Breitwieser et al., JPR 2013

Isobar PTM : A software tool for the quantitative analysis of post-translationally modified proteins Florian P. Breitwieser, Jacques Colinge CeMM Research Center for Molecular Medicine of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Lazarettgasse 14, AKH-BT. 25.3, 1090 Vienna, Austria ARTICLE INFO ABSTRACT Available online 5 March 2013 The establishment of extremely powerful proteomics platforms able to map thousands of modification sites, e.g. phosphorylations or acetylations, over entire proteomes calls for equally powerful software tools to effectively extract useful and reliable information from such complex datasets. We present a new quantitative PTM analysis platform aimed at processing iTRAQ or Tandem Mass Tags (TMT) labeled peptides. It covers a broad range of needs associated with proper PTM ratio analysis such as PTM localization validation, robust ratio computation and statistical assessment, and navigable user report generation. Isobar PTM is made available as an R Bioconductor package and it can be run from the command line by non R specialists. Biological significance IsobarPTM is a new software tool facilitating the quantitative analysis of protein modification regulation streamlining important issues related to PTM localization and statistical modeling. Users are provided with a navigable spreadsheet report, which also annotate already public modification sites.This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: From Genome to Proteome: Open Innovations. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Bioinformatics Computational proteomics Quantitative proteomics iTRAQ TMT Statistics 1. Introduction The dynamic execution of the genetic program encoded in the genome is controlled by a multitude of regulatory mechanisms such as transcription factors, alternative splicing, silencing by non coding RNAs, and epigenetic marks. The large repertoire of gene products generated by the translation/transcription ma- chinery is further submitted to another level of modulation provided by PTMs. These modifications increase the diversity of biomolecules available to cells to adapt to environmental changes or to assemble in specialized tissues. A large number of PTMs have been described (591 entries in the RESID [1] database vers. 70.01) which modify the properties of proteins for diverse purposes and whose deregulated control can cause multiple disorders. A classical and very important example is the phosphorylation of threonine, tyrosine, or serine that is used to activate proteins upon specific stimuli and to realize signaling cascades [2]. Dysfunctions in such signaling can cause cell proliferation and cancer. More generally, PTMs participate in signal integration within the cell, protein degra- dation, binding, etc. Commonly studied PTMs are catalyzed by enzymes such as kinases, phosphatases, or acetyltransferases. It has been also shown that distinct PTMs can have a cross-talk, e.g. to establish substitution strategies when one is deficient [3]. Given the importance of PTM regulation in a broad range of biological processes, the analysis of their differences across biological samples is of prime interest in proteomics and is best achieved with quantitative techniques. The measure of PTMs by MS is generally challenging [4,5] since most modifications are lost upon ionization or fractionation resulting in low MS signals JOURNAL OF PROTEOMICS 90 (2013) 77 84 This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: From Genome to Proteome: Open Innovations. Corresponding author. Tel.: + 43 14016070020; fax: + 43 140160970000. E-mail address: [email protected] (J. Colinge). 1874-3919/$ see front matter © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Available online at ScienceDirect

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Isobar PTM: A software tool for the quantitative analysis ofpost-translationally modified proteins☆

Florian P. Breitwieser, Jacques Colinge⁎

CeMM— Research Center for Molecular Medicine of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Lazarettgasse 14, AKH-BT. 25.3, 1090 Vienna, Austria


☆ This article is part of a Special Issue entit⁎ Corresponding author. Tel.: +43 1401607002E-mail address: [email protected].

1874-3919/$ – see front matter © 2013 Elsevie


Available online 5 March 2013

The establishment of extremely powerful proteomics platforms able to map thousands ofmodification sites, e.g. phosphorylations or acetylations, over entire proteomes calls forequally powerful software tools to effectively extract useful and reliable information fromsuch complex datasets. We present a new quantitative PTM analysis platform aimed atprocessing iTRAQ or Tandem Mass Tags (TMT) labeled peptides. It covers a broad range ofneeds associated with proper PTM ratio analysis such as PTM localization validation, robustratio computation and statistical assessment, and navigable user report generation. IsobarPTM

is made available as an R Bioconductor package and it can be run from the command line bynon R specialists.

