and Haiku Poetry - fileTanka and Haiku Poetry: Ms. Coyne’s...

Tanka 短歌 and Haiku 俳句 Poetry Ms. Coyne’s 7th Grade Core Classes June 2015

Transcript of and Haiku Poetry - fileTanka and Haiku Poetry: Ms. Coyne’s...

Page 1: and Haiku Poetry - fileTanka and Haiku Poetry: Ms. Coyne’s 7th Grade Core Classes, June 2015 - 2 Cherry blossom tree Clouds of white and pink

Tanka 短歌


Haiku 俳句


Ms. Coyne’s

7th Grade Core Classes

June 2015

Page 2: and Haiku Poetry - fileTanka and Haiku Poetry: Ms. Coyne’s 7th Grade Core Classes, June 2015 - 2 Cherry blossom tree Clouds of white and pink

Tanka and Haiku Poetry: Ms. Coyne’s 7th Grade Core Classes, June 2015 - 2

Cherry blossom tree

Clouds of white and pink

Fragrant flower smell

Outside my window in spring

Pure, peaceful serenity.

-- Ramón Aguilar-Arizmendi

Spring track and field

Large tree with many branches

Leaves gently whisper.

-- Ramón Aguilar-Arizmendi

Rain splashes down

Dancing on the thirsty earth

A song is sung now

The shaking song of the rains

Can it sing into my heart?

--Sam Allen

Cackles at the fire

That leaps about in a hearth

What is so funny?

Why does the fire make this sound?

This crackling, little fire voice.

--Sam Allen

When the sun sets here

It paints hills with golden light

Turning them a hue

Far more precious to my heart

Than any true gold could be.

--Sam Allen

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Why do people fight?

Is it a survival urge?

Trying to help us?

We have changed far too quickly

For our nature to keep up.

--Sam Allen

Crickets chirp tonight

A symphony of insects

Wonders of nature

That we should strive to enjoy

Free concerts are hard to find.

--Sam Allen

The river flows by

Knocking at the door of land

It seems very calm

But also had great danger

Pushing onward to the sea

--Sam Allen

Dust blows from dry fields

Is that the despair of earth?

To blow dry ever?

No, in fall, rains blow again

And then all land shall rejoice.

--Sam Allen

I cannot see time

That shall blow on distant shores

Or know what happens

To those that sail from my sight

But perhaps I will dream it.

--Sam Allen

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Rain blows on the peak

Washing over ashen slopes

What is the cause here?

A senseless battle for naught

None shall win in this anguish.

--Sam Allen

Beauty lies inside

Shouting through an eagle’s eye

Shining bright within

And burning outward ever

Can anyone really see?

--Sam Allen

Look me in the eye

And see if you say again

That I do not know

Why I have been against you

And you evoke rage in me.

--Sam Allen

The truth in this world

Just as in any other

Can be hard to find

If you don’t know where to look

You must consider them all.

--Sam Allen

A flower blooms bright

But it will be gone quickly

What do I imply?

That which is best shall soon leave

And should be seen while it stays.

--Sam Allen

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Are you breathing now?

Is there breath inside of you?

Then you have something.

Never waste any you have

It could leave any day.

--Sam Allen

If you wish to have

More than you already do

Think of changing now

How you use what you hold to

And you’ll find that you have more.

--Sam Allen

Finding what you want

Is not what you expected

Small thing, and simpler

You’ll find are more than you thought

More than more, and more, and more.

--Sam Allen

A fire that burns high

Can burn what you thought was grandstable

But when the ash falls

Strong new shoots come from the ground

Growing back the old forest.

--Sam Allen

When I see waves crash

Upon the rocks of the land

I compare to war

The endless push of the tide

An unwilling fight continues.

--Sam Allen

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The spring floods have come

In the whispering waters

I cannot cross now.

--Sam Allen

When the fall changes

The leaves to vibrant colors

They then quickly die.

