Atul SIP 2

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  • 7/23/2019 Atul SIP 2



    Project Study Report


    Summer Internship Project in HR at WONDER CEMENTS IMITED Nim!ahera"

    Chittor#arh" Raj$

    Su!mitted %or partia& %u&%i&&ment to'ard the a'ard o% the de#ree in

    Master o% (usiness Administration


    -A +enture o% the Seed&in# .roup o% Educationa& Institutions/

    Su!mitted to0 Su!mitted !y0

    Prof. Rajesh Mehrotra Atul Rai

    Director of M.B.A (DUAL)

    School of Business Management 2ndear



  • 7/23/2019 Atul SIP 2


    !e sincerel than" the Pro%$ Rajesh Mehrotra Director of Schoo& o% (usiness

    Mana#ement. !e also than" to Mentor Ms$ Nihari2a Mahesh'arifor #ro$iding

    #ermission for S%P.

    !e &ould li"e to than" 'WONDER CEMENTS IMITED" Nim!ahera"

    Chittor#arh" -Raj$/ for #ro$iding us Summer %nternshi# Project training in R

    de#artment. !e heartil than" to Mr$A1HIESH SIR and MR$ DIN(ANDH* SIR*

    R Manager* for guiding us all the time and rendered their hel# during the #eriod of our

    training there. !e also &ish to e+#ress our gratitude to the officials and other staff

    mem,er of !onder -ements Limited &ho hel#ed us all the &a the can.



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    Summer %nternshi# Project #ro$ides a chance to students to a come across the dee#

    "no&ledge of ,usiness en$ironment. %t also #ro$ides o##ortunit to stud a com#an. %t

    #ro$ides "no&ledge of #re#aring a re#ort. his is a reason &h industrial $isit is

    re/uired. S%P training also #ro$ides "no&ledge of ho& to &or" &ith grou# and

    coordination 0 com,ination &ith grou# or team mem,ers.

    his re#ort #re#ared on !1D3R -3M3S LD.4s R de#artment on the to#ic

    4Recruitment5 gi$es all "no&ledge of one of the im#ortant function of R de#artment.

    %t is cement manufacturing #lant*#art of R5 6rou#*running their ,usiness in %ndia since



    % undersigned Mr$ Atu& Raistudent of School of Business and Management (M.B.A.) %%

    Semester here, declare that the re#ort for Summer raining Project entitled


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    4Recruitment5 from 8st9une* 278: to 8:th9ul 278: is m o&n &or" and has ,een

    carried out , student of School of Business and Management (M.B.A)* 9ai#ur ational

    Uni$ersit* 9ai#ur in '!1D3R -3M3S LD.* %MBA3RA

    his has not ,een su,mitted to an other uni$ersit for securing in an e+amination.

    Atul Rai


    Place; im,ahera



    Table of content



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    An O6er6ie' o% Cement Industry

    he histor of the cement industr in %ndia dates ,ac" to the 8

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    Later in 8=* go$ernment authori?ed ne& manufacturing units (as &ell as e+isting units

    going for ca#acit enhancement) to #ut a higher #rice tag for their #roducts. A cou#le of

    ears later* go$ernment introduced a three>tier #ricing sstem &ith different #ricing on

    cement #roduced in high* medium and lo& cost #lants.

    -ement -om#an* in an countr* #las a major role in the gro&th of the nation. -ement

    industr in %ndia &as under full control and su#er$ision of the go$ernment. o&e$er* it

    got relief at a large e+tent after the economic reform. But go$ernment interference*

    es#eciall in the #ricing* is still e$ident in %ndia. %n s#ite of ,eing the second largest

    cement #roducer in the &orld* %ndia falls in the list of lo&est #er ca#ita consum#tion of

    cement &ith 82: "g. he reason ,ehind this is the #oor rural #eo#le &ho mostl li$e in

    mud huts and cannot afford to ha$e the commodit. Des#ite the fact* the demand and

    su##l of cement in %ndia has gro&n u#. %n a fast de$elo#ing econom li"e %ndia* there is

    al&as large #ossi,ilit of e+#ansion of cement industr.

