AFAMS The Endocrine System سيستم اندوکرين (دستگاه هورمون ها) EO 003.01...

AFAMS The Endocrine System ) ( ها ن و مر و ه اه گ ت س د ن ي ر ک دو مان ت س ي سEO 003.01 Part 12

Transcript of AFAMS The Endocrine System سيستم اندوکرين (دستگاه هورمون ها) EO 003.01...

Page 1: AFAMS The Endocrine System سيستم اندوکرين (دستگاه هورمون ها) EO 003.01 Part 12.


The Endocrine System) ها ) هورمون دستگاه اندوکرين سيستم

EO 003.01 Part 12

Page 2: AFAMS The Endocrine System سيستم اندوکرين (دستگاه هورمون ها) EO 003.01 Part 12.


Lesson Overviewآموزشى نکات

1. Function of the Endocrine System

2. Function of Hormones

3. Anatomy of the Endocrine System

4. Endocrine Glands

5. Control of Hormone Release

6. Disorders of the Endocrine System

7. In-class Assignment

Insert Dari

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Function of the Endocrine System )Insert Dari(

A system of glands that secrete hormones into the blood stream in order to maintain balance in the body.

A hormone is a chemical released by a gland, or an organ in one part of the body that affects another part of the body.

Insert Dari

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The Endocrine Systemاندوکرين سيستم

• Endocrine and nervous systems work together

• Endocrine system• hormones released into the

bloodstream travel throughout the body

• results may take hours, but last longer

• Nervous system• certain parts release hormones into

blood• rest release neurotransmitters to

excite or inhibit nerve, muscle & gland cells

• results in milliseconds, brief duration of effects

باهم • اعصاب و ها هورمون سيستمميکنند کار يکجا

اندوکرين • سيستمجريان • در آزادشده هاى هورمون

ميشوند منتشر بدن تمام به خونطول • ها ساعت است ممکن نتايج

ميکند دوام دير اما بکشد،عصبى • سيستم

را • ها هورمون آن، معين هاى بخشميسازند آزاد خون جريان به

عصبى • هاى دهنده انتقال باقيماندهمانع يا تحريک سبب ساخته، آزاد را

غدوات و عضلى عصبى، حجراتميشود

کوتاه • تأثير و ثانيه هزارم در نتيجهمدت

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General Functions of Hormonesها وظايفعمومىهورمون

• Help regulate:• Metabolism• contraction of cardiac &

smooth muscle• glandular secretion• some immune functions

• Growth & development• Reproduction

• تنظيم در :کمک• ميتابوليزم

) استقالب)• عضالت انقباض

صاف و قلبى• غدوى ترشحات• وظايف از بعضى

دفاعى• انکشاف و رشد• ) مثل ) توليد تناسل

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Hormone Receptors

Hormones only affect target cells with specific membrane proteins called receptors

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هورمونى هاى آخذه

مؤثر هدف حجرات آن بر تنها ها غشاى هورمون داراى که دارندميباشند ها، آخذه بنام مخصوص پروتئينى

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Anatomy of the Endocrine System

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)Insert Dari(

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Endocrine Glands Definedاندوکرين تعريفغدوات

• Exocrine glands• secrete products into ducts which

empty into body cavities or body surface

• sweat, oil, mucous, & digestive glands

• Endocrine glands• secrete products )hormones( into

bloodstream• pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid,

adrenal, pineal• other organs secrete hormones as a

2nd function• hypothalamus, thymus,

pancreas, ovaries, testes, kidneys, stomach, liver, small intestine, skin, heart & placenta

•) ايکزوکرين ) خارجى ترشحات داراى غدواتهاى ) • کانال قنوات به را خود توليدات

يا( ها حفره به که ميکنند ترشح کوچکىميشوند خالى بدن سطح

هاضمه • غدوات و مخاط، چربى، عرق،•) داخلى ) ترشحات داراى اندوکرين غدوات

• ) خون ) جريان به را ها هورمون خود توليداتميکنند ترشح

ايپى • ادرينال، پاراتيروئيد، تيروئيد، هيپوفيز،ثانوى، Zوظيفۀ بحيث ديگر اعضاى و فيز

ميکنند ترشح را ها هورمونپانقراس، • تيموس، هايپوتلموس،

) ( ، ها گرده ها کليه ها، بيضه ها، تخمدان ) جلد، ) کوچک، امعاى ، کبد جگر معده،

پالسنتا و قلب

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Hypothalamus and Pituitary Gland

Both are master endocrine glands since their hormones control other endocrine glands. Pituitary gland also secretes hormones that control growth.

