AGIFORS – Presentation Crewportal at Lufthansa Helmuth Eggeling FRA ID/F New York, 28. May 2003.

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AGIFORS Presentation Crewportal at Lufthansa Helmuth Eggeling FRA ID/F New York, 28. May 2003 Slide 2 CREWPORTAL AT LH AGIFORS 2003 NEW YORKSeite 1 FRA ID/F, 28. May 2003 CREWPORTAL AT LUFTHANSA- AGIFORS 2003 New York.PPT Agenda Welcome to New York Crewportal Overview Crewportal - What`s that? Development History Crews using the LH Crewportal FBT Location UUNET VPN Workpad Example of Statistics Live-Demo Crewportal and Pilots WorkPad Examples of Screen-Shots FBT, CRA and WP AGIFORS Presentation Crewportal at Lufthansa CMS bei FRA ID/F Slide 3 CREWPORTAL AT LH AGIFORS 2003 NEW YORKSeite 2 FRA ID/F, 28. May 2003 CREWPORTAL AT LUFTHANSA- AGIFORS 2003 New York.PPT AGIFORS Presentation Crewportal at Lufthansa CMS bei FRA ID/F New York March 2002 Slide 4 CREWPORTAL AT LH AGIFORS 2003 NEW YORKSeite 3 FRA ID/F, 28. May 2003 CREWPORTAL AT LUFTHANSA- AGIFORS 2003 New York.PPT AGIFORS Presentation Crewportal at Lufthansa CMS bei FRA ID/F New York November 2002 Slide 5 CREWPORTAL AT LH AGIFORS 2003 NEW YORKSeite 4 FRA ID/F, 28. May 2003 CREWPORTAL AT LUFTHANSA- AGIFORS 2003 New York.PPT AGIFORS Airline Update LH Crewportal Overview CMS bei FRA ID/F Slide 6 CREWPORTAL AT LH AGIFORS 2003 NEW YORKSeite 5 FRA ID/F, 28. May 2003 CREWPORTAL AT LUFTHANSA- AGIFORS 2003 New York.PPT Crewportal Whats that? Our Flight Crews get access to all flight information, rosters, crew-lists, request-systems and further information from various applications within Lufthansa with Single Sign On (SSO) The Flight Crews have world wide, safe access to the CMS or other applications for information, retrieval and input of personal data non personal data Operation according Security concept with the Unions Safe CRA-environment to the LH-Intranet Use of securid Card with 128 Bit encryption Based on web or JAVA functions or JAVA applications AGIFORS Presentation Crewportal at Lufthansa CMS bei FRA ID/F Slide 7 CREWPORTAL AT LH AGIFORS 2003 NEW YORKSeite 6 FRA ID/F, 28. May 2003 CREWPORTAL AT LUFTHANSA- AGIFORS 2003 New York.PPT Crewportal Whats that? Concept of rolls based on personal data (function, etc.) and the roster information (crew of LH 400) within the CMS The Crewportal is running on the following plattforms CRA FBT WORKPAD EDS Employee Direct Service based on CMS with addresses, Passports etc ESS Employment Self Service based on SAP with bank accounts, name changes etc Development and enhancements in co-operation with Lufthansa Systems (LSY), Kernel Software and the department Flight and Crew Management (FRA ID/F) AGIFORS Presentation Crewportal at Lufthansa CMS bei FRA ID/F Slide 8 CREWPORTAL AT LH AGIFORS 2003 NEW YORKSeite 