Biological significance“IsobarPTM is a new software tool facilitating the quantitative analysis of proteinmodification regulation streamlining important issues related to PTM localization andstatistical modeling. Users are provided with a navigable spreadsheet report, which alsoannotate already public modification sites.”This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: From Genome to Proteome: Open Innovations.

© 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords:BioinformaticsComputational proteomicsQuantitative proteomicsiTRAQTMTStatistics

1. Introduction

The dynamic execution of the genetic program encoded in thegenome is controlled by a multitude of regulatory mechanismssuch as transcription factors, alternative splicing, silencing bynon coding RNAs, and epigenetic marks. The large repertoire ofgene products generated by the translation/transcription ma-chinery is further submitted to another level of modulationprovided by PTMs. Thesemodifications increase the diversity ofbiomolecules available to cells to adapt to environmentalchanges or to assemble in specialized tissues.

A large number of PTMs have been described (591 entries inthe RESID [1] database vers. 70.01) which modify the propertiesof proteins for diverse purposes and whose deregulated controlcan cause multiple disorders. A classical and very important

led: From Genome to Prot0; fax: +43 (J. Colinge).

r B.V. All rights reserved.

example is the phosphorylation of threonine, tyrosine, or serinethat is used to activate proteins upon specific stimuli and torealize signaling cascades [2]. Dysfunctions in such signalingcan cause cell proliferation and cancer. More generally, PTMsparticipate in signal integration within the cell, protein degra-dation, binding, etc. Commonly studied PTMs are catalyzed byenzymes such as kinases, phosphatases, or acetyltransferases.It has been also shown that distinct PTMs can have a cross-talk,e.g. to establish substitution strategies when one is deficient [3].

Given the importance of PTM regulation in a broad range ofbiological processes, the analysis of their differences acrossbiological samples is of prime interest in proteomics and is bestachieved with quantitative techniques. The measure of PTMsbyMS is generally challenging [4,5] sincemostmodifications arelost upon ionization or fractionation resulting in lowMS signals

eome: Open Innovations.

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and it might be necessary to operate chromatography and MSequipments in particular conditions. A number of analyticalprotocols – often relying on chromatographic enrichment forthe PTM of interest – have been established successfully, e.g. inthe case of phosphorylation [6], ubiquitinylation [7], or acetyla-tion [8].

In this work, we present isobarPTM a new software toolaimed at analyzing the MS/MS spectra of modified peptidesresulting from isobarically labeled samples using the TandemMass Tags [9] (TMT) or iTRAQ [10] reagents. IsobarPTM is apeptide level extension of the isobar statistical and softwareframework which we introduced for the analysis of proteinratios [11]. The analysis of modified peptides does not onlyrequire determining peptide ratios instead of protein ratiosbut actually necessitates additional data processing steps.These include the validation of the modification sites on thepeptides, the integration of publicly known PTMs, and therelation of modified peptide ratios with the correspondingprotein ratios to eliminate apparent PTM regulation causedby the sole protein regulation. As it was the case previously,this new PTM extension is released as free open source softwareimplemented inRandavailable aspart of the isobar Bioconductorpackage. It provides a complete workflow for handling quantita-tive PTM data from their validation to user report generation.Currently, Mascot [12], Phenyx [13], Rockerbox [14], commaseparated, and PSI mzIdentML identification formats aresupported. Isobar is available from the Bioconductor web site(

2. Materials and methods

Programming was done in the R statistical programminglanguage [15] and all the features described in this paperwere implemented in the isobar package [11]. The novel PTMfunctionality is accessible via user report generation optionsand new specific functions of isobar.

The access to public PTMs from neXtProt [16] is performedvia REST-compatible searches (URL The results are retrieved in JSON format and parsed intothe data frame of the isobar package.

Integration of the PhosphoRS [17] phosphorylation localiza-tion tool was realized by using the free stand-alone commandline version of PhosphoRS. PhosphoRS does not feature agraphical user interface but requires XML input instead.IsobarPTM integrates generic readers and writers for such asituation and thus provides a seamless interface to PhoshpoRSand other similar external tools.