اند، • عمده اندوکرين Zغدۀ هردوغدوات شان، هاى هورمون چون

ميکنند کنترول را ديگر اندوکرين

ThyroidProduces thyroid hormones which are

responsible for our metabolic rate.

نخاميه غدۀ و هايپوتلموس

)Insert Dari(

Alimentary Tract

Insert Dari

)Insert Dari(

Insert Dari)Stomach, Duodenum, Liver, Kidney and Pancreas(

Secrete hormones that aid in digestion/absorption of various nutrients )i.e. insulin which allows cells to absorb sugar(

Parathyroid)Insert Dari(

Insert DariProduces hormones which control calcium absorption.

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Adrenal Glands

Secrete hormones that regulate kidney function as well as releasing hormones in response to stress.

)Insert Dari(

Insert Dari

Reproductive Glands

Testes – produce testosterone, which promotes development of male sex characteristics )i.e. beard growth(.

Ovaries – produce estrogen, which promotes the development of female sex characteristics and controls the menstrual cycle and prepares for milk production.

)Insert Dari(

•) ها ) خصيه ها بيضهميکند • توليد تيستيستيرونخصوصيات • و سپرم توليد

تنظيم را ثانوى جنسىميکند

ها • تخمدانپروجسترون، • ايستروجن،

انهيبين و ريلکسينتنظيم • را قاعدگى Zدورۀ

و نگهداشته را حمل نمودهبراى را سينه غدوات

ميسازد آماده شيردادن

)Testes, Ovaries(

Page 13: AFAMS The Endocrine System سيستم اندوکرين (دستگاه هورمون ها) EO 003.01 Part 12.


Miscellaneous Hormones ها . آيکوسانوئيد مختلفۀ) هاى هورمون

• Local hormones released by all body cells

• Leukotrienes influence WBCs & inflammation

• Prostaglandins alter

• smooth muscle contraction, glandular secretion, blood flow, platelet function, nerve transmission, metabolism etc.

تمام • توسط محلى هاى هورمونميشوند آزاد بدن حجرات

خون • سفيد کرويات بر ليوکوترائينزدارد نفوذ التهاب و

ميدهد • تغير ها پروستاگلندينساده، • عضالت انقباض

جريان غدوات، ترشحاتدموى، صفحات وظايف خون،

و استقالب عصبى، انتقالغيره

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Control of Hormone Secretionترشحاتهورمون کنترول

• Regulated by signals from nervous system, chemical changes in the blood or by other hormones

• Negative feedback control )most common(

• decrease/increase in blood level is reversed

• Positive feedback control

• the change produced by the hormone causes more hormone to be released

• Disorders involve either hyposecretion or hypersecretion of a hormone

سيگنال ) • عالمات توسط شده تنظيمتغيرات( عصبى، سيستم هاى

هاى هورمون يا و خون در کيمياوىديگر

بصورت ) • منفى العمل عکس کنترول) م عا بسيار

خون/ • سطح ازدياد تقليلاست شده معکوس

مثبت • العمل عکس کنترولتوسط • شده توليد تغيرات

شدن آزاد سبب ها، هورمونميشود بيشتر هاى هورمون

و • کمبود شامل اختالالت يا تشوشاتميباشد هورمون ترشح ازدياد هم يا

Page 15: AFAMS The Endocrine System سيستم اندوکرين (دستگاه هورمون ها) EO 003.01 Part 12.


Disorders of the Endocrine System)Insert Dari(

• Dwarfism • Thyroid Disorders• Diabetes

Insert Dari

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Pituitary Gland Disordersنخاميه غدۀ) تشوشات

• Hypo secretion during childhood = pituitary dwarfism )proportional, childlike body(

• Hyper secretion during childhood = giantism

• very tall, normal proportions

• Hyper secretion as adult = acromegaly

• growth of hands, feet, facial features & thickening of skin

کودکى • دوران در ترشحات کمبود ) دوارفيزم= ) نخامى قدى کوتاه

کودکى = • دوران ترشحات ازديادعادى ) غير افزايش پيکرى غول

رشد(نورمال • تناسب طويل، خيلى

کاهالن = • در ترشحات ازديادعادى ) غير بزرگى اکروميگالى

) پاها و ها دست و روىو • روى پاها، ها، دست رشد

جلد شدن ضخيم

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Insert Dari

Insert Dari

Acromegaly Insert Dari

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Thyroid Gland Disordersتيروئيد غدۀ) تشوشات

