Carlos Setoain portfolio



My Portfolio in online PDF version

Transcript of Carlos Setoain portfolio

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and the overall experience of designing something from the ground up, are at the top of that list.

If you want to see my portfolio is up and ready at ( ).

I am Carlos Setoain, and I am an automotive and product designer with keen eye for detail and focus on cohesion. I belive form should follow function and the design needs to be inspired by both emotion and function. while sometimes is very important to do style exercices and experiment with unknown technolo-gies, I believe design should always be functional and realistic. Is the challenge of designing something creative that complies the limitations of package and that is in line with the context that drives my passion for design.

and iteration. It is very important to listen and learn from other people opinions and approaches in order to combine them and build something completely new. For that being communicative, patient and open minded are qualities that I consider a must.

I like to see myself as a two faced man, for one side I am very pragmatic, analytical and technical; but on the other I am creative, curious and enthu-siastic.

details have been solved, the true creative design process starts.

Soy Carlos Setoain, y soy diseæador de automoci�n y producto con buen ojo para los detalles y la

por la emoci�n como por la funci�n. Aunque a veces es muy importante hacer ejercicios de estilo y experi-mentar con tecnolog�as desconocidas, creo que el diseæo debe ser siempre funcional y realista. Es el

que se ha diseæado, es lo que impulsa mi pasi�n por el diseæo.

No me asusta el trabajo duro, y no rehuso a dedicar gran cantidad de horas en mis proyectos, no me malin-terpreten, abogo por el tiempo de trabajo de calidad y no de cantidad, pero en ocasiones en el diseæo no todo puede ser optimizado, en ocasiones hay procesos que requieren de mucho tiempo.

y la iteraci�n.

-mente nuevo. En mi opini�n es fundamental ser comunicativo, paciente y de mente abierta, ya que para mejorar un diseæo hay que estar abierto a recibir inputs de otra gente con visiones muy distintas del diseæo.

Yo siendo un diseæador me resulta fÆcil trabajar en horarios apretados y bajo presi�n, me parece que es la segunda naturaleza de esta profesi�n. La gente creativa, tendemos siempre a buscar una forma de mejorar nuestras creaciones, nunca estamos satisfechos. Buscamos la perfecci�n y

nos encanta hacer cambios de œltima hora, estamos acostumbrados a trabajar a contrarreloj.

Me gusta verme a m� mismo como un hombre con dos caras, por un lado soy muy pragmÆtico, anal�tico y tØcnico; pero por otro soy creativo, curioso y entusiasta.

-to, analizo no s�lo la funci�n y la ergonom�a, sino que tambiØn la usabilidad y posteriormente busco una soluci�n tØcnica al proyecto. Y s�lo despuØs de que todos los detalles tØcnicos y la funcionalidad se han resuelto, el proceso de diseæo creativo comienza.

Si quieres ver mi portfolio para ver algunos de mis proyectos dirigete a: (

20/10/1991Pg Bonanova 99 1-2,

08017.Barcelona, Spain

+34 [email protected]




Jordi Nogues S.L.

Sep 2013-Present

BLS-BCNBarcelona Architecture StudioJun11 - Aug11

Model Maker in TrainingModel maker in trainig, worked as an intern helping the team of architects to build mock up models and full building models from balsa wood, foamcore and other popular materials.

BLS-BCNBarcelona Architecture StudioJun 2012-Aug 2012

Model MakerPrototype development and model making assistant for an architecture studio. Working in concept models of interiors and complete buildings and also in workable prototypes to test new ideas and concepts on the spot.

ELISAVABarcelona Design School2010-2014

Product DesignTransportation DesignTools and ManufacturingHousehold Equipment

CCACalifornia College of the Arts2012

Industrial Design (Exchange/Erasmus) Model Making Basic Electronics Industrial Design Design Comunication

Fundaci� CIM-UPCBarcelona techAugust 2012

Technical formation in advanced Solidworks

ENGLISHFluently, with more than a year studying abroad in the USA and Canada

CASTELLANO Idioma materno.

CATAL�Llengua d’escolaritzaci�, amb nivell c corresponent al t�tol de batxille-rat.

SOFTWARERhinoceros 4.0 and 5.0, Solidworks (from 09 to 2014), V Ray, Keyshot 4, Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Sketchbook Pro and wacom tablets. User of both Mac and Windows OS.


OTHER SKILLSAdvanced foam modeling, intermidiate clay modeling, user of 3D printing, Wacom cintiq regular user.

Automotive DesignerDesign and development of an electric car that is inspired in a classic car.

