Caesar- Herod Nexus

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  • 7/29/2019 Caesar- Herod Nexus


    Caesar Herod Nexus

    Ahmad Imran

    While Neo-Colonialism is not inherently incorrect in assessing the Post WWII

    relations between France, US and their former colonies. Neo-Colonialism has been

    tainted due to its over use by the leftists like Marxists, socialists and democratic socialists

    and thus both Dependency Theory (1) and Neo-Colonialism (2) must be re-visited only

    because the world is increasingly affected by Neo-Liberal and Neo-Conservative runUnited States in the absence of any other global power making it the only super power in

    a Unipolar world. Thus the an explanation of what is the nature of the relationship that

    explains developed and the developing world must be revised towards a more right

    leaning paradigm to accommodate a global and US shift towards the right of center


    In essence the United States has become the Persian Empire of the Classical

    times, however, the two differ greatly in their styles of governance. .The relations being

    exercised between US and the Developing World specially the Broader Middle East can

    only be explained by what we will call the "Caesar-Herod Nexus".


    We know how democracy evolved in Greece and the concept of people's rule

    became popular in its simplistic notions. We also know the Jews in the Levant lived

    under Kings bolstered by councils. The evolutionary aspects of those Greek notions

    culminated into Rome with elaborate populists elections and a Senate which was

    ultimately Caesar centric model of governance where the Senators feared the ruler. The

    assassins of Julius Caesar were the last of the libertarians and the system decayed intostrong Caesar centric despotism. We will call these leaders "democratic despots". Not

    only Rome, not remain a republic but became an empire. Greece adopted democracy and

    immediately went into a wave of murder and mayhem in its neighborhood to become

    dominant since democracy is inherently a weak governance, which is abundantly seen in

    the weakening of the state in contemporary developing nations, and thus seeks

    dominance abroad and at home.

  • 7/29/2019 Caesar- Herod Nexus


    The central idea is that in both, notions of the Levantine Jewish and Greko-

    Roman example, there were noble principles of governance in place but Rome and its

    occupation of the Levant under the Herod and his descendants were aberrations of the

    norms of their respective notions of governance.

    The leaders of the corrupted Roman republic in their imperial overreach were incollusion with corrupt Herodian kings and the relationship continued until the cessation

    of the local rule when Rome took full control. Thus, Herod and his ilk were local

    indigenous governors of foreign rule and interests when it was clear that direct rule would

    be resisted. The relations between Rome and Levant was biased in favor of Rome in all

    aspects : political, economic and cultural.

    One can see Pax Americana reaching Tripoli, and the surrounds of Islamabad

    directly and indirectly. The US has been demanding American boots on the grounds

    complete access and immunity on Pakistani soil.

    The generals whether Kayani or Tantawi, military rulers like Zia ul Haq, secular

    or religious, Mubaraks, or Musharrafs, or Islamists whether Moroccan, Tunisian, or

    Turkish, all further the interests of a pseudo-Republic that has more than 500 military

    bases spread across the globe and more smaller bases called "lilipads" are under


    This collusion of local military, kings, religious or secular ruling elites with an

    over stretched pseudo-republic with a "highly leveraged foreign policy visa-a-vis the

    Broader Middle East" in context of an aberrant Zionist centric "Passionate Attachment" is

    what we will call the " Caesar-Herod Nexus" !