7 FRA ID/F, 28. May 2003 CREWPORTAL AT LUFTHANSA- AGIFORS 2003 New York.PPT AGIFORS Presentation Crewportal at Lufthansa CMS bei FRA ID/F Crewportal Whats that? Crew Remote Access (CRA) Can be used at home, hotel etc. Costs mainly paid by the crew members (PC / Laptop) with UUNet (private net) or own Internet Provider with LSY / NETEXTEND (VPN) both controlled by the RSA SecureID Flugbetriebsterminal (FBT) Special Campus-PC at German home bases Lufthansa Flight Training Center (LFTC) with LH ID Card and Password if necessary Pilots WorkPad (WP) Siemens Laptop at LH and CLH Can be used as CRA or FBT on Docking Stations at LH Bases Slide 9 CREWPORTAL AT LH AGIFORS 2003 NEW YORKSeite 8 FRA ID/F, 28. May 2003 CREWPORTAL AT LUFTHANSA- AGIFORS 2003 New York.PPT AGIFORS Presentation Crewportal at Lufthansa - History CMS bei FRA ID/F Short review of the development October 1996 Forum for Crews within CompuServe (Lufthansa Crew Forum) December 1997 The LH Crew Remote Access (CRA) is available February 1998 The so-called Flugbetriebsterminal (FBT) started operation with the same technology - Internet with encryption like CRA but with the LH Id Card (add. password for special activities) 1998 First price for the best Web-Page at the COMDEX FRA Slide 10 CREWPORTAL AT LH AGIFORS 2003 NEW YORKSeite 9 FRA ID/F, 28. May 2003 CREWPORTAL AT LUFTHANSA- AGIFORS 2003 New York.PPT AGIFORS Presentation Crewportal at Lufthansa - History CMS bei FRA ID/F Short Review of the development (cont`d) December 2000 Concentration of the complete technology of CRA, FBT and WorkPad (everything controlled by the WEB Server) 2001 New WorkPad for all LH COC Crews Crew Check-In in FRA CRS/K Requestsystem Cabin Crewmail for LH COC ROD technical status Slide 11 CREWPORTAL AT LH AGIFORS 2003 NEW YORKSeite 10 FRA ID/F, 28. May 2003 CREWPORTAL AT LUFTHANSA- AGIFORS 2003 New York.PPT AGIFORS Presentation Crewportal at Lufthansa - History CMS bei FRA ID/F Short Review of the development (cont`d) 2002 Worldcom and Netextend instead Compuserve (Internet Access possible without reconnection) Higher bandwidth at CMS by WORLDCOM (today MCI) User administration for others than crews Enhancements for WP (revisions / LIMAS History ) Introduction of Management Workpad CRS/K - Marketplace and Kicking BWS/K - Change of position for PU TRS/K (parttime request Cabin) with SAP connection UTS/K (Vacation change for CABIN) STV (give rights for another Flight Crew Member) Rosterinformation (CAS) Slide 12 CREWPORTAL AT LH AGIFORS 2003 NEW YORKSeite 11 FRA ID/F, 28. May 2003 CREWPORTAL AT LUFTHANSA- AGIFORS 2003 New York.PPT AGIFORS Presentation Crewportal at Lufthansa - History CMS bei FRA ID/F Short Review of the development (cont`d) 2003 Salary information is online for Flight Crews Acces via VPN with