AP Calc BC Study Guide/Formula Sheet

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  • 8/13/2019 AP Calc BC Study Guide/Formula Sheet


  • 8/13/2019 AP Calc BC Study Guide/Formula Sheet


    Intermediate &a%ue Theorem

    !ffis continuous on closed interval "a,# and cis an$ number betweenf(a) andf(), then

    there is at least one number!on the interval such thatf(!) % c&

    Difference "uotient:

    3.3 Ta'in "eri#ati#es

    Power Rule:

    Product Rule:

    "uotient Rule:

    3. *otion +%on a Line'peeding up when v(t) and a(t) are the same sign& 'lowing down when v(t) and a(t) are

    opposite signs&

    Limit Identities

    3., omposite !unctions and hain -u%e

    S%opes of Parametrized ur#es

    ((t), $(t)) is differential at tif and $ are differential at t

    ddt is the derivative of d$d

    dd is the actual second derivative

    3. Imp%icit "ifferentiation

    *ifferentiate the whole thing with d$d&

    3./ "eri#ati#e of In#erse f(0)

    !ffis a one+to+one, differential function with inverseg,


  • 8/13/2019 AP Calc BC Study Guide/Formula Sheet


    Loarithmic "ifferentiation

    a-e the log or natural log of both sides and differentiate& .suall$ when there arefractions or a variable in the eponent&

    .1+$so%ute0treme &a%ueshere can be more than one absolute mamin because the$ have the sameybut different

    !values& here can be a point that is both ma and min if the line is a constant hori/ontal

    no slope&

    Asolute #a!:Asolute #in$

    -e%ati#eLoca% &a%ues

    Relati%e #a!$at cif for all!on an interval

    Relati%e #in$at cif for all!on an interval

    0treme &a%ue Theorem

    !ffis continuous on "a,b# thenfhas an absolute ma and an absolute min on the interval&

    .2 *ean &a%ue Theorem for "eri#ati#es

    !ffis continuous and "a,b# and differential on (a,b) then there eists at least one point csuch that:

    (the slope of the tangent % the slope of the secant line through a,b)


    0etfbe defined on an interval with!&and!'as an$ points on the interval where!&!'&

    ncreasing: !f!&!'thenf(!')f(!&)for all of (!& !')Decreasing: !f!&!'thenf(!')f(!&)

    !ff*(!)% at each point in interval, thenf(!)% c

    !ff*(!)%g*(!)at each point on an interval, thenf(!)%g(!)4 c


    f(!)increases whenf*(!) and decreases whenf*(!) f(!)has a ma whenf*(!)changes from 4 to 5

    f(!)has a min whenf*(!)changes from 5 to 4

  • 8/13/2019 AP Calc BC Study Guide/Formula Sheet



    6henf**(!) , f() is concave up

    6henf**(!) , f() is concave down7oint of inflection is where the 2ndderivative changes sign


    Deri%ati%e +est8ind 97 (where f() % or does not eist)

    ;valuate the second derivative& !f , then concave down and maimum& !f , then

    concave up and minimum&

    .*ode%inptimization (*a0*in)

    average cost is minimum when marginal cost (9()) e=uals the

    average cost&

    7rofit 7() % R() 5 9()

    R() % 9()maimum profit when marginal revenue % marginal cost

    R() % p() where p() is the price function (demand)?rea- even point is when revenue % cost&

    .4 Linearization

    @iven f(), derive to find f(), then with given value a, substitute into 0()& hen

    approimate a new value using 0()&


    5ewton6s *ethod

    .sed to approimate /eros and roots&


  • 8/13/2019 AP Calc BC Study Guide/Formula Sheet


    ,!ampleis a solution of 25 & f() is 25 & 7ic- 1as 2 or 3 and approimate&

    ., -e%ated -ates

    *iagram, then write -nown and un-nowns using 0eibni/ notation&

    ie& Bou have given information, draw a diagram& @iven rates of change, write them downas d$dt or ddt, then use given info to come up with an e=uation, derive, substitute and

    solve to find the un-nown rate&

    4.1 -iemann Sum

    4.2 "efinition of "efinite Intera%

    4.3 Properties of "efinite Intera%








    A%erage Value of a -unction

  • 8/13/2019 AP Calc BC Study Guide/Formula Sheet


    !undamenta% Theorem of a%cu%us

    Part &

    Part '

    +ppro0imation *ethods

    +rapezoidal Rule

    Simpson*s Rule

    .ses a series of parabolic arcs to approimate the curve&

    where nmust be even

    ,.1 +ntideri#ati#es*ifferential ;=uation 5 an e=uation that contains a derivative

    Separation of Variales

  • 8/13/2019 AP Calc BC Study Guide/Formula Sheet


    0ewton*s 1aw of Cooling

    he rate at which an obEect temperature is changing at an$ given time is approimatel$

    proportional to the difference between its temperature and the surrounding temperature&


    Population .rowt

    (rate of relative growth)

