BSF Buzz (2) - Spring 2010

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Transcript of BSF Buzz (2) - Spring 2010

  • 8/3/2019 BSF Buzz (2) - Spring 2010







  • 8/3/2019 BSF Buzz (2) - Spring 2010



    Welcome to BuzzPage 2

    We Asked... You Said...Page 3

    Spotlight on ArchbishopSentamu AcademyPage 4 & 5

    Map UpdatesPage 6 & 7

    Spotlight on WinifredHoltby / TweendykesPage 8 & 9

    Pump up the JamPage 10 & 11

    Your ShoutPage 12 & 13

    North Carr CuisineopeningPage 14

    Events DiaryPage 15

    Since the last issue ofBuzz we have reacheda truly thrilling momentin the BSF programme.After three years ofdevelopment we haveannounced ESTEEM asour partner to help ustransform learning andopportunity across the


    So many people haveworked so very hard in somany different ways to getus to this point; withoutdoubt the most excitingopportunity for us sinceBSF frst started. Pleaseaccept my personalthanks and the thanks ofthe team to all of you whohave helped by gettinginvolved in the plans andhaving your say. As aresult, new secondary

    and special schools willbe being built in Hull veryshortly, the start of awonderful journey to buildour future.

    On the Pickering Schoolsite we already havebuilding work underway on the new Sirius

    Academy / Ganton School/ ESHC, the frst newschool started underBSF. In February, buildingwork will start on WinifredHoltby / TweendykesSchool and ArchbishopSentamu Academy.Design work on the nextten schools (including twoprimary schools) has alsostarted.

    Our announcement toselect ESTEEM broughta huge amount of news

    coverage and we knowthat many of you havebeen really wowed by thelook of education to come.

    Let us know what youthink and please do takeevery opportunity to stayinvolved or get involvedand join us on this

    incredible journey to builda brighter future.

    Wed really liketo know whatis happeningin yourschools nowand what youwould liketo be donedifferentlyin futureschools.

    welcome to buzz

    This document can be made available in other formats

    (large print, audio and Braille as appropriate). Please telephone (01482) 300300.

    David MartinBSF Project Director

    On the cover: The dawn of a new era for education in Hull. The design for Archbishop Sentamu Academy.




    Better designwith more tables

    TV, plants andcomfortable seats

    I would like to see gamesareas and more variety offood

    Smaller queues; betterdesign, comer chairs,

    more tables, bigger space

    Bigger dining area




    Congratulations to BradleyLiddell, Year 7 from HullTrinity House; he wins sixtickets to Hull Truck.

    Bradley answeredthe following questioncorrectly:

    How much BSF moneyis being spent totransform teaching andlearning in Hull?

    Answer: 465 million.


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    ASA will be built on Preston Road next to theFreedom Centre and will continue to specialise inScience (Health Sciences) and Business & Enterprise.

    SPOTLIGHT:Archbishop SeNtamuAcademy (ASA)

    Archbishop Sentamu

    Academy entrance


    Building work is due to start early in 2010 and thenew building is due to be completed by September 2011.

    Esteem has been awarded the main BSFcontract which includes Archbishop SentamuAcademy (ASA) and Winifred Holtby /Tweendykes (as seen on pages 8 & 9).

    The new school, like other new BSF schools willbe packed full of state-of-the-art ICT and will make themost of renewable and green technologies as muchas possible, for example bio-mass generation (greenheating.)

    As a community hub, ASA will host a vast range ofsocial, cultural and sporting events for the wholecommunity to access and enjoy, including:

    a 320 place theatre

    vocational training

    an all weatherhockey pitch


    COOL NEW Facilities:



    To reect the Academys specialism, NHS HULL willequip a fully-professional clinical simulation centrefor training multi-professional health care teams. Thisenvironment will also allow young people to experience:

    an operating theatre intensive care unit

    life sized mannequinswith a beating heart,functional lungs and pulse

    Accident andEmergency department

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    St. Andrews






    Orchard Park& Greenwood

    Kings Park


    North carr cuisiNe:North Carr Cuisine was ofcially openedat Ashwell PRU - read more on page 14.(26 November 09)



    ENDIKE:Endike staff and governors took part in a visioning day to discuss ideasfor their new school. Pupils have also taken part in these discussions.(September / December 09)

    ** Balfour Beatty will be building Sirius Academy / Ganton / ESHC, the new Tilbury / Bethune / Ganton

    SIRIUS ACADEMY**:At Sirius Academy, Balfour Beattyhas kitted out two classrooms withexamples of new furniture.

    TRINITY HOUSE:Hull Trinity House School students took part invisioning sessions to discuss their wish list forthe re-modelling of their school. (4 December 09)


















    ANDREw MARVELL:Andrew Marvell Business & Enterprise College students took partin intensive visioning sessions; students from each year grouptold the BSF team what they would like to see in their new school.(September 09)

    ISAAC NEWTON:The new Isaac Newton sports facility was ofcially opened. (20 November 09)

    WINIFRED HOLTBY/TWEENDYKES:Winifred Holtby held a local community event forresidents, businesses and organisations, parents andprimary school year 5 & 6 pupils. (4 February 2010.)