    Mr. Ashok Patni

    Chairman, Wonder Cement

    Wonder Cement came into being with a dream to build a better placefor the youth,

    their families and the nation at large. Not only did we dream of being India's number

    one cement manufacturer, but transformed this dream into a reality by setting up oneof the first fully-automated plants in India. We invested in the state-of-the-art erman

    technology and were one of the first to introduce new standards of !uality control.

    Cement is the foundation upon which we construct our lives-our homes, our schools,

    our roads and our societies. "ur structures will not only serve the generations of

    tomorrow, but will also carry our legacy as they stand the test of time.


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    We have come a long way and have always strived to blur the thin line between

    dreams and realities. #oday, Wonder cement's sister concern, $ % &arble, is a

    thriving brand in India. ince dreams and possibilities arise with every new

    beginning, Wonder Cement's promise to you is () *erfect huruaat.

    In conclusion, I would li)e to e+tend my gratitude to all employees, customers,

    suppliers, financial institutions, advisors and other sta)eholders, for their dedication

    and undying support. "ur central focus is and will always be to create value for our

    sta)eholders. s long as we are committed to improving the !uality of our product

    and services, I am sure we will soon achieve to become India's most respected

    cement producing company.


    (Mr. Vimal Patni ( Vikas Patni (Mr. Dwarka

    Prasad Somani

    Vice hairman! "oint Mana#in# Director! Mana#in#



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    - Mr$ I!rahim A&i -Mr. Vi$ek Patni (Mr. "a#dish handra


    Who&e Time Director / Director! E7ecuti6e Director/

    Techno&o#y *p8#radation

    -ement industr in %ndia is currentl going through a technological change as a lot of

    u#gradation and assimilation is ta"ing #lace. -urrentl* almost =C of the total ca#acit

    is ,ased entirel on the modern dr #rocess* &hich is considered as more en$ironment>

    friendl. 1nl the rest uses old &et and semi>dr #rocess technolog. here is also a

    huge sco#e of &aste heat reco$er in the cement #lants* &hich lead to reduction in the

    emission le$el and hence im#ro$es the en$ironment.

    Major P&ayers in Indian Cement Industry

    here are a num,er of #laers #re$ailing in the cement industr in %ndia. o&e$er*

    there are around 27 ,ig names that account for more than 7 of the total cement

    #roduction in %ndia. he total installed ca#acit is distri,uted o$er around 82= #lants*


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    o&ned , :@ major com#anies across the nation.

    3o&&o'in# are some o% the major names in the Indian cement industry0

    Company Production Insta&&ed Capacity

    A-- 8*=72 8

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    6rasim 8@*@= 8@*88:

    %ndia -ements

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    French cement com#an Hicat SA ,ought . share of Sagar -ement at a cost

    of USG [email protected]: million.

    olcim no& holds : sta"e of Am,uja -ement. Pre$iousl it held 22 of sta"e.

    he com#an utili?ed $arious o#en mar"et transactions to increase its sta"es. %t in$estedUSG 8.< ,illion for that.

    Recent In6estments in the Indian Cement Industry

    %n a recent announcement* the second largest cement com#an in South %ndia*

    Dalmia -ement declared that itEs going to in$est more than USG :2. million in the ne+t2>C ears to add 87 M ca#acit.


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    Anil Am,ani>led Reliance %nfrastructure is going to ,uild u# cement #lants &ith a

    total ca#acit of earl 27 M in the ne+t : ears. For this* the com#an &ill in$est USG2.8 ,illion.

    %ndia -ements is going to set u# 2 thermal #o&er #lants in Andhra Pradesh andamil adu at a cost of USG 87@ ,illion.

    Anil Am,ani>led Reliance -ementation is also going to set u# a : M integrated

    cement #lant in Maharashtra. %t &ill in$est USG @C.2 million for that.

    9ai#ra"ash Associates Ltd has signed a MoU &ith Assam Mineral De$elo#ment

    -or#oration Limited to set u# a 2 M cement #lant. he estimated #roject cost is USG228.C million.

    Rungta Mines (RML) is also #lanning to in$est USG 82C million for setting u# a 8

    M cement #lant in 1rissa.

