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Homework Help https://www.homeworkping.com/ Math homework help https://www.homeworkping.com/ Research Paper help https://www.homeworkping.com/ Algebra Help https://www.homeworkping.com/ Calculus Help https://www.homeworkping.com/ Accounting help https://www.homeworkping.com/ Paper Help https://www.homeworkping.com/ Writing Help https://www.homeworkping.com/ Online Tutor https://www.homeworkping.com/ Online Tutoring https://www.homeworkping.com/ http://www.dreamhomedecorating.com If you're looking for basic tips for applying the psychology of color in interior design, this page provides you with a quick overview. If you're more interested in the psychological effects of a specific color, you will find detailed accounts on the following pages: 'Neutral' colors - white , gray , black , brown ,

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Homework Help https://www.homeworkping.com/ Math homework helphttps://www.homeworkping.com/ Research Paper helphttps://www.homeworkping.com/ Algebra Helphttps://www.homeworkping.com/ Calculus Helphttps://www.homeworkping.com/ Accounting helphttps://www.homeworkping.com/ Paper Helphttps://www.homeworkping.com/ Writing Helphttps://www.homeworkping.com/ Online Tutorhttps://www.homeworkping.com/ Online Tutoringhttps://www.homeworkping.com/ http://www.dreamhomedecorating.com

If you're looking for basic tips for applying the psychology of color in interior design, this page provides you with a quick overview.

If you're more interested in the psychological effects of a specific color, you will find detailed accounts on the following pages:

'Neutral' colors - white, gray, black, brown, 'Warm' colors - yellow, orange, red, pink, and 'Cool' colors - purple, blue, green.

Fehrman, Kenneth and Fehrman, Cherie Color: The Secret Influence, Prentice Hall, 2nd edition 2004

•Color/light can penetrate your body – it has even been detected in the brain of a living


•Your skin is your largest photoreceptor, absorbing more color/light than your eyes.

•Pink can cause muscle weakness within 2.7 seconds after exposure. It is believed to affect the endocrine system almost immediately. More than 30 minutes in a pink environment causes hostility and aggression.

•Color/light can affect the immune system.

•Color/light therapy is used for treating jaundice in premature babies.

•Light-based therapies are used for treating disorders such as psoriasis - even cancer.

•Experiments have shown that red light can kill the HIV virus in blood.

•Researchers are studying a new generation of drugs that work by interacting with light to target specific areas of the body.

•Red light has been used as a wound healer and has been shown to stimulate production of cell tissue and promote the regeneration of skin and blood tissue.

Color in Interior Design CL by John Pile

Create dazzling color schemes for any indoor space. You'll quickly sharpen your color skills--and open the door to a more rewarding and profitable career with John F. Pile's Color in Interior Design. He takes the mystery out of working with color, showing you step-by-step how to plan color relationships in an organized and systematic way prepare color schemes for interiors.

Van Gogh Interior Design [Illustrated in Color] by Vincent van Gogh

These images are in color -- they render beautifully in optimized gray-scale tones for black-and-white e-book readers, but exhibit even more stunningly in full color with color readers, such as the NOOK Color, and inside apps for color-enabled computers and portable or hand-held devices.


Psychological effects of color and our responses are complex. Slight variations in the hue can show major differences, an attempt at a pink calming room can go horribly wrong if

there is too much red in the mixture for example. There has not been enough scientific research done to distinguish these minor differences, and we know that over time that our body adjusts to new stimulus.

Effects of Color

by Maryann Lorenz

Color has a powerful impact on people, it can energize, relax or stimulate.By considering the effects of color you can encourage activity or create a calm mood. For answers to your color questions for your interior design project, feel free to call me.

THE COLOR WHITEIn Western culture, white is associated with purity (think weddings, angels, white sheets hung on a line), elegance, and is perceived as uplifting. White can be used to make a space feel larger or that it has more light. When used in the wrong way, however, white can seem lifeless and boring. For cultures of the far east, white is the color of death and mourning. It is often the case that colors are perceived differently in various parts of the globe, so be careful.

