Object 的地方直接

放入值类型的值。这个问题与 .NET 1.x 风格的集合(collection)有关。由于 .NET 2.0 版

本的 BCL(基类库)已经添加了泛型集合,因此,开发者应该优先考虑这种写法,然而

Page 37: C#语言的编程习惯 - Baiduimages.china-pub.com/ebook8000001-8005000/8004498/ch01.pdf · var的意义在于,你不用把变量的类型 告诉编译器,编译器会替你判断。

第 1 章 C# 语言的编程习惯   37

.NET BCL 里面还是有一些组件在使用 1.x 风格的集合,因此需要理解这个问题的详细情


.NET Framework 初次实现的那种集合所保存的是指向 System.Object 实例的引



程序带来一些难以察觉的 bug,这些 bug 其实是由装箱操作的规则所导致的。下面来看



Item 9: Minimize Boxing and Unboxing ❘ 37

makes a copy. That introduces some subtle bugs into your application. Those bugs are the result of the rules that define boxing. Start with a simple structure that lets you modify one of its fields, and put some of those objects in a collection:

public struct Person


public string Name { get; set; }

public override string ToString()


return Name;



// Using the Person in a collection:

var attendees = new List<Person>();

Person p = new Person { Name = "Old Name" };


// Try to change the name:

// Would work if Person was a reference type.

Person p2 = attendees[0];

p2.Name = "New Name";

// Writes "Old Name":

Console.WriteLine(attendees[0].ToString( ));

int i = 25;

object o = i; // box


Person is a value type. The JIT compiler creates a specific closed generic type for List<Person> so that Person objects are not boxed, because they are stored in the attendees collection. Another copy gets made when you remove the Person object to access the Name property to change. All you did was change the copy. In fact, a third copy was made to call the ToString() function through the attendees[0] object. For this and many other reasons, you should create immutable value types.

Yes, value types can be converted to System.Object or any interface reference. Those conversions happen implicitly, complicating the task of

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由于 Person 是值类型,因此 JIT 编译器(Just-in-time compiler,即时编译器)会据

此创建 List<Person> 这样一个封闭的泛型类型,使得 Person 对象能够以未装箱的

形式放置在 attendees 集合中。但是,当从集合里面取出 Person 对象的时候,取出

来的却是原对象的一份拷贝,因此,所修改的 Name 属性实际上是拷贝出来的这个对象

所具备的 Name,而不是原来那个 Person 的 Name。此外,接下来在 attendees[0]

上面调用 ToString() 函数时,还得再创建一份拷贝。基于这个问题以及其他各种原

Page 38: C#语言的编程习惯 - Baiduimages.china-pub.com/ebook8000001-8005000/8004498/ch01.pdf · var的意义在于,你不用把变量的类型 告诉编译器,编译器会替你判断。

38   Effective C#:改善 C# 代码的 50 个有效方法


值类型可以转换成指向 System.Object 或其他接口的引用,但由于这种转换是默

默发生的,因此一旦出现问题就很难排查。运行环境以及 C# 语言本身设置了一些规则,


引发一些 bug。把值类型当成多态体系中的类型使用还会影响程序的性能。因此,要注

意那些会把值类型转换成 System.Object 类型或接口类型的地方,例如把值类型的值

放入集合、用值类型的值做参数来调用参数类型为 System.Object 的方法以及将这些

值转为 System.Object 等。这些做法都应该尽量避免。

第 10 条:只有在应对新版基类与现有子类之间的冲突时才应该使用 new修饰符

new 修饰符可以重新定义从基类继承下来的非虚成员,但这并不意味着你要处处


MyClass 与 MyOtherClass 在继承体系中是上下级的关系,那么很多开发者就会认为


38 ❘ Chapter 1 C # Language Idioms

finding them. Those are the rules of the environment and the language. The boxing and unboxing operations make copies where you might not expect. That causes bugs. There is also a performance cost to treating value types polymorphically. Be on the lookout for any constructs that convert value types to either System.Object or interface types: placing values in collections, calling methods defined in System.Object, and casts to System.Object. Avoid these whenever you can.