a CISCO Client Crewmail for LH CABIN - PU FLIRES Offline / LH Flightplan / Dictionary (Workpad) New Foren DBIS Uniform order Enhancement of the roster information 2003 under development WEB Briefing COC - LIDO and also OFFLINE (Workpad) eBriefing Cabin More Personal Informations on the homepage ZUP Security and Cosmic radiation ETS Interchange of pairings in the roster Slide 13 CREWPORTAL AT LH AGIFORS 2003 NEW YORKSeite 12 FRA ID/F, 28. May 2003 CREWPORTAL AT LUFTHANSA- AGIFORS 2003 New York.PPT AGIFORS Presentation Crewportal at Lufthansa CMS bei FRA ID/F Crews using the LH Crewportal Lufthansa Passenger Airline Condor Lufthansa Cargo AG Cityline (without the core CMS applications 1998) Condor Berlin (without the core CMS applications) Today we have approx. 18.000 users (cockpit and cabin) Slide 14 CREWPORTAL AT LH AGIFORS 2003 NEW YORKSeite 13 FRA ID/F, 28. May 2003 CREWPORTAL AT LUFTHANSA- AGIFORS 2003 New York.PPT AGIFORS Presentation Crewportal at Lufthansa - FBT CMS bei FRA ID/F FBT Location Slide 15 CREWPORTAL AT LH AGIFORS 2003 NEW YORKSeite 14 FRA ID/F, 28. May 2003 CREWPORTAL AT LUFTHANSA- AGIFORS 2003 New York.PPT AGIFORS Presentation Crewportal at Lufthansa - UUNET CMS bei FRA ID/F UUNET Slide 16 CREWPORTAL AT LH AGIFORS 2003 NEW YORKSeite 15 FRA ID/F, 28. May 2003 CREWPORTAL AT LUFTHANSA- AGIFORS 2003 New York.PPT AGIFORS Presentation Crewportal at Lufthansa - VPN CMS bei FRA ID/F VPN Slide 17 CREWPORTAL AT LH AGIFORS 2003 NEW YORKSeite 16 FRA ID/F, 28. May 2003 CREWPORTAL AT LUFTHANSA- AGIFORS 2003 New York.PPT AGIFORS Presentation Crewportal at Lufthansa - WP CMS bei FRA ID/F Workpad is the platform for the following applications T/O performance Information and communication Type rating training Recurrent training (JAR Ops, Dangerous Goods etc Documentation ( OM/A, OM/B, Route Manual Quality assurance Request systems ( vacation / roster / change of positions Cockpit briefing Initial training Slide 18 CREWPORTAL AT LH AGIFORS 2003 NEW YORKSeite 17 FRA ID/F, 28. May 2003 CREWPORTAL AT LUFTHANSA- AGIFORS 2003 New York.PPT AGIFORS Presentation Crewportal at Lufthansa - WP CMS bei FRA ID/F Workpad can be used as a normal Laptop or as a safe device for the above mentioned applications Therefore two partitions are available LH partition Private Partition The update for the Workpad can be done via LAN and also CRA (not yet DSL / Internet) Slide 19 CREWPORTAL AT LH AGIFORS 2003 NEW YORKSeite 18 FRA ID/F, 28. May 2003 CREWPORTAL AT LUFTHANSA- AGIFORS 2003 New York.PPT AGIFORS Presentation Crewportal at Lufthansa - WP CMS bei FRA ID/F Workpad Architecture Slide 20 CREWPORTAL AT LH AGIFORS 2003 NEW YORKSeite 19 FRA ID/F, 28. May 2003 CREWPORTAL AT LUFTHANSA- AGIFORS 2003 New York.PPT AGIFORS Presentation Crewportal at Lufthansa - Statistics