Aws lambda 事始め

Iot時代のサービス <AWS Lambda>事始め アイレット株式会社 2014.02.21 cloudpack 企 宏之

Transcript of Aws lambda 事始め

1. Iot 2014.02.21 cloudpack 2. ( ) cloudpack JAWS-UG JAWS-UG() JAWS-UG ()MVP AWS : AWS Direct Connect @unioce 3. 10,000 APN 3 4. IoT Internet of ThingsIoT (Internet of Everything:IoE) IoT 5. IoT Internet of ThingsIoT IoTAWS Lambda 6. AWS Lambda ( AWS) (+()) 100 Node.js()Lambda AWS 7. AWS Lambda S3 DinamoDB (BaaS) 8. AWS Lambda () Lambda push pull (invocation role) ( excution role) IAM 9. AWS SDK Amazon S3 Amazon DynamoDB Amazon Kinesis 10. Lambda() Node.js Node.jsnpm( AWS SDK) CoeeScript 11. Lambda() Lambda VPC(RDSVPC ) 12. Lambda ZIPUP nmpZIPUP () 128MB1GB64MB 160 Lambda 13. Lambda() ZIPUP nmpZIPUP () 128MB1GB64MB 160 Lambda JS 14. Lambda() ZIPUP nmpZIPUP () 128MB1GB64MB 160 Lambda JS 15. Lambda() ZIPUP nmpZIPUP () 128MB1GB64MB 160 Lambda 16. Lambda() ZIPUP nmpZIPUP () 128MB1GB64MB 160 Lambda 17. push pull push Amazon S3( SDK) 18. push pull pull Amazon DynamoDB/Amazon Kinesis 19. (invocation role) (excution role) IAM Invaocation Role Lambda Execution Role AWSLambda 20. Lambda AMAZON Linux 21. Timeout context.done() process.exit() 22. 23. Cloud WatchMetrics Errors 24. (1) /tmp 512MB 1024 () 1024 ZIP 30MB InvokeAsync(JSON) 128KB 25. 1,000,000 0.20 USD/1,000,000 0.0000002 USD/ 100 26. (MB) 100 128 0.000000208 192 0.000000313 256 0.000000417 320 0.000000521 384 0.000000625 448 0.000000729 512 0.000000834 (MB) 100 576 0.000000938 640 0.000001042 704 0.000001146 768 0.000001250 832 0.000001354 896 0.000001459 960 0.000001563 1024 0.000001667 1320(128MB ) 27. BaaS AWS Node.js() WEB AWS Elastic Beanstalk 28. twillio 29. Cloudpack() 30 30. Cloudpack() 31 w 31. 32 32.