Item 10: Use the new Modifier Only to React to Base Class Updates

You can use the new modifier on a class member to redefine a nonvirtual member inherited from a base class. Just because you can do something doesn’t mean you should, though. Redefining nonvirtual methods creates ambiguous behavior. Most developers would look at these two blocks of code and immediately assume that they do exactly the same thing, if the two classes are related by inheritance:

object c = MakeObject();

// Call through MyClass reference:

MyClass cl = c as MyClass;


// Call through MyOtherClass reference:

MyOtherClass cl2 = c as MyOtherClass;


When the new modifier is involved, that just isn’t the case:

public class MyClass


public void MagicMethod()



// details elided.



public class MyOtherClass : MyClass


Wagner_Book-Print.indb 38 11/8/16 11:22 AM

但若用了 new 修饰符,则未必如此:

38 ❘ Chapter 1 C # Language Idioms

finding them. Those are the rules of the environment and the language. The boxing and unboxing operations make copies where you might not expect. That causes bugs. There is also a performance cost to treating value types polymorphically. Be on the lookout for any constructs that convert value types to either System.Object or interface types: placing values in collections, calling methods defined in System.Object, and casts to System.Object. Avoid these whenever you can.

Item 10: Use the new Modifier Only to React to Base Class Updates

You can use the new modifier on a class member to redefine a nonvirtual member inherited from a base class. Just because you can do something doesn’t mean you should, though. Redefining nonvirtual methods creates ambiguous behavior. Most developers would look at these two blocks of code and immediately assume that they do exactly the same thing, if the two classes are related by inheritance:

object c = MakeObject();

// Call through MyClass reference:

MyClass cl = c as MyClass;


// Call through MyOtherClass reference:

MyOtherClass cl2 = c as MyOtherClass;


When the new modifier is involved, that just isn’t the case:

public class MyClass


public void MagicMethod()



// details elided.



public class MyOtherClass : MyClass


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Page 39: C#语言的编程习惯 - Baiduimages.china-pub.com/ebook8000001-8005000/8004498/ch01.pdf · var的意义在于,你不用把变量的类型 告诉编译器,编译器会替你判断。

第 1 章 C# 语言的编程习惯   39

38 ❘ Chapter 1 C # Language Idioms

finding them. Those are the rules of the environment and the language. The boxing and unboxing operations make copies where you might not expect. That causes bugs. There is also a performance cost to treating value types polymorphically. Be on the lookout for any constructs that convert value types to either System.Object or interface types: placing values in collections, calling methods defined in System.Object, and casts to System.Object. Avoid these whenever you can.

Item 10: Use the new Modifier Only to React to Base Class Updates

You can use the new modifier on a class member to redefine a nonvirtual member inherited from a base class. Just because you can do something doesn’t mean you should, though. Redefining nonvirtual methods creates ambiguous behavior. Most developers would look at these two blocks of code and immediately assume that they do exactly the same thing, if the two classes are related by inheritance:

object c = MakeObject();

// Call through MyClass reference:

MyClass cl = c as MyClass;


// Call through MyOtherClass reference:

MyOtherClass cl2 = c as MyOtherClass;


When the new modifier is involved, that just isn’t the case:

public class MyClass


public void MagicMethod()



// details elided.



public class MyOtherClass : MyClass


Wagner_Book-Print.indb 38 11/8/16 11:22 AM

Item 10: Use the new Modifier Only to React to Base Class Updates ❘ 39

// Redefine MagicMethod for this class.

public new void MagicMethod()



// details elided



This kind of practice leads to a lot of developer confusion. If you call the same function on the same object, you expect the same code to execute. The fact that changing the reference or label that you use to call the function changes the behavior feels very wrong. It’s inconsistent. A MyOtherClass object behaves differently in response to how you refer to it. The new modi-fier does not make a nonvirtual method into a virtual method after the fact. Instead, it lets you add a different method in your class’s naming scope.

Nonvirtual methods are statically bound. Any source code anywhere that references MyClass.MagicMethod() calls exactly that function. Nothing in the runtime looks for a different version defined in any derived classes. Virtual functions, on the other hand, are dynamically bound. The runtime invokes the proper function based on the runtime type of the object.

The recommendation to avoid using the new modifier to redefine non-virtual functions should not be interpreted as a recommendation to make everything virtual when you define base classes. A library designer makes a contract when making a function virtual. You indicate that any derived class is expected to change the implementation of virtual functions. The set of virtual functions defines all behaviors that derived classes are expected to change. The “virtual by default” design says that derived classes can modify all the behavior of your class. It really says that you didn’t think through all the ramifications of which behaviors derived classes might want to modify. Instead, spend the time to think through what methods and properties are intended as polymorphic. Make those—and only those—virtual. Don’t think of it as restricting the users of your class. Instead, think of it as providing guidance for the entry points you provided for customizing the behavior of your types.

