
增增增增增增增增增增增增增增增增增增增增增增增增增增 增增增增增增增增增增增增增增增增增增增增增增增 增增增增增增增增增 增增增增增增增增增增增增增增增增增增增增增增增增增增增增 。, 增增增增 增增增 β- 增增增增增 0.34 ~ 0.53 μmol/L 增增增增增增增增增增增 增增增增增增增增增增增增增增 增 、。 增增增增增增增增增增增增增 增增增增增增 增增增增增 增增增 增增增 增增增增增增增增增增增增 增增增增增增增增增增增增增增增增 一、、、、。 增增增增增增增增增 ( 增增增增增增 5 增增增增 ) 增增增 增增增增增增增增增增增增增增增增增增增增增增增增增增增增增增增增增 。, 增增增增 4 增增增增增增增增 增增 34 增 20 ~ 30 增增增增增增增增增增增增增增增增增增增 ( 增增增增增增增 ) 增 4 增增增 增增增增增增增增增 增增增增 ,、。 1.5 增增增增 1 增增增 增增增增增增增增增增增增增增增增增增增增增 增增增增增增 。。 0 1 4 增增增增增增增增增增增 4 增增 ( 增 8 增 ) 增增增增增增 增增增增 : 增增增增增增增增增增增 1 ~ 4 增增增 增增增增增增增增增增增增增增 (46 ~ 116%) 增增增增增增增增增增增增 增增增增增增 增增增增增增增增增增增增 。, 1 增增增 4 增增 β- 增增增增 增增增增增 β- 增增增增增增增增增增增增增增增增增增 增增增增 19 ~ 32% 15 ~ 47% 59 ~ 88% 增增增增增 / 增增增增增增增增 增增增 增增增增增 增增增增增 增增 ,一。, 1 增增增增增增增增增增增增增增增 增增增 4 增增增增增增增增 (48%) 增 增增增增增增1 增增增 4 增增增增增增增增增增增 (15 ~ 21%) 增增增增增增增增增增增增 增增增增增增增 4 增增 增增增增 β- 增增增增 增增增增增 β- 增增增增增增增增增增增增 增增增增增增增增 增增 。, 20 ~ 30 增 增增增增增增增增增增增 增增增增增增增增增增增增增增增增增增 15 ~ 88% 增增增增增 β- 增增增增增增增增增 0.38 ~ 0.52 μmol/L 增增增增增增增增增增增增增增增增增增 ,。


增加年輕人飲食中蔬果的攝取對血漿類胡蘿蔔素濃度的影響. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of 增加年輕人飲食中蔬果的攝取對血漿類胡蘿蔔素濃度的影響

