Cara Membuat Stub in Tee Dan Reinforced Pad

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Cara Membuat Stub in Tee Dan Reinforced Pad

Transcript of Cara Membuat Stub in Tee Dan Reinforced Pad

  • Cara Membuat Stub In Tee dan Reinforced Pad

    - Create Stub in tee di Header Pipe

    - Posisi di Stub in tee lalu ketik di command line Q P3 untuk mengetahui posisi P3 dari Stub In Tee

    brjoganiSticky NoteThe position on the stub in a tee and then type in the command line to determine the position of Q P3 P3 from Stub In Tee

  • - Lalu ubah posisi Stub in tee ke arah Elbow yaitu ke arah North 45 ke East - Ketik di command line DIR AND P3 is N45E (posisi pada stub in tee)

    brjoganiSticky NoteThen change the position Stub in Elbow toward the tee toward North 45 to the East-Type in the command line DIR AND P3 is N45E (position on the stub in tee)

  • - Lalu pilih Stub in Tee lalu ketik di command line POS P3 PLAN N45W TO ID@ (arahnya kebalikan dari posisi P3 dari Stub in tee)

    - Lalu Klik Elbow

    brjoganiSticky NoteThen select Stub in Tee and type in the command line POS P3 N45W PLAN TO ID @ (direction opposite of the position of the Stub in P3 tee)

  • - Lalu posisi pada Elbow branch lalu Klik ConnectBranch - Tail To Tee ( Klik stub in tee)

    brjoganiSticky NoteElbow pad posisi Lalu Lalu branch Click Connect Branch ...-This Tail Tee (Click stub in tee)