A phase II study of rebeccamycin analog (NSC-655649) in metastatic renal cell cancer

Investigational New Drugs 21: 465±471, 2003. # 2003 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Manufactured in the United States. 465 A phase II study of rebeccamycin analog (NSC-655649) in metastatic renal cell cancer Maha Hussain 1 , Ulka Vaishampayan 1 , Lance K. Heilbrun 1 , Vikash Jain 1 , Patricia M. LoRusso 1 , Percy Ivy 2 and Lawrence Flaherty 1 1 Division of Hematology/Oncology, Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Institute and Wayne State, University, Detroit, MI; 2 Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis (DCTD), National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD Key words: Rebeccamycin, Renal cell carcinoma, Chemotherapy Summary Objective: Rebeccamycin analog (NSC-655649) is an antibiotic with antitumor properties demonstrated in preclinical and phase I studies. We conducted a phase II trial to evaluate the efficacy and toxicity of this agent in patients with advanced renal cell cancer (RCC). Methods: Eligible patients had histologically or cytologically confirmed diagnosis of RCC that was either locally advanced unresectable, locally recurrent, or metastatic. Patients had to have measurable disease, no prior chemotherapy, life expectancy of greater than 12 weeks, an Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) performance status of 0±2, adequate-organ function, and be 18 years old. Patients were treated with NSC-655649 at a dose of 165 mg/m 2 daily i.v. over 30±60 min for 5 days. Treatment was repeated every 21 days. Response was assessed every two courses. Results: Twenty-four patients were enrolled. There were sixteen males and eight females with a median age of 60.5 years (range 42±76). Nineteen were Caucasians, seventeen had prior nephrectomy, and thirteen had prior immunotherapy. The major toxicity was myelosuppression with grade 3 and 4 neutropenia in 38% of patients and anemia in 33% of patients. There were two partial responses (2/24, 8%) and 11 patients (46%) achieved stable disease (SD). The 6-month progression-free rate for patients with SD was 30%. Of the seventeen patients with progressive disease at registration, one had a PR and eight had SD. The overall median survival time for all 24 patients was 10.0 months (90% CI 5.2, 17.4 months). The 12-month survival rate was 39%, with 90% CI (0.21, 0.58). Nine patients are still alive with survival times ranging from 3.8 to 24.2 months, at a median follow-up time of 11.9 months. Conclusion: Rebeccamycin analog (NSC-655649) is well tolerated and has modest antitumor activity in patients with advanced RCC. Introduction Metastatic renal cell carcinoma (RCC) is an incurable disease with a median survival of 10 months [1]. With the exception of infrequent but occasionally durable responses to interleukin-2 (IL-2) there is no standard systemic therapy [1,2]. Treatment with interleukin-2 requires a good performance status along with excel- lent cardiopulmonary function and is associated with significant side effects making it less than ideal for the majority of patients. Rebeccamycin analog (NSC-655649) is an anti- biotic with antitumor properties. It is water-soluble as compared with the parent compound and has cytotoxic activity in vitro against mammalian tumor cell lines with a broad spectrum of antitumor activity in vivo in several models, including distal site, dis- seminated, and solid tumors in mice [3]. The exact mechanism of action of this agent is not entirely known, however, it is a strong DNA interca- lator [4]. It was also found to inhibit the catalytic activity of topoisomerase II, although this activity was not due to the stabilization of the DNA-enzyme intermediate. Several phase I trials of this rebeccamy- cin analog have been completed. Two utilized a short infusion (30 min±1-h infusion) with a maximum

Transcript of A phase II study of rebeccamycin analog (NSC-655649) in metastatic renal cell cancer

Page 1: A phase II study of rebeccamycin analog (NSC-655649) in metastatic renal cell cancer

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Page 5: A phase II study of rebeccamycin analog (NSC-655649) in metastatic renal cell cancer

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Page 6: A phase II study of rebeccamycin analog (NSC-655649) in metastatic renal cell cancer

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Page 7: A phase II study of rebeccamycin analog (NSC-655649) in metastatic renal cell cancer


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