•HM ?AL1L D AIL1V TI[MESnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · •HM V b d fefE 6....

•HM VbdfefE 6. NdMBKB' 121.. • ---- - ■^wra.T. S f f i i t --iiiw . -J— Senator... Johnson.. Thint * President W ill A c c o mi lish'Something Sodn I ,Him Fopular :wit the A iw ri^'People.y. V WARUlkciTOX. An* 29— Prc«. Ident Cm IUcv hu coueontcd fWAiSK.S.Slr.'E e«l iralUBgioB u anntaal ps- imple at bBBtiatbDMk. lls btakUDlc aad nbardlDftted hir k«lt Jiuth«;»»rMld«nc)f:Ki:ciompr«le (iwl b« li| ior ttio time bolni; al Inaj bot CooHdM tho itioir. nor. Coolld; th« rapubllau). b u b 'ilm p ly ^ wbc iy Coolldn,:tbe jTroelduit. .. ; liU.tttittlile V complolb consccr tloQ 10 MtVlcjKcoupled wllh a Kte M d «me<<r0fliOiDlIltr "'b;rti no 01 mlilakH tlioldll)' or lack ot co tldm e ta'tbo ouuionillne cbaractu IsUti Of new prmldcnt an dove < In hUiflrBl .tBrM'WeoItt to e U r.. CooUdtt .!■ -not' .auto— Ib»r«., 0Q« IblBir ut wbUh bo Is nure—tb bo mitUr'^hat Bort of preddcnt I taoy maka. bo will' slTo orerythloK i boi or AbUitjr and eoarcr and r> unco to thfl aorvlet ot tbo country* Mr. CooJU«o has contoycd Ibe thloia to Jill oaioolaua aad to oUso hhre without aor wotda- Ua boa i Uk^hU 'IrtM e m elSS-oir^flttffr^ salt ioto hla' work* Tbo ketneat o aerrerf*~ftL*Waah1neton wbo, ba -----------^3*«tiJca-TOMiJ#ninMmF-Miri<«rtt '*i(fao aroTom rt in, caiulot actio aad uoem^lag motlm have den cped.a d l^ reapeet for Mr. Coolld bteauao |a.;baa mad9 It quKo appi n l to ovtnbody tbat tbo idea upp< moat In &U mlod iwd tbo motl wbleb wlifttw«rha.doeijm th^lB|l^;M M and nottra o( lorvli % <ou^t• oi b buaiaaa'i;or-bel ^ l^ ^To^^»^o.pountry alablt, tt '■ : Aab )nn*. Ld8 ANpfaLES, CaU'AuV 29 “Mr. CoiM te baa tba Jump on < arr olbai'/.braaldfDtiai poulbllUy tbu tlma,'f aald William 3annli Brrati, wkan ba' orrired hero 1: Bl(ht to^ijpaad a atx'waela Taeau ' wtib/ a’ ^ n ^ ltd . daucbUr ''IWlnt Loa'AngaJ^ ....... --------- , -------iroTiKEi^SjairBa. _________. g n C A f f l iJ J l i : , ^ U r A = T b £ C ca<o Boutfiof iTOdo will nOso oTu of llOO.OOO) lo bolp Kooaaa (ansi wbo loat^ofopa ibta rear to bur ai tor oext jraar. TtVwaa aanoimeed day. ■. . TBfeXOR BECOBOKD- _____ ..DENraaIlcali».,_A^a».rt:AJiDli oarib tremor was reilatercd oq. i •climocrMb at Bada coiie«« bi --------- Jl. wllb (raaticat Inlonaltr Indloatod. 3:32 p > .^ Indfeatlou b» tba n “ - *** **” . W|i/cA.£ca ................. to^Pre^ o f F atal iji Inter-GiingW ar Culminai _________M M t ' .-r: _ • K Ef ;,tOBE. ABfcV*^~lm| • •'•plae^ of f u r '^ iu A n OR M U rfe aeato la rroB (iijaa«» )lM ^aaact.) T ha'aftw ter of Br*pp«r'-««i laadliic -«Tar « MMlh oad U'ral wair U ' !»• •Dropper, «ow»pj* rai - --------------m -m oioppar'i ra^'som a waa«Natl ' Kaplan. Ba calaed bta undarwc ' tltlol tbrotiih >U ability to olw tba>Dr6ppar." . ; RS atiwtad lUo aa a oUrk Jn'-H alra&t osa aoon.aarroundad blmi i»liM_^ h l i fonf—“Dfoppar'a © nay.^ima for hlr«\cttfoaa i smkaa to|^a<ooald employ tl tbri*% m » bondlis anVbwgUt tnivnDjr tt(Ia lanr' claah*d > tba reldWf.flmatsatloB of t^ ' ‘H aoB dttaMra" wsd ihair a*mb«n : »o diT^rlter i^*^»ad*^i»r^ toy prtnr' tlironitt' Oa ratr'wtni of H ta«l^^ la i^tlch jtcWro' -- '-I:.:.,:' . . ■-■■ m i j' " ' Cold Weather WiU Not Scare ^egroe» .fc KA:«8Aii CITY, M e, An*. Si. 1 —Told wenJtlfr will nel land J< ' BfKroM who hare n l^ ta d le \\> i..norUian.idata«,'-Mvn7>|c-JHU!lL- t\t . t» the-'aonTblaad In tbe opInloR' A A eente^ir ot ne national %<- to tbe wfathd^r b n t' to UtI& r tondiUonv Ihronrt Iho an«Nt- . I ane of tbolr norlbem brelhfru, ' nks Herbfrt Htlij^cuin, nKrorrli Qip. dirpctor ol tbe aumUtlon, •t6 NrffTMi arrlTlnff Irom tbr' vitK Kouth arn siren card* rxVrylDg Ike follewiiiB “donl»"r /■ Don't wear nolxy elolnaii. De pbln. nel iibowy. r(. nent ro' nbotiiiwt' Ibrauifh led tbe alreelH. Ito qnlfl ahtajrN. rr« Bo n mnUemon. Don’t Rti lt|. drunk. p*. ^ Don’t ftnrable. - flo to chnreh. olely '• ll' ' . . ------ 7^. ■■ SREDSTERROIUZE -= 'M ffiiiK con. /7Ai: 1 i '- r. Vy t''or- Qrganiud Bands Carry ' Depredalion*; Crops ra u ! __ -Aifi 0UFiwd. _ -that -------- r « bo ..DERUN. Aug. 29,-OrKnnlMd bt >K ho Bhevllc bands nro torrorlilng Uwellc sood. ta tbe rural dlttrlcu ol upper Sll ala, according to dUpalcho* tro IS*** dl«rl4l recelTod hero, loday. StAodlac Wll Hacked crops nre b aroM burned and tho Itven of peassn M(rowninriiriin^tanir-nT»-boli I o“ Ihroatened. bavo The famora nre parnlyxeil wl nuiir toarr-IUanydffcllno to-thr«*h-nh« :tioaa sratq aaying Ibnt If ihu Kranarl lerel- aro deatroyed the labor will lia >lldge been In vain. Tlio fillcsl&n crop ppar- n bumper ono but tho peoplo o pper- afraid It will naroE aet to mark loUva due to tbe pluiiderJntt ami. bur ••JtlU). la*a..................... .................................... rvlco, Tho authorliles are llniliog U d 1 ' fletm to police the outlying 0 X but trlsta of upper Sllealo. ballered that thla new balihei agitation orl«lnal«L.lliara. - The I laalas famera ara decliatng to < U w 'prodhci in .Bteslau learin* I lba|^U«raa.U they, eten enter t fv oulbreaVa of Incendlarli |ri„“ ar* reported along tho new bord i« ? Uno. bolwaen Beuiben nii<l Oleiw ^.u«n ““‘I »l»o »«»l*®rd bahlnrt Dreel Bad Oppeln. "• “ KoanwbUe tbe Junkara In MeckI ' - b e rr and' BUeala btT« organlied _____ CBm»algn...nxftUat -pajm cni_oL.t rchU aaying auch levies « r*?*” 1. «OLE ESQViaS l>EFKAT£n. ,d to- BXMOOa COUNTRY CI.UB. Uli land FariL 111.. Aug. 2p.-ln the ai ond u te h "round , of tbe womo: weatarB golf - aaaocQitlDb champlc rs bere WJUoiu..«*yaar-old OBtwcntaca we aw; > nt*> former waataB' ebomploD. waa ell about Inated by. Miw Myrlaa Buma. W< angLeaders ^J^pnewajt 1 H ikiilitie late^ i^ .Slaying of Uoderwoi Laundry mMR-M ww » M- ih aa airqct to avert m napt tfs,- fSlIeiHBr U te-B ^er o( “Kid’' Drop ^aar-aftnxa-'aarfM -ar'M lM r etoahea, 'rolrlBK U*o aolorlona “Undion dadcrs” 'iMCfnrTCBjrMinta.' .............. rworld abot. naralr to aatlaly a perM tlwaya grla^ea. Bnt It lb unwriUen 1 JM bS. Af th« »,iMiA.%afrd that tm th m -Jack oeror.bs told to.the police, ucol ware S» a n a t of tba “IliidaoB dt I■••Wall ari" Ok Aay^oUiar.grfbgrba wb ilma«f Bot afoll tt. - cow- •'Droppai'a •conboya*' ara now ttia wSrpaUi. They will aeak. I -WlU) obOlb - i:*«usb' for lUietr ieadi ' tlw n 4esth by.'Bftootiag.iiP'Cohaa’s ai -thnsa- elataa. 'At - * t b a - » i g a - U aB«t l n r t Ura;-.' daatar ot uS.-OBwboya-.ititanaal I with simtUnrv op ^ata ■.t^ital. flril ‘^Bd^ CaalsalTona li^ the/ atrtQIa . ts - rs (ra- v^o .MIV avMeedi tloTSreppat itfrafB tta aac ladicattoit o t th«- aeak m wt ?AL1L ' - 'H V iaN -f ATiT.S,-IDi^ riAVPlii” I - iiill r-iwiiD! UR -r it-^ --------- . . • th I C o u n t Y a m a m o to to Forr New Cabinet: Member I ip' > to Cbmpose 4t Unknown "s Newspapers... Have... N Je Praise for Premier. ?h TOKIO. AiiK. 2'J.-Count Qombi f; YanmK). nummoncd yrmtonlny by III tl iirlneo rcwenl lo altempt Ibc formi lion ot a ii'uw government ip nuecco h. Ihnt which had been huoileil by tb Into Baron Tdmoaaburo Kato,'loda wax in conferrncp wiih Japonui porty Isadora allnnpiliiK .10 fann E conllilon cablnrt whlcb would bn mn iNfacUin' to alj partlcB. Acoohllnit to IndleatloDi an tho cor Icrunco proKrcRiiPtl. Uarorr BUImpI If C Ooto probably will bo KDlnciml uilnli tor or forclKn affnlre. Y TlilB cholcc on Ibp pon o liho no' premier would coiisliliTably pubant tho chaac<.ii (or the noRoUailunn wit o n ItuK^U bvlnn ultlniDtviy auccpui^i ' and recoualllon bcInc aceor(lf>^Uj ____ Bpylct. ohRpWrra bpll>vo.. ........ —TTlPTuaiorlty o( tfin JepanwMk. prot hon'annuuncod lliiell oa coiiAld'crabl .njirprUOil nt ihi- nciloii of ihn prlnc r.'Kont ond tho gunro In a»klnjf Yaii nil amoto lo form a mlnlnlry. aiie- Mifctlon l)rfe5artlod aa a db ‘" t" tlnct retroeresslvo atep. ot^abandoi . meat oC .thosa prlncliilea o( progrri 0 be- that bad ao oamcsily bcrn cbamploi sanla ed .by Kato. being —NowapttporB'ilnantnooTtbo-nmm ment ahowed a dlsposltloii to rn o n with Jurtgmenl. but tvcn Uhmo voiced t lhotr «*proiuUon« of.«ood-.wlll-or of-pi'atj larlen Yamamolo. op“ u FLOODED WITH UKF.K.-. . oro KA.S9A8 CITV. Mo.. Aug. 20. arket Colling In of cnillc loans by han bum- era aad llie continual dry w«ath< . In. ibe.aoutlmeat are causing ato< 1 jif. man to flood lha Kaoiaa CUy aioo OU. yards with baef. , BR*df I.01V tllB it la NEW YOUK, S’l Y., Auc- 29—0 0 havik marka node a nnw low reco: . SI. for all tlmo today wben thpy droppi B di.; to W im w rto-lbrdotuti'."-- ....... '-CIVIL SERVKE arlam .*. S BODY tPESM ^ DAVEiBSi . . J ........... A— . wAbrtWUTON.TDrC.T'Atfg. • 29: _ Two !«0 WP.* Y’o rk newspapers, t ”• World nnd the American, have « Ulgh- opantti ibelr atlMck on SacreU > aac- ^ o r t for*, having ■•fired" A. man a otTfli^ dlr«ctor oHhe reclamoU ■plon- gorrW*. ana auppbinted him wl ai-W l.-DaTU-of-ldibo. tbeir UK rgloU Attack ^Ing baaed on a letler ac won- the aaorelary by William Dudl youikis ellm- Gbirga <U Tndlrectly made that t Waat dlractor of reclamalloh sorvlce'w —“ 'ttnder c lrir' serVlw ra n d ~ l1fti'ert — — coiild not be "fired" by Uia aecreU ot tbe interior, n Of' Uio great weatecn InUra > 1». thirrfttfA ih a l.lh ti.d aarvica raform leagtia aaama to qm 1 - lloD the lltneaa of former.Qovan I / ' Davla ot Idaho for the postUoa :i wbleb h» bta bMn appointed, i • Uj* UUar ol Mr. Foulka rafarrla* Ibtt. hbw commlaifoner of recUa ? S “ ” b/d d’ualltlalloBa of your i polatee, ez-Oovemor DavU. aa ci miner, clerk, then bank caabler .a . prealdent, Uieu aenator, • republic rorld delegate and goTamor, give anifl * lot avldenca of eptclal tralBlor : y ____ iBBh worlt; avea ttongb for a ab eo-oparaUva aaaocUllonT/l( you «i looking, for tiualnaaa qoallfleaUa wn« did you appoint a man who-l . n i u a *>••« inocMaful in boalaeaaT- the baak of wblch GoTemor .Da roppar w u organtaoff and praaMaat.' n u - adly saeeeaafulT W u it aot rail »«■ polltlea that bla principal/ aeti •t es- tIaa bad baen devoted? - Had ha. i u baan caadldato for other fedarst'i polfltmontar It la learned that A. P. DavU, ---------eaatly-depoaed director, haa-Juat-i c»rtfil..«>\.on*ln««rJnj!_o,ffor txoa CalUomla city , at a aaUry th; rwmal umaa wbat be got from Uia gova B lav BMflt M left Wubiogton) Mob( Cobaa aUa- lunad that notwiuuundl dual- ths-(act lhat A.; P, DavU ha» would 'TU nr-stared- htmaaU la 'a '(In] elBl. . 'war,, anglnaarlar’ - raocial >« - OB tt^ a th o a t ' u a c o u ^ . sotwj ak. to Stsadlns 'Skcrotozy Workli asplai •adar’a ^ i/t tho 'chaaga, ara Isylag i aaao> n u ia u o a for what tbar hop* t wrr-tf irT:**uniUaT"6iUpalkinB~«i MlTH paaa aast saulon. it u aot U or-ttaeh-, ■ aay rapriaaaataUvaa. b t'a n » '««» ftaarr,,lttatithayiara ceaoatMd alx « t-'u A .'-P ./^k..uU hat Uieaa ioelat miai'thCjBMS^fintettoi.m .; D )A h 6,-W EBNES i 5'!A.y ;: ai IS T W I? I ANOPE I-----------------------1 --- ----- _^jaii •hfl The cnarge has beei ■ilf ■—of-thls-clt3j:thnrTwlirFi Jaj words thew folks daim, lowed to traffic<h^ wii lias always^been interest( jyjn I and the e&orcement of lers challenge this &tatem< ^ of asking t|ose o . proof. If tnesc.facto are •get busy aim supress this ' ugly form m our midst b inboi sip then it fs ju’st as* imt falsehoods ^which I cc<«i our fair city. ;;.NothinB and goad feputatio.n 6f ji«ae phemihg itf Recem^,:twci:Fedei here and iiwiected our c con- havo it from thew men. "{uJ" ably free ■ vice anti kinds. W e ^ 'n o t belie agents-are me find of rr with and fail toja^rrct out th or any obhw- city. So __ ^ claim for oBr federal off >«“ ‘ confI3QnccBS33es^O r?nco lay tiny kfA charge to tl ^am- telieve theit report than .^i*. bearer tvholoniy hears,! Idon- reliable source. , If the report on Twii be most heartily con{^ '' force'is mupR amall^'thl d no in Idaho and if vice arf rtuo- --^th such-f smEll force- .-longs tQ oiy.officers or _ exceptional high moral i ate or stanq fot' any of t ather citics. Thi city of Twii and a chief o^poIice, -tt about the.fflme popuiat chief. Pocitello has eig -Oer- of police, ^f these facts pcord reason to Believe they i ourselves -iislead- of eii ficials. ' There are those in rather tear down than bl am be weeded out of a com; W\ and prosper. In other w the saddle everything ii ||V of vice and corruption bow wows. But lust so . of citizens'harbor such i .29-= ^cltyrfail'.to grow; and.de' wc can become more ne; rotary get) ahead in this age. tion is the key to succej wtui citizens of a community '"aont religious societies, ndiey together if we wish to m If our city officials are t thtt them-ih u pleakuuL wuy ‘ .-XO.u.th.i.nLihejL-arfi_jifig feu” correct the trouble then ■■ plaint and. we*win see can, be brought to bek quea- preSS. tonioe on lo * ' ' ■ .......—" ■" ------------- I. for IhSni^ Montana Man Beater ' to Death m.'Hot SALT LAKE citT, UUh. Aug.^O Kii“ * Myatory aurrouddifblo alhytog ht ToaUrday of Jullufl-8«ldl. 47. a Uli ir^ n r uow a hara nad In Ulllnjpi and Bul ■hort- *hoao body waa found In rw n Qf ttc EtT noHl W b Tufflj " I'” oftaeaopB.i' m5!.? j Aroa and Uri of Uia corpaa w< lllpr h e a rtfi aol*B.pf'dnJI Uiuda ab< 'I?-?- » Tuw«J«Tsn4 W or mn aottal- bllax^ar .Tolcu apparently in aeic ^J>ot n m . Tbeae gueau and Ue lat »t"api Udy-direea'thal abdiit I:1S a. soma. aa^JalLSaldtihjoOBt. aad vra ova?T t ABoiSBSnCTBtft tOBday BlIttWNQJlAM. Ala-. Aug. 28.-V m nf BlnntnHum hy ■ malnrlty tndlai; f.OOi .am«d .ta^nM Baly.su^t- o o^t^ llortiuspoitaltoaiM atM lUh Jitac ttna'B' Ttiraf'fanndradvjitBarrslo- ,^tho v c cieUes <vblcli haolad-38,000 paapla a ■d itwjth- war* ctOad otU,by-Ua alacUon-^Uai plada. Q)oalectloB.a.boand of SlD.M will -aim-- >tiirsts6tioaTn»BirBrin;Mr«n ^ak> 'jaw»^^ESr!c53t^3i5rw UoBi ot/veUa etat;ia Utv IVtah F lajrl- stala ilaeUra shewaA.-tadar.- VaUra.-remsr-praaltfBBt-ae-fiar'li AIL1 A.l3[GUk'r-29,-19&3--.- - N FAL lT"' SN-TOWN aUTOBlJU.’ ........ ...................... ^___________ een made by <TerLain elements ■Pa:HB"lST7irie“open:— 'In“otht;r— m .ttat all kiiuls of vice Is ul- vviihout restraint. This paper sted in the suppression of vice of all the laws and therefore imept and will take, the liberty litl^ the charjje to produce the ire true'then it is time thut we his demon which is rearing its , but,if this talk is all idle gos- mportant that we squelch the ll being circulated throughout ig will injure the good name (if a city quicker than blas- leral fjrohibitlon agents were' r city in plain elotfies and we m. that Twin Falls is rpmarjc- ml corruption of all sorts and Iieve that Federal pr(51nbition ' men who will wink at crime the darkest hell holes ip this' Some peopte may make this, jfficers but we have too much t fdi*ithQ7otficerH of t l^ lu w ‘{^ their door. We would nither Ul the idle gossip of some tale s,these things from.some un- win,Falls city be true we are to nutulated because our police tha^iRal of surrounaing cities irfjcrim e is being surpressed ;e-then-all the“niore'credif be-~ or else our citiaenship has an ll standing and will not toler- f the vi^es common in most of win Falls has three patrolmen. while the city of Idaho Falls lation, has 8 patrolmen and a iighteen patrolmen o;nd a chief !ts are true, and we heve every ’ y are, we' should congratulate slinging mud at our-city, of- in twin Falls who iwould build. But such classes should immunity, if we expect to grow words unless their crowd is jn ' is wrong and the city is full ' in and is rdpidly going to the s_Q_lQOg,.aa any class .or-clique- h ideas, just .that long will our deye oy:as she'8hbuld.'':UnileMr near y of one mind we wilL-not . We have said that coopera- cess and thia is just as true of ity as it is of business oc clyic s. Leta get together and pull ' make a bigger and,better city. re neglectmg ^ gir duty go to ?y ‘i^id rmiiiiid thoiii uf wh^rc egligent^-an'd-if-they-refuBe-to- en come to us with your com- te how much public sentiment ar on them thrntigh public «n Ypun^ Girl*8 r- ote! Found m ^tK Tu ioM ly-.. ,Auf. • SL~The Ullor . body of n|Ua MarJe ’ llroeogar. 20. Butte, and prelly, wa* tound Ut Uu> Ii^ baih lob at Uo homa ot WalUr war« ’ bll'famliy relumed fromiLweek's ea to vapalton , today. ’ Mlaa Bdlth Spean. wba nvad |Bg a - In aa apartmaat'beloir tqld-ie* oUvea , Hca aha .'^be«d myatarliu aolau about up u«ra iut-MoadM- aifhr Nqne bad~ae«a. the-gtrii ataca. JoliJt a ii,r body wu. dad-osli la ’b Una- nijht dpaaa. • AlUougVa g*a Jet *- "»■ woa partially open tn the balh room..U8-wlBdowJ»aWr. lt WM >->.> - open.„pd1lco-aald,- aukUg.-aa' B mo- phyxiation aonewhat doubllnl. TO KAXBt A R K B ^ ' :< I^Vol- Ohji'. Auy. JOii^A^uii I- can uillia^ 7i^u||lg'ii^^,-auiaa ro itae^ Rogfliig partla* la y|}laa.^tedar;u :• cliy. many- orTbau ranUIfcadTo -ha n i ?‘a^ ' ■ eiW d t'-'' ''' IM IB UoKantt«.. 'faU ur of LQllsfi. 'th r > . mokUa-otd’ chUd •'Udnapad-a wi te Vo- koctta river, a B d U n rM > ^ ,- w abola^ aoZT^ I Fraa lloa^iba.' crylnl(~bahyfi>Ma<Vi . • Da Iin^-^from har lh n j^ la to f Wh r-lrlBb har mothar, w o^ihopplat-a^f —^ itaps irsri..; .... ^L-,..-. V TI iPLiES IL I CROSSiTfi rrwrnm ■ ■ ’ Army Service Men Intend to ' I Traverse Channels ., from , M exican Border to Can- ' *1 adian Line;' Expcct Gov ^ ernmental Permission. } HAN 1)II-X!0. (lllllt..‘ aii;; An I nlrplnn.. rili:hl fnnn i!n' .\li-xli-aii luir- ilrrfo Cniiuila Ui lu lu.-; pliuiiii il li> llu' 1 nriiiy nlr sprvltc u.ilny in> Ux nnxi . m:lili-vi'inMil folI'inliiK lln' fi-al <i> I.li'iii. lllcbti-r nnd ('^luaiii Smith in break IUK, rndilrnnrr i<tor<ln. Klylnc V nrouiid unil tiruiirul «Y*-r Hun IIIiko. Thu HUW iiiPlliOtl nf rrti’ii-ilnr. Hn.' nir- 2 plane whilv It In aloft wliUIi xvun ^ «H'il wllll coiiHiilnioim niii-(r.-i!i In Ihr , dmIUi-lilclilur llklil, uciiilil iK-lu I mak<> Uk' M.'XlcD-Oumilu tii|> a »uc-- , If ppi-'iiilK»Ioti.In sivnu by auilicirl- tlp" III WnKhlnjuon. ,Mn]or 11. A. Ar- i' nuld, i:omiimiuliiiii nl Itoi-Kui-ll fli'ld, . plunii lo havo a plaiir hop off wUUln a frw wi-clm fitim Tin Jimiiii. wlili-li ^ allua, [ruin m ollirr ■.piniitii 'rIiIIi.' ;!)• I* Tni; nl lull nnM<'il nvrr Kai'rnm< uln nnr , Mcdfnrd, (In'coii iiiid If nil Kriii »tll It w oultljlrrlvu In lirlllnli Cnhiinlilii In rrcora; broaklnic ilinp- Tbi' lili; advniUQSu nalncd by llip re. (ucllni: In mid'tilr molhod In ibat li 3 pcrmlia uso of IIeUI, rant plancn It g ' ciaklnR such (llKhU liinlvad of On ~— sl«M»«>P^Miao~«a<'r)'lnK-4i««<l-'li>-|>ri<' S vloiiH iranS'Continmial cfforifi. i Uy r«m£[nlnK \A lUv a ir 27 ImnrA J— - 15-mlnntea-and/l5-"«nndR llicliln and HmlUi floH/louKiir ami travi'li-i 1 a sri'alor dlnlrficu ilmn i:vcr ln'fon baa hci'U achlo/ert. f The approximate distance, (if 1i)i ^ Upn over a klloiiiclor cuuriu wai n . 3203.26 mllea. ® Bl'MOILS im.MKUi DKRMN. Aug. jn.—UeporU lha I Dcrmnhy‘llad~d«Idi‘d lb abandon'll y policy of paailve rcslnteoco In Ih Ruhr w.era denied loday Iby'.iouccv e closo to Chancellor Sircienann- 1 Oerman Bovprnmiinfn aitllildo towar (4 lhe conduct of affaire in tbe zanu oc ^ cupli'd by Frcnch Iroqp*. V KHXS nit'K n SANDU8KT, Ohio. Auk. 20— U-s . Ihan 2* hoitm after Mw- Margarc II Draily. 30. fllwl- suit for. dlvonro. hi! n htiKhand. Jaoica Ilrody. 34. a hulcboi klUed-tier at tholr home bare-todaj B.— llu-waa arrAoud—U>ad):^ourdlnN-t ir Chief of Police Jay I’urry best hi wUa ovor Ue-ha^wlllt.4i-haiuaier iE >S . .. . lo.unconsclousncsa azui-thctL cut-he jt ihroau - ._ . I' Ml'K’t' IIANIKH BUI.K if ; KANSAS CITY. .\loi; Auk. 29.- - "Jim Crnw" rule iiiuiil be lianlnhr ,'r . forever (rom thf nouih If lha man 11 ' ppde mlgriktlon of tli4 ihmiaands -t , ni-ferovs lo tbo norlbrrn sUies In i '* bu hailed. Jamoa Wofilon Jnhnsni 0 socrelarr-o fibo.National Asaorlallo ,R------>..r >l.n ■i.limnn.M'l.nt Cnlnr^ p>.> ^ plo decUrod, here: today.. It iBLO^OP-SgAKl w 1 DIINVicIl."CoIo.. ,a1 k. 29.—a thli '1 UD party may Ilu deod. oc, dytng la.' U ftpiuniuc tragedy' Ibat ended In ll slaying of M n. I.llltan McOlono or her chum. MUs'Kmina Vascorle, Moi day, afiernoon, polleo believe. Uui . Discovery «iP,a blood aoaked n illir oa k chair in lha aparuooat ind It eatiro .McOloua apaiU^urat load.|a u aha bojiet uifti Uto ^aaaUant hloiselC Wl wonnded, and after Mmalttlng h Ivad Atrocious orlma proourod a rag a i "io- triad, to atop tha.flow. of< blood. > ilau : ThU-bellar Is StroaUiLti^. by tl I." . tact U>« kUllaa w u done with Mr aca. M«Gloan> automallc pUlol.. She : D 'k ibous(t to have succeeded in woulil 1 Iny i^uily. lior asaall&n^ tM t«lh fore he wreated the gua from her. C ihU Uteory Daavar ia- baUg eamlM «r Bjoi.bR In. hjdl.ng, win be search* ;, wlUi ,the aid of maigr of Iboae wl ’. knowi lia lomoat ooerau In tho hot ijQUnt lhat '/ollber tbv aUycr*-o(. blf l>oc Barou Both women lay.faco d o v n * ^ c 7 aald Ue nodr Of Mra. MoOlooQ'a bMroo Whea'. found- Mlaa VaacqYte'a h a WU plercad by baa bulIhL Mra. M . . .. Oloaoa by .two and powdaf'buma < . . btr, tact ahowed Uat/M d had bm llr«I from a dUtaaoa-broaty:a fe =as Ursa- WOI hellavod. amaarod the dre««» waak of both..- i • ' . . ii Ua ' Kor MoOloaa, wh6aa wife waa oi la, Ua of U(0 vlctlma of Ud klllla«. la ben 5 ^ , Sm r S n u S r S * * * ' “ *^hlla bofor* aha ^ad, u lha wu a (O' *T.?aw P*«»\ •«>ot-,.Ofl»,lmll5t.Jboaght. * ■ baTo ’gona w h y which loaged to t [MES ' OLD VOL. X lll. NO. M, ' INTHRACII JlKiE I to- G o v e r n o r Finchot Formul- om .itc5 Plans... W hich... VV*U an- Be-Prese^tcd to Bo'tlr* ov* Sides ., for... Consideration This Evehing. All UAUIlI5^l;i;U0, I’ll., AIIB. 2fi.—Oov- 3 iKir- rrniir Olffiird l’lii<;lii)t.tiiiliiy drew up ' 111!' u pi'iin,' ]tiari wlili'li hu Iiojh-h will imxi bl- aciepti'd by bolh oprratiim and of inliiiT!! ihuR .-ivoIdlnR ii Mlrlko ' Id ' I" till' iiiithrinlln ruiil fl.-ldii, liefure iiiiiliiklit ll will bo d«l\v- ' <T< '<1 li>. the ileu'lliH-ked miners and «ui iipiraKini wli» will Wi:ppt ll ond! ' maliiialii vrork In tlm mines or r^- iii.ln J'-''' I'* I'reelpilnle ii strike next . l-*riaii>- inliliilKlil. ,- . Tliu IllllU <-inhodle« n ilnmand for' cmirr'»ii}on.'i fr<«'i bolh pnrUm, II I» 'Z . L'lirnoil. Ii'ld, While tliero. nu nuUiorlUtlvo tliln nlatnniiiii ri'KiirrllnR ll.n conwnis, U' bleh I'l tliniitJit Unt fiilliiwlnc matUods J'lihi w.Ti' faviircil reri'nlly hy tho gov- >!)• 1. r.tl!.lilliiliiunnL .ut^u- Half wav n’ll' I'licrU .iff; nlll. lhal will protect the " y " . oiK-ralorii ai-.:ilnnl reiDKullliii) oC th e , .uiilun by IlK phruKvuloRy and yel cniihlo lhe imlnil tr> colled the duoa . ' re> ot Ihp mliicni In Ihu mines, oa pay ' »l ll diiyl " 2, A wnee Increase for tha mlri- ...il ITB, piTbnpn ns high ns 10 per cent.' * ; j!'. ’£iiiiiV]Inbmi:iit“ of'nn- cHht.nour day. _ ’"rfl. If iiicne ihrre Mei>» nro unaecepl- ihlrr nbU-''li. ■«.Ithcr"bf ■ihu'pnrtlea^lhV I'leil governor ha* been advised to ask them lo di-clar.i- a 30-dny truce end • iniilniolii minliii; operations' while IDA new cfforls aro mnde to thresh out waa tho difflculilos. . U la learoed.alao that Mncli<n han been Infortned they can pmctlcally- seliy and opeika' tho mines. Cloao advtwra at tha' lhat Bovernment hnvo p r a s a ^ tO'^hlav 1 ,-11, a Schama which -would-;aBSbio:''ht»= , 't; ward was declared the wlnna^ at Ua -T ^ 0 oc- niAkes ' hero thla afUra'aoa,' SRM: (rralR oleyr'' had baen 'dlsqDititlM far "Uorlng.'' •U'ss A.SKH DIYOUCE • . tarol CinrARO. Aug. - 39— M n .. Viola , tiitr Heal who cauBi'd a ''gold ceastT Cher, furore l>y dvcUrlnc her mlllloBSlro oday. huxbnnd wnre women’s allk atoeklBSS; uH-to loda}--tilud..a lUll-for divaraa-'- T Ua 1 hbi pellllim charged Ken?J» O. 8«l,'-tlw irin« busban'].i.iTltlL_cruelty_aad..drunktii£. I hor hvsH- .Mrg. Seal asserted Ihalho.weot. . .. Julo a rase over her . ooaturao, at a dinner parij-. tolling, hpr "auch *..» •In s would bo worn only by a wanuu _ of the ntrecia" nad also attomptad-ti’. i«!iP,i Pbysleal vlolimcc to mak#- hBr."wa,.^ !ram! fcM Infldelliy. - . , . : iVfi . ■-IPAHO mATilBK;- nsnn. Fair north portJoB. nauttlad'.-. ailon tn n U h y ! ^ ‘d ' ^ g . l ^ ^ i e q o r 5 d RAG s a fe wmmSm Ulrd celling of lhe parlqr. woa ad-Uj|btlK a,' Uo Imbedvd that It' may h%vo ,haoB aaa n Ihe of which otruek Ifia. aaMlUeL .m to 9 and Ing upward, after lls force had tM Mon- spent. Another. >trlkiB>.« dff9»JMl' , ,.c dibo irary niad^«.olm ULUu. in theJnralda QtUo.waiI.y _ a Up lUd. itM aaaaliaai-. wiiwa '•awH i'hi: [ and dlcatod It. iwlloe bold. <ta ,Uaasof« M r*4.r*ii.‘ .... 'Ut. 2isl.^ ho u ' Tho j>ai«.irrltteB In a a^ m M tw a Duhd- tolelllslN e h a a d ;J |d f c e B - |* W « « | i.ba- bedroom, bsara a strtk lw a jiM ^ r. On anea to tha algnatare of^M nM lC mbad wha algped hlaissU t-BrladlstfflK5£ s°4‘ .issg3;5:saiaiaa rched mucdrt- th»Bt^:&»i^ luU<l|> ,’ W iH who tloisod. Ua.coBt«xLlBax>«4aU]r^tm hopo atruediaslndfccttUii^tfrSMa rd on life] isiti. beea ‘1U», n n ti^ r a r 'i^ ^ f iw W ^HI I tow u a .oUer !«u«s teCyc^ajiSMajlia a oBct ah»t tf^ S w H w B w a k M lilW B H I bend- rland* a ^ . a ^ j i l ^ wife Brfill^TtoSjiw ^Mod to Ue hto...... •'

