B2 TEST Engleski Jezik

PROVERA JEZIČKE KOMPETENCIJE NA NIVOU B2 ZAJEDNIČKOG EVROPSKOG OKVIRA ZA JEZIKE April 2004. I SLUŠANJE I RAZUMEVANJE vreme: 18 minuta UPUTSTVA ZA KANDIDATE Listić sa šifrom čuvajte kod sebe do kraja ispita! Šifru upišite isključivo u predviđenu rubriku na naslovnoj strani svakog dela testa. Ispitni testovi koji budu na bilo koji drugi način označeni biće odmah diskvalifikovani , bez pregledanja. Na klupama mogu da budu samo ispitni testovi i olovke. Ne zaboravite da isključite mobilne telefone. Za izradu zadataka morate koristiti hemijsku olovku . Podesite svoj časovnik sa časovnikom dežurnih. Nakon što dobijete sva uputstva, dežurni će objaviti početak testiranja. …………… Test SLUŠANJA I RAZUMEVANJA testira dve stvari: - da li ste razumeli tekst koji ste čuli, i - da li razumete vokabular (reči i fraze) i gramatičke konstrukcije upotrebljene u tekstu. Sastoji se od jednog teksta koji traje 3.48 min i čita ga samo jedan izvorni govornik. Tekst ćete čuti dva puta. Drugu stranicu testa možete okrenuti tek kada dežurni objave da počinje zvanično vreme izrade testa. Filozofski fakultet u Nišu Filološki fakultet u Beogradu Filozofski fakultet u Novom Sadu ŠIFRA: Broj poena:

Transcript of B2 TEST Engleski Jezik

Page 1: B2 TEST Engleski Jezik



April 2004.


vreme: 18 minuta


Listić sa šifrom čuvajte kod sebe do kraja ispita! Šifru upišite isključivo u predviđenu rubriku na naslovnoj strani svakog dela testa. Ispitni testovi koji budu na bilo koji drugi način označeni biće odmah diskvalifikovani, bez pregledanja.

Na klupama mogu da budu samo ispitni testovi i olovke. Ne zaboravite da isključite mobilne telefone. Za izradu zadataka morate koristiti hemijsku olovku. Podesite svoj časovnik sa časovnikom dežurnih. Nakon što dobijete sva uputstva, dežurni će objaviti početak testiranja.


Test SLUŠANJA I RAZUMEVANJA testira dve stvari:- da li ste razumeli tekst koji ste čuli, i

- da li razumete vokabular (reči i fraze) i gramatičke konstrukcije upotrebljene u tekstu.

Sastoji se od jednog teksta koji traje 3.48 min i čita ga samo jedan izvorni govornik. Tekst ćete čuti dva puta. Drugu stranicu testa možete okrenuti tek kada dežurni objave da počinje zvanično

vreme izrade testa. Vreme za davanje odgovora na postavljena pitanja je 10 min. Za svako pitanje treba da izaberete i zaokružite jedan (onaj koji smatrate tačnim) od

ponuđena 4 odgovora. NIJE DOZVOLJENO VRŠITI BILO KAKVE ISPRAVKE!!! Pre nego što se

odlučite za 1 (jedan) od ponuđenih odgovora, dobro razmislite. Test se sastoji od 16 pitanja. Svako pitanje nosi 1 poen, tako da ceo test ima 16 poena. Da biste položili ovaj deo testa, treba da imate najmanje 75% bodova, tj. 12 poena.


Filozofski fakultet u Nišu

Filološki fakultet u Beogradu

Filozofski fakultet u Novom Sadu


Broj poena:

Page 2: B2 TEST Engleski Jezik

TASK - Please answer the following questions related to the text you have just heard. Circle the letter next to the answer of your choice. Once you have answered the question, DON’T MAKE ANY CHANGES!!!

1) What problem was the library faced with?

a) The lease on the building had run out. c) The building was damaged.

b) The government had cut down their funds. d) The library needed larger premises.

2) What does the phrase “the funds were very short” mean?

a) The library was broke. c) The librarians were short.

b) The library was broken into. d) The library did not have many books.

3) What options did the library have?

a) Either to close down or to sell the books. c) Either to catch a situation or to cut down on their expenses.

b) Either to close down or to cut down on their expenses.

d) Either to post the books or to cut down on their expenses.