THE COLOR GRAYUsed well, the color gray can lend interiors an elegant formality that is subtle without being overly conservative. It is the color if you want to create an air of calm, understated confidence. For gray to have this impact, it’s best combined with whites and other neutrals.

Gray can be a wonderful background color for other, more intense colors. If you get the right shade of gray and use it with colors that “pop” like pink, turquoise, or orange, it will calm the other colors down just enough.

THE COLOR BLACKUsed well, the color black can lend an air of sophistication and elegance to an interior design scheme.

Against a background of lighter colors or neutrals, anything in black will stand out. It can be used well to highlight architectural detail, furniture, or ornamental details.

The color black is often used to elicit an air of power, authority, and social prestige (think black Mercedes, professor’s robes and black-tie events). However, you won’t find much that’s actually joyful or uplifting about this color. So careful to not over-use black or you may create a menacing, dark feeling in the room.

THE COLOR BROWNBrown can be a ‘delicious’ color (think chocolate, coffee, cookies, bread). Those are the shades of brown that remind us of comfort, home and hearth.

Nature, too, is full of the color brown. In most parts of the world, brown is the color of the earth, and most plants have got at least some brown in them. This is why the psychological effects of the color brown are often described as reassuring, safe and stabilizing – we tend to feel safe in nature (as long as we focus on the positives and not the possibilities of natural disasters).

THE COLOR ORANGEThe color orange is the warmest color. It is perceived as emotionally stimulating, energetic, vibrant and fun.

Saturated orange attracts attention and stimulates appetite. It is is often used in advertising, as well as in kitchens and restaurants. It is no surprise that it is the color of Rachel Ray’s TV kitchen at the Food Network and incorporated into all her marketing materials.

THE COLOR REDRed is an extremely powerful color. It is the color of passion, appetite, and action. For these reasons, along with the color orange, red is often used in advertising, as well as in kitchens and restaurant decor.

As with other colors, the psychological effects of the color red depend very much on its intensity.


The color pink comes in lots of hues. Ripe-peach pink, bubble gum pink, hot Caribbean pink – they each have their own appeal and psychological effects.

In most Western countries, the color pink is seen as a ‘feminine’ color, and frequently used for anything to do with baby girls. But refined, sophisticated versions of the color

pink have been used in European interior (and fashion) design for centuries, for both men and women.

THE COLOR PURPLEThey say purple is the color of royalty. For centuries, the intended psychological effect of the color purple was to show that the wearer was of the nobility. The Roman emperor Julius Caesar (100BC-44BC) was so taken with the color that he decided he alone would be allowed to wear it.

THE COLOR BLUEMore people say that blue is their favorite color than any other.

In interior decorating, you can use the color blue to create a reflective, intellectual atmosphere. It’s not common to overheat emotionally and get upset or aggressive in a ‘cool’ environment – and the color blue has actually been shown to lower our blood pressure and heart rate.


The color green is perceived as calming and reassuring. In nature, the color green tells us that we are safe, that we are in a fertile, water-rich environment, above freezing temperatures, where there is enough to eat and we will survive. We can relax.


Color affects mood

The use of color makes an impact on our energy level, our temperament and can even affect our appetite. So, before you paint every room in your home your favorite color, identify the mood you would like each room to have. Think about the images you are hoping to convey and choose colors that elicit those specific moods accordingly.

The Top Color Schemes for a School ClassroomBy D.R. Stephenson,

Color is important in many ways---it can influence our moods enough that prisons and even sports locker rooms have been experimentally painted pink to reduce aggression among inmates or players. Because color has such potential to calm or excite us, careful consideration must be given to choosing the best colors for school classrooms.

Color for interior designEthel Rompilla

Color has always played an important role in interior design, from the earth-toned halls of ancient Cretan palaces to the bright surfaces of modern homes. Yet most people are largely unaware of the way in which color affects their surroundings. In this comprehensive introduction, readers discover the impact that color has on the way they see the world and learn how to effectively use color to beautify their environment.



It’s the best design tool there is - a splash of color here, a splash of color there.  Want a quick budget makeover for any room – paint it another color!  Want to change the feel of a room - change the color of the accessories.  But how do we pick the right color for the room?  How do we make the bedroom a calm, serene haven and the dining room a lively place to have your meal?