--Sam Allen

A Hawk in Four Seasons


The spring has come now

Bringing things to life again

I’ll go stretch my wings.


Ah, the sun and heat

That summer has now brought me

A big fat gopher.


The cold is coming

And fall turns leaves to colors

Brightening my hunt.


The winter and cold

Where has all of my food gone?

I think I will rest.

--Sam Allen

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Listen to the wolf

Howling in the winter storm

A sad song of loss?

--Sam Allen

Distant melody

A bright summer meadowlark

Sings up to the sky.

--Sam Allen

The summer is hot.

The sun is always shining.

The blue sky is clear.

The gentle breeze is cooling.

I wish it would last always.

--Patrik Baker

The tree is cool white

The wood looks so soft and young

I am sad it died.

--Patrik Baker

I awake to light

The sun shines bright in the sky

I get up and walk

So many miles

A state of weakness.

--Cade Clary

The trees with brown leaves

Snow fills the sky full with white

The night is quiet.

--Cade Clary

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The leaves are orange

The birds sing songs of the day

Then night comes, and quiet.

--Cade Clary

Trees sway in the breeze

The birds sing songs of the day

Night comes and silence.

--Cade Clary

Jagged peaks loom here

Stumble up the face ahead

Perpetual climb

Triumph fills my blood and veins

Descent begins in earnest.

--Ruby Donaghu

Clouds appear so dark

Thunder claps boom overhead.

Will the bolts strike me?

Am I completely safe here?

The sun will rise brightly again.

--Ruby Donaghu

So cold it is now

Snowflakes drift toward winter’s floor

They bring with them joy.

--Ruby Donaghu

Heat rises in waves

Cool water laps at my skin

Summer beckons me.

--Ruby Donaghu

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My dying wishes

Are my most amazing things

The blossoms call me

To my starting places here

And the lights closing around

--Bjorn Dyer

Splish, splash, car goes crash

Involuntary swimming

Summer dries my bones.

--Bjorn Dyer

River flowing in

The background. The sun is

Glowing bright. Dust in

The horizon. The shining

Glow fails to be beaming.

--James Ericson

Water falling kids

Laughter is in the background

Blue sky with sunblock.

--James Ericson

The stream flows silent

The cherry blossom tree drinks

I sit down and watch

There is nothing I can do

The great emperor shall die.

--Connor Evans

Snow falls silently

The sky, a menacing grey

Daring you to come.

--Connor Evans

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Plums are in blossom.

The trees are awakening.

The springtime is here.

Beware of rain in Portland.

No matter what, we have fun.

--Mia Ewell

In the summer breeze

Colorful flowers bloom quick

The sun goes down slow.

--Mia Ewell

Consider nature

Some people have opinions

Not everyone knows

I think space is natural

Serene, frightening, beauty.

--Aaron Freedman

My life, worth living

Spending days in the forest

Sorrow, all must go

Disappear in front of me

Nothing here now, all must go.

--Aaron Freedman

The pain in his eyes

The same as the pain in mine

For we are different

Maybe we will meet later

Or maybe not, but we laugh.

--Aaron Freedman

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For I am not here

But if I were, maybe

I would get along

But here I hide, in the folds

Sit here, all but forgotten.

--Aaron Freedman

My life is sad

But yours doesn’t have to be

Rejoice in the bells

You go out into the world

And maybe I will go, too.

--Aaron Freedman

What you say about

My poems, they are too dark

It is only life

This is how I deal with mine

And you can only do yours

--Aaron Freedman

Wherever you are

You will read this history

Not in the place I sat

And my words might reach to you

And only I will be blessed.

--Aaron Freedman

An old man speaking

Sitting in the wood forest

Better days have gone.

--Aaron Freedman

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The crickets chirping

Eating fallen crumbs of food

Like people eating candy

Always hungry, never enough

People eat sweets like crickets.