Page 1: 增加年輕人飲食中蔬果的攝取對血漿類胡蘿蔔素濃度的影響


自然界中的類胡蘿蔔素廣泛存在於各種蔬菜及水果中。流行病學研究指出,飲食中的類胡蘿蔔素在降低癌症及慢性病的發生率上扮演相當重要的角色,血漿中 β- 胡蘿蔔素在0.34 ~ 0.53 μmol/L 此濃度範圍內其總死亡率、心血管疾病及癌症死亡率較低。而血漿類胡蘿蔔素的濃度會受到一些飲食型態、生理狀況、性別、年齡、吸煙及喝酒等因素的影響。許多研究皆指出年輕人每日蔬果的攝取量普遍低於建議量 ( 每天至少攝取 5 份的蔬果 ) 。因此,本次研究目的為增加年輕人飲食中蔬果的攝取對血漿類胡蘿蔔素的濃度的影響。本研究為 4 週的飲食介入實驗,招募 34 位 20 ~ 30 歲健康且無吸煙習慣的受試者攝取實驗飲食 ( 包括午餐及晚餐 ) 共 4 週,週六、日及假日則不供餐。每餐提供 1.5份蔬菜與 1 份水果。受試者在實驗期間需每天確實的填寫飲食記錄。收集受試者第 0 、1 、 4 週及在停止攝取實驗飲食 4 週後 ( 第 8 週 ) 的空腹靜脈血。結果顯示 : 受試者在攝取實驗飲食後,第 1 ~ 4 週飲食中膳食纖維攝取量皆顯著的上升 (46 ~ 116%) 。血漿類胡蘿蔔素含量方面,不管是男或女性受試者攝取實驗飲食後第 1 週及第 4 週,血漿β- 胡蘿蔔素、蕃茄紅素及 β- 玉米黃素與基準點相比較皆有顯著的上升,分別上升 19 ~ 32% 、 15 ~ 47% 、 59 ~ 88% 。至於葉黃素 / 玉米黃素含量方面,則無一致性結果。男性方面,在第 1 週時有上升的趨勢但無統計上意義,直到第 4 週時才有顯著增加 (48%) ;女性則是在第 1 週及第 4 週時皆有顯著上升的現象 (15 ~ 21%) 。不管是男或女性受試者在停止攝取實驗飲食 4 週後,其血漿中 β- 胡蘿蔔素、蕃茄紅素及 β- 玉米黃素的濃度皆顯著降低。由以上結果可知,增加 20 ~ 30 歲年輕人飲食中蔬果的攝取,的確會使血漿類胡蘿蔔素的濃度顯著增加 15 ~ 88% ,其中血漿中 β- 胡蘿蔔素濃度可達到 0.38 ~ 0.52 μmol/L ,進而達到預防癌症及慢性疾病的發生率。

Page 2: 增加年輕人飲食中蔬果的攝取對血漿類胡蘿蔔素濃度的影響

Plasma concentrations of carotenoids are influenced by increasing fruits and vegetables

intake in diets in young adults. Carotenoids are found in fruits and vegetables. Numerous epidemiologic studies have suggested that dietar

y carotenoids play a role in reducing the risk of cancer and chronic disease. The relative risk was lowest for persons with plasma β-carotene concentrations in the range of 0.34 to 0.53 μmol/L, with a risk reduction for total death, cardiovascular disease and cancer. However, some factors such as dietary habits, physiologic status, gender, age, smoking, and alcohol consumption may influence plasma carotenoid concentrations. Numerous studies have suggested that young people should ingest > 5 servings/day of fruits and vegetables. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of increased intake of fruits and vegetables in younger people on plasma carotenoids. This was a 4-wk dietary intervention study. Thirty-four healthy and nonsmoking (aged 20-30 years) subjects were given experimental meals including lunch and dinner for a 4-wk periods, but on weekends and holiday no meals were provided. Each meal provided 1.5 servings of vegetables and 1 serving of fruit. All subjects kept dietary records. At wk 0, 1, and 4, and 4 wk after subjects had stopped eatting the experimental meals, venous blood samples were collected from fasting subjects. Results revealed that dietary fiber increased significantly by 46%-116% after subjects had ingested experimental meals for the 4-wk period. At wk 1 and 4, plasma carotenoid levels in male and female subjects had increased by the following amounts: β-carotene, 19%-32%, lycopene, 15%-47%, and β-cryptoxanthin, 59%-88% (p < 0.05). Furthermore, plasma β-carotene concentrations were 0.38-0.52 μmol/L which may reduce the risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease. In male subjects, plasma lutein/zeaxanthin concentrations increased slightly but there was no statistical difference at 1 week, and they had increased significantly by 48% at wk 4. At wk 1 and 4, plasma lutein/zeaxanthin concentrations had significantly increased by 15%-21% in female subjects. Four weeks after subjects had stopped ingested the experimental meals, plasma b-carotene, lycopene, and b-cryptoxanthin concentrations had significantly decreased in both male and female subjects. Consumption of fruits and vegetables can increase plasma carotenoid concentrations by 15%-88% in 20-30 y subjects, and plasma β-carotene concentrations were in the range of 0.38 to 0.52 μmol/L, with a risk reduction for cancer and chronic disease.