4) What solution to the problem was the library considering?

a) Selling the books. c) Firing the staff.

b) Organizing a charity ball. d) Moving to cheaper premises.

5) Where was the new house located?

a) In the city centre. c) In a near-by village.

b) On the outskirts of the city. d) Near the Ministry building.

6) What is a “Catch 22 situation”?

a) Having 22 problems at once. c) Being in a very difficult situation.

b) Having many options. d) Being caught by the government.

7) “The library staff racked their brains”. What did they do?

a) They were carefree. c) They tried really hard to think of a solution.

b) They were angry. d) They waited for an answer from the Ministry.

8) What didn’t the library have money for?

a) New shelves. c) New library cards.

b) New books. d) Removal lorries.

9) How many lorries would be required to shift the books?

a) Hundreds. c) Thousands.


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b) Tens. d) Dozens.

10) Who came up with the idea of how to remove the books?

a) The chief librarian. c) The Prime Minister.

b) The secretary. d) A lorry driver.

11) What is “a novel idea”?

a) An idea found in a novel. c) A new idea.

b) A bad idea. d) A strange idea.

12) What were the borrowers asked to do?

a) To take out 15 books each. c) To buy 15 books.

b) To give money for the removal of the books. d) To help them sell the books.

13) How did the library inform the borrowers of the new address?

a) By telephone. c) In the newspapers.

b) By post. d) By e-mail.

14) What was the reaction of the borrowers?

a) They were puzzled. c) They were angry.

b) They were happy. d) They were disappointed.

15) “They saved a small fortune in removal costs” means:

a) They had a bit of good luck. c) They saved a lot of money.

b) They had a bit of bad luck. d) They saved a small amount of money.

16) In your opinion, where was this passage taken from?

a) A statistical report. c) A newspaper article.

b) A government report. d) A sociology textbook.


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Listić sa šifrom čuvajte kod sebe do kraja ispita! Šifru upišite isključivo u predviđenu rubriku na naslovnoj strani svakog dela testa. Ispitni testovi koji budu na bilo koji drugi način označeni biće odmah diskvalifikovani, bez pregledanja.

Na klupama mogu da budu samo ispitni testovi i olovke. Ne zaboravite da isključite mobilne telefone. Za izradu zadataka morate koristiti hemijsku olovku. Podesite svoj časovnik sa časovnikom dežurnih. Nakon što dobijete sva uputstva, dežurni će objaviti početak testiranja.


Test ČITANJA I RAZUMEVANJA proverava sledeće:- razumevanje teksta koji ste pročitali, - razumevanje vokabulara,- postavljanje pitanja na engleskom jeziku. Sastoji se od teksta koji treba pažljivo pročitati (TASK 1) i 3 zadatka. U drugom i trećem delu testa (TASK 2 i TASK 3) potrebno je zaokružiti jedan od

ponuđenih odgovora. Pre nego što se odlučite za jedno od ponuđenih rešenja, pažljivo pročitajte ceo tekst ili rečenicu.

U četvrtom delu testa (TASK 4) potrebno je napraviti pitanja za koja će podvučeni delovi rečenice biti odgovori.

NIJE DOZVOLJENO VRŠITI BILO KAKVE ISPRAVKE!!! Pre nego što se odlučite za 1 (jedan) od ponuđenih odgovora ili upišete svoje pitanje, dobro razmislite!

Test sadrži 24 pitanja; svako pitanje vredi 1 poen, tako da ceo test ima 24 poena. Da biste položili ovaj deo testa, treba da osvojite najmanje 75%, tj. 18 poena. Poeni se mogu izgubiti i zbog grešaka u pisanju reči (spelling), zato proverite da li su

vaša rešenja ispisana tačno, jasno i čitko.GOOD LUCK!


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TASK 1 READINGIn this part you will read a text of around 600 words. Read the text carefully so as to be able to complete the tasks 2, 3 and 4 following the text.___________________________________________________________________________________

Mr Lock, who lived at the foot of a mountain, was little interested in thinking, less interested in planning, and the least interested of all in working every day. He had a family to support, but he just sat smoking his pipe and waiting for something to turn up.

One day, however, his wife, who didn’t like setting empty dishes before hungry children, attacked her husband with strong words: “Human beings have to eat,” she said. “I am trying hard to bring up our babies with the food you give us, but it’s impossible. They are dying of hunger!” “Don’t worry. I’m going up into the mountains today, and I’ll certainly come back with something to eat.” Then, Mr Lock slowly walked out.