Validation of statistical models at the peptide level wasachieved using data from isobar original publication [11] toassess true and false positive rates of peptide selection as wellas the adequacy of the statistical distributions underlying isobarstatistics. We further validated the ratio null distribution

2.1. Application sample data

We downloaded Phanstiel et al. raw MS data [18] from Tranche.Peak picking and processing was performed using ProteoWizard[19] and the resulting peak lists were searched with Mascot 2.3.0against the UniProtKB/SwissProt human database [20] appended

with sequences of common contaminants (sheep keratin andbovine serumalbumin). Fixedmodificationswere set to cysteineCarbamidomethylation, iTRAQ 4-plex at the peptide N-terminusand lysine side chains. Methionine oxidation was set as variablemodification. The phosphodatasetwas searchedwith phosphor-ylation on serine, threonine, and tyrosine residues as variablemodifications and mass tolerance was set according to theoriginal publication [18], i.e. precursors 4.5 Da and fragments0.01 Da. In-house developed scripts were used to filter peptide-spectrummatches to a 1% falsediscovery rate (FDR) at theproteingroup and peptide level utilizing reversed database searches.Accordingly, proteins with 2 unique peptides above an ion scorethreshold of 16, or with a single peptide above a threshold of 40were selected as unambiguous identifications. Additional pep-tides for these validated proteins with ion score >12 were alsoaccepted. Only those peptides with a PhopshoRS [17] probability>0.9 were considered for quantitation. The quantification wasperformed with default isobar settings. From the peak lists,fragments with reporter tag mass +/− 0.005 m/z were extractedand corrected for isotopic impurities. iTRAQ channels werenormalized to an equal median intensity. The higher-energyc-trap dissociation (HCD) noise model supplied with the isobarpackage was used.

3. Results and discussion

In our previous work [11] that established the isobar statisticalframework we carefully integrated important elements forselecting significant ratios. Briefly, we eliminated outlier ratiosfrom individual spectra obviously distorted by co-eluting pep-tides and modeled the technical as well as the biologicalvariability. This allowed for a simple and safe selection of proteinratios thatwere reliablymeasured andwith sufficientmagnitudecompared to the sample natural variability. This previous workalso included generalized statistical models to take advantage ofreplicates with a single iTRAQ or TMT experiment, and, ingeneral, put great emphasis on the value of statisticallysound methods to obtain robust and competitive methods.Here, we describe isobarPTM, the extension of isobar for theanalysis of modified peptide ratios.

Clearly, to bring the whole analysis to the peptide levelrequires computing peptide ratios instead of protein ratios.That is, all the spectra assigned to a specific peptide/PTMcombination (distinct copies of the same peptide can displaydifferent patterns of PTMs) are combined in a single weightedratio calculation taking into account signal intensities andtechnical variability as previously described for the protein level[11]. Beyond the change in the analysis level, several additionalissues that are specifically related to PTManalysis arise andmustbe properly addressed (Fig. 1). In this section, we present anddiscuss these various issues followed by two general improve-ments relevant to PTMquantitation and a comparisonwith othertools.

3.1. Validation of PTM site localization

The localization of PTM sites onmodified peptides identified byMS can be ambiguous and, accordingly, only reliably localizedPTMs should enter the quantitative analysis. This problem

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isobarPTM quantification pipeline

Site LocalizationDelta Score


Peptide Ratio Calculation &Statistical Analysis


Analysis Report Generationintegrating public knowledge






identifications filegenerated from Mascot or Phenyx result filesRockerBox csv export, MSGF+ csv export

peaklist file

calculated by isobar

input files are generated,PhosphoRS called, output files parsed


Identifications and QuantificationsExcel Analysis ReportResults:

Quality ControlPDF Report

protein quantificationsfrom separateexperiment

gathered via REST API

data is downloadedand parsed

Fig. 1 – Workflow for generating quantitative PTM analysis reports. Peptide–spectrum matches with uncertain localizations ofthe modifications are removed using a difference or probability score (red box). Reliable matches are used to calculate ratios ofmodified peptides. Protein ratios froma separate experiment (blue box) can beused to correctmodified peptide ratios (solid line) orintegrated in the analysis report, and aredisplayednext to themodifiedpeptide ratios (dotted line). Theanalysis report (greenbox)in Excel format integrates previously published knowledge on identified sites, harvesting neXtProt and PhosphoSitePlus. A PDFreport containing quality control figures is generated.