    Map Sho'in# Indian Cement P&ant ocations


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    Company Name0 Wonder Cement td$


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    Address0 Phachar Aheeran" Rajasthan :;;

    ocation0 Nim!ahera" Chittor#arh -Rajasthan/

    O*R +ISION0

    8. he -om#an desire to ma"e enduring contri,utions to social de$elo#ment as a$alued and trusted mem,er of societ , enriching #eo#leEs life and ma"ing socialcontri,utions.

    2. o ensure economic gro&th &ith ecological and social res#onsi,ilit.

    3. o im,i,e the ,est cor#orate #ractices at the factor > #romoting a clean and green

    en$ironment and fostering a &or" culture com#ara,le to the ,est in the industr.4.

    3OC*S AREA0

    8. 3radicating hunger* #o$ert and malnutrition* #romoting #re$enti$e health careand sanitation including contri,ution to the S&ach Bharat 5osh set>u# , the-entral 6o$ernment for the #romotion of sanitation and ma"ing a$aila,le safedrin"ing &ater.

    2. Promoting education including s#ecial education and em#loment enhancing$ocation s"ills s#eciall among children* &omen* elderl and differentl a,le andli$elihood enhancement #rojects

    C. Promoting general e/ualit* em#o&ering &omen* setting u# homes and hostels for&omen and or#hansI setting u# old age homes* da care centers and such otherfacilities for senior citi?ens and measures for reducing ine/ualities faced ,sociall and economicall ,ac"&ard grou#s

    @. 3nsuring en$ironmental sustaina,ilit* ecological ,alance* #rotection of flora andfauna* animal &elfare and agro forestr* conser$ation of natural resources andmaintaining /ualit of soil* air and &ater including contri,ution to the -lean6anga Fund set>u# , the -entral 6o$ernment for reju$enation of ri$er 6anga.

    :. Protection of national heritage* art and culture including restoration f ,uildingsand sites of historical im#ortance and &or"s of artI setting u# #u,lic li,rarI#romotion and de$elo#ment of traditional art and handicrafts

    . raining to #romote rural s#orts* nationall recogni?ed s#orts* Paralm#ics s#ortsand 1lm#ic s#ortsI


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    . Rural De$elo#ment Projects.

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    1ur first cement #lant* located in im,ahera* District -hittorgarh* in Rajasthan* has aca#acit to #roduce C.2: Million ons #er annum. he state of the art manufacturing unit&as esta,lished in technical colla,oration &ith hssen5ru## and Pfeiffer Ltd. of6erman* the &orld leaders in cement technolog* and it #roduces cement at #ar &ithinternational standards. S#ecial effort &as ta"en to ensure that the #lant u#holds the latest

    en$ironmental norms and &ith the hel# of a re$erse air ,ag house* 3SP and a num,er ofnuisance ,ag filters* the #lant remains clean 0 dust free.

    !ithin t&o ears of commencement of the First Plant &e ha$e started &or" on e+#ansionto dou,le the ca#acit. he e+#ansion #roduction is e+#ected , Decem,er 278:.

    !onder -ement has am,itious #lans to further e+#and its current ca#acit to 87 Milliontons , setting u# a third #roduction line for &hich land and laouts are read.


    Recruitment is 'hiring of em#loees from outside. Recruitment has ,een regarded asthe

    most im#ortant function of the R de#artment * ,ecause unless the right t#e of #eo#le

    are hired* e$en the ,est #lans* organi?ation chart and control sstem &ould not do much



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    Recruitment is the disco$ering of #otential a##licant for actual or antici#ated

    organi?ational $acancies. Accordingl the #ur#ose of recruitment is to locate sources of

    man#o&er to meet the jo, re/uirements and jo, s#ecification.

    %t is defined as J a #rocess to disco$er the sources of man#o&er to meet the re/uirements

    of staffing schedule and to a##l effecti$e measures for attracting the man#o&er to

    ade/uate num,er to facilitate effecti$e selection of an effecti$e &or"force

    ,oder#oints out that recruitment is a #rocess to disco$er the sources of man#o&er to

    meet the re/uirement of the staffing schedule and to em#loee effecti$e measures to

    attracting that man#o&er in ade/uate num,er to facilitate effecti$e selection of an

    effecti$e &or"force.

    Ed'in ( 3&ippo de%ines recruitment as Jthe #rocess of searching for #ros#ecti$e

    em#loees and stimulating them to a##l for the jo,s in the organi?ation.