    Tweendykes Special School were visited by their newlyappointed builders, Esteem all pupils, staff and parents

    had the opportunity to discuss the new design.(25 January 2010)

    ARCHBISHOP SENTAMU ACADEMY:Plans have been approved to re-build ArchbishopSentamu Academy on Preston Road and co-locateWinifred Holtby School Technology College andTweendykes. (17 November 09)



    / ESHV primary school and Kelvin Hall. The schools in the main BSF contract will be built by Esteem.

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    Winifred Holtby School Technology College willbe rebuilt on its current site and co-located alongsideTweendykes Special School.

    SPOTLIGHT:WiNifred Holtby &TweeNdykes Co-locatioN

    The Winifred Holtby and

    Tweendykes social hub



    Building work is due to start March 2010 and thenew building will open September 2011.

    Co-location with Tweendykes Special Schoolwill allow pupils, parents and staff from both schoolsto learn, socialise and work together; supporting thedevelopment of a shared curriculum, including newapproaches to teaching and learning.

    The new state-of-the-art building will provide 1350places for students 11-16 and fty places for post-16pupils and will be fully equipped to provide 21st centurylearning opportunities.

    social areas

    external teachingspaces

    access to break-outspaces

    resource areas andstorage


    COOL NEW Facilities:


    Learning suites will offer a range of key facilities:

    Health, Therapy andFitness areas includinga new swimming pooland extensive sportsfacilities internally andexternally.

    Dining, caf, bistroand meeting spaces

    A Learning Resource


    Theatre/Hall andperformances spaces

    As well as:

    health and tness suite

    range of pitches.

    4 court sports hall(with additional run-off)


    Sports facilities on site will also include:

    scuba diving trainingin the new pool

    areas for motor vehiclemaintenance

    Specialist facilities will include:

    Key terms:

    Co-locatioN:Differentschools/facilitieslocated together.

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    PUMP UP THE JAMA uNiQue way of eNcouraGiNG pupils to do well iN their GCSEs

    For more information on The Exam Jam visit or call 300 300. For more details on the Hull Chal

    Teenagers who do well intheir GCSEs can also do wellin life in general, by improvingtheir career and furthereducation opportunities.

    And this year they could winsome fantastic prizes too, likea day driving a Ferrari arounda top race track, a makeoverwith a top hair stylist, the

    chance to attend aprivate gig performed byinternational pop

    superstars or achance to train with aprofessional football orrugby team.

    Amazing prizes are beingoffered to Year 11 pupils whoshow the most improvementbetween their mock exams,which took place last month,and their nal GCSE examsin the summer. Its a greatway of giving that bit of extra

    encouragement to pupils,says Judith Harwood,head of learning, leisureand achievement at HullCity Council. We want tomotivate them to do theirvery best by giving awayreally special, memorableprizes.

    The prizes will be awardedin September at a glitzyceremony at the Hull Truckstudio theatre where top popstars will perform a private

    gig to the winners (hence thename of the initiative TheExam Jam). The ceremonywill also feature a quiz inthe style of TV show TheWeakest Link, in which the14 Exam Jam winners (onefrom each secondary school

    in the city) will compete forprizes head-to-head.

    The quiz will be hosted by DJHirsty, from Galaxy FM. Theradio station is organisingThe Exam Jam, togetherwith Hull City Council.

    As well as fantastic prizes,there will also be smallerprizes such as iPods andcomputer equipment forschools up for grabs.GalaxyFMsHirsty

    11lenge visit

    nd a quiet place to work with nodistractions

    set aside certain times of the dayfor revision and stick to them

    break down your studying intosmall chunks to make it easier toremember facts

    when given homework, try to do itas soon as you can, as it will be fresh inyour mind and therefore easier to do

    never leave your revision to thelast minute

    write yourself reminders, makenotes and highlight important factswhen you are revising. Try stickingthe notes in places where youllkeep seeing them, such as on thefridge, in your bedroom or even in thebathroom!

    dont spend too long revising andmake sure you take regular breaks,otherwise youll stop taking in theinformation

    try to eat and sleep well

    doing exercise is a great way toclear your mind and will help you to

    feel refreshed

    try to relax the evening before anexam and make sure you get a goodnights sleep

    during an exam, try to stay calm,breathe slowly and dont worry

    make sure that you read all theexam instructions carefully and keepan eye on the time so that you spendenough time on each question

    Tips for wINNINGIf you want to get good results in your GCSEs this summer, youmight nd the following tips useful.

    Last year, Hulls Year 11 pupilsachieved the citys best-everGCSE results, with 37 per cent ofpupils achieving ve A*-C grades,including maths and English,compared to 29.6 per cent in 2008.But Hull is still near the bottom ofthe national GCSE league table.