For a long time, Mr Lock wandered over the rocks without seeing anything worth picking up. It was almost noon when he came close to the mountain top and saw a curious sight - a colossal stone figure cut out of the mountain side. It was so huge that ten men could stand on its head without crowding one another. Ages before, men had worked many months to cut this figure into human form, but now it had been forgotten for a long time. A forest nearly hid it. In front, from the ground up, wild grapevines grew over the figure to its neck, and birds flew above its head. “What a prize!” Mr Lock exclaimed happily. High above his head, there was a large ripe pear – nearly as big as a man’s head – hanging on a small tree which grew on the top of the stone man. “That will feed the whole family”, Mr Lock said. “But how do I get it?” Obviously, he had to climb up the stone figure. Determined to get the pear, he seized the wild grapevines and, with great effort, climbed up and up, until he reached the chin of the great stone face. The big nose stood out above him, its nostrils as wide as a house door. Mr Lock stood on the stone lip and took hold of the stone nose, but he could climb no higher because the nose was slippery, and the ears were too smooth. He was stuck there. Far above him hung the pear, a gentle breeze blowing it to and fro, as if teasing him. “Come and get me if you can,” it seemed to be saying. He felt desperate. Suddenly, it occurred to him that he could climb into one of the nostrils and hope for an exit to the top. Without hesitation, he entered the dark hole, and soon disappeared from sight.

That was a brave thing to do, for everybody knows it is dangerous to disturb giants, even if they’re made of stone! Indeed, no sooner had he entered the giant’s nostril than there was a blast that shook the mountain. Hash-ho! Was it a great storm? Was it thunder? No, the colossus had sneezed! Mr Lock must have tickled the colossus’ nostril! And there Mr Lock was, flying through the air! He landed in the bushes, unconscious. When Mr Lock woke up again, it was almost dark. Above him the stone figure stood still, and everything was the same as before. But, no, something had changed! The huge pear was lying in the grass next to him! When the colossus sneezed, it had shaken its head, and the big pear had dropped off. Mr Lock picked it up, wondering whether his family would believe his story. Do you?


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TASK 2 COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS.............................................................8 pointsIn this part you will answer questions about the text you have read. Choose and circle the correct answer – a, b, c or d.

1) Where did Mr Lock live?a) High up in the mountains. c) At the bottom of the mountain.b) On the top of the mountain. d) On a river bank near the mountains.

2) What was Mr Lock like?a) Hard-working. c) Interesting.b) Lazy. d) Funny.

3) The stone figure was so big that…a) Ten men usually stood on its head. c) It could never be forgotten.b) It took ten men to lift it. d) There was room for ten men on its head.

4) The stone figure was hidden:a) By a large ripe pear hanging on a small tree at the top of it.

c) By a huge nest on its head.

b) By trees. d) Behind huge lianas around.

5) Why did Mr Lock cry out happily? a) Because he saw the colossus. c) Because birds flew above his head.b) Because he thought of his wife. d) Because he found something to eat.

6) What way to the top of the head did he choose?a) Through the nose. c) Through the ear.b) Though the mouth. d) Across the chin.

7) Why was he stuck when he reached the stone lip?a) Because he was desperate. c) Because the pear was teasing him.b) Because the stone was smooth and slippery.

d) Because the nose was as wide as a house door.

8) When the colossus sneezed, Mr Lock…?a) Was disturbed. c) Tickled.b) Was thunderstruck. d) Fell down.


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TASK 3 CHOOSE THE CORRECT MEANING.....................................................8 points In this part you are supposed to give the meanings of some of the words from the text. Choose and circle the correct answer – a, b, c or d.

1) “He had a family to support” (line 2), means:a) He had a large family. c) He had to provide food for his wife and

children.b) He needed the support of his family. d) He was in favour of his family.

2) “Mr Lock wandered over the rocks” (line 9) means:a) He was surprised by the rocks. c) He wanted to find the rocks.b) He walked over the rocks. d) He couldn’t get over the rocks.

3) “Without seeing anything worth picking up” (line 9), means:a) He didn’t want to pick up anything. c) He couldn’t find anything good to eat.b) He picked up everything he saw. d) He couldn’t see anything clearly.