Transcript of •HM ?AL1L D AIL1V TI[MESnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · •HM V b d fefE 6....

Page 1: •HM ?AL1L D AIL1V TI[MESnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · •HM V b d fefE 6. NdM BKB' 121.. • ----- ^wra.T. S f f i i t--iiiw . -J— ’ • S enator...

• H MV b d f e f E 6. N d M B K B ' 121.. •

---- - ■ wra.T.

S f f i i t

- - i i i w■ . -J— ’

• S e n a to r . . . J o h n s o n . . T h i n t * P r e s i d e n t W i l l A c c o m i

‘ l i s h 'S o m e t h i n g S o d n I , H i m F o p u l a r :w i t

t h e A i w r i ^ ' P e o p l e . y .

V WARUlkciTOX. An* 29— Prc«. Ident Cm IUcv h u c o u e o n tc d

fWAiSK.S.Slr.'Ee«l iralU B gioB u an n taa l p s-im ple a t bBBtiatbDM k.l l s btakUDlc a ad nbardlDftted hir

• k«lt Jiuth«;»»rMld«nc)f:Ki:ciompr«le (iwl b« li | io r ttio time bolni; a l Inaj bot CooHdM tho itioir. nor. Coolld; th« rapubllau). b u b 'i l m p l y ^ wbc iy C oo lld n ,:tb e jTroelduit. ..; l iU .tt titt lile V complolb consccr tloQ 10 MtVlcjKcoupled wllh a Kte M d «me<<r0fliOiDlIltr " 'b ;rti no 01 m lilakH tlioldll)' or lack o t co t l d m e ta 'tb o ouuionillne cbaractu IsU ti Of new prm ldcnt an dove

< ■ In hU iflrB l .tBrM 'WeoItt to e

U r . . CooU dtt .!■ -not' .auto— Ib»r«., 0Q« IblBir ut wbUh bo Is nure—tb bo m i tU r '^ h a t Bort of preddcnt I taoy maka. bo will' slTo orerythloK i b o i or AbUitjr and e o arcr and r> u n c o to thfl aorvlet o t tbo country*

Mr. CooJU«o has contoycd Ibe th lo ia to J il l oa ioolaua aad to oUso hhre w ithout a o r wotda- Ua boa i

’ Uk^hU 'I r tM e m e lS S - o ir^ f l t t f f r^sa lt ioto h la ' work* Tbo ketneat o aerrerf*~ftL*Waah1neton w bo, ba

-----------^3*«tiJca-TOMiJ#ninMmF-Miri<«rtt'*i(fao a ro T o m r t in , c a iu lo t actio

aad u o e m ^ la g m o tlm have den cped.a d l ^ reapeet for Mr. Coolld bteauao |a .;b aa mad9 It quKo appi n l to o v tnbody tba t tbo idea upp< moat In &U m lod iw d tbo motl wbleb w lifttw «rha.doe ijmth ^ lB |l^ ;M M and n o ttr a o( lorvli

% < o u ^ t • o i b


^ l ^ ^To ^ ^ » ^ o .p o u n t r y alab lt, t t

'■ : A ab ) n n * .L d8 ANpfaLES, C aU 'A uV 29

“Mr. C o iM te baa tba Jump on < a r r olbai'/.braaldfDtiai poulbllUy tb u tlm a,'f aald William 3annli Brrati, wkan ba' o rrired hero 1: Bl(ht to^ijpaad a a tx 'w aela Taeau

' w tib / a ’ ^ n ^ l t d . daucbU r ''IWlnt L oa 'A ngaJ^ .......

---------,-------i r o T iK E i^ S ja i rB a .—_________. g n C A f fl i J J l i : , ^ U r A = T b £ C

ca<o B ou tfio f iTOdo will nOso oTu of llOO.OOO) lo bolp Kooaaa (ansi wbo loat^ofopa ib ta r e a r to b u r ai tor oext jraar. TtVwaa aanoimeed day. ■. .

TBfeXOR BECOBOKD-_____ ..D E N raaIlca li» .,_A ^ a» .rt:A JiD li

oarib trem or w as reilatercd oq. i •c lim ocrM b a t B a d a coiie«« bi---------Jl.wllb (raaticat Inlonaltr Indloatod. 3:32 p > . ^ In d fe atlo u b» tba n

“ - *** **”

. W|i/cA.£ca .................t o ^ P r e ^

o f F a ta l■ iji

I n t e r - G i i n g W a r C u l m i n a i _________M M t

' . - r :_ • K E f ; ,tO B E . A B fcV * ^ ~ lm |

• •'•plae^of f u r ' ^ i u A n OR M U rfe aeato la r r o B ( i i j a a « » ) l M ^ a a a c t . )

T h a 'a f tw te r o f Br*pp«r'-««i laadliic -«T ar « MMlh oad U 'ral w air U ' !» • •D ropper, «ow»p j * r a i

- --------------m - mo io p p a r'i r a ^ 's o m a waa«Natl

' Kaplan. Ba calaed bta undarwc ' tltlol tb ro tiih > U ability to olw

tba>D r6ppar." . ;RS atiwtad lUo aa a oU rk Jn'-H

alra&t o sa aoon .aarroundad blmi i»liM_ h l i f o n f —“Dfoppar'a ©

n a y .^ im a fo r h l r « \c t t f o a a i s m k a a t o |^ a < o o a l d employ tl

t b r i * % m » bondlis a n V b w g U t tn iv n D jr tt(Ia la n r ' claah*d >

tba reldW f.flm atsatloB of t ^ ' ‘H aoB dttaMra" wsd ihair a * m b « n :


d i T ^ r l t e r i ^ * ^ » a d * ^ i » r ^ toy p r t n r ' tliron itt' O a ra tr 'w tn i of H t a « l ^ ^ la i^ tlch jtcW ro'

- - ' - I : . : . , : ' . . ■-■■

m ij ' " '

Cold Weather WiU Not Scare ^egroe»

.fc KA:«8Aii CITY, M e, An*. Si.1 —Told wenJtlfr will nel landJ< ' BfKroM who ha re n l ^ t a d le \\>— i..norUian.idata«,'-Mvn7>|c-JHU!lL-t \ t . t» the-'aonTblaad In tbe opInloR'

A A e e n t e ^ i r o t n e national %<-

to tbe wfathd^r b n t ' to UtI&r tond iU onv Ih ro n r t Iho an«Nt-

. I ane of tbolr norlbem brelhfru, ' n k s H erb frt H tlij^cuin, nK rorrli Q ip . dirpctor o l tbe aum U tlon ,

• t6 NrffTMi arrlTlnff Irom tb r ' v i tK Kouth arn s iren card* rxVrylDg

Ike follewiiiB “donl»"r /■ D on't w ear nolxy elolnaii. De

p b ln . nel iibowy. r ( . n e n t ro ' nbotiiiwt' Ibrauifhled tbe alreelH. Ito qn lfl ahtajrN. rr« • Bo n mnUemon. Don’t Rti l t | . drunk.p*. Don’t ftnrable. - flo to chnreh.

olely ' • ll' ' . .------ 7 ^ . ■■

SREDSTERROIUZE -= 'M f f i i iKcon. /7Ai: 1 i '- r. Vy

t' 'o r - Q r g a n i u d B a n d s C a r r y ' D e p r e d a l io n * ; C r o p s

r a u !__ -A ifi 0 U F iw d . • • _- th a t -------- r« bo ..D E R U N . Aug. 29,-OrKnnlMd bt >K ho Bhevllc bands nro torrorlilng Uwellc sood. ta tbe ru ra l d ltt r lc u ol upper Sll

ala, according to dUpalcho* tro IS*** d l« rl4 l recelTod hero, loday.

StAodlac Wll Hacked crops nre b aroM burned and tho Itven of peassn

M ( ro w n in r i i r i in ^ ta n ir -n T » - b o li I o“ Ihroatened.bavo The fam o ra nre parnlyxeil wl

n u i i r toa rr-IU anyd ffc llno to-thr«*h-nh« :tioaa s ra tq aaying Ibnt If ihu Kranarl le re l- a ro deatroyed th e labor will lia >lldge been In vain. Tlio fillcsl&n crop ppar- n bum per ono but tho peoplo o pper- a fraid I t will naroE aet to mark loUva due to tbe pluiiderJntt am i. bur••JtlU). la*a..................... ....................................rvlco, Tho authorliles are llniliog U d 1 ' fletm to police th e outlying 0 X b u t tr ls ta of upper Sllealo.

ballered th a t thla new balihei ■ ag itation orl«lnal«L.lliara. - The I

laala s f am e ra a ra decliatng to < U w 'p r o d h c i in .Bteslau learin* I lb a |^ U « raa .U they, e ten enter t

fv oulbreaVa of Incendlarli|r i „ “ a r* reported along tho new bord

i« ? Uno. bolwaen Beuiben nii<l Oleiw ^ .u«n “ “ ‘I »l»o »«»l*®rd bahlnrt Dreel

Bad Oppeln." • “ KoanwbUe tbe Junkara In MeckI

' - b e r r a n d ' BUeala btT« organlied_____ CBm»algn...nxftUat -p a jm cn i_ o L .tr c h U aaying auch levies «

r*?*” 1. «O L E E SQ V iaS l>EFKAT£n. ,d to- BXMOOa COUNTRY CI.UB. Uli

land FariL 111.. Aug. 2 p .- ln the ai ond u t e h "round , of tbe womo: weatarB golf - aaaocQitlDb champlcrs

bere W JUoiu..«*yaar-old OBtwcntaca weaw;> nt*> form er waataB' ebomploD. waa ell about Inated by. M iw Myrlaa Buma. W<

a n g L eaders^ J ^ p n e w a jt 1 H i k i i l i t i e

l a t e ^ i ^ . S l a y i n g o f U o d e r w o i L a u n d r y

mMR-M w w »M - ih a a airqct to avert m n a p t tf s ,- fS lIe iH B r U t e - B ^ e r o ( “Kid’' Drop

^ a a r - a f tn x a - 'a a r f M - a r 'M lM r etoahea, 'rolrlBK U*o aolorlona “U ndion d ad crs”

'iM CfnrTC BjrM inta.' ..............

rworld abot. n a r a l r to aatlaly a perM tlwaya g r l a ^ e a . Bnt It lb unwriUen 1 JM b S . Af th« »,iMiA.%afrd tha t tm th m -Jac k o e ro r.b s told to .th e police, u c o l

ware S » a n a t of tba “IliidaoB dt I ■••Wall a r i " Ok A ay^oU iar.g rfbgrba wb ilm a«f Bot a f o l l tt. -

cow- •'D roppai'a •conboya*' a ra now ttia wSrpaUi. They will aeak.

I -WlU) obO lb - i:* « u sb ' for lUietr ieadi ' t lw n 4esth by.'B ftootiag.iiP 'Cohaa’s a i -thnsa- elataa. 'At- * tb a -» ig a - UaB«t l n r t U ra ;- . ' d a a ta r o t uS.-OBwboya-.ititanaal I w ith sim tU nrv op ^ a ta ■ .t^ ita l. f l r i l ‘^ B d ^ CaalsalTona li^ the/ a tr tQ Ia . t s - rs (ra - v ^ o .MIV avM eedi t lo T S re p p a t itfrafB

tta aac ladica tto it o t th«- a e a k m wt

? A L 1 L' - 'H V ia N -f ATiT.S,-IDi^

riAVPlii”I - i i i l l r-iwiiD!UR -rit-^ --------- • . . •

th I C o u n t Y a m a m o t o t o F o r r N e w C a b i n e t : M e m b e r

Iip ' > t o C b m p o s e 4 t U n k n o w n "s N e w s p a p e r s . . . H a v e . . . N Je P r a i s e f o r P r e m i e r .

?h TOKIO. AiiK. 2 'J .-Count Qombi f ; YanmK). nummoncd yrmtonlny by III t l iirlneo rcwenl lo altem pt Ibc formi

lion o t a ii'uw government ip nuecco h. Ihnt which had been huoileil by tb

Into Baron Tdmoaaburo K ato ,'loda wax in conferrncp wiih Japonui porty Isadora allnnpiliiK .10 fann

E conllilon cablnrt whlcb would bn mn iNfacUin' to a lj partlcB.

Acoohllnit to IndleatloDi an tho cor Icrunco proKrcRiiPtl. Uarorr BUImpI

I f C Ooto probably will bo KDlnciml uilnli to r or forclKn affnlre.

Y TlilB cholcc on Ibp pon o liho no' prem ier would coiisliliTably pubant tho chaac<.ii (or the noRoUailunn wit

o n ItuK^U bvlnn ultlniDtviy auccpui^i ' and recoualllon bcInc aceor(lf>^Uj____ Bpylct. ohRpWrra bpll>vo..........—TTlPTuaiorlty o( tfin JepanwMk. prot

hon'annuuncod lliiell oa coiiAld'crabl .njirprUOil nt ihi- nciloii of ihn prlnc r.'Kont ond tho gunro In a»klnjf Yaii

nil amoto lo form a mlnlnlry. aiie- M ifctlon l) r fe 5artlod aa a db‘" t " tlnc t retroeresslvo atep. ot^abandoi

. m eat oC .thosa prlncliilea o( progrri0 be- th a t bad ao oam csily bcrn cbamploi sanla ed .by Kato.being —N ow apttporB 'ilnantnooTtbo-nm m

ment ahowed a dlsposltloii to r n o n with Jurtgmenl. bu t tvcn Uhmo voiced t

lh o tr «*proiuUon« of.«ood-.wlll-or of-pi'atj larlen Yamamolo.

op“ u FLOODED WITH UKF.K.-.. oro KA.S9A8 CITV. Mo.. Aug. 20.ark e t Colling In of cnillc loans by hanbum - era aad llie continual dry w«ath<

. In . ib e .ao u tlm ea t are causing ato<1 j i f . man to flood lha Kaoiaa CUy aioo

OU. yards w ith baef.

, B R * d f I.01V t l lB it la NEW YOUK, S’l Y., Auc- 29—0 0

havik m arka no d e a nnw low reco: . SI. for a ll tlmo today wben thpy droppi B d i.; to W im w r t o - lb r d o tu t i '. " - - .......

'-CIVIL SERVKEarlam .*.

S BODY tPESM ^ DAVEiBSi. . J ...........A — .

w AbrtW UTON.TDrC.T'A tfg. • 29: _ Two !«0WP.* Y’ork newspapers, t ” • World nnd the American, have « Ulgh- opantti ib e lr atlMck on SacreU> aac- ^ o r t for*, having ■•fired" A. man a otTfli^ dlr«ctor oHhe reclamoU ■plon- gorrW*. ana auppbinted him wl

a i-W l.-D aT U -o f- ld ib o . tbeir UK rgloU A ttack ^ I n g baaed on a le tle r ac won- the aaorelary by William Dudl


ellm- Gbirga <U Tndlrectly made th a t t W aat dlrac tor of reclamalloh so rv lce 'w

— “ 'ttnder c l r i r ' serVl w r a n d ~ l1fti'ert — — coiild no t be "fired" by Uia aecreU

o t tb e interior, n O f' Uio grea t weatecn InUra > 1». thirrfttfA i h a l . l h t i .d

aarvica raform leagtia aaama to qm 1 - lloD th e lltneaa of fo rm er.Q ovan

I / ' Davla o t Idaho for the postUoa : i wbleb h» b ta bMn appointed, i

• Uj* U Uar o l Mr. Foulka rafarrla* Ibtt. hbw commlaifoner of recUa

? S “ ” b /d d’ualltlalloBa of you r i polatee, ez-Oovemor DavU. aa ci m iner, c lerk, then bank caabler .a

. prealdent, Uieu aenator, • republic r o r l d delegate and goTamor, give an ifl

* lo t avldenca of eptclal t ra lB lo r : y ____ iBBh w orlt; avea ttongb for a a b

eo-oparaUva aaaocUllonT/l( you « i looking, for tiualnaaa qoallfleaUa

w n « did you appoint a man w h o - l . n i u a *>••« inocM aful in boalaeaaT-

the ba ak of wblch GoTemor .D a roppar w u organtaoff and praaMaat.' n u

- ad ly saeeeaafulT W u it a o t ra il »«■ polltlea tha t bla principal/ aeti

• t es- tIaa bad baen devoted? - Had ha . i u baan caadldato for other f ed a rs t 'i

p o lfltm on tar I t la learned tha t A. P. DavU,

---------eaatly-depoaed director, haa-Juat-ic»rtfil..«>\.on*ln««rJnj!_o,ffor txoa CalUomla city , a t a aaU ry th;

rwm al umaa w bat be got from Uia gova B la v BMflt M left W ubiogton) Mob(

Cobaa a U a - l u n a d tha t notw iuuundl dual- th s - (a c t lh a t A.; P , DavU ha»

would 'T U n r - s t a r e d - htmaaU l a 'a '(In] elBl. . 'war,, ang lnaarlar’ - raocial

>« - OB t t ^ a t h o a t ' u a c o u ^ . so tw j a k . to S tsad ln s 'Skcrotozy W orkli asplai •adar’a ^ i/t th o 'chaaga, a ra Isylag i

aaao> n u i a u o a for what tb a r hop* t w rr -tf i r T :* * u n iU a T " 6 iU p a lk in B ~ « i M lTH p a a a a a s t sau lon . i t u a o t U o r -t ta e h -, ■ a a y rapriaaaataUvaa. b t 'a n » '««» ftaa rr,,lt ta tith a y iara ceaoatM d alx « t - 'u A . ' - P . / ^ k . . u U h a t Uieaa ioe la t

m i a i ' t h C j B M S ^ f i n t e t t o i . m . ;

D) A h 6 , - W E B N E S i 5'!A.y ; : a i

I S T W I ? I A N O P EI-----------------------1--- ----- _ ^ j a i i•hfl The cnarge has beei■ ilf ■ —of-thls-clt3j:thnrT w lirF i J a j words thew folks daim ,

lowed to tra f f ic < h ^ wii lias always^been interest(

jyjn I and the e&orcement of l e r s challenge this &tatem<

^ of asking t |o se o . proof. I f tnesc.facto are

•get busy aim supress this ' ugly form m our m idst b

inboi sip then it f s ju’s t as* imt falsehoods w hich I

cc<«i our fa ir city. ;;.NothinB and goad feputatio.n 6f

ji«ae phemihg itf■ Recem^,:twci:Fedei

here and iiw iected our c con- havo it from th ew men. "{uJ" ably free ■ vice anti

kinds. W e ^ 'n o t belie agents-are me find of rr

with and fail toja^rrct out th or any obhw- city. So

__^ claim for oBr federal off>«“ ‘ • co n fI3 Q n ccB S 3 3 es^ O r?nco lay tiny k fA charge to tl ^am- teliev e theit report than . i*. bearer tvholoniy hears,! Idon- reliable source.

• , I f the report on Twii be m ost heartily co n { ^

' ' force'is mupR am all^ 'th l d no in Idaho and if vice arf rtuo- - - ^ t h su c h -f s m E l l force-

. -longs tQ oiy.officers or _ exceptional high moral i

ate or stanq fot' any of t ather citics. Thi city of Twii

and a ch ief o^poIice, -tt about the.fflme popuiat chief. Pocitello has eig

-Oer- of police, ^f these facts pcord reason to Believe they i

ourselves -iislead- of eii ficials.

' There are those in rather tear down than bl

a m be weeded out of a com; W \ and prosper. In other w

■ the saddle everything ii | | V of vice and corruption

bow wows. But lust so . of citizens'harbor such i

.29-= ^cltyrfail'.to grow; and.de' wc can become more ne;

rotary get) ahead in this age.tion is the key to succej

wtui citizens of a community '"aont religious societies, nd ie y together if we wish to m

If our city officials are t thtt them-ih u pleakuuL wuy

‘ .-XO.u.th.i.nLihejL-arfi_jifig feu” correct the trouble then ■■ p laint and. we*win see

can, be brough t to bekquea- p re S S .

tonioeon lo * ' ' ■ .......—" ■" -------------I. for

IhSni^ M ontana M an Beater■ ' to D eath m .'Hot

SALT LAKE citT , UUh. Aug.^O Kii“ * Myatory au rrouddifb lo alhytog ht

ToaUrday of Jullufl-8«ldl. 47. a Uli i r ^ n r u o w a ha ra nad In Ulllnjpi and Bul ■hort- *hoao body waa found In

r w n Qf t t c EtT noH l W b Tufflj " I '” oftaeaopB.i' •

m5 ! . ? j A roa and U r i o f Uia corpaa w<

lllp r h e a r t f i aol*B.pf'dnJI Uiuda ab< 'I ? - ? - » Tuw «J«Tsn4 W o r mn a o ttal- b llax^ar .T o lcu apparently in aeic ^ J > o t n m . Tbeae gueau and U e lat » t"ap i U d y -d ire e a 'th a l abdiit I:1S a.

soma. aa^JalLSaldtihjoO Bt. a ad vra

ova?T t A B o iS B S n C T B tf ttOBday BlIttWNQJlAM. Ala-. Aug. 28 .-V

m nf B lnntnH um hy ■ malnrlty tnd la i; f.OOi .a m « d .ta ^n M B a ly .s u ^ t- oo ^ t ^ l lo r tiu s p o ita lto a iM a tM lU h Jitacttna'B ' T tiraf'fanndradvjitB arrslo- ,^tho v ccieUes <vblcli hao lad -38,000 paapla a ■ ditwjth- war* ctOad otU,by-Ua alacUon-^Uaip la d a . Q )oalectloB.a.boand of SlD.M will

-aim-- >tiirsts6tioaTn»BirBrin;Mr«n

^ a k > 'jaw » ^ ^ E S r!c5 3 t^ 3 i5 rwUoBi o t/veU a e ta t ; ia Utv IVtah F

l a j r l - sta la ilaeU ra sh e w a A .-tad a r.- V aU ra.-rem sr-praaltfB Bt-ae-fiar'li

A I L 1A .l3 [G U k 'r-2 9 ,-1 9 & 3 -- .- -

N F A L lT " ' SN -T O W NaU TO BlJU .’ ........ ...................... ___________een m ade by <TerLain elements ■Pa:HB"lST7irie“open:—'In“otht;r— m .t ta t all kiiuls of vice Is ul- vviihout restraint. This paper sted in the suppression of vice of all the laws and therefore imept and will take, the liberty l i t l ^ the charjje to produce the ire true'then it is time thut we his demon which is rearing its , but,if this talk is all idle gos- m portant that w e squelch the ll being circulated throughout ig will injure the good name (if a city quicker than blas-

leral fjrohibitlon agents were' r city in plain elotfies and we m. th at Twin Falls is rpmarjc- ml corruption o f all sorts and Iieve that Federal pr(51nbition ' men who will w ink a t crime the darkest hell holes ip this' Some peopte m ay make this, jfficers but we have too much t fdi*ithQ7otficerH of t l^ lu w ‘{ their door. We would nither

U l the idle gossip of some tale s,these things from .som e un-

win,Falls city be true we are to nutu lated because our police tha^ iR al of surrounaing cities irf jc r im e is being surpressed ;e-then-all the“n iore 'credif be-~ or else our citiaenship has an ll standing and will not toler- f the vi^es common in most of win Falls has three patrolm en. while the city of Idaho Falls

lation, has 8 patrolmen and a iighteen patrolmen o;nd a chief !ts are true, and we heve every ’ y are, we' should congratulate slinging mud a t our-city, of-

in tw in Falls who iwould build. But such classes should

immunity, if we expect to grow words unless their crowd is jn ' is wrong and the city is full '

in and is rdpidly going to the s_Q_lQOg,.aa any class .or-clique- h ideas, just .that long will our deye oy:as she'8hbuld.'':UnileMr near y of one m ind we wilL-not . W e have said th a t coopera- cess and thia is ju st as true of ity as it is of business oc clyic s. Leta get together and pull ' make a bigger and,better city.

re neglectmg ^ gir duty go to ?y ‘i^id rmiiiiid thoiii u f wh^rc egligent^-an'd-if-they-refuBe-to- en come to us with your com- te how much public sentiment ar on them thrntigh public

« n Y p u n ^ G irl*8 r- o te ! F o u n d m ^ t K Tui o M ly-.. ,Auf. • SL~TheU llor . body of n|Ua MarJe ’ llroeogar. 20.Butte, and prelly, wa* tound Ut Uu>

I i ^ baih lob a t U o homa o t WalUr

war« ’ bll'fam liy re lum ed from iLweek's ea to vapalton , today. ’

Mlaa Bdlth S p e a n . wba nvad |Bg a - In a a a p artm a at'b e lo ir tqld-ie* oUvea , Hca aha .'^be«d m y a ta r liu ao lau about up u « r a iu t-M oadM - a i f h r

Nqne bad~ae«a. th e -g trii ataca. JoliJt a i i , r body w u . d a d - o s l i l a ’b U na- n i jh t dpaaa. • A lU ougV a g*a Jet *- "»■ woa partially open tn the balh

room ..U 8-w lB dow J»aW r. l t WM >->.> - open.„pd1lc o -a a ld ,- a u k U g .-aa ' B mo- phyxiation aonew hat doubllnl.