    '%t is the #rocess of finding and attracting ca#a,le a##licants for em#loment.he

    #rocess ,egins &hen ne& recruits are sought and ends &hen their a##lication are

    su,mitted. he result is a #ool of a##licants from &hich ne& em#loees are selected.


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    Methods o% Recruitment

    Dunn and Ste#hens summaries the #ossi,le recruiting methods into three categories*


    8; Direct method

    2; %ndirect method

    C; hird #art method


    he direct method includes sending of the recruiters to different educational and

    #rofessional institutions* em#loees contact &ith #u,lic* and mannered e+hi,its. 1ne of

    the &idel used methods is sending the recruiters to different colleges and technical

    schools. his is mainl done &ith the coo#eration of the #lacement office of the college.

    Sometimes* firms directl solicit information form the concerned #rofessors a,out

    student &ith an outstanding records.

    1ther direct methods include sending recruiters to con$entions and seminars* setting u#

    e+hi,its at fairs* and using mo,ile offices to go the desired centers.


    %ndirect method in$ol$es mainl ad$ertising in ne&s#a#ers* on the radios* in trade and

    #rofessional journals* technical maga?ines and ,rochures.


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    Ad$ertisements in ne&s#a#ers and or trade journals and maga?ines are the most

    fre/uentl used methods. Senior #ost is largel filled &ith such methods. Ad$ertising is a

    $er useful for recruiting ,lue color and hourl &or"er* as &ell as scientific* #rofessional*

    and technical em#loees.

    Local ne&s#a#er can ,e good sources of ,lue collar &or"ers* clerical em#loees* and

    lo&er le$el administrati$e em#loees.

    he main #oint is that the higher the #osition in the organi?ation the more dis#ersed

    ad$ertisement is li"el to ,e. he search for the to# e+ecuti$e might include

    ad$ertisement in a national #eriodical* &hereas the ad$ertisement of the ,lue color jo,s

    usuall confine to the dail ne&s#a#er.

    According to the Ad6ertisement tactic and strate#y in personne& Recruitment* three

    main #oints need to ,e ,orne in the mind ,efore an ad$ertisement in inserted.

    First* to $isuali?e the t#e of a##licants one is tring to recruit.

    Second* to &rite out a list of ad$antages the com#an offers* or &h should the reader

    join the com#an.

    hird* to decide &here to run the ad$ertisement * not onl in &hich area* ,ut also in

    &hich ne&s#a#er ha$ing a local* state or a nation> &ide circulation.

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    RECR*ITMENT PROCESS IN MADRAS CEMENT TD$The source o% method is 2no'n

    earnin# 0Reasons or need %or recruitment they are major reason %or conductin#

    recruitment in the or#anisation$ One is to rep&ace the a6ai&a!&e 6acant position and

    other is to %i&& the ne' recruitment o% or#anisation$

    Rep&acement ? 'i&& !e done 'hen an emp&oyee@s &ea6es the jo!$ This 6acancy caused

    due to recruitment" death o% re&ie6in# o% an emp&oyee$

    Ne' Recruitment ? When the or#anisation p&an to e7pand the unit or to under8 ta2e

    more project then the a6ai&a!&e emp&oyee 'i&& not !e su%%icient enou#h to satis%y the

    'or2 %orce thus the recruitment 'i&& too2 p&ace$



    HRP 'i&& he&ps the HR to %ind the HR recruitment " then the HR jo! is to %ind the

    emp&oyee suita!&e %or recruitment $ Then main to reach the &ar#e no o% jo! see2ers"

    there !y #ettin# the !est ta&ent$ Thus to reach the mass #roup o% jo! see2ers used

    ore as %o&&o's$

    )o! Porta&s" Nau2ari" Monster" Consu&tants" Ad6ertisement -done i% on&y re9uired/"

    Emp&oyee Re%erence" throu#h app&ications recei6ed" )o! rep&acement$

    PROCESS The or#anisation dea&s the process o% recruitment di%%erent&y !et'een the

    %resher@s and the e7perience person$ Initia&&y 'ritten test recei6ed to the su!ject 'i&&