• Hypothyroidism in adult produces sensitivity to cold, low body temp weight gain & mental dullness

• Hyperthyroidism )Grave’s disease(

• weight loss, nervousness, tremor & exophthalmos )edema behind eyes(

• Goiter = enlarged thyroid )dietary(

تيروئيد • Zغدۀ فعاليت شدن کم ) حساسيت) سبب بالغان در درقيه

Zدرجۀ شدن کم سردى، مقابل بهکندى و وزن شدن زياد حرارت،

ميشود دماغىتيروئيد • Zغدۀ فعاليت زيادشدن

بودن، • عصبى وزن، باختنها چشم برامدن و لرزه) ها) چشم عقب پنديدگى

تيروئيد = • Zغدۀ شدن کالن جاغور) غذا) به مربوط

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Insert Dari

Insert Dari

Insert Dari

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Diabetes Mellitus & Hyperinsulinismانسولين ازدياد و مرضقند

• Diabetes mellitus marked by hyperglycemia )high blood suger(

• excessive urine production

• excessive thirst

• excessive eating

• Type I----deficiency of insulin )under 20(

• Type II---adult onset

• cells may be less sensitive to hormone

قند • مقدار ازدياد تشخيص با قند، مرضخون

حد • از بيش ادرار توليدحد • از بيش تشنگىحد • از بيش گرسنگى

از --- ) • پائينتر انسولين فقدان اول ٢٠نوعسال(

بالغان --- • در وقوع دوم نوعهورمون • بمقابل شايد حجرات

باشند حساس کمتر

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Questions? )Insert Dari(

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In-class Assignment)Insert Dari(

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1. What is the function of the Endocrine System? )Insert Dari(

A( To secrete hormones that maintain balance in the body.

B( Allow for movement

C( Absorb nutrients

D( Provide Oxygen to the blood.

Insert Dari

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1. Answer: What is the function of the Endocrine System? )Insert Dari(

A( To secrete hormones that maintain balance in the body.

B( Allow for movement

C( Absorb nutrients

D( Provide Oxygen to the blood.

Insert Dari

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2. Which of the following statements are correct? )Insert Dari(

A( The endocrine and nervous system do NOT work together.

B( The nervous system does NOT cause the release of hormones.

C( Hormones released by the endocrine system achieve results in milliseconds

D( Hormones are released from special glands called endocrine glands.

Insert Dari

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2. Which of the following statements are correct? )Insert Dari(

A( The endocrine and nervous system do NOT work together.

B( The nervous system does NOT cause the release of hormones.

C( Hormones released by the endocrine system achieve results in milliseconds

D( Hormones are released from special glands called endocrine glands.

Insert Dari

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3. Which of the following is not a function of hormones? )Insert Dari(

A( Regulate metabolism

B( Regulate growth and development

C( Reproduction

D( All the above are functions of hormones

Insert Dari

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3. Which of the following is not a function of hormones? )Insert Dari(

A( Regulate metabolism

B( Regulate growth and development

C( Reproduction

D( All the above are functions of hormones

Insert Dari

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4. Match the gland with its function)Insert Dari(

A( Hypothalamus

B( Ovaries

C( Adrenal gland

D( Testes

E( Pituitary gland

1( Growth and development

2( Female sex hormones and reproduction

3( Master gland

4( Kidney function and stress hormones

5( Male sex hormones and reproduction

Insert Dari

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4. Answer: Match the gland with its function)Insert Dari(

A( Hypothalamus )3( Master Gland

B( Ovaries )2( Female sex hormones and reproduction

C( Adrenal gland )4( kidney function and stress hormones

D( Testes )5( male sex hormones and reproduction

E( Pituitary gland )1( Growth and development

Insert Dari

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5. Fill in the blank with hyper or hypo)Insert Dari(

A( Dwarfism is caused by _____secretion by the pituitary gland.

B( Diabetes is caused by _____secretion of insulin.

C( _____thyroidism is characterized by weight gain, mental dullness and sensitivity to the cold.

D( ______thyroidism is characterized by weight loss, sometimes bulging eyes and tremor.

Insert Dari

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5. Fill in the blank with hyper or hypo)Insert Dari(

A( Dwarfism is caused by hypo secretion by the pituitary gland.

B( Diabetes is caused by hypo secretion of insulin.

C( Hypothyroidism is characterized by weight gain, mental dullness and sensitivity to the cold.

D( Hyperthyroidism is characterized by weight loss, sometimes bulging eyes and tremor.

Insert Dari