綠度⺟法本儀軌 ⾦剛薩埵修持儀軌 了義⼤⼿印祈請⽂1 Mahakala Short Sadhana 天...

1 Mahakala Short Sadhana ⼤⿊天⾦剛儀軌 The Aspiration Prayer of Mahamudra 了義⼤⼿印祈請⽂ The Aspiration Prayer of Bodhisattva Samantabhadra 普賢菩薩⾏願讃 Green Tara Sadhana 綠度⺟法本儀軌 The Dorje Sempa Recitation Practice⾦剛薩埵修持儀軌

Transcript of 綠度⺟法本儀軌 ⾦剛薩埵修持儀軌 了義⼤⼿印祈請⽂1 Mahakala Short Sadhana 天...

Page 2: 綠度⺟法本儀軌 ⾦剛薩埵修持儀軌 了義⼤⼿印祈請⽂1 Mahakala Short Sadhana 天 剛儀軌The Aspiration Prayer of Mahamudra 了義 印祈請 The Aspiration Prayer


Prayer of the Pure Realm of Sukhavati 淨⼟修持儀軌札記要略 (1/2)

Prayer of the Pure Realm of Sukhavati 淨⼟修持儀軌札記要略 (2/2)

The White Path to Liberation Sadhana 解脫唯⽩道之極樂淨⼟銘⽂儀軌

Prostrations to the Thirty-five Buddhas 三⼗五佛懺悔⽂暨四座上師相應法

An Aspiration for Birth in the Pure Realm of Sukhavati 阿彌陀佛極樂淨⼟祈願⽂