Assessment of IEC-61499 and CDL for Function Block composition in factory-wide system integration

Assessment of IEC-61499 and CDL for Function Block composition in factory-wide system integration Date: July, 2013 Linked to: PLANTCockpit Contact information Tampere University of Technology, FAST Laboratory, P.O. Box 600, FIN-33101 Tampere, Finland Email: [email protected] Conference: 11th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics, INDIN 2013. Bochum, Germany – July 29- 31 2013 Title of the paper: Assessment of IEC-61499 and CDL for Function Block composition in factory-wide system integration Authors: Borja Ramis, Jorge Garcia, Jose L. Martinez Lastra If you would like to receive a reprint of the original paper, please contact us


Assessment of IEC-61499 and CDL for Function Block composition in factory-wide system integration •Date: July, 2013 •Linked to: PLANTCockpit Contact information Tampere University of Technology, FAST Laboratory, P.O. Box 600, FIN-33101 Tampere, Finland Email: [email protected] Conference: 11th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics, INDIN 2013. Bochum, Germany – July 29-31 2013 Title of the paper: Assessment of IEC-61499 and CDL for Function Block composition in factory-wide system integration Authors: Borja Ramis, Jorge Garcia, Jose L. Martinez Lastra If you would like to receive a reprint of the original paper, please contact us

Transcript of Assessment of IEC-61499 and CDL for Function Block composition in factory-wide system integration

Page 1: Assessment of IEC-61499 and CDL for Function Block composition in factory-wide system integration

Assessment of IEC-61499 and CDL for Function Block composition in factory-wide system integration

•Date: July, 2013•Linked to: PLANTCockpit

Contact information

Tampere University of Technology,

FAST Laboratory,

P.O. Box 600,

FIN-33101 Tampere,


Email: [email protected]

Conference: 11th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics, INDIN 2013. Bochum, Germany – July 29-31 2013

Title of the paper: Assessment of IEC-61499 and CDL for Function Block composition in factory-wide system integration

Authors: Borja Ramis, Jorge Garcia, Jose L. Martinez Lastra

If you would like to receive a reprint of the original paper, please contact us

Page 2: Assessment of IEC-61499 and CDL for Function Block composition in factory-wide system integration

Assessment of IEC-61499 and CDL for Function Block composition in factory-wide system integration

Authors: Borja Ramis, Jorge Garcia, Jose L. Martinez Lastra{borja.ramisferrer, jorge.garcia, jose.lastra}

Tampere University of TechnologyFactory Automation Systems and Technology Lab

11th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics, INDIN 2013. Bochum, Germany – July 29-31 2013

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1. Introduction

2. Factory-wide data integration with PLANTCockpit

3. Function block composition in a nutshell

4. Motivation

5. Evaluation of IEC-61499 and CDL in the Factory-wide

data integration framework

6. Conclusions and further work

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Introduction- Multiple heterogeneous systems with different data granularity can

be found in even in the simplest manufacturing companies (eg: Resource planning, machines, sensors)

- The variety of heterogeneous systems implies the use of distinct protocols which contains different data and information models causing integration complexity which is time consuming.

- For monitoring applications such as: Asset tracking, Asset utilization, Energy monitoring require correlation of data from these systems.

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Factory-wide data integration with PLANTCockpit

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EU FP7 project PLANTCockpit objectives:-Visibility and integration across all manufacturing processes, layers, and systems-Optimized production and logistics processes-Increased energy efficiency and reduced waste production

EU FP7 project PLANTCockpit offers:

-A data integration architecture for production and logistic cockpits.

-Implementation on top of an state-of-the-art Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) solution.

-Modular integration components based on a Function Block scheme influenced by IEC-61499.

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FB Composition in a nutshell

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Simple network aggregating data from a simple source

Components of a FB Composition

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MotivationPrevious facts and concepts: “encourages the use of a rich descriptive language as a modelling and execution language to manage the exchange of messages and to define the connections among the services exposed by each FB” [1]

Hence, this work focused in finding a standard description language to express the data integration scenarios such as the one previously presented.

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Benefit: Avoid the need for a custom language and configurator for the platform. Reusability of modelling tools using standard languages.

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• The IEC-61499 is a component-based international standard used for modelling distributed systems.

• Intuitively the most obvious option for this endeavour. However, system and technology heterogeneity affects its applicability.

Characteristics• Encapsulates domain logic in FB and modularizes applications with

composite FBs. (CFB).• Events and data are separated.• Mapping is done via event/data associations. • Connections describe source and destination

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Evaluation with IEC-61499 for PLANTCockpit

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Requirement Characteristic of IEC-61499

Routing expressivity Event/data connections

Mapping and transformation expressivity

Provides associations between data/event

Message filtering expressivity

Inferable with event name

Message type structure expressivity


FB Role and relationship description


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Web Service – Choreography description language (WS–CDL)

• WS-CDL is a Candidate Recommendation of the W3C.

• Describes the collaboration between participants in a WS composition for accomplishing a common task in a distributed manner.

• Parts of WS-CDL in a WS composition:

– Static Part Description of invariant collaborating participants used in dynamic part: Role, Participant, Relationship and Channel Types

– Dynamic Part Description of interactions between Role Types: Ordering Structure, WorkUnit and Basic Activity (Interaction, Assign, NoAction, SilentAction, etc.)

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Evaluation with CDL for PLANTCockpit

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Requirement Characteristic of CDL

Routing expressivity Dynamic part: Interactions definition, channel type definition

Mapping and transformation expressivity

interaction definition and Variable Definitions

Message filtering expressivity

Inferable with the interaction definition and Variable Definitions

Message type structure

Information Types

FB Role and relationship description

Role types, Relationship types

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Conclusions and further work• CDL provides a richer language for modelling interactions

• Unfortunately CDL has little support as an execution language.

• For FB based enterprise integration, as demonstrated within PLANTCockpit, the selection of CDL over IEC-61499 seems to be a more suitable, since is more expressive for modelling interactions, roles and relationships. This is a very important property since branding a FB with roles and the interaction with relationships encourages more the reusability and re-configurability of components.

• Further work aims to define a FBN deployment language.– Not only interactions between already deployed FB instances, but deployment of instances

as well.

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• This research was funded by the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement n°260018 (PLANTCockpit Production Logistics and Sustainability Cockpit)

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