--Kaleb Garity

Sitting here listening

Waiting for the glorious bell

We are like a hive

Waiting for the queen’s orders

We are like a bee’s nest.

--Kaleb Garity

The jumping crickets

Flying in the summer sun

Dying all too soon.

--Kaleb Garity

Watching the rain fall

Reflection in the water

Bittersweet longing

Dreaming of a better place

Witnessing dawn grow full.

--Olivia Geist

Long tentacles move

Shutting out the world with ink

Fitting in small holes.

--Olivia Geist

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The cherry blossoms

Awakened by the sunlight

Their scented flowers

Moving in the gentle breeze

Bringing me hopes of summer.

--Sophia Geist

Flowers in the spring

Planting, growing, blossoming

Their pretty petals.

--Sophia Geist

Blossom on the tree

Falling, dying, wilting thing

On the rock it clings

No water to drink to see

A tiger runs by to sip.

--Walker Greene

Snow slams into glass

Inside, I’m warm from fire

Outside I am cold.

--Walker Greene

A small glass bottle

Holding a special message

To travel by sea

Destination is unknown

Quite a journey it will have

--Angelica Hatziyannis

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Pink cherry blossoms

Slowly falling from their branches

Scattered through the fields

Dancing softly in the breeze

Beautifully delicate

--Angelica Hatziyannis

Waves crash on the shore

Darkness replaced by dawn

Birds chirp melodies

----Angelica Hatziyannis

As blue as the sea

As bright as the ocean floor

My life is a storm

The smell of love makes me shake

My strange life is magical.

--Lanaireoje Hayes

The bright sun is out

Bathing suits and swimming pools

It’s time to party!

--Lanaireoje Hayes

The chirps overhead

Soft swaying while being pushed by wind

Green leaves fall gently

The golden sunbeams ground

Summer heat, never warmer.

--Fiona Herron

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The soft, drumming rain

Pit, pat, pit, pat, pit, pat, pit

I look out the window

Puddles start to collect here

But I wait inside.

--Fiona Herron

Lies drive all stories

White lies create happiness

Normal lies break friends

Lies are wanted and hated

But yet lies are never needed.

--Fiona Herron

Rain on my window

Autumn’s coldness slows us down

Waiting for the warmth.

--Fiona Herron

Spring trees bloom rare

Pale pinks, bright green, gorgeous red

Sun shines upon us.

--Fiona Herron

The tree stands up tall

The leaves flow with the light breeze

Brown bark falls off

Many others will compete

It provides paper for us.

--Kyle Ho

Trees sway with the wind

Leaves turn orange in fall

Fall into the earth.

--Kyle Ho

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The beautiful trees

They fuel the fire of life

That warms body and heart

Fiery humans build factories

Smog and death upon the lands.

--Carter Johnson

Fall is here and cold

The frog is gray and lifeless

Soon the frost will come.

--Carter Johnson

It is brown and green

Textured rough, also sappy

Kids play with the leaves

People watch branches falling

Trees are fun through all seasons.

--Charlie Knott

The rain is falling

The flowers are starting to

Grow all their petals.

--Charlie Knott

Nature is so green

The city is a sad gray

Life is dark blue

Many people in the world

But there is no one like you.

--Juan Lázaro

White snow falling

Winter is here right now

The cold has returned.

--Juan Lázaro

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A sweet-smelling rose

Prickly thorns and long-leafed stem

Petals all around

Light reddish sunset color

Blissful romance.

--Judy Lewis

A cherry blossom

Baby pink and deep fuchsia

Sweet serenity.

--Judy Lewis

Light shines down on me

Blossoms shine in the night

White color of light

I smell the greatest berries

In a flash it turns to dream.

--Hudson Longaker

Pink blossoms shine bright

Ice melts in the heat

The sky is blue.

--Hudson Longaker

Summer is now here

The sun is very warming

The sky is bright blue.

--Hudson Longaker

The sky is bright blue

It is passed, I shoot the ball

The green grass trips me

I hear the ball slowly roll away

A white blue goes through the orange.

