ATSYD 13 Irene/Rob - Fairfax & Zeus Unwired

#ATMU Tablet: the New Fron1er Wednesday 13th th March, 2013 Irene Ongkowidjaja – Fairfax Rob Marston – Zeus Unwired

Transcript of ATSYD 13 Irene/Rob - Fairfax & Zeus Unwired

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 Tablet:  -­‐  the  New  Fron1er  

     Wednesday  13thth  March,  2013      

Irene  Ongkowidjaja  –  Fairfax  Rob  Marston  –  Zeus  Unwired  

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•  The  Australia  Tablet  Owner  •  All  ‘Devices’  are  not  created  equally  •  What  is  the  Tablet  opportunity?  •  Case  Study  -­‐  Fairfax  Domain  

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IAB  Australia  predic1on  2012  

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The  Australia  Tablet  Market  

•  2.5m units sold by the end of 2012

•  15% penetration growing to 30% in 2013

•  Apple will have install base advantage in 2013

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Almost  Equal  Smartphone  and  Tablet  Traffic  Share  

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At  Home  

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Consumers  Browse  on  Tablet  

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Tablet  Users  More  Engaged  

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Search is a Key Activity

N.B. Smartphone sample not asked Tablet option

Source: IAB Three Device Lives: Tablets in context

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Paid  Search  conversion  rates  higher  on  Tablet  

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35% Day in the Life of Device Usage - Weekday

Desktop Mobile Tablet

50% of tablet uses are after 7pm %




Source: IAB Three Device Lives: Tablets in context

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Usage  peaks  at  Weekends  


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Tablets are an entertainment device Which of your devices best allows you to be entertained?

Source: IAB Three Device Lives: Tablets in context

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Gaming  is  a  key  category  for  Tablet  

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People love exploring on tablets Which of your devices best allows you to explore new things?

Source: IAB Three Device Lives: Tablets in context

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PuVng  your  feet  up!  

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The  Value  Add  of  a  Valuable  Ad  

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Do I need a T-commerce strategy?

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Tablet owners shop a lot


purchase  weekly  

2:56   2:12  

Source:  IAB  Mojo  Study    

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•  The  Tablet  User  is  –  At  home  –  Older  – More  engaged  –  Spending  – Watching  video  –  Playing  games  –  Over  Wi-­‐Fi  

•  Connect  using  –  Rich  Immersive  content  –  Preferably  video…  –  …even  longer  form  – With  an  op1on  to  buy  –  In  tandem  with  TV  –  Aaer  7pm!  

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#ATMU  iPad  App    Case  Study  

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How  did  the  app  came  about?  •   Late  2010  we  no1ced  that  there  were  50,000  users  (and  growing)  that  accessed  our  website  &  iPhone  app  on  their  iPad          •   These  50,000  users  generated  3,000  property  email  enquiries  per  month  •   We  also  started  receiving  many  requests    from  our  users  asking  for  an  iPad  app  •   At  that  1me,  there  were  approximately  250,000  iPad  in  Australia  and  it  was  growing  strong.  Gi  Australia  survey  showed  that  12  months  from  then,  1  in  8  Australians  were  likely  to  buy  a  tablet  •   From  our  iPhone  app,  we  knew  that  apps  are  more  engaging  than  website  (Double  number  of  proper1es  were  being  shortlisted,  and  higher  conversion  to  leads)    

 So  we  knew  that  if  we  built  an  iPad  app,  we  would  already  have  :    

1.   Customer  base  that  will  switch  to  iPad  app  immediately  2.   These  customer  base  were  growing  strongly  3.   Higher  engagement  and  conversion  from  these  users  


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What  was  the  build  process?  • Started  with  analysing  iPad  user  profile  &  exis1ng  usage  behaviour  (when  is  it  being  used  most?)  • Determine  core  usage  tasks  &  MVP  • Determine  UX  and  Design  principles  &  guidelines  • Figure  out  context  of  use  –  how  it  will  be  used?  • Compara1ve  review    • User  Sessions  –  Morae  Observer  -­‐  internal  staffs,  various  background  •   Agent  visits  –  they  are  our  consumers  too    •   Building  (with  lots  of  tweaks  as  we  go!)  •   Test,  test  and  test  –  make  sure  it  feels  right  •   Get  colleagues  &  friends  to  use  the  app  for  their  weekend  inspec1ons  prior  to  release  







User testing – Video captures using Morae Observer

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Lessons  Learnt              Result  

                 •   The  map!  

•   Fresh  perspec1ve  of  loca1on  •   More  open  minded  •   Interac1ve  

•   Intui1ve  &  Easy  to  use      

•   How  do  I  refine  my  search?  •   How  do  I  search  for  mul1ple  suburbs?  •  Satellite  &  Hybrid  mode  for  map  

•   16,000  downloads  &  200  posi1ve  ra1ngs/reviews  within  1  week  (before  marke1ng  commenced)  •   1st  day  of  marke1ng  =  5,000  downloads  •   Achieved  our  50,000  downloads  in  3  weeks    

•   Very  posi1ve  –  happy  users  &  agents  •   4.5  star  ra1ngs  in  App  Store  •   #1  Lifestyle  category,  #1  Overall  category,  and  #2  Lifestyle  category  in  NZ  

•   Winner  for  Best  Classifieds  –  AIMIA    •   Top  Lifestyle  iPad  app  ‘Rewind  2011’  -­‐  iTunes  • Top  25  All  1me  free  Lifestyle  iPad  app  in  Australia  –  iTunes  • Top  20  App  Store  Best  of  2012  -­‐  iTunes  

•   Build  the  basic  right  first  1me  •   Keep  it  simple  •   Add  features  as  you  go  •   Understand  and  listen  to  users  •   Tweak  and  descope  

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