Arctium lappa


Transcript of Arctium lappa

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INTRODUCTIONBotanical origin: Arctium lappa LCommon name: Burr , lappaEnglish name: Great burdockUrdu name: Zard meena Family: AsteraceaePart used: roots , leaves , seeds

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Chemical ConstituentsRoots contain:Inulin(upto-50%) rich in polyunsaturated compounds , polyalkenes , polyalkynes Volatile acids (acetic acid ,butyric acid Non hydroxyl acids ( lauric acid , myristic acid , stearic acid )Polyphenolic acid ( 2-3 %) e.g caffeic and chlorogenic MucilageLeaves contain : Arctiol ,fukinone , Beta – eudesmol and taraxasterol

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Chemical ConstituentsRoots contain:Inulin (upto-50%) rich in polyalkenes , polyalkynes polyunsaturated compounds.Volatile acids (acetic acid ,butyric acid.Non hydroxyl acids (lauric acid , myristic acid , stearic acid ).Polyphenolic acid ( 2-3 %) e.g caffeic and chlorogenic .Mucilage.Leaves contain.Arctiol ,fukinone , Beta – eudesmol and taraxasterol.

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Pharmacological Action

Depurative :Burdock has high concentration of minerals including iron , hence it is very good blood tonic and good blood purifier.Skin condition : ( Acne, eczema, psoriasis, boils, abscesses)Burdock is well known for its abilities in removing toxins and eliminating bacteria and fungi that are responsible for many skin condition.It also contain phytosterols and fatty acids that are beneficial to the skin.

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Treat sore throat, cold, flu, fever:

Burdock root contains mucilage which soothes imflamed tissues in the throat and digestive tract. It treats dry cough. Mucilagenous compound are also known to thin down mucous.Which can help congestion in the chest and nasal passages. Burdock root is also a great natural source of zinc which is one of the best supplements for treating cold and flu. It also have antipyretic properties

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Treatment of gout: Burdock can block the enzyme, xanthine oxidase that

produces uric acid.Anti-inflammatory: Many of the chemical compounds found in burdock

root such as tannin, lactone ,fukinone and taraxosterol have been shown to have anti inflammatory properties.

Anti diabetic: Burdock can be used in diabetes because it can low

blood suger level.Diuretic: Burdock root has diuretic properties which help to

remove toxins from body.

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Hair and scalp conditioning: Burdock root oil is an excellent natural conditioner

for hair and scalp due to its essential fatty acids, phytosterol, vitamin A content. It can also promote hair growth.

Anti cancer properties: Arctigenin, a compund in burdock exhibit cytotoxicity

by inducing necrosis in cancer cells .Another compound ,arctiin demonstrates a strong cytotoxic effect on hepatoma, lung cancer and skin cancer.

Promote liver function: An overloaded liver results in toxins being stored in

the body.Burdock root increases the bile production which cleans the liver and help it in function better.

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Reduces heart diseaes: Burdock root contains inulin which has been shown

to reduce cholesterol and help with weight loss.As emollient: Leaves are used as an emollient and itch-relieving

adjunctive therapy for dermatitis and as topical protective agent for cracks, abrasions and insect bites.

Dosage: Dried root in the form of capsules 1-2 gram three

times a day.Tincture : 6ml three times a day.

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Side effects :There are few side effects including allergic reactions. In large amount tannin content can cause gastrointestial distress.Precautions and warning:As it can stimulate uterine contraction it is not recommended for use during pregnancy.Toxicity:Burdock is generally considered safe and edible food product.

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Drug interaction: Burdock alter blood sugar level so caution is advised

when using medication that also alter blood sugar level.

Burdock may increase the risk of bleeding when taken with drugs that increase the risk o f bleeding e.g aspirin ,anti coagulant ( blood thinners) such as warfarin or heparin.

References: Text book of industrial pharmacognosy by