CMS bei FRA ID/F Slide 21 CREWPORTAL AT LH AGIFORS 2003 NEW YORKSeite 20 FRA ID/F, 28. May 2003 CREWPORTAL AT LUFTHANSA- AGIFORS 2003 New York.PPT AGIFORS Presentation Crewportal at Lufthansa - Statistics CMS bei FRA ID/F Slide 22 CREWPORTAL AT LH AGIFORS 2003 NEW YORKSeite 21 FRA ID/F, 28. May 2003 CREWPORTAL AT LUFTHANSA- AGIFORS 2003 New York.PPT AGIFORS Presentation Crewportal at Lufthansa - Statistics CMS bei FRA ID/F Slide 23 CREWPORTAL AT LH AGIFORS 2003 NEW YORKSeite 22 FRA ID/F, 28. May 2003 CREWPORTAL AT LUFTHANSA- AGIFORS 2003 New York.PPT AGIFORS Presentation Crewportal at Lufthansa - Statistics CMS bei FRA ID/F Slide 24 CREWPORTAL AT LH AGIFORS 2003 NEW YORKSeite 23 FRA ID/F, 28. May 2003 CREWPORTAL AT LUFTHANSA- AGIFORS 2003 New York.PPT AGIFORS Presentation Crewportal at Lufthansa - Questions CMS bei FRA ID/F Questions before the Online Demo ? CrewportalWorkpad Slide 25 CREWPORTAL AT LH AGIFORS 2003 NEW YORKSeite 24 FRA ID/F, 28. May 2003 CREWPORTAL AT LUFTHANSA- AGIFORS 2003 New York.PPT AGIFORS Presentation Crewportal at Lufthansa FBT Screenshots CMS bei FRA ID/F Slide 26 CREWPORTAL AT LH AGIFORS 2003 NEW YORKSeite 25 FRA ID/F, 28. May 2003 CREWPORTAL AT LUFTHANSA- AGIFORS 2003 New York.PPT AGIFORS Presentation Crewportal at Lufthansa FBT Screenshots CMS bei FRA ID/F Slide 27 CREWPORTAL AT LH AGIFORS 2003 NEW YORKSeite 26 FRA ID/F, 28. May 2003 CREWPORTAL AT LUFTHANSA- AGIFORS 2003 New York.PPT AGIFORS Presentation Crewportal at Lufthansa FBT Screenshots CMS bei FRA ID/F Slide 28 CREWPORTAL AT LH AGIFORS 2003 NEW YORKSeite 27 FRA ID/F, 28. May 2003 CREWPORTAL AT LUFTHANSA- AGIFORS 2003 New York.PPT AGIFORS Presentation Crewportal at Lufthansa FBT Screenshots CMS bei FRA ID/F Slide 29 CREWPORTAL AT LH AGIFORS 2003 NEW YORKSeite 28 FRA ID/F, 28. May 2003 CREWPORTAL AT LUFTHANSA- AGIFORS 2003 New York.PPT AGIFORS Presentation Crewportal at Lufthansa FBT Screenshots CMS bei FRA ID/F Slide 30 CREWPORTAL AT LH AGIFORS 2003 NEW YORKSeite 29 FRA ID/F, 28. May 2003 CREWPORTAL AT LUFTHANSA- AGIFORS 2003 New York.PPT AGIFORS Presentation Crewportal at Lufthansa FBT Screenshots CMS bei FRA ID/F Slide 31 CREWPORTAL AT LH AGIFORS 2003 NEW YORKSeite 30 FRA ID/F, 28. May 2003 CREWPORTAL AT LUFTHANSA- AGIFORS 2003 New York.PPT AGIFORS Presentation Crewportal at Lufthansa CRA Screenshots CMS bei FRA ID/F Slide 32 CREWPORTAL AT LH AGIFORS 2003 NEW YORKSeite 31 FRA ID/F, 28. May 2003 CREWPORTAL AT LUFTHANSA- AGIFORS 2003 New York.PPT AGIFORS Presentation Crewportal at Lufthansa CRA Screenshots CMS bei FRA ID/F Slide 33 CREWPORTAL AT LH AGIFORS 2003 NEW YORKSeite 32 FRA ID/F, 28. May 2003 CREWPORTAL AT LUFTHANSA- AGIFORS 2003 New York.PPT AGIFORS Presentation Crewportal at Lufthansa CRA Screenshots CMS bei FRA ID/F Slide 34 CREWPORTAL AT LH