Atatürk’s principles


Transcript of Atatürk’s principles

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Page 2: Atatürk’s principles

There are six basic principles of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk.(M. Kemal Atatürk’ün altı temel ilkesi vardır.)

Page 3: Atatürk’s principles

1- Republicanism (Cumhuriyetçilik ) 2- Populism (Halkçılık ) 3- Secularism (Laiklik ) 4- Statism ( Devletçilik ) 5- Nationalism ( Milliyetçilik ) 6- Reformism ( İnkilapçılık )

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The Goals of This Part( Bu Bölümün Amaçları )

When you study this unit, you will have knowledge about Atatürk’s principles.(Bu üniteyi çalıştığınızda Atatürk ilke ve inkilapları hakkında bilgi sahibi olacaksınız.)

Page 5: Atatürk’s principles

How to Study(Nasıl Çalışmalıyız)

You should learn the meanings of the terms or idioms in the subject that you come across first time, from the chart at the end of dialogues, readings or exercises.(Konu içinde ilk kez karşılaştığınız kavram ve deyimlerin anlamlarını diyalog, okuma parçası ya da alıştırmaların sonunda verilen tablolardan öğreniniz.)

Page 6: Atatürk’s principles

Before doing the exercises, examine the given examples carefully.( Alıştırmaları yapmadan önce verilen örnekleri dikkatlice inceleyiniz.)

How to Study(Nasıl Çalışmalıyız)

Page 7: Atatürk’s principles

Read the warnings carefully, if it is necessary write them down.( Uyarıları dikkatle okuyunuz, gerekirse yazınız.)

How to Study(Nasıl Çalışmalıyız)

Page 8: Atatürk’s principles

To learn the subject in details utulise the resources at the end of your book .( Konuyu daha ayrıntılı öğrenmek için kitabınızın sonundaki kaynaklardan yaralanınınız . )

How to Study(Nasıl Çalışmalıyız)

Page 9: Atatürk’s principles

Check the answers of the exercises and test questions that take part in the unit, from answer key at the last page of the book.( Ünite içerisinde yer alan alıştırma ve test sorularının cevaplarını en son sayfada yer alan yanıt anahtarlarından kontrol ediniz. )

How to Study(Nasıl Çalışmalıyız)

Page 10: Atatürk’s principles


Atatürk’s Principles

1- Republicanism : We, as

Turkish people, only recognize a

Republican regime for Turkey.

We believe that is only the

republican regime which can best

represent the wishes of people.

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Atatürk’ s Principles

2- Populism : Our regime is

against privileges and class

distinctions and it recognises

no individuals, no family, no

class, and no organization as

being above others.

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Atatürk’s Principles

3- Secularism : Atatürk’s

secularism means

independence of thought and

independence of institutions

from the dominance of

religious thinking and and

religious institutions.

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Atatürk’s Principles

3- Secularism : Secularism

provides for the

administration of the state by

contemporary laws based on

scientific facts. This saves the

state from the pressure of any

type of dogma.

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Atatürk’s Principles

4- Statism : Atatürk saw that

the modernization of Turkey


dependent on economic and

technological development.

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Atatürk’s Principles

4- Statism : The state

emerged not only as the principle

source of economic activity but

also the owner of the major

industries of the country . The state

should also support the private

enterprise. The responsibilities of the

states are;

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Atatürk’s Principles

5- Nationalism : Turkish

People is like a bunch of flowers.

There are a lot of flowers

different colors in it. Atatürk’s

nationalism believes in the

principle that The Turkish State is

an indivisible whole comprising its

territory and people.

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Atatürk’s Principles

5- Nationalism : So, Atatürk

says “ Happy is the person

who says I am a Turk.”

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Atatürk’s Principles

6- Reformisim : Atatürk

replaced traditional institutions

with modern institutions.

Traditional concepts were

eliminated and modern concepts

were adopted. Through

Reformism, Turkey can reach the

level of comtemporary civilization.

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Atatürk’s Principles

6- Reformisim : Here are

some reforms Atatürk carried


* abolition of the caliphate

* abolition of the sultanate

* secularization of the state

* centeralization of the

educational system

* works on Turkish history

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Atatürk’s Principles

6- Reformisim :

* civil rights for women

* the language revolution,

Turkisn alphabet (modified Latin


* the clothing reform

*adoption of International time,

weights, measures, holidays and

calendar system.

