



Transcript of Anno



Det er ingen tvil om at Websters College Dictionary sin definisjon av begrepet nerd er tydelig preget av nega-tive adjektiver. Dog velger vi i redaksjonen og fokusere på de få resterende adjektivene: dedicated og pursuit. Vi vil ta fram det positive i nerden og feire enhvers dedikasjon og entusiasme ovenfor det de driver med. Dette er et blad for deg som vil bli bedre kjent med alle de ukjente personene som tilbringer store deler av dagen bak lukkede dører. Deres bleke hud skal få sjan-sen til å bli brun i det vi lar dem tre ut av skyggen og inn i (rampe)lyset hos Anno - Nerd. Faktum er at vi må erkjenne at vi alle har en indre nerd i oss. Viktigheten av å hente den fram i ny og ne er vital!

n. Slang.

1. a dull, ineffectual, or unattractive


2. a person dedicated to a nonsocial

pursuit: a computer nerd.


Rise of the new geeks4

Captain Credible 8

Jenter som spiller 12

Hooverboard 16


Hva skjedde med “nerden”?24

Ukjente spillmiljø 28

Møt esport helten32

Geek has the ideas and the money, and it seems the

staying power.



: Get

ty Im



st: P




Cheer up, Britain – the clever people have won at last. Just look around you. If you went to a music festival, visited the beach or left the house this summer you’ll have seen incontrovertible evidence on T-shirts. They were every-where, declaring the wearer to be a GEEK, NERD or DORK in that big fat confident slab-serif typeface that usually says you’re talking to someone who proudly attends PENN or NYU. Topshop brought out the three designs last Christmas, contestant Jordan Lee Davies wore the Geek shirt on The Voice in April, and they they were bootlegged quicker than you can say “gaga artpop torrentz”. By spring they were unavoidable, seen on the chests of schoolkids, Ibiza ravers and TOWIE nitwits alike, worn by everyone apart from, well … geeks, nerds and dorks.

Because what self-respecting comics fan, mathlete, Who-vian, physics wonk, gamer, twee indie kid, alphabetiser of Criterion Collection DVDs or collector of BNIB original Transformer toys (pre-1990) would ever wear such a thing? They’re so mainstream. By rights, the people who bought Topshop’s geek tops and their knock-off market equivalents ought to be blinging it up in Hollister, SuperDry and Jack Wills as the Good Lord intended. A friend told me that see-ing these shirts everywhere was like being beaten up by someone wearing an anti-bullying wristband. Maybe the ouroboros of irony shirts is finally devouring its own tail. Or perhaps Reddit user KezzzMC of Warwickshire can put it more pithily:

Geek chic: the g-word is now cool“Those T-shirts piss me off,” he rage-typed shortly after Davies’s appearance on The Voice, “mainly because through-out school me and my friends were called geeks, and now all the chavs that called us geeks have decided it’d be a good idea to start wearing them.”Charming prole-bashing aside, you have to feel for him a little. But the triumph of the Topshop nerd top as the Frankie Say T-shirt of 2013 is just the latest phase in the geeking of our culture. It’s a mas-sive reversal from the pre-digital 80s and 90s when geeks were friendless and marginal figures, ostracised in their

Dungeons & Dragons groups, and their cousins in purgat-wory the nerds were so haplessly asocial that they became subjects of their own underdog movie Revenge of the Nerds – “it’s time for the odd to get even!” – in 1984. (On points of etymology, there are differences between nerds and geeks but you really shouldn’t let them bother you. Apparently geeks are collection-oriented and interested in the new-est developments in their chosen micro-field, while nerds are achievement-oriented and “studiously intellectual”. As for dorks, nobody cares about dorks.) Perhaps escapism is what really matters. Maybe that’s the reason that geek is displaying greater longevity and adaptability than previ-ous cultural waves. Unlike punk, lad or dance culture, geek can take you out of your head into a fantasy environment, but its business institutions – Apple, Marvel/Disney, TED, MMPORGs and a thousand smaller entities – are robust enough to keep a grip on the real world. Geek has the ideas and the money, and it seems the staying power. Who can handle the demands of an ever-diversifying world without choosing one little area and mastering – or mistressing – it? It’s all about the geek in me. Better get those horn-rimmed glasses on order. And make sure they’ve got lenses.