TO KAXBt A R K B ^ ' :<I^Vol- Ohji ' . Auy. JO ii^A ^uii

I- c a n u i l l i a ^ 7 i ^ u | | l g ' i i ^ ^ , - a u i a a ro i t a e ^ Rogfliig partla* la y |}laa .^tedar;u :• cliy. many- orTbau ranUIfcadTo -ha n i

? ‘a ^ ' ■ ■ e i W d t ' - ' ' '''

IM IB UoKantt«.. 'fa U u r of LQllsfi. ' t h r ■ > . mokUa-otd’ chUd • 'U dnap ad -a wi

te Vo- koctta river, a B d U n r M > ^ , - w

abo la^ aoZT^I F raa l l o a ^ ib a . ' c rylnl(~bahyfi>M a<V i . • D a Iin^-^from h ar l h n j ^ l a t o f Wh r-lrlBb har mothar, w o ^ i h o p p l a t - a ^ f— ^ itap s i r s r i . . ; . . . .^ L - , . . - .


rrwrnm■ ■ ’ A r m y S e r v i c e M e n I n t e n d to ' I T r a v e r s e C h a n n e l s ., f r o m■ , M e x i c a n B o r d e r t o C a n - ' *1 a d i a n L i n e ; ' E x p c c t G o v ^ e r n m e n t a l P e r m i s s i o n .

} HAN 1)II-X!0. (lllllt..‘aii;; AnI nlrplnn.. rili:hl fnnn i!n' .\li-xli-aii luir-

i l r r fo Cniiuila Ui lu lu.-; pliuiiii il li> llu'1 nriiiy n lr sprv ltc u.ilny in> Ux nnxi . m:lili-vi'inMil folI'inliiK lln ' fi-al <i>

I.li'iii. lllcbti-r nnd ('^luaiii Smith in break I UK, rnd ilrnnrr i<tor<ln. Klylnc

V nrouiid unil tiruiirul «Y*-r Hun IIIiko. Thu HUW iiiPlliOtl nf rrti’ii-ilnr. Hn.' nir-

2 plane whilv It In aloft wliUIi xvun ^ «H'il wllll coiiHiilnioim niii-(r.-i!i In Ihr , dmIUi-lilclilur llk lil, uciiilil iK-lu I mak<> Uk' M.'XlcD-Oumilu tii|> a »uc--

, If ppi-'iiilK»Ioti.In sivnu by auilicirl-tlp" III WnKhlnjuon. ,Mn]or 11. A. Ar-

i ' nuld, i:omiimiuliiiii nl Itoi-Kui-ll fli'ld, . plunii lo havo a plaiir hop off wUUln

a frw wi-clm fitim Tin Jimiiii. wlili-li

a llua, [ruin m ollirr ■.piniitii 'rIiIIi.' ;!)• I* Tni; nl lull nnM<'il nvrr Kai'rnm< uln nnr , Mcdfnrd, (In 'coii iiiid If nil Kriii » t l l

It w o u ltljlrrlv u In lirlllnli Cnhiinlilii In rrcora; broaklnic ilinp-

Tbi' lili; advniUQSu nalncd by llip re. (ucllni: In m id 'tilr molhod In ibat li

3 pcrmlia uso of IIeUI, rant plancn It g ' ciaklnR such (llKhU liinlvad of On ~— sl«M»«>P^Miao~«a<'r)'lnK-4i««<l-'li>-|>ri<' S vloiiH iranS 'C ontinm ial cfforifi.i Uy r«m£[nlnK \A lUv a ir 27 ImnrA J — - 1 5 -m ln n te a -an d /l5 -"« n n d R llicliln

and HmlUi floH/louKiir ami travi'li-i 1 a s ri'a lo r dlnlrficu ilmn i:vcr ln'fon

baa hci'U achlo/ert. f The approxim ate d istance, (if 1i)i ^ Upn over a klloiiiclor cuuriu wai n . 3203.26 mllea.

® Bl'MOILS im.MKUi“ DKRMN. Aug. jn.—UeporU lhaI Dcrmnhy‘llad~d«Idi‘d lb abandon'll

y policy of paailve rcslnteoco In Ih Ruhr w.era denied loday Iby'.iouccv

e closo to Chancellor S irc ienann- 1

Oerman Bovprnmiinfn aitllildo towar (4 lhe conduct o f affaire in tbe zanu oc ^ cupli'd by Frcnch Iroqp*.

V K H X S n i t 'Kn ■ SANDU8KT, Ohio. Auk. 20— U-s„ . Ihan 2* hoitm after Mw- MargarcII Draily. 30. fllwl- suit for. dlvonro. hi! n htiKhand. Jaoica Ilrody. 34. a hulcboi

klUed-tier a t tholr home bare-todaj B.— llu -w aa arrA oud— U >ad):^ourdlnN-t i r Chief of Police Jay I’urry best hi

wUa ovor U e-ha^w lllt.4 i-haiuaier iE >S. .. . lo .unconsclousncsa azui-thctL cut-he j t ih roau - ._ .

I ' Ml'K’t' IIANIKH BUI.Kif ; KANSAS CITY. .\loi; Auk. 29.-- "Jim Crnw" rule iiiuiil be lianlnhr ,'r . forever (rom th f nouih If lha man 11 ' ppde mlgriktlon of tli4 ihmiaands -t, ni-ferovs lo tbo no rlb rrn sUies In i'* bu hailed. Jam oa Wofilon Jnhnsni0 soc re larr-o fibo.N ational Asaorlallo,R------>..r >l.n ■i.limnn.M'l.nt C nlnr^ p>.>^ plo decUrod, here: today..


w 1 DIINVicIl."CoIo.. ,a1 k. 29.—a thli '1 U D party may Ilu deod. oc, dytng la.' U

ftp iuniuc trag e d y ' Ibat ended In ll slaying of M n . I.llltan McOlono or h er chum. MUs'Kmina Vascorle, Moi

■ day, afiernoon, polleo believe.Uui . Discovery «iP,a blood aoaked n

i ll ir o a k ch air in lh a ap aru o o a t in d It

eatiro .McOloua apaiU^urat load.|a u aha bojiet u ifti Uto ^aaaUant hloiselC Wl

wonnded, and after M m alttlng h Ivad Atrocious orlma proourod a rag a i " io - triad, to atop tha.flow. of< blood. > i la u : T h U -b e lla r Is S troaU iL ti^ . by tl I." . ta c t U>« kU llaa w u done with Mr aca. M«Gloan> autom allc p U lo l.. She : D 'k ib o u s( t to have succeeded in woulil1 Iny i^ u ily . lior asaall&n^ tM t« lh fore he w reated the gua from her. C

ihU Uteory Daavar ia- baUg eamlM

«r Bjoi.bR In. hjdl.ng, w in be search* ; , wlUi ,the a id of maigr of Iboae wl

’. knowi lia lomoat ooerau In tho hot ijQUnt lh a t '/ollber tbv aUycr*-o(. blf l>oc

B arou Both women lay.faco d o v n * ^ c 7 aald U e nodr Of Mra. MoOlooQ'a bMroo

Whea'. found- Mlaa VaacqYte'a h a WU plercad by baa bulIhL Mra. M

. . .. Oloaoa by .tw o a n d pow daf'bum a < . . b t r , tact ahowed U a t /M d had bm

llr« I from a d U ta ao a -b ro a ty :a fe=asU rsa- WOI hellavod. amaarod the dre««» waak of both..- ■ i • ' . .

i i U a ' K or MoOloaa, wh6aa wife waa oi la , Ua of U(0 vlctlma of Ud klllla«. la ben

5 ^ , S m r S n u S r S * * * ' “* ^hlla bofor* aha ^ a d , u l h a w u a (O' *T.?aw P*«»\ •«>ot-,.O fl» ,lm ll5 t.Jboaght. * ■ baTo ’gona w h y which loaged to t

[ M E S' OLD VOL. X l l l . NO. M, '


I to- G o v e r n o r F i n c h o t F o r m u l - o m . i t c 5 P l a n s . . . W h ic h . . . VV*U a n - B e - P r e s e ^ t c d t o B o ' t l r * o v * S i d e s ., f o r . . . C o n s i d e r a t i o n

T h i s E v e h i n g .

All UAUIlI5^l;i;U0, I’ll., AIIB. 2fi.—Oov- 3 iKir- rrn iir Olffiird l’lii<;lii)t.tiiiliiy drew up ' 111!' u pi'iin,' ]tiari wlili'li hu Iiojh-h will

imxi bl- aciepti'd by bolh oprratiim and of inliiiT!! ihuR .-ivoIdlnR ii Mlrlko ' Id

' I" till' iiiithrinlln ruiil fl.-ldii, ■liefure iiiiiliiklit ll will bo d«l\v-

' <T<'<1 li>. the ileu'lliH-ked miners and « u i iipiraKini wli» will W i:ppt ll ond!

' maliiialii vrork In tlm mines or r^- iii.ln J'-''' I'* I'reelpilnle ii strike next .

l-*riaii>- inliliilKlil. ,- .Tliu IllllU <-inhodle« n ilnmand for'

cmirr'»ii}on.'i fr<«'i bolh pnrUm, II I» ' Z . L'lirnoil.Ii'ld, While tliero. nu nuUiorlUtlvo tliln nlatnniiiii ri'KiirrllnR ll.n conwnis, U' bleh I'l tliniitJit Unt fiilliiwlnc matUods J'lihi w.Ti' faviircil reri'n lly hy tho gov-

>!)• 1. r.tl!.lilliiliiunnL .u t^ u - Half wavn’ll' I'licrU .iff; nlll. lha l will protect the

"y " . oiK-ralorii ai-.:ilnnl reiDKullliii) oC th e , .uiilun by IlK phruKvuloRy and yel cniihlo lhe imlnil tr> co lle d the duoa .

' re> o t Ihp mliicni In Ihu mines, o a pay ' »l ll diiyl" 2, A wnee Increase for tha mlri- . . . i l ITB, piTbnpn ns high ns 10 pe r cent.'* ;j!'. ’£iiiiiV]Inbmi:iit“ o f'nn- cHht.nour

day. _ • •’"rfl. If iiicne ih rre Mei>» nro unaecepl- ih lrr nbU-''li. ■«.Ithcr"bf ■ ih u 'p n rt le a ^ lh V ■ I'leil governor ha* been advised to ask

them lo di-clar.i- a 30-dny truce end • iniilniolii minliii; operations' while

IDA new cfforls aro mnde to thresh out waa tho difflculilos. . U la learoed .a lao

that Mncli<n han been Infortned they can pmctlcally- s e liy and ope ika ' tho mines. Cloao adv tw ra a t th a '

lha t Bovernment hnvo p r a s a ^ tO '^hlav 1,-11, a Schama w hich -would-;aBSbio:''ht»=

, ' t ;

ward was declared the wlnna^ a t U a - T ^0 oc- niAkes ' hero thla a fU ra 'aoa ,' SRM:

(rralR oleyr'' had baen 'dlsqD ititlM far "Uorlng.''

•U 'ss A.SKH DIYOUCE • .ta ro l CinrA RO . Aug. - 39— M n .. Viola, tiitr Heal who cauBi'd a ''gold ceastTCher, furore l>y dvcU rlnc her mlllloBSlrooday. huxbnnd wnre women’s a llk atoeklBSS; uH-to loda}--ti lud..a lU ll-for diva raa-'- T Ua1 hbi pellllim charged Ken?J» O. 8 « l , '- t lw irin « busban'].i.iTltlL_cruelty_aad..drunktii£. I hor hvsH- .Mrg. Seal asserted Ihalho .w eo t.

. . . Julo a rase over her . ooaturao, a t a dinner parij-. tolling, hpr "auch *..» •In s would bo worn only by a w an u u

_ of the ntrecia" nad also a ttom ptad-ti’. i«!iP,i Pbysleal vlolimcc to mak#- hBr."wa,.^ !ram! fcM Infldelliy. - . , . :

iVfi . ■ -IPAHO mATilBK;- ’ nsnn. F a ir north portJoB. nauttlad '.-.

ailon tn n U h y !^ ‘d '^ g . l ^ ^ i e q o r

5 d RAG s a f ewmmSmU lrd celling of lhe parlqr. w oa ad-Uj|btlK a,' Uo Imbedvd tha t It' may h%vo ,haoB aaa n Ihe of which otruek Ifia. aaM lU eL . m t o 9 and Ing upward, a fte r lls force had t M Mon- spent. Another. >trlkiB>.« dff9»JMl '

, ,.cd i b o irary n i a d ^ « .o l mULUu . in th e J n r a ld a Q tU o .w aiI.y _a U p lU d . itM aaaalia a i-. wiiwa '•a w H

i'hi:[ a n d dlcatod It. iw lloe bold. <ta ,U aasof«

M r * 4 .r* i i . ‘ . . . . 'U t . 2 i s l . ^ho u ' Tho j> a i« .irrltteB In a a ^ m M t w a Duhd- to le lllslN e h a a d ; J |d f c e B - |* W « « | i .b a - bedroom, bsara a s t r t k l w a j i M ^ r. On anea to tha algnatare o f ^ M n M l C m bad wha algped h la issU t-B rla d ls tf flK 5 £

s°4‘.issg3;5:saiaiaarched m u c d rt- th » B t^ :& » i^ luU<l|>,’ W i H

who tloisod. U a.coB t«xL lB ax> «4aU ]r^ tm hopo a t r u e d i a s l n d f c c t t U i i ^ t f r S M a

rd on life] is i t i .

beea ‘1U», n n t i ^ r a r ' i ^ ^ f i w W ^ H I I tow u a .oU er

!«u«s teC y c^ a jiS M a j l ia

a oBct ah»t t f ^ S w H w B w a k M l i l W B H Ibend-rland* a ^ . a ^ j i l ^

wife B r f i l l ^ T t o S j i w


to U e hto...... •'

Page 2: •HM ?AL1L D AIL1V TI[MESnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · •HM V b d fefE 6. NdM BKB' 121.. • ----- ^wra.T. S f f i i t--iiiw . -J— ’ • S enator...

ffOll.'TWD ^

• I V I I ' l '• C . • # 1 1

K t t . 0 . T , S a a c e , S o d e t^ £ d

( ilr il WrWire I-«r1y-M n.. V- W. (ii.i.l ronouRb untvrialnod RUmlB nl cjirtl» lauilrj uosdsjr rTviflfcu u t livr lionii- <i:i jvunili uvcnui- tiurtli. Tlm rtHHiiii ,, en. <looorftl.-l in pink an.l y.Olow irdon n b w cri buU l.rldKU wna play- ; S. Mn»- A. IJ- Colwuil wita ilio nut- ; ' aiafu) contCHlaiil for liUh nrortr'aii.l ‘'' ' '’’•‘'J rt.' X 'A rt5ftrrfitfW (U4” iv.’4nli-<l'tli.. nuwlatlnn fnvor. I'ollnwiiii: ilio

le boriet*. The KiiBiiU Ilm iticiurl.'U p ' ”"^

ir. L eo turd Vlnctnt. Claroiico Uiat-r. MmJc Felt. C. H. KrrnKlP. A- U- ‘ ' olweU. C. I i IJoiilb. K. A. H<'>i|.UUM DusrpH. C. Di Tlimnan. V- W.■umko. U Clou. A. M- H.iulr.n. M.t - <)>'a O atlcy, I t K[ llnlilrr. Hni a<'H<'r. <l"> >>. A. H lc irr , Irtilii ikF urlnm l. SltliK'/ i" 'i ':'ravel. L. T . Moorr. Kay Uinnn. J. A. IfiK aa rro lt. U K. 8all#aay, 0. U- WflKhl. I>r* j>udwan) fo o p o r,-Wimt Kvnnd. Aiitmr ''" 'ii I. W ilson, A. J. Pravry nnd J. A. >?1m- H"' «lalr. "'•I'-o

_ • . . . Mr.E B trrU ln t iit S nppfr f« rtr--< :om . ' “‘" I;lln e n tln e Mr. and .Mr*. Ilaun Nori:i-n •"[r. ADcS Mra, .Morllii IiuiU'y ; ' 'yUned Kuenti a l niipinT Tiicmlay “ ;renlDK. fluppcr wnn Horvr.l nr «.'v. n • ’i;]oek, Ujo KUi'm3,.K<'ltii: ntn a il tablrii llstiti-d l>y iiliik-rumlk'n. Tillir».'>Uilur M*liilc<l llir himtrsn. Tlin HlclilBMt*’Wor« Mr- and Mrn- Norr-v». 0>lr. nnd ,M ra. A. J . I'rav.-y. Mr. und “'l» I n . K. J . OstraiiiJfr. .Mr. (i>id Mr»-

P E R a O N A L S 1 - ^

A. W. Holler III In from UoK.iMun,

' b . fitrate inft todny for Oarliy. “ Mm

t n a M ertUl Ih K-ro bti Miiilticnn {!’ .!!'' -Otn B urky .

b . B. Ileedoii wnn la tliia city .from ]|iu>hn r le r l u t cTcnlne. ‘ iioinii

Paul Donahue of Jarljl<lRc v.'a!i In . m Ih V ia T ftlli to<)ar on bualiicgi. cnnigl

■fiB iTRrenHCToiCorTnFr"Th-vIf.li.IC Ur»> F ty noitera. Lor aunt In Uila Hm

---------- ’ ------------------------ -Jnst-

Mf«. « a y 'p u ller nti.l Mlno Oin u ) ltr arnre dow n.(rum liu rliy lo- c i V. <1 l'.i



y g ^ g H * 5 L B ! l i l k -: -m w <:. M.

u. iOiUnnTbe OrfUnalVoed-Drfnk for M Aset. M ekX ;S ;^ M H < m .O ffic tf tF ounu^ ’ ’, W chlfnk.UalteilOr<laBxtrsetlaPow. " " " ' ikrkT »t)k tform a.H ««ri^H .c«M i>»■ • ‘A ta ia im it» tio u « i> d S ti!» tIin t» <.i ir

■___________________________ AiniM- • -_______ ■ • _______ lailic

' " Mri

Y o u r w o r f t,^Yo'u-«an’t-Jo-gooa-._ -g j

iv & r k w h e n y o u r h e a d t-Hiw. t h r o b * , y o u r b a c k a c h e s o r y o u * r e t o r t u r e d b y uroa; i h e u m a t i c , s c i a t i c o r m o n t h l y p a in s . i.mri

D r . M a c ’ A n U - P a in K I l s . I;',,,",

r e l i e v e p a i n q u i c k ly , s a f e l y n n d w i t h o u t u n - p l e a s a n t a f t e r e f f e c ts , ernor V « .H . w l l «f.TT

t h a n t o y o u a t p r e - w a r I At m.p r i c o .

t t e g u l a r p a c k a g e — 2 S ‘ i* 3 o « e i 2 5 iViuK

E ^ n o m y p a c k a g e — 1 2 5 a o i e * $ 1 .0 0 . . -

' —

"f. :'^4iftX-,rEVER JV^ iV C T H W ic A T A B R I lr i l .

^ "^^rcE -50?" ;-'" - — ir .^ *

T ew>pUrp l» m i7 r y "-------^* Potilcllo. lil^ho

e d i to r , P h o n o SOOS.

ud .Mlllrr. nn.l Mr. and Mrr. (Jniri:.; ^ ----nlry il'id i;iii:<.iui''0 ;iltiiu.I. r- ' (J-

llukliii-Hx M'oini-n I.iinrli - -Tli*. r<'/:ii- illflrr'• lu:iil...«ii for llK- llimln.:iii W.i.i.- (.uii.ri

iiirMU f.aU ire.1 li Inlk Iiy i„|i|'i’iN«'K<lv.|iia My<-rM-nn-lli*-worhitoM'- fn~Iir othrr .;liil>B vi lik li nlii' han vli.lt. d,

d-oad.uc<;ouin )if .i;um iiu r,u il‘!‘ ’’y tryau HI l.'lorrnro <Jiiiiltifn<m und .Mhu la.nnd Mlnii. Si.Ola Itlli-y. T Im. d ji l j !l r<rrili-d iicwyj-iuiiiin in IIj? n .m |„iHii lidhiH and nrt- innkiiiic |>r^ji:iruil')iin „n, (.

• • • 'th.VOI:)n ThiiH .lay Ai»:<ii:t ::iiil> ih.' linn- >h- i.I ludl. K will 1,1, r t nl 111.. I.iiiiiuilriw val i>

ThiK 1.1 1<| i:,. nil all'duy tiir. t- y . ; sm l laily xrlll tilrn.ic ciiiiio n,i.im .'liar>'d to n'lw und will l.i'lni: I i i t (rmli. ■II llinrli. TIioiid' wIiO ('4111101 Klvr jy n„ . ulK.1.. day Kl till, work u lll hv . ■Irfrnifd ttl nny liniu Oiirliu: tlu. ilny.\tr. and Mr«- A»!u r II ’ W ib.m vn- ' n."J Infnm ially iil .llnn. r -nn'ixlay rMra. (M l] .Mnli: TJm-K ir.'Mln w.tu -. an.l Mrn. J. l). t'avnnamil.. Mr. " > d Mni. l-. uuhrd t^niirti, Mn.. Mull 'j ‘" ______

I'lii' noxl rcKiilar u iriilni: of ih<- Rlilnnd Vlrw cliil> will )>.• with .Mii>. OnliTloli, 'Sniiloiilii-i' IJ. Mi'inliiTn ,|„ r | .

II Iilrnnn rioti' th r cllftUKo nf Ihn f„r 'tlplan . •- i„ „„

________________________________ I'y IIIQ-Mni. John Wllllaniii of Jaihl.li;.-, a lo;III 111 Illlll i-lly y i’ia.T.laj ou h rr way ailvU: llitrUy to vlhii. nmn

K. N. Duy iiiKl family Imv.' tmlay iilni 1• thn Vi.lloWBtono fflr u vaialliin -------ft cnuiilo of Wr^M.

Mra. Tom J...itrr . .r f ' 'iT i^ ‘i lln wari i jllll".City .y.rat.Tilay on hii:ilnM..i f r ; ,I'Urd In (h<i rvrnlni:.

;lr.i. <irr»rn nml Mlsii Or.'vrti of II- am.pl.C)l:i U'fi h r r r ln:ii rvrnlni; for tli.dr wan Iin<) nfl<T II vliiit lu Jarhhli:.-. ('.ron:

Mlimm l.roln Moriian and Klnrrnri- m-rvr. alglln I rf t for Srftltlv lanl >rvonlnj; llir p ,|raj;~li_injliji[inhlli; nrlKMiln tluTi-- nplrln

Urn -Wlnlfr nnd family «li.i hnvr Ki'\ it-hrrtTtnl-hRV C-fnoV rrl—in to - th r IiIh-ui.in c .u l.^ « 4 ro iir tli nvrnii.i wrnl. iniinli. , who1;. (:. SlEKlnn n-tu rnrd from a irli) hearI'oeatrllo yri.tcrday- Illn imn’ IM- iirci;

n will Iir a nliiilrnt In T rrh Ihla <il (tll,r. -Mra-

______ - anil JJohu I’fi lfnuf nf SI. I.onhi arrlvr.l Mr. n

thn noon Irnln today lo vlnlt liln ’‘r'Ki:lallvcn h tr r . Jllr; and .Mrn. S. I'fcl- I’n ' T"

• hiniii*- . Iiiiry

Mrti.. Mnry K- {liinnlmihain (iiid ''r <•iiuhliT r r tu rn rd to IiiUil la«i .-^rn- < I'rl-W n f l« - n vtall, wMU-Mr. mid Mra- Jo-'l

-M. .SlmpMon. • . AM"''

Mrn- C irnn MuClnn. arrrmumnlr.l Vlnll.• h.T rlill.Jrin . I.ydla and Iloyd. In "frn th r Kuntit of- l i-r j.arrntn, Dr. ‘Innnl III Mrn. T . O. Itoyd. “»'> j

Jamrn and K rnn rlh Jlodi;.-K rrln rn - T «ln I lant I'vi'nUiit from llolllnl.-i- nnd iiimTilatii w hrrn llu-y vlnllrd llu-lr ihcr. J . J-J lo d L ca. '----------------------------------Mm. O 'I.inry. urrtiiiiiiaiilcd hy hcr j.

J,rk'nii“ tral:V .T 'lu"‘lh r‘ T ^ ^il.llc; iichocdn. ‘

' f treAX x m , ..... . .

T H E A T R E S .®1 ------ - , ~ I . - - - t

‘ Kcho.