There is one time, and one time only, when you want to use the new mod-ifier. You add the new modifier to incorporate a new version of a base class that contains a method name that you already use. You’ve already

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这样写出来的代码是令人困惑的,因为在同一个对象 c 上面调用同一个方法

MagicMethod() 居然产生了不同的结果。无论是用 cl 还是用 cl2 来指代这个对象,

MagicMethod() 的行为都应该保持一致才对,但实际上,该方法的行为却取决于你是

用 MyClass 类型的引用来指代这个 MyOtherClass 对象还是用 MyOtherClass 类型

的引用来指代它。new 修饰符并不会把本来是非虚的方法转变成虚方法,而是会在类的


非虚的方法是静态绑定的,也就是说,凡是引用 MyClass.MagicMethod() 的地

方到了运行的时候执行的都是 MyClass 类里面的那个 MagicMethod,即便派生类里面



笔者不推荐用 new 修饰符重新定义非虚的方法,但这并非是在鼓励你把基类的每个







些内容用 virtual加以修饰。这不是给该类的使用者施加限制,而是在引导其正确地使

用这个类,因为这些标注成 virtual 的方法与属性会令他们意识到,只有这些行为才


Page 40: C#语言的编程习惯 - Baiduimages.china-pub.com/ebook8000001-8005000/8004498/ch01.pdf · var的意义在于,你不用把变量的类型 告诉编译器,编译器会替你判断。

40   Effective C#:改善 C# 代码的 50 个有效方法

唯一一种应该使用 new 修饰符的情况是:新版的基类里面添加了一个方法,而那个




类,该类继承自另一个程序库中的 BaseWidget 类:

40 ❘ Chapter 1 C # Language Idioms

got code that depends on the name of the method in your class. You might already have other assemblies in the field that use this method. You’ve created the following class in your library, using BaseWidget which is defined in another library:

public class MyWidget : BaseWidget


public new void NormalizeValues()


// details elided.



You finish your widget, and customers are using it. Then you find that the BaseWidget company has released a new version. Eagerly awaiting new fea-tures, you immediately purchase it and try to build your MyWidget class. It fails because the BaseWidget folks have added their own NormalizeValues method:

public class BaseWidget


public void Normalizevalues()


// details elided.



This is a problem. Your base class snuck a method underneath your class’s naming scope. There are two ways to fix this. You could change the name of your NormalizeValues method. Note that I’ve implied that BaseWidget.NormalizeValues() is semantically the same operation as MyWidget.NormalizeAllValues. If not, you should not call the base class implementation.

public class MyWidget : BaseWidget


public void NormalizeAllValues()


// details elided.

// Call the base class only if (by luck)

// the new method does the same operation.




Wagner_Book-Print.indb 40 11/8/16 11:22 AM

写好这个 widget 之后,客户代码就开始使用它了。过了一阵,制作 BaseWidget


但这次在构建 MyWidget 类的时候却发现代码无法编译,因为 BaseWidget 里面恰好

也加入了名为 NormalizeValues 的方法:

40 ❘ Chapter 1 C # Language Idioms

got code that depends on the name of the method in your class. You might already have other assemblies in the field that use this method. You’ve created the following class in your library, using BaseWidget which is defined in another library:

public class MyWidget : BaseWidget


public new void NormalizeValues()


// details elided.



You finish your widget, and customers are using it. Then you find that the BaseWidget company has released a new version. Eagerly awaiting new fea-tures, you immediately purchase it and try to build your MyWidget class. It fails because the BaseWidget folks have added their own NormalizeValues method:

public class BaseWidget


public void Normalizevalues()


// details elided.



This is a problem. Your base class snuck a method underneath your class’s naming scope. There are two ways to fix this. You could change the name of your NormalizeValues method. Note that I’ve implied that BaseWidget.NormalizeValues() is semantically the same operation as MyWidget.NormalizeAllValues. If not, you should not call the base class implementation.

public class MyWidget : BaseWidget


public void NormalizeAllValues()


// details elided.

// Call the base class only if (by luck)

// the new method does the same operation.




Wagner_Book-Print.indb 40 11/8/16 11:22 AM



问题有两种解决办法。第一是把自己的类所具备的 NormalizeValues方法改成

NormalizeAllValues。如果该方法在语义上面会把基类的 BaseWidget.Normalize-

Values() 方法所做的操作也执行一遍,那么应该在实现代码里面调用基类的版本,否


40 ❘ Chapter 1 C # Language Idioms

got code that depends on the name of the method in your class. You might already have other assemblies in the field that use this method. You’ve created the following class in your library, using BaseWidget which is defined in another library:

public class MyWidget : BaseWidget


public new void NormalizeValues()


// details elided.