AGIFORS 2003 NEW YORKSeite 33 FRA ID/F, 28. May 2003 CREWPORTAL AT LUFTHANSA- AGIFORS 2003 New York.PPT AGIFORS Presentation Crewportal at Lufthansa CRA Screenshots CMS bei FRA ID/F Slide 35 CREWPORTAL AT LH AGIFORS 2003 NEW YORKSeite 34 FRA ID/F, 28. May 2003 CREWPORTAL AT LUFTHANSA- AGIFORS 2003 New York.PPT AGIFORS Presentation Crewportal at Lufthansa CRA Screenshots CMS bei FRA ID/F Slide 36 CREWPORTAL AT LH AGIFORS 2003 NEW YORKSeite 35 FRA ID/F, 28. May 2003 CREWPORTAL AT LUFTHANSA- AGIFORS 2003 New York.PPT AGIFORS Presentation Crewportal at Lufthansa CRA Screenshots CMS bei FRA ID/F Slide 37 CREWPORTAL AT LH AGIFORS 2003 NEW YORKSeite 36 FRA ID/F, 28. May 2003 CREWPORTAL AT LUFTHANSA- AGIFORS 2003 New York.PPT AGIFORS Presentation Crewportal at Lufthansa CRA Screenshots CMS bei FRA ID/F Slide 38 CREWPORTAL AT LH AGIFORS 2003 NEW YORKSeite 37 FRA ID/F, 28. May 2003 CREWPORTAL AT LUFTHANSA- AGIFORS 2003 New York.PPT AGIFORS Presentation Crewportal at Lufthansa CRA Screenshots CMS bei FRA ID/F Slide 39 CREWPORTAL AT LH AGIFORS 2003 NEW YORKSeite 38 FRA ID/F, 28. May 2003 CREWPORTAL AT LUFTHANSA- AGIFORS 2003 New York.PPT AGIFORS Presentation Crewportal at Lufthansa CRA Screenshots CMS bei FRA ID/F Slide 40 CREWPORTAL AT LH AGIFORS 2003 NEW YORKSeite 39 FRA ID/F, 28. May 2003 CREWPORTAL AT LUFTHANSA- AGIFORS 2003 New York.PPT AGIFORS Presentation Crewportal at Lufthansa CRA Screenshots CMS bei FRA ID/F Slide 41 CREWPORTAL AT LH AGIFORS 2003 NEW YORKSeite 40 FRA ID/F, 28. May 2003 CREWPORTAL AT LUFTHANSA- AGIFORS 2003 New York.PPT AGIFORS Presentation Crewportal at Lufthansa CRA Screenshots CMS bei FRA ID/F Slide 42 CREWPORTAL AT LH AGIFORS 2003 NEW YORKSeite 41 FRA ID/F, 28. May 2003 CREWPORTAL AT LUFTHANSA- AGIFORS 2003 New York.PPT AGIFORS Presentation Crewportal at Lufthansa CRA Screenshots CMS bei FRA ID/F Slide 43 CREWPORTAL AT LH AGIFORS 2003 NEW YORKSeite 42 FRA ID/F, 28. May 2003 CREWPORTAL AT LUFTHANSA- AGIFORS 2003 New York.PPT AGIFORS Presentation Crewportal at Lufthansa CRA Screenshots CMS bei FRA ID/F Slide 44 CREWPORTAL AT LH AGIFORS 2003 NEW YORKSeite 43 FRA ID/F, 28. May 2003 CREWPORTAL AT LUFTHANSA- AGIFORS 2003 New York.PPT AGIFORS Presentation Crewportal at Lufthansa CRA Screenshots CMS bei FRA ID/F Slide 45 CREWPORTAL AT LH AGIFORS 2003 NEW YORKSeite 44 FRA ID/F, 28. May 2003 CREWPORTAL AT LUFTHANSA- AGIFORS 2003 New York.PPT AGIFORS Presentation Crewportal at Lufthansa CRA Screenshots CMS bei FRA ID/F Slide 46 CREWPORTAL AT LH AGIFORS 2003 NEW YORKSeite 45 FRA ID/F, 28. May 2003 CREWPORTAL AT LUFTHANSA- AGIFORS 2003 New York.PPT AGIFORS Presentation Crewportal at Lufthansa CRA Screenshots CMS bei FRA ID/F Slide 47 CREWPORTAL AT LH AGIFORS 2003 NEW YORKSeite 46 FRA ID/F, 28. May 2003 CREWPORTAL AT LUFTHANSA- AGIFORS 