-<t<^r»rf-.Mplfor.|-hnii -ndd»«» ulioUuit -IWa. luiniih to llh nlri.a.ly lo n r . Hat <>f no*. icrcHM-H In thu producllon of •'Sa­mi)' Juni-.” a Vnraninunl nicluri*a llfrln ,r JaV.iu..5ln<--Ufc^ih“ h^7i7KC--------awi-i-ti nnd Maiirlri* Klynn nml » 1.inlnc lo till, l.hiho ihiiairc on M.hi hum.Iny lu-xt ti> ri-innUi un lll Knl- ir<l I-dny nliVii. .Mr. Mrltord d lr r r in l n n e .lurnlni: .'^:ina»,” "IChti Tl.lr." "Javarad- "Vou Tan 'l To-il Vour Wlfi-" .1.1 nmny o(li,.rn for I'nrainoiint. lln J C J

onr of till- lr;iiUni: dlrt-iUini fn .1.1 pl.iiir.i liidiintry. f

Rath»f Worn Out.AlfM-d m n hom« from Iha p la y tim.-nond vrry Riur,h rx d lrd and told ih.rfism o th e r : " !> • b m f alldln* on Jha il.!>-i

1 my roinpera U noth taf but akin.'* i'lnii

■■ tlipI hnv.- .>r.lri-...l .-I r a r for Krl.lay Hi" “ 'f l“II If >1.11 lim r nny rhoh-r frull ully liiK It to ih^- rnr- I pny laHli. t in nllnn i^krtii nt lh.) Jiii.lani..r.' Inn. r . C. do-... irxii, Ajrrjit. /ijjjij


i vT \

-SI. ' ^ ^ ' 7 » 1 5THIS 15 7 H t STORY OP T ” ^■

' ■ ■ ATJAt^ ANO tV*.<30NCS. A ^

■ ' ' ■ - • !T'

QJlES mN-AUDA(O o iidco t«d b y A tu

J -Ii .-a r Aniitl.- .'^ui-. I liavi- h ran l would IU- Iiuy Ihul tli .-f-ra n n o t l . l l ll........ uch.I.-r'H .'r l(.:lw.-iii ■ l.ul1^^ nnd cili- town laritarlili'. <Jniii.;i). ' hi all \.--Ol.-.iinari;nrln.. -hi Jint urtlfKlnlItrr. It li> innd.' t.y nlraliilni: ni.dl- Ui:ii'” - -lirf-fTat*Tind-nlInKinirH“ in'"i'tand- —

ilrKr.xn, .\luili of llir iitrarln .alalUui.-uuL-.autl.^lljU-.riJJluJnlnK “ Ui p Illd (Uur oIruniaiiM rlni'l In iirrniird IrmPt I an.l nllow.'.l to iioll.llljj___Tin-II.I 111 f i t i i n i T ^ v ^ i r ^ r n i ^ m T i r. t.) ri-ndi'r It ro lt. 'r, nnd In ih u iu - "

with milk to Im parl Ihr p roprr I’'" " ’,!* vor. Allho ll la ikn llir hutyilii.• i.ro.lu.'l Ik iiiinllnr in 1I10 rli.rnil-I iialuii- Id l.ntt.T. V u ''1 li -D ra r A unllr Hur; Why hi lit.' !" ' " J ,.iiu 1,(11.-: I am ..of try/nir to l,o■«h. I n ally waul ..t liiiuw. .Snr..- f„. ‘ : Ih .'ir In L.iin.i ntuioti. (Jnili.)A- D r.^ '. H. K rm lrlrli of Tofonlo Micky

fll.-.l an un luilhorlly on thin nuh- wkji ,•I. II.- tiuy.i tll.t WfttiT al.norl.n all q — ;. olh( r culorii of III.. n|>i'Clrum moro dorii ..■ly than It do.n hlu.., and hvncr c-i-rnhi ri>ri''clr.l l>y II o r Iranninlllcd uhi.I. roiiKli It cnrrk 'd u priilimtl.-rtknc.i otclli'

l l l l l r ; ‘lhat w n lrr nrnlliTii lli;lit rliiK iiri- frrr ly tlmn u lr i^id In lliln »<:• A—m till- hlnc lii:ht of nhnrt wave- only 1ii;lh aKaln playn u jiri'iiondrraui parll.rt.-nnd .Uiiit, finally, lUo Kky In l.luu m-.-iniI' till', niiiiiii rninuii tlm l tlm wnti'r hut Itnnd lliaL Uio wnii.-r i;rin lilurr llicn ttroontin- irf li'r lln i; nky. in-rn

q —Di'ar Aiintti’ -Sue: I’lraar* i;lvo rye al.ivrloin IniiH iioiiir of your ti.md n.n <vh:.'. A wi-rlt ano I invl n younK th.. |iin and walki-i[_Jtrfrn.i wllh lilm. handir .. Ihi-n 1 havit fiiuu'd Ihal I llko rltiy; 1II h i'ltcr thun nny hoy I kium'. nnd IriiiKri

erger Sunday Schdoll f Ej Has D elightful Picnic\ c.omninnlty plrnlo ttndrr Ihe [gt.plr..n of III.- llriT...r .Siin.lay nchool g,n hil<l a .....Iny on th.- In»n <it Ihron ;r I’n rn itl lioin.. nonlliwrnt of q ,hvn. Aftiir n l.ouiilroiin^ lunchcon o ilv rirv.'d lad lia of llu- c oiniuunlly 1 ? pl^iiln-rs lim rn^d lo a vi-ry In-Irjng lii.rvlco rondiiclrd hy thu lluv- '.’ “ {f*

Iti-v. Doal Ji.->ii fnlihfully n-niliTrd • Di-.' •-«orvlu-»-lo-lho-lwoj.ju.u{.Uila-coiu- -fi'-'.-* inlly for tin- paiil y.-ar, nnd thoan10 linvi" .lic ’n fortunni.i (nouuh toa r him on thrm; oc-cnnlona wlnh lo , KC othcrn lo attr-iiil. Tliont pm irn t(tilii plraiiunt affair won-: .Mr- and ftltiWy.

•Jl. O. -i;. J’a r ro u and family. Mr- «umni11 .Mm. A rthur I*iirrott nnd family, |.-u,,ri •. nnd Mrn. W lni...r. .Mr- and .Mrn. , ‘ ‘ 1i;i:k nnd family, -Mr. nnd Mr«- lli’n '' m ill an.l r lilld rrii, Mr nml .Mra. C tilhur: iiniihury, .Mr. uml Mm. .M. / . Slanii- Ihi' ^ ry and ilauKhlcr. Mr- nnd Mrn- 1‘ct- i^onipl

('hrIiitlanHru uml rlilldrcn. .Mnlu I’hon. irliTtlnnnim. Mr -nnd Mm- l.athrop,l-l Will i^lldi- Ucudy. Vloli'l llllver. .hrr( and Itonn Mny .Sliaw, Mr. nu.l | rn. (i.'o rcc I 'n rr.ill nnd rh lldnu--illnrn In atl.-ndanr.. w rro Hrv. D.-al ,

R lrr . .Mr. and Mrn- Mrhnhu-u nn.l .1____nnlll.-r. .Mr. _^ d Mrn- Tom I’n fn illI.l l.ln<-oln cKildrrn from n.-ar Tllrr, k i , r. ICilcliiion nnd .MiTlr' Znchnrlau.of u idr. *ln Kallii. nml Mr. and Mrn. I!.m trr- j.'iiiil,un ot I'nallcfiinl--—Coiilrlhutrd. thnrn

- oad Su p a n tltlo/ia.T bT nra , wlioo acarcfi J# made 7ar'7 budy of a drotrabd peraoiL a llv« \Vlla< icpp~la~thruvn Aot?'lbe w ater,'m d 'la* TTi'r^ippoaed to ladtectq tb* poaltlon o t a ku0 body by alnlcloc nN ir IL ' To pro- w rreiro ralo r«ravtaa« na»d to aet a black wInni»cp In a flcid, pour cblca over » , aod 'v m . T* U nothlug to «at Ull »»la it\ l.

— - H a r -Coura*.Mappto. - . - . " ' 1'- Spfaklnj to a niinih.;r of ehlldren

l)Out achool. I yirni-d to th r amallejt tid aaWed-htr wldcli way aho wi-nt to rhool.^ atid.^pidiiiliic litr lUUo llncer, “

tra .blocka crooked.-— Chicago Trlb-

— tlmlir*llae-Ar* T«boo Ttiara.------- -hlshll 1« n itr lo rru li' of tUci I.<indi.n nlock Jon.- li'hiini;* (liat no onu alnitl hr (irniilc- .1 to «atvr lh« Uijlldlns carry lu t a ^

_____ ___ . Mr,I.

fes# Tobk La«t Chance « kid jy .

"A flrr thrco yrnrn of do.:lorlnR forly ^tlllnal•ll I h roanir illni'our.'intd t,..,h«ml tiwiiru 1 woiililn'l lake unylhltii; 'l;ic. ! wan b loatn i with ntia all Ihu , ni.'. Soiim 0111) iir^iUcd Miiyr'a Won- i-rful Hi-tni.-ay 1.0 h tflily iliiil 1 dc-I.Ird to lake a clmnii-. I nm now M>.■linn llk» a..,iiuu,- m in " It U M loiHiImph', hiirmtrnii pro|iarnllon Ihnt d;iy-lUiivi.H till- cnlurrlia l tnucuii from 'M lIP Inti-nilnnl trac t and alhiyn lliJ cm t'fluniinallon w hlrli <'uniirK iiriirlk - Inrrrly all Hloninrh, llv rr nn.l Inti'iilliiiil ihiyllmi-nin In.-ludlni; apprndlrllln. Dnr In 'p 'o'»< will coiivlnro nr niiini'y ru- llirJJ»I,-,I. Al n il ilrn<: JrraJ

^A.■T WCN ' THE^Ire UJiNOAND CO T' ‘ A G M A L l-F L N T B ------/M A R R tC n ,. A a t QOmO-TO JlO V

rrW IN FALLS DAILY t ]--------------------------------- ------------:-----• Rot

tho 1

m w m * Kmnlhi

Ltmtift S u e .) lu r 0famllj

— :------ les......... ............. .......... ............« n fuwIllld lllc- to nro him flKaln very tch. H,- Iiv.n 111 n nriKhhorliu:.vn an.l 1 know hlu'nam c, hut (Ital all. Wlmt Blinll I d o .lo Icl blm ow tb a l I wniit him to como back J*'"",, nlll. _ l.oln of lov,.. (Mlnky).. *'

ap flcr fronl you nn hu would from , V ' i> plni:nr Micky di-iir. do, not ot- npt 10 cnurt hImf-M an in th r In- n ilvc--iha i‘n hocn llla pruroMtlvc

II iinwiM.' .lltllo loaa - who wouldnrp Ihal prlvlIt-Ko'and tu rn tbo in- t------in; II In ponslbln Jf you conduct * nr»f-lf miMli'iitly and-Ienvi- the mnl- I r of u lu ll to Ihu boy, hi- mlcbt .1ft l.nck of hln own accord, but that -------innlhlllly rvi-n will ba prtcludcd It uo< 11 itiv.j him llto Itnpreanlon of you would Iiav*i If yi)u try to tifc b lm .. nn, ,

NHiy did yon w.alk bouio'wlth blm, icky? Why didn 't ho walk •hmno i..,’ ' lh youT Tbanka deafr .7 .q -I3 .-n r Awntlu Snc: Uow lonu io l rii 11 tnko lo p-perform a marrluBC :-rr.-mony? If tbc ring cvrruiony la I-.I. wlinl can onu do If tbry c rr loo ■*' c ltr.l nnd inlnn Iho flnr.or thal tbu IK idiould hr placed upon? (Hi-nry).A—All nal.l and .done, Uunry. It ” w“ lly laki-n uhoiit flvo inlnutra.-To Ihii ' , ‘ .rll..H monl con,:crnc<t ll vury oflrn .-mil flv.- llnii-H tb a l lonitib of lime, “ ,'® II It r.-ally hin-|. In caat) ihu hrido- '' 'V ' oom brcomca .-xcocdlnrly m.rvoiia, rn to the r i te n l Ip mlajudKlniC UU '^ 7 '* c NiKhi; llhi bcnl matt will riait Ici e occnnliin nud If M r m a ry bold - bund ol llu- brldo and uhio tbo ind o t till' lirhlrKroan no ibat tliu :iK rui) ))i- p la ir .l oa' ih.. proin-r ^*'‘- iurr- ; "on 1

------------ ---------• for a,.-r . ■ ._. -- paren

P f S f S i s S 'i i i S S loft I■ |f cfirr*

Pniin,i r a t f S p ¥ o l 5 S J t t ; l 2 l ^ ^ Mrr

tif 81' t vlallo

m ill claim d c ‘d. J. Ollvrr to K. . W. Ivrr, II.OU ,Sf-; SW, NtiSI-;, SU SK., 11, la . B»ioepnrranly dcrd r. Oliver to W- K. MU-

Uui- l. Shi.rlff 10 C- A- Tihlm. IIO.i i . ......... ........................ Kalla

:....... ............ - .- .J o aAN.VOl’NCEMKNT, • nctidn

Mina Mildred IClrod whn lia'a iM-en “ "wi«ly/nK iiii/nlc In Cfileato tlw pant „ f 'g otumor will b r a t hor nindhi 321 floramrlli avriiiiu cam, afti 'r Si.pirmbcr ' C -•I tn ri-colvo pnpllB tor piano In- " 'f ‘iiurtlon. .Slir In jiropar.-.l |i, offer “ % “ 1 1' DunnhiK iiyMi.'ni. havUii; riTcntly nipl..t«l n roiini.. In tl.hi mriliod.

" ' - ' I : ____________ _ Ita;.............................. .............Wedi

' .Mr

KIMBERLY. vuu'lI frlcn.

--------------------------------------------------- ! Wrilr

KIMIlKKI.y, Iija!i<i.-Mra. CarlIdi-.rwiiy hi a pa tl.n l nl Ihu Twin ___ ;iilhi _lu.npll|il, havliii:^ bcun tuken

MImu Jlrtly Hhupanl In on Iho nluk

On Tu. iiday cv.-nlnt:. Mr», A.' J. i 'llaoti utlierialned ^ut^a ^ Uwn^^iia rty _____

BnrnnUiK ont.ml ami a puiinul race rre foatun.s of tlic i-vanlnK*. TlmInn.TK of tlm r.ui- .ilnB contcaf n , _ , rn . .Myrtl,. Kllvern and CeorBO

"»'I .......... . rni-e waa «on hy i.loyd Umlcrwood nnd Kny a i 'vr'iw.. . Aliuui .U ilrty . yflunc iolka .■re prrncnt. Mnt, Wllaon onrvi-d iijoyabl.. rrfn.iihniriitn a t Ihe cloner th r rvrnlnn. • **'’Manlrr D.,na|.l Tayh.r Ih rc'nortod \y{

u-Hi«r-sfck—im :------------- ----------------------Tho Kinihrrlv Hrl.lKc cUih met wllh v...

lr,(-X 3W n'"W hlinrf-Tfi-u,^,day -irftT Z T ZrtiiHin. Hlx niriiihcra and iwo aub- “1“ "iliut..i. w ..rr prrncnt. Tlio prUo for of Alsh-nrTTrr-»-ni. -wnn b y -M rar tVed o f Tiin.'K nnd ih r h.toii.I prlio by Mra. way■- K Tli/, hoKli'iia rcFYcd foind

tw oconrie lunchciiu a i ihn clone ii]|rlir tlu- Kalh.-.!. Mrn, Mrrvlfi Olli and uo "Ini. W ill Downing w.-re picntn. U lh iI,. A. Ki-nnrily nf Twin i'alln Wna ALKlmhrrly bualnenu vlnUor Wcdnoii- letilei

jy- ouaMrn. Urn I’o ilr r nlun.pcj m Twin '*

alln Tliurndny nfleriiooti. " 'ffaMhin Vina Snyder of r>elroll. Knn., P!','’'}

I n hounr KUcnl of Mina Allim Hlcol- ‘‘”X

Mr. und Mrn. II. K. ih.bler nf Twin «i.o•:i!ltl_wrrr KInibcrlY vl-ili.ira Tbura- ja«U■ly ‘■'»vnlni:. . . all fMinn I^.ola Jones an.l Mltia r io r - not

m e Jonrn w rru boMiontes in a unletir r ry hniicb iif younc p«oplo Tues- qnoriiy ev..nliiK. Tho uvrning wag apent he hII playing* vnrloua Kuuu-a a fte r which nnli-. b r luiritrii,i,.n hcrvcd dolIulouB TC- Sclir rr;)}/l//rl/l/l. fdpp

A n I n l r b d u e t i o i

|| s l | " ^


no It^ BECAUSE TH E rU S T Aw b • BU T -IS T O O KOISV G iTiQyg— ........• • _ •

TIM ESHer. MaoKun, .w ho 'w aa p u to r .o t oraon> it . H. church two yeaw nio ,

rly, ua ha hna accspf«d a ' position j . the high acbool oi; Instruclor o t w iu 1

iihcinollca and will «Iao bo dlrec-. liuainc - o t aHiloila. nov. M aniun and nev. nlly will urrlTc In Klmbcrlj> Jn torlan fuw daya and- will bo iladly wel- dinner lucd hy thulr many friend*. nnd :Mm. U C. Doty wont to Idaho jtir. lln Tueaday to vUll her ntoUier Hater d lo brine home h e r dauftbtur, nn ilo ] ua Dorothy, who hns biun visit- }klr» { Iior sruBdmotber, .Ma. liurtw ull, Twin • Bovcral..woek«. • Tho

Curiun" Pelbniott V eluratu lS “ Hi from Uukley lunl baturuuy aMA.

turo uhu bud apent tbo praviuua ..X ho. luk vlnlilng. Twu of ber nlecva Uarna ■uiacil..« im JfJ iL it ! f .J .J .liorLv.l..li.. v ( ,!)^

ROGERSON' l l f " .------'— ------- i (in' bllUOOKII.HON. Id u lio .-J . A. llrack- ■ . nnS Wllllani lihilr ^ c r« In from I'J'"'' u rnnce Hnlurday ou bunlnetia. .W. il. Bnydrr of Anlulope HprlnKB . . - ''f f .a u .ItoRuraon bHiilneHH vUitor lurdiiy. . f"',';'’H obtrt A. Doni of Diiep Crci-k wnalown Bnlurday nilKiidlni; in bunl- --------

aa mntlera nnd buylnx nupnileH, •Mr. und .Mra. Chirrncu R ' Mlnncr- d

motored oul from Twin |.\illu lurday.Mra. e . Went vliillc.) In tli.i rouniy nl Bbturduy. *Ulenn K. .hVllcber i.jtenl Hundar Ul rrlniida a t lluhl. >■ ill -JainVn A. Vandeiihark ot Twill , llla apvni Hundny In Itufierniin wUH ;> Inllven uml frl.inda, llurylu Kunklu of Ainnicrdntn way ItoKcrnon bui.lnrnn vl|illor Mon-

y.Mr. nnd Mra. I(. A. lU lihn t and n illcluird who liavi' bi-.m vlaiilnK r aoveriil dayn with Mrn, itnbhntl'fl renta. Mr. nnd Mrn. I. K. I’owell.■t Monday for .lhuir honir a t Mcr-n. " a ir.----------------------------- - - - •—Mra. U K Joulln rinlt.i.l In Twin llll, Monday. ‘Mrn. llorauo Wulpnie and rh llilrn i

Shoahone tlaaln w rr« IloKcrnon illora 'Tunaday.W. II. Iluaaull was In lowK Tuenday >kl0R atlor tbo ahipplntt uf bin eep to eaalern inurkeu.W. A. Kord of Ilniwn Iionrli wan

lown Tuotday on bunlnciin.Mr»r*OlBUu y . V i lti fiBr inid-rlauslr--------r Mlaa Qlenaorn molorcd-lo Twin,lla-Tu»*day, ---------;—.— ;--------------------Joaepb U rackell wou In town .W e d -___fidny iillondInK to Ininlni-nn mati.-rn d buylns .Huprllcii.Mr. and .Mra- John A. Domildnon . Soldier Creek ivuru Ituccrnon vln-

C- - A. Hobs of Thren rf.-.i-k wan IloReraon bualncsa vl.lm r W..il-

adny. -vJ. T. Denamnn of llolll-t'-r wi,-. .1; )Kurnon bunlnenn vlnll.ir W.-^inT?-. y.Ilayniond C. Carter w-au In i.iwn edneaday on btinlnunn..Mrn.- 0 .- KnRRl" nnd nona, |,en. rank und Ulenn wbo have li.t.'ii nlllnK liuro with rolutlvr* nn.l lenifn tlm pnnt Iwo w.-i-lcn Irfl, . ..ilniin|hiy to r-lliu lr luunu In liur- y..Mni. Hd. Terpnira vlNltiil In Uon-

Rheumatic-N e u ritis ---xys H is P n a c r ip t io n O om plotcly B an ish es A U K bo iuna tic P a in a n d . T w in g 6 8 - Is G u araa to o d .

een Hraird I 'r lc ,lctd IlrpoalU Are iMaaoIied and (be llbrm uallc I'n l. aon .Slnrta In U a te Ibo H«.>lem

JUrcrir ,d rucg la i lii—li i i i - x o u iiu u ia .____iihorlted to nny to uvury rhvuma- C nuffnrer ihut If n full pint hulllu ' AlXlirN'IllIU.. tho Nur<i cunqueror' ThcumstlBm ' dnt'S' Tine * ahnw—t n o -----ny to atop Ibo ncony, reduce nwollcn (nla und do awiiy wdfi even (hr Igliteal twInRe of .rlivumallc pnln.> will gladly return yuur money llhout comment.ALU:.NRnU hnn been ifli-il and tiled for yoara. und really marvel- la reaulla bavn bexft. ncroniplluhodI Iho moat arvore Vuni-u wbcro lliu ifferlng and aRony waa Inivnnn nnd iROua aniV wbcru tho puik-nl wna ilplcsa.Mr. Jamea H. Allen of Hochrnter.. Y-. the dlacuverur of AM.U.VIIUU. bo for many yenrn nnffcn-d ih j-io r-

II autferera to know ihal ho. doea nt want a c c n t of anyimu'a inoiioy nleaa ALt^l'XSmUt dorl<lvely cun- iiora thia. worat ot a ll dlaeanca. and D haa loatructed drucclnln lo gnar- nli-e It aa above in w ury liinianre. chrunim-Johnaon DruR .Hloro will Ipply you. Mall ontcrn airi-ontmt.

M ‘.............. 7 ..............


W f tT f c R ' ______ I__________


ion Wedneaday and Thursday. ’Mlaa Eva Iludaon apent Snnday ■ .

J. n . -Rnvla o t Sboihnno Haiiin p —_ U In town Wrdne.nday iranflactlnK alneaa nnd buying aupplloa.Rev. Uenialy of iho local J 'roaby- •lon cburch wnn cnlorinlncd nl m e r Sunday at the homu ot Mr. d .Nfrs. 0 . D, Vnml.-nbark.Mr. nnd Mnt. J- N. Jonra o t Hoi- J m te r Were KoRurmin vlnllon Wed-

l l t l ’ Jitark W onhn motored to ^ «ln' KQlIa Motujiiy. ^Thomaa. l-*auneli of llnKormnn. wan « J J■WgTraon VVodrrvMluy—oU-*-«UBP tt===r.hnriti* finil T.i.-K-'Wegch anil Minairnaby of llo lllaier w«r.. ItoReraon Oirod Ii l t m Wednendny. TheI'aui'JoncTTf'Tirr'Crfinf'Winr-lir ttar^wn Thurailay on buninrnn. and Mnun Courtney of Hhohhnno-Himln Kreilla n UoKcraon vhiii.ir 'ninrmlny. rnuclieT. '0 . Cox wua In lown Thurnday duy.r bualneaa. , U. MU A. Dodd. Mra. Jiu-oli Dodd and day 0[an OIlvo DodJ in .io rn i to Twin 'A, <1illn Thuraday. Klvrn 'Mra, IC O. narhc-r Iif Anlolop<. of Mtinch wna umoiiK llir oul o t town honorIka 1n nogeraon Tliurndny. DoddMr. and .Mrt. K. n . McCorkle mo- mlnalo

W I ^ H e CI t ‘* P b rtlaC e m e i r t

In 1 8 2 4 , a n English I____ jj^uce aJ^er cement

uscTlorHo tHSlie Burn clay and limestone tog heat. The hard balls fca resulted were gnmnd ti Wlicn a mixture of this with water hod hardenei ol a popular building s

_____ the Isle of Portland ri! 1land. So this -mason, .

----- —colled his discoveryThat wfflles thwio:

ogo,Portland ccment was

United Stafffs until-fift average annual produ<

• years fdlowng was on Last year the country usi 000 sacks of pofttlnd 1 to manufacture was nCi

• sadcs. - •Ccment cannot be a

because raw materials chctnical compi^on t

■J suiBdcnt cjuantidcs in ' country: But it is now 27 states by 120 plants, one oi these iriants wit]

_. _ — .l~tahcoof-ar>y-<!ymm\mir _ *Ib provide a cement i

olwaysbe am^e to m meaiit a good deal in i

- to those who have inves industry. l)>erc have \ investments with low n

In the last twenty-E’ mem plants have beim I through some tage ol

— — '------------

“ Dari»oTa»epCHJ. S flaandaliOperBtiag and nu

______period._Thcjr_c»p»gltTJ»,pntci duB tiK ittDrd yea

Tbew «e a itw Inpot- InduMry (hat l« «U) yottai

loDow will ^ve you Don wUl tcQ ol the

- meuoccupiai&tbewdiar

P O B T L A N D C E M E N T AlUW«tW«*biagtt

■ • C H IC A G O

_ _________ tAlmf en EittadlhelA dM D im KM~*Chr

fe " UMO " 7 - W D

■ 't*

N T S D iT , * A T IQ p 'S T v 2 9 ,'lb » '.

S ’S h o e P M i i i h e g l .

---;--------;---------^ ^ /ea'I wifi~F»na‘-Thni|idBy“ -- -—------ -rhe MiHaloiiary aocleiy met Tbura-

il Mrn. 0. I). Vandonhark.l-'red J. Waltcni. T lireu Crock . ,iclier waa a HoKcrnon^-vlallor KrI-

M. Hltanglo-woa In t/3Wn Thura- y ou bunlnena.

'fa f»a« ll parly waa -rn Thurii.lay uvenlnK «t Uie homu

Mr. and Mnt- U A. Dodd In nor of Iholr daughler, Mla? Ollvn dd who win lunve m ^n n n ' n nslon for Iho ’D, U. S. cburoli.---^ ------r-------- - _ ^

C a l l e d Ia n d ”

lh mason wttcd toerit than any then in - '- ur^*B5ely .ground— -------together at a high

I to a fine powder, his dull gray powder med, it was the color ig stone quarried on iJ! the coast of .Eng'-priy latvl rnTTWr- .....loiTehundredyeajre — . . ^

R/as not made in the .fifty years ag& The duction for the ten only 36,000 sadcs.

'used over 470,000,' id cement Cajadty „ nearly 600,000,000

le made everyy/here ■als o{ the necessaryin are not fotmd inin every part o£ thoow manuiactured in ;nts. There is at leastwithin shippi^ d ^ -iiity.in-thlsrcbuatxy.JJJ-: J J —— :—at supply.thatwwild__ S_________) o^t'Bcmaiid^iiu ; in txstlyvested in the cement« ’bom-^ge capitalvretuma. ' I

jT'five years, 328 cfr .cn built have gpoe: of consmictC T ^ _____ ^

CnSlwWHaWwdTbB---- [-----------lmaikedn<riilMo£,that

hr^:------ip o n a sc bcti.aI>boc aa Kpj*.Adv¥rii«weq»to .: 1,, sore of tbis9'laai,'and : ■ , the lomonint'place ce* , . * [ oTevByiKlividual. '.

r A S S O O A i l O Nagton Street ' , |,GO

' r r


— B y C a p ' I f i g g i n a

C A P * - j l O G l ^ '


Page 3: •HM ?AL1L D AIL1V TI[MESnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · •HM V b d fefE 6. NdM BKB' 121.. • ----- ^wra.T. S f f i i t--iiiw . -J— ’ • S enator...

■ w S a f e D i T , ' 'A 6 d D S T ,21

■■■ ;■ -S S S S

I A ir z i i i— ^ — '— = = ------- -

• Myttrfry . S w u n d s Cl ' lenger While He U 1

pAring for-.’ Bout;... M Sent from South Amc


W lU»,thM«m«alr ot my«lery an m oipiiero o t unM ual tlin l so rr

. . ed tsl> «‘« r t iLonj « '■ to tbfl root-Trarden o t.flstlnon.

Flrpo; la propurtnn tilmnolf lior lil l R ih t triili Jftclc Dompior.

H tf 'to ro . up-'tlifl book, ot n ■ lloM tf tite r lo i: hla '<'"7 th

tha. frJaJ her»c# .th f ti ' wero p him f o r '» t«st. #o the Soutli A caa Klaot la dlxcardlDR a lt 't t i thodojt conrcnttoM ftRd'.w aj KMllDR ready .for a wprU'a plon«hli?:.%Kbl.

Flrpo: J i . rtolnc bt» ow^n.waj M l w a r has. DoUilnB HKo It I leoStUr ftimaU ot.boztnR. DallJ h it m e n d and protege, Kallx I Tirpc g tU a- cable Irom lar South. A merica le tltns him wt

• Thoge w lioJIlto to poke I.............. Lula. a n d . th e r . ar«.U n..tbo mi

here.: a a r tlial h ll diet U erei ■c rlbed 'b r cablo'ftnd th a t the for aach m eal arrlyea Just Ir for. h la: L atin cook to prepm viands.

Prom tho bouse In whtch t MtaWfahexl hi* IlvJnR <iuarJ«r which o» labeled tho "Uouie i Kail," r>rpo can ned tho on a ln d tn b ' h anea r wHere JseV

----------------- Ja r hts (l»ht with I. CarpchUer. In tlioi one respot

......— .~~•^^•tIlB■llyo^It'o^the'flomh-AIn«, ------ th V a llg h fea t-W n n te '-D em p st

■ Pirpo Jo‘« t no t TiUo In ttio In r with' Mayor Dador. Ha dt ■hoir hfntaoK (n ( tv Kartorlal d o r . o f ; th e . champion and t

.c o n tra ry , he U -»o careless peraonal appearaoea (hat iho w alkers h a re alm ost proles b u ic n c l ty . of fssh lan ...