My tasks at the company, range from the development of the bodywork in 3D CAD for future production to chassis CAD design, including designing other mechanical parts or esthetic components.

contacting the suppliers, and deciding which components are better -

tial or which gearbox or electric engine and batteries, are best suited for our project.

prototype that is expected to be ready for testing early this summer.

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and the overall experience of designing something from the ground up, are at the top of that list.

If you want to see my portfolio is up and ready at ( ).

I am Carlos Setoain, and I am an automotive and product designer with keen eye for detail and focus on cohesion. I belive form should follow function and the design needs to be inspired by both emotion and function. while sometimes is very important to do style exercices and experiment with unknown technolo-gies, I believe design should always be functional and realistic. Is the challenge of designing something creative that complies the limitations of package and that is in line with the context that drives my passion for design.

and iteration. It is very important to listen and learn from other people opinions and approaches in order to combine them and build something completely new. For that being communicative, patient and open minded are qualities that I consider a must.

I like to see myself as a two faced man, for one side I am very pragmatic, analytical and technical; but on the other I am creative, curious and enthu-siastic.

details have been solved, the true creative design process starts.

Soy Carlos Setoain, y soy diseæador de automoci�n y producto con buen ojo para los detalles y la

por la emoci�n como por la funci�n. Aunque a veces es muy importante hacer ejercicios de estilo y experi-mentar con tecnolog�as desconocidas, creo que el diseæo debe ser siempre funcional y realista. Es el

que se ha diseæado, es lo que impulsa mi pasi�n por el diseæo.

No me asusta el trabajo duro, y no rehuso a dedicar gran cantidad de horas en mis proyectos, no me malin-terpreten, abogo por el tiempo de trabajo de calidad y no de cantidad, pero en ocasiones en el diseæo no todo puede ser optimizado, en ocasiones hay procesos que requieren de mucho tiempo.

y la iteraci�n.

-mente nuevo. En mi opini�n es fundamental ser comunicativo, paciente y de mente abierta, ya que para mejorar un diseæo hay que estar abierto a recibir inputs de otra gente con visiones muy distintas del diseæo.

Yo siendo un diseæador me resulta fÆcil trabajar en horarios apretados y bajo presi�n, me parece que es la segunda naturaleza de esta profesi�n. La gente creativa, tendemos siempre a buscar una forma de mejorar nuestras creaciones, nunca estamos satisfechos. Buscamos la perfecci�n y

nos encanta hacer cambios de œltima hora, estamos acostumbrados a trabajar a contrarreloj.

Me gusta verme a m� mismo como un hombre con dos caras, por un lado soy muy pragmÆtico, anal�tico y tØcnico; pero por otro soy creativo, curioso y entusiasta.

-to, analizo no s�lo la funci�n y la ergonom�a, sino que tambiØn la usabilidad y posteriormente busco una soluci�n tØcnica al proyecto. Y s�lo despuØs de que todos los detalles tØcnicos y la funcionalidad se han resuelto, el proceso de diseæo creativo comienza.

Si quieres ver mi portfolio para ver algunos de mis proyectos dirigete a: (

20/10/1991Pg Bonanova 99 1-2,

08017.Barcelona, Spain

+34 [email protected]




Jordi Nogues S.L.

Sep 2013-Present

BLS-BCNBarcelona Architecture StudioJun11 - Aug11

Model Maker in TrainingModel maker in trainig, worked as an intern helping the team of architects to build mock up models and full building models from balsa wood, foamcore and other popular materials.

BLS-BCNBarcelona Architecture StudioJun 2012-Aug 2012

Model MakerPrototype development and model making assistant for an architecture studio. Working in concept models of interiors and complete buildings and also in workable prototypes to test new ideas and concepts on the spot.

ELISAVABarcelona Design School2010-2014

Product DesignTransportation DesignTools and ManufacturingHousehold Equipment

CCACalifornia College of the Arts2012

Industrial Design (Exchange/Erasmus) Model Making Basic Electronics Industrial Design Design Comunication

Fundaci� CIM-UPCBarcelona techAugust 2012

Technical formation in advanced Solidworks

ENGLISHFluently, with more than a year studying abroad in the USA and Canada

CASTELLANO Idioma materno.

CATAL�Llengua d’escolaritzaci�, amb nivell c corresponent al t�tol de batxille-rat.

SOFTWARERhinoceros 4.0 and 5.0, Solidworks (from 09 to 2014), V Ray, Keyshot 4, Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Sketchbook Pro and wacom tablets. User of both Mac and Windows OS.


OTHER SKILLSAdvanced foam modeling, intermidiate clay modeling, user of 3D printing, Wacom cintiq regular user.