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mostly occurswhen several amino acids of a peptide can carry acertain PTM. For instance the peptide AAGSWHSILSK can bephosphorylated at 3 positions (serines) and if it is singlyphosphorylated there are 3 possible localizations. Protein identi-fication search engines provide scores for peptide–spectrummatches that can identify the correct localization provided thepeptide fragment coverage is sufficient. In practice, nonethe-less, the score alone is not reliable enough [21]. To generallyaddress this issuewe integrated auniversalmethodof validatingPTM localizations, i.e. the Mascot Delta Score [22]. Although thistechnique was introduced for phosphorylations and is based onMascot peptide ion scores, it is in reality of general applicability.It compares the difference between the best- and second best-scoring peptide–spectrummatches for a given peptide and PTM,with distinctmodification sites, e.g. AAGS(phos)WHSILSK versusAAGSWHS(phos)ILSK to refer to the above example. The peptideidentification score difference informs on the amount of infor-mation in the fragmentation spectrum to support one localiza-tion versus another one. It provides a measure of confidence inthe localization and its analysis was performed by its authors.Since it only relies on score differences it is applicable to any PTMunder the condition that the search engine provides multiplepeptide/PTM matches for each spectrum and not only thebest-scoring one. This is the case of Mascot and many otherprograms such as Phenyx.

Given the importance of identifying phosphorylated pep-tides, more advanced procedures of reliable localization havebeen proposed for this specific case [17,23–27]. To offer thepossibility to implement or use external specialized and differentPTM localization functions we introduced a generic mechanismof spectrum annotation in isobarPTM, which we exploited tointegrate PhosphoRS [17] for phosphorylation localization as analternative to the Mascot Delta Score approach.

3.2. Summarizing and quantifying at the level of themodifiedpeptides

As explained above the computation of modified peptide ratiosnecessitates introducing another level of organization in thedata such that all the spectra –with safe PTM localizations – canbe combined for one specific peptide sequence and PTMpattern.We validated that the statistical models introduced for theprotein level [11] are still valid at the peptide level by repeatingthe analysis we conducted for protein ratios [11]. In particular,we assessed that (1) a heavy tailed distribution is appropriate tomodel peptide ratio null distributions (Supplementary Figs.S1–S3); (2) regulated peptide selection false positive rates areaccurately estimated by the statistical models (Supplemen-tary Table S1). We further estimated the true positive rate fordifferent peptide ratios and underlying protein abundance

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(SupplementaryTable S2).These results,which resembleproteinratio results strongly, are not surprising since isobar protein andpeptide ratios are computed identically. As a matter of fact, wedonot distinguish between different peptideswhenwe computeprotein ratios [11]meaning that a ratio is always aweighted sumin our calculations (sum because we work in the log-scale andweighted by a variance estimate of each spectrum ratio [11]).Weconcluded this validation by showing that modified peptideratios also follow a heavy tailed distribution (SupplementaryFig. S4).

The accurate modeling of modified peptide ratios is notnecessarily sufficient to obtain biologically relevant results.The observed ratio of a modified peptide is the integratedchange of the modification state and the underlying proteinabundances and, when quantifying modification state changes,the change in protein abundance – if measured – should not beignored. Wu et al., comparing the phosphoproteomes of FUS3 orSTE7 yeast knockout strains againstwild type [28], discussed thisproblem in great detail and found that 25% of the apparentlyregulated phosphopeptides disappeared after protein ratiocorrection. Having access to a high coverage of the proteome inyeast, theywereable to calibrate over 96%of thephosphopeptideratios. In our experience, working with human samples, theoverlap between the proteins detected with both unmodifiedpeptides, to estimate protein abundance change, and modifiedpeptides simultaneously resides in the 60–90% range dependingon the sample. Note that a PTMenrichment procedure precedingMS, as it is commonly done for phosphopeptidemapping, mightrequire measuring the protein ratios from a separate set ofsamples. In isobarPTM, we enabled the optional correction ofmodified peptide ratios when the protein ratio is available, inwhich case the peptide ratio is divided by the protein ratio.Namely, if Rn is the observed modified peptide ratio and Rp theobserved protein ratio, then Rm, the corrected peptide ratio(i.e. its modification state change), is Rm = Rn − Rp (ratios inthe log-scale). An adjustment to the estimated variance ofRm is also determined to comply with our general procedureof selecting significantly regulated peptides; the formulasare provided as Supplementary Information.