    !e conducted$ Then the 'inner o% the a!o6e test 'i&& !e ta2en %or second 'rittentest 'hich consist o% #enera& 2no'&ed#e " reasonin#" numerica& a!i&ity" in #enera&

    ca&&ed as apptitude test$

    I% it is too2 p&ace in the campus o% the co&&e#e$ Then the se&ected person %rom

    'ritten e7am 'i&& under#o .roup discussion$ I% the recruitment too2 p&ace in

    corporate o%%ice then the se&ected person %rom 'ritten e7am 'i&& s2ip the .roup

    discussion and direct&y enter to the direct inter6ie'$


    No 'ritten e7am 'i&& conducted$


    Second inter6ie' 'i&& ta2e p&ace in the %actories and the %ina& &e6e& 'i&& ta2e p&ace in

    the corporate o%%ice$

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    hese include the use of commercial or #ri$ate em#loment agencies* state agencies* and

    #lacement offices of schools colleges and #rofessional associations recruiting firms*

    management consulting firms* indoctrination seminars for college #rofessors* and friends

    and relati$es.

    Pri$ate em#loment agencies are the most &idel used sources. he charge a small fee

    from the a##licant. he s#eciali?e in s#ecific occu#ationI general office hel#* salesmen*

    technical &or"ers* accountant* com#uter staff* engineers and e+ecuti$es.

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    State or #u,lic em#loment agencies are also "no&n as the em#loment or la,our

    e+changes* are the main agencies for the #u,lic em#loment. 3m#loers inform them of

    their #ersonnel re/uirement* &hile jo, see"ers get information for them a,out the t#e of

    jo, are referred , the em#loer.

    Schools and colleges offer o##ortunities for recruiting their student. he o#erate

    #lacement ser$ices &here com#lete ,iodata and other #articular of the student are


    Professional organi?ation or recruiting firms maintain com#lete information records a,out

    em#loed e+ecuti$e. hese firms maintain com#lete information records a,out em#loed

    e+ecuti$es. hese firms are loo"ed u#on as the Jhead hunters * Jraiders * and

    J#irates , organi?ation &hich loose their #ersonnel through their efforts.

    E6a&uation o% the recruitment method

    he follo&ing are the e$aluation of the recruitment method

    8; um,er of initial en/uires recei$ed &hich resulted in com#leted a##lication forms

    2; um,er of candidates recruited.

    C; um,er of candidates retained in the organi?ation after si+ months.

    @; um,er of candidates at $arious stages of the recruitment and selection #rocess*

    es#eciall those short listed.

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    O!jecti6e o% recruitment

    8; o attract &ith multi dimensional s"ills and e+#erience that suite the #resent and future

    organi?ation strategies.

    2; o induct outsider &ith ne& #ers#ecti$e to lead the com#an.

    C; o infuse fresh ,lood at all le$els of organi?ation.

    @; o de$elo# an organi?ational culture that attracts com#etent #eo#le to the com#an.

    :; o search or headhunt #eo#le &hose s"ill fit the com#an s $alues.

    ; o see" out non>con$entional de$elo#ment grounds of talent

    ; o de$ise methodolog for assessing #schological traits.

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    3actors a%%ectin# Recruitment

    here are t&o t#es of factors that affect the Recruitment of candidates for the com#an.

    ;0 Interna& %actors; hese includes

    > -om#an s #a #ac"age

    > Kualit of &or" life

    > 1rgani?ational culture

    > -om#an s si?e

    > -om#an s #roduct

    > 6ro&th rate of the com#an

    > Role of trade unions

    > -ost of recruitment

    Su##l and demand factors

    > 3m#loment rate

    > La,our mar"et condition

    > Political* legal and go$ernment factors

    > %nformation sstem

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    3actors to !e underta2en 'hi&e %ormu&atin# recruitment po&icies

    he follo&ing factors should ,e underta"en &hile formulating the #olicies >

    > 6o$ernment #olices

    > Recruitment sources

    > Recruitment needs

    > Recruitment cost

    > 1rgani?ational and #ersonal #olicies

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    Theories Re#ardin# Recruitment

    Recruitment is t&o &a street; it ta"es a recruiter has a choice &hom to recruit* same

    &a the #ros#ecti$e em#loee also has ta"en the decision &hether or not to a##l for

    the gi$en jo, $acanc. he indi$idual ta"e the decision usuall on three different ,asic;

    ;0 The o!jecti6e %actors

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    The o!jecti6es theory $ie&s that the #rocess of organi?ational choice as ,eing one

    of&eighing and e$aluating set of measura,le characteristic of em#loment offers*

    such #a* ,enefits * location* o##ortunit for ad$ancement* the nature of jo, to

    #erformed* and education o##ortunities.