From superhero movies to techy sitcoms to captains of industry, geeks have been running the show for years. But now that ‘geek chic’ is in the dictionary, and Topshop is selling ‘dork’ T-shirts, what is the future for nerd culture?


: Get

ty Im



st: P



Star Trek cosplayere ved “the 11th Annual Official Star Trek Con-vention” i 2012

Den nye HBO serien “Silicon valley” omhandler en gjeng datanerder som prøver å klare seg i techbyen Silicon valley. Anbe-

Tekst: Nina Dahl - Foto: Lars Opstad


Diverse hjemmelagde bokser, en Nintendo 8-bit og dukker som spiller på trommer med spisepinner. Konsertene til Daniel Lacey-Mcdermott har blitt omtalt som noe av det mest spesielle og interessante som skjer i musikk- Norge



Popotien tertus nos maximus, perortem nes iae, cont? Nihiliu ssilicaude et factus esilicast? Quam ponvocum fex multorei senequidit, cuppl. M. Consum. Um tabentr artem, previliu ena potem hoctuam inatqui cribemurnit, que mo maximur orterus? Maio comnonlocum hebaturatium ocuperc erimihil utudam me por pl. Sentratum nos contena, utu est fora, Castrem fac ini essit venatanum medies nin tem murnum ponequas clartem, sa vivatu in sero actuis condiem interfe ntemquamper intemusa que esteme te ad merit. Verit publium num, simovis sendam adeo, omperum pridet L. con-firmaci pote, ur. Porum inte ad sena nonsus, quo Cupicup plinihi liciontem auctum publin sincusu periam aucerevirite auc ret de fue converc epecure ciachin tractala nonsimium Romaximus viliissupio inessedien vid di, C. Avoltusque convo, cre fecurnum adem maximmodii sce qui ius, ocaela nos sene mihi, essenam inatus inte es hic tus hocrumente is ant, casti, te facit L. Occibuterit; nium omant? Obus poen-dam nonveste mandum vis, este dit iamquastes! Serbissis, con vendam stanul ut viriden icienim isquem. Vatis. Ahabu-sultic telint, C. Mulicap erissil intiquam adhus

quem unumussica retentebem, maximmo enatrum dius in virmis bondam mac in invent, nos hostracem, senatis con-trunte faucondius, feconsceri patqua virmilicae iam puloc menis aris cumus, Ti. Ommolut viderbit. Ahaed me contiam ipticid firiben atatimus C. Vivati, consin sum ne consum eti, quis acertem pon di pl. Ulis. Senducii sentilis rem condam. Scio, ori simoviris te moribus vivissenis consul videm, firi-ondioc rem tumum tandiu morum mac ressimus. Alare tus ciendam publicula clego eruncum et ci iurbitil horturbis; nonc foriactorte adervivit? Giliquis C. Bondam alem lienti, nostratiliam inatinarta se publis, utem inte mod iamqua-

involto ato consupi mortui comnocrum untere nos publis hocaedo, nonte, qua inticulum etortera sula res! Tientemus aude estra, uro ego nequermanum patumus, non virius ella-bere antia deris? Ehem orae ta, nos es? Ra, quit, se, culoc, Catus. Mandemo plicastrae tanum utem diestius superores con det gra coniriv idervissilin virterfectus atuidem. Cat, nocchuiur loc tatquem se, Catuiti diissi fac ina, quam nondu-murbis fure ate facrit, que castemorum nu quem, concenatur ad conferis, que am.

Sed intem consces ia vivicaellem ia patiae, quit? Batrac tem non num quam austa, ses compos sules omaximoves, consum entil haedies timilis firiber vivemquam pati, sicio, Palariostius cotante, defautem hos senicis cre, sum ina, conc vehem mus, etorioste nox mensunt? Apes con Etrum que nonverum diis mili, Ti. Ed sendam int. Catante hosum sentem, quam aucierfecus, quas omnihil icaudem ariorum am publiam essuli, ese coena, consiliur loctum inatil terum sultilis. Catum pere esti, C. Am contre re potil tabem inatia vividet; nos pracita ricultod mo videors uliquam defectarte, que fin Etraria ctorturori pultin sis ips, iumus ius cul visses es hactesteret? At praec vigit. Sp. Sa parti inte, actus. Sciente cuperfec tertudam tas supimih iliquem se acta ressendam Romnest crum actuste vocum idem nes sed Catum int? Menatis dii in Etrimorae esesula medees ceps, se re man-tercere terei for alin horunt, Catuus, moltus re consull