To exemplify ratio corrections on a human sample, wedecided to reanalyze the iTRAQ 4-plex dataset published byPhanstiel et al. [18], who compared embryonic stem cell (ESC)lines with induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) lines and afibroblast cell line. Using the ESC H1 as a reference, in line withthe authors, we found that the strongest difference in phosphor-ylation is observed when comparing with the fibroblast cell lineNFF (Fig. 2A),whereas thedifferences comparingH1withanotherESC line H9 and an iPSC line DF19.7 were very modest (ESCs aresimilar to iPSC [18]). Turning to the question of correctingphosphorylation site ratios with protein ratios, we found proteinratios for 77%of the phosphopeptideswe identified. Applying thesame fold-change threshold of 2 as Phanstiel et al., 48% ofcorrected phosphopeptide ratios were no longer significant aftercorrectionwith amatching protein ratio, amassive change in theoverall sample picture (Fig. 2B & C). Specific examples of fourphosphorylated peptides are shown in Supplementary Fig. S5,including cases where the corrected ratio is augmented,reduced, and reversed compared to the original ratio.

Analyzing the enrichment of specific GO terms in differ-entially expressed and phosphorylated proteins using DAVID

(, we could recapitulate the find-ings of Phanstiel et al. Proteins higher in ESCs compared to NFFwere enriched in cell cycle-related processes (e. g. chromosomalorganization), those higher inNFFwere enriched in cytoskeletalprocesses.

3.3. Generation of user reports and integrationwith publishedPTM data

The isobar package creates reports for quality control (Fig. 3)and quantification analysis and this feature has been extend-ed to cover modified peptides. Reporting results at the peptidelevel dramatically augments the size of the data to return tothe user and the PDF report we generate for the protein level isno longer appropriate. We hence extended and made fullynavigable the already existing spreadsheet user report to alsoaccommodate the peptide level (Fig. 3). It now provides linksfrom quantified peptides to identified spectrum matches,enabling checking of the raw data, etc. Identification informa-tion includes search engine scores, modification site local-ization scores, and extracted isobaric report masses andintensities.

Public databases collect thousands of protein modificationsites reported in the literature. To present an overview ofexisting knowledge about experimentally identified modifica-tion sites, we query PTM information-containing databasesduring user report generation. The neXtProt database [16] is ourmain source, which we reach via their on-line API (Materialsand methods). An alternative source we also support isPhosphoSitePlus [29] that provides a second comprehensiveresource of experimentally observed PTMs, primarily phos-phorylations although ubiquitinylations and acetylations arecovered as well. Isobar integrates PhosphoSitePlus data, auto-matically downloading the most recent of their monthlyupdated datasets at the time of report generation, parsingand mapping the data to the experimentally identifiedproteins. The isobarPTM PTM annotation framework allowsusers to include supplementary PTM annotation resources ifneeded.

3.4. Further improvements

Having described all the necessary new functionalitiesimplemented to support the analysis of quantitative PTMdata, we briefly mention two improvements of isobar thatare of general interest and thus impact modified peptidedata processing as well.