    The Exam Jam is part of awider campaign called the HullChallenge which aims to improveGCSE results through a numberof measures. These includeincreasing the number of talentedand experienced teachers workingin Hull schools and employingexpert advisors to offer adviceon problems with behaviour andattendance.


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    Rachel Lawson, a Year

    10 student from Malet

    Lambert School, emailed

    Buzz in response to an

    article in the last issue

    called Dont ask Others.

    Ask me!

    Rachel is a very bright

    pupil and doesnt haveany physical disabilities,however, she suffersfrom Attention-DefecitHyperactive Disorder(ADHD). As sufferers of

    ADHD dont have anyobvious difculties itoften means that otherpeople are not aware ofthe problems they maybe experiencing and donot know how to dealwith them very well.

    Rachel wants to let otheryoung people know howher school providesthe necessary supportto make her school lifeeasier.

    Rachel has accessto the SpecialEducational Needs(SEN) department wherevulnerable students canourish in a calm andwelcoming environment.Rachel uses this facilityduring break-time whenshe feels unable tocope with the hustle,bustle and noise of themainstream school.



    In addition, Racheluses an Exit Card ifshe needs to leave aparticular lesson shouldshe suddenly feel unableto cope. Rachel showsthe card to the teacherbefore going to the SENdepartment where thereis always a friendly faceand someone to speak toand she can calm downbefore returning to class.

    Rachel also has a mover,a teaching assistant, whoaccompanies her fromone lesson to the nextslightly early so that shecan make her way to thenext lesson in a calm andquiet way; this means shecan enjoy each lessonwithout feeling anxious.

    With the support of theSEN department Rachel

    has found that when shetalks to other pupils to letthem know the type ofsituations that make her

    feel stressed, such asteasing, sensory overloadand hyperactivity of otherpupils, then they are verysupportive.

    When Malet LambertSchool is re-modelledunder the BSFprogramme, Rachel

    wants to make sure thatthe SEN departmentcontinues to be at theheart of the school like itis now.

    Rachel is currentlystudying for maths andscience GCSEs a yearearly and has ambitiousplans for her futurecareer she would loveto become a computergames designer.

    Staff at the school andthe department, togetherwith Rachels familyand close friend Jess all

    work together to makeRachels school life happyand successful andhopefully this will help herto full her dreams.

    If you have seen an

    article in this issue of

    Buzz that you would

    like to have Your Shout

    about, then please see

    the back page to nd

    out how to get in touch.


    Key facts about ADHDIt is one of the most common childhood


    It affects 3-5% of children globally

    Most children show symptoms beforethe age of seven

    Most common symptoms are:

    - Difculty staying focused

    - Difculty paying attention

    - Difculty controlling behaviour


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    On Thursday 26th

    November the brand

    new North Carr

    Cuisine kitchen was

    ofcially opened by

    The Lord Mayor of

    Hull, Councillor Karen

    Woods. BSF part

    funded this new facility

    and members of the

    team were also invited


    With the students dressedin their new chef whites wewere treated to a deliciousbuffet which was alsocooked by the studentsunder the direction of theirvery popular head chefSteve.

    We took the opportunityto speak to two of the

    students, Jordon Stark(age 15) and Rio King(age 15). They have bothrecently started a cateringqualication at North CarrCuisine and could notpraise it enough.

    Jordon said I like beinghere and would like tobecome a chef. I enjoycooking and want tolearn how to make areally great souf oneday. Steve our headchef is really funny andcompletely down withthe kids

    Rio added: One day Iwant to be able to bakea big wedding cake. Imhaving a really goodexperience here thepeople are really nice.

    North carr cuisiNe opeNs

    Chefs in training; Rio

    King and Jordan Stark


    DATES FOR YOUR DIARY 20108th-19th march

    9th march 4.30-7pm

    24th march 4.30-7pm

    29th March-9th April

    7th may31st May-4th JuNe

    National Science & Engineering Week at Hull Museums

    Winifred Holtby School Parents Evening BSF drop in session *

    [email protected]

    Winifred Holtby School Parents Evening BSF drop in session *

    [email protected]

    Easter Break activities

    Children and Young People Annual Spotlight Awards or

    May Half Term

    * if Winifred Holtby parents/students/staff have any questions there will be members of the BSF team to speak to.


    from St Marys

    College taking

    part in a Hull

    Museum event

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    Hull Trinity House students with the rst issue of Buzz.

    THE NEXT BUZZ WILL BE ARRIVING HOT OFF THE PRESS IN JUNE 2010We really want you to get involved in as many aspects of the planning, decision making and designas possible so that we understand what you expect from a future learning environment. We are hereto support you and your understanding of the BSF Programme so that:

    You understand what the BSF programme means to you

    How and where you can get involved

    How we can share relevant feedback and updates with you

    Building Schools for the Future, 2nd Floor, King William House, Lowgate, Hull, HU1 1RS

    01482 616561 | [email protected] |