2003 New York.PPT AGIFORS Presentation Crewportal at Lufthansa CRA Screenshots CMS bei FRA ID/F Slide 48 CREWPORTAL AT LH AGIFORS 2003 NEW YORKSeite 47 FRA ID/F, 28. May 2003 CREWPORTAL AT LUFTHANSA- AGIFORS 2003 New York.PPT AGIFORS Presentation Crewportal at Lufthansa CRA Screenshots CMS bei FRA ID/F Slide 49 CREWPORTAL AT LH AGIFORS 2003 NEW YORKSeite 48 FRA ID/F, 28. May 2003 CREWPORTAL AT LUFTHANSA- AGIFORS 2003 New York.PPT AGIFORS Presentation Crewportal at Lufthansa WP Screenshots CMS bei FRA ID/F Slide 50 CREWPORTAL AT LH AGIFORS 2003 NEW YORKSeite 49 FRA ID/F, 28. May 2003 CREWPORTAL AT LUFTHANSA- AGIFORS 2003 New York.PPT AGIFORS Presentation Crewportal at Lufthansa WP Screenshots CMS bei FRA ID/F Slide 51 CREWPORTAL AT LH AGIFORS 2003 NEW YORKSeite 50 FRA ID/F, 28. May 2003 CREWPORTAL AT LUFTHANSA- AGIFORS 2003 New York.PPT AGIFORS Presentation Crewportal at Lufthansa WP Screenshots CMS bei FRA ID/F Slide 52 CREWPORTAL AT LH AGIFORS 2003 NEW YORKSeite 51 FRA ID/F, 28. May 2003 CREWPORTAL AT LUFTHANSA- AGIFORS 2003 New York.PPT AGIFORS Presentation Crewportal at Lufthansa WP Screenshots CMS bei FRA ID/F Slide 53 CREWPORTAL AT LH AGIFORS 2003 NEW YORKSeite 52 FRA ID/F, 28. May 2003 CREWPORTAL AT LUFTHANSA- AGIFORS 2003 New York.PPT AGIFORS Presentation Crewportal at Lufthansa WP Screenshots CMS bei FRA ID/F Slide 54 CREWPORTAL AT LH AGIFORS 2003 NEW YORKSeite 53 FRA ID/F, 28. May 2003 CREWPORTAL AT LUFTHANSA- AGIFORS 2003 New York.PPT AGIFORS Presentation Crewportal at Lufthansa WP Screenshots CMS bei FRA ID/F Slide 55 CREWPORTAL AT LH AGIFORS 2003 NEW YORKSeite 54 FRA ID/F, 28. May 2003 CREWPORTAL AT LUFTHANSA- AGIFORS 2003 New York.PPT AGIFORS Presentation Crewportal at Lufthansa WP Screenshots CMS bei FRA ID/F Slide 56 CREWPORTAL AT LH AGIFORS 2003 NEW YORKSeite 55 FRA ID/F, 28. May 2003 CREWPORTAL AT LUFTHANSA- AGIFORS 2003 New York.PPT AGIFORS Presentation Crewportal at Lufthansa WP Screenshots CMS bei FRA ID/F Slide 57 CREWPORTAL AT LH AGIFORS 2003 NEW YORKSeite 56 FRA ID/F, 28. May 2003 CREWPORTAL AT LUFTHANSA- AGIFORS 2003 New York.PPT AGIFORS Presentation Crewportal at Lufthansa WP Screenshots CMS bei FRA ID/F Slide 58 CREWPORTAL AT LH AGIFORS 2003 NEW YORKSeite 57 FRA ID/F, 28. May 2003 CREWPORTAL AT LUFTHANSA- AGIFORS 2003 New York.PPT AGIFORS Presentation Crewportal at Lufthansa WP Screenshots CMS bei FRA ID/F Slide 59 CREWPORTAL AT LH AGIFORS 2003 NEW YORKSeite 58 FRA ID/F, 28. May 2003 CREWPORTAL AT LUFTHANSA- AGIFORS 2003 New York.PPT AGIFORS Presentation Crewportal at Lufthansa WP Screenshots CMS bei FRA ID/F Slide 60 CREWPORTAL AT LH AGIFORS 2003 NEW YORKSeite 59 FRA ID/F, 28. May 2003 CREWPORTAL AT LUFTHANSA- AGIFORS 2003 New York.PPT AGIFORS Presentation Crewportal at Lufthansa CHECK WP Screenshot CMS bei FRA ID/F