W heiT Dompsey wsa .tralnlni' B s trahF er waa msde aware

before-Tie atlKhtad from a tra new com ers now can be In t for KfiSf* and pass days ' havlDiTK prsiaed upon them a

. th a t '6 « ^ o r F lrpo-Is a Ruesi , rltjr. T h e re 'a re .ino plcturca

y . Sonlb American In the sho dow i and the hawkers tiare m buttons jtnd pennanta tor s

- —

---------------- , ) ^ : ..JhcJIu


-----------.. t lM n w B o ra d C reator-o t n

----------------7 A e m t« m i ' ' ■ •%-. . •'

& made o r -m a ti i l l j

S ^ p e t b fck tha t J l l S i f i

' ' ' t S S U K '^ S s^ S ^ ’s s s

:2a, im "' . • ; ’

i iChal-

I P re >M e n un c r t c a '

IR. so.— " ' Inl- ' W , p s |a K | | | ^

Brraund- a celtnr

Liils liore tor «y.

roRula-throuRh '•pu t to

1 Ainorl*. ttie or- ways -.ots-ch a m - :'

•ray. andt In the V»lly from ' ■'v—X DunRo.a r away /Icrt- nn- f i \ 'a o f fJje »n e' tnn a t .ci.'iiliir ik tlic MCiiK li m njoR lj u p p c r ' . l e l t r t l iu . vtiiyruii .iltti;

;ho moau ’ ' - ........— •

p i ; . ' ‘2 ; f C L U B ' S T A N d I N (

1 he haa ‘ -Jer*. and 'A J l E R i m M.-Artl/f;.le of All- I ,

•V ..... - ........«Clevetruid ................... CC t3DetrolO . .....i......— ..... 00 C5bS: Loiila " .............-r«0-----^ T -W M itih j.ioa--:-:_ :-;::G 7._" o i :Chicago .....................r.6, 83rh lladetpbU .............-f.l ; CO

/ a l '^ . p r Boaion . - . . - , . . . ^ 4 5 70

‘ ®”, r t ! kATIOyAL 1,BA(JUK.IS o t-hU V - -w uVork — ...........7.0 .40

lestcil at Cincinnati ............... 74 47I.. • h . , . PItlsburgh • ............... 73. 48

line here. Chicago _________ ' 07 C8‘ St. LonU ------------ CO- 03

, } u l Brooklyn — ........ 57 03? Z u u lZ Ph»ad«lphla 40 (ton M ^ P w to n - - . . .— ...e — H7 B2 I»t of the ' ' p a c i f i c C0A8T LEAfiUIca ot the , .ih05 wlnv g - p ranctsco ......... Hti oi) no Flrpo gttcramanto .— ..... 83 07' Portland ---- -------- 8 t . OR-------------- S a lt Lake ................. 71 7t

Bifatllo ..................... 70 70n e W - I Los Aoireles .... ........ 70 7DL c m Oakland ..... ; _____ cs . 84

' Llneleum T ruly Cosmopollt 8 l l tUUJlUIUJ. ItlUlUllUOn ul

' ' dlslaid,' n d In provldlnc naterl tho;flnlalied lln'olantn, inys tbo fiew*. 'T be m anufacture of 11

1 ^ t f jcj>cnda on tbree main mali ^ . T n .cork .ltoM odo llandhu rlap . C<

' ' * . o b l« lofredlent, co'roca trom- r -------•eorttnr«t 'and-w>rthcro -Afric*,• ' f O . ilK ^ an d a o f 'peoplo are f t s t

i h U ^ i .a rre itln B jt from iho tree*.- 1 «ll Is nrM ied ' frnm thg t

from the A rjenUne republic, § . . - ■ '■ p n ^ o m tbe c reate st amount h r : m d lh fho world. Burlap li

.-qBi in u fB jiiu ftTi ' to- ^ a r r t m t

T erte ly described.. . n r a b JoosA' says an EnalUb

M f l l i- 'l a 'M i l l .to b i. a '«omblootlon o no«.ArWff« and poker, w llh tt

S t h / S 2 W « W ,T :B P tth t rJ rT n m in f f ltS S A fter •pnBRlns' and •cbcctng' an 1- ^ rod toId OiafJafba£<I.caniDlniratw hU TBlna. lU ekj,'thi«e'ono bamboos and dsrbdle -to wlodt I tie ta n to foci n i IC.I hi Mcome ao> 'smokloropJum In a Umcltouw irt o t ' jD ^ bomo. % u t It'a fasclnntlns, on

I ,haH try ocalow bvn th r p s S S i o t t t i< S M d o s a f ia k 't ( ^ 'e S .‘'>

t a i i & w T . . ' ..

r«d Wood 'l A ' - i w 'a n u n tha t Italy la

' ■ , luUoi^ founded'about tbe.Um< l l j Mtsctod J i^ ornatleiL £. . .« a o l . j r o . ■ -• ■•■> ,_ , . , ,

' x-iy«vJ- ® pf*r • will - be ,w u tr« d . t o .«iddltloa.to IW> t^ion fvM to t tl o iih t. niU.B load ISO pooni

S r ^ v • T T B a a n u j mr ^ S W ■ A2TEXJ.-.W W., AtJ*. ^i«e s -v^ h S S * 0 ««>'’ tlic'B lioli nun w llh W'SPP®.: »«j»

.- ■ . -TWP


RE P U ttlN d - tJ P REDS'

l oJ im :K B m M IE y r

IHjjjU i-zaji ^0^

< -f,

m en w liti a m fiffJit/Htj'Ciirc'imfiifi'.s fj :^tioiinl Cuhtiti p itc lic r , A d o lf u 'Iiitt|iH 'M s u!3 : T ii\ .ar.rcAii»; n n v c l-ii:r i,.Qiw»-»

MGS i WATCHING THI -------1 SCOREBOARDK. (_____________________________

■ Pet. X.12 .044 ' Uy a woiiitortul exhlUltluii nt13 • .M2 1«R. tho votcrnii Alexnml'!r <i: 55 .ri22 Cubs ti'clit tbo Olniiln to tlvirJT------:5tB. .inrtJ -h im nml won from tliu <51Z;'"JS3 jtbnHj_4_-yi_l. •__03 ,4C0 ■ • ' --------- ■CO ,43fi The Briiven woro hptiilcim I 70 J9 I ttie pKchlnR nf l.utiiic. Cine

ace and llio Uciln cllmboil ti> ' K. three Rnmv* of tliu leaUern b.U • .P ft fcutliiR HoBton, 4 to 1.40 .fil2 ---------.1 ! ' 'Sin Ttie Cnwllnnls hnmniored ' ” ‘J t ; for ir. unfa mm n«0 won itio r CO .040 „ ,r ie , from ilie I’l

S . : ___u? J a i l .A nlnih (Hntair rntiy by »ie" , ' r tom--nclMtt a 'to ta l ot llirctf

fjljP which pul Ihem on tlie lonK tI P r t n 10 tb 0 seiire In Uiclr Romioi ' m «■" TlRcm.07 -.056 — —--------------OR iB 4 4 ----------------------------------------- :----

Vi ;S!5 I COAST LEAGU!7D ;470 I . .______________'

84 )4B6 A t Portland— _____ P

ja ic r iB i^ Dattcj-les: Jonos and BaCork, tho 81,*,, McWeeuey and Yelle.

om , Spain, v e r n o n - ' I'c*,--whcrc oikU iid“ rr.T.„.--.::;.;___ floBaged In Vernon - .............. ...................1.• Tho lln- listte rles; K rem oinnd Uahotf f lm r M nm H m nnh - ^Ile, which BA itle-Sacramenlo game pcn t o f flax* ed; iraveljng.

n s ^ ^ - 1 ®i t t d a i h o t , r i f e n i ld l r r r - ’ and'belng

ad an e s i t ‘ '[ hat! ,becn ise lM tl iig ; o n d l f m . tho effect -


a r ^ organ- Ime of th e

j r .

0?^^ ^ SifflHMfiSBBi

w rti n i l ‘ .rtf ibe ii(*c . ’> H B 3 ^ S 1 6 ® 3 g f i a i 8 tonOi. ' ,.;)

It ik o T ' !* ‘JC ^ la 'p h o to o t Av(at6* D

TO F l t i a B X lty 'T lM E

- W O R L D

S ^ b A S T -a a ^ D r '- -— ~



K fmMJc, f(»r th e N atiojw ! league jw iii r|iii'. O n tlio u p p e r tii-’lit, Ki]<]ic I la


of hurt- ' '

ivir^.it‘Ii“ . NATHW.U. I,KA(HIi:. lu clinm- i’t- Loills-Phlliululplila poatpi

......................A t-iimiton— --------------• • _Il..- before .......... - .......•'.......... ='n 'w ltliln ■ 11,11 a i iT 'm r g; bv I Gcnowktl UDd O-.Ncll.^ . At 1-m sljtjrRh- .. n .

ChlcaRO .................. ......... ......... ..,1 r,>,i,.ii Pl»8hnrRh ...............................2L -Hallerlc#: K;iurtman nmt Ci.M m ?. Cooper, MailowB. Dugliy

: iiiiiiica. gel,n,lilt. Hntlox.No olher gani.ia-'^

!he S«nn- ' ,tJfKiU(M.\ tK.K.'DK.rctf runir. ■ At‘-'H»trull - " “ "--------------------iR end of WashlnRtoiJ __________ 020 000amo wltti Dolrolt ............________ 535 000

Ualterlex: Mllcholl, Marberr) Itucl;' Jutinaon and .Dannlor.

, rE H T K u n .v rs h Pm e itu?i. U E . Ticrncy, Phils, .1^.12.

I Qostln; Senators,1—0 ..

R .H .F - ■ H IM N ti M A n T o KIUB. ~x—g—7 —DBNVHn.-C'ohr-AOBr-tS.-*/ ,..6 9 1 the civilian rldsrs In the Mark ' ^jnnUini.-- meinorlal pony express race, s t

a t 8L Josepli. Wo., r rld ay , w n n R Verner , Z... Heed, mulil-mlllli 2 8 0 Colorado mlalOR and oil m ss,

'n i i . i« in • «"'P w i o n .oaiuw .n. a NnuHfut nr'-r

■ _ Helen Is wearing. Saya li’s Imp• (I i n -0 d * « n 't a tio r M aria-^M ot e*ac " 1 8 & W“'»a worils. Ifa h tr last, an liter' May dreaa; the drm oiakcr hna turned• Ilii» n u t DOW ihe sn rs ll‘» fro ptTsipon- a ther sldtk"—notion Evening

________ l o ip t

E w n ^ i m e - a n d - S p a e e - ^

i V,

------------ n m iisnm -------- ' ' ' t

.. ■ ; s - ;

[ES '.

: ril Former Mayor Thihl % I Meters ' Uimeceuair for W ater Systei

litf-the.. Tiicter—anfaLI. former Mayor J. I). Tucker. «

— T‘” l o e k r in -en jo ln • m e te r- ln s ia lla tl pronoseU hy tho preaenl cttTTiilmln irailoh. a iid lo a ay ih a t- ln his-oplni allernalo days for wntorlnR hnn i been necMsary and lh a l. lbo c has a ll llie water ll can une. said that last year n liernate di for lawn watorlng wcro nol provli

> harln* been reroktd by Commliiali er S. 0 . McAuley.

" I suppoao lhal moni Imnln men would forRol whoUicr wntt-.r v unoil on alU rnato dayn," nnld former mayor, •'niid. nn 1 wnn HtIok 111 a prlrale rcnldenro of own a l the llmo I wa« nn i nnro nb ll unlll I lookeit ll up. Former Ci

(ntic .ho was coii7fB?ia"»iar-«fro— I . terlng o t Inla wan nllernateit I k yenr. 1 lold him iliai ho wnn nI taken, anil on Inquiry fnim .McAiiK. nnd Joe rlranek I fuunil lliet I ' ^ rlRht about ll."

The former n ia)or dcnlcil thul ^ -> desired lo crlllclse o r rmbnrroHiC ■ . present administration bui nald i■ many conaldorcd tb^il loo mnny r f lani bat) bcun skinbcd for it ni ' and ttinl Ihcro wau crltlclnm tn

sard lo lhe loatinn o t nomc uf oil tanjfcs^n tho clly,'*T5ie Injunction cuai-. un mntoil Tbe Tlmea, tiad boon not for Aiii f4. llllt wn* .poslponcil by mu contient Ity reason of Ihc lllucai Cummtsaloner J . S. Koel.

Ancient O rdar'ef Nebillty.Io Vienna ooy bo acen tho a

hih itn ss and Ttstm cnts sasocb wtlh Itie order o f the aolden F it toon<l In the Ftfie^ntb centno'. bs1(.,,by the Burgundian ruler o f E dera. Duke Phtllp the Qood. 1 were iuppoied to h a te been mad

'H im nt. of tho Fourteenth » , tnry, is they arii recordrtl In tbo KntiRti ; yfoiflf, of treaimry i>f the Oo: Pfinclllr ‘ffltscB-iuadB-ln 1477* ..............

" ..... "i Eartlsst Known Brsid.k'BtsTa bre«< Is sillI to-dsy n bi

itdS of Dllllons throughout tm I p Q ‘aad sub-tropleal America. I t la

most ancient farm o f th e “slaft of t ef, the whole Westertt Bemtsp

Tha next oldest bss l u beat ki iyi>e lU' tie^ Mexican malM ot

ntponed; «Bieb csn bs obuincd a t p w c r le i• It. \f«nhQ »*n aPd i

5 *0 ( . T nitiu^ phUoaophtr, P ro ta r

n n n aulnU lM d th s t oR la Itloilen and .B l i 1 th<r* U M lucb thlB« a* tm tb .- 2 8 f ArUtotlB re fu te d 'h im th o s : . .- "

i O'Fnr- pripOBlllon Is t n s o r falset If I Eby and falae, t b u jtoo 'are answ srsd; I f '

W s . tben there Is something tra s fonr provoslllon falla."

JOO 00—;)00 00—1irry and i


D d d b i

' ...- i M P t :‘-w in -b e ----- ^ ------------------------— —IWonalr. . D < rfgC ,B

I ’ s i m p l y b rgown p ] e t e n e w

S t \Th,=yhavafodon'i \ n f i n i t e l y

'C , ', ' . ' ' . • ' th m . t h a l

'« ^ T h e y ,, h i■---------------------------------- b ea u ty , n -------------------- ----------- m e c


the ir,rep i' haa beejj

I g . , . . '■ i l ie y , h ai8 ' '^4yb*?w

. m o to r Cfli. and fo n d i

■ t l ty r f t h f;’v(ir - ■ ' .'The tamS ' , tiMrf'ifi

w '; - : ' ' .proved:!:fV , tl Vi

^ B u t, th e :

9 teriaUy S wheclbai H >. • and the-- s3 ;— i ------------a notablW ___ 'J___ .ll.. HdtegLici^

I - ': . ' ‘ ? M

■■■ \ '- .^ tiS S 3 S S ^ fB B S S

------------- ---------------------^

•. a ra n t ^ n sw Him.i n k s -yes ." antil 0 « i . Grant, “wo nro fl l a r v '"If pretty welt. Uut A lbert Hldn

' ' ' JohnsiuQ will be tn Chleaso In thlr i t e m days." Ttjts rcmnrk bo repeated

miniber o t time*.Mltnri *''><’1 thereafter Omni recclvcit a i , «T»o T^iTrifiK r-T C r-cstitR reram -^'trB -illa tton ifMitlng,—I,ol»r-h»-r««'»Wj»a-a-t»i.of m ini*. -Oenrrat, they are ROne." .■pinion —“No.‘'--Q r«n t-rtT »ed r-‘'J«hnii(on - SB nol eanilns aroiinil iwine other way."9 c lly KInaUy. n rfT>ort came In. -No t'■ Uv! '' , , A fter ft pauiie, Grant sntd nolemn i - X , ''"«>• "■ “ Pr'-l'hi-llcnl

HMiipy Jobuslon Is Oend."


I'il 'th e W orth th# Effort,nn un t W lirn rrtlr<-d mlnlntorH get locedi of my lt'**y fr>-aui'nlly full ti> ilU nnsliig *I nboul mons tliPy lm\'r iiri-ntlieO. T h-ii [init r Coin- l’rMli>-:rrUina Jii« oTrr from .Sroiln c d . lae.’ ajict_at-Jl_cliurch_ecnlrc-rcc‘:Qlly_ii to—WT' Ttnrtng~rt»—Tno»<-nMUmt-uuu-aimiiII InHt all,tea cimc wlicii h r ftrM eati-rcil t ■" iiilnlatri- h<- ilHlven.il n acmioii tin

iw .ir. in IniKU..‘ "Mmi. wori-ii't you tlroil licfuru j

hllll flnlabcdl” ii'kivt tin- oilier., ,j "Suri'." Itio ntlmr nuKvvoroiI. "but

1.1 t in 5'""‘ '

t Binrt VhpnCcli. .tn ro- ------------------------of the

TImcB W antails G fl ncnuUn. itoil In '__________ __________,_____AiiRuat •

"■“'"liSHEfflsoclnted TOMGIIT 8TAUTH 7«13 Fleece.

S'in"."l MEN ONLYT bej

r : “ S o m eGolden

~ w ma bread ___.Tm Oatsro fl lte* • V - / C I L Oitspher*: known>tortlll». NTA1CTINH TH lfllSnA Y '

“SALOMY JANE.............. “ B lirj-" ’b r n r r t Hnrte

withitagorea, JA('<)ItKLINE LlXiAK ' snd that <!i:«>IinK FAWCKTT 01,-BBl MAKIIICR FI.YNX ^ - T „ r WILIiIAM It, DAVIIKSON

W l l S a O l i ) D A Y S O Ftro a K ftc k S e o n e tt. O om odr

z z z z z i ^ r z :

b e B r d t h b r s /

> e R T A N T — l l « t P R Q '

B r o t h e r s h a v e n o t B o d i c 8 < ' b r o u g h t ' o u t a c o m * d e a ig n e i i c w l i n e o f f n o t o r c o r i . . a p p e a n l a v e d o n e s o m e t h i n g c o m f o r : l y w is e r a n d b e t t e r w i t h d e h a t . l e g r o o r

have brought new r , n e w r i d i n g e a a e a n d ' r _*l e c h a n ic a l : p i r f e c t i o i ^ - ------- ^ 2 ^i - p r o d u c t - o a _ w h i c h w _ _ i _ N e w _ h i e p u t a t i o n a s b u i ld e r a d e r a , es;

em f o u n d e d . D o d g e ]

h a v e b u i l t a b e ttC T m o r e 'd e a l r a b l e l i n e o f . _« x .-y = t ba-W .y.

n d a i n c n t a l l y t h t i d c n - u s u a l l v t h d r p r o d u c t r e m a i n s b t o a t S i

a m e i t u r d y e i i g m e a t r t t i ^ v ti^ h o o d ; ' ^

I ; i n D tix & b ^ le s s d e - ' c ra u n c ii i

m d e ^ e a t h e b o d y . - 'O m t i U

h e r e a r 8prfiJJ{»— f lo w w i tK iiii i a i o r ^ T C J ? e » ^ p ^ : : _ _ . i n J s i o s

;y l e o g t h ^ e d . t h e ^ l i i a ^ i b a s e , t « o i i s ' l b q g e r , . ,

b e - c o m t t i n M r e s u l t ia a g c b t p■ M e im o r o v c f t l e n t i h f w f f i e s '

MAGEll: AV'i^OA^iBUSrn o n i w T M . . " :ji.- ' *

J S C S C E E I p f r - T ^ v i , - ^ ^ ^

i | i l i « l i i i i a i ' ' ' ' " i i i —

. r - ' " — ^ P M g ' . i i i i i a i

n flo-'ildncy N a p r .{ 'M T ' / { R H f ]thirty '• - M jted a 5 f * ' m . ^ 3 ^ % j V ' . a V ]

I a rc^ ' M C m m f 9^ ' H r t r r f ^ ----------- W 7 r ^ *Y.J —--ya c w i y--—-t

en- I

emnty, ^ ^ a ii iS £ i^ —;I<:n1ly.

cedier |B < i U > 'V O U * . OW M ^ M m l j

ly ^ iin il .------------- --------- .

r.l tiu' 1 iTia j s, , | ,„ o forest who .will a t ts i^ th* U « ^

»Ul him tf be intrudai npon h ls Ca» ru jtiu *lj-

"but It II 'i 111— — «—» ii^

I T 0 1 ) A r - 0 ^ E DAT OHIT____ T ho B ig Bhow —

. ..— Fonr Itlp Actx' ' DtsVoAiix, Dell luia Jo e -

O P I ' ' O urt Qallovmr. r g j I r to rion and J e rry Boig ■

Slack and C tir i# y - —F rnture I'lc tnres—

, VIOLA I>AWA f a . .1 ‘T H E N O IS E I N N B W B U A Y' From lhe Ilonk by R d n r PnudO lt

, International Tfe#* /KiierlQl scenes nhowtnir tM

Iteach, Cnllfunlla oil well .beM t_ ___ ; imc ferlh «Vlirmud. M d r o ^ 4 a

HtmylnK propeMy n o rm BUlUnl ' of itntlBw.I '('Hmrdy and Orphetlm O r e A ^ I —CoralBR- , \

' I "T bo Fam oiu U n . 7 a tr" ,

k For Sale• llnxfi., bankeU, . capa, pitpei <-rAie<t nnd a ll fru it pa cU ii; ta p plies. , ■ ’

ON P atric lc P ro d u cef '40 1 C o m p a qd v P h o n e - tttt t •, ‘ '

---- -7— —:*■—^

A t M N D O N c eD V eiv I E N T 5

esof afl ty p ^ have been jied to give' improved :arance, afid grieater - fort; Lower, longer, deeper seats and more oom, the lines o f these ' ’ c ^ are' low*swung and- '!ful—the hiteriors are brtable aad room/. ' . : ;

1ftfrip< fen-.especially designed by

ge Brothers tb confortn the general lines of the. ■' r-,"] -a: Idflg B r ig h t hood • - cowlefTe^—longerand , ,• . > • r running board»!!run* • ' ■ .ri'-" Ily wide doorST-coin-.H o p f t q p ' 'Sv.’->'

^-^ttja'instttttlienti^ ‘'. 'i ii’

5i“ ftrd-a'.ffiW'df iSe '• ‘V- ___ |_ j I u t i i i t . . „ _ i ! .___ • '

n o n 1 b a l l f l f p » ;

piracK,i|ettnot€9Rray^^ • it to predict a reception .5e8e'gtr8tiricSiS^^ley''^.V‘'':- i t o f r i B y e m a a i ' r -

• ; • ■

', -IZi ;-j r-Ml ■

Page 4: •HM ?AL1L D AIL1V TI[MESnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · •HM V b d fefE 6. NdM BKB' 121.. • ----- ^wra.T. S f f i i t--iiiw . -J— ’ • S enator...

TWIN FALLS D; omouL MgwBPAfm or

l u i m ow B«ad’c r t , in• ■ ppbliMti'

Publltbtd S n r j VfaBtns' Ezctpt flni ------^ r — -------- TJOtt WiypTwIi P

L B MAHTBHH-----------

■ ' ~ ■ - mKatand «t th i Twtn ralU Poatatnct

XWtr PnbUutloo. Jl

" 8 U B S C E 1 P T I0 IDaUy, one y —f, , - —DftUj, l ix moDths______________

-------D*ily,-oa# m o n t h - ^ __________

TLd re tn i l foo'd i ii i lr s issued liy i ib a t tlicri! wiw on iiiKn-asc o f U jh t

'to the avcruK u fun iily in

. j .Tho dcpnrtm cnl o f uomtiiurce i ’ passcDg:cr niitomobilpH n l 1207,104 n ;*Ja |y , 1322.. Tlm tmmb'cr «f lem lu, .

pared w ith 21,637 iiiuniirnctiirrd in J

. An nnutyiiiB,' biiHud o i r iiiforiim t ’ ccntcra from 1423 {innn 'oii^iiluyitit! . .th a t io JiiIy;Ui«.to wan u HliK>>t i» '.Ju ae . A total of 37 citii-K, bowrvc! •Inenl, whilo 27 regiBtered u filit,'!it «1

.• Tho. dccliuo in tiio gomTnl'li-v ' begaii in lilay continued tbrou(rh -I .'B tatea departm ent of lab o r., AlritHui ) index number, which iiialtidcK dOi ci i ’d o e re u i^ ro m Jim tf to Ju ly waH 1 1 ’ TnW fi' ni>f^nn»

V -I R eturns from 8241 nntionnrbnn ; to ta l rcaourccs nmonntinfr to :^21.^>tl, ■80,'11022, tho increowji in ii’rim-ii'iil i

llo w ij Rcsourccd, $80r».75G,(KH) ffrcnti ;‘«7 ,000 tfrcatcr; capital moclt ini'm

imfllvided profitH increased $i"»,581,0 •416,000. ;.

^ ; Total oxporla ^ tlur Uniti-tl Stii rd tifbK th e firnt bnlf o f 101!:i iitnoin ^'poirts in to tho United Stiili-H fnim 4blUancO' of trade wim unfnvonibli;

tlio' favornblo'bnlnneo with Enn [Tedueedvcur unfiivorubh< worhl trndu . ^ r t t half o f 1923.i: J_... - :------o—

jv '-Growth of popnlntion in the Kni :'ih e domoqtio tnarkpt linn licrorac lm-ti c t r y ’a nofmol beef prodnetion is the -s ^ e u l tu ro . Fn>nt ItiDI t<> l!)2l t

r.United Stati'H-inereniicd from :^u tnber of entile in the eonntry ^ni'n '66,<iS2,G5D. I t i l thiiH oliviouN tlmt

i^sbsorbed the iuureaRud beef |>rodni't ^mutton.

~ P R O H lB lT lo i^ ^Havinfpi dcpoHilH in rlie ImnkH of

.:thl* yenr totulcd i|il7,:!OO.mHMHHl eom th e samo date tbc .previouH y<-nr—i

'm onthi, o r 4.1 per cent. Tlie iiveniK f« n d national-liunkM nnd trnst eonij’i |saTin{^ OKffrcRtile tlie liiKhest ever I<

'P ro h ib itio n , l l wnn 'p ro jd iosii'd tiint ' i f u loonN wfrrc eloscd nml m en c o u n try hnn h a d tb r i’c- n n d .u b n lf y

itHyro~iH a jo b n t ({‘><"1 w mjes f«ir i-ve ■rfle«tTm ch'^iniitpcrttyn?'‘Trtii"iii'ATr' ;‘£ n g la n d n m illion n iium p lo y rd n im


SleAdoo forren nro nmrxbnliiii; f ;'cratiu p a rty from the ri'iietionnrii's .

o r liberal or proKretmivt— wbutever , SfcAdoo’n. reei'nt trip ciiMt, ostn

;caao in Wiuihinglon, bnt in reiiliiy f ;« f the rounds of politienl ecmfot eiii'es i;,brought to lih’bt sonic inl.-r-'siitii; (b ;XankB.jr-------! f nuuaia 't tm .Mu.'ulinj I' n .u . l i.‘'tam 'ble fig h t lo nmko fhi’ il.'mn.Tulir :'oation. T heir pren^cst niipri'b-'jixmn i b n m any lips, nnmoly, "^here isn’t n .■;partics, bo -w hat’« tho uko of voiiiiK'

The SfcAdoo folks nro ont “ to m r jo b ia to dcfeot tbc scheme of caste

th e nomination to Underwood, witb Jerom e Journal.

- * - J . E . BALDW IN . 3

!' . S tark Tree# Bear Fruit

lOS T c«rf la nuilDMi.

■ OldMt. Liirgtit NuniorlM la otAmerica

r . Bondwl Ageat ______ -XwU J'jOt.,-I4*ho M

< V l

DAILY TIMES f:r T w n r f a l l i o o u h t t . ■ ^

in th ia C l tf Hi!aU oa . ^

flnnflar br th a Tlm M Pnblimhiii. i]^ '’r p a i i T i f l i s s :

‘1-------------------------------------------------- cb

:ncs 8«eon<] C ts it IdaK tr a i a nn I. April n . 1918. Mt

[ON RATES. . *'•...... .... ...... —...........H(i

ZT ....,.,.-u-n7Tnr! : —ico— IK’Mr

. .. i ly tin: ile]>iirtti]i’iit o f Inbor hIiowk ‘ " iT cciitM y Ibe rel^iil coHt of food url ’;r, H.H c n ^ m n - d w itli Jiiiu -, l!l2:t;

? n n iio tn ie f t .In ly prochic.iioii of iiH I 'om pnred w ilh ,2‘-M.770 foi-

-t, .lu iv . 1!I2;J, AviiH ns eom- .1 Ju ly , ,i:i22. 1

im liou 'K iillic red in (>!’> im |n s trin l j, If .‘ II'' o r m ore w orkerH , itbowed clu iniTeiiKf in u n e m p lo y m e n t over

■V(T, r i'iio rtciU inc^reniod em ploy- hou1 ,, • ■ ■ . - -----:— I Jlevel o f wIiolCHnIe ‘J>riei‘s wbieliI J n ly , ncRordiiiK to tb c I 'n iled isuretl by > tlie b u r i 'i in ’K welKbtcd

com nioditii’H o r p r ie e KcrieH, tbu „p, ; l- :r '(n T c e n t n n d f ro m A j)ril to friV

'nnlts, irT 'oT '-him - <KI, slimvC on ijm reil w illi Ju n e . \0 '

II ilem s nru .sliowii to lie ns fnl- F n te r: bmnH nii<l tiiseoiinlH , $rifl!l,. ^ TriiKe.l $2l.(;7*.,()(IO; H iirplus nnd I.IKKI; ( ii'posits in.Ten.seil .$.'.77,- ^

' tioi A.