4) “…he saw a curious sight” (line 10) means:a) What he saw was unusual. c) The sight was horrible.b) His eye sight was curious. d) He was scared by the sight.

5) “The nose was slippery” (line 22) means that it was:a) Rough and broken. c) Polished and smooth.b) Beyond his reach. d) Asleep.

6) “He was stuck there” (line 22-23) means:a) He was exhausted. c) He was hurt.b) He couldn’t see anything. d) He couldn’t go on.

7) “As if teasing him…” (line 23) means:a) Tempting him. c) Disturbing him.b) Frightening him. d) Threatening him.

8) “Without hesitation” (line 25) means:a) Immediately. c) Finally.b) After a while. d) Very slowly.


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TASK 4 QUESTION MAKING ….............................................................................8 pointsMake questions using the information contained in each of the following sentences from the text. The underlined part of the sentence should serve as the answer to the intended question.

1. His wife didn’t like setting empty dishes before hungry children.

.................................................................................................................................................? 2. Human beings have to eat.

….............................................................................................................................................? 3. They are dying of hunger.

….............................................................................................................................................? 4. The colossus was huge.

................................................................................................................................................? 5. Ten men could stand on its head without crowding one another.

.................................................................................................................................................? 6. It had been forgotten for a long time.

.................................................................................................................................................? 7. He would climb into the right nostril.

.................................................................................................................................................? 8. The colossus had sneezed.



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April 2004.


UPUTSTVA ZA KANDIDATE Listić sa šifrom čuvajte kod sebe do kraja ispita! Šifru upišite isključivo u predviđenu rubriku na

naslovnoj strani svakog dela testa. Ispitni testovi koji budu na bilo koji drugi način označeni biće odmah diskvalifikovani, bez pregledanja.

Na klupama mogu da budu samo ispitni testovi i olovke. Ne zaboravite da isključite mobilne telefone. Za izradu zadataka morate koristiti hemijsku olovku. Podesite svoj časovnik sa časovnikom dežurnih. Nakon što dobijete sva uputstva, dežurni će objaviti početak testiranja.

……… Test GRAMATIKE I UPOTREBE ENGLESKOG JEZIKA proverava znanje gramatike

engleskog jezika (posebno glagolskih oblika), sposobnost uočavanja i ispravljanja jezičkih grešaka, kao i poznavanje izvođenja reči i parafraziranja datih rečenica.

U prvom vežbanju u testu (MULTIPLE CHOICE) samo zaokružite jedan od ponuđenih odgovora – nije potrebno upisivati rešenja i u tekst ili rečenicu.

Pre nego što se odlučite za jedno od ponuđenih rešenja, ili upišete svoje rešenje - pažljivo pročitajte ceo tekst ili rečenicu. NIJE DOZVOLJENO VRŠITI BILO KAKVE ISPRAVKE!

Ovaj deo testa nosi 88 poena, a vi treba da osvojite 75%, tj. 66 poena da biste položili.

Poeni se mogu izgubiti i zbog grešaka u pisanju reči (spelling), zato proverite da li su vaša rešenja ispisana tačno, jasno i čitko.



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For each numbered gap choose ONE of the four offered answers to make the sentence both grammatically correct and logical. JUST CIRCLE A, B, C or D. DO NOT fill in the numbered gaps.

Just then my sister Kikuko, whom I hadn’t seen for years, came into the room.“At last!” My father (1)________ to his feet. “Kikuko (2)__________.”My sister and I had always been close (3)__________ our difference in years. Seeing me again seemed to make her excessively (4)__________ and for a while she didn’t do (5)___________ but giggle nervously. But she calmed down somewhat when my father started to question her about Osaka and her university. She answered him with short formal (6)__________ . She in turn asked me a few questions, but she seemed inhibited by the fear that her questions (7)__________ to strange topics. After a while, the conversation had become even (8)__________ before Kikuko’s arrival. Then my father stood up and said that he (9)__________ prepare dinner. “Please excuse me (10)__________ . Kikuko will look after you.”

My sister relaxed (11)__________ once he had left the room. Within a few minutes she was chatting freely about her friends in Osaka and about her classes (12)__________ university. Then, suddenly, she decided we should walk in the garden and (13)__________ out onto the veranda. We put on some sandals that (14)__________ along the veranda rail and stepped out into (15)_________ garden. The daylight had almost gone.

