C# 6.0 - DotNetNotts

C# 6.0 Features and Tooling Matt Ellis @citizenmatt

Transcript of C# 6.0 - DotNetNotts

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C# 6.0 Features and Tooling

Matt Ellis@citizenmatt

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Back storyRoslynLanguage features

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C# 1.0 (2002)

Initial commit

C# 1.2 (2003)Really!?

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C# 2.0 (2005)

GenericsNullable types

IteratorsPartial typesAnonymous methodsGetter/setter accessibilityStatic classes

New CLR features

Language features

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C# 3.0 (2007)

Anonymous typesImplicit typing (“var”)Extension methodsLambda expressionsQuery expressionsExpression trees

Auto propertiesObject and collection initialisersPartial methods


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C# 4.0 (2010)

DynamicNamed and optionalparametersEmbedded interop types

Co- and contra-variance for generics

COM interop

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C# 5.0 (2012)

Async/awaitCaller Info attributes

private async static Task<string> DownloadText(string url){ using (var webClient = new WebClient()) return await webClient.DownloadStringTaskAsync(url);}

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C# 6.0 (2015)


Auto property initialisersIndex initialisersUsing static membersNull propagationExpression bodied membersIEnumerable paramsnameof operator

Await in catch/finallyException filters


New compiler!

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“.NET Compiler Platform”Complete redesign & rewrite of compilerC# vs C++Decade old codebaseEase of adding new featuresParallel compilationOpen Source (github.com/dotnet/roslyn)

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Compiler as a service

Compiler exposed as an APICan host compiler in-processCan compile in-memoryCan affect compilation steps, e.g. resolving references (but no meta-programming)Can access parse trees and semantic model

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IDE features

Compiler powers syntax highlighting, navigation, etc.Parser and semantic model available across the IDEAbstract Syntax Tree based analysis, navigation and refactoring

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C# based REPL and scriptingScript packs and NuGet references

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ASP.Net vNext

Compiler pipeline based on Roslyn

Compiles to in-memory assemblies

Edit file + refresh browser = compiled

No need to recompile whole project

New project system, based on NuGet

Controls assembly/package resolution

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Meta-programming. Kinda.


CLR types defined by assembly qualified nameEverything based on binary referencesContracts are hardcoded. No loose coupling

E.g.: want to use the same logger across application + 3rd party framework?Must share contract (assembly), or provide adapters

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Assembly neutral interfaces


Duck typing/structural equivalenceCommon contracts defined in source, resolved at runtime

But how do you work around assembly qualified name?

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Compile time// Compiled to CommonLogging.ILogger.dllnamespace CommonLogging{ [AssemblyNeutral] public interface ILogger { void Log(string value); }}

Finds and removes [AssemblyNeutral] contract typesCompile a new assembly for each typePredictable assembly qualified nameOriginal assembly references the types in new assembliesNew assemblies saved as embedded resources in original assemblyMultiple assemblies defining same types generate same assemblies

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Run time

Application tries to resolve neutral assembly

Host environment looks in resources of all assemblies

Uses first match it finds

If multiple assemblies define same type, same dll is generated

Types with same namespace and name “Just Work”

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Language features

Auto property initialisersIndex initialisersUsing static membersNull propagationExpression bodied membersIEnumerable paramsnameof operatorAwait in catch/finallyException filters

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Auto property initialisation

Proper readonly (immutable) auto properties – getter onlyNo need for constructor or backing field

public class Person{ public string Name { get; } public Address Address { get; } = new Address();

public Person(string name) { // Assignment to getter only properties Name = name; }}

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Index initialisers

Nicer syntax than previous collection initialisersCalls indexer rather than Add methodExtends object initialiser

var d = new Dictionary<string, int>{ ["doodad"] = 42, ["widget"] = 64};

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Using static membersUse static members without qualificationApplies to methods, properties, fields, events, etc.Does not apply to extension methodsLocal declarations resolved first

using static System.Math;public class Sphere{ private readonly double radius;

public Sphere(double radius) { this.radius = radius; }

public double Volume { get { return (3/4)*PI*Pow(radius, 3); } }}

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nameof operator

Returns short name of symbolAny symbol – class, class member, namespace, type parameters, variables, etc.Ambiguities are not an error

public void Foo(string value){ if (value == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(value));}

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Expression bodied members

Replaces single line methods, properties, indexers, operators, etc.

Familiar lambda arrow syntax

Properties are created as getter only

Can only be single expression

public string FullName => FirstName + " " + LastName;

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Null propagation

Conditional access operatorReturns null if qualifier is null, else evaluatesShort circuitingConditional method invocation, indexer accessLeft hand side evaluated only once – thread safe

int? length = customers?.Length;int length2 = customers?.Length ?? 0;

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Await in catch/finally

Implementation detailPreviously “impossible”IL cannot branch into or out of catch/finallyUses ExceptionDispatchInfo to save exception state and rethrow if necessary

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Exception filters

Existing CLR featureOnly run catch block if exception handler returns trueReplaces if () throw; patternExpected “abuse” – logging

catch (Exception e) when (Log(e)){ // ...}

private bool Log(Exception exception){ Debug.WriteLine(exception); return false;}

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String interpolation

$"My name is {name} and I’m {person.Age} years old"

Compiles to string.FormatHoles can contain expressions – e.g. $"Hi {GetName(person)}"Uses current culture by defaultFormat specifiers – e.g. $"{foo:D}”Does not work with stored resource stringsVerbatim strings can contain strings. What!?

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Formattable strings

Interpolated strings converted to FormattableString by FormattableStringFactory.CreatePassed to method that returns a string formatted as required, e.g. Invariant culture, URL encoding, SQLProvide own FormattableString implementations on downlevel versions

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RoslynComplete rewriteEasier to maintainOpen SourceCompiler as a service

IDE features, scripting, hosting compilers

Language featuresAuto property initialisersGetter only auto propertiesIndex initialisersUsing static membersNull propagationExpression bodied membersnameof operatorAwait in catch/finallyException filters

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Bonus – C# 7.0

Strong interestTuplesPattern matchingRecordsNon-nullable typesAsync streams (observables) + disposable

Some interestCovariant return typesExpanded expression treesSyntax for lists + dictionariesDeterministic disposalImmutable typesType providersScriptingMethod contractsyield foreachparams IEnumerablemore...