A Here and A There



How we make sense of, and move about in, the city depends on who we are and where we have both come from and ‘arrived’; gender, race, nationality and class inevitably weigh heavily in the equation. Walking through the city allows a particularly unique type of engagement with the urban space and permits one to experience the city at its most personal level. Walking through the city is crucial to creating its space

Transcript of A Here and A There

1. See Cosgrove and Daniels (1988) The Iconography of Landscape, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press for a lucid exploration of landscape as symbolic of hidden realities. A similar framing is found in Marxist work like John Berger’s. 2. See Sheller and Urry (2006) ‘The New Mobilities Paradigm’, Environment and Planning A vol.38(2) pp207-226Notes 3-6 all draw on Tim Ingold’s (2000) excellent text, The Perception of the

Environment: essays in livelihood, dwelling and skill, London: Routledge