“I (16)__________ for a smoke for the last half-hour,” she said, (17)_________ a cigarette.

1 A) rised B) raised

C) roseD) rosed

10 A) for living B) on living

C) for leaving D) on leaving

2 A) arrived B) has arrived

C) had arrivedD) has been arriving

11 A) quite visibleB) quite visibly

C) quiet visibleD) quiet visibly

3 A) despiteB) in spite

C) neverthelessD) although

12 A) on B) in

C) toD) at

4 A) excitingly B) exciting

C) excitedlyD) excited

13 A) goed B) goes

C) goneD) went

5 A) something B) nothing

C) anythingD) everything

14 A) have leftB) had left

C) have been leftD) had been left

6 A) replyesB) replies

C) replysD) replays

15 A) –B) an

C) theD) a

7 A) might led B) might lead

C) might had ledD) might had lead

16 A) have been dyingB) had been dying

C) have been dyeingD) had been dyeing

8 A) quieter thenB) more quieter than

C) quieter thanD) more quieter then

17 A) light B) lighting

C) litingD) litting

9 A) had to B) has to

C) would had toD) must to


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II VERB FORMS 24 points

Put the verbs in brackets in their correct verb forms and make changes in the word order where necessary. The first has been done for you.

Paul (0) hadn’t been invited (not invite) when he (1)________________ (pay) a visit

to the Jenkins for the first time. “We (2)___________________________ (sleep) when Paul

(3)___________________________(break in),” Mary said. “It was about 6 a.m. when my

husband discovered that someone (4) _________________________ (burgle) us. “

It was a year later that the Jenkins (5)______________________(receive) a letter

saying the police (6)_______________________________(catch) the thief. “I immediately

wanted (7)__________________________(know) what (8) __________

_______________________ (his prison address, be). “I (9)_____________________ (feel) I

was partly responsible for putting his life back on the right tracks.” Not long afterwards, Paul

and Mary (10) _______________________(start) (11) _____________________________

(write) to each other and they (12)_____________________________ (be) friends ever since.

When his case (13)____________________________ (come up) in court, Paul

(14)__________________________ (allow) by the judge (15) __________________ (go) on an

experimental probation scheme rather than (16)______________________ (go) back to the kind

of prison he (17)________________________________(send) to many times before.

Now Paul is free. He (18) _____________________________ (call round) nearly

every day and (19)___________________(play) with the children. Recently, he

(20)_________________________ (even, go) to church with them. “In the old days,” he says,

“I (21)__________________________ (modal, spend) $200 a night going to clubs but the

money (22)___________________________ (steal). In the last few years I

(23)__________________________ (make) many new friends who

(24)_______________________ (care) about me. I know I couldn’t let Mary and her family



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Using the beginnings given, rewrite the sentences so that the meaning remains the same.

Example: I don’t speak French. I wish I ….spoke French….. .

1. My parents didn’t allow me to stay out after midnight when I was a teenager.My parents didn’t let me_____________________________________________

2. She didn’t buy the coat because she didn’t have enough money.If she_____________________________________________________________

3. “I don’t remember where I met him,” Mary said.Mary said she _____________________________________________________

4. If he doesn’t finish his report by 6, he won’t come to the cinema with us.Unless he _________________________________________________________

5. You are smoking in my room! I don’t like that.I’d rather you ______________________________________________________

6. They were talking about the problem when we came in.The problem_______________________________________________________

7. “Did Peter take part in the marathon on New Year’s,” David asked.David asked _______________________________________________________

8. I haven’t been here before. I regret it.I wish I ___________________________________________________________

9. We didn’t eat at home. We went to a restaurant instead. Instead of__________________________________________________________

10. I have a bad headache. Nevertheless, I’ll go to the concert.Although __________________________________________________________


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Read the following text and look carefully at each line. The text is divided into two parts – A and B.

Correct the mistakes as it has been done for you at the beginning of each part.

Part A - There are 7 grammar mistakes in this part, NOT counting the example.

started The party starts shortly after nine yesterday. Mr. Wood, which lived in the apartment below,

sighed to himself as he heard the first signs – the sound of foots on a stairs and of excited voices

as the guests greeted one another. He knew that in just a few minutes the music would begin and,

after that, the dancing. Fortunately, Mr. Wood had bringed some work home from the office

which will keep him busy for a while, perhaps for a couple of hour or so. He hoped this would

help him ignore a party that was going on upstairs.