--Kate Loop

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Dark black eating away

The sky turns red, not a pink

Why won’t it be blue?

A force of madness rises over

No way to escape, only to stay.

--Kate Loop

Snow falls from the sky

A white glow shines on the trees

No sound comes from this.

--Kate Loop

Hot sun is shining

Reddish sunburns soon to come

Ice cream in the park

All my friends playing soccer

Summer is the best.

--Lirit Lucero-Bair

Baby seal, there you lie

Stranded on a beach to die

Baby seal, please, why, oh, why

Head back to water and live

Live in the ocean, do not die.

--Jake Melville

When the wind blows hard

The leaves will all off the tree

Summer is now over.

--Jake Melville

The swift and smart fox

Looks here and there for its food

Scampering up trees

Fiery, orange fur.

--Marcos Mercado

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Winter in Portland

Dark clouds bring steady rainfall

Cold feeling inside.

--Marcos Mercado

Bland. Boring. Dull. Gray.

I could tell you I love it.

I don’t like to lie.

Out through the glass, city streets.

All so happy. In a daze.

--Steijha Meserole

Her pearly white teeth

She knows she is everything

The clouds. Wispy, fake.

Puts her feet up, no worries.

Those green things buy everything.

--Steijha Meserole

Your misogyny

I dislike your way of thought.



Your sexism is not cool, bro.

--Steijha Meserole

Summer happiness.

Family, friends. Hot-swim-cool.

Laughing, food, happy.

--Steijha Meserole

Spring is where sun comes.

Bounces from the clouds like spring.

Hopes rise for summer.

--Steijha Meserole

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Beautiful tulips

Wavy dancing side to side

The pretty flowers

Smell like breezy nice weather

I hear the swoosh of the wind

--Samrana Munye

Hot summer day

The strong rays shine in my eyes

The warm sun surrounds me.

--Samrana Munye

Slowly traveling

Under the red cherry trees

Avoiding the crunch

The ever evasive prey

Swimming, swimming, swimming, crunch!

--Jackson Nevin

The fish swims upstream

Into the winter ocean

Only to be caught.

--Jackson Nevin

Javier the cold

Peaceful, black, white, grass, creature

Munching on wet food

Delicious, yummy, greasy

Prancing around the garden.

--Ashley Neukamm

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The peaceful meadow

Quietly snapping photos

Blossom petals fan

Stone cold ground, enter the park

Learn the secret; then never leave.

--Ashley Neukamm

The mountain peak shines

Snowy footprints mark the way

Howling of the wolves

Stepping on the stone pathway

Leading me to my future.

--Ashley Neukamm

The beautiful snow

Prancing in the wanderlust

Sky swirling above.

--Ashley Neukamm

Trapped in scenery

Petals falling from above

Now dead on the ground.

--Ashley Neukamm

I sit and I wait

I can hear the wind moving

It is coming soon

All I see is the darkness

It’s in the blink of an eye.

--Cormac O’Hagan

Shadow on the ground

It looks so familiar

Now too cold to see.

--Cormac O’Hagan

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The sand burns your feet

Oceans crash in the distance

The ice cream cone melts

Beach balls float to the blue sky

People laugh as they run.

--Quinn Olivadotti-Peters

Snow falls on the ground

The trees sparkle in the light

Skies turn blue again.

--Quinn Olivadotti-Peters

Water falling down

People running for cover

Zap, green to brown, dead

Burning to the ground, to dust

Spreading through land, smooth to rough.

--Jack Pedersen

Leaves fly over the

Pond where the frog jumps around

And the fish swim, too.

--Jack Pedersen

The beginning starts

Little white cherry blossoms

Blooming gracefully

Growing slowly every day

Into this beautiful world.

--Tiana Pham

Colors red and brown

Autumn winds whip around us

Leaves fall so slowly.