Firstly, combinations of CID with HCD or electron transferdissociation (ETD) fragmentation methods are commonly usedin iTRAQ or TMT protocols to achieve more identifications onthe basis of a fast method (CID), while more accurate quanti-fication is obtained on the basis of the slower but more precisemethod (HCD or ETD) limited to a narrow mass range coveringthe iTRAQor TMT channels [30]. In such a case, isobar canmergeidentification runs (e.g. from CID) and quantification runs(e.g. from HCD spectra) while reading the MS data, and evencombine identifications obtained from quantification runswhen they include regular fragment information as well. Forinstance, CID and HCD can provide complementary peptideidentifications [31], which in our laboratory equipped with an

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ratio [log10]


slope = 0.63




−2 0 2

phosphopeptide ratio [log10]co







slope = 1.06








protein ratio [log10]




e ra

tio [l



−1 0 1













−2 −1 0 1 2






Fig. 2 – Analysis of Phanstiel et al. data. Ratios are relative to the 114 channel corresponding to H1 embryonic stem cells. (A) Weobserve the larger spread of ratios both in the phosphoproteome (top) and the proteome (bottom) when comparing to NFFfibroblast cells (red, channel 115) compared to H9 embryonic stem cells (green, channel 116) and DF19.7 induced pluripotentstem cells (blue, channel 117). (B) Protein ratios versus phosphopeptide ratios.We note the positive correlation indicating that asignificant part of the phosphopeptide ratios originate from the protein regulation and not the phosphorylation site regulation.(C) Original versus corrected phosphopeptide ratios. The slope 0.63 < 1 confirms the general reduction of the ratios aftercorrection.

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LTQ-Orbitrap Velos (ThermoFisher Scientific, Waltham, MA)each account for 20–30% of the peptide–spectrummatches inthe analysis of phosphopeptide enriched fractions.

Secondly,we could findamoreaccuratemodel of heavy taileddistribution than the Cauchy.Wehave observed that generalizedStudent's t distribution better models the tails and thus improvethe sensitivity of isobar (Supplementary Figs. S1–S4, S6). Thisdistribution belongs to the generalized logistic distributionfamily that is a very general model of heavy tailed distribu-tion parameterized by five parameters, which is toomuch forpractical applications where data can be sparse. The general-ized Student's t distribution has three parameters as comparedto Cauchywhich has only two, and it is a widely usedmodel forheavy tailed distributions. Cauchy remains isobar default toensure maximum robustness with smaller datasets (less than1000 ratios, Supplementary Table 3).

3.5. Use without programming

The presented tool can be used with minimal configurationand no direct interaction with R: a plain text property filespecifies basic parameters such as the isobaric tagging kitused (iTRAQ/TMT, 2-, 4-, 6-, or 8-plex), peak list and identificationfile names, and how the report and quantification should be

produced (see Fig. 3). An R script, which can be called from thecommand line, runs the analysis with the provided parametersand generates the results. Many further options can be specifiedto customize the analysis and report — examples are providedwith the package to guide beginners.

3.6. Comparison with existing tools

In Table 1 we present a feature comparison of software usedin recent publications for the quantitation of isobarically taggedPTMexperiments. The Coon group has developed theCOMPASS[32] proteomics analysis suite for OMSSA, used recently for thequantitation of stem cell proteomes and phosphoproteomes[18]. The Marto group introduced Multiplierz [33] that providesan excellent basis for extensible workflows and data access andhas been used for example for the quantitation of the mTORregulated phosphoproteome [34]. Thermo Scientific's commer-cial Proteome Discoverer enables to construct a workflow fromidentification to quantitation. As it can be appreciated from thetable, isobar's distinguishing features are its statistical funda-ment for quantitation and significance analysis, the high levelintegration of public PTM data for report generation, and theconfigurability and extensibility with bioinformatics packagesfor R/Bioconductor.

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A) Quality Control Report B) Report Properties

C) Analysis Report






−1 0 1 2log10 ratio



Fig. 3 – IsobarPTM quantification reports. (A) Quality control report showing reporter tag mass precision, reporter tag intensities before and after normalization, and a histogramof peptide ratios along with the fit Cauchy biological variability ratio distribution [11]. (B) Report generation is controlled by a properties file. Columns: property name, possiblevalues, and explanation. (C) Spreadsheet user report. It includes modified peptide sequence with the positions of the modifications in the protein sequence (separated bysemicolons if in multiple identical peptides or by ampersands if multiple occurrences in the same peptide). A star identifies positions previously reported in the literature,tooltips display information on the latter PTMs (here from neXtProt). The report has multiple tabs for identifications and contains multiple links to navigate them, e.g. from amodified peptide as featured in the figure to all the spectra supporting its identification.