__ ___________sillies to n il K iiropean emiulrivH oimt.-ii to nnd im . t-rrn K urope to ^f>l.'l,lKl(),U()(l. O u r j'j,| c tn llli- e x te n t of-ft78,lHM),IMH); iti-i n rope, nm nnntiiiK to $ !lin ,00(i,()()0 lc balniu-c to i;l 'J 1,l«)0 ,t)IKI firr^jli.; ner

uor■ . ■ Tj i i t i 'd .Slnti-s I') n p o in t nl wliii'b iii'Kc enuuub L o-nbnorb tb u coun*. 20. llic r e p o r t o f llic tle im i'ln ieiil o f . tiie 'linm iiii p o p u la tio n of Ux- K I'ltj.OIK) to 107,S:i;i.(HH). w liile Ibe icrcnKed on ly fro m r>l,;i(;:i,."2 , 't o It. tlie I’row tb in po p n b illo n bns iietiou, nnd llic kiiiiu- is In n ; of

\ND SAVINGS - j,,1

o f-llit- riiil>-.l SInlfN ■Iiiiic :i() o f .s omim n-il w illi on —

n ifniii o f iu pJrii^e bd lm ier in u lt fiiviiiUK, x lntc ■ nimnicfl. uppnt.xiniiilt-!?.T<)(l.'-'F itc ■ ' ‘ know n— mill 't liis in <lry I 'n iteil

ml bn>Iiit'Ss w onld In- proHtriiteil mill b r n u t o f r iu 'id o y m ri i t r n 'lic

yi-nr.s o f prciliiliit io n m u l today ■ -very niiiii n iul hnvini;>t ImnkH re-■ rr-li.->roh'-lai.ivv iT ,^ 6 vV-f7 i i r i v n ' | ^ ~ •ll w nnt \i-t)rk nud riiiino l’ t,'et i t . j

; ARE INSURGENTS^ k’ hln-nirtii to r u p tu r e th e denio- 'S a n d riiiilc- it " sn in - ly ru d ie id "T you u i l l .Ilru silily to Ic'htify in lliu Mtirse t' fu r m ore s lK iiificnn t by rciisou 'e.s in W n.sfiiiujlon nncl N'cw V ork,

(b 'vc loprui'iils w ith in ilcm ocntlie

IS p iv iiariii i; fo r n ro iicb and llil- jiiirty liliiTiiI w ith o u i (iiialifi- ion a t p ri'si 'iil is o f liiiil phriise L HIIV d if fe rcn i'c lirtw c-eii llie Uvo n K l”I tnnkc n d if f 'T c n e c .’’ T lie ir first s te rn de innern lie tio>vseK to .swioi; itb Itnl.slon Ibe heeond elioiee.—

^ biDle m ouqntysTpilaiiu o GOOD TO ALI. MKN--I.«-l ui

no t'b e wrarjr in n-ci) Ouliig; Tor la dUB scaiiia wo *hBll~tyap, If wu fnlat

A» w» liBvn Ili<‘N‘ff>r» np{>orttjnlly.1« us du iCiiiMl unto uU In^^ C5t>rflnlly nnlo ttiriii wtiu nrp of Umi houwliuld of fBlIti.—<]nlatluiii G:n. 10.

Vou Mar B« Q nat.of t h t iru Ir m i t a rt

c ad s BP of lltlle Ih ln f i .wcirdoae."—. .. VitOB iT c n lm T ru sc r lp t.- ^

- r r o i N ]— --------------------- ;-------------------------- 20.

HOLLISTER |-------------------------------------- = _______ 1 am!

mil. IIOI.UHTICR, lilKliii.-Mt. 1111(1 Mm. II

Mutin O iffln nnd (iiiiilly liium iiiou-il N^jTn~Hmr~Tfni7t‘~ rny . lo-.— Mr.“ Bii't .Mrn. M. 1‘. ' I lnhnr-Mr.-antl nal<Mrn. 'K. K l.iiwri-iiri; iinil fuinily niul «li<-

fnmlly m oiornj to Contatl, Nov., rt" Siinilny. - U

Thn coiioTi III' (lie 1’ri-nliyiDrian " r liu rrli wlil I)c nlvcii Krldiiy cvc- 'o nhiK. AuKiim ;u, Ul M o’clock.. T ’

MIr" Wnndiil-'ullmcr and Mini. '" 'I Holvn Mori wurr hoxli's-^pii n( a mis- (-rlliini'Oim hliiiKCr Wudn.-nduy uIiit - .!;* nnon Bl Ilm iiumi< of llir'liillci-. tor •Mrn. t-rli. Sin.Tlu, formerly .Mhn Irm a V'ullrn«r. many lovdy kHis wi-ru teiMTcil by Mr«. KmrfU-. " "

(I. M. Hull of Twill Kiill« wail In Vi'r Hollliifpr Wrdncndny.

--*i!lin_ijuillci’.^ ip8< ;u to 1.-I1VC I’l'''In n re».- ihyii lo 'rlHlI lifr nl-iior. ,,,mMrH. MoolKonivry-nt Hi'aiilr-. Wni-n.' m,,,

Holiool vrlll hcKln In HoIII.i .t , ,:iioii(iuy;'yoVirniii(.Vio. ' r r

Tlicro ^wlll 1)0 ulKclInn lipid In flu- xrhoiil lioimft Tiirsilay iiftr>rnoon.HciitrniUor * for two ncliool iriisli-i'ii. if;-W. r . Kliiiiliii-yrr' nnd CrorKO CroJ ,„|iv rr nro llu- ru llrlnc iiioniliorii of «lie ii,nlio^ril. . ,i„.

I ■k n u l l ' J s- - 1 ilni

111.-K N P I^ .—TuMdiiy Ua- I*rifi'llln Inc

club of (liD Knull HnptlKl c-tiurHi nn- one lortnmnU Dm children ot tliu Jnnlor ■>: U, V. P. n l a im rly on ilin jisr- “'I ' HoimRii lnwii.' A vrrV mjoyiitilo llmo ['o' wnil npont Ifl KniiiM nml llfllil rc- frcHhniontn. . «

Jamoa W rlnht T!f H nrrhvlM e.’Mo..In vlflliltiK hln (on, Ilny UVIslit. '

TIrv. C unar of OnndlnR Ik tlio Knost of UuxJi JJoIIowji}-.

Mrn. Mlllltiaii liiui roturnod to lu-r dauRhlor'n homo ul Ooodlnij nftcr , npsndlriR noTnrnl wcokn vlnillnR old ^ friendn n t Knbll'nnU vicinity.

Elm ur t>n»BcU of ( irrn l Vnli., Mont.. Imn tnovcrt ' v U li 't i ld ' riinlllv f Ti tn a fnnn n rar Knull.

N'OTU'K OK VIMNtt TKTITIOV FO n AJfNKXATION OV !.AM).ST(I g,,,, MII.XKU I.OW .M FT lllUKi.lTJON «icm .srn icT . . ^-c

■ - - - - Si cNollco Ik lioroliy KJvrn ilmt n pell-

tion Blcopd by Vf-tKUH HrlKKH, .Samh A. nu inp lirry , Annn UtlpmmrkJ, W- -'’ '■r >1;. I>wlt:LL -i r cne— DwlfJit.— ^Tl.oniaa- iact rarr'olirCnnu^tiir—Rrffiilini;—TT Sr<- Dvrrninn, Tlionian I,oiian. (Jirrc Kr- l>rrl. Cion lirlsKH, H. I.. Jnrkomn, V. '•>'' II- Swannon. Ivilsnr W. Mounnnn and JaincH A- WnlkiT. Imn bec.n filed with Src llni Hoard of Ulrcctom of tlie. .MIIniT J’ ''"'.' Ix>w l,|f i IrrtKBtInn Dlnirlel. pmyinc lhat cortnin land* mi-nllono«| nml dr- ncrlbi-d in tinld |ie(ltlim bt> nnni-xH lo llio wild .Mllnor U w l.lfl IrrlKtt- lion Dlnlrlcl. Soc

The Inndn iifrnlliinrd In nnlil pr tl- ^''C lion nro ili-ticribcd nn folInwH, in-wli: Soc

N '^ .SW Si-c. JJ. Tp. II S . JlniiK- S'-e.: q, I ' : . , I l - ................................. . ,S«'c

H>.4 S i;'* .Srr. n :, Tii. lO s.. IlanKc f'-'e : i . u . n- M. ' «'•<•

SWU Hi:'4 -Src. n ,T p . 11 .S.. ItnnKO S.-c If. K. n. M.

Sl'IVi »"■>; Hrc. n , Tp. II .s., TtanRo c t:> i:. I!. M. s<'c•NWVi SK'.i «er. :! l,T p . II S . llanKi-

lfl, i;. H- M. -Src.NKU NKU S.'C. 20. Tp. 11 S-, Ilan«e c

:’o, i:. n- m . ••NWI^ NK i; Src. I'H.Tp. I t S.,ltnnKo S*'C

a j.J 'i-» --4 ll- ----. . . ' • a eeNWU . \w i ; Hoc- Til. 11 s., ItanKi.' S. r

20, K. n . M- S''cI’d,’ K. I|!*>V.* ’ SlTTrriTSTllanffr .aK U M-:V» s .-e. r i , Tp. 11 8.. UauKt

Popular Rate ^ ^ ^ - Y e l l o w s t o n

S e p t e m b

F a re from Twin .Falls

Proportionately low fares

Faro covers riiilroad trnnapor

— tmd relurn, llUiouioouo iranspor

th rough P a rk and nccomraodatloi

spoctlvely fo r fu ll 4Va daya’ trip.

T he Lowest Excursion to Yellowsto

Kako imraediato

----------- . D . E , a U L L lV A K T " -----------. , Agent,

Twin FaUs,

D. S. SP£NOER,' Oenero:

Union Pacific

Balt Lake (

....................................... I ■

T FALLS DAILY TIMES20. K. n . M. acf

8 % NW « Sfc- l l . Tp; 11 s., Itanso See :-o. i:- H. ,M- . • . B«c nnd tlio Innda w lilch-aro nprcl/lrd flee and Inchidod willila. tho follnwlM See rnurnoH. ini'lcn'anil bounda, tM l i ; Hoc

IlrKlnnlnK a t Uje % Sec. L'or- on Sec ■NatlU.i!lilc.nLaKi^Q. Tl 11 8 :^ u .iL S u Iv, itii-nco noutli ^ D l li« lo c rn tw of Bcc nnld f im io n -flrth en e e -w m t »4 -m ller- a « tlionr.; i.obili V. mllo: tbgnec-Vfrat U - Sia: mill' tn tbu norlliwcnl com er nf tlie Soc KW',; nnlll iJoc. Q: lUence doulh 6rcU iiiflo 10 the SK com cr Sec- 1, T- See 11 S. It. :u K.; ilit-iice went H mllo Sec lo >,i < or. betwcrn Seen- 1 nnd 12, 8cc T. 11 a- ll. 2ii K-; llioneo nouUi ^ See mik-: ilii-nn- <■«« U mllo; ihotjen 8« i fonth I , mllo: llionco MHt V4 mltii to 8t-c

Si-f. Tor -on ennl nlrio of Ser. 12, 8i>c T- 11 .s. it. 20.1':.; ihenco nontb % .See 111II.-11; tiirnco .wont 14 mile: tlirncc 8fc roiiiti nflU-; tbenrc i-nnl ’4 mile; ^oc tlii-nci- noiilh Ai mile ,to tlie Houtb- 9ec i-;isl i-oniiT of Si-r. 13; tboneo wont 8ec I f i m lirn tn tlir cor. on nnutli lino Hi-c Si-otUii^ n ; Ilii'Hi-o p^irp i i', miin! Scc ilionri' wont 14 01110; Uicncc.MUth-H 3rc mlloii; thinco nom lliroucb c rn tcr ^ ''c line of S its . nnd 23—IVi miles to -Sit !.• .Cur, on. w uyt-Jlna-S»c..:?;. Ib^uco^ a lL up nmi aloni; iippi-r aldo of .Mllni-r bou U w l.lfl Irr. Dlntrlcf* main Cnnal rlKo lo Ini.-rHirllim wllb noulU line of .See. >"t< ir,: tlioiicr onnt npproximntoly one lao' inllu to Hir nontbenni cornor ot fire- lion IC; llioneo north,' H4 nilirn; ’ T tbonc-i- « m i lo luternectlon witb up- Proi tior l.nnk nf imld Milnor Ixiw l.ift mat Irr . Dint. <'nnal; ilicncn nloni; unpcr tiaiik of nnld' rn n a l.to Inlcm cellon; wllb Ki-i'jion line In .the .SK‘i NKW Soe- y, T. 11 S.. R- 20 E;; ihrnco con- HnnliiK aliini; rnnni 10 (loeilnn lino io Ull- .M: n k .Sit. IK; thence contlau*.Ine niook' rannl to InlorHi'ctlnn . of vnclUin Ihii>, 111 Uip N W ^ NK^ 6ec.II; ilioncn conilnulne to lotemcclloa wltb wc-nl HiTllon lino In MC SK noc- tlon Uu.-nri- alonit too of upper linnk of cniiftl to Intorneetlon with Noriti neclion Ilnr In N W % 'Sec. 1. T. 11 H.' I{. 20 K.; tbenco nluni; tlio cannl to Intenirctlnn wllb U necMon Ilm- of Sec-. 36. T. 10 S., II.20 J-;.; iliriiei' nontb lo 'th o U comer on BOiiUi lino of (inlij' Sorilon 30; ilioni-e onnl uIoiiK nonlh micllou llnea nf naid Sec- :ifi mid Section 31. T. 11 S., II- 21 K. Ill tho 1; cornnr on nouth ilnn of Hcc.'31. nh lrli tn liio point of iicclnnTnE; uliinli ionila.Brti uiao.ro*! fcrroil to nnd dnicrlhed An follows; '

T. K) lU 21 i;. A-.Sootlon 3 n - l 'n r l of SWU SW IU 20.0 Hrotlon 3n--l’a rt of HKii SW>4.. 1B.7

. r- J l-9 . It. 21 K- .Soellon fi-A li of N\V.\4 NW>.;.... <0.0 «i-clion 0—I’nrt ot . •K 4 NW’/i.. 21.0 S.'Cllon r. - l 'a n of SKi4 N\V%... Hf) Si'Cllon 0-l*ni'l of SW% N\V',i.._ -I O Socllon f i- 'l’n rl of N\V« 8WW.. IC-O-

T. II S. It. SO F- Srctlon 1 -A ll of Ni:>,4’ NKU .... 40.0 aLciltm >l-A ll.-ut-W X fr-N tav-^—NiMi. Rrctlfuf V -n t r l of s n u Nnv,.... IG.fl SortX.ii 1- -I'n il of .S’Uii- NW U... 33.0 Sotrfiou 1- I'nrt ot NWM NW14.. 26.0 I 5.-■■ll,m U l-url of SK% -MVU.... IB.Ol

Socllou 1--AI1 of NKt4 iiW U '... 40.0,1 Scl'iloii l - l ’a ri of NW ii SWi».. 37-a Soirilon l - ' All nf 'BWH BWH .... ■•Of Socllon l~I>nri of .SKH'SWV. ... 36.0 Krcllon 1 - f a r l of NKi4‘SK>i .... 37-0 SrcUon t- A l l of NW14 s i;* ; -... 400 Socllon I-I> nrt ot SWl^'HKM.... Jfi.f)' Si-ctlon I - I ‘nrt of HK 4 .... 10.0 Soctlon : - l ’nrt ot N K Ji^K i* .... 18-0 8 iT.tlon 2- P a r t ,()f, NWii .S K ii - lR,n, .S.'cUon 2 r-i ;n rt ,o t a\V iiaa.K ^t.-JA iJi Hooilon 2 -A li of .Sl:w S f tu .... <0.0 Soctlon : . - l ’a rt of Si;';"- NKK-. 15 0 ’ Soi-iion 10—i>art of NK ii'M K^i- 2 :0 Soctlon i o - l ’arl of N \V ; JiKW-. 22.0 Socllon 10-A ll of S 14 NKU KOO Socllon I D - l’n r l of NKil- NWW- 13-0 .srclion 1 0 - I ’a ri of SW 'i NW'A- 30.0 .Srcllou lo - l 'n r t of .SKV,Sortlou t o - f u r l ot .Vi;i, aw■^| 6.Q Socllon ly- Ail of NK’; Htsy 4o.ii S.-ction lii-I*ftri of NWij SKVi- 3U0‘ a c c U o a ia -A U -o fScrllon l l - I 'n r t of N W 'i NKW- 30.0' Socllon l i - A l I of .S>4 NK«4 __ HO.O

Si-cllon l l ~ i ‘nrl o t N\Vv NWK 23-0 .Siclloii 11—All ot .S^ N\V<4 80.0,

; Excursion to ►ne Park^—b e r 1 s t ................

llo i '- l Wny {-amp 'Way

Is $52.98 $47.48

res from other points,

portntion to W est Yellowilono

portation for completo trip

tiona a t hotels and camps re-


n R ate Ever O ffered.,, itone P ark

to rcaorvationa

------------A T M r S M I ^ ---------------Tickct Agent. ^

Is, Idaho. ..f ~~

erai p a a a e n g e r ' Agent, . '

[io Syatem,

:e Oity._

________ _____________________

s w ■ / / ;

Scrtinn 11—All of S\V^ ____ l-lfiO-O andSrcllon 11—Ail of ______ 100-0 nrnBecllon 13—P a rt of NKU NW U - IC-O • A Bectlon 12—All o r WW WVU __ 80-0 ma; flecllon JS —P a rt of 8KU N W ^ 38-0 houBoctlon h2—Aii o t « W U ______ 160-0 nroSrcllon 1: —P art of NKU SK U - lS-0 «ff| a£C lt(in -12= Jn r.t-O l-K m jE it.,.:3 ;4P .Uia Becflon 12—AU of BWU 8 E U - <0'<J noc aeetlon l S - P a r t of^BBlt-SB»=L-fl4.0 Coi a ixU oa-U —T«t-of-N K U-«K U ..-l»-<> -ww Boctlon 13—All of NWU NEU — 40-0 Srcllon 1 3 - I 'a r l o f SWU NKU- 20.0 m aectlon 13—All of NWU lCO-0 •Secllon 13—All of NU 8W U __ 800Section 13— P art o t 8WU SW U - 2C 0 Sccilon 13—Pnrt o f SKU SW U.. 30-0 8«Hlon 13—P art of NWU SK U - J8-0 81-cllon 13—P art of SWU SKU.. 250 Section 1 3 - P a r t of SKU SK U . B-0Section 14—Ail of NU ..... ...........320.0Bfctlon 14—Part of NKU NW U - 25-0 Section 14—Part o f NWU NW U - 38-0 Section U —Pnrt of BWU M T U - 3 6 » Section 14—Atl of NU SKU —>5fl) HocUou 14—P nrt of SKU SK U /lC .OS caioa .22-vUU ot-X U U-------„.„i6<>,0 —Srcllon 22—All of KU N W U __ SO-0Soctinn 22—P art of NWU NW U - 38.0 , S itilon 22—J’n r t o f SWU NW U- 2IJ.0all of wbloh InndH Ilr n.llnr,.ni m H... _tioundary of iho .Mllnor I/>w I.lft lr> riKailon Dlntrlel and tbe undvcnlRned lieretiy petition and pray Oiat natil Inndn he annexed la nnhl IrrlKatlon UlnlHct-■ Tbe pelllloneni furlbor pray tha t I»rocr<'tIinKB lie had qa required by itatuio fo r (be liearlnn of tho pelUion m g

■ '

G o

S p e l l

If the j^rm ers ai_________traci_wU_cfirQpsi:

bles will be settle

W ith the excellen chants The Timei the newspapers oi ness men will co­give the people of s ta te ; since the r a re the best in th(

H ere is our plan —r---- which-is the first

We are offei •' to every subi

Times free........ this m ap is t«

— '— -------- paper for lhgive you .the :

-----—— -a -year-ih adi^ — ‘~ ^ T h i » ‘*jriap“is‘

colors. The and the <?jh< hi^hways^Ei tries a re sho

Population o la test goverr

Come in and fisk a fine thing to ha price of ftie subi


and iha t ni>on such bearlaa th e hou pm ycr'theriH if Iw Kranted** of' All pomons latcroAled In or. (b a l In '

m a r ho affected by nuch cIiaotEO ' o f lani houndaricn of eald Irr im llo a D latrlet nho aro hereby nodtlod to appnar a t tb o sa il office of aald Board o t Directora a t ' n tlm renidcnco of lidnnr W. Moorman . 16U nocrotary of natd libardr'in CinBIa Couatr.-Idahoraboii(-on»-in<le-w >ath' Bra •w eal-of-lho-low n-«f->«llner,-at—ttoa —D

F O R ^Garage B

“ Stock of acce^orjes, ma m ent a t a sacrifice f(ir q location; paying busines

W rite, Box ICO,"

o p e r a t

U s S u c c

and busine^ men o f the >grftt£-tCL.the_limit, ou r i ip tied here iri less than a yea

ent co-operation from farnn nes has reached the front I of Idaho, and if the farm< cooperate with us to the 1 o f Southern Idaho the best ! resources of this great ir the Interm ountain reg^ion.

in for increases: our subsi st step-in-in'creased-<co-opei

fering a splendid^three-pal ibscriber of The Twin Fall s. A ll we a sk ^ o u to do to r to secUre'a'new subscribe Three or six months a n d ^ le map. If this new subscrib

idvance he will-get'^m^rJi18“ a ' f i n e l S e w ' l h f e e i i ^ ^

e first page is devoted to ^her. pages to the United •Europe and all the forcigi hown.

t of cities and countries'*fr irnm ent reports a re -^ven.

sk how to get this liew mai hang up in your home. ,It ubscription for its educatl

Pyhiisi ]The I.arffC8t a n d Nowtieat



’EDNESOAT, 'ATJOUST 20,’ 3923 •

h o u r ot 2 o’clock P..M. on tho 8th day . o r aeptombor, 15*3,- an d ahow cauno 'In wrilinit. It any,they hav®. why tbo land ! above mentioned and dcacrlbed ' ' ijboold no t bo annexodv to- aatd Irri- ga tloa Dlidrlel-' D alrd &{ Twin ra lln . -Idaho, lliln

ISthl day or Atutust. 1923.--------------- KDOATnV.-MOORMAW.---------------Sraretary.-Mllnfr-lAw, urulrrliallon---

i A L J E

Business,Tiaehinery; .and equip-■ quick disposal; good ___less now.

0, care Times;. J

t i o n

c e s s ^ ^ -

ke Twin FallsFinancial -trou»<-—-—----------■ e w . i ' ' ’ ' f

m ers and m er­it rank among mers and busi>! lim it we will :st pftper in lhe ”irrigated belfe"'"^^

1. ■

bscription list,>eration:— ^-4 - - —---------

lage map iills Daily to securei ^ t b t h i s ”r w r w H i‘iber p a y s .Pr.alsoi—------- ------ “ ------l ^ l f a T In V to IdeJto ed.^3tates. . ign coun*

f r o m ^ en.

7 7 : rlap free. I t is[t is w orth theKtlonal value.

Ig Co.

Page 5: •HM ?AL1L D AIL1V TI[MESnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · •HM V b d fefE 6. NdM BKB' 121.. • ----- ^wra.T. S f f i i t--iiiw . -J— ’ • S enator...

. m i J N i s n j T 'O T a T O T m . ' i j e

- B m i n e M D i r e c t o r y

' : Attomejrs ■.' " -POBTSR A 'V1TBA3I, L «V 7«n. .

a n tu Bmlth M Rtc« BM<. —

7>BM & > e U tw ell • • O rr O u p a u i ci BOTHWELL * CHAPUAN • -

W wda Bids. Boom t s ; «, 7. 8, • . I IU I I ■! ' WlBW KBLBr * BW BaLBT~A tton*7B- -

y i n t N m onal B aak Bids.

ABHBB 8 . w t t a o N - o to c * ; jriiirt - NaUonal B a ak 'B ld s .

—....... .. I ... .. . . . Of

__^^hQ e..R epairing ..... IIBOTAL BBOB B B PA IR SHOP—R W

H»7«n. . Prop. UO 6M0&4 BL ■> 11 Twin Walli. Iitoha. . . g

r iO N E E n fin o E b q o p ' w.G. C. Lacero, Prop. Ci

U all prdtira Olvea Special A UtaUos. — t l7 Main A»e. B a s t

U loo bua r to eomo In, hpdiI your 9 SHOKS PAllCKL I'OST 1 W o 'r«paI^ 'aba ro tum

V. ■ All I V o r l^ Q ^ b tc e d . . '*rnIo F a lls Shoe IttpaJrloR

132 Sbouhoae W. ■ Phone 398. "

vr. N. B K IN N E R -O iyacatylen.w eld. lo f : au to a p r l s n made to orderi bUclpKalthlni. P h . «»6. 280 Ind. H.

j E t e m s t i t c h i n s y y ' -

u a a b js 8 0 s s s r r n t—i a v ii* a ^ 80. PhflM t u . -

■ iTr&nsfer 5;p R O Z im T BA N BkSa COMPANT^ w

Phone M i.......................................... *2“ 'irK lC M fiia rTHA N STO l ' fc BTOR-' “

AOB 0 0 .- a a rb a s * haaled i dally.^ ^ ?;

c rrsB im D A K m o t o r f b e i g u t c o . i-'•T ke Baekaklo T n jc k i for Serriee” ?

• Oeneral truoklos couiraelors. IU - *prcftS a e n lc e a t frelRht ratcn- - Phono IZ. D epot 110 Third So. P.O. Box 7;7. ■ ■___________________ L

■L A CJtBM rm -sTO A cnm B— s n o p — - BlackamltblDS. D olIerm aklni.W eld- p

' Ins. M acblqUti, Bprioc Work. U an- n aCaeiarer*. Bnppllea o t a ll U nda. - B>encei U aehlna Co. Agenta for , A nltmao-Taylor Idaehlsery Co. °\ Phcaa n o t n o - a a and South. «J

Miscellaneous .• . '■■■ ..I ■ p

TWIN P A L ta JUNK H O USD-M et- - a ll. Robber, U ldca and Pelta-


—We B M ufactu re n y wbMl sear C banda f ^ a l l m akes o t 'cara .'L aw -' * lence Machine W orka. Phone 73. ^

DR. irOLA a BAWTBROst«)pathIo Pbyslolaa r

Bnltes 1 and t , O v a B ulldlas. IPhone IMO-W. Rea. IMO-J. 1

B U r a i tL A C E |- New and aecood band e lotblns

-bou ih t - a nO-W tdr'- 8 0 5 - Bottth e ho» - ihone Btr<eU _________________

— A U TO X O D nS-O inrE B 8-A rrE 5T IO K . Buperoia; P Iiton - R ln is - I b a t atop -

- yon r o td lM k . ':" K re a n l Maehlna Co. tlO'KO 2nd a ten u e Bo. phone UOS.

PKOPLE’S iifRODOCB CO. ELK- nOKN CREAM STATION pays blshcst ca ih p rice fo r crram , poul* try a n d . c is a . Open Saturday - a lsh ta tlH '.ten o'c lock. I t will pay -

' you,' Mr. L 'H am r ro d u c rr . u> cIVC i u* a tr ia l., 334 Main SouLb, Tw in J FaltB. Ph^ne 1S<8. Chrla lender- '• wood, Mga> .

• 11 ,-..1 , . c

r ^ n m l n ^ ^ ^ b u ^ l i* * Berry Boxes. A sto W lndahlelds. P I Maod Window Olaaa and W all Paper. C Moon’s fibop. ,

- 1.......................... ..........................>

P h o n e 'j O t J i i fo r ’ TTATKDIS ‘PBOODCnb; 'W atklni Cci. A sent, ,B. B. FnUMO^ B t . No. 3. Spices. ^^ t r a c t s t a d v U n in s o t . Alt o r- id irs prompUy «*UTar*l. <

■yOBlUSIIT. IRooms i^ d yp a itao n ta . Pbone ,

•imauva ~ IWaabed o r-stro tcb ed . Phoaa UW . t

Go to tiia Bt4Kalr Boobu t e ■

B otara, w aA C ar. O ra r Parro tt Optical C o . IW la. Idalu ,:

^ U L r H r ;> A K T B I>^W elibaa and caah .paid a t y o a r door. Call UU W . B .. P . C ra lf, t U f o w tb

g» ^ ^

lbs., • y a u i e l i . i S ^ e n a a H a a ^ re r ,

I ^B8TFor h ire, (ct . m U a i i « i o r >*•

dies. n e rsM H eiw . BecenA »t«. S n tlb . , •


E S IH elp y^anted F

WANTntV—>Yoman raSch c6ok, 43C Clh. Ave. canU W;

OIHI. WANTt:O for Runoral lioUhC- ~ work. Plianii C:3-Ji. pc

WANTKD-lvxpvrlencp.! nil aroimS' ” BUlo mcclionle. X- Y. Z- caro Tlaii-a. M:

WANTICD—G irl o r womnn for sen- oral liouAvwork. adilrcis caru o( Ct Tlmcn. —

, WANTICDWoman ror V'l'ticrnl houtm ta work. Wacvfl pur mouth. Grand Ji Hotc-l. phone C04. , -

'^ V aJv TK'O—Lndy ror K o n o ra lT M ^ eo work. AtlUrcKB J . M. Cherrlocton, m CoHtlcford. Phono H)1~S. CaaUcforil. -

WANTED—U d y lo cnro for Uireo cl nmall clillilrun wlivn school nlartn- m Call n t IduIio Noodle Cafu afivr C - o'clock P. M.