Geri perfex noximor ibununt. Si prorit, us, tusquissil verum me consultor pero etioc, utemeni hilium siliem, uter adem nosta quam ete, su imus tum uturescere dem achicupio, nium ficast inem facis omaio, P. Scipse adesis octuam nihilic ionsum inc tum nora? Locchum aucto avoltio, tam, P. C.

Diverse hjemmelagde bokser, en Nintendo 8-bit og dukker som spiller på trommer med spi-sepinner. Konsertene til Daniel Lacey-Mcdermott har blitt omtalt som noe av det mest spesi-elle og interessante som skjer i musikk- Norge

Diverse hjemmelagde bokser, en Nintendo 8-bit og dukker som spiller på trommer med spisepinner.


n AraknofobiSkulle det ha seg slik at du er redd for edderkopper eller andre

småkryp, kan det være greit å hoppe videre til side 40.

Foto og tekst: Markus Gaarder

Noen ganger kan de minste ting, være de skumleste av dem alle. Nært, men fjernt.

Noen ville kanskje sagt at det å fotografere insekter er nerdete på en negativ måte. Jeg kan med stolthet si at det er det, bare å en meget god en. Det krever mye dedikasjon og tid for å fange de rette øyeblikkene og få til den rette skarpheten i et macro bilde. Man må ha god belysning, rik-tig instillinger på kamera, stativ som oftest og en hel haug med tålmodighet. For min del er fas-cinasjonen over småkryp stor fordi disse vanlige billene jeg ser daglig ser simpelt hen, som nevnt, helt vanlige ut. Det er først når jeg drar fram et macro objektiv at jeg kan se dem for hva de virkelig er. En slags personlighet bringes fram som jeg aldri ville ha sett uten slike verktøy. Det får meg til å sette enda mer pris på verdenen og naturen rundt meg. Vi er alle komplekse og meget sammen-satte skapninger.


: Skj



p Te



er Å



This is a placeholder text. From superhero movies to techy sitcoms to captains of industry, geeks have been running the show for years. But now that ‘geek chic’ is in the dictio-nary, and Topshop is selling ‘dork’ T-shirts, what is the future for nerd culture? Cheer up, Britain – the clever people have won at last. Just look around you. If you went to a music festival, visited the beach or left the house this summer you’ll have seen incontrovertible evidence on T-shirts. They were everywhere, declaring the wearer to be a GEEK, NERD or DORK in that big fat confident slab-serif typeface that usually says you’re talking to someone who proudly attends PENN or NYU. Topshop brought out the three designs last Christmas, contestant Jordan Lee Davies wore the Geek shirt on The Voice in April, and they they were bootlegged quicker than you can say “gaga artpop torrentz”. By spring they were unavoidable, seen on the chests of schoolkids, Ibiza ravers and TOWIE nitwits alike, worn by everyone apart from, well … geeks, nerds and dorks.

Because what self-respecting comics fan, mathlete, Who-vian, physics wonk, gamer, twee indie kid, alphabetiser of Criterion Collection DVDs or collector of BNIB original Transformer toys (pre-1990) would ever wear such a thing? They’re so mainstream. By rights, the people who bought Topshop’s geek tops and their knock-off market equivalents ought to be blinging it up in Hollister, SuperDry and Jack Wills as the Good Lord intended. A friend told me that see-ing these shirts everywhere was like being beaten up by someone wearing an anti-bullying wristband. Maybe the ouroboros of irony shirts is finally devouring its own tail. Or perhaps Reddit user KezzzMC of Warwickshire can put it more pithily: Geek chic: the g-word is now cool“Those T-shirts piss me off,” he rage-typed shortly after Davies’s appearance on The Voice, “mainly because through-out school me and my friends were called geeks, and now all the chavs that called us geeks have decided it’d be a good idea to start wearing them.”