    !hereas* the critica& contact theory suggests that the t#ical candidates is una,le to

    ma"e a meaningful differentiation of organi?ation s offers in terms ofo,jecti$e or

    su,jecti$e factors* ,ecause of his limited or $er short contact &ith the organisation.

    -hoice can ,e made onl &hen a##licant can readil #ercei$e the factors such as the

    ,eha$iour of the recruiters* the nature of the #hsical facilities* and such as the

    efficienc in #rocessing #a#er &or" association &ith the a##lication.

    1n the other hand* the su!jecti6e theoryem#hasi?es the congruence. ere the

    choices are made on highl #ersonal and emotional ,asis.

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    %n e$erda life human ,eing has to face man #ro,lems $i?. social* economical*

    financial #ro,lems. hese #ro,lems in life call for acce#ta,le and effecti$e solutionsand for this #ur#ose* research is re/uired and a methodolog a##lied for the solutions

    can ,e found out.

    Research &as carried out at !onder -ement to find out the'Recruitment #rocess.


    Primary Data0

    Primar data &as collected through sur$e method , distri,uting /uestionnaires to

    ,ranch manager and other sales manager. he /uestionnaires &ere carefull designed

    , ta"ing into account the #arameters of m stud.

    Secondary Data0

    Data &as collected from ,oo"s* maga?ines* &e, sites* going through the records of the

    organisation* etc. %t is the data &hich has ,een collected , indi$idual or someone else

    for the #ur#ose of other than those of our #articular research stud. 1r in other &ords

    &e can sa that secondar data is the data used #re$iousl for the analsis and the

    results are underta"en for the ne+t #rocess.

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    B*ESTION0 What are the sources %or recruitment







    A,out : of the manager sa that the #refer ,oth internal as &ell as e+ternal source

    for recruitment &here as onl = go for internal source and 8

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    Buestion;Which method do you most&y pre%er %or recruitment pre%erred'ay o% recruitment








    A,out : of the mangers go for direct recruitment and C2 go for

    indirect and onl C go for third #art recruitment &a.

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    Buestion;When do you pre%er to #o %or manpo'er p&annin#









    "o #ixedTi$e

    Around :7 of the managers go for Kuarterl man#o&er#lanning and 27 do not

    follo& an #attern the don t ha$e an fi+ed time &here as 27

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    go for earl.

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    Buestion0 What are the sources %or e7terna& recruitment arepre%erred


    3'% inter(ie)&


    Data ,an-


    8% applicant&


    %n AH%HA C@ of manager go for cam#us inter$ie&s* CC go for data ,an"* 2: from the

    casual a##lication that are recei$ed and onl

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    Buestion0 What %orm o% inter6ie' did you pre%er



    Inter(ie)&20% '0% Telephonic





    Most of the manager Prefer Personal inter$ie&s* C7 #refer to ta"e tele#honic inter$ie&s

    &here as onl 27 go for $ideo conferencing and rest 87 ado#t some other means of


  • 7/23/2019 Atul SIP 2


    Buestion0 Ho' do you rate the HR practices o% the company



    20% .ery ood





    :7 of the managers feel that R de#artment is good &here and C7sa that s its


    good &here as 27 sas its a$erage and onl 87 manager feel it s ,ad.

  • 7/23/2019 Atul SIP 2



    %n !onder cement most of the em#loees feel that s the R de#a rtment is good. A,out

    : of the managers sas that the #refer ,oth internal as &ell as e+ternal source for

    recruitment and selection. A,out : of the mangers go for direct recruitment and less

    num,er for mangers #refer indirect or third #art. Mostl the man#o&er #lanning is done

    Kuarterl and 27 do not follo& an #attern the don t ha$e an fi+ed time. A$i$a

    #refers to go for cam#us inter$ie&s and e$en casual a##lication that are recei$ed for

    recruitment ,ut the hardl #refer #lacement agencies.