--Tiana Pham

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Light gray fluffy fur

Small soundless paws with white trim

Like a shadowed tree

Perfect little ears and nose

Smells like a cool, fresh rain … cat.

--Lauren Polte

Red, orange, yellow

Bright, colorful, crunchy leaves

Loud, happy people.

--Lauren Polte

Green, color of life

Many shades of each season

Vibrant branches sway

Gently they capture my eyes

Add freshness to a new day.

--Daniel Prigodin

Color of jet blue

It is one I like, it’s true

It’s blue but better

It astounds the mind and eyes

It will show with great surprise

--Daniel Prigodin

Leaves changing seasons

Pumpkin pie, apple cider

Visions of autumn

--Daniel Prigodin

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Flash of blue-gray steel

Megalon shark swims forward

Looking for its prey

Hundreds of jagged-sharp teeth

Cut like cold daggers.

--Ulyses Sanchez-Barrios

Happy and playful

Light brown, snow-white, and puffed gray


--Ulyses Sanchez-Barrios

Chickens run under

The trees. This is what it was

Like, before the day

When the farmers came and took

Them away for the feasting.

--Griffin Schmitt

Forty-two, the one

Answer to life some say, but

I say that anyone

Who says that is a lying

Fraud, and a witch, burn, burn them!

--Griffin Schmitt

The majestic crane

Flies through the sky, lands in the

Swamp. Hunts for its food.

--Griffin Schmitt

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A dying flower

Wilting because of one thing

It lacks hydration

Just a tiny bit thirsty

Wishing it had some water.

--Connor Schulz

A tree flowers bright

Spreading like the summer heat

Petals are flying.

--Connor Schulz

Pretty autumn leaves

Bright orange, red, and yellow

Crisp and clean fall air

Leaves falling all around us

Waiting for winter to start.

--Ella Shanahan

Snow falling slowly

Drifting so beautifully

Quiet and peaceful.

--Ella Shanahan

Beautiful mountains

Rivers with ice-cold water

Crisp cold snow

Tall trees everywhere with frost

White sparkly snow everywhere.

--Zoe Simmons

Crazy winter ice

Snowmen standing untouched

The spring is coming.

--Zoe Simmons

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Sitting by a pond

Thinking of a life beyond

Getting grades and scores

Clouds, trees, lakes, and the birds’ songs

This world is where I belong.

--Thomas Stabler-Kerr

Stumbling, rotting corpse

Collapsing under summer

Drags me to the void.

--Thomas Stabler-Kerr

My black fuzzy slug

Black with enormous white spots

Tongue sticks out of mouth

Moving gracefully all around

Loves to eat food, drink water.

--Tillie Stoner

Warm white summer room

Playing outside all day long

Sleepover always.

--Tillie Stoner

Cats are amazing

Many cast can see in blue and red

Some cats climb trees

Rarely any cats cannot kill spiders

Cats are amazing creatures.

--Thomas Taylor

The snow falls down on

Plush land below the sky’s light

A cold winter’s night.

--Thomas Taylor

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Happy Ramona

Always waddles through the house

Bringing big smiles

A dog under the table

Trying to find food to eat.

--Veronica Thede

The tide is full out

With the sound of gulls and waves

A big shark swims by.

--Veronica Thede

Love is like blossoms

No one can understand it

Blossoms can die fast

If you never felt love

Be glad that you didn’t yet.

--Maria Tran

Winter is here now

Be prepared for the coldness

It will be the best.

--Maria Tran

The chirping crickets

Running water, flowing by

Tree blossoms of blue

A beautiful evening

As the orange summit sun sets.

--Owen Traw

The chirping crickets

Basking, humming in the sand

Not knowing what waits.

--Owen Traw

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The air smells sweet here

Like birds in the air

The sun is shining

The sky is blue, I feel joy

Is this kind of joy good?

--Aaron Young

A dandelion

Vibrant yellow with green stem

Picked but unwanted.

--Aaron Young