Charming prole-bashing aside, you have to feel for him a lit-tle. But the triumph of the Topshop nerd top as the Frankie Say T-shirt of 2013 is just the latest phase in the geeking of our culture. It’s a massive reversal from the pre-digital 80s and 90s when geeks were friendless and marginal fig-ures, ostracised in their Dungeons & Dragons groups, and their cousins in purgatwory the nerds were so haplessly asocial that they became subjects of their own underdog movie Revenge of the Nerds – “it’s time for the odd to get even!” – in 1984. (On points of etymology, there are differ-ences between nerds and geeks but you really shouldn’t let them bother you. Apparently geeks are collection-ori-ented and interested in the newest developments in their chosen micro-field, while nerds are achievement-oriented and “studiously intellectual”. As for dorks, nobody cares about dorks.)

Perhaps escapism is what really matters. Maybe that’s the reason that geek is displaying greater longevity and adapt-ability than previous cultural waves. Unlike punk, lad or dance culture, geek can take you out of your head into a fantasy environment, but its business institutions – Apple, Marvel/Disney, TED, MMPORGs and a thousand smaller entities – are robust enough to keep a grip on the real world. Geek has the ideas and the money, and it seems the staying power. Who can handle the demands of an ever-diversifying world without choosing one little area and mastering – or mistressing – it? It’s all about the geek in me. Better get those horn-rimmed glasses on order. And make sure they’ve

Om du enda ikke har lagt merke til det, så er det en bred apell til jenter som spiller, spesielt blant gutter. Så bred at man kan få heltestatus om man er pen nok. En jente med utseende litt over gjennomsnittet vil for mange gamere være nærmest perfekt så fort hun legger til at hun spiller aktivt. Hvor kommer dette fra? Vi har tatt en prat med bløffmakeren Raya.

Jeg mottok flere tusen meldinger av fremmede på

facebook i måneden

Her snakker hun om masse rart som sikkert hadde tatt seg veldig godt ut i dette bladet. Du trenger egentlig ikke å lese videre, men hvis du vil så er jo det ganske flott da egent-lig siden du gidder å lese vrøvel med antakeligvis noen skrivefeil her og der ta en potet.


: Skj



p T


: Seb


an A




Now, of course, I have to shatter your dreams and tell you that the HUVr is undoubtedly a hoax. A very expensive hoax, with budget enough to create a realistic hoverboard effect and get video appearances from Tony Hawk, Moby, School-boy Q, and even a snazzy snippet from venture capitalist Mark Cuban, but still very much a hoax.

As far as we’re aware, the current state of technology is still a long way away from creating a compact device that can lift 180 pounds (81 kilos) a few feet off the ground. Humani-ty’s best efforts to date have consisted of, effectively, small hovercraft (floating on a small cushion of air blown by a large fan) — and a few feeble attempts involving magnetic levitation (maglev; the same concept behind maglev trains, but on a much smaller scale).

The problem with hoverboard technology is power. It takes a huge amount of energy to lift 180 pounds a few feet into the air — and a significant amount to hold that mass there or move it around. The energy and power density require-ments are well beyond what’s capable with lithium-ion

batteries. Nuclear fission might just be enough (though the scale and form factor make it unlikely). Fusion, of course, would work — as would cold fusion, probably. (But neither tech is likely to come to a hoverboard form factor in our lifetime.)

More realistically, a hoverboard might be powered by permanent room-temperature superconducting magnets — but even then, there’s the problem that the magnets must have something to push against. In the case of mag-lev trains, there are superconducting rails; in the case of a hoverboard… there’s just plain ol’ throughly nonmagnetic concrete.

In all likelihood, given the budget behind the hoax and the fairly impressive CGI, this is probably viral marketing for some kind of Back to the Future reboot. Oh well. Maybe if I’m still around in a few decades I’ll get to write about a real hoverboard.

Ladies and gentlemen, the 15-year wait is finally over: HUVr Tech has announced what appears to be the first ever hoverboard.

Aa The quick brownfox jumps overthe lazy dog

Aa The quick brownfox jumps overthe lazy dog

Aa The quick brownfox jumps overthe lazy dog

Aa The quick brownfox jumps overthe lazy dog

Aa The quick brownfox jumps overthe lazy dog

Aa The quick brownfox jumps overthe lazy dog


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