A Lecture of Listening Class

A Lecture of Listening Class


A Lecture of Listening Class. 新考纲 听力测试要点: 1、理解主旨和大意 2、获取具体的事实性信息 3、对所听内容作出判断 4、理解说话者的意图、观点或态度. 听力考查的重点与难点. 话题训练. 重点: 获取具体的事实性信息 。 难点: 理解主旨和大意; 理解主旨和大意理解说话者的意图、观点或态度; 对所听内容作出判断 。. 三步三猜. 教学目的:培养学生做听力训练的习惯和运用听力策略. 一、高考分析和教学难重点. 听力习惯的养成 听力策略的学习. 三步三猜. 测试形式: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of A Lecture of Listening Class

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A Lecture of

Listening Class

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• 重点:获取具体的事实性信息。

• 难点:理解主旨和大意;理解主旨和大意理解说话者的意图、观点或态度;对所听内容作出判断。



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2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004

Text 1 购物 谈论天气


票价 购物 旅行

Text 2 判断地点






Text 3 谈论朋友




礼物 礼物

Text 4 目的意图



购物 个人与朋友


Text 5 个人活动






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设问全部是特殊疑问句,涵盖所有的疑问类型: what, when, who, where, why, how, what time, how many, how much, how long, how often, how soon, how old 等



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考点分类透析• 考点一:数字与计算类1. How many students did the woman belie

ve had taken the exam?A. Fifty B. Forty C. Twenty-five

[ 听力原文 ]M: How many students took the exam last Saturday?W: Well, let me see. Fifty had planned to but everyone didn’t show up. I believe that we had twenty-five from the Middle East and fifteen from Latin America.

[ 简析 ] twenty-five + fifteen = forty

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2. How much will the woman pay if she buys two skirts?

A. $18. B. $19. C. $20.

【听力原文】M: Very nice skirts. How much are they?

W: Ten dollars each, and one dollar off if you buy two.They are on sale.

【简析】选 B 。此题的材料中提到裙子的价格为 10 美元,买 2 件优惠 1 美元,那么买 2 件裙子的价格应为 10×2-1=19 。

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• 考点二:时间地点类1. What time does the train leave? (NMET 00-2)

A. At 6:15 B. At 6:25 C. At 6:50

[ 听力原文 ]M: I’m afraid we’ll miss the train. What time is it now?W: It’s 6:15. We have ten minutes left. Let’s hurry.

[ 简析 ] 6:15 + ten minutes = 6:25

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2. Where are the two speakers now? A. On the first floor.B. B. On the fourth floor. C. C. On the fifth floor.

[ 听力原文 ]W: Excuse me. I’m looking for Mr. Town.M: Oh,he is not on this floor; he’s on the fourth floor. Go down the stairs and turn left.

[ 简析 ] he’s on the fourth floor; Go down the stairs

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【解题策略】( 1 )数字类的试题一般有数字组成,它们或是

表示时间,或是表示长度、距离、电话号码等。( 2 )在听录音的时候一定要看选项,记住数字,


( 3 )此类试题往往要经过一些计算才能够得出正确答案,所以建议同学们把一些重要的数字记录下来,然后对比选项做出正确的选择。

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考点三:判断人物的职业、身份和关系What’s the probable relationship betw

een the two speakers? (05- 湖南 )A. Clerk and guest. B. Nurse and pati

ent.C. Manager and secretary.

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【听力原文】A: Excuse me, there is a problem with my room.

B: And what is the problem?

A: I ask for a non-smoking room, but I don’t have one. My room smells like a cigarette smoke. Could you change my room please?

B: Let me see. I’m sorry, but we don’t have anymore non-smoking rooms. We won’t charge your room tonight.

【简析】A。从两个说话者的口气及一些关键词 charge your room 可知两人的关系是 Clerk 和 guest 。

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常见人物之间的关系有:doctor-patient; lawyer-client

husband -wife; secretary-boss

teacher - student; driver-policeman

colleagues - friends; receptionist- tourist


shop assistant-customer;

waiter (waitress) - customer

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通常,在这几组人物关系中,我们会听到以下词或者词组:1、 doctor and patient : trouble 、 check 、 pain 、 sore 、

fever 、 heart 、 stomach 、 lungs 、 blood test 、 prescription 、 light diet 、 when did it start 、 open your mouth……

2、 husband and wife : dear 、 darling 、 sweetheart 、my love 、 cook 、 picnic 、 TV 、 dinner……

3、 shop assistant and customer : size 、 color 、 try on 、 price 、 discount 、 Can I help you ? What size do you wear ? Is that cash or charge ?……


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• 考点四:原因与结果类Why can’t the woman play her record

s?  A. Because she’s broken them. B. Because she’s left them in the caf

é. C. Because she’s forgotten where sh

e put them.

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[ 听力原文 ]M: How about playing some of the records you bought this afternoon?W: Impossible.M: Well, what happened?W: I put them on my bed, where I could see them, then left to have a drink. And when I came back, I sat on them.

[ 简析 ] 根据 impossible.; sat on them可推知 A 项。  

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• 考点五:综合推断类What is the man going to do? A. Open the window.B. Find another room. C. Go out

with the woman.

[ 听力原文 ]M: Excuse me, but it’s a bit hot in here. Is it OK if I open the window? W: Fine with me. I feel a little hot too.

[ 简析 ] A 。 Fine with me. I feel a little hot too.  因此可知, the woman 许可 the man的 open the window 的请求。

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要点 答案



划词 检查



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• 第二部分的听力理解。• 针对这部分都是选择题,可以利用已给出

的所有信息进行猜测:一猜听力材料主题( topic)二猜谈论要点( items)三猜部分答案选择的概率或者听力过程要注意听取的要点。( answers and endings)

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例如: 08 年高考的第一段对话和三个小题。1. What is Jack worried about when he starts college? A. His former classmates will graduate this year. B. His time off will put him at a disadvantage. C. He will have to practice a lot.2. After how many years did Susan return to college? A. Three years. B. Two years. C. One year.3. What advice does Susan give Jack about his study? A. Don't expect to catch on quickly. B. Don't take the English major. C. Don't take too many courses.


二猜要点: Jack的忧虑和Susan的建议






三猜部分答案选择的概率或者听力过程要注意听取的要点。( answers and endings)


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1. What is Jack worried about when he starts college? A. His former classmates will graduate this year. B. His time off will put him at a disadvantage. C. He will have to practice a lot.2. After how many years did Susan return to college? A. Three years. B. Two years. C. One year.3. What advice does Susan give Jack about his study? A. Don't expect to catch on quickly. B. Don't take the English major. C. Don't take too many courses.

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Step Ⅳ 综合听力练习以及小组讨论答案和技巧运用

• Group discussion

听前讨论内容:•划词— KEY WORDS•三猜—主题;要点;答案


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8. What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?A. Friends B. Husband and wife C. Boss and secretary9. Why is the man moving?A. He was fired B. He has got a new job C. He doesn’t like New York10. How will the man contact the woman?A. He will call her.B. He will write her letters.C. He will e-mail her.

节选《 2010 山东省高考全真模拟试题二》

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节选《 09 山东卷》听第 10段材料,回答第 17至 20题。17.What does Mr Henry Stone do?A. A bank clerk.B. A teacher.C. A writer. 18. What does Henry like doing at airports?A. Watching people.B. Telling stories. C. Reading magazines. 19. What did Henry learn from the newspaper that day?A. A valuable suitcase was missingB. A man stole money from a bank.C. A woman ran away from home.20. Why was the woman at the airport?A. She was traveling on business. B. She was seeing the man off.C. She was leaving for Greece.

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