SALESMAN—exceptional opportun- r,;Ity. H uallers e am lu (s b i t W rite - McCloery Calendar Factory, Waah-Ington. In. _________s______ _r

AN INTi:i.l.TGK.ST PEItSON, cllhor ^ BOX, .tnny c a m »100 to |200 monthly correnpondlUK for nownpapor*; |1C to}:S weekly, lu irpttrt tlm o; vzporl* 1<enco unn«.«imHary; no cauvasRlnR; "nulijcctfl HiiKsirntcil. Send for panic* _ulam . N nilonal I’r e u Uurcau. Iliif* ^ falo, N. Y.

Situation W anted J~W A N T K I)-lj> ay wlnhos w ork Z bouBukccpIng o r cookloR. Pbooo :2DJ.

POSITION WANTHD t>r ntcnnsraplior wUli four yearn ' expcrli'ncc. St- Duiiu,41G T hln l avi-uu(! niirtli. I’honu ‘161-w.

—W llt-takr-Jo lr-lf-w nB iirnrD -T lR lir - nnd If wlfi! don 't hnvu- to cook for more tliaii«><!vi>u or elKlil nu n. M. I,. KlclmrdAon, 127 Quincy .St., Twin KallR.

W anted-M iscellaneoug^ViLNTBD — T ruck load for Salt - Lako o r O sdcn. I’hone 17C.

” \m iT R I> lw n iIw n K ^ o "take homo. - . ot-aiork-t»-..th».bour-tU»on»-tNl7J8^----- “ WANTKD—rnHnaitmtrtor-ATiBciMi- v• i>n or before Scptcmljcr 10. 311 3rd " ■ north.

WANTKD—Tw o rcnllcmcu for I, board and room in modem ' homo, it

c lo ie in. 315 Sccond ave. nortb. V

WANTED—M achine and la lM work o t a tl Jdnda .-.L lnd Aulomobllo Com-

' “WANTED—O ur superior equipment "

. will save you money on your machine •

. and lathe w ork. Lind Aulomobllo _ r Comptwy. i a - ,

WANTKD TO OUY—Furniture, wa- ® , to n nnd harnesa. Phone 310. •

W ANTSb—Second band tu rn ttu re. f Will pay caab. A. II. Vlaceftt C a i Phone 40S. 2IB Sbosbone Hu South. .

r ' W ASTSJf "— PBrmeln - ta ' grv w beBnsrberta,— -

' com and d lren ltle d crops on T choice ^ In jjn iM ^ S*A°b ^

I - K o rthpn -IU ilw ay , In Moatana, 1 where taxes a ad w ater' a itess- '' m e n u a re lo ir and m arkris cood. F o r InformsUon w rite , K. L . K olen, Agricultural '

I A(KBt G reat N orthem B r. Box- ‘ Stu, Tw in F ^ ls , Idabo.

; j- - ............. .................... f

I Livestock and Poultry '.FOB BALE—PedU reed milk noat— ]

clicap. Ptiono 2S9-W. j

- F ^ n Bfil '• ___ _ mlltt - r ~ *> oC South P a rk Grocery. . ’

r POR S A L ^ P u r o bred Durod m ale ' , pfgii. O fM t A nsell, It- F . D. No. 1.

FOR S A L E W Shropsblro rama and ' 1 Colawold r u n . Lareo ones. E . J- M alone-Pbonn 678J2.-

FOR SALE—TborouBbbred U rso n L>CKhom hono. Alao pullets. -Mrs. 0- L. Coxcn, R . 3. Two miles north of W aahlnclon 'acbool and Is i liou is eaat..

Saying Q»«s Back te Old Times.' Tbe aaylas Tnot worth a n ub" datas

b ick to tbe daya before c a ^ t a war* In m le d , and th e ftoers.w^ta »u*wb with rnshea. W hea an honored n e a t w aa 'axpectad t r a ^ srW n onea « e n ~ ' n t a ad apr«ad—bo t people of lltUa

• toase«naaea had tfi ba eoateotad w ith rvahsa tb a t b a d baeo Baed.s»bUa f tU

. b nab lar ta lk so t aana a t . aU.


;■ TmMr

|v ^ ■

' "TTWIN ]

F o r S a l e - M i s c e l l a n e o u a

D ry flood# boxw for nalo cheap a t 1Wrlgbfn.___________________________ KO'. Phono 6 l2rl3 for crabapples, Jl.Otf 1

per liUihfl._________________________ lal

I 'p r hlsh lent Jerney milk call 192-J. Mlnnetonna Dulry,-A. J . YmiUK, prop. Ini

KOlt SAI.K—U«K« nnd furniture. - Call 2ZI, Sth ave. eosl. I'bono 1234.

W<t enn s a w you jnonoy on your po- |n talo aud nraln nnckn. ‘ Twin Kalin — Junk hounu-lK a i l_ 3 A U ^ u r ^ l . l e , ^ l n r x e r r r & - c onu poc Kal. Frank .McCormick, H . mllo K-, ^ mllo N. toiirlnl park- — Kxlra fino tw on ty 'fo r nale In- cludlnn crop. «lc- T hree inllen «anl. _ uillv nurlh on tiravvl ruad-

” ~AmK'TlOXES*A.N» IIASKKT.H ^ Alno bean and s ra ln baitn- Southern 'C(

Idaho Whol- Orfl- Co. l*bone ■270- —

WANTKD—Second hand furullure- f I’hono 12US. SwuofB Second Hand

Storo-______________________________ I

Now and B«bnd baud wheat, ontn ' and potato nackn for Balu- WrlluIdnho Junk Houno, IIoIbc-__________

POR SALE — McCormick binder, ai Phono C7SJ3. ' . A:

~FX)a B A L E -ra ln t and kalsomtno - for pa ln ilnc iasd kalsonloloK .'Phona 6. Moon's Sbop.___________________ • ,-




. BBN..I. .................. ....... ♦ !..» I a.IG Cullpn ................ . J2.25 J Ul

20 caiiim' .................. I 2.7C I -30 palon ....................... $1-BU ICO Kullon ..................... Il.co 1

J Twin FallB Cider & Vlm-Bar Co- .n

; -- ---------------------------------------------------- I:

F o r S a l e R e a l E s t a t e ' '

fa rm on trac t; an Idea l home, throe •

' TO TRADE. OR WILf. aKLL~I7G | acre stoeJc ranch on Twin F a lls lrfl£t. n }8000- Will lake .rood truck o r auto

. in deal. T im e on palanco. Address W.. care Times. - ^ ^

; ■ MiscenaneouB ;Take a ride In the JUnry bun, Sc. t

; ^ ^ lA K o 'T U N iN o T Ph7oe"”l.o ffan^

' i^RM .LO A N S—7 -per «jem nct-.loann i* closed quickly.' Lelch and Wllilnms. i

NOTICE TO TH RESH ERM EN ^ | ‘ BriOK your n iah machine and lathe*-jobs lo ua- Wo can se t them out Ja ' ■ a hurry. U nd Aulomobllo Company. I --------------------------------------------------------------- F o r "Pep- aee -a ie p ,- tbe CyUa- I

d e r Orinder, 147 Second a fin u e i nortb. j

—»0G »—O M A JflD .--- P H 0K B = -4n ; ^ IX P E R U L CLEAniTTQ CO. 818 SU O . < BHOME ST. BAST. >____________ ’

Por Sale-Automobilea ‘FOR SA L E -B ulck roadster, BIk '

Six. 1923 Sport model. M. M. Oaut. < Idahomo Hotel. i

FOR B A L E --rracto r a ttachm ent ] f o r '-Ford • cat.- • TVrTa“ FalIa ~j;u«iK' ,

^ W ANTED-Ford roadster, alm oai i . new. Will pay cash-ir prlco Is,rIshL* Do not cAll if yonr car Is a wreck.

No hurry bul would like a food car. PhonelM O a fte r ftJO p. m. * ^

- — I;/ost-and-'^otmd~^ i~ I.0 8 T —Ildund Rold Amelbyst pond !

J a a l. reward- Pbone 382. ^

u p i u r » Shatfa TrvM. ----- . <Tbei^ I re about I b ^ shade t r M <

1 I s tbe.aaU onal eapltaL PnctlcaU » ''■ avary 'l& sd 'of trM th a t irUl crow ta >I this cUmaU U found. Tba mala n r i a . <‘ ties plaatad a loos t H M rea^ aad ta <. tbe partes ara a u ta r staple, sycaoero '

maple, rad mapla^ a lq . tlsdan, toUp II poplar, l y c u n o r a , ^ p la oak, boaagr ') loeoat and horM Tba AnacV ', OUI c ap l^ l ranks a s t h e b sM b a d ad ', city la tba wotid, Paris, f taa ee , ba las ’r - w a a s ------------I ■ 'I Many Japanaaa In Hawaii. >' 7apantae eensUtnU 42.T per n e t ot

tta p aw la tle n n f tb an sw a U n n W«wd«


^ * 'S | ^ L ^ '“ ■'

wrrSot Y l H '

Ip' i W

V t ' -

r P K L L ^ ' A I L Y , T I H E S

T ADSr. . . -W . ,fc

For EentKOR HKNT—Furnlnbcl houno wllh

caraRc, 319 Sovenlb ave- easu

FOR RIJNT—Apartment a t C o l^* lal- Sccond avenue north.” f OR RKNT—Furnlsb'wl hotinekerp- InK rooms- 41S T hird uvenuo uorih- riiono 4BI‘W.

POR RENT—Nicely furnlnbed fronl' room wlib bath , oleclrU- heal, clonn In. 3«3 2nil avenue went- I’hoiir 73'j-m.

• FOIl HKNT—Five rhoi.i fiirulnhe.l bouHii. luodem, pbone or call a l?77-iTnniicn avo-' .................................... "

" r o l l RE^^•—7 room mo.lorn house, BOiue tun iltu re. C3S 'i'UlrU avenue norlb.

KOR H l^ iT -3 room bouno tloncd In nleoplns porch. lurKe ch ick­en run nml fruil tr<-e», n-unonable- Cull a a l 1302 iUKbth uiim:

FurnU bed bousokeeplns sp a rt- monla. Oasis Home. 4U3 Malu Ave.No. Phone S71.

FOR REIW 1 room tum lshed aporlm eD t.' >«asonahl«. D uasnlow.

. Apts., Ctb s tr e e t and Second avenua easu

I FOR RENT—P a stu re ;' K lnsabury.

FOR RENT—Housekeeplns a p a r t- . menlB, completely turnlshod for ligh t

hounokeeplss. ooe, two and th ree roomy closo le , and low rates, by weed 01' m onth. The Oxford, 428 Main N.

I _FOll__RTOt—li|h t_ -h o u n e l« e e p ln r ' I sna nieeplns raoffis. 2:3 F ifth ave*

-------------------------,[Pr«esutloB. _

"A re juu n-udy for ti-lolj" Ibe Jud fe r I anked.P T bc (h'fenOnni whlspfred qulekiy to . bln counai'l, who aroiu nud u^ilrcsnvd

•'Your bonor.. may wc ask tbo priTl- : leite .If B p rl\n le Intervl.-w wllli lu ro r." ^ u T t r ~ . Or may luy client slvc

r " S l r r il.o conn thundfred. "I never «’ bcanl of ■uch a th ln s t Huw dnro you I iI Tbe court demnmis an eiplanatlon i" , II "Vour honor," nuld thu attorney, "we

dill no l (Ilncovel- until this moment lim t '. Ju n ir Nt>. B Is my cllint's plumber, '

and he mves blm a sronll 1)111 th a t he . would like 10 settle beforo the trta l

bPBlnB."-Illcbmond Tliues-Dlnpulcb. i J

Al to Stormy P ttrsls. ,.St. rw i'r 's numeiakes ero numerous i

I, as UiiMmKha In tbe 'teleiiM one"dlJ irectory, fo r they Include not only a i

• sow lly number of tlie," Irlnh and th e I ' sons uf Iialy, bu( a lio a prolific fam ­

ily o f water blnU, Uie lUtlo stormy ' petrols Ihnt we see oft ihe co aii^ ln '

* summer, boverlns abova tlio' whltocopa- like a flock of hutterfllea. These lllllt-; , B blrda are named after Ihe Dpoiilv, not: ]

hecuuae . oC any. sstnl.Ilke quallili.s! ' ; ;:<Ui«y-art.also koo^n iu -deriL btrdBht ' . bm beeiuse, llk e« L I’eler, the.» can. I

walk up9a the wan-i. ]n “Birds Tliai 1 -■ H un t -and -A r»-HuBleda.-ye<li»-Blai>^ -t a chaa t«l}s how tliey Hand snd even]. run on!;tho water with tholr yellon g webbed fM t. When refose ts thrown ‘ ^ overboard ' from ships, they Immedl-j

ste ly coltect around It. face to (be- wlndwanl ^ I b tb rtr ’ loas wlnga *x-i tended .a ad .- tb e lr..fee t- .p a t tla s—th « - ^ w atar. titoyad up by iha llfh tness ofl ‘ _ tbe ir bM lra q n t 'ir io 'te ilu U d l Ul» ''II wind on th e tr w lon- ! U --------------------------- ;

Black AlkdL |

- -aiaJLi tum pl r f a S w i - T f - ^ n i l i r r ^ f '■ from 40J0O to SO,1100 acre* In Oioyflan'

Lula valley o( 4Aiorad4, and th l* ^ h - l {- dlllon if ottribuied to th e a o n l le d j ° "black alkali," composed largely of! , _ sodluin rsrbonate. This cacbonuto*Is |

. cso*R4 lli tbonratcrs.uC the Talley. In- •,I c lud las lb » .riv e rs a q ^ th e artesian '. wells, and the practice of aublrricatlon. haa broucbt It to (he aurfaco hyi 'p capillarity a ^ evaporaUoQ. I t la aug- !Q te s te d lhat tbo remedy Ilao la a coq.^ veralon of ‘tha carbdaitea la to aul-. phatca by tlia u ia of a Ubermt amouat, ofsTPsuia—about Bine pouads o f .n p -^ aum to ono potmd o t-bU ck alkali—f and downward waablns by m eaaa ofg surface M sa tlo n w ith (orrow a o r by

U v ln ft fer Example.,t Tba tU ns tha t caa eoly bo dona oeca. abenld be w t f daaa. ^ _________

__________________ . J N q J D l

..........- J -

t ■—

TH E (•___________ \ ____

J / i t i F


\ \ SH O U U D HAV= 't[ ^ > —D ----- <SW eN VOU A ,

■ / ^ 7 ^


T H B G H O S T T H A T C A I. J U M P O O T T H E S E C O . C e N T R A l . M O T E L /L A

. ____ T t f - B E A - M I L W A U K- - y IN - H l S - S L E E P ---------

IlMABKETsIf sbori foverlDK In nil «riilnn nmrheil " I irnile on Ibo CblciiKo Ucmnl of Trmlo “

« W heat was beliiuil by reporln of J*'t lllUe export biuluvHH vlu .Monlrvul > „ oml t h ^ r e n k i . .; T Jl* ^ an b market wun Irrexular.; b rih# Bluad lo ’.4c Iow it. for rontrm-t

Knulen uuil 3 lo i cenlii lower farsomtilu Kraileii. t

Tbore wan connlcloriible nhnrt rov* IorlUK In cnrn. duo lo Minsuurl. Koi^- n

1 nan auil Okluhomii nlniu crop ro* 1:^ p o ^ s 'wlilcb liidlcalod thnt the hat :1 d r y n p e li did conKldo'rnblo (Ibiubbo i e In the soulbern cnunlrlcn.

Oats rnlllfli! from tbn early low tf points lu symiinlliy wiiti olhor 1 J sralnn.

Open. 'HlRb- I>ow. Cloao n* W H E A T - I'

Ropi...........lOOH lOOVj 99',t lOOH C•: Doc............lO tii ior.>4 Ifi3^ i-I0< iis' .MJiy ]I0!4 111!4 109« lin%-.1 -T C O R K -S .--:';-----------------------------------1. Sept. ....... RIH M 81 S2H ,1 Doc........... ' Ct«A 07 Cr.H 6«H ‘ij ■ ^ ‘a t S - nest— J liA . -J

Sept. ____ 37 3714 3B>.i 37% ‘,1 Doc......... .. 39 , 39^4 38S 39% ’; Moy ....... 41% 42>4 41% 42',4 I

J POTATOES.ij —CI11CAQQ.-AHK. J3 .rJlo lA t««s—Ro- ..fl colptn, Ms cars; sacked MlnnosgtA

sacked Wlscoonln round while U- b. ,. No. 1, t2.2CO2.B0: Nebraska and ; Idnlio^ rorals }2.1S02.2C. *

* r i i i r . i n it i.iT E 8T dcK _____ i .B' CHICAOO lAug. 29 .-H o*s — Re- -[ •c8lpt»r*8.«0;-m arket'10© 16c-h7w erf * 'jl bulk, |7.&009.:0; henvyweifht $ 8 0 ‘ 3 a iO ; medium f8.CCO9.40; Oghl. I7.7C

&D.OO; Iltb t lights, $7.6009-30; s, heavyweight packing snioolii $ 7 J5 0 1-7 .70 ; p s c U u . sows ..rough. J0 .9 0 0 a 7.15; k llllns pl*s. 18.76. ^

C aitfe-llM eipu , . 11.000; moilly ri k lllln s Classen; slow and steady: (op I loDR fed 113.10; several loada 112.250 I. 12.76; short ted natives weak In ad- , vanoes; vealera tend tns sbsrply low-

e r: . packers b iddlns IllO H .BO :‘ •loc'kers and feeders firm a l t tO >■ 7.25.

Sheep—RecelpU, 26,000. m arket if alow; fa t lanba 15026c lower; culla y around atasdy: aited slockers scsrce

8c lower tbaa yaaterday; besi time aarly lop westerns 813.38 to killers;

. m ost natlvea |i;.a0O 12.76; culla 8 9 0* 9.M; odd Ihla f a t ewes, |6X0(S)7:

•a rly lop fesdins lambs, IIS.BO.

Chanqe -

L c ! o . '

lllll T W' I WIS. OM I I X VOUt AlTi j |

'.7 ' r :

....... " " . ' l l : . ' :


IL J i — ^ T r

i * ' ' ^ i l l v o ii Revn L A . . - A LLS-



A U S E D t h s P O R T E R - t o . ;o M C > S T O R Y W I N D O W A T 71 - A S T MI<5KT> W A S t - A T E i e . F< U K E E D R U M M E f e ^ W A U K J N q

>3IA HA LIVKHT(K;K. *]OMAHA. AUK. 29,—Cttlllo — Ile-

cclpls. 6BOO: m arket stcaily: year* llMRS $afH2.26: oteora. tu.26((z)12.6&; eown and holfers, 82.260 6.7C;> nlock* ern and foeiters 83O10; cuItcii. }1 0 n,f.n: bulln aDd~ Btni!ii.. 13,20tiii:_wci!i^ ^

; urn rangorB, »4O8.t0^

^ Bleudy; bulk of ualcn. 87-2608.90;, (op. 88,95. .. p

ah'eop—Receipts, 12.COO; m arket , nieaily: yearllngn, 19010.76; wnili. »; , ern. »6.60(f7iR.76: lambs, |12©13.26; " * ewe*. H07.CO. ^

I’ORTLAM) LIVE.STOCK. ][ r 1‘OIITI.AND. Oro., Aug., 2» .-C a t- „

lle -Ile cc lp ls nouo; mnrkoi eleady: j, ■. bcnl- nlcem. 8707.60; fa ir to good - I,, nleern, *6.6007; cholco cows nnd n 1* hoifurn. K-COOC; can n o n , 81-600 c <1 Z.&O. bn lln ,' I3 .2S04JC ;" calves. " H ’ f :o ®iO. }

llogn — Receipts, none; m arkei ^ m Blenily; prime ligh t *1001.0,26: I ir hcavlcs, *0fu,8,C0; plssj I0O9.2C. r

Hli'ecp — Hecelptn, CO; m nrkel - 10 steady; valley lambn, 89.C0010: me- ,

Ilium lambn. 0 0 8 : yearlings, 86.C0O t ^ 0.60; welhors, 8LB0OC-60. ;H ------------------------ ti A Hand. _______ J, A correspeodent aends- na tbla « • J ? ira r t from "Jurgen": "Indeed, I t l » s I 7 sail thing, Sylvia, to ba murdered by I

'Uiu iiaoa w nR brnr«r*p«ak ,“ ljrkwOHr • ; (o keep aa eya oa your w elfare and * i which riih tfu lly abould aerva yeu on ‘ 4 lla kneea."—Beaton E venlas Tran.

scrIpL • ^................ 1

-• — ........... CoM.Ci w fart,. - ................... I

\ ipot la bis h eart to r m W arttn tsM “ Btar. (

------------------- 1

p - T a a w t M i s . iis E iw r i ^ wf ^j

e --------------------------r---------------^ --,, , ' I Ji T W O 8 T A 0 S 8 D A 1 L 7 i » T W D T - r A L L ^ ^ - B O I a B | iy LeiTS StlQ.-s. a . ' s i d

0 ^ 'F o r- F iler,- B i t . . H srarB ua ,'1* B lh ^ S l a s H ni, Oleana Farry ,

K aantala n o s e . G oodlar, F a ir , i : netd a ad 'H a n af! ,9 A rr if la t la . H ill«y s8 I t N p . ■ ,


' • c b irs a . W« a lso kaadla b a c m * -•• - -JP haae Si n S M t T ^7 . n « a k B r o i , 8 U g « Co., I n c . '

] S 90 .6 d T A T S\CHOK W f l.A O W P tB V J

£m6y ^ '^CImE J .\' ■

f e


r r s i ^ m - Y j j a r r r f f T ^I B*i>T/MB I y HoMa iI IS hal£ J r ( aR U N O ff

p i t t '


7 < ? i7 < p o -

■i ^ P U N O ■_____


T w i n . F a l l s L o c a l

P r o d u c t M a r k e t i

* 'S E L in rO PBICIB. auca r—WholtJale. heel _______ 89.41___

Sugar — yiiotnwlgr'i-'ane ..‘i ‘in~T8fr88 , Cream cheeser TlrT? - ^ _ 'Xna-------->

i K.S.. « . j r r = = z = 3 S S. Pottocs, c w t ______ ____ 76c to ALO*. Now Cabbage, ib-------------------------- 4a

DeeU, imach --ZZT,............... ..— —to 'T ;iralps, b u n c h --------------------------l t4A a p a ra g u a .................... „16c____

'* Straw berries, c u p _____ lOe, l l o r 860•. Radikhes, 2 bunchea _____ ^‘I CucumbeiV. each ........... .................... 8ft‘‘ Peppers, lb * -------- -------------IM^ Spinach,-Jh.,..,................... .........* Caataloupss. 2 f o r ________„ Cherries, c ra te ........................ t » i | '

Walermelona, lb- ___’• Tomatoes, I b . -------------------- S-for *6f .„ B r e a d ----------- ' ___________ ,1»0, Turkeya. drawn

» S Z d i i n r z r z r = = = i SBacoa - --- ---------- • **7Bacon, . f * ! ’

> ' H a a . ' allced -----------, . ._ ^ _ tg ffa a * :- ... -a Pork cUops ................... ,y Pork r<yst ............... .......

r Pork sau sase •■■---■ " g T*bone ateak [....... ........... ’

B U m Q F B IO U .Wheal, No. 1 per c w t . L - U W ';

- ----------^ ’ '* SM* _

Qeesa * -Ducka — r---------- :

, M utton .......................................... - to —

Ranch ba ttar , per pooad ^B u tte rfa t ( a t factory) _____ lO ffO d ..E ggs,'caah . : .................\E g p , trad e

I ■ ' —


B u i b w i i : ’: • ." ' ' V j v : ; N a IM •------------- D tp a it A :n ft. m

A T W M B B t f m P ^ - . - aB V E A fttfaO R I :

r ' v ' ! ' i I '- ' ^

Page 6: •HM ?AL1L D AIL1V TI[MESnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · •HM V b d fefE 6. NdM BKB' 121.. • ----- ^wra.T. S f f i i t--iiiw . -J— ’ • S enator...

' -RAqE SIS . ' . '

m m m


San Francisco and Oal<■ A stir and, Seek Old

ShoWs'.What Advanta Jbine Will ^lean to Tli( Bistiributing Point foi yoniJ Boise; Human Goal and a t Same Ti

■ on G reat H arbor in th

S nn Frani'iHRO hikI OiiI<likiul. i unlctH thvy tnko iiilviiiitdKi* tl>< ono th c im tliuy w ill Im c thi> k c 1<I<

. co m b ig ({nimtraQtinii <i( l li r lin e f r o th e r 'c i lle H h av e ivisxcd th i-ir opj I n d i^ t c d j ' l i y /( iltp rs th a t hnvi- c o f ooinnitrt'c-iI\krii)lEr t l o p r m n i in

. th n t! f t Tpjiort rilod by tJic r o n tn .lli «)f C^mii^i’rcc , w ith Um prM iik'Ht ti forR bttc ii; n t tli« t>nii% ih onoi! mor

T iiiB 'r c p o r t hIihwb thuti T w in m a n y pVixlucU n t Hnn I-'rntii-iRi;o

___ p o r t ; tlinoiiKh thi* liiirbor, tlrn t i i___ w ililg iv u th n t c ity n m l O nUhuid i

p o in ix nm i th n t 'th iH r i ^ in the* ii th o [« rr itu c y ub. f u r uu o iid nuiiiuwI S a tenn iy <for «lilpmi'ntH from Uiilt<- t h e c itic s on Sun iVunoiiuio huy ti t a k e .‘’adv&otaiCQ o f i t . T . Ciirc.v e o n tru l lc r u t th n t tim e.

coatptUUob Anselei nro I----- «h»ln».Ty 1.. tntlni; tn tlie ^

M p tr lo r BcUflty of ih« lailor. In |M tnrftl.OBrtortunlttos thoy bava nit ,tb* a4ra ii(i«« . 7110 Brent barbor In. ,t id e t t» Ooldefl Oa(o h u do-tWbI on ,

. . t h i .w u t i r n c o u t e x ca p t.a t Svat* tlo . A|0 aod oatly repulatJoo a* wall |U hU torlo -backcrouni] nmltb» gUmcrr o f tbo old dayii or the |

- to ld .bODtur a ll toll to r' Uan Pran* , . cloeo.-- : I

Y lt 'I t la polntod out horo thai the a d fin lk t* ! t no uroator than once , pOIMM«(} b r t. UoBlf OTtr Chicago. , U ^ l ^ n l ) oosmwtloD u d >u. rt*«r t n d i - 'd t . U m li « ltb Ita Iodr aad roasa&tle- p u t h lito ry e ic ie d n t tho , vUlM*' on L*ka Mlehlian, but tho ' •o trg y and Inilomltafila puih ot Chl. ' coffo Inbabltcats orertnm e a ll and , l o s t t>«tor« Uie full poialbilltlei of t h i U ke tra f tle wero even dreamed ' o t b l4 'dU U B C o lu coniptlllnr on tha b u k a o t tbo M iailnlppi. A n u l l la ta r k Insdlns on the

■!— ;0t <be -M to o u r i- » p f t iy q g - lo ] tiX a t m * kway from n K aniai town th i Utaa t i s io a i U avcnworili. ^VItll

J e n o riy ^ in d p«n«verance tho Innd- '- - lo « - )^ m * .4 C M M i-C lly am i-today ' LM veaworth— !•' dl«t«nced ao tar

t h a t - I t has b*ao (orioiion. Tlio ' ptiah -of 8eattlo. tho onero , of the ,

. pooplo who m id i up lia Inliabltnntfi, KBjte-tt. lb s c lir ot Ihe n»rlb»-rit In . ■plto ; of. th a . s ro tl ailvnntaR« poa- Boued by Tacoma and ' Kvor«ii. -

, A l iy i^ Lo* An«elca hn* ovorcomr ,

adranU sea (rom which ahe lioa auf- , (er«d '.b ) the p u t . Dut iho now

railroad Will enable Snn Pranrlaco I and OkkUnd by corabtnlnR lo ro- <

• x l n thulr ______ t-Ja -the forkoiian report of 19 i:, i

___imw. a io la . -4 .jaaua r.-c l-4a u ra a t.- th a J8«Q T ranclaco ennioller aavs; '

“Prom the d liirlct (of Twin Pa lli) > are ahlppod a ureal number nf rntllo « and aheep. which could flrnl n m ar- I

. . .h o t Jti„Jtan Fraaclaco anil an om - 1 le t la foreign counlrlri. f

'T h o town of Twin Kalin I* nbnut I la Iha center, of the dlxirlct. In T3U ■ rallaa by rail friim I’urilnnil. 2&0 <

■ mllM by rail from Oxilen nnd 2!>0 mllo* by ra il from HaU l.akr City. > T he tow a of Well*. In Nevada. I» I2f. I

- inlltB troDi tba lown of Twin l-'alls. 1 BatweOn tbeao 'tw o poliila a rnllron<l 1 can h* (taaUy and uconomlrnlly bulIi. i

P ranclteo would be in llio tieUli- iborhood of 735 ralU«. or pcariUally jth* aame na (ha dlitlanrc to t’lirl- ila u d , ' a a : asalnat 103S mllan b r ilie ]preaent route via Os'len • • •. TIip ,dlita ttto Trom 'O lden i<> U)# .AiiKclm 1l l 8(8 m1ly._- 1

“CkUforttls ta .tin lir ImrnrilnR 1 • a o o * 5M *00-tona nf w h c n fp rr an-

nuBii and tbla dlalrlct would bo a n a tu ^ l iDUrce of aupply. Al Ilmen of K arclly In Callfornln. Ihclr aU

' falfA hny and poi&ioon would bo (fratiabte • ■ Aaionpf nilier aril- cl«aj[lhat coaid Iw nuppllud to Ihln

hacfc binder iwloe. ovcrnlli nnd c lo tw a. china and Klatiware. a«rn> Incai ianta, canviu and aiiiple pr^iiin, traction enslnea, marhlnrry and clecl'rlcnl nppllancca. <'«rialn nrtl-

....... clo»!.aurh nn rorseia, ninlirplln", par*aao li and aiiuol eolton nuw coiuIiir Into.' tbla dlatrlct orlcln.-vin In dan Prattclaco nml come In vlu ihu Tort- land! cateway."