Automotive DesignerDesign and development of an electric car that is inspired in a classic car.

My tasks at the company, range from the development of the bodywork in 3D CAD for future production to chassis CAD design, including designing other mechanical parts or esthetic components.

contacting the suppliers, and deciding which components are better -

tial or which gearbox or electric engine and batteries, are best suited for our project.

prototype that is expected to be ready for testing early this summer.

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Product Design

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2020 Delorean

Eduard BonifacioCarlos Setoain

context inspiration packagedesigned for back to the future enthusiasts

Front View DetailJet Air Exit Jet Turbine Rims

DMC 20 DOC VERSION DMC 20 Jet engine

Special Hood

DOC Trunk Version

Redesigning the DeLorean DMC12 for the year 2020

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2020 Delorean

Eduard BonifacioCarlos Setoain

context inspiration packagedesigned for back to the future enthusiasts

Front View DetailJet Air Exit Jet Turbine Rims

DMC 20 DOC VERSION DMC 20 Jet engine

Special Hood

DOC Trunk Version

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Redesigning the DeLorean DMC12 for the year 2020

Redesigning the past isn’t easy, you have to keep the overall concept, and you must follow the same design language, and keep a few characteristic design elements in order to create a car that repre-sents the preconceived idea of what it must be. It’s not an evolution of the design, its guessing how the car would look in the present or a near future. But while doing so the car has to be modern, futuristic and inspiring, doing so with a car that was born in the box era (where all cars had straight lines, and box like bodywork) makes this a rather complicated task.

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Ghiribizzo _______________________________Inspirada en el mundo de las carreras para gente apasionada al motor, no es solo un mueble o un elemento decorati-vo, es una declaración, una muestra más de tu pasión por el mundo de los auto-móviles.

Ligera, robusta, agresiva, singular, el capricho, Ghiribizzo by Superbformance Italia.

Gracias al diseño de la geometría del módulo, El mueble está compuesto por un conjunto de caras planas de 50cmx50cm y 25x50 dispuestas en ángulos de 60º y 120º generando una geometría cerrada.

Modular furniture, Ghiribizzo is a modular shelve that serves as a space divider.

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Ghiribizzo _______________________________Inspirada en el mundo de las carreras para gente apasionada al motor, no es solo un mueble o un elemento decorati-vo, es una declaración, una muestra más de tu pasión por el mundo de los auto-móviles.

Ligera, robusta, agresiva, singular, el capricho, Ghiribizzo by Superbformance Italia.

Gracias al diseño de la geometría del módulo, El mueble está compuesto por un conjunto de caras planas de 50cmx50cm y 25x50 dispuestas en ángulos de 60º y 120º generando una geometría cerrada.

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Gentleman RacerPersona entre los 30 y 60 años, adinerada y dedicada a la pasión del automovilístico. Le atrae la arquitectura de alto nivel, es una persona elegante. Su pasión por los coches clásicos de altas presta-ciones, así como las gentleman cups (trofeos de carreras en coche realizados por clientes privados) lo convierten en un apasionado de la ligereza y la calidad de los materiales. Acude con regularidad a eventos tales como Godwood Festival of Speed, Concurso d’Eleganza Villa d’Este, etc. Es una persona que mira mucho el detalle y aprecia el buen trabajo a mano. En cuanto a arquitectura y diseño, le gusta el diseño atrevido, y la concordancia entre elementos, la mayoría de su mobi-liario, ha sido seleccionado con el criterio, que dice, no importa cuán cómoda o practica es una pieza, sino que valora el ejercicio de diseño como algo que debe ser contemplado, y analizado con profundidad. Son muebles con carácter propio, muebles capaces de llenar un espacio vacío y aportarle carácter y estilo.

With the goal of designing a furniture that would match and represent the automotive world, the Ghi-ribizzo was born. A modular furniture that gives freedom to the user by allowing him to build new shapes and design new spaces with total freedom. At the same time, the materials used to build each module are common racing materials, such as carbon fiber and magnesium alloy.

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Thanks to its shape, built from 5 sides measuring 25cm and 5 sides doing 50cm in length placed at 120* one to another, this modular furniture is capable of amazing and unique stacking capabilities, the 50cm depth is key to multi directional junctions and the 5mm thickness helps to make this furniture lightweight but strong. The racing center lock (magnesium alloy) screws help bolt the pieces together.

The use of wood laminate and anodized aluminum laminate applied to the surface of the Ghiribizzo is thought to break monotony and to generate and draw attention from the people around.

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The future of electric transportation is here.

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The future of electric transportation is here.

