BikeMS2012 TwoDayRouteMap LoRes

1 Beer Garden 2 Bicycle V illage Bike Corral 3 CSU Housing Tent 4 Dining Tent 5 Finish Line Tent 6 Food for Purchase 7 Hydration Station 8 Information, Volunteers, Registration 9 Luggage 10 Massage T ent 11 Meal T ent 12 Mechanical Support 13 Medical T ent 14 MS Cooling Zone 15 MS Merchandise T ent 16 Ride Photos 17 Shuttle Stop 18 Sponsor Row 19 Stage 20 Team Photos 21 VIP T ent On-Course Rider Services Sag Vehicles* I you (and your bike) need a lit to the next Rest Stop or to the daily nish, we will have several ‘SAG wagons’ on the course each day to take you there.  To signal a SAG ve hicle, ollow these three steps: (1) move othe road and out o the path o other r iders, (2) dismount and stand near your bike, and (3) give the SAG vehicle a ‘thumbs down.’ SAG vehicles will, generally, be available on the route and at Rest Stops. At peak hours, SAG vehicles may be ull. Please be patient; another SAG vehicle will be by soon. *Personal SAG vehicles are prohibited at Rest Stops and on the route. Rest Stops are located approximately every 10-16 miles throughout the course. Check your route map or exact locations. Stop, get a snack, use the restroom, and rell your water bottles. Each Rest Stop is staed by volunteers handing out ood and drinks, a medical team, and a mechanical team. BicycleMechanics will be on hand throughout the duration o the event or those in need o assistance. Repairs are ree but you’ll need to cover the cost o parts. Please be prepared to handle your own minor repairs– i.e. fat tires. Make sure to thank our partnering bike shop mechanics or their dedication and assistance! Medical Service will be available at all Rest Stops and will have basic rst aid items on hand. Emergency vehicles and Riding Medics will be on the route to provide medical assistance i necessary. Medical assistance will also be avail- able at the nish line at CSU on Saturday, and FRCC on Sunday. Radio Communication will be available at all Rest Stops. In case o an emergency, please contact the nearest HAM radio operator or stamember. I unavailable, please call 911 or emergencies. Support is available on the route i necessary. Be on the lookout or Riding Marshals, Riding Medics, SAG Vehicles, Gold Wing motorcyclists, Colorado State Patrol, and other event sta. BIKE MS 2012 CSU MAP Safety First! Rules of the Road Your safety is our number one priority at Bike MS, Colorado’s Ride! Please read the following safety- related information to help prepare yourself for a fun, SAFE and enjoyable weekend. • Wear a helmet at all times—NOEXCEPTIONS • Carry ID a nd relevant medical information • Rules of the road apply; same rights/duties as the driver of any other vehicle • Ride single le when necessary, max. of two abreast when conditions allow • Do not impede trac • Ride as far right as reasonable • Obey all trac lights, signs, and regulations • Pass on the left only, announce “passing”or “hello”or “on your left” • Use hand signals to indicate road hazards, stopping, slowing, right/left turns • Prepare properly with nutrition, hydration, training, and sudden weather changes • Respect others: riders, volunteers, host communities, motorists, pedestrians, law enforcement, and the environment Riding safely and considerately is vital to your enjoyment and the safety of other riders. The future of cycling events in Colorado depends on your cooperation with the rules above. Please Remember, DO: • Make eye contact with drivers • Never assume motorists see you or that you have the right-of-way • Expect the unexpected; your rst responsibility is to avoid a crash • Cross railroad tracks at a right angle • Give Ride Marshals and police your full cooperation • Pull othe road completely when you stop. Being on the road, especially at Rest Stops, causes a hazard for both riders and drivers. Please Remember, DO NOT: • Wear headphon es • Draft behind cars Use Aero Bars Pull “Burley”style trailers    T    H     A     N    K    S    T     O     O    U    R    G    E     N              U    S    S    P     O     N    S     O       S    o   f   t    h    e        e     w     m    o    n   t    B  i    k    e      M    S  ,    p   r    e   s    e      t    e    d       y     G   r    e    a   t   -      W    e   s   t    L  i   f    e   !             r      d    o    2   -    D   a       R              o    u   t    e     n   f    o   r     m   a   t  i    o    n          a    p           A    Y          O     U    T    E           O    F      L    E         A    Y    2        O     U    T    E           O    F         E              T     U    R    Y        O     O    P           O    F      L    E    T  i   t  l    e    S    p    o    n      o   r      r    e         n   t        g    S    p    o    n   s      r Port-a-potties Food/Beverages

Transcript of BikeMS2012 TwoDayRouteMap LoRes

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