A S o r ' )Mcuaalni( a t aomo 'lenKni and Ifa to rab ir Contact and Its poaal* hlllUea, the report aaya:

TBo lnier«ali of (<an - rra n rl ico — 'iB d i th a .a U U ot^Callforsl&.dutuusi!- Iba tf any lln* fro m 'Ih a Twin k'alCr

dta(Hc( ahould. com* to Wella where It whuld contifCt wllh bnth lbe Wear- a m tP a c in and (ho'B oulliarn I’acific

|l I .y . .. .

I J M S Jwvmm:

RAILROAD|k ]a n (l„A i;e_ A t„L en g th ; 1 R eport of 1912 Whieh ' ta ges Rogersori to Wells , h e n ir M agic C ityH atural ] 'or Territory to and Be- 1 Energy Will Win This , Time Again Place Cities | th e Lead..

' I

l . a r o nAvakt'iiiiiK to llic fnct lh a t i lhi! viisli i ii ilu ra l op|i»rliiniliuH tlin lililr ii o p p rtrtim ilv .prcsi'iili.'J l>y tin- »f ro m Uo«i*rHon lo WcHh. iis nm ny ’’

iI'piirlMiiilUrK in tho jniKl. Thin in c c fin if hi’ro from tlu 'ir <'lininlH>ni

n iiiiith . nnioiiK iitlaTK, onu K lion'iii|; ,illiT llf Illu y n n Fraiieisci) tlh an ilic r •1 tiinrt! tlm n c li 'v n i .vcnrs aK«i, a m i ,ilo rc r i ‘cnlh-ij, , t

in F a tln imn f n r i i is h 'n innrk i't Tor0 nu iiiiifn i'tn rc , »» well as f o r iiii-i t i-aii fiiniiHli [iriKliiulA th a t n1 n irn ilvanU iK i- o v r r »lTi.''r~T?»nTi7 ^

n a ln r a l liiK lrihntiiii; im int f n r a ll „:\v l iu l hcyujid UuIhi', iih w ell aK thulie . I t hIiowk th a t Tw in F alln n n d ^' liuv« n K roiit op p n rliin ity i f Yhiiy, l‘;v F r ii 'iiln n d u r waa Sun Fraiiiiiiird J, ■. • ; ■ ;I* __ ___ I

rnllroailir 1‘IiIh'Tb TFTe'fnnhcal poTtu’° lu Iho wuHl nl wlilcb ll would bo ,

-fMaible—if>-MiBli»~<-<.iii>*cllolia-iuid -E I Iho farlbcat point wcai la njnnt lo I o u r ndvantoKo. tjucb n lino would o• afford tllreci comniuDlcsiIon wlib’ o lbor dlatrlc;l»T ' t■ -S a n Franclarn would be Uio ucar- ® , eat. purl on uult wnlcr for n m at und ,' srowloK country. To Ibo norih, aod "° nuribw ril, tn ^hg Tlclnlir nf Uolao. '

Idabo. la n ta n a nrjfaiio th a l ta n ,bc. proJllnbly farmud aad which la f

" avan now occupied. To Ihli norlb 5” and norlboaat la lluilo, Monl. la nn- j''* oUier lam e area Juat belnii put to '5 beoeflcial uae.................................. ..........•, -nrla laat pdrnRrapb cnlla atlcn- jp tlon lo aomcthln* ihat U now ailr- „. r lnx In tho mitiila and nppcnllnic to >, I -bo enericWa ut -Twin f*alla folk; f namely, tha i the tcrrllory naturally, trlbuiary to Twin Falla and for „, which, whon tho-now Hoe opona. II „. will bo Iho nninrnl dialrlbiillnR rolnl- |, lakeain i;ol"o and a Kreal pnrt of ,, i l u alalc nf,,IUaho. Alao thnt- ll la j

llio point throuRb wlnth mual pnaa' >,, Iho traffic (rum nullo. And thia t. romlnda Twin paiin lulka Ibat Jual ]. a i tire tinltcil effort and luporlor «

niorny <if t.ri)i Anjflea ihroatcna 3na >*rnncl»co and Oakland, with

p .hair auporlor advnnujiita. So, un* c'uiia Twin >'nll» will pul lie untied n

’ ilrcnm h Inlo tlio morcmeni, olher j'.owiia wllh leta advantaKea (bnn ••hla. will onicr he l l. l nnd ono ot ^

. ^bem b w m c iho dliiUlbutlnR point ,

. lio ie r In Area. tr I t ' l K nol. Rcncrally rcallxcd tbal “ y nnker. Ore.. In to flan Krao-- c laro by way of Pnlla rooaa-- tlr<iU-ln-n)ll<-a I>r-wn}-ofTs1lnndrthan-

JL -U li> San rranc;aco.:.by-w uy.-ot ta i ‘orilaoiL a n d - j^ l l t . ol courac. the -"

w nler Irnffic would m ore,than off- ') Hol Uila ao Uial* Twia FalU could ta novor bocuma tha point of dlatrlbu. (. Uun for San b'ranclaco producu In '. n ukcr. ll -could aaelly becomo aucb *

fo r Utilm. wlili the proper union ot "effort here... This la no llmu Tor f

t locnl diKHCiillun In Ibo opinion at '' l» IbuJc whu auo tho vUlon ot a 8ro.it- 0 e r Twin f'allH.» The fnlUiwlns la itio e iac t dnln■- w llh rrtoronro to dlalnnce by inlira "r. from Snn k*mnclKvn lu llul>i» n* "1. ahutk-ii by Umu tulilca and Uio catl- ' .1 inatKl dlalunco fnmi' IlnctTaon to.. W clla: ■;

"■ to lioiae T ia 'i’ortlaml la ''iro /'m U ca? "J• Iho dlainnco trom Snn KrancJ»co.,lo , y liolau via Twin Fnl|«. alt rail, l a jW ‘■ mUna. a aavlnc In mllrajo f ro m ^n n , o Praeclffoo to llolae vU Twin FUIla '

o t 3»S miloa. Krow. San rranclaco• 10 llojue via Twin Kulla. IravulluR

by iruclc ovur ihu hard aurtncea .•roti.U from livn- li> ilio .iipiiul oliy ‘

B U only K7a lulli’fl. .1 mvIuk of JSJ - I- m llr»: - - .............................'“ Thuau aro IIiIiimn wo ari- lii'Rlnnlnr I

lf> Bpo ultifo Wl. biiTi' lunifil (lur a|. . '* IcBlloQ lo Ituhtliit; olataclct on lh( c . w:iy o_t unllud jirDRrraa nml duvcl- ,


d O ^dlane* te t.aw.I . No people can be called fully d»- 1, illxed until there la widily dltTuaed d am oat Ita mrmlitra the amae of obll- I- cnUon, not mrreljr to obey ihe law, bul *' to obey It wUllncix, and co-opcmtc la . K enfordoe »nd malntalnloj IL—nam- " W7 Uulr. ■ ,'■ _____________ J f 1

..................Th* 6'a*l^” far O ee i ' !‘‘ Dy daatrlof what U pecteetly t o o \ .

•ren whan wa didn't. OTlla know whal . t U and cannot do what wa WAOld, w*

v -re part of Ihe D Utni po*» f« |tiin it- ., 'W;i—wldenlof IM .ak lru o ^ V lh t'a tid

oakfni the a tn ifife witk d a rfan u n v c 'ow *rr-9*er*a EUat,

• TW Ib

I L O C A L B R I E F S | |

VI»Illn(f—Mr. and Mra.' C. O. Joi-

home of T .-J.- ■tlojrd 'and-.family -to-

fio lo (JnjcT—T. 0. Doyd. J r . and hln alalcr. Mra. McOInn wont lo Ouy-

I e r today to apond a abort tlmo al thu H eap cabin.

Llccnaed to Wrd—Lelnnd Urown. of Nyaan. Oro-, and Virula Bradford of Twin >'alla rrcolved a marrlOKO

Mnny Spnda (lu Out—I'olalm a nrs now M dk nlili’l'ed hBavlly to Ih-avt-r

1 M _a_dU ulbuU u«_jiolnu_i.*rom -flvu. _ J 10 10 (a ra HO from horo <lal|y.

5 llo tn rU n i H ear Hhort T nlk»-A • niimlwr—o f—a lio rw a lk a — inml<? -

1 by mcmbora and vlaliora u l tbo Uotnry club lunubvon today.

, Hon A rrh i's—A non wan born on 3 Tbiirrday lo .Mr. nnd Mnt. U lloy ' lln rb c ri, form erly of ihln c iy . a t ihu

homo in riiilo rion , California-

.Mnrrled, l.y .Mollory—Allen Hlrka nnd .Minn H ub/ Wtivnlon wore m u ^rlcd «n Aununl 27 by Juatlco W. 8. VM,allory. They iire bolh o f tbla <l

t tliy . I[ ------------ --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ll

Hua lo Makf Jlcput—Tho nuiob'ua n• will bcreaflex make tbo di'pol on lln I . r<'Kulnr rountla Ibronicb tbo clly. I t c

wna nniiouncrd loday by tbe owner,’ Oacnr Croaa. , - t

Knneral on Tbur>dny-Thc funeral |.. of Mm. OeorR* niakoalci] will be o• bold n l Iho DoWili cbapol tomorrow k , nftornooa a t 2:30 and will bu con- p ‘ dueled by Ituv, KdKar 1* Whllo of

tbo .Mulhodlat ’ cliiircb. i]

Will CIo^o l4ibor Pay—Siorea In b . llial clly will clouu U b o r dny In com- n

lilfunco Uflib thu uurecnii-nt on tbu ii. nunibur nf liolldnyu nnd In ri<n|ionn<) I ll

r lo . tbo iirocimiiullon of Oovi-rnor (77 \>- (I. ~M onro-dcalitnniinj:—Mrptrmbet” ? tj I na tt public bolliluy. ' c

j L care—Mr. nnd Mra. I., U Wood‘ nnd lllllo aon Icfl Iniii wouk fo r Oak- I■, land by way of Portland. TfToy wHI I

ninke' tboIr homo m Onklaml. Mra. II V*lora WoodH. moOiiT of Mra. Wdod,I nccompunli'd tbom- its far na Uolae‘ whore abo will remain fur aome_ tjniu.

, , S talla Oolnc In H bun-S tn lh nro I io la c_ J tt_ p o rb ap a -a o n lsb U -.u i—tUu _ I bualneaa blocka Oa asrucd un tbo I olbcr uldht, llorloy Kayburn aold 1 lodoy. llo aald ib a t- lb e break In ’ tho m ala noar tbo Lincoln Produce . compaio' lna( s ls h t .dolurred Uio Jub « I wblch WM to bnvo been finlahed I laat erenlnc.

I Lawyera’ Vert A llow ed-JudRO W., A. Babrock lodny nrfinied tho mo- , tlon to nllow |tOO in nacoaaary (ooa ^ . to Johnaon, Donnolly A Lynch. n(- V , lornoy* of Cedar napliia. In., fo r i

vrork In oonueollon wllh tbe caa*..of the atalo bank eomralaalancr URnlnat q J. Vt. Hayward and C. C. Qrlffln, k

; offlcora of Uiu dofunct ClUtan'a atiUo t I hunk of lluhl. ^

' Ubunood VJaJU U om r^J. M. W a- i, mond nnd fnmlly left tbla morniiiR .

‘ oTcrliind for Tellurldo. Colo., where „ ■ Ihey will vl*lt (or n couple of weoka n

with relatlvea and frienda. "Jnck" u . lu u ..n o l_ b « n -b n e k -io -h la --< o m ija : a

home ainco 190B and ainiet tba l ho n th ink ! It la aboul tlmo hn waa pay-' t. Ing hla rolnllvea and former nc- il

‘ Qualntnncea a vlalt. n

> ■ Cuanlnirhnm la H ef*_E lm o Cun-• nInKham, .ropreacntlnit iho n rea tono d ' T iro A. Rubber company, cnmo In ii

yoalorday ond baa been mcoOnff Uu-vnrloua tiro dealera bero iw la y th n t C

‘ handle (Irea aud aapeiaily Uia T iro. -VI atone. Mr. Cunniagbaui waa fnrm- J. orlv ai«rrr>lary or .i„s nf £

Lommorco of Provo. Ulah. and Inlor C[ a c lerk n t tbo Nnwbouao hotol. N

. BnptNI Hnperlnlendent H er«^nov .-W, A. Sbaiika-of-t)piie7-ttatir-anp r i'» -

t tn tendent of tli« H»pii.. i„ ,h u, ntnio, ,w aa_lioro_ytinrdiy coafarrlnK -I; wlUi llo r. W, II, Tolliver coacemlnit *I the p rosrnra and time o t the Baptlal •'. Central naaoclation which moeta hore ', Ibo flra t p a rt of October, Tbo pro- ', Krnm and apoakera waa outlined and «t aomo nallonnl -apeakera for tbo d t- Ir nominniioa .will bo a w jrc d If vtinnl- ^r ble. -Tlie aeiialon will laat for ibrco. da>-».

J « e t Out I‘am jiblei«-Tbe chambor, of commcrco OKrlcuJiural bureau Ifl P, nl w ork on tflfo patnphleu, Ono of f; tbcao haa to dn wliti iho Renoral C, '•ondltlon ot thn llrraiock Indnatry fi

in llio trac t and wlib Ronarnl aitrl- 11 nmdllloiia boarlnR ou tha l

; deacrlpllon nnd hlaiory of n Moxcn " f tn r m a ^ n lbe tract. ahowlnB w hat " ' can be ilonn asrlculiornlly. no tha l

rlaitora can ko ond ai-o for them- aelvea on tholr own inlitallve.

1 Teaching In I.oi Amtclea—Word biui Jiixt bo.m n.rc|rr<l i,y (rictidi.

, Jt Mra. Pal Muroh)- nt her cmpioy- m r n l - ln —the- l.n i- - AnRrh-a rlly

. 'clioola. Mra- Murphy U n former• roaldont of Twin Kalla nnd waa a . T’O"'''®'’ ot Ihe local arbool ay«lcm.• Sho ftttondcrt Huiiiinvr »rhooI Inal

rea r In I.i.n Anicolea ond then be­came known lo ti,e .cliool board

. UM-rg.___^ Ir._M urllhy wim .fnrmKrty.•onneclod wlih iho Twin I-'alU Dank

• i T n ia t comimnr nml wna nlao en- I Taced In nRrlcultural Inlcreala In

'hla oecllnn.

> - FTittf Pleaowr* tn W erttt f ron v a s t knowledfi yon a t ts t

- toU for It. i r pUieure. toll fo r IL ToQII Ul* law. Pleaiaur* e o n ii throni^itotl n d not by a«lM &M cio«»-tnd-t»le tenci. When oo* (eta to lo r* work.‘Ol U fl ta I bappy ona,>^aakl&.

- A t th* .Ze«t»giM(-aat4»ni.-..........U olher (to- iliU i WUlU)—Don’t go

oo a«ar the poUr bear, my dear; you ilrcady ba re a cotiL


^d u dM ad 'i 1 1 1 I t i f i i ^ i i 1I- | j , i j i \ j i | i n \ ,

r s l i J lK

: B E i m i— ^ fl

\ T lilef in tho D ay UxUooki Door t< ^ a n d M okes A w ax ''n^Q i ~Watch" *

a n d V alu ab le B r a w lc t and i» P in s ; Bcplftccs' K »ya Whero Ho a

u Found Them. . . ‘ ai

■ ______ • - . »■a . •^ Klndlnii Ihn place Kliore ilio door- f< (. kuy wa:i iiu)i]iiiaod to Imve buon hlil- >1. II lien nnd uiilerlMR llio renlilcnco of *3

L. W. Cbamplln Jn IIiIb clly Satur- b dny afternoon a burRlar oarrlcd nway P

A a KOld watch, four rlaRn. four atick- f a p ln i and n Inrxe camuo pin. No I d u o hua been founil,

.Mra, <;hBmplln aald today lhat ibi'T woro 'nway from hoino-'from 1 nnlll 4:-^n Hatnrdny aftornoun. They 7

I locked Iho 'door before Rolnit nnd0 onralurn fnund It unlocked b u t tho1 kny woa tuund In lln accuniotned .- pine. • ^ f NothlnB wna mlaiwl u n til tbo next ^

mornlnR. HoarrJi 8unila)i nhownl ' Umt tho iuwelry In. queailon nud tlio 1 bow a III which It .waa lf<>pl bad dla*- nppenrod. The cnmen wna n keop- i iiako and vhlurd by lla iiwnvr ninth I) Illlll rcnxon Iwaldei Inr iu InlrlnHli^7 w orth;' Mra.-fmimnilia-nnld-ibB hnff - I- -nnrcattmntotf-iho-Jow-lii-rtogBT^-wd -


^uiE itej— B i H N i 4 -) .I Stain t'onipntlon T n n aacU UDalaraa ‘ And M alrn i’ta TAika Tmlay; llev-

I.i'i-turp| Olflclali Kli-cted T hia Af. trm ooa.

Krcd ftoblnaon of.Nampa wax olccl- ' ed prualdi n l; II. I . Mcl lan of Poca- ■ tello, vice praalillBl, nnil Morvlllo , Rurk of Buhl, SAOTPiary - irenaurer

ih ll aftiiniOoh by li^ a^daho 'Fanera l Servlco AaaociatlonpWhicb voted lo

* bold lla noxt annual nwtJDK a t BoU^’ Tbero waa on lacreuod atluadonco

today.In purauunco of lla.policy of fin-

' lablnK up bualneaa na rapidly aa poa* t albli- lbe day waa Ukcn up by altur*° naiinR ruuilne m ntien anA rocoptlon ' of reporta wilh lalka l o d dem otutra-

llona by Profeaaor A lbert' Worsham. c s r - tn ir c iu o r - iia v , - E B f f t f - m n i i i i r “ n paalor of Ibo T w ln T U li Matbodlat- church Ravo an intereniinR addreia- ibhi morning on tha rotatloa of tho

nUnlairy lo iho |irot«iuton' o f undor- 4aklnK, wblch waa, niuoU app^oclated.,- "

* - la addition to tbol* named yestcr- !'0 dny Ulll follnwlae wer* IrA ltondnnco n loday:L- J-rsil K. IJolilnjion. Nam pa; PmoI t Beer. Twin Kalla: Wm, D. TaJiy.. .Mnuatalohouic: I). A- L'llcrrlaon.. Joromo; II- U Pulemoa, Onlorlu.

MauufaclurniK Co.. Ulnstcd, Conn*

NaUon’a Qtabllliy Aaaurad.' ~ u "cR « rfu rh cT ri-3 ijitT ri? o iJT n n r* " “ J -modldne. bal * b * .k » iplrit dryclh1 U>a-betl»a.'^aaTa“ So-RiiroiC**Wdi-untlI •J Amertcabajoae thi'lrlablllly lo Iau |hg la the face of dlaAdter.and becomo tb*. vicllma of the brokeo aplrll tlia t dry. ll e(b (he bone* need wa «n t«n iln . fea n* for . th e ' future o t Ihla republic,—- W aahlniton I'o it.- . .D -----------------------

Qu*«n introdueatf Fathlan.J. lllalory verlflva ilil £act tb a t the„ practice of aUrclilnc. wlUcb came Inlor fnablon In Ensland ,li tha r d ^ ofI Quotn IllluboUi. ,w ni lQVfiut*d by af Spanlah women abouilAe;'mlddle.of tbe* n fieo n ib century. Slitwlalied te bid*i a,bl8tol»li on h fr n rffc.gH h’in tmnr- - » moiii rxxft

I , . 1 I

SpeciU Prices on School Slioes

^ W l' a ro o ffi 'rin i; a Kjiecinl lo l

n o f .‘'k i i f fc r SliocH fo r Kchool

I u 'l-ur, a t priccH ih n t f a i i ’t lin

(lii|ili(-ii(v<t. T h il l o t conHiHts

^ -o f- tn tr r itm o k rd -c ik T -h ln rk -k M r- - :* i-alf a n d p a te n t to n tlicr . A ll

hik’ii Krado nlioc.-i; Kizca 8V1> tn 1. W hile th e y Inat, n t—

! $1.951* Come'^arlj nnd Cef T o ir Choice

Idaho D epartm ent• -- -----Stor<5r-----if— ■

* .A flrrA II llie 'liM t {’Jjicp to Trade

[ES - !

Labor D ay P roclun jed li . Holiday by Moore |l

: (lorernor Moor« haa l*niird (ho foi* 11 •* lft**i*r'^Ifty i‘f''vliuiiiiMim i'~ — -U

»y an-oel-of-ihe l»Klalatnro-of-fhe | Stale of Idaho, thn flrat Mondny of September la dcalRnaicd aa l.abor day.

T hrro ia n truo dlKnlly coancclod wllh labor and It la fllllnK th a t all peopio of the alaic rccosnlsc tho . Kreat value of llir InliorlnR people. i< alnco Uicy arc actiini producura ot

I much o fUin wealth of the male.' It acenia lilRhly fllilnR that a day

bo ucl npari for pnyln* reapcctta to ' the, oobllliy of labor nnd lu the ni'-

; ceaaliy of toll In the uroduciilnn of flootla and nJI Jboao aihllUo/jnl

- fcalurua-*hitU-ii>ak.*-llf<*>rlchrr-and fuller. Chnm cier In tlevuloned by Jf overcomlnj; rmlalencc nud by labor 11

t toward aome hlsh conl. Tbo h lsh 5- etiarauler-^f—4h«*-l«lmHnr—t'e^>plr>-o^ *“ • tbe auvlft of Idaho hna been rec* 2.' I OKnUnd for nmny yeora and It la T

hlKhly propur tbnt a day ohoiild bo V,' J alvcn over lo aoclal intcrcoum e and '

lo Uio excbanRc of Ideaii naionK theae, olerllaR clilrcna of ibn mate,.Vow. iliBrcforo. In confornili>’ to law ond in liuuplitR with Ilm iiplrli of dcm- “ ocracy. I. II. C. Moore, rovornor nf

- Idabo, iiereliy proclnim Monday Sept. ^ . iai-1, Ijibor Day, and mom ■•nrncni-r ly rccnmmond ibat on. ibbi day a ll « ' . bUaliloaa, oa far na iioualble, bu aun- . pendr<r. Iho nnlloual cmbti'Ui be dla- . played and lhat mvulliikii bo held , and rcapiTt lo Uiu mon and wnnivn y<

who coatnbuttT ao much (o t(i<i rich* nAia and blenalni; u( ilia b«iI(-, . a

Given under my band and iho m'enl du . ncal of Ibo Kialu of tiiaho, iLla- 27ih re

day of AuKiini, lura. H'<; '* c . c . MooiU:,

rtovornor.A lleai: I-*. A- JI?TKU. Ui

S»'i:reiary of Slale. ov

f i

' B : y f f l H l r B


^ m D c B S r a l ~

I I U s e o iI «<llan( niQuth waah and

X Z S c , 5 0 e ,M I.liinrliKi. AnIlMpllc. dJ Q phrHctic—

' Z l o i 4 2 o i

Sm I’jorrliocld# l>uwd«r. ‘HiWn trif '' f.<r the pr»T«nllo

^ I - l“Torrhea-;.-.r..-:;;v.r.'.1 V-sffl i=br CB f I Poolut D«nt»t no«a.' Bi

BwWv t


J , ___ ' , . DVromlnrnt Twin >'alN Uaalntaa Mnn

Will >Vcd Ono of Loa ''ADirolrx Leadlnir Soclelj- lilrlH j' WoddlnB' . .

’ . Mill U«> Ilrllllnn t Affair > a t 'K le - gnnt Fanillr Homo of llrU e. }“

f .Mr. and Mra. IL C; Beach Lsavo ^ . JliL’i-fl.v.tailng-fut-f.oii -Angiiltia.,vtlinca —

'. Ihey wfll wliiieiia ibo marrlaRe of _ . Ihclr non Kcnnolli tu Mlaa - Dorolliy 1 : Mnnacr, dnURhlor ot. Mr,' and Mra.

^ and iioclety folk« ot L ia AnRelea., Tho coreniuny will bo aolomnlicd al , Ibo bnn'nUfuI lumio of (ho brlilu on , Van Neaa oveuito a t 8:30 o'clock , Snlurduy ovenlnR wltb only iho Ini- nl ’ mvdliito fnmllloa iirouenU cJ<

Tbo youuK pooplo •r<s coIIOrc In . frienda, havlnR becomo acoualniad vv ' ul tbc niaio. niilvuVally uf California ali ; whore Mr. Hcach Rradualod Inat '. your nn.l Mlaa Monaor look hor dc* W 1 Krco w llh tho 1U2.1 claaa. ' Mi

KoIIowIhr tho weddlnB they will mi . RO Immodlaiely tu bla old homo In Mi I LowUlon,' Idaho, whoro hla many L yuuuK frienda 'oro oponlBR ui> the n> . beaiJtllul Deacii Uoma uud will gire . a number of rvcoplioha Jn liln honur '»

durlnn-ihu fortnlKht which ihoy will <?" remain llmro buforo- codiIse uq to 'O' Twin Falla. , . Hr

Paj-enla nny .Homf fo r Son.Tbla moraluK .Mr. ajiil llta . ll.'C ."f< ’

UoBch purchnacd Iha home (ormerly owuiid by Mm, Charloite. Conover

H j ______ • , _____ :

an ToothNeyerDei

. 25c C o lg a te ’s R ib b o n D ental Cream <E uU foain ' ' ^

„ . ^ , 50c Zylano. T o lOfi Tooth P o w d er soc. Zylaao S bk a e Tooih Post*___________ PaaU

I M o u t h W € is h I' ' I t z ic ti;e, S l . O O J . ^

e. dtodorant. pro- knd en aid In i>rtv«i ' Pyorrheiw—.

2 o , 8 3 o 21c, 4;‘KadlCAted daoU* Or. Wcroal'a I’owdai

I s e D e n t a l F lo s iClfanmg BetweOi the Te,

’EDNESD.\Y, .AyQUSTV29,'‘/1923

(■^Qt 127 faUlh aTonue. *o ii}* iu i will preaent thia beauUiul .home to th*lr . non and.hia wife aa a wedOlOf pr*i* ont. T ltk . la one or-.U>e - te ry «*•

• irac llfe TTomea In ,TwinV;|>i|S ' and :

and oleiantiy furnlahod at>d.'-wlll be decorated ' (or tbo n rrlvai .-of Ihe . brldo and groom aorae tim e aow innuUi.

• Mr. Bench la m anager o f tho Idaho ' DpparUnont atoro ;n |urT iuji' boon en- Raeod In thal c a p f i ^ r f o r a Vtar or

’ more. DurlnR hla atay lioi'o .ho h u‘ mndo a hoat uf frienda and bualneaa<' ncquolntancea who w ill jolB 'ln wiah-• Ins him the beat th a t life J to ld i. 11*

la a member of Iho Twin 'Folia Kl- wonla club aad acUve la loclal cir-

t — —

' Three Nominees 'L P l n c M o n __________

the School Board'Thrco candldaton were ■ ;f\l»d. • for

nlominaUona for the comlns .sclipol cJccllnn laat n icht. A moctlnv held In Ibc ovnnlns eniforaed W. H. Wea­ver nnd l i N- I'lory and tho-triUowlng. alannd Ihn nomlnallon poUtlon;• ,Mni- llnn ry - Nunemakor, , ',ahclino Wynn. Mrn. GrorKO-nuko..MnV,OIlvo Montooth. Mra. Faloon^ C. Tl- Ship­man. Mri. U Ilayne. l i A '.^ o o n .an d Mm. Charlte W. Honk.

Nomlnailona p a p u n foe f m k W. Hrown worn flU-d by II, J. Weaver ami J- P. .McCJt/rc. -!If waJi' uodcr- iiond Ibat aonic day* a^o a iheellnR (Sidoraed Mr. Flory and C K< 1‘lckoli for tho poalUonn vacatetl by . J , O, ' Uradho’ and 0<. n . Kieib, but (hn I'lckoli polKInn w aa.no l filed. .L llllo .general Intorcal haa bcntx'-ahown no fnr In the result- , . ' .

f';iociloa wUl bo Tue«iay..',,.-,