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Vocabulary Study

recognize : tanımak

represent : temsil etmek

against class privileges : sınıf

ayrımcılığına karşı

wishes of people : halkın


distinction : üstünlük

be above : üstünde olmak

state : devlet

religion : din

religious : dini, dine ait

separation : ayrılık, bölme

independence of thought :

düşünce özgürlüğü

institution : kurum, kuruluş

dominance: üstünlük

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provide : sağlamak, şsrt


administartion : yönetim, idari


contemporary : çağdaş

laws: yasalar, kurallar

based on : … dayalı

pressure : baskı

emerge : belirmek

be dependent on : … e bağlı


not only… but also… : sadece

… değil, aynı zamanda … da

principle : ilke, öz, temel

source : köken kaynak

owner : sahip

support : desteklemek

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private enterprise : özel sektör

responsibility : sorumluluk

lead : rehberlik, kılavuzluk

contemporary level of

civilization : çağdaş uygarlık


maintain : sürdürmek, korumak

preserve : saklamak, esirgemek

public order : kamu düzeni,


individual freedoms : bireysel


comprise : kapsamak

territory : toprak, ülke, mülk

replace : yenisi ile değiştirmek

traditional : geleneksel

modern : çağdaş, yeni

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concept : anlayış, görüş

alimunate : eklemek

adopt : kabul etmek,


reach : ulaşma

carry out : başarmak

abolution : iptal etme

caliphate : hilafet, halifelik

sultanate : padişahlık

civil rights : medeni ve siyasi


modify : ıslah etmek,


international : uluslar arası

weight : tartı, ağırlık

measure: ölçü, sistem

Page 25: Atatürk’s principles


1- Aşağıdaki cümle Atatürk ilkelerinde hangisi ile ilgilidir?

* It’s only the republican regime which can best represent wishes

of people.

a- Secularism

b- Populism

c- Republicanism

d- NationalismCLICK FOR ANSWER:

Page 26: Atatürk’s principles

2- Aşağıdaki açıklama Atatürk ilkelerinden hangisini ifade eder?

* The Turkish State is an indivisible whole comprising its territory

and people.

a- Reformism

b- Statism

c- Nationalism

d- Republicanism


Page 27: Atatürk’s principles

3- Aşağıdaki tanım Atatürk ilkelerinden hangisini açıklar?

* It means separation of state and religion.

a- Secularism

b- Populism

c- Republicanism

d- Statism


Page 28: Atatürk’s principles

4- “Türk Devleti toprağı ve halkı ile bölünmez bir bütündür.”

Cümlesinin ingilizce anlamını hangi seçenek içermektedir?

a- “ The Turkish State is an indivisible whole comprising its

territory and people.”

b-” Through reformism, Turkey can reach the level of contemporary


c- “ Happy is the person who says I am a Turk.”

d-” The modernization of Turkey is dependent on ecenomic and

technological development.” CLICK FOR ANSWER:

Page 29: Atatürk’s principles

5- “The State should support the private enterprise.”

Cümlesinin Türkçe çevirisi hangi seçenektedir?

a- “ Devlet özel sektörü desteklememelidir.”

b- “ Devletçilik ilkesi özel sektöre karşı çıkar.”

c- “ Devlet özel sektöre destek vermelidir.”

d- “ Özel sektöre devleti destekler.”


Page 30: Atatürk’s principles


1- Aşağıdaki cümle Atatürk ilkelerinde hangisi ile ilgilidir?

* It’s only the republican regime which can best represent wishes

of people.

a- Secularism

b- Populism

c- Republicanism

d- Nationalism

Page 31: Atatürk’s principles

2- Aşağıdaki açıklama Atatürk ilkelerinden hangisini ifade eder?

* The Turkish State is an indivisible whole comprising its territory

and people.

a- Reformism

b- Statism

c- Nationalism

d- Republicanism

Page 32: Atatürk’s principles

3- Aşağıdaki tanım Atatürk ilkelerinden hangisini açıklar?

* It means separation of state and religion.

a- Secularism

b- Populism

c- Republicanism

d- Statism

Page 33: Atatürk’s principles

4- “Türk Devleti toprağı ve halkı ile bölünmez bir bütündür.”

Cümlesinin ingilizce anlamını hangi seçenek içermektedir?

a- “ The Turkish State is an indivisible whole comprising its

territory and people.”

b-” Through reformism, Turkey can reach the level of contemporary


c- “ Happy is the person who says I am a Turk.”

d-” The modernization of Turkey is dependent on ecenomic and

technological development.”

Page 34: Atatürk’s principles

5- “The State should support the private enterprise.”

Cümlesinin Türkçe çevirisi hangi seçenektedir?

a- “ Devlet özel sektörü desteklememelidir.”

b- “ Devletçilik ilkesi özel sektöre karşı çıkar.”

c- “ Devlet özel sektöre destek vermelidir.”

d- “ Özel sektöre devleti destekler.”