Part B - There are 7 spelling mistakes in this part, NOT counting the example.

By Buy eleven o’clock Mr. Wood felt very tired. He was ready for bad but he knew from past

experience that he was not going to be able to get to sleap. Puting on his pyjamas, he propped

himself up and started reading a book. He tryed to concentrate on his book, but the noise from

the room directly above his head was to much. He found himself reading the same page over and

over again. Giving up, he turned of the light, and burried his head in the pillows in a desperate

effort to shut out the noise.


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Fill in the blanks in the text below with the correct forms of the words in brackets. The first has been done for you.

Nowadays young people seem to be (0) …increasingly… (increase) interested in becoming

teachers. However, have you ever thought about the (1)………………… (person) characteristics

you need to have in order to be a (2)………………………. (success) teacher?

To be a good teacher, a teaching (3)……………….………….. (qualify) is not all you need.

Your (4)…………………..……. (person) plays a big part in how (5)……………………….…..

(effect) your work will be. So, before making the (6)…………………….….. (decide) to take up

this challenging (7)……………….………… (occupy), it’s best to make a thorough (8)

……………………………. (examine) of your own character. Apart from (9)

……………………... (patient), you also need the (10)……...…………… (able) to accept other

people’s ideas and the (11)………………………. (will) to learn from your own mistakes. (12)

………………………… (sensitive) to the needs of your students is also important. To sum it up,

(13)…………………...………. (know) is not enough – who you are is much more important!



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vreme izrade: 45 minuta


Listić sa šifrom čuvajte kod sebe do kraja ispita! Šifru upišite isključivo u predviđenu rubriku na naslovnoj strani svakog dela testa. Ispitni testovi koji budu na bilo koji drugi način označeni biće odmah diskvalifikovani, bez pregledanja.

Na klupama mogu da budu samo ispitni testovi i olovke. Ne zaboravite da isključite mobilne telefone. Za izradu zadataka morate koristiti hemijsku olovku. Podesite svoj časovnik sa časovnikom dežurnih. Nakon što dobijete sva uputstva, dežurni će objaviti početak testiranja.

Test PISANJA testira vašu sposobnost da komunicarate na engleskom jeziku u pisanoj formi. Potrebno je da Vaš sastav bude dobro organizovan, a rečenice gramatički tačne i precizne. Na ovom nivou znanja od Vas se očekuje da ste u stanju da iznesete svoje mišljenje i potkrepite ga argumentima. Poeni se mogu izgubiti i zbog grešaka u pisanju reči ( spelling), zato proverite da li je ono što ste napisali tačno, jasno i čitko.

Ovaj deo testa nosi 100 poena, a vi treba da osvojite 75 da biste položili. GOOD LUCK!


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PLEASE READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS VERY CAREFULLY!!! In this part of the test you will write a short essay (250-300 words). There are 2 situations presented here, but you are required TO CHOOSE ONLY

ONE OF THEM and complete the task described in it. Before you decide which ONE you want to choose, please read BOTH of them, and

consider which one will give you an opportunity to show your best. Leave some time for editing your essay, because many points will be taken off for

especially grave grammar mistakes (BG's – basic grammar mistakes)

SITUATION 1You have not answered the letter from your friend who lives abroad because you have been very busy. Here is a page from you diary/organizer that shows some of your activities.

1. Add your other activities and duties to the diary list.2. Then, write a letter to your friend, in which you are going to explain the reasons for not

having written earlier and share other personal information, particularly focusing on how you have felt. Don’t forget the proper form!

Jan 1 New Year Jan 10 Study for examJan 2 Visiting relatives Jan 11 Study for examJan 3 Jan 12 Physical exercise

(aerobics …)Jan 4 Study for exam Jan 13 Night outJan 5 Study for exam Jan 14

Jan 6 Christmas Eve Jan 15

Jan 7 Christmas Jan 16

Jan 8 Jan 17 Exam !Jan 9 Jan 18

SITUATION 2Look at these pictures of a summer resort and a winter resort. If you could spend a week in one of them some time this year, all expenses paid, which one would you choose?Write an essay in which you will give reasons for your choice and describe your holiday there.


Page 17: B2 TEST Engleski Jezik