    Most of the manager Prefer Personal inter$ie&s* C7 #refer to ta"e tele#honic inter$ie&s

    &here as onl 27 go for $ideo conferencing and rest 87 ado#t some other means of


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    his #resents the summar of the stud and sur$e done in relation to the

    Recruitment in !onder -ement he conclusion is dra&n from the stud and

    sur$e of the com#an regarding the Recruitment #rocess carried out there.

    he recruitment #rocess at!onder some e+tent is not done o,jecti$el

    and therefore lot of ,ias ham#ers the future of the em#loees. hat is &h the search

    or headhunt of #eo#le should ,e of those &hose s"ill fits into the com#an s


    Most of the em#loees &ere satisfied ,ut changes are re/uired according to the

    changing scenario as recruitment #rocess has a great im#act on the &or"ing of the

    com#an as a fresh ,lood* ne& idea enters in the com#an.

    Process is good ,ut it should also ,e modified according to the re/uirements and


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    Man#o&er re/uirement for each de#artment in the com#an is identified &ellin ad$ance.

    %f the man#o&er re/uirement is high and the recruitment team of the Rde#artment alone cannot satisf it* then hel# from the #lacement agencies isneeded.

    ime management is $er essential and it should not ,e ignored at an le$elof the #rocess..

    he recruitment and selection through #lacement agencies as the last resortand is utilised onl &hen need.

    he recruitment #rocedure should not to length and time consuming.

    he candidates called for inter$ie& should ,e allotted timings and it shouldnot o$erla# &ith each other.

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    -.B Mamoria and S.H. 6an"ar (277@)* Personal Management e+t and -ases.

    imalaa Pu,lication. 5.As&ahtha##a (2778)*uman Resource and Personnel Management

    uman Resource Management* (277:)* Dr.P.-. Pardeshi

    -.B 6u#ta (277:)


  • 7/23/2019 Atul SIP 2



    KU3S%1A%R3 F1R 3 R3S3AR-

    8; !hen are the resources need and forecasted




    ot fi+ed

    2; o& is the resource need forecasted


    C; o& do ou rate the recruitment #rocedure



    Long Her Long

    -ant sa

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  • 7/23/2019 Atul SIP 2


    @; !hat is the #rocess ou follo& for recruitment Peo#le e+#lain the same in ,rief


    :; !hich method do ou mostl #refer from the follo&ing for recruitment

    Direct Method

    %ndirect Method

    hird Part

    ; !hat sources ou #refer for recruitment

    %nternal sources

    3+ternal sources


    ; !hat are the sources for internal sourcing among the follo&ing >;

    Present #ermanent em#loees

    Present tem#orar em#loees

    Retrenched N Retired N em#loees

    Deceased N disa,led N em#loees

  • 7/23/2019 Atul SIP 2


    =; !hat are the sources for e+ternal recruitment among the follo&ing

    -am#us inter$ie&s

    Placement agencies

    Pri$ate em#loment agencies

    Pu,lic em#loment agencies

  • 7/23/2019 Atul SIP 2


    Professional associations

    Data ,an"

    -asual a##licants

    1ther* if an #lease mention

    87; !hich is the most successful method for recruitment

    88; o& man rounds of inter$ie&s are conducted



    More than :

    82; Are ou satisfied &ith round of inter$ie&s conducted



    o some e+tent

    -ant sa

  • 7/23/2019 Atul SIP 2


    8C; !hat form of inter$ie& did ou #refer

    Personal %nter$ie&

    ele#honic %nter$ie&

    Hideo -onferencing

    An t&o (then tic" those t&o)

    All three

  • 7/23/2019 Atul SIP 2


    8@; Are ou satisfied &ith the inter$ie& #rocess



    o some e+tent

    8:; %f no then &hat is the reason And suggest the measures to ,e ta"en for


    8; Are ou satisfied &ith the #resent method ,eing follo&ed , the com#an for

    recruitment and selection



    8; %f no* &hat ste#s &ould ou #refer* to ma"e im#ro$ement


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  • 7/23/2019 Atul SIP 2


    28; o& do ou rate the R #ractices of the com#an

    Her 6ood




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