Bene means good

Today we will talk about the word which is pertaining to goodness. The Latin word which is pertaining to goodness is bene- The Hindi equivalent of which is अअअअअ , अअअ , अअअ , अअअ , अअअअअ , अअअअअअअअ , अअअअअअअअअ , अअअअअअ , अअअअ , अअअअ , अअअअअअअ , अअअअअ , अअअअअअअ , अअअअअअ , अअअअअ , अअअ , अअअअअअ , अअअ , अअअअ , अअअअअअ , अअअ , अअअअअअ , अअअअअ If you see any word which has bene- in it, understand that it has something related to goodness. Now go through the list of the words.


contains the etymology of the word bene

Transcript of Bene means good

Today we will talk about the word which is pertaining to goodness.The Latin word which is pertaining to goodness is bene-The Hindi equivalent of which is , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

If you see any word which has bene- in it, understand that it has something related to goodness. Now go through the list of the words.

benediction to bless someone.blessing, prayer, invocation, dedication, grace, thanksgiving, thanks, orisonbene means wellThe Latin word dicere which means to say , , , BenedictTo bless someone by saying goodbenedicite = benedictionbenedicence Kindliness in speech.

benefaction A donation or giftFrom the Latin word facere which means to doLiterally, do good to someone. , , , , ,

benefactor A person who donates money to someone or for a particular cause.From the Latin word facere which means to dopatron, benefactress, supporter, backer, helper, sponsor, promoter, champion, donor, contributor, subscriber, subsidizer, philanthropist, good Samaritan, sympathizer, well-wisher, angel, fairy godmother, almsgiver, benefactrice, benefactrix, philanthrope, Maecenas , , ,

benefit (really a very important word)From the Latin word facere which means to doAn advantage or profit gained from something.good, sake, interest, welfare, well-being, advantage, comfort, convenience, help, aid, assistance, avail, use, utility, service. There are several other types of benefits which are given by the government for the people, such as social security payments, social security, state benefit, unemployment benefit, government benefit, benefit payments, public assistance allowance, welfare, insurance money, sick pay, pension, charity, donations.It also means to be advantageous to, be beneficial to, be of advantage to, do good to, be of service to, serve, be useful to, be of use to, be helpful to, be of help to, be of assistance to , , , , , , , The opposite is detriment, disadvantage, drawback

beneficent Means a person who is very generousOne who habitually does good for othersbenevolent, charitable, altruistic, humane, humanitarian, neighbourly, public-spirited, philanthropic, generous, magnanimous, munificent, unselfish, open-handed, free-handed, liberal, lavish, bountiful, benign, kind, bounteous; benignant. , , ,

beneficial advantageous, favourable, helpful, useful, of use, of benefit, of assistance, serviceable, of service, instrumental, valuable, of value, in one's (best) interests, worthwhile, profitable, rewarding, gainful, fruitful, lucrative, remunerative, productiveThe opposite is disadvantageous, detrimental , , , , ,

beneficiary A person who receives advantage from someonerecipient, receiver, payee, donee, assignee, devisee, grantee , , , ,

benevolent kind, kindly, kind-hearted, warm-hearted, tender-hearted, big-hearted, good-natured, gracious, benign, compassionate, caring, sympathetic, considerate, thoughtful, well meaning, obliging, accommodating, helpful, decent, neighbourly, public-spirited, charitable, altruistic, humane, humanitarian, philanthropic, generous, magnanimous, munificent, unselfish, ungrudging, open-handed, free-handed, free, liberal, lavish, bountiful, beneficent, indulgent, bounteous, benignantThe opposite is unkind, tight-fisted , , , , benevolence , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

benemortasia from the Latin word mors or mort which means deathLiterally, to die well or a good death

benign kindly, kind, warm-hearted, good-natured, friendly, warm, affectionate, agreeable, amiable, good-humoured, genial, congenial, cordial, approachable, tender, tender-hearted, soft-hearted, gentle, sympathetic, compassionate, caring, considerate, thoughtful, helpful, well disposed, obliging, accommodating, generous, big-hearted, unselfish, benevolent, gracious, liberal, indulgentIt is also used to refer to some disease which is not harmful. harmless, non-malignant, non-cancerous, non-dangerous, curable, remediable, treatable, removable, benignant , , , , , - , , , , , - , , - , , , , ,

benison means a blessing ,

nota beneNota means noteLiterally, note wellNota bene is used in written text to draw attention to what is written. It is written so that the reader should observe carefully to what is written , End of Session