    1ogistic Differential ,2uation

    ,., 5umerica% *ethods,uler*s #etod

    'ndDegree +aylor ,2uation

    "efinition of Intera%

    .1 Intera%s as 5et hane

    Rate otalFet 9hange


  • 8/13/2019 AP Calc BC Study Guide/Formula Sheet


    Few 7osition % *isplacement (Fet 9hange) 4 !ntitial 9ondition C

    .2 +rea 7etween Two ur#es

    !ff(!)andg(!)intersect, find the points of intersection and use them as limits for each

    section of the integral&

    .3 &o%ume

    ?ased on G % H2rh:

    Dis3 #etod

    4aser #etod

    !5a!is rotation

    wheref(!)is the outer radius andg(!)is the inner radius&

    ?ased on G % 2HrhI!:

    Sell #etod

    y5a!is rotation

    r%!when rotated around the ais

    r% c5!when rotated around line!% c

    Volume wit 6nown Cross5Section

    A % area of given cross sectional shape in terms ofsie& A %s2

    , the distance between the graphs that mar- the cross section

  • 8/13/2019 AP Calc BC Study Guide/Formula Sheet


    . Lenth of a ur#e

    if JsmoothK (continuous)

    in terms ofyif there is a vertical tangent

    7iecewise function if there is a cusp& (absolute value)

    +rea of Surface -e#o%ution

    ?ased on 'A % 2Hrl

    !5a!is rotation

    .4 8or'

    Constant -orce

    8 % ma when m is in -g (a is L&M)!f alread$ a force (weight) is given, ie& pounds, then $ou Eust multipl$ 8d to get wor-&

    Variale -orce

    where the function given to define the variable force isf(!)

    Hoo3e*s 1aw

    6ith springs when there is a variable force where!is units compressed or etended

    be$ond natural length& o find wor-, $ou would integrate the function&

    Pumpin 8or' Pro$%em

    6 % 8orce distance

    8orce % weight % volume densit$6 % volume densit$ distance

    !f $ou have height $ou need to pump it to: distance % 5y

    *ensit$ is usuall$ given, if its water its C2& lbft3

    Golume is Hr2where r%!2and is Iy& .suall$ $ou epress!in terms ofyb$ finding

    the e=uation of the line that includes the points on the outside of the tan-&

  • 8/13/2019 AP Calc BC Study Guide/Formula Sheet


    where d% densit$ and ris!in terms ofy

    !%uid Pressure

    8orce % pressure area7ressure % densit$ depth

    8orce % densit$ depth area

    Pressure on a Vertical Surface

    N % densit$% total depth of water if the ais is the bottom of the tan-

    0 % length aty, usuall$ solve for!in terms ofyusing the e=uation of the side of the tan-

    when $ou set the ais at the top of the water level, $ou can use7yfor the depth but

    usuall$ onl$ when the water level is e=ual to tan- height

    /.1 L69:pita%6s -u%e

    +eorem &

    +eorem '

    ndeterminate -orms

    Special ndeterminate -orms

    6hen the function has an eponent!:

    8ind so that is e=uals a number 0& (9an then bring down eponent so

    that its multiplication and rearrange into a fraction, appl$ 0OPpitals Rule from there&)

    hen find limf(!)using: (where 0 % lim lnf(!))

  • 8/13/2019 AP Calc BC Study Guide/Formula Sheet


    /.2 -e%ati#e -ates of ;rowth

    1& !ffgrows faster thang(gis slower)

    2& !ffandggrow at the same rate

    +ransiti%ity!ffgrows at the same rate asgandg grows the same as thenfis the same as

    8 0otationf% o(g) iffgrows slower thang

    f% (g) iffis the same or faster thang

    /.3 Improper Intera%s

    R if there is a discontinuit$

    !f the limit is finite: con#eres&

    !f the limit is infinite: di#eres&

  • 8/13/2019 AP Calc BC Study Guide/Formula Sheet



    1imit Comparison +est

    !ffandgare positive continuous functions on ato infinit$ and then:

    8ter Stuff

    !f $ou have

    !f $ou have

    /. Tri Su$stitutions

  • 8/13/2019 AP Calc BC Study Guide/Formula Sheet


  • 8/13/2019 AP Calc BC Study Guide/Formula Sheet


    Alternating series has (+1)nin general term (but write out a couple of terms Eust in case to


    !f it converges:

    *ifference between sum to infinit$ and sum at term nis the remainder or error& 6hich ise=ual to the net term (n4 1)&

    Ratio +est (for asolute con%ergence)'um anhas to be a series with non/ero terms

  • 8/13/2019 AP Calc BC Study Guide/Formula Sheet


    Asolute Con%ergence

    !f series an converges then anconverges&

    1& anis absolutel$ convergent if an converges2& anis conditionall$ convergent if an diverges

    Inter#a% of on#erence9an be a point (radius % ), interval, or all reals (r is infinite)

    .se ratio test and set less than 1, then solve and chec- endpoints&


    u%er6s !ormu%a