You finish your widget, and customers are using it. Then you find that the BaseWidget company has released a new version. Eagerly awaiting new fea-tures, you immediately purchase it and try to build your MyWidget class. It fails because the BaseWidget folks have added their own NormalizeValues method:

public class BaseWidget


public void Normalizevalues()


// details elided.



This is a problem. Your base class snuck a method underneath your class’s naming scope. There are two ways to fix this. You could change the name of your NormalizeValues method. Note that I’ve implied that BaseWidget.NormalizeValues() is semantically the same operation as MyWidget.NormalizeAllValues. If not, you should not call the base class implementation.

public class MyWidget : BaseWidget


public void NormalizeAllValues()


// details elided.

// Call the base class only if (by luck)

// the new method does the same operation.




Wagner_Book-Print.indb 40 11/8/16 11:22 AM

Page 41: C#语言的编程习惯 - Baiduimages.china-pub.com/ebook8000001-8005000/8004498/ch01.pdf · var的意义在于,你不用把变量的类型 告诉编译器,编译器会替你判断。

第 1 章 C# 语言的编程习惯   41

40 ❘ Chapter 1 C # Language Idioms

got code that depends on the name of the method in your class. You might already have other assemblies in the field that use this method. You’ve created the following class in your library, using BaseWidget which is defined in another library:

public class MyWidget : BaseWidget


public new void NormalizeValues()


// details elided.



You finish your widget, and customers are using it. Then you find that the BaseWidget company has released a new version. Eagerly awaiting new fea-tures, you immediately purchase it and try to build your MyWidget class. It fails because the BaseWidget folks have added their own NormalizeValues method:

public class BaseWidget


public void Normalizevalues()


// details elided.



This is a problem. Your base class snuck a method underneath your class’s naming scope. There are two ways to fix this. You could change the name of your NormalizeValues method. Note that I’ve implied that BaseWidget.NormalizeValues() is semantically the same operation as MyWidget.NormalizeAllValues. If not, you should not call the base class implementation.

public class MyWidget : BaseWidget


public void NormalizeAllValues()


// details elided.

// Call the base class only if (by luck)

// the new method does the same operation.




Wagner_Book-Print.indb 40 11/8/16 11:22 AM

第二种办法,是用 new 修饰符来修饰子类的同名方法:

Item 10: Use the new Modifier Only to React to Base Class Updates ❘ 41

Or, you could use the new modifier:

public class MyWidget : BaseWidget


public new void NormalizeValues()


// details elided.

// Call the base class only if (by luck)

// the new method does the same operation.




If you have access to the source for all clients of the MyWidget class, you should change the method name because it’s easier in the long run. However, if you have released your MyWidget class to the world, that would force all your users to make numerous changes. That’s where the new modifier comes in handy. Your clients will continue to use your NormalizeValues() method without changing. None of them would be calling BaseWidget.NormalizeValues() because it does not exist. The new modifier handles the case where an upgrade to a base class collides with a member that you previously declared in your class.

Of course, over time, your users might begin wanting to use the BaseWidget.NormalizeValues() method. Then you are back to the original problem: two methods that look the same but are different. Think through all the long-term ramifications of the new modifier. Sometimes the short-term inconvenience of changing your method is still better.

The new modifier must be used with caution. If you apply it indiscrim-inately, you create ambiguous method calls in your objects. It’s for the special case in which upgrades in your base class cause collisions in your class. Even in that situation, think carefully before using it. Most impor-tantly, don’t use it in any other situations.

Wagner_Book-Print.indb 41 11/8/16 11:22 AM

如果使用 MyWidget 类的所有客户端其代码都受你控制,那么就应该把那些代

码 里 面 所 调 用 的 方 法 从 NormalizeValues 改 成 NormalizeAllValues, 以 便

令将来的开发工作能够容易一些。反之,如果 MyWidget已经公开发布了,那么很



沿用子类的 NormalizeValues()方法。它们不可能去调用基类的 BaseWidget.


在这种情况下使用 new修饰符是为了解决新版基类与现有子类之间的冲突,因为基类里面


当然了,这并非长久之计,因为用户以后还是会逐渐用到基类的 BaseWidget.

NormalizeValues() 方法,到了那个时候,老问题又会出现,那就是:在同一个对象

上面,通过不同类型的引用来调用同一个方法会表现出不同的行为。因此,使用 new 修


做大量的工作,但是从长远来看,其效果要比使用 new 修饰符更好。

new 修饰符一定要慎重地使用,如果不假思索地滥用,就会给在对象上面调用这种



除此之外的其他情况决不应该使用 new 修饰符。