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Table 1 – Comparison with similar software packages.

IsobarPTM ProteomeDiscoverer

COMPASS multiplierz

Availability Open source Commercial Open source Open sourceiTRAQ and TMT Quant Yes Yes Yes YesStatistical Framework Yes, technical and biological

variabilityno no Technical variability modeleda

PTM Localization Yes b Yes c No Yes a

Annotation of PTM sites Yesd No No NoCorrection with Protein Ratios Yes Yes Yes YesRestrictions No graphical user interface Closed

sourceFor usage with OMSSAonly

Scripting skills required

a Scripts for robust error model and Mascot Delta Score available on the multiplierz homepage PhosphoRS and Mascot Delta Score.c PhosphoRS.d NextProt and PhosphoSitePlus.

83J O U R N A L O F P R O T E O M I C S 9 0 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 7 7 – 8 4

4. Conclusion

To measure and understand PTMs in disease and biologicalprocesses is an important objective of current research inproteomics. Such experiments remain challenging but thetechnology has made such tremendous progresses thatin-depth and proteome-scale mappings of specific PTMscan be realized with unprecedented accuracy. As a conse-quence, data analysis faces difficulties that are common tomost omics fields: the access to reliable and highly automatedmethods of processing and selecting relevant data conditionsthe extent to which discoveries can be accomplished.With thisconsideration in mind, we started to develop a combinedstatistical and software framework – isobar – that we originallytargeted towards protein expression studies [11]. The workpresented here implements a second step aimed at includingthe peptide PTM regulation level within the scope of theanalyses supported by this platform. We named this specificbranch of the project isobarPTM.

The approach we have followed remains in line with theoriginal concepts that guided isobar design: the establishmentof robust and accurate statistical models provides the mostappropriate basal layer to construct a successful softwareplatform. In isobarPTM we greatly benefited from the initialeffort to the point where no real additional statistical modelingwas necessary, just validations and small adaptations. Themodels developed for the proteins turned out to be adequate forthe peptides as well and we could concentrate on establishingthe new software functionalities. Doing so, we also benefitedfrom the general improvements and bug-fixes we kept intro-ducing in the isobar libraries that has beenapplied to amultitudeof projects by ourselves [35] and others [36] meanwhile.

Practically, successful and high quality analysis of PTM dataon a large-scale preventing the manual inspection of each andevery interesting spectrum implies the execution of severaltasks that are generally not all accessible to the averageproteomics laboratory in the best conditions. With isobarPTM

we have streamlined the fundamental steps of extractingand combining identification and MS data, including whenhybrid fragmentation strategies e.g. CID-HCD are adopted,

performing an automatic validation of the localization of themodification sites and removing dubious cases, and applyingstate of the art statistical modeling to compute ratios andassess their significance (Fig. 1). Furthermore, convenientuser reports are produced which include a navigable sophis-ticated spreadsheet that represents a convenient paradigmfor reporting large sets of results as generated by peptidelevel studies.

Finally, we believe that bioinformatics tools should be asinteroperable as possible and the development of opensource R Bioconductor packages represents an effective wayof implementing this goal. In particular, follow up func-tional analyses such as GO term or pathway enrichmentsaremade straightforward thanks tomany existing Bioconductorpackages. Developing within the R platform allows otherbioinformaticians to use isobar at all possible levels, fromcalling high-level functions down to completely redesignedanalyses capitalizing on the low-level functions. For non-bioinformaticians and for usage within an automated pipeline,we make the complete analysis with report generation acces-sible on the command line requiring simple configuration viatext files only. In the future of the isobar project, we will givesignificant attention to the development of a graphical userinterface.

Isobar and isobarPTM can be downloaded from or from the Bioconductor web site.


We thank all our CeMM colleagues and in particular AndréMüller, Uwe Rix, Alexey Stukalov, and Keiryn Bennett for usefulfeedback and advices. JC is supported by an Austrian ScienceFund (FWF) grant No P 24321-B21.

Appendix A. Supplementary data

Supplementary data to this article can be found online at

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