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Carver is the newest personal transportation electric system designed to be the perfect companion on your journey.

Carver is a Crossbreed between a mountain-board (extreme skateboard capable of off-roading), a Kick-scooter and a Brompton foldable bike.

Thanks to an especially engineered axle, the Carver can tilt in a motorbike fashion while having 4 wheels. This axle also allows the Carve to also have a regular direc-tion, like the ones you would find in bikes. To achieve so it’s used a dual pivot system that grants the 4 wheels will stay in contact with the ground all the time, and while you tilt the carve, so do the wheels. By achieving this, the driving style is carving like in motorcycling.

Thanks to the upright driving position, is easy and fast to get off of it, but it also allows for the use of passive suspension, the fiberglass reinforced bamboo boards have both stren-gth and flexibility; the carbon fiber boards add lightness and strength to the mix. Thanks to its curved and convex shape the boards act as a springs that dampen any vibration produced by rough terrain. This has been proven to work in the world of Mountain-boarding for years.

Because the Carve is thought to be portable, the platform can be folded flat against the cargo and batteries compartment. Then the Carver becomes a trolley with some interesting features.By folding the board, some additional wheels are deployed from underneath, allowing the Car-ve to stand still, and to be pulled without the need of lifting part of its weight.And thanks to a pressure sensitive handle, no matter what scenario you face, the electric motors on the front wheels will activate to keep up with your speed. You won’t be lifting nor carrying weight any more, you will be able to move it with even one finger.

Therefore is the perfect personal transportation device you can find. All that at a fraction of the cost of more expensive solutions like Segway.

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Interior Design

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El Merendero//PROJECTES III /

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El Merendero/

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/This project consisted in designing a place where people could bring their food and eat by the beach, this is commonly known as a “merendero”.

The concept soon evolved into a place to come and have a BBQ with the friends./

/A family could come in and heat their food with a minimum fee, and in case they wanted to buy meat fruit or drinks, there is a fridge at which you can purchase

food at the price of a supermarket./

/Specially designed tables that have electric BBQ incorporated, so that the one that everybody can cook their food without having to send a friend “alone” to

cook everyones meal./

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Meanwhile the Paseig Maritim pathway remains clear for people to walk past by, and offers a comfortable shadow that tempts the passers to stay in the bar.

Thanks to its open design, the bar has a lot of natural light

Those families that wish to stay outsi-de, can also have a meal in the exterior tables, thanks to the roof design, that emerges from the inside of the bar, the light of the sun is filtered. The outside space is designed for large groups of people.



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Sony Alpha Phone.

This project was set to design a came-ra for the year 2020, with plausible technology.

Nowadays people no longer buy point and shoot cameras, they either only have their camera phones, or they have a camera phone and an SLR.Supposedly, in 2020 a new techno-logy of hi-efficiency and hi-charge batteries will exist. Processors will be powerful, and phones will have ca-meras that can almost compete aga-inst basic DSLR.But there is no future that can defy physics. A bigger sensor is able to capture more light, and therefore more color. A properly engineered focus lens will always be better than digital zoom… That is why full fra-me sized sensors will be a standard among DSLR.So why not make the very first mi-rroress DSLR Phone with a full frame sensor.

By the time of the project, Sony al-ready had a compact DSLR came-ra that had all the comfort and size of a point and shoot camera and all the performance of a DSLR. But for comfort reasons, and to be able to fit a battery to power it, it was a bit bulky.

With the said future technology of batteries, small and powerful, battery life is a problem of the past. Comfort and ergonomics could come in the form of add on cases that improves ergonomics and could perhaps en-hance performance and functiona-lity. Thanks to its specially designed connection pins, knobs, buttons, flashes, and many more things can be added to the phone easily.

Because you don’t want to carry everyday a DSLR lens. The camera can be covered with a fixed lens and a fixed resolution, and when better performance is needed, you can re-move it and place a proper DSLR lens and take benefit of the full frame.

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Glow in the dark ink

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Copy Labs

Copy Labs is part of a 3D modeling and 3D ren-dering subject in my school program. We had to copy the design of a real object, make an accurate and exact digital copy of the original product. And then redesign with minor changes to the product, and make a commercial banner to showcase the new product.With the Stabilo, a new clear cap, and an amazing glow in the dark ink.

For the standard USB that was provided by the school. I decided to change materials, to give it a premium feel. Gunmetal grey for the exterior, rubberized plas-tic for the top and bottom, and some glossy black plastic accents with bright orange LED logos. It all combines to give it a rugged appearance that resembles the built quality of Sony cameras.

Glow in the dark ink

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